#pub encounter
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sussyandou · 7 months ago
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who-do-i-know-this-man-s3 · 7 months ago
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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ginkashino · 2 years ago
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hey guess who has a new crush. Yes of course it's from a dating sim from 7 years ago.
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jessyurahara · 8 months ago
Pub Encounter- Flower of Your Relationship
Ryuonsuke Yuze
Romantic. Enchanting. Love.
Often called fairy flowers could anything be more perfect, dainty petals that some people believe form perfect fairy hats. Enchanting just like Ryunosuke, they’re not the most traditional but they can always show his everlasting love towards you. The Hyacinthoides Hispanics ‘Queen of Pinks’, they’re known as bluebell royalty, and you’re Ryuonsuke’s queen, he’ll give you the world and more if he can. It’s a loving shade of pink, perfect for you, perfect for him, such a great symbol of honesty and that’s all he wants, his Queen with him in their perfect relationship. 
Mamoru Arashiro 
Simple. Effective. Passionate. 
The flirt himself is met by the most simple flower for your relationship, the Tulip, everyone has seen a Tulip before, everyone knows the different colours represent different things, with differing varieties Malory hands you representing good luck and happiness, it makes everything perfect, being able to switch up and effectively communicate how he feels in such a simplistic way, he knows he loves you, he adores everything about you. 
Hideako Kodama
Youthful. Innocent. Playful. 
A man in love with someone younger, he knows you’re more youthful, he loves that you make him feel that way, and lilacs are the perfect representation for that. The love you both have is a playful thing in even trying times, even when he’s saying stupid things when you pick up his call, there’s this innocence behind your words because all their is between you both is pure love and affection for each other. Nothing is ever perfect, but lilacs fit the both of you together like a glove. 
Yorihisa Hodo
Endless. Honesty. Love. 
A balloon flower within itself is said to represent endless love and honesty, and what more can be said about yourself and Yorihisa. There’s something perfect there, something that will never change, the flowers give off an air of encouragement about your relationship, they make you realise that he’s never going to leave you because he feels so deeply about you that there is nothing he wouldn’t do to make sure that your love is everlasting, and for the shame of being without you, he’d die for you, he’s never going to leave you alone again. 
Soichiro Toyoizumi
Beauty. Class. Style. 
Three words that Soichiro think perfectly describes you, using Oriental White Lillies in bouquets to you to show his love for you, creates a dramatic, expensive bouquet, perfectly sophisticated, beautiful, showing that he knows you well, you’re more beautiful than he could ever image, there’s always an air of elegance to each movement you make, and the smell is divine, Soichiro knows that something about you hypnotises him, a drink in hand as he hands you bouquet after bouquet to profess his love to you, you give off an air of exotic seduction. An old fashioned flower, to match the love that Soichiro feels whenever he watches you walk into the room. 
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ultimafangirl · 1 year ago
Today's character who makes me smile is
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Kodama Hideaki
Makes me smile 40/?
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demonicpossession · 1 year ago
Since pub encounter is on sale on the switch atm I decided to buy it so I could replay it, never finished it when I was a kid and it's been more than long enough for me to get back to it lmao
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Witchcraft, Vol. 1 No. 3, Gresham Pub., 1971
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2minutetabletop · 1 year ago
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The Seaside Bar Battle Map
Download our newly released map: the Seaside Bar. It could use some more patrons... And perhaps a repairman! Nevermind that, what would you name it?
→ You can find it here!
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hollenka99 · 2 years ago
I love how Lovejoy songs tend to have one of three themes:
A) Hey girl, you know you deserve better so how about you leave that prick for someone better (like me)
B) We’re not compatible but fuck if we’re not going to be toxic about it as we stay together anyway
C) Fuck the way politics has turned out in the 21st century
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ginkashino · 2 years ago
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He has the perfect look for shoujo manga
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who-do-i-know-this-man-s3 · 6 months ago
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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nanamimizz · 7 months ago
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differenteagletragedy · 9 months ago
On my hands and knees begging and pleading for VNs that feature older love interests. Please. I ask for so little.
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silvershadow1711 · 1 month ago
I wish I liked all the other yandere things that are popular. I've loved the yandere trope for decades- the first fanfic I ever posted online was a yandere fic- and it's so cool that this once niche character trope that was almost exclusively resevered for female characters now sees just as much (if not more) use in male characters AND has such a thriving community of fans.
And YET... none of it's for me. None of it appeals to me. I've played the VNs and read the web comics and mangas and original stories on tumblr and with the sole exception of Binary Star Hero, I haven't enjoyed any of it. I'm not saying it's bad- most of it is damn good, and it clearly comes from a place of passion and I will always admire the people who make these things and put them out into the world, but I'm once again reminded of being in my late teens/early 20s and looking at otome games (before there was really a market for them in the west), staring at an endless ocean of interchangable, ambiguously-aged anime pretty boys and just feeling an ever growing sense of hopelessness as I thought "There is not a single character design here that I want to look at for an extended period of time..." God, the way I latched onto "Starstruck Love" because it was the ONLY piece of otome media I could find that featured yandere boys- y'all don't know how spoiled for choice you are these days.
To be starved for content when you're surrounded by content sounds crazy, but imagine going to a buffet and every single item on the menu is seemingly custom tailored to be something you don't like. There is one dish you find appetizing, so while everyone around you is loading up their plate, you're nibbling on your cookie, savoring it, yes, but trying to make it last... because god only knows when someone is going to bake another cookie like that again.
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twofoursixohjuan · 1 year ago
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our campaign's rogue is having a normal one
(also I drew a hand I drew a hand it has fingers and everything!)
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spursdontplaybasketball · 11 months ago
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Expectation vs. reality
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