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chao-studios · 2 years ago
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happy b'day to our fav hedgehogs! <3 ;D
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trykkeriet · 1 year ago
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Vi er glade for å invitere deg til ladestasjon i samarbeid med Mental Helse Molde.
Dette blir en sosial, inkluderende, og avslappet opplevelse.
Sosialt, inkluderende og uhøytidelig
Om dette er noe for deg følg oss: https://www.facebook.com/mentalhelsemolde/
Når er det halvpris for medlemskap ut året. kun 100kr! blir du medlem nummer 100?
Som medlem får du
Sosialt nettverk med møteplasser over hele landet.
Mental Helses medlemsblad gratis i postkassen fire ganger i året.
Muligheten til å påvirke utviklingen av tjenestetilbudet der du bor.
Vi har sosiale arrangementer som "lunsjpraten" på torsdager fra kl. 12:00 til 13:30 (unntatt siste uken i måneden) og "kveldstreff" den siste tirsdagen i hver måned fra kl. 18:00 til 21:00. Vårt treffsted er på Brukerstyrt senter, Molde Mølle, Grandfjæra 28.
Vi tilbyr en variert rekke aktiviteter som inkluderer kaffekos på mandager og torsdager, spillkvelder, fotballkamper, filmvisninger, teaterbesøk, kinoturer, badeturer til badeland og en rekke turer - både korte og lange. I tillegg har vi et fullt utstyrt treningsrom tilgjengelig for våre medlemmer.
Behov for en samtale? Leder Oddrun Beyer Holm [email protected] Mob.: +47 412 61 704 Mental Helse Molde Strandgata 3 6415 Molde
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quortknee · 10 months ago
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This is crazy wtf I love Ravenor
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kaotixka · 9 months ago
B eautiful
P rincess
D isorder
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honeyspiret · 1 year ago
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twas the night before Christmas and not a mobian was stirrin, :D hey wait a minute what happened to the xmas tree! :XXXX it's all barren not a light nor a baulble in sight! D: clash is quick to notice as he drifts by in his hyper form and alerts his friends… whom quickly discover the thief is havoc! XD they know he likes shiny things and has looted and stripped the tree + the gifts! o.o knowing it would take a while for him to re-wrap the gifts, and untangle the tree decorations, @@ they go about making a temporary tree patch up! :D the commander orders the threspiians to help out too! <3 while a many ice, floral, water, air, earthy & psychic threspiians make up for the loss of decorations, the toxiians & boltiians light up the tree wit the ancient emeralds! clash then gently rests atop the tree illuminating it like a star while giving off small curtains of plasma energy and creating beautiful strings of auroras asa tinsel like treat!<3 he then sings to 1 emerald while it gently hovers in his hands and the threspiians, chime along to each song, when sonic and his friends come to check it out, they r delighted by what they see! :DDDDD as they walk by a path of firery magmiians lighting the way to the tree! <3 merry xmas anda happy new year everyone! havoc: "ba-humbug!" he says as he places a finished gift ina tiny pile….. vs the huge one behind him! XD
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nimomo-mo · 2 years ago
Just venting bc ive exhausted my friends with this lol
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tlatia-the-radiant · 1 year ago
You'll know if I made one when I do or don't collect on it.
Now all you gotta do is make sure Perty doesn't do anything to your new boyfriend. If he was mad you asked him on a date, imagine what he will do when he learns of the kiss.
One of you is going to snitch on him
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soelvfisk · 29 days ago
Jeg har en veninde med en liste over folk der ikke må komme med til hendes begravelse. Har aldrig haft det ens, men har elsket hendes definitive vrede og no bullshit måde at leve på. For det er berettiget, når jeg hører om det. Det er det jo uanset hvad jeg synes. Hun vil have en dørmand der sender folk væk, fordi hun ikke selv kan. På den måde er døden et kæmpe kontroltab. Og det kan jeg sagtens se kan føles uoverskueligt. Især når man har mødt mennesker man ik vil have i nærheden af sig nogensinde igen. Så gør listen og dørmands-planen det lettere for hende at mærke autonomi. I en fremtid der er uhåndgribelig.
Tror ikke jeg behøver en dørmand til min begravelse. Overhovedet. Ved ikke engang om jeg behøver en begravelse. Det er virkelig op til dem jeg efterlader, hvad de har brug for lige dér. Men for min skyld vil jeg gerne bare have en sten et sted. Gad godt have stenen mens jeg levede, så den ku betyde dét når jeg var død. Min sten. Stenen med mig. Nær mig. Og naturens sten igen. Når jeg er væk. Noget folk ku gå forbi, hvis ik de vidste det var min. En indforstået sten. Jeg tror ikke nogen ville lede efter den sten. Som ikke også måtte finde den. Viden, er min dørmand. At se eller overse, agtigt. Det er jeg tryg ved.
Plus, jeg tror ikke at ubudne gæster ville opsøge min sten eller min begravelse. Jeg tror de ville føle sig lettede over at jeg endelig holdt kæft.
Vil ikke dø før hund dør. Lille hund uden mig, den tanke er ikke til at bære. Så mens hund lever, lever jeg. Er ret trist. Godt at jeg skal til psyk i morgen. Tror aldrig jeg ægte får råd til livet. Tror min krop beskytter mig, når den gør sig tung. Tror mit sind også passer på mig. Fordi det er hårdt at forestille sig, at leve hele sit liv. Mig. Det er hårdt for mig, at forstille mig at leve hele mit liv. Jeg gad godt være mor, hvis bare jeg var et andet menneske. Jeg gad godt livet, hvis bare jeg ikke var mig. Eller hvis jeg kunne spole tilbage i tid og gøre ting om.
Min kærlighed er magen til andres. Jeg bidrager ikke med noget, som ikke findes i forvejen. Jeg kommer ikke til at se månen hver aften. Selvom den er lige over mig. Min ro er en naiv idé. Og jeg kan ikke gøre noget. Jeg kan ikke ændre noget. Jeg er ikke vigtig i den her verden. Det er som om, mennesker ikke ægte er vigtige i den her verden. Fordi der er forskel på, hvornår man er værd at behandle ordentligt. Værd at passe på. Beskytte. Forsvare. Så føler man sig ikke vigtig. Men jeg er vigtig for hund. Min sten skal stå ved siden at hunds sten.
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addcests · 1 month ago
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it takes two :: oneshot - ao3 mirror
pairing DBr x Dom, LP x MM
words 1844
rating [G]
summary “I’m sure if you told him, Psyk, wouldn’t mind.” Call Doom Bringer handsome? Out of the question! He’s sure he would actually instantaneously combust before he could even get the words out properly, much less even approach him.  Dominator, still toying with him of course, nudged his shoulder gently, trailing his gaze to the other, younger Psyker. “I do mean your Psyker, obviously.” Obviously. --- Or—Dominator does a (horrible) job of encouraging Mastermind.
note smt for fun and to close out the year o7 happy holidays all
“Well? What are you being so shy for?”
Was he? Being shy? Mastermind didn’t think so. Yet, he couldn’t find the proper words to refute his elder counterpart. “It is not about being shy… !” Still, Mastermind persisted, sticking with his declaration. Even if Dominator was not convinced even the slightest.
So, unconvinced, Dominator prodded again. “Hmm… is it because he’s older?” He would hit the mark eventually.
Stalling for said eventually, Mastermind’s eyes wandered over to said older man. Not to Lunatic Psyker, but rather the strong, tall and experienced brawler, brimming with confidence. He was looking directly at Doom Bringer. It’s not that Psyker wasn’t or couldn’t be those things (he would be those things, eventually) but… Doom Bringer commanded power as easily as breathing. There was a suave swagger to his persona now too. (His Psyker definitely lacked that, the brute.) Not to mention… Mastermind’s gaze traveled up the length of his very toned, very muscular body. It was plain just from a quick gaze a distance away that Psyker would keep up his regimens, training and shaping his body even still.  “... h-he’s not that much older!” came Mastermind’s defensive reply. “We aren’t that much older.”
“Is it the hair?” Dominator wondered aloud. “I do quite love his hair.”
Snapping back, and also ignoring his commentary, Mastermind replied, “No, it’s not that! It’s not the hair!”
Instead, Mastermind was doing his best not to grip his hair in frustration and pull strands out, balding himself in the process. After all, how had things even come to this? All he could remember was being in shock by Doom Bringer’s booming presence, and before he knew it, he found himself led away by Dominator. And now they were doing… this. Whatever this was! Twenty questions about their lovers because Dominator had nothing better to do? (Which wasn’t fair. Dominator had an advantage that he didn’t!) At this point, it just felt like a nosy interrogation, poking into his love life.
… his love life?
These trails of thoughts made Mastermind’s face feel warm, shyness seeping in. But it felt as if his cheeks were so hot, he might seriously combust from embarrassment, when he felt Dominator lean forward over his shoulder to whisper into his ear, voice low, taunting but coy, “Is it because he’s so handsome?”
Mastermind was so stunned by Dominator’s words alone that his only reply was no reply. Unbecomingly, his jaw was left hanging open. “H-Handsome!?” He finally squeaked out, whirling around and back a few paces to put much needed space between the two of them.
 “Oho? So you think so too then?” He chuckled.
What Mastermind really thought about was if it was possible for the ground to open up and just swallow him whole, to put him out of his misery. The misery of Dominator toying with him like this. Was this really what he would be like eventually? Really? What an asshole!
Perhaps, Dominator was finally feeling merciful, his chuckles dying off as he patted Mastermind’s shoulder soothingly. (It was not a soothing gesture.) “I’m sure if you told him, Psyk, wouldn’t mind.”
Call Doom Bringer handsome? Out of the question! He’s sure he would actually instantaneously combust before he could even get the words out properly, much less even approach him. 
Dominator, still toying with him of course, nudged his shoulder gently, trailing his gaze to the other, younger Psyker. “I do mean your Psyker, obviously.”
“As I recall, affection was quite hard for me back then.” The observant asshole said as if he were not right there, “But you know what they say, a little practice never hurts anyone.”
If Dominator was trying to encourage him, he was not doing a good job of it.
With a hand on his hip, Mastermind waved his free hand dismissively, to decline Dominator’s wild idea. “There’s no way I’m doing that. To either of them. You said it yourself. I…” And here, Mastermind gave pause, eyes falling to something on the floor more interesting, refusing to lock eyes with Dominator’s perceptive gaze. “I truly do not understand how you are so free with your affections. Aren’t you… ?”
“Afraid? Of what, my dear Mastermind? Of being loved? Of Psyker loving me in return?”
Yes. Mastermind swallowed. Hard. Because of course he could see through him.
They both turned their gazes upon their other halves, who were talking rather animatedly amongst themselves. (Psyker wasn’t being tortured? Mastermind was glad that at least one of them was getting something out of this exchange, he supposed.) Still, Mastermind was smiling to see this display. Though, he had to wonder… just what were the two of them talking about? As he proceeded to come up with some wild guesses and speculations of his own, some time passed and then he felt a hand abruptly land on his shoulder. At which, Mastermind dropped his eyes to the hand resting there and then followed the trail up to find Dominator smiling down at him. 
“I see. As usual, always lost in your own head. Don’t worry, you’ll get better about that.”
Gee? Thanks. He had wanted to say. Instead, he replied, “Great… ?” He did not feel very enthused about that.
“We do much better when we’re out of our heads. And what better way to do that, than to deal with things in real time?”
“Deal with—wait a min—!” 
It didn’t take much. Both Psykers were already turning to see what the commotion was. So Dominator, like the asshole he was, took advantage of the situation and smiled ever so sweetly Doom Bringer’s way. “Psyk, you’ll come here, won’t you?” And to add to the flourish of it all, he held out his arms in waiting, just an extra push to spur Doom Bringer into action. “Please, Psyk?” Said with a disgusting amount of affection, to encourage him further.
Not that he needed it, apparently. Already, the elder brawler was making quick, cool strides to close the distance between the two. Somehow, keeping his calm but making his way over in little to no time. 
Just as Doom Bringer was to close the gap between them, Dominator, snuck a glance over to Mastermind and grinned deviously. Doom Bringer seemed to notice this, and grinned down at the floundering young scientist. “Whatever he said, he’s right, you know.” And promptly turned to grasp Dominator by the chin and tug him into the most embarrassing display of affection Mastermind has had the misfortune to witness no less than five feet in front of him.
Did Psyker just willingly say he, himself, was right?
And are they really just shamelessly kissing in public, (well, in front of them!) just like this too, as if it were nothing? Wrapped up in one another, Dominator brazenly using Doom Bringer for support, and Doom Bringer’s hands began  wandering into not so innocent places, lips locked, as if they couldn’t stand to be apart a minute longer?
It was more likely than one thought. And yet Mastermind refused to believe what he heard much less what he was now seeing. 
The only thing Mastermind could do, as not to explode from the flames dancing on his face from the sheer mortification of it all, was fiddle with his hands, both terrified but unable to tear his gaze away from their older counterparts. He resisted the urge to reach up and brush at his red tinged ears too. Like this, his senses alight, he was able to feel Psyker—his Psyker—finally at his side and immediately turned to him. (For what? Comfort? Reassurance? Or…) 
“P-Psyk… I—” he blurted out, without realizing the name of endearment had even left his mouth.
Psyker’s face too was now a matching flaming red. He abruptly exclaimed, “Don’t! Say tha’ so suddenly…!”
Balking at the other’s reaction, as something unwanted, Mastermind withdrew into himself, trying to steel his expression to not betray his his feelings right now: anger at Dominator for even suggesting this, anger at himself for trying, embarrassment for thinking that it would even work, and… dejection for his Psyker not being receptive to him at all.
Maybe they weren’t like their elder counterparts. Maybe they never would be. 
“—stermind. Are ya even listening?”
Startled, Mastermind braced himself for whatever it was Psyker could possibly have to say now. 
“I said! Don’t say it… so suddenly or else I’ll want to kiss you too!” 
They both froze, Mastermind gaping at Psyker.
Aside from them, Dominator, wearing the smuggest grin, stood proudly as he watched his plot come to fruition. Doom Bringer only shook his head with a crooked smile, gently curling his arm around Dominator like the gentleman he was. A silent gesture of consideration for the irony of the two so lost in their own world now that not even Dominator and Doom Bringer mattered to them. Quietly, they made their way off, Dominator latching onto Doom Bringer like a cat and Doom Bringer nuzzling the top of his head lovingly. A silent but swift exit.
Still, Mastermind stood gaping until he realized how rude it was of him. After all, if Psyker could do this… then he could too. Pushing away his bundle of his nerves, with all the bravado he felt he didn’t have, he asked demandingly, “Well, P-Psyk?” He won’t say more! Psyker should understand, after all. And to help this along, Mastermind bravely took the first step, closing the gap between them. 
Now Psyker was starstruck, swallowing as he watched Mastermind step before him, ever so close. “Yeah… ?” A nervous hand found spikey locks as a perfect distraction.
Mastermind smiled kindly, reaching for said hand and taking it into his. Just as kindly, Mastermind chose not to comment on this too. “Psyk, I don’t think I heard you properly. Will you… show me instead?” Mastermind could almost feel the tense and nervous energy thrumming under Psyker’s gloved hand so, again, Mastermind stepped forward and pressed their foreheads together.
Psyker, finally snapping out of it, smiled, ever so softly, finally regarding Mastermind with such affection that the sudden confidence he mustered up nearly withered away. Psyker clearly must have stolen it, as he reached for Mastermind’s other hand, lacing their fingers together in the sickeningly sweet way they saw the other two do it. (And… when had those two left? An idle thought in passing…)
Mastermind wasn’t sure if he murmured for Psyker again but he must have with the way Psyker swooned, leaning his weight into him until he leaned down enough to angle their faces for a neatly slotted kiss, their lips finally touching in what Mastermind could only describe as a perfect display of affection, a connection of intimacy in which words were no longer needed. So perfect even, that Mastermind had just enough of his wits left to murmur for Psyker again, calling his name.
And Psyker answered with another kiss, as promised.
In their own little bubble like this, little else truly mattered.
Just Mastermind, calling for his beloved, and Psyker, answering in kind.
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chao-studios · 2 years ago
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c.psyk: "hi-ho, hi-ho, it's ofta anotha garden i go!" ;D
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uforglemmeligtglemt · 4 months ago
skulle til psyk i dag og snakke om spørgeskemaet jeg har krydset af.
var oppe tidligt for at tage med kæresten til hans psyk aftale, og gik hjem og tog en lur. endte med at sove over mig og misse min tid. det har seriøst ødelagt hele min dag og mit humør. føler mig så dum og som om jeg bare spilder min og alles tid.
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taryn40k · 6 months ago
Ha! Yes, inquisitor March. Hum. Allow me to slowly get out of the room, I'll leave your psyk-, uh, recruit to you. Ha! Ha! H-- *slides outside like a theatre prop*
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He knows!
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trykkeriet · 1 year ago
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Vi er glade for å invitere deg til filmkveld i samarbeid med Mental Helse Molde.
Dette blir en sosial, inkluderende, og avslappet opplevelse.
Sosialt, inkluderende og uhøytidelig
Om dette er noe for deg følg oss: https://www.facebook.com/mentalhelsemolde/
Når er det halvpris for medlemskap ut året. kun 100kr! blir du medlem nummer 100?
Som medlem får du
Sosialt nettverk med møteplasser over hele landet.
Mental Helses medlemsblad gratis i postkassen fire ganger i året.
Muligheten til å påvirke utviklingen av tjenestetilbudet der du bor.
Vi har sosiale arrangementer som "lunsjpraten" på torsdager fra kl. 12:00 til 13:30 (unntatt siste uken i måneden) og "kveldstreff" den siste tirsdagen i hver måned fra kl. 18:00 til 21:00. Vårt treffsted er på Brukerstyrt senter, Molde Mølle, Grandfjæra 28.
Vi tilbyr en variert rekke aktiviteter som inkluderer kaffekos på mandager og torsdager, spillkvelder, fotballkamper, filmvisninger, teaterbesøk, kinoturer, badeturer til badeland og en rekke turer - både korte og lange. I tillegg har vi et fullt utstyrt treningsrom tilgjengelig for våre medlemmer.
Behov for en samtale? Leder Oddrun Beyer Holm [email protected] Mob.: +47 412 61 704 Mental Helse Molde Strandgata 3 6415 Molde
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kanachaka · 1 year ago
Hey, can you tell about how to use psyk for void and shifting
1. Do psych-k every now and then and just affirm that you’re a master shifter, you’ve already shifted, allat good stuff
2. That’s it :) you’re a master shifter
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something2believe · 5 months ago
tragikomisk at de i min henvisning til psyk, som jeg aldrig har bedt om, skriver at "patienten har svært ved at udholde ubehag" som om jeg ikke gør det 24/7! idioter
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katjapetersart · 11 months ago
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Basalt has a moment to herself. While not a devout woman, there is comfort in the rituals of the Emperor. Even when the candles are lit with psyk-pyromancy.
A6 ballpoint doodle for my original inquistorial warband, featuring Inquisitor Basalt.
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