#psychonauts theories
pyrajanison · 1 year
Is Psitanium a limited resource? Will the Psychonauts ever run out of it? What would happen if they did? We know it can lose it’s psychic charge; can it be recharged or once it’s inert that’s it? Is there a way to make more of it, and if so, how? Psitanium got into the ecosystem of Whispering Rock which caused the animals to get psychic abilities; did the same thing happen to humans? Is psitanium in people’s blood like micro plastic, and this causes psychic abilities? Is this what mental cobwebs are? Is that why they are purple, because they are accumulated psitanium? Is this why Edgar and Boyd have slight psychic abilities; higher exposure? Is there psitanium things like chalk and paint, like lead back in the day? Is this how Edgar and Boyd got exposed? Does Psitanium accumulate in the brain? Can brains turn into psitanium or other psycho-active minerals? Is this why that psilirium in the rhombus looks like a brain, cause it is one? Do different brains turn into different colored minerals with time or circumstance? Is that why all the brains in Otto’s brain-frame are different colors? Are the psi challenge markers a form of psychic material? Is this why he wants to collect all those brains, to make more psitanium and other psycho-active minerals? Is that why all those supply chests with psitanium in them around the motherlobe form into a vaguely brain shape when put together, because they are? Psitanium can be used to give items psychic properties, like the jet the Pelican and those floating islands in the quarry; can the same be done for humans? Can you create an artificial psychic? Is this why is Otto be so obsessed with mining and gathering psitanium? Is he an artificial psychic, and psitanium is needed to maintain this power? In Psychonauts 2, we see his psi power come from his necklace; is this meant to give him psychic abilities? Or is it that his ability is weak and he needs artificial assistant to be on par with his peers? Can psitanium be harvested from people? What if that is a secret function of the brain tumblr, to extract psychic power/material from psychics? Is the one that exploded in Otto’s old lab trying to take ability from an extremely powerful psychic that caused a fatal malfunction? If so, is that the brain we see in the brain-frame that was killed in a brain tumblr accident? Who is this person? Can brains actually come back from being dead? Can brains die in this universe? Are the brains in the brain frame aware, or be made aware like Helmut’s? What happens when that happens?
…. Excuse me everyone, i think I just got possessed by the spirit of Boyd for a few minutes… it’s late, enough insane rambling, off to bed go i… *passes out*
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ohhh hell yes
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hi agent vodello !! hi agent vodello !! hi
still messing around with the muppet image colour picking method its so sillyfun,, also i have my own drawing tablet now !!! hooray!!!
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jenniferstolzer · 9 months
Psychonauts Theory revisit
The more I think about Psychonauts 2 the more I am convinced that Agent 33 is a Deluginist. I think she was recruited prior to the events of the game and responsible for putting the Maligula block in Loboto's head. Everyone talked about how a powerful psychic was required for him to break the office construct and a lot was made of the fact that Malik was not psychic. The line about Agent 33 being on vacation does not satisfy me. She manipulated her vacation to put her in the Lady Luctopus so that she could work with Malik undetected. She was used or recruited by the Deluginists, made Truman's kidnapping possible, and got away with it.
If we ever get a Psychonauts 2 DLC mission I want it to be about Helmut.
But if we ever get a SECOND Psychonauts 2 DLC mission I want it to expose Agent 33's crimes.
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silliest-basilisk · 1 year
guys i just fucking realized. where the hell did like, half the psychic seven sleep in the gulch???? cassie's the only one with a proper house. helmut (and later bob) assumably slept in the feel mobile, otto mightve slept in his workshop, but what about the others??? compton doesn't even have a proper building to live in. in the summer they could sleep outside/in the heptadome, but what about winter??? ford and lucy may have houses, but i doubt theyre well insulated!!!! those things dont even have doors!!!! how did these stupid hippies survive the winter!!!!!
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ace-aro-sasha-nein · 2 years
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howlingday · 11 months
Jaune: Uh, hi? I'm... I'm Jaune. I'm kind of your great grandson... to a degree.
Salem: (Quirks her brow)
Jaune: Y-Y'know, because I don't really know how "great" we are from each other. Heh heh.
Salem: (Blinks)
Jaune: A-Anyways, I'm your descendant, and I'm here to talk you out of being evil because, you know... You're still family and all.
Salem: FAMILY?! All I see is another pathetic hero with a rusty sword!
Jaune: Uh, it's not rusty ANYMORE.
Salem: Another child playing as an adult who needs discipline! (Summons Grimm, Cackles)
Jaune: (Gulps) Oh boy...
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neonartistycauseidk · 2 months
Hey, uh…what would y’all do if I was to…
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‘The Big Bang Theory’ your Psychonauts?
I’ve been re-watching The Big Bang Theory for the past couple of weeks and I, uh…felt compelled to do this.
Honestly, I’m kinda compelled to turn this into an Psychonauts au where Raz helps the cast sort out their problems (that weren’t discussed in the show) now.
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honestmagpie · 2 years
A Psychonauts 2 theory I will live and die by:
Everyone -EVERYONE- in the series is an unreliable narrator. Yes even Raz. That's why the timeline is confusing and makes no sense, that's why some things seemingly conflict, that may even be why different people look vastly different -almost inhuman-. It's because we're filtering the game through Raz's perspective. That's why we see the Hand of Galocchio, after all: because Raz sees it.
This is especially exemplified in the fact that, at the Motherlobe, in the "Agents" hall, there's really only three doors for agents: Sasha, Milla, and Oleander. Because those are the only agents whose names Raz recognizes, and therefore they are the only ones that matter. I'd argue we're playing through Raz's memories of events, not the events as they happen exactly. We know for a fact that there are more active field agents, because Agent 33 is an active field agent, so she should have an office, but you can't find it in-game in the agent hallway.
It's absolutely implied that the Motherlobe is much bigger than we explore (Upper hallways are visible but inaccessible), I would go so far as to say we're only seeing the bits of it that Raz cares about because the rest is irrelevant to the story he's telling.
In conclusion, the timeline is whatever we say it is because everyone is either misremembering it or straight-up lying anyway.
(I do not count Campster profile dates as being evidence of a timeline, I thoroughly believe those exist out-of-timeline, and while they likely represent canonical information, the dates should be disregarded).
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psi-spectacular · 9 months
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magicmvx · 1 year
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...No way
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clamsjams · 1 year
theory: quesadilla island isn’t in the bermuda triangle it’s in the RHOMBUS OF RUIN BOOM I GOT U IT WAS A FUCKIN PSYCHONAUTS REFERENCE THE WHOLE TIME GET PSYCHONAUTED IDIOT
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doctor-loboto · 1 year
what if Loboto was having hypoglycemia from forgetting to eat the MREs Oleander gave him throughout the entirety of PN1 and RoR and he acts less erratic and then falls asleep on Sasha’s table in PN2 because they gave him snacks
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mrmosseater · 2 years
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this failed. but whatever. too tired to put any more effort in
anyways this outfit is such a BANGER. wish they could have fitted it in as an outfit you could choose to wear in psych2. ive seen people make mods of that and whoever did you are awesome as fuck
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jenniferstolzer · 23 days
Psychonauts - The Hornblower Incident - Chapter 44
The Plot Thickens
Raz does not follow Ford's recommendation to stop formulating his theories. He and Lili draw a startling conclusion on the threshold of Sasha's first Weaponkinesis battle.
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I know you're all dying of anticipation, but don't worry! The Weaponkinesis fight is next chapter.
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psi-polls · 2 years
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