#psychology and counselling courses
counselindia45 · 2 years
has a professional Network of Psychology Enthusiasts and over 1000+ members from across the world. Counsel India helps its users develop and maintain connections with Licensed Trainers.
psychology major courses , psychology degree courses , psychology short courses , psychology part time courses , psychology and counselling courses
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pasta5284 · 11 months
thiught i only had stats for this quarter and next quarter but its the whole fucking year
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rajukumar8926 · 5 months
How to Choose the Right Online Counselling Course for Your Needs and Goals
Are you looking to start or enhance your career in counselling? Choosing the right online counselling course can be overwhelming. With so many options available on the internet, how do you determine which one is the best fit for you? In this blog, we’ll guide you through selecting the right course for your needs and goals, focusing on the National Academy brand and its psychological counselling course in Mumbai. For more information kindly visit - https://nationalacademy.co/blog/how-to-choose-the-right-online-counselling-course-for-your-needs-and-goals/
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bmceducationsg · 10 months
Are you intrigued by psychology and want to learn more about it? We offer a Diploma in Psychology in Singapore and certification courses in different areas of psychology like clinical, child, counselling psychology etc. Come and discover all about psychology at BMC International College! Contact us at (+65)88779030.
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georgegroupofcolleges · 11 months
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cambriancrew · 1 year
Trauma is not just "anything negative you experience".
The psychological term for THAT is stress.
Trauma is OVERWHELMING negative experiences, that you can't handle with your level of support, that leave a lasting effect on you.
Watering it down to mean "anything unpleasant or stressful" is unhelpful in discussions of trauma.
My biomom and favorite uncle both dying horrifically one right after the other when I was 10 was trauma. I didn't have a good support system to help me handle that. I was pulled out of school counseling by my dad and stepmom after a couple months because they thought I was becoming too dependent on it. (Like wtf seriously.)
Divorcing my ex was stressful, but not traumatic. I had an outpouring of support from so many dear friends, even as I lost a huge group of friends that were mostly my ex's friends simultaneously. It was tough, it was very stressful indeed, but I was able to handle it.
Can divorce be traumatic? Of course it can. It isn't INHERENTLY traumatic though.
Please stop watering down the meaning of trauma. Lots of things can be traumatic. Doesn't mean that all stressful, unpleasant, even horrible, things are inherently so.
Lots of stressful things can also even actually be pleasant - the psychological term for that is eustress.
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star-anise · 2 years
So I've been watching this series of videos where a research-focused psychologist goes through Jordan Peterson's work to see which of his ideas and arguments are based on solid empirical evidence. I love it, even though she does mistakenly say his background is in counselling psychology (my field) when he's actually a clinical psychologist.
Anyway, that's got me thinking about Jordan Peterson, and how his response to criticism is, "People have been after me for a long time because I’ve been speaking to disaffected young men — what a terrible thing to do, that is. [...] I thought the marginalized were supposed to have a voice.”
So, here's my theory: Young men of the 21st century have grown up in a culture that is specifically hostile and punitive towards them. However, I think that while girls and women can participate in this culture, it is as much or more the work of boys and men. And I think that the problem with Peterson is that he's not particularly good at helping his audience escape the maze they are trapped in--and he's absolutely opposed to any attempt to dismantle a maze that is actually of fairly recent manufacture.
Case in point: The metrosexual.
The word "metrosexual" was coined in 1994 by Mark Simpson, a gay writer whose settings seem to be perpetually fixed at "critique the shit out of it".
"Metrosexual" describes heterosexual men who might be mistaken as gay, because they are interested in things very common among gay men, including: Caring about whether they're attractive; caring about how their hair is cut and what products they use in it; caring about what clothes they wear; working out to make their bodies look better; frequenting nightclubs. To be "metrosexual" was, in some people's opinions, to be a "man-boy" searching for his "inner girl".
To be metrosexual was, in some ways, to be called someone who looked gay.
The term didn't really catch on until the early 2000s, when media became briefly obsessed with talking about which celebrities were "metrosexual" or not. In that era of hotly divided opinions over the acceptability of homosexuality and queerness, it was implicitly asking, "Who looks gay? Is he gay? Tell me, fellow broadcaster: How gay does this guy look to you?"
(They got to have their cake and eat it too. A liberal audience, desperate to gather as many LGBTQ+ people and allies as possible in their race for 50% acceptance of gay marriage, cherished any signs that people with social clout might be on their side. And a conservative one, watching the same discussion, would heartily enjoy seeing a rogues' gallery of degenerate Hollywood types paraded before them, their every effeminacy pointed out in loving detail.)
Which of course got us: The Retrosexual!
When everybody's helpfully compiling lists of all the things a man can do that look gay or unmanly, dudes who don't want to get the shit kicked out of them by homophobes know all the things not to do!
Therefore, being "manly" became strictly defined by what was off-limits. To be a Real Man meant you shouldn't care about whether you're attractive, or what soap you use, or how your hair is styled. You shouldn't enjoy dancing or get too enthusiastic about music. A Real Man cares about sports and beer and being on top! Dominant!! A WINNER!!!
And, so like, here's a secret: In Anglophone culture, we are very affected by the Puritan legacy that says pleasure is inherently sinful. Vanity and pride--caring about how you look and whether you're attractive--are literal gateways to the Devil. Gluttony, and therefore seeking pleasure at all, is another such. And in Puritan religious theology, women are inherently more sinful. Yes, it goes back to Adam and Eve, and how Eve was tempted into sin first. Long story short, things associated with women became associated with sinfulness, and sinfulness became associated with effeminacy. And for centuries, you haven't even needed to be religious to drink these attitudes from the groundwater.
Okay, that's not the secret, this is the secret: Pleasure is not inherently sinful.
And liking how you look and feeling attractive and paying attention to your sensuality and your emotional life and connecting with art in a real and vulnerable way can feel really good, if you're able to handle it well.
Being raised to be a Real Man in a world where masculinity is perceived to be actively under threat is so uniquely painful, I believe, because every attempt to define yourself as "not gay" means denying yourself one of life's pleasures, and telling yourself you never even wanted it in the first place.
And then those desperate to be Real Men found a way to take some of those things back in what is surely the most painful context possible: They are allowed strictly as tools of your heterosexuality and masculine need for dominance. You are allowed to care about grooming and dancing, etc, purely as a strategy in playing a game called "Getting Girls", where you either score or you don't, where not scoring means you're worthless and unlovable, and scoring is often... strangely unfulfilling and certainly not enough to fill the aching void inside of you.
The mistake both Peterson and his fanbase make is that they get to this point, and then think: The reason I feel so empty inside is... I just haven't gotten enough girls!
Maybe some guys get out of the maze by finding a woman who is allowed to care about things like affection and love and dancing and looking nice, and their connection with her lets them express all the other parts of their souls that didn't fit in the Real Man box, but can come out in roles like Boyfriend or Father.
But humans aren't telepathic, so relationships can only "fix" you so much as you're willing to do the work of nurturing your own soul in a safe environment, so for a lot of men the maze never ends, and sometimes they don't even get the fleeting joys of relationships or sex, since they're so fucked up about them!
At this point, I as a queer woman am like, "Solution's obvious! Dismantle the maze."
And Peterson, who has worked his whole life to achieve the status of Best Maze-Runner in All of Christendom, is clinging to it like, "NO! DOWN, YOU DARK CHAOTIC MOTHER! THIS MAZE GIVES MY LIFE MEANING! THIS MAZE CONNECTS ME TO MY FOREFATHERS! I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THIS MAZE!"
At which point, like... what can you do but just leave him there?
At least he's not in my area of specialization. The world would be too unkind if I had to deal with him in any professional capacity. I wish Clinical Psychology all their continued joy of him.
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You would do well as a personal trainer or fitness instructor since you have great energy and motivation that can inspire clients to achieve health and fitness goals. You feel abundant when you are inspired and inspiring others and when you can experience the childlike joy and share it with those around you.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via teaching about practical skills, business, economics or the arts, via creating and selling educational content (online courses, e-books, instructional videos), by becoming a travel writer or blogger, starting or managing a tourism-related business (travel agency, boutique hotel or guided tour company), via international law.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via developing or working with educational technology platforms that facilitate online learning, via work in international business/trade, via diplomacy, engaging in media production, creating content for TV, radio or online platforms.
You can feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via selling home-brewed beer or offering brewing classes, via media content (podcasts, videos) connected with family relationships, emotional health, cultural traditions, life coaching, via real estate related to family homes, community housing, vacation properties that provide a sense of home and comfort, via non-profit organizations that focus on family support, emotional well-being and cultural preservation.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via providing high-end services, such as image consulting or bespoke travel planning, via engaging in theatre, film, directing, producing, via creative arts (music, painting, dancing), via sharing your experiences by storytelling, via teaching, arts, philosophy or leadership.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via nutrition counselling, naturopathy, wellness coaching, preventative care, via writing for technical and scientific publications, via developing or managing programs that facilitate cultural exchanges and study abroad opportunities. You feel abundant when you are focused on service and when you have clear communication.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via becoming a make-up artist, creating tutorials or selling beauty products. You feel abundant when you travel with your loved ones, your partner or as a part of the team. You find wealth via becoming a teacher in subjects like art, design, law or philosophy. You find abundance in starting a business in art (art gallery, design studio, fashion brand).
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via esoteric studies, sociology, spiritual transformation, via energy work, shamanic healing, transformational coaching. You feel abundant when you dive into transformation, healing and deep psychological insights. You can also offer consulting services in areas, like crisis management, organizational transformation or deep personal development. You feel abundant when you promote healing and transformation via self-help books, wellness products or spiritual tools.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering tailored travel plans, starting a business in adventure tourism (offering hiking, trekking and cultural tours), offering spiritual counselling or coaching, helping others find their path and purpose.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via import/export, global consultancy, multinational corporations, via offering historical tours, archaeological digs, via eco-tourism, via international law or corporate law. You feel abundant when you are disciplined, patient and persistent.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via writing or speaking about progressive philosophical or spiritual ideas that align with modern, futuristic or humanitarian values, via online courses, workshops or alternative education methods, via technology, social sciences or futuristic studies.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Sagittarius Sun people in your life. You can earn money via producing media content (podcast, video, documentary) on spiritual, artistic, cultural topic, via creating educational programs/workshops that blend traditional learning with holistic or spiritual perspective, via spiritual coaching, astrology or psychic readings.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
What abt the cullens being w/ someone that has anger issues?? I love love ur writing btw!!
The Cullens with an S/O who has anger issues
Thank you for the kind words!
Also I’m literally sitting at work while I write this so if it’s bad blame the people asking me to put 20 bucks on pump 5
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He could already tell that you were more prone to anger than others
But he knows that it’s not something that you can control
He can hear your thoughts
Hear how much tou hate the way that you are
And the fact that you can’t control it
The good thing about Edward is that he knows this
So when you lash out at him for something small, he knows it’s not entirely your fault
He tries to be understanding and help you through your bouts of rage
And he doesn’t take it personally
He would suggest counseling tho
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She can usually predict if something is about to happen that she knows will set you off
So she tries to steer clear of those things
If she takes you into that store you’ll get angry at something, so she takes you to a different one instead
If she says this thing, you’ll get frustrated, so she words it a different way
She works around you more
And she doesn’t try to get you help
She just learns how to adapt
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He can feel the rage from inside of you
And he’s a bit shocked at how fast your changes are
Most people have some reaction time or some kind of slow build to such big emotions
But yours just… appear
So he does his best
He uses his ability on you to regulate your emotions better
And he gets better at noticing what subtle cues you have
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She’s a little quick to anger too
Obviously not as bad as yours
But she gets irritated pretty easily
And whether that’s her fault or the people around her just being idiots…
Who knows
But she sympathizes
She picks up on your subtle cues pretty quick
And she will always defend your behavior
“Yeah their reaction was uncalled for, but that person was being an idiot so”
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He doesn’t understand the anger part so much
But he does relate to the feeling of not being able to control yourself
I mean they all can
But he resonates the most because of how much of a menace he was when he first turned
Very patient
Will also defend you every time
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Very very patient
She doesn’t pick up on your cues the best
But she makes up for it in being understanding
She would heavily suggest therapy
Unless you’re already in it
In which case she would suggest stronger therapy
She wants you to get better and she knows that she can’t do that for you
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He understands in the most medical sense
He has patients with severe anger issues and he knows what to do
I feel like he’s probably gotten a psychology degree at some point
He would ask if you wanted counseling
And if you say no he’s totally cool
He also doesn’t take any of your outbursts to heart
He knows you can’t really control it
He also picks up on your cues and triggers really quick and does his best to avoid them
Overall he’s probably the best
Next to Alice
Or Jasper
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Vampire! Bella:
She’s a little combative at first
The first time you blow up at her over something that’s not important she fights back
Verbally of course
Either you would have to be the one to explain that it’s something you can’t control or someone else will
Afterwards she feels bad
But I still think she’d be bad at picking up your tells
And she’d try to push your buttons sorry
She thinks it’s a bit funny when you’re mad
Try punching her once that might make her behave
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counselindia45 · 2 years
Connect with us right now to discover more about the top mental health and counselling professional. To cope with your melancholy, anxiety, marital troubles, child psychology, marriage counselling, and stress-related treatment, speak to a licenced counsellor or psychotherapist.
psychology degree courses , psychology short courses , psychology part time courses , psychology and counselling courses , psychology diploma courses in india
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lizzyscribbles · 1 month
You know what I realized yesterday through an event that I desire to never deal with again in my entire life?? Toga’s parents really did suck.
Today’s Rambling Thought: Toga, and why her parents deserve hell.
Picture this, it’s the evening, I’m getting ready to get on a discord call with my friend because we’ve been watching MHA together and we usually chat between episodes (it’s their first time watching the show, we’re in season three). I go to use the bathroom and what do I find?? Remnants!!! Of a bird!! I’m not talking about a few feathers here, I’m talking bones, a pile of internal organs, and a half mutilated wing covered in blood and God knows what else. Completely dismembered. Of course, there are two potential culprits in this crime scene, both cats. (I should mention these aren’t my cats, I was watching them for a friend), but I’m pretty sure the one circling my feel and meowing proudly is the one. So, I get to clean up bird guts at like 8PM, trying my hardest not to gag.
Nothing. I patted his head and gave him a scratch.
All this delightful context to put into perspective this realization that came to me later that night, how is it that I - someone who actually had to clean up a mutilated bird - nicer to a cat that ISN’T MY OWN than Toga’s parents were TO THEIR OWN DAUGHTER. Now I’m no saint, and I realize a cat and a human are completely different, but come on, for real guys?
I don’t think we’re told how old Toga is in the scene where she’s offering her parents the bird (if you know please share) but we know she’s a little kid. Like I’ve said before, I’m studying psychology in college and I worked with kids in foster care, so if I know anything at all it’s this: Children are little sponges, and they automatically want to do whatever it is you tell them not to do. It’s a natural part of development, and actually something we don’t really lose as we get older (the specific term is rebel psychological reactance I think). So it’s really no surprise that after years and years of being told nothing but no when it came to these urges she had, she eventually just snapped. The kids I worked with were the same, the longer they were in the shelter I worked at the less they felt inclined to listen when we told them no, and I don’t think I need to explain why that’s dangerous.
Now, I’m not saying that consuming another’s blood as a child or gnawing on yourself in your sleep is normal behavior or something a parent shouldn’t be concerned about, but there’s a reason therapy focuses on replacing negative coping skills with positive ones. Did they ever go beyond just calling her weird and creepy? Did they take her to a doctor get a blood test and find out if maybe there’s a reason she was doing this beyond just being freaky? Does she have an iron deficiency?? I’m just rambling now and that’s pure speculation, but no, they just kinda insulted her over and over, told her not to, and sent her to quirk counseling which IS NOT a substitute for actual therapy I’m sure. The bottom line here is that you can’t take something away and not add anything in. You can’t tell someone not to do something and not supplement it with something else.
It’s little wonder that once she snapped, she went straight to “I just want to do whatever I want”, because she spent her whole life being told not to be something. I think it’s easy to forget that Toga is still legally a child at the start of the series, one who has not been taught how to safely deal with her urges. No wonder she felt more at home with the league of villains, they gave her what she never got. No wonder Ochaco’s actions in the final chapter shocked her so much. She was never accepted for who she was until then. She was never treated like she was a normal person.
The people who were supposed to love her most in the world saw her as a disease to be rid of, and I that disgusts me more than a dead bird ever will.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, I’m gonna go ramble about how, as an author and a fan, I love her end even if it makes me so sad, and Ochaco’s part in it.
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melliemd · 1 year
I worry that some folks watching the show are hunting for reasons to cast Michelle as an irredeemable harpy, because they love Ted (as they should) and want him to have his cake and eat it too-that is, stay in Richmond and bring Henry there.
Yeah, absolutely, the Doctor Jake stuff is AWFUL. My gut reaction was "whoa, Michelle, NOT OKAY" But then I let it sit and looked at the context and obviously Michelle is not some nefarious succubus here. Let's look at the facts.
- Michelle was struggling mentally, and went to therapy.
- Through that therapy, with Doctor Jake, she came to the conclusion that her and Ted should seek couple's counselling.
- Instead of going to a different therapist, they went to this Doctor Jake guy.
-Ted tells us how he felt in that process. That his issues were dismissed. That he was being ganged up upon. Basically, Doctor Jake absolutely failing at his job.
- Ted leaves home to give Michelle space, something they have come to through therapy. A thing we have established was not being done in a professional or equitable manner.
- A year and a half-ish following the divorce, Michelle is dating this therapist. Her therapist. Something no therapist should ever fucking do in a million lifetimes.
So we have a licensed professional with a code of ethics they are supposed to adhere to, and structures they are supposed to work within, who failed to do either. Who, instead of connecting his patient with an unbiased couple's counsellor took the job himself. Who, of course, advocated for his patient…but failed to be an equitable advocate when faced with being Michelle AND Ted's therapist. Who, at some point, developed romantic feelings for his patient, and (sometime following the divorce of his patient FROM HIS OTHER PATIENT to whom he gave couple's counselling to) started to date said patient??
Yeah, absolutely, Michelle is an adult who is responsible for her own choices. However, there's a reason therapy is a profession with a code of ethics. Therapists are in a position of emotional and psychological power over their clients. Violating those ethics, violating that relationship, violating that trust? That is an act of power.
Michelle may be responsible for her choices, but she was also a person in an emotionally and mentally vulnerable place when she first went to Dr. Jake, and he has a professional responsibility for what's happened. There’s a reason that “consent” takes into account things like this. I’m not implying Michelle hasn’t legitimately consented to this relationship, I am just pointing out the balance of power and how it is skewed heavily towards her skeevy therapist.
So let's be realistic about Michelle, who is not a horrid villain based on what we know. Yes, we want Ted happy, we want to protect him from what he's going through emotionally, and it's easy for us to pile that on Michelle-a character we mostly associate with Ted's pain. But she's a person, and this show is so good at showing us people. Making them complex, multi-faceted. Let's focus on the real piece of shit here: the multi-faceted, complex therapist who is a Goofy Dude who absolutely failed in his responsibilities as a mental health professional.
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8/9 God's Away on Business
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Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x F!OC
Tags: Explicit content, +18 audiences only. Smut, romantic angst, fluff. An unapologetic LOVE STORY. Sexual tension, mutual pining, banter, flirting, developing relationship, strangers to lovers. Simon Riley has a dark past (partly inspired by Modern Warfare 2: Ghost comics).
CW/TW: References to PTSD, depression, past torture and abuse in later chapters.
Summary: A uni student who pole dances at a strip club to pay her rent encounters a mysterious giant of a soldier seemingly incapable of falling in love.
I'm 20 minutes away. You home?
Sure! You're always welcome.
Simon never told her if he was a minute away. Something was different here.
The key turned on the lock of her front door sharply 20 minutes after he had sent that text, and she went to greet him.
Their hug lasted longer than usual, and she could feel the relief and sadness just pour from him. He embraced her like a 200-pound shadow, then kissed her gently on the cheek, not mouth — that kiss spoke of companionship rather than lust, and her heart melted against his chest.
He looked like hell. Not only drained but like he had been through hell. Something awful must've happened if a man like Simon couldn't conceal the emotional maelstrom he was evidently in.
"You just got back?"
"How was it?"
She didn't usually ask How was work. It wasn't really work. It was something else.
Simon didn't answer, he just took off his jacket and shoes like he was sleepwalking. He continued that sleepwalk to her couch. It had become some sort of a safe place he had carved out from the world to curl in, even if he never curled in anywhere, simply sat down with a manspread that usually made her mouth water. But seeing him stare off into space like he had just seen a mushroom cloud in the distant horizons didn't make her want to jump his bones. It made her want to close him in a hug and shelter him from all the pain in the world.
"I lost people yesterday."
"Oh. Oh shit."
Something like this was bound to happen at some point. Her first feeling was relief from knowing that Simon had survived unscathed from whatever horror he and his team had been through.
"That's… I don't know what to say."
Now that he had poured some of that exhaustion on the floor of her hallway, she noticed that he was enclosed in a shroud of latent need for revenge. The air seemed to thicken around him: of course he would deal with heartbreak by silent wrath. His eyes reminded her of the Antarctic stare; they just kept staring off into the void while also appearing sharp and aware, like he might burst into action from the slightest little threat such as a sudden sharp sound. Her tiny little home, soft lights, and messy book piles seemed childish and nonsensical compared to the ominous man who had seen too much.
"23. The number of people I have lost in total."
Shit… Fuck. She tried to remember something useful from the psychology books she had gobbled up not too long ago. But she couldn't turn into a therapist and offer him treatment. He might only laugh at such tries, anyway. Surely they offered counseling services or trauma therapy in his workplace for these kind of situations… But Simon probably steered clear of those, too.
"Is Soap alive?"
"Yeah. Wounded."
Compassion took over, and she finally walked to him, sat down, and reached to place a hand over his.
"Sometimes I wonder if thousands of people are worth one good man," he said with a deepening, impending fury, a tempest barely held in confinement. "Not to talk about three."
Thousands of people…
That meant… Wow. Okay.
He was definitely working on preventing missiles or some shit. Saving the world.
Sweet Jesus… And she had just joked about it.
"This world could use another flood."
The shroud turned into a whole cage that prevented her from comforting him. The hand underneath her palm seemed to tingle and burn as if it was coated with tiny spikes.
He was always so dramatic, but it didn't make him sound whiny or childish. It was actually scary. He was the weapon of mass destruction, an atom bomb in one man, about to detonate and level a whole city with a blast and nuclear winds.
"Have you ever thought about… quitting, you know? Doing something else?" She offered him a choice like someone would offer a doughnut to a murder victim, hoping it would make the pain go away.
"I was an apprentice to a butcher before I enlisted."
"Well, that's… a bit different from what you're doing now."
"Is it?"
Another sliver of information about his past, and she wasn't necessarily surprised. The worlds they lived in were like night and day. She had a safety net, friends who didn't kill or fear being killed, she had a degree, access to education, a promising career in the culture field ahead of her. Simon had a rough childhood and a dark past; he had chopped corpses of dead animals for money and then pursued a career in killing humans. He had lost 23 and killed God knows how many people.
"Is there anything I can do?"
"You got any food?"
"Sure. Um, no. But I'll order something."
She moved to rise from the couch, but he turned his hand and seized her by the palm. The warm fingers closed around hers and gave her a soft squeeze.
"I like that pasta sauce you make."
"The Bolognese?"
"Then that's what you shall have."
There wasn't much else she could do. He wouldn't, or couldn't talk about it, so she ran to the nearest market to grab minced meat and some fresh herbs because dried ones simply wouldn't do right now. She made him food and seasoned it with as much love as she could while he put up a floating shelf she had gotten for books that didn't fit in her bookshelf anymore.
The scene was domestic, almost traditionally so. She had never thought of herself as a woman who would happily cook for a man. A man who put up her furniture for her. But then again, she had never thought she would date a man like Simon in the first place.
She suggested they watch a few episodes of a new tv show she was binging while they ate. Then he went to the shower, and she soon stood at the door, asking if he wanted to be alone. There was no answer, which in Simon's case meant it was safe to proceed. He was facing the cascading water as she stepped in to hug him from behind.
Perhaps it was the simple things. Even when the world was burning or war was raging or families were being torn apart, it was the simple things even then: some good, homemade food, some distraction, no matter how brainless and meaningless, some skin-on-skin connection and a good night's sleep.
It wasn't much; it wasn't a therapy session or a resurrection or anything life-changing. It wasn't much… But on the other hand, perhaps it was perfectly enough.
She gathered he might not be in the mood right now, but when he grew hard just from her embracing him, she slithered a hand down and stroked him shyly. He didn't stop her from pumping him to a release filled with weary sighs while he merely leaned on the tiles as she tried her best to alleviate his pain. He grabbed her hand after and laced their fingers together, used her hand to hug himself while a single, almost inaudible sniff pierced the sound of running water. It immediately turned into him clearing his throat — Simon didn't know how to cry.
He usually slept with boxers, perhaps a shirt on too, but this time he wore a whole set of sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt into bed.
"You got that Glock here somewhere?"
He checked the mag and gave the gun a routine inspection, which seemed more like a comforting procedure than having anything to do with actual necessity. He had left it to her fully operational and with a weighted note to remember to rack the slide before firing.
It dawned on her that his gift served a whole other purpose too. It had been planted in her apartment, and not just for her protection.
A bleak thought passed through her mind about whether she would die that night in the hands of a traumatized, paranoid soldier, but she crawled into his arms nevertheless. He fell asleep right away — a sign of deep exhaustion. She wanted to caress him, hold him, but he rarely let her. Even now, when he was at his most vulnerable, he was the one who spooned her as they drifted off into sleep while there was a knife tucked under his pillow and a gun sitting on the headboard of the bed.
But instead of a possible homicide victim, she felt like a sleep toy when he tightened his grip on her through sleep with a sharp, irritated rumble when she tried to change position only slightly. It was then that she cried the tears he could not.
The darkness woke her up with a nightmare. Not a cold sweat one, but the kind where you were free falling and woke with a jolt just before the impact.
It was a familiar dream where she tried to hide from her abuser, the one who was supposed to love her but had turned out to be a grooming hunter. The most nightmarish thing wasn't that she was being chased again. No: the most aggravating thing was that she still felt weak. She was a grown-up now, she had more grit, she should've been perfectly capable of fighting back with words and fists. She wanted to voice her will, shout at him to leave her alone, even hurt that man, find some weapon to stab him with, just fight back somehow — but her muscles never worked, and time was running out: he was getting inside the building she was hiding in.
This time, it was different. With ecstatic thrill, she realized she could call for help. This time, she had a weapon called Simon. But the rotten thing was that he didn't answer the phone. He didn't come to her aid even when she sent distressed texts, and she was alone, weak, nothing but trash to the man about to come and bend her under his will again.
It was just a dream, but waking up was always a relief. She was breathing like she had just been saved from drowning. To her surprise, Simon was fast asleep, probably too spent to stay vigil, which was both unsettling and heartbreaking. He was hard against her, and she realized it must've bled into her dream, adding to its menacing nature.
Still, the relief was immeasurably sweet as she noticed Simon was physically here, holding her. Trauma was a bitch, but it didn't get to her this time. Nothing could hurt her. No one could come and take her away from the heavy, safe cage of his arms. The ripples of the nightmare slowly turned into something entirely different. How she could get wet just from feeling him thick and pulsing against her back after such a night terror was… well, it was new.
What had happened in the shower before they retreated to bed was fucking hot. Despite the evening full of grief and loss, that simple, urgent, shiver-ridden handjob in the shower was so beautiful that she could've cried from that alone. He was so done in that she finally got past the wall that seemed to prevent her from touching him. The connection was so pure that she didn’t quite know where she ended and he began.
She had never felt this kind of bond with another human being before. She hadn't even known that there were men like Simon, and perhaps there weren't. He was one of a kind.
Curling up together amidst a burning world, a selfish world, a world sinking like a ship, was so utterly beautiful that it was breaking her heart into pieces.
She shifted, sure of Simon waking from her turning around, but he only stirred a little and fell back asleep. Her hand seemed to have a will of its own as it found its way under his pants and caressed him. The thick flesh pulled against her palm, calling her to give him more of that stress relief, to drown him in love. Surely he would only be pleasantly surprised if she woke him up with her mouth.
She didn't get far before a hand shot out. Fingers scraped against her scalp and grabbed, yanked her by the hair, then raised her from between his legs.
Fuck… Of course.
How could she be so stupid?
"That's not a good idea, sweetheart," he said with a sleepy, slightly alarmed grunt. "Even though I appreciate the gesture."
He gentled his grip on her as if it had only been something naughty that had accidentally, in the spur of the moment, turned into too rough a treatment. Her scalp was burning, but what shocked her more was witnessing how quick his reflexes could be.
She was dealing with someone who had gotten used to being touched only with violence, with pure intention to cause harm. The darkness was the time for phantoms; they appeared in her bedroom as if she had called them forth with her mouth. The nightmare was still fresh on her mind, giving ground to having another talk about things neither of them wanted to discuss… But she had wanted to ask a certain question from the moment she had seen all those scars.
"Have you ever been tortured?"
The hand caressed her hair now, and she cursed that they almost always made love in the darkness. She wanted to see him, needed to see him, to make sure that that hand belonged to Simon instead of a ghost.
"Just ask how many days."
"How many days?"
She had expected the answer to be something like two or three days. That Simon had survived full-on torture without breaking for a week, at the very maximum.
98 days covered over 3 months.
He took her hand and brought it to his ribs, on a protruding scar she had seen many times. It wasn't the most prominent, but it was, apparently, one with the meanest memory.
Shouldn't have asked… Shouldn't have asked…
"Got slapped up on a meat hook like those pigs back there in the butchery. You believe in karma?"
"Simon.. Jesus Christ."
"Nah, the hook was the nice part. It's the brainwashing that really gets to ya." He rubbed himself with her hand as if to relieve a long-forgotten pain.
"If the mind breaks, you're done."
Simon wasn't living in the same world as her. He lived in the same realm as Roman slaves who were slaughtered for entertainment in the Colosseum, as soldiers freezing to death on the Eastern Front of World War 2, as political prisoners tortured in North Korean internment camps.
"This is horrible."
"What's horrible is you wakin' me up like this and not finishing the job."
Shivers of ice seeped down her spine. He was so unfazed… and it wasn't just denial or a defense mechanism. He was simply in terms with what had happened to him — what had been done to him. He didn’t turn his gaze away from the abyss. She wouldn't call it healthy or normal, but it was mature as hell, something so profoundly self-sufficient and fearless that she knew she would never meet a man like Simon.
Feeling both scared and aroused, she granted his wish and took him back in her mouth. They had just talked about meat hooks and psychological torture, but he was hard as a rock. The moan that left him as she went deep and flattened her tongue against him was an exhausted and deprived sigh, and she felt tears welling up.
He was broken and perfect and beautiful, he simply wouldn't yield. Not in any storm, not before a hurricane, not amidst a fallout, not in the thick of whatever apocalypse would come and rain upon this world. The least she could do to honor such a man was to make him sigh like that.
The moans that left him were different from when he was fucking her. They sounded fragile, arduous, and brought pain to mind. His enemies had tried to break him for nearly 100 days and failed. She couldn't stop thinking about where all those scars had come from — mutilation, beating, cutting, flagellation, not to mention being suspended on a meat hook…
Had it ended in him being buried alive? Or was that a whole other story? And who had been in the coffin with him? An enemy or a friend?
He said the physical torture wasn't even the worst of it…
She thought about how he always looked so incredibly tired, was so paranoid about someone coming to get him. He had most likely been subjected to sleep deprivation and constant interrogation, other slow methods meant to break someone psychologically. Methods that escaped her imagination.
Tears ran down her cheeks, and she sobbed against him, like a pathetic woman who knew nothing of the world’s darkness. A killer's hand found its way in her hair again, this time with the gentlest caress.
"Dove… C'mere."
Whatever test this was, she felt like a total failure when releasing him and letting him pull her into another staunch embrace.
"I'm sorry," he said softly while petting her hair like she was a child who had had a nightmare.
He shouldn't be sorry for anything. He shouldn't be consoling her for his own torture. Her own past seemed like a walk in the park compared to this, her depression was laughable. Even when she knew these kinds of things shouldn't be compared.
"Sometimes forget that you're a civilian."
How on earth he could forget that was beyond her. What Simon had forgotten, though, was what civilian life was like. What ordinary, day to day life looked and felt like. Why would he want to continue his job after everything he had been through?
Unless he didn't care if he got killed.
Unless he wanted to get away. Had been wanting to get away for years now, just like her…
The tears were running in streams now, and her nose was stuffed, broken sighs passed through her mouth as he kept her in one piece with a simple hug.
"Gotta say it gets me fuckin' hard when you shed tears for me,” he said, amused, while she was crumbling under the weight of their darkness.
"You're always so cocky," she sighed, trying to get air through her mouth because her nose was clogged from the tears.
"Isn't that what you like about me?"
When she wouldn’t speak, he turned her around to lie on her stomach and started to caress her back. Slow and steady, purposeful. He cherished her from neck to waist, rubbed the knots between her shoulder blades, soothed tension in places she didn't even know she had any. It was the gentlest touch she had felt since childhood, a caress of her entire being.
How poetic, that a butcher was the only one to have touched her with such mercy.
She should be the one doing the comforting, but here they were again. All those psychology journals, all those books, all that education, and he was the one who knew what to do, how to handle his shit. And her shit too.
"C'mon... Tell me you like it."
The callous hand cupped her ass, slid down her thigh, beckoned it to lift to gain access to her. It was just an inspection due to her not having said a word, and he must've taken it as a sign of her being proud and stubborn... And then the night laughed at her with a gratified haze as his fingers met her wetness.
"Alright, have it your way. But you're always drippin' for me… That's how I know ya like it."
He relished in what he found, spread the moisture all over her folds, causing her hips to rise up to present her pussy to him — like it was normal that she was soaked after such a sad evening and a fright of a night.
But Simon didn't seem to regard it as perverse at all. To him, it was quite natural, mostly an endearment, as he climbed on top of her like a god of war about to get a taste of bliss after a hard day on the battlefield.
The bulged tip found her entrance with a familiarity that was only sublime. He was such a tease when he wanted to be, coating himself with her before going straight in.
"Got your eyes and your cunt wet for me. If that ain't love, don't know what is."
Words escaped her again as he stretched her wide, and she could feel his hunger, both their hunger. He simply had more patience than she did to not act upon it right away. He set a pace that was sweet and slow, so greedy that it made her grab the sheet in a tight fist.
"You're hopeless," she sighed while her back arched to meet him in perfect sync, the rhythm they had established long ago was the most divine for both of them. Perhaps he wanted to feel alive too, especially on a night like this. His hand found hers, the one grabbing the sheet, and she opened for him, interlaced her fingers with his, and squeezed. The sadness turned into a lazy, warm pool of love and arousal, even euphoria.
"That's it sweetheart… what else? Tell me how much you like me."
It was never straight-shooting with him. She couldn't just say that he was driving her insane. It had been embarrassing enough to spill all that love in the air when she had been drunk, with him between her legs like a bloodhound that had caught scent.
So she told her what he disliked about him. Those things happened to be the ones she absolutely loved about him as well.
"You talk too much," she offered, already out of breath.
"Never hear that at work."
"Probably because you don't fuck your co-workers."
He laughed at that, so uncharacteristic and unbridled that it made tiny bubbles brim all over in her, too.
"Know a few dolls who wouldn't mind if I did."
Jealousy bled instantly. No — it clawed at her insides. Simon had women on his team? He had discreetly left them unmentioned up until this point.
It crossed her mind that maybe he was the lovesick one now. But that couldn't be true… He was just being arrogant, as always.
"Don't worry darling. I'm all yours."
That husky purr drove her only more nuts. He even sent his hands down to her waist and held her steady while making it known to whom she belonged.
"Think you can handle me?"
The next thrust was punctuated, his balls pressed against her clit, rewarding him with a tight moan she simply couldn't hold back. The appeased rumble above her told her that he only got a kick out of this childish boasting.
"I don’t know. Your ego is too big for me," she tried to sound dry during yet another delicious fucking.
"Got somethin' else that's big," he bragged, voice covered in molten gold. "Right? Just for you."
On that, she refused to entertain him. He knew perfectly well just how big he was. Simon didn't do relationships but had surely had his fair share of women who had run into his arms more than gladly. Far more eagerly than her, or at least, with far less dignity. It was despicable, but she was jealous of his past too and envied every single one of them, whether the women he'd had amounted to dozens or hundreds.
"You like big men?" He brushed her hair aside from her cheek as if wanting to see her face to read the answer from her expression, even if it was too dark to see anything.
"I like men who know when to shut up," she blurted.
A laugh, rough but hearty, echoed in the bedroom.
"Marry me."
Her eyes went wide, her jaw opened, a quick gasp passed through…
"Or don't. 'S not worth the pension."
A joke… He was joking.
Her eyes fluttered closed, but her mouth was left hanging open; then it slowly but surely curved into a quivering little smile. This goddamn man would be the end of her.
He caressed her again, then brushed a thumb over her lip in a soft, yearning gesture that told her he wanted to kiss her but couldn't from this position. The gentle lovemaking in the dark thick of night was sweeter than any pain, and she did something rebellious: she reached for that thumb, captured it in her mouth, and sucked.
It was a surprised huff. Completely taken aback.
She swirled her tongue around it, gripped it tight, mouthed it like it was his cock — and could feel his hips buck unexpectedly.
"Not gonna last long if ya..-"
The hurried explanation ended in a lengthy groan, and the body above her went rigid, then shuddered. He came without warning, the thumb was pushed even further into her mouth, and he was buried in her to the hilt, hissing and moaning like it caused him pain.
He was always a gentleman when it came to her pleasure, never chased his own before she had gotten hers first. It must drive him a bit mad to spill so soon — especially when it wasn't even the first time today.
It was the softest cataclysm she had ever seen, another stealthy peek behind those high brick walls. His body crushed her, the massive arms closed in around her, he rubbed his face somewhere in her neck… and he was trembling. Perhaps it was his way of weeping since he couldn't cry actual tears.
He was finally speechless, gathering himself after an unusually weak moment. He swallowed, panted, then swallowed again. Struggled to regain control, snatched it back like an injured soldier. But he wasn’t angry, nor was he ashamed, he was pretty damn delighted.
"Now look at what you did," he scolded, but the tone was playful. He slipped out of her mouth, the heavy chest was throbbing against her back, and she mourned the fact that her skin only met cotton.
"You had it coming."
Arousal made her voice thicker than usual, and he buried his face further in her hair.
And again, he wouldn't pull out. She was just gathered in his arms and dragged to lie on her side. Her back met a solid chest, and the hand traveled up her throat, making her expose her neck for him to wolf from behind. It was probably her weakest spot – and as soon as he noticed it, he took advantage of the knowledge. He even used teeth on her, made love bites like they were some horny teenagers. She would have to wear high collars for classes next week…
"Does that feel nice?" The attentiveness was nearing unbearable proportions, his voice so close to her ear that her eyes rolled back. He was big, even when soft, and continued to rub against her after slipping out. Another hand dove down to assist her reach her own peak.
"Judging by how wet you are, it does."
He was right, as always. The tears were dry, but her pussy was not; she was so wet that it was a miracle how he was able to be as precise as he was.
How the hell could one man be so good at everything…
"You're too sweet for your own good," he whispered when she shattered against that chest and those fingers, her own flexing against his arm as she came. She let him carry her to the shore, break on it like a wave. The broken cries were such a signature, the music of them such a tell, that it really didn't matter that she didn't, couldn't use words with him.
This was the best therapy either of them could get, no matter what any book or professional said. They were wildly alive, they had found each other through horrors and blood and tears. Somehow, he had found his way to her orbit, collided with her in that dark, grimy, degraded place where she danced for money for a tortured killer like him. Her job was a good workout, and it paid the bills, but it had also brought Simon to her, and she had never been more grateful for deciding to go on those pole dance classes years ago.
"I have to wear high necks to school again," she said afterward in his arms, all snug and prepared to glide back to sleep.
"Serves you right."
He was hard again while she was feeling sore and puffy and content — and slathered, with both of their juices, which he used to lazily guide himself through her folds.
"Ready for another round if you are," he offered.
That would be his third one already… The ungodly amount of stamina on this man was frightening.
"I- I don't think I can."
It was mostly an acknowledgment of his size, and they both knew it. Simon just tightened his hold on her, appearing quite pleased with this outcome. Won another round, the gloating, lovable bastard.
"Alright, dove. Let's get you some sleep."
The next morning, when she was making him an omelette he suddenly began to speak.
"I usually fuck everything up when shit hits the fan, no matter the cost."
She turned off the stove and moved the pan away to stop the hissing sound threatening to drown his voice.
"This time, I just wanted to get back."
It was a confession of another kind… A compliment. Might even be the highest compliment she had ever received from this man. Simon wanted to stay alive and return to her rather than avenge his fallen ones.
Still, there was bound to be recoil, some survivor's guilt — or a bitter self-reflection moment of a superior.
"Are you blaming yourself?"
"I don't know. No, that's not what I meant."
"I realized…" His brows drew together in an attempt to search for the right words. "I realized there that… You might be the only person I can trust."
She was moved, ripe for walking to him right then and there and relieve that tension in his shoulders. Freaking finally give him that massage he had yearned for since autumn. There was something profoundly wrong with her that she hadn't done it yet.
He always attended to her. It was supposed to be a display of authority, but she knew that the best leaders didn't lead with fear; they served. It was high time someone served him.
"It's not a good sign," he muttered.
"I would see it as a great sign," she said with a shy smile, but it died on her lips as she saw how he only appeared to fall deeper into misery.
"Right? Simon?"
"I thought I already dealt with this shit 10 years ago."
That sentence sent ice down her back. Her skin broke into goosebumps, they seemed to travel all the way up to her head. Her palms were already sweating by the time he spoke again.
"You see, everyone I trust either dies or…" Simon was staring inwards into some distant memory she knew nothing about. She went to sit on the small piece of furniture that could almost be called a dinner table. Not necessarily because she wanted to get closer to him, but because her stomach was churning and she feared she might faint in her little kitchen.
"Everyone I love, dies."
She forced a hand reach out to grab his as she tried to call him back to the present moment and back to her.
"That can't be true. I mean, that can't be set in stone kinda true."
"Who knows."
The walls were suddenly so high that she couldn't get to him even when they were holding hands like this.
But this was the most precious thing in her life. She would fight for it if she must.
"I'm willing to take that risk," she said without fear.
"I admire your courage."
He didn't say he was willing to take that risk too. She hadn't quite prepared for that, nor for what came after.
"I can't do my job if I'm…"
"If you love someone?" She offered when he wouldn't continue.
She fucking hated his job at this point. She hated his dead father, and she hated the Manchester slums, she hated everyone who had hurt him and betrayed his trust. But it was like peeling an onion when it came to Simon: there was always a new layer underneath the one that was shed away. Who knew what was hidden at the core, or if she would ever even reach it?
"Well, what about… your mom?"
"You have siblings?"
Holy shit. Things were even worse than she had thought.
"What about friends? Like, off work?"
"Not anymore."
Terror began to swell and roll inside her like a tidal wave. A menacing calm before the storm, an eerie silence a split second before the explosion.
"You have nobody?"
He stared off into space, telling her with that look alone that he had no one. He released her hands, or rather, forced her to release him. Then he dropped the atom bomb.
"I didn't mean for things to go this far."
All her fears, long since lulled to sleep, crawled through the earth to suffocate her.
It was true after all: she had been just a bit of fun, a one-night stand that had turned into a plaything. A plaything who had latched itself onto a man who didn't want extra baggage.
"What a nice thing to hear." Her voice was metal, and Simon wouldn't say anything, proving her worst nightmares true.
He had had enough of her and now wanted to end things. The beautiful dusk had rolled into a knifelike dawn, and it was time to finish the show.
"Then why are you still here?" She finally dared to look up at him, and he looked confused, like he didn't know the answer to that question.
Things spun out of control so fast that she felt faint in the head. It was hard to think rationally when all their shared memories were suddenly covered in a wicked haze of shallow fucking, noncommitment, and her being an absolute fool for having believed that Simon would want her for the rest of his life.
"I get it that you're a super secret soldier spy, that you have to sneak around and give me a heart attack every other week. I get that we can't be together as much as I would like. But if you don't even want this, then what the hell are you doing here?"
His eyes were wide, his throat worked an arduous swallow. He looked more hurt than ever, more in pain than he had been last night due to the death of his teammates.
But to her, it was the look of a poker player who had got caught red-handed in cheating.
How dare he joke about marriage and elaborate on how sweet she was during the night, only to set everything on fire the next morning?
She was just a sweet little stray cat he liked to pet and pamper and fuck when he had the time, a nice little vacation from work filled with excitement. Everything needed to be exciting to him, he needed a dose of adrenaline and knife play and showering bullets to make him hard so he could fly back to grey London to get a go with his pole dancing little school girl.
Putting up shelves, seeing pictures of her spending Christmas with the family, tea and omelette in the morning were too mundane, too boring. She had been another kind of adrenaline shot.. But now she was only a dry syringe with the words I love you spoken in the air.
She got up and took a few steps back, tried to cut off a love that she already knew wouldn’t die, would never, ever die.
"This is so fucked up. If I'm just some momentary lapse in your life, then…" she shook her head at a loss for words. He had been silent for the whole outburst, but at her last suggestion, he cut in.
"No. Never. You're–"
She was so riled that she couldn't even hear his words. "You know what? Go do your job then. I'm sick and tired of waiting for you to come home to me, only to hear something like that. God…"
He snapped his mouth shut after she cut him off and simply raged on, all the longing and confusion of whole months streaming out of her mouth with an annoying high-pitched account. If she hated her voice right now, she could only imagine how it must sound to him. Her irritating hysteria only worsened the situation, especially when Simon remained so fucking calm.
"This is just…" She laughed through tears she didn't want him to see. With sheer willpower, she fought those tears back to the abyss. He would probably just get off on seeing her cry.
After all, she was the sweetest girl there was. Too sweet for her own good. The most gullible, naive piece of shit.
"I don't know how this is gonna work."
He stared at her with chest heaving, then his breath settled into a calm, ordered roll, his expression turned to stone. The rage was directed inwards before it could lash out at her. The man called Simon turned into Ghost, a professional killing machine, so quickly amidst a raging storm that she could hear the eye of it reach them, the whole world around her go silent. Or perhaps she was momentarily deafened by that cold-hearted stare that turned away from her with a final, lingering tinge of sadness. Even that was gone by the time he rose from the table and walked to the hallway.
Her heart was struck with a blade; she bled dry before she could even take a step to follow him. She saw him put his shoes on, then reach for his jacket, which he flung on with heavy shoulders and a broad back turned to her like a shield.
Simon was resigning.
He was fucking leaving.
She opened her mouth, but no words came out. He reached for his pocket and drew out a cigarette and a lighter, the flash of cold steel stinging her eyes although there was little sunlight because the day was grey. The Zippo was something she had found for him from a thrift store, and it had the tusked Snaggletooth logo of Motörhead on it. It felt like the perfect gift after noticing Simon had played the band's music from some old, burned cd when he had taken her on that shooting trip. He had ruffled her hair when receiving it, evidently pleased. "Knew you were a keeper," he had said when she told him she loved Motörhead too.
Her eyes were brimming with tears, the cigarette was sent between his lips, and he wouldn't look back, only marched to the door with heavy steps.
The fear wouldn't die even when she tried to tell herself that he was only going for a smoke to calm his nerves from her sudden fit. They would talk things through when he got back.
Which was why she never said anything, didn't follow him.
The door slammed shut, and she swallowed and turned to get a sip of her coffee. Her hands were shaking, the coffee was cold, and she realized she had just basically told him to get out. That cold-blooded stare still haunted her, and she wanted to go check if Simon was truly there, smoking on those steps and being a wall, her wall, against the cold, uncaring world.
She played the conversation over and over in her head, what was spoken, and the frost of horror turned her senses sharp, her ears started to ring from the silence. Simon had told her he trusted her and she had just freaked out — hadn't even let him finish what he had tried to say.
She wanted, needed to tell him right this second that she was sorry for being such a lunatic. She turned for the door, then walked back, forced herself to remain calm.
He needed space, and she didn't want to upset him more than she already had. He was older than her, used to nuclear seasons and warheads and blunt trauma, he was sharp as a whip. He wouldn't get rattled so easily. He would come back, smelling of fresh smoke, he would tell her what to do. That they would make it work no matter what. Flesh out a plan.
Because that’s all she wanted to hear. That he was serious and wanted this to work as much as she did. That it was just some miscommunication.
But her instinct told her that something was terribly, horribly wrong.
Minutes passed, and she finally went to open the door, and there was no one there. The streets were silent, the grey clouds even darker still, hanging over her like doom. She was feeling nauseous, a shudder went through her whole body, then her teeth started to rattle.
She closed the door and turned and tried to take a step, but her knees gave in and she slumped somewhere on the floor of her hallway filled with shoes and dirt and emptiness.
#simon riley x oc#ghost x oc#ghost smut#simon riley smut#simon ghost riley x oc#mw2 smut#ghost fanfiction#simon riley fanfic#cod fanfic#simon ghost riley#simon ghost riley x female oc#simon riley x female reader#ghost x female reader
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redditreceipts · 5 months
thoughts on this? potential male ally or just delusional?
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hm, I personally don't see anything wrong with what he's saying. He says "why do terfs think it's impossible for a man to hate men", and then describes how he himself hates men, implying he is a man as well. also, what feminist makes fun of transwomen for being "failed men"? there is no way to "fail" as a man, because being a man is not a task, it is literally just a mode of existence. It's like you can't fail as an 25-year-old. I don't think that you have to be a rapist yourself to see men as rapists. I mean if you say that every single man is a rapist, then you are included of course as well (being a man) and are therefore calling yourself a rapist. But otherwise? There are a lot of male rapists, and every person with two functioning eyes should be aware of that by now. also, if you hate your male body so much that you want to transition (given that you are an adult with adequate psychological counseling), there is no problem with doing so in my opinion.
I mean if I knew this guy personally, I would likely tell him to stop hating himself so much 😅 nobody's life gets better by loathing yourself for being a man. instead, he could actually get active and help women (without claiming to actually be one, of course). from my experience, helping other people makes you way less self-loathing.
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I want better for Sybok.
I want a world where he got a fighting chance to do anything but become a cult leader. I’ve seen aus where he becomes a counselor and I can’t stop thinking about it.
No gods, no Sha-Ka-Ree, no cult. Just a kid who knows his history. Who researches Surak, and the world before him, and finds himself dissatisfied with present day Vulcan’s interpretations of his teachings. Unable to see the logic in following one ancient man’s words with no additional input or thought. Is this truly the best way for them to live? His mother didn't think so. He doesn't think so either.
He’s young, and he has big ideas and a lot of charisma, and a lot of inner pain from losing his mother and being suddenly told the way she was raising him was wrong. He quickly earns a reputation as a troublemaker. Indulging in blatant displays of emotionalism, just to prove his point, that he smiled and nothing bad happened, he cried and he felt better after.
He’s dissatisfied and ostracized and convinced there’s a better way to be living.
He fucks off at 18-not quite banished, but so strongly encouraged to leave that he might as well have been-and goes to a college on Earth, because the federation is a post-scarcity society so he has his basic needs met and he just wants to figure himself out, and where better to do that than a college campus, as far away from Vulcan society as possible. On his step-mother's home planet, where he knows at least a little of the culture, the language, what to expect.
He sees the school counselor a lot, and gets a lot out of their sessions. Takes some psychology courses and ends up getting really passionate about it.
Teaches himself to embrace his emotions while acknowledging that it’s very easy to be ruled by them. Utilizes aspects of traditional Vulcan control combined with the human practice of mindfulness to understand his emotions and control his strong impulse to act on them, without completely rejecting them. Knows he is choosing not to control his emotions, but he can and should control the actions he takes in response to them to avoid hurting himself or others. Knows that understanding why he feels a certain way can help him understand himself better.
Lives his best life and studies psychology to help other people find the same joy and peace he has, in whatever form that takes for them.
Then he finds out his baby bro basically told the VSA to fuck off and that dad more or less disowned him for joining Starfleet. Feels so damn proud of him for standing up the their parents like that.
Reunites with his brother after years of separation.
It’s rocky at first, but after both being disowned they’re all the family the other has left now, and they both do really care about each other.
Spock doesn’t understand Sybok’s choices, but he doesn’t need to understand them to respect them; Sybok is clearly still exercising some degree of control over himself, he even still meditates, he’s just controlling himself less, and differently, and his mind is more at peace than it’s ever been before. Sybok doesn’t really understand Spock’s continued dedication to logic either, but he respects it too, because clearly it still means something to Spock in a big way.
They make peace with each other, and their differences, and with the fact that their parents and society have rejected them. That Sybok did everything “wrong” and Spock did everything “right” and yet they both ended up in the same place; on Earth, with mom ignoring their calls, because she loved them both but she loves her husband more.
And ultimately he enrolls in Starfleet medical to become a ships counselor, because he still takes great joy in doing things he knows dad would hate, and because he wants to specialize in trauma and grief counseling and Starships need a lot of that, and because getting a new perspective on life from being around humans helped him a lot and he’s rejected a lot of philosophy that he found unhelpful but IDIC is something he still believes in; he wants to be around as many different ideas and perspectives as he can to improve himself and his practice, and Starfleet is a great way to do that.
Getting to follow his only remaining family into space is just a bonus.
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