kiri-kira · 5 years
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kiri-kira · 5 years
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Onision and CoolGuyKai are child predators, pass it on.  (Context: Kai/Lainey/Taylor was friends with Sarah since she was 14. They (James Jackson and Kai Jackson) took her in to live with them when she turned 16. They claimed she was like a daughter/little sister to them. News flash: You shouldn’t have sex with your family members.)
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kiri-kira · 5 years
Sarah was 16 when she moved in with Greg and Kai. Sarah and Kai started being friends when she was 14 and started talking romantically when she was 15. I know we want to inform people but James Jackson and Kai Jackson of Gig Harbor, Washington will use the slightest bit of misinformation to derail the conversation.
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kiri-kira · 5 years
“I really don’t want opinions anymore. I just want to make people laugh and forget sadness.”
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kiri-kira · 5 years
T-that’s why I posted the video proof, friend.
Lainey’s NEVER cuddled Sarah guys!!!!
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kiri-kira · 5 years
the person in this video is 15 and has expressed that she is disgusted by his comments…
(source: @greasybot on instagram
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kiri-kira · 5 years
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Did they forget that they were inappropriate with a minor (cuddling, being naked around, and leading said minor on to believe they were going to date each other) or?
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kiri-kira · 6 years
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To Those Still Bringing Up Wetlands
“There is video evidence of you destroying wetlands” - Incorrect. What you witnessed was not wetlands. The area was measured and the area you are referencing did not apply &/or contained plants that were noxious weeds & will not be replanted as noxious weeds.
Translation: Stop talking about things you know nothing of. The area that was effected is now better than ever and will get even better with time considering there are no more noxious weeds & native plants can now thrive (fucking duh).
Any idiot knows, if a professional reviews a situation, and determines no destruction occurred, a bunch of internet strangers are better of shutting the fuck up over disagreeing considering their limited information/experience and lack of professional status.
But you guys are too stupid for that hmm?
With no actual professional review yourself, with only your extremely ignorant pinions, you somehow are way smarter/more informed than a person who has been in the business for years & knows exactly what he’s talking about? Time to stop believing absolute assholes on YouTube who have no fucking clue what they’re talking about when they speak of my life.
You wouldn’t want people who were not there, nor fail to have the professional site assessment on their side, talking shit about you right. Cool. Be human. Accept you lost, and let go of your ego.
Also, do the world a favor, go write anyone who made a video on this issue, and tell them to post a retraction.
Never went to court, never lost in court (obviously), never had to pay out hundreds of thousands like many said I would have to - it was all internet bullshit designed to slander me, because again, that’s what you spineless assholes love doing to people who, turns out, didn’t destroy the wetlands, just like he said.
Fucking liars.
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kiri-kira · 6 years
Birds of a feather...
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kiri-kira · 6 years
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Seriously, you’re not helping her like that.
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kiri-kira · 6 years
Just so we’re clear,
Onision DID NOT help Eugenia Cooney. For years, he bullied her, made videos making fun of her, and even after she directly told him to stop talking about her he continued. Eugenia is the one who helped herself, she deserves the credit. Greg trying to take it shows what a narcissist he truly is
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kiri-kira · 6 years
Changing your friend’s (at the time) baby’s diaper is now creepy apparently. 1) if you didn’t want to change the baby’s diaper you could have called her mother so she could change it.  2)Your children are friends with her daughter, you are far from being a stranger. You’ve probably watched (lightly speaking) the daughter more than once.  3) Madison didn’t think you were a creep until she got in touch with Shiloh, the girl you met up with (in another state) to have sex with her when she was 16-17. This was after you refused to change her baby’s diaper. So no, you weren’t thinking of Madison calling you a creep. Only weirdos think changing a baby’s diaper is a sexual thing.
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kiri-kira · 6 years
She was 17, Lainey was 23.
Lainey’s NEVER cuddled Sarah guys!!!!
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kiri-kira · 6 years
Yall ever hate Onision to flex on pedophiles?
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kiri-kira · 6 years
Lainey’s NEVER cuddled Sarah guys!!!!
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kiri-kira · 6 years
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kiri-kira · 6 years
it’s not just Ayalla calling them out It’s also Sarah’s family
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and also, fuck ayalla
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