#psycho hose beast
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thesiouxzy · 1 year ago
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starryluminary · 11 months ago
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If Noco were a canon couple’s stereotypes: The Psycho Hose Beast and The Party Guy
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queenofnots · 5 days ago
"She lost her baby her rage is a trauma response. Her twaaauuuhhmmmuuuhhhh😭" I don't care I want that bitch to suffer.
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glitterspaghettiketchup · 1 year ago
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ok so i should explain this one i think? this comes from a fic im trying to write that's music relevant and has Izzy in it, and most of it takes place at a house party with a DJ, and for plot reasons that DJ can't be Beardo so my slug-brain went "hey what if you made a Splatoon reference? Dedf1sh is a DJ!" and i thought it was a great idea actually! except i didn't know why she'd be here in a Total Drama house party soooo yeah i gave Izzy two girlfriends haha
ok but seriously if Izzy got a time machine do you seriously think she wouldn't try to date the future fish people, especially if they were cool as hell, specifically to fuck with her friends?
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same-name-supremacy · 1 year ago
Opal- The Funniest Girl around
Glenn- The Loner
Heath- The Ringleader
Danika- The Delinquent
Leshawn- The Brother with the ‘Tude
Ginnifer- The Party Girl
DJ- The Sweetheart
Lincoln- The Dumb Prince
Bryson- The Surfer Guy
Trin- The Cool Girl
Harriet- The Dweeb
Corey- The Type-A
Seth- The Geek
Jody- The Wannabe
Issac- The Psycho hose Beast
Taylor- The Jockette
Sam- The Boy next Doors friend
Kam- The Boy next Door
Justine- The Eye Candy
Noelle- The Schemer
Evan- The Bully
Elizabeth- The Homeschooled Girl
Alejandra- The Archvillainess
Simon- The Obsessive Uber fan
Yeah I swapped some of the labels around. So uh YEAH
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total-drama-brainrot · 11 months ago
Saw this somewhere and wanted to throw it your way, sorry if you’ve been asked this before but what do you think of the concept of Noah always having been an assistant (even before the first season)/never playing as a contestant would look like?
The thing about Noah as a contestant is that he's, for all intents and purposes, kind of useless. And by that I mean Noah as a character isn't important to the plot at all in the grand scheme of things. He's barely important from an episodic point of view either; Noah does very little throughout Total Drama in terms of story relevance, and just in general. (Lazy king 👑.)
So taking him out of the equation wouldn't really affect too much in the grand scheme of things, save for probably preventing his friendship with Owen and, from a fanon standpoint, the rest of team E-scope. He'd be pretty much the same person, just behind the camera instead of on it.
But that's kind of a boring answer, and not at all what you were looking for, right?
So, let's say that Noah lands himself a job working as the personal assistant for some hot-shot A-list celebrity through one of his many siblings' various contacts; is it nepotism? Probably. But who's Noah to look a gift horse in the mouth? A fairly easy job following some pretentious asshole around all day and grabbing him the occasional coffee sounds like a pretty sweet gig, especially with the salary and various benefits that come with the job description. So Noah takes the job without question.
And that's how he finds himself stuck in the middle of nowhere, Muskoka, on an undisclosed island owned by said A-lister whilst he films the first season of his new Reality TV show, Total Drama Island.
Being Chris' personal assistant was supposed to be an easy pay check. "Supposed to be" being the point of interest there; Noah didn't anticipate Chris being as sadistic or as childishly needy as he was. If he wasn't running around like a headless chicken trying to accommodate for Chris' oftentimes outlandish whims and fancies, he was stuck answering to the producers in the host's stead- and the producers were pissed with Chris more often than not for his frivolous use of the show's budget. Something about having a genius level IQ and enough snark to make grown men cry apparently made him qualified enough to deal with the industry big-wigs. Noah was far too overworked to question it.
So much for an easy pay check.
Noah's not bad at his job by any means. In his professional opinion, the whole show and Chris' career would be in the dumps without his personal input keeping everything afloat. That doesn't mean he doesn't loathe his job with every sleep-deprived inch of his being.
And, inevitably, Noah ends up spending a lot of time around the campers themselves. Mostly as a consequence of always having to remain "on set" so to speak, since Noah's pretty much contractually obligated to linger around Chris' vicinity and wait for his boss to assign him some menial task to do. Most of the campers are just as egocentric and insufferable as he'd first assumed- and honestly, what else would he expect from people who singed up for a Reality TV show?- but a select few turn out to be decent company; namely Owen and Eva (and Izzy, but Noah refuses to admit that the "Psycho Hose Beast" is actually bearable to be around).
He'd even go so far as to claim they were friends good acquaintances.
Of course, his job takes precedent over frivolous things like relationships, platonic or otherwise, so Noah doesn't exactly have the free time to hang out with them. Which is probably for the best considering if he did spend a lot of time around his friends acquaintances, the other contestants would have a solid enough foundation for accusations of foul play in the competition, and that's a headache Noah really doesn't want to deal with.
Consequently, Noah floats through the filming of Island, and later on Action, maintaining cordiality with his little group and cold indifference towards pretty much the rest of the cast. Not that he doesn't keep close tabs on the campers; of course he does, not only is Noah incredibly observant by nature, but he's also the one in charge of accommodating for these weirdos... plus, Chris is oddly invested in his "prize cast of ratings jewels", whatever that means. So Noah knows these people, probably more than some of them know themselves, thanks to a combined sixteen-ish weeks of observation and forced proximity.
In turn, the competitors know of Noah, though for the most part he's regarded as little more than a spectre on set- Chris' elusive personal assistant who the cast will occasionally see the barest glimpse of, usually hidden behind an impassive pair of mirrored sunglasses and, more often than not, rushing off to do whatever it is a PA does. Chris does get a little lazy in Action and on a few occasions does get Noah to make a "guest appearances" on screen- mostly just to deliver him a coffee and a gluten free muffin during the downtime of that day's challenge- but he's still practically non-existent to he majority of the cast.
Which is fine by him.
What isn't fine by him is the surprise addition of two people he knows nothing about, come the third season.
One of those contestants happens to know a lot about the cast, and a concerning amount of information about him. It's uncanny, just how much Sierra seems to know about everyone around her, even more so because of the way she practically worships the ground they walk on. Sure, Noah's encountered the odd super fan here and there- not fans of himself, of course, but in this time as Chris' assistant he's had to chase off more than enough rabid fans from trying to sneak their way onto the set of whatever show Chris was working on (or more accurately sic the on-scene security on them)- but Sierra's brand of crazy takes it to a whole new level. Noah doesn't like her on principle and is both incredibly vindicated and incredibly concerned when her stalkerish behaviour rears its ugly head. Not that he's allowed to do anything about it; the producers are adamant that Sierra's outlandish behaviour is entertaining enough for the audience to ignore the immorality, and given how much Chris has been allowed to get away with in the past Noah's inclined to begrudgingly agree.
And the other new contestant? The one who qualified for the apparently non-existent Total Drama Dirtbags (and Noah totally isn't salty about that show being an elaborate ruse that he spent countless sleepless nights working on)? Noah's just as concerned about his friends acquaintances ignorance to Alejandro's inherent sliminess as he is about Sierra's blatant disregard for others' privacy, but again it's not like he can do anything about it. He's not even supposed to be on the show, so any sort of interference would be a big no-no.
Oh, what's that? They want him on the show?
Turns out, Noah's brief appearances during Action (characterised by his usual level of sass and snide comments) really resonated with their audience; they like him for some inexplicable reason, and want to see more of "Noah, Chris McLean's mysterious personal assistant".
So he's pretty much forced into acting as a co-host of sorts, much like Chef had done for the first two seasons, all whilst carrying out his usual tasks. Is he happy about this? Not a chance in hell, and he lets the producers know exactly how he feels about the sudden change in his contract. Not that it changes anything.
And the best part? World Tour is a musical themed season. If they expect him to sing, they've got another thing coming.
But, as a small part of him chimes in, spending more time on camera would give Noah plenty of opportunities to spend time with his friends acquaintances. There's a non-zero chance that he could have fun, even if it's at the expense of his valued privacy.
His new status as part of the show does allow Noah some opportunities to skew the competition in the favour of his friends acquaint- no, screw it, his friends. That's one silver lining of the whole situation.
Better yet, he can tilt things out of Alejandro's favour, since the former Dirtbag seems to have a knack for manipulating the competition anyway- Noah might as well make things more challenging for him, as it seems this game is too easy for him thus far.
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tdvotes · 8 months ago
Counting the Votes, s1e20
Welcome back to Total... Drama... Counting... the Votes! (Yes, we are skipping episodes 18 and 19 because there was no vote-off in either one.) Today, we are talking about Wawanakwa Gone Wild!
Winner: Gwen
Invincibility: None
Received a marshmallow: Geoff, Owen, Leshawna, Duncan, Heather
Final marshmallow: Gwen
Eliminated: Izzy
Who voted for who and why? Obviously Gwen should have had invincibility, so no one should have voted for her. So why was she in the bottom two? It felt like the writers just forgot that she won the challenge when they wrote this elimination ceremony. But let's go off the assumption that there was no way to win invincibility in this challenge.
Now. The only vote we know for certain is that Heather voted for Izzy because she shot her, and because she made comments like "Not until psycho hose beast goes down" and "just give it to Gwen already." Duncan could have followed suit as he was in an alliance with Heather, or he could have voted for Gwen out of jealousy that she beat him.
It's not unlikely that Gwen and/or Leshawna voted Heather because of their rivalry, or they could have voted Izzy because they noticed her carelessness with the tranquilizer gun. As per Geoff's confessional at the beginning, I think he probably voted for Gwen or Duncan. Owen likely voted for Heather or Gwen. Izzy probably avoided voting Heather because, as the second-to-last place player, she would have to clean the washrooms if Heather was unavailable. I'm thinking she either voted Gwen out of jealousy or Owen, since she was giving him the silent treatment earlier because he pushed her into the killer in the previous episode.
Let's go through each camper to see if I can figure out what my brain decided (sorry, just finished watching Inside Out 2):
Heather definitely voted for Izzy
Duncan voted for Izzy because of his new alliance
Gwen voted for Heather
Leshawna voted for Izzy probably
Geoff voted for Gwen probably
Owen voted for Heather
Izzy voted for Owen
My final guess: 3 votes for Izzy, 2 for Heather, 1 for Gwen, 1 for Owen
But as always, these are just my thoughts and I want to hear yours! How many votes did Izzy get? Why was Gwen on the chopping block despite winning the challenge? And did anyone other than Izzy, Gwen and Heather receive a vote? Leave your theories in the comments below.
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scoonsalicious · 11 months ago
Well that was a lot. Damn.
Pocket is a bad ass. Period.
Cunthage is a psycho hose beast, no surprise but the extent of her obsession with Bucky while also not surprising but damn. Her Hydra-daddy promised she could have the Winter Soldier and she was gonna have him, dammit.
The Russia tapes, I know it wasn't tape but I'm old school and it sounds more scandalous(peepee) to me......
Reassuring that his body couldn't respond to Cunthage without thinking about Pocket. Not awesome that he very intentionally continued after stopping.
Yes, Cunthage was manipulating him and playing on his fears with the info she gathered for that purpose but he knew she had been manipulating him up to that point and should have pushed her away literally or figuratively. Yeah he's human, he fucked up and knows it. I imagine surviving through life threatening drama like Pocket has could make one more amiable to forgiveness. Trusting again, truly deep down trust where she never thinks the worst should take longer.
It was Carthage knowing about the purple push-up bra that did Bucky in.
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Everyone’s favorite Psycho Hose Beast
Just showing off my interpretation of Izzy <) The only things you should know about her is that she goes by any pronouns, and she and Owen are soulmates
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rocknbolan · 10 months ago
You'll always be mine, Rachael. *smooch*
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jimsmovieworld · 2 years ago
WAYNES WORLD- 1992 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll hurl.
Best friends Wayne Campbell (Mike Myers) and Garth Algar (Dana Carvey) live in Aurora, Illinois and host Waynes World, a public access show. Sleazy tv executive Benjamin (Rob Lowe) picks up their show for tv and exploits it while trying to steal Waynes new girlfriend Cassandra (Tia Carrere). Wayne and Garth try to get their show back and save the day...
Directed by Penelope Spheeris.
Couldnt love this film anymore. Wayne and Garth are both hilarious and lovable. Cassandra's a babe. Rob Lowes best movie role as Benjamin in my opinion. So many hilarious supporting characters like Stacy the psycho hose beast and the security guard played by Chris Farley. Waynes world is packed full of quotable lines and find Wayne and Garths friendship quite heartwarming. Crucial Taunt are a legendary band, why you wanna break my heart is a classic. Alice Cooper with a great cameo. "Does this guy know how to party or what?"This movie has everything.
One of my favourite movies.
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tellmerp · 1 month ago
Tommy you also can delete me but I’ll always be on your list on a page you’ll never figure out is me.
Psycho hose beast.
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glazedwriter-mystery0014 · 10 months ago
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir
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{Genderswap of Total Drama Main Characters}
“The class of full students, young thespians, and able teenagers are the decent schoolchildren of “Monarch Edgewood's College of Fine Arts” in Empire City, NYC. They’re spectacular children, dramatic youths, choir of children & club members, and artistic talented kids who’re aren’t spotless role models, perfect protagonists, and flawless characters but they’re always a unique characteristic and a special feature as all of them have noteworthy personalities and special stars in them as they’re the opposite numbers of Mademoiselle Bustier's Class & Mademoiselle Mendeleiev’s Class. The able students are recent acquaintances, current ally, and brand-new wonderful friends of Chloé Bourgeois as they’ve decided to make her a better person and look after her when she’s transferring to their immense educational institution. When Chloé realizing of what’s she have done from her previous life and unpleasant childhood of becoming unpleasant and vile witch towards her previous peers all because of being abandoned & neglected by her own self-important mother, hasn't seen her mom ever since she was a child in age of 6 and extremely had apathetic towards & lack of enthusiasm for her and as for her business-minded & financially savvy father don’t keeping her company & didn’t have to spend some time with her, Chloé come to decision to wanted to change, and becomes better person with fresh character & new personality. All of her current classmates started to let her join in one of their community therapy sessions and counseling group sessions along with behavior management sessions and several of decent teenagers and capable students to become acquainted with at “Harmony Grove’s Healing Group Center” and invited her to “The Academy Opera House”, their enormous theatre company to shows her real talents to the others. Despites finding her previous behavior, they’re giving her a chance and helping her with her own confidences, teaching Chloé how to become an independent female, gives her to feel to be free, showing her off every place in Empire City she’s never gone to before, and treating her like she’s never had before…. An extremely large and loved family she’s ever wanted with genuine connections & meaningful bonds as they’ve got subsequent chapters to bring her fresh lifestyle with extended and packed adventures she had never had before.”
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Joslyn Olina-Kani {The Eye Candy}-Lipstick Lesbian/Nice Lesbian/Girlflux/Demigirl, 16, Neutral Good 
Sebastian Hong-Ming {The Boy Next Door #1}-Demiboy/Transmasc/Bisexual, 15, Chaotic Good
 Vicente Jardim Esteves {The Boy Next Door #2}-Queer/Polyarmorous/Agender/Boyfuild, 15, Chaotic Good
Essie Daughtery-Templeton {The Homeschooled Girl}-Straight Ally/Birominatic Demisexual/Demigirl, 14, Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good 
Demi Lara-Mitchell {The Gentle Soul}-Polysexual/Polyarmorous, 16, Lawful Good
Levi Eaton {The Dumb Himbo}-Pangender/Demigender, 15, Chaotic Good 
Toni Talley {The Cool Gal}-Demigender/Demiromantic/Aroflux, 15, Lawful Good
Nora Barrueco {The Schemer}-Neutrois/Acesexual/Arosexual/Demisexual, 15, True Neutral 
Ira Wilder {The Wild One & The Psycho Hose Beast}-Transmasc/Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Neutral-Good
Ophelia Lynn {The Funniest Gal Around}-Genderflux/Demigirl, 15, Chaotic Good
Benjamin Hodges {The Sweet Geek}-Bisexual, 14, Chaotic Good
Easton Williams {The Big Bully of The School}-Achillean/Gay/Acesexual/Gay Bear Brotherhood/Transmale, 16, Lawful Neutral 
Genesis Hull {The Crazy Kind A Gal Who’s Love To Party}-Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Hezekiah Tomiju (Wealth & Longevity) {The Wicked Ringleader}-Straight, 16, Lawful Evil/Lawful Bad
Craig Roach {The Type-A Overachiever}-Bisexual, 15, Lawful Neutral 
Glenn Blackburn {The Loner}-Birominatic Demisexual/Omnisexual, 16, Lawful Neutral-Good 
Carol Rhodes {The Upbeat Nerdy Gal}-Bisexual, 14, Chaotic Good
Sergio Shannon {The Huge-Supporter}-Omnisexual, 15, Chaotic Good 
Heidi Burks {The Great Whiz}-Omnisexual/Bisexual, 15, Chaotic Neutral-Good
Shawn McDowell {The Brother with 'Tude}-Omnisexual, 15, Neutral-Good
Bryson Gilbert {The Soulful Surfer}-Transmale, 15, Lawful Good
Tricia Humphrey {The Athletic Jockette}-Transfeminine/Transfemale/Demigirl, 15, Chaotic Good
Delaney Sears {The Delinquent}-Bisexual, 15, Lawful Neutral 
Alexis Guzmán di Donato {The Diabolical Master}-Straight, 16, Chaotic Evil
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir (Belongs to and Created by Thomas Astruc)
Based on the Main Characters of Total Drama Island & Total Drama World Tour (Belongs to and Created by Fresh TV, Inc)
Main characters and The Drama Kids of 👑✨TALES OF GOLD QUEEN’S GOLDEN EMPIRE✨👑(Belongs to and Created by @gloomycherub-mysterious/@sullenwriter-log/@glazedwriter-mystery0014)
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penelopeloom · 11 months ago
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miriamw009 · 2 years ago
If the dumbest person in the room is on your side there’s a particular case there for leaving the building Its much like an expose of the mundane recreational merits of tattooing a beetle while its moving to artful herds of passing buffalo kicking up some dirt in their wake after failing an audition for a revisionist western movie If anyone makes an attempt to sand…
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kathryn13imagination · 2 years ago
I finally posted the first chapter of my TDWT rewrite!!! If you have anything to say about it, leave a review!
~Izzy has been roped into another season of hell, Total Drama World Tour. Usually, she’d tackle it head on, but after mellowing out, she finds herself on a much wilder adventure after she drags a new friend along. Will the Psycho Hose Beast rekindle her wild flame, or will she grow into something more?~
(Post Dreams Come True story) (Cross-posted on both FF.Net and Ao3)
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