#provincial politics
A bill that would empower the Alberta government to remove elected municipal officials or strike down local bylaws is an "attack on local democracy," says the capital city's mayor.
Bill 20, the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, was announced Thursday and makes dozens of amendments to the Local Authorities Election Act and the Municipal Government Act (MGA).
 "I don't know who has asked for this," Edmonton Mayor Amarjeet Sohi told CTV News Edmonton Friday. "I don't know what problem the province is trying to solve when there are so many other priorities that they should be focused on." [...]
"When the province writes laws, it puts it through the legislative system where it can be debated," said Eric Adams, a constitutional law expert at the University of Alberta.
"When a law hands that power to the cabinet, then that legislative scrutiny falls completely away and now it's the cabinet themselves," he continued. "Realistically, the premier and the premier's office exercises the most of that power." [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @abpoli, @vague-humanoid
Notes from the poster @el-shab-hussein: Provincial governments are always pissed about federal controlling just about anything within provincial politics, but now they also want to control municipal ones. This is what I mean when I say this is just a repeat of U.S. 'states' rights' nonsense which is exclusively used to screw over municipalities into even sharper neoliberalism.
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bloomingbluebell · 2 months
i know that the US election in november is important and a lot is at stake, but it's also important to keep up with politics at a more local level if you're not USAmerican
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st-just · 1 year
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Shoutout to my provincial government for being bullied into actually doing something, I guess. Unit number is comically small but 'build public housing' was entirely out of the overton window like three months ago so y'know. Progress.
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fireladybuckley · 1 year
I don’t usually get too political on this blog, but…
If you’re from Alberta, for the love of all that is good in humanity, please go and VOTE.
Danielle Smith wants to privatize healthcare, remove funding from programs that actively help people, blames late stage cancer diagnosis patients for not noticing their condition sooner, among numerous other terrible things. And true to the usual UCP bull, she cares more about money and oil and trades more than the actual people of the province.
She is a huge admirer of Ron DeSantis and thinks he’s doing a great job, which I’m sure anyone from the US and especially Florida can tell you is NOT a good thing!!
Please… if you want a premier that at least cares about people and not just money, vote NDP.
Rachel Notley is far from perfect, but she is a hell of a lot better than the alternative. She at least actually cares about people, and cares about the marginalized in our society. She may not balance the budget, but she will fund education, healthcare and other important things, rather than funnelling everything into a dying economy and ignoring the citizens struggling.
If you don’t want hate and cold disregard to rule our province for the next 4 years, vote NDP. Liberal, Green and any other party don’t stand a chance. This is UCP vs NDP, period.
Vote orange if you care about the people around you.
Thanks for listening. Let’s all cross our fingers that tonight’s vote isn’t the start of rights being taken away. 🤞🏻🤞🏻
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jayswing101 · 1 year
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Heads up for anyone living in Ontario, Canada. So it turns out we are living in the bad place 🙃 We have to turn up for this y'all. We turn up for this, and then we all go hunt the Ontario PC party for sport to show them how wrong they were for thinking that literally anyone would want private healthcare. Like wtf. How is this even a question???? Obviously the answer is "get fucked Douglas, no one wants your stupid ass private healthcare"
Anyway here's the link: https://www.publichospitalvote.ca/
Idk how many people from Ontario are even on tumblr but. Please reblog in case this is the thing that makes someone aware that the referendum to save our healthcare is happening!!!
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abirddogmoment · 2 years
hold on, we're having a bird dog moment
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May 29, 2024
Ms de Jonge: I have the opportunity to rise today on the one-year anniversary of the UCP election victory, but this was not merely a victory of a political party but a declaration by regular, common-sense Albertans that they do not want to see our province descend into the dual swamps of wokeness and socialism. It was a firm sign that the message of fear and division trumpeted by the NDP is not what the people of our province desire, and it was a great reminder that hope and confidence in the people of Alberta is always the right policy.
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manousyren · 2 years
Today is voting day for the provincial government in the Netherlands.
It's also the 15th of March
It fucks with my brain that I have to vote today but also celebrate the stabbing of a political figure.
I mean, the Dutch were brutal they once ATE a politician lmao.
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murderballadeer · 10 months
anyway i'm praying for legault's downfall now that hundreds of thousands of public service workers are out on strike for better pay as he's offering $7million for some hockey games. the strikes are happening all over the province and the majority of quebecers know someone who is on strike (if they aren't on strike themselves) so hopefully this makes people think abt how teachers and nurses are more valuable than a few hockey games
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pocket-deer-boy · 2 years
Watching like 20% of my country vote en masse for a fascist party that pretends to be about farmers but is really just about anti-immigration and hating minorities
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Following the sudden departure this week of Québec Solidaire's co-spokesperson, Émilise Lessard-Therrien(opens in a new tab), two of the party's staffers have resigned.
Communications director Gabrielle Brais-Harvey and assistant general manager, Keena Grégoire, have left their positions, Noovo Info(opens in a new tab) reported on Friday.
"Ms. Brais-Harvey and Mr. Grégoire have contributed their heart and energy to our party for many years, whether as activists or employees. They have been dedicated to helping the Solidaire project and ideas take root across Quebec, and have helped bring our organization to where it is today," said QS general manager Myriam Fortin, in an email.
In a Facebook post, Brais-Harvey said that after 12 years serving the party, it was time to find another person "who has the energy to lead the party through these turbulent times. This is no longer my case." [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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bare1ythere · 1 year
I hate being from a prairie province
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st-just · 10 months
Incredibly grating that the local press is reporting the increase in average property taxes as an increase in rates and giving all the free airtime they want to like property owner associations rabble rousing about it, when literally more than 100% of the increase is just because property values have shot up some ungodly percent over the last year.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Inspector Stringer Investigating Case," Kingston Whig-Standard. June 16, 1933. Page 2. ----- Provincial Police Detailed to Act on Tim Buck Telegram ---- Chief Inspector William Stringer of the Criminal Investigation branch of the Ontario Provincial Police, has been detailed to conduct the inquiry ordered by Attorney-General Price into the circumstances surrounding the demand made of Judge E. H. McLean by the Finnish Organization of Canada "for a rescinding of the frame-up indictment against Tim Buck and the establishment of the rights of all political prisoners." Inspector Stringer's appointment to the case was ordered after the Attorney-General conferred with Deputy. Attorney-General Edward Bayly and Major-General Victor Williams, Provincial Police Commissioner. The inspector spent part of yesterday afternoon on the matter, but up to a late hour last night had made no report to. Col. Price. The telegraphed demand of the Finnish organization was received on Wednesday by Judge McLean as he was sitting on the trial of Convict Hugh Burling, of Kingston Penitentlary.
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rhoddys · 2 years
bro this assignment is gonna be extra garbage
ughhhhh I wish i'd be able to do it before the illness ahhhhh
doing it for whatever marks I can get tho
just gotta remind myself lol
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Dit is misschien wel het ergste wat me kan overkomen
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