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First, what grown man doesn’t know how to spell Nazi. Stating all the Jews that don’t support you are destroying this country, is as Anti Semitic as it gets. He feels entitled to their votes, their support. No politician is entitled to our votes, our support. Why would American Jews care more about Israel than the policies that affect them here? It is an Anti Semitic trope to imply Jews have loyalties other than their country. Trump’s bigotry and anti semitism is well documented, despite pro Israel Conservative billionaire, Sheldon Adelson bribing him over 100 Million. So Trump moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Trump gave Adelson’s wife the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In 2015 Trump spoke at the Jewish Republican coalition, “I would say 99.9% Is there anybody in this room that doesn’t renegotiate deals in this room? This room? Perhaps more than any room I’ve ever spoken. (Continued) Your not gonna support me because I don’t want your money. You don’t want to give me money. You want to control your own politicians, that’s fine.” This wasn’t about corporate greed in politics, but in a room full of American Jewish leaders and spout these Anti Semitic tropes is unbelievable. Questioning or threatening Jews and their loyalties to Israel is another Anti Semitic fear mongering trope. I am of Jewish heritage and I cannot stand Israel’s authoritarian right wing dictator Benjamin Netanyahu. His policies and it’s brutal military occupancy of Palestine is beyond cruel. Not a good look for Trump wishing Jews a Happy New Year with this garbage. #roshhashana #trumpantisemite #fightantisemitism #nopoliticanisentitledtoourvotes #proudtobejewish #fightauthoritarianism

#trump is a threat to democracy#trump is an anti semite#fight antisemitism#fight discrimination#fight authoritarianism#no politican is entitled to our votes#proud to be Jewish
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For thousands of years, Jews have made a totally disproportionate contribution to this world in virtually every field. For thousands of years, Jews have also endured a totally disproportionate amount of hatred and discrimination, seemingly for no logical reason. Time and time again we are asked the reasons for antisemitism, when in reallity the answer is a very simple one - the first statement answers the second.
Likud UK
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Being #jewish is one of my best qualities ☺️💙🇮🇱. I smile whenever I share with someone that #iamjewish 💙. I have that joy and it’s never been and can’t be taken away. Although I am part of a disliked sect, I’m #messianic jewish, I am Jewish, I am chosen, and also happen to be saved😄. #judaism #jewishboy #neverforget #messiah #messianicjudaism #jewishculture #messianicjewish #yeshua #yahweh #proudtobejewish (at Willow Glen, San Jose, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVcVjF4Lk5M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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My daughter is a total bad ass. Seventh grade has been a difficult one for her with the absolute rampant antisemitism we’re all dealing with. Police and the school are already involved but omfg TODAY. These asshole kids that love to pick on my little girl because she’s Jewish took it too far. When she got home, she took Gilda out and these BOYS who already are in trouble for harassing her walked by and started screaming “It’s a Jew. I’m calling Hitler. It’s a Jew it’s a Jew it’s a Jew.” Like, is that supposed to be a neg?? Without skipping a beat, she grabbed my home-protection bat and chased the ring leader down. She wants everyone to know that she could have caught him and beat him but unlike that mamzer, she fears going to jail. Of course we have the cops with this and i hope these little bastards get away with more than a slap on the wrist. My favorite part is when she said “you’re right I’m a goddamn Jew and I’m gonna kick your goddamn ass.” Actually, maybe the best part is the screaming on that little punk’s part when he was running from her. I don’t know but I’m proud of her. We aren’t Christians, we do not turn the other cheek. #antisemitism #antisemitic #mydaughteristhebest #proudtobejewish #mybadassdaughter #minibearjew #jewsofdesmoines #fucknazis #fucknaziscum https://www.instagram.com/p/BwYDH-2A6VA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ikyzy03or4jd
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Rosh Hashanah, literally the “head of the year”, is the Jewish New Year and it starts tonight at sundown (7:24 PM) and goes for 2 days until sundown on Tuesday, September 27th. It is a time of inner renewal, introspection, divine atonement, looking back at the mistakes of the past year and planning the changes to make in the new year. Big feasts for dinner is one way to celebrate. The traditional sweet treat is apples dipped in honey, symbolic of a wish for a sweet year. Finding out a few years ago that I have Jewish DNA really means a lot to me! I'm trying to learn more about the feasts, celebrations and holidays and know more about my heritage. ✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡ For my fellow Jewish friends: L'Shanah Tovah Umetukah! 🍎🍯 Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam shehecheyanu v'kiyimanu v'higi'anu laz'man hazeh. (Amein) Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe who has kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season (Amen) #RoshHashana #RoshHashanah #JewishNewYear #NewYear #Introspection #Jewish #ProudToBeJewish #Reflection #Change #Freedom #GodWillRestore #LShanaTova #LShanahTovah #IHaveJewishDNA #AshkenaziJew #BarukhAtahAdonai #ApplesAndHoney #Celebrate #Feasts https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci8yVyNN-VT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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יום הזיכרון לחללי מערכות ישראל ופעולות האיבה #יוםהזיכרון #יוםהזיכרוןלחללימערכותישראל #ישראל #דגל #דגלישראל #גבורה #גאווה #חיילים #yomhazikaron #israel #israeli #israeliflag #starofdavid #מגןדוד #jewish #proudtobejewish #proudtobeisraeli #soldiers #remember #blueandwhite #bravery #memorialday #courage #fearless (at Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_hP604jtku/?igshid=1c7ltzn6x6h2c
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WOW So powerful. Soldiers blessing each other at the Western Wall during Slichot services before Yom Kippur. #yomKippur #proudtobejewish #dayofatonement #westernwall #wailingwall #israel https://www.instagram.com/p/B3WNK0jg_a_/?igshid=10bvfpa98ehu8
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#WomensDay #WomensDay2019 #HappyWomensDay #YellowRevolution #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ecoKapitalism #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #ProudToBeJewish #ProudToHaveMuslimFriends #ProudToBeIrish #ProudToBeChristian #ProudToBeItalian #Savoyard #新年快乐 #PlannedObsolescence #LGTBQ #ChineseNewYear #PhilippeCOMBAZ #COMBAZ #ФилиппКОМБАЗ #КОМБАЗ #菲利普子 #菲利普孔八子 #孔八子 #Methanol #필립 #フィリップ 2019-03-08 https://www.instagram.com/p/BuwyU82Bi0C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vwc90f5ip7fo
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#proudtobejewish ✡️🇮🇱 (at Martinsburg, West Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpsCa-vg926zdmuU5KpsSLjdro6DshIvTlUWxc0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x7rqezz8jllq
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Shabbat Shalom everyone! May your day be peaceful and full of rest. #shabbatshalom #jewishgirl #jewish #fridaynight #dayofrest #lightthecandles #shalom #jewishpride #jewishlife #proudtobejewish #shabbat
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The hashtag #FirstAntisemiticExperience which I started a couple of days ago has shown me several things. This thread will pull together what I believe we can learn from it, and what conclusions we should draw from it.
Please follow me to get other insights into being a #Jew
First: thanks to the journalists who picked up on this #FirstAntiSemiticExperience - they’ve helped spread the hashtag. However I am not sure they understood it’s implications fully, it seems they missed that these encounters with #antisemitism happened years, decades ago!
This is a record therefore of #FirstAntisemiticExperience from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. My son teeeted one from about 2009. That may be the most recent one!!
Historic #antisemitism. But real nonetheless
So let’s examine what sorts of experience we had:
There is the ancient #FirstAntisemiticExperience of being informed, often by soneibevyou thought was your friend, that they can’t be friends any more (and often become your enemy) cos you killed Jesus. Classic #ChristianAntisemitism, no longer common in mainstream churches.
The #FirstAntisemiticExperience of the slur on Jews and money is depicted here mostly by the stingy Jew slur, throwing small denomination coins at Jews. This has connections to banking/Rothschild slurs. It is possibly less common today but who knows, clearly was a 70s thing.
There is Far Right violence against Jews, kids getting set upon fir difference. This #FirstAntisemiticExperience is the most violent and immediately dangerous, evidently something we can all identify. Yet it is only one of many forms of #antisemitism. Don’t forget others…
Then there is the #JewsHavehorns thing. This #FirstAntisemiticExperience apparently more common in the USA than in the UK. It comes from mistranslation if Hebrew when Moses comes down from Mt Sinai, w “rays of light”. Ray קרן in Hebrew also = horn. Michaelangelo’s Moses! 7/15

#FirstAntisemiticExperience I would expect the Blood Libel to have petered out, but it still holds on, little St Hugh of Lincoln and St William of Norwich (neither *actually* canonised) were invented in the UK, and this lie made it over to Arab lands where it’s now common.
Then there’s the #FirstAntisemiticExperience using political lies - invented by the Tsarist police and documented in Hadassah Ben-Itto’s superb book “The Lie that Wouldn’t Die” about the Protocols of the Elders if Zion. This evil forgery is sold in many Muslim countries.
And the final #FirstAntisemiticExperience is that of #antiZionist #Antisemitism in many antisemites, like @JeremyCorbyn, hatred of Israel has replaced hatred of Jews. You’re up to 8 times more likely to be antisemitic if you’re antiZionist. This is a very Left wing problem.
What lessons can we take from #FirstAntisemiticExperience?
First: solidarity. I’ve seen most forms of the oldest hatred, so I encourage everyone to show #solidarity with all victims - remembering that it hurts many of us even decades later. Support them.
You’re not alone.
Second lesson from #FirstAntisemiticExperience: understand and learn where it comes from. Learn the history, inform yourself. @RachelRileyRR in her Channel Four interview said that she had learnt a lot. Good thing to do, if you want to end a/s. Jewish Literacy (Telushkin)
Third lesson from #FirstAntisemiticExperience: speak up. Learn the best response. Talk to your kids about it. Hold your head up high as aJew, be #ProudToBeJewish, #BeLouder - the antisemitism will always be there, if you make antisemites uncomfortable they won’t out selves.
Fourth #FirstAntisemiticExperience lesson 4, support @mishtal @GnasherJew @RachelRileyRR @TracyAnnO @TimesCorbyn and all the others who spend their time outing antisemitism. Follow them, retweet them and if they let you, donatevto support them. They do vital work. 14/15
I also ask *you* to support *me* In my work. I go out to teach children in local schools about Judaism, as part of the RE syllabus in the UK. Contact / donate to us at JCoB:
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Cover #illustration for #Eastbay #JCC! AD #adamwalden #denouncewhitenationalism #vote #speakup #jewishamerican #jewishillustrators #womenwhoillustrate #JCC #jewishcommunitycenter #inclusiveness #eastbay #TreeofLife #Synagogue #peace #artaswitness #inclusivecommunity #illos #speakout #guncontrol #hatecrimes #neveragain #eastbayjcc #eastspan #SanFranciscoOaklandBayBridge #SanFrancisco #Oakland #baybridge #proudtobejewish #jews #jewishculture #louisabertman #feminist #resist https://www.instagram.com/p/BphpCI0FNnY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uiylyzupd4qi
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Rosh Hashanah, literally the “head of the year”, is the Jewish New Year and it started tonight at sundown and goes for 2 days until sundown on Sunday, September 20th. It is a time of inner renewal, introspection, divine atonement, looking back at the mistakes of the past year and planning the changes to make in the new year. Big feasts for dinner is one way to celebrate. The traditional sweet treat is apples dipped in honey, symbolic of a wish for a sweet year. Finding out a couple years ago that I have Jewish DNA really means a lot to me! I'm trying to learn more about the feasts, celebrations and holidays and know more about my heritage. ✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡🇮🇱✡ L'Shanah Tovah Umetukah! 🍎🍯 Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam shehecheyanu v'kiyimanu v'higi'anu laz'man hazeh. (Amein) Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe who has kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season (Amen) #RoshHashana #RoshHashanah #JewishNewYear #NewYear #Introspection #Jewish #ProudToBeJewish #Reflection #Change #Freedom #GodWillRestore #LShanaTova #LShanahTovah #IHaveJewishDNA #AshkenaziJew #BarukhAtahAdonai #ApplesAndHoney #Celebrate #Feasts https://www.instagram.com/p/CFTHB9mg7PB/?igshid=it2fccjlbt2e
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On the holiest Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur, learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored. ~Earl Nightingale #yomkippur #dayofatonement #gmartov #hopeforaneasyfast #proudtobejewish #jewishgirl https://www.instagram.com/p/B3WMPBCAETd/?igshid=7ffcjxn7qx8b
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#MethanolEconomy #ecoKapitalism #BioTRIZ #PlannedObsolescence #YellowRevolution #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #ЖелтыеЖилеты #黃背心 #노란조끼 #菲利普子 #菲利普孔八子 #孔八子 #孔子 #CONFUCIUS #Methanol #필립 #フィリップ #FVMMO #ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends #ProudToBeIrish #ProudToBeChristian #ProudToBeItalian #Savoyard Capitalism Ambidextrous Ambidexter polymath #SolarMethanol #GasToLiquid #ArtificialPhotosynthesis #GeorgeOLAH #فيليب #פיליפ https://www.instagram.com/p/BunYNXShgDx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lzkfu9fetu2a
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