#proud of everyone for speaking up!! protesting!! sharing on social media!!
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kvtnisseverdeen · 1 year ago
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years ago
dating bucky barnes
A/N: I kept seeing people on tiktok do random headcanons for their fave characters and I was like that's so fun and then I realized... i can do that?? no one can stop me I can make random hcs so here's some random thoughts about bucky barnes as a bf
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Bucky was incredibly shy at first, almost in disbelief someone was making a pass at him when you two first met, but he slowly opens up. He absolutely did not have that brooding, grumpy persona he could have with others. Immediately, he was fascinated yet intimidated by you which confused and excited him.
Bucky seems like the type to find random ways to annoy you, lovingly, like hold stuff out of your reach or tap you on the shoulder randomly
Bucky only drinks black coffee but will get curious and take a sip of your drink when you order some creamer-filled, sugary coffee
Holds doors for you constantly, this is non-negotiable 
When you order in pizza, he’ll let you have the last slice despite your protests
“Bucky you’re a super-soldier, don’t you need like five thousand calories just to function?” “Honey, if you don’t take this slice of pepperoni pizza right now—“
Lots of photos. I think Bucky could be a real amateur photographer taking photos of everything and everyone (and definitely prefers physical cameras as opposed to phone cameras)
Bucky is the sentimental kind but in small, random ways, like writing you poems or leaving you love notes
Has definitely pressed flowers you’ve given him or he saved from bouquets he’s given you in his journal just because.
Speaking of flowers - you cannot go a week without Bucky buying you flowers. He buys them for every occasion. 
"Today's not a special day or anything, Buck," you'd say as he hands you a bouquet of daisies. 
"It's Tuesday and I love my girlfriend," he'd reply. "Is that not enough of a reason to buy you flowers?"
Branching off of that for a second, it definitely took Bucky a long time to say "I love you" but once he gets it out, he can't stop saying it. You get bombarded with "I love you" all day.
Bucky seems like the type of boyfriend to just pick you up. Like he lifts you when he hugs you or he’ll carry you bridal style if you’re too tired to move. He’s so effortless with it
PDA isn’t really a thing with Bucky but that doesn’t mean he won’t want to show you off. Any chance he gets to introduce you to someone is a great moment for him. He can be so proud that he managed to find someone to love and someone who loves him.
Date nights constantly revolve around eating dinner and watching movies. Unlike music, something about modern movies fascinates Bucky and he wants to catch up on it! But he also loves showing you the classics. There's probably a bunch he and Steve would sneak into and Bucky loves not only sharing the movie with you but also stories about seeing it.
He's absolutely one of those cliche boyfriends who just want to watch a horror movie so you can get scared and hold onto him
Also, going along with the movie thing, Bucky probably loves streaming services. Definitely a sucker for traditional media but loves seeing how far technology has come. He's without a doubt a secret nerd in that way.
Bucky is the type of boyfriend to let you steal all the blankets at night. He can make do with just a sheet for a blanket so long as his girl is comfortable. 
In fact, Bucky is big on sharing everything. Anything you needed, he has. A jacket? A snack? A pen? Bucky was always happy to make sure you were set.
He also shares any meal he has with you because he knows you're going to steal from it anyways.
"You're sure you're not hungry, doll?" "No, I'm fine-," "Add on another side of fries."
Despite all the photos he takes, he despises social media. However, he does love it when you insist on posting photos of you two. He'll never see the post but knowing you're showing him off makes his heart sing.
Doing simple, domestic things with him is never dull. Washing dishes together or folding laundry always ends up with you either laughing or having the oddest conversations. Bucky has lived quite the life and even if it's a bit extreme, he doesn't want to waste a second of it, this means he's gonna try to find excitement in everything with you. He's (understandably) moped around a lot but is ready to put that behind him.
Will hold your hand any chance he can get. Loves it.
In general, I think he can be a real touchy person with his significant other. Not much in public but in private his touch-starved side comes out. It's a newfound sensation for him but one you appreciate quite well.
Life with Bucky is just...soft. That's the simplest to put it. It's soft, natural, wonderful. He's got so much to give to another persona and will express it any way he can.
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kittyann · 2 years ago
#Dear_Eclipse Q & A
6) I think Khan needed time to grow into his feelings. When he realized that being with Thua and being close meant more than avoiding the scorn of bystanders, Khan found the courage to speak his truth. This was a gradual process : spending more time with Thua (Khan had been avoiding him at school for years), feeling jealousy toward Ayan, finding out about Thua’s step-dad, being Bruce Wayne, confronting Ayan, kissing Thua in the tent, meeting Thua at the protest, and finally confessing. The delight he feels being Thua’s boyfriend is worse the risk or feel of public disapproval.
7)Yes! AkkAyan, KanThua, Wat, and Namo(?) should all hang out as friends. The dynamics would be similar to the relaxed, playful atmosphere of Prefect Trio buddies, but there would also be a mischievous and lovey-dovey Ayan sitting next to Akk (or leaning on him) . Khan would be a clingy and affectionate boyfriend to his quiet, matter-of-fact Thua. Wat is a fifth-wheel and simultaneously utterly amused and completely over everything. He has a film reference or quote for every conversation. Namo pops in and out whether he wants.
8)I thought the drama would have a real curse, like the school was haunted or something. I hoped that the solar eclipse played a big role and that Akk was terrorizing the student body because something supernaturally worse would happen if he didn’t. I also hoped that time – travel or time loops were part of it. For instance, Ayan lived through all the events of The Eclipse once, but he lost Akk to suicide, like his uncle. On the day of the eclipse, a grieving Ayan was sent back in time to the day he and Akk first met. I’m weak for that type of plot Oh well.
9) I’m not sure whether things will improve at Suppalo because that coldhearted principal is still in charge. Still, I hope the individual teachers like Chadok and Waree are shaken by events enough to try and do better by their students. If I was a student, I’d have a low opinion of y he school and of Tecaher Chadok for knowingly putting students in danger. I wouldn’t want to come back to school at all, and if I was forced to be at school, I definitely avoid everyone involved in the big revelation (like P’Akk, P’Thua, and P’Aye) like the plague.
10) Petitions. Social media campaign. Email newsletter. Campus forums. Boycotts. Appeal to Teacher Sani as much as possible.
11) The kiss in Ep6 isn’t a daydream, but when Ayan tries to address it, Akk calls it a mistake or denies that it ever happened. Ayan is not convinced, but he lets Akk pull away. Ep8 remains the same. Change the ending to Ep.11 and give the characters more time to process and wrestle with the consequences of those major reveals. I’d like to see a conversation with Khan and Thua, a conversation between Thua and Ayan, a conversation between Akk, Khan, and Wat, and finally, a second conversation between Ayan and Chadok about Dika. Have Akk apologize to the World Remembers gang. Extend the entire show to 15 episodes.One or the final episodes includes a kiss on the judo mat initiated by Akk.
12) Ep12 My Way: Akk loses his scholarship and is forced to leave Suppalo. He and Ayan get into a nasty agreement because of something Ayan does, and the “I hate you” scene happens. The cliff scene with Akk is Ayan’s nightmare. Akk is so frustrated he screams in the shower. Akk and Ayan make up and share in some sweet maybe spicy fluff. Akk initates a kiss in bed. Final scene is them relaxing on the fishing boat together. Happy ending.
13)AkkAyan, KhanThua, and Wat spend their college years together. Ayan helps Akk explore new interests and experiences until Akk finally figures out what he want to do with his life. Ayan is a force for change and inclusiveness wherever he goes, and Akk is a proud boyfriend. He lets Ayan drag him along to events and book talks and such. Ayan is likely a social justice & business major. Khan plays college basketball and studies sports business or sports medicine. Thua explores his voice through a literature and writing degree. Wat is a happy indie filmmaker and is the school’s go-to person for human interest documentaries and dramas. These friends stay together and support each other as they navigate a changing world and clash with parents and others who don’t understand them. Ayan’s mom virtually adopts everyone.
14) “Over the Moon” by Khaotung Thanawat, especially the duet version sung with First. 🐈‍⬛🐈🌓
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angelicamerlinbarnes · 4 years ago
(friendly reminder to remember that celebrities are people too! be respectful of and kind to them, both online and in person! ^-^)
(Talk Show Host) Vanya Blues is the host of a late night talk show called The Sleepy Show with Vanya Blues. She does what typical talk show hosts do - talks to her guests, makes up fun games, and brings attention to social issues. The staple of her show is that she plays violin for the last seven minutes, lulling her audience to sleep. Beyond her own show, she’s hosted events like the Emmys and the Oscars throughout the years, and often works with mental health support services, as her traumatic past of childhood isolation and abuse is well-known. She’s had a couple bouts of scandals, as her anger getting the best of her often leads to violence, but while these scandals tend to put her on hiatus for awhile, she always comes back stronger than ever. Though she’s not known to have many friends in the celebrity world, her favorite guests have her personal number: Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, and Ben. As for her personal life, she keeps it intensely private - it’s known that she has a wife and a son, but nothing else. At least, not until Leonard, one of Vanya’s abusive ex-boyfriends and a paparazzi nut, manages to get some photos of Vanya with her kindergarten teacher wife Sissy and their son Harlan, whom they won in a court case against Sissy’s abusive ex-husband Carl. It would’ve been fine, if he hadn’t released them to the entire world - but he did, and now no one in Vanya’s family is safe.
(Rockstar) Diego Towblaerman is professionally known as “Batman”, a rockstar and teenage heartthrob beloved by the media. (He’s not a teenager, but all the people who wanna sleep with him are.) He always wears leather and black, except around pride month, when he can commonly be seen wearing shirts, jackets, pins, and other materials sporting his bisexual pride, as he’s been out since the beginning of his career. He’s rebellious and intense, but also pretty laid back and incredibly kind, known for conversing easily with any fans he comes across and helping out in the small places where he can. He plays guitar, plenty of different types and models, and also the drums and piano, though those spots in his band are filled by other people. Eudora is his pianist and second guitarist, and his adopted sister. She helps produce his music and manage his behavior, and their relationship and dynamic is well-loved by the public, especially as Diego often brings Eudora as his plus-one to award shows. Also in his family is his mother, Grace, who he often has lunch with and shouts out on social media, mostly about the orphanage she runs that he grew up in. (Unbeknownst to him or most of the others, all of the other six passed through that orphanage at some point in their tumultuous childhoods.) There’s also Lila, his girlfriend of a few years and his band’s awesome drummer. She’s as badass as Diego - she rides a motorcycle, can pack a punch, and heads a lot of organizations against sexual assault, since she grew up in a bad home in a bad neighborhood. (What people don’t know is that their relationship is a PR thing for both their benefits, and that Lila and Eudora have been together for nine years and Diego is married with two children. Best be keeping that out of the media, me thinks.) Lastly, though, is the mystery member of Diego’s posse - someone they only know as “Séance”, from the countless number of songs Diego has written about him. Love songs. All happy ones, too, and listed as tracks two and four on his albums. Now, there are only two clues as to who this person might be. One: Diego is rather impatient when it comes to assholes, and there are plenty of videos out there of him punching and cussing out people who harass him or his friends - but most notably is the viral, dark and blurry video of him having to be pulled off a guy by a bunch of shouting people, only one of whom’s voice is clear: a soft, sweet, scared, Gogo. No one saw who it was he was defending - Diego made sure to drape them in his own scarves and jackets and go out the back way, but there’s a soundbite from the same night of what sounds like two people sharing a kiss, Diego’s voice smiling around the words I’ll see you at home, baby, and the sound of a car door slamming. Lila, when asked, only smirked and answered that she was probably too wasted to remember this. The second clue, and perhaps the most interesting, is the sheer number of quote tattoos Diego has, none of which he will explain. Only a few people in the entire world know what the quotes are from - a shipping cult of fans on tumblr, only about a hundred of them, who all found and liked a post that pointed out that all of the quotes only have one thing in common, besides being forever embedded in Diego’s skin: they’re all the words of beloved comedian Klaus Hellbyes.
(Actress) Allison Charmors is known for being so kind and charming that no one has ever said no to her. She’s also a bit of media darling and nightmare simultaneously: they adore her, and all of her work with human rights organizations, but they’ve also had to deal with more of her troubles than anyone else they document. She’s often labelled a “maneater”, as her on-and-off relationship with Luther Monkman still follows her around, she and her first husband Patrick divorced and he got full custody of their daughter, and then she bounced around with a couple of other men. (And women too, but nobody else knows that. She wears pan pride colors sometimes, but has never outright stated or implied it beyond a couple of unfiltered jokes in interviews. She dated Natalie Portman once, if anyone cares.) Allison never settled down with anyone until Ray Chestnut came along - a BLM leader and proud LGBTQIA+ and Me Too ally. They met when Allison helped out at one of his demonstrations, and they’ve been inseparable ever since. The media is fascinated with their easy-going relationship and relentless work and support for and of minority groups, their most recent project being a protest against Islamaphobia. Everyone keeps waiting for them to fall apart, but it’s been five years and they haven’t yet. Also in Allison’s lane are Klaus and Vanya, the latter of whom she had a huge falling out with a couple years ago, though nobody knows what about. The two of them often cameo in the films she helps direct, most of them winning a multitude of awards. They’ve also been caught on video with her a couple hundred times, especially in all the scandals she’s been involved with where she’s assaulted someone for their racist and sexist behavior. But even with her history of assault, serial dating, and bribery, the public still adores Allison beyond belief - and so does her family, even if nobody really knows who that is. Most curious, though, is her history of film - she’ll only ever participate in trilogies.
(Comedian) Klaus Hellbyes is the comedian of his generation, and probably of the generation below his too. He’s famous for his dark morbid humor and NSFW improv jokes, and also for swearing consistently in live interviews on shows where you’re not allowed to swear. He has an odd fashion sense and rejects any and all gender roles, mouthing off at anyone who dares to comment on it. (He only ever paints four out of his ten nails, for some reason?) He’s known for his witty comebacks and scathing sarcasm on social media, and for being incredibly protective of others, especially teenagers who are targeted by trolls on online platforms. He runs a staggering number of pride organizations and does anti-racist work, often organizing pride events across the country for people who can’t be out to their families or communities. Beyond his social justice work, Klaus works to bring attention to mental disorders and trauma, especially in youth. He’s open about his own childhood, running from foster home to foster home and never being adopted, though he makes it clear that he made himself a family with a few very special kids along the way. He speaks publicly and often about his own struggles with anxiety, depression, anorexia, self-harm, PTSD, and suicidal ideation, always addressing any videos or accounts of him having panic attacks onstage, going out in short sleeves with fresh bandages on his wrists, and his ribs showing through his skin when he goes swimming. He’s taken hiatuses and spoken out in support and defense of other celebrities and people going through the same sorts of things, and makes it clear that his self-healing comedy has never been about the fame for him. He’s a good friend of Taylor Swift’s and once got drunk with Ed Sheeran, and he often goes on Vanya’s show to discuss mental health with her. While he often makes fun of the other six, he’s incredibly respectful in his comedy, as it’s never about his hatred of a person but rather his love for them. Whenever he speaks about social justice issues, he makes it clear that he speaks for his love of humanity as a whole rather than his hatred of any one individual. He’s admitted to being a huge fan of Diego, and has disclosed that they’ve met a few times, but is frustratingly vague about the circumstances of their friendship. Most people suspect they became friends at one of the many foster homes each is known to have been in. As well as his well-known friendships with Allison and Vanya, Klaus is known to hang around with Luther and Five, usually by getting ice cream and riding trains. Klaus’ two most famous relationships are complicated - there’s Ben, and there’s Dave. Ben is who Klaus has mostly lived with for the past eight or something years, the two of them open about being queerplatonic partners, though Klaus keeps having to explain what exactly that means to them and to the community as a whole, knowing that it differs for everybody. Dave, however, is who brought him into the public eye - Klaus met him in the army, and they were married in between tours. On one of those tours Dave was shot and killed, and Klaus has been open about his struggle with grief ever since, using Youtube as a platform for coping with his pain. He wrote a book about two characters based on them falling in love during the Vietnam War, which became a bestseller, and, on the third anniversary of Dave’s death, released the special that launched him to fame, an in-depth look at grief through a lens of comedy and appreciation for all the good moments shared between them. It’s become a staple of pop culture, and is still often quoted and referenced today, making Klaus one of the media’s most frequent topics of conversation.
(Author / Artist) Five di Sappears is known for his work across multiple genres, and the mystery that is everything about him as a person. His family, including his parents, is an incredibly well-kept secret, the only person known to be related to him being his sister Aidy, who Five has proven he will protect with violence if necessary. As a thirteen-year-old genius psychopath (not ACTUALLY), he’s a controversial figure, though his talent will never be denied. While he’s violent and aggressive, his horror and thriller novels have never failed to top the charts. While his sanity is questionable, his art is beautifully crazy and nonsensical without a single metaphor within it. While he’s proudly asexual aromantic and has gotten into physical and verbal altercations defending that, his romance novels published under the pseudonym Evipha Murdress are hailed as some of the most honest portrayals of love that literature has to offer. He can sing like fucking hell too, and is considered a trans icon, though he keeps his chosen name as much of a secret as his dead one, offering only the explanation that he fears for the safety and privacy of his family should it be released to the public. (His name is Aidan Alone, off the record.) Agnes is his kind and well-loved publisher (owner and founder of Donut Publishings! Books guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face!), and Dolores is his best friend/partner/comfort mannequin, which greatly confuses the public but doesn’t concern Five. She travels everywhere with him, and often cameos in the movies made off his books, and he’s gotten into plenty of fistfights over her. He doesn’t care if you don’t understand her importance, you don’t touch her. Hazel is his bodyguard and Cha-Cha is the main actress in his horror and thriller films, all of which are directed by the Handler, who produces his movies and likes to change the details behind his back no matter how hard he tries to make her adhere to what he’s written. Unfortunately, he can’t report or remove her, because she’s offered Hazel and Cha-Cha handsome salaries to hand over whatever information they know, including photos they’ve taken of when Five’s parents come to see how his projects are coming along. They blackmail him into silent fuming, but that all backfires soon enough - Five gets into a car accident in which he takes the brunt of the impact for Aidy, alerting the world to Klaus and Diego’s relationship and Five’s parentage when they come screaming from their cancelled events and into his hospital room, without concern for the millions of photos taken and only worry for their beloved son. No matter. Five will just kill anyone who dares to say a word. After all - those rumors that he writes his novels based on his own murders are not exactly unfounded.
(Influencer) Ben Deadengon is one of the most subscribed-to Youtubers out there, famous for his videos about human rights, kindess, and positivity. He often features Klaus as a guest, since they’ve lived together for a long, long time and are committed partners who like to help each other out, but those videos usually dissolve into them dressing up as pirates and princesses and improving stupid skits. (Not that anybody has any complaints.) He runs a lot of charities, which means that he has indeed met the President, and he’s one of the most beloved and scandal-free people on the Internet, though he’s often involved himself in Klaus’ controversial shit in defense of his partner. He’s been on Broadway and travelled the world, but his main claim to fame is that he was in an accident in which he died for six minutes before coming back to life, therefore earning him the moniker Six. Curiously, the moment he gasped out his second first breath happened exactly as Klaus touched him, prompting a lot of conversations and theories about them being soulmates or some shit, despite soulmates not actually existing (as far as they know…). But Ben’s happy with his life, as it is - he has an at-home butterfly garden (seriously, his windows are all screens and there’s plants and butterflies fucking everywhere, I’m not kidding) and a lovely(?) niece and nephew he gets to babysit when his beloved partner is out. That’s the good life, baby. Plus, ya know - he’s not dead. So that’s automatically awesome.
(Athlete) Luther Monkman is one of the largest men in existence, all of his muscle earned in his rigorous training for the Olympics. He’s won one gold medal every time the tournament comes around, and he plans to keep on doing so. So does Reginald - his abusive trainer and professional cheater. Luther also works with Pogo, a kinder coach who tells him to always believe in himself, but is also frustratingly defensive of Reginald’s horrifying practices. But Luther himself is well-loved - he’s awkward and handsome enough to be a teenage heartthrob, and he’s been single since Allison left him for the last time, though they’re still good friends. He’s known as a gentle giant, having lunch with Klaus and Vanya often and enjoying a bickering and competitive yet loving relationship with Diego. He’s completely free of media scandals, a complete sweetheart - until he’s caught on video choking a guy against the wall, and shit hits the fan. (Nobody cares about Five in the background of the video, standing behind Luther with his fists clenched and his Adam’s apple bobbing under bruises.)
Welcome to my world, bitches.
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years ago
Dating Kyle O’Reilly Would Include
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❛❛ Can you do a Kyle O’Reilly dating would include? If okay if you can’t❜❜-@shieldgirl18
A/N: Kyle is a national treasure. Got a Kyle O’Reilly or WWE request? Send it in. Requests are open!
Kyle loves you so much. Plus adores you so much.
Course you love/adore him so much as well.
Cherishing each other.
He can be a little bit awkward sometimes. Well, most of the time. Nonetheless, you find it adorable.
He is the perfect boyfriend.
And the perfect gentleman.
Opening door/car doors for you.
Holding the door open for you.
Pulling out your chair for you to sit on.
Walking you to the car or door.
Always listening to each other.
Being loyal to each other.
Kyle only has eyes for you. Vice versa.
Going grocery shopping together. Kyle, of course, pushes the trolley. Sometimes pretending it’s a car.
Respecting each other.
Getting/picking flowers for you. For no reason.
Offering you his jumper/jacket when you get cold.
When he sees you shiver, he will strip his jumper/jacket off, then puts it on you.
Though you protest. “Then you will be cold.” You whined. Pouting at him.
“I’d rather be cold then watch you be cold.”
If you have a jacket on and you are still cold, he will pull you closer to his side. Wrapping his arms around your shoulder.
Messaging you at random times. When both of you are away from each other he sends you text messages. Asking how your day is, or just random messages. Though he likes to call/facetime you.
Massaging each other. Back massages, shoulder rubs.
Helping you with household chores.
Helping you cook.
Helping you clean and wash the dishes.
Encouraging each other.
Carrying your bags. When you travel with him.
A lot of compliments. He likes to compliment you. And you like to compliment him too. Which makes him blush and get all flustered.
A lot of dates.
Being intrigued by what you say.
Also taking interest in each other’s hobbies. Even if Kyle or you don’t like it.
Bike rides.
Walking together.
Always being interest in what each other have to say. Even when it is just random rants or venting.
Gaming together.
Giving you piggyback rides.
Kyle never falls to make you laugh. He loves hearing you laugh.
Never falling to make Kyle laugh.
A lot of “I love you’s.”
Sexting each other. Though Kyle was awkward at first when both of you started to do it.
Never interrupting each other when speaking to each other.
Kyle making you breakfast in bed.
Being his biggest fan.
And a number one supporter.
Feeling shocked and heartbroken when he gets hurt.
Especially if it’s a bad injury. That puts him out for a while.
Nursing him/ being there for him.
Being proud of each other.
Praising each other.
Holding each other’s hands.
There isn’t a lot of PDA, maybe a kiss good luck before his match, hand-holding, and a peck on the cheek.
He mostly shows a lot of affection when its just him and you.
Watching his matches in the front row. Like every one of them.
Sitting on his lap.
Feeling his muscles/thighs.
A lot of communication between both of you.
When you get your period he always looks after you. Getting you pad and tampons, as well as a lot of comfort food. Heating a heating pad.
Taking his dog for a walk. His dog liking you.
A lot of cuddling.
Spooning. Sometimes he likes to be the little spooning.
When both of you are sleeping, he likes to have his arm around you. While you are snuggled into his side. Your head on his chest.
A lot of kissing. On the lips, neck, cheek, nape, shoulder, hand.
A lot of make-out sessions.
Comforting him when he is angry. Since you are the only one that calms him down.
At first, when you saw him anger you were kind of scared. But got over your initial fear to calm him down.
Rarely ever fighting. A lot of pointless bickering though.
Playing with your hair. Well twirling it. Sometimes braiding it or putting it up in styles.
Being friends with Bobby, Roderick, and Adam.
Kyle getting jealous when someone flirts with you. Though you reassure him he is the only one for you.  He gets slightly clingy and pouts a lot.
Mostly asking you a lot if you love him, which you respond with of course I love you, then go on a rant about what you love about him, and why you love him. Which leaves him in awe.
Comforting him when he loses.
Being goofballs together.
Finding it cute when he plays air guitar on the championship.
Both of you are pretty much hopeless romantics. And everyone teases him and you about it.
When he gets insecure you comfort him.
Kyle worships you, and your body.
He is kind of vanilla in the bedroom. So, it is mostly missionary. Though you aren’t complaining.
Though he takes good care of you after sex.
He likes to take his time. Kissing every inch of your body.
Though he likes your thighs. Whether it is grabbing them or kissing them.
Giving each other oral.
A lot of teasing.
A lot of dirty talk.
Both of you like to whisper dirty fantasies to each other.
Leaving love bites on each other.
Posting about each other on social media.
Taking selfies, even goofy ones.
Road trips.
Living together.
Tracing his tattoo.
A lot of the aspects above this section apply to this one.
Kyle likes to post pics of you randomly on social media. Mostly just boosting about you. And praising you.
Like “That’s my girl, breaking limps.”
Praising each other on social media.
Pointing out mistakes to each other.
Kyle feels heartbroken whenever you get injured especially when its an injury that leaves you off to the sidelines.
Comforting each other if either him or you get injured.
Patching each other up when either him or you get injured. Comforting each other.
Always supporting each other.
Sparring with each other. And Bobby, Adam, and Roderick.
Good luck kisses backstage.
Before you joined the undisputed era, you used to watch his matches/promos backstage.
Joining the undisputed era. Which makes him happy.
Being ringside at his matches, plus the rest of undisputed era.
Cheering for him. He cheers for you.
Couching each other.
Encouraging each other.
Being a ride or die for him and undisputed era.
If the opponent is getting the upper hand you either distract the ref or their opponent.
You always put your body on the line for them.
It works but, Kyle worries about you. But countless times you’ve told him before going out to the ring not to worry about you and focus on the match and winning. Though he still worries about you.
He quickly rushes over to you when the match is over. Fussing over you. And telling the medics to well help you. Bobby doesn’t help either yelling at the medics to help you and well Adam and Roderick they keep yelling profanities at the opponents.
Being ringside when you are injured as well. You are mostly there for moral support for all of them.
Carrying your bags for you.
Working out together.
Travelling together. Plus, with the rest of the guys.
Sharing a hotel room.
Celebration sex after winning a match. Especially if it is a championship.
They like to interfere with your matches. And well be ringside cheering you on and supporting you. Being there for moral support.
Telling you that you are so much better than them and so on.
Helping each other train for matches/ppv.
Helping you put tape on your wrists/hands.
Kyle playing air guitar on the championship, or the nxt women's championship, when he is holding it at ringside.  
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littledreamybeth · 5 years ago
Our little secret
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A/N: Happy new year, everyone! Let's make the first post of 2020 a fluffy one! I hope you like it! I haven't properly proof read everything, so I apologize for mistakes beforehand. Comments are highly, I stress highly appreciated.
Picture does not belong to me. Credits to the owner!
“Are you ready?” It was not impossible to overlook how nervous the young couple was. Trembling fingers interlocked, they looked at each other’s faces, searching for confirmation, or even doubt. Harry couldn’t recall being this nervous. An uneasy feeling had settled in his gut since he was sitting in front of the camera. If it were up to him, he wouldn’t really do what they were about to do, however, he also knew keeping this secret forever wouldn’t help either, because at the end somebody was going to find out anyway- as usual. He had promised Y/N he would do this, and they had talked everything out. They had taken drastic precautions, doubling their security guards and placing cameras almost everywhere in their home, so he wouldn’t be worried anymore.
“Only if you are, love,” His raspy, deep voice filled the room.  
The young woman, his partner, soulmate, wife- his love, nodded.
“Alright, here we go…” She gave her sister-in-law, Gemma, who was standing behind the camera, permission to start the recording.  The brunette woman held her thumbs up, smiling assuringly and encouragingly at the couple. Harry squeezed Y/N’s hand in comfort before he let go of her. He knew she was going to articulate with gestures. Besides, he needed to calm down himself. He was sitting there, his body in a tensed form. He had to relax. Breathing deeply in and out, the British man and his wife stared into the camera.
Here goes nothing...
“Hello everyone!” It was Y/N who spoke first. She was going to speak more since it was mostly about her. “Welcome back to my channel! I know it has been a very long while since I’ve posted anything, and I’m aware that many of you guys were concerned for me. I just vanished out of nowhere after all.” Not that anything bad had happened, no- she had a reason for all of that. But one thing after another, right?
“I highly appreciate your worry, guys. I know I owe you an explanation, and here I am, finally giving you one.” Harry’s wife had started a YouTube channel after they got together, uploading videos so that his fans could get to know her better. She was the person who rather spoke through actions than words. The amount of love she received was mind-blowing. She had never expected the support. Her videos always reached millions of views. Some of them were even with Harry and her doing couple stuff or challenges. If it wasn’t for his love, Harry would never agree to things like this. He’s private as we all know.
“First things first, I’ve seen many people speculating that Harry and I allegedly divorced, but as you can see, Mr. Styles is sitting right next to me and I’m still wearing my ring.” She pointed at the diamond ring on her finger. “I’d like to happily confirm that your assumptions about us were wrong.” She leaned over to give a kiss on his cheek, sensing how tense he was. She whispered “It’s gonna be fine” into his ear, running her hands through his brown locks before she focused on what was in front of her.  
“I want to get to the point quickly,” She stressed. “The reason why I disappeared, why I never have accompanied Harry to any special event for the past year, why I wasn’t active on social media, is because something has happened that changed our lives forever. Today, we want to share it with you.”
It was Harry’s cue to stand up, walking behind the camera to have Gemma handing him over something, or even better, someone. When he came back and sat down, he had a bundle of joy in his arms, wrapped up in a pink blanket. The tiny human being underneath, who was sleeping before her father came to get her, let out a little whimper of protest for interrupting her sleep. Harry weighed her back and forth, shushing her softly. “It’s okay, angel.”
Harry’s eyes were full of love for this little miracle. Everybody could see it. He basically had her name written in them. Whenever, their baby girl was mentioned, his eyes lit up and a large smile covered his lips. What could he say? He was a proud daddy.
Y/N blended out the camera for a second and reached out to play with her daughters tiny fingers, then directed her attention back to it. Flustered, she said, “World, meet Olivia Rose Styles. Our daughter…”
She could imagine the amount of confusion and shock their announcement would create. People for sure wouldn’t stop talking about this for weeks. (Online) Magazines and newspapers would report about them. And Twitter? Twitter was going to freak out. She chuckled at the thought.
“It’s true, people,” Harry confirmed, his attention tightly fixed on baby Styles. “We’ve become mummy and daddy.”
“Yeah, we’re parents.” Y/N nodded her head. “That’s why I disappeared. Because I was pregnant. We wanted to keep it a secret.”
It was pretty easy to hide her baby bump in the first couple of months due to the fact that she wore and always loved to wear oversized clothing. Her entire wardrobe consisted mostly of oversized shirts and pullovers, and a few of Harry’s belongings. But the bigger her belly became, the harder it was to cover up the evidence. So, she decided to step out of the spotlight and enjoy her pregnancy to the fullest without any factors that stressed her out. Y/N belonged to the category of people who were easily stressed over the tiniest things; reading negative articles or tweets about her alone was enough to drive her insane, and because she knew that everything stressing her out would also affect the baby, Harry and her had agreed that she lived somewhere else with a better environment; a place where people wouldn’t chase after her and follow every step she did. Not that they would ever admit it, but Harry had bought an island for his Y/N as a wedding gift before they got married (he even ordered to build a house there), and that’s where she had retreated to for the rest of her pregnancy.  She really loved nature. Lying at the beach whenever she pleased felt so refreshing. Knowing that no one was going to snap pictures of her made her feel at ease. Being out of civilization, far away from negative influence, was very therapeutic for her. She attempted to use less social media, or media in general, only requiring it if she wanted to watch a certain event that Harry attended. Of course, she wasn’t all alone. Her husband would never let her. Instead, Harry had bodyguards around her that kept watching her and made sure she was safe when he wasn’t around. Anne and Gemma also kept her company. Harry, on the other side, couldn’t spend much time with her as he hoped, because of tons of work. He at least tried to leave the weekends unoccupied so that he could be with his wife. When it came to the control checks and appointments, Y/N was flown back to the city, with strict measures taken in order to keep her hidden. Or sometimes, her doctor would pay her a visit.
“This was my first pregnancy, and I wanted it to be a memorable experience. I wanted to be at peace, and vanishing seemed the only solution for me.”
Gemma’s voice behind the camera rang. “Explain why you’ve never been seen at a hospital.”
“Oh yes! I almost forgot about that. I gave birth at home!”
Harry, diverting his attention to the camera lens, added, “And it was truly an amazing experience.”
The day, Y/N delivered her baby, both of their mums, Gemma and a midwife were present. Their fathers were waiting outside the room, because Y/N found it embarrassing to give birth in front of her father, or in front of Des. It was painful and exhausting, robbing all strength in Y/N’s body. Harry couldn’t bear to see his poor wife in pain; he felt completely powerless over the situation, only holding his love, encouraging her and eventually, crying with her. He even blamed himself for putting her through so much ache. But, the moment they heard the shriek they were desperately waiting for, the young man completely broke down. When he held her for the first time, his heart felt so full and complete.  She looked like a copy of him, a baby version of himself. And her eyes… a shade of bluish- green.
“For the last three weeks, Harry and I have argued back and forth whether we make a wise decision,” She explained. “We discussed the advantages and disadvantages, and to be completely honest with you; even though the cons overweighed, we still decided to share out little secret with you before some strangers have the chance to release unpermitted information.”
Now that Y/N returned back from the island to their home, the chances of being discovered with a stroller was high. Besides, they didn’t plan on keeping Olivia in between four walls; they planned nice family trips for the future, so addressing their secret was the best.
Harry added, “We are in constant worry about her. You cannot really expect what people can do with an infant, especially if it’s my child. I hope you can understand that we don’t want anyone, except for family and friends, around her.” His expression became hard, his eyes transforming into an intense shade of green and his voice deeper than ever. “I may be kind, and don’t address certain things, but even I know how to destroy people’s lives, so be warned. If you come any closer to my daughter, I’ll end you.”
His statement startled Y/N. She had never experienced him like this before. Overprotective.  She looked at Gemma, who shared the same emotion as her. Y/N pulled herself together and continued talking. There was another point she aimed to address.
 “Please, don’t expect me to pull out the Kylie Jenner card and release a pregnancy journey video after all of this, because it’s not gonna happen,” Y/N informed, shrugging her shoulders. “Sorry, not sorry guys. The past couple of months have been the most joyous and adventurous period of my life, something very special and intimate, and I don’t want to share it with the world expect for the people involved- our family and friends. That’s why I ask for acceptance and understanding.”
Indeed, Y/N had every moment recorded. Sometimes, she would even send a video to Harry while he was at work, mocking him for how much he was missing out. One day, she had sent him footage in which baby Styles had kicked for the very first time, and it had Harry almost jumping out of his socks. It had been in the middle of a meeting with his band when he had received the message. He had gasped loudly, covering his mouth in shock which had attracted everyone’s attention and having them stare at him confusedly. Harry, on the contrary, had tears pooling his eyes. And being the little show-off he is, he went around and proudly showed everybody what his unborn daughter was capable of doing now- not forgetting the occasional ‘That’s daddy’s girl!’ leaving from his pink lips.
“We don’t want anyone to expect too much from us. We are against the idea of sharing pictures online until she has reached a certain age, and we insist that this should be okay for everyone.”
The baby in Harry’s arms slowly became restless, a cry escaping her throat. Everyone took this as a signal to end the video. “Thank you guys for watching this short announcement video. Take care of yourselves, and please don’t overreact too much, okay? Bye!” Everyone winked at the camera, and the recording was done.
After the video was cut and properly edited, Y/N posted it on her channel. Not a even a minute had passed before it had scored thousands of views. Scrolling through the comment section, Y/N chuckled at the fans’ reactions.
Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr… every social platform was a mess. She received lots of comments on her accounts. Famous artists and influencers reached out to her, congratulating them for the new addition to the family.
It was just as Y/N expected; the world was going crazy…
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lideria · 5 years ago
Give Me a Few. | Johnny
Request: hi hi can you write smtg with johnny? like anything hhhh im soft for the man
Author’s Note: I miss school. Yes, that might be a crime but hear me out: this quarantine’s got me missing school and having crises over assignments and quizzes and tests, which is crazy to me. So, this shall be a college fic.
Warnings: A few swear words and a little anxiety. English is my second language so there might be errors + my brain is pushing a writer’s block on me but I won’t let it so there might be some complications with the flow loves I’m sorry.
Word Count: 1.752 IT’S SHORT.
Genre: Fluff, Angst if you like squint really hard, college!au, platonicfriends!au
Hope everyone who reads it enjoys!! 💚Have a lovely time, and good night for me lol
“The fuck?”
Johnny’s head bolts up at the frustrated question. He sees you hunched over the printed papers with your mechanical pencil in your hand and your phone in the other, scrunched eyebrows looking at the white surface scribbled all over with equations and formulas. The desk has eraser dust all over it, all from the past few hours of tussling with questions he thought must simply be too difficult. “That doesn’t make any sense, you sure that’s right?”
He can hear the faint “Dude yes, I used the calculator.” of your friend on the other end of the line, and sees your hand spring up to your temple, rubbing the spot as you let out a sigh. Shortly after, though, the mechanical pen comes back in contact with the paper. “Okay okay. Just guide me through that one more time please.”
Your friend cleans their throat so clearly Johnny can hear it, and with that he returns to his own share of notes. He is much more relaxed than you are since he has left his fair share of difficult examinations behind, and although he has a lot more memorizing to do still, it is whatever. Just two more to go.
It takes a few minutes for your friend to go over everything they had just told you, with you writing the formulas and equations down step by step, circling the ones you deemed important. You thank your friend for helping before hanging up.
Which is when the mechanical pencil is thrown out of your hand and onto the desk. “I’m gonna fail this final so bad,” You whine out. “Why make the course mandatory if half the faculty doesn’t even get it?” Leaned back on the chair, you rub your eyes with your fists. There is nothing more you want other than being done with the finals already and to never have to be acquainted with this course ever again— but you also have to pass it in order for that to become true.
“Should I just help?” Johnny suggests, his own studies long forgotten at that point. Not that he had been doing a particularly good job at focusing on them.
He sees you hunch back over the desk, looking at him with your hands tiredly placed on your cheeks. “Hasn’t it been like.. 2 semesters since you’ve taken this? Plus, you have a test tomorrow.”
Johnny clicks his tongue. “It’s history anyway— I couldn’t care less, it’s easy. Multiple choice.” Shutting his notebook close (which still amazes you how he can take notes by hand of a class like history where it is dominantly lecture material that matters), he stands up and instead takes a seat on the chair beside yours. “I’d rather struggle with formulas than read about every revolution there ever was.”
“Easy to say when you ace tests without studying for them.” You mumble, which makes Johnny smile. He could not protest that because it was true. He was a good listener during class, which helped him tons with assignments, which in turn helped him not forget the class material. The only type of courses that truly got to him were the ones where most things are dependent on discussions, arguments or debates where he needed to improvise. Not because he is bad at any of them, just because he is the type to take problems more subjectively rather than objectively.
Johnny tells you to take a breather for a few minutes while he tries to get what is going on in the question. You see this as an opportunity to take a few sips from your sugary drink that is supposed to get you through this night’s study session that is sure to become an all nighter considering you still have a couple of pages to work out. Then you check your phone, scrolling through your social media for a little, until Johnny’s hand lightly lands on your forearm. “I think I figured it out.”
“You did?” The question sounds more hopeful than it should have. “Mhm,” His eyes land on your phone momentarily before he continues speaking. “Let’s have dinner first, though.”
For you to agree he almost has to literally drag you outside of the study room the two of you had occupied, but he manages to bring you out by wrapping his arms around your shoulders and waddling his way out until the door closes and locks behind you. The two of you then make your way to the cafeteria just because you could not be bothered with making any food or asking for delivery.
While you eat, Johnny tells you he is almost sure you could not get the question because your brain was fried rather than being unable to do it. Although not knowing if it is true or not you are thankful that he says it, because it gives you a motivational boost.
Both because you are hungry and because you really need all the studying you can get, you hurry up eating— barely even tasting the food before you leave to get back to the study room.
When you are back both of you immediately go back to your seats, putting your phones on flight mode before abandoning them at the far end of the desk. Johnny takes your mechanical pencil and eraser, erasing your jotted answer before starting to re-read and rephrase the question for you. He writes down the answer step by step, making sure you truly understand everything and stopping when you need to get your head wrapped on some things.
And when he erases his writings so you can write the answer down, he gives you encouraging pats on your shoulder, letting his hand rest there as a reminder that he is there if you need to ask something.
At some point he places his chin on your shoulder as well to watch you. Not you writing your answer down, but you. “You’re being annoying right now.” You mumble, to which he chuckles slightly. “Am I?”
“You are,” Confirming the statement, you tap down at the desk. “Just look. I got the right answer this time.”
He does. The smile that spreads across his face soon after he does so makes you proud. “See, I told you it was only your overworked brain.”
With a roll of your eyes you thank him, before turning back to the many practice questions that awaited you. The questions start coming as a breeze for the first couple of hours as you gather help from your textbooks with your freshened mind. Johnny starts to play one of his many playlists with chill songs on it, reaching out for his phone to do it before also reaching out for his notebook and highlighters, returning to history out of the sheer fact that it would make him feel better if he studied while you were.
The music in the background provides a nice ambiance in the room, much more lighthearted and relaxed than how it has been for the whole study session so far. Johnny and you take turns leaving the room to walk around, partly to get some exercise and partly to delay the point where you would get sleepy.
The night seems to go by faster after you start studying for the second time. And surely after some time, you had to start leaving the study room not for short walks, but to wash your face in order to stay awake.
Letters slowly start to form a gibberish language in your mind, numbers becoming a jumble of weird lines and strokes. What really breaks all that you have left of wakefulness, though, is when Johnny starts softly humming to the songs on his never-ending playlist.
His voice is deep and strains when he is using such a low tone to hum to the songs, but it is still quite the attention catcher. You cannot help but start listening to him, and you certainly cannot help your hand that trails off of the practice questions. Within a few songs’ time, your eyes get droopy and your world gets droopy, too. But you honestly try to fight off the sleep.
Yet, sleep is much stronger than whatever is keeping you awake.
“I think I’m gonna take a nap,” The announcement comes as a surprise even to you, but you reach out for your bag and drag it until it is in front of you on the desk. “What’re you doing?”  Johnny throws a soft yet questioning look at you even though it must be obvious what you are doing. “I’m gonna use it as a pillow.”
“Just lay your head on my arm,” He says as if it is nothing, and shrugs a little when you look at him with your own pair of questioning eyes. “My cardigan’s thick and soft enough to be comfortable for both you and me.”
You smile at him, and pull your bag full of books and binders aside. Reaching out for his left arm, you hold his hand lightly— even though he is fully capable of lifting his forearm to place it in front of you— and drag his arm to the space previously occupied by your bag. He returns to his notes, unbothered, and gets back to humming along to the songs.
When you place your head on his forearm you smile at the scent of his cardigan, the scent of the coffee he had had before you started studying still embedded into the fabric.
You shut your eyes that do not have the motivation to fight off the sweet invitation of sleep. And if anybody ever asked you, you would say you fell asleep before Johnny finished the line he was humming to.
And if anybody ever asked you, it was the one of the best (and deepest) sleeps you had; your face engulfed in him and his cardigan’s warmth, your arms closed around his forearm, hunched over the desk in a position that is surely going to ache your back— until there is a scratch at the top of your head and through your hair. “Hm?”
“An hour’s passed.” He whispers, his hand still in your hair. You draw his arm closer to you, nuzzling your face into the fabric. You were not the one with a test tomorrow, and you were surely not the one with a test tomorrow that you could ace with your eyes closed. “Gimme 15 minutes.”
You hear him laugh. “Okay, big baby.”
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theunderdogwrites · 4 years ago
2020: The Year I Lost My Ass
Well, we reached the end of that toilet roll only to start another one, because that is what we do for as long as we are allowed to continue revolutions around the sun – we keep going.
2020 was a terrible year for so many. My brain is incapable of processing the number of losses suffered on a global scale. Be it jobs, security, rights, sanity, relationships or life. My brain is not just incapable of these calculations, it has plain refused to entertain those thoughts on behalf of my heart. My heart, that sensitive little blood pumping work horse who not once allows itself to stop. Thank goodness.
I don’t believe the majority of people are willing and able to bring themselves to fully comprehend what was lost in 2020.
Here is a list of a few more losses suffered last year:
- People lost their shit. And over the most ridiculous things like toilet paper, having to wear a mask to secure toilet paper and being held to the consequences resulting from not wearing a mask when asked to while attempting to purchase toilet paper. Pause for a moment and let that last sentence hang around in your mind. 2020 made that happen. I didn’t make it up! Recently I saw a news piece showing a man (40’s) lying down on the floor in a Costco to protest being asked to wear a mask. He spoke loudly, he beat his hands at his sides and wildly kicked his legs when an employee asked him to get up. Now, I am not judging for I too have participated in such behaviour MANY times. Granted I was three, but hey… some of us mature faster than others.
 - People lost their damn minds. 2020 should be dubbed “The Year of The Karen”. For those of you not in the know about the Karen phenomenon, here is a description courtesy of Urban Dictionary:
 “Karen is a pejorative term used in the United States and other English-speaking countries for a woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. A common stereotype is that of a white woman who uses her privilege to demand her own way at the expense of others.’
 Basically, a Karen is a I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER type person (There is a male equivalent, but it seems no one can agree on the name… Chad, Terry, Kyle, Kevin, Steve). You can often find a Karen on her cellphone calling the police to report a black man who lives in her neighborhood, simply living his life in her neighbourhood. I didn’t make that up either.
 More recently a Karen was videoed in a UPS store claiming that she didn’t have to wear a mask because that space was government property and not a private business. Would it be safe to say that most Karen types suffer from a lack of oxygen to their brain? Possibly. But that would involve science and Karen types DO NOT enjoy hard facts.
 As always when I download my thoughts into reality, I must go within and search myself. Am I a Karen? My immediate answer is: no fucking way. I can honestly say I’ve never once asked to see a manager or called the police to report someone eating their lunch on a park bench. I do not enjoy confrontation. Unless there is a bully involved. Then I will drag that person to hell with me. I much prefer discussion over going straight to the ‘I triple dog dare you!’ approach to the world. (If you got that reference, you are my new favourite) Because that is who a Karen really is… someone who jumps right to the most extreme action in order to satisfy their need to be superior. Truly, we should feel sorry for these people because instead of engaging they’re raging. And how awful must their insides feel… always full of anger, fear and self doubt. I say instead of judging these Karen types or putting them on blast on social media, we should hug the shit out of them. Just grab them and squeeze as hard as you fucking can until they stop talking. Peaceful solutions my friends, peaceful solutions.
 - Pets lost their faith in us. Children a close second. If you are a proud owner of a pet or a child, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
I’ve always operated under the notion that my cat loves it when I’m home and hates it when I leave. 2020 has taught me it might be the other way around. Because our animals are, well, animals we just believe our presence is the greatest gift in their lives. Remember when you were old enough to be left alone by your parents and once you had the taste of that kind of freedom, you just wanted more of it and couldn’t wait for them to go out? I feel it’s like that with our pets now. We might not think animals have a routine or preferences or enjoy some alone time, but we’d be wrong.
I think at first our pets were thrilled. If we are home more it means more time for prolonged petting, walks and the opportunity to ritualistically train us to respond to their caterwauls for more food and treats than normal. But then as the weeks of lockdown and working from home increased, so did our pets desire to kill us in our sleep.
 I’m pretty sure my cat has asked me several times using her feline glare: “why the fuck won’t you just leave?”. It would be naïve of us to assume we don’t disrupt their day with our constant noise making and snacking and scotch drinking that leads to a good buzz that leads to showing too much affection to our pets. To the point where they run and hide when they see us coming. Please tell me I didn’t describe just my own experience.
 There is such a thing as everything in moderation, we know this, so I think it can be applied here. People, get away from your pets. Give them the space you often desire from human beings. Because if you don’t, that random turd in your shoe could be pointing to a much larger, more alarming problem you’re about to encounter.
 I had the absolute blessing of being able to assist in caring for and raising of my three nephews (12,9,6) for the last 11 years. So, when I say: ‘children are always watching us’, I feel I know what I’m talking about. I’ve been mimicked so often by these young boys that I’ve had to pause due to mortification. Children will hold you accountable without even knowing it. I’ve had some behaviours of mine corrected by a 5-year-old and let me tell you, it stings like hell.
 As adults, when our world was thrown into turmoil because of Covid-19, we looked to our medical health professionals and our politicians for guidance. Basically, we searched for those who would lead us. The children – looked to us. And while many adults handled this responsibility the best they possibly could, many more failed miserably and displayed attitudes I can only describe as juvenile, damaging and pathetic. I suppose it doesn’t help if the people the adults are looking to for help are themselves - juvenile, damaging and pathetic.
 When I say we still have not grasped just how much has been lost over the past year, I’m hinting at integrity, compassion and creditability. Three vital qualities you’d hope people want to instill into their children. But if they themselves are unable to display such valuable traits, what does this say for the children who are looking up to them as an example on how to act when life gets challenging?
 For myself in 2020, I gained by losing.
When they locked our gyms down for four months last spring, I came close to being one of those people who lost their shit. While people were moaning about wearing a mask for 20 minutes in the grocery store, I was contemplating if murdering those people could be considered a cardio exercise and would that hold up in a court of law.
To reflect on that time period now (especially since our gyms are closed AGAIN at the moment) the loss of the gyms brought me the knowledge of how important the routine of going to and being in the gym is to my mental health. I won’t launch into how I feel about shopping malls being open and gyms being closed despite their proven benefit to one’s overall health because then I really will lose my shit.
People always say getting to the gym is the hardest part and once they’re there it’s easy to workout. And for many that is the truth, but for me it’s all a part of the workout. Getting to the gym is the psychological effort. Putting in the work at the gym is the physical. You can’t have one without the other. I became so pathetic that I’d often walk to the closed gym from my house, stare at the closed doors and then walk home. 1.5 hour round trip. True story.
Remember a few years back everyone became obsessed with that Netflix show ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’? It is the show where that lovely woman from Japan showed us all how to declutter our homes by getting rid of anything that didn’t bring us joy. Those acid wash jeans from 1989… sit with them… hold them close to your chest… if they don’t make you happy, remove them from your space. Well, the same idea can be applied to people and ideas and even feelings. And 2020 was a great year for simplifying our lives. I’ve heard so many people talk about how they can’t wait to get back to ‘normal’… not me. I’ve already started my ‘new normal’.
The loss of drama has gained me peace and a better understanding of the importance of remaining true to who I am instead of trying to please others in hopes it wins me points. Because it doesn’t. Because its inauthentic and only brings you more loss and more drama. And anxiety. And sleepless nights. And an overall sense of hatred for everyone. 2020 gave me the option to no longer care about the things that don’t make me happy and to embrace the process of letting all that stupid bullshit fade away.
It was a year of gained focus.
It was a year of gained appreciation.
It was a year of gained gratitude.
It was a year of gained love for myself.
 I’m going to leave you now, but not before I share one of my favorite songs by the Tragically Hip:
In A World Possessed by The Human Mind
Just give me the news
It can all be lies
Exciting over fair or the right thing at the right time
Everything is clear
Just how you described
The way it appears, "A world possessed by the human mind"
 Then I think I smiled
Then I think you said, "it's fine"
And quietly I dressed, in a world completely possessed by the human mind
 We're in awe of no one
We've none of their fear
Fighting's goin' nowhere and we stay right here
Where everything is quiet
A little super dangerous
"In the shadow of the law and with colours of justice"
 Then I hope I smiled
Then I'm sure you said, "It's fine"
They got no interest in a world completely possessed by the human mind
 Everything is quiet
A little super dangerous
Quiet enough to hear God rustlin' around in the bushes
Oh, but it was you
Girl, I was so afraid
You said, "You shoulda seen the look on your face"
 Then I hope I laughed
Then I hope I said, "it's fine"
And quietly undressed in a world completely possessed by the human mind
 Oh it was you
Girl, I was so afraid
You said, "You shoulda seen the look on your face"
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ill-will-editions · 6 years ago
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Translated by Ill Will Editions
Photo caption: “We will no longer live like slaves” 
The following call to action emerged from the first Yellow Jacket “Assembly of Assemblies” held near Commercy, France, in late January 2019. We recommend checking out this statement [includes English & German subtitles] issued by the Montreuil Yellow Jackets in the lead-up to the assembly, if only for the plain-spoken beauty with which they express a revolutionary disposition toward the present. Lastly, although the present text was initially translated into English by others as a call for a ‘general strike’, let it be noted that the wording of the Commercy assembly is more down to earth, and consciously steers clear of this arch-syndicalist mythologeme.  -IWE
A call to action proposed by the Assembly of Assemblies at Commercy. Offered for adoption to every local assembly.
We, Yellow Jackets in the roundabouts, parking lots, squares, assemblies, marches, came together on the 26th and 27th of January 2019. Our "Assembly of Assemblies" gathered one hundred delegations who replied to the call from the Commercy Yellow Jackets.
Since November 17th, from the smallest hamlet to the greatest city, we have risen up against this violent, unjust, and impossible society. We won't let each other go! We revolt against a life too expensive to live, against precarity and misery. We want dignified lives for our friends, family, and the next generation. It's unacceptable that 26 billionaires hold as much wealth as half of humanity. Let's spread this wealth instead of misery! We must end social inequality! We say everyone should have raises: wages, welfare, and pensions should all pay more. Everyone has the inalienable right to decent housing, education, and free public services.
It's for all these rights that we daily occupy the roundabouts, that we organize collective action, protests, and debate everywhere. With our yellow jackets, we reclaim the right to speak, we who have never before had it.
And how has the government responded? Repression, contempt, and insults.  Deaths, as well as thousands wounded by the massive deployment of weapons designed to mutilate, eviscerate, wound and traumatize. Over a thousand people have been arbitrarily condemned and imprisoned. Now a proposed "anti-riot" law aims to bar us from protesting. We condemn all violence against protesters from police and violent gangs. None of this will stop us! Protest is a basic right. End impunity for the forces of order! Amnesty for all the victims of repression!
And what a sham is this ‘great national debate’, which is in fact nothing but a media campaign of the government designed to co-opt our will to debate and decide! True democracy is what we practice in our assemblies, on our roundabouts, it is neither on TV-sets nor in the pseudo-roundtables organized by Macron.
After degrading and deploring us, they spin us as a hateful, xenophobic, fascist mob. But we are the exact opposite. We're not "racist, sexist, anti-gay.” We are proud to come together with our differences to build a solidarity society.
We are strong in our diverse discussions. Even now, some assemblies are proposing new and sweeping demands. They speak to real democracy, social and economic justice, working conditions, climate and ecological justice, and the end of discrimination. Among the demands debated and strategies contested, we find: the end of all misery, the transformation of institutions (plebiscites, new constitutional assembly, end of elected privileges, etc.), ecological transition (energy insecurity, industrial pollution, etc.), the equality and respect for everyone regardless of nationality (dignity for the disabled, equality of the sexes, restoration of working-class neighborhoods, rural life, and overseas territories).
We, the Yellow Jackets, invite everyone to join us with their skills and abilities. We call for the Acts to continue, (Act 12 against police violence will take place in front of their stations, Acts 13 and 14, etc.), for the roundabout occupations and economic blockades to continue, and to build toward a massive, renewable strike on February 5th. We call on everyone to form committees where they work, study, and everywhere else, to ensure that the strike is built up from the base by the strikers themselves. Let's take matters into our own hands! Don't remain alone, join us!
Let’s get organized in true democratic fashion, autonomously, and independently! This Assembly of Assemblies is an important step that allows us to discuss our demands and actions. Let's federate together and transform society!
We ask all Yellow Jackets to share this call. If it suits your group, send us your signature to Commercy ([email protected]). Don't hesitate to discuss and prepare proposals for the next Assembly of Assemblies that we're already preparing.
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arts-su · 6 years ago
Darkroom Update
Hey guys, your Education Officer here!
I’ve been dying to share some great news with you all - the darkroom bar at LCC will be re-opening! This is a direct result of the student lead #savethedarkroombar campaign which took place last term. Being part of a campaign is far from easy but this is a clear example of the changes that can happen when students band together, to fight and support one another. I am so extremely proud of everyone who participated in the campaign. Whether you signed the petition, attended meetings, designed posters or helped to organise the protest, you were instrumental in achieving our goal.
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I have heard many versions of what caused the closure of the bar but the truth is that the darkroom bar is one of several commercial spaces that the Student Union own. Your SU is funded by UAL. Due to the lack of funding coming from the university at the time, the SU was forced to make a challenging decision – either cut back in other areas (such as our student lead activities) or close the bar indefinitely. Additional factors that played a part in this decision were the unfair restrictions, the prohibition of advertising the bar, the mistreatment of our bar staff and the unreasonable opening hours.
LCC’s Darkroom bar is the only existing student union bar across all fourteen of our sites, But It’s not just a bar it is the epicentre of LCC’S student community. The bar serves as a networking hub and is used to socialise, relax and build communities. Tutors are often popping in and out for drinks, this is an environment where students and teachers are able to connect and unwind. Some of my best experiences at university happened in the darkroom bar!
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As a former LCC student and elected officer I felt conflicted, I was frustrated because essentially the student union had been backed into a corner. However, the SU have a responsibility to act on the students behalf and I felt it unfair to close the bar without hearing your voices. The decision to launch a campaign was basically a no brainer.
The #savethedarkroombar petition gained over 600 signatures and the overwhelming response helped to propel the campaign to the next stage,. In reality it is the small things such as sharing and signing a petition that make the biggest difference to the scale of a campaign. Our regular campaign meetings attracted various groups of students and staff, there were often new faces showing up. Students ran regular stalls on campus to increase petition signatures and organised a successful poster and social media campaign to generate awareness. By putting pressure on UAL and lobbying the students union the campaign was not going unnoticed.
On Thursday the 6th of November a group of LCC students from the #savethedarkroombar campaign protested against the closure of the bar. By joining forces with students from the ‘UAL, End Outsourcing’ campaign’ they were able to deliver an enormous win on behalf of UAL students. Student representatives from each campaign were invited to speak at our fortnightly meeting with the university and I have to say a massive, massive well done to Amber Moya Goneni (CSM) and Tenz Kotomah (LCC) for delivering your points across so well!
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Despite the group being small, we achieved a massive win, and as a consequence of the amazing campaigning the darkroom bar has been saved and will be restored this term!
Attending university can be an extremely tumultuous experience, it is tough and it is expensive! However, it can also be the start of an wonderful journey, through campaigning I was able to become part of a community, meet individuals I probably would never speak to and I felt empowered to be an advocate for change. Whether it is two people or two hundred people your voice is important. There is no campaign too small that can’t have a win!
So what happens next?
Well, you can keep up to date on all things darkroom by joining the Facebook group: Save The Darkroom Bar
Or by emailing me at: [email protected]
Once we have a launch date this will be put out on all our socials so make sure to check the SU Facebook page: Arts SU: UAL's Students' Union
We are currently turning our focus to the UAL end Outsourcing Campaign As workers and students at UAL we support the cleaners who are calling to be brought back in house. We do not think it is acceptable that the workers who look after the areas in which we work and study are employed by a separate company on poorer terms and conditions. Our cleaners need your support! To find out more follow the page UAL Justice 4 Workers.
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If you feel like you want to launch your own campaign or have ideas for a campaign you would like the Student Union to run, we would love to hear them so please do get in touch.
I look forward to having a drink with you all soon!
Anita xox
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girlgossipclub · 2 years ago
How might activists use social media in the future?
Before I start to share how activits use social media in future, we must understand what is activist from thousand years ago, activism is a derives from the verb to act. As an activist is someone who is actively in campaigning for a change, normally this is on political or social issues. And this methods they use in oreder to bring about change.
Have you guys see how active activist in western and europe on issue about animals skin especially in London fashion Week, to remind people that there’s nothing fasnionable about exploiting animals, as the women are topless stood proud showing off bold writing across their chest that read, “Wear Your Own Skin, and this events they also record it and to show in social media for people to sign-up and be part of the change.
As we all know, social media gained a reputation over the years for fake news, but it’s also important platform for activist group to spread awareness about social issues, and bad politions. And this is something, people must scared of especially politions who have done corruption.
Social media is a powerful tools for us as citizen to speak out about something is not right about our country, let’s flasback on what happened to Najib Razak, when people start to aware about his bad politic and everyone start to protest and just a blink of eyes he just lost all his power. And I believe, the most richest person in this world are someone that believe in them.
Apart from that, the killing of George Floyd in May 2020 wasn't the first instance of police brutality to be documented on camera. Even when others shared it on social media, it wasn't the first. However, a potent mix of outrage over the video and a lockdown that kept millions confined to their homes and hooked to their screens sparked a summer of protests in the US and elsewhere.
Everyone was stranded at home, so many people went to social media to offer comfort. It all began when their profile photo was altered. However, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter also functioned as hubs for organising livestreamed public protests that took place in person.
As we talk how they use social media for activism in future, but we must understand that they all already use it know, the images, video and coference of certain issues to be publish in social media. However, we as people behind the screen must concern or aware about what they want us to see. To be honest, I have seen activism in social media or perhaps in mall where someone ask me to sign-up for change in the world.
But I do not understand why the wealthiest individuals, such as Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, should be in charge of bringing about change in the world. When the earth is close to apocalypse, it appears that they have already reserved another planet. In conclusion, if these people do not act now, protests and activism will continue to exist as they do today. Social media is merely a tool for disseminating information; in contrast, schools are the places where everything begins, where the new generation is taught about change because it is so difficult for the older generation to effect change because everyone has their own beliefs and opinions.
Okay done I rent about activism
Cheers, Hanisha
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#MDA2009 #Week7
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truthofherdreams · 7 years ago
people can surprise you (or not)
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also on ao3
Maria is the one on Nastya Watch when Anya wakes up the following day. She’s made herself at home already, sitting cross-legged at the dinner table with her laptop and graphic tablet in front of her. The strong aroma of coffee fills the room, and the last notes of a Panic! At The Disco song fade away, Paramore’s guitar riffs rising in the silence of the apartment.
“The emo playlist, really?” Anya asks as she makes her way to the kitchen so she can pour herself a cup of coffee. She adds two sugar and a drop of milk, head bobbing to the music. It reminds her of being a teenager, singing along to rock songs and dancing on her bed with Maria and Alexei, playing at who-would-be-the-more-dramatic. (Her, always her.)
“It’s still solid, stop complaining,” Maria replies, not looking away from her screen. She’s drawing a mermaid, and it’s probably part of the children’s book she’s been illustrating for weeks now.
“Am not,” Anya says as she comes back to the living room, and sit on a chair opposite Maria. She puts her feet on the chair, arms wrapped around her legs and chin on her knees. “You could have bought croissants, though.”
Maria takes one grape from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table and throws it at her. Anya catches her with her mouth, the grape exploding on her tongue before she swallows it around a proud grin, to which her sister only replies by rolling her eyes.
“The bakery is just next door, feel free to go whenever.”
Anya pokes her tongue out at her sister, before she looks down at her phone. Emails have been piling up since yesterday and it will take her hours to go through all of them – not that she has anything else to do. She can’t remember the last time she took that many days off work, but it would be lying to say she doesn’t deserve them. She’s been working so hard the past few years; she deserves a break, even if it comes with an almost mental breakdown and an identity crisis.
She’s in the middle of sending a requested to DisneyLand – lots of kids want to be in the happiest place on earth as their Wish, after all – when Maria’s phone blasts Alexei’s personalised ringtone.
“Yeah, baby bro? …Okay, wait. I’m putting you on speaker.” She moves the phone away from her face and presses here and then on her screen, before she adds, “Okay, you can speak now.”
“Nastya, what’s Dmitry’s surname?”
She frowns, both at the question and the hurried tone. “Sudayev. Why?”
“You need to check Twitter,” is all Alexei says instead of answering. “Now.”
The sisters frown at each other above the top of the laptop screen, before Maria pushes her graphic tablet and Anya stands up to walk around the table. By the time Anya stands behind her sister, both hands on the back of the chair, Maria has opened Twitter already. It’s her profession account, the one where she posts about her work and current projects, but it’s not the most important part right now.
Because Anya’s eyes are drawn to the Worldwide Trends list on the left of the page, and they widen when she reads through it.
BuzzClick is trending, and with it Dmitry Sudayev. Worldwide.
Maria’s mouth hovers over the name, before she pauses and looks up at her little sister. Anya is aware that she’s waiting for something, for some hint of approval that she can click and discover what is going on. But she just can’t stop staring at the screen, at the name. Just a bunch of letters aligned in one specific order, and yet her heart is in her throat, beating so fast that she’s afraid her breakfast will go out the wrong way. Maria is silent, and so is Alexei, and Anya is staring and staring and staring.
She isn’t sure if she offers Maria a nod, or a jerk of the head, or just that her entire body is trembling. But at some point she moves, and Maria clicks on the link, opens the floodgates, releases the kraken. And Anya, with her heart in her throat and cotton in her ears, and her damn fucking mind playing tricks on her, Anya leans closer to the screen so she can read.
The first tweet comes from the Huffington Post, of all places. ‘How one Frenchmen called out incel-friendly online magazine,’ reads the title. Next tweet is from a feminist organisation. The one after from a politician. Then another feminist, some angry dude, a smaller newspaper, a YouTuber, random person number one, random person number two. It goes on and on, and on, until Maria scrolls back up and clicks on the HuffPost article.
“Sudayev, who had been working for ClickBuzz for the past five years, posted the article early this morning,” Maria reads out loud for the both of them. “It stayed online for three hours before it was deleted – but not before people could screencap it and share it on social media. The article soon went viral and…”
Maria stops then, goes back to Twitter, finds the screencaps. It’s four of them in a row, sentences after sentences, paragraphs after paragraphs. The style is messy, all over the place – she pictures Dmitry sitting in front of his computer and typing angrily, or going at it on his phone, before hitting the ‘Publish’ button in a spur-of-the-moment fit of rage.
That raw, unguarded flood of emotions, she felt it too.
It’s hard, to come to terms with it, with the fact that Dmitry may be going through the same heartbreak she is. A small, angry part of her wants him to suffer, to feel so sorry for his crimes that he will come crawling back to her and beg for forgiveness. But, at the end of the day, that is not who Anya is. That is not what Anya wants. She just wants… she just thinks that Dmitry messed up, and is as broken as she feels, and probably was drunk when he wrote and posted this.
She thinks that he would never have said some of those things, sober, to her face.
Maria’s phone beeps twice loudly, startling Anya out of her reflexion. It’s another call, from Olga, and Maria is fast to merge the two conversations together so they can share a big Romanov conversation.
“Did you see it?” are Tatiana’s first words.
“Yeah, looking at it right now,” Maria replies.
“How’s Malenkaya holding up?”
“You’re on speaker,” Maria says, at the same time that Anya replies, “I’m fine.” But her voice is flat and small, and her eyes are still glued to the screen, and she isn’t even convincing herself. She doesn’t feel fine. Actually, she doesn’t know how she feels at all about all of this.
The Dmitry she knows – or, well, thought she knew – never would have done that in a manipulative way. Despite what some of those tweets are claiming, he didn’t do it to throw a pity party for himself, or for Anya to feel sorry for him. If Dmitry is half the man she thought he was, he meant every word he wrote. And perhaps that is the most terrifying part.
“So what are you going to do?” Olga asks, her voice so soft and gentle that Anya’s eyes start prickling.
“Well, she can’t exactly…”
“I think that’s quite romantic and…”
“She should just call him to see if…”
“...obviously manipulating her and…”
“...if he really means it, it could…”
“...benefit of the doubt and…”
“...doesn’t deserve her anyway, she’s too…”
“...but what about second chances and….”
“HOW ABOUT YOU ALL SHUT UP!” Hands in her hair, pulling a little, she is still staring at the screen and ignoring Maria’s wide eyes, enjoying the silence that settles over the phone. Not even Olga makes a comment about her language, which says a lot. “My love life isn’t some kind of democracy where you all have a say!”
A pause. Then, Alexei, “Well, more like an oligarchy because…”
“Oh shut your damn mouth, okay!”
Alexei may shut his mouth, but Maria’s jaw is on the floor. Olga weakly protests about not talking to her brother that way, not that Anya pays her any mind. She’s just focusing on breathing properly again, deep in, low out, so as to calm down the anger building inside her. She loves her siblings, she really does, but sometimes they forget about boundaries. Which would be fine any other day, but her mind is too much of a mess already for her to take into account everyone’s opinion on the matter.
“I’ll call you all back later,” Maria hastily says, before she hangs up despite her siblings’ protests.
The silence that follows is deafening.
It’s only when Anya goes to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water, only to struggle with opening the bottle, that she looks down at her hands. They are trembling so hard she can’t make them stop, even when she clasps them together. She closes her eyes and leans her forehead against the cold metal of the fridge’s door, willing her heart to stop beating so fast, her entire body to calm down.
Maria’s hand, warm and soothing, settles on her back and runs small circles against the fabric of her shirt. She doesn’t say anything at first, just lets her comforting presence do the job, and Anya has to admit it is effective. After the noise and mess of her siblings, some moments of peace with the other half of the Little Pair might be exactly what she needs right now.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Maria asks softly.
Anya scoffs. “Is there anything to talk about? This doesn’t change anything.”
She isn’t so sure who she is trying to convince here but, as always, Maria isn’t fooled. She doesn’t say anything for a while, her lips pressed tightly, as if carefully pondering on her next words. Maria has never been the wiser of the lot, after all, especially not when it comes to relationship advices. She got her heart burnt too many times before meeting the love of her life, and yet she kept throwing herself back in the game every time. Anya has no idea how she did it.
“But he said you were the love of his life,” Maria finally says, her voice soft and careful. “That has to change some things.”
“You think I should forgive him?”
“No.” Simple. Final. “Because what he did is unforgivable, I stand with Tanya on this. But… But Nastya, you owe it to yourself to find some closure, don’t you think?”
It’s dangerous -- she is afraid of what might happen if she confronts Dmitry again, if she looks into his eyes only to find something she doesn’t want to see in them. Or does want to see. What then? Fall back into his arms, only to get burnt once more? Walk away from him anyway? She doesn’t know what she wants, what she needs, what she expects. Why does everything about all of this have to be so complicated, her mind at war with her heart?
“I don’t know…” she starts, before she pauses. Tongue darting out to lick her lips. Hand rubbing one of her eyes.
But perhaps not knowing is exactly why she needs to do that. Perhaps it will shed some light on the situation and allow her to make sense of everything that has happened since Wednesday night. And, like Maria said, it might help her get some closure, might make it easier for her to move on after this. So she sighs, and looks back at her sister.
“Yeah, okay.”
Maria smiles, soft and protective, before she takes out her phone and opens the maps app. “Let’s go to BuzzClick, then.”
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antoine-roquentin · 7 years ago
The first and third incarnations of the Klan—the cross-burning lynch mobs and the vigilantes who beat up and murdered civil rights workers in the 1960s—seem beyond the pale of today’s politics, at least for the moment. But the second Klan, the Klan of the 1920s, less violent but far more widespread, is a different story, and one that offers some chilling comparisons to the present day. It embodied the same racism at its core but served it up beneath a deceptively benign façade, in all-American patriotic colors.
In other ways as well, the Klan of the 1920s strongly echoes the world of Donald Trump. This Klan was a movement, but also a profit-making business. On economic issues, it took a few mildly populist stands. It was heavily supported by evangelicals. It was deeply hostile to science and trafficked in false assertions. And it was masterfully guided by a team of public relations advisers as skillful as any political consultants today.
Two new books give us a fresh look at this second period of the Klan. Linda Gordon’s The Second Coming of the KKK is the wiser and deeper; Felix Harcourt’s Ku Klux Kulture offers some useful background information but then, reflecting its origin as a Ph.D. thesis, becomes an exhaustive survey of Klansmen’s appearances, variously as heroes or villains, in the era’s novels, movies, songs, plays, musicals, and more.
The KKK’s rebirth was spurred by D.W. Griffith’s landmark 1915 film, Birth of a Nation. The most expensive and widely seen motion picture that had yet been made, it featured rampaging mobs of newly freed slaves in the post–Civil War South colluding with rapacious northern carpetbaggers. To the rescue comes the Ku Klux Klan, whose armed and mounted heroes lynch a black villain, save the honor of southern womanhood, and prevent the ominous prospect of blacks at the ballot box. “It is like teaching history with lightning,” said an admiring President Woodrow Wilson, an ardent segregationist, who saw the film in the White House. Wilson’s comment underlines a point both Gordon and Harcourt make: the Klan of this era was no fringe group, for tens of millions of nonmembers agreed with its politics.
The founder of the reincarnated Klan in 1915 was an Atlanta physician named William Joseph Simmons, who five years later fell into the hands of two skilled public relations professionals, Elizabeth Tyler and Edward Young Clarke. They convinced him that for the Klan to gain members in other parts of the country, it had to add Jews, Catholics, immigrants, and big-city elites to its list of villains. Tyler and Clarke in effect ran the KKK for the next several years, a pair of Bannons to Simmons’s Trump.
Simmons signed a contract giving the two an amazing 80 percent of dues and other revenue gleaned from new recruits. They are believed to have reaped $850,000—worth more than $11 million today—in their first fifteen months on the job. The whole enterprise was organized on a commission basis: everyone from the recruiters, or Kleagles, up through higher officers (King Kleagles, Grand Goblins, and more) kept a percentage of the initiation fee ($10, the equivalent of $122 today) and monthly dues. The movement was a highly lucrative brand.
Tyler and Clarke polished Simmons’s speaking style and set up newspaper interviews for him, gave free Klan memberships to Protestant ministers, and assured prominent placement of their blizzard of press releases by buying tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of newspaper advertising. To appear respectable, they made these purchases through two well-known ad agencies, one of which had a Jewish CEO. Simmons, however, spent much of his share of the take on horse races, prizefights, and drink. Several rivals who lusted after the KKK’s lucrative income stream maneuvered him out of office with the help of Tyler and Clarke.
A plump, diminutive Texas dentist, Hiram Evans, became the new Imperial Wizard in 1922. He, in turn, his eye on Tyler and Clarke’s 80 percent of revenues, was able to force them out because of a scandal—the two were sexually involved but each was married to someone else. Linda Gordon gives Tyler major credit for the Klan’s success: “The organization might well have grown without this driven, bold, corrupt, and precociously entrepreneurial woman, but it would likely have been smaller.” About other women in the Klan, such as one group called Ladies of the Invisible Empire, Gordon dryly notes, “Readers…must rid themselves of notions that women’s politics are always kinder, gentler, and less racist than men’s.”
Significantly, the new Wizard moved the Klan’s headquarters to Washington, D.C. Membership skyrocketed, reaching an estimated four million by 1924. The revenue remained enormous: beyond dues, there were sales of Klan insurance, knives, trinkets, and garb. Those robes and pointed hoods were made to an exacting pattern, sold at a big markup, and, until his ouster, could only be purchased from a company owned by Clarke. The temptations of this fountain of money led to further rivalries and embezzlement, compounded by the conviction of several Klan leaders for various sordid offenses, most spectacularly the Indiana Grand Dragon for the rape and murder of a young woman who worked for him—a crime that left his bite marks all over her body. All of this made the Klan largely collapse by the end of the decade—but not before it had helped win an enormous legislative victory, and not before there occurred a curious episode involving the Trump family.
Before we get to that, however, there’s another odd parallel between the Klan of the 1920s and the present day, which has to do with the sheer value of getting attention in the media. Many newspapers campaigned against the KKK, and no less than five such exposés won Pulitzer Prizes. The first was for an excoriating series of stories in the New York World in 1921 that revealed secret Klan rituals and code words, gave the names of more than two hundred officials, and listed violent crimes committed by Klansmen. The heavily promoted articles ran for three weeks, were reprinted by seventeen newspapers throughout the country, and provoked a congressional investigation. But instead of crushing the organization, the exposé did the opposite; one historian estimates that the series increased Klan membership by more than a million. Some people even tried to join by filling out the blank membership application form the World had used to illustrate one story.
Being denounced by a liberal New York newspaper, it turned out, gave the Klan just the political imprimatur it needed, and spread the news of its rebirth across the nation. Imperial Wizard Evans exulted that the exposés had provided “fifty million dollars’ worth of free advertising.” People loved the idea of joining a fraternal organization with secret rites and extravagant titles that included judges, congressmen, and other prominent citizens, and that legitimized combat against the forces that seemed to be undermining traditional American life.
What were those forces? Movements heavy on ethnic hatred and imagined conspiracies flourish when rapid changes upset the social order and people feel their income or status threatened. In the heyday of European fascism, the threat came from the enormous job losses of the Great Depression, which in Germany followed the humiliating Versailles Treaty and ruinous inflation that wiped out savings. Among many of Trump’s supporters today, the threat comes from stagnating or declining wages and the rapid automation and globalization that makes people feel their jobs are ever less secure.
We don’t normally think of the heady, expanding American economy of the 1920s as a period of threat, but Gordon offers a broader cultural and feminist analysis. “The Klan supplied a way for members to confirm manliness,” she writes, in an era when many traditional male roles were disappearing. “As more men became white-collar workers, as more small businesses lost out to chains, as the political supremacy of Anglo-Saxons became contested, as more women reached for economic and political rights,” the Klan “organized the performances of masculinity and male bonding through uniforms, parades, rituals, secrecy, and hierarchical military ranks and titles.” She quotes an admonition from one Oregon chapter: “Remember when you come to lodge that this is not an old maid’s convention.” A man who by day might be an accountant or stationery salesman or have a wife who earned more than he did could, in his Klan robes, be a Kleagle or Klaliff or Exalted Cyclops by night.
Not all Klan members were men, of course, and the Klan was not the only organization that offered ceremonial dress and fancy titles: it’s telling that the first place Klan recruiters usually sought members was among Masons. But Gordon’s is a thoughtful explanation of the Klan’s appeal in the fast-urbanizing America of the 1920s, which was leaving behind an earlier nation based, in imagined memory, on self-sufficient yeoman farmers, proud blue-collar workers, and virtuous small-town businessmen, all of them going to the same white-steepled church on Sunday. It was a world in which men did traditionally manly work and women’s place was in the kitchen and bedroom. Even city-dwellers—perhaps especially city-dwellers—could feel this nostalgia. (Although, as with many idealized pasts, the reality was less ideal: many late-nineteenth-century farmers and small businessmen went bankrupt or deep into debt, casualties of a string of recessions and declining world commodity prices.)
All these feelings, of course, came on top of centuries of racism. And that hostility was surely exacerbated during the 1920s when the Great Migration of African-Americans out of the South was well underway, making black faces visible to millions who had seldom or never seen them before....
Sometimes what doesn’t happen is revealing. If upheavals that threaten people’s jobs and status provide the classic fuel for movements like the KKK, then in the 1930s, when the Depression threw a quarter of the American labor force out of work and left hundreds of thousands living in shacks of scrap wood and tarpaper, why didn’t the Klan come back to life stronger than ever? One answer is that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, despite its shortcomings, was a far-reaching and impassioned attempt to address the nation’s economic woes and injustices head-on, with a boldness we’ve not seen since then. It gave people hope. Another answer is that although FDR made many compromises with southern Democrats to get his programs through Congress, he was no racist. The more outspoken Eleanor Roosevelt was a fervent proponent of anti-lynching laws and of full rights for black Americans. The tone set by the White House matters; it creates moral space for others to speak and act. Perhaps it’s no surprise that these were years when the Klan lay low.
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yoonia · 8 years ago
petals 004#: hello, uncles!
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#004 - When Baby Min meets the uncles
➽ Character/Genre/words: Min Yoongi x occasional OC | Parenthood!au, Fluff | 1,316 words
➽ a/n: based on my Baby Min headcanons
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Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose the moment another loud cheer blows out from the living room. “Those boys―” he mutters under his breath before opening his eyes to stare at the servings that he is currently preparing. As the hot water is finally starting to boil, he immediately pours them into the teapot to make sure that he can go back to his guests as fast as he could.
“Need some help with that?” he hears his wife calling from behind him.
“No, It’s fine. I’ll be there in a sec―” he starts answering while turning around to see his wife walking into the kitchen. Alone. “Where’s the baby?” he gasps with his eyes widening.
“Oh? Well, Taehyung said he wanted to hold―”
Without waiting for her to finish her sentence, Yoongi rushes towards the living room with worries, ready to snatch his baby away from the hands of the reckless boys that are now starting to laugh even louder. A part of him is suddenly starting to regret that he had agreed to let his friends come and visit the baby, since the last time they have ever seen the child was back when both them and the Mother were still in hospital care. Half expecting to see his child crying for the loud noises or from being scared of their strange uncles, Yoongi halts at the corner of the living room as he sees his baby smiling wide and laughing cheerfully in the arms of uncle Taehyung.
The scene in front of him leaves him not only sighing in relieved but also smiling wide, as he finds Taehyung holding the child in his arms as gentle and as secure as possible―much to his own surprise―while the other five boys sitting in circles around them, some sitting on the floor with crossed legs and the others spreading on the sofas, all with their eyes locked on the happy baby. His pride starts building up in his chest as he witnesses his friends and brothers gushing over his little child.
“Are you ready for an attack?” Taehyung says with his eyes on the baby, carefully lifting them in his arms before swaying them to his side as if he is assisting the little child to fly over to uncle Jimin. “Dumpling magic kick!” he cheers, followed by both his and the child’s laughter as Jimin pretended to fall over from the sofa the minute the baby’s covered leg bumps onto his cheek.
“Aw, you got me!” he giggled delightfully, crossing his arms over his chest with a wide grin while kneeling on the floor.
“Super Dumpling one, Jimin zero!” Namjoon suddenly cheers, allowing a laugh to come out of Yoongi, along with everyone else’s.
“Yah, stop it before anyone actually gets hurt,” he protests while walking over to his guests―or more like his baby’s special guests―but the way his lips are now curling into a prideful grin gives him away from the overprotective father exterior he’s trying to show.
“Don’t worry, Yoongi. Little dumpling is winning!” someone from the group answered with a soft whine, chuckling at his friend before glancing over to look at the baby once more.
Figuring that he can trust Taehyung to keep the baby safe from harm and from falling flat to the floor, Yoongi finally gives in and lets them keep playing with the child. Thankfully, this time they decide that it’s time to tone down the cheerings and their loud voices they keep making.
“Coffee or tea, gentlemen?” Yoongi’s wife enters the living room in the middle of the ruckus, carrying a tray filled with drinks and some snacks for the guests, being helped by Jin who jumps off from his seat right when he sees her coming, forcing to let her hand over the tray to him. With the drinks and sweets luring the boys’ interests, Taehyung finally hands the baby back into Mommy’s arms as he races to reach for the cake.
“Sorry for being so loud, babe,” Yoongi whispers to his wife as they sit side by side on the sofa, the baby being carried in her arms while the uncles are busy passing around the cups of hot drinks.
“Oh, that’s alright,” his wife chuckles, looking down at their little dumpling who is now kicking around as if wanting to join their uncles in rushing to grab the sweets. “I think everyone is having a lot of fun. Don’t you think so, love?” she playfully speaks to her child, earning a soft cooing from them as a response.
Yoongi lets out a soft chuckle, looking away from his little family to his other family, his brothers, who are just as delighted as he is. Until his eyes land on Jungkook who is sitting by himself across to him with wide eyes locked on the baby and his hands planted on his knees nervously. “I think someone wants to get close to little dumpling too, babe,” he whispers to his wife, tilting his head towards Jungkook so she would see the boy who is somewhat lost in his own world.
She smiles. “Jungkook, do you want to hold the baby for a while?”
Jungkook eyes widen at the offer, and he quickly turns to Yoongi, asking him with an unsure look in his eyes. “Really? Can I?”
“Sure,” Yoongi nods, and the young man practically leaps from his seat to take the spot next to the baby’s Mom, carefully retrieving the baby into his arms.
“Oh, wow―” he chuckles. His eyes are suddenly wide and teary with awe. “So small,” he muses as he looks up to Yoongi and his wife with an amused smile.
The minute the other uncles catch the sight of Jungkook carrying the baby, they start taunting him for it― “Awe, our baby is holding another baby,” they say, before everyone starts asking for their turns to hold the baby, which Yoongi gives permission to since he is so proud of seeing his child getting so much love―except for Namjoon, obviously, the man practically tries to stay away as far as possible from Yoongi’s kid.
Not long before the uncles are ready to go home, they start to take turns and ask for kisses from their new little idol. The little dumpling is now on Jimin’s lap, giggling and showing their tiny gummy smile each time each one of their uncles leans down to show their cheek towards the miracle child to have some kisses, being helped by uncle Jimin who leads the little angel to bump their little pout on each cheek.
Watching everything with a proud smile, after a while Yoongi could see his child starting to yawn for playing too long. He pouts from his seat across the room and calls out to uncle Taehyung when the latter is kneeling in front of Jimin and the baby to ask for extra kisses “Stop it, I might not get any later,” he protests with a scowl, because he’s suddenly worried that his baby is going to be too tired to kiss or play with their Dad after playing and kissing their uncles the whole day.
“Oh, stop being so possessive over the little dumpling, Yoongi. You can have kisses from your kid anytime you want, don’t you?” Jin laughs at him while leaning back in his seat, already showing that he and the others have had their energy drained by the happy child.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Yoongi muses while keeping his eyes on his brothers and smiling wide as he witnesses on how much they have fallen in love with his little angel. “I do have a lot of chances to share everything with my child,” he mutters. His heart is swelling the moment he feels how his tongue rolls so perfectly as he says the words― 
“My child.”
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Disclaimer: All works are written by myself. Any copyright infringement, reposting on any other social media or website, and any act of plagiarism will be dealt with legal action
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mirceakitsune · 4 years ago
Trump and the events that transpired today
It's AM as I start writing this journal, likely past 5 AM once I finish it. I'm tired after today and don't know to what extent I can be fully coherent, politically and socially correct, or whatever else I'm supposed to about what happened. But after the events that took place today I need to speak up. I am sick, feeling I have had it... but for once it's on a matter I can discuss with others in this world, shared by millions of people. Even though I'm nervous to even talk about it as the divide keeps growing; I don't know on which of those websites even journals discussing politics will still be allowed by the administration, I already have a hard time keeping track of the different rules on each of the +8 websites I post anything on... as far as I'm aware we're still allowed to discuss for now.
I don't know exactly who the people that invaded the Capitol building today were. Many say it was Antifa protesters disguised as Trump supporters; I find it hard to understand why they'd interrupt the crowning ceremony of their lover Biden if they were already winning, but who knows at this rate. The people who initially walked in there were likely Trump supporters, with Antifa coming later to start violence so they could say Trump did it. A woman was shot in the neck and unfortunately died soon after, no footage showing who did it yet... scary stuff but it's to be expected given the times we're living in, RIP.
I will start by saying the following thing: I was NEVER a real Trump supporter, and I likely never will be. I'll share a little secret: In 2016 when I first heard he won, I fell in a depression for the entirety of the next day, fearing that he was going to bring about the end of the free and modern world that seemed to be going well till then. And in some ways I was right: Bullshit like SESTA / FOSTA and the repeal of Net Neutrality and other garbage happened under his leadership. But things have changed SO much since that day. The true liberals and progressives I once knew and was proud of being among no longer exists: The left's tolerance has been replaced with hate and fascism, their love for freedom with "freedom as long as we aren't offended or our narratives challenged", even the free internet they once praised is now seen as a tool of "spreading hate and misinformation" unless guided by their censorship regime. No matter how difficult this was for me, I had to accept that only Trump and some of the people around him are still fighting for REAL freedom... putting aside some religious or "think of the children" bullshit the Republicans can't let go of; Freedom to think and say what you want, to live your life as who you are, to go outside without having to wear a god damn mask and breathe like a fucking sapient being that still has any right to live! I don't care that much about either left of right doctrine... all I truly wanted was to be free, to live in a world where everyone minds their own business without using fear and prejudice to control others. I'm also not a patriot as one way or another I believe in a world where people are just citizens of the planet and countries are mainly different legal / cultural zones... I do however believe in a movement to support the people of the world, even if that's currently dressed under patriotism.
Today I watched Trump's speech before the Capitol was stormed. I literally saw and felt a different man from that fool I too once hated and demonized. And I hated him for good reason: He still hasn't denounced his wall of hate (the Mexico border wall bullshit), never had the will or bravery to openly defend the LGBTQ community and distance himself from those supporters that oppose them, attacked Section 230 which is unacceptable despite his justified war against big tech and the corrupt media... I am and will remain outraged at those things about him, he was no ideal example. But you know what? He's not the demon the media makes him out to be either. And as much as I HATE to say this... he is a hero in his own way: For having the courage to fight the biggest organized crime network in the history of humanity... one known as globalism. THAT is why some people turn to him while others want him to look like the devil: Not because they're fascists but because he stood up against a problem everyone else is one way or another a part of, a problem you can't even talk about without being called a conspiracy theorist and raving nut, a frustration many of us feel yet is only deepened by this denial instead of anyone ever addressing it.
Let me be very clear on an essential thing: I'm well aware there are real neo-Nazis, xenophobes, racists, misogynists, transphobes, puritans, psychopaths, etc. in Trump's circles. Yes they are pests, and I too will smite those fools if they try to use Trump (or any other means) to impose their own bullshit on this world! The vast majority of Trump supporters I've seen have nothing to do with this hate: I've watched livestreams from dozens of Trump rallies by now, have only seen decent and peaceful and creative people dancing and having fun... unlike some Antifa and BLM rallies which are far more aggressive by comparison. It's always the media transmitting from those protests, journalists putting up theatrical scenes about how they're surrounded by dangerous extremists on their crusade to find the Proud Boys hiding in the crowd. There were at least 1 MILLION people supporting Trump in Washington DC today, kilometers of street filled with people. Including countless black people who were allegedly discriminated by him, who will also tooootally die from COVID tomorrow because they didn't respect social distancing... did I forget to mention the pro-LGBT flags being waved at those rallies? Really: Is anyone trying to tell me those are all evil intolerant whatever-phobic lunatics? Because I'm not going lie to myself because the media decided what we have to believe: The traitorous brainwashing media can go to hell, together with big tech and especially big pharma after what they did to the world with COVID.
I also watched dozens of livestreams from courts, of proof being presented regarding the massive election fraud that put Biden in office. There is no such thing as "there was no fraud", there were hundreds of testimonies under oath some with footage and documents; Courts simply refused to see the evidence or decided to ignore it citing procedural grounds... because like everything else, the globalist octopus (mafia reference) owns the justice system and every part of society. Dominion voting machines were programmed to default to Biden votes, they were designed with the mindset "here's a big button to vote for Biden... because you don't really want to vote for Trump do you, though if you really want to I guess you can click here". And other forms of manipulation that ultimately caused Biden to get MILLIONS OF VOTES OVERNIGHT, which is so normal and definitely not suspicious at all.
Now that the brave and mighty police secured the Capitol building and drove those pesky citizens away, senators led by lowlife-by-profession Mike Pence resumed their session of shoving Biden down our throats at any cost (sadly not in a fun vore way). I watched their vomit inducing speeches as they went on about how they're sticking to their duties in such difficult times, and how those thugs who entered the building tried to stop them but failed. This will only add to the frustration, which they don't even realize or care about: They know all too well what their duty is... to sell the world to those who are desperate to have UNLIMITED POWER AT ANY COST. Their decision was fueled by sheer stupidity and ambition, and will only ensure that if Biden is allowed to become president he'll only be even more illegitimate than he already was. After such a shock there was no way any valid session could continue, no one is in the capacity to count electoral votes and certify a fucking president right now after today... they haven't even cleaned up the fucking blood from the staircase! An absolute disgrace.
But fear not: There are people who will stop this, people who won't allow this hell to come true. They aren't racists, homophobes, psychopaths... the media will no doubt paint them as such, and many will believe the lie, but with the same force others are seeing the truth now more than ever. They think China's authoritarian domination can be forced on us, just as their Covidist masks, or their censorship in the name of stopping hate, and everything else the globalists decided must be forced upon the planet. They have no idea how badly they're furthering this divide: The hate and sickness on both sides has reached a point where riots and tragedies are going to be unavoidable. Of course they tell themselves "we're gods on this Earth so we'll be able to control it", they're used to thinking they can hold unlimited power and nothing they do ever has any consequences. The truth will strike, the more you keep the pot on the kettle the harder it will explode once it blows off: All they did today was ensuring it will strike even harder. Save this journal if you wish, so you can remember those things for future reference, to know that some fool out there and in this community saw this and wasn't afraid to say it.
Whatever you think of me, believe me when I say this: I truly am sorry that it had to come to this... on multiple scales. I don't know if many friends that I do care for will ever understand me... such as a certain purple furred vixen, or a kind albeit sometimes rough unicorn who is one of my soul parents, not to mention a very close fox working on building a lab and bringing genetic transformation to life; They all more or less believe some of the official narratives, and I feel barely tolerate me for not doing the same. If there was another way to see the world and live this life, I would have taken it. If something would have been different in the past and led to a different outcome, I could be living a life of standing with the majority instead of against it... something I wish I knew what was like, I never did, I can only presume it must be peaceful and relaxing to live in such a world, but I'll likely never experience it as I don't have the naivety for such a leap. I'm sorry it's like this. And my only wish is that all of you will get to see who truly made it like this once all the lies are exposed! Whatever happens, whether it will be Biden or Trump in the end... please let what they did be exposed.
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docs4poc · 5 years ago
7/20 Black Lives Day of Action: Event Transcript
Yasmin Rawlins: Hello, everyone, and welcome. Thank you so very much for joining us. This is the Black Lives Day of Action organized by many amazing people, including residents, nurses, medical students at UCLA, LAC-USC, Harbor, Olive View, and Charles Drew University. And thank you all for joining us. This is really part of an incredible movement. And we are all working so hard to improve and to increase justice throughout our communities and for our patients. My name is Yasmin Rawlins. I am a second year psychiatry resident over at LAC-USC, I identify as a Black woman. And my journey to this point has included Docs4POC. So, back in May, we founded Docs4POC. It was designed as a group of healthcare professionals advocating for social justice for communities of color throughout the United States. I just like to briefly read our mission statement because I feel like that really encapsulates what we stand for and what we're trying to do. We at Docs4POC believe it is our duty as physicians to advocate for all of our patients rights to health and wellness. We believe that health happens both inside and outside of the hospital or clinic. We believe it is our responsibility as physicians to address the social determinants of health in addition to the biological determinants. We believe that the existence of health and healthcare inequalities anywhere and to any person is unjust. We believe that every person, regardless of race, ethnicity, ancestry, citizenship status or national origin, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, religion, political affiliation, income, age or disability deserves the right to health. I would also like to acknowledge the land that we are on. We are currently standing in the territory of the Tongva and Chumash people. We would like to acknowledge our history of colonialism in this country and the ongoing colonial practices that still harm people of color and particularly Native American people today. We know that indigenous peoples were on this land and caring for this land long before us. If you can, drop wherever you are in the chat to let everyone know where everyone's coming from. And I'd like to pass this off to Kelechi for opening remarks.
Kelechi Okpara: Good afternoon. My name is Kelechi Okpara. I'm a second year medical student here at UCLA Drew and also the SNMA Maps co-coordinator. Thank you everyone for joining this virtual protest in solidarity with the Service Employees International Union Strike for Black Lives. Although many of you are unable to leave work, you have still joined thousands of others protesting deep seated and interconnected systems that work to oppress communities of color.
We gather today to draw attention to the racism and economic oppression embedded in our institutions - oppression that hurts all of us. These practices are all around us. We live on stolen land, and continue to pollute our environment. We limit economic investment in our Black, indigenous, Latinx, and other communities of color. We allow daily violence by police and other actors of the state. We have failed in our federal response to keep our most essential workers - many undocumented, and many being people of color in CA - safe from the COVID pandemic. Our homeless and incarcerated populations, disproportionately people of color, continue to suffer outsize risk. How do you shelter in place without shelter? How do you wash your hands without soap or sanitizer? We know too well that this pandemic is disproportionately impacting communities that have already weathered so much. 
Racism, poverty, sexism, nativism, ableism - every one of these systems work in tandem to disenfranchise even the most vibrant and resilient members of our community. 
This is the reason why we have gathered today - out of love for our communities, and out of hope that together, we can care for one another and pull through the multiple crises of our time: racism, economic inequity, environmental destruction, and the COVID pandemic. We acknowledge everyone who placed their lives on the line to protest, even after media coverage has ceased. But it is not enough to protest. We acknowledge those around the country, at this very moment, holding 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence in remembrance of George Floyd.  But it is not enough to hold vigil. We must turn our collective grief, anger, and indignation into actions. We must march not just in our city streets but to the ballot box this November. We must hold our governments accountable, and implement laws and policies to ensure a more just future. We must protect workers and their right to collectively organize and form unions. We must continue to demand justice for the deceased like Breonna Taylor, who cannot possibly rest in peace while their killers walk free. 
In our action, we commit to our duty to stand against every injustice that plagues our society and takes the lives of our Black brothers and sisters. We commit to our duty to unearth the ways portions of our society have trampled on others in their pursuit of the “American Dream”. What is an “American Dream” if Black and brown Americans from all walks of life cannot also see their own dreams fulfilled? We must dream bigger than our predecessors, and lift our voices louder than those who have already worked so hard to get us to where we are today. Now I’d like to invite some of our community and union members to speak.
Andrew. Andrew Lewis: Yes, thank you so much for that introduction Kelechi. I greatly appreciate it. And I just want to share a couple of things with y'all. Brothers and sisters, my name is Andrew Lewis, I’m with the North Westwood Neighborhood Council. And I'm proud to stand with SEIU today, and their national strike for Black lives. I want to say that none of us are free until we're all free. Freedom is not a state. It's an act. It is not some enchanted garden perched high on a distant plateau, where we can finally sit down and rest. Freedom is a continuous action we must all take. And each generation must do its part to create an even more fair and more just society, as said by the late John Lewis. So let me repeat that freedom is not a state. It's a continuous act. It's a fight. It's a struggle. It's indefinite. And it's why we're gathered here today to collectively make our voices heard. That enough is enough. That Black Lives Matter, that Black health matters, that Black nurses matter, that Black doctors matter. I personally call on our elected leaders to ensure that frontline workers have access to hazard pay to sick leave, and personal protective equipment during this COVID 19 pandemic. To enable a healthy and just society, we must invest in a healthy democracy. We invite you to take action with us to exercise your right to vote, to speak up, to get in some good trouble and to be loud. Protect our frontline workers. So thank you. And with that, I'll pass it over to sister Aqueelah Tillman for some words.
Aqueelah Tillman: Thank you. Hi all. My name is Aqueelah Tillman, and I'm a registered nurse here at UCLA Westwood campus, and I am here to speak on behalf of CNA and solidarity with SEIU. As healthcare providers, we have to understand that we work and operate in an inherently racist healthcare system. Systemic discrimination and racism is supported by institutional policies and implicit bias. This system affects the way that African Americans and other individuals of color experienced illness resulting in worsened outcomes and increasing levels of premature death. Registered nurses know that our patient’s health is not only determined by what happens when they encounter the healthcare system, but also by the state of social determinants of their lives in our society. It is important as nurses to assert our presence and our expertise in any public health crises, specifically one surrounding racism. Nurses have to accept acknowledge and recognize the disparities that exists. Nurses have the responsibility to be committed to understanding the systemic issues and prompting and allowing conversations that lead to direct action. As nurses, we must identify bias and address it in order to provide our patients with the necessary resources and our materials while under our care. Nurses have to be advocates for all patients. Nurses have to be at the forefront by transforming nursing education. Nurses have the ability to create and structure evidence based programs and initiatives that decrease disparities. Nurses have to commit to promoting and being active and local and state and national policies to increase access equity and the health protection. It is also important that nurses are representative of the population in which they serve and understand that racism in any form is not only harmful to society, but it’s also a direct opposition to the values and ethical code of the nursing profession.
Kelechi Okpara: Thank you very much for those powerful words, Andrew and Aqueelah. And just as our ancestors relied on the power of song to move mountains and strengthen their communities, today, we are going to do just that. They are based in Oakland, California, and their music illuminates the joy, pain, and beauty of what it means to be human in this time of systemic transformation. Today, two of their artists will lead us in song. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Our goal is to create a beloved community and that will require qualitative change in our souls as well as quantitative change in our lives.” We kindly remind you to keep your masks on while singing, particularly if indoors, and to maintain six feet apart from each other, for your own safety and those around you.
Please join us in welcoming Thrive Choir.
Dyna Erie: Hi, thank you so much for having us. My name is Dyna Erie and I have been singing with the choir for four years now and I just want to take a moment to say thank you all so much for what you're doing. I am not gonna get too emotional but I do feel emotional being a part of this. So thank you, for your work for keeping us healthy. And so anyway,I’ll sing a song that is inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We turned his words into a song because we really feel the resonance with it. And if it can be something that you sing while you're walking on the street, or whenever. It might help our worlds just turn a little bit softer and a little bit kinder. So the words are - and I'm going to have you all sing with me. So I'm gonna be watching. 
I can never be what I ought to be, until you are who you ought to be. And you can never be what you ought to be, until I am who I ought to be. So it goes like this, and then there's two parts.
This interrelated reality This inescapable mutuality
[ group sings]
Thank you so much. Y'all have a good day now.
Kele Nitoto: Hello, y'all. My name is Kele Nitoto Thank you so much, Dyna. I’m also with Thrive choir, and that was so beautiful. I'm gonna sing a song. I'll probably throw a couple other songs in there but I'm gonna sing a song by Osibisa called Woyaya. And the words go like this:
We are going Heaven knows where we are going. We know we will Heaven knows how we will get there. We know we will. It will be hard we know and the road will be muddy and rough. But we will get there. Heaven knows how we will get there. We know we will. Alright, right. So let's start with that. And we'll see where we go from there. All right, here we go.
[ group sings ]
Woyaya woyaya What Lyndsey Scott said –
We don’t have the know the way, the way knows the way We don’t have to plan the way, that’s the way, feel your way The way knows, the way knows, the way knows the way It will be hard we know and the road will be muddy and rough. But the way knows the way But we will get there. Heaven knows how we will get there The way knows the way Thank you very much.
Yasmin Rawlins: Thank you so so very much to Thrive Choir for those absolutely beautiful moments of celebration and remembrance and honoring the people, many of our ancestors who paved the way for us today, and whose shoulders we now stand on. In many ways, music is healing. But it is also powerful, and it can be a source of strength in this continuous battle for justice. Before we wrap up, I'll hand it off to Kelechi once again for some closing remarks.
Kelechi Okpara: Thank you to everyone who has joined us today. We would like to also give gratitude to the organizations who had a role in today’s action - SEIU, Docs 4 POC, CIR, LMSA, SNMA, Thrive Choir, and our guest speakers.
Racial justice is an ongoing fight. Health equity is an ongoing fight. We cannot simply act once and sit back. We must tirelessly raise our voices in solidarity. We must commit to this fight, advocating for those who cannot advocate for themselves. It is our collective voices that will spark the flame for enacting change across our institution and Los Angeles county. 
We ask you to start those difficult conversations. Hold those accountable who perpetuate these injustices. Hold governments accountable with your vote. Hold corporations accountable by supporting and protecting unions. Hold institutions accountable by mobilizing your communities, articulating your demands, and advocating for them - like the petitions circulating for the anti-racist transformation of UCLA Health. Ask constantly, who have we hurt in our current policies? Who have we left out? How can we serve them better? Show love to one another, but especially to these marginalized populations. Raise YOUR voice. 
There is power in the words we speak, the stories we share, and the voices we uplift. We thank you all who have decided to no longer be silent. We charge you to continue to fight against these inequities with your voice, and perhaps with your own unique song in your heart. Together, we are stronger than ever before and we will not be docile, we will not be quiet. 
In the words of the late Honorable John Lewis, who tirelessly advocated for our precious, almost sacred, right to vote: “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”
Yasmin Rawlins: Rest in peace and power to the honorable John Lewis. Thank you all again for joining us today. Today's gathering has been recorded and will be available later on (Docs4POC) YouTube channel. Look for (Docs4POC) on YouTube to access and share widely. If you haven't already, please register for this event at https://tinyurl.com/ucla4blm the Eventbrite for today's action, in order to receive an email with follow up actions, including a zoom call on Monday 7/27 at 6:30pm, where you can connect with each other and some of our resident organizers. Once again, the URL is https://tinyurl.com/ucla4blm. 
We encourage you now to tune in to the live stream by SEIU. SEIU today is striking for Black lives and we support them in their actions. Go to facebook.com/SEIU to hear stories from workers on why they are striking for Black lives on this national day of action.
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