#protective talon
ghost-bxrd · 14 days
How would the Court Family (Cobb, Bruce, Dick) react to going to visit Jason's grave and that's the night he comes back to life? So they're just chilling, mourning, and suddenly Cobb starts hearing scratching noises from inside Jay's coffin 🪙
Cobb would be the least likely to fall to hallucinations or wishful thinking (he wouldn’t even entertain the thought that his senses might betray him) so he’d wait for a few more seconds to confirm the sound really did come from the ground, from Jason’s grave, and then he’d be off to grab shovels and whatever else he can get his hands on and start digging.
He’s got a pretty clinical focus and knows that what little air is left in the coffin isn’t going to last long. And if he strains to listen— he can hear Jason’s heartbeat.
The others totally think he’s lost his mind, trying to get him to stop—
Right until the point where Cobb turns and honest to god hisses at Bruce.
He never does that. Not ever. It’s beneath him. An annoying, instinctual animal sound that comes as a byproduct of being a Talon. One he ruthlessly suppresses every time.
So when he hisses and looks— not feral, not exactly, but certainly a little more… unhinged than usual, the others shut up and get to digging alongside him.
And lo and behold: the minute Cobb breaks open the coffin lid with his bare hands, Jason tries to press through the gap, crying and shaking and clinging to Cobb like a lifeline.
Cobb refuses to hand Jason away, even just to get checked for injuries, for several hours.
….well, he would have handed him over. But when Jason started crying harder when he tried… well, no getting away from the Talon now.
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
DP x DC Crossover where Danny gets de-aged more towards his ghost-age and got adopted.
But he didn't exactly get adopted by a batfamily member, or even any hero, or a villain.
Honestly this Talon who just found a literal toddler that surfaced in a runoff of the Lazarus Pit is rather confused. Like on one hand should they be killing it?? But the idea of killing the strange tiny talon-sibling seems so viscerally wrong???
Welcome to having the first mental breakdown of many funky golden-eyed man that Danny thinks might be more feral than he is. Oh well, at least this person isn't a fruitloop and speaks in sort-of ghost speak? And sometimes more gold-eyed people appear to help care for him? Like they obviously don't know how to do so, but they're trying their best and honestly he's pretty self-sufficient. Ish.
The Court of Owls have no fuckin' clue where a good third of their Talons have disappeared to or why they can't call them back.
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giotanner · 3 months
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FINALLY I posted my Talon!Dick Grayson and Robin!Tim Drake WITH art (please share it, i'm so excited for this story!) LINK HERE
Little sneak peek:
It was futile to talk and explain, Tim considered. Batman would take Robin away soon, yet Tim couldn't shake the feeling of wrongness and injustice in letting this man go to Blackgate. How could he escort the Talon to prison after he had been abused and controlled by the Court? "Can you lean on me?" The Talon looked up, his expression surprised, guarded, but not malicious. "You're just a boy. You shouldn't be taking care of me." Robin hesitated for a moment, carefully weighing his words. "Don't call me a boy; you know my name," he said finally, his voice sincere. "And I want to help you. It's what I do. It's what Robin does." - - - - - - - Robin was a mask, a symbol, a name. Talon owed everything to him Or: how a Talon decides that his new brother is Robin and how this can change the course of events.
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skunkes · 6 months
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for when you feel small
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flashiefloo · 9 months
DP x DC prompt 4
Kinda gonna do the Fusion Dance from DBZ here with a few tropes etc I love from both fandoms.
So Danny ends up de-aged etc (the usual) but instead of being found by any heroes (while I do love those). Instead he's found by a Talon. Which Talon isn't important just that these two imprint on each other almost immediately (two dead things finding security in each other or whatever. Idk).
Talon decides It's gonna protect this child at all costs. Even if it means going against It's masters. Any other Talons they come across decide the same thing.
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prince-sawgrass · 3 months
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Axolotl, they’re an allwing oc for an rp with some friends :D
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nmzuka · 7 months
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working on Keena's design and drawing her with Talon
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hood-ex · 4 days
I am unapologetically a talon!Dick interacting with any of the other Robins stan. It is a delicious dynamic and I will die on this hill.
It has to be the right flavor of Talon!Dick for me to really enjoy it, but yes, it's always interesting to see their reactions to each other.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: Basically, AU where Jason and Dick were talons, ended up defecting and being adopted by Bruce, then those 2 adopting Tim (Jason) and Damian (Dick). Gen, no ships! It's so sweet
Author: @fantastic-wiles
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codemonki · 2 years
Uh oh!!
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doortotomorrow · 7 months
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garron : bones to pick
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
May I also offer another more heartbreaking possibility to a potential Jason return? Dick hears Red Hood make the chirps or hoots (maybe when he’s annoyed either at seeing Talon early or at something else and doesn’t know Dick is there) and instead of thinking “my owlet!” He thinks “A member of the Court of Owls survived.”
So that’s the first bad thing. Now, imagine how much worse it would be if this Court survivor was targeting his only chick left? If Dick saw what happened at the Tower and thought that this survivor wanted a new Talon.
Just a thought.
Oh dear, oh no. Omg—ngl I LOVE the idea that Jason’s bird noises are ingrained enough for him to be making them subconsciously? And also— Dick realizes that if this is truly a Court member— and he’s after Dick’s last surviving owlet—- Dick can never let this court member have Tim. Ever.
So Dick offers himself up instead. (Please, Dick is already a finished Talon, you’d have to train the other first, remember? He’s better, faster, stronger. You don’t want Tim. Please, you don’t want him. Dick— Talon— remembers how to be a good talon, please-)
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bonesif · 2 years
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A bad dog. That's all you'll ever be to them— the collar and muzzle bite into your skin. Trapped, trapped, trapped, trapped...
You were never given a choice.
Enter commander Atlas Akrosa, the white wolf.
[ from @exilethegame ]
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tommyarashikage · 2 years
What is your OC's love language?
I was tagged by @natesofrellis @socially-awkward-skeleton @echo3-1 and @purplehairsecretlair to do this really interesting uquiz! Thank you for the tags, beloveds 💙
sending out tags to; @sstewyhosseini @risingsh0t @poisonedtruth @hoesephseed @thomrainer @confidentandgood @aceghosts @indorilnerevarine @adelaidedrubman @josephslittledeputy @strangefable @ghastlyrider @noetikat @jackiesarch @jacobseed @leviiackrman @shadowglens @shellibisshe and you!
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a story that ends in blood
The world has always been unkind, and when you have turned to yourself for comfort you have come face to face with an empty pit which seems to be laughing. You don’t care if it kills you but once you find someone whom you love and who loves you back, you will make sure nothing happens to them. They are yours. You will make a tear in this world and create a new place for you and your love if it comes to that. Because it has always been about love, and it is how it always ends.
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consumption of a heart unloved
Here’s a dining table, here’s a set of plates. Here’s your heart, red and bursting with love. You have tried to love people all your life, but no one seems to understand you. Your own mother perhaps forgot to teach you how to protect yourself, maybe people whom you trusted chose to look the other way when all you wanted was a hand full of love. All you want is someone to take from you, all you want is someone to dig in your heart and eat it and kiss you afterwards - bloody and red. You want them to tell you that you are what they have been looking for, you want to be the one who ends their hunger.
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an undoing influence
Can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, lining the seams with their love and kisses, you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable. You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
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violent devotion
Everyone seems to think you are faithless, but the thing is you haven’t yet found someone who will bring you to your knees and make you raise your head in reverence. This world has stopped bringing you joy, you want more of the divine. You want to dedicate your entire existence to someone; you want to make them realise they are not something terrible, make them see just how much beauty they are bringing to this world. You want to be the only one for them, the only one they have chosen to love. There’s a god shaped pit inside of you and only they can fit in it. And what if they choose to walk away? Didn’t I say this was violent devotion?
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a knife called grief
You have left your house, you have left those people behind, but what are you going to do about the memories which have taken root in you? You can run but not without them. You want someone to sit with you on this cool marble floor while the sun burns everything. You want them to cut your rotten heart and theirs too. You want to sit with it in front of you, let them see you with all your flaws, which haven’t been your fault but you have been made to believe so, and you want them to love you anyways. Because you know you’d do that for them.
#oc: paz acosta#oc: mags wilhelm#oc: laurie devin#oc: shireen oqir#oc: carol kovacs#tag game#uhh be careful when opening the tags lmao#we got A LOT to unpack here wow ok let's go#these are all so extremely accurate it hurts and scares me#mags' result is probably the most surprising one#replace 'mother' with 'father' and it would be a lot more accurate#i guess you could say it applies to her before she met genji and after she escaped talon hmm#she did give him her whole heart (served on a plate) so maybe that's how talon could not take it from her later on#because she didn't have it anymore. it was always safe with him#or maybe i'm talking complete nonesense#paz is an obvious one. a tortured and broken soul looking for redemption in the form of love#it's all there really is for her. all she can believe in. wants to believe in. and when she finally finds it she'll do anything to protect#this is the part where i can finally talk about how 'blood in the wine' is THE song for laurie. it was written for her i know it#'i was given a heart before i was given a mind' describes her perfectly#because that's how she acts. out of love and compassion. not necessarily the most logical way. but it's always others before her#not only has she been neglected by others but also by herself#and the stitching part can honestly apply to both jacob and faith#it's almost as if this quiz knew shireen's partner is maul 😩 and to her he's obviously not the monster everyone else only sees#she doesn't deny the atrocities he's committed and she stands by him#how they're sort of?? in a force bond and they're the only ones for each other kinda hnnnnn#this whole result is just about carol and her dad tbh. she can't deny him nor run away from the memories. they're rooted.#all she ever wanted to hear him say was 'I am proud of you' but she never did. and she blames herself for not being good enough#and she carries this with her throughout her whole life. talk about daddy issues#if you made it this far i am kissing you on the mouth#these are just notes for myself but hii!! if you're reading this lol
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apoapsis · 1 year
just a little key bit of information but unless we've discussed how the topic is broached + discussed, it's very unlikely that your muse will ever find out about siebren without sigma explicitly alluding towards him unless they've spent a significant amount of time observing their dichotomy directly
the only verse where he openly makes mentions and references to siebren directly without requiring an emotional connection to a person to feel secure enough to discuss topics regarding him is the ow verse
of course there's rare instances of him mentioning siebren directly in moments of severe frustration, but these are relatively few and far between.
why? he's just become used to everyone simply chalking up his symbiosis with siebren as mental illness and its a little emotionally damaging for him whenever it occurs since their symbiosis is very real and extremely personal to him. (especially after one of siebren's acts of aggression against moira lands sigma a spot on her operating table as punishment)
thus, he tends to address siebren ambiguously when communing with him verbally and if prompted, will either simply ignore the question or change the subject entirely.
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writerfae · 7 months
Can you talk about Trevor?
I only know Trevor from one fact but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. Talon, you with me?
Starting with how old is he?
I like to think that Aiden learned about him while ranting about Talon's dad, and he says something like: and he's just a mean, old grandpa!
Talon: He actually is a gandpa
Aiden:!!! You have a kid?! (And his brain is exploding because he wasn't planning on becoming a step-dad at 19. He's not opposed, but it's just a shock)
Talon: Yes, I was really young, but we made it work... Not he's my sister's, you idiot!
Also, what Aiden and Henry song did you post the quote from? "I paid the highest price to be free"
Talon is definitely with you on this. And of course I’ll talk about my baby boy!
Trevor is three years old. He’s a very active and cheerful little guy. A small ray of sunshine, if you will.
He’s a good kid. Well behaved, quiet and kind (and cuddly). He’s very empathic and gentle (despite being so young he notices when someone is sad and tries to console them), but also a bit sensitive.
He can’t stand it when people raise their voice or get mad, tending to either start crying or seek out his mother (or someone else he trusts, like Talon) to take cover if this happens.
Some people think that the boy is a bit too soft. Sera stares daggers at everyone who dares to mention it while she’s there.
Trevor likes pretty things. He loves flowers and music and his mama. And exploring the beauty of the world around him. Running through fields, studying plants and bugs and cloud-watching with Sera.
His relationship to Talon very good. It is almost similar to the one Talon had to his own late uncle. Trevor adores him and trusts him, he enjoys spending time with his uncle.
They play knights, Talon sings for Trevor when he can’t sleep, Trevor always wants to be carried by him when he’s around. Sometimes he even cries when Talon leaves.
So you see, even though they don’t see each other that often, they’re pretty close. Probably cause they’re somewhat similar. Trevor is a lot like Talon used to be as a small child. They are both family heirs too
I think this is all to say about Trevor so far. To sum it up: he is a real sweetheart and I adore him. I’m sure when he grows up he’ll be a good man.
The song is from the playlist I have for them, it’s “Free” by Elina! I think it kind of fits them. It fits Talon and his sister too btw. Even more than the two, I’d say.
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