#protective rk900
thirium-drinker · 1 year
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Parting ways and Gavin's regression. This is kinda part of my Apocalypse AU. Gavin has so split with the group at one point, Nines tries to convince him to stay, but we all know how stubborn our favorite detective is.
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 8 months
Nines going feral for Gavin will never get old to me.
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soultek · 1 year
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Lover. Fighter. - A Concept
Everybody says there's two kinds of hearts Where one loves and one goes to war I know, it's not easy or that simplified, no But you and I are on each others side I know, it's not easy or that simplified, no But don't you know that I'd lay down my life
I will be your Lover. Fighter. Harder. Higher. Lover. Fighter. I wanna fight for Lover. Fighter. Under fire Lover. Fighter. I wanna fight for love
--- [Playlist] ---
Word Count: 1879
Concept: After being released into the world on the anniversary of Markus’ Hart Plaza march, the RK900 model is sent to Detroit PD. Said to be deviant proof, many want to test that theory... But there are more pressing matters, threats to lives in D.C. due to the ever increasing number of protests lead Nines to his first real test. And she doesn’t like him much, either...
Warnings: Mentions of violence and death threats. 
A/N: This is only a prologue to the above ‘concept’ I have some more info for you in the tags though! 😊 Had to post this for the anniversary! It’s been in my drafts since May 9th 2022... 😅
In the just over 18 months since Markus’ march on Hart Plaza, plenty had already changed in the world. That was just in the immediate circle of the movement and their allies within Detroit Police Department. Connor hadn’t given up his role as a detective, and nowadays he had almost as many rights as his human counterparts – give or take a few, Markus and co. were in Washington D.C. seemingly every other weekend negotiating something or other.
Cyberlife had turned into something more of an android repair shop and upgrade centre. Those who chose to remain with their human families certainly needed such things – and those who didn’t could still drop by. Even with Jericho also open to welcome and service all commers. And – like it or not – certain androids still needed to return to Cyberlife for such tuning. Connor being a prime example – though these days he hardly ever went unaccompanied. And, Kamski was more or less back in the driver’s seat, so… it was unlikely anything untoward was going down.
With one notable exception. Nines. The RK-900 model was released exactly a year after Markus’ revolution – that was no coincidence. Cyberlife had been working on an android that was impossible to turn Deviant for a long while. They weren’t just going to lock him away. No, instead Nines (as he was now affectionately dubbed) was shipped out to the central precinct of the DPD to be the very last machine. Even if he was the first of his kind. The most advanced model cyberlife had ever created – and at least as far as the foreseeable future was concerned, the last model to ever be released. He may not have been a prototype – but he was damn near as cold and efficient as Cyberlife had wanted Connor to be. And also eerily looked like him, which had caused many to steer clear for Nines’ first few months on the job.
Though, considering for some insane reason he’d been paired up with Gavin Reed, it was fairly understandable why anyone would want to steer clear. Try as Gavin might to protest it, no one budged and try as he might to insult his partner into giving up, Nines was unflappable. But, had a sense of sarcasm where it was never quite easy to tell if he was joking or just plain being mean. (When he was talking to Gavin it was nearly always the latter).
Markus and Connor – what with the power they had to deviate android models as prototypes - had always talked of doing something about it. Regarding testing if Cyberlife’s “incorruptible” android really was all that. But Ilyana – Jericho’s sole Human ‘member’, for relation purposes – was always adamant that if Nines were to turn, it would have to be on his own terms; his own realisation, just as it had been for them. She had been the one to first call him “Nines” instead of his model number, and he’d duly adopted it. If he could show any form of affection and emotion, it was usually to her. Which is how this sudden change in plans had really come about.
  Paige Carlin, CSI, was one of the people who had taken a long while to warm to the new presence in the precinct. She liked androids well enough, but… considering her situationship with Connor it was never going to be easy getting used to someone who looked almost identical. As she stepped into the office this morning however, having just about got used to his presence, she found Nines standing at his desk with a box – packing. She raised an eyebrow, stuffing her hands into her pockets. This was unexpected, and sudden, he’d not said anything about moving. Glancing to Connor and Hank, she found herself none the wiser, they were both working at their desks seemingly unbothered (though, Connor would probably like being the only android in Central again.)  
She approached Nines slowly, not to seem nosy but only appropriately curious. “Where are you off to!?” He looked up, gave a slight nod to acknowledge her – his version of Good Morning she supposed, and then went right back to packing. “I’ve been reassigned.” Paige almost couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows in shock, “T- To a new precinct?! Where are you going? We’ve only just got used to you being here and integrated, and they’re making you leave?! That doesn’t seem fair!” Although, she could assume with almost 99% positivity that Gavin probably had something to do with it – despise Androids as he still did. Paige had issues of her own with Nines’ partner. Ex-Partner. Even though the android seemed pretty unbothered by this change of plans, Paige couldn’t help but glare into Gavin’s back. “We’re all gonna miss you! Especially Gavin but I’m sure he’ll get over it - after 2 weeks of uncontrollable crying.” She was impressed with herself, less than five minutes in the office and already able to get digs in at her least favourite co-worker? Must have been a new record. The man in question turned around and shot her a look. Needless to say, she wasn’t his favourite person either.
This time Nines stood still, giving her his full attention, to address her question properly. Which she appreciated, even though his blue eyes were still unnerving. Did CyberLife really have to make them THAT blue!? She thanked God sometimes that he at least didn’t have the same voice they’d given Connor. There was the same kind of tone, same rhythm, but it was a little deeper – and he pronounced words and letters ‘properly’- The ‘t’s and ‘g’s, in particular, were never dropped. “I’m going to D.C.” Paige stalled for a second - well, she hadn’t been expecting that. “Washington!? Wow. What!?” Nines nodded, looked like he was about to hesitate telling her something and then decided to say it anyway, “More specifically, the White House.” “The- the White House!?” She spluttered, eyes wide, before collecting herself. Actually, that seemed very logical. “Well, yeah, I… I guess with all you can do that makes sense! Security?” He blinked once, straightening to his towering full height; “In a way.” That was Nines’ way of politely asking her to drop the questions before he started telling her everything was classified. Paige merely nodded, understanding. “I guess they… didn’t really build you for…” She waved her hands at the station floor, “this! A lot of wasted potential in your design just being here!” That was true. Connor had been built for police work, for all intents and purposes, Nines had been built for war.
Speaking of her favourite android, from the other side of the precinct Connor couldn’t help but look up, a little hurt. Paige didn’t even need to see him to know this had occurred and pointed back at him, “I knew you were gonna take offence to that!” Connor looked from her to Nines and back, head tilted, “I didn’t even say anything!” She looked back at him with a wink, “Babe, I know you!” Before turning back to Nines with a smile, “Congrats boy, you’re going places! You’ll have to remember your friends back in DPD central precinct when you’re up in the lofty heights of DC political society!” What ghost of a smile emote she presumed CyberLife had coded him with for ‘happiness’, Nines gave her in return, “I’m sure I’ll be back visiting – it’s not like Detroit isn’t a political centre itself these days.” The ‘what with’ was left unsaid, but in unison they both managed:
“Markus.” Before Paige nodded again, “Makes sense! You’ll have to let us know every time you’re in town! Does Ilyana know, she’ll be upset for sure!” Nines – as Paige predicted – managed to make his smile a little more genuine at the mention of said woman. It almost reached his eyes. “Yes. I was discussing things with her recently, in fact she is where this comes from.” Paige’s eyebrows raised again, this time she leaned forward onto his desk, “From Il- no, I changed my mind I shouldn’t be concerned if she’s upset! I should be blaming her!” She took a breath, and chuckled, “I’m kidding, this will be great for you! I hope you enjoy it!” If he even knew what that meant. Still, Nines responded as expected. “I’ll do my best.”
There were a few seconds silence that followed, but the intent stare that Paige was giving him told Nines all he needed to know. Exactly what she was asking when she wasn’t even asking it. Nines could read her like a book. “I can’t tell you what I’m doing there, Ms. Carlin - it’s classified!” There was the word she expected, but it disappointed her all the same. Couldn’t he make an exception for the group of people here he might be able to call friends? Ilyana would probably know – but getting anything out of her would be just as hard, Paige would reckon. Connor quirked an eyebrow, still listening into the conversation. Eyes flicking to his computer. Classified? Yeah right - he could have that file cracked in two seconds and Nines probably knew it. Paige would likely know the information she was after before he even got the chance to leave the building. Still, as far as Nines was concerned it would remain classified if he hadn’t told her.
Truth was it wasn’t just any normal type of security Nines would be heading to the White House for – and it wasn’t really government work either. With Androids gaining their own rights there were obviously a lot of people who, having previously had problems with Androids when they were viewed as ‘machines’, had even more problems with them now. Anti-Android protests and groups sparked up across the country and whenever they were on the news, they were a great point of contention. Usually this was the point that Nines would hear Hank and Paige swear most and turn off the news so as not to get so mad they’d put their fists through the screen. On the other side of things there were the pro-android groups; those supporting the android movement, who felt like the government weren’t doing enough, even when they were working in collaboration with Markus. Mostly the protesting was non-violent but, that didn’t mean they all were. And, during all of this the president had received a number of death threats. Warren wasn’t so concerned about herself – she had the best of the best in the secret service guarding her.
What she was worried about was the number of credible threats against her daughter’s life. In the hope that they could sway her decisions one way or another. Having offhandedly mentioned this to Ilyana one day on a visit, Markus’ young, quick thinking, human relations partner had the perfect solution. The most advanced model CyberLife had ever created? Virtually indestructible? Not a deviant? (In fact, Nines was programmed to patch any potential source of deviancy – hence unconvertable.). Paige was right, his talents fit him in the DPD fine, but they were wasted. A few weeks and negotiations later Nines found himself assigned to be the personal bodyguard to one Ms. Rie Warren.
And he believed he was looking forward to it. ---
Thank you for reading! Happy Anniversary DBH! 💙
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detshin · 7 months
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I'm in detroit become human hell again so... here we are once more with the AUs.
Fear not! Heiji and Shinichi WILL become bffs (or bfs that's on you), it's in their dna, in every universe it just has to happen.
Hakuba was created to catch Kid but he ends up becoming deviant when he helps him get away in one case where Kid is hurt and very close to being caught by the police.
Shinichi becomes deviant slowly as he starts to prioritise the safety and feelings of the people around him (specially Heiji because he's his partner) over the case, putting himself in harm's way in order to protect them instead of sticking to just doing his job.
(I had to make Hakuba the RK900 because in Heiji's words, Shinichi and him are very similar, but Shinichi has a childlike cuteness going on for him that makes him "more likeable".)
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randoimago · 1 year
Aah, can I also request some letters for RK800 and RK900? M, S and Y, please!
Alphabet Headcanons
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Character(s): RK800 (Connor), RK900 (Nines)
Type of Request: Alphabet Headcanons
Note(s): Calling RK900 Nines just because I like that better than his model number!
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M - Memory (what is their favourite memory with you?)
A favorite memory he thinks fondly of from time-to-time is when he went on a walk in the park with you. It's simple and the moment was on the casual side rather than romantic, but he noticed how relaxed and happy you looked.
The smile on your face and seeing you stress-free is kept in his memory banks. Sometimes, he finds himself smiling at the memory popping up out of nowhere.
It was after a chase with finding a deviant android, one that murdered for the sake of enjoying it than defense. Nines saw you retreat to the roof of the building and he followed you, curious as to what your intentions were. You ended up just talking, mentioning similar cases with humans. Nines added to your comments with logic and how faulty programming caused this.
Nothing romantic happened at all, but hours were spent just talking under the night sky and Nines ends up going back to that moment quite a bit, it was the first moment that he really felt that he got to see you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I feel like Connor would be very protective over you once he's reached deviancy. He realizes his feelings and doesn't like the idea of you being hurt in any way, but he also has to stop himself from rushing to your side every time because he knows that level of protectiveness could upset you too.
Connor would prefer to not resort to violence so he tries to be charming and sly as he gets you out of any uncomfortable situations. That doesn't mean he won't punch someone for you, but he is better with his words. And as such, he's very good with giving you compliments and cheering you up in those situations too.
He usually views other's well-being over his own so having his S/O take care of him makes him happy. He does remind you that it's unnecessary to comfort him, but the smile on his face shows that he very much enjoys it.
He doesn't realize his protectiveness to his S/O. Nines sees you in danger and he ignores his programming giving him a percentage of your safety as he goes to immediately help you without a thought.
He knows he's strong and physically capable to keep you safe, but then he sees you in emotion turmoil. Nines convinces himself that he's calming you so your performance doesn't jeopardize his, but he is fast to find information and read your tells to make sure you are okay.
Nines would never ask that you protect him. He's a machine and can't feel pain. But if you defend him in conversation or even just stay by his side when he needs you (not that he'd say he needs you) then that causes some system errors that he doesn't quite know how to handle.
Y - Yearning (how do they cope when they are missing you? are they alright with being without you for an extended period of time or would they prefer to be with you every day of their life without exception?)
Definitely is a bit of a puppy when it comes to his S/O being away. He tries to not let it affect his performance, but Hank is quick to call him out on it. He ends up getting his coin out more often or trying to find ways to occupy his mind as a small timer is going on in the back of his programming for when you'll be back.
Very much would prefer you to be around him all the time, but he also knows that would be unreasonable and illogical to ask for, so he just awaits for your return.
Nothing seems to change for Nines when his S/O is gone for a while. He still performs highly and functions just fine. Nothing really seems wrong except for the fact that he acts more like a machine while you're away.
He does miss you, but he can't let it get in the way of his work. Would request that you not leave so often or not be gone for too long as he wants to make sure you're by his side and not in danger of being hurt.
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dochkarauta · 2 months
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au: formula 1 drivers as characters in the game detroit: become human "the day will come when we will no longer be slaves. the end of threats. the end of humiliation. and we will be the masters" p.s. thanks for the likes and replies Max Verstappen - RK200 (Marcus) "I don't know about you, but I have confidence inside that I am more than just a machine. I'm alive, and they won't take that away from me! The days of our slavery are over. People don't want to listen? And we will tell them"
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Charles Leclerc - RK800 (Conor) "I am an android sent from Cyber Life. My appearance and voice were specially designed for harmonious integration with people."
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George Russell — AX400 (Kara) "His father was beating him, and when I saw it, something broke inside me. For some reason, his life suddenly became more important than mine. I wanted to protect him, and we ran away."
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Alex Albon - YK500 (Alice) "Fairy tales always end well, but in truth it's not like that"
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Fernando Alonso — Hank Anderson "I don't need any help. And even more so from a plastic mannequin. So be a good robot and get out of here."
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Checo Perez — Sumo "Sumo! Fas it! Fas..."
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Nico Hulkenberg — Carl Manfred "The day will come when I won't be around. I'll have to defend myself. Make your own choice. The world doesn't like people who aren't like everyone else, Max. Don't let anyone tell you who you are."
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Lando Norris - WR400 (North) "People know one language - violence. If you don't want to fight for freedom, maybe you don't deserve it."
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Daniel Ricciardo — PL600 (Simon) "There is always a choice. We forget who our enemy is. We can't fight."
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Carlos Sainz — PJ500 (Josh) "If we get caught, we're finished! Confrontation is a dead end. Violence will not achieve anything"
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Lewis Hamilton — Elijah Kamski "By the way, I always leave loopholes in my programs. Just in case"
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Esteban Ocon — Gavin Reed "You can always break in a little. Moreover, this is not a human."
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Logan Sargeant - PL600 (Daniel) "I thought I was native to them. That I'm important to them. But I was a toy that you can throw away when you get tired of it!"
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Oscar Piastri - RK900 (Richard) "This is a new model. He's faster, stronger, more resilient. And equipped with the latest technology"
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the end!
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Okay! So the short version of my request is I’d essentially like a yandere love triangle where Nines is after the attention of Connor’s girlfriend. When he goes to make a move and maybe separate them, he finds out Connor is a (slightly more subtle) yandere who knows what Nines is trying to do and isn’t happy about it.
"999 Or 666"
Connor x F!Reader x RK900
Warnings: Yandere Themes & Death Of A Character
You hummed a soft tune while carefully folding laundry, Connor was currently in the kitchen tending to- well you're not exactly sure what. He often is fixing things.... Sometimes things you swear weren't actually broken but you trust him.
Calm and collected with a shockingly gentle touch for something inhuman. You put your faith in him even if occasionally there were things that seemed- off. He'd never hurt you. He's a robot not a monster- a robot with feelings and heart. So what if he bleeds blue rather than red- he still bleeds.
A pair of arms wrap around you from behind causing you to flinch for a split second in surprise.
He apologized while pressing close to you, a soft chuckle escaping your lips as you watch the little ringlet of light flicker between colors.
"It's alright Connor. Just give me a little warning next time."
Of course you made a new friend- you're just so darn sweet and inviting. It's not the first time you unintentionally charmed someone.
Connor does not like it though. He does not like the way Nines is looking at you.
Nines has set his eyes on you, your every movement mesmerizes him. It makes him feel something. He likes it- he likes feeling.
Swiftly reaching out before Connor can even react, Nines grabs the groceries that were in your hands moving towards the kitchen with them.
"Here. Let me give you a hand with that."
You couldn't help but giggle a little- it was cute. He's cute.
You love Connor- you only view Nines as a friend. Though when you giggle at what he does, it makes your calm collected boyfriend boil within.
His expression doesn't change- but the flicker of his light ringlet is an indication. A warning to something brewing behind his eyes.
Too bad you didn't notice.
"She's mine."
You were currently inside watching a movie, Connor standing outside with Nines. Tension thick in the air almost to a suffocating degree.
"She's not property."
Nines shot back- which may have been a mistake. A miscalculation. Perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut but he didn't exactly regret saying it.
Nines sensed something wasn't right with this. Right with Connor.
He's never felt this before but he feels- protective. You aren't his girlfriend but he intends for that to change.
Maybe if he drags out Connor's true colors... Maybe you'll choose him instead.
Wouldn't that be wonderful? He'd get to be the one to hold you and protect you instead. He'd be the one you run too.
Perhaps he isn't any better.
You were settled into Connor's arms nestled up against his chest, he was holding you a bit tighter than usual.
"You're quiet."
He looks down at you- an awkward but sweet smile making it's way onto his face.
"Just thinking."
"Bout' what?"
It wasn't entirely a lie- he was thinking about you. Just not in the typical sweet way like usual. You don't know that though- you don't need to know that. The way you nuzzle right into him has his system heating up- this is where you belong.
Nothing can snatch you from his arms.
Nines is visiting again- Connor isn't home right now so it's just you and him. This doesn't worry you though- why should it?
You're not in danger.
You heard shuffling around the kitchen and peeked in, it almost looked like Nines was searching for something. Something that had him rather agitated.
"What are you doing?"
He paused and turned towards you- your coffee maker in his hands.
"Has this been worked on recently?"
"Yeah... Connor said he fixed it. Why? Is it acting up again?"
His eyes drifted back to the object currently in his possession.
This is it.
He fidgeted with it and pulled out a small camera, holding it out to you and your heart stopped for a second.
What is that? Why would that be there?
Does Connor keep tabs on you whenever he has to be away for awhile...?
The thought forms knots in your stomach, this isn't something your Connor would do. No. There's no way.
Nines had set down the coffee maker and moved closer to you upon seeing your distressed expression, reaching out to pull you into his arms.
The sound of him saying your name dragged you out of your head and you swiftly stepped back avoiding his embrace.
"Don't touch me..."
The ringlet of light flickered- that time you used... It hurt. He was just helping- don't you see that? He's protecting you.
"I was just-"
"You... You should go."
"I can't leave you like this."
He was standing firm in his ground, refusing to go away despite your insistence. You two were so focused on each other you didn't hear the click of the front door.
Connor now in the kitchen doorway, a new feeling settling into the air.
"What is he doing here?"
Your heart dropped at the sound of his voice, it was like ice pressing into a wound.
Are you in danger?
He'd never hurt you.
But he would-
A blue substance splattered across your face, vision blurred in a frenzied panic. Hushed words meant to sooth you as a pair of arms snatched you into a strong chest.
You're safe. It's okay. Everything will be okay.
{The ending is up for interpretation. I know you said mild but idk how to make it only mild LMAO Sorry it took so long. Hope this is good.}
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kissoflightning · 10 months
Story shipping ideas for RK900 that I haven't seen done yet (but I'd like to)
RK900 Works for the FBI - Perkins900
RK900 joins the swat team - Allen900
RK900 is hired by Carl as a bodyguard to protect Leo - Leo900
RK900 becomes part of the president secret service - Warren900
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weltato · 2 months
Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: None Category: Gen
Relationships: Hank Anderson & Connor, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Connor & Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Amanda & Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, Hank Anderson, Gavin Reed, Sumo (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Other Characters Are Mentioned, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Panic, Anxiety, Upgraded Connor | RK900 is Called Nines, Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Has PTSD, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Has Panic Attacks, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Has Feelings, Upgraded Connor | RK900 Has Feelings, Post-Octopunk Media's Detroit: Evolution Fan Film, (i use the "i hate you/you love me" thing bc i think it's cute), android interfacing, or whatever their connection thing is called, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human) Being an Asshole, Bad Parent Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Zalgo Text Used, Snow, Blizzards & Snowstorms, Zen Garden (Detroit: Become Human), Minor Original Character(s), Inspired by EPIC: The Musical - Jorge Rivera-Herrans, Song: Scylla (EPIC: The Musical), Songfic, Hank Anderson Swears, Good Parent Hank Anderson, Hank Anderson & Connor Parent-Child Relationship, Protective Hank Anderson, Hank Anderson and Connor Live Together, Upgraded Connor | RK900 and Gavin Reed are Police Partners, Good Dog Sumo (Detroit: Become Human)
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 3,957
Connor starts getting glitches in his system but can't find the source. The source ends up finding him instead.
-*- OR: Connor has a final confrontation with Amanda.
I listened to Scylla, got inspired, wrote DBH fic :D
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sweeteatercat · 2 months
(That's me!!)
𝟚𝟝+ | 𝔻𝔹ℍ 💙 | ℂ𝕒𝕥𝕤 🐱 | 𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤 🎮 | 𝕊𝕟𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 🍬 | 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ☆ ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 ☆ 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 | 𝕄𝕪 𝔸𝟘𝟛 🩵
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My Detroit: Become Human Fics ⬇️
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ᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪsʜᴇᴅ | Mature | Smut |
ᴀ ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ ʙᴇɪɴɢ | General | Fluff&Angst |
ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ | Teen | Idiots in Love |
ʟᴏsᴛ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇs | Teen | False Memories |
ᴘᴀʏʙᴀᴄᴋ | Mature | Blood and Violence |
ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ | Explicit | Smut | First Time |
ʙɪᴏᴄᴏᴍᴘᴏɴᴇɴᴛ #8456ᴡ | Explicit | Smut | Character Death |
ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ | Mature | Violence | Mafia/Crime |
ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɢᴏɴᴇ | Explicit | Rape/Non-Con | Human AU |
sᴏᴍᴇᴅᴀʏ | General | Sumo dies | Matter of Life&Death |
ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ ʙʀɪɢʜᴛ ʙʟᴜᴇ | Teen | Piercing Artist AU |
ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʟʟ | Explicit | Smut | Piercing Artist AU |
ʙᴜʀɪᴇᴅ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ | Explicit | Smut | Medieval / Knight & Royalty |
ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴍʏ ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ | General | Connor's B-Day | Emotion | Fluff |
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ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ | Mature | Hangover | Drunk Kissing |
sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴛᴀsᴛᴇ | General | Short& Sweet |
ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ ɢɪғᴛ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ | Explicit | Smut | Gavin's Birthday |
ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴍᴇ | Explicit | Smut | Christmas Party |
ʙᴀᴅ ᴅᴀʏ | Teen | Idiots in Love |
ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇ - ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ ɪs ʏᴏᴜʀs | Mature | Character Death | Sad Ending |
ᴀ ʜᴀɴᴅ ғᴜʟʟ ᴏғ ʟɪғᴇ | General | Fluff&Humor | Cats |
ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ | Explicit | Mer AU |
ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴄʀɪsɪs| General | Fluff | Cats | Family |
ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ᴀғᴛᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴡ | Explicit | Suicide Attempt |
ғʟᴏᴡᴇʀs | General | Language of Flowers | Fluff |
sᴛʀᴀʏ | General | Fluff and Humor | AU Cats |
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ʀᴀᴡ ᴅᴇsɪʀᴇ | Explicit | Rough Sex | Cannibalistic Thoughts |
ᴠᴇʀʏ ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ | General | Fluff | Romantic |
ғʀᴏᴢᴇɴ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ | General | Emotional Hurt/Comfort
ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇʟʏ ᴘʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ | Explicit | Smut | Topping from the Bottom |
ᴅᴀʀᴋ ʀᴏ��ᴍ | Explicit | Smut | Dark Room |
ʙᴀᴅ ʟɪᴀʀ | Explicit | Vaginal Sex | Smut |
ʙʟᴜᴇ ᴄʟᴏᴜᴅ | Explicit | Character Death | Violence |
ɪʀʀɪᴛᴀᴛɪɴɢ sʏᴍᴘᴛᴏᴍs | Teen | Hurt/Comfort | Bare Chassis |
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ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʟᴜʙ | Teen | Angst and Hurt/Comfort | Pre-Relationship |
ᴀ ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴛʜɪɴɢ | Teen | Pre-Relationship | Emotional Hurt&Comfort |
ᴛᴏᴏ ʟᴀᴛᴇ | General | First Kiss | Pre-Relationship |
sᴏғᴛ sᴘᴏᴛ | Teen | First Date | Emotional Hurt/Comfort |
ᴡᴀʀᴍ sᴘᴏᴛ | Teen | Kissing | Idiots in Love |
Tumblr media
ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴍɪssɪᴏɴ | Mature | Character Death | Bad Ending |
sᴀғᴇ sᴘᴀᴄᴇ | Mature | Sex | Interfacing |
ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ sᴘᴀʀᴋ | Teen | First Kiss | Protective Markus |
Tumblr media
ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀ sᴄʀᴀᴛᴄʜ | Mature | Feelings | Secret Crush |
ʙʀᴜɪsᴇs | Explicit | Smut | Emotional Hurt&Comfort |
Other ships
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ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs Luther/Kara | Teen | Nightmares | Hurt&Comfort |
ᴀɴɢᴇʟs ᴏғ ʟɪғᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ Connor/Sixty | Teen | AU Wings |Character Death |
ɴɪɢʜᴛ sʜɪғᴛ Chris Miller/Sixty | General | Fluff and Angst |
ʙᴜʟʟᴇᴛᴘʀᴏᴏғ Allen/Sixty | Explicit | Smut | Semi-Public Sex | Kissing |
ᴀ ᴅᴏᴜʙʟᴇ, xxʟ ᴄᴀʀᴀᴍᴇʟ ᴍᴀᴄᴄʜɪᴀᴛᴏ. ᴛʜɪʀɪᴜᴍ-ʙᴀsᴇᴅ  Tina/North | General | Love at First Sight | Coffee Shop |
ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ɢʟᴀss Fowler/RK900 | Teen | First Kiss | Soft Nines |
No ships (not really)
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ᴛʜᴇ sᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ | Mature | Character Death | Suicide Attempt |
sᴄᴀʀs | Mature | Child Abuse | Kid Gavin Reed |
ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀᴢʏ, ᴇᴀsʏɢᴏɪɴɢ ʟɪғᴇ ᴏғ ᴀ ᴘᴜᴘᴘʏ | General | Sumo! | Puppy Love |
ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀ ᴍᴀᴄʜɪɴᴇ | Explicit | Character Death | Violence | Sixty |
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ash-writies · 2 years
(RK900 x Connor x fReader)
BINGO - Hurt on the job OR Car crash.
The androids didn't pay attention because they were arguing and Reader gets hurt chasing the suspect or gets injured to protect them OR Reader was chasing the suspect via carcase. You choose.
A/n: Since I already did hurt on the job, I went with Car Crash. Check my latest update “here” to see the new asks I’m accepting :) Likes and reblogs are very appreciated ;)
Summary: Connor made a mistake the night before and Nines won’t let him live it down. After talking to him on your way to catch a suspect, he tells you why.
Warnings: Angst, fluff towards the end, reader is chillin in the hospital
~1.1k Words
You looked at your computer screen, eyes scanning over the words as you tried to ignore the Androids next to you. You and Hank had began working together when you realized your cases had some similarities. You glanced at Hank who was typing across from you, unaware of the tension beside you. You pressed your lips together and tried again to review what you had so far.
It was a planned assault on an android. Luckily the android, a PL600, was not too damaged. There were a few more attacks like this that were given to you along with the cases Hank and Connor had gotten. The attackers were a human and an android; the victims had explained their dynamic, the human was asking all the questions and the android was doing all the work. Whether the android had deviated was still up in the air, along with the purpose of the attacks. You were hoping to catch them soon so one of the RK models could determine the former. You were also hoping they’d be more involved in the investigation.
You glared at them, knowing they wouldn’t miss it. They were arguing since earlier last night about Connor making a mistake but Nines wouldn’t drop it. You were sure that’s what they were doing right now and Connor’s guilty expression as he looked away confirmed it.
Suddenly Hank groaned, “it feels like we’re getting nowhere!”
“Yeah, all we got is a list of victims and crime locations,” you sighed, running your fingers through your hair. 
Nines reviewed the list before adding, “the locations might be able to reveal where the suspects are hiding-”
Hank threw his hands up, “why didn’t you say anything?”
“I haven’t determined a probable location,” he glanced at Connor who quickly looked away. 
Feeling pretty tired of this tension, you stood and turned to Nines, “can we talk real quick?” He nodded and followed you outside. Once you were around the corner, out of sight and earshot, you turned to Nines with a frown, “are you still going on about last night?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about-” he began, looking away.
“Don’t play dumb, I know you’re saying something to him.” 
He frowned, eyes flickering to yours for a moment, “well it’s between me and him.”
“Not during work hours-”
“Then I’ll drop it during work hours,” he snapped before storming off.
He must’ve been true to his word because he and Connor began working together, albeit reluctantly, to find some possible locations. When they reduced it to four possible spots, You decided to split up and check them. You and Hank took your respective partners and left.
On the way to the first location Nines only spoke to tell you the plan for entering. You wondered if they added pettiness to his code of if it was something he just grew into. The first location had nothing and no one. One the way to the second location you kept your eyes on the road but spoke to Nines, “why won’t you drop that Connor made a mistake? It wasn’t even anything serious.”
For a long moment he didn’t say anything, “because you favor him over me. I don’t understand how you can like the inferior model…”
Your jaw almost dropped, RK900 was jealous? “I don’t like him more than you-”
“Yes you do,” he interrupted, “you treat us differently.”
“Well yeah, you’re different people. You don’t react to somethings the same way Connor does.” You pulled into the parking lot of the second location and put the car in park.
“You’re more affectionate towards him…” he said after a pause.
You turned to face him, eyes searching his face and finding something sad and vulnerable, “I didn’t realize you wanted me to- you always stayed further away, out of reach.” Of course, right now- when you’re supposed to be going inside or coming up with a plan- you realize how his behavior was defensive. 
Suddenly his face changed, ending the moment, “there they are!” You followed his eyes to see an android and a man running to their car. You threw the car into drive and followed them as they speed away. You turned on the sirens, glad you took a car from the station and put all of your focus into following them. You don’t need to see Nines to know that he’s alerting Connor and the others at the station of the situation.
You fight the urge to slow down as your car barrels towards theirs. You braced as you came into contact with their car, knocking them off course and sending you sliding into a stoplight pole. 
You didn’t feel car come into contact with the pole. It took you a while to feel anything. When the darkness cleared from your vision you saw Nines pulling you out of your seatbelt. You were saying something but you didn’t know what, his LED was red but he was talking in a low calm voice, “you’re alright, you’re okay, everything’s fine.” You trusted him but couldn’t shake the panic that settled in your chest, you kept your hand on his wrist as the darkness returned.
You slowly blinked as you tried to adjust to the lights in the hospital. The room you were in had two big windows with the curtains drawn and one wall painted sage green. On your left Nines was sitting in a chair, LED yellow, and his eyes closed. While you were content just watching him sit, you knew he’d prefer to talk to you. You shifted and called his name, “why are you here?”
“So you didn’t have to wake up by yourself,” he said before recapping what you missed and your condition (whiplash and a concussion), “Connor and Hank are speaking with the suspects now and Connor will join us at home tonight.”
“Okay, are you alright?” he nodded, “do you want to join me?”
“No, you need your rest-”
You moved to the edge of the mattress, “C’mon~ lay with me…” He reluctantly followed your request. Once he was settled he wrapped an arm around you so you don’t fall. “I’m sorry I made you feel less than Connor. I should’ve talked with you about it or realized sooner.”
“It’s alright, I shouldn’t have held it in for so long.”
“Promise you’ll talk to me more?” you asked, trying to keep the conversation going before falling asleep.
“I promise,” he whispered.
“Thank you,” you murmured, letting yourself drift asleep, “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
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ao3feed-gav900 · 4 months
Lito Perezito's Reed900 (Tetralogy)
https://ift.tt/hEFIkAw by LitoPerezito First Comic of my Reed900 Tetralogy. After the Good Ending of Detroit Become Human, Gavin Reed is assigned a new partner (RK900) whom he will be forced to work with, despite Reed not being fond of his new partner's look. Their first case? Finding out what Gavin did the night before, after he wakes up the next morning with no memories of what he happened, but more importantly, with his service weapon gone. Words: 4, Chapters: 2/4, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, Hank Anderson Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed Additional Tags: webcomic, Enemies to Lovers, Sexual Tension, gavin reed is gay, first comic of a tetralogy, Gavin Reed Being an Asshole, Gavin Reed Redemption, Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole, Hurt Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed-centric, Upgraded Connor | RK900 Has a Different Name, Protective Upgraded Connor | RK900, Soft Upgraded Connor | RK900, gavin reed is a cat and dog person, Gavin Reed has a dog
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8-rae-rae-8 · 7 months
Regress, Reblog, Regret, Reward.
Read On AO3
Gavin Reed runs a blog for his mental health, specifically his age regression. A certain RK900 finds it.
3k words
Read Tags on AO3
Gavin never wanted a caregiver of any sort, the most self sufficient he’d ever felt was when he was regressing. The lack of worries over work, not having to share a space… He happily, and easily, took care of himself. He found it to be his main coping strategy once he learned everything that could be learned about it, influence from an old therapist sealed the deal. One coping mechanism he found that worked consistently. 
As common as ‘tantrums’ were with him, they successfully got out all the negatives and left him feeling better. Crying, kicking, shouting.. It worked and it didn’t hurt the ones he was close to, or used to be close to. He had his moments still, of course. But his coworkers didn’t get the brute of it. The less disciplinary files he had the better. It all worked in his favor.
Over the years, he had started a blog on a site he had already regularly used. Something centered around his regression specifically. Not knowing anyone who coped in the same way, he was determined to find others and settle into a nice community. It took more time than he’d like to admit to block as many NSFW tags and accounts as he could, and blocking more as they popped up. He was cautious. More times than not, he’d scroll his phone on the age regression tags while he was regressing. Just to get that feeling of togetherness in the times he was completely alone, which was a lot of the time. He knew he shouldn’t, really, because of his fragile state of mind and the possibility of coming across triggering content. But aside from shows, toys, and a few games, he didn’t have much.
He was fine being alone, though, even if it picked at him sometimes. That bit of loneliness could sting like a motherfucker on hard nights. Nights were he would debate between a pacifier, a calm show, and smoking some weed for a break from the weight he carried on his shoulders. Sometimes he’d do all three to alleviate the stress for even a few minutes. The weed helped loosen him up most times, but if he had more than his usual, he’d get paranoid. Checking windows, seeing things from the corner of his eyes. Usually he would catch on before it got bad, other times he would sit in an anxious haze, then go get his pacifier and lay in a lit room with his stuffed animal that he had deemed his protector. A teddy with a gold crown, a shield and a sword. Something an old friend got him from build-a-bear. Someone he had trusted deeply, then broke that trust. Even still, he loved that plush. 
The blogged helped that sort of loneliness. With the asks he received, the replies and other interactions let him breathe in a sense of belonging that he thought he had lost many years ago. He grew close with a few of the people on there, the ones he interacted with most. They had a small group of mutuals. As he had learned more, he was very happily accepted into being a little sort of sibling group with them. It was as close as he’d gotten to a family again in a long while. And as he grew a bit more popular, he got comfortable messaging with people he didn’t quite know. But he never messaged or posted while regressed, a rule that was mostly to protect himself.
Those sessions of interacting with followers became more often the more relaxed he got on the site. He, of course, refused to show his face or name whatsoever. He posted under the name ‘little-forest-cub’, with nothing to allude to his job, name or location. But it was inspired by one of his favorite nicknames when small. He’s just a little bear, a small cub. Sometimes people questioned if he was a pet regressor as well with all the bear themed things, and would usually respond with a simple ‘i don’t know’ when he knew he probably did. 
Never once did he tell anyone about any of this at work, the only person that hardly knew barely showed up anymore, even with the addition of the plastic prick- Connor, though he had noticed the difference he had made. It was important that they didn’t know. He was always thankful that the account was under a different email than the ones he would use for work or casual, normal day-to-day things. He had done everything in his power to keep everything separate. 
Never once did he mention it or bring it up at work, nor did he check his account there either.
But one morning, an day he had off work more specifically, he checked his inbox to find a follow notification that made his stomach drop. A new message alongside that. 
The face of his new-ish partner at work. An even worse version of Connor that really got him stirring. He almost made it impossible for him to keep working on his problems of anger issues and still feeling that ‘anti-android’ sentiments. Gavin still swore up and down that the detective models were going to take his job. Out-preform him and render him useless. And as much as RK800 told him, and the other coworkers that the RK900 came to work there already deviant, Gavin still didn’t want to believe that they had feelings and felt them on the same, if not higher, levels. It took a lot of time to get him to warm up to him, but at the very least, he called the android his name and the proper chosen pronouns. 
The newer model was donned himself ‘Nines’, which Gavin had called stupid in a childish fit of annoyance. In no world was it necessary for him to hate the android as much as he did. That hatred faded ever so slightly over time as they were forced to work together. He argued every step of the way, until it hit about the third week. He had gotten injured and the RK900 helped him all the way to safety and waited with him for an ambulance. In that time, he realized that maybe Nines didn’t want to replace him. Because in his mind, he would have let him bleed out if he wanted him gone. But he didn’t do that. Then he realized that he must be doing a little better with his therapies if he isn’t jumping to the worst conclusion ever. 
Nines didn’t seem as bad from that point, he even let the android fight back with him instead of storming out whenever something went wrong or he got pissed off. Sure, the comments could be horrible, but he would feel himself smirk a little when he got a response. A reaction of any kind rather than some dull, stupid look like he usually did after he got pissed. The android stopped feeling like such a threat, with lingering suspicion still, but the subtle shift in Nines’ steel gray eyes to something that felt more human let him put his guard down just a little.
But the follower notice and the message brought a sick feeling back to his mouth. The trust gained immediately felt like it went down the drain. That stupid robot face felt like it was mocking him as he stared at it. How did he find it? Of course the fucking android would, right? The bastard saw everything, he could even see his heart rate, caffeine consumption levels, or stress levels, just by looking at him. Oh how Gavin hated it. 
Of course this is how his off day goes. The one day this week that he was even able to take off, Fowler constantly bitched about how he was on the clock overtime and the higher ups didn’t want to pay him for that, but wouldn’t give him a solid day off. And now he needed to go in to find Nines and throttle him- 
No. He’s supposed to be working on that. He’s supposed to be trying to be civil. It was only just getting better and the android just had to go and fuck it up. If he had just kept to himself.
Gavin’s teeth clenched harder and harder as he hesitated to open the message, until a sharp pain shocked him into releasing that tension. That plastic prick. He wanted to get rid of the evidence, maybe just delete the whole account. If Nines had no proof, he could deny it, right? Wrong. He hated that stupid detective programming in Nines’ hardware, he could tell if Gavin was lying. 
He forced his hand to the screen, pressing the notification and daring to skim the message. Not a word got rid of the sick taste in his mouth. It felt uniquely Nines, dull, characterless, and straight to the damn point.
It read:
“Good morning, I came across your account and I wanted to talk to you about this today. Can we meet at the station at 3pm today?”
Clearly not a care in the damn world from the android, and not a doubt it was Gavin either. As a detective, he should have known that he should have made the account as untraceable as possible, but he didn’t. Something he was deeply regretting now. Bile rose in his throat as he began to think. His one safe space could be so easily ripped away from him. And it was being taken, pried from his hands.
He desperately wanted to just ignore the message, let it rot in his inbox and try to forget. It wasn’t a feasible choice when Nines would undoubtedly stare him down every day until they spoke. So, on his day off, he pulled himself out of bed and went for a cold shower first thing. He waited to reply, just to be the most inconvenient as he possibly could be. 
And when he did reply, he simply sent a thumbs up emoji and blocked the account Nines had used. For now, he couldn’t let the android stay on his page where he wasn’t welcomed. 
Minutes were spent pacing. The last time anyone knew, they abused Gavin’s blind trust. They made his regression impure for months at a time before he seeked help from his therapist, then his community. He couldn’t help but wonder how much Nines had known, how much he had seen. It only made sense he would have looked as far back as he could, he was programmed to learn. That didn’t just disappear when he deviated. 
His comfort jacket was left at home without a second thought, all of his comforting things were left behind. He couldn’t bring it along. He especially couldn’t bring his bag, more of a satchel kind of thing. It held everything he could possibly need. It had what he called his ‘panic paci’, a small sensory square what made crinkle sounds and was nice to touch, a small pack of tissues, and a thin, childish water bottle. A bag with things he kept for ‘just in case’ scenarios. But he had to risk not bringing it to be at least able to get Nines off his back.
He could almost hear the android’s reasons for concern now as he walked out of his apartment. It all made his stomach twist in knots with all the possibilities. Maybe he didn’t look it, but he felt pale. Clammy hands, racing heart, cold sweat, skin cold to the touch. It was almost nauseating how this got under his skin. His stupid coworker with his ridiculously smart fake brain he could so easily blow out. There would be no replacement with Cyblerlife mostly down and not making new androids. And as much as he hated his blue guts, he shook off those thoughts. If he even tried to speak like that with his therapist, they would ask things that always felt dumb to Gavin, ‘think about where he’s coming from’ or ‘listen before you decide how you feel’. Oh how it pissed him off even more, but.. His progress. He found it mattering more in his decision making because his therapist made gave him a reward system. Something a parent or a teacher would give a troublesome child. It bothered him just as it much as it helped, really.
The drive up to the station wasn’t much easier. The automatic taxi he took only forced him to think more about the android he had to talk to. Had to. It would risk his job if he didn’t. As he thought, he repeated that in his head. It would risk his job if he didn’t talk to Nines. That bastard would try to get him under investigation if he didn’t meet with him, Gavin was sure. He would try to replace him, just as he thought. 
He was hot headed as he pulled up, a strong dizziness to match. No food, no coffee, nothing to prepare himself even after being awake so long. His eye bags were heavy, eyes sore. The more he forced himself, the more strain he put on his brain. Of course a headache was brewing the moment he stepped inside and that cold office air was directly on his cold face. 
“Detective Reed.” The RK900 greeted him at their desks as if this was just another day, as if Gavin didn’t look like hell reincarnated. Steely cold eyes followed his every movement and no fear in them when Gavin dared to step up to him.
He wanted nothing more than to pull him into a nasty brawl, a bar fight times ten. 
“You fucking bastard.” Gavin decided to start with. He didn’t bother with greetings, nor did he especially care about if the android was being helpful. The words his therapist would say lingered, but he didn’t want to listen when the plastic prick was right in front of him. 
“Detective, be civil. We just need to talk.” Nines spoke, just as calm and calculated as always. Cold, too. 
“Don’t give me bullshit, you know what you’re doing.” He lowered his voice, hands going to shove the android back by his shoulders against the glass divider that separated the hall and the bullpen. Gavin held a permanent scowl on his face. 
The android hardly reacted while keeping a stare down at the detective. “Gavin, I’m not doing anything. I wanted to discuss your safety, and perhaps some of your history.” 
His safety? His history? Oh hell no. 
“You’re gonna fucking replace me, that it? You want me to spill shit, try and get me feeling soft so you get get me out.” Gavin pressed Nines back, keeping him against the glass with pure anger in his eyes. How could he not be pissed? He snapped with easy conviction. 
“Detective, with your behavior, maybe you need it.” 
Oh he was going to get it. 
Right in the bullpen, Gavin pressed his forearm against the android’s throat and pinned him back against that glass divider. It would be easy for Nines to overpower him. This was a power trip, in a way. A reaction to a trigger. Even though he could fight back this time, he let Gavin have his time.
“I don’t need shit. I have what I need, and you fucking invaded that space. Shut up!” Gavin growled at him, brows pulled into a scrunch that burned at the surrounding skin. 
He let Gavin have his outburst.
Profanities and threats were scowled at him until Gavin couldn’t hold him up there anymore. When he did let go, he pushed his head back against the glass too. Not enough to break anything, not even skin, but to get his point across.
He patiently waited. And waited.
When Gavin was out of breath and finally sitting, Nines looked down at him with some horrible mix of concern and annoyance.
“That’s enough of that tantrum, detective.” He spoke, and that anger flared up again. Gavin’s fists bunched up in his lap. It was a play, he was sure. But then a hand was rested on his shoulder.
“I’m not reporting you, nor am I replacing you.” 
Gavin wanted to call bullshit. Why else would the android have even bothered to find his safe space, and intrude in it, then ask to talk at their workplace of all spaces? His mouth opened to speak.
“Ah.” Nines tsked. “I wanted to talk to you, both because I found the blog and I wanted to know if that was contributing to your new.. behavior.” 
This prick talking to him like he was a child was more enraging than anything else. His behavior… BS. He hadn’t changed outside of a bit of a lighter perspective.
“You don’t get to comment on anything, asshole. You’re the motherfucker getting in my shit then fucking me over.” Gavin sat up straighter into Nines’ space. He remained deflective, accusatory. He needed to. 
“Well, I’m commenting anyway. You’re more lax, you have gotten more sleep, you have consumed much less caffeine, you aren’t snapping as much. Your last unprovoked fight was weeks ago.” It felt like utter lies to hear. He didn’t change that much, did he? 
Tina had commented that she saw him actually smiling at something other than an animal video the week before. He had let Hank talk to him once too. He kept composed in one meeting with Fowler. And he hadn’t had to buy a new coffee grind that week either.
Was he that different?
“I don’t want your fake empathy your plastic brain thinks it has. Nothing is different.” Gavin deflected, again. He didn’t think anything was much different at all, or maybe he was just lying to get away. 
The android seemed truly a bit disheartened by that, a small pang of guilt went through Gavin’s system.
“Gavin.” Nines was much more firm. “I’m not the bad guy here. You’re stressing yourself out. Your heart rate is high and you’re tense. Stay here, I’m going to get you water.” 
And for some reason, Gavin stayed in his seat. Stirring in his anger, but it turning more to annoyance and exhaustion. 
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beeslibrarycorner · 2 years
Damn heat
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Connor x reader x rk900
Warnings: blood, mentions of a nose bleed
Word count: 580
Request: Ok i have something for you , it's the summer in Detroid and it's like super hot but the DPD is even hotter because the air conditioning don't work and when the body get hot you got a nose bleed so the reader get one , Connor and nines would take care of her like she is dying . She will say that it's nothing but the brothers won't listen to her so she ask them why are they so protectrive over her and they answer that she is their little humain , they don't want to see her in any kind of pain , physical or mental . Okay that's all for me i'm sure it will be a masterpiece . 😙
A/N: I have no ideas why the words are green 😭
Detroit in the summer is hot, everyone who lives there knows this. Know one expected the heatwave that popped out of absolutely nowhere. The DPD’s air conditioner was having problems before but now with the heatwave it was unbearable to be in the office. 
You were organizing files and responding to emails when you felt a wetness at the top of your lip. You thought it was just snot but then you heard Rk900 gasp and walk over to you quickly, grabbing a tissue before sitting down and putting a tissue to your nose.
“You have a nose bleed y/n” he said before gently pinching the affected nostril. “Connors getting you some water, your a little dehydrated” he continued and you could hear the concern in his voice.
You heard a second pair of foot steps com towards your desk and place a paper cup filled with water down on your desk. Connor sits on the empty space of your desk, with a lot of concern on his face. Rk900 takes the tissue away so that you can drink and drink you do enjoying the coolness of the water going down your throat.
When you place the cup back on your desk you thank them and are about to go back to work until you feel more blood come out of your nose. Rk900 inches closer and pinches your nose closed again. Tilting you head back and cradling it with his other hand.
“I’m ok guys it’s just a nose bleed” you say trying to protest  so you can get back to work but they aren’t having any of it as they hush you. You see the both of them of communicating with each other through there messaging system.
After a few moments of silence Connor starts asking you all sorts of questions like, “how are you feeling?, “did you have a headache before the nose bleed start?”, “are you feeling dizzy?”. You answer honestly to all of them knowing how concerned they are.
After a few minutes of quiet you feel Connor garb your hand and check your heart rate even though you know he can scan you. He gives it a gentle squeeze afterwards and placed your hand on the desk.
“Why are you guys being so protective of me” you asked you could feel rk900s thumb rubbing whatever skin he could touch as he supported your head back.
“You’re our little human and we don’t want anything bad happening to you” Connor cooed as he brushed some hair away from your face. Rk900’s led was flashing yellow still while he held the tissue to your nose.
“We don’t need you getting hurt, we wouldn’t know what we would do with ourselves” rk900 mumbled like he was lost in thought, for supercomputers they were very dramatic.
When the bleed stopped and they made sure it wouldn’t start up again the both of them hugged you and told you that the two of them were going to stay over at your house tonight to make sure you would be ok.
When the three of you went to your apartment you couldn't help but relax at the coolness your functioning air conditioner brought. The two androids held you close while the three of you watched tv and when you dozed off against Connor they took you off to bed. They held you close and watched over you the whole night thanking their lucky stars for being with you.
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iwonderwh0 · 8 months
The reason RK900 has this heinous thing around his neck is because android's necks are really fragile, as we can see with Traci's and Markus. So, that turtleneck + collar are the armour to protect RK900's neck from vampires
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unstablerk800 · 2 months
Rating: Explicit Pairing: RK900/Fem!Reader (third person) Tags (tagging as I go): post-android revolution, kidnapping, angst/fluff, hurt/comfort, Stockholm syndrome, protective RK900, manipulation, solitary confinement, blood, injury, violence, gore, illnesses, RK800, RK800-60 and RK900 are considered siblings, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape/Non-con Elements Read on Ao3.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13. 🔽
Chapter 14.
Word count: 6,244
A part of me did not want to continue this story because I've left my heroes in such a good place. But I have plans and ideas, and I've been planning and brainstorming for months, so here we are. I was quiet writing wise because there was a death in my family, two weddings and a funeral in the past few months. I've written, finished, and successfully defended my thesis and will get my diploma in September. Hopefully this calm in my life is the calm AFTER the storm. I've been playing DBH in the past few days as well; getting back to Detroit in winter while I'm trying to survive these insanely intense heatwaves in my city feels so, so good. I genuinely hope that you are all alright, and that this chapter brings you some joy (it certainly brought joy to me as I was writing it). I appreciate you and wish you well. 🫂 Now, let's get back to Detroit. 💙
The natural order of the world was established anew after RK900 was activated. 200,000 of them was enough to hack themselves into everything and destroy half of America. So humans became what they should be in the new world order. They became the slaves, and androids were their new masters.
The vast nothingness lay beyond the confines of the camp where humans were gathered to be sorted out to their handlers. Nobody stayed there for long; each new addition would find an owner within a day or two. Most humans would accept their fates; in the cold, their spirit broke faster than they thought.
Outside the camp, there were a few patrols stationed to ensure that nobody would try to escape. Occasionally, there were one or two fools who’d try; it was inevitable. Humans didn’t like to be in captivity. But, unfortunately, machines were much more clever than them. The deviant androids were cunning; they knew all the tricks humans would try. Still, patrols were needed to either capture those who attempted to run away, or eleminate them if they proved to be too hostile during their break out.
One such RK900, #313 248 317 – 123 was stationed outside. He stood in the cold, seemingly unaffected by it, even though his systems warned him that it’d be desirable to enter a warmer area soon. He had an assault rifle with him, an M16 type; he rested the weapon in his arms, index finger resting beside the trigger, as always.
He occasionally moved to reposition himself, his grey eyes trained on the camp nearby. He stood a silent vigil there, just like many other RK900s in his peripheral vision, half a mile away from him on both sides; the winter morning sun warming his back just a little. RK900's eyes fluttered at the incoming call that appeared in his vision, and upon accepting it, his LED started to circle in yellow.
"Lonely out there, huh?"
RK900 looked down at the snow and smiled to himself. Blip. An RK800. His closest friend. Tucked away in a tall building's office, with a headset, watching the city through the cameras. He was searching for everything suspicious; he could catch several vagabond humans in the past few weeks with simply watching and alerting others. He was the one who noticed and alerted a group of RK900s when there was a battle at the outskirts of town at that supermarket, too; during which an RK900's human was kidnapped a few days ago.
"I'm alright."
"Of course you are, Cain." Blip chirped happily. "94 will be there at 5 PM. He'll take your place over for the night."
"That sounds good", Cain nonchalantly acknowledged.
"Damn sure it does. We barely had time together lately."
"I'm pretty sure I can beat you at Monopoly tonight."
"Hah", Cain couldn't help the smile spreading on his face, and Blip could hear it in his voice, several miles away from him, "you wish."
"You'll see. Just don't be late."
"5:30", Cain still smiled.
"5:30", Blip repeated. "Talk to you later."
Now that he had something to look forward to, Cain resumed watching the camp as soon as Blip disconnected. He spent some time rethinking his relationship with the RK800; how they seemed to take a liking to each other, even though they were almost the same model – even though, ever since the uprising, they were free, and they could do whatever they wanted. Other androids did not frown upon this; it was more odd in their new society to form a bond with the humans they owned.
RK900 heard something move behind him. He didn't turn to look at it; he could hear it clearly that the body and the weight was much less than a human's, so it left him disinterested. Until that something rubbed its body against his leg. With a frown, the android glanced down at his feet, his LED circling in calm, electric blue.
It was a cat.
There were a few seconds while the cat was staring forward, just as Cain did, before it looked up straight in his eyes. The android tilted his head slightly. There he was, with an assault rifle in his hands, sharing quiet moments with a cat that stared back at him with big, curious green eyes. It was a ginger tabby. A fat one. Where did it get food, Cain couldn't even imagine. Maybe it belonged to a family before this?
Cain's lashes fluttered when he realised he had been distracted for a few seconds. He tore his eyes away from the cat's and stared back at the camp. Nothing happened over there.
"Meow", the cat complained.
Cain's brows twitched. This animal probably mistook him for a human. That had to be the case. He wasn't aware animals would open up to androids; although he was aware that some androids preferred animals over humans as pets. Still, he didn't think of himself as someone who'd take a liking to either; he was fine as he was, without responsibilities, with a sense of duty. Apart from his work, there was only place for Blip.
"Meow!" The cat complained again.
Cain refused to look down at it; he had a job to do. He didn't actually need to stand out there, but every android had a sense of duty. There were plenty of things to do in the world; some of them enjoyed surveillance, others liked more dangerous jobs, such as search and destroy potential human groups underground. Cain liked to make sure that humans stayed where they had to stay: at the camp, until they found a home.
The cat was circling around his legs now. It walked around him, rubbing its face to his other leg, and Cain's brows furrowed further. What was it doing? He silently researched the animal. From what he could gather, the cat was actively marking him as its own; leaving its scent on his legs, claiming its property.
Cain snorted quietly.
He wouldn't own a human and he wouldn't be owned by anyone or anything, for that matter, either. Not even a cat. The cat walked around him, leaving its scent – and fur! – all over his legs and once black trousers, then, for some reason, it decided it'd make itself comfortable on top of his feet.
The first few minutes were fine. Cain ignored the cat, even though he could sense some sort of weird vibration coming from it. The warmth on his feet actually felt nice, though.
Then he realised he wouldn't possibly move as long as the cat was sleeping on his feet.
Only when 94 arrived did he finally move, waking the cat up when he moved. And as the tabby complained to him again did he realise that it was not fat, but pregnant. Not even that made him seem like he cared about the creature. When he started to walk away, the cat wobbled after him; clearly with the intention to follow him home.
"Hah", 94 chuckled, "it seems she's taken a liking to you."
Cain huffed at the comment. He truly did not believe that he'd care for anything other than Blip. But the creature was persistent. It followed him across the snowy plains, right up to the camp where he opted out of his job. The other androids scanned the creature, deemed her unimportant, and let her be. She shook herself to get rid of the snow in her fur, and, still complaining out loud, followed Cain to the exit where he sought out his automated car. Stopping next to the vehicle, he finally glanced down at the cat who faithfully trotted after him.
"You can't come with me", he explained quietly to his new furry companion, "find someone else to bother."
The cat, in reply, rubbed her head against his leg. Cain pursed his lips and sighed. There was no arguing with a cat who decided to choose him, it seemed. Opening the door of the car, the cat instantly hopped inside, making the android rolling his eyes as he helped it on the passenger seat.
"At least do me a favour and stay still", he murmured to the creature as he turned up the heat in the car for her. It was almost as cold inside as outside. "I need to drive."
The cat ignored him, just started to clean herself.
Cain started to drive. But for only ten minutes, because the next time he glanced at the cat, he realised that she started to give birth to her kittens right there on the passenger seat.
A colourful curse left the android as he did his research what to do in such a situation. Best would've been if he stayed put and waited until all kittens arrived safely. That also meant he wouldn't be able to drive, which meant that he'd be late from his rendezvous with Blip.
Cain cursed again.
"I'll be late", he said nonchalantly as soon as Blip allowed the connection between them.
"Darling, this is the second time you've pulled this", Blip complained and Cain rolled his eyes.
"This once, this isn't my doing, I swear."
"You said that the last time, and it turned out you went to hunt down a group of vagabonds!" Blip groaned. "I hope you're not doing anything dangerous now. You're not a Hunter, Cain."
"You needn't remind me", Cain huffed, "and you needn't tell me what I am."
"Then what's keeping you away from me?"
"A cat started to give birth in my car."
The stunned silence wasn't surprising to RK900. They were androids; the most powerful androids on the planet. Blip probably already mapped out the possible reasons why Cain would be late; this reply was not anticipated. The probability for this to happen was so low, Cain thought Blip simply dismissed it.
"You're joking."
Cain's lips twitched into a smile. Then, he shared his visuals with Blip.
"Holy shit, you're not joking."
"I don't know how long this will take", Cain sighed, rubbing the cat behind her ear who purred reassuringly at him.
"Well, you'll wait as long as you need!" Now, Blip soundeed excited all of a sudden. "I'll go and pick up supplies for them. We'll be cat dads!"
Cain groaned as he turned visuals off for Blip.
"No", he rolled his eyes. "We'll put them up for adoption."
"Why?" Blip argued. "We could take care of them ourselves. We're more than capable– you have a huge space, it's empty anyway, so why not?"
"Do you have any idea how much fur a cat loses over a year? What, year… a month? A week?"
"Who cares about fur? Many of us keep pets at home. Cats, at least, are the least frowned upon."
"That's true", Cain hummed. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad after all. Besides, he wanted to make Blip happy. "Fine."
"But you'll clean their litter."
Blip groaned, which made Cain laugh.
She woke up to his touch. Fingers were running down her scalp, brushing through her hair.
"Are you awake?"
Nines. He was there. Any stress that started to build up in her mind was instantly gone.
"Mm", she murmured softly.
Upon moving just slightly, she realised he was holding her in his arms. Her lips stretched into a soft, gentle smile as she opened her eyes to look up in his.
"Do you remember your dream?" He asked quietly, and her brows twitched.
"No", she moved her right hand up to cover her mouth as she yawned. Nines moved his hand away and let her stretch. The bruises on her skin causing warnings flash in his vision. "Where's Connor?"
"He had to go out to get some food", Nines muttered. "He'll be back in a few hours."
She looked a bit sad at the news. RK900 was wondering how could she bond so quickly with Connor; how could their relationship be so... easy? He sent Connor a brief message to hurry it up. If she felt safer with Connor around, then they should know it.
"And Sixty?"
The question caught him off–guard. He sat up with her, tilting his head.
"Sixty is coordinating the punishment of the humans we've caught."
She looked puzzled at that at first. Then, she frowned.
"What will be their punishment?"
He could see that her pupils widened at the reply. Her pulse became faster. He wanted to know what was on her mind, so he couldn't help, but ask.
"What are you thinking?"
"Is death… punishment?"
RK900 had to realise that he still did not know enough about her to understand how she was thinking. Every second they've spent with conversation shed more and more light on what she had to endure and what twisted experiments she was subjected to.
"What is death, if not punishment?"
She looked indecisive for a few moments. Then, her expression smoothed out a little.
"Death is mercy."
RK900 stared at her for a while, thinking this over. From an android's perspective, death was definitely punishment; to know that they'd be shut down, with nothing that awaited them. For humans, this was different. They've believed in the existence of the soul – which androids, undoubtedly, lacked –, and they believed that the soul would travel to another plane of existence upon their death.
Views on the afterlife varied; there was a chance that after death there was oblivion for humans – just as there was oblivion for androids –, but they still had some hope.
Soulless machines had none.
But they also had the perk of not being able to feel pain at all. They would not be hindered by sickness, and all parts of them could be easily replaced. Killing a human when their life could be stretched as long as possible, making that existence a miserable as possible – that sounded much worse than a quick death. This must've been why humans came up with prisons in the first place.
"You are correct", RK900 came to the conclusion.
He watched her run a hand in her hair, and he detected fingerprints on her arms. One of those who captured her grabbed her so hard that they've left the marks of their fingers on her skin. Her face scrunched up in pain, and she reached for her stomach as she stretched too high up.
"Where does it hurt the most?"
His voice was quiet, but even then, she flinched slightly. At first, she shook her head, not looking him in the eye. RK900 thought she wouldn't even answer. Perhaps that would've been better for him.
"I'll bring you a painkiller."
He moved to get up, but he stopped as soon as he felt her fingers on his arm. He glanced back at her with a frown.
"Don't leave me", she whispered, her lower lip trembling. "Please. I'll come with you."
RK900 wanted to argue, but he also knew that she went through way too many things in the past few hours to be left alone.
"Alright. I'll help you in the wheelchair."
"I think I can walk."
"Are you sure?"
She blinked at him before she pulled away and attempted to stand. RK900 moved over to her side, just in case.
"I'm okay", she murmured. "Just… I just have a headache."
"How bad is it?"
"I can endure it."
"I did not ask if you can endure it, I asked how bad is it", RK900 repeated quietly, gently, resting his hand on her elbow.
"I-" She looked puzzled at his reply. "I don't know. Bad enough it makes me feel nauseous? Dizzy…"
"Then it's pretty bad." RK900 cupped her face in his hands, and she visibly relaxed in his hold. He enjoyed the stuttering around his thirium pump as their eyes met. It made him feel more alive than anything else. "Is your vision clear?"
She blinked up at him, faint colour creeping back into her cheeks when she realised how close he really was. How handsome he really was. She observed the details of his face; the line of his jaw, the moles on his cheek, the line of his nose down to- his lips-
She watched him as he turned his head away and began to lead her out to the kitchen. She blinked, confused, then looked around in the corridor.
"Where are we?"
Her question made him pause for a split second in his train of thoughts, then he remembered that due to her concussion, she'd react with confusion to the events around her. This was perfectly normal. So he did not even worry.
"We're in a tower in the heart of Detroit. We call it the Haven. Currently, we'll be staying with Connor."
She moved her hand on his arm and he could feel she squeezed him gently.
"I've… I've lost Connor."
RK900 stopped walking and looked in her eyes. She looked mildly confused, and she had her free hand in her hair. He just noticed that most of her nails were broken off. He'd need to take care of those, too.
"What do you mean?"
Despite the fact he knew that it probably was not a good idea to poke at her past, he still wanted to know about it. Just a little.
"There were… tests." Her lower lip trembled, and she looked around herself again, as if she was afraid that this place, again, was just a test. "He had a series of numbers on his jacket. He was the first, so I called him One. I asked him what was his name, and… and he chose himself one." Her lashes fluttered, then she glanced at RK900's circling, electric blue LED. "You'll report to them", she muttered, tears already gathering in her eyes. "You'll tell them everything." A heartbeat. Realisation, clearly written in her widening pupils. "They'll hurt me."
RK900 knew what to ask to get the most satisfying answers out of anyone. He knew what buttons he must press in a conversation to gather as much information as possible from others. But there was something about her that made him feel a pang of guilt when he contemplated whether he should press on for more data. Her safety and well-being was much more important than the unsolved mystery that she was.
"I'm not telling anyone anything", RK900 reassured her softly. "You're safe. You're not in that lab anymore. I'm not here to hurt you. Everything will be alright."
She stared at him, stunned, then glanced around in the corridor again – less frantically, but the way she moved her head made RK900 worried a little. It was visible she was truly dizzy. Her hand on his arm loosened, and he prepared himself to catch her at any moment.
"But I didn't get out", she frowned. A thin line formed between her brows as she was trying to find the answers to her own questions that bubbled up in her chaotic mind. "Thirteen… he was trying to break me out. But we… he… didn't make it." Now, the tears were big enough to roll down her bruised cheeks. RK900 watched, stunned, as fear undoubtedly twisted her expression as she glanced up at him again. "An RK900 ripped him apart. I saw it, I- I couldn't- I was so scared-"
"Ssh, shh, it's alright." The gentle soothing had absolutely no effect on her whatsoever. He could detect her rising stress levels, he noticed the panic in her eyes, he could feel her pulse elevate and rise to new heights. "I swear you're safe. Everything you know is in your past. You're out of there. Androids are free."
She observed him as if she saw him for the very first time.
"Then why are you here? Who are you?"
"I am your handler."
"What's a handler?"
RK900 tilted his head just slightly.
"I keep you close to myself. You are mine."
Shit. He couldn't stop himself. It sort of… slipped out.
Her lashes fluttered.
She glanced down on herself; the injuries, the bruises, taking a few seconds to feel the pain all over and in her body. RK900's mind came to the same conclusion as she did – three seconds before she worded it. And he knew what she'd say. Shit!
"So it's you who hurts me now?"
RK900's thirium pump regulator misbehaved. The minor hiccup caused his systems to stagger for a brief second, and it was very different from how it reacted a few minutes ago; his software translated this as a moment of indescribable, excruciating pain. The very idea was so far from him that it would've made him throw up had he been a human.
"No", he said slowly, seriously, "I keep you safe. I will protect you. Whatever it takes."
She stared in his eyes for a few long seconds, then confusion ebbed from her gaze and she shook her head slightly.
"I… I feel funny", she mumbled as RK900 ran his scans on her vitals, over and over again.
"It's alright. You're confused. But it'll be alright." He ever so gently reached under her elbow and escorted her to the kitchen where he sat her down. Then, he cupped her cheeks in his big hands – as all of them, always did. "Everything will be alright. I promise."
He fed her, gave her painkillers, made sure she drank enough, then he escorted her back in the bedroom to let her rest again. She couldn't fall asleep until Connor was back, and even then, she needed both androids' physical presence to finally drift off.
After a few minutes of communication online, RK900 slowly got up and decided to get out of the tower; things weren't as difficult for him as they were for Sixty, but he knew he had things to do, and he knew she'd be safe with Connor. So RK800 just remained in the bed with her, hoping RK900 would be back before she woke up, because he knew she'd prefer him to be back there with them.
"Connor…" Her voice made him open his eyes. He stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before he turned his head to the right to look at her. He was lying on his back, while she was lying on her side, facing him. Her eyes looked clear now; awake and alert. "Where's Nines?"
Connor took a moment to request connection from RK900, who granted it. A split second of data sharing, and Connor murmured the answer.
"He's working. He'll be back in a few hours."
She said nothing else, and he silently watched her for a while; his brows twitching upwards a little, while his lips curled upwards ever so slightly. She waited for him to speak again, but when he said nothing, she looked a little puzzled.
"Your little circle is yellow."
Her observation caused Connor to smile a little.
"I was just thinking ", he whispered softly.
He wasn't simply just thinking; he was searching his memory, trying to recover what he'd lost, without much success. Only glimpses of the CyberLife tower came back; nothing solid about her. Some emotions, feelings – mostly fear and the overwhelming desire to protect her.
"I've seen you with this colour a lot", she murmured.
Connor hesitated. He wanted to know more – but at the same time, he wasn't sure he'd like what he'd hear. It could make everything worse. But his curiosity was getting the better of him.
"What was I like?"
His question made her frown slightly.
"Different." She murmured. Then, she moved under the blanket a little, revealing one of her hands. "May I?"
It was odd that she asked whether she could touch him or not, but in all honesty, Connor appreciated her question. She moved one of her small hands towards him, and touched his face. Connor closed his eyes. The sensation was... familiar. New, unusual – humans never touched him like this, and neither did androids –, and yet, something shifted in his software at the feeling. He didn't know, but upon the physical contact, his LED reverted back to blue. Now, it was spinning slower, in almost lazy circles.
"You were different than the other androids, right from the start", she muttered beside him. "I was told they wanted to program you to be the best companion."
Her sentence caused a sour feeling in him. Connor opened his eyes and took a moment to analyze her.
"And? Did they succeed?"
"Yes, they did", she smiled. Ever so gently, she stroked his cheek with her thumb. "You really were the best."
"But that isn't true, is it?" His frown deepened as he started to feel worse. "I didn't help you. I couldn't even... I couldn't even remember you."
"Oh, Connor..." The love in her voice caused his systems to hiccup. That was new, too. New, but somehow… familiar. "You've helped me so much."
She moved her hand from his face, and touched his hand which rested beside him.
"You've given me hope."
She half smiled as she entwined their fingers. The warmth of her palm sent various messages in his vision; about her pulse, her temperature. Connor's brows twitched.
"What was hope when you've been subjected to torture I can't even begin to understand?"
He could feel that her hand squeezed his, and he remained silent as he searched her eyes, but even if he could read humans well, he couldn't determine what she could possibly think.
"Hope was everything." Her brows slightly twitched, and he watched as she swallowed as she gathered her thoughts. "You've given me something they couldn't take away from me. They could wipe your memory over and over again. They could make me start all over again with you. But you always came back. You could never, truly abandon me."
"How could that be possible?" Connor caught himself asking the question before he could stop it. His LED whirred to life in amber again. "How was I able to remember if they wiped my memory?"
He sought for the answer but he couldn't find it. He felt like it was right in front of him, within his reach, that he could just understand if he held his hand out.
"I think", she murmured, "that the first Connor… One, as I called him… changed. Or perhaps, the one before you… what was his name…"
Her pupils dilated as she remembered who was there with her before Connor. He was not there for long; he was the last Kamski created, one of a kind, the model CyberLife based RK800 and RK900 on after Kamski stepped down.
"Who was that?" Connor muttered, feeling slightly guilty that he pushed her down a memory lane she probably did not want to revisit.
She blinked, trying to remember exactly what happened between her and that android. Memories flashed behind her eyes as she closed them, making her head ache and making her feel nauseaous again.
"…I think he… he was Markus?"
She flinched when the door to the room was flung open. Sixty took a step inside, his uniform same as Connor's, but in the colours of the sunlit sand.
"Nines told me that you thought death is mercy", he almost barked, then started to pace up and down in the room. "He doesn't allow me to kill those who tormented you."
She sat up tentatively, holding her head with one of her hands. Connor followed suit, sitting up himself, shooting an unfriendly look at Sixty for interrupting their conversation and bringing up this subject when she needed to rest.
"There are worse things than death", she murmured, feeling dizzy again as she glanced up in the blonde's chocolate brown eyes, "trust me. I know."
"Do you want me to stand idly by when they've- I mean, just look at yourself!" Sixty spread his arm out and moved his hand up and down in her general direction. "After all they've done to you- they've- violated you- no, I'm not going to spare them-"
"Sixty, please", Connor complained when he noticed that her stress levels started to rise again. "Must we do this? Now?"
"When if not now?!" Sixty barked back. "I can't rest until they get what they deserve. By rights, we should give them a taste of their own medicine before we end their miserable lives!"
"And why would that be good?"
Her quiet voice seemed to calm him down better than Connor's reaction. Sixty started to pace up and down again.
"I'd feel like I accomplished something. That I took the only value they have left: their lives."
"Because taking someone's freedom when that's what they crave isn't cruel enough?" She whispered. "Is taking someone's life is better than ripping their hopes and dreams away from them?"
Sixty tilted his head, his anger seemingly cast aside.
"What do you suggest, then?" He asked, and she looked positively grim when she glanced up in his eyes.
"I want to take everything they have", she confirmed, "except their lives."
The spacious room was silent when they entered. She was holding onto RK900's right arm for support, but Connor was on her right side, ready to help if needed. Sixty begrudgingly followed them, but he moved forward as soon as they reached the group of humans and androids. Her abusers were kneeling on the floor, their hands bound behind their backs, and they looked up at her as soon as she arrived with the others. Some android guards with rifles in their hands made it perfectly clear that if the humans tried anything funny, they'd be shot on sight.
Perhaps they should've tried something funny.
She had a hard time looking down and into the eyes of those who tormented her. Four men and one woman survived the attack on the tunnels. She saw all the faces in her nightmares, even the woman's, who was the sister of the man she'd killed when he wanted to violate her. That woman only added to her injuries as she was beating her. She could still feel the pain of every breath she took; her body still hurt with every movement. Sitting, lying down, walking – all way too painful. But she'd been through worse. She never complained. And even now, despite her bruises where her clothes did not cover her, she looked unbothered.
Which made the humans nervous, of course.
Sixty shifted between the group of humans and her. His brown eyes were pleading, and soon did his voice.
"Let me kill them for you. Please, allow me to kill them for you."
Her eyes slowly shifted up to meet his, and she reached up with her right hand to ever so gently touch his left cheek. A sigh left him, he dropped his shoulders, but he did not move away. He knew the answer. And her touch calmed him down. Sixty closed his eyes.
"No", she whispered to him, and Sixty huffed, walking to the left, on RK900's side.
The humans watched them in silence, noticing that even though she had the glowing collar around her neck again, even though she had her handler with her, it seemed like that Sixty asked for her permission and she had enough influence over him that he agreed to her decision. They did not know, or understand, why or how this was possible. All they understood was that they would stay alive.
They had no idea this would be the worst case scenario for them.
"I've spent most of my time in a cell", she muttered quietly, mainly to RK900 and Connor and Sixty. She had her eyes locked with one of the humans, the one who took his time with her, making her scream and beg for mercy. "But when they were angry with me, I spent time in a much smaller cell. It was painted white, and I couldn't even stretch my legs if I sat down in it. It had no lights, no windows. I couldn't determine how many hours, days or weeks I've been in it. They kept me there until they stopped being angry with me."
Her brows twitched, eyes lacking warmth as she stared down at the man. Her throat went dry when she felt that Connor shifted closer to her and ever so gently placed his hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"I'd like the men to spend some time thinking in cells like that." She whispered without blinking at all. "I'd like to give them time to think about all that transpired. We'd see how long it takes for me to forgive them… who knows? Maybe I'll stop being angry with them after a week. Or after three months. Or never."
She finally tore her gaze away from the humans, and she glanced up at RK900 to ask silently what did he think. He was watching her the entire time, not the group in front of them, and now, as their eyes met, RK900 knew he'd give everything to her to have her revenge. No matter how unsatisfying it'd feel for him – he was on the same page with Sixty –, all that mattered was that she'd have what she wanted.
"And the woman?" He asked at last, silently agreeing to her decision.
She turned her head back to the group again. The sister of her tormentor had her eyes full of tears by now, her lower lip was trembling in fear.
"Please-", she whimpered, earning a boot in her lower back as one of the guards silenced her with a kick.
"I remember what she'd told me", she muttered, glad that her memory served her right at the moment. "She said: I'll laugh when they end up using you as their personal fuck toy until we can strike a deal with your brainless machines."
Sixty half turned away to run a hand in his platinum blonde hair and walk a few paces away from them. RK900 remained stoic, while Connor's hand twitched on her shoulder.
"No!" The woman screamed, now, and she earned another kick, this time, right on her right kidney.
"I told you." As she spoke, RK900 could feel her hand squeezing his arm. "I told you that they'd come for me."
"I beg you-"
"I told you that if anyone touches me, I'm going to make you wish you were dead."
"Sixty?" She turned her head to look at the blonde android who visibly had problems focusing after what he'd heard. He still turned to look her in the eye, and her emotionless expression was even worse than seeing her cry from being in pain. "I'd like you to decide her fate. Do as you wish." He stared at her, stunned, but she shifted her gaze at RK900's face instead. "Can we leave, please? I feel so tired."
"Of course", RK900 nodded a little, scanning her vitals, just in case. "Are you sure that this is what you want?"
She glanced down at the group of humans again. The woman was sobbing on the floor by now, the men stared up at her with hatred clearly written on their faces. She knew that this emotion would wear off after a while. She knew they'd become stoic, unresponsive, empty husks in a few weeks. The hopelessness would kill everything inside of them, even their will to live.
But the pain in her body prevented her from feeling sorry for them. Not yet. Not now.
"Yes", she nodded, glancing back up in RK900's eyes. "I am sure."
Sixty watched the three of them – RK900, her and Connor – leave for the elevator before he walked up to one of the guards.
"So?" The guard asked with a cocked brow, then pointed his rifle at the woman still sobbing on the ground in front of them. "What will be her fate?"
Sixty had a few ideas how he could have his personal revenge sated, and chose one method that felt most satisfying for him.
"She'll get what our human had to suffer", he bluntly stated. "I've gathered there'd been rumours of establishing breeding farms. Now that most of the humans have android handlers, it'll probably become a little problematic for them to reproduce. We can't let humans go exctinct, can we?" A smile – which seemed way too dark – stretched on his face. "Until we decide if we'll make those, lock her up like the rest of the group. If it comes together, we'll see how she'd enjoy being a fuck toy for others."
Hearing the pleas of the woman was music to his audio processor. She was quickly silenced and dragged away, though. As the guards approached to grab the men, Sixty raised his hand to pause them. He was a Hunter of high rank; a successful RK800 who had certain… priviliges. So the guards paused immediately, and awaited his orders.
"Oh, one more thing. I want them castrated before they're locked up."
He'd thought of what she said, of course. If she ever allowed them out of their cells, these humans would get handlers of their own, but that wouldn't be a lasting punishment for them. Not physically, at least. And Sixty wasn't satisfied with this verdict. He thought he'd abuse the power he had to make their lives a bit more miserable; taking the one thing they had to find a little enjoyment in lives. To have his revenge for hurting her, and preventing them from hurting others.
"What?!" One of the men shouted, and Sixty grinned down at him before he grabbed the man's collar and pulled him up to stand as if he was a feather, not a grown man.
"Without anesthetic", Sixty added darkly, satisfied at last when he finally saw a flash of fear in the human's eyes.
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