#rk1k fanfic
autiacorart · 5 days
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DBH Reverse Big Bang 2024!!!! @dbh-bb
Me and @l1av's working together to give you some hurt/comfort rk1k! 💙💙💙
Cyberlife didn't build Connor to last and now he's falling apart. He doesn't know how much time he has left--all he does know is that he wants to spend it all with Markus. When Markus finds out--he does what he always does, and finds a way to save Connor.
Read the fic on ao3:
L1av, thank you so much for being so so so sweet and encouraging, love you and our work!!!!!!!!!! 💙💙💙
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clopinasworld · 8 months
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RK1K Prompt Week - Favourite AU
My fav AU is the one where they knew each other at Cyberlife before Markus was sent to live with Carl, and I have to thank this beautiful fic for that idea
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frankedz · 1 year
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Birthday gift for @my-name-is-markus-with-a-k !!
This is inspired by a truly stunning scene of THIS fic. It has a lot of emotion and charm, I love it! I hope your day was as lovely as you are, my friend :3c
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leelany-world · 4 days
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Markus 3D model by Zeppersart on Twitter and Connor 3D model by DazCover on RenderHub
Posting for the dbh rbb 2024 started today and I came back to share with you the wonderful RK1K fic @fizzlefudge wrote for my concept!
You can find it here with all the renders I made:
Leave some love for this sweet RK1K fic!
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starryeyedstray · 3 days
just a wholesome little rk1k scene i wrote heavily inspired by this comic by @autiacorart
“Markus, are you okay?”
The deviant leader was lying across a pile of blankets unmoving. His gaze was locked on the open night sky, but he turned his head at the sound of Connor's voice. The brunette was a dark silhouette standing in the rooftop terrace's doorway. His face in shadow against he dim light coming from inside New Jericho. Wordlessly, Markus patted the space next to him.
Curiously, Connor approached and sat next to him. He tilted his head towards the other looking expectantly at him.
“Lay down,” Markus said. “I’m stargazing.”
“Stargazing?” Connor gingerly let himself fall onto his back and peered up.
Detroit was left half-abandoned in the wake of the Android Revolution. Since most of the humans had evacuated, there were virtually no city lights. With minimal light pollution, the glittering stars jumped out against the infinite abyss. The milky way stretched across the sky decorated by glittering lights. It was a medley of blues and purples punctuated by shimmering white specks.
“I’ve never looked up at the stars before," Connor said softly as if speaking too loudly may somehow interrupt the sight sprawling above him.
“It can take years for the light of a star to reach us. When a star dies, its light will still keep traveling to Earth for years after,” Markus murmured. “I’ve always found it kind of sad. That they could die and no one would ever notice.” He stared pensively at the sky feeling small and inconsequential.
Connor pondered that in silence before finally responding. “I suppose that’s one way to look at it. But it's nice that we can appreciate the light of a star for many years, even after its death."
“I never thought of it that way,” Markus thought wistfully. “It’s kind of comforting.” Markus had often thought that even with the impact he had now, if he had ever died someone would take his place. He knew his role was important, but he assumed that he wasn’t important. Someone could easily take up his mantle. He had to believe that; otherwise, the revolution wouldn't survive. And it had to survive whether he was there or not. But deep down, he wanted to be remembered. And he worried he wouldn’t be in the grand scheme of things. That he would just fade away without anyone noticing. But maybe that was wrong. Maybe his legacy would live on, just like the light of a dying star.
"It's beautiful," Connor whispered scanning the sky, committing it to memory.
Markus turned his head to look at Connor. In the dark night, his blue LED was like a calm beacon. Connor's features were barely distinguishable, but Markus traced the shapes of his face with his eyes. The peak of his lips, the tip of his nose, the dip to his browbone. And his eyes. His brown iris only a thin ring around a dilated pupil. They reflected a cosmos of stars.
“It really is beautiful…” Markus whispered back.
Markus’ voice drifted directly into Connor's ear, and he turned his head to meet his gaze. Android faces didn’t show signs of tiredness or fatigue in the traditional human ways, but they were still detectable. Namely through facial tension. And for once, Markus looked relaxed. His stress levels were at the lowest Connor's ever seen them.
The corner of Connor’s mouth quirked up into a gentle half smile. “You should stargaze more often. You seemed relaxed for once.”
Markus let out a huff of laughter as he resumed looking up at the sky. "I'll stargaze more if I have good company."
“I'm sure that can be arranged,” Connor answered as he too resumed looking up at the sky.
Slowly, Markus’ hand intertwined with Connor's causing the latter to tense at the contact. The former deviant hunter hadn’t interfaced with anyone since the night he woke up the AP700s at Cyberlife Tower. And he didn’t want to. He was afraid of what the other person would see in a mutual interface. He didn’t want Markus to see him.
But Markus didn’t try to interface. His synthskin remained in place, and he just held Connor's hand in a firm but comfortable hold. After a few seconds, Connor relaxed. As they continued to stargaze together, he realized how comforting holding hands was. It made him feel secure and grounded. Like he wasn’t alone. It felt nice. Androids didn’t need physical touch, but maybe deviants did.
The rooftop door swung up. “Markus—”
Markus immediately sat up pulling his hand away from Connor’s. “Y-yes North?”
North stood in the doorway. Her eyes flickering between the two deviants. Markus looked... flustered? She raised her eyebrow and leaned against the doorframe with arms crossed. “Sorry to interrupt, I was just checking to make sure Markus knew it was his bedtime,” she teased.
Connor finally sat up a bit confused why Markus had pulled away from him so suddenly. He looked at Markus. “You have a bedtime?”
Markus grimaced. “It’s a joke. She’s just making sure I go into stasis regularly. Prevents me from overworking.”
Connor studied him and his voice resumed the slightly stilted cadence and affect he tended to use as default. “I think that’s a good idea. Your stress levels spiked just now, so it would be a good time to get some rest."
Connor stood. “I also wanted to check up on Markus before I left. Is there anything you need from me before I go?”
Markus quickly stood up. “Uh, no. I’ll let you know if I think of anything.”
“Got it. I’ll head back to Hank’s now so you can go into stasis.” Connor turned to leave.
“Connor, wait."
He turned towards Markus again. His head tilted.
Markus tried to ignore North’s stare and focused his attention on Connor. “Do you want to stargaze again tomorrow?”
Connor’s LED spun yellow for a few seconds as he processed that. “No.”
That hurts. Markus managed to keep his face neutral despite the rejection.
“It’s going to be cloudy tomorrow night. It would not be optimal for stargazing,” Connor continued. “However, next Friday there is supposed to be a meteor shower and clear skies which would be a more appropriate time to stargaze.”
Oh, that doesn’t hurt. Markus beamed. “Yeah, that sounds like a perfect time. It’s a date.”
“A date?”
“I meant that’s the date. The date we’ll stargaze again," Markus replied hastily. North snorted holding in a laugh.
“Okay, I will ensure to keep that night free,” Connor confirmed as he set a notification on his internal calendar. He turned to each android. “Good night, Markus. Good night, North.”
“Good night, Connor,” the other two responded in unison as he headed down the stairwell. As the door closed and the sounds of his footsteps faded, North turned to Markus with a smug grin.
“You’re not gonna walk your date home?” North teased.
“Shut up," Markus retorted. He began folding up the blankets they had been lying on.
“What were you two flirts doing up here anyway?”
“Nothing else?”
“Just stargazing,” he said more firmly.
-end scene-
hope you liked it!! this is just a little scene i was planning to incorporate into a larger fic, but i figured i'd post it somewhere since it will literally take me forever to get to this particular scene based on the plan i have for my wip
-the night of the meteor shower-
Connor: Markus, I'm here. ^_^
Markus: Connor, it’s good to—
Connor: I brought Hank and Sumo so we can all enjoy the meteor shower together. You should make sure North and Josh get up here before it starts.
Markus: Oh yeah, of course. :’)
North: *shows up and laughs her ass off*
Connor: Is North okay?
Markus: Everything is fine. :’)
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fizzlefudge · 5 days
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Finally, it's here! The day I can show you the wonderful work of @leelany-world who's come up with this amazing fic idea and has made soo many beautiful artworks for it! (:
I loved writing this prompt for the @dbh-bb and I'm still squealing over all of the images Leelany made!
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sweeteatercat · 8 months
ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴍɪssɪᴏɴ
My story for day 1 of the @rk1k-prompt-week Prompt: Failed Revolution!
Connor didn't come back.
Markus wishes he could look into those soft brown eyes again. Eyes which are now finally open to the world and to life. Full of strength and determination. And in which he had seen so much fear, confusion and guilt. There, on the ship, when Connor decided to tear down the walls that locked him inside.
It's strange. Of all his friends and companions, it's Connor, the former deviant hunter, he can't help but think of now, in his final minutes.
Major Character Death || RK1K || Hurt/Comfort || Failed Android Revolution ||
@negative-citadel that's for you, my friend 🫶🏻
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spoluk · 1 year
The final piece!
As the finale is finally drawing in for the first wave of lovely fanfics and art, I have my final piece for @leelany-world ‘s lovely fic as well!
This was so much fun and I got to try out some new brushes and styles (as well as drawing dogs!!!)
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If you guys haven’t already, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND checking out @leelany-world ‘s DBH BB fic:
I also would love it if you guys could check out @cptjh-arts ‘s pieces that they did for this fic too!! I know everyone’s worked incredibly hard to put this together and I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of something this amazing.
Thank you all for the support and for keeping this community alive and thriving!!
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connor-rk800 · 2 months
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A Bloodhound’s Rehabilitation- Ao3
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Chapter 14 is live!
A slowburn RK1K fic that follows the immediate aftermath of the game, including found family, post-revolution Jericho, character-based shenanigans, and an exploration of Connor’s guilt and identity. A fic that takes canon and has a little fun with it.
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Tags: Hank Anderson & Connor, Markus/Connor, Gavin Reed & Connor, Alice Williams & Connor
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55689172/chapters/141363133
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glxyqst · 8 months
Leave him alone!
Part 1 of RK1K Prompt Week.
Markus finally stepped down from the stage, smiling at his people reveling in their new-found freedom. North and Josh were still arguing the next best course of action for them to take following the human president’s executive order, and Simon chatted animatedly with a scarred WR600—Connor had left immediately after Markus’ speech ended, sending a private message to the android leader that he would be at the old church established as the new temporary base of Jericho. Excusing himself from the others, Markus walked slowly back towards the church grounds, marveling at the glistening snow blanketing the city. Everything seemed brighter, somehow; he felt lighter, colors were more vibrant… Markus frowned as he registered the crunching of plastic, the pool of blue shining against the white of the ground. Hurrying around the corner, he found a small group of androids, LEDs all blinking yellows and reds in their silent conversation, attacking a solitary figure, prone and unmoving. A dark gray jacket with an armband of blue. A swathe of tousled brown hair, intermittently broken up into patches of damaged synthskin. Connor.
“Leave him alone!”
As the androids whipped up their heads at the sound of his voice, Markus marched towards them, his trench coat billowing around him, eyes narrowed and angry. Whatever their dispute with the Deviant Hunter, they certainly had no such intentions of starting a confrontation with their leader. Scattering before Markus like leaves on the wind, the attackers ran silently and disappeared into the night.
Markus knelt down and cradled the broken android in his arms. Connor’s LED pulsed weakly. One of his eye sockets crackled and popped with broken circuitry, the orb yanked out carelessly; his torso caved in deeply at various points, his chassis dented and scratched, his limbs a bent and torn mess.
“Markus…” His voice barely a whisper, Connor stared up at his rescuer with one unblinking eye.
“Shhh, don’t talk. Conserve your strength.” The words of reassurance caught in Markus’ throat, choking him with grief—tears trickled down his cheek, unnoticed. His hand gently brushing Connor’s errant locks off his forehead, Markus sent out a silent plea for assistance.
/to be continued
For @leelany-world. <3
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thev01dd · 2 years
tumblr ficlets/prompts are going to be my villain origin story if none of them turn into +10k words fanfiction at some point
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autiacorart · 6 months
rk1k fics rec list
it's not everything and it will be updated when I read more but here you are, I definitely enjoyed these 💖
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nanospices · 1 year
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"We did it."
I drew this after reading "all this time wasted and all this time gone" by the amzing @spaceprincessem, which inspired me heavily enough try draw my first DBH fanart and my first post on Tumblr. Click on the picture for better quality, I hope you like it!
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cptjh-arts · 1 year
D:BH Bigbang 2023
I am happy that I was choosing this fic, even though I usually do not ship RK1K that much.
And also it's the first time I had to draw Markus! So I thought about it as a challenge and I am so happy with the results!
Also, Leelany is a nice writer to work with, very responsive and giving ideas and input, but gladly taking what you create and happy with it, even though it is not accurate in all parts.
#25 All’s fair in Love and War 
by @leelany-world
Chapter 1/Cover
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I like to experiment with totally new things and techniques in important artworks… This time: Red Wall. If you get the hang of it it's quite easy but looking very cool!
Please go on and read that fanfiction and leave some kudos too! <3
Please do not re-upload, share without credits or use for commercial purposes.
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leelany-world · 1 year
DBH BB 2023 - All's Fair in Love and War
My contribution to the DBH Big Bang 2023! @dbh-bb2023
Wonderful artists @cptjh-arts and @spoluk decided to make art for my RK1K fic "All’s Fair in Love and War" and it was a joy working with them! I'm so happy I can finally share my fic and their amazing work with you! 💙
Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Connor/Markus (Detroit: Become Human) Summary:
The deviant hunter has found the deviant leader in Jericho, but things go slightly different after that. When Markus can't leave the injured Connor behind, they find themselves trapped in the ship after the bomb goes off—now they are forced to work together to escape.
Can Markus really trust that Connor is on their side, or is he only pretending just to betray him in the end? To what extent is Connor still controlled and manipulated by Amanda as the two fight their way through Detroit in search of North and their people to start a revolution? Will Connor get another chance to break out of his program? Does he even need to?
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For RK1K Prompt Week day 4 (first kiss)
Summary: Connor spends his time daydreaming and accidentally reveals his feelings to Markus.
Genre: Fluff
Wordcount: 1,146
Based on this post by @iwonderwh0
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