#protective patton
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loganslowdown4 · 3 months ago
Remus: Hey Poptart! Are you wearing makeup?? You shouldn’t cover your freckles up, they’re cute as hell—
Patton: Oh! Ah well I guess my freckles just fade in winter? I’m not wearing makeup so-
Remus:…. I— see.
Remus: *beating the snow angrily with a shovel* GIVE HIM HIS FRECKLES BACK YOU BITCH-
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mono-socke · 9 months ago
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random (old) sanders sides things bc i do still love them
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yerkes-dodson-curve · 1 year ago
Patton makes bracelets
Headcannon Patton makes all of the sides friendship bracelets they have a colour representing each of them and look like an 8 year old made them BUT he makes sure to hand-give them out to everyone with like the biggest smile :3
Logan and Virgil would seem unimpressed but wear it religiously, every day, no matter what. Roman would wear it every day but lose it after about 2 weeks. Janus would say "thank you SO much, I'm so impressed by the fine craftsmanship, I can tell you spent SO long on it" and wear it around is ankle every day. Patton never finds out he still wears it all the time. Remus eats it the second Patton turns around.
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thermodynamic-comedian · 10 months ago
high as fuck outside in the snow explaining how patton and janus are narrative foils
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halfhissandwich · 8 months ago
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Let me know if you guys wanna read the whole ass essay I wrote about c!Thomas being afraid of Patton /hj
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ask-nico-and-the-sides · 1 year ago
Because Nico Has A Crush On Thomas, Does This Mean He Also Has A Crush On The Sides As Well? Or Is It Completely Different Since They're Only Aspects Of Thomas' Personality And Also Have Their Own?
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Nico: Anyway, yeah. I… I do have feelings for the sides. Most of them anyway. They’re just factors of Thomas’ personality personified, so it’s all still him.
Nico: But for some reason…
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delimeful · 1 year ago
Lime lime lime I’m obsessed with so many of your stories. But also what is everyone’s approximate ages in tktsaaiw ? I’m so thinking about it
i don't have specific set ages from them, but i've personally been envisioning them as in their twenties, and not all that far apart from each other. i do know that patton's the oldest (group dad), roman is the youngest, and logan has been in space the longest.
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ssslimyboy · 3 months ago
Roman: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Patton says nice things to me every day and his love protects me.
Remus: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Janus says mean things to me every day, so I'm prepared.
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let-roman-bite-someone · 7 months ago
overlooked scenes in sanders sides episodes that i really like pt. 1
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roman knowing that the spiders in the curtains are fake but still being willing to protect patton from them 😭 their dynamic is so underrated
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loganslowdown4 · 7 days ago
Roman: *aiming his sword at something in the shadows* I apologize. I cannot let you live for you have terrorized the one I love for far too long-
cThomas: Uh what?
Patton: There’s a sp- spider
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analoceits · 1 year ago
im bored. who wants my ideas for sanders sides fusions?
logan and virgil: forethought. probably fuses whenever thomas needs a plan ASAP. hes the one who plans ahead, thinks up every possible scenario and then what to do. owns a terrifying amount of red string. i think he would also control toms reflexes. ranty and intense.
virgil and roman: hope/spite. they have two fused forms for different situations. hope is for when thomas is at his lowest and needs to get back up. very soothing, gruff but warm. spite is for when thomas has been knocked down and needs to get back up. full of fucking rage.
patton and janus: repression. fused when he was younger and not out yet, only fuses when its an emergency nowadays. he is a major part of keeping thomas safe. if there is something he cant safely express, its his job to hide it a way. hes cold but just warm enough to not be offputting. very mature and calm.
logan and remus: morbidity. strangely, only fuses in calm scenarios; when thomas is willing to explore his darker throughts. oddly cool in his fascination towards dark things, would probably disect himself if he could.
patton and virgil: guilt. fuses mostly late at night. cries a lot. can never do something even close to wrong without immediately trying to make up for it. cares deeply abt others, a mix of virgils fierce protectiveness and pattons lovey dovey nature.
virgil and janus: desperation. fuses in the worst case. utterly terrifying. can and will do anything to protect thomas from threats. has 0 sense of morals and will do things that arent forgiveable. feral and deeply aggressive at all times. his gloves are always bloodstained. janus and virgil cant look at themselves or each other after being him for a long time.
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This may feel a bit random. But I just want to say to everyone who struggles with hypersexuality, especially if its due to trauma. Its okay. You're okay. You're not dirty or disgusting or unlovable or broken or however you may feel when all is said and done. You were simply hurt and you continue to hurt. But that's understandable. Its not fair and its not fun. But its how youve coped with your past experiences no matter what they may be. And you can't be too hard on yourself when all your brain is trying to do is protect you, crossed wires and all. Be kind to yourself, please.
-Patton (he/she)
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thermodynamic-comedian · 25 days ago
i find moceit such an endearing yet fascinating ship, because of how their every interaction subverts the general expectation the very early series set up. patton is, to me, a lot more interesting of a character when interpreted as the morality of a young catholic boy, adapting very poorly to the fact that that young boy is now a full grown adult man, who needs to start considering things from a more nuanced point of view. patton was born from what c!thomas was taught was right and wrong, and he still has trouble letting go of that rigid mindset. and janus effectively juggles protecting c!thomas and his mental health, and trying to gently guide patton through deconstruction. at the end of svs redux, their back and forth with each other is essentially just janus reassuring patton that c!thomas is still a good person, he just has to put himself first sometimes in order to be able to do any good for others, and patton panicking at the concept.
overall, there are so many scenes where janus is just. incredibly soft towards patton, if you pay attention. he acknowledges, almost immediately, that he knows patton isn't trying to hurt c!thomas. his voice is calm and gentle, as he assures patton "i'll take care of him", reminds him that they're on the same team. not to even mention all the fluffy filler shit, janus giving patton a christmas card wrapped in multiple boxes because he knew he'd appreciate the gag? patton calling janus "jan"?? the whole thing about janus giving patton half of his sandwich, and then immediately trying to deny it by claiming he thought patton was a trashcan???
absolute peak ship, i can't lie.
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halfhissandwich · 1 year ago
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The bruised ego and broken heart taking some time to cheer up after a hard day 🥹
(you cannot take my headcanon of literal cracks appearing on Patton’s skin after c!Thomas experiences heartbreak away from me)
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ask-nico-and-the-sides · 11 months ago
Awe, Roman being a protective goober, a Rosey Knight, for Virge.
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kieraelieson · 6 months ago
An idea I’ve had while half awake
What if Janus is a werewolf. And gets caught by a witch/wizard/warlock. He’s chained up outside their house, and the chain has silver coating the outside, so if he ever tries to remove it it will burn him. The wizard is planning on getting a magically loyal pet. The safest way to do that is to spike Janus’s food with herbs that will over time build up and force him to obey the wizard.
Patton comes by the wizard’s house every day. He’s paying off a magical favor the wizard did in his town by working for the wizard. He cleans up, does the laundry, chops wood, etc. The wizard strictly warns Patton about Janus, saying how he’s wild and cannot control himself, especially in wolf form, and would tear Patton to pieces.
But Patton is a sucker for puppy eyes.
At first Janus is just hoping he’ll be able to convince Patton to let him go, but the wizard is smarter than that and never lets them be near each other while Janus is in human form. Maybe he’s also using magic to make Janus be almost always in wolf form, as dogs are easier to manipulate and gain control over.
Patton is gradually stopping by in between every chore he works on to give Janus a little petting and sneak him a snack. Over time, knowing Janus can hear him and understand him more than just a wolf, but not sure about the details of it, Patton begins staying longer periods on time in reach of the chain, even laying against Janus’s side, and he tells Janus everything.
There should be some big showdown where the wizard releases janus and tries to command him, or there’s a special full moon and he breaks free, or maybe the wizard does something mean to Patton and Janus gets furious and protective. Whichever way, Janus chooses Patton so strongly that it beats the magic. Their genuine bond grown up over time being far stronger than an artificial magical bond.
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