#protective laurens
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pagetbrewsterfansite · 7 months ago
When Ian Doyle Told Emily That It Wouldn't Be The First Time She Killed An Innocent, But It Would Be The First Time She Had To Watch, That IS NOT An Indication THAT Emily Has Killed An Innocent Person Before!
That was when he thought someone had killed Declan to hurt him, to break him.
What Ian Didn't Know Was, That was Emily's Hand Holding the Gun Pointed at Declan & That She Faked Killing Him to Keep Declan Safe from Ian & The People Who WOULD Have Killed Him to Break Ian.
Yeah! Em did something "shady", but it was to protect an Innocent, NOT Kill Them.
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The BAU after finding out about Emily’s past:
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Emily ‘I guess I compartmentalize better than most people’ Prentiss, you lying babe.
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blaithnne · 1 year ago
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Menaces when they team up. Need to find a dynamic name I can tag them with that doesn’t sound shippy. Does Kaisen work
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 1 month ago
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I'm All In Rewatch - Episode 4x17 (Part 2)
[And do you think he's just done with her?] Yeah, I think he's pissed with himself, that he didn't end it sooner, and that he has to be humiliated in this way. It's not a good feeling. I've been there before. That is not a good feeling....There's been red flags all over the place. This was bound to happen...Luke was meant to find those socks. Those were planted. He was supposed to have a different reaction. He was supposed to really get her and lock her down and marry her, remarry her whatever. He was supposed to rededicate himself. Once those socks went on his feet and he realized he was supposed to. She wanted him to step up, and he didn't. it's like she's forcing him into a decision. It's like, hey, you know, I really like you and you're not and I think you're probably into this Lorelai girl. And the only way she can find out is to really throw the fear of God into him, which is another guy in the picture. -Scott
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Jonathan Cohn at HuffPost:
One of the bigger and more underappreciated policy debates coming to Congress this year will be over whether to extend a Biden-era initiative that’s helping millions of Americans to pay for their health insurance. Some Democrats want to make sure that debate starts now. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and two other Democratic lawmakers are planning to introduce legislation that would keep the Biden-era program going, aides to lawmakers told HuffPost. Most likely, the lawmakers will introduce their bill formally on Thursday. Getting the proposal through Congress won’t be easy now that both houses are under the control of Republicans, who have traditionally opposed government-financed health care programs and have said cutting federal spending is a priority. But there are reasons to think the Democratic proposal, or at least some version of it, could become law. And at the top of the list is the fact that doing nothing ― in other words, allowing the Biden-era program to lapse completely ― would mean higher insurance costs for millions.
How Pandemic Relief Lowered Insurance Costs
The program these Democrats want to extend is a temporary supplement to the Affordable Care Act. It provides extra financial assistance to people who are buying coverage on their own, whether through the federal insurance marketplace (HealthCare.gov) or one of its state-run analogues (Covered California, Minnesota’s MNsure, and so on). The extra assistance can bring down premiums by hundreds, or in some cases thousands, of dollars. That’s enough to allow people to buy better coverage or save meaningfully on premiums ― and, in some cases, to buy insurance when they would otherwise remain uninsured. The effects have been dramatic. Since the extra money first became available in 2021, as part of the Democratic pandemic relief package that President Joe Biden signed into law, the number of people getting coverage on the marketplaces has risen to record highs, contributing almost certainly to a record decline in the number of uninsured Americans. And signups this year are about to hit 24 million, the Biden administration announced Wednesday morning. That’s the highest number yet, with a week still to go before open enrollment ends.
What Democrats Want To Do Now
Shaheen and her Wisconsin colleague, fellow Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin, plan to introduce legislation on Thursday that would make the extra assistance permanent. Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.) is planning to introduce a companion version in the House. The proposal itself isn’t really new, and neither is the idea. Shaheen and Underwood also championed the original push to make the financial assistance more generous. In early 2023, not long after the temporary assistance was rolled out, they introduced legislation to make that funding permanent. [...]
How The Debate Could Play Out
But Trump campaign statements have never been a reliable indicator of his intentions. And in general, Republicans haven’t had a lot to say on the matter, which may have something to do with the fact that the millions who currently benefit from the extra financial assistance include millions of their own supporters and constituents. Explaining to these people why their premiums suddenly jumped could be especially difficult following an election in which inflation was a top, potentially decisive issue, and in which Republicans up and down the ticket pledged they would bring down the cost of living for average Americans.
The expanded Obamacare subsidies is set to expire this year, and the fight over to keep the extension will be had in Congress.
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pinazee · 7 months ago
I hope one of the lands that are stories is hansel and gretel because i don’t think we’ve seen a starkid show where the male/female leads are siblings. think of the dynamics we could have!
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cowboyinternist · 5 months ago
every time i see someone act like kevin is some poor injured lamb who is being crushed in lauren’s grasp i just start to like her more
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mudstoneabyss · 9 months ago
it does make me a little emotional to think about Tamika asking the boy Kevin to please come home she's making his favorite meal for dinner. that's kind of almost her son now and she cares about him
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queen-hastur · 5 months ago
still trying to figure out tweening
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grimbeak · 2 months ago
like genuinely i don't think 250 will ever stop making me upset. it's just. the absolutely brutal flanderization/misinterpretation of every single character. how lauren just fucking left. how kevin was perfectly fine after his apparent murder in the previous episode. how nothing happened during the weather. the abuse monologue. how cecil suddenly thought kevin was on laurens side. no charles or donovan. no further comments on lauren being manipulated by the smiling god just like kevin was. there were no voice actors other than cecil. i had to write the transcript for it bc they didn't post it for months. i. just. i don't know. i don't know.
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starfishdough · 10 months ago
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 1 year ago
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I Am All In Rewatch - Episode 1x17
I was shocked that Luke went after this young boy. I mean, he's he's taller than me 6'4, right, But you know, I'm throwing down the Danes on him. Man, you you messed with my girls, So I'm throwing down some Danes on you. And here it is...But I just I hammed it up with the getting gassed so easily. That was not great. And then Lorelai had to kind of drag you away. But he started it, you know, but he started it..sounded like an idiot. I didn't think that was very Lukey. [Looking back, yeah, do you think Luke overreacted a tad?] Yeah I do I think it was a little much. -Scott 
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thelaurenshippen · 2 years ago
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everyone is rightfully talking about how amazing all the roy siblings' performances were (because yeah holy shit) but lemme hear it for this tiny, dialogue-less moment because it out of nowhere gutted me
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quackle · 1 year ago
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silly doodle of a silly girl being silly x3
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unforeseenflame · 2 years ago
How would a RO react and what would they do if at a party a noble is making the mc uncomfortable by touching there arm and making suggestions
I'll go with it being before the one true bond is fully established. As you'd have to be completely insane, or dense, to try and flirt with a Rider's bonded.
Ezra/Elaria: Are completely unimpressed, but they try to keep their composure as they sidle up to your side and calmly interject. "I apologize, but I do think it's my turn to talk with MC." Their hand would gently touch your shoulder and steer you away from the noble. "Rider business, I'm afraid. It can't wait."
Caleb/Catherine: Would stiffen at the sight and become immediately uncomfortable; for entirely different reasons, but they'd be keenly aware that they're mirroring their father's usual composure. They'd quickly make their way to your side and offer a strained smile to the noble in question. "I do believe it best that you halt your drinking for tonight. Lest you continue to do something you'll regret come morning."
Jaden/Jade: The playful smirk that would have been a hallmark on their lips all evening would wither away into nothingness. Agitation became a prominent emotion across their features; sapphire blue eyes darkening to a deep stormy blue. They'd casually make their way towards you and accidentally bump into the noble in question, spilling their glass of wine all over the expensive silk of the noble's attire. "I do apologize for being so clumsy, I truly wasn't aware there was anyone of importance nearby besides the MC." They'd quickly get you both out of there.
Aidan/Aylin: Agitation, mixed with an undercurrent of worry, would promptly appear on their features at the sight that greeted them from across the hall. They couldn't believe someone would be so daft as to corner a Rider. Nor could they believe that someone would be so belligerent with their advances and denseness with the rejections. They'd stride across the room and promptly cut to ask the MC to dance. "I apologize for intruding, but MC promised me a dance before I retired for the night, and hasn't even tried to uphold their end of the bargain." It would only be while you're both dancing that they'd begin to wonder why it had bothered them so much.
Faolan/Faolyn: A warning growl would escape their lips before they'd even register the anger that had suffused itself within their chest. They wouldn't even question their natural instincts when it came to striding across the room and putting themself between you and the noble; teeth almost bared in challenge as the noble stood stupidly before them. It'd take everything in them not to make a spectacle because it's not something that would make you any more comfortable. "I'd suggest you leave this instant before I'm forced to do something I really don't think I'll regret."
Laurence/Lauren: Would calmly, and promptly, make their way over to your side and offer you a gentle smile in greeting; ignoring the noble, they'd ask you how you've been and simply pull you into a conversation with them. They'd get you away from the noble without drawing attention to the fact that they were doing so. After all, no one would want to get on the bad side of the Head Healer; even if the noble, come morning, would find that they have a worse hangover than usual.
Irithiel: Barely contained anger etches itself across her beautiful features, violet eyes darkening to a deep amethyst that only promised pain to the one that caused the reaction in the first place. The moment she grows nearer she'd be able to tell that the noble was nervous, fearful of what would cause the Matriarch to suddenly appear, but she wouldn't mind in the slightest. She'd only place a light hand on your bicep, her expression softening only for you, before hardening once more as she looks at the noble. "I must say that I'm appalled by your behavior. I invited you into Haven as a guest, and you've decided to corner one of my Rider's and harass them?" She'd step closer, her voice dropping dangerously. "I suggest you make haste and leave Haven as soon as you can. You wouldn't like to see what I'm like when I finally lose my patience."
Kyllian: Wouldn't be able to believe what he's seeing at first, but the moment it registers anger would immediately bloom across his face and he wouldn't hesitate in making his way over to you. He wouldn't even deign the noble important enough to look at, let alone speak to, but he'd gently take you by the arm and offer you a supportive smile; trying to tell you, without words, that he was there to help and that he'd make sure nothing would happen as long as he was there. He'd take you back to his table and offer you his seat-- just trying to make your night a bit brighter.
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murasaki-cha · 2 years ago
Yeah no you stop hating yourself pretty soon don't worry
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