#protective kakashi
Talking kakagai...
Kakashi loves to play small pranks on Gai. His lover is just so straight forward and earnest, that seeing that moment where he realizes he's been punked is just SO funny to Kakashi.
But he absolutely can not stand actual bullying/ mean things being done to Gai. I can see a group of students actively planning a malicious prank when they attended the academy, and asking Kakashi to be in on it, because they thought since Gai "bothers" Kakashi the most, he would love to get some revenge.
Kakashi not only turned the prank around on them, but TRIPLED up the punishment they recieved, and never made it aware he was the one who did it. Those kids became the laughing stock of the academy and Kakashi never let on that he was the 5 year old that ruined their lives.
(And Gai never knew he was ever targeted and kept living his best life.)
Ok honestly, Kakashi’s a rude but to kids (*glares at the genjutsu he put Sakura in day one*) so i can see it
Also he’s so annoyed when people think he’s annoyed by Gai. GAI of all people!? He adores Gai. Gai is the brightest part of his life. His smile makes Kakashi think nothing can go wrong ever again, even just for a little while
How dare anyone think that Gai annoys him
Gai is the least annoying person in all of Konoha 😤😤😤
He’s going to make them pay and Gai is going to scold him for going that hard on the kids, but he does not care
Anyone who says Gai annoys him deserves it
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mysun-eyedgirl · 3 months
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I have been working on this story for quite a while now. Faith Scott is a character I have been building and changing over the years. I hope you enjoy this. Special thanks to @rookieloveskashi for giving me the courage to finally post something.
Faith Scott, a talented network engineer grappling with personal loss, discovers a mystical portal in her new home that transports her to the world of Naruto. There, with her White German Shepherd companion Panzer, she meets and saves Kakashi Hatake, forming a powerful bond as she trains to become a shinobi. Faith faces formidable adversaries. Her journey is marked by intense battles, personal growth, and unwavering determination to protect both her newfound home and her loved ones, all while navigating complex relationships and the overarching threats posed by powerful enemies.
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Chapter 1
I just finished picking up the keys for my new house as the closing date finally arrived. I had signed and it was bittersweet. What should have been a joyous occasion will be etched into my brain as a somber one as I came directly from my father’s funeral, right before that was my eldest and only sister’s funeral and her one-year-old son, my nephew. My father’s car was struck by a drunk driver driving down the wrong way on the highway and they were passengers, and they were killed on impact. I have been told life goes on, which it does, I guess.
As I pulled into my new driveway in my red sedan, the movers behind me. I climbed up the three steps on the faded wood steps to the four-bedroom two-story single-family home with white aluminum siding paint needs redone of course. I opened the screen door and it fell off the top hinges and I look at it lay off-kilter, ‘Can anything just go right?’ I think to myself. I unlock the heavy wooden green door with paint chipping in various places and open it so the movers can bring my things in.
“Ma’am!” One of the movers calls out to me.
“Yes?” I sigh.
“We wanted to let you know in transport, that some of your things have been lost.” He winces no doubt used to being yelled at. “He continues, it looks like it is some clothing items, kitchen boxes, living room boxes. We were unable to locate so we have written you a check.” He hands me the check. I took it from him and walked away.
I guess the answer is no, nothing will go right. The universe wants me to suffer for some misdeed in my past life or something.
“Just put everything in the house please.” I say and go on about the walkthrough. The house is in the middle of nowhere Ohio, middle of nowhere was my preference, Ohio, not so much, I moved closer to my sister to help her with my nephew. She worked on a military base, and we were going to be living together, her husband left her for someone a little, younger and bigger chested. She wasn’t bothered by that. She loved her son so much nothing else mattered. I work from home as a Network Engineer, it doesn’t matter where I am as long as the internet connection is viable.
The wood floors are original oak, just need refinished and sealed. The paneling must go. The kitchen needs redone, the cabinets aren’t even salvageable, they are the original 1950s style. I want to go more modern. As I continued to walk from room to room with my thoughts, I found myself in the basement. I heard the movers yell they were finished, and they left. I looked around, I had a modern washer and dryer left in the dusty basement. There are no cracks in the foundation, it doesn’t smell moist or musty one of the reasons I bought the place it is in great shape, one owner just needs updated. I go back upstairs to go into my car and bring my tools out of my car, my dad always told me when moving keep the important things in your car, so they don’t get lost wonderful advice Dad.
I moved everything from the car into the house, my tools, desktop, monitors, laptop, video game consoles, books and huge first aid kit. I felt a vibration from my pocket and pulled out my phone to answer.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Panzer is all done from his groom. He was a very good boy. Did you want to come get him or would you be needing him dropped off there is an extra fee for that?” The groomer asked.
“Oh! I would love if you could bring him to me.” I replied.
“That is out of our normal service range we will have to charge mileage if that’s ok?” The groomer clarified.
“I will pay whatever.” I stated exhausted with today’s events.
“Ok great. We’ll be there in thirty to forty-five minutes.” I ended the call.
What a lifesaver. ‘I feel like such a horrible mom. Where are his bowls?’ I thought to myself.
I headed to the car to look. “They must have fallen under seat.” I mumbled. Reaching under the seat I found what I was looking for.
“AH HA!” I exclaimed excitedly that something is finally going a bit right.
I brought it in and set up his dishes. The food is in one of the kitchen boxes. If it is not there, I will just order takeout and we will eat together, no big deal.
I decided to take my tools and first aid kit to the basement and get started. I want to keep my mind busy, and off everything. It takes me two trips to get everything down the flight of stairs and set up. The horrible fluorescent lights turned on and my large toolbox opened and organized everything I need out. I get my wireless speaker paired to my phone with my loudest emo music playing and I head back upstairs as I know Panzer is about to be dropped off.
I met the groomer at the front door with the tip and I thank him and said our goodbyes. I close the door and take off the harness and toss it haphazardly to the side. Panzer is so excited but weary as this is a new place.
“Hi baby boy. Did you miss Mama?” I lean down to give him kisses on his big white nose. I have had German Shepherds my whole life, but he has been the biggest and it always seems as if he knows what I need before I even do. I’d be lost without him. “Let’s go downstairs Big Man, this is our new home we need to fix it up. We are going to be here a while.” He followed you without question as you went to work downstairs.
The music continued as I picked up the crowbar and went where I left off on the far wall to start prying off the hideously dated paneling. It was easy to do, the glue they used to attach it was barely holding and only two nails per piece. It didn’t take long. I felt like I had a rhythm going and was on the last piece of this wall. Excited to have started something and getting close to completing a segment had me reeling.
The piece I finished prying hit the ground and Panzer started flipping out. I immediately turned to look at him and he wasn’t looking at me. His nose was in the air, and he was sniffing, his hackles were in the air, and he was growling.
“Panzer, what’s wrong?!” I asked worried. I have never seen this behavior in him. His eyes shot at me and he suddenly moved between me and the wall. This confused me more.
‘I have never seen him like this.’ I thought perplexed. It was just a concrete wall.
I continued to stare at the wall and that’s when the air shifted. As if someone opened a door. Wind blowing through the basement. I looked around confused, the windows are glass blocks, this house was built in the 1950s, the windows don’t open yet there is wind in the basement. I felt my heart beating faster as clearly something is amiss and Panzer sensed it well before you.
The concrete wall swirled and looked blurry and translucent at the same time almost like an old TV set when the signal is not clear, but I can sort of make out a picture but not quite. Just as soon as the wind started it suddenly stopped and the walls picture cleared up. It’s a forest, and there is a small clearing with six trees, three on the left and three on the right. In the center of the trees is a man, he is very close to where I am, and I can make him out. I am not sure if he can see me.
Once, I see the man I realize I have finally fucking snapped. I see him bleeding, he is pale, he has his trademark silver spiked hair like in the show and books. He’s in his jōnin blues and his green vest is almost tattered. His leg is injured, and he’s got a huge gash in his torso. This is all I can make out as Panzer starts to growl. I look up and there is incoming. Six ANBU and they are not of the Hidden Leaf Village. I felt my legs running towards him and that’s when he could see me. He threw what looked to be his last kunai at me and I dodged it. Holy shit he must be dying.
“Kakashi, we have to go, or you will die here.” He looked startled, he doesn’t know who I am, and I don’t blame him. “Six ANBU closing in.” He looks and I can see him calculating. “Shit we don’t have time for this. Panzer!” Panzer jumped through the gate and growled at Kakashi and herded him towards the gate. He stumbled and fell, and I grabbed him by his vest and pulled him through as soon as we were all through the gate closed.
I looked right where my head was, and a kunai stopped right in the concrete at head level. I looked down at Kakashi and he passed out. Shit. Even if this is a hallucination, there still is a chance that this could be real so I will do what I would do in that instance. I need to help him.
I grabbed my first aid kit, gloved up and got to work. There is so much blood fresh, dried and dirt. I can’t salvage the vest. I ripped it off the shirt must go as well. I had to cut through it to get to the wound. I grabbed a roll of paper towels that were within reach and applied pressure to get the wound to stop bleeding. I leaned on it with my knee and while that was working to stop the bleeding, I started cleaning the wound on his leg. My bet is some kind of poison. I don’t know what it is.
“Panzer, stand here. Stay.” Panzer took my place applying pressure. I ran upstairs to my kitchen boxes, I unpacked and frantically looked for the vinegar. I found it in the third box, I remember seeing it. Glad this one didn’t get lost.
I ran back downstair and took over. I poured the vinegar on the open leg wound. No movement. It wasn’t as deep as it could have been but deep enough. I placed some butterfly bandages on it and patched it up. I removed the paper towels and there wasn’t too much blood, the gash is about an inch deep, nothing in there and my guess again some kind of poison got the best of him. I did the same thing, cleaned the wound with vinegar, hoping it would neutralize the poison. I can’t take him to a hospital, shit he’s survived worse. Plus, I know he lives…. unless… Ok none of that. I grabbed the surgical staple gun, removed it from the sterile package and placed four staples in him. Thank God he didn’t move or wake up. That would have been terrifying. Now the I.V. for fluids, I placed an I.V. quickly in his right arm and hung the saline turned the manual drip all the way up. My sister used to always joke that I was prepared for anything. Too bad I was never prepared to lose her.
I turned the music off now that the adrenaline had worn off. I went upstairs and got a pillow and a blanket to try and make him comfortable and to stare at him. I can’t believe this is happening. I needed to keep myself grounded and understand this was real and not a hallucination plus I didn’t want him to take off in this world and panic.
I placed a cool wet cloth on his forehead to help with his slight fever, it wasn’t much my guess it had to do with his body fighting off the poison. Several hours had passed and not much change. He got some color back in his face. Panzer refused to leave my side, so I fed him down here and I have seen him hold his bowels for 48 hours he is fine with this.
I gloved up and started to redress his abdomen wound. It looks clean, not bleeding through, and he seems to be healing at a decent pace; I wonder if that has to do with chakra, I thought. I noticed Panzer stand up abruptly and come next to me quickly. He made a little growl, Kakashi must be coming to. I hurried and dressed the wound to put some distance between us.
Faith Scott 22 and Panzer 3
Created using AI.
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djappleblush · 2 years
Another KakaSaku one shot because why the hell not?  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
While out eating dinner, Kakashi noticed that Sakura was too quiet even while Naruto, Shikamaru, and Kiba were bantering loudly across the table.
Sakura was not even eating her food. She was just pushing bits and pieces of meat around her plate, looking detached and uninterested despite the food being her absolute favorite. Kakashi was suddenly tense, and it doubled over when he saw Sakura look up and then silently stood before slipping away unnoticed by everyone, except him.
He waited a few minutes before deftly following after her.
Outside, Kakashi found Sakura standing on the small bridge that arched over a tiny stream. She was frowning and looking as though she was in deep thought.
Slowly, Kakashi made his way to her, having this strong urge to comfort her. He didn't mean to, but Sakura was startled when Kakashi finally spoke from behind.
The Copy-nin didn't beat around the bush and asked her straight on what was bothering her. At first Sakura appeared apprehensive, almost embarrassed. But Kakashi was gentle, coaxing, and persistent. Finally, Sakura relented.
"Kakashi-sensei, I really... I mean there's this boy that I'm seeing... and he was... well, he wanted us to..."
Kakashi watched Sakura's face turn redder with growing anxiety. In the back of his head, he already had a hunch of where this was going, and he could already feel something sinister stir within him.
Sakura gazed at him before looking away again as she fumbled for words. With a deep, steadying breath she murmured, "Sensei, I like this guy, I do. But I'm not... I don't want to be just his... his one night stand."
Sakura's voice had dropped so low that normal people would have had no chance of hearing. But with Kakashi's extraordinary hearing, the words were not lost to him. In fact, to the Copy-nin, they sounded as clear as though Sakura had spoken them directly into his ear.
Kakashi's reaction was immediate.
He felt his fingers curl into tight fists, his chest constricting with mixed shock and anger, and he could even feel his covered sharingan eye swirling behind its confines.
He was feeling these emotions for a variety of reasons. One would be that Sakura's statement had suddenly opened up his eyes that his once childish ex-student was no longer a child, but a young woman. Proof of that was this sleazy scumbag trying to bed her, and he was not in any way or form prepared to accept the fact that Sakura was now grown. Another reason would be that he hated seeing how distressed Sakura looked. There was no question in his mind that she was as appalled as he was to know that someone wants her in his bed, and not even permanently within the honorable standard, but just for one night as though Sakura was some loose woman. A third reason would be Kakashi being angry at himself for not looking after her as well as he should have.
Trying to control his emotions, Kakashi made his way to Sakura until he was right in front of her. Very gently, he placed a finger on her chin and tilted her face up so he could look into her eyes.
While his eyes were full of controlled rage, hers were filled with confusion and hurt. It was all he could do not to crush her in his arms and soothe all her worries away. Something told him it was a bit overboard, but for the moment he ignored it. Nothing was important but to make Sakura feel well again.
"Sakura, you don't have to be his one night stand, whoever the hell he is, or anybody else's for that matter. You know that, right?"
Sakura swallowed and sniffed, the corner of her eyes were suspiciously moist. "I know, sensei. But he made me feel so... wanted. I've never felt that way before, not even with Sasuke, ever. It was... it actually felt... good."
Kakashi's eyes darkened. "And what did he say? That since he's being so good to you and treating you right, you should return the favor?" He asked bluntly, his tone curt.
Ashamed, Sakura bit her lip. She wanted to bow her head again, to hide from his piercing gaze, but his finger under her chin prevented her from doing so. Instead, Sakura could only avert her eyes and slowly nod her head.
Kakashi hissed something under his breath, something Sakura didn't catch. As she finally had the courage to stare at her ex-sensei, she was suddenly struck at how serious Kakashi looked at that moment. She never thought he'd take her plight seriously, but one look at him was enough to convince Sakura that Kakashi was as invested as she was in this dilemma, maybe even more so. And that only added to her confusion. She never expected him to react so strongly, as though he cared for her deeply.
Something tugged at her heart at her last train of thought. Did Kakashi really care about her?
"This guy," Kakashi said through gritted teeth. "Do I know him?" Kami, Kakashi thought. What if he did know the guy? What if it was one of Konoha's teams? He couldn't imagine beating someone he knew to a pulp, but if it was for Sakura, he wouldn't mind getting even. In fact, just thinking that it was one of their own that propositioned Sakura like a prostitute was more than enough of a conviction Kakashi needed.
Sakura was watching Kakashi closely. Something in his voice sounded dangerous; ominous. She had never heard of that from Kakashi before. She was suddenly afraid to answer. Now she was finally aware of how his eyes had darkened and how she could feel his rage radiating off his body in waves. She became afraid to say anything lest she push him over the edge.
She didn't want to put him in trouble, or compromise his position as a respected ninja. She should have known better than let him know of her stupid problem. She was being a burden again, and Sakura wanted to hit herself repeatedly in the head.
As though reading her mind, Kakashi let her chin go, but only to grasp both of her shoulders and make her face him fully while bending his body to her level so his one visible eye remained locked on hers.
"I need to know who this guy is, Sakura," Kakashi said earnestly. "I promise I won't mindlessly hunt him and kill him." He added jokingly after seeing the look on her face, but Sakura was not fooled.
"Sensei, just forget about him." Sakura said weakly, knowing full well Kakashi wouldn't listen. If there was something she knew about her ex-sensei for certain, it was the fact that he was as stubborn as an ox.
Kakashi only stared at her, silently. Surprisingly not being pushy. It made her more nervous than when he would have insisted on knowing. Silence on the Copy-nin was never a good thing, because it can only mean one of two things: He had given up, or he had already planned something out.
By the way Kakashi gave him a small smile, she knew it was the latter.
Sakura's eyes widen at that. Oh, kami, no. What have I done?
(Also availble at my AO3 account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/DJappleblush/works)
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kawkawsrii · 16 days
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Do we vibe w/ knightbito and wizardkashi in a fantasy au? In my mind, they’re akin to joninbito au, albeit knight Obito has to practice a little more restraint. Will be drawing a diff fantasy idea w wizardbito sometime tho 😍😍😍
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raikirikiri · 2 months
love the idea of obito living after the war and he’s assigned to kakashi’s guard as a type of “community service” and people will pass them in a store and obito is grumbling about how he should’ve killed kakashi, the hokage, when he had a chance and kakashi blithely points out that obito’s has had SEVERAL opportunities to kill him over the last several years. but all the villagers hear is the crazy mass murderer war criminal telling their hokage he wants to kill him and kakashi just :3 *shrugs* because if obito wanted to kill him, he would have.
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cool-thymus · 4 months
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authentic team 7 dynamic
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basilsimp43 · 2 months
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team7-headquarter · 10 months
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itischeese · 1 year
yeah, your body moving automatically to save someone is good and all, but have you considered the inherent love required to see what’s about to happen, to know what will happen to you if you save them, and to do it anyway, because even though it might kill you, they’ll survive, and in the end that matters far more, because they’re worth it, in the end?
Yes, this post is about Kakaobi.
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sinnbaddie · 7 months
Kakashi telling Gai that orders are absolute but saving your friends in defiance of orders is admirable and then immediately thinking to himself “I have to take care of him” while he looks Gai in the eyes, brother you are GAY
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hopeworth · 1 month
so funny that out of all the hokage (before naruto) the one who acted the most out love, who let their feelings overrule their duty, is hiruzen of all people.
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mysun-eyedgirl · 2 months
Through The Looking Glass - Chapter 6
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Read on Ao3
I awoke to Panzer licking my forehead. I wrapped my arms around him. He smiled baring his teeth. “Time to wake up girlie. We got work to do.” He said in that deep baritone voice.
I tried to hide my smile and frown. “Awww. Do I have to?” I faked being upset.
“Yes Ma'am.” Kakashi came out only in his pants. I could see his chest in the moonlight. The contour, the scars, and just his natural beauty.
Panzer hopped of the bed and shunshin away. Probably to meet at the training ground and give us a moment. He's thoughtful.
My eyes were roaming his body and I couldn’t help it. I was instantly wet and my eyes glazed over from the events playing in my head from just a few hours ago. I saw him sniff the air and his eyes met mine.
“It's getting harder and harder to perform my duties with that scent in the air.” He said with his eyes getting primal.
I shrugged and got up. “I guess you'll have to get used to it.” I winked. He body flickered to me which startled me and I was suddenly in the bathroom.
“My my my. Someone used their first shunshin.” He smirked.
“You startled me.” I said.
We got our gear back on, he’s a lot quicker than I am and I am still sore. I don’t want to remove the feeling of him from me but I want to be at my best for training. I finished putting my jōnin blues on and my vest. I strapped everything on, and he was still watching me. I accessed my healing chakra it placed it between my legs, and I made eye contact with a lopsided grin. He blushed; my smile only deepened.
“That bad, huh?” He asked.
“Not overwhelmingly so but enough to distract me and cause me to be slower.” I said.
“Distract you…” He started to make his way over to me. I abruptly help my hand up.
“If you keep coming at me we will never leave this apartment. I mean, I’m perfectly fine with that under other circumstances but we have work to do.” I begrudgingly stated. I reached in my bag I brought from home and ate a granola bar and tossed him one.
I made my way out the door and he followed. When we were making our way to the training grounds, it was before sunrise. Very low activity in the village. I was taking it all in still even after the month I have been here. Kakashi has his physical mask on and the mental one he wore blocking out his feelings for me. I get it, force of habit but it also helps in the long run, can’t use me as a hostage if I don’t matter. He has held up this persona for so long he slips in it so perfectly.
We reached training ground 9 and Panzer was there so was Genma. I guess we have some ‘splanin to do. We didn’t get to talk much when bringing Kakashi back and then I was taken, it's been busy.
I raised my hand and he smirked his flirty smile. Oh God. He’s going to do this now. Of all days, instead of just ask Kakashi straight up he’s going to force him to tell him and using me. I have been working with Genma for a month and I feel like I can read him.
We approached and I resigned myself to what was next, if he wants to get his ass kicked by Kakashi, so be it. Genma slid his arm around my waist and leaned into my ear and whispered for show because Kakashi can hear it.
“Our last sparing session where you straddled me was amazing, I hope we can partake in that adventure again.” He said.
I didn’t push him away because he doesn’t bother me, but I want to make it clear not to touch me as pawn in his scheme.
“How about the part where I had a tanto to your throat? We can repeat that right now, if you'd like.” I sent chakra to my hip and it zapped him, about 20 volts. Enough to mean business but not to kill.
He jumped back. Panzer chuckled in that deep baritone I have grown to love. Kakashi gave Genma the biggest death stare. Genma pretended he didn’t notice which pissed him off more, I don’t have time for this. I pushed past the both of them and Panzer followed.
We began training like we normally did after stretching, Genma and I, then Panzer and I then it was normally the three of us vs Kakashi, however, I wanted to try with just me vs Kakashi. He was hesitant but I didn’t give him a choice, I charged him which he would either die or evade.
He blocked and hit my clone into the ground. I am observing about two clicks behind him. While we were sparing I laid my chakra threads, this time finer and less noticeable. The clone and him were throwing shrunken, he popped into a log, I already know he’s underground that’s his signature evasion. The clone backed up to the web so when he pulled her he would have my threads too.
He grabbed her ankle and he pulled she popped. As this happened, I used a portal simultaneously back to the action. When I stepped through, I could feel I had access to his chakra network. I blocked his access to it, like locking a door. I didn’t do it hard, with focus he could break out but in a battle it would take effort and if I was fighting for my life, the lock would be a lot harder.
“I win Taichou.” I sneered.
He reached his right arm out as if to do chidori and couldn’t. He tried to access his sharingan but he couldn’t make it do what he wanted. I saw the frustration in his face. I doubt he would have used the chidori on me, he is just testing his chakra.
“What did you do?” This came from Genma.
“This is my jutsu I was working on. It didn’t work right against Itachi.” I said.
“What do you mean Itachi?” His eyes narrowed.
I pulled my strings back and unlocked the door to Kakashi.
Instantly, his chidori lit up and his sharingan spun. He turned off the chidori but left the sharingan on. He spoke.
“I have to really focus right now to even see them, during a fight I wouldn’t be able to see them as you saw.” He said.
I collapsed suddenly. Before I could hit the ground both of them had me, concern on both of their eyes. Kakashi lifted me into his arms bridal style.
“Oh, would you just come out and say it already?” Genma said.
“There is nothing to say, and if there were it's none of your business.” He said glaring.
His response gave him his answer without saying it directly. Kakashi is hilarious. I snuggled closer to him. I waved bye to Panzer and Genma and we were off on the roof tops.
I know I have a decent chakra reserve, Kakashi has said as much himself, but I haven’t been doing this all my life. I haven’t been studying since I was a kid, well the material they have. My chakra network is different than the rest and unfortunately, it doesn’t look like I bounce back as quickly, or I am using too much chakra when I shouldn’t be. While he was carrying me, I ran a diagnostic on myself, much like I would if I was troubleshooting a network router or switch.
I have been doing these since I got here, I have basically been comparing the basic configuration to the updates to see what has changed, if something isn’t supposed to be there based on the current configuration I store. I then analyze it see why the new information is there. Maybe I have a new firmware update and I have to have it applied or someone messed with me, and I need to remove it like a threat actor gained access and placed something that shouldn’t be there. This is the only way I have been able to articulate what I’m doing because I’m making it up as I go, Kakashi can only do so much.
I could feel Kakashi's eyes on me as he ran, I knew he felt me doing this. I have never done it around him, but I was worried about the Uchiha encounter. We reached the apartment, and he carried us inside. My eyes were still closed. I was aware of my surroundings, it’s almost like a meditative state, I could come out immediately if I wanted, I would be a bit disoriented at this state, but I trust Kakashi with my life. I could hear him in the kitchen preparing a meal. We have been eating mostly takeout and ration bars. I’m excited, however, I am focusing.
It's almost like when Itachi’s seal was removed from me under the normal way it messed with my chakra network. My chakra network is different, yes it worked but at what price? There. It almost looks like damage, scar tissue but not physical, in the chakra network on one of the tenketsu points. It was damaged when the seal was removed or when the seal was placed, I am not certain. That tenketsu point is no more. I now have two that formed in its place. I have 362 tenketsu points. These are the nodes along the network which allow chakra to be released. I know I am unique; I know I am extremely unique; I may be the only shinobi ever with more than 361 tenketsu points. My chakra network is regenerative and compensating for future issues. I am surprised Kakashi didn’t say anything when I shocked Genma, besides the Hyūga, I would be the only person who can exert chakra beyond my hands and feet. He’s probably waiting to say something.
I completed my diagnostic; I now know the issue was that my body was mid repair. I didn’t realize it at the time. I slowly opened my eyes at least 45 minutes had passed. Kakashi is setting the table. He already removed my shoes. I walked to the kitchen sink and washed my hands.
“Welcome back.” He smiled.
“Hi.” I smiled.
I dried my hands, and he pulled out my chair and I sat down. He sat down with a look on his face clearly wants a report.
“Yes Taichou, I will give you, my report.” I said in my most fake sincere voice.
He looked at me unamused.
“What I was doing is something I came up with since I got here. I normally do every other day. I call it a diagnostic, I don’t know if you have something you guys do but I run through my chakra network to include the pathways, the tenketsu and check on the eight gates within. Since Tsunade removed the seal the same way she would on anyone else with a ‘normal’ chakra network, mine didn’t take.” I said taking a bite of the meat he prepared, it seemed to be pork with a glaze reduction over rice. It’s so good. I chewed some food while he ate and waited for me to continue. “I know you noticed me shock Genma, you didn’t say anything at the time, Genma didn’t verbally say anything about the implications, I am not a Hyūga obviously.” I said.
“Yes, I noticed. I did not want to draw attention unless he said something.” He stated while continuing to eat.
“The damaged tenketsu repaired itself and made two new tenketsu. I know this is unheard of. I have 362 tenketsu points.” I said.
His eyebrow rose. I continued. “My chakra network seems to be regenerative and creating backup access when it loses connection to a point.” I said nonchalantly as I got up and cleared the dishes. I washed them while he sat there running through the conversation in his head.
I finished the dishes and he was still staring off into space thinking. I took my flak jacket off, set it on the counter. Nothing. I took my top and sports bra off in one movement. I was standing in front of him with my tits out.
His brain rebooted and his eyes shot to my chest then to my eyes. Good, he’s not broken.
“Let's wash up, there’s still plenty of daylight left. I want you to show me how fun the Copy Nin can be. Show me all the cool techniques you picked up or created for non-shinobi purposes, I said while walking to the shower.
I could hear him following and taking off his gear. I was already in the shower, the water warm and washing up. He joined me and he started washing.
I finished up and his gloriously toned back was to me. I put some soap in my hands and placed them on him. I washed his back while massaging his tight muscles. He was holding back a moan, I could almost taste it. I sent some chakra to my hands and pressed a bit harder. I felt the knot releases. I wanted to get a but kinky with my chakra control and entered his pathways. Followed it down and found his prostate area and provide a bit of stimulation and pulled back. I felt him go rigid. I was thinking I may have crossed a line and I closed my eyes waiting for the rejection.
I opened them I was on the bed in chakra restraints clasped tight enough on my wrist but I could get out if needed, no doubt there is still a concern of being taken during sex. I still have that fear too unfortunately. He shunshin us and I didn’t even notice. That shows you I implicitly trust him.
His huge cock was standing at attention, so big, and ready. No doubt from our contact and my stimulation. He was staring at me on the bed like something to devour.
“I know you have never used that nasty trick on anyone besides me.” He smirked. Good, he’s not mad. “I have picked up a few tricks here and there but nothing spectacular. I used to fuck people as a means to an end but with you, it's more than just a release.” He said. My eyes tracking his naked body as he walked to the closet as he spoke and reached in and pulled out a sealing scroll. He continued. “With you, I want to make you feel good, make both of us feel wonderful, feel connected. I want so much it is hard to articulate, to make my thoughts words. I could be inside of you forever and I would be content. I would give up everything for you.” I gasped.
With that he caught me off guard twice, him baring his soul to me. Willing to give up everything he believes in for me. He used his ninja speed to reach in my hair while mid gasp and shoved his cock right into my mouth. I have no gag reflex yet he's being gentle.
I wonder if he’s hurt someone in the past or he’s teasing me on purpose. I reached down and placed my hands in between my legs, right when I was about to make contact with the sweet bundle of nerves that required attention and some form of release he grabbed the chain, placed my arms over my head and hooked them over the bed post. I’m stuck. I made a helpless sound while he continued mouth fucking me.
My hips bucked for some kind of friction. The teasing is causing me to be so wet, I hope he has flood insurance. He pulled out of me, brought his lips down to mine and kissed me sensually. He poured his soul into me and I mirrored him. I have loved him for half of my life. I was made for him.
He was close enough, I quickly wrapped my legs around him. I know he let himself be caught, as that wasn’t even close to ninja speed. He’s having some mercy on me. I squeezed my legs on his torso, any friction, I needed something.
His center was slick with me. He pinned me back down, putting pressure on my hips, barely any effort on his part. I love him but I can feel how smug he is. God he’s beautiful.
“I’m going to lose my mind Kakashi.”I stated. Out of breath from trying to get any kind of relief. “I can’t take this much more.” I said.
“Oh, is that so.” He smirked.
“I'll be forced to break out of these and make you watch me cum on my fingers inches from your face while your helpless to do nothing but smell me.” I stated on the verge of irrational anger.
His sharingan flickered. He was intrigued by what I had said but thought better of it. He looked like he wanted to ask me something but he thought better of that too.
He lowered his face to my center and ravaged me. No build up, nothing gentle, force and pleasure as if he struggled to wait any longer as well. I could hear him drink of me and the things he was doing. It felt so amazing. I have been so close to the edge, I just need to be pushed over. His fingers entered me roughly, felt like his index and middle finger.
Holy shit, that’s not fair. “Lightning release!” I gasped. It felt like a powerful vibrator attached to Kakashi's fingers while he sucked on me. I screamed his name and felt a gush of liquid shoot out of me. He pulled a female orgasm right out of me.
He looked on with awe. I take it I’m the first he has seen do that. It looks as if he understands the mechanics so I’m glad I don’t have to have that conversation. He recovered quickly and the cuffs fell off of me. I did not sense his signal to release them, obviously my chakra was suppressed.
He flipped me abruptly and I was on my hands and knees. I looked over my shoulder and his sharingan was on. He entered me quick and hard. He pounded into me as if his life depended on it. I met him for each thrust. I needed to feel him. He gripped my hips, slapped my ass, pulled my hair and brought my back flush to him. He pounded and I could just hear flesh on flesh. He started to go faster which I didn’t think was possible which let me know he was going to cum. That alone made me ready to go. I want to cum on his dick when he was going inside of me.
He bit my neck and muffled something. I screamed and came. God this man. I fell flat on my stomach with my head to the side as I was too tired to catch myself. He collapsed next to me while pulling me close.
We were breathing heavily, no words, our rhythm slowed and went to normal. I turned towards him, kissed him fully on the lips and fell asleep in his arms.
I woke up to the sun peaking through the curtains. Woah. He hasn’t let me sleep in since I got here. I still felt his steel grasp around me, he’s still here but I’m extremely confused. Shouldn’t I be getting my ass kicked by someone? I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth but I feel like I’m supposed to be somewhere.
I elbowed Kakashi in the ribs gently. He just pulled me closer and pinned my arms down.
“I know you’re awake.” I said. “I feel like we’re late for something. Shouldn’t you be pummeling me into the ground or having someone else do it?” I asked.
He opened his eye to look at me. He squinted a bit, must have been the wording, guess he found it suggestive. I didn’t mean it that way and he knows it. I just stared at him, waiting.
“So needy, didn’t get enough pummeling last night you need to ask for more and bring others into this.” He stated.
That statement was off for him, he’s opening up to me and being more playful. I love it.
“I can never get enough of you and as for others, I’m not opposed to getting weird with some shadow clones… yours and mine. Could be fun.” I stated nonchalantly. He went rigid and ground into me.
“Oh, one of me is not enough for you.” He stated.
“I mean, I would love to be double teamed by you, but that wasn’t exactly what I was implying.” I raised the ante.
His eyebrow shot up.
“I’m kind of a freak.” I said and shrugged. “I haven’t met my limit yet.” I stated.
“Is that so?” He climbed on me and pinned my arms above my head.
“Usually, I’m the top too, I bet you’d like being topped by me.” I said.
His eye grew three shades darker.
“If you topped me, I'd have to let you and there’s not much fun in that for me.” He said.
“There you go, under estimating me. I know you’re used to being top dog around here.” I chuckled at my pun. “I get it, you’re the greatest leaf shinobi. The Copy Ninja. Etcetera, etcetera. If we were going to battle sure, you’d be top dog. I’ve had fifteen years to think about this you know.” I said.
His eyebrow rose again. I smirked. He smirked. “Do we have any place to be?” I asked.
“No. Today is your day off and I’m… assisting.” He said.
He scored us a fuckfest day. I don't think he's taken time off in ages. I think I might be good for him. What a sweet man. I’m going to destroy him.
He didn’t feel my layered genjutsu form. He’s not a very good genjutsu user. His eyes glazed over and I placed the chakra cuffs on him. The key is basically using your own chakra to open and close it. He won’t be able to get these off aside from someone breaking them off from the outside.
The genjutsu I had him in was reliving the first moments we met. Me running into him, me saving his life, half naked mishaps. The first time we had sex. The genjutsu was about to be over and I had a shadow clone of me ready and with my amazing chakra control I was able to make a 96% accurate shadow clone of myself, that looks like Kakashi.
I had the cuffs just like he had me yesterday, over the bed post. I have Kakashi Clone holding his left leg and Faith clone holding his right leg.
He snapped out of the genjutsu. I was standing six feet from him picking my nail clean with a kunai for show. The look of surprise on his face I saw briefly was a great gift, I’ll cherish it forever. He masked his face with complete indifference to hide his surprise while he took in his surroundings.
He attempted to adjust his legs but they were held down using chakra so he was only able to adjust his arms. I know he’s strong enough to rip his bedpost without chakra but how far is he willing to go? I’m willing to see.
I walked around to where Faith Clone has his leg pinned down. I grabbed her hair running my fingers up the back of her scalp and turned her head towards me roughly and locked lips. We shared an intimate kiss and my eyes met Kakashi Clone and over to Kakashi. His eyes were mirrored with the clone’s.
I took the kunai and with precision I cut her top open exposing her breasts. I pointed at Kakashi Clone with the kunai and then to Faith’s breasts. He was on them without being told twice. I walked over to the head of the bed to talk with Kakashi.
“So, what do you think?” I asked a little hesitant. I am a bit freaky and this is freaky lite.
“I’m at a loss for words." He said. He couldn’t take his eyes off the show in front of him. He’s erect so he’s enjoying it. “I didn’t even feel the genjutsu. I can usually feel something. I felt nothing.” He turned and looked at me. “This is exhilarating and incredible. I am truly at your mercy. I know you wouldn’t hurt me at the front of my mind, but I’m effectively trapped and the back of my mind fears that and it makes it so much better.” He said looking at me with dark eyes.
I switched back into the role I was playing. “I told you I was a top. I am your top and it would be in your best interest to please me. Yeah?” I asked.
“Yes.” He said.
“Yes what?” I slapped him hard on the thigh, the clones looked over and shuddered.
Kakashi Clone came up to me, pulled me close to him.
“How can I assist Mistress?” He asked.
“Let’s make him beg for release and when he has, it won’t be enough. He will always want to come back for more.” Kakashi choked back a moan but I heard it.
I walked to the other side of the bed and pushed Faith Clone down onto one of Kakashi's legs. Her long black hair brushed his cock and he tried to grind for friction.
I pushed Kakashi's legs open to rest Faith Clone's head on his inner right thigh. I pulled her legs up and started to eat her out like Kakashi ate me out the first time. I made direct eye contact with him and I knew in that moment he knew exactly what I was doing. I could feel him try to activate his sharingan and he couldn’t. He pulled against the cuffs and he was stuck.
I stuck my ass in the air and readied for Kakashi Clone to enter me just as I gave Faith Clone an orgasm. She writhed against Kakashi. Kakashi Clone positioned himself to enter me and Kakashi broke the bed post and sent Faith Clone back into me and moved fast enough to break Kakashi Clone too.
There was rage on his face and I rolled over on my back to look at him.
“Logically, I know the Clone was you with a henge. However, no one gets to enter you but me. Not even you as me. Are we clear?” He asked. Grabbing my chin and giving me the harshest kiss I ever felt and I wanted more. I felt his very pointed canines push into my flesh. I touched his restraints with my chakra and they fell to the bed forgotten.
His chakra flared and his sharingan came to life. I looked into his eyes when he pulled back from me. No fear, only love. My hand rose to his cheek and I caressed it.
“I truly do love you. You have my soul.” I said. I felt a tear fall down my face. I ignored it.
His expression softened. He kissed me gentler. I know he’s not good with articulating his emotions in a healthy way. I do love that he is possessive of me. I looked into his eyes and I felt the genjutsu build. I didn’t dispel it, I could at any moment, I’m sensitive to gengutsu.
It built around I suddenly found myself as Kakashi through all the moments of when we first met, when I saved him, me doctoring him, him seeing me half naked, going to the leaf and him rushing me to the hospital. All of the moments together flashing by me as Kakashi, seeing myself in his eyes, feeling his feelings for me. This was his way to show me how much he feels for me, how much he loves me, how much he could never be with out me.
The rage he felt when Itachi was on me. I almost felt sorry for Itachi. All of the feelings even to include our most recent adventure tonight. He brought us out and I looked at him. My heart swelled. I got on the bed, crawled on my hands and knees and bent over looking at him over my shoulder. I need him inside of me.
I could feel I was dripping and ready. He came up behind me with that look in his eyes, cupped my sex and coated his hand in my essence. I shivered from the touch. I watched as he stroked himself slowly with it and he positioned himself and he entered me.
He started off slow, really feeling me and I met him for each thrust. It was pure ecstasy. I was trying to stifle a moan, biting my lip.
“Let it out. I want to hear how my cock makes you feel.” He said. Fuck. I came instantly.
I screamed.
He started thrusting faster through my orgasm which made it last longer.
“Does my girl like it when I talk dirty to her? Does she love my big, hard cock that is just for her?” I keened with the words and sentiment behind it.
I finally was able to find my words. “Show me how much you love my pussy.” He moaned and sped up. “Looks like my man loves some dirty talk too.” I stated. “Show me what you can do with that big, hard cock that is just for me in my wet pussy that is all yours.” I said.
He gripped my hips so hard and thrust so fast and I met him as much as he allowed me to. He came with a growl and a shot up with my back flush to his chest. He bit my neck hard and I came again as he came inside me and held me.
I sent some chakra through his network from where his teeth held me and stimulated his prostate as he came. He gripped me harder and continued to rut inside of me, like a continuous orgasm.
He was so frantic, I pulled back the chakra and I sagged in his arms and he lowered us to the bed. He positioned me on top of him. He was playing with my hair and I was tracing a scar on his chest absentmindedly.
“I enjoyed our day off.” I said.
“I’m glad.” He said.
“I hate to interrupt but you have a mission.” Panzer said as he shunshin in. “I spotted Itachi a little ways outside of the village. He wanted me to see him. He wants to talk. I'll wait outside.”
I looked at Kakashi. Rage on his face. I placed his hand in my hand.
“Don’t.” I said. “Let’s get this over with.” I said.
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teatitty · 3 months
One thing Naruto fandom does that pisses me off is when they act like being a Chuunin makes you automatically weaker than a Jounin when its a proven fact that Jounin ranks aren't that common at all. Most shinobi are chuunin rank. You become a Jounin either by taking an exam [as Temari recommends to Shikamaru] or the village just collectively decides that you're The Fucking Shit and elects you for it so no exam needed [Kakashi is the best example]
Sakura and Shikamaru are both chuunin with jounin level capabilities. The ongoing gag of Shippuden is that Naruto is still a genin despite basically being a god. Your rank does not equal skill or power level, the only difference is whether you take on S-Rank missions by yourself or not. That's literally it. The only time a "superior officer" matters is in the fucking field when you have a team captain leading the mission [and it's entirely possible for a chuunin to be the captain instead of a jounin depending on experience and who is better suited for that role per mission]
Iruka arguing with Kakashi at the chuunin exams wouldn't be shocking in universe because he's yelling at a jounin it'd be shocking because it's Kakashi who is super famous and feared the world over. I doubt most people are really ballsy enough to get in his face about something just because of his reputation, and that has nothing to do with his rank and everything to do with who he is [I could make a whole separate post about that argument and how neither of them are wrong or right here for different reasons but I won't]
In short: chuunin are the ones who run the village, not jounin, and a ninjas rank is not indicative of their power or skill. Stop that shit
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Kakashi: *shows countless times in canon he cares about his students and wants to train them, but a lot of that training is outright skipped for ‘more interesting storyline’
Weirdo’s: nah, Kakashi didn’t teach any of his student’s anything and didn’t care about them at all.
#like god DAMN#Y’all can’t handle an imperfect teach can you?#you can’t handle a character who makes mistakes but genuinly tried his hest#who was thrown into the job even though he did not ask for it#and STILL did his best#‘he doesn’t care about sakura’#WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE PROTECT HER AND CONTINUE TO SAVE HER IN ALMOST EVERY FIGHT IF HE DIDN’T CARE#‘he didn’t teach sakura anything’ yes the FUCK he did#he taught her chakra control which she obv excelled at#and a jonin level technique that allowed her to avoid being knocked out in the konoha crunch#and allowed her to wake Naruto up as well#‘he only ever tried to push his views on Sasuke’#no he didn’t#he only told Sasuke to stop seeking revenge when sasuke turned chidori#a move kakashi taught him to face a shinobi with an impenatable defence that WANTED TO KILL PEOPLE#there is a whole year before that where he knows Sasuke’s goal and never once tells him not to seek revenge#and him not being able to connect with Sasuke doesn’t mean his intentions were not genuine#sometimes people simply don’t understand each others trauamas and struggles#even when they desperatly want to#‘he was terrible to naruto’ fucking WHERE#He chose a specific sensei to teach Naruto chakra control#recogbizing it as Naruto’s weakness#and chose a dude who was a jonin specificlly because of his teaching capabilities#as for the fucking time skip#it’s made vary obviouse even before the team splits that Kakashi and all the other Jonin are on missions constantly#that’s the whole reason Shikamaru and a bunch of genin were sent after sasuke#instead of you know#FUCKING JONIN#None of the jonin were available#they were all on missions
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zuzu-draws · 2 years
fem obkk ?
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sueske · 1 year
"you don't need a reason to love someone you only need a reason to hate them" is one of kakashi's worst moments for me cuz sasuke literally just said what he personally felt, and again, AGAIN, kakashi dismisses sasuke's feelings and tries to impose his own views of love and hate on him, because for some reason sasuke's feelings about anything are never valid or correct if they don't align with kakashi's own
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