#protect women’s sports
my-vanishing-777 · 26 days
Currently in 4th place among females at the PDGA World Championships. 😞 Is this really fair for the women who are competing?
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fadedelegance · 8 months
Men who cosplay as women are now allowed to beat women and get away with it.
Sadly, I believe Riley is correct—it will take a woman losing her life for people to wake the fuck up.
Female fighters—PLEASE REFUSE TO FIGHT THESE ABUSIVE FUCKS. PLEASE. Their feelings are NOT more important than your safety. Send a message by REFUSING TO COMPETE AGAINST THESE ABUSIVE MALES.
Also, we all know the pricks who do this just want to beat women and get away with it. They may even be sadists who get off on it. I’d bet that’s 99.9% of male boxers who fight in the female category. I bet that piece of shit Fallon Fox was hard as a rock when he was cracking Tamika Brent’s skull. The boxing governing body has given these evil wastes of oxygen the perfect outlet.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
“Just two athletes took so many opportunities away from biological females,” Mitchell told The Post. “Even though there were only two of them, they took 15 state championships away from other girls — and there were 85 girls that were directly impacted from them being in the races.”
“At the end of the day, this is just about fairness,” Chelsea Mitchell told The Post. “This is about biology.”
The 20-year-old is fighting for the integrity of women’s sports after she lost more than 20 races over the course of her high school career — thanks to a Connecticut policy that allows transgender athletes to compete in girls’ sports.
Now, Mitchell, who has declared herself “the fastest girl in Connecticut,” is challenging her state’s policy in court.
Mitchell is teaming up with fellow Connecticut residents Selina Soule, 20, Ashley Nicoletti, 19, and Alanna Smith, 19, who ran high school track in the state at the same time she did.
The four are suing the Connecticut Association of Schools and the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, seeking to overturn a policy that allows transgender athletes to compete in accordance with their gender identity rather than their biological sex.
“I wanted to give voice to my story and help other girls out there so that they wouldn’t have to experience this,” she said.
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Chelsea realized her potential as a runner when she broke two school records in her first meet as a freshman at Canton High School in 2016.
“Since then I just kept going with it and got better and better,” she recalled. “Track is really just about hitting those long-term goals that you’ve set for yourself.”
For her, those goals were winning a state championship and going to college for track.
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But in her first statewide competition, she was forced to compete against a transgender athlete — something she said she “had never really heard of” until it happened to her.
In that race, the trans competitor bumped her out of qualifying for the next round of competition. 
“It was just obvious to everyone there that they had a huge advantage. Everyone could see it,” Mitchell said.
By her sophomore year, she says, there were two transgender athletes regularly blowing biologically female track stars out of the water. 
Mitchell raced against them in all four years of high school and in every major race she competed in.
“Just two athletes took so many opportunities away from biological females,” Mitchell told The Post. “Even though there were only two of them, they took 15 state championships away from other girls — and there were 85 girls that were directly impacted from them being in the races.”
She herself lost two all-New England awards and four girls’ state championships as a consequence.
“Having to lose four of them, time after time, and trying to pick yourself up and go back to the starting line again and again was really hard because you knew each time that there was no hope to win,” she said.
In her junior year, she filed a Title IX complaint against the state’s policies but remained anonymous for fear that exposure might hurt her college recruitment prospects.
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But by senior year, she had “reached a breaking point” and came out of the shadows to file her lawsuit with Selina Soule and Alanna Smith. 
“It was like, if I don’t speak up for myself, who else is going to speak up for me? As much as I wanted the coaches and administrators to speak up, at the end of the day, they weren’t.”
Today, Mitchell is running track as a college senior (she declined to disclose where she goes to school for privacy reasons), but she said she’ll never know how the dings to her record impacted her recruitment and scholarship prospects.
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“When colleges looked at me, they didn’t see a winner. They saw a second- or third-place,” she said. “I wasn’t a first-place finisher, and I think that’s what really hurt me.”
On June 6, her argument will be reheard before the full Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City after a three-judge panel of the Second Circuit ruled against it in December. 
“We’re hopeful that the court will declare that this Connecticut policy violates Title IX,” said Mitchell’s lawyer Matt Sharp of Alliance Defending Freedom. “We’re asking for the court to recognize the damage done to Chelsea and the other athletes, and to restore their record and the credit that they rightfully worked hard to earn.”
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In their filing with the Second Circuit, the athletes request that the court order that their athletic records be updated to reflect the titles and rankings they would have earned had trans athletes not been competing against them. 
The filing argues that “courts routinely recognize student athletes’ ongoing interest in vindicating the records they’ve earned.”
Mitchell said her legal battle is more important now than ever as stories like hers pop up around the country.
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Just last week, two transgender athletes were no-shows at a California high school women’s preliminary track and field state championship, citing concern over public backlash to their recent races.
As a result, the two biological female runners who otherwise would have qualified were not able to compete. 
“I filed this lawsuit back in 2020, and so I think it’s sad that this is still happening,” Mitchell said.
But, as her legal battle stretches into its third year, she is holding out hope and watching a coalition build around her.
“We were the first girls to speak out about this issue, but now there are so many more girls speaking out about their own experiences and standing up with us,” she said. “The more of us there are, the easier it gets.”
This could all be solved by either creating a third category for people who want to identify has something besides their bio sex or just have the men’s catering be open.
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sighing-is-a-song · 1 year
“This ad is necessary to demonstrate the inequality and injustice that is being perpetrated on female athletes — and women in general. We care when women are mistreated in the workplace, but athletes who have practiced and sacrificed for many years are told to shut up,” said Ilan Srulovicz, founder and CEO of Egard Watch Co., in a written statement.
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caitlinjohns77 · 2 months
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patscorner · 3 days
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*not my picture*
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axolotlclown · 2 months
remember when there was that post going around challenging terfs to define a chair? i have yet to watch a gender essentialist define a woman without excluding cis black women. and i want yall to watch them do it over and over again until you understand that transphobia is just repackaged white supremacy.
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my-vanishing-777 · 1 month
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fadedelegance · 1 year
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Holy fuuuuuuck, the cognitive dissonance…
But anyway, women are oppressed BECAUSE WE ARE FEMALE. That is where feminism came from—it arose as a movement to address the inequality between the sexes. That is still what it does. It has fuck all to do with advocating for biological males. It never has.
But yeah, go off, you disrespectful cheating fuck.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Congratulations to the the leading woman cyclist Jasmijn Muller of Brecon, Wales. 
A trans-identified male cyclist is currently dominating the women’s category of an ultra-distance cycling challenge in Ireland.
Cameron Dixon, who now goes by Cara, is one of 13 participants listed in the “women’s” category of the TransAtlanticWay, a cross-country cycling challenge in Ireland. Dixon, who is from Stokesley, England, is currently topping the women’s leaderboard, riding almost 300km (approx. 180 miles) ahead of the next female challenger.
At the time of writing, Dixon has already covered 1767km (approx. 1100 miles) of the 2500km (approx. 1550 miles) challenge. The leading female cyclist is Jasmijn Muller of Brecon, Wales. 
There are only 13 people taking part in the women’s category, compared to 62 in the men’s category. Dixon is currently ranked in 4th amongst all of the challengers, while the second-place female cyclist is ranked 8th overall.
If Dixon were performing in the male category, he would be ranked in a tight 4th place.
The TransAtlanticWay is an annual ultra-distance self-supported road bike challenge between Derry and Cork via the Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland. Due to the massive course, there are no official judges. Cyclists instead pay an entrance fee and wear a provided GPS tracking device which monitors the distance they have covered.
This isn’t the first time Dixon has participated in a women’s cycling category. 
Earlier this year, Dixon took home the women’s prize during the Dirty Reiver gravel race in the United Kingdom, smashing second place by a significant margin.
Dixon’s race time was 1 hour and 18 minutes compared to the top female participant, who finished in 2 hours and 23 minutes. He was the only person in the category to finish in less than 2 hours, and only three female participants finished in less than 3 hours. If Dixon had competed in the men’s category, he would have placed 31st. 
Dixon appears to have transitioned relatively recently, and trained and competed as a cyclist prior to identifying as a “woman.” In 2020, he gave an interview as Cameron Dixon where he disclosed that he was an engineering student and had taken up cycling in 2017.
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In 2022, Dixon signed an open letter calling for British Cycling to lift their suspension on men competing in women’s cycling competitions. 
At the time, the governing body had temporarily scrapped their “trans inclusion policy,” which had allowed men to self-identify into female categories. The policy was suspended in order for a comprehensive review to be completed on whether it was fair to the female athletes. 
Despite the open letter and backlash from trans activists, British Cycling decided to ban men competing in female categories after completing their 9-month review in May.
Following the announcement, trans-identified male cyclist Emily Bridges called the move a “violent act” and likened it to contributing to the genocide of transgender people.
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But the CEO of British Cycling, Jon Dutton, was not deterred, and stood by the decision.
“I am confident that we have developed policies that both safeguard the fairness of cyclesport competition, whilst ensuring all riders have opportunities to participate.”
The new policy is due to come into effect at the end of this year, meaning Dixon will no longer be allowed to participate in women’s cycling.
By Shay Woulahan
Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.
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there-goes-trouble · 6 months
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shadycomputerpolice · 1 month
"Why are you so passionate about the Imane situation? I haven't seen you this passionate about anything like this on Tumblr. "
Firstly, there is precedence of the IOC letting males with DSD compete in women's categories. That is why I am frustrated by people trying to act like this is some Right Wing conspiracy theory. In addition, it is not the Imane situation, it is the males with DSDs competing in women's sports situation; to me, Imane and Lin Yu Ting are irrelevant to this debate. Plus, I am on leave so I have the free time.
Secondly, people trying to weaponise racism and homophobia in this discussion are trying to emotional blackmail people from having this relevant discussion. I understand some people are being weird by speculating about other WOC's sex but I am responsible only for what I post and reblog. While we are on the topic on racism and homophobia, I vividly remember when Caster Semanya's competitors were questioning Caster's sex and people were accusing them of racism, homophobia and hatred of GNC women. The same "train harder", "Karen", "white women tears" quips that people are using against Angela Carini and other female boxers now were used then. When their suspicions about Caster's sex was confirmed, silence and definitely no retractions and apologies. Many people do not follow sports so I guess many of you know nothing of that situation that is similar if not identical to this one but because I remember that situation, I am not going to cast aside the IBA's claims because of accusations of racism and homophobia.
As for the "you guys just hate GNC women" accusation, the IBA conducted two tests that they say makes the two athletes ineligible to compete against women. This is not a case of people are picking on GNC women who are living their lives for no just reason. The IBA's claims are why people are doubting the sex of those athletes. Are there some people doing that to some GNC female athletes, perhaps but it is intellectually dishonest to pretend that everyone having this discussion is like those people.
Thirdly and most importantly, I feel some of you are ignoring the fact that we are talking about a combat sport here. I don't think men should be competing in women's categories in any sport but especially not in combat sports. Do you know how dangerous that is for women? Do you know the short term and long term health impacts that could have on female athletes?Most males are inherently physically stronger than most females. If you believe acknowledging that is sexism then continue living in your delulu land and stop trying to comment on real life issues.
Also, this is not a case of females with high testosterone. I do not know where you people are getting that information because the IOC is not making that claim. They are saying their passports say female therefore they are female. So where is that information coming from?
The IBA has made a strong case with their evidence as much as they can legally because releasing personal medical records is illegal while the IOC has not made a strong case plus they do allow males to compete in women's categories if a sports governing body allows it. The reason for the clash with the IBA is because the IOC doesn't recognise the IBA as a sports governing body because of its ties with Russia.
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protect-womens-sports · 5 months
“We know there are a lot of different opinions out there," NAIA president Jim Carr told CBS Sports. "For us, we believed our first responsibility was to create fairness and competition in the NAIA. ... We also think it aligns with the reasons Title IX was created. You're allowed to have separate but equal opportunities for women to compete."
According to the NAIA's new policy (which is included in full below), in addition to ruling out athletes that were assigned male at birth, the policy blocks those who were assigned female but have begun masculinizing hormone therapy to transition to women.
"It's important to know that the male sports are open to anyone," he added.   
What a win for women’s sports 🎉🎉🎉
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seethesound · 10 months
Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
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vinecine · 3 months
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