#protect the ocean
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sarahmackattack · 9 months ago
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I'm mad that deep sea mining is a thing people are doing so instead of just complaining to my cat, I'm making art about it.
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These wheatpastes will be going up this week.
Wanna stick something up near you?
Get stickers here
All $$ supports Skype a Scientist, a small science education nonprofit that is connecting people with science through personal connections with scientists and art!
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respect-the-locals · 8 months ago
🪼Daily Cnidarian Fact:🪼
Portuguese Man o' War: The Portuguese man o’ war, is often called a jellyfish, but is actually a species of siphonophore, a group of animals that are closely related to jellyfish. A siphonophore is unusual in that it is comprised of a colony of specialized, genetically identical individuals called zooids with various forms and functions, all working together as one. Each of the four specialized parts of a man o’ war is responsible for a specific task, such as floating, capturing prey, feeding, and reproduction. Found mostly in tropical and subtropical seas, men o' war are propelled by winds and ocean currents alone, and sometimes float in legions of 1,000 or more!
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blessedscavengers · 6 months ago
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protect our oceans
terfs fuck off
made in 2023
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thrdchld · 11 months ago
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🦈 : do you think sharks get sad? do you think they yearn for a gentle touch?
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ellaandtheocean · 1 year ago
Say no to oil exploration in Aotearoa New Zealand
The new National/Act/NZ First coalition government has promised to remove the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration. This could have horrific impacts on our marine environment and the species that live there, including but not limited to:
Oil spills, which smother and kill marine life
Total destruction of poorly-studied seabed habitats
Degradation of endangered species habitats - including the rarest dolphin subspecies in the world, the Maui dolphin
Noise which will disturb echolocation and communication of cetaceans
We can take action to try and stop this. If you live in NZ, write to your local MP (can find their contact details here: Members of Parliament - New Zealand Parliament (www.parliament.nz)) or the new ministers for Conservation (Tama Potaka), Oceans and Fisheries (Shane Jones) and Climate (Simon Watts). Let them know politely but firmly that you do not support this legislation change. There are also several petitions/open letters that are currently open:
Green Party of Aotearoa petition: https://action.greens.org.nz/saveoilandgasban
Greenpeace open letter: https://greenpeace.nz/resist-oil-exploration
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aclkplm208-blog · 11 months ago
Happy Earth Day: Be One with the Sea
Happy Earth Day with Be One with the Sea!
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chrismho · 2 years ago
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Mermay 2023 Drawing Challenge, Day 8 - Dystopian 
A dystopia is defined as an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice-- unfortunately as governments and companies continue to run unsustainably, wastefully, and without regulation, as they continue to ignore what is becoming a seriously, SERIOUSLY big problem, this state seems more and more plausible. The world has lost 30-50% of its coral reefs already according to NOAA. It's still not too late to turn things around. The ocean is such an incredible and breath-taking and awe-inducing world, not to mention we kind of NEED it to survive and thrive! We can definitely make a difference as individual consumers but the real change happens with legislation and policy change.  We need to vote people who care about the planet into office.
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personal-blog243 · 2 years ago
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linyidao · 1 year ago
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protect coral reef
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mediocrephd · 2 years ago
This is so cool! Finding animal life beneath hydrothermal vents is incredible! Some of the things they found in the underwater cave systems in earth's volcanic crust include snails and tube worms. These tube worms alongside chemosynthetic bacteria, use the hydrogen sulphide in the chemical plumes from thermal vents by oxidising it to create energy and sugars to survive. How cool is that?!
I think this article also really demonstrates how important it is to conserve and protect lesser known ecosystems and species.
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respect-the-locals · 8 months ago
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Did you know??
Sharks, one of our planet’s oldest species with fossils dating back over 400 million years, have played a pivotal role in marine ecosystems far longer than we have existed on Earth.
Deemed a keystone species, sharks exert such a profound influence on their habitats that their absence would dramatically alter the entire ecosystem. As apex predators, they stand at the pinnacle of the food chain, crucially maintaining the balance of marine life by regulating prey populations. Sharks control species abundance, distribution, and diversity, which reciprocally affects the health of marine habitats.
Organizations worldwide, like the Shark Conservation Fund, are striving to protect sharks directly. Others, such as Blue Ventures and Saving the Blue, indirectly work towards their protection by safeguarding marine habitats and engaging coastal communities.
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afoxespalette · 2 years ago
Earth Day:
Today we honor Mother Earth, The planet that gives us all birth; A day to deepen our connection, And celebrate all of creation.
From the birds up in the sky, To the bees that buzz on by, And all the creatures down below, We thank them for the gifts they bestow.
From far and wide, To every corner of the earth, We give our thanks and gratitude, For all the beauty and its worth.
From the ocean deep, To the forests and the trees, May we cherish and protect, So that future generations can roam free.
On this Earth Day, we are reminded, Of the impact we have on this planet; To reduce our carbon footprint, And protect all creatures and habitats.
For every living thing that crawls, And those that walk on two legs tall, May we all do our part, And protect their homes with all our hearts.
From far and wide, To every corner of the earth, We give our thanks and gratitude, For all the beauty and its worth.
From the air we breathe, To every blade of grass and every tree, May we cherish and protect, And keep our planet healthy and free.
Let us remember today and every day, That Mother Earth needs our love and care; For every step we take and every word we say, Let it be for the earth and all it's worth.
From far and wide, To every corner of the earth, We give our thanks and gratitude, For all the beauty and its worth.
May we live in harmony, With all creatures and their diversity; For this earth is our shared land, A gift for all to truly understand.
-- AFoxesPalette
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anidala-for-ever · 1 year ago
Great. That's gonna improve a lot of attitudes. Does the dragon go after assholes who litter too?
An explanation.
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diannemead · 4 months ago
Explore my 'Art for Oceans' Collections at the Redbubble shop https://Redbubble.com/people/DianneMeadShop
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marandsviet · 8 months ago
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(via "Healthy Earth, Healthy Us number 1" Classic T-Shirt for Sale by MarandSviet)
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cuidemos-su-hogar · 10 months ago
Todos dependemos de los océanos, incluso aunque vivamos lejos de este. El océano nos brindan oxígeno, alimentos, medicinas, eliminan los residuos y reducen la contaminación; a su vez sus ecosistemas costeros ayudan a reducir los daños causados por las tormentas, entre otros muchos beneficios. No podríamos vivir sin él, por lo tanto al proteger los océanos nos protegemos a nosotros.
Las sobrepesca, los residuos de plásticos, y la contaminación son factores que causan la extinción de muchas especies marinas. Algunas son porque no damos el tiempo a que se sigan reproduciendo y otras son porque por desgracias quedan enredadas en las red o los contaminantes las matan.
Al no proteger la vida marina y los océanos nos enfrentamos a miles de consecuencias, algunas son: destrucción de la biodiversidad, escasez de agua potable, enfermedades y mortalidad infantil.
Los océanos además de ser una fuente de alimento y trabajo, tiene especies tan maravillosas en él que debemos cuidar. Para lograr el objetivo debemos de combatir todas estas amenazas, afortunadamente ya hay comunidades costeras que se dedican a la protección de océanos. Nosotros nos podemos sumar a ellos haciendo actividades tan simples pero que hacen un gran cambio, como: evitar tirar basuras en las playas y océanos, juntando basura que veamos en este, no capturar las especies marinas de forma excesiva y no dañándolas. Estas simples actividades podrían hacer un gran cambio... Cuidándolos nos cuidamos.
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