#proship dni within reason
sister-lucifer · 2 months
Genuinely curious why someone who seems to sexualize (fictional) serial killers and (fictional) murderers draws the line at "proship" stuff, which is also very much fictional? Aren't most horror characters actively problematic? Or is it virtue signaling with little knowledge of what "proship" actually is, you're just trying to show that you're not like "other" freaks, even if you're cut from the same cloth. Lumping people who ship weird stuff in Fandom spaces in with literal nazis is such a silly take. It just trivializes the sentiment when you say that you believe real life nazis are on par with people who engage with dark topics in fiction. You're a "proshipper" by the very nature of the fandoms you're in, as horror is the most "problematic" a medium there is.
[tws for discussion of sex abuse, gore and incest under the cut]
pro shipping is the attempt to normalize things like incest and pedophilia within shipping and fandoms. while yes these characters are fictional, and i completely support the existence of dark content as a medium to explore these topics, my issue is with the fact that proshippers want to treat incestuous and pedophilic relationships as normal. there’s no trigger warnings on proship content, no indication or attempt to keep these things away from those it could harm (pro shipping is also super common in fandoms of kids shows, like steven universe and MLP, which is super worrying for obvious reasons). There’s a difference between writing something dark to explore its existence vs writing about a father raping his young daughter as though it’s a completely normal and healthy relationship. that sort of content pushes the idea that children can consent and want sex, and often pushes blame onto victims of assault. with no tws or any sort of attempts to guard this content, and the fact that the way it’s written actively seeks to normalize these actions, it’s incredibly dangerous.
i expanded more on this sort of idea in this post (and there’s a follow up here if that matters idk), which i highly recommend anyone who’s questioning this sort of thing reads and takes a look at the other things linked in said post, because i do think it’s important to have these discussions. there’s a difference between normalizing and exploration. everything i write has a content/warnings section. i don’t want gore porn to be normalized, which should be inherently clear by the fact that all of my dark fiction has a wide array of trigger warnings on it to make sure no one thinks it’s normal or will accidentally stumble upon it. i’m happy to have my niche little community, but i would never want something so shocking to be easily stumbled upon by someone who didn’t want to see it.
there’s a difference between writing something dark or disturbing while actively advertising the fact that it’s not for everyone, vs posting “ship” art of a child being abused and acting like it’s so cute and perfect. someone who didn’t know better could take that to heart.
sex abuse is real and rampant in our society, and it affects and hurts people every day. that’s different than fake serial killers.
also…i fail to see how having both nazis and proship on my dni is equating them? youre allowed to put whatever you want on your dni. i’ve seen people with “creepypasta fans” right next to “proshippers” on their dni, and i don’t say anything, i just move on. it’s not my business why they don’t want those people interacting with them; maybe it’s because they had a bad experience in that fandom, maybe it’s because they don’t want to see gore, maybe it’s because the stories just unsettle them, why do i care? it’s not a personal attack against me, it’s just their prerogative. it’s not my place to argue with them, they can put whatever they want on their dni and it’s not my place to try and change their mind. they’re not equating or lumping in anything, they just don’t want those people interacting with them. and that’s fair enough.
it’s also a bit of a stretch to call horror a “problematic” medium when the very nature of it is meant to be disgusting and scary. if its disgusts and scares you…..good?
you’ll never find me in someone’s inbox trying to change their mind about what they are or are not comfortable with, i just block and move on, like everyone should really. i’ve seen some seriously dogshit takes on this site, and despite how absolutely abhorrent they are, i just block and move on. it’s easier, safer and happier that way.
if you really care this much, you can make your own post about it, or come out of your anonymous box and talk to me for real. i sure as hell don’t care that much, so i won’t guarantee you’ll get a response.
seriously though, if you hate me that much, just block me and move on. in fact, i actively support people blocking me. it reduces conflict, and i know that my content isn’t for everyone, and that’s totally okay.
i don’t want this response to come off as angry or indignant because really these sort of discussions are important, i just can’t say with my whole heart that you sent this ask because you wanted to talk; you sent it because you’re angry at me for what you perceive to be a slight against you or something you believe in. i get it. but believe me, you get a lot more out of life when you remove the things that make you upset instead of trying to argue with them. start caring less and blocking liberally 👍
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mintacle · 2 years
So, you've seen the words "anti" and "proshipper" thrown around in people's bios and "batc*st dni" on people's posts. Maybe you want to know what all the fuss is about, maybe you have a particular opinion about all this fuss. In any case, this informative post is for you.
Using Samantha Aburime's paper "the cult structure of the american anti", I'm going to explain the issue.
First of all what is an anti even? It's a term people use to self-identify within fandoms. As the name anti implies, they mainly identify with being against things.
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Which leads us to our problem of the anti mentality.
Most antis are minors or under 24. People who left the anti community have explained their experiences in the following manners:
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Maybe you have felt the pressure to join in anti behavior as well. If any of the following feelings are familiar to you, then you are experiencing anti indoctrination:
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If the shame and guilt instilled in anti members isn't bad enough, there are more consequences for the targets of the antis. In the batman fandom these are blogs that may or may not describe themselves as proship, meaning they ship characters that are (adoptive) members of the wayne family (Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne) with one another.
Essentially: this is how anti action works:
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Examples of dehumanization and harrasement which are very commonly practised among antis:
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And threats of violence:
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Beyond the aggresive nature of the anti mentality, the problem is that the people it targets are overwhelmingly vulnerable minorities.
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And I have often seen antis justifying their harrasement by explaining that they are themselves queer or non-caucasian, which is an example of moral licencing and does not actually excuse targetting other minorities or people of the same minority as you.
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So what do antis specifically do? The anti community of the batman fandom will often throw around accusations of incest ("batc*st") and pedophilia.
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Let us examine those three concepts, disinformation, virtue signaling and legitimate abuse.
We can find disinformation in the prectise of denying reasonable arguments for tolerance of proshipping. An anti will not engage in any attempt to understand why people ship something they find morally apprehensible. They will label proshippers as degenarates, thereby misrepresenting who it is they are targeting. Furthermore they will misrespresent the amount of influence that proshippers yave on influencing people.
Virtue signaling describes the practise of labelling things as problematic without delivering reasonable arguments for doing so and instead using strong emotional language to explain their judgement:
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Virtue signaling also represents the practise of self-describing the anti as morally pure and the "enemy", the proshipper as morally degenerate.
Both disinformation and virtue signaling allow for legitimate abuse. Depersonifying and villifying the opponent gives the anti a feeling of being legitimized in their abuse.
For followers of my blog, I would like to raise awareness of this side of anti culture. Emotional and shame-inducing language can easily sway us. I plead my case for reasonable and distanced evaluation of what you see online. Condemning pedophilia and incest will seem perfectly natural on face value, which is why it is so hare to understand that often time what is labbelled as such is misrepresented, and really all the time the anti myth will equate preference of fiction to beliefs of real life morality (see first image)
To finish my informational post, I leave you with one last essential quote from Samantha Aburime's paper:
"The anti movement perpetuates archaic systems of judgement based on personal disgust and region-specific morality, punishing powerless people for their fannish interests and tainting their online communities. Their work does nothing to dismantle harmful systematic institutions; rather, it embraces them, even going so far as to actively harm and destroy members of their own community."
Read the full paper here. It's very interesting and a not too long read.
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lemondrops-emotes · 7 months
hii!! im lemon and sometimes i like to make emojis :]
DNI: racists, sexists, homophobics, transphobics, MAPs, zoophiles, proships, etc!!
[please note that i don't allow tracing, stealing, or editing of my emotes!! you may only edit my emotes if ive provided a blank template for recolors. otherwise you may request for me to revise or make a separate version of an emote if you'd like one edited.]
im open to take requests!! however, i have a few guidelines for requests before you make them, including what i may or may not be willing to draw.
if you request a character and/or a headmate, please provide a reference photo if you're able :)
WILL: pretty much any kind of emotion, wordmojis, tbh/idk/wtf/etc creatures, pride flags/pronouns/neos, characters from media (within reason, i can and will deny a request if said media is controversial or NSFW depending on my own comfort), OC/sona emotes, headmate emotes, animal emotes, angel/demon emotes
WONT: Slurs, hateful symbols, NSFW or gore, body horror, abuse/animal abuse, graphic violence, anything related to discourse (syscourse, neoprns discourse, etc.), ableist/sexist/transphobic/homophobic/etc depictions.
i have every right to deny or ignore a request if i think the request is inappropriate or hateful!
please be patient with requests !! i might not get to them right away. i have a life outside of this, and drawing can take time. this is honestly just for fun.
if you use my emojis in a private server, please like/reblog the post you got them from. credit is not mandatory, but appreciated!
if you use my emotes in a public server, please put "lem_" before the emote name as well as credit!! thank you!!
join my discord <- link here!!
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ghosthoodie · 1 year
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HI i’m wooden AKA ghosthoodie!
i’m an artist on the internet who does comics, illustration and character design💗
she/her, adult, carrd! :)
TOYHOU.SE (only has sicily, kaity and caroline atm)
please at least have a profile picture and a blog title when you follow me or i'll block&report you as a bot!! thank you!🥰
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gif by @frascospecimen !! :3
#my art = art
#wooden speaks = speaking tag/asks/submissions
#flashing = flashing images cw
#body horror = body horror or injury cw (such as broken bones)
#suggestive = suggestive themes/jokes cw
#nudity = nudity
#fan art = fanart!
#eyestrain = bright colors
(if you think anything else within reason needs a tag, let me know! :))
#sicily(3), kait(8), caroline(4), trikaya(3), mitsuo(3), khari(3), nishi(24), ryley(3), kira(8), harley(4)
#ghostie, #historia lyons
✶ ' . ✦ . ❀ tysm for reading this far! ❀ . ✦ . ' ✶
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PIN UPDATED: September 14th, 2024
hello! this is the pinned post for this blog. before putting in an ask, make sure you've read this. here will be listed rules, the characters available to ask, hashtags, etc...
first of all, rules. i won't answer asks i'm uncomfortable with, so if i haven't answered your ask within a week or two, that probably means i ignored it.
read all of the information below, starting with rules!
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(these must be followed at all times when posting an ask)
no sexual/gore content
no spamming
no copypastas
general dni (no proship, zionists, etc.)
no venting/ranting
you can claim an anon title (such as "silly anon", etc.) if it isn't already taken.
don't force ships. feel free to suggest ships for this ask blog, but don't force them. along with this, do not tag things as ship if i haven't tagged them as ship.
rp is allowed. it is super encouraged! ocs are also allowed in asks.
when addressing the owner of the blog or saying something out of character, please use parentheses () or double parentheses (())
no mentions of irl politics/religion and such.
more can be added to this at any time
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(ships that are canon in this ask blog)
none (yet)!
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(ships that are not canon or tagged in this ask blog)
Anon/Asker x Any Character
Enphoso x DrRETRO
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(hashtags used in the blog. does not include usernames/anons)
"#silly regretevator asks" - the main hashtag used for all asks.
"#ship" - the tag used when a duo appears in an ask response, intended to be a ship.
"#not ship" - the tag used when a duo appears in an ask response, intended to not be a ship.
"#not an ask" - a post which is not an ask response.
“#not giving a ship tag” - a post that is too complicated or contains too many characters to give a specific ship tag for. it probably means two or more of the characters in the post are a ship, but i’m not giving it a specific tag for whatever reasons.
“#important” - self-explainable. important posts, such as the pinned, updates, etc.
you can also search for a specific character (such as "#regretevator (insert character name)") or media (if there's ever any crossovers, which is highly unlikely). these are the main tags, however.
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(these are the characters that you can give an ask to. this list might update depending on what happens in the lore or if i feel more comfortable allowing more character asks)
🔎 Bive
🟡 Enphoso
💀 Folly
🧍 Flesh Cousin
🛸 Gnarpy
👾 Infected
🫳 Jeremy
💡 Lampert
🎩 Mach
🪚 Mannequin Mark
🎀 Mozelle
🎉 Party Noob
💰 Pest
🤡 Pilby
🤖 Prototype
🔴 Reddy
🖥️ Scag
🍌 Split
🪣 Spud
🧹 Swibbledib
🟩 Unpleasant
🧱 Wallter
👽 Yum Zlurplie
💬 Anon/Asker
🔈 Me (Narration)
each post will have a transcript of what each character says, along with the emoji they are assigned in this post.
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glitchcipher · 2 months
Ayo I acc wanna start writing again so imma open up recommend/asks for practice!
I’ll basically do anything within reason for the fandoms I’m in
Consisting of:
Gravity Falls 💫🌲
Portal 🟠🔵
Electric dreams 💻❤️
Overwatch 🟠⚪️
Bendy and the machine ✒️😈
Will do
Headcannons ( will do nsfw but must specify if wanted, will mainly do for x reader though)
One shots (x reader, ships, prompts, nsfw, all that)
Poly ships are 100% supported but I don’t have much experience writing for them so heads up,
Won’t do
Any weird weird kinky stuff
Anything illegal (proships etc)
General dni stuff
But yeah go nuts love to get back into writing after *checks watch* 4 years 😬
Alrighty bye 👋
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damnfandomproblems · 3 months
Since one ask in response to Problem #4927 has generated several replies in a short time, I've decided to consolidate the ones I've received into one post.
You know when you see an ask that's so off the mark, and you wonder to yourself hm, which of the blogs I recently blocked for having 'proship dni' in their bio (because no reasonable and properly informed person would have that in their bio) could this be? This. This is that ask
I wish I could block people who send anons to other blogs because sometimes the take is just so misguided don't even want to try unpackong it
Most people seem to agree this is an ice cold take, but I want to add this too (without assigning blame to anyone who does this, since there isn't actually anything blameworthy about the example): I think part of the problem with all these people (including anon) thinking proship means "I ship (thing)" is bolstered by the fact a ton of people who ship certain uncomfortable, or controversial, dynamics often have "proship" in big words at the top of their blog. And anyone who sees this ends up conflating "proship" with "I ship (thing)"... Even though the causation is actually the inverse. As in, they ship (thing), so why wouldn't they be proship, a stance that says ship and let ship? Would be awfully dumb if they weren't. Meanwhile, a lot of proship people who don't really have controversial or dark or whatever else ships tend to not have "proship" at the top of their blogs, which just solidifies the conflation of "proship" meaning "I ship (thing)". Some do, but most don't. But like another commenter said, I feel like we might need to just move away from buzzwords all together, because clearly people won't stop trying to repackage what they mean, and or misinterpret them based on first-glance, passing observations. That second part is mainly why I think "proship", while the root is pretty damn self-explanatory, still confuses people.
"stop calling yourself a proshipper if you only like mix-raced and other such safe stuff," Okay, two questions: 1. Do you realize mixed race ships are actually super controversial and dangerous to ship, because some antis will say you're either fetishizing (even if you're not), or accuse you of "tokenizing" a non-white character by shipping them with a white character? 2. What are your parameters for what qualifies as "safe"? Because you're already showing one of the biggest anti (or pro-censorship, if you really don't want to use "fandom words") hypocrisies in the book: attacking certain subject matter while giving other kinds of subject matter, which are arguably just as taboo, a free pass. For instance, most antis don't bat an eye about shipping Hannibal and Will Graham (Hannibal NBC series) because that, despite the plethora of physical and mental abuse, is just that. It's not sexual taboo, just every other kind of taboo. So I ask, what are your parameters for what is "safe"? Because chances are, they will either be contradictory in some way, or just make no sense.
["Make a new term" fucking lol. Should proshippers go make their own Ao3, too?] My reaction exactly, lol. Also, for anyone who didn't already know: AO3 literally was created by proshippers. One person actually shipped Wincest and Thorki, and wanted a censorship-free (within the confines of US law, obviously) space to archive that stuff. Hence AO3 was born. The people who made AO3 are now middle aged or nearly there, and aren't going to take your shit. So in that sense, it's more like: listen up, all you annoying-ass censorship-happy babies: AO3's source code is public, it's all there, you're free to make your own space, if you don't like the one WE created, then YOU came barging into, then YOU started screaming about containing stuff you didn't like.
I am a fandom oldie and I miss when "proship" and "anitship" were just terms used in fandom with no deeper meaning. You could be both a "proship" and "antiship" person simultaneously because it was a ship by ship basis. I miss when they literally just meant "I like this ship" and "I do not like this ship". No argument on morality one way or the other. No harassment. Just people loving their fictional characters' dynamics and enjoying them with other people. Example: a NaruHina proshipper meant you shipped Naruto and Hinata for any reson (maybe you liked their chemistry). A NaruHina antishipper meant you probably not only didn't like the ship, but were actively against it for some reason (could be any reason like you shipped NaruSaku or something, that you didn't like their dynamic, or any other reason). It wasn't about the ship being "problematic" or whatever. It was just a personal feeling.
For Christ’s sake, a lot of issues could be solved with a Google search (proship means anti-harassment, anti-censorship, ship and let ship) or just blocking and moving on. Or just resolving misunderstandings instead of leaving dirty laundry out in public. I do not use the proship label. I am very against censorship, hence the meaning of the label, but I’m not slapping a label on myself that essentially boils down to, “I don’t like this, so I’m not gonna look at it/imma block people or tags because I don’t like it” and then moving on. And because ironically, people who have easy access to the internet where, again, Google is free, will slap on a false accusation on me over fiction. And that is something I do not want to deal with. Before someone goes, “I have been harassed by proshippers more than antis,” those people are NOT proshippers, those were actual antis. Or alternatively, “there was a kid that got groomed by proshippers,” again, those people are NOT proshippers, those are predators. Again, Google is free, look up terms, and wash the bias you have for specific people out of your eyes and out of your ears. Use your critical thinking skills.
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starborn-mayhem · 6 months
Coming to an inter-dimensional channel near you, STARBORN MAYHEM, THE REBOOT!
We’ve heard your cries, adoring fan, and here your cries will be answered!
Starting TODAY we will be accepting applications for CONTESTANTS! Cut off will be on March 29th.
You can find and submit the form: HERE!
IF! We are able to get more then SIX contestant applications, all contestants will be chosen by lottery!
Be there or be square!
[OOC notes below, be sure to read!]
Hi! Welcome to Starborne mayhem, to sum things up really quickly this blog is a silly ASK/GAMESHOW blog run by @myepicgameshow
Here’s a quick overview on how it’ll work
- Contestants are OCS submitted in
- Whoever gets picked will be invited to a discord, there I will ask questions IN CHARACTER for everyone to respond IN CHARACTER
- Channels of the discord will be locked for only one contestant each to be in
- this is all for fun! There is no real prize, sorry :(
- most if not all posts will have some sort of art of the contestant the post is about!
Here’s some minor rules
- MUST have discord, I literally cannot do this any other way
- Pleaaase don’t rush me to post, I get scareds
- Please also be able to respond within a reasonable time period, a couple days is okay but if you take more then a few weeks that’s a no no
- idk just be nice and respectful and a good sport
- also I don’t know if I should have to say this but don’t be weird about other people’s ocs ??
DNI if; Proship, anti anti, homophobic/transphobic, MAP/MAP supporter, racist. Basically if you’re a fucking creep or an asshole or a bigot get the fuck outta here
I’ll figure out tags over time
Okay other then that BUH BYYAAAAA
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emile-tb · 1 year
Btw y'all, my ask box is open—feel free to bombard me with questions or requests! (Within reason ofc)
(Also proship DNI, bigots DNI, and please do not ask or submit NSFW things, thank you)
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undead-discourse · 8 months
I'm an anti, and after interacting with proship spaces more, I can firmly say it's only made me feel more confident in that.
I've seen a lot of people claim that all "proship" means is anti-harassment and anti-censorship, which I completely agree with. Harassment is bad and censorship is bad. Hell, I agree with basically all of the points you guys make. You're right about most things! Fiction is fiction, and just because someone enjoys some dark theme in fiction doesn't make them objectively a bad person.
But GOD is your community fuckin rancid. I very briefly ran a proship side blog to gauge how I felt about the community as a whole, because again, by most definitions I am proship! But the kinds of people who interacted with those posts... Fuck. That blog acted as a free block list for my other blogs.
I've always held the belief that, "I can't prove this and I have zero evidence right now, but I feel like this kind of community would attract some really unsavory people. Not everyone who enjoys lolicon etc. are pedophiles, but that kind of content will 100% cater to pedophiles and create a safe space for them to enjoy said fantasies. I don't want pedophiles or people whose blogs act as safe spaces for pedophiles anywhere near me. Proshippers DNI."
AND I WAS RIGHT. There are SO FUCKING MANY people lurking in your notes who openly self-identify as "MAPs" (You're a pedo. Stop trying to make up new words, there's a fucking reason it has a bad connotation.) and zoos. Within the first few days I had to block more of the people who followed that blog than not.
GOD I feel so vindicated.
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finalshaper · 9 months
about the pro shipping post you are so fucking right. when i was 16 i had proship dni on an aesthetic blog that i ran and i had multiple people harassing me for it over months. i've also had them call me ableist and homophobic slurs and sexually harass me when i was 16-18 for untagged unsearchable posts that they had to have scrolled back months in my blog to find. i was in a fandom at the time that had a LOT of people like that and there were many other people who got worse and had proshippers being wildly racist to them. they say curate your online experience and then throw a fit when you actually do.
Hi i'm sorry I didn't respond to this sooner! I was most likely absorbed entirely in skyrim Once Again.
Yeah, the proship movement has a tendency to harbor the absolute worst people in fandom circles and when you say "Hey if your movement is Truly Safe for victims/people of color /disabled folks/kids/etc then why the fresh sam hill fuck are you harboring Actual Racists, Actual Pedophiles, And Actual Horrible People" they take it as "kys lol go die" and not a request to Actually examine how their stances on something as terminally online as shipping discourse and the culture that it founded has sheltered these types of people.
And it's this inaction and refusal to address it in favour of perceiving it as a siege in a war that isn't actually happening (for lack of a better way to word it, no, people aren't out to get you they're asking you to examine your fucking community and WHY so many people feel unsafe around it aside from other reasons) is why I, and so many others, are in dislike of proshipping culture aside from. well. gestures wildly to the rest of it.
They take it as a blow to their egos rather than a genuine honest "Hey if what you ship Truly Is Inconsequential why does the culture you cultivate harbor, say, Actual Offending Pedophiles or Those Pedophiles That Label Themselves As "No-Contact" For Some Reason As If That Makes It Less Bad that are utilizing fandom space and proship culture as a quick and easy way to get targets within their reach?"
Side tangent/note here: Over the years many people have said that I cannot be pro-dark media and anti-proship. These things are not mutually exclusive and many, and I mean MANY people in circles focussing on dark and transgressive media are FULLY AWARE of the connection between reality and fiction (and how they both affect one another, the best way I can word it is that if you focus on one color pallet soon your world will be monochromatic, you gotta learn to focus on all the colors. If you saturate your life with too much "dark" or distressing content it will color your worldview and that is not what life is about) and often emphasize the importance of this distinction.
They also do not go out of their way to overly-romanticize the content they read (the public perception/general society's consumption of Lolita [vladimir nobokov] has been a disaster for the human race. if u think lolita is supposed to be a cute romance story you're misinterpreting the book and need to step back and examine just why you think that way and actually sit down and analyze the book and humbert as a character dear god stop turning it into a cutesy coquette aesthetic, shanespeare has a fucking amazing video talking about it and as an added bonus it's shorter than the typical 4+ hour video essays I often indulge in) as they often know better to do so and shun the people who do, ESPECIALLY when you're talking about books like The Slob (Aron Beauregard, even though that novel is essentially misogyny, homophobia, gore porn, a lot of fatphobia and shit like that and is all-around poorly written)
proshipping culture also relies a lot on a fanfic/fanart medium which is a VASTLY inappropriate place to explore these things (on top of, well, the type of people the culture has a tendency to attract n shit vs transgressive/dark media corners) and People Do Not Want To See Headcanons About Their Favourite Characters Being Rapists And Shit Like That I Promise You You Aren't "Coping" You're Just Making (some not all) People Around You Uncomfortable And Fucking Miserable Because You Decided That Their Comfort Character Is A Shotacon Or Some Shit (and that is before I get into how unless that character is canonically a piece of shit, making x character into a freak is a gross mischaracterization).
People come into fandoms for escapism, or to enjoy characters and stories with people and, yes I am speaking from personal experience here not only as ex-proship but also someone who's been 'round the block when it comes to fandoms.
There is a difference between transgressive lit i.e Lolita and someone writing a fanfic about a father/daughter relationship and not in the wholesome familial way we all know and love. That is knowing your place, understanding that fandom is a WILDLY inappropriate place to explore these things (seriously people, just write an original book! you got it in you clearly! i believe in you and maybe if you do it right you'll write something that's very touching and profound and opens up a lot of conversations!) and that fiction and reality do in fact impact and shape each other in more ways than you'd initially assume.
anyways rant/tangent over, sorry I went on for so long, I'm Very passionate about this discussion despite everything that's happened to me at the hands of it.
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lesboylycan · 1 year
okay, let's do this...
[werebeastlybutchboy -> lesboylycan]
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[GIF IDs in alt text]
uh. hi, hello. we are a multi-origins spontaneous-adaptive mediple polyfrag plural collective of 550+ who is collectively an it/its ze/hir transsexual auto/mspec pansybutch lesbian (to keep it concise, that is); this blog is mainly run by Wolf, a subsystem of sorts of six. you can find their names below in the tagging system, and more detail about them on our plurality-specific blog, @leptonyx-constellate. our selfship blog is @local-lovey-wolfboy, although not everything we post there is exclusively about selfshipping. note: we are bodily an adult, although we prefer not to state our actual age.
we are explicitly proship/profic; if you don't like that, leave. i don't want any trouble with anyone, and if you're an anti, i don't want to be around you. we are also pro-selfshipping, but you'd see that if you looked at our other blog for just about two seconds anyway.
when wei use we/us/our/ours/oursel[f/ves], wei're talking about the collective as a whole. when wei use wei/meus/myur/miurs/myursel[f/ves], wei're talking just about myurselves, Wolf. note that we are disordered via a CDD (but don't consider ourselves to be a system largely due to semantics that really only bug us when it comes to ourselves), but wei consider myurselves to be disordered (and a system) due to our/myur AVPD, which influenced both how wei split and how wei currently function.
we are considered a "clinical lycanthrope", although our insight comes and goes; we refer to ourselves as a wolf or wolfbeast, and we block reality checkers indiscriminately. we occasionally experience the delusion that we are an alien*. our nonhuman sideblog is @rotting-bones-will-sing.
do not reality check us. we are a wolf through and through (although we occasionally turn into other things), and not only would calling us human be wrong, it'll also make us hate your guts forever and will make our paranoia around getting "caught" worse. referring to us as a human or trying to tell us we aren't a wolf is the fastest way to make us block you. we are healthiest mentally when we are a wolfbeast.
* never refer to us being an alien as a delusion while we are in it. continue referring to us as a wolf or wolfbeast as you would normally; this only happens in times of severe mental, emotional, or physical distress and/or exertion. continuing to refer to us as a wolf will help us get back to baseline.
we're physically disabled and use both forearm crutches and a wheelchair. we also have ASPD, NPD, AVPD, and are schizophrenic + autistic, among other things. we have DID, but our plurality came before it and we are metaphysical in nature; we believe we were predisposed to developing (polyfrag) DID due to our schizophrenia and autism, among other things.
aspd/npd/bpd/hpd abuse isn't a real or distinct form of abuse, don't come within a 10 foot pole if you think it is, or else i am spraying you with a pressure washer.
asks are cool and good, we don't care who you are or anything so long as you're polite. this blog is mostly about reblogs along with stuff about queerness, our nonhumanity, and whatever else. we don't have an explicit DNI other than "if you dislike anything we say on this post or believe we're lying/in denial/can't be any of the things we say we are, leave" and the block button. if you want something a bit clearer for any reason, go to our selfship or plurality blogs.
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uh. yeah. that's about it methinks--oh wait tags (below cut)
minors, block #horny posting. that is the tag for sexually explicit posts. come back when you're eighteen. the #nsft tag contains all #horny posting tag content, but it also contains stuff like mild sex jokes for the folks who are entirely sex repulsed.
#it's me - stuff by Wolf (could be from Oakley, Matty, Dave, Twitch, Inti, or Junie)
#[name].txt - stuff by headmates who aren't part of Wolf; eg., Snail.exe, Mimic.exe, Carmen.exe, Owl.exe, etc
#nonhuman things - formerly #werecreature things; anything about being nonhuman. includes posts/reblogs about or related to therianthropy, 'kinnity, CL, and being an alien.
#plurality - anything about plurality
#queering shit up - stuff about us being queer (trans, butch, bi male lesbian, etc) or about queerness/queer identity in general
#the neuro diverges - anything about or related to [our] neurodivergency (aside from plurality as that has its own tag), including (but not limited to): autism, schizophrenia, ASPD, NPD, AvPD, etc; not exclusive of physical disability (see: VSS and migraine being neurological disorders while also physically disabling; see: neurodivergence - the possession of a brain that deviates from standard)
#leopard seals - leopard seals #other seals - other seals (including sea lions, fur seals, eared seals, etc)
#avpd posting - posts about our AVPD
#the body bad - anything about our physical disabilities; not exclusive of neurodivergency (see: VSS and migraine being neurological disorders while also physically disabling; see: neurodivergence - the possession of a brain that deviates from standard)
#asks - asks
#hate mail - anon hate #ambiguous mail - we are exceedingly bad at tone, so this is for the asks that we can't tell if they're anon hate or not #ask games - ask games #anonymous - anon asks #[insert blog url] - non-anon asks
#fandom stuff - fandom stuff, mostly Wobbledogs, Dimension20, + a smattering of Hermitcraft/MCYT and a little bit of meus talking about our old fandom (which wei will not name). sometimes other things will be mentioned on occasion (SFTH, The Amazing Devil, etc)
#tw [thing] - trigger warn tag. note: wei won't be tagging myur posts about being an alien or a wolf as unreality. don't ask. (however, wei will tag [other] unreality things as unreality if wei ever post/reblog them, but wei most likely won't--wei myurselves have the tag blocked)
#rebloop - reblogged posts
#self rebloop - reblogs of myur own posts
#moots - original posts and asks from our mutuals!
#nsft - nsfw posts, ranging from mild to ghost pepper spicy (although it's very VERY rarely that one lol. usually mild/implied). sometimes nsfw comes down to "funny sex joke" for the folks who are entirely sex repulsed.
#horny posting - nsfw posts that are explicitly horny and sexual. minors, block this tag, or at the very least by the GODS do not interact with any of these posts. wait until you're 18, they'll still be there. all horny posts are nsfw, not all nsfw posts are horny.
#house work - blog maintenance (announcements, updates, etc)
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mavratt · 1 year
Master Post!
Heyo! I'm Maverick/Mav, I am transmasc and use He/They/It pronouns (In any amount, I don't care).
My blog is 13+ (Mostly due to swearing lmao) I am also a minor and I mostly post art!
My Fursona, Maverick:
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Rules with asks/requests:
~ I am very inconsistent with my art schedule and it's based purely on my motivation levels, so if I don't draw your request that's probably why
~ most requests will be doodles but if I really like the request I might make it cleaner
~ MUST BE FANDOM RELATED! I won't draw oc's (unless they are mine, lmao)
~ request must be within reason (no nsfw, fetishes, proshipping, etc.)
~ Lego Monkie Kid
~ The Legend of Zelda
~ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
~ DC
~ Furry (I guess??)
~ Hermitcraft
~ Sonic
~ Dungeon Meshi
Please interact:
~ Shared fandoms
~ Neurodivergent pals
~ Artists
~ Chill Furry's
~ Anyone who wants to share a cool animal fact
I'd add a DNI list here but it's pretty much just the usual people (Transphobes, Homophobes, Ableists, Racists, Proshippers etc.)
Thanks for reading!
(This was really inspired by @imsoquark's one, I had no idea what to put in this lmao)
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liveinblankets · 8 months
hii i just want everyone to know that im comfortable with people venting on my text posts, i actually think its very sweet . . . ♡ if my posts make you feel big feelings and feel sad, thats okay and you should get it out. if my blog makes you feel safe enough to do so, you should ♡
ⓘ dni : nsfw / 18+, gore, proship, pro-ed/sh, non-child-safe things, ddlg (etc.).
boundaries under cut (sa, child abuse tw)
that being said, please keep everything within reason ♡ i dont handle any form of sa and/or heavily described child abuse very well, and i expect that to be respected in all of my reblogs. take care, bye bye ♡
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marbl3z · 8 months
NEW ABT ME (aug. '24 updated)
Heyhey ! My name is Ramune, my pronouns are she/they + sometimes he. I mainly write little oneshots but tbh i kind of wanna do multi chapter fics. This account is 18+, please either have 18+ or your age in your bio if you interact with my content.
Currently i'm writing for: ZZZ, Honkai Star rail, Genshin, and Stardew Valley.
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BYF: I'm not the most serious person outside of writing. I do struggle with many illness's and disorders so i'm unsure how much i'll be updating series + posts. as stated above my content is 18+ so minors pls do not follow. I write smut, angst, sometimes triggering themes, i do try to list all triggers at the top of the fic.
DNI: minors, p3do/pr0shippers, transphobes/homophobes, basic dni criteria .
REQUESTS: in terms of requests i'm willing to do anything/any type of reader or scenario within reason.
WHAT I WILL NOT DO: anything romantic/sexual with a child/minor character, anything related to a minor coded character (ex: a character that looks like a child who is actually very very old.), any form of incest or proship material.
WHAT I WILL WRITE: fem!reader, male!reader, gn!reader, au's, character x character, character x reader x character, poly groups, smut, fluff, angst w/ comfort, and more!
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yeah! thats my introduction! for now at least! :D
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the-counselors · 1 year
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DNI -> Basic DNI criteria. Racist, Homophobic, P3do, proship, etc.
Thin Ice -> Weird asks, under 16
Interact! 16+, fan of Camp Camp, or any of the three members of this account, lover of rp and those who wanna rp :D
1 Personal ick we don’t want in asks:
Harley: Any hate about being cringe for having ocs and shipping ocs
Pifi: Comments that are weird about the characters in the show or one of the other counselors
Hannah: Being creepy/creeps in general
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Rp rules
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- Semi selective rp blog, but we’re open to messages and asks from everyone!!
- We will be avoiding NSFW, ofc cursing and violence within reason should be fine but otherwise no NSFW
- Please no god modding
- Semi literate responses please, but you don’t need to match my length all the time. As long as you don’t respond like “she moved that box.” I’ll be fine!! (Harley)
- Same as Harley, but again, any gross comments or sometimes overly flirtatious isn’t my preference. We have the ships set and light flirting or compliments is a-okay. (Pifi)
- So I’ll answer almost anything, I’m okay with flirty comments (as my character is a huge flirt), all I ask is you keep it respectful and don’t be overly creepy. Can do longer and shorter asks! (Hannah)
- ​ If you wanna start dialogue with specific counselor(s) be sure to mention it in parentheses or indicate it in some way or we’ll all just answer
- And remember, don’t be afraid to interact!! Who knows, maybe when something goes bump in the night in this forest, one of the counselors could help?
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