#prophet Dan
xxcharixardxx · 2 years
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💖✨Prophet Dan Appreciation Post✨💖
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"What's that father? Ah, yes. The Fatherly Light says, 'They're all dead'!" -Prophet Dan
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theratkingog · 2 years
Cover art I made for a fix I'm writing.
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concretdandelion · 6 months
don't know if anyones mentioned it but phils not wearing his glasses in slime despite wearing them in the other videos, like the only other time we see him without them is near the end of potato prints when he takes them off in preparation to be sacrificed.
dans "you don't need these were you're going" as he takes off phils glasses a literally sign of phil putting his trust in dan and Him.
as many have pointed out dans left handedness is "fixed" as he wields the knife with his right, in the same vein phils eyesight could have also been "fixed."
he is no longer blindly putting his trust in dan, nor his he blindly believing in Him. phils let dan sacrifice him once and it led to assumedly good things (dan being right handed, phil being able to see).
there is no need for his poor eyesight when he sees nothing but the truth.
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bubbydear · 9 months
Had a dream Dan posted an ig story (bereal style) where one photo was of his laptop screen with a video uploading and the other was him wearing Phil’s glasses and caption “guess what video is about to drop”. Anyway here’s how we can still get what dnp text each other
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itsmymeaningoflife · 16 hours
Dan and Phil are gonna cosplay as Crowley and Aziraphael on Halloween I can just feel it in my bones
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tetrapaec · 4 months
Fell asleep watching Dan and Phil compilations and had a dream I woke up and they uploaded a 1 hour long video called Phan Wedding After Movie, the thumbnail was their face badly photographed onto a PewDiePie and Maria's wedding pic 😭😭😭😭
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dnpg-hiatus-survivor · 3 months
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afditlodap · 3 months
had a dream last night they just dropped tour dates out of the blue. all dates all at once which meant i could see the melbourne show was on my birthday next year (so nov 2025). it had like a pastel green pink and blue colour scheme like kind of springy which was cute. other than that have no idea what the tour was about.
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freckliedan · 8 months
phil uses she/her pronouns she told me in a prophetic dream
thank you rudy i believe you completely. good for her!!!!!!!!
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fwakwhakdepakmont · 10 months
Other people will have prophetic dreams of things that are actually important. The only time I had a dream that predicted the future was the time I had a random dream of Phil Lester opening a cardboard box and pulling a candy cane out of it. I didn’t predict anything else in the mystery box, just the candy cane.
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xxcharixardxx · 2 years
Prophet Dan Quotes pt 6
"Don't worry, boyo, the great Prophet will protect ya."
"You can hide in the darkness, but the light'll find ya!"
"Aye, Father... What the bloody hell do you mean I need to give up coffee this week? But I don't want to abstain! I want it! And I will have it! *pauses, presumably the father speaks to him* Oh, uh... Fine then... As you wish. "
"The first one to find it gets around of drinks, on me!"
"Light! Show me the path! And deliver us out of this vile place! *pauses* Any time now! I can wait :/"
"Clap on, lights off. The flashlight! *laughs* what a stupid commercial."
"Can you stitch yerself up, or do you need a grown up to help you, Evangelo?"
"Karly, you're bleeding all over the place! Or-- Are.. Are ya just trying to be punk?"
"I'd give up my left nut for a steak right about now. Bloody rare, with a heaping side of mashed potatoes. Going mad just thinking about it."
"The light's silence is in itself a teaching."
"The scriptures? all in me head. :) Stick with me, and you'll hear em all."
"*dying* I'm coming... Father..." "*Dying* The light.... its fading..."
"May the light guide you on your journey."
"*dying* I see it... it's... beautiful."
"Oh ho! This screams 'Prophet'!"
"The light has testing us, and we have prevailed. Praise be!"
"That was absolutely savage!"
"Break em like we do in Dublin!"
"Truly gifted by the light I am!"
"The more the merrier *laughs in unhinged*"
"The light watches over me... and I watch over you!"
"Blessed be the light!" "The light provides!"
"Rejoice! As the wicked have been cast aside and the righteous have been rewarded with eternal glory!"
"*mocking* You want me to kiss it? *laughs*"
"Witness me greatness and you too shall have glory."
"And so the darkness fades with the rising sun."
"Save yer prayers! The Prophet's here to protect ya!"
"DON'T stray from the flock!"
"This is like beatin' up an old blind lady-- it's not even fair!"
"Watch yer blasphemous tongue, ya bastard!"
"Repent and maybe I'll rescue yer sorry ass!"
"1..2...35... is that all? *laughs in unhinged*"
"Was that it? I've seen strip teases last longer than that."
"I am the f*ckin PROPHET! All these devils shall perish at my hand in the name of the light!"
"Talk ill of the light again and see what happens!"
"Oi! The fatherly almighty says yer F*CKED *laughs in unhinged*"
"Tremble before me, I show no mercy to the wicked!"
"I told ya they were devils, but did ya listen? No. Maybe now you'll listen to what the PROPHET is prechin'!"
"I'm the instrument of the lights retribution!"
"You might think I'm crazy, but yer f*ckin MAD!"
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hug-a-mermaid · 3 months
graham and ryan are so funny to me. like, what other new who companions came out this Normal after traveling with the doctor. they’re weren’t even obsessed with the Pathetic Alien!
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lyledebeast · 6 months
For @kijilinn since you got me started on watching new (to me!) Jason Isaacs content.
Since watching Sweetwater (2013) and Look Away (2018) over a couple of days, I've been reflecting on how Jason Isaacs' villains have changed over the years. While he certainly has played a variety of characters, and not all of them villains. Captain Hook from Peter Pan (2003) and Colonel Tavington from The Patriot (2000) have more in common with each other than with Dan from Look Away, Prophet Josiah from Sweetwater, and Dr. Volmer from A Cure for Wellness (2017), who likewise share several traits in common.
Hook and Tavington are, on the surface, a pair of campy, sword-wielding child killers, but if we look deeper, they are each singularly obsessed with one man (or boy) who has things they lack, and if we look deeper yet, they are both queer men whose peripheral relationship to society at large has left them anxious and resentful. With the last of these in mind, I'm tempted to throw Michael Ryan of Dangerous Lady (1995) into the mix even though he is not a villain. Of these three, Ryan is the one is most clearly attracted to men and hurt by them, though that is also true of Hook and Tavington to different degrees. Ryan was molested as a teenager by his mafia mentor, Tavington's father squandered the fortune he was to inherit, and Hook lost his hand in a fight with Peter Pan, all of which have redefined their connections to masculinity and to other men. They are all surrounded by men and unable to trust any of them. They all desire connection with and recognition from other men, particularly recognition as men. What allows for Hook's temporary triumph over Pan is that he has experienced adulthood and knows something of its pleasures as well as its pain, both things Pan will never know. Tavington could have ended Martin easily had he not insisted on making Martin acknowledge that he could. Ryan, having killed two of his lovers deliberately, is unwittingly killed by the man who infects him with AIDS. Ryan is definitely the outlier here as he is written to be sympathetic, despite his numerous crimes, while Hook and Tavington are fleshed out primarily through Isaacs' performance. He manages to make even flatly written characters feel human and even sympathetic.
As Hook, Tavington, and Ryan are all primarily interested in males, so their violence is primarily directed against them. Thus their relationships with men are very fraught, which is not the case in their relationships with women. In Ryan's case, the only consistently loving and somewhat healthy relationship he has is with his sister, the titular "dangerous lady" herself. Meanwhile, Hook and Tavington are completely indifferent to women (and girls) except where they can be used to manipulate the man/boy who is their true objects of desire. Intriguingly, Isaacs' straight villains also see women primarily as objects to manipulate for their own ends, even as a couple also believe they love women.
Dr. Volmer, Dr. Dan, and Prophet Josiah: oh, what can I say about these three? The first and most obvious commonality is that they are all fathers of daughters, and the second is that they all, to one degree or another, have incestuous desires for their daughters. The only one who attempts to act on that desire is Volmer, but Josiah's comment that Sarah "could teach [his daughter] how to fuck" hints that he might be interested in benefitting from that knowledge when she gets a little older. Dr. Dan--who, to his credit, is the only one of these three who is not a rapist--goes on "bonding dates" with his daughter maria and announces that he is giving her plastic surgery, of his choice, for her eighteenth birthday. He views women more as his artistic medium than as people. He left one of his twin daughters in the snow to die from exposure when she was born deformed, an act that haunts both the surviving girl and her mother. Like Volmer, Dan believes he loves his daughter, but what actually manifests in both cases is a selfish desire for control over women's bodies, medical and otherwise. At least Josiah is honest in his misogyny. When one of his men describes Sarah as a "female whore," he asks, "is there any other kind?" While I first interpreted this as implying that there are no sex workers who are not women--which has never been true, but that's a different point-- it could also imply that there are no women who are not sex workers. The second definitely fits Josiah's view of women generally. All of his converts are men except for his wives, and he has promised them wives of their own. That the women might not agree to being wives does not appear to have crossed his mind. Josiah is a collector of beautiful things: china, mahogany tables, and women, and, like the others, he sees little difference between them.
I wonder if it's a coincidence that Isaacs played the first three characters near the start of his screen career and the second group of three after he became a father himself. His first daughter with partner Emma Hewitt was born not long before filming on Peter Pan started; by the time he starred in Look Away, he had two daughters just a few years younger than his fictional one in that film. By then he was well established as a screen actor, and likely had greater ability to turn down roles that did not appeal to him. It's also possible that the new worldview parenthood brings about led him to rethink who the real villains in our society are. Even the most fantastical of these three, Dr. Volmer, exudes the kind of cold, cruel, selfish misogyny with which so many girls and women have to contend in their medical treatment even today. And it is by no means rare for a girl's first experience of misogyny to come from her own father.
I want to end this depressing meta by acknowledging that the first father Isaacs played after becoming one in real life is also, from my limited knowledge, the best. George Darling tries to suppress his natural gentleness to become the kind of stern, decisive, powerful Victorian father his sister urges him to become for his children's sake, but, fortunately, he fails. The best thing by far about this version of Peter Pan is its assertion that a father who can connect emotionally with daughters and sons alike is far better than one that cannot.
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dandyduel · 7 months
I’ve had 6 days so far and I think I’m going to go insane it’s so difficult and horrible I have never hated school more
First of all, I just want to begin by saying that you're doing great. Not everyone pursues the HSC and that in itself is something to be proud of, do not discount your achievements thus far.
Secondly, the leap from junior school to senior school in Australia (at least in the experience of myself and those around me) is nothing to be scoffed at. As students and learners it is incredibly easy to become trapped in our previous habits of complacence (something that often plagues me personally in the form of extreme procrastination and a lack of study schedule) as a lack of consequence leads us by the hand and gives us a false sense of security that is only ripped away when we are faced with a change of routine. In this sense, Year 11 & 12 is an earthquake manifest. They shake the structures that previously housed your education until they come tumbling down upon you - and then you must rebuild.
However, In my opinion this is not to be perceived as a loss but a moment of great opportunity. After losing this sense of stability you must apply your newfound knowledge of what may happen in order to strengthen your habits.
Reading is the single most important practice in strengthening your vocabulary and writing (and even if you take mostly science subjects, nothing will take you further in life than a high level of literacy). Read widely every day. Articles, Novels, Essays - whatever you like. Study by reading. It doesn't have to be hard, throughout my senior years of high school I probably did a total of 6 practice papers (though I do not promote this course of action) and ended up doing (more than) fine on all my exams and assignments because instead I would spend my time reading up on the topics that had been discussed in class (I highly recommend when you inevitably do Shakespeare, read some of the criticisms by Harold Bloom). Listen to podcasts before your exam. Pre-Finals I would sunbathe on my back porch while listening to relevant podcasts on Spotify, by god it helps.
Spend Time away from your work.
Play cards at lunch, talk about menial things during lulls in class-time, go to parties in fields. Honestly, the best thing about the senior years is spending time with your peers- don't loose that because you are too worried about your rankings. This certificate is a cruel beast that will bite and scratch at you if you let it. Do not let it. Get a good amount of rest, you are a teenager so that means that it is your god given right to nap like nothing else.
And above all, don't stress. I know it is easier said than done (many a time I was found crying over maths on my kitchen floor) but it is seriously a blip in your life. You will adapt, you will learn, and you will do well. This will set you up if you want to pursue tertiary education, chiefly because it is a learning experience. If you have never felt crippled over an essay before entering university it will cripple you later. let it happen now and then move on.
don't sweat the small stuff, I believe in you, have fun. <3
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strictlycanon · 9 months
[ ❂ ]
He didn't know how it happened, but Prophet Dan was separated from his people. He just hoped that they were okay. He had been wondering for a while, in hopes that his flock were somewhere nearby. But that's when he noticed someone in the distance. He walked over, aiming his desert eagle. The prophet didn't know if it was an infected or a hostile survivor. It's better to be safe than sorry.
"Oi. You haven't seen me flock, have you?"
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dinosaurgiantpenny · 11 months
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