#prompt: werewolf
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thisapplepielife · 6 months ago
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Written for @steddie-spooktober.
Of Wolf and Man
Prompt: Werewolf | Word Count: 5533 | Rating: E | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | CW: Minor Injury, A Sprinkle of Good Boy Kink | Tags: Canon Divergence, S3 Happened, But No S4 Events, Different Meeting After High School, Werewolf Steve, Animal Lover Eddie, A Touch of Hurt/Comfort, But Mostly Fluff
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Eddie hears the growl, and freezes mid-step. He was just headed out to Skull Rock to make a quick deal with a jock too scared to meet at his usual picnic table in the woods, and this is what he gets for his trouble? About to be eaten by a wild fucking animal over twenty bucks worth of weed? Great, just great. He isn't sure what direction the growl came from, it sounded all around him, all at once. Like it was somehow beside him, below him, and above him. He scans as far as his eyes can see, then finally looks up, and when he does, there's a big dog standing on a rock overhead.
"Easy there, buddy," Eddie says, because he's an animal guy. He's not one to turn any species away, as a general rule. His brain suddenly unhelpfully supplies: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. Which isn't gonna help him survive a feral dog attack, but honestly, take that, Mr. Johnston? He did pay attention in biology class. Both times.
It doesn't matter, but what does matter, is that he can usually charm anything into being his friend for a few minutes. Racoons, opossums, the occasional armadillo. 
More cats than he'll ever be able to count.
Sometimes a stray dog, or two. 
And that's when he realizes this is not a dog. It's a wolf. And there definitely shouldn't be any wolves roaming around just outside of Hawkins. It has to be someone's pet that has gotten loose. Those are legal in Indiana. Or: And his wheels really start turning here, if this one somehow doesn't already belong to someone else, maybe he could wrangle it into being his own pet.
Now, that's an idea. Wayne would shit, but a pet wolf would really make him seem like a bigger, scarier freak around town. He's kind of missed the daily fear and detestation since he squeaked out of Ms. O'Donnell's class, and therefore, high school. Diploma clutched in his fist.
Either way. 
Dealing with a wolf is new territory. Very, very new. 
And a little more terrifying, his fantasy of keeping it as a badass pet notwithstanding. 
It's huge. Especially bathed in moonlight, looming overhead, where all Eddie can see is warm, golden eyes staring down at him, and a dark, pretty coat. The wolf is watching him, as if it's taking stock of Eddie's every move.
"Well, I'm gonna go my way, and you're gonna stay right there," Eddie says, holding his arm up, palm facing the big animal, and the wolf whines in a way that almost sounds like he's disagreeing petulantly with this command.
Eddie smiles, even if he's still a little terrified, "You don't want me to hang around. I'll cramp your style. Lay down." 
And the wolf starts to do just that. Big body folding down into itself. 
"That's a good boy. You're very pretty, you know?" Eddie asks. And it is a pretty animal. Lean muscle, wrapped in what he assumes is a heavy coat of soft fur. 
He'd like to pet him. 
That's how he'll die someday. Petting something he had no business touching. He's sure of it. 
And the wolf whimpers, laying down on the rock, resting his chin on its huge paws, still watching Eddie with those mesmerizing eyes. 
They almost glow out here in the moonlight. 
How fucking cool is that? An actual wolf. In the flesh, and not just written into a campaign. 
Eddie grins at him one more time, and then takes off in the direction he was headed in before he was interrupted by a huge fucking wolf.
Once he gets to Skull Rock, and sits down to wait, he hears the howl in the distance, and smiles. Hopefully the wolf doesn't have a pack hanging around that's less docile than he was.
He doesn't think about the wolf again, not much anyway, until the wolf shows up again, standing across the highway, right along the tree line, watching him. Eddie's putting three bucks in the van's gas tank, and it suddenly feels like he's been tracked here. Shit. Has he been tracked here? Does the wolf have his scent now? 
Eddie should ignore it, but he can't. He makes eye contact, and the wolf sits. Like he's waiting. Eddie goes in and pays, and when he comes out of the Fair Mart, he looks both ways, then jogs across the two lanes of worn asphalt.
The wolf is still there, sitting patiently, watching as Eddie struggles to unwrap the Slim Jim he bought for the animal for some stupid reason, not nearly scared enough that he's about to be mauled. 
Eddie isn't sure what to do now as he looks down at him. Does he throw it? Drop it? Hand feed him like he would a dog? 
"Hi. Me again. I probably wouldn't have seen you if it wasn't so bright out tonight," Eddie says, making one-sided small talk, nodding his head towards the big, full moon overhead.
And then Eddie holds out the meat stick, an offer.
The wolf makes eye contact, and then gently takes it from Eddie's fingers, like he's being careful and Eddie grins, "That's a good boy."
And the wolf looks right at him, tail lightly dancing around, as if he understood that. Maybe he just got the tone. Dogs are good at that, right? Maybe wolves are, too.
But it still unsettles Eddie, just a little. It's too human, and the fact that it's a full moon suddenly isn't lost on him. He gets the lore behind that. And it kickstarts his imagination. Thrusting it into overdrive. Was it a full moon last time? Eddie thinks maybe it was, as brightly lit as the woods had been, even late at night.
But, it can't be. That's absurd. He needs to just go. Accept this for what it was, just another experience in his long line of animal whispering.
He's got band practice to get to, anyway. They always expect he'll be late, but still. He should go.
"Okay, I gotta go," Eddie says, and then adds, "Stay out of the highway, it's dangerous." 
And he watches the wolf slink back into the trees, until he's gone from sight. 
Eddie tries to ignore the persistent feeling, the one pulling at his brain, but he's only able to ignore it until the next full moon, when the wolf is back, lurking near the trailer this time, as if this time he was able to track him home.
Eddie lives like six miles from the gas station. He doesn't know the range a wolf has, but that seems far. Especially figuring in the wolf also being out Skull Rock the first night. He's covering ground, that's for damn sure. 
The wolf comes right up to the dead patch of grass they call a lawn, and lays down, looking up at Eddie.
"Hi, again. I'm Eddie. And I think you're a werewolf," Eddie says, and the wolf whines, "Are you a werewolf? Are you a person?"
The wolf snuffles, and Eddie thinks that could be a yes. Or not. He doesn't exactly speak wolf. 
"Who are you?" Eddie asks, as if the wolf can tell him that. "Are you someone I know?"
He doesn't get an answer, but he leaves the porch and sits down on the ground, crossing his legs under him. Right in front of the relaxed animal. 
"Can I pet you?" 
And the wolf leans in his direction. Eddie takes that as a yes, and buries his hand in the wolf's scruff, scratching him, deep and thoroughly. 
His fur is rougher than Eddie had anticipated. But thick. Layers and layers of gorgeous, brown hair. 
And the wolf gets closer and closer until he's resting his chin on Eddie's knee, where he falls asleep. 
Eddie grins.
He has a pet wolf. 
Hot damn. 
And that cements the routine. A full moon is in the sky? Eddie has a temporary wolf pet. He feeds it, and pets it, and quickly finds out it loves to roughhouse. Launching itself at Eddie, taking him down to the dirt. Rolling him.
Butting at his head, his face, under his chin, licking him. 
The first time he did it startled the shit out of Eddie, but after that, it's been expected. Eddie laughs, and the wolf barks. At least, Eddie's calling it a bark. It isn't the same as a dog barking, but it feels similar in usage.
Eddie finds an old rope in Wayne's shed, and they play tug-of-war until Eddie's sure his hands will blister. But if the wolf wants to play, Eddie isn't gonna pass up the chance to play with a wolf. 
Eddie bought a pack of tennis balls at Melvald's, and sure enough, the wolf loves to chase them and bring them back to Eddie. A wolf that will play fetch. Who'd have thought?
It's probably because he's a human. Or half-dog. Eddie isn't sure. But, if he is a werewolf?
"Hey. Listen. If you are a person, and you do understand me, you could come find me, you know? On any of the other days that you aren't, you know, grrr," Eddie states, holding up his hands in monster fashion. 
The wolf whines, and Eddie lets it go. 
He's cool with just having a once a month wolf pal. It's honestly the best of both worlds. Exotic pet, but he doesn't even have to get a permit for it. Win-win.
The wolf howls. 
"Too loud," Eddie admonishes. 
And then it looks sad. Goddammit. 
"Turn around," Eddie commands, and the wolf does exactly that. Eddie throws him a treat.
"Sit," and he does. Another treat.
"Beg," and that's the limit, apparently, because those eyes are looking at him like he's a goddamn fool. Eddie laughs, and tosses him the piece of lunch meat anyway. He's still a good boy. Even if he won't beg.
They spend all night together, until the wolf inevitably departs before morning light.
That's okay, he'll see him next month.
But when the next full moon has illuminated the night sky, the wolf hasn't shown up. It's several hours after dark, and Eddie's concerned. He's never this late, and now Eddie doesn't know where to search. The woods near the Fair Mart? Near Skull Rock again, where he first saw him? 
He's not sure where his homebase is, his den, or whatever.
All Eddie knows is that it doesn't make sense. He wouldn't just not show up. Not after all this time. 
Something's wrong. And the pit grows in Eddie's stomach, gnawing away, the fear and preemptive sorrow of the impending loss.
He's just developing a battle plan, when he hears the familiar whimper and whine. And there he is, coming up out of the trees. He's hurt. Wet, and filthy. Limping, tail tucked between his legs. There's a deep bleeding gash across his forehead. Dried blood matted into its fur. 
Eddie panics, just for a second, then he scurries up the steps, holding open the trailer door. The wolf doesn't hesitate, just lumbers in, and flops down on the floor as if he can't go any further. 
"What happened to you?" Eddie asks, then realizes he's not gonna get an answer. 
Eddie's never brought him inside before, but he's doing it today. Eddie quickly shuts and locks the door behind them, as if whatever tore him up, might decide to, Eddie doesn't know, follow him inside? Unlikely. But still. Better safe than sorry.
"Stay right there," Eddie says, and the wolf huffs in a way that sounds almost sarcastic. Like, where else would I go, asshole?
Eddie smiles, and knows he's probably crazy. But still. It feels that way. This wolf, his wolf, seems funny. Can a wolf even be funny? Eddie isn't sure. But this one damn well is. 
Wayne's probably gonna notice all the shedded hair, dirt and blood, and wet dog smell, but tonight Eddie's not gonna worry about it.
Tonight, he's gonna try to help his buddy out.
He's covered in mud, and he smells like a lake. 
"You need a bath," Eddie declares and the wolf gets up and walks towards the bathroom like he agrees. 
Eddie laughs, "Okay. Here's the deal. We're gonna pretend you're just an animal, alright?" 
And the wolf stops in the doorway, Eddie tells him to come on, but he won't budge. Eddie tries to get a grasp on him to pull him along without hurting him, but it's fruitless. He's too strong. 
"Very funny," Eddie says, "your stubborn dog that doesn't want a bath impression is, well, impressive." 
The wolf thumps his tail and then comes right into the bathroom and carefully climbs up into the tub. 
Eddie sprays him down to get him wet, then looks at the shampoo options, "Well, I hope wolves are okay with Pert Plus 2-in-1." 
And the wolf honest to god growls, baring his sharp, white fangs, while giving Eddie the dirtiest look a wolf could muster. 
Eddie isn't scared, but he is amused. 
"Well, I'm so sorry, I don't have wolf shampoo. No Mane and Tail, here. Do you have a better idea, tough guy?" Eddie doesn't think rubbing him down with a bar of Irish Spring sounds any better.
But he watches as the wolf looks around the tub ledge, as if he's actually weighing the options, before he nudges a light-colored bottle off with his nose, sending it clattering around the slick tub, making a hell of a racket. 
Eddie retrieves it. Apple Pectin. He assumes it must belong to Wayne's lady friend. It certainly isn't his or Wayne's, that's for damn sure. 
"Alright, Mr. Fancy Pants. If you want your fur to smell like apples, that's on you." 
And with the decision made, Eddie cleans him up carefully. Lathering him up, rinsing him off. After he's finished, and has dried him off the best he can with a towel, the wolf noses around the cabinets, which is curious. What's he looking for? Then he pulls out the cord of a hair dryer, one that has a comb attached.
"You've got to be kidding me?" Eddie asks, picking up the dryer.
Eddie's never seen it in his life. Wayne has no hair, and Eddie's definitely not a blown dry kind of guy. Must be Wayne's girlfriend's. Hope she doesn't mind a little wolf fur stuck in the teeth, because the wolf's not kidding, and he sits, eyes closed, like he's enjoying the heat as Eddie combs him dry. Eddie's very careful not to get it too close to any of his wounds.
Afterwards, once he's soft and fluffier than Eddie's ever seen the pampered mutt, Eddie wraps anything still bleeding, then sits down and pats the couch cushion next to him. The wolf doesn't hesitate. Just jumps up letting out a soft growl that was surely pulled out of him by launching off his injured leg. 
"I know it must hurt," Eddie says, as he pets him gently. The wolf lays his head on Eddie's thigh, and whines pitifully. Then turns his head, like he's watching the muted television right along with Eddie. Eddie looks down at him by the only light in the darkened room, the flickering screen. 
Eddie falls asleep there, with the warm, heavy weight leaning against him. And when he wakes up, still hazy with sleep, he opens his eyes just enough to witness the wolf nudging at the lock with his nose, and then the door is open, the wolf is gone, and the only proof he was ever there is lightweight trailer door lightly banging from the early morning breeze.
After a few more hours of sleep, Eddie realizes there isn't much to eat in the house, and that means he's gonna have to finally do the grocery shopping he's been putting off before Wayne actually kills him. 
And later, as Eddie's coming out of the Big Buy, bags in hand, he nearly runs into Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington, with a bandaged forehead and a slight limp. Smelling slightly of apple shampoo.
No fucking way.
Eddie's eyes widen.
"It's not what you think," Steve immediately says, which is suspicious. 
Eddie raises an eyebrow. 
"Okay. It's exactly what you think," Steve says, folding like a cheap suit.
And Eddie laughs, all his teeth showing, fucking thrilled by this turn of events. Steve Harrington. Eddie wouldn't have guessed him if given a million tries.
"Steve Harrington is my pretty, pet wolf," Eddie crows. 
Steve snorts, "I'm not your pet, Munson." 
"All the lap sitting says otherwise." 
"I've never sat on your lap!" 
"You would if you could, big boy," Eddie teases.
And Steve gives him just a hint of a grin, "Yeah, yeah. Um, you're not gonna tell anyone else about this, right?" Steve asks, looking at the blacktop of the parking lot, "Because if I need a head start outta town, just say so."
"From one freak to another, nope. I didn't see anything."
Steve smiles, "Thanks. Because I'm not exactly broadcasting this information." 
Eddie makes a move as if he's locking his lips, and then he throws away the imaginary key. 
They go their separate ways, and Eddie assumes that's the last he'll see of the wolf, and probably Steve Harrington, too.
And he can't help but be a little sad about it.
Eddie tries to distract himself. But his mind keeps telling himself that Steve Harrington, wolf or not, isn't gonna come hang out with Eddie "The Freak" Munson again now that Eddie knows who he is under all that fur. And Eddie hates it.
He's playing penny can with Gareth outside the house, taking turns tossing the coins from the step into an old coffee can, under the light of the full moon, when he feels eyes on him. 
Looking to the right, standing just around the edge of the trailer, is Steve peeking in their direction.
"Hey, you're here! C'mon, boy!" Eddie calls out, lighting up at the sight of him, and Steve rounds the corner like a happy dog. Tail flicking around nearly in circles as he prances, bopping around as he comes towards Eddie.
"That's…that's a wolf!" Gareth shouts, scooting backwards.
"Calm down, he's my friend, aren't you?" Eddie asks, and Steve pounces up on him, paws on Eddie's shoulders, licking his face.
"Whoa, hey there, it's good to see you, too," Eddie laughs, trying to get him to calm down. 
"You have a pet wolf?! Since when?" Gareth screeches.
"Sssh, do you want Mrs. Wilson from down the way sticking her nose into our business?" Eddie asks, then reiterates, "And I said he's my friend, not my pet." 
"You can't be friends with a wolf, Eddie, that's crazy, even for you," Gareth insists, and Steve raises his head and growls, just a little.
Gareth clambers up and into the safety of the trailer, and Eddie laughs, looking down at Steve's warm eyes. He gets it now. Can totally see that these eyes are similar to Steve Harrington's, "That's not nice, you know. Picking on the little scaredy cat. It's like something you'd see in, I don't know, high school."
And the wolf whines.
"Hey! I'm not a scaredy cat! That's a goddamn wolf! I'm just smarter than you!" Gareth yells through the door, and Eddie laughs.
Steve snuffles, and lays his head on Eddie's thigh. His rowdy greeting apparently over with, content to let Eddie pet him.
Eddie strokes him gently, and whispers, "I'm glad you came back."
Gareth is still watching from behind the glass, and Eddie tilts his head far enough back to see him, "Look at him? He's a sweetheart. He won't hurt you. Come back out here."
And Gareth does, but he's still clearly leery of this whole situation. But he sits back down, eventually asking, "Can I pet him?"
"I don't know, you better ask him," Eddie says, because it's definitely not his place to let anyone else manhandle Steve if he doesn't want to be touched by them.
But Steve stretches his head over, indicating that he'd be open to this additional petting.
"It's almost like he understands us," Gareth says.
"He's a smart boy for sure," Eddie answers, scratching Steve behind the ear, before patting him on the butt. 
Steve whips his head around and nips at Eddie's hand, then licks it, "Okay, okay, no butt pats. You're not a cat. Got it. Sorry."
"Does he have a name?" Gareth asks.
Eddie doesn't miss a beat, "Harry." 
"Well, that's original," Gareth snarks, but Eddie doesn't care. He's not giving Steve Harrington a dog name. And he can't exactly call him Harrington. That'd raise questions Eddie's not prepared to answer.
"Well, he is hairy, ain't he?" Eddie asks, and Gareth can't help but nod, and it pleases Eddie.
Wolf Steve hangs with them all night, until morning threatens to peek over the horizon, and then he slinks away into the pre-dawn light to presumably turn back into a real boy.
"You're friends with a freakin' wolf. Like you're Snow White or some bullshit," Gareth whispers, and he sounds a little awed as they watch the wolf go.
Hell, Eddie's awed, too.
And Eddie's gonna miss him. One night a month isn't enough.
But he'll just have to wait. Eddie can be patient. 
He doesn't have to be patient for long. The next night while Eddie is stretched out on the couch, there's a knock at the front door. When he answers it, there's Steve Harrington, in full human form, looking back at him.
"Harrington," Eddie greets, but Steve's not beating around the bush.
"So, about those butt pats," he says, and Eddie throws his head back and laughs as he opens the door even wider. An invitation.
Was that a pick-up line? If so, at least it was original.
Steve can't be serious. 
But Steve crosses the threshold, and two can play at this game. He'll play chicken with Steve on this, so Eddie jerks his head to the right, "Bedroom's back there, big boy."
Steve doesn't hesitate, he steps towards him, and starts corralling him towards the back of the trailer, through the kitchen, applying pressure, guiding, without even touching him, somehow. 
And as he does it, he's shedding clothes. Confident in a way Eddie could never dream of being.
Holy shit. Steve Harrington is really getting naked, as he's backing Eddie's towards his bedroom.
Eddie pedals backwards, just watching, letting Steve encroach on his personal space, and then, his bedroom.
Eddie wonders if being a wolf just makes you more open, more free.
He's not sure, but he scurries along backwards, and once they're both in the bedroom, Steve kicks the door closed behind them. Eddie tugs his shirt over his head, trying to catch up before Steve changes his mind.
Then Eddie pauses:
"If you bite me, will I become a wolf?"
Steve rolls his eyes, "I'm not going to bite you."
Eddie pauses, "Well, what if I bite you?"
"Why would you bite me?" Steve asks, a confused wrinkle forming across his forehead. 
"I mean…" Eddie trails off, nodding towards the bed. 
"Don't make me regret this decision, Munson," Steve says dryly, but he's amused. Eddie can see it in his eyes. 
Eddie isn't sure why Steve made this decision at all. 
"Why are you here, for this, with me anyway?" Eddie asks. He needs to know. They've barely spoken to each other since high school. As far as Eddie knows, Steve only fucks girls. But now he's here, like he owns the place, corralling Eddie to bed?
He's having trouble processing all this new information at once. Eddie's friends with the wolf version of Steve, sure, but he wouldn't say the same for human Steve Harrington.
"Because I've realized I like you. Because you were nice to me, in wolf form. You weren't scared-"
"I was scared shitless!" Eddie interrupts, and Steve laughs.
"For like the first second. After that you were pretty fucking cool about a wolf all up in your face. Don't lie."
"Well, nothing," Steve snips, then his voice softens, "You understood what I most likely was and didn't care. Even if you didn't know who I was, you were pretty fucking chill about me coming to hang out."
Eddie nods. That's true, he didn't care. He'd made a friend, as wolf-shaped as it was. 
"You gave me a bath."
"Hey! I thought we agreed you were just an animal during that," Eddie argues.
Steve smiles.
"Before you, the full moons were lonely. And I dreaded them. But you changed that," Steve explains further, "And after we bumped into each other at the grocery store, I was fucking mad, man. Like, running into you, having you find out that way, it felt like it was the end of something I really looked forward to every month. But then I never heard even a whisper of a rumor that you'd told anyone what you'd figured out."
"I haven't told anyone. Didn't especially think they'd believe me if I did," Eddie laughs. But honestly, it never crossed his mind to gossip. The wolf had been good to him, and he figured it was the least he could do to be nice back.
Tit for tat, as it goes.
For Steve Harrington, or anyone else.
"And I'm grateful. I think it's just me around here," Steve says, "I never see any other wolves." 
"How'd you become a werewolf, if there's no other werewolves around? That doesn't make a lick of sense," Eddie asks.
"It was a Russian torture drug that turned me. When the mall burned down? I wasn't bitten by anything."
"No shit?" Eddie asks. He's heard rumors of what actually happened at the mall, picked up and filed away snippets of information the sheepies have dropped in his presence without realizing it, but he's never heard about Russian torture.
Steve nods. 
"I don't know if they did it on purpose or not. Robin didn't have it happen to her. Just me. So, before you found me, I was just lone wolfing it during full moons, and hoping everything went okay. Robin hated that I was all alone, but it was what it was. Then, I found you."
Eddie nods, and looks at Steve, chest full of hair. He didn't have that in high school, as far as Eddie remembers.
"Side effect?" he asks, pointing to his chest. 
"Yeah, a little. I mean, I wasn't bald or anything before, but it's sure filled out. Age or wolf, I don't really know."
Steve Harrington really turns into a freakin' wolf. 
Eddie reaches forward and combs his fingers through Steve's chest hair, and Steve tilts his head back, and whines. 
Oh fuck. Eddie's done for. This is it. The end of him.
It's familiar, and different, all at once. It's Steve.
Eddie's dick is so goddamn hard, straining against the zipper of his jeans, but all he wants is for Steve to keep making those noises. 
He'll let Steve fuck him. Hell yes, he will. He'll roll over like, well, a fucking wolf, he supposes. Bare his neck. Get mounted. Claimed. Whatever Steve wants, needs.
Only, that's not what happens. His daydreaming was a little bit off, as Steve flops on Eddie's bed, naked, legs spread open. Hand on his hard cock, stroking it as he watches Eddie. 
Eddie isn't even sure where to look. Steve's hairy thighs, his hairier chest, the aforementioned gorgeous cock now laying heavy against Steve's belly. Or his very obviously glistening hole.
"Holy shit," Eddie says, asking, "you want me to, you know?" 
Steve laughs, and Eddie isn't even sure where it comes from, but Steve's flicking a condom Eddie's way. Eddie bumbles it a bit, but catches it in two hands.
Okay, okay. Shit. He can do this. 
Steve wants him to do this?
"You don't, like, want me to submit to you?" Eddie asks, undoing his belt buckle, eyes trained on Steve's. He would. 
Steve laughs, "Not really. I want this."
"Okay," Eddie says, "cool. That's cool."
"Cool," Steve repeats, mocking him a little bit as Eddie's jeans hit the ground, like he can't help but be amused by Eddie. And Eddie likes that.
Eddie crawls on the bed, and slides one hand into Steve's hair, pulling back a little, and Steve whimpers. He leans down and presses his lips to Steve's, kissing him for the first time and eventually Steve opens his mouth, breathing into Eddie's mouth.
Eddie pulls back, "That's a good boy."
And Steve's dick jumps against Eddie's belly, leaking precum between them as he whines, and oh, he's a good boy, indeed.
Eddie takes his hand from Steve's hair, and slides it down his body, bypassing his cock, grazing his thigh instead, before sliding to the inside, and down, under his balls, fingers brushing against Steve's already slick hole. Eddie slides one finger in, then two, and three, and realizes Steve wasn't fucking around. He's gotten himself ready. For Eddie.
Rolling the condom down his own cock, Eddie thinks his hands are trembling. He can't believe this is happening.
"Hey," Steve says, leaning up onto his elbows, "look at me."
And Eddie does.
"We don't have to do this. If this isn't what you wan-"
"It is," Eddie interrupts, "fuck, it definitely is."
"Okay then," Steve answers, laying back again, and then he slides one foot along the bedding, dragging it upwards, until his knee is bent. He's fucking gorgeous, and confident, and for whatever reason, wants Eddie. It's. It's, yeah. "Whenever you're ready."
Eddie's ready now, and he slots himself between Steve's thighs, lifting him up a little as he lines up and presses inside, deeper and deeper until he's bottomed out. 
His dick is in Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington is his wolf.
Steve whines, and Eddie takes the cue, and starts fucking him in earnest. Cock sliding in and nearly out easily, his balls slapping against Steve's skin with every rough thrust as he builds up a rhythm. 
He's fucking Steve Harrington, and Steve Harrington is liking it by the sounds he's making. By his actions. 
Fingers digging into Eddie's shoulders, his back, his ass, spurring him on.
It's not gonna last long. Eddie's too overstimulated by everything that's happened, and might happen again, in the future. 
He wraps his fist around Steve's dick, wanting to get him off first, and as soon as Steve comes all over his own hairy belly, Eddie slams back into him, chasing his own orgasm. Coming inside him, filling the condom, with a long groan.
Eddie never wants to leave, but he eventually pulls out, and gets up to dispose of the condom. He grabs his shirt and wipes Steve's stomach halfway clean, and then stands there, unsure what comes next. 
Is Steve gonna go? Gonna stay?
Stay apparently, because Steve opens his arm, and Eddie crawls into bed, sliding up against him. Sweat-slick bodies slotting together until they find a comfortable position. 
Laying with him, the afterglow making his mind fuzzy, Eddie wonders if wolves mate for life. 
He sure fucking hopes so.
When the next full moon fills the night sky, Eddie borrows Uncle Wayne's truck, and holds open the passenger door for his wolfie, watching as Steve easily hops in. Eddie rolls down the window with the hand crank, since Steve can't do it for himself in wolf form, and then goes around and slides into the driver's seat.
Enrichment, that's the plan. Steve doesn't need to spend all of his full moons cooped up in the trailer. He needs to be free. Wild. Run around. Feel the wind blow through his fur, or whatever. Eddie doesn't want to tame him, only love him.
So, Eddie takes him out into the country, driving the winding dirt backroads, until he finds a wide-open space, a field where Steve can run. Eddie runs with him, not nearly able to keep up with his speed, and once Eddie's quickly worn out, he sits down in the soft grass, intent to keep watching.
But Steve runs up and nudges Eddie under the chin with his snout, rubbing all over him, and Eddie lets him do it, Eddie eventually collapsing onto his back. Then, Steve crawls on top of him, the heavy weight of the wolf pushing him into the ground below. Eddie feels Steve's stomach growl against him, and he knows they'll meet Robin for breakfast in the morning, where Steve will absolutely decimate a huge stack of pancakes and anything else from their plates that he can get his hands on.
Wolfing makes his boyfriend hungry. And Eddie chuckles: boyfriend. Steve Harrington is his boyfriend.
And his wolf, who is currently licking Eddie's face, making him squirm and laugh harder as Eddie scritches the back of Steve's neck.
He's a good boy, Eddie's good boy, somehow.
And once Steve's tired himself out, Eddie loads him up into the truck, grinning as they head back to town. Glancing between the open stretch of road before him, and Steve beside him, hanging his head out of the open window, howling at the moon.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries, pop over to @steddie-spooktober and follow along with the spooky fun! 🐺
Notes: Title is from the Metallica song of the same name. Pert Plus 2-in-1 came out in 1987, so I guess it's at least 1987 here, lol. Apple Pectin was a real shampoo. It was discontinued. RIP, Apple Pectin. I haven't actually smelled you in thirty years, but your scent is still seared into my brain.
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geraskierfanficprompts · 4 months ago
Prompt 140
"What?" Geralt asks, frowning, a furrow in his brow. "I turn into a wolf every full moon." Jaskier repeats. "How-" "You were always away on a hunt. You'd just meet me back in the morning." "...You were a werewolf this whole time?" "..Yes. I- I'm sorry, Darling. I never wanted to lie." "Why didn't you trust me with this? Did you think I would hurt you?" "No! I thought I would hurt you. I'm not myself on full moons, Geralt. I can't even remember them. All I know is that the moon raises, i feel this ache in my bones, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up the next morning, nude, with a full stomach of what is HOPEFULLY nothing gross." "...You've not transformed in towns, have you?" "No! Of course not! I'm terrified of hurting someone, Geralt! That's the only reason I'm telling you now! I got the charts mixed up, I thought the moon was still a week away, but it isn't, and we're near a town, and I need you to keep me restrained." A long pause settles between them. "You want me to guard you?" "Guard them. From me. Keep me trapped in a shack and- And lock it up tight. Chain me, hurt me, knock me out, whatever you must do. Keep me from being a danger. I never wanted to be a terrifying beast, Geralt." Jaskier says, with those damned wet doe eyes of his. Geralt agrees. Because he doesn't know a world where he wouldn't. Mere hours later, Jaskier is sat against a beam in an old rundown barn. He's tied up with rope, and chained on top of that. There are no windows in the barn, the door is fully barricaded and locked, and Geralt guards it. "You really should guard it from outside" Jaskier had said. "I'm not leaving you to do this alone. You never should have had to." Geralt replied. Thus, Geralt stands and watches as Jaskier pales and starts twitching. The moon is rising. "It's coming- I'm going to be a beast." Jaskier says with fear, before the transformation takes the air out of his lungs. Geralt watches in horror and awe as Jaskier's body changes, changes, changes.... In... Into a songbird? sitting on the ground is a fat little songbird. It easily hops over the ropes and chains, now much too lose to hold it. Him. Oh my gods. Jaskier's not a werewolf. He's a... were.... werebird... And not even a scary one. Jaskier starts pecking the barn floor and Geralt rubs a hand over his face in exhaustion. He prepared for the worst, and instead is treated to watching Jaskier struggle to bathe in a trough. "Jaskier, it's too deep." He tells the bird, as it fluffs up it's wings. "Jaskier, you're going to-" Jaskier tries to take a step into the birdbath, only to fall, dunking his whole fat little body into the depths of the trough. He flails about in the water, chirping panickedly. Geralt rushes to his aid, gently lifting him out of the water with gentle hands. Perhaps guarding over Jaskier will still be a challenge after all.
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barkencyde · 2 months ago
seeing werewolf packs in media joking around and acting wolflike/doglike in their human forms always makes me so envious. id kill to have a close family like that, where we may all still look human but none of us actually are and canine behaviour/communication is seen as normal and not weird. i often feel kind of isolated from my family because of how much i have to mask or tone down my canine behaviour to appear normal to them. i hope some day i can find a pack like this where i can fully be myself and be surrounded by people who are the same :-)
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simonriley09 · 5 months ago
Cockwarming - Werewolf!Price [Kinktober Day 19]
TW/CW: NSFW, Cockwarming, Humping, Belly Bulge, Fem!Reader.
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Sitting on Price's lap, Cockwarming him while you watch a movie on his day off, your hands gripping his thighs so you don't accidentally slip past the knot on the base of his cock, when he finally notices he uses one clawed hand to push you down fully onto his lap, the knot stretching your cunny so wide you can practically feel him in your throat.
"Wus wrong luv?" He mumbled into your hair, eyes fixated on the movie. "Fuck- sometimes i forget you're a werewolf John.." He smirked at that and shifted so your knees were spread apart, slotting his thick shaft impossibly deeper. "Like tha'?" Your breath hitched and your lips parted in a silent whine as you felt the tip of his cock press against your womb. He slowly started humping you, but only for a while until he stopped which frustrated you, Price only looked away from the TV and down at you when you clenched tightly, your slick going down his hairy balls onto the couch. "What ya' clenchin' me like tha' for what luv?" His claws dug into your waist when he felt you clench harder. He realized what you wanted and grinned, his sharp teeth shining in the light as he flipped you on his lap, your chest pressed against his chest as he lifted the back of your hips, thrusting up into you. You couldn't breathe, it felt like he was all up in your throat, the knot of his thick cock stretched you so far your eyes prickled with tears. Price's pace picked up until he started growling, his cock throbbing inside you before you came, shaking and crying out. Just as you came Price filled you up till you were overflowing. "Mmmmh... gon' be nice n' full w' my pups yeah'?"
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kind-lion · 10 months ago
Cuddling with Monster Boyfriends
Werewolf Bf that's so big and hairy and pulls you into his chest, it's soft and warm and safe and he is growling whenever you try to move out, even just a hand to reach for the water. He nuzzles into your neck and you can feel his every breath. He pulls you on top of him and keeps you in place, you feel his every breath with the steady rise and fall of his chest. It's a mess of fur.
Incubus Bf that does the same but much tighter, needs much more skin on skin contact. He holds you so tight he wants you to merge into his chest. His thin tail wraps around your thigh as he aims to have you completely under him. His hands occasionally stray and squeeze and grab in less than innocent places, but it's all affection.
Succubus Bf on the flip side that presses into your chest, tries to merge in and climb between your ribs to find a place to rest, nestled by your heart. Of course he can't so he'll settle for your arms around him. His tail holds your waist, the tip of it rubbing softly against the small of your back to offer the same comfort you give him.
Dragon Bf just laying on top of you. His weight comfortably weighing you down and shielding you from the outside. He gets to feel you beneath him and the sun warming his back. His wings wrap around you and so does his tail, wrapping you into a warm cocoon where your only worry may be him. Every now and then he squeezes you closer so his treasure doesn't slip from his grasp.
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Eddie accidentally outing himself to Steve and then immediately panicking that Steve is gonna know he’s into him so he starts rambling like “oh but don’t worry I’m not into you or anything, like you’re not even my type man, yeah I’m actually more into… werewolves? Yeah, yeah I want to get railed by a werewolf so don’t even worry about it”
And internally he’s screaming at himself to shut the fuck up because did he just tell Steve Harrington that he wants to get railed by a werewolf? What the fuck Eddie? It’s not like he’s totally lying about that (though he’s also very much into Steve) but that’s not something to just tell people
Meanwhile Steve is devastated because his crush just confessed to liking boys and then in the same breath said he’d never be into him.
Anyway this is the precursor to a werewolf Steve fic idk
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werewolfaday · 11 months ago
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op is tired (day 131--that's the error wolf!); in compensation, take some sketches from previous werewolf comms too!
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kit-screams-into-the-future · 5 months ago
please draw werewolf doc when u have the chance
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stick to physics, doc
transcript, bc my handwriting is shoddy but i'm too lazy to fix it:
DOC: duhuhhhh- Marty! MARTY: Yeah Doc what's up? DOC: You know that thing I was working on with Einstein? MARTY: Yeah, what about it? DOC: Well, uhhhh. How do I put this- MARTY: Oh my god, Einstein! MARTY: He's not- DOC: No, no, Einstein's perfectly alright, don't worry. It's just- DOC: There's been a... recent development. As you can see. MARTY: MARTY: (the floor calls to him.) DOC: Marty-
bonus doodles:
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thewhumphut · 7 months ago
Something I keep coming back to is the specific spots that’d hurt most during a werewolf transformation so I’d thought I’d list them. This is specifically of someone transforming from a regular human into a straight up wolf
1: jaw - pretty simple one, human jaws are a lot shorter than a wolf’s and all that bone stretching would probably hurt a lot
2: Ears & nose - similar to the jaw in that the human features are much shorter. I’d imagine these would hurt less transforming since they’re both made of cartilage rather than bone but both are still rlly sensitive places and in the case of ears they’re completely changing their position on the skull
2: thumbs - of course all of your fingers would hurt, but wolves don’t have thumbs so your thumb would probably turn into a dew claw which I’d say is a lot more drastic of a change than the rest of your fingers
3: all of your skin - wolf skin is a lot ticker than a humans and so are a wolf’s hairs so your all of your skin would be itching and burning as your hair thickens and multiplies and your skin becomes tougher
4: all of your teeth - teeth are rlly sensitive to pain and every tooth changing shape and size would hurt so fucking much. Also wolves have 10 more teeth than a human adult and I can’t imagine growing 10 extra teeth in a relatively short amount of time being pleasant
5: your fucking heels and legs in general - this is the one if think of most. Humans are plantigrade animals; meaning we use our heels for walking, as do bears, raccoons, etc. but wolves are digigrade. Meaning in comparison to us; they walk on their tip-toes. So your heels would be elongated to a wicked extent and your legs in general completely changing it’s class
Image for reference:
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whumporama · 7 months ago
A werewolf transformation, but it's not a quick boom-done type of thing. It's slow and painful. Basically every bone in their body has to break and bend, grow and transform, to get into the shape of a werewolf.
The character can't stop it, it will happen every month, and they have a soundproof room/a room far away somewhere, so nobody can hear them scream.
What if it gets easier over time, as their body gets used to it, but the first years? Oof.
What if it's a family trait, and everyone in the family is a werewolf. Now, usually, the parents/caretakers are there to help the young person through their first transformations. Maybe they even have methods to make it less painful, maybe they can even knock them out so they don't have to feel it when their body goes through the motions.
But what if Whumpee doesn't have family? They lost them very young, and finally open the letter 'for Whumpee, open on Nth birthday' (20? 18?). It explains that in case there is nobody else to explain, they are a werewolf, and this is what is going to happen.
So Whumpee goes through it. Alone, locked away, without guidance or love, without proper understanding. It's torture.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months ago
Prompt 305
So. Uh. Danny feels like laughing hysterically, because? Ghostwriter was doing a thing, and one of Pandora’s curses escaped and erm, well, now the six of them are in a whole other dimension. At least this place has a lot of abandoned warehouses but still. And well, he guesses he’s no longer the only ‘monster’ now? 
But seriously they all need to find a way back home sooner rather than later, even if they might now be stuck in this world… Fuck.
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biteable-pink-pixie · 1 year ago
Ok but imagine you're giving head to your werewolf bf and he knots in your mouth so you have to choke on his cock for like an hour.
Wowee where are the werewolf boyfriends at? ♡
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unboundprompts · 8 months ago
Chapter titles regarding horror comedy?
Horror Comedy Title Ideas
-> feel free to edit as you see fit.
Mirth of the Macabre
The Joke's on the Undead
Scream and Scream Again
Chuckles from the Crypt
Nightmare Nonsense
Nocturnal Screams
Bite Me Tender
Coffin Break
Mummy Dearest
Witchful Thinking
Vampires and Vodka
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Short Prompt #1369
CW: implied abuse.
“So, you wish to join us?” the massive wolf rumbled as he appeared from the forest brush. His claws clicked against the gravel road. “What is your reason?”
The human took off the shawl they had wrapped themself in, exposing all the bruises and painful marks littering their skin. “My… My partner. I wish to get away from them. Please…”
More wolves appeared all around them, but Human wasn’t afraid. They could see the softness in their eyes.
The leader of the pack moved closer. “Very well then.” He laid down, offering them his back. “Climb on.”
The human wrapped themself up again, and did as asked. The wolf’s fur was surprisingly soft, and for the first time in a while, Human felt themself relax.
As wolves began walking back into the depths of the forest, Human laid down across the leader’s back, and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
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multyfangirl16 · 2 months ago
Story idea
So simi beginning days of Fiddleford working for Stanford, Fids gets a call letting him know that his wife died in an accident, so he's gone for a chunk and when he can come back he's basically having some friends staying at his place to take care of it while he's bringing Tate with him to Gravity falls to "temporary" live there.
Around the time Fiddleford gets back, Stanley stumbles into Gravity Falls as a recently turned werewolf, so Ford is keeping him around to take notes on while his twin is adjusting.
After a bit Stan starts splitting his time between taking care of the nerds and child and working odd jobs around town.
Taking care of them: cleaning up the place, sometimes cooking meals, occasionally reminding Fiddleford to eat, forcing Ford to take a moment to eat and drink something and of course looking after Tate for part of the day.
As Stan adjusts and gains control of being a werewolf, he's got a pack mentality that's starting to form. There's no leader in that dynamic, but there is a pack pup, so he cares about Tate a bit more than he would normally. At one point, something tries hurting the kid (in sight of Fids), and Stan gets there to protect him before Fiddleford can.
He's using part of the bunker as a safe place to spend the full moon before he gains control.
It could be cute that after Stan gains control, he's a cuddly wolf to his human pack.
The romance part is spawned from both of them loving/coming to love Tate as their child. (Probably an angle that's not written much about aside from romances that are more typically between parent and teacher of said child.)
To Stan, Tate becomes as good as his pup over time, while he's at times trying to wrangle his instincts and not step on Fiddleford's toes when it comes to taking care of the kid.
On Stan's side of things, his instincts are nudging him to care for the parent of his claimed pup on top of noticing he's easy on the eyes and they can talk about robots for a while
On Fiddleford's side, there's a more muscled and more outgoing guy that looks like his best friend who keeps caring for his kid while he works and they can hold a conversation for several hours about some of his favorite things, especially talking about Tate.
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loonyloopylupin96 · 4 months ago
Prompt: Advent | @moonwater-microfic | Words: 419
The October full moon had been particularly rough for Remus that year, but as he settles down in the library, just beside the door to the restricted section, he begins to feel like a normal student again. A normal student with a lot of work to catch up on.
After an hour, he's on a roll and his study is going well. Although he'd benefit from a bit of extra time he's loathe to request an extension - it wouldn't be fair to the others - so he continues on feeling quite focused in his own little world.
That is, until he senses someone approach.
"Are you an apparition? Or have you actually come back to school?"
He looks up to see Regulus approaching. There's a look on his face that gives Remus pause. It's some sort of twisted amalgamation of relief and… anger?
"I'm here-"
"Because I'm hoping you're an apparition. The real you would surely have sent me a letter or something to say you were okay, and not just hidden away in the fucking library when you got back."
Closing the book with a gentle sigh, he savours the silent seconds available to him as he sets it aside.
"I was going to come and find you once I'd made some progress on catching up, you know how it is-"
"No, I can't say I do," he argues. "You vanish suddenly, say nothing, and come back looking like you're at death's door. You don't tell me a god-damned thing. What am I supposed to think?"
The question hangs in the air between them.
"Right," Regulus continues, bitterly, "Forget it. I-"
"I'm sorry," Remus says at last, though he's speaking in such a low voice it's a wonder the other hears him at all. "I know you've been worried about me, and I know it's hard not knowing, but… I'm okay."
"Does that mean you're not going to be going off sick again?"
The silence answers on his behalf.
Regulus exhales, but as he stares furiously ahead of him, between the long row of shelves, he shuffles his hand over so his smallest finger can brush against Remus'.
"I had your return on my calendar, you know," he says, voice softening. "The advent of Lupin. Well, I just marked it as 'advent', the others think I'm senile."
It's only a matter of time before Regulus realises the truth, but he parks that thought aside - that's a worry for another time.
"I'm sure I'm not that important," Remus replies, breaking into a smile.  From the corner of his eye, he can see Regulus squashing a smile of his own.
"You are. To me."
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