#prompt: made to watch
serickswrites · 4 months
Part 2
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, electrocution, forced to watch, betrayal, knife, blood
"It didn't have to be this way," Smallest Teammate said as they strained to try and reach through the bars of their cell to Teammate One and Team Leader.
Teammate One had handcuffed Team Leader to a metal bed frame and they were now taking their time attaching the jumper cables to the frame.
"Oh, but it did. It did, Smallest Teammate," Teammate One said with a smile. "Don't you think, Team Leader?"
Team Leader spat at Teammate One. They hadn't done anything but glare at Teammate One since Teammate One showed up, Smallest Teammate in tow, knife held to Smallest Teammate's throat demanding Team Leader come with them.
Smallest Teammate had tried to escape, tried to fight back, but Teammate One over powered them. Teammate One was always the strong one. The cut on Smallest Teammate's arm had stopped bleeding shortly after Teammate One had shoved them in the cell.
Teammate One had handcuffed Team Leader to the frame first. Team Leader hadn't fought back. Hadn't done anything to stop Teammate One. They couldn't risk Smallest Teammate being hurt.
"Please, you don't have to hurt them," Smallest Teammate pleaded as Teammate One stepped back.
Teammate One gave a wicked grin. "I know. But I want to," they said as they flipped the switch on the battery, sending electricity shooting through the bed frame.
Team Leader screamed as the current passed through the frame and into them. Their body was on fire and cold. Their body was frozen and moving. There was nothing they could do to stop. Nothing they could do to protect Smallest Teammate. Nothing they could do but hope that Teammate One would turn the battery off soon and leave.
Team Leader had to hope that Teammate Two would find them. Would realize that Teammate One had betrayed them all. Team Leader had to hope because if they didn't, they would have nothing to hold on to. They had to hold onto something. For Smallest Teammate.
Just as Team Leader thought they couldn't endure anymore, Teammate One flipped the switch again. Team Leader sagged against the frame, unable to lift their head.
"Team Leader! Team Leader! Say something!" The desperation in Smallest Teammate's voice had Team Leader wanting to say something. Wanting to lift their head and reassure Smallest Teammate.
But as Team Leader started to lift their head, Teammate One chuckled and flipped the switch once more. It was all Team Leader could do to stay awake as their body burned once more. Hope. Hope that was the only thing they had.
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kitkatyes · 1 year
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questwithambition · 3 months
Something incredibly satisfying about knowing your craft and the confidence that goes with it. Just the casual “yeah I could make that”. Want a band tee? Yeah I can embroider my own with the lyrics I want. Bridesmaid dress too long? Yeah I can hem it. Need new slippers? Yeah I can crochet a pair (and give them bunny ears). And of course it’s not perfect but nothing beats that feeling of being able to craft your own solution with your own two hands
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kaidatheghostdragon · 23 days
De-age fic, but good parents AU
Something de-ages danny, not a clue what exactly, but it does. BUT, danny had already had a good reveal with his parents, so he goes home and they see him de-aged and immediately get to work figuring out how to get him back to normal.
Life goes on as normal, its just that danny's body is about ten years younger. He still has to go to school (with a story that the thing that de-aged danny was aimed at fenton and phantom jumped in to take the hit but it got both of them - or open secret au, take your pick), still has chores, still has to deal with the ghosts that cause problems.
With barely a pause to question 'is that still danny?' everyone continues as normal.
Thing is, there's the typical information firewall we like to invoke to explain why the justice league doesnt know about amity. It blocks ghosts, Phantom, infinite realms, liminality and ecto-contamination, you name it.
What it doesnt block? Baby Hero.
As in, now that Phantom is tiny, everyone and their dog is taking pics and recording phantom to coo all over him on social media. Everyone is enjoying how adorable he is while it lasts. Even the rogues are playing nicer to soak it all up.
The justice league is concerned. Apparently there's some new hero (phantom has been active for over a year by now, minimum) operating in the midwest, and he is literally preschool age. Even the Robins didn't start that young! Who is raising this kid? What are they thinking?!
Its frustratingly hard to get any more intel about phantom (because the firewall is still catching everything else about him), so theyre gonna have to send someone in blind to scope out the situation.
Who do they send? You can decide, but i vote they put together a team: batman (wfa characterization) because he knows how to handle child vigilantes, wonder woman because everyone loves wonder woman and she's a good voice of reason, and zatanna (NOT constantine! Zatanna is more child friendly) to cover magical bases in case this is something like a captain marvel situation.
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den-of-whump · 3 months
A guilty whump pleasure of mine is when a character in a fantastical setting is being tortured and something in them just breaks. They suddenly manifest magic super powers, or if they already had those, they suddenly go into overdrive and the character just murders everyone there.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Danse Macabre
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justaz · 3 months
merlin: this is a bad idea. like one of your worst ones yet. i'm telling you, we should just do what i say. this is gonna be a disaster.
arthur: oh come on merlin, don't be so dramatic.
*the bad thing that merlin said would happen happens. they fix it. it's fine*
merlin, smug: so-
arthur, tired: don't start.
merlin, even more smug: don't start what? all i'm saying is that i'm glad everything worked out alright. though if you had listened to me earlier the entire thing could've been avoided.
arthur, staring a hole into merlin's head:
merlin, staring right back: ...i told you so.
arthur: i got that. thank you.
*merlin hums and wanders off. arthur watches him. slowly a smile spreads across his face*
arthur, murmuring to himself: he is the most insufferable man i've ever met.
*arthur giving order after order to merlin. cuts himself off and informs merlin that visitors are arriving tomorrow so he should get started on preparations. merlin is annoyed and tries to argue back*
arthur: just do as i say. i'm your king after all.
merlin: a prat is what you are.
arthur, already walking away: that's treason!
*merlin stares as arthur walks off and runs into some of his knights down the hall. they chat for a moment and arthur says something that makes them laugh. he turns to look over his shoulder at merlin with a grin and a wave before turning back to the conversation*
merlin, fighting his own grin: he's the most infuriating man i've ever met.
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zuiz41 · 3 months
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Au where people call them The Power Couple 👁️
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 100
John likes to trick beings to getting himself a good deal and screwing the entities over. So he does this with the new ghost king.
He somehow worded the deal to keep the king in his home realm. You know to keep Danny in the infinite realm unable to attack the earthly realm.
This backfires. And backfires hard. Danny’s home realm is still the earthly one. All John did was not let him back into the realm.
Danny is thrilled. And living his best life. No more council meetings, the paperwork is stuck in the keep, the Observants can’t force him to do kingly duties and above all else. He is passing all of his classes. Scheduled fights with his rogues help as well.
John. Well he’s not having a good time. The Observants are screaming at him, the new king is stuck in earth who knows what he is up to, and he’s had visits from all of Danny’s ghost guardians to yell at him.
John has to break the deal.
Danny doesn’t want to.
When Danny eventually agrees to discuss it. He shows up with a ghost lawyer, sam, and Jazz all in order to secure Danny a good deal. Maybe tucker as well.
Danny wants at least rated M and movie tickets for him and his friends for life, and of course Martian manhunters autograph.
Jazz wants him to get a guarantee that they would leave him alone.
Sam wants them to guarantee ghost protection and end the Giw.
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scealaiscoite · 11 months
poly fluff alphabet ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
a = affection; is anyone more overly affectionate than the others? when it comes to physical vs verbal, who prefers what?
b = bed; what’s the sleeping situation like? are there regular sleeping arrangements - does anyone like to sleep alone?
c = comfort; when someone’s feeling down, how do the rest look after them?
d = dates; what do dates look like? who usually plans them, or are is it a group affair?
e = events; who drags everyone else to their family/friends’ events?
f = fights; are arguments something that happen often? what are they over, and how are they resolved?
g = getting together; how did it all come about? were there any pre-existing relationships between them?
h = hobbies; does anyone share any hobbies/passions? how do they include the rest of their partners in them?
i = in sickness and in health - when someone falls ill, who’s the carer and who’s the germaphobe? is there anyone that resists being looked after?
j = joker; who’s got the best sense of humour? do they like to tease and banter with everyone else?
k = knowing; who can read their partners like a book? is there anyone who’s got their walls up, even around their partners?
l = lavish; is there anyone who really likes to treat their partners/show them off? how do the rest tend to react - who revels in it, and who’s made shy by it?
m = memories - is anyone more on the sentimental side?
n = nights; what’s the nighttime routine like when they’re all together?
o = open; how open is everyone with one another?
p = pda; what’s pda like with them? is there anyone who loves it, and anyone who’s less fond of it? what actions/words does it manifest as?
q = quiet; who prefers to spend their time with their partners out and about, and who likes to spend it at home?
r = romantic; is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners?
s = sharing; is there anyone who’s particularly territorial of their partners?
t = terms of endearment; nicknames! who’s crazy on them, and who do they make cringe? what’re the go-to’s?
u = urge; who’s the most impulsive? who do they loop into their plans, and who entertains their antics?
v = vacations; how do holidays go? are they big exotic trips, or the occasional staycation?
w = worthy; how are insecurities handled? is anyone more self-conscious than the others?
x = xoxo; who checks up on their partners a lot when they’re apart? do they call, or are texts enough to make them feel close?
y = yearn; who misses their partners the easiest (ie, calls them to hear their voices when all they’ve done is run to the grocery store)?
z = zealous; who was especially eager in their pursuit of the relationship? was anyone more reserved in their want for it?
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ekat-fandom-blog · 10 months
Bruce is a halfa. He became one before Dick came into the picture and hides the fact very well, surprisingly. (well, from anyone who isn't Alfred.) He researched extensively about ghosts and talked to every magic user about them to the point they got extremely suspicious that he has a ghost issue. Paired with the fact that some of them get ghost vibes from him, a lot of magic users suspect that he's been possessed (even though they've tried exorcising him multiple times and it didn't do anything.)
When Dani finally ran into Bruce, she'd gotten a hang of spotting disguised ghosts and halfas and started making a game of trying to figure out their obsession. Halfas' were harder to figure out since they didn't have the luxury of focusing solely on their obsessions. At first she thought it could be darkness or bats considering how he seemed to stick to the shadows and he had a thing about naming all his stuff bat-something. Then, she considered maybe his obsession was ghosts after learning that he'd gathered all the information he could on ghosts. She tested if his obsession was tech or information. While she was very nearly convinced that his obsession was information it didn't seem quite right.
Then, she saw him interacting with his family and it clicked. "By the Ancients, your obsession is family."
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serickswrites · 1 year
"Do or Die"
Warnings: kidnapping, captivity, restraints, video recording, forced to watch, knife, blood, stabbing, mcd
Caretaker stared at the link in their inbox that they had been expecting for the last few hours. Whumper had kidnapped Whumpee hours ago, and, as usual, Whumper had sent a link to a live feed of what they were doing to Whumpee.
Why Whumper continued to do that was beyond Caretaker. It led to their capture each and every time. And Whumpee's return to safety, relatively unharmed. Today was no exception.
The team gathered around the conference room table and watched the big screen as Caretaker clicked on the link to the live feed. Whumpee sat in the center of the room, roped to a chair, the rope tied tightly at their wrists and ankles. They were ungagged--unusual for Whumper--and seemed unharmed.
"Start your trace. I want to get Whumpee as quickly as we can," Caretaker ordered the team.
"We need probably about five to ten minutes to establish the trace," Teammate One said.
Teammate Two laughed, "Good thing Whumper is going to wax poetic about all the things they are going to do to Whumpee."
Teammate One smirked as well, "They do have to give that Villain speech, don't they. They can't resist it at all."
Caretaker tried not to smile. It was true, every time Whumper had to broadcast all of the torture and pain they had planned for Whumpee before they even did anything. And it always led to them being caught. Without fail. Caretaker had begun to wonder just how much of a criminal mastermind Whumper actually was.
They had been hoping this time, of course, that Whumper would grab them. Caretaker had set themself up as bait, telling the team that they didn't want to put Whumpee at risk again.
But Whumper hadn't fallen for the bait.
Whumper entered the screen, fingering a knife sheath on their belt, as they circled Whumpee. Whumpee spoke first, eye directly at the camera. "It's ok, Caretaker. I'm ok. They haven't hurt me yet."
"Can you hear us, Caretaker?" Whumper purred as they circled Whumpee once more. "Can you see us, Caretaker?"
Whumpee rolled their eyes. "Take your time, Caretaker, Whumper's gotta be dramatic for a bit." Even Whumpee didn't seem afraid. No one viewed Whumper as a threat because of all the times they had been their own downfall.
Which is why when Whumper, circling behind Whumpee, pulled the knife from the sheath at their side and plunged it into Whumpee's chest, Caretaker couldn't believe their eyes.
Whumpee's cry of pain was strangled and brief, their eyes going wide with shock. Whumper twisted the knife as Whumpee began to slump forward, eyes going dim.
"No," Caretaker sobbed. This wasn't happening. Couldn't be happening. What happened to the pattern?
Neither Teammate One or Teammate Two could tear the gaze from the screen. Could tear their gaze from Whumpee's body, blood oozing from around the knife.
Whumper fisted Whumpee's hair and lifted, bending Whumpee's neck all the way back so they could stare into Whumpee's empty eyes. They spat on Whumpee and dropped Whumpee's head. They stalked toward the camera. "Come get your pet, Caretaker. They're useless to me now. Broken." Whumper spat the last word out with such satisfaction.
Whumper disappeared off screen. Caretaker couldn't breathe. This wasn't happening. Whumpee wasn't dead in the chair. Whumper hadn't stabbed Whumpee to death on camera. This wasn't real.
The camera zoomed in on Whumpee's face. The look of surprise hadn't had time to fade, Whumpee's eyes still wide with the edge of shock. But their eyes....Whumpee's eyes were empty and unseeing.
"Come collect this corpse, Caretaker, before I dispose of it somewhere you will never find," Whumper whispered off screen. "Don't bother looking for me. You won't find me. But I will find you when I'm ready to take my vengeance from your hide, too."
Caretaker couldn't breathe. Couldn't move. They could only sob. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. "It should have been me," they whispered to no one in particular. "It should have been me."
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shanastoryteller · 7 months
Happy Valentines Day Shana!! 💕💕 Sybok and Jim contiuation? I wanna see more of Sybok teasing the shit out of Spock for his oblivious crush
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
It's rude to speak in a language not everyone present speaks, however Sybok became immune to social niceties around the time his father stopped bringing him to official functions. He switches to High Vulcan to say, "We can tell her I picked you up off an Orion slave ship."
Uhura's right eye twitches.
"She can understand you," Jimmy says. "She's a xenolinguist."
Bones's eyes narrow. He's so much more indignant in person than in the background of Jimmy's video calls. "What are you going on about now? I hate when you do this. I always feel like you're planning how to dispose of my body."
Jimmy had told him that Bones had started studying Vulcan. He'd also told him that he was incredibly bad at it, but not everyone can be Jimmy, which was realistically probably for the best.
He drops down to standard Vulcan to say, "Ah, so you have a talented tongue," since there's really no way to say that in High Vulcan that's a double entendre. It doesn't help that most of their potentially risque phrases are hand rather than mouth oriented, but he's learned to make do.
Spock turns an unhealthy shade of pale as his eyes widen the tiniest amount in abject horror.
Uhura raises her eyebrow in a way that reminds him of his brother. "To master a language is the study of a lifetime. I would be most appreciative if you were to give me a hand in achieving this endeavor."
Spock's skin flushes and he looks around like he's seriously considering running away from this conversation.
Sybok is delighted.
"Uhurua!" Jimmy shouts, hands on his hips. "Come on! I say that to you and you don't even let me buy you a drink, but you'll just proposition Sybok in the middle of the hallway?"
"She did what?" Bones hisses.
That is one possible interpretation of her words.
"I might have gotten around to propositioning you too," she says, "if you hadn't gotten your ass beat."
"Okay, I think I did okay, actually," Jimmy argues while Bones's face morphs into an expression eerily similar to Spock's.
He loves Earth.
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jestroer · 8 months
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Day two of @mcyt-yuri-week - Royalty/Knight! :D
Forbidenn romance between a fairy Queen and her Knight..... or something
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Duke: I have so much energy, I want to run a marathon or commit a crime... which should I do?
Jason, dragged into babysitting due to injury: Please don’t get arrested, Bruce will blame me
Duke: No promises!
Stephanie: Why not both? Get creative!
Duke: Wonderful suggestion, thank you
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 year
The Princess' Dolls
After Danny has ascended to the throne of the ghost king, something goes wrong with his clone Ellie. Her form destabilizes again, and when they stabilize her, she's physically only five or six years old.
Danny takes to watching her, but looking after a half ghost child is a lot harder than it looks, especially when Ellie learns duplication but can't seem to figure out how to undo it for hours on end, and each clone gets bored really fast. To counter this, Danny makes Ellie a set of dolls, all modeled after the Justice League and various related figures. He even uses a special enchantment he learned to make sure the dolls stay intact no matter what Ellie puts them through.
Ellie loves the dolls and she and her clones have a tendency to put together large productions using them, ranging from superhero fights to sitcom stories to fairy tales to a few 'things' Ellie remembered reading online before she was de aged.
Meanwhile, almost every single Justice League member has been noticing some oddities as of late. They can hear voices from no where, they feel like something is touching them when there is nothing, their muscles sometimes spasm without cause. And, on occasion, they find themselves sleepwalking as they dream of a giant telling a story.
No one brings this to the attention of the other members until several members get knocked out on a mission, only for their unconscious forms to start acting out a play.
(Or Danny accidentally makes several Justice League Voodoo dolls and a young Ellie keeps playing with them)
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