#prompt: intubation
shion-yu · 1 month
Day 24: Not breathing
Part 5 (of 8) of the Cliff coma saga for @medwhumpmay, parts 1-4 here: Fever | Flatline | Coma | Coma (#2). To be continued on day 29. I’m also counting this piece (although parts 3-7 all work for this prompt!) for my @badthingshappenbingo space “intubation.”
It had been one month since Cliff had taken a breath on his own. One terrible, impossibly long month where Elliot waited and waited for Cliff to wake up, but he never did. The doctors seemed to be hesitant to start awakening trials this time given the first unsuccessful extubation. They never came out and said it, but Elliot felt the unspoken implication: Cliff was unlikely to be able to make it through another failure.
Elliot had known Cliff’s wishes since the first time Cliff had ended up in the hospital after they’d gotten back together. It was all written down in an advanced directive. Cliff had made it shortly before they began speaking again. Go figure that Cliff would have everything in order, Elliot had thought to himself. It made sense, but having it documented felt so real. After all, most of the time Elliot preferred to pretend the possibility of something going terribly wrong was far slimmer than it actually was. 
The terms were simple. Cliff didn’t want his parents to make a decision he wouldn’t have approved of in the end, which is why he’d outlined things clearly. He didn’t want to be on continuous mechanical support such as ventilation for over three months. If he were to sustain debilitating and irreversible brain damage that reduced his independence to zero, he did not want further medical intervention. Originally his decision maker was named as Moira, his older sister, but when Elliot came back into the picture Cliff told him he doubted Moira would be able to live with having to make that choice. So he’d changed it to Elliot, something Elliot had reluctantly signed for.
“You’re the person I trust most,” he told Elliot seriously. “I know you’d make the right decision.”
Elliot had told Cliff then that he didn’t want to have to make a decision at all. It was all just formalities back then though, at least to Elliot in his state of denial. It scared him how serious Cliff was about it. Now, Elliot wondered if Cliff knew he’d need to invoke the terms of that document sooner than Elliot had ever wanted to imagine.
A month was a long time to wait, and Elliot couldn’t put his life on pause for the entire time. He had to go back to work occasionally, although he refused to travel more than a few hours away so that he could rush back to the hospital if the need arose. His manager was irritated that Elliot wouldn’t turn his phone off even during meetings and interviews, but had to concede to the condition as one of the only things that would get Elliot to leave Cliff’s side at all. Online and to all his fans, everything seemed fine. But his heart wasn’t in it and he found it impossible to compose anything.
The day they reached the one month mark, Elliot gripped Cliff’s hand, bowing his head and brushing Cliff’s hair as he did every day. It was too long now, but at least Elliot kept his face shaved - he knew Cliff hated beard scruff. “Cliff,” he said. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but if you can, it’s time to wake up, baby.” There was no answer, and Elliot hadn’t expected one. “I don’t want to push you before you’re ready, but I miss you so much.”
More silence. Elliot shook his head and kissed Cliff’s forehead. “I’m right here,” he said, pressing his face against Cliff’s. “I’ll wait for you, alright?” Forever if he had to.
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whumpetywhumpwhump · 9 days
Okay so something which I don't think I've ever directly disclosed here before is that my favourite whump ever is intubation whump. I've literally always liked it and I don't know why.
When whumpee's going in for surgery, caretaker- maybe a medic- stands right next to them, holding their hand as the propofol starts to kick in. whumpee goes from being able to speak clearly and coherently to slurring their words, eyelids growing heavier and heavier, until at last they're completely out. limp. as the paralytics kick in too, there are a few seconds where whumpee isn't breathing at all, until the anaesthetist places the tube and watches for the condensation within it.
caretaker can't help feeling a little unnerved. whumpee's usually so talkative, yet now they're so still they may as well be dead, only breathing because a machine is breathing for them.
whumpees in comas, too. they're so sick that it's necessary to keep them on life support, allowing the rest of their body time to recover, but caretaker has to sit by their bedside and hold Whumpee's limp hand, watching closed eyes that they know won't open anytime soon. every so often, a doctor comes in to shine a light into their eyes or ask them to squeeze a hand, but there's nothing except the hiss of the ventilator to let caretaker know that whumpee's even still there in some way. caretaker hopes at least that whumpee is somewhat comfortable, too sedated to feel the discomfort of a tube down their throat or the sticky pads of the tube holder on their cheeks.
or how about whumpees who have been involved in a traumatic accident/have been hurt so badly/are so sick that the paramedics on the scene have to tube them? it's no longer the safe, sterile environment of the hospital, and the paramedics have to lay out all their equipment on sheets beside them, running through a checklist to make sure everything's ready before they start. plus, they no longer have the luxury of time to make sure all the proper medications have been given- the priority is securing whumpee's airway.
that means lots of medications, fast, pushed through IVs while another paramedic preps the tube. while this is happening, whumpee could be deteriorating even more. they might vomit. they might try to get up or hit the paramedics, the injury to their brain meaning they're in distress, not understanding what's going on. all the paramedics can do is clean whumpee up as best as possible, hold whumpee down gently until the paralytic and sedatives kick in, then, when all is quiet, intubate.
this, by the way, isn't your regular old intubation. it's called RSI, which stands for 'rapid sequence induction' and it's done for the most critically ill patients.
maybe do it to one of your whumpees? or just intubate them in general. please. it's very fun to read.
(Partially inspired by @i-eat-worlds post, since you are not alone in enjoying this I promise lmao.)
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faofinn · 9 months
28. "I should've stayed home"
Part 1 | Part 2
Tom looked up at her, catching the urgency in her tone. He reached to rub at Finn’s chest, knuckles on bare skin. "Finn, come on, take a breath. You can do it."
"He's not going to, is he?" She murmured. 
"I've got the BVM. Do you want to update them and get the pads on?" Tom asked, swapping the masks over. "There we go, that's getting air entry there. Sats are coming back up. Should we intubate?"
Fao bit his lip, feeling his stomach twist. This wasn’t uncommon for Finn, but it wasn’t good. It was the end of their holiday, that was for certain, and they were desperately far away from their safety net. They had all his paperwork with them, management plans and everything, but it was still worrying. 
He forced himself to take a deep breath, wishing Finn could do the same. 
Finn ended up intubated, crit care travelling with them to keep him sedated and stable. While Sheila travelled with them, Fred and Fao had to follow in the car behind them. With the severity of the situation, they pre-alerted him in, travelling on blues and treating with diesel. It was straight through to resus when they arrived, teams swarming around Finn. As awful as it sounded, Sheila was glad Finn was sedated, he'd have been unable to cope with the fuss and everything on top of him. He was quickly sent for scans, thankfully stable enough to go to CT, but Sheila couldn't help the worry and nausea that curled in her stomach. They were meant to be on holiday. Finn had been doing so well, and now they were in resus, and he was very much not okay. 
The EEG done by bedside was positive, no signs of seizure activity during their test. Of course, they couldn't be sure if the epilepsy was the sole reason for the seizure, or if the head injury had played a part in it too. The MOI itself was concerning, a fall from any height could be dangerous, especially one head first. By some miracle stroke of luck, the scans were good. No new brain bleed or skull fracture, no c-spine (or spine in general) injury. His arm wasn't lucky, quite a significant break to his humerus, but bones could heal.
He was transferred up to ICU, the plan to slowly reduce his sedation see where they were up to. Calls were made to SGUH, an attempt to keep on top of things, and they happily agreed with the management plan. They'd cleaned his wounds while he was sedated, the fracture reduced and splinted while they could do anything. Of course, Fao was by his side the entire time, barely refusing to let go of his little brother's hand.
Fao hated it. At George’s, people knew him now, having done placements and spent so much time with Finn, Steve always spoke to him like a doctor, made sure everyone was in the loop, and knew Finn well enough to treat. The team here had been good, of course, but it wasn’t their normal. Everything felt wrong, Fao had gotten lost more than once in the short time they’d been there, and the ICU was unfamiliar. 
When the fuss had subsided, and Finn was left alone (or as alone as he could be), Fao sunk into the chair by his bed, forcing a deep breath. Fred and Sheila had taken five minutes to run to the shop to grab some lunch for the three of them, making Fao promise to keep them updated but not expecting anything. 
Finn’s sedation had been reduced, and he'd slowly started becoming more aware of his surroundings. It took him forever to realise he had something down his throat, forcing air into his lungs, and he hated it. He tossed his head, trying to breathe with it. There was a flare of pain as his arm moved, and he grimaced, trying to get away.
Fao looked up as Finn fussed, reaching to squeeze his hand. “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
Fao. That meant he was safe, wherever he was. It was easier to try to squeeze Fao's hand than to open his eyes, and though it was weak, it was there.
“I’m here, just relax, you’re okay.” Fao reassured, squeezing Finn’s fingers. 
He finally managed to work out how to open his eyes, fighting through the drugs pulling him down. As awful as it was, Finn had spent enough time in ICU to know how to breathe with the tube. He took a moment to try to relax, his teeth grinding on the hard plastic.
“That’s it, you’re okay.” Fao said, leaning forwards so his brother could see him. “You can breathe with it, you’re okay.”
Finn made to scrub his eyes, moving the arm not holding Fao's hand. The sudden spike in his heart rate was a clear indication of pain and panic, the drugs clouding his thoughts but not enough to stop the pain.
“Careful, don’t try and move too much.” Fao told him gently. 
The pain had him struggling against the tube, overwhelmed and fighting to catch his breath. He gripped Fao's hand tighter, the flash of fear in his eyes not going unnoticed. 
Fao instinctively reached out, running his hand through his hair. “You’re alright, you’re okay. You can breathe with it, just relax, I’m here. You’re just fine.”
He couldn't manage it, couldn't work out why Fao wasn't helping. He pulled his hand away, reaching for the tube. If nobody was going to help him, he'd sort it himself. 
“Leave it alone Finn, it’s okay.” Fao said softly. “Leave it, that’s it.”
As the monitors continued to alarm, the nursing team arrived to check on him. With Fao's attention on the staff coming in, Finn tried again, his fingers grabbing onto the plastic. He pulled as hard as he could manage, choking and retching as he did so.
The retching from his brother pulled Fao’s attention back to him, heart sinking as he pulled the tube. “Oh, Finn.” He mumbled. He let the staff work as much as he could, but gripped his brother’s hand again, trying to distract him. 
He'd dislodged it enough to be a problem, his monitors and observations screaming their displeasure. He was with it enough to follow their instructions, so they made the decision to pull it completely, in a slightly more controlled manner than Finn had attempted. 
It was nerve wracking, watching them pull the tube. Finn had a horrible habit of fighting it and then just refusing to breathe once it was gone, and it was hard to watch. He kept quiet, letting them do their work, and soon enough it was gone properly. Fao held his own breath as he waited for Finn to breathe again, his heart pounding. 
“Well done Finn, that’s it.”
Finn struggled once they'd pulled it, turning to look at Fao with fear as he gripped his hand tighter. He couldn't manage a breath in, convinced he was going to die.
“You can do it, you’re doing so well.” He encouraged. “You’re okay.”
His breath caught in his throat and he coughed again, the tube having irritated his throat already, and then him making it worse as he'd pulled it. With the cough came another, and then finally, finally, a breath in.  He took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes as he rested his head against the bed in exhaustion. 
“Well done.” Fao praised. “You can rest, it’s okay, you’re safe.”
The nurses adjusted the oxygen, reaching over to put a mask on. Finn cracked an eye open and glared at them, completely unimpressed at the situation. 
Fao couldn’t help but laugh. “Finn, don’t be a dick. You need it, it’s not forever, and it’s better than the tube.”
He turned his face away as they tried again, his eyebrows pulled into a frown. 
"Finn, come on. If you don't, we'll have to go more invasive again. Let me put the mask on, okay? We'll be able to take it off later."
Still glaring at them, he nodded in defeat. He didn't look impressed, but let them put it on, hating that he felt better for it. His voice cracked, barely there, but he tried.
“Suits you.” Fao teased. 
Finn turned to him, his glare returned. "Fuck off."
“Hey, language.”
“What hurts?”
“Can he have some more pain relief?” Fao asked.
"We'll get you something, Finn. Aside from the pain, how are you feeling?"
He shrugged with his good arm. "Dunno."
“That’s alright.”
"Fuzzy." He managed after a while, glancing at Fao. He pulled his hand from Fao's, clumsily signing drink.
“Drink?” Fao echoed. 
Finn nodded, repeating the sign. His throat hurt, which wasn't surprising, but he didn't have the energy to fix it.
“We’ll see if the nurses can get you something to drink.” Fao murmured. 
"What do you want, Finn? Some juice? Water?"
He forced his eyes open again, giving a heavy sigh in discontent. He turned to look at Fao properly, waiting for him to answer for him. 
Fao stroked through his hair again. “Juice, yeah? Better than water.”
The corner of his lip twitched into a smile, and he gave a small nod. Fao always knew the right answer. 
The nurse gave them both a smile. "I'll go get you some juice, then."
“Thank you.” Fao said, settling back in the chair. “Mum and dad will be back in a minute, Finn.”
He cracked an eye open again, drink? Food?
“They went to go get something to eat, yeah.”
He nodded again, shuffling slightly to get comfortable again. The drugs were still strong, and despite the pain in his arm, he was comfortable and warm. His hand found Fao's and he tapped at him: one, two, three. I love you. 
Fao smiled, instinctively tapping back. “I love you too, Finn.”
Finn gave a sleepy smile, lacing his fingers with Fao's. He knew the pain relief and juice were on their way, but he was tired, exhausted from everything, and five minutes wouldn't hurt. 
“That’s it, get some rest.”
He was asleep almost immediately, quite content. His peace was disturbed by the nurse returning, bringing his juice and pain relief.
"Finn? Finn, sweetie, I've got your medicine." 
Finn startled, a moment of panic before his brain caught up through the haze. He nodded again, offering the nurse a smile. 
"Let me find your arm under there, eh? There we are. Just your pain relief." She hummed, giving it slowly. "There you go, all done. I'll leave your drink with your brother, but just small sips, alright? Just give us a shout if you need anything else."
Fao offered the nurse a smile, thanking her for everything before she left. Then they were alone again, and Fao sighed. “Glad you’re okay.” He admitted softly. 
Finn had already drifted, the drugs making the room spin. At Fao's voice he forced himself to look at him. Even though Fao was far from in focus, Finn gave him a dopey smile, squeezing his hand.
Of course Finn couldn’t really reply, but Fao appreciated the smile. “You’re okay.”
Finn was happy enough to drift, Fao's hand in his hair and the other holding his. He was pain free and warm, so slipped quickly. There was a slight commotion as Sheila and Fred returned, but he was too deep to really give much response. 
Fao turned to acknowledge his parents, offering them a small smile. “He tried to do their job and pull the tube, so it’s out now.”
Sheila paused, her eyes narrowed. "When you say he tried to do their job, you mean he pulled it out?"
“Tried, didn’t do a very good job, just dislodged it. He panicked.”
Fred's heart broke. "Bless him. I know it's awful seeing him when he's in here, but I think George's had it right when they restrained him."
Fao nodded. “Yeah, it’s for his own good. They usually keep more meds on hand, too, but they were good. Got the tube out easily enough.”
"Oh that's good, then." Sheila smiled to herself. "Here, I've got you a drink and a sandwich."
“Oh, thanks.” He murmured, reaching for them. 
"He's been alright though?"
“In pain, but he’s just had some more painkillers.”
"His arm?"
“Yeah, I think so. Wasn’t making loads of sense.”
"Does he ever?" Fred joked. 
“That’s true.” Fao said with a grin. 
"You're not even wrong." Sheila managed a laugh.
“He’s okay, though. Communicated well enough.”
"That's good."
“Yeah. And good he’s got rid of the tube.”
"He still ended up here. He's not had such a bad status in a while."
“Yeah.” Fao murmured. “It’ll get discussed with Steve.”
"I hate that we're so far away."
“Me too. Everything is wrong.”
Finn stretched out with a quiet whine, frowning. His eyes flicked around the room, his expression changing to a grin as he saw his parents. 
"Mum! Dad!" His voice was still rough, barely there, but easily heard in the silence of the ICU.
“Yeah, they came back.” Fao said softly. 
Fred reached to pat Finn’s knee. "Hey, kid. How you feeling?"
Finn sniffed. "Rubbish."
“Gonna feel a bit crap for a bit.” Fao said gently. 
"'m sorry."
“Hey, don’t be sorry.”
"My fault."
“It’s not your fault.”
"It is." He scrubbed his eyes, his breath catching in his throat. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, Finn, baby." Sheila soothed, standing to move closer. "It's not your fault, these things happen."
"I should have stayed home." He managed. "I wanted to go out and I forgot to take my meds because Fao was ready."
"Oh, Finn." She sighed.
Fao made a noise, unable to be annoyed when his little brother just looked so upset. “It happens, Finn. It’s okay.”
"An'-and I threw up last night and didn't say 'cause I thought we'd have to go home."
“Oh, Finn.” Fao murmured. “You should’ve said, you must have felt rotten.”
"I thought you'd be mad at me."
“Never mad at you.”
"Of course we wouldn't be mad at you, Finn." Sheila sighed. "That's being daft, eh?"
“Always tell us things, and then we can help.”
The tears had started to fall and he tried to hide his face. "I'm sorry.c
“Hey, it’s okay.” Fao reassured. “You’re okay.”
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anon911andbuddie · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you where still taking prompts if so I had an idea for a Eddie and Buck one where it’s after the lawsuit and Bucky is back working but everyone is avoiding him and when they get a call they leave him behind to clean. All the stress gets to him and one day while everyone is out on a call Bucky had another embolism. He calls 9-1-1 and another house saves him and the 118 comes back to blood on the floor and two fire fighters waiting to tell them what happened.
This one is long overdue. It has been started in my drafts for a long time. And I finally got to finish it. Hope you guys enjoy it.
-Scarlet 📕
Content warnings: Blood, coughing, struggling to breathe, panic, fear, passing out, intubation, pulmonary embolism, ambulances, hospitals, pain, guilt, anger.
Away Team
Buck looked around the empty station and felt the pain in his chest get worse. The call had the full crew out. As the pain persisted Buck realized it wasn't the usual ache that came with working these days. No, this was a different but familiar pain. It hurt, and he felt a cough in his throat, even deep in his chest. He reached up to where his radio should be and remembered he didn't have his radio on him. Why would he? It was just another way for them to yell at him. So he grabbed his phone, and as stupid as it made him feel, he dialed 911. Coughing as he did. He did his best to explain between choking coughs and gasping breaths. He somehow managed to get his location out as he dropped to his knees in the vacant truck bay. He looked down and frowned. He'd just cleaned that floor, and now it had blood on it. Bobby was going to be so pissed. Buck could hear the dispatcher's voice through his speaker, but he was no longer able to understand her. He blacked out.
His consciousness returned with a sudden jolt. The coughing made his chest burn, and something was in his throat. It all hurt. A firm hand stopped him from pulling at the tube in his throat. 
"Easy, Buckley," an unfamiliar voice told him. "You're having a hard enough time already. No need to make it worse." How did they know his name? Where was he? Buck looked around and realized he was in an ambulance. He looked up to see a paramedic he didn't really know. The confusion must have been clear on his face because the paramedic sighed but smiled. 
"You called 911, do you remember?" He thought about it, and he remembered what had happened. He nodded as much as he could. 
"Okay, that's good," the paramedic smiled. "I'm Mel. I work with the 122."
Buck nodded again in acknowledgment.
"I have to ask, Buckley," Mel said. "Dispatch said you told her it was an embolism. You have one before?" 
Buck nodded. 
"You on blood thinners?"
He nodded again. 
"You take your meds today?"
Buck tried to remember if he did. He half shrugged, an action that didn't help his sore and exhausted body. 
"Okay," Mel nodded as she began to check his vitals again. "That is honestly more than I figured I'd get with the tube in. Just relax now, Buckley. We'll be at the hospital soon."
"You seeing this, Bobby?" Chim asked as they neared the station and saw a fire engine that didn't belong to their house in front of the bay's open doors. 
"Yeah," Bobby said as he eyes the truck as they got closer. 
"What the hell is the 122 doing here?" Eddie asked as they pulled in beside the engine. 
"Let's find out," Bobby said as he got out and approached the pair of firefighters that were blocking them from pulling into the station.
"Captain Nash?" One of the men asked.
"That's me," Bobby looked between the men. 
"Is that blood?" Eddie asked as he joined them. He looked around the empty bay. "Wait, where's-"
"Buckley will hopefully be at Good Samaritan by now," the second firefighter said.
"What happened?" Bobby asked, his heart rate picking up as he took it all in. There were discarded gloves and blood on the floor. 
"We were going to ask you the same thing," the first said.
"Who are you?" Chim asked.
"Morris and Jameson from the 122." The one named Jameson said.
"What happened to Buck?" Bobby asked.
"He called 911," Morris said bluntly. "Never had a call to another station before. Our captain said it never really happens.
"Why? Is he alright?" Eddie asked.
"He was coughing up blood," Jameson answered, gesturing to the spots on the floor. “Heard something about an embolism.”
"That can't be right," Eddie said. "He is on blood thinners." 
Morris eyed Eddie skeptically. "Diaz, is it? That's why we're here to talk to Captain Nash. Our captain has a few concerns."
"Where is your captain?" Chim asked. 
"He decided it best to go with Buckley," Jameson told him. “Said the guy sued the department once already and that he wanted to make sure he didn't have any reason to do it again. Best care and all that." 
"He dropped the suit," Hen said. 
Jameson shrugged. "They said that, but we're still confused on how an embolism risk is not only on duty but alone. That seems a bit-"
"He isn't working calls. That is why he was here," Bobby said. "A sort of light duty."
"So you're a man down on calls?"
"For now," Bobby said. 
"Riiight," Morris said. "Might be for a lot longer now."
"So he had another embolism?" Bobby tried to get the conversation back to how Buck is now. 
"It was what dispatch said he managed to say," Jameson answered. "She wasn't sure because sounded like the guy was coughing up a lung, and from how we found him, I believe it. The guy was collapsed on the ground struggling to breathe and coughing up blood. So seemed right to the medics. They got a tube in, we loaded him up and got him out of here."
"Oh, Buckaroo," Hen said as she shook her head. She reached over and gave Eddie's shoulder a squeeze. He'd gone quiet and a bit pale as they listened to them talk. 
"But honestly, we're a bit confused because Deluca used to talk about how close you guys are, but your own guy had to call for us? How does that even happen?"
"It is a long story," Bobby sighed. 
"We got until the boss calls us out, and I'm sure the chief will want to hear." With that, Bobby took the two firefighters to his office.
"You okay?" Hen asked Eddie.
"He is on the blood thinners. How could this happen?" Eddie asked, his eyes glued to the blood splatters on the ground. 
"Well, meds can fail," Hen said.
"But they usually don't-"
"He couldn't remember if he took them," they all looked up to see another member of the 122 come through the doors.
"What?" Eddie asked. 
"Or at least that was what I could figure out with just yes and no questions in the rig," she said. "He might be on them, but he had to have missed more than just one dose for this to happen." She gestured to the mess on the ground.
"He was awake? Is he okay?" Eddie asked. 
"He was conscious and as okay as someone can be with a tube shoved down his throat, though I guess his sister said he'd had a trach before, so I guess he has had worse."
"Maddie is there?" Chim said as he pulled out his phone. 
"If that is his sister, then she was on her way last I heard from my captain."
"But is he-" 
"As fun as this game of 20 questions is, where are Morris and Jameson?"
"In talking to our captain," Hen said.
"Can you take me to them?" The medic asked. 
"Sure, he'll be glad to hear Buck was awake." Hen said as she leads her toward Bobby's office. 
Chim pulled his phone from his ear. "Maddie's not answering."
Eddie rubbed at his face and looked down at the blood again. "Why wouldn't he call us?" 
"You're seriously asking that?" Chim said, causing Eddie to look up at him.
"What the hell does that mean?" Eddie said. 
"I mean, if you haven't noticed, this whole situation is a disaster. I thought that scene at the store was bad, but been more than a bit frosty around here since he came back."
"Don't you put this all on me. That’s-" Eddie said, a sharp edge to his tone.
"I'm not. I just-" Chimney started. 
"This is on all of us," Bobby said as he approached them. "But mostly me. I should have been keeping a closer eye on him." They all watched as the 122 went back to their vehicles and left. 
"Can we go see him?" Eddie asked. 
"After we get this place cleaned up."
Buck woke up to the sound of harsh whispers.
"No, this is all your fault. You had one job, to keep your team safe, including my brother. You don't get to pick and choose who on your team you care about. You are their captain, his captain-"
"Mads," Buck managed to call out. His voice sounded off to his own ears, and his throat felt like someone sandpapered it. But at least the tube was out. 
"Hey, take it easy. Your vocal cords took a bit of a beating," Maddie said as she rushed back to his side and held up a styrofoam cup with a straw. He took a drink, and it helped soothe his throat a bit, but not much. He looked up at the door and saw Bobby standing in it. Buck forced himself not to flinch but must have failed when he felt his sister squeeze his hand. 
"This is what I didn't want to happen," Maddie glared at Bobby. "You-"
"I know this is my fault," Bobby said. "I know I failed Buck. I figured he'd be fine at the station, that he-"
"He is sitting right here," Buck grumbled.
"I know, and I am so sorry Buck," Bobby said. "This should never have happened I-"
"If the 122 hadn't read you the riot act, would you even be here?" Maddie asked.
"Of course, he is still a part of the team, still one of us." Bobby nodded.
"Got a funny way of showing it," Maddie huffed.
"Maddie," Buck cautioned. 
"No, Evan," Maddie held his hand between hers. "They treated you terribly. You dropped the suit and did everything they asked, and they still let this happen."
"They didn't make me miss my meds," Buck admitted.
"About that, Buck, when did you stop taking them?" Bobby asked.
"I didn't intentionally do it. I just ran out and couldn't get to the pharmacy because I had to work."
"You should have told me. I would have-" Bobby started to say.
"Don't," Maddie cut him off. "Do not make him feel bad about this. You assigned his shifts. You assigned him every chore in the book. He could have died, and you guys would have come back and found him dead in the station. The one you are supposed to be in command of."
"I know, and that is something I have to live with,” the captain admitted, “Knowing how close we were to losing Buck, and it was absolutely preventable. If we had just paid more attention."
"Damn right you should have," Maddie said, glaring at him. 
"I know, and you can't possibly know how sorry I am." Bobby turned to look at Buck and took a few steps closer. "If you want to transfer out, I would understand, we all would, and I know nothing can change what we did, but I promise if you come back things will be better."
"Why would I transfer? What house would want the guy that sued his boss and the department?" Buck said, his face reflecting his depressive state. 
"Well, the 122 was quick to call us out. One of the old 118 crew had told them about us, and what they saw didn't mesh with that idea, and they had a lot of questions. You made quite an impression on them. I'm sure you could-"
"You promise if I come back that everyone won't hate me, and I will get to do more than grunt work, right?" Buck asked. 
"I assure you most of the team has already changed their tune," Bobby said.
"I don't know,” Buck said, his doubts clear in his tone. “Eddie was so pissed before-"
"I'm sure if Eddie was still angry he wouldn't be out in the waiting room,” Bobby informed him, “the others too."
"Unless he came to yell at him some more," Maddie grumbled.
"If his reaction when we got back to the station was anything to go by,” Bobby said to try and assure them, “I doubt he'll do much yelling, but only Eddie can really answer that."
"So you are really sure they don't hate me?" Buck asked.
"We don't hate you, Buckaroo," Hen replied. They all looked up to see Hen, Chim, and Eddie at the door. 
"Right," Buck said, not really believing her. 
"Buck," Hen started but was stopped by Eddie.
"You might not believe us now, and that's on us," Eddie said as he moved closer to Buck's bed. "And if we have to earn that back, we will.”
Buck looked up at his sister. “Is this really happening? I’m not dead, right?”
“They’re lucky you aren’t dead, or your lawsuit would look trivial compared to the hell I would have raised,” Maddie admitted without hesitation. “And as tempting as doing it anyway seems and as much as I’d love to see these 3 sweat it, I won’t do that to you.” She squeezed her brother’s hand. “You’ve been through enough.”
“I just want to go back to normal,” Buck said. 
“Evan…” Maddie started.
“We can’t go back, can’t change what is done,” Bobby admitted. “Believe me. I wish I could. But we can do better going forward.”
“And we will,” Eddie stated.
“All of us,” Hen added.
“Yeah, what they said,” Chim nodded. 
Maddie shook her head but asked, “And you’ll make sure he gets back on his feet and stays that way?”
“Of course,” Bobby agreed.
“You swear you’ll actually have his back this time?” Maddie looked at Eddie.
“On my life,” Eddie answered. 
“I will hold you to that, Diaz,” Maddie told him.
“Maddie, please, I just-” Buck started.
“I’m not going to be sorry about holding them accountable, Evan. You wouldn’t be here if they did their jobs. I’m not going to stand here and listen to them make empty promises. They don’t get to try and save their own asses just because another crew called them out.”
“We won't make the same mistake again,” Bobby assured her. 
“I’ll make sure they don’t.” They turned to see Athena standing in the doorway.  
"Good," Maddie says. She did still trust Athena.
"I just want to go back to work," Buck says.
"And you will after you're cleared for duty," Bobby says.
"But they will not be standing in your way this time," Athena says. “Their superiors have assured me.”
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that even I got a call from the fire chief and the captain of the 122. And they will be keeping an eye on things. And so will I."
Buck groans and drops back against the pillows. 
"Evan," Maddie says. "It means they are taking this as seriously as it should be. This sort of thing should never have happened." She glares at her brother's team. "The chief probably just wants to make sure it doesn't happen again."
"And it won't,” Bobby insists. “We'll take whatever punishments the department sees fit. If that's having to put up with inspections and even an investigation, that's fine. We'll do it."
"Technically, I don't think we broke any written rules," Chim points out. Earning a glare from Maddie. "But it was still wrong," he adds. "Hen and I should have stepped in when you came back." 
"We should have been checking in with you on how you were feeling and how the meds were going," Hen adds. "We're the medics on the team. Everyone's well-being is supposed to be even more important to us. And we botched that."
"We never wanted this to happen," Chim says. "No one wants you to suffer."
Buck huffs, but it turns into a cough. 
Eddie is at his side before he can even get a breath in.
"Slow breaths, as deep as you can without it hurting," Eddie tells him. He goes to put a hand on Buck's back, but the younger man flinches. And Eddie pulls away like he was burned. Maddie rubs her brother's back instead. 
"Thank you for the update, but Evan needs his rest," Maddie says sternly. Shutting down any further conversation. "Athena, you are welcome to stay, but I must ask the rest of you to leave."
"Understandable," Bobby acquiesces. "Let us know when you're feeling better, Buck. Then we can discuss your schedule." Buck nods. Bobby turns to the team. "Let's go." He can tell Eddie wants to fight him in this. "We can discuss this later."
Once back at the station, Eddie stares at the now clean spot that was the only hint that Buck had ever been in trouble. 
"Eddie," Bobby starts. "You need to give him time. Maybe we both need to start by telling him why we've been so hard on him. I know you hate seeing him hurting as much as we all do, but Maddie is right. We owe him an explanation. We owe it to him to fix this. To be better. I'm going to go call the chief. We may be in for a tough few weeks, but it's…well, it's deserved. We made this mess. I made this mess. Now it's time to face the consequences." He gave Eddie a pat on the shoulder before heading to his office. 
Bobby was right. They needed to fix it. And Eddie had a good idea of where to start. If Buck was still in the hospital in the morning, Eddie was going to bring Christopher to see him. If he was back home, then he and Christopher would bring him breakfast. Either way, starting tomorrow morning, Buck would have Christopher back. It may take Buck longer to let Eddie back in, but this would be a start. A peace offering. Yeah, that was a good plan. But first, he needed to call Carla and endure whatever lecture he was about to get. She has been Buck's friend longer than Eddie was. She would not be happy about what happened, but he was sure she would help him. She would help for Christopher's and Buck’s sake. She cares for them both. Eddie might have to work to get back in her good graces now too, but maybe a few added paid days off might help. Maybe. Either way, he had a plan.
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Whumpril 2023 - Day 28
This was originally supposed to be for Day 11 but I had an even better idea for that day! c:
TWs: car crash, impalement, hospitals, medically induced coma, intubation mention
Bedridden | Semiconscious | Light Sensitivity
"He's just being kept asleep to make sure that his body has more time to heal. The doctor will check tomorrow to see if he's ready to wake up. " The nurse had explained. "It looks scary, but he's comfortable and not aware of anything."
Bastian didn't give a fuck. He hated it anyway. His Mariano was covered in tape and wires and had tubes going in his arms.
One was going down his throat to help him breathe.
Bastian had even been told that he wasn't allowed to hold Mariano. He could touch him though, as long as he didn't mess with the equipment or electrodes. So he'd be careful.
One of Mariano's chilly hands lay between both of Bastian's. His thumb slid along bandaged, scraped knuckles. He'd have to ask someone for another blanket when they came by again. Mariano always hated when his hands or feet were cold.
Bastian's head ached. No concussion, the scans and doctors said. Scrapes and bruises. Cuts from flying glass. Soreness all through his shoulders, but only in the muscle. Minor whiplash. All of it was minor. Even their backpacks had survived, no worse for wear.
He'd been lucky. Or Mariano had been unlucky. It didn't really matter, in the end.
The silent peaks and valleys on the monitor were steady. The nurses swung by frequently enough to check on how Mariano was doing. They'd had his blood type in stock, and the surgeon had been good at what she did. She was a specialist in this sort of trauma, they'd reassured Bastian.
He just kept replaying it in his head. Their light turning green, and how Mariano shifted gears in his dumb manual car as confidently as always. The sound of the horn blaring at the driver's side. Blinding headlights shining behind Mariano, through his hair. How Mariano's hand braced against Bastian's chest just before everything became chaos, as though he could do anything the seat belt couldn't.
Mariano had looked so calm after that truck had hit his sedan. He'd leaned back in his ruined, crumpled seat once they'd skidded to a stop, dark eyes immediately flicking over Bastian before looking at himself. Even when he'd seen the jagged chunk of plastic door paneling embedded in his upper abdomen, he'd just taken a shaky breath and nodded. His hands had been just as cold when Bastian had held them, then.
It didn't matter how long it took for Mariano to wake up again. It didn't matter how many surgeries he needed. Bastian would still be there at his side, warming his mage's hands for him and making sure he had enough blankets.
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🎃⁀➷ 31 days, 31 tropes for Whumptober *ੈ✩‧₊˚🕷️🍂
1. hypothermia
2. bleeding out / exsanguination
3. intubation
4. field amputation
5. strangulation
6. gunshot wounds
7. hallucinations / delirium
8. bruises
9. broken bones
10. induced coma
11. drown / hypoxemia
12. blood seeping through bandages
13. panic attack
14. hidden injuries
15. vomiting
16. hyperventilation
17. severe burns
18. character going into shock
19. heatstroke
20. allergic reactions
21. psychological trauma
22. stab wounds
23. asystole
24. infection / character’s blood or wounds become septic
25. character getting poisoned
26. amnesia
27. force feeding
28. night terror
29. surgery / vivisection / autopsy
30. electrocution / shock therapy
31. character haunted by ghosts of a.) their victims whom they’ve killed, b.) people they failed to save, c.) their loved ones, d.) their enemies — the choice is yours
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whumpgifathon · 23 days
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Hello! And welcome to my brand new whump gifmaking challenge! I'm your host @aceofwhump and I'm excited to bring a whump challenge specifically created with gifmakers and visual artists in mind.
The challenge begins August 1, 2024!
All gifs posted must be made by you. Do not just post gifs using the gif keyboard and claim them as yours and do not repost other people’s gifs. No AI-generated content please.
Various mediums are welcome! So long as the visual art aspect is the focus you can make whatever you want. Yes this is primarily a gifmaking challenge so everything is geared towards that but any visual art is welcome. If you draw, make moodboards, edits, videos, etc you’re welcome to participate!
You can use the prompts however you like. There is no wrong way to use a prompt. Feel free to interpret them however you wish. If you think it counts as whump? It's whump! Make it! Angst, comfort, emotional whump, small things, big things, it all counts so no need to over think it.
Tag all potential triggers (things like emeto, gore, nsfw, blood, eye whump, rape/noncon, etc.) When in doubt, tag it.
Tags to use when posting so I can find your ppst: #whumpedit, #whumpgifathon, #whump gifs
Please try to include the show/movie title, character names, and episode number (if applicable) somewhere either in your tags or in the post caption. This way anyone interested in watching it can find it easily.
An example of a way you can caption your gifsets:
@whumpgifathon | Day #: "prompt description" Show/Movie title, episode number, character name
And here's the prompt list!!! I hope you guys like it and find it inspiring but not overly challenging!
Remember that this is a relaxed event!!! I just want to offer my fellow visual artists some inspiring prompts and an opportunity to have some fun. So sit back, relax, and have fun!
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Text version below:
Whump Gifathon - August 2024 Prompt List
Day 1: Space Oxygen Deprivation | Time Loop | Experiment
Day 2: Feeling Sick Fever | Infection | Delirium
Day 3: Environmental Earthquake | Storm | Hypothermia
Day 4: Captivity Chains | Caged | Rescue
Day 5: Water Shipwrecked | Drowning | Waterboarding
Day 6: Skills Try out a new technique you haven’t tried before using your favorite whump trope as inspiration!
Day 7: Emotional Crying | Panic Attack| Fear
Day 8: Hospital Ambulance | Intubation | Waking Up Disoriented
Day 9: Battlefield Explosion | Gunfire | Field Medicine
Day 10: Temporary Effects Blinded | Amnesia | Poisoned
Day 11: Recovery Sling | Pain | Seeking Support
Day 12: We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes Straight Jacket | Forced Injection | Hallucinations
Day 13: Aesthetic Highlight your favorite whump aesthetic
Day 14: Sleeping Nightmares | Exhaustion | Passing Out
Day 15: Trapped Impaled | Buried Alive | Locked Inside
Day 16: Western Cauterized | Bitten | Hanged
Day 17: Comfort Hugging | Blankets | Gentle Touch
Day 18: Broken Broken Bones | Emotional Breakdown | Broken Spirit
Day 19: Relationships What is your favorite type of whumpee/caretaker relationship? Platonic? Romantic? Familial? Show me!
Day 20: Blood Bloody Hands | Bleeding Out | Covered in Blood
Day 21: Fantastical Nonhuman | Resurrection | Magical Healing
Day 22: A Knock to the Head Headache | Knocked Out | Bloody face
Day 23: Travel Gone Wrong Car Accident | Plane Crash | Train Delrailment
Day 24: Magic Magical Exhaustion | Cursed | Possession
Day 25: Period Drama Pick a time period of your choice and highlight the whump!
Day 26: Everything Hurts and I’m Dying Grief | Resuscitation | Presumed Dead
Day 27: Superheroes Overused Powers | Powers with a Side Effect | Villain
Day 28: Torture Beaten| Flogging | Choked
Day 29: Restrained Zipties| Rope Leash | Medical Restraints
Day 30: First Aid Ice Pack | Stitches | Bandages
Day 31: Colors Highlight a specific color in your art
Alternate Prompts:
"Stay With Me" Begging Heat Exhaustion Bedside Vigil Self Surgery Taser Scar Reveal Collapsing Protective Electrocution
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celtic-crossbow · 5 months
Whumpuary Day 25-26 & 29-31
Prompts: Can’t stay awake | “You’re safe.”
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Drugging, Overdose, Allusions to past child abuse
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gif by @daryl-dixon-daydreams
“What the fuck are you doing?!” You shouted, keeping your eyes on Daryl while Tomi loudly rummaged through cabinets and drawers behind you. “Daryl. Daryl, stay awake.”
“M’tired.” The archer mumbled, eyelids heavy, breaths slowing before your eyes. 
“Tomi!” You snapped again. 
“They injected him with some sort of opioid. I need narcan.” Things were flying around, hitting the floor as the surgeon continued his frantic search. “How’s his breathing?”
“Too slow.” You shook Daryl again. Each time he responded, you felt a short lived relief but it never lasted long. “Daryl, stay with me. Look at me.”
“I know but you can’t sleep.” Those normally sharp blues were dull, his pupils contracted to barely there black dots inside the pale cerulean. His eyes closed, head lolling forward. “Daryl? Daryl!” He inhaled sharply, giving you hope that he might regain a normal breathing pattern. 
He didn’t. 
“Can’t…can’t stay…”
“You have to. Just for a few more minutes okay?” You hadn’t seen when the man had used the syringe, only catching Daryl yanking it from his neck to angrily toss it aside before plunging his knife through the attacker’s skull. It wasn’t even a minute before the archer staggered back against the wall and slid down to where he still sat. “Tomi!” When Daryl’s eyes closed this time, he didn’t reopen them. 
“I’m trying!”
“Daryl!” His breaths were further and further apart, agonizing torture to know that one would eventually be his last. 
“If he stops breathing, you need to breathe for him.”
“Al-alright.” You could do that. You placed two fingers to his neck, counting the beats over and over, witnessing that number fall each time. “Please, please.”
“Got it!” Tomi dropped down beside the archer, foregoing any measure of sterilizing to just jab the needle into the muscle of Daryl’s bicep. 
“What now?”
“We wait. He never stopped breathing. The narcan should level him out enough to move him safely.” The nod you gave was curt and unbidden, your sole focus was the rise and fall of Daryl’s chest. “Okay. Okay, good. It’s picking up. I’ll get a stretcher. Keep watching his breathing.” Another nod. 
“Daryl, can you hear me?” Unresponsive. At least each breath was coming in at a slow, but steady pace. You could work with that for now. The wheels of the stretcher were loud in the otherwise empty hospital.
“Vitals are stable for now. I grabbed all the narcan but we need to have access to intubation supplies and IV fluids.” At your confused expression, he added, “I’ll need to insert a tube to help him breathe for a while if he struggles to on his own.”
You nodded calmly before the two of you struggled and fumbled to get Daryl onto the stretcher. Truthfully, the thought of Daryl needing a machine to keep breathing was horrifying. For that moment, you just continued to watch his chest, breaths remaining steady and unlabored. 
It took only moments for an IV to be inserted and fluids to begin running into the archer’s hand. His breathing slowed only once more and one last dose of narcan was administered. 
Hours later, Tomi concluded that Daryl was out of danger and would likely wake up at any moment. So you waited, instinctively listening for danger as employees returned to the hospital, the walkers having been cleared as well as the living threats, thanks in part to the man on the bed in front of you. 
You couldn’t wait to get him home and sleep for at least a day, snug against his side with your head over his heart, able to hear each beat and feel each breath. 
Finally, his fingers twitched in your hold, his head rolling back and forth on the pillow, face scrunching. 
“Daryl?” You stood, leaning over him. He hated hospitals. The memories of so many visits when he was a child, broken bones and open wounds at the hands of his father. You wanted to be the first person he saw and heard, in hopes of easing that anxiety. 
His eyes were clouded, tired and unfocused, when they finally landed on you. “Where ‘m I?” He slurred, still appearing to be exhausted and slightly influenced by the drug working its way through his system. 
“You’re in the hospital. You’re safe and you’re gonna be okay.” You squeezed his hand, smiling when he weakly reciprocated. 
“Tell me what happened?” His eyes were already trying to close, most likely without his permission but leaving him with no choice. 
“When you wake up. I’ll tell you everything when you wake up.”
Daryl hummed and inhaled deeply before settling into a peaceful sleep; one you didn’t fear and from which you knew he would wake. For now, though, you’d rest your head on the hand holding his and count his breaths like counting sheep until you joined him in blissful unawareness. 
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Intro Post
This is an 18+ fetish blog. I am 37, cis queer woman. I was on old birth kink Tumblr before the purge and am back now after a few years.
I mostly write short birth stories on reblogs and sometimes some original longer fiction. I don't RP. You can send story prompts, if you like, but no guarantee I'd ever get to them.
Long, very painful labors
Long pushing and crowning
Hospital births (stirrups, IV's, catheters, being monitored)
Medical intervention when the patient is struggling (forceps, vacuum, episiotomy)
Painful birth injuries (broken pelvis, broken tailbone, serious tears, ruptured uterus)
Surgical intervention (either a c-section after a very difficult vaginal attempt or repair of birth injuries, up to and including hysterectomy)
Post birth pain (crying while delivering the placenta, whining while tears are stitched up, in a lot of pain going in to or being wheeled out of surgery, being really sore after birth)
Nursing struggles (engorged breasts, pain while nursing, being milked with a breast pump while tears are sewn up or the patient is waking up from surgery)
Not birth related, necessarily, but I also love gynecological and abdominal surgery fantasies, especially around the patient being intubated and then waking up in a lot of pain.
Children in the room while the person is birthing
Water births
Sensual births (I'd rather their face be screwed up in pure agony, not ecstasy)
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bunysliper · 9 months
what do you think would have happened if castle had gotten stuck in the AU?
Hi Anon! I hope you're still out there and that this was meant as a prompt (not that I'm not ashamed of how long it took to answer it if it was) and not just a question/discussion starter. Basically, I kind of wrote what I think the answer would be, so I hope you like this!
Hope Yet
He's ashamed of the disappointment that floods his belly when he wakes in a hospital to a dark-haired version of his daughter. It's not that he's unhappy to see Alexis – any version of her – but he'd hoped that he might wake right where he left, on a dingy floor dodging gunfire with Kate a little bit peeved at him for touching something he shouldn't have. Instead, he's… still here. Still in this world where he has miles to go to repair a relationship with his little girl, his mother still has almost complete control over his house because he'd been a schmuck with his money, and Kate – Kate is apathetic about him at best; miles and miles from loving him.
He'd been so sure he would be going home.
"Hi Daddy," Alexis breathes, stroking his hair off his forehead. "I was so worried."
Rick Castle hopes the grimace can be written off as pain from his injuries. "Hi, 'lexis. Sorry, 'bout that."
He licks his lips, looking around the room for anything that he might be able to drink to get the rough cardboard taste out of his mouth.
Alexis comes through for him once again, holding a small cup with a straw to his lips. "Slow sips. You were intubated and your throat might be sore."
He tries not to gulp it down, savoring the water for a moment before Alexis takes the cup away.
"Do you remember what happened?" she asks, leaning on her elbow beside him. He opens his mouth, but she continues first, "Dad, you were shot. What were you even doing that you would get shot?"
He exhales, feeling the tug of new wounds on his chest. "I was-"
"He was protecting me."
Alexis jolts upright, turning to the door.
Rick would be lying if he said he didn't jump a little as well. If his heart didn't speed up at her voice, husky with emotion and a lack of sleep. He doesn't know this her, but he knows her. At the heart of her, he knows Kate Beckett.
"Would do it all over again," he says, hoping to catch her eyes.
She avoids his gaze, looking at Alexis instead, but he sees her fingers twitch before she clenches her fists and releases them. He knows that move, recognizes it as her taking a moment to ground herself before she gives someone bad news.
"I am so sorry, Ms. Castle. I'm Captain Beckett, with the NYPD. Your father got involved in a case my detectives were working and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He made a call to do something incredibly stupid, but very brave, to save my life."
She turns to him, her eyes bloodshot and tired, but flinty and determined all the same. "I can assure you that he won't be put in that position again. Ever."
Castle swallows hard, wishing he could reach for her as well as the water Alexis had given him a few minutes ago. He gets neither, though, because Beckett takes a step back.
"I'm not staying," Beckett adds, licking her lips. "I just wanted to make sure you were all right, Mr. Castle."
"Rick," he rasps. "Or Castle, if you want. Whatever you want, Beckett."
At his bedside, Alexis rolls her eyes. "Please forgive him, Captain Beckett. He's-"
Kate waves her off. "It's okay. I understand. The painkillers do strange things to everyone."
Still, she offers him a look he should be able to read, given how well he knows her counterpart. It's part-quizzical, part-amused, at least enough to cause her lips to lift at the corners.
"Stay out of trouble from here on out, Mr. Castle. Please?"
 He nods quickly, even as he croaks an impish, "No promises."
Beside him, Alexis rolls her eyes. "I'll keep him in line, Captain. Don't worry."
This time, Beckett does crack a small smile. "I'm sure you will, Ms. Castle. I'm sure you will." She licks her lips, lowering her chin. "I'll leave you to rest."
Rick starts to call her back, to insist she doesn't have to leave and she's as welcome as his child and his mother (who, he supposes must be at work at this point, after all, her show opens in – well, probably now, if he's been out that long), but he can't make the words come. This Kate Beckett doesn't know him, and as much as he wants to believe otherwise, he doesn't know her either. He can't expect her to feel at home with him and his family the way the woman he loves does.
"Thank you for visiting," he says instead. "I'm glad you're okay; that was… that was all I wanted to do."
She hesitates for a moment before dropping her hand to cover his. "I know, Castle. Thank you."
Her touch disappears a moment later and she retreats from his hospital room, leaving him to begin to accept that this might just be the rest of his life.
Just two days later, while Alexis is at home retrieving some of his clothing for him to change into when he's allowed to get cleaned up, she returns with a case file in hand and an annoyed, but somehow fond, look on her face.
"If you're feeling up to it," she starts, licking her lips and shifting her weight on those impossibly high heels of hers, "I wouldn't mind having another pair of eyes to check this out; you and my victim apparently run in the same circles."
Rick Castle moves his hospital bed a little more upright, clasping his hands together and grinning. He tries not to look too eager, of course, since he doesn't want to scare her off when she's coming to him – when she needs, nay wants, his help, but he's all in already.
"I'd be delighted, Captain. Lay it on me."
Beckett hesitates for just a moment before crossing the room and holding out the file to him, perching on his bed at his hip and waiting for him to speed read (less speedy than usual thanks to the meds, but he manages) the casefile and offer his thoughts.
It looks like there's hope yet.
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ladylamrian · 2 months
Female Main Character: Alexis (Alex)
Pairing: F!MC×NikRyder
Summary: Thomas's wraith was defeated by Alex. But the battle wasn't easy. She was now fighting between life and death.
Word Count: 6.3K words
Rating: Teen/Mature
Warnings: Angst, Heartbreak, Hospital, Health...
-> My complete Nightbound Masterlist <-
Taglist: @lilyoffandoms ; @secretaryunpaid ; @blackcatkita ; @liviusofpella ; @peonierose ; @jdstar88 ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @tessa-liam ; @mxdanni ; @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @thosehallowedhalls ; @bri1234 ; @artbyalz ; @choicesaprilchallenge24 [Prompts: "What happened?" ; "Shut up!" ; "I'll take care of you." "Just relax" & "Wake up." ] @choicesficwriterscreations and whoever wants to join...
Comments via Reblog wholeheartly welcome
Author's note: Nightbound rewrite of last scene.
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Nik's girlfriend, Alex was lying on the hospital bed, injured, unconscious and not waking up. Nik held back the tears that came to his eyes. Tears he didn't think would appear so easily for a tough man like him. He watched her for a long time and then kissed her forehead.
"Don't worry, rook. Everything will be alright, I swear. Just don't leave me. Wake up, I'm here. Your Nik is here with you and never left your side.", his voice trembled as he whispered. After a little pause, he continued.
"I... I think... I love you... I never thought that I would ever fall in love so deeply with you. Never imagined the thing I would fear the most would be losing you. Hell, I can lose everything but not you. But oh, not you. Please... Wake up."
He sat quietly by the bedside holding her hands, and couldn't help but keep talking to her even when she was unconscious.
"What I would give to hear your voice again...", he stroked her silvery-black hair, remembering their happy moments, their first meeting, their first kiss. Wiping away the tears that kept coming to his silvery-gray eyes, he thought he should have protected her better. He failed. Not ready to lose her like he once lost his birthparents and Elijah. He failed again. He couldn't protect her from the bloodwraith which attacked his girlfriend. Now she's fighting between life and death. Struggling.
"That Thomas bastard... Damn Lady Fate who couldn't fight that bastard before all this happened before. Powerful Fate? The hell with that!!! Thomas's gone now, but at what cost...?", he muttered as his eyes burned with anger and revenge.
Even though Thomas and his bloodwraith who tried to kill Alex and all the supernatural elite, were finally defeated at the Mardi Gras event by Alex's mysterious powers. But before its defeat, the bloodwraith just had to attack her. Its claws sank into her body, making her lose so much blood that the wraith itself ended up bloody. She lost so much blood, but it was somehow a miracle that his girlfriend was still with him. For now...
After a moment later, a doctor entered the room to check Alex's status and vitals. For his luck, the doctor was a fae, disguised from the human sight through the glamour spell. He wouldn't question much about the happenings and already knew that this was the work of a supernatural being. The bloodwraith, a killing machine. And since Alex was partly fae, he would understand her better than the rest of the doctors. Nik got up from the chair where he was sitting and approached the doctor.
"How is she?"
The doctor turned his attention to him and appeared a little worried.
"I'm afraid her situation is rather delicate, she's still unconscious. She's in a coma, her condition is serious but stable. She's been intubated and connected to many machines that keep her alive. I can't give you a date when she would wake up... it could be tomorrow or it could be in several days... I'm absolutely sorry, sir."
Nik was visibly shaken.
"And she will survive this right? Right?!!"
"The truth is... I can't know for sure. We just hope she'll pull through without any further complications.", the fae doctor informed without meeting his eyes. He paused before he continued. "We need to run some tests to know more."
Nik's body suddenly trembled slightly and his fists tightened into a ball. Taking a deep breath, he tried to remain calm.
"But in the meantime, there must be something you can do for her right?"
The doctor felt sorry, looked at her condition on the monitors and then adjusted some of them.
"She's a half-fae, right? She appears to be stable, for now. The most important thing we could do for her is allow her body to rest. And we will perform several tests so please if you want, you can be with her during the tests."
The young nighthunter nodded and watched his girlfriend. Her long hair was so beautiful, her face full of peace even when unconscious, she seemed so still, so fragile. She was now his Sleeping Beauty, waiting for her to finally wake up because he couldn't bear thinking of the worst. He gripped her hand tightly, feeling her warmth and how her skin was soft as silk and whispered to her. For him, she looked like an angel on earth. Peaceful.
"Please wake up rook, don't leave me alone..."
The doctor left the room to give him some privacy. Nik kissed her on the forehead and held onto her hand. His face is completely devastated and broken. Every fiber of his being was being torn away by this pain. Tears kept flowing down his face, his heart felt like it was about to explode and shatter in many tiny pieces. His thoughts were so chaotic and filled with dread. He blamed himself for everything. If only he could have protected her better. If only his last memory with her was a happy one. If only he made sure that Thomas and his bloodwraith were really really dead and defeated. The young man felt so powerless in this situation. He wanted to do something for her. His helplessness was torturing him, but there was nothing he could do right now. He could only wait. Nik's head whirled, his hands trembled and all that he could do was to keep holding on to this only connection he had left with his beloved.
Weeks passed and Nik Ryder was still sitting next to his girlfriend's bed. He hasn't left the hospital room since the deadly bloodwraith tried to kill her. He looked exhausted and his eyes were red as if he hadn't slept in days. He had barely eaten anything and just couldn't leave her alone. The doctor and the nurses tried to urge him to leave the hospital for a while, but he refused. Every time they suggested he go rest at home, he shook his head, because he was afraid that the second he left her, she would slip away to leave him forever. A tear ran down his cheek as he saw her lying motionless, so pale and so fragile on the bed. She looked like a small and innocent child. Alex had lost so much blood, but he was grateful at least that she was still here with him. But the fact that she was so vulnerable and helpless... Just seeing her like that cut him with a knife to his soul. He couldn't imagine what he would do if something worse happened to her. He held her hands again, and couldn't help but be overwhelmed with fear.
"I'm here love. I'm not gonna leave you. I swear.", he felt his own heartbeat as he whispered to her.
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Again, weeks have passed and Nik was still sitting at her side. Every single day, holding her hand. He has barely eaten anything in all this time and now looked very pale and tired. His eyes got even more red and swollen from all the tears and exhaustion. He never left her, not a single moment. Every second he spent beside her bed because his only concern was her. If only she knew that too. He watched her with the same devotion as if they had just met and he had fallen in love. She was so peaceful in sleep, she looked so cute to him with her delicate face, her hair still so soft and shiny. But he only wanted her to wake up. If there's a god in this world then please let her wake up, he thought. Please. He would even die for her.
"It's me, darling. I'm here. Come back to me. Please.", he whispered as he stroked her silver strands and gently kissed her forehead.
"Wake up, love. Wake up, my rook... Alex, my love... You're everything to me and I need you. Wake up, please."
He stared at her, not taking his eyes off of her, looking at her face with a mixture of love, affection and fear. The silence in the room killed him and was only interrupted by the faint noise of the machines that tried to keep her alive.
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Hours later. Nik was still next to her, holding her hands, caressing her hair, watching how she was in this state of deep sleep. His Sleeping Beauty. He hasn't left her side for a second and for all this time, he has barely eaten anything in the last week. Still devastated and exhausted, everything he was going through was overwhelming him. Nik Ryder was broken. His face was covered with wrinkles, and his silvery-gray eyes looked even more lifeless and swollen. He looked very pale and even a light beard began to grow. All his fears overcame him and the doctor did not give him any hope. His heart was in agony. He leaned over her and looked at her face again. So peaceful and pure with closed eyes as if she was a sleeping angel. He caressed her soft hair with devotion, his eyes were full of pain and fear. He spoke to her in a hoarse voice.
"Please wake up love. I need you. I need you so much."
"Nik, I..."
Nik sensed words coming out of her mouth and froze. Did she just say her name or was he imagining this? Did his brain start to play tricks on him since he hadn't slept for days? But then he heard her again and a spark of hope was ignited in his heart. He leaned over her and watched her lips carefully, waiting to hear her again. His hand trembled a little bit and his heart raced in his chest. Beating fast. The man took a deep breath in anticipation of the next word she would speak. He whispered to her with excitement and hope.
"Yeah? You wanna say something, love?" He was watching her lips intently to try and discern what she was trying to say and he was desperate to know if she was alright and that it was all just a bad dream.
Alex opened her eyes weakly and was struggling to open her mouth. She couldn't speak. The machines attached to her were beeping louder which made Nik immediately rush outside to call the doctors and nurses. They quickly followed him back inside the room where Alex was lying. The doctor came over to help her raise her head a little. Nik watched her lips and managed to capture the last word "You". What was she trying to tell him? He kept trying to listen to what came next, as she kept struggling to move her lips to try it again. It really looked like she wanted to say something. She managed to mumble a couple more words, but Nik couldn't understand what she was trying to say. He leaned down very close to her to listen to her words. She kept repeating the same words which sounded like "you and me". The rest he couldn't understand the rest and requested her to stay silent and not lose any energy. Nik watched as the doctor and nurses worked on giving her medication. Nik was relieved that she was showing signs of improvement now.
But she's still confused and disorientated. There were a lot of machines and tubes around her. She tried to speak again. Her voice is even more hoarse but this time she managed to murmur a few more words. This time she tries to say "I'm scared, what's happening?"
She seemed desperate to get up, not understanding why she couldn't move and why her body was still so weak. The nurses and the doctors kept checking her, giving her medicine and trying to soothe her. Nik whispered to her with empathy.
"My rook. What do you want to say?"
"Nik? Is that you?"
Nik smiled immediately at the mention of his name. He caressed her cheek with affection while feeling a lot of relief. His heart pounded fast, it was her! She's finally starting to regain consciousness!!
"Yeah It's me, I'm here love.... ", he whispered in a warm voice and smiled. He caressed her cheek and hair with more tenderness. He wanted to hold her but he was too afraid to move her since her body was still so fragile and weakened. At least, he was very happy to hear her sweet voice again.
"Yeah rook, it's me. You're alive!!"
"Nik...", she got emotional and began to sob. He softly wiped away her tears and stroked her rosy cheek.
"Hey, calm down. Don't cry. Just relax, you're safe here." He wanted her to feel safe and loved. Almost holding his breath, he also had tears in his eyes, felt very touched and so much love for her.
"Where am I? What happened?", she asked and he noticed her confusion.
He held her close to him and he wiped away her tears.
"You're safe now. We're in a hospital. Everything will be alright, don't worry."
"Nik, don't leave me here alone."
"I won't leave you alone, I swear. I've been here with you every day since this happened.", he sighed with sadness and held her hand tightly without taking his eyes off her. Nik wanted to experience every second she was awake to be able to comfort and support her. She's everything for him. There was silence between them while the doctors and nurses were working in this room and all Nik wanted to do was stay by her side. Then he noticed that she silently kept looking at him. Her face suddenly washed with sadness as if she just remembered something very important. Her break-up with Nik.
"Rook, try to rest, your body has gone through a lot. Let me stay here with you, I won't leave your side.", he promised, not being aware of what she was currently thinking. A few seconds later Nik watched her as she silently fell back asleep. Her body was so exhausted from what it's been through and she couldn't withstand being awake for a long time. Nik felt like a part of his soul was slowly being taken away with every moment he saw her in bed with the machines keeping her alive. He was still so worried and afraid. His whole body shook with fear and desperation. Taking a deep breath, he continued looking after her. Stroking her hair gently, holding her hand to never let go, he stayed there with her in silence. Only the sound of the machines that kept her alive filled the room.
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Days later, finally at home.
Nik was carefully carrying her from his Black Range Rover to his apartment. Finally home. He was still holding her in his arms like a baby. Her body was so light and fragile that seemed as if he was carrying something much more delicate than a human being. He entered his apartment and took her to his bed, placing her gently on it. He watched her with tenderness, a lot of love and concern for her state of health.
"You're gonna to be okay and you'll get better, rook. I'll take care of you."
"Are we home?", she whispered, still dazed. Without noticing she accidentally said the word "home" as if she accepted that she and Nik live and belong together, sharing a home.
"Yeah, we're finally back home.", he kissed her gently on the cheek which confused her and got back to her senses.
"But... But Nik, why? Why kissing and loving me? I thought you broke up with me."
He now felt ashamed of himself, looked down to the floor for a moment to avoid her eye contact and cleared his throat before speaking.
"I... I had to think things over, and calm down, but when I realized that I'd lose you forever. I couldn't let you go anymore. I know a little sorry won't be enough to make it up, but you're so damn special to me and I never felt like this to anyone before. I still love you, my rook. I want us to be together. I want to hold you. And kiss you again. I want to feel you against me and your skin on me. To hear you breathe. To hear your heartbeat. Wake up with you every morning and sleep at night. I need you. I need you more than ever needed in my whole life. You changed me to a better man. The rules I made in my life... I broke my rules just for you."
"Nik, you broke my feelings. You hurt me. It won't be easy anymore.", she scolded him which made him feel very guilty. Ashamed, he looked away without being able to hold her gaze. She was very disappointed in him and it probably won't be the same anymore. Nik thought that he had been very selfish and unfair towards her, yet this was something he had to say, knowing the pain it could cause both of them.
"Shut up, I'm not your rook!!!", she almost yelled.
"Sorry, I mean... Alex. I was a coward, but please let me explain, I swear that I'm damn sorry. I can explain..."
"Nik, I want to rest.", she decided to change the topic before she burst into tears in front of him. She didn't want to cry, feel sorry, look weak and little in front of him. She knew that Nik was taught since childhood to move on which was harsh, but it hurt her so much. She would love to be happily together with him because she never felt that way to anyone but him. Their love was so deep, strong and passionate, but that sadly didn't last for long. She wanted to be back with him, but she couldn't.
"Yeah, of course. Rest now, but later we need to talk and fix things. Or just at least hear me out to understand why I did this?", he begged for forgiveness.
"We'll see.", she answered coldly which filled him with desperation and guilt.
"I promise you that I'm gonna make it up to you and I understand your anger. Hell, you're allowed to be angry with me. But please don't...", he couldn't finish his sentence because she immediately moved away from him as he squeezed her shoulder for support.
Nik was shocked by the fact that she did not let him touch her or even get close to her. He noticed that she had gotten very distant from him which broke his heart with every move she made away from him.
"Please don't be like that. Don't push me away."
"You pushed me away first, Nik."
The man nodded, accepting his true guilt, but he couldn't argue with the fact that she was right. He also knew that for every word he said, the situation would only get worse and cause her more anger and pain. He watched her sadly, with no words left to say. A wave of guilt overwhelmed him and he felt truly terrible for what he's done. He stayed silent for a moment and faced the floor with his face full of agony. The man didn't know what to say anymore and regretted pushing her away that night before Thomas's wraith attacked her. When Nik wanted to sit on the bed near her, she immediately stood up which broke his feelings. That distance. He froze and just watched her in silence. He couldn't handle the silence and her cold attitude towards him anymore. Nik wanted to see her looking at him again, but instead, she tried to walk away. Taking a few steps forward got difficult for her because she still felt weak. Nik saw her losing balance and his natural instincts kicked in. He quickly ran towards her and placed his hands on her arm. His touch was so delicate, his grasp so gentle as he held her. He got concerned.
"Gotcha, rook. Are you okay? You were about to fall. Here, sit down, lemme me help you."
"I feel a little dizzy, nothing else."
Nik analyzed that her condition had worsened and he noticed that she got very pale, her eyes were almost closed and her body was now leaning more to one side. He held her gently by the waist and tried to help her to sit down. The nighthunter looked into her eyes with worry and was very concerned about her health. He sat her down on the bed slowly and held her, afraid of letting go. The girl was so fragile. He had taken care of her every day since she came home from the hospital. The doctors were surprised by her recovery but told him to expect some weakness for several days. Nik was very careful with her, carried her in his arms everywhere he could and not letting her out of his sight. He felt so much guilt about everything that happened. He couldn't bear to even look at the scars and all the bandages. Knowing that she almost died broke him. Alex was not yet ready to talk because of her weakness which she didn't want to show. She hated to be weak, helpless and belittled.
"Nik, I..."
"Don't pressure yourself. I'm here and I'm not gonna go anywhere. You can recover at your own pace, I'm not gonna push you, I just want you to get better, rook."
They were silent. Now looking very peaceful and relaxed after closing her eyes. Nik was glad that she was at least resting and not thinking about anything that stressed her. They stayed like this for a long time until Nik broke the silence speaking softly to her.
"You are stronger than you think. You will get back on your feet soon, I have faith in you."
He smiled as he looked at her. Nik felt a new inspiration to fight for her and was more determined than ever to give her whatever she needed. He stayed with her and was patient.
"Nik...", it took a lot of effort for her to speak.
"What is it?"
"Why? Why are you doing this for me?"
"Because I love you. It's as simple as that. Why else would I be doing this? I don't want you to be alone, or be sad or in pain. I just want you to be happy, and if I have to go through every obstacle and take every step, I'll take it, as long as I can see you smile again someday. I love you, Alex. I love you so much."
"Are you sure? You're not just loving me because I almost died?? Because if this wouldn't have happened you might..."
"No!!! Hell no, I loved you before too and still do. Before all this... this death thing happened. You broke all the walls I've built and opened me up a bit. I never felt this before. Never felt like this towards anyone before. I love you, Alex. You're so special and it would kill me if something happened to you because everyone close to me died horribly and I wanted to prevent that. Keep you safe by separating each other. What a damn mistake I made. I couldn't even keep you safe from my bad luck by breaking up with you and you still died. Almost. I love you still. Since the beginning."
She wasn't responding very much to what he just confessed, but at least she didn't seem to be angry anymore. Just tired and weak.
"So this is the only reason why you're helping me? You weren't offered some extra money or something like that, huh?"
"No rook, damn the stupid money!! You're more important than money. You're not only a job to me, but something more. More than a job. Alex, you have become so dear to me. I care for you and you're everything I have left now in this darn, cruel world. You mean so much to me. I love you, Alex."
She felt like her heart skipped a beat when she heard her name coming from his lips in such a gentle tone. She gazed at him for a moment before responding.
"You're complicated, Nik."
Her words reminded him that many people have told him this before and she was sadly right. His emotions which he always kept hidden from the world were like a tornado which confused him too. For him, choices weren't always easy like black and white. But right now, it's hard for him to explain himself to her in this state. The young man just wanted her girlfriend to get better, so he spoke with tenderness and sympathy.
"I know you're tired and everything confuses you right now. But later, I will explain everything to you."
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Again, days have passed and she felt much better but still had some weakness for not being able to walk alone. At least she could sit on her own and she seemed to be more energetic. She was even able to hold conversations for several minutes without getting tired or bored. But she still seemed angry, didn't let him touch her and she just shortly answered him. However, he was still trying to show her that he had changed and that he was going to make amends for what he did.
Nik, the nighthunter discovered her sitting on the white sofa, reading a book. Her face is expressionless with no trace of the beautiful smile he once knew. He missed the good and romantic times with her. She seemed very distant from him and it saddened him to see her this way. He knew the reason behind her behavior was him and he couldn't blame her for that. Taking a deep breath, he approached her gently. He stood in front of her and he spoke softly and with a lot of sadness, honesty and determination, willing to take whatever came, even if he had to suffer. At least he tried to make up for what he did to her in the Mardi Gras Parade. The break-up. He cleared his throat and tried his best to express himself as honestly as he was.
"Rook... I mean, Alex... I know you're angry and you're upset because I left you. Because I wanted us to go separate ways and move on, but listen, I was a coward and I was afraid to tell you the truth. Since childhood I was taught not to trust anyone, to be alone and to move on. I made you believe that I no longer felt the same way I felt about you before, but that was never true. Alex, I never stopped loving you, and I will never stop loving you.", he paused, hoping that the words he was saying had some effect on her and so that he could understand the damage he did to her. She remained silent and looked at him indifferently which hurt him just looking at her that way. The young man didn't want to pressure her and he knew that for now, he had to be very patient with her.
"I... I'm really sorry for hurting you, for making you think that I don't love you.
"Alex, I can't find excuses for what I did. It just wasn't the right thing. I'm sorry..."
He knew it would be very difficult for her to forgive him for the heartbreak he caused her. Still, at least he got her to listen to him and had a brief conversation. That's the start he needed, now he just had to keep his promise that he was serious about making it up to her and that he would show her how much he really loved her.
"Listen, Nik... Thank you for taking care of my health and getting me back on my feet, but I think it's time for me to go."
A wave of sadness hit him when he heard what she just said. His heart sank and he felt desperation welling up within him.
"What are you talkin' about?", he asked, looking at her with eyes full of longing and a kind of fear that perhaps his last attempt to have her stay with him has been lost.
"I will go back home where I came from, Nik."
"But you're still not in a condition to do this alone. Who's gonna take care of you at home?", he was suddenly taken aback.
"Nik, you broke up with me. I can't live with you like this"
Nik sighed sadly and faced the floor. He knew that he had no right, as this was a natural consequence of his own actions. He was upset and depressed for causing this break-up and for losing her true love, but he had only himself to blame.
"I'm trying to fix everything between us, I swear. I don't want to lose you again. I love you and I can't imagine my life without you anymore. Please, I beg you to stay."
"But Nik, can I trust you? Will you prove yourself? How will I know you won't change your mind again?"
It seemed like a small window of hope was still open to him and he felt like he actually had a chance to convince her to trust him again. He thought for a few seconds before he spoke, this was probably one of the most important moments for him. He gazed at her directly in the eyes with a serious expression and he spoke with pure honesty.
"I know my words alone aren't enough for you to trust me again, but I can assure you that I'm serious about fixing the mess I created and proving I can be a better man for you. So, what do you say? Wanna start our love story again?"
"Nik, it feels good to hear this. Thanks, but I need time."
The blond-haired man was very understanding when she confessed that she needed some time and he knew that he had to be patient and give it to her. He smiled at her with kindness and sincerity, but his smile also hid a sadness in him because of all the pain he had caused her.
"I don't want to rush anything, I know I have to win back your trust little by little, so just take the time you need. But, please, do me a favor... Just don't close me out, okay? I know right now we can't act like we used to, but lemme be here for you. Lemme help you. Lemme stay by your side, please."
Nik knew that she still had a lot of anger towards him, but he also hoped that in time, he could find a way to make her see that he was indeed a changed man.
"Hmmph, I try my best.", she muttered.
He tried not to show impatience, tried to be patient and to respect her decision. Patience and tolerance. She was also making an effort to at least stay calm and listen to him, which was also a good sign for him, even if she hadn't forgiven him yet.
"Thanks, Alex. All I ask you is to not give me your back. Lemme be here for you, that's all I want."
"But I can't live here with you just like that without any relationship, right?"
"I know... I don't expect you to trust me 100% in your present circumstances. That's why I'm telling you that we should take things slow and that you need time to regain your confidence. However, I do expect that you let me continue to help you."
"I know, but... But Nik, I don't want to bother you."
He chuckled and his response was honest and spontaneous as his natural personality returned at the sound of his humorous side coming back.
"Don't be silly, rook. How are you bothering me? Quite the opposite actually, I'd be bothered if you didn't let me help you..."
Nik's laughter felt heartwarming which made her smile a little. Though it was still quite small, he felt his heart skip a beat at her sweet smile and his affection for her grew even stronger. She was like a small kitten he wanted to cuddle and protect.
"See? Now, that's a cute smile more like the ones I like to see on your face...", he confessed which made her blush.
"Thanks", she whispered as her cheeks turned softly pink.
Nik and Alex's relationship has progressed over the past weeks, despite the slow pace they had, she let him stay near her and help her. She became more receptive to his help and she even showed some affection with her attitude, though sometimes she was still very distant and a little cold towards him. He knew that the break-up was very painful for her and she was still struggling with her anger, but he was determined to help her. Both would get through this difficult situation and still work hard to build something strong again.
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A few days later, Nik was in the kitchen helping her clean the dishes, as he had done with her these past few weeks. She looked a bit more comfortable and smiled a little bit more. However, she was still tad cold with him as she couldn't easily forgive him yet, but he was patient and tried his best to make her realize that this was all in the past and he was determined to win her affection and trust and heart again.
"Woah!!", she shouted as she was about to slip. Nik quickly rushed to catch her before falling. He pulled her close to him. Alex looked down at the fallen dishes from her hands and realized that he caught her just in time. She gazed at him with a surprised expression upon realizing he was there for him.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"Nik, I..."
He held her close to him and couldn't help but feel an increased affection increase as their eyes met each other's.
"Alex, are you feelin' weak again? It's okay, I'm here for you."
His tone was affectionate and protective, which could give a hint of his growing feelings for her. He could see that her condition improved a lot over the past few weeks, but she was still a little fragile. He held her close to him, feeling her body pressed against his and she didn't even protest about it. They stood there for a few seconds like this as if the time froze. He was still holding her with affection. She was in his arms and felt his gentle touch which felt comforting.
The physical proximity between the two brought them closer on an emotional and sentimental level, which was evident by the soft glances he gave her. His gaze spoke of affection, it gave a hint of an awakening feeling that was becoming more sincere and profound. They stayed like this for a few more moments. His arms were tightly wrapped around her and he was almost holding her close to himself. More affectionately than he should, although his intention was only to comfort her as much as possible.
"You can lean on me as long as you need. I have you..."
She looked at him with surprise and appreciation and she was finally able to feel this affection that he had been expressing towards her. A hint of emotion started to form in her eyes and she couldn't help but feel comfortable with his touch. Safe and protected next to him. Her heart beated faster with satisfaction and she couldn't resist the feeling of affection towards him that began to form within her. She leaned her head slightly against his shoulder and allowed herself to feel sheltered.
"Nik, I missed us."
Her words made him emotional. He missed the relationship they had before too, loved the bond they had and now he saw its spark reigniting.
"Me too... I missed us too... My rook."
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whumpetywhumpwhump · 5 days
High five for the intubation whump post! Bc saaaaaame
I have whumpee in an induced coma for several weeks due to polytrauma after a very bad accident. Waking them up is going badly bc they're fighting the tube sooo much but can't breathe by themselves yet and end up with a trach to ease the transition (cut to caretaker/lover gently kissing the scar many years later)
Oooh fighting the tube is so great. It's a super difficult balance to strike between weaning whumpee off the medications keeping them under, and preventing them from waking up enough to panic and tear out the tube.
personally I just love the image of a caretaker sat by whumpee's bedside, watching heartbroken as whumpee, still basically unconscious, weakly tries to reach up for the tube, not understanding what's going on. it doesn't take much for caretaker to stop them, because they're still heavily medicated, but it hurts to know they're uncomfortable.
"I know, sweetheart. I know. but you have to leave it in, okay? it's helping you breathe."
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faofinn · 1 year
DAY 10: difficulty breathing
When Fao’s phone rang in the middle of the night, he startled awake, fumbling for it in the dark. He’d been out for dinner that night, definitely wasn’t sober, but the adrenaline was already doing a pretty good job of fixing that. They didn’t give him much information over the phone, just that they’d got a GSW and their rough location, in code so they’d be safe if anyone else happened to be listening. They were too far out to get back to the basement, and Fao would need to meet them halfway to treat. 
He woke Ely, gave her a quick update, and pulled on some clothes, the first thing he found on the floor, his shirt and trousers from the evening. He didn’t have time to go looking for anything else, and bolted out of the house. There was kit in his car, and he knew there was kit in the van. He wasn’t sure what he’d need, but between both he’d probably have everything he needed. He sped through the streets to the meet location he’d been given, ditched his car somewhere safe, and scrambled into the van. 
“What am I doing? Talk to me.” He asked breathlessly. 
Harrison had become combative as he deteriorated, struggling between conscious and not. It scared the men, and they'd all taken a step back, too uncomfortable to help.
Fao was a welcome sight, his reputation preceding him. 
"Uh, Harrison got shot. He won't let us near him, so we haven't."
Fao’s heart sank. Of course it was Harrison. “Oh, good. Just him bleed out all over the van, then.” He snapped, quickly throwing his hair up into a bun. “I need proper light, one of you sort that.” His voice was cold, commanding, rolling his sleeves up and quickly looking Harrison over. It wasn’t hard to see where the blood was coming from, and he shifted his weight to brace himself as he grabbed gauze and put as much pressure on it as he dared. “You. Come here, take over the pressure.”
“I, uh, I…” 
“Shut up, I don’t want to hear it. Cover my hands with yours and hold the pressure until I say otherwise. Unless you want to start an IV? No? Didn’t think so.” He snapped, as the other man took over. He wiped his bloody hands off on his shirt, and shifted over slightly to Harrison’s arm, eyes looking critically for a vein as he rifled through the kit. 
The pain somehow got worse. Harrison wasn't sure how, but it did. He cried out through gritted teeth, trying to arch away. It took a moment to coordinate, but he started swinging, trying to get away. 
Fao ducked out of the way, catching Harrison’s fist and gently forcing his arm back down. “Harrison? It’s okay, you’re okay. It’s Fao, I’ve got you. Try and relax, you’re safe now. I’m helping, alright? Let me help.”
"He's going to hit me!"
“He’s half unconscious, try harder to dodge him.” Fao shot back. “I’m working as fast as I can.” He gritted his teeth as he tried desperately to get a vein, struggling with poor light and Harrison’s struggling. He got one eventually, shouting triumphantly. It wasn’t enough, and he wanted more access, but he could at least get some pain relief in, hopefully settle him. 
Harrison twisted as Fao shouted, whining as he tried to get away. His chest heaved as he struggled to get his breath, the feeling he was drowning all too much. 
“Sorry, sorry.” Fao soothed. “You’re okay, I’ve got you. It’s gonna be okay, Hars. Just focus on doing that breathing, let me to do the rest. Giving you something for the pain, now, gonna make it easier.” He told him, quickly checking the drug before he gave it. 
His shouts died down into cries, quiet whimpering softly to himself. The pain had started to ease slightly, making it easier to focus. It made breathing more difficult, though, and he couldn't stop the panic coursing through him. 
“You’re okay, that’s it. Well done, keep breathing for me.”
He turned his head, looking towards Fao's voice. "Help."
“I’m helping, I promise.”
"It hurts." He managed, finally managing to focus on him. 
“I know, I know. I’ve given you some painkillers, they’ll work soon.” 
"'m dying."
“No you’re not. Just focus on your breathing for me, let me sort the rest.”
"I am." 
“That’s it, good.” Fao reassured. There was so much blood, and he was really struggling to properly control it. The van went over a bump and jolted, and Fao tried to brace himself on his knees. “Fucking hell.”
Harrison whined, trying to pull away from the pain. It was everywhere, though, and there was nothing he could do.
“Well done, that’s it.” He soothed. “I’ve got you.” He stretched for his kit, rifling through to try and find what he needed. He needed a trained someone, anyone who he could trust. Not Harrison’s little team. 
Frustrated and tired, he started fighting against the other man. He got a solid elbow in their ribs, the relief of pressure against his side just bliss. 
“I know, I know.” Fao murmured, moving to try and pack the wound. 
He twisted again, curling away from Fao. His scream died on his tongue, his hands pushing against Fao's. 
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.” Fao muttered. He was happy enough with the packing, and moved to try and get a listen to Harrison’s chest. It was loud on the van, and he struggled to keep his balance as he listened, swearing to himself. 
Harrison could feel himself slipping, the ceiling of the van swimming in and out of focus. Even the pain couldn't keep him conscious, his head lolling.
Fao’s stomach twisted as Hars lost consciousness, but he was relieved in a way. At least he wasn’t in pain. He didn’t like what he was hearing at all from his chest, and dug in his kit to find what he needed for a chest drain. It certainly wouldn’t be perfect, but it would do. He didn’t even bother talking to the other men as he grabbed a scalpel, found his landmark, and made the cut. 
He definitely felt that, and he cried out again, but he wasn't with it any more. The men beside Fao retched, especially as blood quickly poured from the drain.
Fao rolled his eyes as the men retched. What he wouldn’t give for Steve or Finn or someone. Trying to manage this completely on his own wasn’t working. He took a set of obs as best he could, blood soaking his trousers and making them cling to him. The numbers he got back were more than a bit concerning, despite his interventions, and they weren’t getting any better. Fuck. 
Harrison coughed and choked, spots of blood on his lips. His resps were through the roof, his heart rate doing its best to compensate for his blood pressure circling, for his blood volume pooling on the floor. He managed to catch Fao's eye, and he met his gaze with panic and fear in his eyes. 
Fao locked eyes with Harrison. “I’ve got you, Tomcat. You’re gonna be okay.” He told him firmly. Things were just consistently getting worse, though, and Fao felt considerably out of control. He gave as much TXA as he felt he could, but it wasn’t close to enough to help the bleeding. 
“How far out are we?” He snapped, asking whoever cared to listen. 
"We've still got at least fifteen minutes."
“Fuck’s sake.” 
Hars could feel himself slipping again, missing parts of the conversation. He grabbed for Fao's top, his hand leaving more bloodied streaks across it. 
"I want Steve."
“We’re gonna be with him really soon, Hars.” Fao murmured. “He’s gonna be waiting for us at home.”
He shook his head. "I'm not gonna make it."
“As if I’m giving up on you. I’m gonna make sure you’re okay, alright? Hold on for me.”
He knew Fao was trying his best, and he’d continue to do nothing but. He trusted Fao with his life, and they unfortunately kept ending up in situations where it was tested. It didn’t take a genius to know he wasn’t okay, and the small bit or working brain he had left had worked out it probably wasn't going to end well. 
He forced his eyes open again, though he didn't remember closing them. "It's okay."
Fao’s repeat set of obs were no better. In fact, they were worse. He swallowed thickly, digging around in his pocket for his phone. He needed to talk to Steve, needed someone medical he could talk to, to reassure him he wasn’t completely out of his mind. 
He chucked it on the floor of the van on speaker as it rang, and he prayed he’d answer. 
"Fao, talk to me. I heard the call for medical."
“It’s Hars, and it’s bad. We’re still miles out, in the back of a shitty van, and all I have is my kit.”
Hars stirred again. "Steve?"
"Hey, Hars. You causing problems for Fao, eh?" He tried to sound light for him, but even he could hear the waver in his tone. He cleared his throat. "What's happened with him? Head to toe, obs, and what kit do you have?"
“GSW, it’s gone just under his vest, entry is the abdo but exit is further up into the chest. Haemothorax on the right. I’ve got a drain in but it’s putting out so much fucking blood. Pulse 138, BP 76/50, SpO2 94 on high flow, Resps sitting at 36, he's still not getting chest rise on the right. He's with it enough, but he's starting to pass out and stay out. I've given the TXA but it's just not stopping. The floor is covered, I'm covered. It’s my kit, it’s decent. Airway kit, ket, paralytics, TXA. I’m just out of my fucking depth here, nobody else knows a fucking thing and I feel like I’m going insane.”
Steve took a moment. Well, fuck. "Right. Take a breath. Reassess, keep going ABCs. You need to get on top of that bleeding. He's not going to be able to compensate forever. Have you got anything to give? Will they follow instructions?"
“I know he won’t compensate forever.” Fao snapped. “I’ve got saline but no blood. They’re fucking useless, hadn’t touched him at all when I showed up. Not even put pressure on.”
"Fucking hell. Okay. Fluid bolus, see if that helps his pressure at all. He's not going to hold his airway by himself if he goes, so just be careful."
Fao quickly set up the fluids, wiping his hands on his trousers as he struggled with the connectors. Fluids running, he forced himself to breathe. “Alright. Fluids in. I want to sort his airway before it becomes a problem.”
"If you're thinking RSI, you need to trust they can help." 
"Steve." Harrison interrupted again, apparently unaware of the conversation. 
“I don’t think I’m going to have a choice, Steve. I’m watching him deteriorate in front of me, and we’re still miles out.”
"You can see him, not me. Do what you think is best."
Unimpressed by Steve's lack of response, he shoved at Fao with a frustrated grunt. "Steve."
Fao huffed. “Thank you, Hars.” He muttered under his breath. “He’s very insistent that he wants you, Steve.”
"Hars, we're just trying to help you."
"No." He shook his head, though Steve couldn't see, and Fao wasn't sure he didn't realise that. 
“We are, I’m doing my best right now Hars. Focus on breathing like I said.” 
He sniffed, setting himself off coughing again. The pain exploded again, despite the morphine, and, once more, slipped under. 
God, it was just getting worse. He hated watching Harrison slip into unconsciousness again, powerless to stop it. 
"Fao, talk to me." Steve's tone was tense, and Fao could hear him pacing. 
“Unconscious again, I’m repeating obs.” Fao replied, his own tone similarly tense. 
"Come on, Hars. Don't do this." Steve murmured, wishing he was there with them. 
The blood pressure cycled, protesting at the numbers. It continued tightening, way into the two hundreds, and Harrison gave a whine. He tried to pull away from it, panicked. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Just give it a minute, I know it’s uncomfy.” Fao murmured, but it wasn’t a good sign. He knew full well it wasn’t high enough to need that kind of pressure - it was just struggling for a read full stop. 
Harrison, of course, didn't listen. He twisted away, an unintelligible shout in both pain and frustration. 
"Hars, listen to Fao. He's looking after you."
“It’s alright, it’s okay.” Fao tried vainly to soothe. But sure enough the blood pressure gave up, failing to get a read, and Fao’s stomach dropped. “Fluids haven’t done shit. It won’t even read, just cycles until it gives up.”
"You're going to have to give more, you can't RSI that low. Has he got a radial?"
It took Fao a moment. “No. Nothing.” 
"Give him fluids."
“I might as well just pour them on the fucking floor.” Fao muttered, but swapped the bag over to give more. 
"Just try."
“Yeah, they’re running.”
Harrison screwed his face up, managing to squint at Fao. He was sure he'd heard Steve too, but the huddle of men behind Fao were too small to be him. 
“That’s it Hars, you’re alright.” Fao said softly, half as reassurance for himself. 
"Where's Steve?" He slurred, more of a mumble than anything. 
“On the phone with me.” Fao replied. 
"Right here, Hars."
“Both of us are looking after you.”
“Don’t apologise.” Fao said firmly. 
Harrison lapsed back into silence, somewhere between conscious and not. As the blood pressure started again, he whined once more, but didn't pull away. 
Harrison’s blood was drying on his hands, as Fao waited for the machine to read, praying it would give him something. Just a number would be better than the endless cycling. 
Harrison's breath caught in his throat again, and his frown deepened. He knew Fao was looking after him, and Steve was there too, somewhere. He could see Fao leaning over him, doing things in slow motion. Which left Steve..
Fao’s stomach twisted, and the noise Steve made over the crackled phone line was less than dignified. 
“I’m right here, Hars. I’m right here, I’ve got you.” He replied, his voice wavering. “You’re going to be okay.”
He seemed to have a sudden rush of energy, though his observations were still terrible, and his prognosis even worse. 
"Thank you." He muttered softly.
Fao sucked in another deep breath, forcing himself to re-focus. He had to keep doing this. “Blood pressure is a little less shit. I’ve at least got a number.”
"That's good." Steve managed. 
Harrison reached for Fao’s hand, for a moment of comfort in his desperation. 
Fao squeezed his fingers. “I’ve got you.” He murmured. He laid out his airway kit with the other hand, leaving smears of blood all over it, though he didn’t notice. He needed the blood pressure up a bit more before he could fully RSI, but it never hurt to prepare. 
The squeeze managed to help, a tiny hint of a smile gracing Harrison's blood-splattered lips. He tried his best, his fingers twitching in Fao's before his eyes rolled. It didn’t take long for things to go south, as Hars took a breath and then stopped. 
“Fuck.” Fao muttered, snatching up his kit. He couldn’t put this off any longer now, he needed control of his airway. Unsure just how conscious he was, having watched him flick in and out, Fao chatted away to him as he sorted it, half to keep himself from losing it. “Alright Hars. That’s you finding your limit, hmm? It’s okay, I’ll take over from here. Got some meds to get you off to sleep now, so you can have a nap whilst I do the hard work.” He quickly pushed the ket, watching him carefully. There were men clustered around Harrison’s head, and Fao snapped at them to move, which they did. Happy with his sedation, he pushed his roc, bagged until he was happy with it, and snatched up his tube and laryngoscope. He was rusty with his intubations, of course, so what better time to practice than in a dark, moving van covered in blood? But Harrison, for all he made Fao’s life difficult, apparently wasn’t a difficult airway, and Fao got it first time. He shouted triumphantly, checked his placement, and then secured it. 
“Tube’s in, airway’s secure.”
Steve let out a shaky breath. "Good. Well done."
Fao couldn’t breathe for Harrison forever, not if he was going to continue to manage the bleeding. “Which one of you lot is the most competent here? Who’s not a complete idiot?” He asked. 
They were all quiet, slightly afraid of Harrison and definitely afraid of Fao. After a moment, one of them stepped forward.
"I can help. What do you need?"
Fao looked up. “Are you capable of breathing?” 
"For him?"
Fao huffed. “Essentially, yes. Every time you take a breath, I want you to squeeze this to breathe for him, too. Can you do that?” He asked, demonstrating. “I can’t sit here and do it, I’ve got other stuff to do.”
Panic flashed across his face. "Okay. Yeah." He swallowed, taking a moment. It was Harrison. He'd got him out of shit so many times before, it was only fair to return the favour. "I can do that."
“Just whenever you breathe, breathe for him too. Just got to think about breathing. Okay?”
"Okay." He moved to take Fao's place. "I can do that."
“Shout if you get stuck.” Fao murmured, and moved away, to carefully take yet another set of obs, praying they were better than before. 
Steve hated being so far away, so unable to do anything. "Fao, talk to me."
“I’m taking obs.” Fao shot back. “I’ll tell you stuff when I know it.”
"You just went silent. I need to know what's happening."
“I’m trying to concentrate!”
"Fine, hurry up."
“Going as fast as I can.” He muttered. For once, Harrison’s obs had trended slightly upwards, and Fao was glad of it. “A bit better. SpO2 has come up, as has his BP.”
"Good. The tube will be helping with his sats."
“Yeah, that’s why I did it.” Fao said flatly. 
"I just mean that he's not going to be resping at fifty or some shite."
"How's the bleeding doing?"
“Still fucking bleeding.”
"I've put a call out for more blood, you just need to get back."
“I’ll need the whole trauma setup.” Fao muttered, doing his best to manage the bleeding. “Can you go up and wake Ely? I’m going to need her.”
"Everyone's up. They're just sorting the basement out."
“Good.” Fao was relieved he had a team waiting for him. 
"If the second lot of fluids helped, you can give him another 500 bolus."
“It’s helped, but I don’t know for how much longer. I’ve got no pressors, and limited fluids.”
"You just need to get him back. If he's still got pressure, give it."
“Giving it now.” He muttered, trying to push his hair out of his face. 
"Give me a run down of his obs once you've done that."
He finally got it connected and running, discarding the spent bag. His ‘assistant’ was doing well ventilating, surprisingly, and so he quickly started on obs. He hated having to do this in such an old fashioned manner, he missed his hospital conveniences and continuous monitoring. 
But as he started, he just knew it was wrong, and when he didn’t find a pulse, his stomach twisted. “Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
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Butch Bea with thoughts around top surgery? (if it's not a consideration for her/them totally no worries) would be interesting to hear Bea deciding and/or confiding in Ava abt it - your writing of feelings is always so good tysm
[ok if ppl don't want this in the butch bea canon then that's fine BUT if ppl do... this is sweet. i love this prompt]
you've seen beatrice come out of surgery before, but this is different. her eyes flutter open reluctantly, although she'd already woken up for the nurses before they let you come back to the pacu. you're sure she'll be nauseous, because anesthesia always makes her feel sick, but when she finally manages to look at you steadily, she smiles.
'hi baby,' you say, and you're in the same kind of sterile hospital as you have been before, when things have been bad, and scary, or hard. but this — this — is so, so beautiful.
'hello ava,' beatrice says, her voice rough from being intubated, hilariously formal for being so obviously high.
'how you feeling?'
'pretty good.'
'a little sick to my stomach. but — everything went okay?'
you run a hand through her soft hair, kiss her forehead. 'it went really great.'
her smile breaks your heart a little: you know, now, more than anyone else in the world but her, how long she denied herself this peace.
'your surgeon said she'd be by soon, and you'll be able to see.' she leans into your hand with a sigh, and you rub your thumb along her cheekbone. 'you can rest while we wait for her.'
she's asleep almost immediately, her long lashes and her freckles and when she had brought top surgery up, months ago, with shaky hands, you had held her in your arms and held her jaw in your palm. 'there are very few things that could make me love you less,' you had told her. 'this will make me so proud of you, and so, so happy for you.' she had nodded and kissed you, salty, relieved tears down her cheeks. 'my only condition is that, if you feel like it, you wear shirts as rarely as possible at home. or out, i'm not opposed to that either.' and she had laughed and you're more sure, every single day, that the world isn't supposed to exist to harm or to hurt.
you hold her hand in yours, update your sisters and friends that bea is awake and fine and loopy, promise lilith that you'll send some good videos of her soon, and a few minutes later wake her when her surgeon knocks on the door.
'i can see?' she asks, excitement evident even through the fog of anesthesia, and you love her.
'we want to keep the padding and compression on for the most part,' her surgeon explains, but then she smiles. 'but yes, for a minute.'
bea nods and you help her sit up a little in bed. you're no stranger to surgical dressings and drains at this point, but you've always found them necessary at best, gross and painful at worst. but you watch beatrice get to look at the curved scars that span her chest, the bandages over her re-grafted nipples — you watch her entire face light up and her shoulders set and she grins and starts to cry. you look too, and she is so, so beautiful; you feel tears burn at your eyes too and then she looks at you and laughs.
her surgeon smiles too. 'your swelling well go down, and the drains will come out in about a week, hopefully.'
'it'll be even better?' she asks, disbelief and awe.
you squeeze the top of her hand, the deep reverence in her voice filling your whole body with unspeakable joy.
it takes a few weeks for her to be back on her feet, a few months until she gets to go surfing and to the dojo again. but you make sure she's comfortable and order all the food she wants; you wash her hair for her and empty her drains. you are no stranger to being cared for — by beatrice, with tenderness — and, when it's your turn, you realize, time and again, that there's love there that moves heaven and earth.
'ugh.' lilith rolls her eyes when bea walks out of the hall from your bedroom, joggers slung low on her hips, drying her hair. all of the swelling has gone down and her nipples have fully healed.
'hello, lilith,' bea says. 'so nice of you to drop in uninvited and then complain about brunch.'
'oh, i wasn't complaining about brunch. i like these pastries.' she waves the pistachio croissant she took off of your plate around for effect. 'i'm complaining because i feel like i'm going to have to see your abs for years now, all the time.'
'i'm so very sorry,' bea says, definitely not sorry at all. lilith has been in and out every few days to check up on bea, so it's all a very silly charade at this point.
'i am happy,' lilith says, taking a bite of the croissant and then continuing, her mouth full, just to bother bea, 'that you're doing so well. and feeling so happy in yourself.'
'thank you,' beatrice says, her strong back turned to you as she makes both of them tea very precisely. 'chew with your mouth closed, please.'
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medwhumpmay · 2 months
what is the difference between 'under anaesthesia' and 'sedated'?
Good question!
Of course all the prompts are up to your own interpretation of them, but when I was creating them I had this in mind:
'Under anesthesia' refers to the whumpee being anaesthetised for a surgery/any situation in which the medications they're on are so potent that they require breathing aids e.g intubation. (If we wanted to get technical, the term anesthesia describes the use of medicines to prevent pain/paralyse, hence why whumpee would be unable to breathe on their own- it literally paralyses their respiratory system).
'Sedated', on the other hand, refers to the use of sedative medications to knock the whumpee out, but not reduce pain/paralyse. Instead, they just make whumpee incredibly drowsy and calm. Think the way hospitals use certain medications to sedate somebody when they're trying to relocate a dislocated shoulder, for instance. The person isn't totally anaesthetised, but they're under the effect of drugs to keep them sleepy and calm.
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alwaysshallow · 6 months
A nursing specialty i would giv ti the 141 squad:
Soap: pediatrics!!!! This man is funny lol and cracks so much jokes with the kids. Literally will break dance when the child told him they wont take the meds until he does a tiktok dance
Gaz: labor and delivery. He doesnt do the tea, the tea comes to him. Patients love him, husbands hate him😂
Ghost: ICU. This man has the ability to care for the most critically ill patients but he needs them intubated sedated and restrained. Dont try to argue with him pls💀 if he tells you you are NPO you better not bother him for water/food. If not ICU i can see him “retire” into a PACU nurse.
Price: ED charge nurse. Can work under pressure but please get him out of there. Hes balding under his scrub cap🥲. Another nurse that would “retire” to the PACU unit.
oh facts!!
i had two.... hcs?? prompts? i don't know how to call it, but i mentioned price being a trauma surgeon; this reminded me of it ksjhfnj
no but like?? everything fits. and my HEART cherish at the thought that soap could make kids feel better and like...... parents would love him. bet.
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