#prompt clarification
sicktember · 13 days
In anticipation of the questions to come, we would like to go ahead and clarify the prompt ‘Pulling a Ferris Bueller’ for anyone who may not understand the reference. 
Pulling a Ferris Bueller is a pop culture reference born from the 1986 American teen comedy, Ferris Bueller's Day off.’ In the film, the titular character, Ferris Bueller, not for the first time, decides he wants to skip school. It’s a nice day and he’d like to go to Chicago with his best friend and girlfriend. He devises a complicated plan that starts with faking sick, after which he goes to great lengths to avoid being caught. These lengths include (but aren’t limited to) telling plenty of lies, creating an elaborate setup to make it appear he’s never left his bed, borrowing an expensive car and later rolling the odometer back, and hacking school records. This all becomes especially humorous as the school’s dean becomes increasingly desperate to prove that Ferris is continually absent despite the perfect attendance that had been recorded.  While out and about the trio hit several comical snags and engaged in a great deal of banter. During the film, Ferris often breaks the fourth wall to explain his choices and thought processes.
Basically, the saying, 'Pulling a Ferris Bueller' usually means faking sick to skip school/work for no reason other than to have a good time. As a trope, it tends to lean more heavily into the movie's plot and themes. You can use Either! ... or Neither!
Below, you'll find some resources to help you better understand the movie this prompt refers to. Or, you can swap this one out for one of the provided alternate prompts!
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Resources ⬇
Official Trailer [Youtube.com]
Short Clip or Ferris' Sneaky Setup [Youtube.com]
Extensive Summary [Gradesaver.com]
Wiki Page [Wikipedia.og]
Tropes within the Trope [allthetropes.org]
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flufftober · 9 months
Hello! Can you please explain I've got you w an example? Thanks ❤️
Hey there 😊
sure thing!
Imagine character A stumbling and character B catching them, telling them reflexively, "I've got you."
Imagine the preparations for a fight/battle scene and character A understandably being nervous about it, so character B reassures them that they're in this together, simply stating, "I've got you."
Imagine character A forgetting their wallet at home, so they can't pay for their coffee order - which leads character B to jump in and pay for them, telling them, "I've got you." Bam, meet-cute 🥰
As always, of course there are a million other ways to fill these prompts, but I hope these examples help and give you (and others) some ideas.
Thanks for the ask and happy creating 😊
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ghostbsuter · 28 days
"Quick!" A- a girl? Wraps their arm around Steph's own, dragging her close and shielding their own face. Their eyebrows are knitted together, they're biting their lip.
"Pretend we're out together please– there are some creepy people following me for some time."
Steph's eyes narrow, she scoots closer, practically glueing herself to the strangers side and smiling brightly.
"Gosh," she starts, then lowers her voice, "what should I call you?"
They fumble for a moment too long, and Steph takes a leap of faith.
The blond grins. "It's been so long since we met up again, isn't it, Beatrice!"
The stranger plays along, giggling behind their hand. "I'm sorry, you know I've been terribly busy," they raise an eyebrow at steph, asking for her name silently.
"Agnes," she whispers, and they repeat. "Agnes! My cats have been missing you too, you should come over more."
"I will, I will," Steph promises, peering behind her to watch out, and just like her new friend warned her, there were some weirdos in white lab coats and some in suits walking around, searching.
"Thank you." 'Beatrice' whispers as they walk around a building, leaving the place in the dust.
"No problem." Steph replies with a smile.
They separate once far enough, and 'beatrice' fiddles with something before handing it to her.
"My number," 'beatrice' explains at the bewildered look. "You're pretty cool, I thought– maybe you'd like to stay in contact?"
"Yes!" She jumps at the opportunity, taking the number with care and getting out her phone.
"My name is Danny, He/him." they speak in low tones, steph following right by their side as they continue.
"Steph, She/Her." She shoots him a quick wink before sending a text and hearing the sound of Danny's notification ping.
"I gotta go now. It was really nice to meet you, steph."
"A joy for me as well."
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please please emotionally steamroll your villain whumpees
humiliate them
parade them around town
take away whatever gives them power, permanently, and flaunt it
hurt them until they can't move and taunt them for not fighting back
turn them into a shadow of themselves. just completely break them down
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quartergremlin · 8 months
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I've got all my patreon content for the next two weeks out! if you're interested in that -> support me?
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omegajasontoddweek · 5 months
Hi everyone! Prompt voting for OJTW2024 is offically open, with a swagful of never before seen prompts! Get your votes in before 28th of January, and the final list for OJTW2024 will be released on the 29th.
See you then!
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crepuscular-haze · 1 month
Area Woman Pretty Sure All She Knows How To Do Is Listen, Repeat Back, Explain The Plots Of Movies She’s Never Seen, And Overspend The Currency Of A Happy Childhood
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nelkcats · 1 year
I feel like I need to say it? But majority of the things I write are going to stay as prompts, if you want to write a story, a fic, a continuation, feel free to do it! It's perfectly fine
If you want to ask something about some prompt I already wrote (scenario, what is happening, why, expand the universe, etc etc) just ask! I will answer! My box and Dm's are open
And if you write a fanfiction using some of this ideas tag me, I would want to read it, but rn I am only writing the Hood Assistant storyline (and have plans for Meta Babysitter for later, but I did not want to write both at the same time) so yeah, just that
Also, I am starting to ask to myself If I need a tag for my prompts but meh too much work
Have a good night! <3
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One thing that pisses me off every single time in fiction is when a straight guy is being confronted with the idea of whether or not another guy is attractive and they say some shit like…
WeLL i DonT rEAlLy kNow iF OTheR GUyS aRe atTrACtiVe
I aM StRAigHt aNd TherEFoRE inCApaBLe Of BeiNg AblE tO loOK aT AnoThER MaN anD SeE AnyTHinG GooD LOoKinG WhAtsoEVeR
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lavenoon · 2 years
Hi! :D Hope you slept well! I saw a call for prompts so here's mine! 20: Get away from me! in reverse AU because that whole dynamic with Sun currently has me in a grip and won't let go XD (Also, if we can send more than one then also 12 for canon AU. No simping reasons at all dfkjhgkhj)
Paint you a Picture, AU AU AU drabble, ~1.3K words
Looking back, Sun can hardly believe how far he's come from the rival regarded with suspicion. A glimpse into their happy ending, as far as they have an ending <3
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sicktember · 11 days
Hi! I was hoping for clarification on prompt 5 rouge organ! I was guessing it to be swelling/inflammation but I'm unsure
At first I thought it said Rouge organ and was super excited to try to write something like that. It's funny to imagine the organs gaining freewill and trying to escape
Thank you!
It appears that we have misspelled Rogue for Rouge. Because we are human, and autocorrect was utterly useless in this situation. 😬 We will get that fixed.
You've got a great idea going on there! Haha! We love it and it's right in line with what we actually meant!
But in case anyone needs a clarification on what a Rouge Rogue Organ is:
Several organs in the body are considered non-essential. If they become chronically inflamed or damaged they can be removed without causing major hardships on bodily function. We listed a few beside the prompt but there are others: Adnoids, appendix, gall bladder, reproductive organs, one kidney, part of the liver, the spleen, tonsils, and for a stretch- wisdom teeth.
There are other organs you can live without but they would require some medical intervention to replace their function. Like the colon or stomach.
When we chose the prompt Rouge Rogue Organ, what we had in mind was a sick character suffering illness, not because of germs but because one of their own organs had turned against them!
But, as always, feel free to stretch the prompt as far as you'd like! A fic from the Organ's POV sounds fantastic. Reminds us of the Awkward Yeti comics!
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flufftober · 10 months
Asks from the main post
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@furoruisa, it's a maze cut out of a cornfield and often created for fairs or special festivities. You can often see these in movies or TV shows, especially during the Halloween season. If you google it I'm sure you'll find some great examples, but just to give you an idea:
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source and source
Hope this helps 😊
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@jinxxlyricc (hope you'll see this, tumblr won't let me tag you) yes, absolutely - just make sure it fits any of our prompts and just post it on the 31st. It could even fit the prompt of that day - I mean, going out to do trick or treating is certainly a dream come true for most kids, right? 😉
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ladylynse · 1 year
prompt: rc9gn, Randy, Howard, Theresa and Debbie. "When did this happen?"
Not ship, just to be clear, platonic.
“When, uh, when did this happen?” Randy asked slowly, eyeing the stapled booklet in front of him proclaiming THE NINJA UNMASKED on its cover with as much suspicion as he had Debbie’s smug smile when she’d invited him to the whatever this was at McFlubbusters with Theresa and Howard.
Debbie steepled her fingers together before leaning in and whispering, “It hasn’t, but the Ninja doesn’t know that, which is what’s going to draw him out—and which, incidentally, is where you and Howard come in as his number one fans.”
Randy opened his mouth to protest that he was not going to help her unmask the Ninja when Howard, who was supposed to be his best bud, proved to be a traitorous shoob and said, “Yeah, sorry, I might’ve forgotten to tell you I agreed to help the moment Debbie said she’d spring for dessert for a week.”
see more fics | more RC9GN fics
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obsessedwithegos · 2 years
BTHB: Wiping the other’s tears away with Emil
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CWs: Emotional whump, Familial whump, Talk of reason for cutting off a family member in the past
Notes: Canon in the even further future! But hey! More comfort and recovery!
It’s been 7 months since Emil was fortunate enough to meet Jolene and start helping her with her work on the ranch and tonight she granted him to do egg delivery by himself to get him used to going out by himself before his first birthday since he’s escaped.
He was on his way to the last house of the night, looking at the piece of paper Jolene gave him to note the name and pronouns. ‘Adeline Melite, she/her’. 
Huh, she had the same first name as his sister. He wondered how she was doing as he walked up the steps and knocked on the front door. 
“Hello?” A voice calls out from behind the door, Emil assumed she was looking through the door’s peephole. 
“Hello! I’m Emil with your egg delivery! I’m covering for Miss Jolene for tonight!” He cheerfully greets. 
There was a pause. 
“Miss Melite?” He asks, wondering if she wanted him to leave the eggs at the door or not. 
The door slowly opened, revealing a woman with short brown hair. Her bangs covered an eye patch, her remaining brown eye with hints of gold stared at Emil, wide with shock. 
Despite the changes, Emil recognized her immediately. “Adeline?” His voice was soft, he couldn’t believe it. 
He couldn’t believe that he was seeing his little sister again. 
“Emil?” She whispered. She glanced around before opening the door further “Would.. You like to come in?” She asked. 
He nodded. Once she moved out of the way, he walked in and looked around. 
Adeline’s home looked comfortable and well kept, he recognized one of their dad’s decorative fans displayed on the wall behind the couch. 
She closed the door behind him before carefully taking the remaining cartons of eggs from him.
“I have so many questions, Adeline.” He says, unsure of where to start. 
“Can I ask one first?” She asked. 
“Of course.”
“When did you get turned into a vampire?”
Emil pauses, becoming painfully aware of the fangs in his mouth. “Almost 4 years ago. I was on my way back home late when I was attacked and turned.” he answered. 
There was an awkward silence.
“What.. What did I do to make you cut me off?” He finally asks the question that had been bothering him for 8 years.
Adeline gives her brother a sympathetic look. “You know how Evher doesn’t like vampires?” She asked. 
A nod “Unfortunately.” 
“I had already been turned when I found out that’s who you were becoming a priest for.” She explained. “I couldn’t handle staying in touch with you while you were worshiping them so passionately and spreading their word. I knew it would mess with me mentally. That’s why I cut contact with you.” She took a deep breath, it was a hard choice for her to make and one that still upset her. After all, she had cut him off for following his own passion and dream. 
“Excuse me, I.. I need a moment while I put these away.” She says before moving to go to her kitchen to put her new eggs away and to also grab the money to pay for them. 
She took another deep breath to collect herself before returning to the living room and to Emil. She held out the money “For the eggs.” She clarified. 
Emil accepted it, putting the money into the box Jolene provided to him to hold payments. “So.. Are you a lawyer?” He asks, recalling it as her dream job. 
Adeline’s attempt to stay collected fell apart. Not only did Emil feel guilty about her cutting him off, now he was also a vampire, but on top of all that he remembered that she wanted to be a lawyer ever since she was a kid. 
She nodded as she tried to fight back the tears. “Yeah. Yeah I am.” She answered with a smile “I’m specialized in defending people like us. Vampires, werewolves, the rare zombie.” She elaborated, essentially saying she protected those with potentially infectious curses.
Emil beamed at her, his heart swelled with joy and pride to hear how well his sister was doing. “I’m so glad to hear that. I’m so proud of you Adeline.” 
She couldn’t hold it back anymore, she lets the tears fall as she goes to tightly hug her brother. 
He tensed at the sudden touch but quickly relaxes, he sets the basket down and hugs her back.Tears of joy were quick to start forming and falling as it sets in just how real this is. 
The two hugged in silence for a while, both letting themselves cry.
“I’m so happy to see you again.” she whispered as she pulled back a bit to see his face. 
Emil reaches up to wipe away her tears “Hey, you should dry your eye before you corrode.” He jokes, recalling the same joke he used to make when they were younger and he was trying to cheer her up. It was a joke about how her name initials were originally AAA like the battery. 
Adeline laughed “And leave your face soaked?” She says as she mimics his movement to wipe his tears away as well. 
He smiled, “I’m glad to see you again too.” He hesitantly fully pulls away from Adeline. “I.. I should probably head back before Miss Jolene worries.” He said, picking up the basket again. He didn’t want to leave her so soon but he also didn’t want Jolene to worry.
She nods in understanding as she moves back to the door so she could open it for him. “Hey Emil?” she says to get his attention as he heads out.
He stops to look at her. “Yes?” 
She kept her smile. “Feel free to stop by any time. I’ll be sure to visit Jolene more often to see you.” She figured he didn’t have a phone as reception and internet at Jolene’s was pretty bad.
Emil’s face lit up once again. “I’ll be sure to do that. I’ll also look forward to your visits.” He says with a wide smile. “Have a good night, Adeline.” 
“Have a good night, Emil.”
With that, Adeline watches Emil walk down the steps and start to leave, only briefly pausing to wave goodbye. A gesture that she returned. 
Once she could no longer see him, she closed and locked her door with a happy sigh. Her night now massively improved.
General: @emmettnet​ @thebluejaysworld​
Kira story: @whumpsday​
BTHB: @badthingshappenbingo​
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dumplingsjinson · 10 months
If a man says just admit you like me, how did he come to this conclusion because i do have a crush but idk how he feels. He could also be joking right
He could be joking, he could be flirting, he could be hinting at something. Ask him if you’re unsure. Only he holds the answer you truly wanna hear.
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theticklishpear · 2 years
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NaNoWriMo - Day Fifteen:
Feeling stuck? Try this...
Some say the music that permeates the night every few years is good luck — that it comes from the stars, or the gods — and those who hear it are blessed. Grandmother says its from another world, slipping between planes like the creatures in the forests outside town. There are more of them after it.
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