#prompt 34: asking them for advice/help
lire-casander · 1 year
#34 asking them for advice/help
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asking them for advice/help original prompt list here
TK knows something’s up with Carlos. He’s always been able to pinpoint the changes in Carlos’ mood, and as time goes by and their relationship evolves and deepens, TK’s developed a sixth sense to notice when Carlos is feeling off. But sometimes, whatever irks Carlos just surprises TK.
Today is one of those days.
It’s not evident at first. Of course, when TK gets back home after a strenuous shift, he notices Carlos sitting a bit more tense than usual — TK pins it down to a bad shift as he kisses his fiancé on the cheek and moves to the bathroom to shower off the remnants of his own shift. When he’s back out, hair damp from the running hot water, wearing his comfiest sweatpants, Carlos is standing up in the middle of the space, holding a book in his hands and a pained expression on his face.
“Babe?” TK asks when he almost runs into him as Carlos moves toward him at the same time. “What’s—what’s wrong? What’s that book?”
“We need to talk, TK,” Carlos says slowly, placing the book on top of the table.
“That doesn’t sound reassuring, Carlos. What’s going on?”
Carlos takes his sweet time as he leads TK to sit down on the chair across the table as he sits on the other. He’s wearing a serious expression that’s making TK feel insecure and really worried all of a sudden.
“I’ve lied to you,” Carlos begins to say, voice pitching up by the last word.
“You’re scaring me. What have you lied to me about?”
Carlos pushes the book forward to TK, who reads the title on the cover and remains speechless.
“A textbook on criminology?” He laughs, almost hysterically. “What’s so wrong in the book that you’re so scared to tell me.”
“I, uh,” Carlos stutters. He doesn’t say anything for a moment; TK takes the chance to reach out and grab Carlos’ hand.
“It’s okay, Carlos. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
“Detective Washington lent me this book a few weeks ago,” Carlos explains. “She believes I have a detective's eye. And she—”
“—gave you the book because she wants you to take the detective exam,” TK finishes for Carlos. “That’s actually fantastic, babe!”
“Do you think?” Carlos sounds insecure as he speaks. “I just—I wanted to talk to you about the possibility of me taking that exam sometime. Hypothetically.”
“Hypothetically, hm.” TK smiles softly. “Are you asking me my opinion on you taking that exam?”
“Hypothetically,” TK emphasizes, “I’d think it’d be a great improvement for you.”
“I became a police officer to help my community,” Carlos tells him. “I have this feeling I’d be letting everyone down by moving higher up in the ranks.”
“You’d be helping people out, just in another capacity. I believe you can do it, Carlos. I believe in you.”
Carlos sniffles, and it’s then that TK realizes he’s been holding back tears. He stands up and ad he walks around the table to his fiancé. He squats down and leans in to hold him tight in his arms.
“I’ll always believe in you,” he promises.
“Even when the stress of the exam turns me into a bitchy crazy old man?”
“Especially then,” TK says laughing.
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thepromptswhisperer · 11 months
Partner X You, & Your Friends Prompts
1. “I know we have plans, but I haven’t seen my friends in forever.”
2. Your friend tells your partner an embarrassing/etc. story about you.
3. You find out that your partner kept a secret from you – one that their friend helped covering up.
4. Your friends are so.done. with hearing you gush about your partner.
5. Your partner cannot fathom how you’re still friends with your ex.
6. (You feel like) Your partner spends more time with their friends than they do with you.
7. “So I’ve heard. [Your partner/crush] hasn’t stopped talking about you since [your date/etc.].”
8. You realize that your partner treats their friends and strangers better than they do you.
9. Your friend and partner (seem to) become best friends.
10. You are attracted to/fall in love with your partner’s friend.
11. Your partner becomes a different person when they are around their/your friend(s).
12. “I don’t mind you guys hanging out here, but could you tone it down a little? (It’s late and I have work tomorrow.)”
13. You’ve been with your partner for months now, and they’ve never invited you to come along to meet their friends.
14. Your partner and your friend have an argument.
15. Your friends test your new partner.
16. Your partner has a set day each week/month/year on which they meet their friends. It’s important to them, so you always try to make it possible for them to attend.
17. “They’ll love you. I promise.”
18. You tell your friends that you’re together with your partner.
19. Your friend gives your new partner the whole ‘don’t hurt them’ speech.
20. Navigating the aftermath of your breakup is difficult, as you and your ex-partner share the same friend group.
21. You couldn’t have made a worse first impression on your partner’s friends. (You try to rectify it when you meet them again.)
22. Your friends encourage you to ask out [your crush].
23. When you arrive home after having spent time with your friends, your partner is right there, waiting for you and eager to hear the newest gossip.
24. “Be honest. What do you think of them?”
25. Your friend and partner have both complained to you about someone. You didn’t know they were talking about the other, and they didn’t know the ‘someone’ was an important person in your life. Now, however, you introduce your new partner to your friend.
26. You told your friend/partner a secret and made them promise to not tell anyone about it. Later, however, you find out that they told their partner/friend.
27. You don’t like your partner’s friends.
28. After an argument with your partner, your friends cheer you up/give you advice.
29. Your partner cheats on you with your/their friend.
30. “Go. Have fun. I’ll be fine.”
31. You overhear your partner’s friends give them a stern talking to after they upset you.
32. You find out that your partner and your friend dated/had sex/etc. before you met/got together with the former.
33. After your breakup, you thought you’d never hear from your ex-partner’s friends again. You were wrong.
34. Your friends seem to like your partner so that you start feeling jealous. (They were your friends first!)
35. Your friend seems to immediately not like your partner, leaving you to wonder why that is.
36. You try to convince your partner, who intends to spend the evening/etc. with their friends, to stay with you (and use unfair methods to achieve your goal).
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makeitastrength · 7 months
1, 7, 13, 17, 24, 34, 35 :)
1, 13, 34, 35
Answered previously!
7. How do you handle writer's block or moments of creative stagnation?
I always have multiple WIPs so the first thing I do when I get stuck on one of them is just move on to another and see if something sparks. Or I'll go look at the neverending list of prompts in my inbox that I have yet to fill. If none of that works and I'm honest to god stuck, to be honest, there's generally there's a lot of whining and frustration involved. But I've also learned over the years that if I'm that stuck it's probably because I'm overly exhausted or stressed. My brain writes best when it has the time and energy to just wander, and sometimes I need to just get a good nights sleep or deal with the non-writing things that are stressing me out, and then once I calm down I usually feel the words slowly start to come back to me.
17. What's the most memorable comment or review you've received on one of your fics?
I don't know if I can choose just one, but I really love when people quote their favorite lines back at me because I love to see what resonates. There was actually a line in the first chapter of my recent fic that I didn't really think much of it when I wrote it, and then like 6 people quoted it back to me in the comments and now I really love it and I'm really proud of it! So those comments all meant a lot to me!
(That being said, I absolutely appreciate every single comment!)
24. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing fanfiction?
Just start writing! Don't let the fear of not being perfect or of someone not liking what you write hold you back. We all start somewhere and it's always a little messy and we all learn along the way. But ultimately, you're writing for you because it's something you want to do, and that's what matters. And if you get stuck or you feel like you need some help or support, reach out to other writers. You can do it on anon if that's less scary. I can't speak for every fandom, obviously, but I know the writers in this fandom are a great group of people who would be so excited you asked and more than willing to give you some advice.
Thank you for the questions!
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
prompt number 34 “Stop denying it! You need sleep” could you make a drabble of this prompt about grandma kitty and grandpa red? maybe them helping donna and eric with baby leia?
love your drabbles!! 🥰🥰
Thank you, anon, and thanks for the ask! Hope you enjoy Gma Kitty and Gpa Red. Prompt Ask Game
Red pulled his car down the familiar street, and parked underneath a streetlamp. His eyes were peeled for the Toyota, and sure enough - there it was, parked just across from him. He rolled his eyes as he stepped from the car and made his way towards the building.
The front door to Eric and Donna's unit was unlocked, as it always was, despite his repeated advice to keep it locked. He pushed it open easily, mumbling, "What if I was a predator? Dumbass," under his breath.
The lights in the apartment were off except for a dimly lit lamp in the corner of the living room. Red moved past it, to the nursery. Sure enough, his wife sat in the gliding rocker, their five week old granddaughter fussing against her chest.
"Hush little baby, don't say a word," Kitty's singing voice was muted, murmuring, but still beautiful. "Grandma's gonna buy you a mockingbird."
Red leaned against the doorframe for a moment, hesitant to interrupt her.
"And if that mockingbird..." she wavered, like she'd forgotten the words to the next verse.
"Don't sing," Red cleared his voice and chimed in, his voice low and a bit uncertain. "Grandpa's gonna buy you a golden ring."
"Red." She turned around, and smiled at him like she'd won a million in the lottery.
He, however, had some concerns to raise.
"Kitty you're still watching Leia?" He frowned and glanced at his watch. "It's almost 10 o'clock."
"Donna has a night class," Kitty explained, around a yawn. "And Eric picked up a double shift tonight."
"So what time will they be - "
"Any minute now," she waved him off, unbothered. "Red, it's fine."
"Kitty, it's not fine."
"It's fine," she insisted, nodding to Leia, who had settled and was now dozing against her. "I'm spending quality time with my granddaughter."
He could see how happy she was - it shone from every feature. But his concern for her remained.
"You've spent every night here this week."
"Well, Leia needed me," Kitty cooed.
"Kitty, stop denying it!" Red rose his voice, just a little. "You're doing too much. You need sleep!"
Kitty looked surprised at his outburst, but then after a moment she looked sheepish.
"I suppose I - " she hesitated. "I am feeling a little tired." She gave her signature giggle, as if to prelude her vulnerability. "I was getting nervous about driving home on the freeway," she admitted to him.
Red nodded. "I'll drive you," he said, comfortingly. "We can come back for the Toyota tomorrow morning."
"Oh, Red," she sighed. A long glance between them said everything.
After a moment, he clapped his hands together. "Now, hand over the baby," he instructed, reaching for Leia. "Why don't you go lay down until Donna gets home, hmm?" He grinned at the warm little pink bundle still nodding off in his wife's arms. "It's Grandpa-time, now."
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pansexualbitch12 · 2 years
Here is a prompt list sfw style
1. resting your head gently on their shoulder
2. them running their fingers through your hair
3. constant physical touch to feel safe
4. being an expert in teasing the other
5. seeking eye contact
6. understanding each other without words
7. recognizing the sound of their steps
8. moulding perfectly into each other's arms
9. knowing their answer before they say anything
10. kisses on the cheek when they leave the room
11. arguing about minor disagreements
12. having a fight with just looks
13. being annoyed by the tiniest things
14. being unable to be mad for a long time
15. feeling more at ease when the other is by their side
16. always talking about their s/o in front of others
17. watching their oblivious s/o lovingly so they can try to fulfil their wishes
18. holding hands when sitting next to each other
19. brushing through the other's hair while talking
20. trying to make them laugh
21. absurd terms of endearment
22. developing own terms for everything
23. cancelling their schedule just to spend time with them
24. sharing tasks
25. letting out their anger in front of them
26. feeding each other their food
27. making a mental list of everything that happened over the day that they want to share with them
28. kissing to make them stop talking
29. gifts as an apology
30. doing something silly to cheer them up
31. accepting & living with their quirks
32. always pointing out certain annoying behaviour
33. adopting some of their manners
34. knowing where they're most ticklish
35. asking them for advice/help
36. 'your problem is my problem'
37. feeling bad when the other is having a hard time
38. kissing them goodbye in the morning
39. craving their company after a stressful day
40. snuggling up to them at night
Here some nsfw prompts:
1. "Let me see those eyes."
2. "Open your mouth for me."
3. "Please kiss me."
4. "Use your words."
5. "Tell me what you want."
6. "You look so good beneath me."
7. "You can take it."
8. "I can take it.»
9. "You take me so well."
10. "Spread your legs wider."
11. "Louder. Let me hear you."
12. "Keep your eyes on me."
13. "Touch yourself."
14. "Do you want my fingers?"
15. "I can't get enough of you."
16. "You taste so good."
17. "Hands behind your back."
18. "Swallow.»
19. "You are doing so well."
20. "Breathe through your nose."
21. "Don't hold back."
22. "Show me how much you need me."
23. "Say my name."
24. "You can do better than that."
25. "Does that feel good?"
26. "I want you to ruin me."
27. "Do you think you deserve this?"
28. "I want to have my way with you."
29. "Touch me there. Right there."
30. "I will never get enough of you."
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Emergency Locksmith Services: When You Need Them and Why
Emergency Locksmith Services: When You Need Them and Why https://www.cobbparkwaylocksmith.com/emergency-locksmith-services-when-you-need-them-and-why-34/ Emergency Locksmith Services: When You Need Them and Why Have you ever been locked out of your car or home and you have no way of getting in? Does the thought of calling an emergency locksmith fill you with dread? You don’t have to worry any longer – emergency locksmith services are available 24/7 to provide you with the help you need. If you find yourself in a situation where you are locked out or need a lock replaced quickly, an emergency locksmith can get the job done for you. Emergency locksmith services provide fast, reliable, and professional assistance when you need it most. They are often available around-the-clock and can typically be there within an hour or less. Not all locksmiths offer emergency services, so it’s important to research and find a reliable company offering this type of service. Ask around for referrals from friends or family who have had good experiences with emergency locksmiths in the past. Be sure to double-check the company’s background and see what kind of customer feedback they have received. When it comes to emergency locksmith services, there are a number of reasons why you may need one. The most common situation is when you have locked yourself out of your home, car, or office and you need help getting back in. Other instances include if you’ve lost or had your keys stolen, you need to have the locks of your property replaced for security reasons, or if you want to upgrade your locks for enhanced safety. No matter what your particular needs are, an emergency locksmith can provide prompt and reliable service. These specialists can provide you with new locks or rekey the existing ones to ensure your safety and security. They can also provide advice or assistance with choosing the right locks for your property. When you need emergency locksmith services, be sure to call a trustworthy and reliable company. Don’t take chances with you or your family’s safety. Call a professional lock specialist who can be trusted to do the job right the first time and ensure your security. The post Emergency Locksmith Services: When You Need Them and Why appeared first on Cobbparkway Locksmith . via Cobbparkway Locksmith https://www.cobbparkwaylocksmith.com/
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goldinkpen · 3 years
Writer’s Paradise Masterlist
As a Writer it’s my goal to help and uplift other writers and future Authors alike so here’s a Masterlist of resources I’ve compiled for you to use for your writing!
If you know any sites or have any recommendations for me to add, my asks/submissions are open!!
I’ll update these as I further my journey & research into becoming an Author one day, please reblog this to help your fellow writers!
Organization, Advice, and Research
Hiveword - A website with multiple writing resources available such as planning, index cards, articles with advice, name and character generators, and research capabilities. The free account offers the essentials such as scenes, characters, and plotlines.
Storyteller’s Roadmap - A website that helps you plan, write, and revise a story thoroughly. It including guides to write specific descriptions along with a thesaurus, templates and worksheets, an Idea Generator and more.
Helping Writers become Authors - A website in a blog style format with multiple articles and resources including writing mistakes, novel outlining, story structures, as well as character arcs and many more.
UK resources for writers - A website with resources for learning how to write with free and paid courses, writing opportunities, and more for writers in the UK.
Creative Writers Academy - A website with free classes guiding a step by step through the publication process.
Reedsy - A blog style website that includes Articles about publication and centered around learning how to publish a book with many tools and generators for writing.
Poets and Writers - A website for Writers and poets with resources like publishing your writing, finding your community and more.
Research Links for Writers - An HTML site with multiple links and resources for writers spanning upon multiple genres, subject matters, and history.
The internet public library - A website encyclopedia for essays and academic papers.
Writing realistic Injuries - A website with a list of different types of injuries and how to write them out including, impacts, and the effects of them.
RanGen - A website for writers with writing challenges, resources, and generators for things like personalities, characters, poisons, writing prompts, etc.
Ivy Tech Library - A library database website with a lot of resources for research including folklore and by region.
How to write a story by Creativepromptsforwriting on Tumblr - A different Masterlist with many more resources about writing, staying motivated, certain plots, etc.
Self Publishing
A step-by-step Video about Self Publishing - A video by Gilliain Perkins explaining her process of how she self published her Best Seller Novel.
How to format your book yourself through word - A video by Natalia Leigh with a step-by-step process on how she formats her manuscript. Her video covers: Page Size, Margins, Line spacing, Indentation, Chapter Styles, Page Numbers, and Headers.
Strategies for Marketing your book - A video made by iWriterly she explains 34 different strategies that can be used to market a book (while marketing her book lol!) and includes a downloadable checklist of these strategies
Masterclass How to copyright a book in 7 steps - An article guiding step by step how to properly copyright a self published book.
Fiverr - A freelancing website where you can find someone to make your illustrations, covers, and even get editors as well as someone to voice or make an audiobook for you.
Up Work - A freelancing website  where you can find someone to make your illustrations, covers, and even get editors as well as someone to voice or make an audiobook for you.
Beta Books - A website for Beta Readers can read your book and return their feedback. It lets you sort and filter your feedback by reader, chapter, or keyword, to get your book done.
Docucopies - A printing service website with a short guide about self publishing, buying copyright, and ISBN references and sites, all while including printing services (10% off of orders over 350$)
The Book Patch - A book printing service which includes Print-On-Demand services or cheap printing services allowing for smaller quantities. The Book Patch does not offer expensive publishing package, and keeps book publishing costs to a minimum.
Affordable Book Printing - A website with book publishing services including printing books but also formatting e-books, Cover Design, as well as Marketing and more
Generators & AUs
Random AU Generator - A website that generates AUs randomly.
Fantasy Name/Realm Generator - A website that generates random fantasy names.
Random Name Generator - A website that generates random names based on the options chosen with the ability to choose by region and gender.
Service Scape Writing Prompt Generator - A website that generates in depth writing prompts as chosen by the genre selected.
Writing Plot Generator - A website that generates plots based upon your selections of genre, title, etc.
Art Breeder - A website that can use a series of images to generate photos or the perfect character for your story.
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wonpilsonefeel · 3 years
Here’s a prompt list for request.
Ask for a minimum of one number (can be more) and pairing. Also add if you want it to be angst, smut or fluff.
I didn’t come up with these prompts.
1. "How long have you been staring at that screen?"
2. "Do you really want to test me?"
3. "How did I end up watching this?"
4. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just worried someone is going to take you away from me.”
5. “I just want to hug you and never let go.”
6. “You’re an adult! Act like it!”
7. “Did you seriously patch up a stab wound with scotch tape?”
9. ���Are you stuck?”
10. “Man, you sure got knocked around a lot today.”
11. “Just the idea of anything happening to you makes me feel physically sick.”
12. A miscommunication leads to everyone being told Person A is dead, and Person B does not handle it well. When Person A shows up completely fine, Person B is overjoyed. 
13. “It shouldn’t be physically possible for me to love you this much.”
14. “What would you do if I died?” “Can we not talk about this?”
15. “They’re too good for you.”
16. “You look so cute in pajamas
17. “You’re my favorite person ever.”
18. “I love you so much I don’t know what to do.”
19. “You need to be more careful!”
20. “Why are we on the roof?”
21. “I know it’s wrong, but I love you.”
22. Why are you like this?”
23. I can handle myself. You don’t need to protect me.”
24. I miss you.” 
25. You are not fine, you’re bleeding!”
26. Look, I really screwed up and I need advice.”
27. I hope you’re here to apologize.” “Is there something you want to tell me?”
28. You are sick, therefore I am going to take care of you. End of discussion.
29. I’m fine. It was just a nightmare. You don’t need to worry.”
30. I just want to cuddle.”
31. Every day I get to spend with you is the best day.”
32. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
33. “You have the most amazing smile.”
34. “You’re just not intimidating. Sorry.”
35. “Stop whacking me with that stupid rubber chicken!”
36. “Stop kicking me under the table!”
37. “What are you, five?”
38. “I heard a loud sound. Are you okay?”
39. “Why are you wearing my shirt?”
40. “How on Earth did you get so muddy?”
41. “Close your eyes. Don’t peek.”
42. “You know, it’s hard to stay upset when I’m holding you this close.”
43. Person A spends the entire day throwing things at Person B, just for fun.
44. Person A keeps stealing Person B’s snacks.
45. You should really get some sleep.”
46. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
47. I hate children. They’re the worst.”
48. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
49. I wish you’d stop saying that.”
50. Person A tries (and fails) to convince everyone they aren’t in love with person B. 
51. I’m having a long day, okay?” 
52. Stop treating me like a child!”
53. I hate it when you rhyme my name with things.”
55. Small kisses littered across the other’s face.
56. A small, fleeting kiss - which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss.
57. A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond.
58. An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
59. Throwing their arms around the other person’s neck, hugging them close before kissing them passionately on the lips.
60. Wild, breathless kisses brought on by a heartfelt gift.
61. French kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorize them.
62. Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand.
63. A kiss that lasts so long, they are sharing each other’s breaths.
64. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
65. Morning kisses that are exchanged before either person opens their eyes, kissing blindly until their lips meet in a blissful encounter.
66. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
67. Butterfly kisses against the other’s cheeks.
68. A kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished.
69. A fierce kiss that ends with a bite on the lip, soothing it with a lick.
70. One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
71. Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
72. Teasing kisses where one person blows air into the other’s mouth and runs away.
73. One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.
74. Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
75. A chaste kiss given to each other because they are in mixed company.
76. A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party.
77. A kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating.
78. Deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other’s hair to pull them closer.
79. Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain.
80. Brushing a kiss along the shell of the other person’s ear.
81. Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap.
82. One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.
83. Staring at each other’s lips for a moment before moving closer, as if drawn together by some unseen force.
84. Weak, sweaty kisses because it’s unbearably hot.
85. Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other’s lips.
86. A kiss so passionate, so perfect - that after they part, neither person can open their eyes for a few moments afterwards.
87. An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
88. Kisses that start on their fingers and run up their arm, eventually ending on their lips.
89. An awkward kiss given after a first date.
90. Starting with bunny kisses before moving on to soft kisses.
91. Cleaning the other person’s lips with a lick and a kiss.
92. Whispering “I love you” before a chaste, delicate kiss.
93. Kissing tears from the other’s face.
94. A gentle kiss that quickly descends into passion, with little regard for what’s going on around them.
95. Kisses shared under an umbrella.
96. Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead.
97. A kiss pressed to the top of the head.
98. Tentative kisses given in the dark.
99. Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
100. A lingering kiss before a long trip apart.
101. A kiss paired with a tight hug, knocking the breath out of the person being hugged.
102. One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s.
103. Short and sweet kiss after meeting up for a date.
104. A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck.
106. Little one jumping in puddles wearing rain boots.
107. Shopping for nursery furniture for little one.
108. Holding the little one for the first time.
109. Being immensely proud when little one takes their first steps alone.
110. Little one’s first reaction to seeing/feeling snow.
111. Singing nursery rhymes to get little one to sleep.
112. Finger painting with little one.
113. Little one getting food all over their face.
114. Going on a walk together with little one.
115. Little one coming to sleep with you after having a bad dream.
116. Picking out little one’s first Halloween costume.
117. Little one’s first birthday.
118. Keeping little one from trying to eat crayons.
119. Little one’s first trip to the zoo or aquarium.
120. Showing little one a lightning bug for the first time.
121. Little one sticking their toes in their mouth.
122. Little one pulling on your hair with surprising strength.
123. Helping little one go down a slide at the park.
124. Little one needing an emergency bath.
125. Tickling little one’s chubby thighs until they laugh.
126. Singing songs and rocking little one to sleep.
127. Reading a book with little one on your lap.
128. Having to show little one that the food tastes good by having some too.
129. Playing airplane/train to get little one to open their mouth and take a bite of food.
130. Little one chasing after bubbles to pop them.
131. Playing peek-a-boo with little one.
132. Little one snuggling with a stuffed animal.
133. Playing “This Little Piggy” on little one’s toes.
134. Having little one help mix cookie dough.
135. Little one eating a slice of fruit and getting juice all down their chin.
136. Kissing little one where they got hurt to make the pain go away.
137. Little one stripping their clothes and running around in their diaper.
138. Waking up to little one crying out in their sleep.
139. Little one biting everything they can stick in their mouth as they teethe.
140. Little one sticking pretzel sticks up their nose.
141. Little one leaving sticky fingerprints on everything they touch.
142. Having little one help flip pancakes.
143. Giving little one a raspberry on their tummy after changing their diaper.
144. Watching little one go in and out of the kiddie pool.
145. Little one pointing out colors and shapes that they recognize.
146. Having little one wear their first formal wear.
147. Little one drifting off to sleep with a smile on their face.
148. Little one settling down after you finally figure out what they need.
149. Choosing little one’s name together.
150. Watching little one attempt to blow the seeds off a dandelion.
151. Little one getting in a laughing kick where everything is funny.
152. The first time little one picks their own outfit.
153. Little one chasing down the pet to rest their head on them and hold them tight.
154. Being unable to stay mad at little one when they give you puppy dog eyes.
155. Little one playing dress up with a grown-up set of shoes.
157. Holding their hands when they are shaking.
158. Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.
159. Traveling long distances just to see them.
160. Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
161. Giving them a kiss before going to work and they are still in bed.
162. Tucking your head into their neck during a hug.
163. Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
164. Buying them something unrequested because it made you think of them.
165. Participating in their hobby even if it doesn’t personally interest you.
166. Sitting in comfortable silence while eating a meal.
167. Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile.
168. Following their family traditions that they enjoy.
169. Playing your fingers through their hair while sitting next to them on the couch.
170. Singing and dancing to their favorite song.
171. Calming them down when they have a bad dream.
172. Having a tickle fight until you’re breathless.
173. Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.
174. Sharing a soft smile across a crowded room.
175. Bringing them a plate of their favorite sliced fruit.
176. Washing their back/hair in the shower.
177. Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
178. Listening to them while they vent.
179. Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
180. Tracing your names together in the sand.
181. Wearing clothes in their favorite color.
182. Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
183. Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
184. Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
185. Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
186. Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
187. Pulling a chair out for them to sit down at the table.
188. Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show.
189. Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold.
190. Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped.
191. Running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they’re craving.
192. Helping brush their hair after a shower.
193. Making sure to be quiet while they’re taking a nap.
194. Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
195. Giving them your dessert when you eat out because it’s their favorite.
196. Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.
197. Giving them space when they express wanting to have some time alone.
198. Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn’t a crowd.
199. Holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them.
200. Standing between them and a busy road.
201. Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.
202. Giving them a back massage when they flop on the couch or bed.
203. Staying up half the night to finish a game with them.
204. Getting them a coffee just the way they like it.
205. Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
206. Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.
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wndrcarol · 3 years
fluff list 34.“i just wanted to make you laugh.” with nat? something about that deadly spy trying really hard to make you happy is melting me skfkakfjajd and also hi love! - 🧉
hi hun! I hope you’re doing well <3
prompt: 34. “I just wanted to make you laugh”
warnings: nothing but fluff!
a/n: blurb requests are closed!
“Hey (Y/N)” Natasha said, sitting down next to you as you looked up quickly to mumble a ‘hi’ before turning back to your book. Natasha had made it her goal today to at least get a smile or laugh out of you. She always enjoyed seeing you smile and she wouldn’t admit it but she would slightly swoon when she’d hear your laugh.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like Natasha, you were just a bit intimidated by her. Her confidence scared you slightly and you couldn’t help but envy her slight mysterious persona while comparing it to your open one.
“What are you reading?” Natasha asked as you showed her the cover before looking at it.
“It’s about the moon landings and everything surrounding them. It’s a pretty interesting read” you said, turning back to your book. You wanted to look at her but you also were a bit scared to.
“You wanna hear a joke?” Natasha asked as you finally looked up at her with a serious tone. She had looked up random dad jokes earlier that day (per Wanda’s advice since she said you love them) and this was the perfect time to say it.
“How does the moon cut it’s hair?” Natasha asked as you looked away confused, trying to think of the answer before Natasha smiled at you.
“Eclipse it” Natasha said, chuckling to herself as you turned back to her, a confused look still on her face as the joke registered in your mind. Natasha felt a bit embarrassed for even saying the joke out loud.
“I thought you liked dad jokes” Natasha pouted softly before looking down. “I just wanted to make you laugh”
You stared at her before a smile broke out on your face and a chuckle fell from your lips. Natasha’s mood instantly changed as she looked up at you slightly shocked.
“I do love them, I’m just messing with you” you laughed as she chuckled along, inwardly cheering herself on. “That was good” you continued as you both then got into deep conversation about other things. Wanda watched from the kitchen, mentally patting herself on the back for telling Nat about the dad jokes.
feedback is appreciated!
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immnemosine · 3 years
One-Sentence Prompt #6
1. "Aren't we all a little bit crazy?"
2. "Really? Really? Do you really think I am afraid of you?"
3. "Boy, what a damn fall that one is. We're fucked!"
4. "Could you, please, please, try to keep your bag shut?"
5. "And when you discovered you had magic you didn't even think of telling us?"
6. "No. You are wrong. This is who I am."
7. "Alright, you goddamn spinach, you got yourself into a fight!"
8. "Aren't you tired of going apeshit? Don't you just want to relax and hear the sounds of the forest?"
9. "Sir, let me tell you a thing. You people are goddamn crazy."
10. "Everybody is crazy here. This a fucking psychiatric hospital, what did you want?"
11. "I think that the reason why I like it here so much is that, at least here, I can be myself."
12. "My family, you see, they are all crazy. But not crazy crazy, they are conventionally crazy, but not me. I am crazy crazy and, well, that makes me a freak in that place."
13. "Tell me, dear, what's your greatest desire?"
14. "You look like the type of men that would adopt a kid out of instinct, but would go to those parental advices group to learn how to raise said kid."
15. "Kid you not, I really thought that this was going to work."
16. "So, you are not killing me? At least not today? Great! I really need to get my PhD so I can shove it on my Uncle's face."
17. "You are my professor, right, sir? And you see me almost every single day in class, right? So, do you really think I care that you are a villain? Do you?"
18. "Really, why the hell did you choose this job? I'm sure as hell that being a mob boss is a lot less stressful than being a teacher. And a lot less work too."
19. "Dude, why the hell would any of us ever tell who you are to the police? You are the only neighbour that, unironically, we feel safe with. We would be fucked if we ever have to be babysit by Ms. Johnson ever again."
20. "I'm a teenager, mister. If I wasn't chill, I would have gone crazy a long time ago."
21. "I really love you guys, but fuck me if I don't hate you guys right now."
22. "There will always be this missing piece on your being and you only learn how to live with it in there. But you do live, wanting it or not."
23. "You are not broken, sweetie, you are simply too awesome for this world."
24. "Once my mother told me that every time you went to our house, you would ask if I did love you. And I did, I did. I do, but my type of love is the type that would bury you if it ever landed on your shoulders."
25. "Are you high? Because you look high."
26. "Yes, I am selfish. Yes, I am broken. Yes, I am cruel. I am all the things they might have said to you, but I never, for once, thought of hurting you in any way. Never."
27. "There's no thing such as good deeds in the world."
28. "Already! Enough! If this is how it has to be, then let it be!"
29. "You can call yourself a man, but I guarantee you that I am a goddess."
30. "Sweetheart, sometimes the Devil is the loudest one in the choir."
31. "Who made you feel like a burden? Tell me, please."
32. "Listen, he may be my older brother but it was that "idiot" that raised me when my mother died and my father was so drunk that he couldn't even stand. So, I don't want to know if you think that he is so evil and cruel! He is my family!"
33. "Oh, you think you are so almighty, don't you? Well, newflash asshole! You are not a god!"
34. "You are my baby, you see, you will always be my little baby."
35. "How many times I have to tell you that no matter how old you are, I can always ground you!"
36. "Listen here, you fuckin' bitch, move."
37. "What's wrong with you? Why are you like this?"
38. "Listen, baby girl, in this house is either to move or to be moved."
39. "Ahhhhhh! (S/N), help me! She is biting me!"
40. "Ohh, you punches him in the face? Right in the middle of the face? Ohhh, girl, I sure am getting you pizza tonight."
41. "I don't care you are a boy. You could be a girl, a horse or an alien, I'm still your legal guardian and you shouldn't have punched him in his junk, ok? No, even if you were justified."
42. "I'm fuckin' tired, aye? Fuckin' tired. Go to fuckin' hell, I am leavin'."
43. "Guess what? I don't care. Gather up your things and leave, I am retired."
44. "You know? I used to think that there was a big, big world out there. That it was full of wonders and life, new discoveries and joy. But, really, the more time I passed out there, the more I thought about the small things in a home. The way the light goes in by the window and reveal the world outside without letting it touch you. Sincerely... I miss my home."
45. "There's something in your smile that just makes me so relieved."
46. "You asked once what I loved in you and didn't answered back then. I will do it now. It's everything. I love everything about you, from your laugh to your anger, your sadness to your giddiness, I love everything about you."
47. "She was precious to me, yes. I raised her, after all. How could she not be precious to me?"
48. "He may not have been my biological father, but in all means of the word, he was. And you can not take that from him."
49. "We are family. No matter what happens, I love you. I love you, I love you and I love you. Now words taken back."
50. "Yeah, they may be a little bit of assholes and as mad as a hatter, but hey, they are still my family and I still love them with my full heart."
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For the dialogue prompts, #34 "You misunderstood everything" (from this list). Dramione please!!
This one ended up longer than I’d imagined, but I had a lot of fun with it!
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This new friendship between Harry and Draco was...not what Hermione had expected, admittedly, but she was happy that they’d been able to bury the hatchet after all these years.  At least, she’d been happy until she got home earlier than usual one day, and, before announcing her presence to the house, had caught a snippet of the end of one of their conversations.
“She’s my best mate,” Harry was saying sternly, while Hermione shrugged out of her coat and slung it over one hook of the coat rack by the front door.  She could vaguely hear the crackle of the fireplace from where she stood in the foyer, which meant that they’d likely been talking for a while.  “You’d best figure out the right way to do this, Malfoy, or...”
“D’you think I’ve not worried over that for ages, Potter?” Draco returned, and for a moment she saw in her mind’s eye the petulant boy of 16 that Harry had repeatedly accused of being a Death Eater.  “I know I need to do this right...I can’t just...simply have her as a girlfriend anymore.”
She froze, hand still floating above the hat she’d just placed at the top of the coat rack.  Couldn’t...have her as a girlfriend anymore?  They’d only just moved in a few months prior.  He’d only told her last night, with what she’d thought was unconditional affection in his eyes, how he loved her.
They’d only made love this morning for ages before she headed off to work, a little punch-drunk from how he’d teased her on the edge of oblivion before finally allowing her to collapse with him inside her, that devilish smile on his lips.
Was it meant to be a parting gift, then?  One good fuck before he tossed her out, left her to her own devices?  How long had he been acting at loving her?  How long had he wanted to leave?
She slipped back into her coat and hat, slammed the front door behind her so they’d both be guaranteed to hear it, and Apparated the moment her foot hit the cobblestone outside their house.
Draco found her at the Leaky Cauldron with the sleeve of her blouse slipping down her shoulder, laughing too loud at a joke made by an older witch at her side, who seemed to be in a similar state.  Everything about Hermione seemed to be out of place, her long curly hair coming loose of the tight plait she’d tied it into, one of her shoes almost bobbing off her socked foot while she bounced it aloft from the barstool.
He’d been looking for her since the whamming of the front door had ended his conversation with Harry, and for a fleeting moment he’d panicked that she was onto his plan, and merely didn’t want him anymore.
But if she didn’t want him anymore, they should probably talk about it like adults, shouldn’t they?  Instead of running from each other like teenagers?
“Hermione,” he said firmly, placing a hand on her shoulder.  “It’s time to come home.”
She whirled around on him, he could smell the brandywine on her breath.  “Home, Draco?  You made it...rather clear this afternoon...I haven’t got a home to come to, now, have I?”
What?  “Hermione,” he repeated, allowing a sliver of pleading to filter into his voice this time.  “You’ve got a home - our home - as long as you want it, but if you’re not interested, I think that’s something we should at least talk about in private...”
She turned her eyes away from him in disgust, dropped a handful of assorted coins on the counter, which Tom the bartender hastily pocketed, and grabbed a hold of his arm, screwing her eyes shut.
“No.”  He tilted her chin upward so she’d fix her gaze on him.  “You’re drunk.  You shouldn’t be Apparating.  I’ll call us the Knight Bus home.”
The ride back to their townhouse was silent and bumpy but thankfully short, as he didn’t much fancy the way Stan Shunpike kept glancing at them, like he was trying to be in on whatever argument was brewing.  Draco tipped Stan and Ernie (likely more than they deserved), and let Hermione steady herself on him down the steps and toward their address.
“You should’ve said something,” he started, before he could help himself, jamming his key into the lock on their front door.  “If the thought was so...repugnant to you.”
“Didn’t realize my thought was what mattered.”  She brushed past him once the door was opened, stumbling through the foyer and casting her coat and shoes onto the floor behind her.  “Figured once your mind was made up, it was made up.”
Draco frowned.  Did she really think so little of him to assume that he’d force her into such an important decision?  “Fuck, Hermione, of course your thought matters.  Merlin’s beard, there’s a reason they call it a proposal, I couldn’t just toss you off and bind you as my wife.”
She stopped in her tracks, and when she turned to face him, a sober line had formed between her brows.  “A proposal?  Draco, you said you were going to leave me.”
“You simply couldn’t...what was it...couldn’t have me as your girlfriend anymore.  Sounds an awful lot like you wanted rid of me.”
Wanted rid of her?  Was she mad?  “Hermione, I want to marry you.  Why the bloody hell else did you think I had Potter over?”
She slumped into the armchair at the entrance of their study, looking thoroughly confused.  “I thought - it sounded like you were asking for advice...letting me down easy, or something stupid like that.”
He almost wanted to laugh, running both hands through his hair.  Fuck, but this was absurd.  “Hermione, I - Merlin, you misunderstood everything.  I wanted advice on how to ask you to bloody marry me.”
She was drunk still, the smell of her soaked in brandywine, but the next time she looked up at him, her eyes were shining.  “And...do you still want that?  To marry me?”
“For fuck’s sake, Granger,” he half-chuckled, falling to both knees in front of her, taking both of her hands in his.  “I’ll ask you properly when you’ve sobered up.  And when you let me and Potter finish that conversation.”
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 66-80
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Things in this batch start out a little slow, KM-wise, but seriously pick up around the Toronto episodes. It features the episodes where both RM and Jin ask if JK and JM are a couple, so it includes the giggly hand-push game that helped make me a jikook believer! 
As usual, let me know if I’ve missed anything or should take another look at something. :)
Ep 66 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 1" (Ep: 2 / KM: 1)
The one that I can’t help but feel would be more fun if I was more familiar with the comics involved, but the guys make it cute anyway
3:08 - This is a little hard to see because they use weird angles and cuts, but JK sings a piece of a theme song and JM catches his eye and sings with him.
9:23 - JK leans in over JM's shoulder to see how many people are on the comic book page
10:18 - JM does the same when it's JK's turn
BEHIND 10:29 - JM jokes around with JK and does the playful chest tap thing
Ep 67 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
BEHIND 7:28 - JM asks JK if there's a comic book he wants and says he'll buy it for him if so
Ep 68 "Heart Pang" (Ep: 1 / KM: 0)
The one where I can't for the life of me understand the board game they are playing
Ep 69 "BTS in Toronto Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where Jikook wear matching denim shirts while going to Niagara Falls, getting lunch, and playing games
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2:36 - RM says there are certain people who will struggle with the wake up challenge. JK and JM readily seem to admit it's them. 
6:29 - JM hangs back (to walk with JK?) when the rest of the group starts heading for the Falls.
8:06 - There's a "teleporting" moment where Jin is in between JM and JK, then the camera cuts away, then it comes back and jikook are next to each other. They stay next to each other as they walk on.
9:52 - You can see jikook interacting in the background.
12:25 - JM takes a photo of JK and gets him to giggle, then they huddle to look at the pic.
13:56 - JM puts his arm around JK and takes a selca in the background, causing RM to ask "what, are you a couple or something? Both wearing denim shirts?" He says it fairly seriously for a line that seems like it's supposed to be a joke and they don't laugh or say anything in response - it looks like JM looks away and flips his hair while JK shifts and awkwardly rubs his forehead. You can also see a quiet exchange after between RM and JM where RM says no to something, then nods at JK. Unclear if it's related, but including it just in case. 
15:25 - JK doesnn't try to distract JM while he did the staring contest like he did with Hobi. When Jimin passes, JK is the only one to clap. 
18:04 - Quick moment where you can see JK start to rub the arm of JM's shirt before the camera cuts away.
18:50 - JM laughs and touches JK's chest after JK loses the rocks paper scissor game, too.
19:53 - When the other five walk away and JK is doing something with his mic, we don't see where JM is.
22:02 - JK appears to help JM with something with his camera in the foreground.
BEHIND 4:12 - After JHope scolds JK for letting Suga pour everyone's water, JK goes to pour JM some water, then puts the pitcher down. JM seemingly tries to help him out by saying it's a new trend for the oldest to pour water. 
Ep 70 "BTS in Toronto Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where the guys go shopping, pick beds, and play games
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1:15 - JK slows down to walk side by side with JM.
2:00 - When JK messes up the game he was confident he'd win, JK laughs and playfully shoves at his chest.
7:23 - When JK loses a game and has to buy the others hoodies, JM sneaks a hat into the pile while JK has his back turned. RM rats him out.
8:01 - JM quietly puts the hat back in the pile, then walks over and hugs JK.
8:40 - JK walks over to Jimin to show him something (sunglasses he wanted?).
20:30 - When they're all joking around about whether they can fit four people on a bed, JK moves JM into an L-shape and then lays down nested with him.
BEHIND 0:09 - JK calls out "Jimin-ssi!" and tosses JM that hat he bought him.
4:49 - When the guys are all stretching and JM is in an inconvenient place, JK calls him "Jimin-ssi" again, essentially feels up his calf, and then pushes his upper thigh, all purportedly to get him to move over.
5:28 - JK kneels down behind JM, who's on all fours, and holds his hips to correct his position (I am literally just describing what happens in the clip, but I kind of feel like I'm writing porn, here...). JK then picks Jimin up to move him over a bit. Both giggle as JK starts to stand up and then the camera cuts away.  I can't even begin to think what exercising looks like for these two when there aren't cameras on them...
6:55 - JK reads out the words on the Jimin shirt they're all wearing, which happen to be, "BTS Park Jimin, I love you! I root for you! I'm ARMY!" with a huge grin on his face. Jimin laughs - no one else does - and then jokes that they should wear the shirts back to Korea, prompting JK to tell him "bye!" and wave while giggling. 
7:37 - Jimin shows the parts of the shirt design he would change by poking JK's chest, and then JK and JM share a fairly steamy look until RM interrupts. 
7:52 - JK folds up the shirt so JM's face looks weird and Jimin points to him doing it and laughs. No one else does.  Man, these two were really in their own world this whole Toronto trip, weren't they?
8:02 - JM tries to give JK some advice on the game he's about to play. Before starting, JK starts what seems like it's going to be a silly pose, but ends up being him dragging his fingers down his face, neck, and chest. Sadly for JK, JM wasn't looking. Happily for us, we can look as much as we want. 
8:18 - When JM wins a game, JK claps for him. You can probably guess by now that he's the only one who does. 
10:09 - JM steals a piece of steak, then JK does some cross-cut teleporting to come over and sink down into a chair next to him. JM overdoes making his eyes look big and innocent (perhaps hoping to get caught and scolded?).
10:35 - JM makes Jin move when he takes JM's seat next to JK I feel like just the Behind for this episode needs it's own jikook rating! And most of it is watching JK lead the guys in a workout. If you're going to watch just one Run Behind, consider making it this one!
Ep 71 "BTS in Toronto Part 3" (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The Toronto one where the guys have dinner, have breakfast, and play games
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14:28 - Maybe nothing, but just to note it - in this and the next shot, you can see JM heading towards where JK is lying back on the couch after losing a game, then there's an abrupt cut and everyone is in a totally different position. 
29:20 - JK tells JM the "super-pancake" he made is for him since he has to do the penalties. 
BEHIND 6:59 - JM says that he thinks JK will want to eat and calls out for him.
Ep 72 "BTS and Mafia" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The one in which we learn that BTS is so terrible at the Mafia game that it almost comes back around to being impressive 
3:10 - When Jin says JK is suspicious because he isn't talking, JM defends him, saying "you know he doesn't talk much." 
8:34 - JM seems to direct his appeal to be spared to JK.
18:16 - JK compliments how well Jimin is doing at the game.
20:13 - After Jimin says he's ARMY, JK asks, "do you like me that much?" Then there's a quick cut and Jin is doing a Jim Halpert face at the camera.
28:03 - Confusing maybe-moment - let me know if it's clearer to anyone else! - but after JH is sending finger heart guns, JM points gun fingers directly at JK for no apparent reason. 
BEHIND 2:39 - Before they start playing, JK predicts that JM and Jin will be good at the game.
Eps 73-76 “Run BTS Drama Parts 1-4″ (n/a)
The ones where BTS spend four episodes making a “comedic” skit
01:09 - After JK explains that he had a wisdom tooth taken out, Jimin adds the info that they had to take out the whole root.  09:10 - Even though V is the "director" of Jimin's scene, JK speaks up and takes over the role, saying that directors use informal language and repeating twice in informal language "Jimin, let's go!" He continues speaking informally when Jimin messes up and JK scolds him.  11:40 - When it's JK's turn to deliver a line and he gets nervous about remembering it, JM reads it out loud for him. He also says as soon as JK delivers the line that he did the best job and adds to Hobi, "he doesn't get embarassed, I told you."  16:26 - It's a little hard to see for sure, but it looks like Jimin votes for JK when it's time to choose who should be the skit's director. I'm going to be totally honest with you guys - I didn't rewatch these episodes past this. I first saw it months ago and remember being disappointed and fairly bored through most of it past the first half of the first episode - I don't find the skit funny and the behind-the-scenes stuff isn't amusing enough to make a four-part episode about. I’m sure there are others who completely disagree with me and no judgment if you don't share my opinion! But I'm doing this guide for fun and I don't want to spend two hours rewatching them. 
I don't recall a ton of jikook beyond the above - I think there's a moment in part 3 where JK is getting tired and Jimin offers to take over slating for him. So, anyone who is a fan and knows / finds more jikook moments, please let me know and I will update this guide to reflect that. Otherwise, let's happily move along. :)
Ep 77 “Food Guest Part 1″ (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The weirdly-named ones that are prob better translated as "food connoisseurs" but the specifics of the foods theme don't really matter because JIKOOK  
07:41 - When Jin says JK and JM will be competing in a palm-push game, JM says he's already lost (because JK is strong).
07:55 - I'm fairly certain that, if you're a jikook-er, you've seen this moment. It's so unabashedly flirty a description can't really do it justice.   JK and JM are supposed to be playing a game where they put their palms together and shove to see who can make the other lose their balance. JM shoves lightly at JK's chest before they even start the game, then both start giggling. Still giggly, JM asks if JK's ready and JK says he is. JM pushes at JK's palms and JK just swings his arms back as they look at each other and smile. Jin interrupts to ask, "are you a dating couple?" (that's the most direct translation - V app translation is "are you two together?"). JK and JM both laugh, the latter so hard that he spins around, thus losing the game. 
17:08 - JK is staring so intently at Jimin on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth that he completely misses RM trying to give him a high five. Jin has to call for JK to please respond to RM before JK looks away and returns the high five, laughing and apologizing. He looks back immediately after. 
BEHIND 0:58 - JK gives JM a shoulder massage while holding his chest as JM makes satisfied noises. I've seen this clip in compilations before, but hadn't realized it was also from  this episode. It's really the gift that keeps on giving! 
4:29 - Just prior to the above palm-push game, JM reaches out to do something to JK's sleeve (I think?). The camera cuts before we see clearly.  
4:31 - Slightly different angle of JM and JK giggling at the start of the palm-push game.
7:11 - Reveals that RM actually tried to high five JK and was ignored TWICE before Jin called JK's attention away from JM on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth. 
Ep 78 “Food Guest Part 2″ (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
15:00 - JK jokingly asks what the answer is and Jimin giggles at him as the on-screen text says, "how adorable." Unsurprisingly, the others are less enamored. (JK's biggest fans = 1. Jimin  2. Run BTS on-screen text writers)
BEHIND 9:56 - JK watches JM dance playfully, then wiggles his own hips, seeming to want JM's attention. Jimin smiles and starts to say something that gets cut off. 
10:03 - JK films JM as JM dances and smiles while looking into the camera. Jimin is doing silly dance, but JK zooms in on his joyful face. He quickly licks his lips as he watches. 
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lizzielikeborden · 4 years
(ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ prompts for requests (>‿◠)✌
These are some prompts to use for requests. They have labels, so when you request be sure to use the label and the number so I know which section you got it from. Happy requesting!
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1. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
2. “It’s you, it always has been.”
3. “You’re everything I could’ve wanted and more.”
4. “Kiss me.”
5. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.” 
6. “You should probably go home.” “But I’m already home.”
7. “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.”
8. “I’d do anything for you.” 
9. “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.”
10. “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
11. “I’m so proud of you.” 
12. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
13. “I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
14. “You are my family.”
15. “I’m right here.”
16. “Can you just please hold me?” 
17. “I’m pretty sure (you’re/she’s/he’s/they’re) my soulmate”
18. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
19. “You know, I think my (mother/father/parents) would be proud if I brought (you/her/him/them) home.” 
20. “I just want to see you happy.”
21. “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile like that in ages.” 
22. “You made me a better person. Thank you.” 
23. “I’d rather live in the woods with you than in a mansion with some (girl/boy/person) I barely know.”
24. “This reminded me of you.” 
25. “Your hair is really soft.”
26. “You’re really warm.”
27. “Are you blushing?”
28. “Can I stay here tonight?”
29. “Because I love you.”
30. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
31. “I’m never going to leave you. I promise.”
32. “Make a wish!”
33. “I love seeing you smile.”
34. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
35. “I just want to be there for you.”
36. “I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”
37. “You’re just a softie.”
38. “You owe me.” “Fine, whatever you like.”
39. “You’re safe now, I’m here.”
40. “Why are you scared of loving?”
41. “You are crushing me right now.”
42. “Darling I love you and all, but please step out fo the kitchen.”
43. “I love you.”
44.“You’re an idiot.” “But I am your idiot.”
45. “Take my hand. Just trust me.”
46. “You’re hurt. Please just let heal it.”
47. “At least let me clean it.”
48. “I told you to take care of yourself.”
49. “You’re the only thing that matters.”
50. “Stay.”
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1. “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
2. “You started drinking again, didn’t you?” 
3. “You promised you’d stop drinking.” “And you promised you wouldn’t hurt me!″
4.“But it’s my fault right?”
5.“I don’t want to feel this. I want to be numb again.”
6.“You’re lying to me again. Why can’t you just tell me the truth for once?”
7.“I love you.” “No you don’t”
8.“I can’t lose you.” “You already did.”
9.“Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?”
10.“How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?”  
11.“I loved you.” “Then why did you let (her/him/them) get in between us?”
12.“Maybe they were right, you never did change.”
13.“This is all in my head. It’s all happening in my head.”
14.“Don’t you dare walk away from this!”
15.“What gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all the pain you’ve caused.”
16.“You’ve changed.”
17.“You win, happy?”
18.“Any other lies left to tell me?”
19.“Why did you wait until I moved on?”
20.“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
21.“Its (her/him/them), isn’t it?”
22.“It’s always been (her/him/them).”
23.“When did you stop loving me?”
24.“Let me go.”
25.“You’re not you.”
26.“I miss the old you.”
27.“What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
29.“Move out of my way before I make you.”
30.“I risked my life for you.”
31.“I never would’ve thought (she/he/they)’d end up with someone else.”
32.“They were perfect for each other.”
33.“I was happier with you.”
34.“I would’ve done anything for you.”
35. “I loved you. I loved you so so much but you hurt me.”
36.“They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.” 
37.“Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
38.“You broke me.”
39.“You just threw four years of friendship out the window.”
40.“Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?”
41.“Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
42.“You promised.”
43.“I don’t need help! I need an end to this pain.”
44.“What am I in your life? Because as of lately I feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
45. “Leave”
46.“I can’t keep playing pretend.”
47.“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
48.“I wish we never met.”
49.“I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.”
50. “You scare me now.”
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1.“I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” 
2.“It’s pouring rain why are you here?”
3.“I love you.” “You shouldn’t.”
4.“Where are you?”
5.“What happened?”
6.“Have you been taking care of yourself?���
7.“Is that blood?” “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “You are literally bleeding.”
8. “Is that my book?”
9. “Are they dead?”
10. “You want to play pretend? Well two can play at that game.”
11.“Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
12.“Come back to bed. Please.” 
13.“You’re who they warned me about.” 
14.“Come back.”
15.“You should’ve listened to me.”
16.“I haven’t seen you in days.” 
17.“Are you jealous?”
18.“Cheers, I’ll drink to that.” “You drink everything.” “Cheers!”
19.“Why is there a lion in the room?” 
20.“Is that vodka? At 7 in the morning?”
21. “Can we take this home?”
22. “Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?”
23. “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile in months.”
24. “(She/he/they) don’t belong with (her/him/them)!” “Than who do(es) (she/he/they) belong with?” “…..with me.”
25. Come home.”
26. “I hope you’re happy.”
27. “They don’t need to know.”
28. “I made this for you.”
29. “Why is arson always your first answer?”
30. “Is this really the time for jokes?”
31.“Wake me up when it’s over.” 
32.“You look happy.” 
33.“I’m sorry, do I know you?” 
34.“Why can’t I get you out of my head?”
35.“Do you want that?”
36.“Don’t let go.” 
37.“Just let me stay.”
38.“Can I at least tell my side of the story?” 
39.“Do you trust me?” 
40.“Are you flirting with me?”
41.“Is the weight of your sins too heavy?”
42.“Just let me see (her/him/them) one last time. Please.”
43.“Are you afraid to die?”
44.“Are they really ‘just a friend’?”
45.“I wasn’t lying when I told you that I loved you.”
46.“I won’t hurt you.”
47.“Have you been sleeping?”
48.“I didn’t know where else to go.”
49. “It’s not 8:00 AM, it’s 8:00 AM”
50. “We should just play our music louder, then we won’t hear theirs.”- “That’s so much noise.”
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Mental Health
1.“I didn’t know where else to go.”
2."you can talk to me about anything"
3."I don't understand but I believe you"
4."I'll stay with you as long as you need me to"
5."take a deep breath"
6."do you want me to give you advice or do you just want me to listen?"
7."you don't have to go through this alone"
8."I'll check on you again tomorrow"
9."you're not broken"
10."let's take a five minute break
11."I love you no matter what your brain tells you"
12."I'm always here if you need anything"
13."please don't talk that way about yourself"
14."let me know if you ever need a ride to therapy"
15."don't forget to take your medication"
16."it's okay to ask for help"
17."I'll go with you for moral support"
18."I don't know how to help you but I can help you find someone who does"
19."do you want to talk about it or would you like a distraction?"
20."you're safe"
21."there is always hope"
22.“I will do this with you, you’re never alone”
23.“No one is perfect.”
24.“I will sit outside this door for hours if that helps.”
25.“This is not your fault.”
26.“You do not owe anyone an apology.”
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Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You”
1.Holding their hands when they are shaking.
2.Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.
3.Traveling long distances just to see them.
4.Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
5.Giving them a kiss before going to work and they are still in bed.
6.Tucking your head into their neck during a hug.
7.Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
8.Buying them something unrequested because it made you think of them.
9.Participating in their hobby even if it doesn’t personally interest you.
10.Sitting in comfortable silence while eating a meal.
11.Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile.
12.Following their family traditions that they enjoy.
13.Singing and dancing to their favorite song.
14.Calming them down when they have a bad dream.
15..Having a tickle fight until you’re breathless.
16.Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.
17.Sharing a soft smile across a crowded room.
18.Bringing them a plate of their favorite sliced fruit.
19.Washing their back/hair in the shower.
20.Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
21.Listening to them while they vent.
22.Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
23.Tracing your names together in the sand.
24.Wearing clothes in their favorite color.
25.Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
26.Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
27.Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
28.Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
29.Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
30.Pulling a chair out for them to sit down at the table.
31.Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show.
32.Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold.
33.Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped.
34.Running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they’re craving.
35.Helping brush their hair after a shower.
36.Making sure to be quiet while they’re taking a nap.
37.Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
38.Giving them your dessert when you eat out because it’s their favorite.
39.Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.
40.Giving them space when they express wanting to have some time alone.
41.Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn’t a crowd.
42.Holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them.
43.Standing between them and a busy road.
44.Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.
45.Giving them a back massage when they flop on the couch or bed.
46.Staying up half the night to finish a game with them.
47.Getting them a coffee just the way they like it.
48.Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
49. Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.
50. Watching shitty horror movies 
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ladyideal · 4 years
Valentine’s Day Drabbles
We all know what this day is all about. Lmao. While it shouldn't only be one day you should be appreciating your partner, let's do this anyways.
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Star Trek:
AOS Crew: Jim, Scotty, Bones, scones x reader, mckirk x reader
Disco Crew (s2 only): Pike, Tilly
Almost Human: John Kennex
LOTR: Aragorn, Eomer, Legolas, Boromir, Haldir
The Boys: Billy Butcher, Hughie 
Marvel: Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Steve Rogers (if you don’t mind me trying to write him), Stucky x reader
Please reblog. 🙂 Share the love around.
It’s open to anyone and everyone, but it would be nice if you were following me.
I will allow anons this time. But please. One ask per person. If I get too many anon requests, I will reserve the right to write first come first serve.
Send in an ask with your prompt(s) and character/ships. If you want to suggest other characters on the list, just ask. 
If you would like a pet within the story, lemme know. I'll be forever grateful. Or if you want something specific, also put that in.
Last date to request for a drabble will be February 12th, 2021.
Mix and match, choose more than one prompt if you wish.
If you've got any questions, feel free to message me. 🙂 They’ll be all be posted on the 14th!
Prompts Below:
1. “Be mine until the end of time.”
2. “I’ve been hit with Cupid’s arrow.”
3. “Happy Valentine’s Day, from now until forever.”
4. “Only if you promise to be my valentine.”
5. “Happy Valentine’s Day!” “Um….. is that today?”
6. Preparing a special Valentine’s Day dinner together.
7. Trying to find the right words to write in a Valentine’s Day card
8. Making homemade chocolates for their beloved
9. Planning and proposing to their significant other on Valentine’s Day
10. Wearing brand new lingerie for a sexy evening together
11. Attending a Valentine’s Day party and finding an impromptu date
12. Your crush giving you advice for the night of Valentine’s Day when they think you already have another date
13. Being surprised by flowers and chocolate sent to your work from a secret admirer
14. Forgetting tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and frantically rushing out to find a last-minute gift.
15. Writing a secret love letter and leaving it on your crush’s desk
16. “Roses are red, violets are blue, all I want for this V-Day is to do you!”
17. Candy hearts
18. Roses
19. Blind date/set up by friends
20. Chocolates
21. Movie night
22. Late for a date
23. Wrong restaurant
24. Strangers alone on Valentine's day
25. Friend(s) date
26. Rained out picnic
27. Low on money/homemade date
28. Surprise date while working late
29. Forgot to get anything
30. Babysitter canceled/Family date night
31. Secret admirer/admitting a crush 
32. Person A and Person B are friends and neither of them have a date for Valentine’s Day, so they decide to order takeout of some kind and watch a movie together. At some point, hidden feelings are revealed. 
33. “ Happy unimaginative, consumerist oriented and completely arbitrary, manipulative, and shallow interpretation of romance day.”
34. Person A has been in love with person B for years and is trying to work up the courage to ask them out on Valentine’s Day. 
35. Person A is friends with Person B and Person C and believes they belong together, so when Person A and Person B agree to set each other up on blind dates, Person A sets person B up with Person C.
36. “I know a Valentine’s Day proposal is cliche, but won’t it be romantic?”“ This Valentine’s Day is officially Pal-entine’s Day.” “ Isn’t that the emperor from Star Wars?”  
37. “I’m not good with feelings, but here goes nothing. My life sucks less with you in it.”
38. Person A plans the most romantic day ever, not realizing Person B hates Valentine’s Day. 
39. Valentine’s Day break up.
40. “ I don’t even want to hear about Valentine’s Day, okay? The love of my life is dead.” 
41. “This holiday is so pointless.”
42. “Do you maybe want to go to the Valentine’s dance with me??
43. Person A and Person B were going to have the most amazing date ever, but there was a snowstorm and now they’re stuck at home. 
44. “You still have your Christmas lights up? It’s February! Get your life together!”
45. Person A and Person B have to spend Valentine’s Day apart. 
46. “What? I do not like him/her/them! We’re just friends.”
47. “Wow, you suck at flirting.”
48. Person A is stood up for a date. Person B, who is secretly in love with them, does everything in their power to cheer them up. 
49. Quarantine Valentine’s Day. 
50. Person A and Person B debate which fictional couple they would be. And there was only one bed! 
51. Person A doesn’t know Person B and Person C are together, until Person C walks into Person B’s room on Valentine’s Day without knocking. 
52. Person A sets up a romantic scavenger hunt for Person B. 
53. Person A is late for a date with Person B. 
54. Person A accidentally buys Person B a gift they are allergic to. 
55. A carriage ride at sunset. 
56. “Hey, we should play spin the bottle!”
57. A date gone horribly wrong. 
58. “I need help picking an outfit for a date tonight.”
59. Person A and Person B make a bet. If Person B loses, they have to go on a date with Person A. 
60. Stargazing.
61. “I got a new dress. Do you like it?” “I’ll like it better when it’s on my floor.”
62. Medieval royalty romance AU
63. Person B is in love with Person A, who agreed to go out with Person C for Valentine’s Day. 
64. Romantic getaway.
65. Personalized candy hearts. 
66. Person A and Person B are on a date when they run into Person A’s ex.
67. Person A confesses their love to Person B, who does not return their feelings.
68. Person A and Person B decide to platonically go on a date. 
69. Everyone spends the whole day trying to get Person A and Person B together. 
70. Person A and Person B get into a situation in which they think they are going to die, so they pour their hearts out only to be rescued at the last minute. 
71. First Valentine’s Day as a married couple. 
72. Person A tries to prove they aren’t in love with Person B by setting Person B up on a date. 
73. A picnic in the park, but it’s snowing. 
74. Person A gives Person B a romantic gift and Person A vows to keep it forever. 
75. Caught cheating on Valentine’s Day. 
76. First kiss. 
77. “This has been terrible, but at least I’m with you.”
78. Person A has a surprise planned and Person B is dying to know what it is.
79. Person A and Person B are on a date and discover Person C and Person D have secretly been together for months. 
80.  Cupid’s arrow
81. Getting stood up on Valentine’s Day
82.  Watching the one you love on a date with another
83.  Pinky promise me forever
84.  Massages
85.  Open prompt
Credit prompts to @vv-writing-prompts​, @writing-prompts-list​, & @im-the-letter-t​
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1littleshippergirl1 · 4 years
Percy Weasley Writing Challenge!
I thought it would be neat to do a challenge of my own, for Percy because he's my favorite and he's definitely underrated. So I have the rules listed and the different categories for what you can write about!
- you can pick as many as you want
- It's okay if multiple people do the same prompt, I don't really care
- No deadline. Do it whenever
- Message me or send me an ask and tell me what pairing (if there's a pairing) and number you're doing
- No smut please. Keep it clean. Same with cursing.
- Use the tag percyweasleywritingchallenge
- Tag me please!
Percy/Marcus Flint
Percy/Adrian Pucey
Percy/Terrence Higgs
Percy/Katie Bell
You could also wrote about Percy and his friendship with someone
Or you could write about him as a father to Lucy and Molly
There will be categories for all three.
There was one bed
Fake relationship (will you be my date to X so I wont look like a loser)
Spending a rainy day in bed
Spring cleaning
Wearing each other's clothes
Christmas (could be baking cookies, decorating tree, a dinner, etc)
Meeting the parents [one or both approve]
Meeting the parents [one or both do not approve]
One is sick and the other take care of them
Nearly about to fall asleep, cuddling, kissing, hair caressing
Tickle fight
Pillow fight
Playful argument
"Merlin, you're adorable"
"Are you blushing?"
"Your hair is so soft"
"I'm not gonna stop poking you until you give me attention"
One gets scared and is comforted by the other
Height differences
"Shh, it's okay. You're safe"
"Come sit in my lap"
First time they cuddle
Bonus 23 (because I forgot to put this one). Revealing a secret relationship
Friendship(can be about Percy's friendship with anyone you want):
24. One is sick and taken care of by the other
25. Playing matchmaker for each other (or just one of them)
26. "Why are we even friends?" "Shut up, you love me"
27. "I'll kill them"
28. "I told you so"
29. Celebrating birthday
30. Comforting them (+ platonic cuddling if you wish)
31. "You're an idiot"
32. "Now dont overreact..."
33. Trying to embarrass each other (or just one of them doing it)
34. "As long as you're my best friend, you dont get to go through anything alone"
35. "Ugh, you're sweaty, get off!"
36. Helping after a breakup
37. Insist they go out in the rain
38. Embracing when they're reunited before the battle of Hogwarts because they didn't know if each other was okay/alive and saying any apologizes if needed
39. Cheering one up after a bad day
40. Expressing their happiness when the battle is over and hugging and being super glad that the other is okay
41. Secret friends
42. Defending their friend
Big Brother Percy (to the twins, Ron, Harry, or Ginny):
43. Giving advice
44. Helping them out with their crush
45. Cheering them up
46. Comforting them
47. Taking care of them while they're sick
48. Sharing a sweet moment together during the middle of the night or early in the morning
49. Percy defending them (against a bully or whatever)
50. When they're older and have families of their own, Percy helps them out with their children in some way
51. Helping them not be worried about something
52. Comforting them after they're embarrassed
53. "Was that supposed to hurt?"
54. Percy being silly with them and teasing them
55. "You know I love you, right?"
56. "Don't you ever do that again! You could have died!"
57. Percy being overprotective
58. Comforting one or all of them after a nightmare
59. One or all of them doing something nice for Percy. Maybe for a special occasion or to cheer him up or just out of blue
60. Him dealing with Molly or Lucy's first tantrum
61. Him helping one of them prepare for their first date
62. Him helping them deal with their first period
63. Him giving advice
64. Him taking care of them while they're sick
65. Him spending a quiet night with them
66. Him getting emotional when they leave for school
67. Him defending them (or just one) against someone (verbally, not like in a duel)
68. Having a daddy daughter date night
69. Him comforting them when they get scared because of a thunderstorm
70. Him acting silly with them
71. Him helping one of them with buying her first bra
72. Father's Day
73. "Can we keep him? Please?" (In reference to a stray dog or cat they found)
74. Him playing tea party with one or both of them
75. Him trying to braid his daughter's hair
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sidgenoabofest · 4 years
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Remember, you can write for as many or as few prompts as you’d like! And check out the updated FAQ and Timeline pages or send us an Ask if your have any questions. Happy writing! 
1. Mpreg
2. Courting
3. Omega/Omega
4. Jealous mate
5. Lactation kink
6. Mermaid a/b/o au
7. Mail order bride!!!
8. Subversion/Inversion
9. Non-traditional dynamics
10. Very elaborative courting
11. oral knotting + cock warming
12. Geno’s first heat in America.
13. Little Drummer Girl au but a/b/o
14. alpha/alpha first time taking a knot
15. a xeno take on heat and abo dynamics
16. Geno falling for Ace!Sid in an a/b/o au
17. Mutual pining where they’re both Alpha’s
18. Hockey player Alpha Geno, non hockey Sid
19. Alpha!Geno’s dick is too big when he knots
20. Geno and Anna (alphas) try to woo Sid (omega)
21. Regency AU arranged marriage with shy omega Sid
22. Rival teammates and one goes into heat mid game
23. a/b/o dynamics based on lions, rather than wolves
24. beta/omega; first time going through heat together
25. Alpha-Alpha dynamic going into rut on the team plane
26. cockwarming as self-care and/or somebody's love language
27. Sometimes Sid will let Geno fuck his thighs and let him knot.
28. Alien Alpha Sid captures Earthling Omega Geno in his tractor beam
29. Snowed in and/or cabin fic where one of them goes into heat or rut
30. Mafia boss Geno, with husband omega Sid, who is still a boss in his own right
31. Sid's knot takes forever to go down. They work around it with cosy movie nights.
32. Alpha Sid being all worked up over pregnant geno.... and perhaps overly protective…
33. Sid being scent blind and falling in love with Geno the long way, while Geno pines and pines
34. Sid goes into a full on mating heat at the West Point hill climb, Geno fights off all comers.
35. Geno is intersex, with physical characteristics of both alpha and omega. Sid's into all of him.
36. Evgeni always goes to Sidney post heat (or rut). It’s one of many things they don’t talk about.
37. During a goal celebration, Sid and Geno experience a spontaneous bond. It freaks all involved out.
38. Alpha/Alpha rival knight au or Alpha knight and Omega squire? Just something with romance and armour.
39. Tired of being teased and the punchlines of locker room jokes, Sid asked Geno to take his virginity/knot him.
40. Geno and Sid as two alphas who pine for each other and try to pretend they don’t want each other, but they do.
41. sid has a kink for fucking new brides, so omega geno dresses up in bridal lingerie and begs sid to knock him up
42. Alphas and omegas will fuck betas, but they don’t end up staying with them. This is what Sidney knows from experience.
43. Medieval abo au, Sid's castle is small and he and Geno have to consummate their marriage in front of all of Sid's patrons
44. omega/omega pregnancy kink, no getting pregnant angst, just skip right to the good stuff: already pregnant and horny about it.
45. rookie sid and geno are still a bit too young for a real heat, so they put in some practice together and things get out of hand
46. “i’m rich and i’m not supposed to talk to servants but the person that scrubs my floor is really cute” (/smells fucking amazing)
47. New relationship during the holidays and somebody forgot to take their suppressant and goes into rut in between dinner and dessert
48. Omega Sid and alpha Geno hook up, it's a one night stand. Sid notices he's pregnant a couple weeks after and goes to hunt down Geno
49. Baby NHL omegas come to Sid for advice on omegas working with alphas, dating etiquette with alphas and what its like to get knotted by an alpha.
50. Alpha Geno courting Omega Sid to be allowed to mate him, over expensive gifts to dinner invitations to being possessive and protective on the ice
51. Sid can’t stand being touched or scent marked by strangers, but Geno’s never been that to him. (Authors choice re: what designations they each have)
52. Regency AU: Mr Sidney Crosby is as well know for his big estate and he wealth as he is for being an omega who tops all the alpha gentlemen he take to his bed
53. Sid is always yapping on the bench, but in relationships his communication skills go right down the drain when he has a cold and can't rely on scent cues for help.
54. you rescued me from the creepy person that was hitting on me in the bar and i’m glad you did because MMHMMM you are hot and smell like nothing i’ve ever smelled before
55. Sid is a beta who Geno always calls on when he goes into heat/rut. It’s fun and no strings attached and they’re friends. Only Geno slowly realises he wants more than that
56. one is an omega and the other is a beta (the inherent convenience of a self-slicking butthole; the beta figuring out how to satisfy their partner in heat, who can go for HOURS)
57. Only werewolves are a/b/o’s, humans are just humans. As a general rule human!Sid stays out of wolf business but Evgeni keeps making it his business by acting like Sidney’s *his.*
58. sid being teased relentlessly for his big alpha dick in the locker room, and loving it, kinda strutting around naked but also going all pink, and geno really LOOKING for the first time
59. Sid has been on high level suppressants since juniors and nobody knows if he's hiding being an alpha or an omega. Geno has been curious for YEARS but never asked, till something happens.
60. One of their alpha/omega statuses doesn't kick in until after retirement-- they spent a good portion of life thinking they were a beta but now that shit is going BANANAS. Puberty at age 40
61. Sid/Geno/Anna where Sid + Geno are both Omegas and have banded together like "we don't need any alpha nonsense" but then Geno meets Alpha Anna at the Olympics and shit gets real, real fast.
62. Tradition has it, your mate is supposed to smell best to you. But Sid usually smells like old milk. How the fuck is Geno supposed to work around that? Because Sid is definitely the one he wants.
63. Alpha Sid's enthralled with Geno's omega trills. Geno's kind of a picky eater (like he's picky about everything) Sid revels in the challenge of finding snacks and gifts that will make Geno trill
64. geno's heats come on fast and with no warning, sometimes in the middle of a game, so once in a while sid can help a buddy out and slip geno some fingers to just get him through to the intermission
65. Established Sid and Geno who have not bonded for some reason (is one beta? are they waiting for something?), with a side of whoops, accidentally bonded to someone else in a heat-related medical emergency.
66. You’re an actor/other famous person that I really admire and I just saw you in the street and as I was debating whether or not to say hi you came up to me and started flirting what do I do?? (but make it hockey abo)
67. Sexual dysfunction: Maybe an alpha who's having trouble knotting, or a bata having a hard time staying hard his fist time dating an omega, or an omaga who's having issues self lubricating. Emotional comfort through sex!
68. Camboy or porn AU where the one who does sex work specializes in alpha/alpha or omega/omega porn. Ideally the one watching is still an NHL player and has some complicated feelings around their own same-gender preferences.
69. one is an alpha and the other is a beta (first time getting knotted and being overwhelmed by it plus like LOTS of lube; or the alpha likes getting fucked but doesn't like to be knotted so a beta partner is the perfect option)
70. omega/omega sid figuring out how to top geno's giant peach ass when omegas aren't particularly well-endowed (dick-extending knotting dildo? practicing flexibility? finger-shaped bruises trying to keep those cheeks pried open?)
71. Green card heat bond au! The KHL don’t want to release Geno from his contract to let him play in the NHL. It’s becoming messy and it looks like the Penguins may lose their legal case when someone suggests a heat bond green card.
72. Trophy wife Geno: He likes to be pampered, he like his valour track suits, he likes lounging around in fur coats, and he likes getting knotted when Sid comes back from a win...and maybe even more when he comes back from a loss…
73. Heatfic PWP set during Geno’s rookie year when he barely speaks any English. Up to you which one is in heat—I just like the idea of Sid and Geno trying awkwardly to communicate & then not really needing to once instinct takes over.
74. Beauty and the beats/ or some kind of monster au. Geno is saved by Beast!Sid and nursed back to health in his castle. By the end Geno is as in love with the monster as he is with Sid's other self. This could be any dynamic combination.
75. Sid’s concussion messing up his alpha or omega cycle, or maybe delaying him from differentiating. Everyone calls him a late bloomer, which Sid doesn’t care about except when he sometimes sees Geno post heat/rut and feels confusing stuff
76. ABO specific sex toys: training knots for omega's, dilators for alphas and betas who want to sleep with other alphas, knotting flashlights, double headed dildos for omega/omega pairs? The list goes on! The only limit is your imagination.
77. Geno - omega who's never gone into heat. Maybe he never will. Despite the pessimism of his younger years, this has turned out to fine, because he and Sid have an excellent and well-established sex life regardless, and SID's heats are pretty great for both of them.
78. Nontraditional abo dynamic frat au: Either with alphas, betas, and omegas all in the same house or maybe separate different fraternities? It could be two competing alpha's from different frat houses? or maybe a beta at an omega house party feeling *very overwhelmed*
79. Geno breaks up after bonding with someone. It’s sudden and it happens mid-season and he can’t go home to lick his wounds so instead his bond-withdrawal becomes a team issue. The trainers and medics all have opinions and advice, but it’s Sid who gets him through the worst of it.
80. Omega Sid is wedded to foreign Prince Alpha Geno because male Omegas are rare and a 'sign to God'. The marriage is a sign of goodwill from the people of Sid's kingdom, he's a low noble but his Omega status makes him more worthy. They meet for the first time in front of the altar
81. Omega Sid is ‘President’ of the NHL omega groupchat/association, Sid and Seguin have a friendship forged through both declaring they “dont need no Alpha!” But cant stop having ‘issues’ with their closest Alpha on their teams. Sid-Seguin gossipy omega friendship as they explore life getting closer to alphas (Geno, Benn)
82. Beta Sid's the king of locker room talk and all the rowdy shenanigans that go on there. He flirts with everyone shamelessly and Geno has no idea how he's supposed to tell if Sid's being serious or not when he tells Geno to "take a picture, it will last longer" or something to that degree. (He really wants Sid to be serious).
83. Age difference Coach Sid/ Rookie Geno au. Geno needs to get bonded to be allowed to travel overseas and play for the Penguins. Sid agrees to be his alpha without really thinking about it until Geno shows up wide-eyed and perky at his front door and things just derail from there. (and by derail I mean office sex at the arena.)
84. Sid is an Omega but pretends to be a suppressed alpha as omegas are considered special and rare, almost local celebrities unto themselves, plus most wouldnt want to see an Omega risking injury playing professional sport. The presence of an ideal Alpha in Geno is making it harder and harder to hide his omega side and instincts.
85. After the NHL All Star Game, alpha Sid ends up with omega Geno’s gear bag. Sid doesn’t realize the mix-up until he gets home. When he opens the bag, he instantly recognizes the smell of omega arousal, and a couple of things become clear: Geno was getting hot while playing in the ASG, and Sid has unfettered, private access to Geno’s scent.
86. Pirates of the Caribbean/Black Sails au—Zhenya is a wealthy young omega hostage on pirate Sid's ship. In the end Sid can’t follow through and hand Zhenya over to the people who want him in exchange for gold. (or maybe Zhenya offers knowledge of something better for them to steal in order to save himself and they fall in love during the adventure)
87. Someone tried to take advantage of Sid while in heat/rut; it’s something that Geno hears whispers of when he is a rookie, but no one talks about it and Geno doesn’t have a nearly good enough grasp on English to try. He just stays later to practice with Sid and sits next to him at clubs and uses his body to block people when they try to touch Sid.
88. After years of dancing around their feelings, AlphaGeno and OmegaSid start ‘hooking up’ and then accidentally bond in The Playoffs bubble. This is a problem because newly bonded omegas tend to become bratty and act out in many ways and try to test their alpha, sometimes taunting other alphas to see if their own alpha will come defend them. Chaos on and off the ice ensues.
89. Werewolf/abo au: an unsuspecting Geno (omega or beta) comes across Alpha Sid's pack (maybe on a full moon run or Sid helps him with car troubles in a snow storm or maybe Geno visits Sid's pack after moving to the area as a gesture of good will.) Either way, Sid knows as soon as he sees Geno that he wants him for his bond mate, and will do whatever it takes to get him to agree.
90. Geno scent marking Sid; maybe they’re not bonded or in a relationship but Sid is *his*; his captain, his friend, the person who laughs at Geno’s jokes and exchanges knowing looks with Geno whenever one of their teammates does something dumb. It’s possessive and technically rude, but whatever. Sid likes it, Geno argues when someone (Flower, probably) tries to call him out for it.
91. Rookie Geno is ultra-competitive about everything from who goes last out of the locker room to how many eggs he can eat in a minute. Everyone sees it as Geno locking horns with Sid, competing as young alphas do. Only, Sid doesn’t seem offended or annoyed. If anything, he seems delighted and more than a little turned on. (Bonus points if everybody is wrong about one of them being an alpha).
92. Alpha sid being possessive and jealous over oblivious omega geno and maybe getting into a fight (throw in some alpha ovi shipping these idiots but also teasing sid about his and geno’s past hookups because he might be onboard the Sid geno train but he’s also a sassy bitch about it) bonus if it also has backy/ovi (if we squint not here to take the spotlight away from the two headed monster)
93. Mail Order Alpha AU: To Play in the KHL Omega Geno needs to be bonded. Metallurge team management offers him many options for Russian suitors, but Geno being Geno doesn’t like being told what to do. Instead of accepting any of those, he finds himself a nice Canadian alpha on "mail order bride" message boards. Bonus points for slightly awkward but also hot “bonding night scene” and Sid charming Geno's family with his broken Russian.
94. Sid never joins in with any of the rowdy locker room talk about hook ups/sex/knots/heats/ruts. Some of the guys joke it’s because Sid’s a virgin or frigid. Geno knows that isn’t true, because they hooked up one time when they were rookies. In retrospect he thinks it was probably Sid’s first time, and he knows he messed it up because instead of talking to Sid and seeing if they had anything real, Geno got back together with Oksana. It’s been years since then, and he and Sid are friends, but sometimes Geno wonder’s ‘what if...’
95. Geno broke an Alpha/Omega bond when he escaped from Russia to come to the NHL. He promised himself he’d never bond with anyone else ever again. He’d just have fun. And he is having fun fucking around. He was never allowed to do that at home. He probably shouldn’t be doing it in the west because he’s getting a reputation but he doesn’t care. He’s free and no one can tell him what to do. It’s his life and his choices and he’s never going to bond with anyone ever again. Only without noticing he finds himself falling for his best friend, Sidney.
96. nesting!! it can be because one of them is pregnant, or something bond/hormone related, or just a pre-heat behavior, but i love fics where the omega partner is secretly stealing the other one's clothes and small personal belongings to make a nice safe nest/den in a closet or spare room or even a trainer's room at the rink. i especially love this trope if the nesting partner is a little embarrassed or evasive about it, lol. my heart says it's sid who's building a nest out of geno's things (and being a little squirrely about it trying to keep it secret) but i think an omega!geno version would also be delightful.
97. Demisexual!Sid in an a/b/o world where designation/romance/sex has never been a big deal to him. He’s never understood his teammates stories of losing their minds with heat lust, or falling in love at first scent or losing days in bed with someone riding out their heat/rut or anything like that. Most people tell him, he’ll understand one day when the right alpha/omega/beta comes along or question if something is wrong with his designation/him. Geno never does. For the longest time Geno is one of the few friends who doesn’t think anything is wrong with him. But the problem with friends is sometimes Sid falls for them.
98. I'd love to read an a/b/o fic involving an unplanned pregnancy. Maybe they're in some kind of casual fwb arrangement off and on for years, or maybe they just hooked up the one time and had tacitly agreed to never speak of it again. I'd read pretty much any take on this prompt -- an Obvious Child-esque version where they decide to have an abortion but also realize they have feelings for each other; a version where they decide to have a baby but both think the other just wants to be friends and co-parents (not romantically involved); a version where the pregnancy forces them to reckon with their true feelings for each other... really, anything goes!
99. Loser's sacrifice / victor's prize fic, version 1: Geno wasn't drafted by the Pens, and he and Sid have spent their whole careers as rival captains (you can decide if it's a no-love-lost rivalry or just mutual respect for each other or a hatesex chemistry type dynamic). The Pens lose to Sid's team, and Sid offers himself to Geno as the victor's prize. (I'd read any version of this, but I'd especially love an alpha!Geno / omega!Sid fic where Sid's the only omega captain in a predominantly alpha league -- and this creates some weird tensions, because the sacrifice is supposed to be about the humiliation of an alpha having to submit to another alpha. Maybe Sid doesn't usually accept or offer sacrifice (someone else on the team does it for him).
100. Loser's sacrifice / victor's prize fic, version 2: Sid and Geno are together (you can decide how serious it is). After a bad loss one night, Sid offers himself as the sacrifice to the opposing team (or maybe just to their captain). Geno is insanely jealous and territorial about it and pretends to be sulky/angry, but in the days after he can't stop furtively jacking off thinking about it. Sid figures it out eventually, and somehow it becomes a thing for them. Sid starts regularly offering himself as sacrifice but always comes to Geno immediately afterwards, smelling of the opposing captain/team, so Geno can fuck someone else's come out of him while Sid tells him everything the team did to him.
101. I've been thinking about an a/o universe where non-alpha/omega pairings are still socially stigmatized, but there's an active scent-masking party/club scene, where people take blockers and go to hook up with other people without knowing what their dynamic is. Maybe the clubs themselves are a little taboo -- sort of like gay bathhouses in the '70s or private BDSM clubs -- so it's mostly people who are in the know, and there's a general understanding that you don't acknowledge people you meet there if you encounter them out in the world. I'd love an alpha/alpha fic set in this verse - could be a non-hockey AU where Sid and Geno meet at one of these clubs, or a canon fic where they don't realize the other is into alphas until they're out of town on a road trip and they run into each other at one of these clubs.
102. There are no omegas in the NHL—at least as far as anyone knows. Sid’s been taking illegal scent-blockers/suppressants and passing as a beta since he presented as an omega as a teen. The only people who know the truth are his parents, his agent, and Jack Johnson (who helped make excuses for Sid at SSM during his first heat). Sid doesn’t intend to reveal his secondary gender until his retirement—once he’s won a Cup or three and gold for Canada and proven decisively that omegas can play at the highest levels. Except something happens (his supply of blockers is interrupted, or he has a breakthrough heat, or something) and Geno finds out. I’d especially love it if this was early in their NHL careers, before they knew/trusted each other and were able to communicate well, but I’d definitely also read a fic where Geno finds out many years into their friendship, and has to grapple with how much Sid’s hidden from him.
103. old timey pirate AU! sid’s a naval officer who’s clawed his way up the ranks despite significant prejudice against omegas. he’s achieved his dream of captaining a ship, but his life is a lonely one, in part because he can’t let himself be vulnerable with anyone (in case they use it against him to challenge his leadership). the only bright spot in his life is the years-long cat-and-mouse game he’s been playing with evgeni malkin, a notorious russian pirate captain who‘s managed to evade arrest for years, often by tricking the navy or managing to cleverly conceal his crew’s stolen loot when their ship is boarded by the Navy. Geno’s an alpha, but unlike Sid’s fellow officers, he’s always treated Sid with the utmost respect—even if he also gleefully delights in tricking Sid’s men and repeatedly evading capture. in fact, after years of meeting in various port towns and at sea, Geno seems to consider Sid a friend. (Sid knows Geno finds him attractive, too, and has made it clear—always teasingly, never in a pushy or aggressive way—that he’s available, should Sid ever want to go to bed with an alpha.) up to you what the plot is, but I’d love something where Geno’s luck finally runs out, and Sid’s the one who‘s tasked with bringing him back to shore to be tried (and most likely hanged) for piracy. make Sid choose between his honor + love of rules and his unacknowledged feelings for geno!!
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