#prompt 1 steer
starrysnowdrop · 23 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 #1: Steer
Idiom: steer clear of; to stay away from purposely; avoid.
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During the events of patch 4.3, quest “Under the Moonlight”; Hali tries to convince Yume to take a step back from participating in the investigation of Zenos’ death and potential resurrection.
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“Yume, can I talk to you about something?”
The auri samurai glanced down at her pink-haired lalafellin companion and nodded. “Alright, what’s the matter?”
“Well, you see…” Hali scrunched up her face, trying to figure out how to say what she wanted to say. She folded her arms and continued.
“Look, Alisaie and I, well we are worried about you, and we thought that perhaps you might need to take a step back and let us deal with the… umm… problem at hand.”
Yume shrugged her shoulders, not following Hali’s train of thought. “What? Why would I need a break? I’m fine.”
“Yume… you have had to deal with a lot lately—”
“So have we all! Honestly I was thinking that Alisaie might need to take some time for herself with Alphinaud embarking on a diplomatic mission to Garlemald and all. She is the one that needs to relax for a while. But I’m alright.”
The lalafellin astrologian shook her head and looked up at Yume with a concerned expression. “While I agree about Alisaie, I still think you need to rest too, you know?”
Yume was growing tired of Hali dancing around the issue, or was it the person in question. She raised her voice as she replied, “Just say it already! It’s because of Zenos, isn’t it?” She sighed and placed her hands on her hips. “You don’t understand. He is alive, and I need to know if it’s really him, or if an ascian has claimed his body!”
“Yume, listen to me! I think you need to steer clear of all this right now, especially when we tell Lyse the truth. She’s not going to be happy with hearing that Zenos lives, in any capacity whatsoever. Do you really want to be there to witness her reaction?”
Hali briefly closed her eyes as she began to recall the events of the past few days spent in Doma.
“You just had to deal with Asahi threatening you over his obsession with Zenos, and you are still clearly shaken up by the echo vision we saw earlier, so perhaps you should go back to the Rising Stones to relax, meditate, and clear your head. I will keep you updated on everything, I promise.”
Yume shook her head, with slight irritation in her voice as she wanted to put this whole needless conversation to rest. “…No, Hali. I need to see this through for myself, and that’s final. Lyse will just have to be a good little leader and learn how to tolerate me being in her presence.”
This time it was Hali’s turn to sigh. Yume and Lyse were not on good terms with each other anymore, not after they have had several fights over Yume’s fixation on Garlemald’s crown prince. Though Yume never wavered in her duty and fought Zenos alongside her and their friends, Lyse couldn’t stand how much Yume seemed to talk about Zenos, and how the samurai picked up and read every tome she could that held information on him. To not only Lyse’s eyes, but everyone else’s, Yume seemed to be growing obsessed with him, and she always seems to talk about him as if he were a long-lost lover…
Hali wondered for a moment if that was how she looked like when she recalled her days in Ishgard with Aymeric, but she quickly pushed those thoughts from her mind and shrugged. There might be another dramatic argument in the near future between Yume and Lyse, but it couldn’t be avoided if Yume insists on going to Rhalgr’s Reach with her.
“Alrighty, suit yourself.”
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Yume’s Blog: @firelightmuse
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katalinhunter · 22 days
Three lives entwined in a way, each from a different world. At a glance there should be no connection between them but in some way they were all tied together.
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The highlander had just returned from her enforced honeymoon after a similarly enforced marriage. Normally she would have been ornery about someone demanding that she do a thing but this was one of the few times where she was going to do it anyway and the person making the demands was a… time-split version of herself from just over two Eorzean years back who she had attempted to murder, had sworn revenge in return and held her captive/tortured her for moons, had shared a body for a bit before getting forged into a weapon that Katalin had wielded for nearly a year.
It was a complicated relationship.
She still wasn't sure why Harle (that time-split etc. version) was no longer a blade but that was a situation that was slowly resolving without her input. She hoped. There was a bit of concern that she would have to step in and do things but for now she was keeping her hands away, letting things play out.
The Ronso held a short 2-page report from Amh Arang, her old home in Mord Souq actually. it had been tucked into her backpack and forgotten about as she and her husband searched for and actually found a path to the First.
"Wicked white…" Not only had the desolate Empty shown unusual stirrings of aether there were actual claims of greenery returning? There were no first-hand sightings so she was skeptical but supposedly the Warrior of Darkness was working towards the same goal as her team.
She remembered stepping out onto the porch, warm firelight embracing the doorway behind her. Her daughter Coto's small hand was warm in her own as they both stared up to a night sky for the first time. Jovana gave a sudden laugh, overcome by the sight, then looked over to Verboten with a fanged smile as he held to Coto's other hand. Her husband's eyes were equally wide in wonder as he stared up. "They did it!"
Anything was possible.
Tawny still wasn't sure exactly how they were here. A few people had stories, ideas, things that sounded plausible, but Tawmy really didn't get it. Not that it stopped them from bullshitting through things.
The last memory was back in Fifth Crown, making a delivery to a friendly group on the outskirts of the city. There had been… a voice? A bright white light that leaked out of a sealed case, a hand closing around the hilt of a blade.
Then nothing, blank, empty memories, not even chaotic dreams or a hangover. Just waking up here in this shithole. Skulking around a house and avoiding the notice of people who lived there. A few of the people looked all too much like the Henshin although they didn't seem to act the part.
It had been nice for a couple of weeks until he accidentally walked in on a few of them by accident. Half-truths were spun, barely understood claims were made, and Tawny had actually got them to accept him as 'steward' of the place. Idiots.
There was no obvious path back home but things were okay. The club scene and night-life here were terrible but there was surely an angle to be played.
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chocoblep · 22 days
#1: Molding an Opinion
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Prompt: Steer
It would have been easier to just tell the Duskwight no, to deny him the loan he was asking for simply due to the fact that he would likely be entering a hostile market were he to sell in any of the three main city-states. He didn't say no, though–not yet, anyway. He wanted to see if the man had come up with this conclusion on his own. As he eyed the admittedly pristine earthenware specimens that the man had set on his desk, he made a deal with himself: He would say yes if the potter could find the best marketing opportunity with just a couple pointed questions from Rath. If he couldn't, then he would not be able to save himself when prejudice or oversaturation hurt his business.
“Tell me, Master Sauveterre,” he began, folding his hands on the desk’s light oak surface and tapping his foot a couple times against the Green Room’s moss-like carpet. “How is it that you intend upon marketing yourself? Who is your target consumer?”
“Ah, an excellent question,” the man began, lifting a hand to stroke at his dark beard. He turned his single fuchsia eye to meet Rath's own particolored pair as he spoke confidently. “My target consumer is anyone who needs tableware or any other earthenware goods that could feasibly be made by my hand. While I would prefer to sell to more upscale clientele, given my specialties and proclivity for more unique artistic pieces, I am also not averse to providing for the basic needs of families, individuals, and establishments alike. As for marketing myself…” He paused there, furrowing his brow. “I am well aware of the prejudice toward my kind that is rampant in the Shroud. I imagine Thanalan has its fair share of potters, given the materials readily available to its denizens. La Noscea has the drawback of dealing with more imported goods than the other nations, which might make it difficult for me to stand out. Therefore, I want to target Ishgard. Noble houses are always looking for a new thing to showcase their wealth, and my art could be just that. With the ongoing restoration project there, the need for basic items is currently at a high, and there are not so many in my line of work that I have seen there.”
Interesting. Rath had not expected the insightfulness that had been presented here. He had guiding questions ready for any other answer, but it seemed the man had already gotten himself where Rath would have suggested he go. He made a show of picking up and examining one of the pieces–an earthenware vase carved with climbing ivy, each cutout displaying different layers, all of differing shades of green. It was both sturdy and elegant.
“They drink quite a lot of tea, and I would assume they prefer much more delicate items than these,” he commented., sweeping his hand out in a gesture toward a trio of mugs on the desk.
“Which is why I am here,” the man replied, an earnest smile on his face. “I need a better kiln and a more suitable workspace to break into porcelains… ah, no pun intended.”
“I see. And if I grant you this loan, it would be for securing your new workspace and equipment?”
“Ah, yes… and also relocation costs. I have a bit saved up for that, but moving my current equipment that far is expensive.”
M’rath unfolded his hands and reached to the side to grab a blank piece of parchment and begin drafting a contract. “I will take a chance on you, Raoul, but before we discuss the exact terms of the agreement, tell me how much you would charge for this vase. It belongs in this room.”
He glanced to the Duskwight, lips twitching as he caught the surface thoughts dancing around in the man's head. Now it was time to see if he was properly valuing his work.
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winddragonart · 23 days
FFXIV Write 2024 #1: Steer
Mother Crystal dimmed Fate of the Star in our hands Let's do right by her
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cadrenebula · 23 days
Prompt #1: Steer
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Adel had been glad that the Arcanist's Guild had been accommodating of her request. Even more so when she had been told that a familiar face was available too. This was not a trip she wanted to make with some fresh faced arcanist.
This arcanist was one she had closely worked with before. Together they had put on a nice spooky display a couple times in attacks on Garlean vessels. Sadly it was a short lived bit of fun since the captain had decided not to let it continue. At least she got to live up to her nickname as the Frost Siren. Sadly it didn't seem to rattle many of the upper command on the Garlean vessels, just those under their command.
But now that things were relatively peaceful... It left many of the Sirens with time on their hands. Especially Adel. There was little for a healer to do when they weren't doing battle and getting injuries. Some of her sisters had found things to do. Not Adel though. At least not without the pressure of Captain Rhoswen.
Standing with her arms crossed as she looked now at the approaching miqo'te woman. How she had let her captain talk her into making a venture to look into who her father was... An shake of her head and a heavy sigh. "Karigan. Pleasure to see you again."
"Ah the lovely Lady of the Frost." Karigan chirped happily as she joined Adel on the end of the pier. "The Guildmaster told me you needed a seasoned arcanist for a little journey."
"Aye. It will be just us. So I needed a mage I trust. You up for a little adventure before my captain tosses me to the sea for annoying her?" Adel had rolled her eyes a little at Karigan's choice of naming. She definitely preferred Frost Siren more than any title containing Lady. But reminding Karigan rarely got her anywhere anyways. So she let it go. "I've decided to look into my father's side of my bloodline. But to do that we need to travel across the sea. I already secured the passage for two."
"Oh! Now I admit I'm curious as to where we might be heading. Yes I am good for a little adventure. And it honors me to hear you trust me enough for such a trip. If I remember right, most of your sisters could care less about their sires." Karigan tilted her head curiously, ears wiggling a little.
"Trust me, I do not care about him. More than anything I am curious about my specific magic and alignment. I don't get it from my mother. She isn't even elezen. So more than anything I want answers for myself. I honestly could care less if I even find my old man. I'm a Siren and they are the only family that matters." Adel shrugs with a frown. "Besides it was the captain's suggestion."
"You never could refuse the good lady captain when she tells you something." Karigan chuckles softly. "Well shall we go catch our boat before we have to guide a ship ourselves instead? I would hate to be late and miss the ship."
"Yes. Let's get this over with."
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quirkycoterie · 17 days
The Crow's Nest
Aliiza concentrated on the swirls of the mists ahead of the ship. She knew from more experience than most would even guess at how to read each one for hazards in the water, even though the hazards themselves were unseeable in these conditions. The helmsman just had to trust in her calls. Her body registered the swells of the ocean below them as her eyes parsed the other movements. Her hair in a ponytail stayed out of her eyes and was as good an indicator of wind speed and direction as any other tool for her.
The raging winds and mists had come suddenly and she'd climbed up to replace the usual navigator. At regular intervals she'd assure the helmsman they were clear. It was hard for anyone to tell how much progress was actually being made and they were too far out for lighthouses. Finally, she saw the lifts and eddies in the mists she'd been watching for. Her voice sounded out to the helmsman, "We're at the first break! Hard to port by 40 degrees now!" She held the edge of the nest as the helmsman made the correction and the crew worked the sails. Now... she just had to guide them thru 5 more difficult breaks.
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ceilidho · 7 months
prompt: forced throuple au; Ghost decides that you and Johnny are his (part 3; ghoap x reader) part 1, part 2
“What is this anyway—‘bring your girlfriend to work’ day?”
She’s snarky as ever, but with an agitated edge. Nerves prickling when Johnny holds her jacket out for her to slip her arms into. Even that makes her snap—something about not being a toddler that Johnny needs to help dress, but by then his head is in the clouds. In another place altogether. 
The prospect of getting to parade his new girl around leaves him giddy, fox-like grin hard to squash. He doesn’t suppress anything, finds it hard to push things down. When he does, it’s often unconscious. 
She doesn’t like the way he savours her anxiety like a fine wine, sniffs it from the top of her head and groans out his breath, cackling when she tries to stomp on his foot to make him go away. He dances away with her coat, light and nimble on his feet because he’s used to ducking and weaving for her affection. 
“The guys wanna meet ye,” he repeats for the umpteenth time. It’s surprising how many times he’s had to say it. 
“Why? Haven’t they ever met a girl before?” she gripes, swallowing now, her stomach probably cramping and poor bonnie lass, Johnny thinks. His poor, pretty girl is trying to put on a brave face when he knows she prefers being in the backroom of her little flower shop, snipping off stalks and tying pretty bows around pretty bouquets. He wishes he could keep her back there forever—put a lock on the door and come only to smother her in kisses and gorge himself on every inch of her—but there’s a whole wide world demanding his attention. 
“Aye, hen, never a lass as cute and sweet as ye,” he crows, ducking a hand that punches through the sleeve of her jacket in his direction. 
In the car, he drops the facade. Loses his teasing edge. It’s a violent removal, like jolting awake to the sound of someone sawing away at a catalytic converter. If his smile is saccharine, it’s really only a smokescreen concealing the apprehension bubbling away in his belly. 
He drums his fingers on the steering wheel on the drive back to base. Heart in his throat, choking his words and rendering him quiet for once in his life. He hears Ghost’s voice in his head, a low rumbling laugh, tectonic plates shifting beneath his feet. These days, his voice acts as a lodestar, the thing steering Johnny home. 
Months ago, it was the only thing between him and annihilation, the ice cold maelstrom dragging him deeper into its maw. Guiding him through the valley of death. The wound in his arm still aches in the first light of day. His sleep is still wracked by dreams of running down alleys and ducking into houses, the rain pattering against the window panes ominous, a ticking clock, each step having to be precise, calculated, each movement quieter than quiet, fading into the shadows, a cool heart and mind bested by agony from the bulletwound in his shoulder.
And then—Ghost’s voice, low and soothing in his ear, shattering the pain. Ghost’s voice in his ear telling him where to go, how to survive. 
It’s hard to explain. Johnny’s tried. It’s like talking in circles when he opens his mouth and tries to get it out. I trust him with everything in me. He could do anything to me, anything. 
He is no less capable, no less competent. His rank demands respect, and he takes what’s due to him. Since Las Almas, he’s worked across a medley of other teams, even solo a time or two. It changes nothing. He still wakes in a sweat, chasing that voice. It takes him back into the real world. The days burn into the fringes of a memory that he is always living.
“Should I know anyone’s name before we get there?”
Her voice breaks through the noise in his head this time. It’s every bit as precious. 
“What d’ye mean, hen?” he asks, clucking his tongue. Sweats a bit when he realizes how far down the motorway they are now, how long it’s been since he checked out, lost in his thoughts. One hand rests loose on her leg, fingers spread wide and thumb gliding up and down her outer thigh, the other still holding the wheel. 
The pinched look has mostly fallen off from her face, but there’s still a tremble in her lower lip when she says, “Well, I don’t know any of your friends. I wouldn’t introduce you to my friends without telling you their names first.”
“No’ my friends, hen—we’re coworkers.”
She looks over at him from the corner of her eye. “I’m friends with my coworkers.”
Johnny shrugs. “It’s no’ the same with guys. Couldnae tell you fuck all about any of them except their names, to be honest.”
“Oh, don’t give me that—you’re not friends with a single one of them? No one?”
No hunger without resistance. His mouth goes bone dry. He’d be wise to learn that. 
He swallows. “Maybe a few.”
No transaction without accountability. Ghost saves his life and now Johnny has to pay that debt back tenfold. Sinking into the crease of Simon’s voice late at night, clutching it to his chest. Breathing it out. Maybe they are friends. 
He’s a bit show-offy at the base gates, dangling his ID card out the window pinched between two fingers. The civilian guard on duty just waves him on, scanning it only for the sake of the logs. His tires spin in the dirt when he guns it down the stretch of road leading into the base, windows still all the way down. Her hair whips around in the wind until she gathers it all up in her fist and shrieks at him to roll the windows up. 
Johnny enjoys showing off. That’s a core aspect of who he is, his charm. Braggadocious, confident in the way he looks, his physical prowess, his lot in life—so why would that change with his girl? He holds her close with an arm around her waist when he drags her through the rec centre, the building closest to where they parked. 
He gets lost in conversation for longer than expected. Pure gloating about the girl he’s managed to bag. Cooing in her ear when he feels her get a bit uneasy, still timid around the other guys despite having him at her side. He supposes that’s fair. She’s more comfortable around the women on base, a bit freer with her greeting and questions, but there’s still a pinch in her brow that never smooths all the way over.
It takes a while to find anyone that he knows. There are plenty of sergeants and corporals that he’s worked with before, familiar faces and names, but Johnny still glances around the room while they make light conversation with his girl, searching. Looking for something familiar, something that’ll reel him in, make him perk up like a dog catching a scent. 
They cross Gaz in a random hallway on the way to the comm centre, hardly recognizable at first with the darker stubble of his beard grown out. He must’ve just come back from wherever he’d been shipped off to the month previous, no time to shave or clean up. He even smells of old sweat when Johnny leans in for a hug. 
“Is this—?” Gaz glances over at her just once while the question dangles in the air. He looks back over at Johnny. 
They lock eyes. A silent exchange of meaning. 
“Aye,” Johnny nods, steering her in front of him with both hands on her shoulders, showing his girl off like a kid with a new toy. Eyes glinting like, don’t say a word. “Brought her in to meet everyone.”
A molasses slow smile spreads across Gaz’s face. It’s clear why men like him always get the girl. Johnny’s hands tighten on her shoulders. “Nice to meet you—thought John would hide you away forever.”
She glances up at him through her lashes. “You talked about me?”
Gaz shakes his head. “Not as much as you’d think. Took Ghost ages to get it out of him.”
Johnny flushes. “Did no’. Jus’ ‘cause I don’ blab about everything under the fuckin’ sun doesnae mean—”
“John says you’re a florist,” Gaz interrupts, turning the conversation back to her. Her lips split up into a mischievous little grin, delighted at the turnabout, probably delighted at seeing Johnny stumble over his words.
Something about her teasing grin gets his dick hard. More points to the rapidly disintegrating belief that he doesn’t have a humiliation kink. He leans forward, pressing it into her ass, delighted himself when she shoots him a dirty look over her shoulder but doesn’t pull away. 
“So, where’s everybody?” Johnny asks casually, trying not to make it too obvious who he’s referring to. The look Gaz gives him is unimpressed. He keeps running into that brick wall, his thoughts written out on his forehead, obvious to everyone around him. 
“Everyone?” Gaz repeats sceptically. 
“Aye.” His voice is tight, warning. “Everyone.”
“Ghost’s actually on his way here now, I think. We got called over to HQ—s’where I was headed, actually.”
“I dinnae say anything about Ghost, now did I—,” Johnny grumbles, but the words dissolve in his mouth when the man in question comes into the room. 
Sometimes, Johnny has the pleasure of seeing Ghost round a corner. The split second pleasure of being the observer, of dragging his eyes up and over, his chest bursting with a light like dawn cresting behind mountains and splitting the sky. In the field, he’s often deprived of that; becomes used to experiencing the phenomenon of Ghost melting out of the shadows, sometimes scaring the daylights out of him. 
It’s what happens now though. Glancing up on a whim only to see a man round the corner of the hallway leading out of the rec centre, shirt stretched out maddeningly over his arms and chest, muscles bulging like he just came from the gym, still pumped. The shirt’s a little threadbare, something old and worn, and Johnny’s seen it a million and a half times he figures; it leaves so little to the imagination that he’s joked about Ghost busting it at the seams from time to time, only to be met with a steady, aloof stare. 
There’s something to be said about how he’s drawn to people who refuse to scratch him behind the ears until he’s more than proven himself. He works tirelessly for Ghost’s approval, for his girl’s approval. Dogs with their bones, tigers with their stripes. 
He has a balaclava pulled over his face, just a simple black one this time, the underside of his eyes darkened by eyeblack hastily scrubbed off the night before, probably. His eyes scan the crowd, locking on Johnny and Gaz almost instantly. It’s the mark of a good soldier—he doesn’t flounder in the dark. Always finds his target, like a sixth sense for knowing when he’s being watched. 
Ghost course-corrects upon noticing them, crossing the room in a handful of seconds. The curt, “Johnny,” he gets is a bounty, a treasure. He grins back when Ghost glances down at the girl at his side. “That your bird?” 
“Told ye I’d bring her in—s’long as everyone’s on their best behaviour, of course.”
Gaz snorts. “Good luck with that.”
Ghost must cock an eyebrow because he can see the fabric of his mask shift. “Pretty.”
He can’t help the way he preens at that. Tucked away by his side again, Johnny can feel his girl squirm, but he pays it no mind. She’s shy—he’s known that from day one, from the first time she stumbled out from the back of the flower shop and scrunched her nose up at his attempts at flirting. 
Admiration is a smooth, buttery feeling. It keeps him aloft while another couple of servicemen take interest in their conversation and come over, Johnny’s girl at the centre of everyone’s attention. He’d be pricklier about it if he didn’t have a firm hand on her waist, keeping her pressed to his side. 
He soaks up the attention. Drinks it up when someone asks his girl a question and Johnny answers for her or pinches her cheek when she manages to pipe up before him. He knows he’ll get read the riot act when he takes her back home later, but he might be able to convince her to ride him while berating him for talking over her. Might beg her to slap him and spit in his mouth—say it’s the only way he’ll learn his lesson.
Dirty dog.
It strikes him that maybe he’s picked up some bad habits in recent months. He’s never been one to overthink, to worry and fret. Yet, he toils in it now, shovels coals into the furnace of it and gives it life. 
His shoulders go slack, the tension finally ebbing out of him. No longer dogged by the incessant fear that his girl is going to run away, bolt at the first loud noise, or that someone’s going to pluck her up out of his arms. She seems comfortable if anything. 
He’s been overthinking all of this, wrapped up in his head. He can breathe out, unclench. 
When Ghost shifts to stand closer to them, he glances over because that’s where his gaze always goes these days. Seeking Ghost out, finding him in a crowd; looking for his North Star wherever he is, wherever he goes. 
Only to watch in mute horror as, in plain sight, not trying to be discreet or hide it from anyone, Ghost gropes his girlfriend’s ass in front of everyone on base. Just reaches out a big hand and fondles her ass, digging his fingers into the cheek. She freezes, back ramrod straight as she stares ahead, eyes going a bit blank. 
He fails whatever test this is, mouth too dry for any words to come out. Humiliation burns him from the inside out. Another sergeant that he’s worked with before frowns, glancing over at Johnny. Neither of them say a word. 
Ghost tilts his head, staring down at his hand on her ass like he’s contemplating its plushness. Admiring it. With how Johnny stands on one side and Ghost the other, the two of them bracket her, like the soft centre of their trio; nowhere for her to go, a handler on either side. That’s wrong though. Ghost is not her handler—Johnny hardly is, more of a self-appointed one. 
Still he—
He lets it happen.
Contention dies a bloody death in his mouth, massacred. Mangled. He lets Ghost sink his fingers into his girlfriend’s backside and hum a little under his breath before finally pulling his hand away. The others look at him, waiting for Johnny’s reaction with bated breath. A reaction that never comes because it gets strangled in Johnny’s throat. 
“Nice meeting the bird,” Ghost finally says, voice a decibel lower, rough enough to scrape. “Gaz and I’ve got shit to do now. Be ready on the tarmac by oh-seven-hundred tomorrow, Johnny.” 
He grips Johnny by the shoulder before heading off, like he didn’t just grope Johnny’s girlfriend. Like he didn’t just reach down and grab a handful of her ass like it was his to feel up. And Johnny just nods. A placid, docile thing under Ghost’s hand, bobbing his head like a doll. 
Then Ghost leaves, Gaz trailing after him, looking back about a half dozen times to see if Johnny will suddenly follow them until he’s forced to job to catch up to Ghost, the man already yards away, longer legs carrying him fast out of the building. 
They don’t talk on the drive back to her apartment, the inside of the car tense and uncertain. Johnny walks her to the door when he lets her off, but it’s a formality, a chaste kiss at the door instead of the rough fuck that he’d envisioned to send her off. Despite the hard set of her jaw, she doesn’t lambast him like Johnny expected. The silence is worse though, haunting when she shuts the door in his face. 
The drive back to base after the drop off is agonizing in a whole new way. Still pent up, cock heavy in his pants, and fingers drumming over the steering wheel twice as fast now. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? What he wants to do is turn around at the closest gap between both sides of the motorway and speed all the way back, knock on her door until his knuckles blister and bleed, until she opens the door and lets him in, lets Johnny push her to the floor in the entryway and spread her legs, welcoming him in. 
Until she lets him fit his fingers into the marks left behind by Ghost’s hand. 
Cold fire rising up off his bones, and then something hot. And wet. 
The next day at breakfast in the mess, one of the guys says something like, “If Ghost was into my girl, that’s the last you’d see of me and her,” and his mind goes blank and he goes over the table.
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seiwas · 1 month
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₊˚⊹。 i'll stay on this drive for as long as you'd like | fushiguro megumi
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wc: 3.2k
summary: megumi knows you a lot better than you think.
contains: f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!reader, non-curse!au, college!au, established relationship, hurt/comfort.
a/n: some songs for the vibe: streetcar - daniel caesar, the movies - nightly, night drive - red velvet.
part: 1 | 2 | 3 series m.list: by your passenger seat
part of the in's and out's new year/birthday event | request prompt: acting like it’s okay when you know it’s too much 
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sponsored by @ceroseis and @itskilau for the @ficsforgaza initiative. please check it out and support if you can!
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It’s on the drive back from one of your friends’ graduation afterparty that Megumi can tell something’s off. 
The trees whizzing past your window begin to dwindle, commercial buildings replacing them bit by bit—a clear sign of your trip drawing further away from the party venue and closer to the bustling streets of home. 
He looks over to you every now and then, your back pressed against the black leather seats of his sedan. That spot is yours, adjusted and fitted to your liking; on most days, you settle into it comfortably, but tonight, you sit with unease. 
There’s a tightness around your shoulders that extends all the way down to your clenched fists, and if it still isn’t any obvious from that, it’s one look at how you bite down tensely on your jaw that gives you away completely. 
Are you cold? He wonders, then checks the AC. 
Spring has brought in warmer days, but the nights are unpredictable—
His brows furrow, one hand tightening around the steering wheel as he uses the other to increase the temperature slightly. Just in case. 
—you’re still wearing the microfleece jacket he brought to the afterparty. 
Only a few words have been exchanged between you two so far—which is not unusual. Car rides with you are typically silent, comfortable in that either of you can speak whenever you want; there’s never any pressure to fill in empty pauses and long stretches of nothingness. 
It’s always a shared look, maybe a touch; a joint experience in enjoying each other's company despite not doing much.
But, this quiet is different. Tense. One that’s riddled with feelings you seem to be hiding. 
Megumi can tell. 
You pick your nails from his periphery, your lower lip caught between your teeth as you focus on the road straight ahead. On your lap rests your phone, filled with songs queued up for CarPlay—a task you’ve made your own since marking your permanence in his passenger seat. 
A slow reverb plays as the accompaniment to your silence, and the song is familiar, one he knows full well exists in some of your vaguely named mood playlists. 
“Sometimes you just want to feel something, y’know?”
And Megumi thinks that’s all fine and good; Kugisaki’s called him ‘moody’ more than a few times. But he watches you now and he can’t even tell what you’re feeling exactly, just that you don’t feel okay.
He hears you take in a breath. 
In the years you’ve known each other, Megumi’s learned that you tell him most things, but only when you’re ready. It’s not a problem with him, it’s just your way of processing things—is how you explained it. 
Still, something about the way you’d gradually curled in on yourself and avoided most of the night’s conversations makes him feel worried. It gives him the sinking feeling that if he doesn’t ask about it now, you’ll let tonight play out like nothing’s wrong; you’ll sweep it under the rug and when he asks about it next time, you’ll dust it off like it never happened to begin with. 
Then he’ll never know.
And, that doesn’t sit well with him at all. 
His eyes glance over at the directions on his CarPlay. The breath he takes is crucial, inhaled with contemplation before it’s released with his decision. 
At the end of the song’s chorus, right before it changes key for the bridge, Megumi takes a detour. His palm lays flat on the wheel as he turns it to the left abruptly. An excuse waits at the tip of his tongue, ready to spill out for when you say—
“I think we were supposed to go straight…” your voice trails off, equal parts unsure and fragile. 
“Gojo-sensei wants me to check out a property,” he lies, straight through his teeth. It doesn’t sound too far off from a real possibility. 
“Oh,” you mumble, more resigned than usual as your fingers reach for the screen. “Do you want me to pin it?” 
“No need,” he pauses, eyes momentarily flitting over to your hand. 
The thought simmers for only a second before he reaches for your fingers with his own, interlacing them together and stroking your knuckles with his thumb; back and forth, gently.
It’s a habit he’s developed in well over the year that you’ve been together; a grounding sign of his affection that no longer flusters him as much as it used to. It means many things, but he hopes you can tell what he’s trying to say right now—
“I want you to tell me what you’re thinking,” as he rests your interlaced hands on your thigh.
The warmth on your lap causes you to look up, your lips curling up into a tight smile. 
His grip on the steering wheel tightens. 
Maybe you think it does the job, but Megumi knows you; he knows how you breathe when you’re anxious, knows the way your eyelashes flutter when you’re on the brink of tears. He knows when your smile isn’t any bit genuine, when it fails to reach your eyes and you turn away quickly as if to hide that fact. 
He clasps your hands together and squeezes. 
You hold your breath, turning your head to watch the view: city buildings reverting back to trees. 
It runs down the side of the road in an endless stream, along with time, and the unease that settles in his stomach when you don’t respond to his squeeze with familiar grip. 
He looks on ahead. 
Megumi has no idea where the fuck he’s driving to; the directions on his CarPlay constantly reroute him back to your neighborhood, but he’s taking every wrong turn and crossing every road he isn’t supposed to just to buy some more time to stay in this ride with you. 
“This is that new artist you’ve been talking about lately, right?” he attempts.
You only hum. 
The car slows for a red on the stoplight ahead, and he tells himself he’ll give you this time and wait until it ends. If after this, you’re still quiet—
It turns green. 
—”Is everything okay?” he makes sure to look at you when he asks. 
When your eyes meet his, he can already tell what front you’re about to play up. It’s painful when he watches your face shift into something else, eyes forcibly widening as your smile pulls tightly at your cheeks.
“Yep! Why wouldn’t it be?” 
He hates it. 
How can you pretend to sound happy in front of him, of all people, too? 
He turns away, eyes focusing back on the road. Your hand remains clasped in his, still unmoving; Megumi doesn’t know you like this—you’ve only ever squeezed back just as tightly, if not more, holding onto him all the way home. 
The furrow between his brows deepens as his finger taps lightly on the wheel. Restless. 
He allows the silence to stretch on.
A few more minutes find him driving past missed turns and wrong roundabouts, the scenery around you transforming into empty fields of tall grass dimly lit by lampposts. The lights fade in and out on repeat, casting itself as hazy, muddled hues upon your face.
Megumi glances from time-to-time, catching your reflection on the window of his passenger seat. 
The expression on your face remains tight, pulled together in an effort to keep it together. And Megumi isn’t typically one to pry, nor is he the type to outright intervene with what others are going through—
But, he just wants you to tell him what’s wrong. 
The feeling scratches at him, a quiet torture as it turns him impatient. He can only grind his teeth. 
Your songs continue to play as he drives down empty roads, each one turning sadder than the last. And he wonders for a moment when it’ll end; if listening to these songs for long enough will make you feel any better—enough at least, for you to begin to open up. 
In the midst of his rumination, you move, angling yourself away from him ever so slightly as you reach up to run your fingers through your hair, microfleece sleeve brushing against your cheeks lightly. 
You don’t think he sees you, he’s sure, but he spots you on your reflection—
The window of his passenger seat is pitch black, already heavily tinted on its own, but exacerbated more by the darkness of the evening outside. It lends itself as the perfect blank slate to return any image that light casts upon it. Tonight, its subject happens to be you.
—with tears streaming down your face. 
And it makes his chest ache, heart sinking straight to his stomach. 
The breath you take is heartbreakingly still, a staggered inhale that is so careful and so considerate of the fact that you don’t want him to hear it hitch. Your lips are trembling, bitten down to keep in any sob that might spill out. 
Megumi hates this the most, he’s decided. 
He clenches his jaw. 
Just a few meters ahead is a clearing lit up by another lamppost. The road is vacant enough for him to pull the car over to the side, still leaving room for other cars to pass by. 
So he decides.
Pushing the hazard button and signaling to turn, Megumi slows the car down to a stop. You wipe at your face quickly when you notice, trying discreetly to fix yourself up before facing him. 
“Did something happen?”
Your sniffle slips. 
He doesn’t say anything, shifting the gear into park as he leans back on his seat. The leather squeaks under his movement, each noise amplified now that the car is completely still.
Megumi takes a deep breath.
“Nothing happened,” he starts, considering his next actions very carefully as he turns to face you. 
His fingers reach up slowly, gently wiping at the tips of your eyelashes; your tears glisten at its tips. 
Something in your expression shifts, the front you put up gradually turning into guilt. 
(He knows; he’s noticed you this entire night.) 
Time stops for Megumi in moments you never know: when you laugh, and your cheeks lift life to your eyes; when you hold him, by hand or by heart—he can’t tell the difference sometimes; when you tell him you love him, whether whispered against his collarbone or spoken through your lips locked in his.
You look pretty in all of them, you always do; even now, drowning in the fabric of his clothes with strands of your hair kissing your nose. 
It’s enough to already make his chest hurt. 
But then your tears begin to spill over, rushing down in streams over your cheeks, and he can’t put a name to this feeling—this immense pressure that sinks down to his stomach, twisting and aching. It’s worse than what he felt moments ago. 
His thumbs press themselves to the dampness under your eyes, wiping away where he can as he cradles the rest of your face. 
Megumi is the last person anyone would ever call to handle tears, but his body moves on its own when it leans towards you. It feels natural, right, when his lips rest softly against your forehead, fingers slotting themselves around your ears. 
Your hands hold onto his wrists firmly, as if grounding yourself. 
“Please tell me what’s wrong.” 
He adjusts himself, quickly releasing his seatbelt to lean over the center console. It’s awkward and uncomfortable, and—
(It’s hard, you want to tell him. Nothing ever seems enough sometimes.) 
You tuck your face in the crook of his neck, your arms hooking themselves around his back and onto his shoulders. 
“Did I–” he starts, unsure, as he brings a hand up to cradle the back of your head, “Is it it me?” 
You shake your head. 
(Of course, it isn’t. How can it be?)
“I don’t know what to do, Megumi,” you mumble, choked up as you inch away from him to rub at your eyes. 
He waits for you to continue.
“We just graduated,” your fingers grip at your pants, “I should be happy, and I am, but,” you hiccup, “everyone has all these plans and big dreams and,” a deep breath, “I don’t even know what I want to do.” 
(Your tears soak through your speech, punctuating them in drenched uncertainty.
Everything throbs, a heavy thumping beating in your head. The only thing that cuts through is the familiar ‘click’ of the door unlocking, Megumi’s hand on the handle as you turn towards him curiously.) 
“Let’s step outside,” he directs, his door already half-open. 
When you move to follow suit, he turns off the engine before stepping outside.
The crisp air of spring is sharper in the evening, littering goosebumps down the sides of his arms. A breeze picks up and brushes against his ears, but being near you, in any capacity, has always been enough to make his insides feel warm. 
He circles around the front of the car to get to your side, pausing a few steps in front of you, as if asking for permission. 
You take a step and then another, tears welling up as you inch closer for a hug. 
“I don’t know,” you admit, voice small as you slack in his hold. He tucks you under his chin, hand cradling the back of your head again. “I always thought I’d figure it out eventually,” you continue, “but we’re here and I haven’t, and…” 
Your grip on him tightens.
“Did anyone trigger this earlier?” he asks softly, his finger rubbing against the nape of your neck. 
(That’s the problem, though—there isn’t anyone in particular. You know Megumi is asking so he can steer you clear of any future interactions with said person, but that’s not the case; it’s all you and the things you’ve overheard. All you and the things you see on your social media feed—an insecurity that drowns out anything else around you. 
People often mean well when they ask what you’re up to, but your response always leaves a bitter, acrid aftertaste when you feel like you can never give them an honest answer.) 
You shake your head, digging your face deeper into his neck. Your lips tickle his skin when you speak, “Just overheard stuff.”
Megumi sighs, holding you closer. 
He blinks once, taking in the clear open fields and the endless road ahead. Up above, stars splatter white against the sky, and if he listens closely, he’ll hear the faintest hiss of the springtime breeze. 
“It’s all just… noise,” he mumbles, lips pressing on the crown of your head. “You always tell me…” in the depths of his mind he fishes for a memory as proof,  “everything else is just noise when you have me and good music with you.” 
He feels shy recounting it word-by-word, heat rising to his cheeks; but Megumi has never been good at comfort, and this is his honest attempt at that. 
You chuckle sadly, a little watery as you reply, “It’ll just be me and the music when you leave though.” 
And even though this is your honest attempt at taking the situation lightly, the statement hits him square in the chest with its gravity.  
He hums and chooses to linger with you in the quiet, the occasional wisps of wind whizzing in the background. 
There’s not a lot Megumi can say that’ll make any of his statements valid, because all his plans have been laid out since his third year in uni: work his way through his course (which he did, in flying colors, actually), bag an internship (which he also did, for an extended contract too), and eventually land a job offer (which he also just did, a few days ago for a company in Kyoto). 
But, there is one thing he knows he can say with utmost certainty:  
“We’ll figure it out together.” 
Your head whips up quickly, brows furrowing as you give him a look. 
(If it’s what you think he’s implying, you won’t allow it. He has to—)
“...’ll still go. You’ll kill me if I don’t.” he huffs, leaning back to get a better look at you.
You look confused. 
(Megumi staying behind in Tokyo isn’t even an option for you; not when he has an attractive offer waiting for him in Kyoto, and most especially not when the only reason he’d be staying is because of you.
You’d been the one who encouraged him to apply and you promised yourself that you’d continue to support him all the way through. The fact that he’s leaving is sad, but you’ll never forgive yourself if you end up being the reason he’s held back from something so good.)
“I’ll visit,” he tucks your hair behind your ear, “or you can stay with me whenever you want while we figure something out for you.” 
“You can lean on me.” 
(His eyes meet yours sincerely, deep blue speckled with street-lit hues. It’s honest, and he only means to reassure you, but something inside you is saying—)
“You’re not… you’re not a failure, or a disappointment, or whatever, just because you’re having a hard time figuring it out by yourself.” he continues to speak, finding the right words as his hands fall down to press on your waist. “It’s why I’m here.” 
(—you should still feel bad. Your life is your responsibility, and Megumi shouldn’t be the one holding onto all the pieces when you’re struggling to get it together. And yet—)
When you open your mouth to rebut, Megumi, somehow, already knows what you’re about to say. 
“It’s not baggage, and even if you insist it is,” he pauses, as if working a way to verbalize how he feels. His eyes hold yours in this moment, tears welling up along your lash line; there is a weight to what he’s about to reveal. 
He takes a breath, swallowing. 
“I want to take it on with you.” 
Your tears fall and Megumi catches them, his thumbs gently pressing against your cheeks. 
(There are a lot more thoughts racing through your mind, but for now you focus on the peace he offers you. Megumi is rarely verbal with his feelings, so hearing him be so open like this means more to you than anything.)
“Okay,” you rest your forehead against his collarbone. 
Megumi pulls you closer as you both stand by his car, his arms a steady stronghold that grounds you. He gives you a few more moments of quiet until he feels ready to ask, “Are you ready to head home?”
You lift your face from his chest, eyes puffed up and a little dry. Your hand searches for his, interlacing your fingers together when you find it resting against the small of your back. 
“Can we drive for a little bit longer?”
He nods and his lips curl up into a smile, small and knowing as he opens the car door. 
But before you go back in, his hands take hold of yours, rubbing them gently to heat them from the cold. He brings your fingertips up to his lips, the display of affection rendering him pink, still (to you, the look on his face never gets old); he kisses them lightly before he lets go, walking to his side of the car so he can stay on this drive for as long as you’d like, until you’re ready to go home. 
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a/n: i hope you enjoyed! thank you so much for reading 🥺 writing this was deeply personal, and writing megs will always be one of my favourite things 🥺
thank you notes: @pastelle-rabbit for thinking about drive megs with me and sending me songs! 🥺 + @ceroseis @mieiri for everything always 🥺
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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pickingupmymercedes · 1 month
Firsts pt.1 - Lewis Hamilton (NSFW)
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Some firsts, like Small firsts, only NSFW version - pt1 / pt2 /
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: unprotected sexual activities, like all sorts.
Also, wrap it before you tap it
wordcount: +4K
a/n: This is part 1, to possibly a 4 part thing. It ran from me and it was getting huge.
a/n 2: Loved all the prompts, thank you for everyone who sent them.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
First time without worrying about protection
"Do you think it’s a good time?" Y/n asked, her voice soft as she looked over at Lewis. The question had been lingering in her mind, and she could tell it was on his too, ever since she told him she wouldn’t be putting another IUD in for a while.
They had spent the day surrounded by Lewis's family—his niece and nephew running around, his mum laughing, the warmth of family life filling every corner of the house. It had been perfect. But it had also stirred something in them, something she couldn't ignore any longer.
Lewis was quiet for a moment, his eyes focused on the road ahead, but she could see the wheels turning in his head. “I’ve been thinking about that too” he admitted, his voice thoughtful. “With you not on any birth control, I mean. It feels like… maybe it’s the sign we’ve been looking for.”
Y/n nodded, the warmth of the sun shining through the window matching the warmth she felt at his words. “It’s been on my mind all day… seeing you with your family… it made me realize how much I want that for us.”
Lewis glanced over at her, his expression thoughtful, but a hint of hesitation in his eyes. “That’s all I’ve always wanted.” he said softly, keeping his eyes on the road. “But…”
"But you're not sure it’s the right time," she finished for him, her voice understanding.
He nodded, his grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly. “It’s not that I don’t want that with you. I do. More than anything. Our own pack running ramped. But with racing… What if I’m not there enough? What if I miss out? What if you’re left to deal with too much?”
Y/n reached over, placing her hand on his, her touch gentle but firm. “I get it, Lew. I really do. And I love how much you care about being there, about being a good father.” She sighted before continuing “I think the decision to not get another iud made me realize how much I actually want this. Our own family.”
He was quiet for a moment, processing her words. The sound of the tires on the road was the only noise as they both let the weight of the conversation settle in.
“You really think we’re ready?” Lewis finally said, his voice low but not lacking conviction at all.
“Yeah” she said after she reached for his hand with both of hers. “We don’t have to rush it, though… let’s see where life takes us. No pressure, no expectations. If it happens, it happens.”
Lewis turned to look at her as they stopped at a red light, his eyes searching hers. “You’re really sure about this?”
“I am” she replied, her voice steady now. “I’m ready to start our family.”
The light turned green, but Lewis didn’t move immediately. He leaned over, pressing a kiss to her hand still resting on his. “Okay,” he said softly. “Let’s see what happens. No more protection, no more overthinking. We’ll take this time and just… let it be.”.”
The rest of the drive was filled with a comfortable silence, their decision bringing a new sense of anticipation between them. When they got home, the atmosphere was charged with an unspoken understanding. But instead of immediately acting on their decision, they spent the rest of the evening wrapped up in each other’s company, the weight of their choice lingering in the background.
The next day, Y/n noticed Lewis watching her more closely than usual. His eyes seemed to follow her every move, lingering on the curve of her hips, the way her body swayed as she walked. It was as if he was seeing her in a new light, imagining her with their child, and it made his heart race.
That evening, as she was getting ready for bed, Y/n caught him staring at her in the bathroom mirror. She raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. “You’ve been staring at me all day, Mr. Hamilton. What’s on your mind?”
Lewis smiled, his eyes darkening with desire as he stepped closer. “I couldn’t help it. I’ve been thinking about you… about us. About you carrying our child.”
Her smirk softened into a tender smile as she turned to face him. “And what exactly have you been thinking?”
Instead of answering, Lewis closed the distance between them, his hands sliding around her waist as he pulled her close. His lips found hers in a kiss that was slow, deep, and full of unspoken promises. The need in him was palpable, and Y/n felt it too, a longing that had been building since their conversation the day before.
Without breaking the kiss, Lewis guided her back to the bedroom, his touch gentle but insistent, their clothes discarded piece by piece along the way, until they were finally pressed together, skin to skin, their breaths mingling in the quiet of the room.
When they reached the bed, he paused, looking into her eyes as if asking for permission. Y/n gave a slight nod, her breath hitching in anticipation.
They fell onto the bed together, their movements slow and deliberate. Lewis’s hands caressed her body, his touch familiar and tender, but with a new depth, a new meaning behind it. They were no longer just making love—they were creating something, laying the foundation for the future they both wanted so desperately.
Lewis took his time, kissing every inch of her skin, his lips lingering on the spots he knew made her shiver. “I love you,” he murmured against her collarbone, his voice thick with emotion.
“I love you” Y/n replied, her fingers threading through his hair as he moved lower, worshipping her with every touch.
When he finally entered her, it was with a reverence that took her breath away. He moved slowly, their bodies perfectly in sync, their rhythm a witness to the years they had spent together.
Each thrust a promise, each sigh of their shared dreams they were finally taking the step towards.
“Tell me if it’s too much,” Lewis whispered, his voice strained with the effort of holding back.
“It’s perfect,” Y/n replied, her eyes meeting his, her hands gripping his shoulders as he moved within her. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”
He didn’t. He kept going, his pace steady, his focus entirely on her. The softness of their lovemaking was intoxicating, the connection between them deeper than ever. Y/n felt herself unraveling, the pleasure building slowly, spreading through her body in waves.
He made love to her like his life depended on it, every touch, every kiss, every movement filled with an intensity that left her breathless.
“Lew…” Y/n whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
“I know,” he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear as he buried himself deep inside her, his body trembling. “I can’t stop thinking about it. About you… full of me.”
“You’re so beautiful,” Lewis breathed close to her ear when she hissed at how deep his thrusts were, his lips brushing against her skin as he continued to move. “I can’t believe how lucky I am. I’ll get to see you with our child”
“We both are” she whispered back, her voice trembling with emotion. “And we’re going to be even luckier… soon.”
Her words seemed to spur him on, his thrusts becoming slightly more urgent, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he fought to keep his control. But this wasn’t about rushing to the finish—it was about savoring every moment, every touch, every look.
Y/n’s hands slid down to his back, her nails lightly dragging across his skin, urging him closer, deeper. The pressure was building within her, and she knew she was close.
“Lew…” she breathed, her voice hitching with the effort of holding back. “I’m so close…”
“Yeah?!” he whispered; his voice raw with need. “Let go, baby. Let go with me.”
And she did. With a soft cry, she let the pleasure wash over her, her body trembling as she came apart in his arms. Lewis followed a few thrusts later, his own release shuddering through him as he buried his face in the crook of her neck, their bodies entwined, their breaths mingling as they rode out the waves together.
When it was over, they lay there, still tangled in each other, the room filled with the soft sounds of their breathing. Lewis lifted his head to look at her, a lazy, satisfied smile on his lips.
“You okay?” he asked, his voice soft.
“More than okay,” Y/n replied, a matching smile spreading across her face
Lewis chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye. “You know, I might just stay like this a bit longer. Just making sure it sticks.”
Y/n laughed, a warm, genuine sound that filled the room. “Yeah? You’re really committed, aren’t you?”
“Yap” he said, settling back down and giving her nose a light kiss. “I’ve always been a fan of thoroughness.”
“Looks like I’ve got the right man for the job then” she teased, her eyes twinkling with affection.
Lewis grinned, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “All part of the plan. I want to make sure every moment counts.”
First drunken sex
The warmth of the alcohol buzzed through Y/n’s veins, her thoughts pleasantly blurred, and her body humming. Everything felt heightened—every touch, every sound, every breath.
She couldn’t keep her hands off Lewis; his skin was magnetic, drawing her in closer, deeper. Her fingers, clumsy yet insistent, traced the curve of his jaw, the light stubble prickling under her touch as she pulled him closer.
“Y/n…” Lewis’s voice was soft, slurred slightly, as he tried to focus on her face. His lips were so close, but he wasn’t moving to close the distance. Not yet.
She leaned in, her breath warm and heavy with the scent of whiskey, brushing against his cheek as she whispered, “Lewis... let’s just have fun.” She giggled, the sound slightly off-balance, just like her thoughts.
He raised an eyebrow, trying to keep his footing as Y/n swayed dangerously close to tipping over. “Are you sure you’re not too drunk for this?” he asked, one hand steadying her by the waist.
She waved off his concern with a lazy hand, her other hand sliding up his chest. “Nah, I’m just… tipsy.” She grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “And very, very horny.”
Lewis chuckled, but his grip on her tightened as she nearly tripped over her own feet. “We should take it slow, love” he suggested, though the look in her eyes was making it hard to stick to his resolve.
“Slow?” She pouted, batting her lashes exaggeratedly. “But I want fast, Lew. Fast and… rough!” She tugged at his shirt, trying to pull him closer, but only managing to stumble back onto the bed, pulling him down with her.
He caught himself just in time, hovering over her as she sprawled out on the sheets, laughing at their clumsy tumble. “Okay, you’re actually going to lie down for a bit” he said, his voice tinged with amusement.
Y/n shook her head, reaching up to pull him down onto the bed with her. “Nope. No lying down. Not yet.” She giggled again, the sound more of a hiccup this time. “I’ve got plans for you, Sir.”
“Oh really?” He smirked, trying to stay composed as she tugged him closer, her breath hot against his neck.
“Uh-huh.” She nodded, her fingers working on the buttons of his shirt, though they fumbled more than they succeeded. “But you gotta let me lead, okay? You just… just follow what I say.”
Lewis chuckled, letting her work at the buttons even though it was clear she wasn’t getting anywhere fast. “And what exactly are these plans?” he asked, his voice teasing as he finally reached down to help her with his shirt.
Y/n beamed up at him, clearly pleased with herself as she finally got one button undone. “Well, first… first, we get you naked.” She giggled again, her hands moving more quickly now, though not any more successfully. “Then I get naked. And then…” She trailed off, her fingers freezing as she forgot what she was saying.
“And then?” he prompted, an amused grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as he watched her try to piece together her thoughts.
She blinked up at him, her expression confused for a moment before she burst into laughter. “I forgot what comes next!” she admitted, her laughter infectious as she collapsed back onto the pillows.
Lewis shook his head, laughing along with her. “You’re really something, you know that?”
“Yeah, yeah” she said, still giggling as she reached up to pull him down into a kiss. “And you love it.”
He smiled against her lips, kissing her back gently, savoring the taste of whiskey and the sweetness of her. “I do” he murmured, his resolve weakening as she deepened the kiss, her hands wandering lower, more purposeful now despite the alcohol. “But maybe we should—”
“Shhh.” She pressed a finger to his lips, her other hand slipping under his shirt to trace the lines of his muscles. “No more talking. Just… just touch me, okay?”
He groaned softly as her touch made him shutter, the alcohol amplifying every sensation. “You’re impossible,” he muttered, but he didn’t pull away. Instead, he let her guide him, his hands following the path she set, moving over her body as she arched into him.
“That’s it,” she whispered, her voice breathy with need as she guided his hands lower, her hips rolling up to meet his touch under her lingerie. “Just like that…”
He obliged, though every so often he had to steady her as she nearly lost her balance, the room spinning slightly around them. “You’re sure about this?” he asked one last time, his voice letting through he was having a hard time containing himself.
“Positive,” she replied, her tone leaving no room for doubt. “Just… follow my lead, Lew. Just this once”
He smiled, shaking his head at her persistence, but he let her take control, his hands sliding over her body as she undressed him, their movements clumsy but full of laughter and desire. They fumbled with clothes, bumping heads and elbows.
Finally, when they were both naked, Y/n pushed him back onto the bed, straddling his hips as she looked down at him, her eyes dark with desire and a bit less alcohol then when they started.
“Now, we have fun,” she declared, her voice filled with drunken confidence as she began to move.
He groaned, his hands gripping her hips to steady her as she set the pace. Her movements were a little too fast, a little too unsteady.
“Babe. Slow.” he muttered, though he couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face as he followed her lead.
“Ops, sorry.” she replied laughing, breathless as she moved against him, her laughter turning into gasps of pleasure as they found a slower rhythm, their bodies moving together in a drunken dance that was both chaotic and perfect in its own way.
Her unsteady pace and fervor kept pushing him closer to the edge far too quickly. He felt the familiar tightening in his lower belly, the building pressure that signaled he was about to lose control. “Y/n, I’m—” he tried to warn her, but she just smirked down at him, her hips grinding harder against him.
“Don’t you dare stop,” she whispered, her tone dripping with mischief as she kept moving, her own desire spurring her on.
He tried to hold back, but it was no use. With a low, desperate groan, he felt himself teetering on the brink.
Instinctively, his hand reached between them, aiming for her clit to bring her over the edge with him, but she swatted his hand away, her voice firm despite the tremor in it. “Nope. Told you, I’m in the lead.”
He could only watch as she took control, her eyes locked on his as she began to rub her own clit, her fingers moving in tight circles while she used his body to reach her pleasure.
The sight of her, the feel of her, it was too much. With a choked gasp, he came, his body shaking beneath her as she continued to ride him through it, her own gasps and moans filling the room.
She was relentless, her fingers working her clit with intensity, using every thrust and grind to push herself closer. He could do nothing but watch, his breath ragged, as she brought herself to the brink. And when she finally tumbled over, her body shuddering with the force of her orgasm, the sound of his name on her lips was the sweetest thing he’d ever heard.
She finally collapsed, her body draped over his, both of them spent and breathless, their hearts racing in sync.
Y/n’s fingers traced lazy patterns on his chest, a satisfied smile playing on her lips as she nestled closer to him.
“I think… I like this tipsy me” she murmured; her voice heavy with contentment.
Lewis chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I like anything to do with you.”
First car sex
The sun had begun its descent, casting a golden glow over Malibu Beach as Lewis and his friends wrapped up their day of surfing. Y/n, along with a few others, had stayed behind, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the beach. The sandy heat was soothing, but as they finally packed up, a different kind of warmth was brewing within Lewis.
He had watched Y/n from afar, her bikini clinging to her sun-kissed skin, her laughter mingling with the salty breeze. The way the sun highlighted her curves, the way her body moved with its own rhythm—it had been almost unbearable.
He had to have her, right then, but with the beach full of people and his friends around, he’d had to keep his desire in check.
As they headed back to the jeep, Lewis couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. He took a detour, steering the vehicle away from the main road and towards a secluded overlook with a breathtaking view of the ocean.
He parked the jeep, his gaze already turning to Y/n with a smirk that promised more than just a scenic view.
“What are we doing?” Y/n asked, her curiosity piqued.
“Just thought we could take a little detour,” Lewis replied, his voice low and laden with anticipation. He looked over at her, his eyes smoldering with barely-contained desire, his hands reaching even higher on her thighs as his voice came close to her hair. “You looked incredible at the beach today. The sun glistening down on you.”
Her breath caught at his words, a thrill running through her as she realized what was about to happen. “Are you … now, for real Lew?”
He gave a mischievous grin, reaching for her hands. “If you want it too. But we’ve got to be quick and quiet.”
The back seats were folded down to fit the surfboards, leaving just enough space for them. Lewis had already laid out a towel in the middle of the boards, a makeshift bed for their impromptu encounter.
Y/n’s pulse quickened as she followed him, her eyes locking with his.
“What if we get caught?” she asked, her voice teasing but edged with anticipation as she reached for the hem of his shorts.
Lewis chuckled, his hands roaming over her body as he pulled her closer. “Then we better keep quiet.”
He kissed her deeply, his hands tracing the curve of her back as he guided her to the makeshift bed. The warmth from the sun was still on their skin, mingling with the salty residue of the ocean.
“I haven’t had sex in a car in so long,” Lewis murmured against her lips, his breath hot and heavy. “You’ve got me wanting to do the craziest things.”
Y/n’s laughter was breathless as she tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head. “I’m glad I’m the one making you feel that way.”
Lewis grinned, his hands deftly grabbing a condom from the bag on the side. He rolled it on, his gaze never leaving hers as he prepared his dick. “You ready?”
Her eyes fluttered up to his eye, a soft moan escaping her lips as she nodded. “Yes.”
He positioned himself before her, catching her arousal with the tip of his member and dragging it up and down her clit. As he entered her, he couldn’t help but groan at the sensation, the way her body wrapped around him, as he made sure to angle his pelvic bone just right to hit that spot within her walls that drove her wild.
Their bodies moved together, their thrusts causing the towel to shift beneath them. The salt from the ocean made their skin slick, with a unique texture to the scene. Each thrust one that made her gasp and moan.
“God, Lewis,” she breathed, her hands gripping his shoulders as he continued to thrust into her. “You feel so good.”
He smirked; his pace steady but increasingly fervent. “I needed this so much.”
His movements aiming to hit that special spot that made her shiver and moan. The confined space of the jeep, combined with the intimacy of the moment, heightened their senses. Her eyes closed, her breaths coming in gasps as she approached the edge of her climax.
“You close, love?” Lewis asked, his voice a strained whisper as he maintained his rhythm.
“Yeah,” she managed, her voice trembling with pleasure. “So close.”
When she finally managed to open her eyes to look at him, he was smiling, his thrusts now slower, more deliberate, as he dragged out every wave of her orgasm.
The pleasure overwhelming, the intimacy of the moment making it all the more intense. They lay tangled together, their bodies slick with sweat and ocean salt, savoring each other.
“Reckon you got one more in you?” he asked, his voice laced with amusement.
She managed a weak nod, her hands gripping the edges of the towel. “I’ll give it my best”
Lewis chucked and picked up the pace “I’ll drag another one, if need be.”  Her moans filling the confined space again, mixing with his own grunts of pleasure.
First sex dream
Lewis stirred awake, the remnants of his dream still clinging to his mind like a hazy fog. His body was warm, a flush of heat running through him as he slowly blinked his eyes open, taking in the soft afternoon light filtering through the curtains.
He was on the couch in their home office, where he’d drifted off while Y/n worked at her desk. But now, as tried to blink awake, he was painfully aware of the tension in his lower body—the unmistakable evidence of a wet dream.
He groaned softly, a bit embarrassed and still undeniably hard. The dream had been so vivid, so real. He could still feel the ghost of her touch, the way her body had moved against his, the way she had tasted.
It was almost as if he could reach out and pull her back into his arms.
His eyes drifted over to Y/n, who was seated at the desk, completely absorbed in whatever she was working on. She had her hair up in a messy bun, a few strands falling around her face. She was wearing one of his old t-shirts, the fabric loose and soft, hiding the curves that had driven him wild in his dream.
The sight of her, so close yet so unaware of the effect she was having on him, made his pulse quicken even faster.
Lewis shifted on the couch, trying to shake off the lingering effects of the dream, but every movement only heightened the awareness of his arousal. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her—every glance only reignited the vivid memories of his dream.
In the dream, he’d had her spread out before him, her body trembling as he pulled her fourth orgasm out of her, her cries echoing in his ears.
The first two orgasms he’d coaxed from her with nothing but his fingers, teasing and torturing her until she was begging for more, her hips bucking against his hand. The third had come from his mouth, his tongue and lips working together to push her over the edge, her body arching and twisting.
The memory of it was enough to make him groan, his desire for her growing stronger by the second. The way she’d looked in the dream—eyes glazed with lust, lips parted in breathless moans, skin flushed with pleasure—was burned into his mind.
And now, watching her sitting there, so unaware of the effect she was having on him, was driving him to the brink of madness.
“Y/n,” he called out, his voice rougher than he intended.
She turned in her chair, smiling softly when she saw him awake. “Hey, sleepyhead. Had a good nap?”
He swallowed again, nodding. “Yeah, you could say that.”
Her smile widened, and she got up from her desk, walking over to where he was lying. “You look a little off” she noted, reaching out to touch his cheek. “Are you feeling okay?”
The innocent touch made him flinch, his body responding far too eagerly to her proximity. “I, uh… had a dream,” he admitted, his eyes locking onto hers, searching for any sign that she knew what kind of dream it had been.
“Oh?” she asked, her eyebrows raising with curiosity. “What about?”
He hesitated, feeling the heat creep up his neck. How could he tell her without sounding like a complete idiot? The way she was looking at him, so sweet, so concerned, only made the memory of the dream more vivid.
“It was uh… about you,” he said finally, his voice low.
Her eyes sparkled with interest, and she tilted her head, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “Really? What was I doing?”
“I mean, just… stuff.” he said quickly, almost out of breath.
“Stuff?” She laughed, clearly enjoying his discomfort. “Lew?”
He groaned, running a hand through his hair. “The kind of stuff that makes it really hard to sit here and not bend you over.”
Her laughter softened, and she moved closer, her hand resting on his thigh. “Well, why don’t you?”
His breath hitched as she leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, “Was I being a good girl in your dream, or were you making me beg?”
“Y/n…” His voice was a warning, but it came out weak, betraying just how much he wanted her to keep going.
“Come on, tell me” She coaxed, her hand sliding up his thigh, dangerously close to where he was already aching for her. “What was I doing in your dream?”
“You were—” He sucked in a breath as her fingers lightly traced the outline of his arousal through his pants. “You were… coming. Again and again. And I… I couldn’t get enough.”
“Mmm,” she purred, her lips curling into a wicked smile. “And how many times did I come for you?”
“Four.” His voice was strained, the memory of the dream mingling with the reality of her touch. “The first two with my fingers.”
She bit her lip, clearly enjoying this more than she should. “And the others?”
“The third with my mouth,” he confessed, his eyes dark with desire. “And the fourth… you were so close, and I could feel it. So, I just kept going”
“Sounds like quite a dream,” she whispered, her lips brushing against his neck now, her breath hot against his skin. “Maybe we can make it a reality.”
Before she could continue, he was tugging down her lace panties, his fingers already itching to make the dream a reality.
“Lew—” she started, but he was already sinking to his knees on the floor, his hands parting her thighs as he pressed a kiss to the inside of her leg.
“Shh,” he murmured against her skin, his voice thick with need. “Let me make this real.”
And with that, he buried his face between her thighs, his mouth finding her with an eagerness that made her head fall back against the couch. His tongue flicked over her clit, his fingers teasing her entrance, and all she could do was moan as he set to work, determined to pull those same cries from her that he’d heard in his dream.
This time, it was real. And it was so much better.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @itsmrshamilton @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf
@priopp123 @strqirlhrts @hmmmmm-01 @bisexual-babygirl-mj
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask
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venuzasmuse · 3 months
𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄, 𝐞. 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬
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— the holidays are meant to be festive, free of heartache and solemnity, but odds are forever not in your favor as you spend the holidays with your best friend alongside her sister, that broke your heart.
[rockstar!ellie au, best friend’s sister!ellie, kinda mean!ellie (for a few parts of the story)]
previous, next
warnings: reader is afab, not proofread, mature language, mentions of substance abuse (drugs), ellies a dick in this chapter srry guys, WHOLE LOTTA ANGST. smut & fluff in later chapters. POC FRIENDLY !!
this chapters kinda long because it’s still introducing the reader & ellie’s relationship dynamic so bare with me pls pls pls
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upon arriving in texas, a wave of nostalgia washes over you as you peered over the horizons of the buzzing city streets.
the traffic was still— as long as you could remember— terrible. pedestrians raided the roads as if they had enough lives for the people on it and tenfold. you can recount the amount of days you'd be late for school because your brother, simon, took obnoxiously long in the bathroom. you could almost still smell his putrid sauvage cologne from here. the strong scent filling your senses— your head spun nauseatingly so.
you grapple with the map in your hand, flipping it every which way trying to give yourself a sense of reassurance as you and sarah navigated through the intersections. you loved your best friend but you couldn't sugarcoat the fact that her love for detours affected her driving skills poorly.
she'd listen to her gps for the first few hours and eventually get fed up with the alterations that emitted from the older device, completely tossing the given routes out of the window and using her intuition as a sense of direction instead.
"jesus, has texas always been this confusing?" the blonde exasperated, a heavy hand coming down to the steering wheel as a blare emitted from the vehicle.
you shoot her a glare that goes unnoticed and the car jerks as she overpasses the poor old lady in front of her.
"does it hurt you to have any patience?" you groan out. you slump in your seat and throw your head back against the headrest tiredly.
"patience never did anyone any good before." she declares sheepishly, a playful smile spreading across her pretty face.
your head lolls to the side to face the side of her head and you give her a playful eye roll.
"i swear to God, if we ever get caught in a drive by, i'd never let you live it down. even in hell."
she laughs a throaty laugh. sarah grabs your hand giving it a squeeze and shake, her demeanor excited.
"come on! don't be so grim. aren't you excited to be going back home? i mean it's been years." she switches to another lane, eyes trained on the rear view. "my dad is super excited to have you back. he said you're welcome as long as you need to be."
"that's only because we never gave him a choice before." you prompt. the two of you giggle.
"you know what i mean. i'm so hungry— maybe we can hit up mel's diner when we get there. i'd kill for their cheeseburgers right now."
you glance at the gps. "2 1/2 hours left" before y'all were to reach your destination. you groan, pulling your hat down to shield your face away from the blaring sun beaming down on your skin.
you'd be lying if you said that you had gotten any shut eye the night before. too plagued with overthinking, the dead of the night was filled with the sound of tossing and turning as you fought against yourself at an amateur attempt to soothe your own nerves.
trepidation dripped down your soul. you weren't sure how finally seeing ellie again for the first time would enfold. you had a plan to simply just avoid her but you knew you probably weren't going to keep up with that very long.
ellie was persistent and if she had any plan to resolve things, it wouldn't go unnoticed by a long shot. no matter how hard you tried to steer clear of it.
sarah knew about the reason why the two of you broke up. she was sympathetic enough to take your feelings about seeing her sister again after 2 and half dreadful years.
she witnessed first hand the aftermath of what ellie did to you. a brutal 9 nine months of you trying to build yourself high enough on a pedestal to be able to move on completely. she listened to you every step of the way, her ears open and her arms empathetic with every tear shed.
it was even worse when the media coverage began getting ahold of their band. 7 months after you and ellie had stopped talking completely due to your nasty breakup, her band rose to stardom and you could still remember how much dread washed over you to hear the sound of her playing on the radio for the first time.
you avoided her, in every way you could. if that meant no music for months until the hype of her album died down even just a little bit, then so be it.
but the limelight wasn't always as glamorous. you alongside of her family, despite not having heard from her in years, knew about how she'd been living because once the tabloids got a hold of her, the only thing plaguing the media coverage was about ellie.
who she was spotted with, newly sparked dating rumors as she was seen with a different girl nearly every month, and even the downfall of her newly acquired fame.
in pure janis joplin fashion, the height of her success came crashing down as people started suspecting ellie to be abusing drugs. it started when people began to notice how blasted she was in a few interviews. her nodding off didn't go unnoticed by a long shot.
in the spotlight, instances like this weren't uncommon.
you watch a talented person rise to the top, their talent evident as day as they showed it off to the word come plummeting down in a wave of wasted potential due to drugs and or alcohol. it was tragic and despite being as angry as you were with her, seeing the girl you grew up with live the way she was, created a moggy feeling in your chest.
eventually, the band made an announcement that their tour would've had to gone on a break due to "complications" but you and everyone else knew it was because ellie was in rehab.
as soon as she was discharged, the ongoing scarcity of contact between her and her family came to a brusque halt when joel offered for his daughter to come back home, at least until she was ready enough to face her new life again.
so when you found out that she'd be spending christmas with y'all, there was no doubt in your mind you'd have to brace yourself for whatever outcome would emerge from it.
"i'm gonna try and get some sleep. we still have a long way to go."
sarah boos at your resignation, exclaiming a few declarations about how you're leaving her to die of boredom. "you suck!"
you don't respond, simply smiling and turning your head as you're inevitably wisked away into a state of slumber.
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
a somber tune draws out a melancholic melody on your record player, filling the corners of your cavernous room. the night breathes life through a soft breeze that grazes past your curtains. yet, as the sun sets and the cicadas begin to shriek, no amount of words in the english language can drown out the bitterness that sits in the pit of your chest.
no amount of rephrasing could rewrite the sorrow that consumes you whole, in this moment or the next.
you sit with the grief as your gaze lingers on the girl in front of you. ellie sits on the edge of your bed. she's faced away from you, as always, as she stares ahead at the neon lights that seep through the crevices of your room.
clouds of smoke forms around her figure with practiced cinematic effort and your eyes take her in with taut admiration.
you usually dread when the room grows quiet like this. the silence is blinding and tension is permeated in your walls. it leaves you high and dry and guts you with cynicism.
you wait for the moment for her to slip back into bed with you but it never comes. the thought of not being the placeholder of such intimacy rings in your ears like a bad case of tinnitus.
at least not this time around.
you sit up crawling towards her in desperate attempt to get her to look at you. you wrap your arms around her neck, resting your chin on her bare shoulder. empty viridescent eyes scan your face yet you can't seem to deconstruct any love tucked away behind them.
you knew deep down that what once existed fondly between the two of you was stripped away, little to nothing— a scarce void of recognition.
“what’s going on?” you hum out lovingly, as you press a prolonged kiss to her shoulder. “been quiet all night.”
the auburn headed girl heaved out a sigh as she dropped her head in her hands. she braced herself to face you, taking your wrists in her callused palms as she brought your hands to her mouth, pecking the backs tenderly.
“i.. i think we should talk.” she finally vocalizes. the words shoot fear down your spine, goosebumps arising were her lips once resided.
“about what?”
she gives you a look as she turns her body to face you, straightening her back a little bit more. “so you know how i’ve been getting to practice with the band lately? because their guitarist ended up quitting?”
you watched her for a moment skeptically before nodding.
her words are caught in her throat momentarily as she looks down once more. “well, cat and them asked me to join their band.” a glimmer of gleam passes across her face as she breathes out a breath she was holding.
you furrow your brows, a smile breaking onto your face. “that’s great! i’m so happy for you!” you exclaim, grabbing her chin in between your finger to press a proud kiss onto her cheek.
you knew how long ellie had wanted to be apart of something like this. after years of supporting her, you were filled to the brim with joy that she was finally reaching a steppingstone to where she wanted to be in life.
yet, you could tell something was still bothering her as she tensed up in your embrace. “well, they offered me to join but..”
“but..” you trail, eyes still held with hope.
“cat said she knew someone in los angeles that knew someone that could get us signed to a record label. the only downside is we’d have to move over there.”
your face fell as her words fell on sensitive ears.
“move?” you let out a nervous chuckle. “but.. los angeles is across the country.”
capturing her bottom lip in between her teeth, you watch as she gnaws down on it regrettably.
of course, you were elated for her. over the moon.
hell, you would’ve done anything for ellie to make this happen for her, one way or another. but hearing the catch of finally being able to pursue her dreams had you feeling selfishly opposed to the idea.
surely, she wouldn’t have made such a rash decision without taking it up with you first. ya’ll had so many plans that were already set in stone. all you wanted was at least a heads up if they were going to be altered to accustom to ellie’s new schedule pertaining to her band.
“so, what did you say?” your tone faltering from ecstatic to one that could’ve fell on deaf ears if not attentive enough.
“i said yes. i agreed that i’d go with them.” her word vomit rushes out like a fountain and your hands drop from her face as you turn away from her in shock. she grabs your smaller face in her hands, as she tips her head down to meet your avoidant gaze. you shut your eyes, muttering out a “shit” as you felt the pathetic rush of tears burn at the back of your eyelids.
“baby, i couldn’t pass this up. this is my chance to finally get out of this town. i’ve wanted this for so long.” she pleads, dropping down to her knees in front of you.
“why didn’t you wait to at least talk to me about it, ellie? three months ago, we were just planning on moving in together! and what? now you’re just about to dismiss any say that i had in this?”
she lets out an exasperated sigh of defeat as she bargains with her response.
“this is about my future! this is something i’ve wanted for years!” she encompasses her bottom lip back in between her teeth, scavenging her scattered brain to make this situation better.
“you can come with me! didn’t you always tell me you’d follow me anywhere?”
you scoff, shaking your head. “i can’t just pack up my things and run away to los angeles like this with you. it’s expensive there and with the money we have saved up, we wouldn’t last a year in a place like that with just the two of us. we’d need more time.”
don’t cry. don’t cry. you think to yourself as you feel the waterworks begin to churn.
“we could figure it out! cat mentioned a bunch of-”
you scoff at the mention of the girl’s name as you stood up from your place on the bed, walking over towards your window as you dug your fingers through your unkempt hair.
“i can’t believe you made a decision about this with cat before you even mentioned it to me. i should’ve known it was deeper than that.”
ellie stops in her tracks, an expression of hurt painted across her face at the idea of you believing she had concealed intentions between her and cat. but could you really blame yourself ? it would’ve been hard on any girl to see that her significant other’s time was consumed by another girl. especially with the considerable amount of times they spent alone together.
you would’ve been a fool to not suspect anything at all but your love for ellie ran too deep; you didn’t think you could handle it if you lost her to another girl. so you kept quiet, giving her the benefit of the doubt and begged venus herself for the girl to not prove you right.
“it was never deeper than anything.” her tone was stilled as she stared at you with accusatory.
“can you blame me ellie? i mean seriously. you’ve been alone with her more in these past few months than you’ve even talked to me! some days, i don’t even hear from you at all because you’re with her!” your voice goes up an octave as tears begin to spill from your eyes.
“it’s because of—”
“what? the band?” you cut her off, not wanting to hear her myriad of excuses. “i see the way you look at her. you look at her like she’s the only thing you see.” you brush past her to grab your shirt, pulling it over your head hastily.
“the lingering looks, the canceled plans, the way you never tell her to stop fucking holding onto your arms the way she fucking does!” bitterness begins to overpower the solemnity paying homage to the pit of your heaving chest as you jostle her scroll of excuses back to her.
“i mean, god, ellie. has it ever occurred to you that you still have obligations to set boundaries in this relationship?” your tone is constraint from going back to normal.
“are you fucking serious?” she snaps, the pitch of her voice blending with yours in a chaotic cacophony. “i’m trying to tell you about how big of a deal this band is to me, trying to make up solutions, and you’re accusing me of leaving for fucking cat?”
“i mean it was her idea, wasn’t it?” you countered. you were at your breaking point with ellie. you felt like nothing you said would ever change her perspective so you gave up.
you no longer wanted to fight for someone that couldn’t care to think twice about how their actions inflicted hurt on you.
maybe this wasn’t about her leaving anymore. instead, as the conversation became more clear, the realization settled when you realized you were losing her.
“i’m not doing this with you.” you watch as ellie gathered her things in fit of rage, throwing on her flannel and slipping her feet back into her converses as grabbed her bag, ready to walk out.
a feeling of dread quickly dissipates all of the fury you momentarily had as you rush towards her, wanting to resolve this before the two of you went to bed upset.
“ellie. come on, please.” you grab her face, pleading with eager eyes for her to not leave when things began to get bad.
you knew your girlfriend was stubborn. often alternating between fight or flight when reality began to corner her. but you knew, this time was different. no matter what the two of you chose to do, it would change the trajectory of your lives together.
she avoids your eyes and you feel the warmth cascade down your face heavily. “don’t walk out on me. please. not like this.”
she finally looks at you and it’s hard to read her.
“i need to do this for me. not for anyone else. i’m not going to wait for you to change your mind if some ulterior motive you think i have will always be in the backside of your mind.” she asserted, planted in her obstinance.
“if you leave now, i’m not gonna wait for you to come back.”
her eyes scanned your own down to your lips back to your eyes before grabbing your wrists to pull your hands away from her.
“that’s up to you.” was the last thing she said as she turned to walk out of your empty house. the moment you heard the door slam shut, you dropped to your knees as the tears began to pour.
if there was one thing ellie was good at, it was keeping her word. ever since the the two of you were puny little teenagers, she still managed to keep ahold of all of her promises, even the smallest most frivolous ones.
it was something you loved about her because it showed her resilience and firmness. her ability to stand her ground. but as you sit with your hot head in your hands against the comfort of your bed that still smelled like her, you wished so desperately that the one quality you admired so much, wasn’t something she attained.
you knew there was no use in trying to change her mind or waiting for her to. she was set in her ways and held no exemptions, not even for you.
it was a thick pill to swallow but you knew, the moment she walked out that door, it was over.
the next few days were filled with no contact. your phone was sparse of any calls or messages except for one from your mother asking you to defrost the chicken or the occasional check up from your friends when they learned about what happened.
your room was a ghost town. her presence haunting you as a constant reminder in every corner. you couldn’t run away from her even if you wanted to.
you wished you were stronger in your ways. it would’ve saved you your dignity if you were prideful but you simply couldn’t bring yourself to be. you were the worst at staying mad— just wanting to fix things with your girl.
you even racked up some ideas about how ya’ll could make this arrangement work in a heap of desperation.
so when you rendered yourself enough courage to face the situation at hand, you made your way over to her house. you were hopeful that she wasn’t completely set in throwing it all away.
but when you reached her front door, all you were met with was a note that joel gave you that was left to him by ellie. his eye bags were deep showcasing his worry and lack of sleep and you saw a few more grey tendrils in his salt and pepper hair.
ellie had left a few mornings after the fight between the two of you. she left no trace of her behind to be gotten ahold of and you, joel, or sarah hadn’t heard from her since.
taglist: @bready101 @st4r-b3rries @vqxen
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satoruhour · 1 year
please do car sex w gojo where after a date reader couldn’t hold back!!
a/n: short one !!!!!sorry sorry just like that week ive got two essays due and im a little panicky! pls bear w/ me as uploads will be slow ty :")
warnings: fem!reader, playful banter (it’s becoming a thing w/ my gojo smuts idk why), handjob, oral (m! receiving), like one (1) spank, fingering, little prep, unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink, implied multiple rounds, n*sfw under the cut
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you’re not sure about why gojo looked so damn good today. you could attribute it to the fact that you haven’t seen your boyfriend in at least two weeks or the fact that he’s abandoned his jujutsu uniform for a formal suit. but you’re equally as dressed to the nines as him, visiting a quiet but delicious restaurant on the top floor of a mall.
“any reason why you’re so quiet, sweets?” satoru always could pick up on your silences and your mannerisms; being together all through high-school, at both his and your lowest, through taking care of megumi and tsumiki does that to him. the squeeze of our thigh is a question enough, done more for comforting you, though, and not for the dirty, dirty reasons you’re thinking about.
satoru bathes in the red light of the traffic crossing, and you think he simply looks stunning in the fitted suit and tie, blindfold exchanged for his signature glasses and his blue eyes that are so blue they shine over the stop light.
you bite your lip, turning in your seat slightly and grabbing his hand, heart jumping when it wraps around your smaller one — and he smiles at your reaction.
“nothing.” you hide a grin badly, getting one in return when you reach over his slacks, hand creeping up his thigh and getting closer and closer to his centre. he already knows you need not comfort, but rather something else, letting you give his hardening bulge one last squeeze before red turns green and your pout is the cutest thing ever. “damn.”
gojo steps on the gas and you’re forced to sit properly in the passenger seat, hearing a boisterous laugh from beside you, but he’s not exactly a law-abiding citizen either. he tugs on your hand, placing it on his hard-on and grinds into your hand, pins and needles forming in his hands from how hard he was grabbing onto the steering wheel.
“can’t keep my baby waiting, can i?” it’s said breathlessly, a smirk on his face that switches between its smug look and a face of pleasure. soft whines leave satoru’s mouth as you palm it, eyes fixating on the way the strongest sorcerer melts at your touch.
at the second red light, your hands are already tugging at his zipper, prompting pleas from your boyfriend. he sighs when you‘re fishing out his cock, pretty pink with an angry tip that’s leaking pre-cum, and when you start stroking — you can thank god that there’s no cars waiting at the traffic light with you.
gojo has a hand under your chin affectionately, eyes boring into yours that are starting to falter under your hand. it strokes his cock, squeezing and releasing, making sure all of his length gets your attention. the pleasured flutter of his eyelashes are the prettiest, a whimper escaping his lips that sends a spark right down to your cunt.
“oh f-fuck— your hands are so w-warm . .” there’s a crack in his voice and he breaks from your eye contact to lean back against the seats. your hands pump him slowly, enjoying the sensual moment until a honk from behind you surprises both of you and gojo screams, hitting his head on the roof of his car.
“ow— fuck!” gojo tsks, ignoring your giggles before he gets back to driving, “the other lanes are unoccupied, idiot!”
gojo, in classic gojo fashion, points his thumb and says can you believe that guy? like a suburban dad, shaking his head and sighing and forgetting his whole dick is out until you’re bending over the stick shift, engulfing his tip in your mouth.
your boyfriend chuckles, a twinkle in his eye as he looks down at you, “impatient little girl, aren’t you?” you only hum, preening at the hand that strokes your hair, aiding you but never really forcing you down as he drives at a leisurely pace. gojo grunts out when you run a tongue up the underside of his cock, other hand playing with his balls. his fingers tense momentarily on your head, before they move down your back, cupping your ass and you moan around his shaft.
“i’m surprised you didn’t drag me into the bathroom to fuck.” he speaks through laboured pants, earning a soft glare from you as you continue to bob your head.
“there was only— mmhff— one stall . .”
“wouldn’t have stopped me.”
you bite down gently on his dick as a warning and he yelps and laughs, surrendering with repeated okay’s. you feel his thigh move below you, speeding up to his penthouse when you’re holding tight onto his legs, steering wheel bumping into your head ever so often.
“o—oh . . baby, baby,” gojo groans out, pulling the car to a harsh stop and yet you’re not stopping, slobbering over his cock while the twist of your back starts to ache. but the sounds your boyfriend makes is just too hot, sucking in your cheeks more and going for the hilt. you bury your face in his pubes, gagging a little at his sheer length.
“shit, shit, shiiit . .” the gurgling sounds resonate throughout the car, interrupted briefly when the hand on your ass slips past the slit of your dress, going right to where your panties should be.
gojo breathlessly laughs, “no panties?” a spank to your ass and you’re wide-mouthed over his slick cock, pussy clenching around nothing.
“dirty whore.”
you click your tongue with a wink, moaning when his fingers tease the tight ring of your entrance and you’re forgetting all about your job when his fingers enter from behind.
“probably don’t even need prep — so fucking wet.”
you hum in response, sitting back up and climbing right into the comfort of his back seat. you’re too far gone to care when you start stripping, pulling the single garment of clothing off your body and gojo gapes at your lack of a bra too.
“was i just too amazed with the food?” he aaks himself more than you, but the endearing question brings a giggle out of you, making you violently gesture for him to just get in the back seat, already.
he follows you, as he would anywhere, lips meeting yours in a soft kiss, “clearly you wanted me to initiate . . i will be a better boyfriend, prommy.”
you pull away to make a face, “satoru, please never say prommy in your life ever again.”
“whhyyyyy?” now he’s just whining to annoy you, pulling him right into your face and spreading your legs. there’s a mixture of playfulness and desperation in your tone, hips humping the air at the lack of contact.
“please just fuck me, satoru.”
gojo gives you a sweet kiss, positioning himself right at your dripping cunt. he’s focused on pushing past your tightness, throbbing tip just nudging into your walls and satoru sighs—
“since my sweet girl’s asked so nicely . . gladly,” the height of the seats are perfect for gojo, bottoming out in you and moaning so loud the next neighbour over could probably hear you, “you’re so— tight, mmfuck—”
gojo finds a pace, head tilted to right where your bodies connect just to watch himself slip in and out of you. you’re entranced, too, just with the beauty of your boyfriend’s face as his brows pull together and his mouth hangs open.
“sa— satoru . . g-god,” you’re dragging him closer into you with your legs, locking behind his back as his hips continue to drive into your tight pussy. you’re so pliant, juices coating his cock so easily that he has no problem thrusting into you. “o—oh, pleaseplease—”
gojo props a leg up, ramming his hips deeper into you and the periodic twitches of his dick makes your pussy flutter, hips stuttering when you call out his name in such a sweet tone it’s got him wondering whether you were an angel instead.
“angel — fuck me — you feel so damn good . .”
“think— it’s the other way ’round,” a chuckle weasels its way out of satoru’s lips at your cheeky comment, bumping foreheads with yours gently as he holds his stare with yours.
“silly g-girl . .” your hands wrap around his neck at that, coaxing him into another deep kiss, moaning into his mouth and the way his body jerks into yours is just so cute. his tie is discarded, your dress is on the floor of the car and his hair is everywhere and you like gojo the best like this: dishevelled and messy, in love with you like always and he would happily be like this all the time if he could.
the sheer pistoning of his hips is so strong that the car is probably shaking, skin against skin and your dripping pussy that wraps around him so good that he can’t hold on any longer, muttering into your lips. his hand reaches down to rub at your clit, sending your body into little shockwaves into his hold.
“princess, i’m gonna—” he groans into your mouth, betrayed by his own body before his hips stammer and he’s cumming deep in you, spilling his seed deep into your waiting cunt and his eyes roll back. he has no chance of recovering when you’re reaching your high soon after, clenching so hard around him that his hips continue to buck into you. your brain is only full of satoru, satoru, satoru, whining into his skin as he fills you up.
“s’full . .” you mumble, pulling away drunkenly, meeting his slightly dull ones from his fatigue. “need more.”
your body moves on autopilot, prompting your lover to lie on his back seat without any protests and he welcomes you like clockwork atop him. and when you sink down, you swear you see another shade of blue pop up in his eyes at the sight. there’s a small sigh from gojo when you reach his pelvis, body illuminated by the street lamps and the moonlight. satoru is always in awe of whatever you do—
“that’s my pretty, pretty girl.”
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svt-luna · 1 month
ᡴꪫ ⋆ GAME CATERERS X SVT ࣪ ! ˓ ౨ৎ ࣪˖ ─── episode 1-2.
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Game Caterers x SEVENTEEN
synopsis: Episode 1-2! The chaotic continuation and the second part of the individual interviews where PD Na learns more about the members of SEVENTEEN.
╰౨ৎ fan reactions ╰౨ৎ game caterers masterlist
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[added captions are in brackets] ᡣ𐭩
bold dialogues are spoken in english ᡣ𐭩
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Once the laughter had finally calmed down, PD Na shifted his attention to the next member with an air of anticipation, "Where's Hoshi?"
Hoshi, ever the enthusiastic one, quickly raised his hand with a bright smile. The two exchanged a warm greeting, familiar with each other from the ‘HYBE’ Special last year.
[#5 HOSHI]
"All fans in Korea approved CARAT for the hardest cheer," PD Na began, his tone light but with a hint of seriousness. "You created a five-second cheer?"
[It was 2017]
[That is a painful cheer to say all 14 names in 5 seconds]
Hoshi grinned, tilting his head to the side as he explained, "There's a bridge. I added the members' real names there. It goes 'Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung,' and so on. I'm not good at it either."
The room erupted into laughter, the image of Hoshi struggling with his own creation was too amusing for the members to handle.
"That's irresponsible," PD Na teased, shaking his head with mock disappointment. "To do that, some CARATs lost their voices. Some went to the mountains to practice. Some CARATs say they'll practice it and join ‘Show Me the Money’. You shouldn't ignore it after making it."
This comment had everyone howling with laughter. The thought of fans taking such extreme measures just to perfect the chant was both hilarious and endearing.
Hoshi, unable to hold back his laughter, added, "I listen to it on stage. 'It's very nice of them.'"
The absurdity of his casual comment made the members laugh even harder.
"After making them do it?" Seungkwan asked, his tone incredulous but playful as if he couldn’t believe Hoshi's nonchalance.
"You're grateful, but…" PD Na trailed off, leaving the unsaid criticism hanging in the air.
"That's not my job. I have to dance on stage," Hoshi defended himself, shrugging as if to say his responsibilities ended with choreography.
"Send them a message," PD Na suggested, gesturing toward the camera.
Hoshi turned to face the camera, a wide, sincere smile on his face. "Dear CARAT, I'm saying hello on ‘The Game Caterers’. I'm always grateful. I love you," he said, his voice filled with genuine affection. The members giggled amongst themselves, entertained by how quickly Hoshi could switch from playful to sincere.
"Did you make one for 'Super'?" PD Na asked, steering the conversation forward.
"I made one for 'Super'," Hoshi confirmed with a nod, his expression brightening at the mention of the song.
"Did you?" PD Na asked, seeking confirmation.
"Yes," Hoshi replied, his tone unwavering.
"Can you show me?" PD Na prompted, his curiosity piqued.
"It's the same," Hoshi laughed, before launching into the cheer, "Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung… There's no change in members. So it's the same."
"It's still fourteen," Seungkwan pointed out, his voice tinged with both amusement and pride.
[On the other side]
As Hoshi finished demonstrating the cheer, a few members couldn't resist trying it out themselves, their voices low as they muttered under their breath. Vernon, Jun, and Luna were the most engrossed, each attempting to get the sequence of names just right in five seconds.
Luna, in particular, was concentrating hard, her gaze on the floor, her brows furrowed in determination as she softly repeated the chant over and over. “Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Jihoon?” She paused, realizing she had messed up, before trying again, “Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Jisoo?… Jisoo again,” she muttered to herself, frustration creeping into her voice.
[Understanding how CARAT feels]
Jeonghan, who was sitting next to her, had been watching her with a soft grin on his face, his long black hair falling gently over his eyes. He couldn’t help but find her determination endearing, the way her nose scrunched up in frustration making him smile even more. His gaze never wavered from her, his fondness for her evident in the way he looked at her.
“Try it again, you can do it again,” Jeonghan urged her softly, his voice encouraging but gentle, wanting her to succeed.
[Attempt 100]
Luna nodded, her focus sharpening as she gave it another go. “Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Jihoon, Myungho, Jiyeon, Mingyu, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Hansol, Chan.”
[After several attempts]
[She did it]
This time, she nailed it, and a huge smile spread across her face as she finally looked up at Jeonghan. He hadn’t looked away once, his expression proud and warm. Seeing her joy, his own smile widened, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Yay,” Luna said with a soft chuckle, the relief and happiness clear in her voice.
[Bunny no. 1 is proud of herself]
“Good job,” Jeonghan replied, his voice still soft, filled with genuine warmth and pride for her accomplishment.
[Bunny no. 2 is proud of her too]
The small moment between them didn’t go unnoticed by the others.
PD Na scanned the room before settling his gaze on Wonwoo. “Where’s Wonwoo?” he asked.
Wonwoo raised his hand and gave a slight bow.
PD Na smiled, acknowledging him. “We didn’t meet last time. Nice to meet you.”
[First time meeting Producer Na]
“Nice to meet you too,” Wonwoo replied politely, his voice calm.
PD Na continued, “You’re so good-looking, not that I mean the rest aren’t. You’re tall, good-looking, and big.” His tone was half-joking but sincere. “In fact, I heard you were in a photoshoot recently. The theme was your shoulders? I heard you have nice shoulders.”
Wonwoo chuckled softly before explaining, “I had a photoshoot about a year ago. The whole theme was about the body, and I was in charge of the shoulders, so I took photos focusing on them.”
Hoshi, ever the supportive member, chimed in, “He has broad shoulders.”
“They do look nice,” Dokyeom added, nodding in agreement.
Dino, who was sitting near Wonwoo, turned toward him and said with a mischievous grin, “You should show him.”
“Show him,” Mingyu echoed, clearly enjoying where this was going.
Wonwoo looked around, slightly confused but amused. “How?” he asked, letting out a timid chuckle as he tried to figure out what they wanted from him.
Without hesitation, Seungkwan and Minghao reached over and began to remove each side of Wonwoo’s denim jacket, one side at a time, leaving him sitting there, caught off guard but laughing along with everyone else.
“Take your shirt off,” Dokyeom suggested, his tone half-serious, half-joking.
[None of their business]
Luna, who had been watching the antics, turned in her seat to face Wonwoo and gently patted his knee. “What are you guys doing to Wonwoo?” she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Seungkwan, always quick with a response, said, “His videos are always the most popular. Hurry up.”
“‘Most popular,’” Dokyeom laughed, echoing Seungkwan’s words.
PD Na stood up from his place on the floor, a mischievous smile on his face as he walked toward Wonwoo with a tape measure in hand. “A lot of CARATs are curious,” he said, causing a ripple of excitement to spread through the room.
[Wonwoo has broad shoulders]
[We decided to measure it and see]
As PD Na carefully measured Wonwoo's shoulders, the members’ voices overlapped in a chorus of comments about Wonwoo's impressive physique.
“They’re broad from the bones.”
“His shoulder bones are wide.”
“He was born with it.”
“They’re so broad.”
“They’re thin and wide.”
“It’s pretty because it’s sharp.”
“I want to be like him.”
“That’s nice. Thin and wide.”
Wonwoo sat there patiently, his expression calm as always. “I’m not sure if I have wide shoulders,” he said humbly. “I’ve never measured them before.”
“Fifty-eight centimeters,” PD Na concluded, nodding in approval before turning to the next target. “I think Mingyu has broader shoulders.”
Mingyu straightened up, ready for his turn, as PD Na headed toward him. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as PD Na began measuring Mingyu’s shoulders.
[Suddenly measuring Mingyu's shoulders]
A few seconds later, PD Na broke the silence with a small smile. “Not quite,” he said.
The members burst into laughter as Mingyu looked around, a mock expression of disbelief on his face as if it were a great disappointment to not have the broadest shoulders.
“Even with a jacket on, his shoulders are fifty centimeters,” PD Na said, amused.
“It's fifty centimeters?” Mingyu asked, his voice tinged with shock.
“Fifty-one,” Luna teased with a smirk.
“Fifty-two” Jeonghan followed, chuckling at the playful banter.
[The twin bunny telepathy]
Mingyu looked back at PD Na, still appalled. “I’m eight centimeters shorter?” he asked, which only made everyone laugh harder.
Woozi interjected with a grin, “Mingyu eats like eight chickens a day.”
“He’s eating away all the chickens,” S.Coups added, shaking his head in mock disapproval.
[What did he eat all those chicken breast for?]
But Mingyu wasn’t done yet. He stood up from his seat, determined to set the record straight. He removed his jacket, standing straighter than ever as PD Na measured him again.
“His pride is hurt,” Luna observed with a laugh, turning to the writers in front of her. “He needed to get remeasured.”
"Mingyu has a nice body." PD Na complimented him. "Widen your chest."
[Showing off]
"It's wide." Minghao exclaimed.
Mingyu’s determination paid off as PD Na remeasured him, announcing, “Oh! Fifty-seven centimeters.”
A relieved smile spread across Mingyu’s face as he quickly threw his jacket back on and sat down next to Luna. “I was almost disappointed,” he admitted. “It wasn’t even my question, but it would’ve embarrassed me.”
Luna turned to him, a teasing glint in her eyes. “What's embarrassing is how much it affected you,” she said, her voice laced with amusement.
Mingyu turned to her in shock, his mouth agape, which only made Luna laugh harder. Before he could reply, Dino seized the moment to tease him further.
“Wonwoo just sat there quietly,” Dino pointed out, mimicking how Wonwoo had sat nonchalantly and normally before exaggerating how Mingyu had broadened his shoulders. "But you broadened your shoulders."
The members burst out laughing again, and before Mingyu could defend himself, Jeonghan jumped in. “If I raised my shoulders, my shoulders would've gotten three centimeters wider,” he said, mimicking Mingyu’s exaggerated movements.
Mingyu was left speechless, looking around the room in disbelief. “Was the question for me?” he asked, which only made the room erupt in laughter once more.
[It was for Wonwoo]
“You acted like it was,” Luna shot back, a shit-eating grin on her face as she side-eyed Mingyu, clearly enjoying the chaos she’d stirred.
After a brief pause, Mingyu wrapped his arm around Luna’s neck, pulling her close and squishing her cheeks playfully. Luna shrieked, the high-pitched sound filling the room and making everyone laugh even harder.
“Stop!” Luna squealed, trying to push him away. “My hair, Gyu!”
Mingyu finally released her, laughing along with everyone else as he helped Luna fix her hair, her face flushed from the playful teasing.
PD Na moved on to the next member, a playful glint in his eye. “Woozi,” he called out.
Woozi raised his hand and bowed slightly, his usual calm demeanor firmly in place.
[#7 WOOZI]
“Woozi, I heard you’re a homebody. You never leave home. Is that true?” PD Na asked, leaning forward with curiosity.
Before Woozi could even respond, the room erupted in a chorus of agreement.
“He never leaves.”
“He never leaves.”
“He’s always at home.”
“Work, home, or gym— that’s it.”
Woozi nodded in agreement, not bothering to refute the claims. His expression remained neutral as if this was something he’d heard a thousand times before.
[The reason for his fair skin]
PD Na grinned. “Well, we have something to celebrate today. You were found outside of your house after five years!”
The members cheered, clapping and laughing at the rare occasion.
S.Coups joined in, nodding. “Someone saw him.”
[Live trend: the sight of Woozi outside]
“Where?” Seungkwan asked, turning to their leader with wide eyes.
“In Apgujeong,” S.Coups answered with a knowing nod.
“S.Coups knows everything,” Seungkwan said, pointing at him.
“Did you look it up?” PD Na asked, his chuckle echoing in the room.
S.Coups simply nodded.
[He'd know since it was on live trend list]
“Where in Apgujeong?” Seungkwan asked again, curiosity piqued.
“In Apgujeong…” S.Coups began, but before he could finish, Wonwoo interjected.
“In front of the gym?” Wonwoo guessed.
S.Coups shook his head. “No, it wasn’t the gym.” He pointed at Seungkwan, a playful glint in his eye. “You know the café? Right under…” He mentioned the café’s name, and the members instantly voiced their agreement, recognizing the place.
Woozi finally spoke up, his tone calm and matter-of-fact. “That was for work.”
[It wasn't for his own]
“CARATs saw him in the cafe,” S.Coups said, unable to resist.
Woozi sighed lightly. “I haven’t been to Apgujeong lately. Before, our studio was in Apgujeong. I used to go there often, but not anymore. I don’t even go to Apgujeong now.”
PD Na followed up with another question, his curiosity clearly piqued. “Then what were you doing in there?”
Woozi shook his head slightly as if the answer was obvious. “It was for work. I never went there for myself.”
“Do you even remember going out except for work?” PD Na asked, raising an eyebrow.
S.Coups leaned forward, ready to answer for him. “When we had a get-together.”
[SEVENTEEN's April Meeting, #Woozi’s Outing]
Woozi nodded in agreement, “Except for that, I didn’t go anywhere.”
Seungkwan chimed in, adding more context. “It’s gotten to the point where if we go abroad, we have about two days to go out or rest before the performance. But for two whole days, he never left his hotel room. We had to check if he was alive.”
[They had to force the door open]
The members burst into laughter, nodding in agreement with Seungkwan’s observation. Woozi chuckled shyly, the corners of his lips twitching up.
PD Na looked at Woozi with amusement. “Why do you do that? Is there a reason you don’t want to go out?”
“I’m too lazy,” Woozi admitted, his voice deadpan, which only made his members chuckle more.
[Things he do: Write lyrics, compose,arrange, produce songs, sing, dance, selfie]
“It’s pretty serious,” Seungkwan snickered, shaking his head.
Woozi shrugged, his expression unbothered. “I tend to avoid anything that consumes my energy. So I just stay still.”
“Are you like Jeonghan?” PD Na asked, glancing over at the member known for his laid-back personality.
Luna shook her head, knowing the difference between the two. “Hannie oppa needs to go out when we’re abroad,” she pointed out, gesturing to Jeonghan who lazily nodded, his eyes droopy and accompanied by a lazy smirk, a common look for him.
“He goes around busily,” Mingyu added, backing up Luna’s statement.
Wonwoo pointed at Jeonghan fromte back row, chuckling. “He's… When he goes abroad, he travels around the most.”
“When he’s abroad, he must go out,” Hoshi agreed a fond smile on his face.
[They have a lot to say]
Seungkwan couldn’t resist mimicking Jeonghan during their trips, his expression and tone spot-on. “He’s like, ‘Let’s go, let’s go.’ Then thirty minutes later…” Seungkwan’s expression shifted to one of sudden fatigue as he mimicked Jeonghan tiredly demanding, “'Let’s go.'”
Luna chuckled at the resemblance, nodding in agreement. “You’re right.”
Jeonghan, feeling the need to defend himself, gestured with his hands as he explained, “I get drained fast from walking around a lot. Woozi never goes out.”
“He knows he’d run out of energy fast, so he saves his energy,” PD Na said, referring to Woozi with a knowing smile.
“That’s right,” Woozi confirmed, unbothered by the analysis of his habits.
“Okay,” PD Na nodded, wrapping up Woozi’s interview with a satisfied grin before moving on to the next member, eager to uncover more of SEVENTEEN’s unique dynamics.
PD Na glanced at his notes and then looked up, calling out, “The8. Where are you?”
Minghao raised his hands slightly, making his presence known with a gentle wave. His calm demeanor caught the attention of everyone, and the members turned to look at him as PD Na addressed him.
[#8 THE8]
“You injured your shoulders? How?” PD Na asked, concern evident in his tone.
“This?” Minghao said, gesturing to his injured shoulder. “I fell while working out.” His expression was casual as if it was no big deal.
“Did someone push you or anything?” PD Na inquired, leaning forward slightly.
Minghao shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. “Never. I did it to myself. I was careless.”
“What’s there to be careless about while working out?” PD Na followed up, his curiosity piqued.
Minghao hesitated for a second, then replied with a lighthearted tone, “Well… you know.” His vague answer made PD Na burst into laughter, and the rest of the members joined in, amused by his nonchalant attitude.
[No more explanation]
“By the time this airs, I’ll be fine,” he added, reassuring everyone.
“Are you almost healed?” PD Na asked, glancing at Minghao’s shoulder again.
“Yes,” Minghao nodded, his voice steady and confident.
PD Na glanced at the paper in front of him, preparing for the next question. “It says here, after the HYBE Special last time, on your social media live show… you said you got along with me. In what sense did we get along?”
Minghao’s eyes softened as he thought back. “That day, you kept asking me to do something. You listened to me carefully,” he explained.
Luna, sitting in front, turned to look at Minghao with a warm smile on her face. She found his gentleness endearing. “You’re so cute, Hao,” she said, her voice teasing but affectionate.
“He’s sweet,” Wonwoo added, agreeing with Luna’s sentiment.
Minghao continued, his tone sincere, “I was touched. So I always wanted to work with you again.”
“What should we do?” PD Na asked, his curiosity growing.
Mingyu, always quick with a playful suggestion, proposed jokingly, “You should go for coffee with him.”
“You should have a meal with him,” Joshua added, smiling.
“Call him. Have coffee with him and Woozi in Apgujeong,” Mingyu suggested his grin widening.
Minghao turned to PD Na, his eyes earnest. “Do you want to?”
“It works for me,” PD Na nodded, chuckling. “That gives Woozi an excuse to leave home.”
“Sounds good to me,” Minghao nodded in agreement, his usual calm demeanor unwavering.
PD Na looked up from his notes, his eyes landing on Luna, the only female member of the group. “Luna,” he began, his tone warm and welcoming.
Luna responded with a bright smile and a respectful bow. “Yes, hello!”
[#9 LUNA]
“It’s our first time meeting as well,” PD Na noted, returning her smile. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Luna replied, her voice soft and polite.
PD Na smiled at her, his gaze briefly flicking back to his notes before continuing, “I heard you’re also injured.”
Luna nodded, raising her right hand to show him. “Yes, I fractured my middle and ring finger.”
[Injury no. 2]
“Did you hurt yourself while working out as well?” PD Na asked, his eyebrows raised slightly in concern.
“No,” Luna shook her head, a small smile on her lips. “I was practicing and I slipped and landed on my hand.”
“That must have hurt,” PD Na remarked sympathetically.
“I’m okay now, though,” Luna reassured him, shaking her head as if to wave off everyone’s worries. “It’s healing well,” she added, wiggling her fingers slowly to prove her point.
“That’s good,” PD Na nodded, relieved. He then glanced back down at his paper, his expression shifting to one of mild surprise as he read his next note. “It says here that you are known to cause fights.”
The sudden statement caught everyone off guard. The members burst into laughter while Luna sat there, shocked and confused, unsure of how to respond.
[Shocked bunny]
“Me?” she asked, pointing to herself, her voice tinged with disbelief. “Fights? Where did you hear that?” She laughed, still trying to process the unexpected accusation.
PD Na pointed at his paper, a teasing grin on his face. “We did our research. It says here that you caused a lot of fights when you were a trainee.”
A chorus of agreements erupted from the members, with many of them pointing at her and Jeonghan, nodding vigorously.
“That’s right!”
“He’s right!” they echoed, their voices overlapping as they teased her.
"This is amazing," Dokyeom laughed harder.
“What?” Luna turned to look at her members, her confusion deepening as she tried to piece together what they were talking about. "Huh? What are you guys talking about?"
[Someone help her]
Then her eyes landed on Jeonghan who was already watching her, and it all clicked. The realization dawned on her face, her expression shifting from confusion to understanding, and then to amusement. “Ah,” she laughed, finally catching on.
Jeonghan, always the instigator, just grinned back at her, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
As the memory clicked into place, Luna laughed harder, her laughter bubbling over as she covered her mouth with her hands. “This is amazing,” she marveled, still giggling. “How did you guys find out about that? I had completely forgotten about it.”
PD Na watched her with amusement, leaning forward slightly. “Can you tell us about it?” he asked, clearly intrigued.
Luna glanced at Jeonghan, who nodded in agreement, his smile knowing. She turned back to the group, preparing to recount the story. “It was when I was a trainee, and I was new at ‘PLEDIS’. This happened about five months after I joined,” Luna began, her hands moving animatedly as she spoke. “This one time, I just had the hardest day. The training was intense, I was sick at that time as well, and I remember stressing over my exams because I was still in school.”
Everyone listened carefully, their expressions a mix of curiosity and amusement. Her members, who knew the story well, giggled quietly, already anticipating where it was headed.
Luna continued, “I hadn’t eaten the entire day. I came to the practice room, and I had an apple. Then, one of the trainees came over, and he was teasing me.”
She paused, mimicking the boy’s actions by raising her hand as if holding something up high. “He took my apple, raised it up, and teased me to take it. He kept doing it and wouldn't give it to me up to the point that I just started crying,” Luna admitted, laughing at the memory of her younger, more vulnerable self.
[Protect her]
“Aww,” the members and producers chorused, a mixture of sympathy and amusement in their voices.
Luna pressed on, “Then, all of a sudden, Jeonghannie oppa came in.” She placed her hand on Jeonghan’s leg, and though he made no move, he continued listening to her, his smirk growing as he anticipated the end of the story. “He saw me crying, took one look at the apple, and then he went…”
Luna mimicked Jeonghan’s deep, angry voice and stern expression, saying, “‘Give it back'.”
The room exploded into shrieks. The members erupted in howls and laughter, some leaping out of their seats, while others covered their mouths in teasing disbelief. The laughter was contagious, filling the room. Luna and Jeonghan remained seated next to each other, smiling as the room buzzed with the chaotic energy of their shared memories.
As the laughter in the room finally began to die down, Luna continued the story, still smiling. “The trainee still wouldn’t give it back and thought Hannie oppa was joking with him,” she said, recalling the moment. “Then he went, ‘I said give it back,’ but the trainee just laughed at him. Oppa was one of the oldest, so it was a bit disrespectful…”
PD Na, fully invested in the story, leaned in slightly. “Then… what did he do?” he asked, his curiosity piqued.
Jeonghan, his voice calm and deep, answered this time, his eyes still carrying that signature droopy look as he smirked lazily. “I cursed him out.”
The casual delivery of his words contrasted with the intensity of the moment, making the members erupt into a chorus of teasing.
"Ooh, he cursed!"
"He really cursed him out!"
"He cursed!" they repeated, pointing at Jeonghan and laughing even harder.
Luna nodded, trying to keep a straight face, before wrapping up the story. "Then after that, we left, and he bought me food."
[Food is always the answer]
Before PD Na could reply, Seungkwan jumped in with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "There was also this one time. Maybe a year after that incident."
[Another one?]
PD Na raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "There's another one?"
Luna, confused, turned to look at Seungkwan, who was seated behind her. "What else is there?" she asked, genuinely puzzled.
"It happened a year before we debuted," Seungkwan leaned forward, his voice carrying a nostalgic tone. "Noona is beautiful. She's really beautiful. Even back then when she was younger, she hasn't changed at all. Not once. She looks the exact same. The only thing that changed is her height." He emphasized each word to PD Na, while Luna listened quietly, her members nodding in agreement.
"She was an extremely popular trainee," Seungkwan continued. "A lot of boys liked her."
With that, a chorus of agreements spilled from the mouths of the members. "That's true," Mingyu said, nodding along with the others.
"There was a time when two trainees were literally arguing about her because they both liked her, and they decided to talk to her about it and make her decide," Seungkwan added, glancing over at Luna with a grin.
[Love triangle drama]
"I remember this," S.Coups chuckled, his eyes lighting up with the memory.
Luna’s eyes widened as she finally recalled the story. "Oh, right! Once they saw me, they started arguing in front of me," she nodded, using her hands to illustrate the scene.
"Right. They were literally fighting in front of her," Seungkwan affirmed. "The members present tried to make them stop, but one thing led to another, and they both grabbed Luna by each hand," Seungkwan demonstrated the movement, grabbing Wonwoo’s arm to illustrate the point.
"Jeonghan… He was the angriest I've ever seen him in my life," Seungkwan said, raising his hand as if swearing to the truth.
Seungkwan then stood up, pulling Wonwoo to his feet to act out the scene. "Jeonghan went up to them and just…" He mimicked Jeonghan’s aggressive stance, facing Wonwoo head-on, his expression fierce.
"Jeonghan had really long hair back then, so it was swaying like this," Seungkwan added, shaking his head from side to side, imitating the way Jeonghan’s hair had moved during the confrontation. "'Let go,'" he said in a deep, angry voice, perfectly mimicking Jeonghan.
[Is this a drama?]
Another chorus of amused, teasing "Oohs" erupted from the members, while Luna sat laughing, her shoulders shaking with mirth.
S.Coups, still seated, shook his head with a grin. "I had to get him off. It was the first time I saw Jeonghan angry as well," he confessed, looking at Jeonghan with a mixture of admiration and amusement.
PD Na directed his attention to Jeonghan, raising an eyebrow with an amused smile. "It seems like you're involved in a lot of these stories."
[Fully charged Jeonghan is scary]
Before Jeonghan could respond, Dokyeom cut in with a knowing grin. "Jeonghan is the most protective of Luna."
Luna quickly interjected, shaking her head with a smile. "No, it’s because he was the first person I became friends with when I joined. He was the person I was most comfortable with."
Jeonghan finally spoke up, his tone nonchalant as if the answer was obvious. "How else am I supposed to react during that situation?"
Hoshi chimed in, nodding in agreement. "He’s cool."
"Very cool," Minghao said.
Seungkwan, ever the dramatic one, couldn’t resist adding his flair. "I swear it was like a drama," he said, his voice filled with exaggerated emotion. "It was like you could hear the song play… 'Almost Paradise'…'" He sang the familiar tune, sending the room into another round of laughter.
PD Na, still chuckling, looked back at Jeonghan and Luna. "It’s because she’s your best friend. You two are the closest."
Both Luna and Jeonghan nodded, confirming the bond they shared.
[Best bunny friends]
"She's like your younger sister," PD Na added thoughtfully.
Jeonghan, who had been nodding in agreement, suddenly faltered. "N– y–yes," he stuttered, quickly changing his answer.
The subtle exchange of looks between Jeonghan and Luna that followed didn’t go unnoticed. Jeonghan's eyes lingered on her for just a moment, while Luna remained composed, though there was a fleeting glint of something unspoken in her eyes. It was a small, almost imperceptible moment, but the hesitation in Jeonghan’s response added a strange tension to the room that only the members noticed and understood as if there was more to the story than they were letting on.
PD Na, oblivious to the undercurrent, chuckled again. "I never thought you would be the type of person to fight," he remarked to Jeonghan, amused by the contrast between his usual calm demeanor and the stories being told.
The room burst into laughter again, and in perfect sync, both Luna and Jeonghan replied, "You’d think."
[Twin bunny telepathy pt. 100]
PD Na, still smiling from the last exchange, nodded and said, "Alright," before shifting his attention to the next member. "Next is the energetic Mingyu. Long time no see," he greeted warmly, prompting Mingyu to bow deeply in return.
"Nice to see you again," Mingyu replied.
[#10 MINGYU]
"Mingyu with fifty-seven centimeters shoulders," PD Na added with a playful grin, making Mingyu scoff out a laugh.
"It's one centimeter shorter than Wonwoo," S.Coups teased, chuckling along with the others.
PD Na started with a mischievous glint in his eye, "Recently, you were seen at the soccer game on March 28— Korea versus Uruguay."
Mingyu nodded in confirmation, bracing himself for the direction of the conversation.
"Why did you go?" PD Na asked, feigning genuine curiosity, which caused the members to burst out laughing at the obviousness of the question.
"Why did you go?" Luna echoed playfully, adding to the teasing.
Mingyu chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "To watch soccer."
"No," PD Na responded, shaking his head as if Mingyu had given the wrong answer, making the group laugh harder.
"A lot of people say that's not true. I heard you went to have a meal," PD Na continued, fueling the lighthearted banter.
Mingyu laughed, trying to explain, "My acquaintance told me that too. Someone posted that I had two corndogs."
"That's the issue," PD Na stated with mock seriousness.
"They have a problem with him eating?" Luna asked her tone genuinely upset but masked by her composed expression.
Mingyu tried to clarify, "Just to clarify—" but Dokyeom’s laughter cut through the air, amplifying the ridiculousness of the entire situation.
Joshua jumped in, grinning, "Did you have three?"
"I had one," Mingyu replied, holding up a finger as if to prove his point.
"No," PD Na shook his head again, still playing along.
"To clarify, one corndog, one shrimp skewer…" Mingyu trailed off.
"One sausage," Seungkwan added helpfully from behind him.
"Did you have a sausage too?" Mingyu asked, looking genuinely surprised.
"One long chicken skewer," Seungkwan reminded him, grinning.
"One chicken skewer," Mingyu repeated with a laugh, "one pizza."
Vernon, who had been quietly enjoying the banter, added, "You had a meal."
"I kept eating every twenty-five minutes," Mingyu admitted before turning to his members with a look of innocence, "Isn't that normal?"
Luna chuckled, shaking her head in amusement, "I don't know, but you can eat whatever you want."
Mingyu’s smile softened at her supportive comment, his fondness for Luna evident in his expression. "Thank you," he said, genuinely touched.
"I was there too. We were the only ones eating," Seungkwan chimed in, still smiling.
"It was really good. It was my first time there," Mingyu added, nodding as if to emphasize his point.
S.Coups, who had been enjoying the story from the sidelines, suddenly joined in. "I sent him the photo that people took. I told him," he said, pointing at Mingyu with a grin.
[They're acquaintances]
Mingyu’s eyes lit up in recognition, pointing back at S.Coups. "Right. He's right. ‘Did you go to watch a soccer game?’ In real-time."
Jun leaned forward, a mischievous grin on his face, and chimed in, "I got calls from my friends in China. ‘You guys eat so much,’ they said."
Mingyu’s eyes widened in shock. "You got calls from China?" he asked, clearly surprised by how far the news of his eating habits had spread.
[Mingyu's eating show spread to China]
"What you’re saying sounds like a curse, yet a compliment," Mingyu continued, shaking his head in disbelief. "Even people in China know."
"That’s how popular you are," Jeonghan said with a reassuring smile.
[Kim Influence is going global]
"Thanks," Mingyu replied, still processing the absurdity of the situation but appreciating the humor.
PD Na, ever the entertainer, jumped in. "You should explain it to CARATs because they’re worried that you didn’t eat that much that day."
Luna, who had been following the conversation intently, suddenly realized the true concern behind the question. "Ah, they are worried," she said, nodding in understanding.
Mingyu turned to face the camera, adopting a mock-serious expression as he addressed CARATs. "Though it was said that I only had two corndogs, I had a lot of other stuff. You don’t need to worry. I’ll continue to eat a lot."
"It’s nice to eat a lot," Minghao added, his simple but profound comment making them all chuckle before the conversation moved on.
PD Na, ever the director of smooth transitions, glanced down at his notes and then back up at the members. “Where’s DK?” he asked, his eyes scanning the room.
Dokyeom immediately raised both his hands with an infectious smile, “Hello!” he greeted cheerfully, bowing his head slightly in respect.
[#11 DK]
“I looked it up, and there are many nice stories about you,” PD Na began, making the members around the room go, “Oohh,” with teasing enthusiasm.
[Nice stories poured out]
“Let’s hear them,” S.Coups said, leaning forward with genuine interest.
PD Na looked surprised as he asked, “You didn’t know?”
“Let me hear them first,” S.Coups responded, his curiosity piqued.
“You didn’t look up DK?” PD Na asked in disbelief, a grin forming on his face as Dokyeom laughed at the playful jab.
S.Coups pointed at Dokyeom with a chuckle, “I know he bought our fans a meal the other day.”
[That's it!]
This revelation sent a wave of gasps and surprised reactions through the room. The writers and PD Na were visibly shocked as they looked at S.Coups, amazed that he had guessed the exact story they were about to ask DK about.
“Amazing,” Joshua said, shaking his head in disbelief.
“That’s crazy,” Luna muttered, glancing at her leader with wide eyes. “Kinda scary,” she added, her voice laced with a mix of awe and amusement.
“In fact, they were Mingyu’s fans,” S.Coups added, sending another ripple of amazement through the members, followed by a chorus of, “Ooohs.”
“Really?” Vernon asked, turning to look at Mingyu, who seemed just as surprised.
“How does he know?” Woozi wondered aloud, his tone reflecting the general sentiment in the room.
Dokyeom nodded, recalling the story. “I think they were Mingyu, Luna, and Jeonghan’s fans,” he confirmed.
[They're all SEVENTEEN's fans anyway]
This made Luna turn to Dokyeom with an expression of amazement. “Really?” she asked, her voice filled with genuine surprise.
PD Na, now fully engrossed, looked back down at his notes. “‘On March 22, 2023, he ran into the fans in the restaurant and asked if they’d eaten. He gave them autographs and paid for their meals.’”
Another chorus of amazement filled the room, the members clearly impressed by Dokyeom’s kind gesture.
“He’s cool,” Joshua commented, his voice filled with admiration.
“So cool,” another member echoed.
“Dokyeomie is sweet,” Luna added, smiling up at Dokyeom from her seat, her voice warm and affectionate.
However, amid the praise, Seungkwan interjected, “You asked someone in the restaurant if they’d eaten?”
This question caused a ripple of laughter among the members. “He was asking if they finished eating,” S.Coups corrected with a grin.
“That wasn’t my question,” Dokyeom said, laughing at the misunderstanding.
[To explain what happened]
Dokyeom then went on to explain what had actually happened. “There was one table left next to mine. CARATs who were waiting sat there, so we got to eat together. They were eating very carefully in case I didn’t feel comfortable. They didn’t have to. So, before I left, I apologized for making them feel uncomfortable. I gave them my autograph and paid for their food.”
The members praised him for his thoughtfulness, their admiration clear in their voices.
Mingyu, ever the curious one, raised his hand and turned to DK with a playful glint in his eye. “I have a question. I heard the manager was there too. Did you pay with the corporate card or your own card?”
This inquiry made PD Na laugh, clearly enjoying the light-hearted moment.
“My own card,” Dokyeom responded with a nod, making the members marvel at him even more.
“Are you sure?” Mingyu pushed, his tone teasing.
“It was my own card. Check the receipt,” Dokyeom insisted with a confident nod.
“I’m going to check the receipt for March 22,” Mingyu said, his tone half-joking, half-serious.
Luna, who had been listening to the exchange with a mixture of amusement and affection, reached over and patted Mingyu’s leg, “Just stop,” she said, her voice carrying a motherly scolding tone that made the others chuckle.
Dino turned to Mingyu with a grin. “You’re so petty,” he teased.
“I’m just joking. What are you talking about?” Mingyu pouted in response, clearly enjoying the banter.
Joshua chimed in with a playful jab, “Because he has narrow shoulders. He’s petty because he has narrow shoulders.”
[Mad Joshua]
This comment sent the room into a fit of laughter, with even Mingyu unable to hold back his own amusement. As the laughter erupted around him, Mingyu threw himself onto Luna’s lap, his broad frame folding over as he laughed heartily.
Luna, still laughing herself, half-heartedly caressed his back, her fingers lightly tracing the fabric of his shirt as she indulged his playful antics. "See? That's what you get."
“People with narrow shoulders are petty,” Dokyeom added, agreeing with Joshua and further fueling the laughter.
[They can talk about Mingyu's shoulder sall day long]
“It’s okay. Just work out,” Jeonghan told Mingyu once he got off Luna’s lap, his tone matter-of-fact.
PD Na moved his gaze to the next member, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. “Next is Seungkwan,” he announced, causing Seungkwan to sit up straight in his seat, his attention fully captured.
“I have something to check instead of a question,” PD Na began, his tone hinting at something humorous.
[In the last ‘HYBE’ Special]
Seungkwan immediately seemed to catch on, a wide smile spreading across his face as he recalled his role in the ‘HYBE’ special.
“Hoshi was like, ‘The son of Na Young Suk,’ ‘You’re the son of tvN.’” He mimicked Hoshi’s tone and expressions, drawing laughter from the room.
[Approved to be Na Yung Suk's son]
PD Na burst into laughter, his eyes crinkling in amusement, while Hoshi nodded vigorously, laughing and pointing at Seungkwan as if to say, “Exactly!”
“He was like, ‘Seungkwan is the son of tvN,’” Seungkwan repeated, this time with more emphasis, making the rest of the members chuckle.
Wonwoo, who had been quietly observing, leaned forward and pointed at Seungkwan. “After that shoot, you call him Young Suk,” he added, his deadpan tone making the statement even funnier.
Seungkwan’s face lit up with playful pride. “He’s my friend,” he declared, bragging slightly that he was now on a first-name basis with the famous PD, causing another wave of laughter to ripple through the group.
[My friend Suk]
Hoshi joined in with a story of his own, his excitement evident. “I was amazed because there were a lot of people I didn’t know. I stayed quiet because I was shy,” he admitted, his voice softening. “But Seungkwan stepped out with confidence…”
Hoshi stood up, his expression transforming into one of exaggerated confidence as he mimicked Seungkwan’s overly bold and eccentric walk. The members burst into laughter at Hoshi’s spot-on impression, Seungkwan laughing along with them, not the least bit embarrassed.
“I even did tumbling,” Seungkwan reminded Hoshi, raising his eyebrows.
[He was unique]
PD Na, still chuckling, nodded. “He helped me with hosting. So I gave him a coupon. It could be a coffee truck or snack food or MC replacement. Since I’m here today, does it even out?”
Seungkwan’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Is it expired?” he asked, not quite understanding the question, while Jeonghan and Luna, who were sitting in front of him, turned to look at him.
“He’s asking if you’re using it now,” Luna clarified, her voice light.
“You’re using it on this. You used it for SEVENTEEN,” Jeonghan added, his tone more straightforward.
[As if they are explaining to their child]
“Oh,” Seungkwan said, realization dawning on his face.
“We got to be here thanks to you,” Mingyu added, his tone playful yet sincere.
Seungkwan turned to Mingyu with a look of mock offense. “What are you talking about? I worked my butt off for it,” he said, looking down at Mingyu, his tone making it clear that the coupon was only his to use. The members laughed at Seungkwan’s indignant response, the harmony in the room palpable.
[It was private property]
“If he makes a male version of ‘Earth Arcade,’ I was going to join it,” Seungkwan said with a pout, his comment drawing even more laughter from the members.
[He has a clear purpose]
After the laughter subsided, Seungkwan turned back to PD Na, his tone now shy. “You said I could use it, so I thought about using it when we were filming the music video, but I just couldn’t,” he admitted, his voice trailing off as he looked down.
[He's more than welcome to use it]
PD Na shook his head, a reassuring smile on his face. “If you just tell me, whatever it is, I’ll do it for you. Just give me a call,” he said, his tone warm and genuine.
“Okay,” Seungkwan nodded, his smile returning. “If you need anyone to talk to, I’ll go,” he offered, his voice sincere as he and PD Na exchanged nods.
[Helping each other]
PD Na turned his attention to the next member, his eyes locking on the ever-composed Vernon. “Vernon,” he called out.
Vernon raised his hand slightly, acknowledging the attention.
[#13 VERNON]
“You’re very good-looking,” PD Na commented, his tone sincere. Vernon’s lips curled into a shy smile as he bowed his head slightly. “Thank you,” he responded, his voice quiet but grateful.
“Nice to meet you, Vernon,” PD Na added warmly.
“Nice to meet you,” Vernon replied, his voice carrying the same calmness that seemed to surround him.
PD Na shifted gears, leaning into the next topic. “You love movies so much that you're often seen in the movies? Your nickname is Baby Lee Dong Jin?” he began, the amusement clear in his voice.
[The movie loving critic] [His nickname is Baby Lee Dong Jin]
“I was surprised to read this. I thought you were a critic. I’ll read it for you…” PD Na said, reaching for his notes.
As PD Na began to read Vernon’s review of the movie ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’, the room quieted down in anticipation. “‘My mind exploded into pieces of colored paper. Each increasing piece shines on the universe of my potential in my insufficiency. Be kind. Let there be love. Here and now,’” he recited, each word carrying weight.
[Vernon's comment after watching 'Everything Everywhere All at Once']
The members listened intently, but it was Mingyu who couldn’t hide his confusion. PD Na noticed and turned to him, “Mingyu. What does that mean?”
[An unexpected literature test]
The sudden quiz caught Mingyu off guard, his face blank as the question hung in the air. The members erupted into laughter at Mingyu’s clear bewilderment, the playful teasing at full throttle.
Jeonghan, still chuckling, looked at Vernon, surprise evident in his eyes. “How do you come up with it?”
“Vernonie has a way with words,” Luna commented, her tone filled with admiration.
Mingyu, determined to redeem himself, decided to jump in. “I watched this movie too. It was very impressive,” he began, his voice carrying a note of seriousness. “The movie describes one’s life or expression using…”
But as he continued, Mingyu’s explanation became more convoluted, his thoughts spiraling into an incoherent ramble. “Respect each other and love each other…”
It was Dino who cut through Mingyu’s monologue with a blunt observation, “I don’t get what you mean.”
“What are you saying?” Wonwoo laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.
Mingyu, clearly frustrated by the relentless teasing, looked around the room in exasperation. Luna, sitting comfortably in her seat, chuckled at the ongoing banter.
“It was a good movie. You should watch,” Mingyu concluded with a chuckle, his voice carrying a finality that signaled he was done trying to explain.
“There it is,” Luna laughed, her voice light. “The bottom line is, it’s good,” she said, summing up Mingyu’s roundabout explanation.
Dino, clearly enjoying the moment, pointed at Luna in agreement. “Right? The bottom line is that it’s a good movie,” he repeated her words, earning another round of laughter from the group.
Mingyu, not one to back down, turned to Vernon. “My comment would be, ‘It’s fun. You should watch it.’ I just had a different way to put it,” he said, pointing at Vernon, who responded by pointing back at him.
“Right,” Vernon agreed with a knowing smile.
Woozi, who had been quietly observing the exchange, chimed in with his own insight. “If they’d write movie reviews, he’d give five stars and just say it’s good,” Woozi said, pointing at Mingyu, before shifting his finger towards Vernon. “But he’d give four point seven stars and leave a long comment.”
This observation set off another wave of laughter, the members clearly enjoying Woozi’s spot-on assessment.
Vernon, however, shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips as he corrected them. “It's a five,” he said, his voice firm in its conviction.
[5 stars for 'Everything Everywhere All at Once']
PD Na, intrigued by Vernon’s thoughtful movie review, decided to dig a little deeper. “Do you have any recommendations?” he asked, his tone reflecting genuine curiosity.
Vernon paused for a moment, clearly thinking. “Steven Spielberg recently released a new movie. It’s called 'The Fabelmans',” he said, his expression serious.
“Have you seen it?” PD Na inquired, leaning forward slightly.
“Yes,” Vernon nodded, his voice steady.
“But it just came out,” PD Na remarked, a hint of surprise in his voice.
“I watched it in the theater,” Vernon answered simply as if that was the most natural thing in the world.
Vernon continued, his tone reflective. “I thought it contained a lot of stories about his own life. If you’re a movie lover, you’d enjoy watching it.”
Wonwoo, sitting nearby, couldn’t help but chime in with a smirk, “He said it was good.”
“It was good,” Vernon affirmed, his tone matter-of-fact.
Seungkwan, never one to miss a chance for a playful jab, patted Mingyu on the back and added, “He said, ‘It was good. You should watch’ in a cool way.”
Mingyu, still determined to keep up with the film conversation, decided to contribute. “Because I haven’t seen that movie yet, something that would make me say that is 'Cinema Paradiso',” he declared, his voice full of confidence.
Vernon turned to him, a bit puzzled. “What’s 'Cinema Paradiso'?”
Mingyu, not missing a beat, responded with the same casual tone, “It’s a movie. It’s good. You should watch.”
[Nice timing]
The room erupted into laughter at Mingyu’s witty reply, his playful banter lifting the spirits of everyone present.
“Good job,” Luna told Mingyu, her giggle soft yet loud.
“As long as it’s good,” Jun said with a grin, his comment bringing yet another wave of laughter from the group.
PD Na turned his attention to the last member, the youngest of the group, Dino. “Finally, it’s Dino’s turn. We’re finally here,” he said, smiling as he prepared to ask his question. “I’ll ask him a simple question and move on.”
[#14 DINO]
PD Na continued, “Dino, what kind of razor did you use today?”
At the mention of the razor, every single member burst out laughing, the room echoing with their amusement. It was an inside joke among them, first brought up on their variety show ‘Going Seventeen’, and it never failed to get a reaction.
[The other 12 love it]
[For some reason, the older ones are]
[making fun of Dino for using the electric shaver]
[Watch ‘Going Seventeen’ for details]
Dino sat there, his eyes wide with disbelief, clearly shocked that the joke had followed him even here. It was a moment of realization that he couldn’t seem to escape the recurring joke.
“Seriously…” Dino trailed off, his voice a mix of resignation and amusement as he shook his head slightly.
Joshua and Mingyu, sitting on either side of him, leaned in from both sides, examining his face closely.
[Checking if he shaved today]
“You look neat today,” they both commented, their voices teasing as they pretended to inspect the results of his shave.
[Can't hide his shyness even with makeup]
Dino, still a bit flustered, answered, “I used ‘Gillette.’”
“You didn’t use the electric shaver?” PD Na pressed, continuing the light-hearted interrogation.
Dino shook his head, finally starting to relax into the joke. “I don’t use an electric shaver. I used it when I was in middle school,” he explained.
[Did you get that much mustache at the time?]
“I use a ‘Gillette 6-blade’ razor.” Dino added.
PD Na, clearly amused by the topic, kept the conversation going. “About the razor, when did you join SEVENTEEN?”
“Fourteen” S.Coups answered quickly for him, the leader's instincts kicking in.
Dino nodded, confirming, “I joined when I was fourteen.”
PD Na, still trying to piece together the dynamics of the group, asked, “Who was the oldest at the time?”
S.Coups raised his hand, a small smile on his lips as he acknowledged his role.
“S.Coups,” Dino said..
“How old were you?” PD Na asked, directing the question at S.Coups.
“I was eighteen,” S.Coups replied, his tone calm.
PD Na looked between the two, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. “He must’ve felt like a cute little brother,” he said, referring to Dino, imagining the dynamic of an older brother looking out for the youngest.
There was a brief pause, a moment of silence that hung in the air before Hoshi, ever the mood maker, broke it with a mischievous grin. “He didn’t even look at him back then,” Hoshi remarked, his voice filled with playful accusation.
The room erupted in laughter again, the members nodding in agreement at the truth behind Hoshi’s words.
Dino, shaking his head with a chuckle, added, “He never even looked at me.”
S.Coups, completely unbothered by the teasing, shrugged nonchalantly. “I didn’t care,” he said, his tone casual as he laughed at the reminder.
PD Na, intrigued by the group's earlier dynamic, decided to dig a little deeper. “Tell me more about that period,” he prompted, his tone curious.
[That period]
Immediately, a wave of disagreement washed over the members. S.Coups, shaking his head and waving his hand as if to push the topic away, said firmly, “We shouldn’t. We shouldn’t talk about that period.”
Seungkwan chimed in with a smirk, “We have to talk about it in a cart bar.”
“With a bottle of soju,” Dino added, his tone implying they’d need a drink or two to discuss their trainee days, which elicited another round of laughter from everyone.
Seungkwan nodded, leaning back in his seat. “We went through so much.”
“Right. Those were tough times,” Dokyeom agreed, his chuckle carrying a hint of nostalgia.
Sensing that the topic was a sensitive one, PD Na nodded. “We’ll stop here then,” he said, understanding that some memories were best left for another time.
Switching gears, PD Na asked Dino, “It says, is there anything the other guys took from you?”
Dino paused, thinking it over. “Anything they took from me?” he echoed, his brow furrowing in thought. After a moment, he shook his head slightly, as if dismissing the idea. “It’s never the items.”
Joshua, seated nearby, looked confused. “‘Never the items?’” he repeated.
“What do we take from you then?” Minghao asked, tilting his head curiously.
There was a brief pause before Dino deadpanned, “Instead of my items, they take my positive attitude and hope from me.”
The entire room erupted in laughter— members, producers, writers, and crew alike. Dino’s deadpan delivery and the unexpectedness of his statement had caught everyone off guard.
[The villains]
“Some things are more important than objects,” Dino added, his tone still serious, which only made the situation funnier.
[We should make a special on Dino's story]
But a second later, Dino waved his arms around, trying to get everyone’s attention. “Wait,” he said, making everyone quiet down, “except for noona,” he gestured to Luna, who smiled warmly at him.
“Noona is my favorite,” Dino declared.
[The twin bunny no. 1 is the favorite]
A small chorus of disagreement rose from the rest of the members, playful and lighthearted.
Luna smiled and scrunched her nose affectionately at Dino. “You’re my favorite too,” she said.
This simple statement caused the biggest uproar yet. The members groaned in mock jealousy, and the room filled with their laughter.
Luna simply laughed along, enjoying the moment. PD Na, catching Jeonghan’s unphased expression, gestured to him. “How about Jeonghan? He fought for you.”
Dino glanced at Jeonghan, then back at Luna as she replied without hesitation, “Dino is my baby.” Her tone was affectionate, but then she turned to Jeonghan, her expression shifting to one of playful mischief. “Jeonghannie oppa is… he knows his place,” she added with a smirk.
[Twin bunny no. 2 knows his place]
Jeonghan, seemingly unbothered by her words, nodded his head lazily, his easy compliance making his droopy eyes and lazy smirk even more pronounced. His gaze met Luna’s, and for a brief moment, something shifted between them once more. Luna felt a flutter in her stomach, the kind of sensation that was hard to ignore. Those butterflies— soft, nervous, and thrilling— seemed to take flight, making her heart beat just a little faster.
Noticing the interaction, S.Coups pointed at Luna teasingly, “That’s not fair. You’re not allowed to have favorites.”
Luna, trying to defend herself, waved her hand dismissively. “Eyy, you have your favorites too,” she retorted, a knowing smile on her lips.
S.Coups grinned, unable to deny the accusation. His smile confirmed that she was right, and the members shared a collective laugh, the air filled with the warmth of their banter.
[Who is the leader's favorite child?]
As the interview wrapped up, the group lingered in the studio for a moment, exchanging final comments and laughter with PD Na. The conversation naturally eased, leaving everyone in high spirits. With the questions finished, they were free to leave the interview area. S.Coups signaled for the members to head back to their rest area while the crew began setting up the space for the games they would play next.
[To be continued in Clip 1-3]
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Taglist: @yeoberryx @minminghao @angie-x3 @jennwonwoo @k13endall
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emilys-bangs · 1 month
Awww congrats on 200 followers lovely!!! You deserve it, I always find myself rereading your works! So I went to the first section Andromeda, saw prompt #1 “Pull over. Let me drive for awhile.” and thought YES that’s an Emily prompt right there 🤣 I feel like Emily being able to immediately sense reader’s feelings would be super sweet. Like maybe it was rough case/day for reader, Emily steps up, and then starts rambling trying to distract reader so they’re both just laughing and even more in love by the end? Will also read whatever you want to write 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Tysm lovely!!! It amazes me that you reread my fics, I'm so happy you like them🥹!! I changed a tiny bit of this at the end, hope you don't mind <3
Word count: 0.9k
Join my celebration here <3
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You’re upset. It’s not hard to see—shoulders rising to your ears, your jaw set, the skin pulled tight over your knuckles as you grip the steering wheel. Add that to the lack of your usual easy chatter and Emily’s worried, absently picking at the loose skin around her nail as she tries not to make it too obvious she’s staring.
The case was hard on you. The two of you shared a room this time, so she was more in tune with you than she normally is. She heard the sounds of distress you let out in your sleep almost every night, the way you’d toss and turn on the bed for hours after. Emily didn’t say anything, held back her urge to talk to you about it, but she noticed the restless frustration building in you, the way you poured yourself into the case. 
It ended badly, and you’ve been quiet ever since.
She hadn’t argued when you grabbed the car keys, figuring you’d appreciate the small modicum of control, but it’s been almost half an hour and she’s grown uneasy from your still-tight grip on the wheel. Her eyes flick to your face just in time to see the tick in your clenched jaw.
Before Emily can think about it, the words are out of her mouth. “Pull over,” she says softly, breaking the stillness. “Let me drive for a while.”
You give no indication that you heard her; silence makes her words hang in the air, unanswered. Her worry increases when you don’t protest, simply pulling over and unbuckling your seatbelt. 
Emily gets out of the car and makes her way to the driver’s seat just as you’re getting out. She knows her gaze must be hot on your cheeks, but you don’t look at her. Instead, your gaze tips up, and she follows it.
The one road leading out of town is dark. Apart from the headlights of the car and a few spare street lamps, it’s swathed almost entirely in darkness, and the sky above you is lit up with stars.
“Pretty, aren’t they?” Emily murmurs, desperately trying to draw an answer from your lips.
You hum noncommittally and move past her to get back in the car.
Helplessness crawls up Emily’s throat and settles there like a hard lump. She swallows tightly and gets into the car, briefly unmoored at her reaction to your reaction, unsure why it is that she so desperately wants you to be okay.
The silence is back as she drives off. From the corner of her eye, she sees you rest your head on the window and cross your arms, turning away.
Emily is an expert on body language—she has to be—but this time, she can’t sit and watch you drift away from her, further into your mind.
“Did you recognize any constellations out there?” She blurts out, then winces at the stupid question. 
You’re slow to respond. 
“Think I saw…what was that famous one called? The hunter?”
Relief floods Emily’s veins. “Yeah, Orion.” She nods, turning to get a glimpse of you. Your head is still on the window, but your body is tilted toward hers. Her next breath comes a little easier. “It’s arguably the most recognizable constellation in the Milky Way. It lies on the celestial equator, so it’s visible from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.”
“Okay, Reid,” you retort, but the gentleness to your voice tells her you don’t mean any malice. Emily turns and finds a small quirk to your lips; she bites back a smile of her own.
“Yeah, I was a big geek about the stars,” she whispers. Still am. Emily clears her throat. “When I was younger, I used to spend summers in a cabin up in the Alps with my grandfather. He had these huge books about stars and constellations.” You’re quiet next to her, but she sees the way you perk up and shift closer. She never shares her past—or any aspect of her life, really—with anyone, but it’s you, and if it makes you feel even a little bit better, she’ll spell out her whole life’s story for you to hear. 
“The sky was so clear there, it’s insane. I used to draw constellations on the back of my hand and try to search for them in the sky; I spent hours looking up until Grandad called me back. And for each one I’d found, he’d tell me a story.” A wistful smile pulls at her lips. When Emily turns and finds you staring with your head cushioned on your arm, her smile widens.
“Do you want to hear the story of Orion?” She asks softly.
She hears the low whoosh of air as you breathe in, then nod once. “Yeah,” you give her a small smile and warmth spreads all over her body, “I do.”
You’re asleep by the end of it, exhaustion claiming your body, but somehow, at some point, your pinky linked with hers. Both your hands rest on the console now, and Emily looks away from the empty road ahead of her. Your lashes rest on your cheeks, the tense lines of your face relaxing in sleep, and she squeezes your pinky before turning back to the road, her heart somewhat lighter.
taglist: @suckerforcate
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avengers--assembly · 19 days
Fevered confessions
Summary: Y/n is sick and goes to Bucky’s room for some comfort
Sicktember prompts used:
1. I’m not hungover, I’m just sick”
Alts 2. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Word count: 1014
Warnings: none
Y/n stumbled down the hallway, leaning heavily against the wall in an attempt to catch her breath. Soft pants echoed around the hall as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying unsuccessfully to stop the pounding in her head.
Her muscles ached pathetically as she took another step forward, swaying slightly when she inched away from the wall. She raised her hand, missing the door by a few inches on her first try. She breathed out through her mouth in frustration, trying to focus her vision back into a single view. She touched the wood this time, knocking on the door. A voice floated towards her, meeting her in an embrace of comfort.
“Y/n?” Her name was gruff on Bucky’s lips, his voice coated in sleep. She tried smiling, opening her eyes again, the bright light digging into her vision as the rays of light shone from beneath his door. “Hi, Buck,” she murmured, aware of the ruffling of his sheets as he stood up. The door swung open to reveal his worried gaze. It swept over her, trying to locate a reason for her being there in the middle of the night.
“Are you alright? What’s wrong?” He was worried. She hated herself in that moment for causing such emotions. He shouldn’t need to think about her. He had enough problems sleeping without her adding to his worries.
"Nothing’s wrong.” She grinned at him, a little lop-sided. Her words came out more slurred than she was hoping, and she could see the slight look of bewilderment on Bucky’s face as he gaped at her. “Are you drunk?”
"Am I drunk?” She repeated, voice edging to a whisper as her throat burned as she swallowed.
"That’s what I asked, isn’t it?” He didn’t seem irritated yet. The grin on her face grew. “’m not drunk... silly Bucky. Did I wake you up? Sorry. I didn’ mean to...” she continued, a frown filling her features now.
"It’s fine, I was awake anywa—” He trailed off, a hand going to touch her forehead. It was cold enough to make her shiver, and she didn’t seem otherwise fazed even as Bucky swore under his breath,
"Shit, you’re burning up.”
She nodded along. “I knowww,” she said in a sing-song tone. He pulled at her arm, mindful of her stumbling, before leading her to his bed. “How long? Y/n.” He tried to keep her focus on him as he watched her glazed eyes flicker over his room.
“Sorry for the mess,” he muttered, steering her until she flopped onto his mattress. She grinned up at the ceiling. “Um, maybe since today?”
"Maybe?” He lifted an eyebrow.
“Definitely,” she hummed back.
“You take any medicine yet? I don’t like how high the fever is. You should have told me you were sick!”
“No medicine... and why?”
“Why? Why did you come to my room tonight? Because you know I would care!”
Y/n glanced at him as he raised his voice. “‘m sorry,” she mumbled, closing her eyes again, snuggling into the covers. She buried her face in his pillow heap. “Smells like you.”
“I mean... they are my pillows?” he replied, scratching his neck nervously. She only made a humming noise in reply. “You can’t come into my room and steal my bed, doll. You need to drink something for that fever. And water. Water is good.”
She waved him off, with a weak lift of her hand. “Stay here,” was his reply before disappearing out of the doorway in search of his mentioned objects.
When he finally returned, she was fast asleep, taking up most of the bed and blankets. He moved closer, shaking her shoulder. “Doll,” he said softly, ignoring her attempt to shoo him away, “you need to drink this.” He showed the pill and glass of water to her in his attempt to make her reasonable. “‘m sleeping.”
“You can sleep afterward.”
She was silent for a moment before she tried sitting up, her hands bracing against his arm as she sat up completely, making a gimme motion with her hands as she glanced at the water. He dropped the pill into her open palm and waited until she put it in her mouth before handing the water to swallow it with. Once she was done, the glass was empty, and on his table, she was again making herself comfortable.
He shifted awkwardly, taking a step backwards. “I’ll just, uh, leave you here, ok? I’ll take the couch.” He switched off the light again, bathing the room in darkness. Her face was cast in shadow as she complained.
"No,” she said, grabbing on the first thing she could get her hands on, a piece of loose fabric on his sweatpants. Bucky paused, even if he could easily move away from her grip. “stay with me. Pretty please?” She whispered.
“I don’t know, doll... are you sure?”
“Get in.”
“You want me to sleep with you? In the same bed?”
“Bucky,” she whined, and he finally caved, climbing under the covers next to her, sticking to his own side, stiff. She wasn’t going to settle for that and rolled closer, burying her face in his chest.
“Doll,” he warned, an arm wrapping around her waist anyway.
“I won’t get you sick, promise,” her voice was slightly muffled as she talked, her overly warm face obvious even through his shirt.
“That’s not something you can promise me... and not what I was worried about.”
“What then?”
“Making you uncomfortable. I’m not a good guy for you, doll. Not like this.”
“Shh. I love you, I could never be uncomfortable.” He froze slightly, swallowing heavily. “You don’t mean that, doll. Take it back. You don’t—” He trailed off. She was already gone, sleeping soundly.
Bucky smiled slowly as her soft breaths brushed against him. Her heartbeat, a comforting touch. Alive. Sleeping. He could enjoy this while it lasted. Her fever-addled brain couldn’t be trusted, but he would hold onto this moment, even if her horrified look in the morning would haunt him.
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cursedcola · 2 years
Prompt: "Will You Marry Me?" - Proposal Headcannons Characters: Everyone :) Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw(Here!), Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia(Pt.1)(Pt.2) Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Warning(s): None. I mean, unless you don't want to marry any of them. Just don't read if that's the case. Note: These are all if he is the one proposing btw. I've been thinking about maybe programming a small fan-made mini-otome using these ideas. Just for some practice for school while also being self indulgent hehe
Leona Kingscholar
Let’s just rip the bandaid off. Leona dates to marry. He’s not someone to invest his time in something troublesome, and frankly? Not many people catch his interest. Sure. He might think someone is physically attractive, but there’s a difference. He doesn’t follow the traditional path either. The ‘dating’ stage doesn’t last long because he’s already made up his mind prior to it.
Dating is pretty much just formality. The moment you agree to it, you’re essentially agreeing to marry him. He’s not going to put in effort for just anyone. Bonus points if he’s the one to confess his feelings first. That is basically concrete confirmation that he intends to marry you.
Leona proposing is inevitable. Only two things stand in his way: time and pride. Time, because he is no idiot. Your ways are unlike his people, and unlike him. He’s patient. He knows how to play the game. He can wait, but not forever. He’ll observe you over time and slip in questions here and there about your goals in life. Then he’ll find a good time frame. Please remember that Leona is not just an ambitious hot-head. He’s a smart one.
Then there is his pride. He will not put himself in a position that has a chance to fail. No. He will play dirty, and wait until you are tinkering with the idea of marriage. He’ll steer conversations towards talks of the future, and make it so you’re the one who starts them. All to get you warmed up to the idea of spending your life with him, and to a stage where he can clearly tell where you lie emotionally. He might appear neutral on the outside; however, it’s all according to plan. While you are just beginning to imagine your lives together, Leona’s already had the thought process long prior. You don’t need to know that though.
The icing on the cake is when you visit his home. Checka is Leona’s secret wingman. Your soft spot for the boy is something he takes advantage of, and lets Checka consume your attention during a tour of the palace. You meet his elder brother, who irritatingly pries for details about your relationship. Leona lets it go. Just this once, because he knows you feeling at home is more important in the long run. You share a room with him during your stay, and he made arrangements for small changes according to your tastes. You’re also gifted with a new wardrobe of traditional clothes for your stay, and given free reign of the area. Naturally you are guarded in secret, as per the King’s orders. His brother knows as well as Leona does that it is imperative that your stay goes well.
You will be touring landmarks and tourist spots within the continent as well. While Leona would much rather laze his free time away in his room (away from his family), he goes. Word spread that he was bringing home his partner. Thank the gossiping maids for that. Walking with you makes the rumors official, and is safer than having you walk alone with Checka and some royal guards. That would have arisen suspicion, and been troublesome. More troublesome than walking around and confirming to the public that you are not to be touched.
Ignoring the many remarks about how Leona is unusually active during his visit (thanks to you), his pride is high. You’ve thoroughly been slotted into his life, and are accepted. Any apprehensions about you denying him were snuffed out. The way you took to living with him so easily proves it. If you weren’t welcomed by his family? Well, it wouldn’t change anything. This scenario just makes what he’s about to do easier.
The first night you arrived, Farlan presented Leona with a Kingscholar family heirloom. A ring that has been in their family for generations. Not meant to be worn permanently, and only for proposals. Farlan used it to propose to his wife, and at the ceremony presented her with the ring he picked out. Now Leona will use it to propose to you.
One look at it and Leona declined. He’s spent his whole life chasing things that he couldn’t have because of his birth status. He would not yield this moment to tradition. Farlan was shocked, but rescinded the offer with a supportive smile. His brother had found himself, and the King was proud.
On the evening of your final night at the palace - Leona finds you alone on the balcony of your shared room. If he was going to do anything, it would be now. Initially he was 100% confident in getting your acceptance, but the longer he watches the less sure he becomes. Deep down there is rooted fear that he will once again become second choice, and that you’ll choose to return to your world over him. His hands are in his pockets, and one of them fists around the ring he prepared long ago.
Right when he moved to back out, you turned to come back inside. Your serene stature brightened at the sight of him, and he gained back some confidence. If you could only look at him that way forever…well, here goes nothing.
What are you doing out there without a coat? It gets extremely cold in the Savannah during the night. Do you want to get sick? I won’t be the one taking care of you….,” he sighs, pushing the door open, “Stubborn mule. Make some room, I’m coming out there….I’m near-certain that you figured it out, but this isn’t just a normal vacation. I brought you here to ask for your hand. What?? Stop playing dumb. Not your ‘hand’ hand - oh, for crying out- marriage! I am asking you to marry me!….I am taking the laughter as a yes, now give me your finger”
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{ 'Everything the light touches...is our kingdom' - A golden sunrise. Befitting. He used to hate them. Hate that phrase too. Yet you are the sun that Leona has been searching for. He continues to fight against fate in hopes that his efforts will bare fruit, and you are living proof that there is a chance. Maybe not easily. His life might not be what he originally dreamed. He may not get to sit on a throne of light . Yet there is a light in his life, and he likes to think that fate did not bring it to him. No, he found you all on his own.}
Ruggie Bucchi
'I don't see why you haven't proposed to that young darling yet. Keep waiting and you'll miss your chance, boy'
Well, of all the things Ruggie expected to hear during his visit home, that wasn't one. Normally he'd be nagged over being away too long, or not writing home enough. This? It caught him off guard. Grandma was always sticking her nose where it didn't belong...but, maybe she had a point this time.
Your relationship. It's not something Ruggie has given much thought. It's uncharacteristic of him to get comfortable enough not to look a few steps ahead, but he's gone soft. A fact that he begrudgingly accepts with a grain of salt.
Naturally, he doesn't admit this out loud and instead changes the topic. On the outside, he acts normal and helps out around the house. However, internally he is thinking over his grandmother's prying.
Marriage. It's not necessarily 'beneficial,' to say the least. With only a few months left until graduation, he'll finally be entering the rat-race to secure himself a comfortable position for life. He's worked hard and developed connections to make it happen. The finish line is right there.
Where does that leave you? He can't necessarily be as flexible if he has a partner to worry about. It's a weak link, and might cause problems in his plans. The smart thing to do would be to break things off. After all, how many school romances get a happy ending? It's so unrealistic. He'll be busy with work, you'll have your own responsibilities, and eventually it will be like you are strangers with a title tying both of you together.
This reasoning alone is enough to settle the problem. It's just - he doesn't like it. It's the most realistic path and he hates it. If it was about finding a companion, then he could do it later in life.
But when he tries to picture that lifestyle with anyone other than you, it doesn't sit right. It's physically upsetting, and makes him nauseated.
Sleep evades him that night. Ruggie finds himself sitting in the kitchen doing homework, burning the midnight oil until he can think with a clear head. Naturally, his all-knowing grandmother finds him there and makes him spill his thoughts.
She's direct with her advice. It's rare for Ruggie to be stumped considering his quick-wit, and understanding emotions is a wisdom you gain with experience.
For someone like Ruggie, who's always maximized every outcome and thought ahead - you're a weakness. Something that he can't control, and yet exactly what he needs in life. We don't get to choose who we love in life. Love is unpredictable, and Ruggie's found it at a young age. Career opportunities come and go, but he will never get back the time spent at your side...so why not maximize that instead? Hm?
He leaves for NRC the following day. For the last time, considering it is his final year. On the way he stops at multiple markets and dips into his savings. With nothing but a ring and an idea, he ditches his stuff in his dorm and heads to Ramshackle.
He's not nervous. That left his system the night prior. His grandmother's tough advice hardened that up quick.
He knocks on the door, half expecting one of the resident ghosts to answer. Instead it's you, and he's down on one knee before you can speak. With one hand, he holds out the ring. The other itches his nose in attempt to hide his wobbly grin.
"Shishishishi~ I don't have to explain what's going on, right? I'm sure you can put two-and-two together quickly. Are you really so surprised that you have nothing to say? Hmm, I guess that I can take the lead. Pretty soon I'll be leaving. You still have another year here, and I can't promise that I will be around much. Until now, I had no plan for us. Likely because being with you is the most natural thing I have experienced. I've always aimed for a life of comfort, but now I want you in that picture too, y'know? So...when you graduate next year, will you marry me? I'll be patiently waiting, shishi~”
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{Rose Quartz. The symbol of unconditional love and family. Something Ruggie hasn't experienced much in his life, and is grateful for. Ruggie did not want to choose a generic gem. Not for this. He may be known for cutting corners, but this is too important. He has done his fair share of trading, and knows exactly what to look for when shopping. No salesperson alive could convince him otherwise. You may not understand the meaning behind the gem, but that's alright. He doesn't mind, because this is the ring he'll see on your finger until you're both old and grey}
Jack Howl
Jack takes the longest out of all in his dorm. In result, his proposal is the most natural. Not to say that he does not put thought into it! Oh no, this poor lad hella overthinks the event. It's just getting him to the proposing stage is - well, anticlimactic?
All Jack requires is time. Once you've both settled in to your lives on an individual standpoint, with time comes thoughts of taking your relationship to the next level. As adults who have been together for years, it's only natural? At least for Jack. He has never been for or against getting married. So, there really is no internal battle for him to fight. He just? Lets himself be happy with the idea? I know, I know. It sounds too easy - but think about it. Jack is responsible, kind, and a bit like a golden retriever (or should I just say wolf?). He doesn't ignore his feelings. So if he feels that he want's to marry you, then why not? The worst that can happen is you say no.
There was no epiphany. No spark or overwhelming feeling of affection that made him want to marry you. No impending doom, nervousness, or special moment that he can pinpoint as 'the moment'. Nothing. You weren't even around.
He was merely finishing up morning jog and heading home. The thought casually entered his head, and he let it stay. Over time it reappeared over and over, until he felt that he'd heard it enough to act on it.
Jack is high-key observant and knows your likes and dislikes by heart. He feels that such an important moment is something he needs to think through deeply, and on his own. Many have been at the receiving end of his determination, and that doesn't exclude you. Once he's set his mind to something, there is no holding back. Over the course of weeks he proceeds to undergo self-reflection, and craft a proposal that he feels is perfect.
One question he spends time thinking about is 'where,' because Jack would prefer to do an intimate act like proposing somewhere private. The last thing he wants you to feel is pressure to accept, so he chooses to propose on a late night walk. This might arise suspicion since he isn't in workout gear, which is rare. Yet it's a price Jack is willing to pay. He's never been great with surprises anyways.
He tries to uphold some element of mystery though. Do not laugh, but he put the in a plastic bag and hid it inside the container for his protein powder. When times get tough, you have to get a little creative.
Right before your evening stroll, he says that he wants to make a shake (under the pretense that afterwards he'll work-out). In actuality, he takes an empty bottle and slips the ring inside.
While you're both walking, he shakes it around and 'complains' that nothing is coming out. With you completely unknowing, he opens the cap and feigns surprise. It makes you curious, and he hands over the bottle a bit too eagerly
It's light, you note instantly. A glance inside reveals the ring, and when you pull it out Jack stops walking. His face sets with determination despite the red hue overtaking his neck and ears.
Will you marry me?? -- oh wait, that was too blunt, wasn't it? Hang on!, " he takes a breath, and coughs into his fist, "So. I've been doing some thinking. We've been together for years now, and to me you've become irreplaceable. I don't know how else to describe how I feel, other than to say that you are the person I want to spend my life with. I can only hope that you feel this way too,"
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{He isn't a man of the arts. Jack has no eye for fancy jewels, or what's an appropriate design. He originally thought to have the shop keeper help him decide. Yet, that felt impersonal. So he perused many stores, and did his best to imagine your reaction to seeing each ring. Nothing caught his eye until this peridot. A simple cut with an eye-catching color. Sure, it's not what others would recommend but he liked it. Who would Jack be to deny his gut instinct?}
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Prompt #1: Steer
Submit your entry here: https://forms.gle/jDWjFKfmeaGnH3PL9
#FFxivWrite2024 is underway – a daily writing challenge presented to the Final Fantasy XIV writing community for the month of September. You can join any time throughout the challenge with any prompt number! Entries can be written on any online writing platform (tumblr, Archive of our Own, Google Docs, etc.). Submit the link and be sure that I have reading access. Reminder: The 24-hour deadline does not go into effect until September 8th at 12:00 pm PDT. Check you entries here in the Public Spreadsheet
Rules & Info || Prompt List || #FFxivWrite2024 || kofi
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