#projecting my daddy issues on Dean Winchester
smollkittykat · 4 months
"Should I ask one of the girls? Give her some extra cash so she can-"
"No. It's too dangerous. You'll go." John answered, leaning back on the Impala parked at the overnight truck-stop.
Sam left for Stanford a few months ago. The car was even quieter without his brother, so he was thankful for every hunt.
This Tuesday night, a Trucker werewolf who preys on desperate hookers seemed to be parked in this very pit-stop.
Dean looked at his father, feeling his pulse pick up.
"You want me to be bait?" ,he asked, feeling the fingers on his hands twitch, nervously.
"You grew up pretty enough, son. Loose the layers and put a silver blade in one boot, a silver chain in the other. I keep watch in the car in case there's trouble."
Dean hesitated, he really didn't want to do that.
"Now, Dean. That's an order. We don't have all night. I get the knife and chain from the trunk."
His green eyes glanced at the ground, then back up to his father, before he forced his feet to move.
"Yes sir." he replied, as he started to loose the jacket. He stripped from his flanel, leaving him in a black tank top.
John slammed the door of the trunk shut, as he approached Dean with both knife and chain.
He hands them both to his son and then gave him a look over. Dean wanted to shrug away but doesn't.
John reached his hand out for his hair, ruffling his hair into disarray. Normally Dean would crave the touch like he was starving but the lump in his throat only grew bigger.
His father let his hand rest on his cheek, raised Dean's head so he had no choice but to look him in the eye.
"Now go." John said, retreated his hand.
Dean put the knife into his left boot, the chain in his right.
He looked back at John, nodded and turned around, numbly, heading for the black truck parked a few yards away.
Twenty minutes later, Dean kicks the lifeless body away from him, as it collided on top of him. Hot blood running from the werewolf's throat onto Dean's face, his skin, his clothing, soaking them in a pungent iron smell. A grunt, that comes out more like a cry leaves his throat as he kicks his feet one last time, with all of his strength to get the heavier man away from him.
He sits alone in the driver's cabin, with only the corpse as company, as he pulls his jeans and boxers back up shakily, wipes away the tears with blood stained hands and shuffles out of the truck and it takes all of his strength to not fall right out of it on the ground and use the ladder instead.
"What took you so long?" ,John grunts when Dean opens the door to the passengers seat of the Impala.
Before Dean gets to answer his Dad speaks up again.
"You look like shit. You smell like shit, too."
"Gee thanks.", Dean grunts and his voice sounds forgein to him.
John starts the engine. They never talk about it. John sees that as a good sign. He could really put Dean to use like that.
inspired by this draft script here:
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juniperhillpatient · 3 months
in order to refocus on my original writing project I’m trying to watch things that helped inspire it (it’s a ghost story with a heavy emphasis on setting including small town Americana midwestern gothic) so naturally I’m rewatching early supernatural & specifically the scarecrow episode which is one of my favorites & MAN I’m getting distracted from my supposed focus on the setting. (it’s fine my story is also about generational trauma & family & complicated sibling relationships it all fits the inspo bill.)
it’s funny because my brother & I were just ranting about Jensen ackles because my brother fell off supernatural years before I did but we basically agree early days spn had a lot of genius & im sorry but Jensen is a PHENOMENAL actor. the way he tells a story with his face here —
I’m not saying this to demerit from the fact that Jared & Jeffrey are also phenomenal actors but -
The way you can see a hundred emotions at once cross Dean’s face. The way he changes his whole demeanor & we don’t even really need to see or hear what John said to him - we got that in the conversation with Sam. It’s the difference in their reactions that’s important to the script but the sheer amount of childhood trauma Jensen packs into that performance…
it’s like you know everything you need to know about Dean Winchester’s daddy issues from that brief expression alone.
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nestavadavat · 4 months
Nests "Oh god how to get my long fix actually plotted" Guide for the Damned
If you’re someone like me who’s wanted to write a long-fic but has had a really hard time this is the guide for you.
So the main problem I encountered while trying to plot out fics was that I didn't know what plot points I should meet! When we’re young y’know you’re taught the beginning-middle-end type of story structure, maybe a basic version of the hero's journey. If you don’t already know that follows the;
Exposition > Inciting Incident > Rising action > Climax > Falling action > Conclusion
Now at least for me it was kind of hard to use this for fics! Mostly because this isn’t a structure built for romances! The structure I’m showing you I found from this article which I built on! Feel free to just go wild with this structure honestly!
(PS you can also use the hero's journey as outlined by this article but I don't particularly find that layout helpful!)
So here’s your rundown! Long read ahead!
(BIG TEXT) The Hook
Meet the protagonists, give your story a theme, etc! Now because I’m adapting this for fic, you actually have less work to do here. But let's say you’re doing an AU, you need to establish to your readers what situation your characters are in! What's their everyday like, what's the new change in their life that makes your story relevant?
You’ll also want to set up your issues! Maybe you’re writing about Dean Winchester, you’ll want to establish his daddy issues to come up later. If you have a twist in mind this is where you’ll want to lay your little crumbs.
Inciting Incident
Whats changing? This is where your characters should meet properly. Now’s when you establish their dynamics.
Are they enemies at first? Maybe they’re instantly making heart eyes at each other. The article I’m basing this on says it should be about 9,500 words, but you may not want this, so generally it should probably be in the same chapter as your introduction to the character/s. Maybe have it continue into the second one. This is your setup!
Plot Point 1
Our article talks about how your characters should be “stuck” together. You can do this literally or figuratively depending on how quickly you want them together. This just means you want to give your characters a reason to be together. Maybe they’re roommates now, they’re trapped in an elevator, or they’re working together.
At this point personally I’d want to have your characters starting to be attracted to each other if they aren’t already! You want to start giving your readers those swoony type moments where they want the characters to get together! Also define what the characters want, or give hints. Do they want a relationship or are they focused on something else? (Already have in your mind whether or not they’re going to get to that goal or change their mind)
“Pinch Point” 1
Now’s when you start getting into conflict. Now this could be internal or external conflict.
Is someone keeping them apart? Is one character too afraid to go into a relationship? This is also when you maybe want their first kiss, or a semblance of something building between them. They should start falling in love/being drawn more to the other character.
Maybe they share a moment, or complete that work project, maybe they carpool home together after something! Just give them reasons to be together and reasons for that established conflict and goals to come up.
Boom something new just happened. Our article tells us that this can be formed in a false-high or false-low. This should be when at least one character solidly admits (even if just to themselves) that they’re in love with the other character.
A false high means that it seems like everything is going super good, trick your readers! Maybe your characters sleep together or they have a touching moment. You definitely want this route to seem like an endgame where they're all happy.
A false low means that your readers should be thinking “oh my goodness how are my blorbos supposed to come back from this”. Maybe that love confession goes poorly, or they get in a big argument, or something goes poorly with one of their goals!
“Pinch Point” 2
More problems!!! This relates back to your characters conflict you set up in the beginning. Maybe they need to make a big choice related to their goal or something from their past comes up. Maybe your characters are getting closer still but this conflict should be brewing.
Your character should be nervous about their relationship because of these conflicts. This should blend into the midpoint, so these conflicts are starting to arise during for false-high or false-low and maybe creating a strain on this newfound love.
Plot Point 2
More stakes! Your characters really can’t catch a break! This is when that thing your character was afraid of actually does happen! Maybe there's a misunderstanding, or their plans fall through. The article says that this is the moment when your character should be going “i knew better than this”.
This is when your readers should really really think that there's no way the characters can come back from this. Maybe they call it off or split up because of all this not-so-sexual tension created. The characters have to chose between wanting the relationship or being afraid (and its super heartbreaking and compelling when they chose fear btw)
The Crisis
Now your characters need to choose. Is it worth it? The answer to this for your main character is usually “yes”. This is when they should start looking for their solution to their big problems and start learning and changing. (Character arcs <33)
The Climax
Yay they got back together! Your theme has been explored, and their problems are solved/being solved. Usually this means a big gesture like a love confession, a proposal, something big and dramatic that makes your heart ache. Your readers should go feral rn!
The End
Now’s when everything gets tied together. All of your characters big plans come together. You may want to timeskip forward to show us their lives. Happily ever after and all!!!
Thank you for reading all this! Just as some ending notes, a lot of these points probably blend into each other. Also feel free to mix these around, this was mostly a way for me to really get this into my brain so I can practice it more but I hope this also helps other people who may struggle with finding a plot structure for longer romance oriented fics!! :)))
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n3onwraith · 10 months
Only on the third episode (sad) but so far Dean def has a savior complex brought on by trauma and a need to be needed, leading to him hunting the supernatural as a coping mechanism and pass time as well as life long career and his constant need to be the first sacrifice or protector (as seen in ep 2) as well as the first to reach out and make that connection. He needs to be liked and approved of, likely due to trauma and daddy issues, so badly that he seeks connection like a magnet and sees flirting as a way to get that attention and that approval as well as working with his father despite the dangerous job and issues that likely popped up due to it and how his father reacted to his mother's death. That may also be why he sook out Sam once he began the hunt for his father and is constantly trying to protect him because yes, it is just brotherly love, but it's also likely a need to be approved of and useful
Anyways, slightly projecting slightly analyzing those are my thoughts on Dean Winchester so far. These are all just speculations because my little gears have been turning since I got on the bus. He's def my fav tho!!
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maipareshaan · 1 year
Psychoanalysing fandom and John Winchester is so much fun esp bcz i am so normal about him, which is only due to me not projecting my daddy issues onto him but instead onto late seasons Dean, i am ofcourse thus very abnormal about Dean tho.
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arffrommars · 4 years
You know the post where it is stated that your otp consists of the character that you project yourself onto and your ideal?
Yeah, my girlfriend showed it to me today. And I’m having an identity crisis...
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stanfordsweater · 3 years
people also project their daddy issues onto John, i find. he’s not allowed any dimension, i’ve come across so many fics where he’s drunk off his face constantly, where he’s verbally and physically abusive, and it absolutely bleeds into people’s versions of what canon is. same with Sam.
yeah, i totally agree with that and i think that characterizing john as cartoonishly abusive gets in the way of any kind of good-will reading of the show. i get it, because he's a character ripe for flattening-- he's barely present in the flashback episodes outside of something wicked, where he appears to remind dean to take care of (a hilariously depressed) young sam and then to show how traumatized dean is by the shtriga attacking his brother. john is more present in the show in his absence, weird as that sounds. he dies in the first episode of season two, but the consequences his behaviour has on sam and dean means that he's still one of the most memorable characters in spn, as well as the most controversial character on the show.
i think most of john’s actions stem from fear that sam and dean will be killed like mary was, and he’s manipulated by heaven and hell to bring sam and dean to the point they need to be in order to house michael and lucifer. john’s love for mary was engineered by heaven, him hunting azazel was a part of his plan the whole time, and he clearly has a lot of love for his sons-- see him crying, talking to sam in dead man’s blood and in my time of dying (can we not fight?), the way he hugs dean, the way he always talks about leaving them behind to “keep them safe...”
but. but but but.
one of my favourite things about john is that he is really complex, and i don’t think it’s fair to say that he isn’t verbally abusive.
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john’s taking out his anger at sam for questioning him/frustration and feelings of failure that they may be too late to save the vampires’ victims... on dean. these things are not his fault, and dean has done nothing but obey john’s orders for this entire case, and yet...
it’s not something any of the winchester’s seem surprised by. sam gives dean this kind of can you believe it? look, and dean shrugs it off. this is a very common dynamic in abusive families, where the abuser takes out their emotions on other family members. this is not okay. john is not behaving as an ideal father. he also has a whole second family as of season four, one that he visited once a year, leaving adam with some serious abandonment issues. all around not a great look.
so, do i blame people for extrapolating deeper abuse from these interactions? no, i don’t. that being said, john being physically abusive or an alcoholic is not canon. at worst, canonically, john is a functional alcoholic by consequence of the job, like the majority of hunters, dean, probably sam, and about 9 million people in the us as of 2007. he’s a complicated man, and he only becomes more complicated as time heals sam and dean’s wounds and blurs their memories, but john was never (canonically) a violent alcoholic. at the same time, he wasn’t winning any parenting awards, regardless of his best intentions. that’s the tragedy of john winchester, and it’s a theme that repeats throughout the entire show.
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t4tdeanwinchester · 4 years
one of the only ways dean ever gets to grapple with his daddy issues is by projecting them onto his own dead dad and yelling at his grandfather for walking out on john in 8.12 and it’s the sins of my father are the sins of my father’s father, the cyclical nature of winchester BULLSHIT going back all the way to cain, if my father’s father was a bad man that must make my old man good, if my old man was good then the angry parts of him that live on in me can be good, I can be good, “the son you abandoned grew up bad and that’s your fault” says the abandoned son defending the absent father, this FUCKING coward chickenshit INSANE show
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
What I Want Most - One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean’s life has been all work and no play lately. When Gabe, his friend, coerced him into tagging along to a club, he couldn’t say no as Gabe has been pestering him for a while now. What Dean didn’t expect was that he’d meet his match in that club in the form of a stunning woman with underlying daddy issues.
Warnings: NSFW, mostly daddy kink, rough oral, praise kink, rough sex, one-night stand to enemies to lovers (is that a trope?)
Word Count: 6840 (whoops!)
A/N: Apparently, I can not write pwp anymore. This should have been a one shot but it ended up a mini series. Sorry.
Beta’d by: @deanwanddamons​​ <3
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
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“C’mon, man!” Gabe urges, his hand comes up to pat Dean’s padded shoulder. 
He’s still in his suit, having gone into work because of that damn project. The deadline is on Monday, and that’s also the day that the execs want to talk to him. He still doesn’t know what’s it about, fears the worst. Maybe he has a reason to? Dean doesn’t know why they would fire him, though. Since he had the news that they wanted to talk to him on Monday, he’s been working harder, knelt himself deeper into the workload, was barely home and if he did, it was just to sleep, only to get up and go to work before dawn. 
It’s crazy. It really is, because it’s not even his dream job but he still needs it. At least until Sam moves over here in a couple of weeks. So, the goal is to hold on to this job for as long as Dean can.
Gabe has picked him up from work, complaining that Dean hasn’t got any time for drinks anymore. Little does Gabe know that he’s been drinking himself to sleep every night lately. And Gabe’s fucking persistent. He was waiting outside the building until Dean had come out and now he coerced him into standing in line for a hip club that has the reputation for debauchery and illegality. It’s just a rumor. Dean’s never been here, but Gabe apparently had.
“This better be good, Gabe,” Dean grits his teeth. The wind is chilly tonight, but for most of the people in the queue, especially women, there's apparently no reason to wear more clothes. 
“It will be, once we get in,” His friend says and rights his suit. It’s weird to see Gabe in a suit, a rare sight, but he wore it because suits always get you into things in the city, “There’s going to be so many girls, huh?” Gabe elbows him in the ribs, “Maybe you can find one to help you to unwind,”
They’re next in line and Dean moves up with Gabe, his hands in his pocket as he shrugs. Well, Gabe is not really wrong. It has been a while since he scored, even longer when he had something steady. It’s not that Dean didn’t want to. It’s more like he can’t find the time. His last relationship, or what felt like it, was over a year ago, and already then, she ghosted him because Dean ghosted her first. Not deliberately, though, he was just busy. And business is a constant lately.
Maybe Gabe is right, Dean wouldn’t mind finding someone tonight. It would be welcoming to take off the edge, forget the looming Monday for a couple of hours. 
They are finally at the front of the queue, and the doorman ushers them through the open door. As soon as they enter the building, the bass of the music hits him. The bass vibrates through his body, traveling up his spine. 
There are plenty of girls, scantily clad, dancing and laughing, waiting for someone to pick them up and buy them a drink. He wonders if he’ll find one he likes. He’s picky, doesn’t want to hook up for the sake of hooking up, if that makes sense. Dean kind of hopes he’d find one with a buried daddy issue, which is really not hard to find in the city, he just needs to be alert and read their body language.
He follows Gabe across the dance floor as the man shoulders his way through to the bar, finds a spot and plants himself there at the counter, making himself bigger than he really is. Dean joins him, smirks proudly at his friend as he orders them a drink. It’s him paying, like he always does with Gabe. Gabe is a good friend but Dean still earns more so that’s the least he can do for what Gabe’s doing for him, being there whenever Dean needs a friend.
While they wait for their drinks, Gabe looks around, eyes scanning the dance floor. Dean watches him at first, watches him smile at something, and turns his head to look at the source that produces the smile on Gabe’s face. 
That little shit has already found his prey. 
“Don’t wait up for me, I guess.” Gabe looks back to Dean and takes his drink, walks across the dance floor to dance with a girl who’s more than willing to share the drink with Gabe. 
Dean turns back to the bar, his elbows braced on the counter as she shakes his head and chuckles. 
Suddenly, there’s a voice beside him and it seems like it’s talking to him.
“Hey, big guy, can you move a little?”
He tilts his head to look at the woman, who appears to be alone. Dean’s interest is piqued. 
“Sure, sweetheart,” He moves a couple of inches to the left, gives her room to press herself against the counter. 
She smiles, leans herself over the top to talk to the tender, her tits squashed on the bar top. While the bartender prepares her drink, she’s still leaning over the counter but she turns to him with a smile. With the tilt of her head and body, he can see that her tits almost spill out. Dean can’t look away even if he wanted to.
“You come here often?” He asks with a crooked smile. 
“Nah,” She smiles back, “I just moved here today, starting a new job on Monday. Just needed a break from unpacking so a friend brought me here. You?”
“First time,” Dean replies, “Where’s your friend?”
“She went to the back,” She says, “Apparently there are rooms?”
Dean shrugs, “I wouldn’t know.” With his next breath, he adds, “Names Dean, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Dean, I’m Y/N,”
When her drink arrives, a seat at the bar becomes available and Dean urges her to sit down. She does, albeit reluctantly. While she sits, her skirt rides up a little, exposing the tender flesh of her thighs. He’d like to touch, he really does, but Dean has to be clever about it. 
They are talking while Dean orders more drinks.
“What about your parents?” He asks after a while of talking. He knows that she’s been living in another city, works in the same field as he does, came here for a job but when Dean asked where she’s working, she wouldn’t say and that’s a good girl because people can’t be trusted, not even him. She just finished talking about her one sibling whom she doesn’t talk to anymore. It’s different for him and Sammy. 
“Just my mom, I never knew my dad,”
They keep on talking and Dean gets bolder, stands beside her at first with an arm around her waist. He rubs circles on her back with his thumb and she smiles at him, laughs at his stupid jokes too. 
After one more drink, she’s scrambling out of her seat and stands back at the bar, and he should be wondering why but he isn’t. He just knows. She presses her body against the counter and Dean cages her in from behind, lowers his mouth to her ear, places a soft kiss there that makes her shudder noticeably. He chuckles low. 
“You wanna come back to mine?” He whispers lower than he chuckled out before, noses behind her ear and moves lower, plants little kisses down her neck, making her arch her back, driving her sweet ass against his crotch. He’s semi-hard from thinking of what he’ll do to her, only getting harder with the rubbing. 
“You want that?”
“Yeah,” Dean darts out his tongue, swirls it around her earlobe and there’s an actual moan. 
His right hand travels down the front of her body, fingers span wide on her stomach and it dips lower. He watches her breath hitch in her throat, feels her shivering. 
“What would you do to me, huh?” 
Instead of answering right away, Dean’s hand goes further down, hitches the seam of her skirt up a little, teases the tip of his middle finger along her clothed pussy. 
“Oh god,” She groans and throws her head back to rest on his chest while her back is still arched. 
He chuckles, “Call me Dean,”
His hand goes further down, and she parts her legs a little. A fucking good girl, indeed. He rubs long her lace panties, feels the fabric damp. He gets bolder too, his fingers hook into the crotch of her panties, pulling it aside. 
It’s skin on skin and Dean lets out an audible groan at the wetness he feels, bites into the junction of her shoulder where it meets her neck. It prompts her to drive her ass into him harder. 
“You’re fucking soaked, baby, is that because of me, huh?”
He flicks at her clit with his thumb, dips just inside of her wet pussy with the tip of his middle finger. 
Dean chuckles as he pushes his finger in some more but not too much. It’s just a tease after all. He closes his eyes, groans again. He’s fucking hard by now and he presses closer to her ass, making her feel what’s going to await her.
“You’re so wet and warm,” He breathes out next to her ear, “Who’s making you so wet, huh?” 
“Who, baby?” He goes further in, applies more pressure with his thumb.
“Y-you… you, daddy,”
Y/N doesn’t seem to have noticed the word she let slip out, or she’s too far gone to care if he’d be appalled by it.
He sucks in her earlobe with a chuckle, releases it before he nibbles at them. Not so much that it hurts, but enough to inflict a little pained pleasure, “Yeah? Did daddy make you all wet, huh? Jesus, you’re so tight and warm, making me want to fuck you so bad,”
“Do it,” She drives her ass back, wriggles with it deliberately, “Please? Daddy?”
Jesus fucking Christ. 
She really is into this. 
“Gonna take you home first, baby, you up for that? Huh?” His other hand massages up her throat and Dean paints along her mouth with two of his fingers. He can’t really see but he can feel. 
Nodding her head, she opens her mouth, sucks his digits in, and swirls her tongue around them. 
“Your mouth, baby,” He whispers, “Feels good around my fingers, would love to see them around daddy’s cock,” 
“Mmmh,” A moan of approval accompanied by a shiver.
“Would you like that, huh? Like for daddy to use your mouth? Let you suck my cock like the good girl you are?” Her pussy clenches around the one digit and Dean grins, “Yeah you do. Gonna use your sweet mouth, can’t wait to feel those lips around my fat cock, baby girl,” He pushes his fingers deeper into her mouth, feeling her retching against him, “Yeah, gonna make you choke on daddy’s cock. That’s what you like, don’t you?” 
She hums around his digit, and her pussy clenches some more. 
Dean really hit the jackpot tonight. He should send Gabe a thank you card for bringing him out here.
“C’mon, let daddy take you home,” 
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Y/N didn’t realize the word that slipped out of her mouth, but she was glad Dean ran along with it. Using it even more afterward too. He got harder hearing it out of her mouth, an added bonus, really. There aren’t a lot of guys who are into it and god, that guy is hot and is fully on board with it? She fucking loves this city. 
He doesn’t live too far, it was just a ten minute ride, where he moved close to her and let her drape a leg over his thighs. His fingers are in her pussy, fucking her with them while he fucks her mouth with his tongue to the same rhythm. Her hand is on his crotch, palming and rubbing him through his slacks. 
Dean groans into her mouth, parts just for a minute to catch his breath, and whispers low,  “Jesus, can’t wait to get my dick into that tight pussy, baby girl,”
Fuck. She can’t wait either. His filthy mouth turns her on so much. 
The cab comes to a halt at a building which is in the nicer part of the city. She wished she had enough money to live here one day. Maybe she will one day with the new job she’s starting on Monday. 
He lets go of her long enough to pay the driver and she tugs her skirt down as she gets out. Dean holds out a hand for her to take before he guides her into the building and into the elevator. 
Pushing her against the wall, he presses his one thigh between her legs, the skirt riding up in the process. He kisses her again, his one hand braced on the elevator wall, his other hand around her throat, applying enough pressure for her to not feel like he’s restricting her. His mouth hovers around hers and he moves in, pecks her lips gently, “Come on, rub your sweet cunt on my thigh, baby. Get yourself warm and nice for me,”
She nods and he claims her mouth, kisses her hard, the scruff rubbing against her cheek, his tongue licking into it deep as she moves her hips and rubs her ruined panties over his clothed thigh.
God, the friction feels phenomenal. 
The elevator pings, and Dean chuckles as he pushes himself from her, chuckles, because she’s still rutting against nothing. 
“Fuck, you’re really something,” He whispers as he manhandles her out of the elevator only to drag her along the hallway.
It’s easy, she thinks, so easy for him to manhandle her around. He’s so broad and strong and just... fuck , she wants him so bad. 
He comes to a halt in front of a door that says 823 , reaches into his pocket to pull out a set of keys and she stands behind him, reaching her arms around his body. Her one hand palms over a clothed, yet still so fucking hard cock, while her other hand tries to unto his belt buckle. 
“Baby,” Dean chuckles, “Can’t open the door when you’re distracting me,”
“Just want you so bad,” She says, her forehead leans against his back and she feels his muscle shifting. 
Y/N got the belt loose before Dean found the keyhole, her hand sneaking into his pants, traveling over the tuft of pubic hair until she wraps her fist around his dick. 
He lets out a groan and closes his eyes for a moment before he goes on with trying to get into the apartment. 
Dean shakes his head, “You really want that dick, huh?” 
“Yeah,” She whispers against his back, her hand now jerking him off. She squeezes a little more at the head of his dick, and pads over his slit to smear the precum around his tip. 
“Fuck, baby girl,” Dean mutters under his breath and she hears a click before he turns around, making her release her grip around his cock. 
He crashes his mouth on hers, kisses her hard, his fingers fisting in the hair at the back of her head as he pulls her into the apartment with their lips still attached. He kicks the door closed with one foot. 
After a while of intense kissing, Dean pushes her away, making her stagger back. 
“Strip, baby,” He says in an absolutely dirty voice all deep and husky and she does because god, she would be damned if she didn’t want to be his good girl tonight. 
Her shoes are off quick and she pushes her skirt down, her underwear comes right after before she pulls her top over her head.
Dean has released his cock, is fisting it while he watches her undress herself in front of him, groans when he sees her nakedness. 
“Beautiful,” He lets out, smirking a little. It’s a boyish grin and that’s when he slips out of his role a little, she thinks. With his next breath, he catches himself again.
Normally she’s pretty self-conscious, but she has the feeling that the guy standing before her who’s ready to get his cock wet, doesn’t mind how she looks since they came this far already. Plus, the light’s still off, but the light from the moon and skyscrapers shines in, making her see enough to want him even more.
His dick is heavy and hard in his fist, as he massages it up and down. Her mouth waters at the sight.
“Get down on your knees,” 
God, yes. 
Y/N kneels before him and Dean takes a step further in as he groans. Her mouth is already open and inviting, but he takes his time, rubs his heavy dick over her face. 
“Looking so good for daddy, baby,” He huffs out. 
The rubbing smears his precum on her face. She feels wet drops here and there and the scent of his arousal is intoxicating. God, it’s making her drool. 
“You want my dick, huh?” He asks, tapping his dick lightly to her cheek, “Want to show me how good you suck cock?”
“God, yes,” She agrees with a frantic nod of her head.
“Call me daddy, baby,” Dean chuckles, “Open up your mouth wider, stick out your tongue,”
She does what she’s told.
“Good girl. That’s daddy’s good girl,” He says almost fondly and slaps his dick against her awaiting tongue, “Now suck,”
Well, she doesn’t need to be told twice. Sealing her lips around the head, she starts to suckle at it and Dean groans, throws his head back as she looks up.
“That’s right,” He whispers as soon as he catches himself, “Look up at me, I want to see how much you like sucking my cock, baby,”
She tries her best, she really does. His cock is thick, the taste of precum and a day’s worth of musk is heavy on her tongue, the scent penetrating her nose. It makes her suck him harder, makes her leak profoundly between her legs because she just wants him so fucking much.
“Spread your legs, touch yourself,” Dean mumbles, “I wanna see you touching yourself, baby. Wanna see you make yourself come while you suck my cock,”
Oh god, yes. She’s so close too. It’s no wonder, as she’s been balancing on that fucking edge since he fingered her in the club. 
Spreading her leg but still on her knees, she pushes a hand in between, fingers herself, and rubs against her clit. The sound of her wetness is loud in the room. Dean groans when he hears it.
“So fucking good, baby girl,” He huffs out. His hand comes to push a strand of hair out of her face to see her better, “Sucking daddy’s cock so well,”
“Mmmh,” She hums in approval with his dick in her mouth and fuck, hearing him praise her just does things to her and she comes, quick, hard, humming and shrieking with his cock in her mouth. It makes him push his pelvis against her harder, making her choke when the tip of his dick hits her throat.
“Good girl,” Dean hums as he pulls his dick back but he leaves her to suckle at his tip, “Such a good girl for daddy, I’m so proud,” His hand finds the side of her face, applies pressure on his palms as he grips it, “I’m going go fuck your face, okay? Can you take that, huh? Take my dick?”
She looks up and hums, nodding her head.
He smiles down fondly, his teeth showing white and the crinkles around his eyes run deep. His grip around her face tightens a bit as he starts to fuck into her mouth, getting deeper inside with every thrust and she braces her hands on his thighs, fingers gripping at the fabric of his pants when she feels his dick choking her. 
Dean presses his pelvis to her face, his pubic hair tickles her nose and he stays there for a while until she taps at his thigh because she feels like she’s going to pass out if he doesn’t let her come up for air. 
And it’s weird. Really weird. She should be scared of doing this with a stranger, yet she trusts him. He has won her trust in such a short span of time. Some would call it naivety. 
When he releases her face, she gulps for hair, trying to fill her lungs before he thrusts in again and he does. He gets faster too. The drool is running down her throat, her chest is wet. 
“Fuck,” Dean whispers between thrusts, “Your mouth is fucking perfect, baby. You taking my cock so well,” 
It makes her wetter hearing it and she’s sure that there’s a pool of her juice right below her. 
“You want my come, baby? Want me to come in your mouth?” 
Oh, god. More than anything right now. 
She wants to feel him, to fucking taste him, so she nods her head as he stops his thrusts for a second. 
Dean grins cockily. It’s really a good look on him, “Take it all, okay? But don’t swallow yet. Keep it in your mouth, baby,”
Another nod. 
“Jesus,” He groans as he picks up his thrusting, “You’re perfect, baby girl, so good for daddy,” 
His thrusts are faster before he comes and when he does, he lets out a deep growl as he pulls his cock out and fills her mouth with his cum. 
Y/N does as she was told. She doesn’t swallow, instead, she opens her mouth, letting him pour in every drop he can milk out of that beautiful cock of his. 
Dean’s spent dick is getting softer, but it still looks impressive, at least when it dangles so close to her face. 
There’s a drop of cum on the corner of her mouth and he scoops it up with his thumb, pushing it into her mouth. His eyes are on her, a glow around him after his release. It makes him even more attractive and she wonders how fate is sometimes cruel to give her something she craves but takes it away again because it’s a one night stand. That’s all there is. He knows it as much as she does.
His other hand goes up below her eyes, brushes away the smeared mascara and with his thumb still in her mouth he tries to angle his stance to get her other eye as well. 
Her mouth is full of cum and drool, almost spilling over but Dean takes his time, stands back to marvel at her. 
“You look so pretty,” He says, again with a fond undertone, “Would take a picture if I could,” The cum’s floating over, and Dean pushes his thumb inside her mouth some more, “You may swallow now, baby,”
She does, closes her eyes to get the thickness of his cum down with his thumb still in her mouth. She sucks at the digit, signaling to him that it’s all gone.
“Open up,” He whispers, “Show me,”
Y/N smiles when she does, opens her mouth wide to show him that she’s swallowed it all.
He chuckles, “Good girl, you’re really a good fucking girl, baby,” 
Taking his thumb out, he brushes it along her lips before he grabs at her arm and pulls her up. He kisses her then, letting out a languished groan when he tastes himself on her tongue. 
“Down the hallway, the room to the left. I want you spread out on my bed, play with yourself okay?” 
Dean kisses her on her nose and she nods before she makes her way to his bedroom. Climbing on his bed, she positions herself with her back against the headboard and spreads her legs. Her one hand plays with her pussy, fingers dipping in deep, before rubbing at her clit wetly. She closes her eyes, thinks about what just happened. Thinks about his voice that she’ll probably never forget. Thinks about his taste that she won’t be able to erase out of her mind. 
It’s not long before Dean joins her, in one hand bottled water, in the other are her clothes and shoes. He’s really being considerate. Or he’s a neat freak. Either or. Not that it matters.
He drapes her clothes over a chair next to the bed, sets her shoes right below it before he unscrews the water and hands it over to her to drink. The coldness of it travels down her throat, making her shiver. Maybe she shivers of anticipation too, who knows. 
Setting the water on the nightstand, Dean continues to undress, taking off his suit jacket and drapes it over another chair. While doing it, his eyes are on her. 
She’s still rubbing herself, fondles her tits one-handed too, pinching her nipple, and arches her back.
“That’s it,” Dean croons, “Touch yourself, but don’t make yourself come, I wanna feel you come on daddy’s cock,” 
Oh god.
She wants that too.
He watches her some more as his fingers slowly unbutton his shirt. Too slowly and it’s not fair because she just knows that he’s teasing her. When he takes his shirt off, she can see how broad he is, can see the muscles moving. He’s soft and firm and so fucking delicious. By the time Dean takes off his underwear, his dick is already more than semi hard. It’s impressive, really. She still can’t believe that she had that down her throat.
When he’s naked before her, he tugs at his cock, jerks it while his eyes are on her and he walks closer, climbing on the bed and walks closer to where she is on his knees. 
“Jesus,” He growls, “You’re making me hard again, baby,” 
There’s a smile tugging at her lips as a sense of pride washes over her. 
“Will you fuck me now, daddy?” She says it in her best sultry voice.
“No?” She frowns a little.
Dean chuckles, “No, I gotta taste you first,” He shoulders himself between her thighs, “Be a good girl, hold your legs up for daddy,”
Shamelessly, she hooks her arms around the back of her knee as she pulls them up and apart, almost folding herself in half. That’s how eager she is to spread for him. 
His big hands are on the back of her thighs, helping push her back as he hovers above her wet pussy, “That’s my good girl,” He chuckles, warm air hitting her core, and she trembles.
He doesn’t stall, instead, he buries his face right in there, sucking and lapping around her sensitive nub like it’s the only thing that keeps him the fuck alive. 
“Your cunt’s so sweet, baby,” He moans, as he spreads kisses all over her pussy, “Could eat you for days,”
Alternatively, he switches from sucking to lapping, and her hand finds his hair fingers, pulling at it, but Dean doesn’t seem to mind. He even starts to hum and that drives her fucking crazy.
It’s when he pushes in a thick finger that she almost loses it. Has to throw her head back and close her eyes when he curves the finger just right. He soon uses another finger, rubbing against her inner wall with it while he sucks at her clit and she just knows. She just fucking knows that she’s going to come again.
Her grip tightens in his hair, fingers digging into his scalp but Dean goes on, licking her and sucking her while he thrusts his fingers inside of her.
“Da- fuck- daddy,” She bites on her lip and the wave that hits her is strong, making her release her own legs, making her squeeze them around Dean’s head, “Fuck, oh my god,”
Dean chuckles as he spreads kitten licks on her clit. He pulls his fingers out and they pop out with a wet squelching sound, “You’re doing so good for me, baby, but please, call me daddy,”
The way he looks up from between her legs makes her heart race faster. Half of his face is drenched with her slick and there’s a glisten in his eyes while his lips are crooked into a smile that’s full of bravado.
He’s still fingering her lazily, circling his thumb soothingly around her clit, not applying too much pressure because he knows that she’s sensitive. Dean leans down and kisses her, swirls his tongue around her own. He parts with a bite on her lip, making her squeal and laugh. 
“Can you fuck me now, daddy? Please?” She pouts a little for the effect but god, she’s so desperate for his cock. Desperate to feel him inside of her. 
“I can’t believe I’m saying this and you can say no, okay?” He starts while he lays himself next to her, kissing the side of her face while he rubs between her legs. Dean dips down sucking a nipple into his mouth, bites on that too, chuckles when she moans.
“What?” She asks, fearing the worst. Fearing that he’ll say that it’s been a mistake and he only wanted to go this far and no further, fearing that maybe he’ll say that he’s too tired, or that he wants to put off fucking her for real for another day, or fuck, what does she know? There are so many possibilities that run through her mind right now.
Dean noses along her cheek, his nose is still damp, and she can smell her scent off him, “I was wondering if I could fuck you without condom, and before you say anything, I know it’s stupid but god, you feel so fucking good around my cock and you’re so fucking wet, I really want to feel it,”
Y/N can’t believe what she’s going to say either. She’s never been so careless before but fuck, she’s really so far gone, and as she said before, she doesn’t know what it is but she fucking trusts Dean. 
“I can’t believe that I’m saying it either, but please please, fuck me raw, daddy,”
“Jesus,” Dean groans as he quickly captures her mouth, tongue swiveling against her own. He sucks in her tongue before he releases it, “Come on, get on top of me,”
With one swift movement, he manages to manhandle her on top of him and she straddles his body, moving down inch by inch. He groans out again when she feels her leaving her wetness on his body on her way down. 
Spreading herself over his hard cock, she grinds her pussy lips on it, slicks it up with her juice, teasing him in the process. 
“Fuck, baby girl, don’t be a tease now,” 
She chuckles but doesn’t stop and he lets her, probably enjoying the view and her playfulness. When she’s had enough and almost bursts herself, she grabs at his cock and points it upwards. Slowly, oh so slowly, she lets herself down.
Dean let out a groan, bites down on his bottom lip as she works her way further down his shaft. He helps a little, pushing his hips up, and down again when she manages to take all of him. 
Her hands are braced on his chest and he rubs along her thighs. She needs a moment to get used to it, her walls fluttering around his girth.
“Jesus Christ,” Dean mutters under his breath, “You feel so fucking good, baby, like I thought you would. So wet and tight,”
Y/N’s plenty wet, Dean’s right about that and she gets even wetter as she starts to bounce on his shaft.
“So good, baby,” He coos, his hands on her hips, helping her guide herself up and down, “So pretty bouncing on daddy’s cock, fuck,” His one hand goes to her tit, squeezes it tight before he slaps down on her nipple, “That’s it, baby, fuck me,”
And that, she does. His words make her wetter, make her bounce on top of him harder. Up until she’s worn out and retorts to grinding. 
Dean pulls her down by her arms, kisses her as he thrusts his hips up to not lose the rhythm, “Is my baby tired, huh?”
“Should daddy take over?”
“Yes, please,”
With a chuckle, Dean turns them both around until he’s on top, without slipping out of her. He gets up on his knees and pulls her closer by her legs so that her ass is on top of his thighs as he begins to fuck her deep and slow.
“Like that, baby?” He asks with one thumb circling her clit.
There’s really no coherent word that she could bring past her lips. 
“Yeah?” He asks as he thrusts harder. He changes angles then, puts her down on her back and pushes her legs up so that he can thrust in even harder, “Like it hard?”
“Fuck, yeah,” 
“That’s a good girl, baby,” Dean whispers, “Your cunt, that’s mine tonight, isn’t it?”
His thrust gets deeper, just the way she likes it, making her roll her eyes to the back every time he hits her cervix.
“Yours,” She manages to say, “Fuck,”
“Who am I, baby girl?”
He starts to rub her clit while his slows his thrusting, but he still goes in deep, reaches her every corner where she wants him most, “Tell me, I want to hear you say it,”
“Daddy-, fuck, daddy, you’re my daddy,” 
“That’s right, baby girl,” He coos, “I want you to remember that, okay? Remember who makes you feel good,” 
He talks like she could ever forget him. It’s so fucking hard to and she doesn’t think she’d be able to even if she would try.
“Oh my-,” She bites on her tongue, knows that she should say his name, “Daddy, I’m fuck- you’re going to make me come,”
“That's okay, baby, come,” He pants, “I wanna feel you coming on my fat cock, can you do that for daddy, huh?” His one hand goes to her throat, claws around it and squeezes it just right. It gives her the much added trigger to explode.
Fuck , who taught him to fucking talk like this?
Dean chuckles, “I can already feel your cunt squeezing around me, baby, you’re close, so fucking close, ain’t you? Come now,”
It’s not like she needs permission, they didn’t work that out but fuck, if she’s not a good girl. So she comes, right around his cock. He releases his hand around her throat, brushing over it just lightly to smooth away the pain.
“Jesus, fuck,” Dean groans as her walls squeeze down on him. His movement starts to falter and she can feel that he’s holding himself together, “You feel so good coming on my cock, baby. You just got tighter too, fuck,”
It’s about only three hard thrusts later that he starts to tremble, “Where do you want me to come?” 
She looks up at him, her hands curl around his biceps with every hard hit to her cervix, “I want, fuck, I want you to come inside, daddy, please? Wanna feel your cum running out for days,”
“Baby, you’re a fucking nasty girl, ain’t you? Fuck,” 
Oh god. He’s right because that’s what she fucking is. She has no shame whatsoever. 
“Gonna come so deep in your cunt, baby, mark it as mine,” He thrusts faster but not as deep anymore, “How does that sound?”
“Please,” She is basically begging him.
“That’s my good girl, taking my cock so well and now my girl wants my cum too, fuck, you’re so fucking perfect,” He growls low, and pushes in twice more, hitting her cervix before he stills and spills his cum deep inside of her. 
Dean lets himself fall on top of her, braces his elbows on the side of her face so as to not crush her. He dips his head down, kisses her deep and tender while his dick still twitches inside of her with his release.
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They took a shower together after that, cleaning themself off their filth and cum, and Dean’s worn out but he couldn’t help himself, made her come again in the shower on his dick alone with his thumb buried in her ass as he fucked her from behind. If he should fuck her again, he wants to try that back hole too, is almost sure that she’d let him because she went nuts when he stuck his thumb in there. Jesus, he hopes there’ll be a next time. It doesn't happen often that he wants to see a one night stand again, but with her, he’s ready to make an exception.
Now she’s really tired and almost falls asleep in his arms while he carries her over to his bed. Dean tucks her in and slides in next to her, pulling her into him and letting her rest her head on his shoulder. He kisses her gently, hand brushes away the hair from her face, knuckles grazing her cheeks.
He feels her smile into the kiss.
“Thank you,” She whispers and is already drifting off.
Dean chuckles, “You’re really something else, baby,” 
He wakes in the morning, realizes that the bed next to him is empty. Tilting his head around, Dean looks at the chair, sees that her clothes are gone along with her shoes.
Heaving his aching body from the bed, he sits up and rubs his hands over his face, “Fuck,”
She’s gone. Dean doesn’t even have her number. He really doubts he’ll see her again and that’s a fucking shame. 
Monday rolls around and Dean’s nervous. 
He’s pissed too, because he called Gabe and persuaded his friend to go to the club again but of course she wasn’t there. He waited longer than he should have, turned down four girls because he wanted to meet the right one. He had been losing sleep because it had gotten late and the thought of having to be in the office in five hours doesn’t help. 
So he sits in the meeting room, waiting for his bosses to arrive to maybe fire him, even though he fucking aced the presentation to the project this morning.
“Hello Winchester,” Mr. Turner says as he sits down and Mrs. Mills takes the chair next to Mr. Turner. They sit across from him. 
“Mrs. Mills,” He nods, “Mr. Turner,”
“Have you been informed why we called you in today?”
“Not, really no.” Dean shakes his head as he rubs his sweaty hands on his slacks. 
Mrs. Mills smiles, “We are thinking that you’re doing a great job,”
“I am?” He cocks an eyebrow, as if he can’t believe it.
“Yeah,” Mr. Turner chimes in, “The reason for this meeting is this. You know that Mr. Campbell is retiring in a couple of weeks, right?”
Dean knows. He’s been invited to the farewell party organized by Mr. Samuel Campbell himself. 
“Right,” Mrs. Turner nods, “We are considering you for the position.”
“Really?” He can’t hide the grin, and even if it’s a job he absolutely doesn’t want, it feels great to be considered for it.
“There’s a catch, though,” Mrs. Miller says and of course there is. There’s always a catch in this company. 
“We have a newcomer from an external company who also applied for the job. The person has a good reputation and great recommendation letters.” 
Of course. Dean nods. They always have. 
“We want to watch the two of you for about a week, two tops, see how much you’re willing to give of yourself, how driven you both are. We’re going to make a decision and please don’t take it personally if it’s not you. I’m sure the next position that opens up will be glad to have you.”
“Is this a competition?”
“See it as such, yeah. We talked about it in the boardroom and we really think it’s fair to give the other person a chance to get some more work experience in the company before we would consider them suitable for the job. With you, Mr. Winchester, we already know it, but that doesn’t mean that you have the job for sure.”
He’s never good at losing but that’s because Dean never loses. He’ll have an advantage over that dude. It’s probably going to be a piece of cake. He barely has to lift a finger, probably.
“Are you ready to meet your competition? There are projects you have to work on together, so it would be good if you get acquainted with each other.” Mrs. Mills asks.
“Sure,” Dean shrugs with a nod.
Mrs. Mills gets up from her chair to walk to the door. She opens it and keeps it open wide and then it feels like the air has been punched out of Dean’s lungs.
He’d recognize that face anywhere. He also remembers those long legs in heels.
“Mr. Winchester, meet your new colleague, Ms. Y/N Y/L/N,”
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Chapter Two
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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curioussubjects · 4 years
“Probably think you’re overcompensating:” Perception, Masculinity & Queer!Dean
So I’ve been wanting to write about my particular take on Dean, queerness, and masculinity because all the time I see takes, and I get into discussions, and I keep having to repeat myself. Not exactly an issue except peddling takes via hyperlink is much easier. This post is a bit of a journey, as anything I write tends to be, but the central thread here is fairly straightforward: emotional vulnerability. Most of my understanding of Dean circles around issues of emotional vulnerability and perception, which is not wholly unconnected to my reading of Cas and happiness -- that is, allowing yourself to be open and vulnerable, and accepting your worth is crucial to accurate perceptions of reality. 
In the beginning, we had John Winchester: after Mary died, John “was just a shell.” He became entirely closed off and focused on one thing, and one thing only: finding YED and killing monsters. John actively suppressed his grief over Mary by immersing himself in hunting, a new found mission meant to avenge and protect. The change in John is so marked that in our encounters with younger John lead to his own disgust at the parenting Dean describes, without knowing it’s himself he is censoring. Furthermore, in the Winchester motto being “saving people, hunting things, the family business,” we can see into what drove John in his mission: his guilt in not being able to save Mary, hunting as an outlet for that guilt, the imposition of that mission onto his sons. When Mary died, John’s entire philosophy and modeling of how to be Father and Husband (and Man, really) rested on his ability to be a sword and shield. A protector, unflappable, steady, focused. Someone who should always put the mission first, with little to no distractions. 
Dean, as eldest son and the natural second in command, inherited John’s mission and philosophy. While John was away, Dean was in charge of protecting the family (Sam), and was expected to that steady, unflappable protector. Someone who was in control of their vulnerability and never open to weakness. If John’s mission was to avenge Mary, Dean’s mission was to look out for Sam. Anything that caused Dean to deviate from that was a failure. It meant that Dean failed as A Father (and Husband mirror, not that he was a spouse proxy, but that John projected his own image onto Dean). Crucially, when we see Dean “fail” in the mission of looking out for Sam, they're due to Dean doing something for himself, or even doing something for Sam -- hence how he ended up at Sonny's for shoplifting. because apparently theft is wrong if it's not credit cards scams, thanks John. And in looking out for Sam, we find the first fault line in Dean being able to uphold John’s maxim of being invulnerable because to protecting Sam also meant, to Dean, to shield him from John’s abuse and expectations, it meant that Sam was nurtured, as best Dean could manage. Beyond protecting Sam, however, Dean would also inherit John’s mission should he die in the line of duty. And so Dean did. He was tasked to kill  the YED and even Sam if Sam became a threat. Anything that would make Dean deviate from that single minded mission was to be purged. Or shoved so far down that the mission would not be affected. 
In short, the baseline of duty Dean was operating on was: look out for Sam, look out for the Family, obey orders from the Father, carry out the Mission, avenge mom, kill monsters (noble and good, sure, but still immersed in the revenge mission). Whatever tool you use to carry on another day is acceptable, so long as it is ephemeral and utilitarian. If you need to drink, fuck, etc, in order to keep going so be it, but whatever you do must never impact the mission. College, relationships, picket fences, and dogs, are distractions. They are things that would necessarily take you from The Life. They can only ever be the rewards for completing the Mission. Paradise, if you will.  
Emotional vulnerability, then, that which allows the world to thing touch you that deeply is a distraction. You have to be a shell. You fight, but you also fight because the hunter life is not for others. All in the hopes that one day the mission will be done, and there’s an end of the tunnel with peace and a normal life, which is a lie. Not a lie because hunting is antithetical to happiness, but a lie because the mode of operation created and imposed by John makes it impossible for one to ever reach happiness. Happiness needs a way in. 
But what’s all this have to do with Dean being queer? Well, this has everything to do with how Dean experiences his queerness. A lot of the time I see people thinking of Dean as someone who suppresses, or, even worse, represses his sexuality when neither of those things are true (someone suppresses or represses their queerness doesn’t go around loving queer film, gushing over crushes, and making queer cultural references). Personally, I don’t think Dean represses as his go to coping mechanism (though he does repress, sometimes, like how John wasn’t a good father, actually). Dean is much more likely to suppress his feelings and his trauma: those are his to handle, and his to stow so he can Get the Job Done. But if Dean ever suppressed his bisexuality, which at some point he might have, I’d argue had much more to do unnecessary risks, than something like self-hatred.
Nevertheless, the issue when it comes to queerness, then, wouldn’t be Dean fucking men or being attracted to multiple genders. It wouldn’t wholly be an issue with masculinity either because the Masculine Values™ the Winchesters operate under a very specific to their situation, as I described above. It’s less about manly posturing, and more about being the perfect soldier (and, eventually, commanding officer). However, queerness brings with it queer & homophobia. As such, one’s sexuality could be leveraged as a weakness. It's something that can be exploited, if one allows it to hurt them. It’s also something that could draw attention to oneself, which is a bit dangerous for a hunter. So, for me, if John ever knew about Dean being bi (and with his neglect, he very well might not), his main problem would be with it being unnecessarily dangerous. Taking these issues into account, it makes sense to me that Dean would be uneasy with being perceived as queer because of it being a tactical disadvantage rather than him having an actual problem with being queer. So when we see posturing and overcompensation, when we see Dean lean particularly hard on the more overtly macho sides of his personality, it’s a mask. Incidentally, if Dean ever found himself in queer spaces he wouldn’t be so uneasy to the point of having to lean into the overcompensating mask -- which, of course, is influenced by cultural heteronormativity and all that mess. 
Ultimately, Dean wants to control how he is perceived because it gives him the upper hand. He had to learn to be a chameleon to survive, and he had to develop a thick skin because to show weakness is to fail the mission, and weakness means that you die, or, worse, the one you are meant to protect dies. It’s no wonder that Dean’s character development had little to do with him accepting his queerness (which canon, refreshingly, presents as just a fact of who he is, no fuss), but learning to be emotionally vulnerable. To let love and happiness in. To be who he is completely, without fear, without guilt, without shame, and without self-doubt. That letting himself be happy isn’t a sign of weakness or leading to failure, that it isn’t a gateway for hurt. And none of that, none of it, is about some internalized hatred of his own queerness. Finally, Dean’s freedom and lesson is that the true steadfastness is self-actualization, and really, to quote Cas:
I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive, and you're angry, and you're broken. You're “daddy's blunt instrument.” And you think that hate and anger, that's... That's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you see it. Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are.
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norahastuff · 4 years
3x03 - Bad day at Black Rock
I’m hard pressed to think of a Ben Edlund episode I don’t adore but this one is definitely a gem. Perfect balance of humour, pathos and just straight up absurdity. I mean the one liners alone in this one: 
“I lost my shoe.”
“Don’t play with my Jesus.”
“I’m amazing. I’m Batman!”
“Oh don't go away angry, just go away.”
I’m particularly partial to how the religious hunter Gordon sent after Sam, who has Jesus paintings and memorabilia all over his RV, starts to believe the lord is guiding him onto the right path when really it’s just bad luck resulting from losing a cursed rabbit’s foot. It’s especially interesting in light of season 4 where everyone’s running around thinking this is all God’s will, when really God wasn’t saying anything to anyone, but the blind faith that he commanded allowed the angels to get away with the things that they did.
I know it’s not foreshadowing or anything, there were no plans to introduce heaven/angels/God at this point, but it’s clear that many of the writers, Edlund included, were always thinking about the concepts of God and faith and role they played in people’s lives and mindsets. Come on his exact words were “as it turns out ... I'm on a mission from God,” as well as “It's God, Creedy. He led us here for one reason. To do His work. This ... is destiny.”
This is also the episode where Bela is introduced, and damn do I love that woman. She’s just such an interesting character (even though I’ll always wish we got to see more of her and who she was underneath the polished in control image she showed the world.) I especially love how she challenges the so-called nobility of hunting. Sure it’s saving people, hunting things, but for most hunters, especially earlier in the series,  the saving people thing was more of a by product than the ultimate goal. 
Bela’s a really great counter to Dean in that regard because she can read him, they’re similar in some ways, and she can see when he’s projecting, particularly when it comes to the John Winchester of it all. Dean’s emotional arc in this season centres around his low self esteem, how he doesn’t believe he deserves to be saved, and as long as he’s done his job, which is to protect Sammy, that’s all that matters. 
Later in the season, he realises maybe that doesn’t have to be true. I mean of course all his self worth issues aren’t magically solved, and in fact the whole “You don’t think you deserved to be saved?” thing gets worse after his guilt over the things he did in hell, so much so that it breaks Cas out of his righteous stoicism when he gets a glimpse at who Dean really is for the first time(more on that here if you’re interested) but Dean does have a moment when he believes he could want more from his life. More than what his father “the obsessed bastard” had let him believe he could have. 
Interesting then to see how Bela described hunters in her first appearance: 
Being a Hunter is so much more noble? A bunch of obsessed, revenge-driven sociopaths trying to save a world that can't be saved?
I mean she’s right about the obsessed, revenge driven sociopath part anyway, even Dean recognises that, though he can’t admit it to himself just yet. He’ll come face to face with himself soon enough and realise just how toxic John’s mindset was.
Oh and while we’re on the topic of Dream a little Dream of Me, and Dean seeing himself as “daddy’s blunt little instrument” and how he believed his father saw him as just a soldier whereas “Sam he doted on. Sam, he loved,” that little moment in John’s storage locker is particularly poignant.
As they’re inspecting the contents of the locker, Dean finds a trophy. Turns out it’s Sam’s, a soccer trophy he won as a boy, and Sam’s surprised and touched that John kept it for all these years. Don’t worry though, John didn’t forget about Dean, as they look around at the next shelf Dean realises John has kept something he was proud of Dean for too 
“Oh, wow! It's my first sawed-off. I made it myself. Sixth grade,” he says as he pumps the shotgun.
Daddy’s blunt little instrument huh? Oh Dean...
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effervescentdragon · 3 years
choosing the exactly right character to project my own trauma of life with the exact amount of self-loathing and daddy issues as i try to write sth without devolving into tears and making them too ooc is an exact science, or in my case, just a dead race between loki, dean winchester, and by latest account maedhros so good fucking luck to me yall may even get a crossover
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amanda-teaches · 4 years
Til Death Do Us Part? (1)
Series Summary: At a work party with your best friend, Dean, you panic when your new boss asks if you’re couple. Lying to protect your promotion, you wind up fake engaged before you can take it back. When Dean agrees to go along with your lie for a weekend retreat, you end up finding something neither of you had bargained for: love.
Pairing: AU Dean x Reader
Square filled: Fake Dating/Marriage for @spndeanbingo​, Fake Marriage for @spngenrebingo​, Mistaken for a couple for @spnfluffbingo​, “He’s always been there for me through all my terrible relationships and shit, and I can tell him anything” for @spnquotebingo​
Word Count: 2135
Warnings: A hint of future angst, some swearing, fluff
A/N: This is the first part of a little mini-series I’ve been working on. It will probably be around 3-4 parts, or more depending on how much fluffy cuteness I plop in the middle, but I’m pretty excited about it, so I wanted to share the first part with you all to see what you think. I hope you like it! Let me know! I haven’t finished writing yet, so you never know if your reactions may influence the series. ;)
Til Death Do Us Part? Masterlist
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In the dead of the night, sitting on a deserted train station bench in the middle of the pouring rain, you finally felt safe enough to let yourself cry.
So, you sobbed. All alone, in the silky, golden evening gown that you’d felt so goddamn beautiful in, you sobbed, the tears running down your face and into your already-wet hair.
You pulled the note out of your pocket, watching as the words began to smear and run down the page.
To the Future Mrs. Winchester,
You look gorgeous tonight. Just like every night. Remember to save me a dance.
You closed your eyes and cried even harder, the sobs wracking your body. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. It was all supposed to be fake, a means to an end, one friend helping another...
You weren’t supposed to fall in love. 
Damn that Dean Winchester.
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One week and two days earlier…
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You opened up the dating app on your phone, and scrolled through the dozens of “hey, sexy” and “what r u wearing?” messages before closing it again in disgust. “Oh my God, what’s the point of this stupid thing?”
Your best friend, Francesca, plopped down on the couch beside you, a bowl of popcorn in her hands, and looked over at your phone with a smirk. “The wonderful world of online dating?”
“How did you ever guess?” you answered sarcastically, amusement softening your tone. “Geez, it’s crazy! For every nice guy I find, there’s like 100 creeps.”
“Hey, what happened to that one guy? The therapist?”
You groaned. “He tried to psychoanalyze me all night. Wound up crying on my shoulder over his repressed daddy issues.”
“The architect?”
“Drew up the plans for our dream house within the first 10 minutes of the date.”
“The musician?”
“Texted his ex the whole night.”
She laughed and shook her head. “God, am I glad that I’m married.” Then, she turned to you, tucking a leg underneath her. “Hey, when are you going to give up on this whole online dating thing and just go out with Dean?”
Rolling your eyes, you shook your head. “I’ve told you a thousand times. Dean and I are just friends.”
“Oh, sure,” she laughed. “Just friends who text everyday, spend hours on Facetime with each other, and act as each other’s emotional support systems. Y/N, you’re practically married. The only thing missing is the sex.”
“Francesca!” you cried, an undercurrent of laughter running through your voice. “We are not practically married. Look, I love Dean, he’s always been there for me through all my terrible relationships and shit, and I can tell him anything, but that’s all it is. We’re just friends, I swear.”
She looked at you for another moment, skepticism filling her eyes. “Mhmm, keep telling yourself that. I’m just saying, you could do a lot worse than Dean Winchester. You don’t snap him up now, someone else will. And, ‘just friends’ or not, Y/N, I can guarantee, if that happens, you’re gonna regret not going for it.”
She sat back, focusing on her popcorn and queueing up the movie for the night, but you stayed staring straight ahead, her words lingering in your head. You wanted Dean to be happy, to find someone, just like you were trying to. You wouldn’t regret that if it happened...right?
Picking up your phone again, you stared at the picture of you and Dean that lived on your lockscreen, a smile playing at the corners of your mouth. You were going to see him tomorrow. He was your “date” to a party your new boss was throwing to get to know everyone, but you’d only asked him because you didn’t want to go alone. He was always your plus one to these kinds of things, and vice versa. You both knew it was strictly as friends, there wasn’t anything more than that. Besides, you were sure that the two of you could never really work. 
At least that’s what you kept telling yourself.
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The sound of Dean’s Impala rumbling up to your house the next morning made your heartbeat a little faster than you were willing to admit. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath to calm yourself and grabbed your purse and phone, heading towards the door. You were sitting in his passenger seat in no time at all, with him smiling at you from across the bench seat.
“Ready to impress the new boss?”
“Hell yeah,” you nodded. “Thanks for coming with me. I hate doing these things alone.”
“Course,” he replied, shifting the car into gear with an easy smile on your face. “You know how impressive I naturally am.”
“Mhmm,” you laughed, shaking your head slightly. He grinned and winked at you, pulling the car into the street on the way to the “garden party” as your boss was calling it.
You were expecting some sort of outdoor barbecue/picnic situation, but when Dean pulled up in front of the mini mansion the address led to, and you saw the valets parking the cars, you were glad you’d worn your nicest sun dress.
“Damn,” he whistled, under his breath, staring out the dashboard. “Who’s your new boss, Richie Rich?”
“Apparently,” you muttered, still in disbelief. “I was not expecting this when I woke up this morning.”
“But, good news,” Dean pointed out, stopping his car in the middle of the circular driveway. “I bet the free food’s gonna be out of this world.”
You laughed as Dean got out, rushing around to your side of the car to open the door for you. You smiled and thanked him, and, after watching him warn the valet to treat his baby better than his own mother, he escorted you inside, your arm intertwined with his. He whispered something that made you laugh again, and you leaned into him, whispering back, as if being this close was the most natural thing in the world. If only it was this easy with every other guy.
When you got to the backyard, Dean dropped your arm, making a beeline for the rows of white-linen tables stacked with food. You started to follow him, but, when you spotted your new boss out of the corner of your eye, you changed tactics, wanting to make a good impression on her before she was inundated with too many people.
“Clarissa, hi,” you stammered, a little awkwardly, once you reached her. “You have a beautiful home.”
“Thank you,” she said politely, turning to you. She studied you for a brief second before recognition registered, and her eyes lit up, a genuine smile replacing the formal one. “Oh! Y/N, right?”
“Uh, yes, yes!” You couldn’t believe she remembered your name already. Since you were one of four people vying for a coveted promotion at the company, this could be your big chance. “I’d really love to get a chance to talk with you about my thoughts on the Newman project.”
“Oh, of course, dear,” she humored you, dismissing the work talk by looking around. “Where did that nice young man that you came in with go?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Oh, Dean? He went to get us some food.”
“That’s so sweet of him. You’ve got yourself a good one there.”
“Oh no, we’re just…”
“You know,” she said, cutting you off. “There’s a couple’s retreat next weekend for some of the higher ups in the firm, a little bonding experience, so to say. There’s an open spot left. Maybe you and your young man could come?” She leaned in and gave you a conspiratorial wink. “We’d have plenty of time to talk more if you were there.”
“A couple’s retreat?” you repeated back, growing flustered. “But, Dean and I, we aren’t…”
She glanced at your ring finger. “Oh, dear, you two aren’t married yet. Such a shame. Unfortunately, the retreat is for married and engaged couples only.” She sighed, staring down at her mimosa. “Oh, I guess I’ll have to give Stuart your spot.”
Stuart? Oh, no way in hell. That guy had been gunning for your promotion for well over a year. You panicked, looking over at Dean, who’d piled two plates full of food over at the buffet. Watching him, you imagined your promotion flying away, and you blurted out the only hail mary you could think of. “Wait! Dean and I are engaged!”
Clarissa’s eyes widened with excitement. “Oh, really?! I didn’t see a ring, so I just assumed.”
“Oh, well,” you bluffed, struggling to think of a believable cover. “It’s all pretty recent, so the ring’s, uh, getting resized. But, yes, we’re engaged. Fully committed and engaged to be married.”
“That’s wonderful!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands. “Then, you two can come to the retreat next weekend! It’s up at the Mountview, all inclusive.”
You whistled under your breath. Damn, the Mountview. It cost like 1,000 a night to stay there. Suddenly, you realized what you were doing, and you knew this innocent little lie was spiraling way out of control.
She waved you off, looking over your shoulder. “This is so great! I’ve heard really great things about you, Y/N. I can’t wait for you and your fiance to knock the socks off our executives. Now, if you’ll excuse me for just a second.”
Before you could stop her, she was gone, having spotted someone across the room. You were left standing alone, and, looking up, you spotted Dean smiling at you from across the lawn, holding up his plates of food triumphantly.
Oh God, were you screwed.
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You looked around for a second, putting your hand on his chest to quiet him. “Shh, someone might hear.”
“So fuckin’ what if they hear, Y/N! You told your boss we were engaged!”
“I know, I know,” you whispered. You grabbed Dean’s hand and pulled him further into the hallway off the doors to the backyard, so your argument would be blocked from where the party was still going on, in full swing. “I’m an idiot, okay? I fully admit that.”
He looked down at you and exhaled heavily, running his hand through his hair. “What the hell were you thinking?”
“I don’t know!” you sputtered, beginning to ramble. “She thought we were a couple, and I tried to explain we were just friends, but then she kept talking and talking, and the retreat was all BAM, Mountview! And, then, then, she wanted to invite Stuart, I mean Stuart, of all people, and I just panicked, and, I...”
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled, placing his hands firmly on your shoulders. “Chill before you pass out on me. Deep breaths.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, leaning into him. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, the argument instantly forgotten, and pulled you into a warm, safe hug. “I’m so sorry…” you mumbled against his chest. “I just wanted that promotion so bad, I think I went a little crazy. I’ll go out there right now and tell her the truth.”
He sighed, his breath ghosting against your hair. “Maybe you shouldn’t.”
Pulling back, you looked up at him, puzzled. “What?”
“Well, you already told her we were engaged, and if you backtrack now, she’s going to think you’re a crazy liar. Besides, it’s only one weekend, right?”
“Wait, are you saying we should actually go? And, pretend to be engaged?”
His face split into an eager smile. “Yeah. We’re best friends, so we already know everything about each other. How hard can fake marriage be? We pretend to be engaged for a weekend, you get your promotion, then we ‘break up’ and decide we’re better off as friends. No one’s any wiser.”
You stared at him for a second, the ramifications of his plan running through your head. Francesca’s words came screaming back at you. “Y/N, you’re practically married. The only thing missing is the sex.” Dean was right, you did know everything about each other. How hard could it be to fake a relationship for a weekend. “Are you sure?” you asked sincerely. “I mean, really, really sure.”
He nodded, taking your hands in his and dropping to his knee with a dramatic flourish. “Y/N Y/L/N, will you fake marry me?”
You laughed looking down at him, the sight of his goofy grin instantly bringing a smile to your face. You nodded, agreeing, but, no matter how much you tried to ignore the voice in the back of your head, Francesca’s other words lingered. “You don’t snap him up now, someone else will. And, ‘just friends’ or not, Y/N, I can guarantee, if that happens, you’re gonna regret not going for it.”
Shit, you really were in over your head this time.
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Forevers- @atc74​ @babypieandwhiskey​ @be-amaziing​ @carryonmywaywardcaptain​ @deans-dirty-writer​ @deanwanddamons​ @deanwinchesterswitch​ @dolphincliffs​ @edgeofreality35​ @emoryhemsworth​ @focusonspn​ @hannahindie​ @heyitscam99​ @impala-dreamer​ @impandagrl​ @karikatz12481​ @katymacsupernatural​ @maddiepants​ @masksandtruths​ @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester​ @mysterious-398​ @ohmychuckitssamanddean​ @pinknerdpanda​ @roxyspearing​ @spnbaby-67​ @squirrel-moose-winchester​ @wi-deangirl77​ @wonderfulworldofwinchester​
Dean Tags - @adoptdontshoppets​ @akshi8278​ @alexwinchester23​  @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @squirrelnotsam​
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with RivkaT
RivkaT has 28 stories at Gossamer and 270 stories at AO3, so she knows her way around fanfic and fandom. She's also a co-author of one of the most well-known X-Files fics of all time, Iolokus. I've recced that here before, along with some of my other favorites of her stories, including And Dance by the Light of the Moon and Into the Woods. Big thanks to RivkaT for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
I think it's amazing! Writing styles have changed so much, along with everything else, that it's really nice to know they're still being visited. I tried to show my son the pilot episode, and it didn't move him at all, but it's good to know it's not forgotten.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
I made a number of good friends, and had my first taste of bitter fandom battles. I made dumb mistakes and, I hope, learned a bit about navigating fandom spaces. My long-time writing partner MustangSally taught me that it was always worth blowing the budget in writing--go over the top if you want. I put that to good use in my next big fandom (Smallville).
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
I started on Usenet! Then mailing lists, and webrings, but mainly the Gossamer list.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
(1) Serials are different than works posted all at once, and have different strengths and weaknesses. (2) There are many ways to write a good fic, and somewhat fewer (but still a large number of) ways to write a bad one. (3) Most good fics are bad to some readers, and many bad fics are good to some readers, and that's okay. (4) Summaries can often instruct many readers how a work is meant to be perceived, especially if they already know you as a writer--the importance of authorial intent is clearly not dead and may be unkillable! (5) Fandom has awfulness and greatness in it because fans are people.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
Dana Scully. Enough said! (Ok, it was Jose Chung's From Outer Space specifically, but Scully generally.)
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I mentioned to a friend that I was really into the show and she said that if I went online there were people writing stories about the characters. I knew about fanfic from childhood fannishness (Star Trek etc.) and so I went looking on this vaguely-understood thing, the internet. At the time I didn't have a computer that ran Windows so I logged onto Usenet at home and used Pine and Mosaic (an early search engine). When I wanted to see pictures I had to go to the computer lab at school.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
An ex where I don't have too much memory of the bitter and drawn-out breakup and just have vague nostalgia for the good times. Of course all that was about the show, not the fandom!
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
A bunch, including BTVS, Smallville, and Supernatural. I loved them all--my relationships with those fandoms were equally intense, but associated with different times in my life and therefore different availability of time and other resources. I wish I had that new-fandom love again, but right now it's just not happening for me, even though I've experimented.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Dana Scully, because she is Dana Scully: smart, driven, and good at her job, with occasional daddy issues. Subsequently, Lex Luthor, Olivia Dunham, Dean Winchester. I like characters who are driven by a sense of mission and who are really good at their jobs: competence porn!
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
Not very often; I last did a rewatch about thirteen years ago.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I rarely revisit the XF, but I could definitely be persuaded. I read a fair amount across various fandoms now, but mostly it's dabbling.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
Waaaay too many to mention. But if I had to choose: Jane Mortimer's The Sin Eater. Totally blew my mind about what fic could do. [Lilydale note: it really is a great fic!]
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
I go through patches of love and hate for my own work. Right now I might pick my SPN/Smallville crossover Under Darkening Skies because I had fun with the character voices and I got at least one great set piece out of it (mannequins in a hell dimension).
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
It seems unlikely but I have learned never to say never.
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
For the past few years it's mostly been Yuletide, but I'd love to get back into it more if I can be inspired.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
I have no idea! Usually it was something that bugged me about an episode, or a chance to play with a classic trope, or a random news story that would spark an idea.
What's the story behind your pen name?
Not much of one--it's a variant of my nickname that was available on AOL and I managed to snag it on most platforms fans use, which has been lucky!
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
Most of my friends are fannish and know everything; my family knows generally but basically doesn't want to know specifics, which is fine with me.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
Archive of Our Own.
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
Dana Scully Forever!
(Posted by Lilydale on August 18, 2020)
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maipareshaan · 2 years
john winchester for the character bingo <3
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Idc about him at all, cuz i project my daddy issues onto late seasons Dean, he is just irrelevant in that sense. I only talk about him cuz i am a reactionary bitch about D*sticule
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koraesrambles · 4 years
Finally got a chance to watch Walker tonight and I’m really excited because I really liked it. Like, really, really liked it! 
I wasn’t expecting to. I’m not a big country person, I never saw the original show, I don’t really care about cowboys or whatever. I wanted to watch it because I love Jared and wanted to support him in his new project. But wow! I am so surprised by how much I liked it!
I liked all of the characters. There wasn’t a single character that they introduced where I thought, “Uh, skip. I don’t care about this.” I liked everyone in Walker’s family, INCLUDING Stella. And writing a well-written angry teenage girl is HARD. It’s so easy to make her overdramatic and annoying but I felt her every emotion. I didn’t think she was over the top and her interactions with Walker were absolutely perfect. I’m way more invested in her than I thought I’d be. 
And then August, the son. My heart just breaks for him. I wanna wrap him up in blankets and tell him it’s going to be okay. I want to grab his daddy by the shoulders and shake him because he needs to be there for his kids. But I felt Walker’s struggle as well. And a big part of why I forgive him for not being there for his kids is probably because he’s Jared, but I think that the way he’s written and Jared’s acting have a huge hand in it as well. I really feel the struggle that he’s going through and all the confusion swirling in his mind. I mean, he’s gotta get over himself and be there for his family. Missing the welcoming party was an absolute ASSHOLE move. But I still feel for him, you know? 
I LOVE Micki and her boyfriend. Love that they are an interracial couple that doesn’t involve a white person (it feels like all the interracial couples I see on tv have at least one white person. That’s not a problem I guess I’d just like some variety, dude.) I am so so so excited that it doesn’t seem like they’re going to cram in some super awkward sexual tension between Micki and Walker. That was the thing I was dreading in this show. I just didn’t want them to have the two partners be love interests. Please for all that is good and sacred can we please avoid that. 
Which brings us to the barkeep. A boy girl friendship that isn’t powered by sexual tension? SO CUTE. We didn’t get very long with them but I thought they were super adorable together. 
Walker’s family had great chemistry together and I loved all of their interactions. I can already tell I’m going to love the little brother. I love that they casually dropped that he’s gay. I love that he’s been there for Walker’s kids while Walker’s been gone. I love the generational gap between Walker’s dad with the “mexican girl” and Liam responding, “Mexican-American, dad, come on.” I love that they’re going to be tackling these issues. I didn’t feel force fed or preached to ever. I just enjoyed the whole thing. 
But the most amazing thing to me, the thing that stood out more than anything else: There is not an ounce of Sam Winchester in Cordell Walker. 
This should not be a surprise. We know that Jared is a phenomenal actor. He played several different characters throughout supernatural’s run, and every single one was distinct and separate from our man Sam. But they all occupied Sam’s space. They all existed within Sam because they were entities possessing him. Sam makes me want to wrap a blanket around his shoulders, stand up to the people abusing him, and yell at them to back off and leave him alone. Sam makes me feel safe and I have so much love for him I could burst with it. Cordell Walker is entirely different. He’s confident in a way Sam never was. He moves differently. He’s hot headed in a way that (no matter how much early season spn tried to convince us) Sam never, ever was. Walker takes full advantage of his huge height while Sam always crouched down. There wasn’t an ounce of puppy-dog eyes in this man’s face. He’s entirely, and completely new. 
And there’s a sadness to that, but also a liberation. This is a new story, with new characters. I’m not going to spend the entire series waiting for Dean to show up. I’m not going to be waiting for demons to start to appear and make Sam’s life hell. Because this isn’t Sam, and he’s occupying an entirely different world. And I’m so excited to explore it with them. I don’t love him like I love Sam. I probably never will (Can there be more than one soulmate fictional character?) but I’m prepared to learn to love him. I’m already invested in every single one of his relationships and eager to watch them grow. I will absolutely be tuning in every single week. 
Thanks for surprising me Walker. I can feel Jared’s love for this project in every single scene. I’m ready to learn to love it too.
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