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git gud sgrub
lol. 2tealiing that la2t word.
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Old drawiing that wa2 liike half rendered 2o ii fiinnally fiinii2hed iit cau2e all my iin fiinii2hed project2 r eating away at me bluegh
Al2o cau2e valantiine2 ii2 coming up and my n my friiend r dre22iing up a2 Roxy n Jane for a con the day after :3c
#homestuck#homestuck fanart#homestuck art#homestuck roxy#homestuck roxy lalonde#hs roxy#roxy lalonde#homestuck jane#homestuck jane crocker#hs jane#jane crocker#janeroxy#roxyjane#trickster#trickster roxy#trickster Roxy lalonde#trickster jane#trickster jane crocker#homestuck trickster#candy timeline
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College killed my productivity
I went from one draft a month for ProjectDecology (placeholder name), one proofread of Project2, one edit of Project4, all in a month for the past few months, to… crashing at 6:30PM because I’m exhausted and waking up at 4AM, still on the same chapter I’ve been at for days, still editing.
I know not eating anything at college isn’t a bright idea but I’m too weight conscious. Maybe it’s also the fact I haven’t been in a classroom setting in… seven years. And the only job I had is 2 hours volunteer work 2 days a week. Won’t share anything beyond that.
This is week 1.
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[BG3 x Pokémon crossover where Halsin has a "Porygon"("Project1")and a Silvally.
Silvally is still a man-made Pokémon and named itself that when it broke free of its mask after trying to protect Halsin(Halsin spoke to it about Silvanus). The memories used to change its type were found where Silvally was caged.
Project1 is a whittled duck that spontaneously came to life, it evolves into Project2 that evolves into ProjectFinal and are all still Normal types. I'm not sure about the Upgrade and Dubious Disc equivalents, LOL. Further whittling, maybe? This Pokémon and its evolution also named themselves and act like robots despite their wooden origins.]
#bg3#pokemon#pokémon#baldurs gate 3#baldurs gate iii#baldur's gate 3#baldur's gate iii#halsin#halsin silverbough#silvally#porygon#porygon is a duck#ooc#crossover
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The beauty of Yarra River
Tadi menjelang sunset aku duduk di pinggiran Yarra River. Mencoba merenung apa yang kulakukan hari ini :
1. Mengantar anakku ke childcare
2. Mencari jam tangan
3. Mentoring
4. Training kerja jadi mbak-mbak indomaret
5. Dapet email dari SCO kok gak ambil full matkul semester depan
6. Dapet email dari capstone coordinator kalau aku better ambil non-riset capstone aja karena aku bakal ngos2an kalau ambil riset.
Rasanya kaya nge-debrief diri sendiri pas tadi duduk sekitar setengah jam itu.
Rasanya seneng bgt bisa terlibat di program hibah buat temen2 NGO di Indonesia. Dengerin project2 mereka yang keren-keren dan mostly tntg kesehatan, aku ngerasa kaya catch up sama “dunia nyata” karena setahun ini bergelit sama paper-paper akademik. Kaya ngerasa “oh ada gunanya gue sekolah MPH, lol” 😂
Terus pas training kerja jadi mbak-mbak kasir, kepikiran kaya S1 mati2an belajar buat jadi perawat, kok skrg sayang bgt ilmunya gak dipake dan menguap begitu saja 😂 malah milih kerja jadi mbak-mbak kasir instead of kerja di Aged Care, misalkan, yang lebih nursing. Tapi kaya, yaudalah, pragmatis dulu kita butuh duit buat lunasin hutang, lol.
Dapet email dari capstone coordinator, rasanya ada rasa sedihnya, karena nilaiku sebenernya eligible, tapi karena sangat mepet, capstone coordinator-ku merasa aku akan terseok2 kalau memaksakan riset. Bener juga sih. Mungkin emang belum saatnya riset, dan jika emang harus pake master thesis untuk melangkah ke PhD, mungkin academia is not my path (at least for now). Jadi kayanya mau aku iyakan saran dari course coordinator-ku untuk aku mengambil public health in practice aja.
Mungkin ini juga doa-doaku ketika meminta petunjuk atas kegalauanku, Kerja dulu atau langsung lanjut PhD? Kalau jalannya kaya gini, kaya udh lumayan jelas kayanya gak akan bisa PhD dlm waktu dekat, instead, mendingan cari kerja di tempat yang bagus aja. Fyuh.. semoga..
Ternyata cari kerja juga gak mudah ya kan.. Kemarin iseng ngobrol sama Kak Ayen, kalau aku pengen apply kerja di Ashoka EU, karena mereka ada kerjasama dengan Bohringer tentang Social Innovation in health sector gitu. Tapi ya entahlah, hahaaha.
Jadi.. kayanya stop mencari wangsit tentang S3. Your path is not there (yet). Or at least, lo belum bs excel di path itu, untuk saat ini.
Oh, inhale exhale…. Semoga Allah mudahkan langkah2ku kedepan, termasuk dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan selama semester break ini hahahaha.
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Belajar Mencintai Kekacauan
Ide-ide yang datang kepada kita harus kita perlakukan dengan hormat. Jangan sampai ide-ide ini disia-siakan di tangan kita. Di tangan si penggagas ide itu sendiri.
Menghargai ide yang datang adalah dengan cara mencintai proses. Proses itu rumit, proses itu kacau. Dan ini yang bikin kehidupan kek roller coaster, bukan? :D
Dari proses, kita belajar utk bersahabat dengan rasa kecewa jika tidak berjalan sesuai rencana. Dari proses, kita belajar menaklukan diri sendiri = ternyata hanya dengan konsistensi dan persistensi, ide2 yg awalnya abstrak bisa jadi nyata.
Karya adalah SEMUA yang terjadi di hari itu. Itulah proses, bukan sebuah benda.
Indahnya berkeluarga, kita selalu bisa mendiskusikan ide2 yang datang dengan pasangan dan anak2. Tantangannya adalah, membuat semua anggota keluarga merasa nyaman menyampaikan pendapatnya-walaupun tahu ga semua pendapat bisa dijalani. Dan beruntungnya saya diberikan pasangan si paling let's go. Yang selalu me-let's go-kan ide2 random saya sekalipun :))
Ini lah alasan saya ingin berkeluarga dulu: pengan punya keluarga Mastermind, yaitu sahabat berdiskusi ternyaman. Wadah dimana semua anggota keluarga berhak berpendapat, dan mengalirkan rasa tanpa takut di-judge. Tapi pada kenyataannya, tidak semudah itu mencapai titik ini.
Untuk bisa mencapai titik "Mastermind", kita perlu banyak latihan. Ga bisa ujug2 kompak. Cara melatihnya adalah dengan membiasakan membuat project bersama.
"Mau bikin project apa lagi ya?" ini yg sering jadi obrolan saya dan suami.
Segalanya berawal dari NGOBROL. Melibatkan anak2 sejak dini dengan project2 yg kita garap bisa melatih mereka menyampaikan pendapat, embrace ketidaknyamanan dalam menjalani proses, belajar kecewa dan belajar sedih jika pendapatnya ga dipakai, belajar menerima hasil musyawarah dengan lapang dada, belajar memahami value keluarga yg kami tanamkan pada setiap project.
Value apa yg ingin ditanamkan supertabi? Value ketauhidan, berani mencoba hal baru, berani mencintai proses. Tauhid menjadi penting karena akan menjadi batasan. Semua boleh kecuali yg dilarang syariat.
Tugas orangtua adalah menularkan semangat dan aura optimis. Bahagia itu menular, bukan?
TIPS. Untuk awalan memulai project dgn anak:
Ajak ngobrol: Apa yg paling disukai anak? karena outputnya harus bikin anak ketagihan.
Bikin project dgn durasi yg pendek. Coba maksimal 3 hari.
Akhiri dengan ngobrol. 3 hal yg perlu dibahas: 1. Apa yg paling seru saat ngerjain project ini? 2. Apresiasi (ucapan terimakasih), 3. Mau sukses apa lagi setelah ini? Apapun hasilnya, anggap saja anak sukses. Rayakan!
Buat ibu2 yg suka overthinking dengan hasil akhir (RUMAH BERANTAKAN). Sesi beres2 HARUS DIBAHAS pada saat diskusi berlangsung. Anak2 harus berperan ikut beres2. Berhentilah ngerjain project sebelum tenaga habis total, supaya masih punya tenaga buat beres2 :))
UNTUK SIPALING PERFEKSIONIS (me, me, me!) : Mulai aja dulu. Mengeksekusi ide ga harus sempurna. Bisa jadi, kita yg memulai dan anak2 kita yg menyempurnakannya di masa yg akan datang. Ini bukan tentang kompetisi, tapi kolaborasi.
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10th June 2024
today i watched lect2 from cs50ai, tried solving bfs problems, tried doing project1 and project2 from cs50, started lect3, learned about text preprocessing techniques. its 4.5. yesterday was also 4.5. i need to start early. if i do 2 hours before 12 in the morning i can do 6 hours a day i think.
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CS6238: Secure Computer Systems Project2 Solved
Project II: Strengthening Login Security with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Learning Objectives: This project aims to enhance password security by incorporating a second authentication factor (2FA). We’ll explore this concept by modifying the Linux login implementation. While the specific implementation may be simplified for educational purposes, the underlying principles are similar to…
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CSE358/CSE5058 Artificial Intelligence Project2
Project Definition In this project, you are required to color the map of the South America continent using a backtracking search algorithm. When coloring the map, two neighboring countries should not have the same color. Furthermore, you can use at most 4 different colors (blue, green, red, and yellow). Table 1 presents the border neighborhoods of the countries in South America. You need to embed…
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For Project 2, I made a model of a park slide that kids love to play on. Here are the references I looked for for the model, and in the process of looking for references, it also brought me back to my childhood memories.
Model 1.0, consists of three parts: stairs, corridor and slide, where the slide part is spiral.
After building the model, I imported the uv into Substance Painter to create the materials. The slide, roof, fence on both sides of the corridor and the floor are all made of plastic. The escalators, columns and stairs are made of iron. The overall material is mostly saturated colors, with the black color of the stairs balancing out the overall bright image.
Model 2.0: After creating the materials, the model always looked too bulky, so I changed the spiral slide to a straight one.
The material was changed to a smoother plastic, and the color was changed from orange-red to purple, to give some cooler tones to the warmer image, and to make the overall color more harmonious.
Finally, the material was imported into blender, sunlight and HDR added and rendered.

Material details

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1.I plan to make a traditional Chinese Nuo opera mask, because I personally think the design of this mask is very cool, and because the pattern on this mask is very complex and full of design, it can be a good exercise for my Zbrush sculpting ability. I also hope to make the material look more realistic when making the final map. So I started to collect reference pictures on the Internet.
2.At first I started sculpting directly in Zbrush, but I found it difficult to make it consistent with the reference image. At the same time, the shape of the mask is very complex, and it is difficult to make the model very neat if I sculpt the whole thing together, so I first built the general shape in Maya and distinguished the sculpting areas of the model, which made it easier for me to sculpt later.
3.Then I sculpted in Zbrush, mainly sculpting the patterns and details on the mask, such as bumps and damage.
4.I reduced the mask of the model in Zbrush and imported it into Maya, then on the topology low poly, I tried to outline the high poly with as few polygons as possible because I wanted to reduce the low poly count as much as possible.
5.I baked Normal and other maps using Marmoset, where I also used software like Knald to get better AO maps.
6.I encountered some problems when baking the Normal map. First, I pursued fewer faces at the beginning, and the model did not look realistic after baking, especially at the corners, so I increased the number of faces to make the model smoother. Second, because the triangles were not connected when baking, some problems occurred, so I connected the triangles and baked again, and the problem was solved.
7.I made the texture in substance painter. I also looked for related material tutorials on bilibili for reference.
8.Finally, I used Maya Arnold to render the finished image.
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Memories, Facebook, and The Clash
It seems Facebook still has the odd use, apart from keeping in touch with family and friends who still use it. I popped in late last night, and it told me I had memories on this day. It seems the 20th of October has been a day on which I’ve often posted in the past, because there were several. But the one that really caught my eye was this one:
15 years ago, it tells me, in 2009, I wrote:
Jason Ringenberg doing The Clash’s ‘Ivan Meets Gl Joe’: a thing of rare beauty. Spotify URI: http://is.gd/4Hcr7.
Now that’s quite telling, in several ways. First of all, remember the is.gd URL shortener? Remember URL shorteners that aren’t t.co?
Also, I haven’t used Spotify in a long time, being a happy Apple Music subscriber. But that doesn’t matter. What’s really weird is that I have absolutely no memory of Jason (out of Jason & the Scorchers, as I’m sure you know) doing any Clash song, much less a surprising choice of Sandinista album track.1 And back then was probably still in the time when was listening to Jason quite a lot.
Obviously I quickly searched for it on Apple Music. To find that it’s part of an album. Not one by Jason, though. The Sandinista! Project2 is a compilation album of covers of the entirety of Sandinista by different artists.
Why was I not told such a thing existed?
Of course, it’s entirely possible that I was told of it, one way or another. Some passing mention, a mental note, quickly forgotten… maybe it was mentioned in Jason’s newsletter or some such.
I mean, it’s not a totally off the wall idea. It’s subtitled ‘A Tribute to The Clash’, and I’ve had or listened to things like it before. I had something called London Booted once, which was sort of techno-ish covers of some or all of the tracks from London Calling. And I remember listening to a reggae version of that album, or tracks from it, at least.
But this is every track on what is famously a triple album. Yes, including ‘Career Opportunities’ (though not, to be fair, ‘Blowing in the Guns of Brixton’). And the great thing about it is, almost no track is a carbon copy of the original. We get jazz instrumentals, ska versions, rocked-up versions of ones The Clash took slowly, and everything in between. Most of the performers are little known, or unknown, to me a least. But we get Katrina of Katrina and the Waves, Jon Langford of the Mekons, Wreckless Eric, The Coal Porters, and of course the aforementioned former Scorcher.
It is really, really good. Highly recommended if you’re a fan, and even if you’re not, I imagine you’ll find something to enjoy. Go on, find it on your favourite service here.
Incidentally, I love that the label it’s on is called 00:02:59 Records. ‘The band went in/And knocked them dead/In two minutes fifty-nine,’ as ‘Hitsville UK’ says.3
Not that Jason being a fan would be in the least surpassing. ↩︎
I don’t remember the the exclamation mark being part of the title. But the Wikipedia article renders it that way, and indeed, there is an exclamation mark right there on the cover. Still, I don’t think we wrote it that way back in the day. ↩︎
Katrina’s version runs to 3:44, but then the original is 4:22 or so. ↩︎
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Petualangan Supertabi mencari jati diri
Setiap tahun, CBE mengadakan event yg bernama Family Festival. Ini adalah parade kumpulan keluarga yg mempresentasikan masing-masing project unik keluarga dan juga visi misinya.
Dokumentasi pertama kalinya supertabi ikutan Family Festival (2023)
Kami adalah contoh home team yg masih mencari jati diri tentang core kami. Sebagai ADHDers yg impulsif, saya dan suami punya banyak ide kegiatan.
Mulai dari bangun bisnis keluarga, berkebun, ngompos, bikin produk2 fermentasi seperti yogurt dan kombucha, Home Cafe (cooking class), outing, camping, Fun Math, English time, Book and Tea (Literasi), angkat barbel, olah vokal, sepedaan bareng, renang bareng, ngaji bareng, nonton bareng, menggambar bareng, sampe bobok bareng (halah, yg terakhir pake ditulis sagala wkwk). Pokoknya semua ke-random-an ini kita jalanin bersama :))
Walaupun banyak Family Project yg kami buat, tapi ga semuanya istiqomah. Setidaknya dgn trial error ini kami jadi lebih mengenal karakter keluarga kami. Macam "oh ini cocok, ini ga cocok. Oh ini digas, ini direm dulu."
Kegiatan yg masih eksis dan konsisten sampe sekarang: bisnis keluarga, Ramadan camp tiap taun (itikaf bareng bocil2 + anak orang), fun math, english time, home cafe (experiment berbagai resep kopi), ngaji bareng.
Kegiatan yg udah berjalan tapi ngerjainnya masih moody-moody-an: Olahraga (angkat barbel, renang, sepedaan), shaum sunnah, side project bisnis (maen microstock), mengelola aset digital (Blog, Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram Supertabi)
Kegiatan yg kami suka banget hasilnya tapi males bikinnya: produk fermentasi, cooking class (baking)
Kegiatan baru mulai dan masih meraba2: Berkebun, komposting, ternak ikan.
Kegiatan literasi cuma cocok utk saya dan Tabina. Tp ga cocok buat suami. Sore2 saya dan anak gadis suka baca buku favorit bareng sambil ngeteh dan dengerin lagu bangsawan misal seriosa :))
Kegiatan crafting cocok buat suami, tabina & babang, tp kurang di saya.
Kegiatan yg saya dan anak2 suka, tapi suami ga mau ikut praktek: Olah Vokal wkwkwk. Btw olah vokal tu bukan karena kita pengen jadi artis atau ikut opera. Tapi karena kami merasa butuh memperbaiki artikulasi dan bukaan rahang. Sangat berguna buat saya praktek tahsin, melafalkan huruf hijaiyah ga boleh miring2. Dan sangat berguna utk Tabina yg tiap presentasi di depan kelas suaranya keciiil, siga chipmunk :)
But it's ok kita tetep lanjutin.
Dari semuanya,
Ada jg project yg hanya berlangsung 1x dan ga bisa diulangin: Hijrah ke Soreang: Beli rumah, renov, bikin desain rumah sendiri dgn software Adobe Illustrator (Saya lupa cara pake Autocad T_T). Ini adalah project ter-epicnya supertabi sih. Penuh pengorbanan dan kesabaran. Tp saya jadi berpikir bisa2 aja diulangin kok. Sering2 aja rombak rumah. Hahaha.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, project2 ini akan terus bertambah, atau mengerucut, sesuai kebutuhan dan keunikan masing2 anggota keluarga kami. Saat ini memang masih random sih, tapi tujuannya memang utk memperkenalkan ragam kegiatan utk anak2 kami. Akan ada waktunya dimana project ini diinisiasi oleh anak, dan mereka sendiri yg menjadi project leadernya. Kami gantian jadi supporter :)
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