they/it/ix. autistic. self-published writer. more in carrd. if you’re reading this, I hope you have a great day. EII so451 ELVF r/L/u|E|i PVNB EAFS melphleg. vegan. decaf. going through the wringer. adult.
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Bad “””Theory””” About FNAF6 I read too deep into but wanna post anyway cuz idk.
The small text spells out the insecurity in this, doesn’t it?
Ok, ok, I never, ever have, since 2014-15, around when I discovered FNAF, posted any theories or interpretations, because I’ve never been confident in them, and I always fear I’ll post something and have it immediately debunked by something (in any community/situation.) But I thought about this, and I thought about it for only five minutes, and I know I’m probably very wrong, but I maybe have an idea on why William could be associated with orange in midnight motorist if you’re going with that interpretation. This requires you believing a few things, things I don’t explicitly believe but don’t disbelieve, but it’s just food for thought. The only reason I’m even thinking of this is because a lot of these are tied to FNAF 6.
So, if you think the Candy Cadet story about a red snake is referring to William, which I know some interpretations do (others don’t), he’s associated with red in that. He is orange in MM (if you believe Orange Guy is him), wears a yellow spring Bonnie suit, has blue text in the susie minigame briefly and is purple guy. This one is more of a stretch, but Freddy Fazbear, the mascot of Fazbear’s, is brown. (He was even called ‘pink guy’ in the fnaf 2 days because of the slight hue change lol) - all the colours, basically, unless you wanna count white, black and grey as colours… except one. Green.
Now this is the tricky part, because in all my years, I’ll be honest, I’ve only gotten through ITP (ITP, TBB & CTW) and I don’t know why? So if there’s something in the books I’m missing, or I’m forgetting something in the games, correct me, but is William ever associated with the colour green before he dies? What I do know in the books is that he is envious of Henry, like, green.
Now, I do believe CharlieFirst but I’m open to other ones, but if Charlie dies first, could the lack of association until he dies be a metaphor for how his envy and hatred could’ve led him to kill Charlie, which was the initial domino that led to him killing more and eventually led to his death, killed by his envy and pride and becoming Springtrap? (A decaying, green being. I’m pretty sure gold also represents, y’know, being the superlative of something, the best, so dying in a gold/yellow Bonnie suit and having it decay could be like having his legacy decay and fade away.)
See, maybe my exact interpretation is off, but idk. See, if there’s even one scene where he’s represented by something green, pre-death, I’ll accept that. But idk lol.
Man I’m tripping idfk what I’m saying this is a stretch. It’s probably more of a fun coincidence than anything.
#lemons random rants#fnaf#five night’s at freddy’s#I’m not high#I SAY AS I MAKE A TYPO#five nights at freddy’s#not erasing it tho#fnafblr#William Afton#don’t ask why I suddenly started posting about fnaf it’s probably the tism lol#I go from obsession to obsession and back to previous ones
0 notes
Finally Watching The 24 hour fnaf video
Spoilers for: FNAF, Undertale (2015)
(at 2x speed)
I won’t be time stamping 100% accurately either so yay fun.
Fnaf 1:
(~13:00, random thought unrelated to video) I find it funny how serious Scott’s edgy dark Freddy.exe OC became so lore relevant later.
(15:28) HELP I GOT A JUST EAT AD FOR PIZZA LOL. No thanks, vegan. I do like hummus pizza though as a cheese substitute. Was never big on cheese.
(22:21) I was going to say, ‘I wonder if Phone Guy was meant to be Golden Freddy’ because of the Night 5 call but then I remembered… that’s not golden Freddy. Scary deep voice =/= Golden Freddy lol. I think it’s possible. He also could’ve been the phone, or the endoskeleton that looks at you in parts and service. I believe the latter mostly. Wait, scratch that, maybe? If they stuff you into a suit, uh, that doesn’t make sense. Then again, the idea of an employee being stuffed into a Freddy Fazbear suit is a weird premise anyway. I can’t put it into words but stop. Okay, now think about it and how it would work in universe and the aftermath. Okay. See my point? I know. 10/10 at communicating my thoughts. /s
(26:49) Okay, I’ll just explain myself, actually. My issue is… what happens to the stuffed employees? Do they walk around like the animatronics? Does no one at the company notice two Freddy’s kinda just… walking around? Also, when it comes to the bite of 87, I believe Foxy did it originally. I know… sometimes the boring answer is the most likely one. Same with Mangle in Fnaf 2. I dabbled with the idea of Toy Chica a little because the idea of that tiny bastard Mangle being able to attack a grown dude is a bit silly but then I learned Mangle doesn’t just mean, you know, mangled… like, it also means TO MANGLE someone, so, y’know. Yeah, I remember at the time as a kid thinking to myself “man, Scott is so cryptic and mysterious, such a deep storyteller, so subtle.” The subtlety in question: Who mangled someone? Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, or Mangle. XD
By the way, kinda fucked up to mention, but I remember there was a video I saw as a kid about who we play as in fnaf one, and the joke (in air quotes because in retrospect I know it was kinda fucked up but I was a kid 💀) was that we played as Steven Hawking (you can figure that one out… yeah, like I said, fucked up) but I swear it’s lost media or something cuz I haven’t been able to find it. (Hi, btw, this is my editing voice. Text. UwU)
Got a football ad. Decided to have a recurring gag in this blog where every time I get an ad, I’ll think about combining fnaf and that concept and see how it turns out… so, a fnaf football game… F-naf-ifa. Oh, got another one for a holiday resort. Fnaf themed theme park. Just saying. Kinda unrelated to the prompt, but just saying. (I did not continue this gag)
Also I’ll be tracking everytime remnant is said in this video. Counter: 1? 2? I’ll say 2.
(33:18) okay why does everyone keep acting like Scott knowing the difference between convicted and arrested is some wild thing. He probably knew. He was 34-35 when the game came out. It’s probably just a retcon. (Maybe he didn’t.)
(33:42) Oh, maybe Roxanne being a wolf is a reference to that idea, then.
(35:19) Okay, uh… I don’t know how modelling works, but I’m pretty sure the reason Foxy is torn up is unrelated to the car ride. He might’ve not known exactly what he wanted to do with Foxy, but I imagine you have to have some sort of plan before modelling something, right? (I was wrong)
(36:28) Yeah, I feel like that screen was one big Mandela effect. One I had very early on was the first time I saw a thumbnail for Fnaf, I was convinced Bonnie had a monocle. Brought it up to a friend in school. He didn’t.
(1:10:08) Okay, first, CC was definitely (my opinion) meant to be the Puppet originally lol, at least IMO, but that’s for later. I think Phone Guy being Purple Guy originally might’ve been the intention because that Foxy thing is not a coincidence lol. Then again, the previous night guard he keeps mentioning is kinda sus. (Like a minute later) oh… yeah, forget it, Phone Guy wasn’t meant to be Purple Guy.
(1:21:09) I just find it SO weird that the DCI is NEVER brought up again. It’s too noticeable to be the retcon, but could the DCI have just been a really strange interpretation of the MCI? I don’t get it. I really don’t.
(1:23:00) My theory on Shadow Bonnie and Shadow Freddy is that they’re Scott’s edgy OC’s and have no meaning. Kidding, they probably do. Maybe previous employees? Idk. Oh, agony. I’m also going to track.
(1:23:55) I mean, that’s not really accurate? The screenshot is someone theorising that’s what Scott meant when he said Matpat got “almost everything right.” I mean, yeah, it probably was that, but still, saying it was “confirmed by Scott himself” and flashing a post that wasn’t made by him on screen for 1 second is a bit… eh. (This is nitpicky and later clarified.)
(1:24:47) Man, remember when Scott actually confirmed shit instead of dangling keys in front of us and pulling them away when we get close to solving anything? Yes, I’m comparing us to babies fascinated by keys. Just a random, accidentally self-insulting metaphor. Look, I don’t think the writing in FNAF is as bad as people make it out to be, I just think Scott is a pantser (samesies) and might’ve not had a lore doc for a long, long time. I hope to god he has some sort of document or some method of tracking details nowadays. Trust me, I made the same mistake. Not pretty.
(1:27:30) Lol, Toy Freddy’s sophisticated persona here is a stark contrast to him being a gamer in UCN. I like this interpretation of Toy Freddy more. Honestly, UCN TF makes it harder for me to take him seriously in 2.
(1:27:44) DAMN IT. I THOUGHT MANGLE WAS ONE OF US. I mean… then again, makes sense she isn’t a vegan, he literally eats someone’s head, so… I-I don’t think eating someone’s head is vegan, in my vegan opinion. Also, the fact my instinct is to read into that gluten-free line to see if it could actually be lore relevant says a lot lol. (Gonna make a clickbait fnaf YouTube video called ‘FNAF theorists missed this ONE detail…’ and it’s Mangle’s gluten allergy. Technically not even clickbait. It’s true. Never heard it brought up.)
(1:29:17) It’s Froggit, duh. Actually… did Fnaf 2 come out before Undertale? Weird. Just… the thought of a pre-Undertale world. Look, I’m Gen Z, give me a break.
(1:32:00) Oh, yeah, what did the 10 mean, again? On the BB image. I remember finding an explanation for it, maybe from Scott himself? But… I don’t remember where. Also, I think the 2023 date for FNAF 3 makes the most sense, at least at the time it came out, because I don’t think 1983 was mentioned yet? (It was supposed to be a countdown.)
(1:37:02) Okay, what if William went into the suit to try and scare the kids? Like, because it would bring up memories of their murder? Idk, I’m not a fnaf theorist, just an armchair fnaf theorist.
(1:40:57) Wait… how did people figure out the AI of Fnaf 1 & 2 then? I assumed the source code was available or something like that. Idk. I’m not a programmer… I just tried making a Roblox game when I was a kid that got corrupted after I put way too much effort into it. So, yeah. Oh, and I used once and installed but never opened Unity so I’m basically a pro. (Unironically, if I ever got back into art, the idea of making a VN one day doesn’t sound too bad… probably not tho.)
2:08:22 Okay so what I said earlier about Foxy’s model? Ignore that. Whoops.
(2:16:53) I find Scott’s wording interesting. He says “that was the end of a trilogy,” in response to being asked if it was mean to be the final game. This makes me wonder if Fnaf 3 was really meant to be the final Fnaf game altogether (like, maybe 1-3 was meant to be self-contained, but he was planning more games). Plus, doesn’t he say in the interview that he had the colour schemes for 1-5 planned out? Just musing, ig.
(2:42:43) You know, if CCfirst is true then the line from the pigtailed girl about the animatronics is a bit… weird. I mean, Scott said something like “people must’ve thought I put random Easter eggs in this time, I didn’t,” but at the same time this line could just be a joke. I kinda lean CharlieFirst because of Henry’s line about how it was a wound inflicted onto him first in FFPS but like. Eh.
(2:45:43) Okay, I know I’m not the first person to say this, but I feel like CC could’ve originally been the Puppet and the box could’ve contained the Puppet but uh… it doesn’t look like a puppet box. More like a chest. Maybe it was the plushies? I’m just thinking about original intention.
(2:51:28) Oh, so wait, if Scott only changed the date at the last minute- oh, he was just trolling with the 87 shit. I hope a bite gets added to the franchise at some point. The bite of 84. Something something 1984 joke.
(2:52:39) Okay, see if William did put CC through the experiments then that makes CCfirst kinda weird because… why would the mf just randomly do that for no gain…
(2:54:29) Yeah, as a writer, I kinda get what he’s saying there. Sometimes you plan something a certain way, and things just don’t go that way when you actually execute your ideas, especially if you don’t plot everything down to the detail- or, if you did add it, it just wouldn’t fit with everything else. Though I do find the string imagery suspicious… no… confirmation bias? I would never…
(3:02:33) Yeah, honestly, I never cared about FNAF world when it came out. I didn’t even get it until a few months ago and I didn’t play it. But I also didn’t get through the entirety of the Into The Pit game, so… yeah. And I haven’t played the side games. I dunno.
(3:04:04) Wait… on the flip side? Like what phone guy says? No way… guys… what if FNAF world is the afterlife? If I was William, I’d do anything to avoid dying, too! Kidding, I don’t actually hate FNAF world. Never played it so I don’t care. I do unironically believe that’s why William values immortality. Like, yeah, control and all, god complex, but that mf KNEW he was going to Hell.💀 If there’s one consistent piece of characterisation I’ve picked up on in the games, it’s that this mf is a COWARD when push comes to shove.
(3:14:40) T-t-the… MIMIC??? I’m gonna start tracking every-time that’s said, too. I’d start tracking ‘book’ too but I’m afraid we’re 3 hours in and I didn’t plan this far ahead… oh, well, I can start anyway and someone else can pick up where I left off on this fruitless journey.
(4:05:59) Okay, hear me out. What if William was getting into legal shit, so he was like “nah nah, Baby ain’t mine, that’s Henry’s” and that’s what Immortal and the Restless is actually about? Idk lol, just an idea. Probably not. Did Henry even exist at this time?
No time stamps but when I see that SL scene all I think about is this. He’s coming to find him, find him, find him.
Also, headcanon: the reason HandUnit is such an unhelpful asshole is that William set things up beforehand to troll Michael. Is this probable at all? No. But it’s funny. And that’s all that matters when it comes to headcanons.
4:57:41 Remnant counter: 6. I can’t do the books I’m sorry I can’t.
5:33:08 Agony counter: 2
(5:47:52) Okay, bad theory, but that’s basically all my theories here. What if Charlie was the mound of dirt? I mean, okay, hear me out. If William left Charlie there, right? Out in the open? Because there are kids inside, there’s probably parents and employees, so someone would eventually find the body. A coverup only really works if, y’know, no one sees it. I guess I’m just confused on why the public reputation of Fazbear entertainment wouldn’t have been completely in the dirt if Charlie’s body was left there… but then again, it doesn’t make sense timeline wise, because it makes more sense that William is driving home, and we don’t see him burying the body, so? Not really a good theory.
(06:08:02) Agony counter: 3. Also I can’t tell if I’m being biased when I read Henry’s other speech as MoltenMCI because it’s what the fandom believes or if it’s a conclusion I would come to in a vacuum. It’s just, uh, very blatant seeming to me.
(06:13:10) Where is Mike getting this money from, anyway?
(06:20:20) You know, I heard the LeftyDCI theory once, and while I’m confused by the DCI as a whole, if it were true, the Candy Cadet stories would make a fuck ton more sense. My opinion? Idfk. I really don’t.
(06:25:05) Remnant counter: 12.
(07:12:55) When I see Dawko I just think of this clip.
(07:34:08) Guys what if Cassidy going into the pool is Cassidy going into Fnaf world omg. Also, wait, unironically- being serious for a sec- I didn’t notice before that there were fire noises in the Golden Freddy scene. You know the way the camera backs away from GF? I know the common interpretation is that Cassidy won’t let go but what if it’s the opposite? What if… uh… I was gonna say Cassidy watching William burn as the sight gets further and further away, but GF isn’t really… moving away in the scene? Scrap what I said LOL. It probably is about Cassidy not moving on.
(07:36:54) Okay actually I came up with a sillier theory. What if Toy Chica did the bite of 87 and that’s why Susie gets focused on so much in fnaf6 because she lost her dog and what if the originals also control the toys so Susie made Toy Chica bite an adult as revenge y’know cuz dogs can bite people… never let me cook again man LOL. (Wait, okay, Susie is the first MCI victim I forgot LOL. I was kidding anyway but that was a genuine point of confusion XD) (For clarification: this was a really unfunny joke.)
(07:46:08) What if… am I reading too deep into this story about… not doing that… yes.
But hear me out. Or don’t. I know I’m reading too deep but what if the bread is a metaphor for Scott giving random breadcrumbs, and the seeds are a metaphor for planting seeds for future plot events that are to be expanded upon? I mean, no, but… no.
Birds thawing is obviously about Scott not communicating his ideas as intended/misinterpretations. Shoutout to adult theory.
(07:59:11) POV: you have an opinion on Twitter.
Not timestamping but fuck if Andrew is canon to the games I’d like literally one mention of the name. I am begging for the bare fucking minimum set-up. (You’d think he’d be mentioned by now, right? William was mentioned eventually. Then again, Henry wasn’t by name… ever? So… maybe a moot point.)
(08:05:48) Okay but if Mike was in UCN and Cassidy was CC why is he called the “ONE” you should not have killed? Emphasis on one, as if Mike has killed multiple people. Wait… Mike is the Ve… honestly I forgot what Dual Process Theory’s video said I only watched it once lol so ignore me.
Look I have only read the first Fazbear frights book. I own a few more and the trilogy but unsurprisingly the person with they/them in bio wasn’t too fond to continue purchasing Fnaf books after the 2021 fiasco, so… yeah. If I continue reading any it’ll prolly be through audiobooks people make. (I made a post on it once.)
(08:09:56) Oh, yes, my naming conventions operate similarly. I’ll either get a random ass name that just sticks in my head for a character or search for something with symbolism… or put way too many layers into a pun-name… or, uh, the biggest mistake I made with the first book I finished. Yeah, don’t do rhyming names. Not pretty. Unless you’re writing twins or characters with very distinct personalities/attributes. Or do. Idk. Back to the funny bear game.
(08:11:10) The fact dream theory is here with these other absurd theories makes me believe dream theory was never canon. If it was, then mocking it later on is… a choice… then again, I understand mocking past fuck-ups. My WIP, a sequel to something, mocks several things from my past project I’m not fond of. The only thing I dislike is when media is constantly self-aware but never improves. At that point, it’s an excuse, not a reflection.
(08:40:55) Okay, so, kinda fucked up story, but kinda funny to me. So, I recently accepted I have… a problem, and have had it for a very long time. This problem makes me very weak physically sometimes, and it’s self-inflicted. When I get really weak and tired, sometimes I just hear that SL line “you won’t die” in my head over and over LOL… uh… in HandUnit’s [paraphrased cuz I don’t remember] words “so, not actually that funny.” It’s a coping strategy…
(09:02:15) Their plan is asinine btw. (Fazbear entertainment’s)
(09:06:39) You know, I can fully picture The Mimic being planned this far back.
(09:17:53) Freddy should NOT sound like that. You know what this reminds me of? This. WHY DID I GET A DOLMIO AD? You know, the pizza/pasta sauce? Sus.
You know, this whole video has made me realise the fnaf lore isn’t as ridiculous as people make it out to be. You can make anything sound ridiculous if you word it a certain way. “So, basically, you’re a kid that falls into this underground and you somehow survive, and there’s this other kid who might be the narrator, and a substance called ‘determination’ which is human soul juice and there’s experiments that you only get in the true pacifist ending which involves completing the neutral ending, matchmaking the gay fish and bi dinosaur, fake-date the bi dinosaur and then fight this talking flower who is actually revealed to be the son of the king who died over flowers and became one, and there’s lazers and shit.” Now tell me the Fnaf lore isn’t simpler than that. It’s vague sometimes, yes, but it isn’t complicated. Also sorry for spoiling a 10 year old game I guess.
(09:52:21) Remnant counter: 26
At least we got Shamrock Freddy lol. I played AR once. Bored asf.
(10:10:54) Remnant counter: 30.
(10:19:58) okay I know that isn’t the intention of her lines but this makes me think of CC being Mangle lol. He probably isn’t him.
(10:36:01) Remnant counter: 32. Agony counter: 5.
(10:38:51) Would Vanessa being born in 97 work? She looks about 20-30 so that might place FNAFSB between 2017-2027. I’d assume it’s post 2023, though. So, 2024-2027. I mean, she could be older than 30, I’m just guessing. It could also be some crazy shit like 2097 lol. (Luis mentions student loans. Let’s assume the guy flirting with her not so subtly is around her age. That would mean she’s post college. The average college graduation age in the US is 24, so… no, 2021 feels too early. I’m reading too deep into this.)
(10:44:41) Okay the fact Vanessa likes rainbow streaks was something I forgot. When SB came out, the fire escape ending made me think she had a sister (a theory I honestly always had, and Freddy being on the nose about ‘Vanny’ made me think it was a red herring) I know there’s not really much evidence for it, and it’s more likely Vanessa’s personality was just kinda changed, but is there explicit evidence against it? If not, I like my headcanon that Vanessa has a sister lol. Like, it doesn’t even have to be a “one is Vanny, one is Vanessa!” thing I just like the idea that she has a sister that likes rainbow streaks and bees and flowers and Vanessa’s just like “GRRR these annoying fucking kids I hate my job I hate my life.” Then again, she seems mellower in the therapist tapes… maybe she’s on her mensies during SB. Sorry, that was fucked up. 😭
(10:52:59) Remnant counter: 35.
(11:10:41) WAIT, he IS 24?? So am I reading too deep? Okay, that could be a coincidence.
(11:10:54) …all that math for nothing, and I hate math! Wait, but 1997+23 is 2020? I mean, okay, AR taking place in 2020 doesn’t seem far off, but I guess she’s older in SB because pre-fnaf6 SB is… impossible, lol, and I believe fnaf6 takes place in 2023.
(11:20:28) Remnant counter: 36.
(12:52:31) I don’t know anything about Princess Quest other than it being associated with Cassidy. I would like to bring your attention to the fact Vanessa has 3 letters in common with Cassidy… those letters just so happened to also be funny when put together but that’s not the point. Point is; Vanessa = Cassidy. Kidding. Slash j, even.
(12:59:36) Actually, Henry is the princess. That’s my game theory. Kidding. Slash j, even.
(14:17:45) 10/10 therapist.
(15:52:53) Agony counter: 6.
(16:50:25) Remnant counter: 37
(18:00:00) Jimmy is a nickname for Jeremy, right? Let me google it. Oh… no, James. I guess Jerry would’ve worked better but what kid is called Jerry in 2024?
(Shit you won’t care about unless you’re deep into typology) Also, I’ve said this before, but I feel like the Glamrocks kinda embody sins. Chica (Gluttony), Roxy (Vanity), Monty (Wrath) and Freddy… uh… see how fast that theory went out the window? Yeah. Ugh, my brain is typologypilled so when I think of sins I just think of the enneagram and Monty is definitely NOT an e1. Probably an 8. Roxy is a heart type- maybe sx4. Too openly limbic and emotional for so3 to really make sense but then again she’s also hacked in SB and her real personality seems more gentle. She just seems to fucking hate Gregory (understandable, from her perspective). Chica… uh… I dunno, does she even get characterisation outside of eating in SB? And Freddy is just a nice guy who randomly gets an identity crises. OK NVM ABOUT ROXY I FORGOT HOW RUDE SHE IS IN HW2 LOLOL. Then again the other animatronics are acting off in this game, so? Idk. Anyway idk she doesn’t fit any 2 subtypes, maybe so3, and maybe sx4. I just… don’t see the envy, that’s the problem. (Addendum: remember the time matpat made that video on why ‘sensors’ weren’t big brained enough to understand his theories? Kidding lol. Despite my gripes it really sucks that he has to deal with toxicity like that. Like even if I don’t like that particular section just be chill y’all even if you think his theories suck it’s just a video game.)
(18:08:24) Okay, not to be rude, but why are the subtitles saying (?) he’s clearly saying avant-garde LOL.
(18:12:43) *sigh, here we go… opens google.* “Power: The Ace of Spades has long been a symbol of strength and authority.” “In many games, the Joker acts as a wild card, capable of representing any card needed to complete a hand. This flexibility makes the Joker a powerful and desirable card, creating the potential to turn a losing hand into a winning one.” “As the highest-ranking card in the suit of Hearts, the King of Hearts is often associated with love, empathy, and deep emotions.” Damn it, I thought I was onto something until that last one. “That being said, the Jack of Clubs is a Minor Arcana tarot card that is associated with ambition, determination, and a desire for success. It can indicate that the person represented by this card is driven and motivated, and is willing to put in the work necessary to achieve their goals.” “The Queen of Diamonds, often linked to the Queen of Pentacles in tarot, symbolizes prosperity, security, and the nurturance of home and hearth. She represents a figure who is practical, down-to-earth, and generous with her resources, offering support and stability to those around her.”
I mean, I still could be onto something? Probably not, but maybe the King of Hearts and Queen of Diamonds is about Cassie and the others are about her father. “A losing card into a winning one.” He helped cause the bite of 83, but he’s trying to repent? This is more of a stretch than I thought lol. Forget it. Sorry. I just- I’m the kind of writer that loves symbolism, like, putting a shit ton into my works even when no one would realistically pick up on it. Like, I hate pretentious people who are mad people don’t understand their “dEeeeeEp symbolism” as if symbolism = good story. Nah, sometimes the specific food a character is eating was something I spent ages contemplating the meaning of and I never expect people to get it. I just do it for fun. It’s mostly a waste of time honestly but I like making almost everything symbolic just for my own amusement. But that’s tangential.
(18:19:58) I believe MatPat said this was about Vanessa and Gregory and honestly that’s how I interpret it too but the first time I heard it I was just confused and had no clue, so, again, if I heard this in a vacuum, without knowing that interpretation, I wonder what conclusion I would’ve come to. (I know there’s other interpretations.)
(18:34:09) I mean, we don’t know that. Also, why is there so much Mr. Hippo shit in this era of the franchise? I guess it’s just like Exotic Butters where it stuck around. You know, in retrospect, I don’t find Exotic Butters that funny. No, it’s not just because I’m vegan, it’s because Casual Bongos was the funnier joke. XD
Also, I know I never went through with the ad gag but I keep getting perfume ads so, hmm… Fnaf themed perfume. And now I’m getting a hot chocolate ad. It’s called… Chocomel. Oh, they have a plant-based option. Shame I don’t drink hot chocolate. Oh, for a few days there, though, I’d pour myself 300ml almond milk, tear up this cookie, pour in hot water and microwave it and it would make this oat milk/chocolate kinda tasting thing. It was 300 cals tho so it was a late night snack. Now I just use banana. Well, used. Can’t eat fruit rn cuz of my teeth. (NOT SPONSORED BY ANY OF THESE OBVIOUSLY) (…thanks, I would’ve never guessed.)
(18:38:27) Drinking game every-time you see this image.
Also I misheard Carnie as Kanye help
(18:42:13) What? Those lines were found in the files. Super interesting stuff!
(This is the most serious I get in the post and isn’t very fun to read so skip if you’re sensitive to dark topics.) (19:00:48) Uh, remember that ‘problem’ I mentioned earlier? I feel like To Be Beautiful is a good metaphor for that… issue. Actually, Into The Pit (the original story) kinda feels like it could be a metaphor for an alcoholic parent… well, uh, that was kinda fucked up of me to think of. I’m serious, though. Well, I don’t think that was the intention but y’know. His dad seems one way, but he turns into a rabbit with no explanation. It’s funny cuz I was coming up with this interpretation while watching a video interpreting ITP (the book) and my conclusion was basically the same as the one mentioned by the end of the video. As for, To Be Beautiful, though, Sarah ‘becomes beautiful,’ but it costs her everything, and she’s literally being destroyed slowly, and everyone thinks she’s scary looking when they see her decaying body, and she dies… this is fucking dark, jeez. But you can guess how I see, uh… that.
(19:01:02) Agony counter: 15
Oh no. This has nothing to do with anything in the video rn but I just realised Andrew is associated with the green mask kid, right? Green. GREEN. From now on, all I’m gonna think about when I think of Andrew from FNAF is Andrew fucking Graves. What a mental image.
(19:26:11) Okay no hate to the artist and I know I’m definitely 100% the problem here but to me, Oswald simultaneously looks 12 and 40 in that image to me. Again, it’s my brain’s fault, the art is good- I just- in case you can’t tell my brain fucking hates me 😭
(19:27:35) No way, PitTrap is a Get Scared fan!
(19:37:22) Man, Scott will not let the Exotic Butters joke go.
(19:45:25) I wonder when we’ll see ChicaBro.
(19:46:37) Agony counter: 16
(20:13:49) Sorry I’ve been trying to not say it the whole time but the way this dude pronounces wolf is off to me. (Is this an Australian thing?)
(20:15:57) You know… what if… in the next Fnaf movie… they reveal (movie) Michael is a robot too 💀 aw hell nah.
(20:27:28) Remnant counter: 40
(20:48:47) Agony counter: 18
(20:49:11) Remnant counter: 42. Agony counter: 19.
(20:52:14) Remnant counter: 43
(20:53:19) Okay, so, that confirms what I thought. If their personalities are “amplified/worsened” then there’s a chance Roxy is kinda just like a chill sister who teases you and not… well, that. Oh, yeah, you know, it’s nice to go back and time and say what your favourite animatronics were at the date of each games’ release! I think I loved either Bonnie or Foxy in Fnaf 1, then Toy Bonnie in Fnaf 2, then… well, we didn’t have many options in Fnaf 3. Fnaf 4, uh… idk probably Bonnie again. Fnaf 5… idk at the time, maybe Lolbit. I love Yenndo too, though. He just like me fr. Fnaf 6? Idk, maybe Molten Freddy? And Roxy was my fave when SB came out. Oh, btw, I have a Roxy and Moondrop sticker behind my bed. The others fell down the back.
21:04:00 Who even asked for a FNAF cookbook? I know I’m not exactly the target audience for the average pizza (meat and cheese doesn’t really work with a vegan, surprisingly, but I did try this recently! I had half. SO GOOD.) but like- what recipes are they even gonna include? It’s a pizzeria franchise, is it just different pizzas? 😭 No, seriously, who is the target audience? Kids? They can’t cook lol. Adults? Eh. Okay, maybe I’m biased against cookbooks but I’ve never seen the point in them. Following recipes already kinda bores me, I just prefer to slap random shit together and see what works… oh, for the record? NEVER mix those quorn vegan chicken slices in with porridge. Don’t ask why I tried it. I thought it wouldn’t have a taste. (Ne-Si moment.) ALSO, sorry, but just hearing these read out loud 💀 a lot of these seem like fast food options…
21:06:39 I actually got this as a gift once… I felt kinda mildly offended… not cuz I don’t like Fnaf but because it’s a kids colouring book.
21:07:30 Man, I’d LOVE to do a choose your own adventure novel but it seems like a lot of math and I fucking suck at that lol.
28:08:35 Sorry to any… Coppelia’s… out there but… yeah, no, that’s it, actually. Sorry. I’m truly sorry. That’s tough. Never let Ralph name another kid.
21:11:48 Oh, my birthday. :)… :(…
21:13:53 The movie we actually needed. Imagine that being your first exposure to Fnaf.
21:13:57 Maybe in the far future?
21:14:00 Is this the first confirmation we get of Cassidy?
21:14:57. Here’s how I would’ve cast the movie: Mike (Markiplier), Abby (Ryan’s toy reviews), William Afton (Boris Johnson), Vanessa (Lis Truss). I’m having way too much fun with this. Blumhouse, if you need someone to sort the casting, you know who to call (I was originally gonna say Simon Cowell for William but this is funnier). Oh, and the aunt is Jacksepticeye I guess. The random guard who dies, who was meant to be Markiplier originally, is uh… Taylor Swift idfk this makes no sense LOL
Also, fun fact, my first exposure to the fnaf movie was someone sending the entire fucking thing in a discord server. Someone did buy tickets tho for the movie. Not me, in case you’re thinking I “backed out” of not buying shit. Look I’m not saying I’ll never buy a fnaf product in my life this ain’t about proving anything, I genuinely am just uncomfortable about the donations. (I’m also not telling you what to do.)
21:23:10. Oh, hmm… kinda like ITP.
21:24:23 This made me actually look up rabbit symbolism, and it seems to fit pretty well with what William did. “Rabbits are widely known for their prolific breeding, making them a symbol of fertility and abundance. Dreaming of a rabbit can signify growth, prosperity, and the potential for new beginnings.” “The idea of rabbits as a symbol of vitality, rebirth and resurrection derives from antiquity. This explains their role in connection with Easter, the resurrection of Christ.” This fits with William playing God, plus Scott is a Christian, so…
(21:26:34) I wonder if this twist was also obvious as hell to non-Fnaf fans. My family just left the theatre confused, I remember. Also, the theatre sucked and had no hype aside from when the living tombstone started playing and one kid yelled “LET’S FUCKING GOO” with no one else responding. I felt bad but I didn’t want to fangirlboy(?) in front of my family. On the inside I was. Idk why, but I genuinely didn’t expect TLT.
Huge tangent, skip if you want.
(21:26:54) Bro, never let me theorise, I’m looking up coffee symbolism. “Coffee Symbol Analysis. As Standage argues, coffee has long symbolized intellect, creativity, and “just a streak of revolution.” During the Enlightenment, coffee—and the coffeehouses where it was served—represented a form of free, open discourse in which new ideas could be discussed without prejudice.” Could it be that Scott chose coffee to signify William’s mastermind plan?… or did he just choose an incredibly common fucking drink? Which is more likely. Actually, I know this is pseudoscience, but the whole “psychopaths drink black coffee” thing could be intentional. (Tangential, but I know psychopath isn’t really used as a diagnosis, I’m just saying it’s a myth. Wikipedia is saying it was never used by the DSM or ICD as a stand-alone diagnosis but it is telling me gay people were in the section on ‘sociopathic personality disturbances…’ man, why were people so afraid of gay people back in the day? Like, boo? A dude likes dudes. Big deal.) but I feel like it’s a trope anyway? Idk. I’m reading WAY too deep into it. Anyway, if I’m being honest, I never actually looked up if that coffee thing was true because it obviously isn’t… I looked it up and it’s one study. *sigh* give me some time. Okay. Back.
Look, I’ll level with you, I tried reading the study. It’s so boring. I can’t. And I don’t understand it either, but I read a slate article that summarises it. Apparently it’s about bitter food (not coffee), it’s a slight correlation, everyone has a different idea of “bitter” food, the participants were paid $0.60, they self-assessed and the whole thing just seems like a big cluster. Also, what’s the purpose of this study? What, if there’s a correlation, we lock people up for drinking coffee? Literally 1984, not even memeing.
21:28:18 Honestly, considering I believe CC was originally meant to be the puppet, I wonder if the FNAF Movies will be more focused on ideas Scott never went through with. I feel like we might genuinely get an answer on what’s in the box… just kidding. Unless?
21:29:03. Man, when my research mode is on it makes me automatically open google as if this isn’t common sense. It’s the whole theory behind the input hypothesis.
21:29:30. Bit of a stretch lol.
21:32:37 Not to shittalk but didn’t that dude fake like several things lol? Sorry. It’s just the funny bear franchise so I guess it’s not that serious I just hear that name and take what I hear next with grains of salt lol… talbert files my beloved. (Tbf someone else could’ve faked the files and they somehow got it lol)
21:56:20 I remember insisting I stayed back for the credits when the movie finished. I knew some shit would be spelled out. Near the end of the credits, my family said we should go, and I finally caved… then, just as I was about to leave, it began. I couldn’t understand it, though. But still. I was right.
21:58:59 Maybe William is just a priest. Ever thought of that? Checkmate.
21:59:47. (Watch me own myself lol) I mean, okay? But if Michael was a teenager by 1983, and let’s be really generous and say he’s 13 (he’s probably much older, 15-17, from look), and assume that William and Ms. Afton had him at 22 (the average age in the 1980’s people had kids), then let’s place Michael’s birthday at 1970. If we assume that, then William would be born 1948. Vanessa was born in 1997. William would be 49… huh, it actually could work. I have a feeling my math is off, though. Again, I think Michael is more likely 15-17 in 1983. I guess Vanessa being William’s daughter does make sense then. I guess I always thought he’d be old as fuck by SB. Uh… when did I theorise it to take place again? 2024-2027… if William was around in 2024, he’d be 79 at minimum lol. Still, I find it weird that her father being dead is never brought up in the therapy tapes.
22:00:44 Agony counter: 20.
22:03:06 Headcanons on FNAF characters playing monopoly. Freddy would be the mediator between arguments. Chica would be constantly warned to stop snacking over the game board, but she’d also bring the snacks. Foxy would try and steal shit when people are away, and Bonnie would call him out on it but not be believed. Golden Freddy is just kinda there (I don’t think he can play monopoly, I don’t think he can move very well lol.) This is weird, but I also saw this once, so not the weirdest interpretation of the animatronics.
(22:03:42) I think I own this lol. Never opened.
(22:15:20) I thought those were vapes ngl 💀 don’t vape btw. Tried it twice. Disgusting both. Didn’t do shit nor make me relaxed.
(22:15:58) I think I won the Freddy and Foxy ones in a claw machine in 2016. I still have them, too. :)
(22:17:43) I know the blacklight and pink-edition shit is just an excuse to re-use molds and shit but these look cute!
(22:18:03) Is the wolf pronunciation an accent thing?? 😭
(22:28:34) MEMORY UNLOCKED. THIS IS WHAT WAS IN THE BOX. I joke, but seriously, I had a few pillow pets growing up. Wish I still had them. :( I think I had the ladybug, the bee, maybe other ones. LOL WHY IS THERE AN APPA ONE. Also maybe I’m misremembering but I could’ve sworn there were MLP ones. I thought I had a rainbow dash one. Probably misremembering.
(22:37:44) #BringBackTheCassidyKazoo
(22:39:25) Hmm interesting…
(22:48:34) Ah, yes, “look to the novels (give me money)” (I was gonna make an ‘X amount exactly’ joke cuz I did the math once but I lost the image so) (this was meant to be lighthearted but the tone might’ve not come across right.)
(22:54:38) Remnant counter: 45.
(23:03:57) Agony counter: 29.
(23:10:17) See, I believed this for a while, but you gotta remember… it’s a fucking square, of course it’s going to look like the map. Well, a rectangle.
(23:19:31) Why does everyone have to be someone in this series? Why can’t an mf just be an mf?
(23:20:02) Agony counter: 32.
(23:22:58) I don’t think a lot of people viewed it as a joke… by people I mean kids.
(23:24:34) Almost missed this! Remnant counter: 49. Agony counter: 36.
(23:28:42) Lol I like this joke theory, they’re all fighting for control. XD
(23:30:08) Agony counter: 51. Remnant counter: 51
Well, that’s it. I haven’t done a post like this in a while. Well, I made one when LIS:DE came out, but, honestly? I was really enjoying the game, up until the 4th episode, and then the fifth just left me so bewildered that I deleted the draft. I didn’t know how to feel.
But, anyway, nice video, very well put together. I don’t know how he has the storage for all that, but still. I know I got a lot wrong. I’m not a fnaf theorist and I don’t know everything. Also I suck at maths. :) also I know I’m obnoxious and talkative sorry but it is your choice to read…
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Can’t wait for everyone to look back in 10 years at Jackie’s Box and call that peak nostalgia
#lemons random rants#jackie’s box#Fnaf#my name is the fucking mimic#my name is David#my name is edwin#I made the mimic#it was difficult to put the pieces together
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I forgot how hard the danganronpa soundtrack slaps. I want this played at my funeral.
#danganronpa#lemons random rants#thh#Youtube#TUMBLR STOP ADDING THE YOUTUBE TAG RANDOMLY TO MY POSTS
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My favourite lunch/dinner (I eat dinner at 12PM and don’t eat lunch. no it’s not good sorry.) to eat as of recently has been a block of tofu (uncooked) with a vegetable of sorts + vinegar, but I notice “vegetables” has been replaced with baked beans on 3 occasions now. A mix of cultures, one could say. Weird as fuck to everyone around me? Yes. But I enjoy it.

#lemons random rants#tofu#baked beans#vegan#I want to cause whiplash to anyone scrolling through the vegan tag looking at those beautiful recipe photos#…to see baked beans and tofu.
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Yes Duolingo getting down to one heart and having to repeat the same lesson over and over again while watching an ad each time I fail, to be so worried by the idea of making the tiniest spelling error that you click every box, translate everything just to make sure and then submit your answer, just to be punished for the tiniest of wording difference or mistake that will never even be explained to you (unless you get that shitty premium no one cares about <3) is such a great way to teach people languages. Nothing is a better method of teaching than making people afraid to make mistakes and throw shit at the wall until it sticks. Removing the practice feature was amazing, for your pockets, and that’s all that matters. You know, I’ve never considered leaving a negative review before for anything, I like to be nice, but fuck this shit, I only use this app to keep my streak anyway.
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I just found out someone dubbed a yandere asmr satire script I made years ago but I don’t wanna say anything cuz then I’d have to reveal that I googled myself out of boredom. 💀
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Psychosophy Userboxes 3/3
#lemons random rants#psychosophy#typology#velf#vlef#flev#felv#levf#lvef#fvel#fevl#Userboxes#lemons random userboxes
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Psychosophy Userboxes Part 2/3
#psychosophy#lemons random rants#typology#elfv#eflv#vfle#vlfe#vefl#vfel#lefv#lfev#Userboxes#lemons random userboxes
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Psychosophy Userboxes Part 1/3
#psychosophy#lemons random rants#typology#fvle#flve#evlf#elvf#lvfe#lfve#evfl#efvl#Userboxes#lemons random userboxes
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Rapid fire shit I hate about Duolingo despite my 2000+ day streak.
1. The repetitive exercises, especially once you finish the tree. I’ve heard the sentence “esta galleta de limón me recuerda a mi abuela” about 5000 times by now. (The Esperanto course is somehow slightly better at this. Slightly. Tired of hearing about gold balls.) The point of the practices should be to refresh your memory. At least I still have the practice feature-
2. OH, WAIT, NO, I DON’T. They removed that for the genius alternative of WATCHING AN AD EVERY TIME YOU WANT A HEART. If you have zero hearts, that means 5 ads. Oh, speaking of-
3. The hearts system as a whole. Duolingo punishes you for making mistakes. “It’s to prevent binging” bulllllllshit. There are so many times where you’re close to finishing a lesson, but one tiny mental slip makes you mess up. So you watch an ad. You finish the ad. “You’ve earned a heart! Watch an ad to earn another one.”
But sure. Keep distracting us with a meme that died, oh, I dunno, FIVE YEARS AGO? Not like I even use this app because I believe it works, anyway. I use it because I have a 2327 day streak.
It was me, by the way. I did it.
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Tw: disordered eating.
I’m trying to, uh, eat ‘better’
(finally realised I probably have a very restrictive ED. Just to show you how much, THIS was my idea of ‘improvement’ from yesterday. Click it if you wanna see it.)

BTW, I had the oats at 7AM, the carrot and coriander at 4PM, 3 protein bars at 5PM and one at 7PM. Look, a few months ago I wouldn’t have even touched a banana because of the sugar never mind eat breakf*st (omg I was doing OMAD without even realising /j. No, seriously. I’d have a sandwich with 2 Richmond vegan sausages, chili and avocado, and salad. I stopped when I found a piece of chicken in the salad. Didn’t want to order salad from anywhere again. And I’d snack on oatcakes and rice cakes 3-4x a day. That was what I ate. Every day lol. The consequences of being exposed to LPS popular when I was 6-7 and certain internet tags as a young (overweight) teen. Reaping the consequences all these years later. I didn’t realise how bad it got cuz of the caffeine, so when I quit? Yeah, I began noticing a lot of shit. I lost five stone and people think that’s a good thing. Sure, maybe 13’6 to 8’8 is good, but the way I did it??? People tell me I’m healthy in one breath then “you’re so pale. you look sick.” in the next.
The point is that, this morning, I was deciding what to have for dinner (at 12PM… normal dinner time.) and I was thinking I could have chickpeas with something. I read the label. “Suitable for vegetarians.” I checked the ingredients list “water, chickpeas.” I stood there, flabbergasted. I picked up a small can of baked beans, my worst enemy, but rich in iron, which I am not exactly sufficient in. Not really healthy, either, but did I care? No. Canned carrots. I think these ones said “suitable for vegans.” Ingredients list. “Carrots, water.” Then I found some peas. “Suitable for vegetarians.” “Peas, water.”
…anyway, I settled on baked beans and carrots. Maybe if I’m feeling spicy I’ll have some green cuisine dippers but those are like 274 cals and the beans are 168 which is like 442 cals… which, okay, not as bad as I thought but genuinely kinda scary. For a while I’d have FIID meal packs w vegan chicken slices, but those made me BLOAT.
Anyway, what magical ingredient are they putting in this to make it not vegan?? I know it’s probably mislabelled, but I ain’t risking that 😭
“It’s a can of fucking chickpeas,” you say. Well, not mine. Not anymore.
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I tried kiwi for the first time a few days ago, skin and all. Mouth began to burn. Did it three more times. Continued. I think I have a fucking KIWI ALLERGY…
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I relate to Pomni a lot because my life is a circus and I’m trapped in it.
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So it turns out that if you drink caffeine since you were a young kid and have been addicted for over 10 years and consume 3-4 coffees with 3-4 lucozade energy drinks a day and you quit it turns out that it makes you REALLLLYYY double depressed. Time feels real. I feel real. I feel like I woke up from a coma or a fake reality. And it feels really fucking weird and oh god if I can’t mask my depression anymore, I might actually have to do something about it. The horror.
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Me going through fnaf lore videos in 2024 as if I didn’t give up on trying to understand the lore after SB released: Uh-huh, interesting. Yes this ChicaDCI MichaelMCI ScraptrapDuo ElizabethHell ShatterDoug GamesGames MsAftonConvicted Henry=MsAfton DougVictim 3afterFFPS BlobPhoneGuy BrazilCanonEnding BV82 CB1960 ShadowBonnie46 ToyFreddyBite WillMound OmniMCIDCI PigtailMike RalphGlitchtrap TCTTC 15th April 1865 UCNReal VanessaVengeful theory is the smartest thing I’ve ever heard.
#lemons random rants#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#yes I consulted a glossary#no I don’t fully understand all the implications of this#fnaf theory#fnafblr
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My second book has been “almost done” for over a year now. The thing is that proofreading is so boring. Like, I love writing. I even enjoy editing. I love all that shit, love it. But proofreading… MAN. I proofread my first book like 20 times (though I should’ve edited it like 100 extra times lol that thing is um. Not my proudest work.) and by the 20th time I was like “fuck this, if a typo or two slips by, I am beyond caring.”
Now, for my current book, I am approaching that phase. Currently, I’m planning on doing one proofread with a text to speech app on my computer (a really unintuitive one that bores me to tears), planning an extra proofread and then I’ll order proof copies, proofread that once or twice, and then I’m fucking done.
First world problems, at the end of the day. I guess I’ve been struggling because I’m recovering from burnout, dealing with the worst depression (mentally, anyway) I’ve ever had and losing my passion for anything and everything. But, er, you don’t need the details. I think the worst part is when you’ve proofread the fucking thing over and over, and you find a really obvious typo! One I found today was “What kind of questions is that?”
*facepalm* Agh. Pain in the ass. Genuinely.
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