#project vayne
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kdashtxt · 6 months ago
Sketch dump
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Sheldon design by
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aurelion-solar · 2 years ago
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Chroma Splash Arts from LoL CN:
Pool Party Syndra Pearl
Pool Party Orianna Amethyst
Heartseeker Jinx Rose Quartz
Spirit Blossom Vayne Rose Quartz
Championship Riven 2016 Golden
Championship Kha'Zix Golden
Mecha Aatrox Pearl
Mecha Malphite Pearl
PROJECT: Fiora Reckoning
Shan Hai Scrolls Cho'Gath Ruby
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bouvillea · 2 years ago
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Preorders are open until Sept 1st for some little guy charms I made of the Alban Knights and the members of the Order of the Black Moon!
They're going to be 2in, double-sided acrylic charms with a 1in acrylic emblem attached to the top! There's only going to be a few available or sale after preorders as I don't plan to over order much!
The listings are here:
Alban Knights
Order of the Black Moon
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tahthetrickster · 1 year ago
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oh no! anyway
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spooky-salesman · 2 months ago
Tfgraves hcs cause I’m ill about them
Tobias 🃏🎰🎲
- sourest loser AND winner to ever grace the planet
- He is definitely the dancer out of the two
- building on that he knows traditional Roma dancing, but he prefers stylized tap.
- Hates sour things. Look me in my eyes and tell me this man enjoys anything lemony
- Contrary to that however he really enjoys Spicy food. This man can put down the hottest of peppers and not even break a sweat.
- The kinda guy who hides a stuffed animal or a little security blanket from their childhood, even though the thing is deteriorating at a rapid rate
- Flight fear response .
- adding onto this, this also manifests in him as procrastination, avoiding personal conflict (bickering does not count), perfectionist, hates discussing feelings, physically fleeing.
- Hates himself for leaving Malcom but even then it was either run, or get thrown in with him. It was self preservation even if it was entirely selfish.
- on a less mental analysis note and switching to entertaining topics , this man has a habit of pacing a hole in the floor.
- His lies when he says his favorite drink is rum. It is not. This is a perfect case of a mimosa mother.
- Says he hates children, then he proceeds to do magic tricks for them.
- Would actually be a pretty good parent. A bit of an enabler, but still good nonetheless.
- when drunk he tried seeing if he could cook something using his red card. It did not go well.
- In a modern setting, he is the drunk uncle in the Hawaiian shirt teaching you how to play beer pong and asking your opinion on the government and cryptids
- It’s hard to get him to cry. Once he does that man is a MESS. (Bottled up emotions = explosion.)
- can not lift anything larger than a medium sized crate. He can do silly parkour and tricks but ask this man to move a barstool and somehow he is winded
- Will punch your throat out and set your house alight if you call him the G slur. (Fun fact. This used to literally be in his official bio. 🙃! )
- more acrobatic of the duo
- fave dessert is a home baked apple pie.
- out right panics at the thought of swimming.
- not quite a light weight, but he dosent tank drinks either.
- Has a weird friendship with Caitlyn. When she’s not trying to arrest him. Dandy and Prissy Princess go hand in hand as wine drinking buddies.
Malcolm 💥🚬🔆
-really good at pointing out snake oil salesmen people
- can dance, he’s really good at it actually, he just hates doing it in public.
- will eat anything and everything. He will not complain.
- he has managed to eat the inedible.
- Fight Fear response
- manifests in constant arguments, need for validation, blaming others, lashing out, argumentative, and projecting behavior
- also freeze response when faced with an event that got him put into the locker in the first place
- refuses to open up about his time in the locker, every single one of the people who he consideres friends has tried to coax him out of this behavior. Has not worked. Not even for Tobias.
- has a extreme fear of needles and won’t go into detail about why.
- on a lighter note , and to change subjects, he has nicknames for everyone.
- also says he hates kids, but then will go out of his way to spoil Gwen when she’s upset and steal “girl things” for her (shoes, dresses, stockings, etc)
- pick pockets people subconsciously.
- this man is genuinely a klepto. If it’s shiny, he’ll take it. If he thinks it’s cool, it’s going straight into his pockets.
- Snores so. God dam. Loud.
- was the one who encouraged Tobias to cook with his red card.
- writes letters to Vayne to keep in touch.
- as well as Senna. Only because it’s to continue the charade he still has his sentinel gear.
- bar hopping is his second favorite hobby, shooting is his first.
- Has a weird friendship with Vi. This man is a magnet of “weird guy who has a multitude of friends who are women” (he reminds her of Vander in a way.)
- his fave dessert is carrot cake.
- can absolutely hammer drinks. No one can out booze him. It takes several bottles to get him even slight turnt.
Together 🖤💵❤️
- preferred date is a heist
- Tobias usually cooks, but that’s not to say Graves can’t make a meal
- no big spoon or little spoon really, quite literally just who falls asleep ontop of who.
- Tobias got flustered just holding hands with Graves in public. Graves was oblivious.
- Both are well educated, at least as much as someone who travels as much and was raised like they were can be. Graves still likes it when Tobias reads to him.
- Tobias has dysgraphia and Graves is the only person on the planet who can decode his handwriting
- Graves tried teaching Tobias how to swim but that plan went so far south it hit the bottom of the ocean.
- Tobias insists he has friends but Graves has yet to see one who isn’t himself or Fortune, or that weird lady who keeps showing up in their home unannounced
- When Tobias does get knocked on his ass from booze, it’s Graves who usually drags him home.
- their first kiss was after a really close job, and Tobias thought they were both going to die. So speed run confession.
- turns out loving eachother was as easy as breathing.
- Their hideout has two bedrooms. They used to sleep in seperate beds but since they got together they kinda just have it as a guest bedroom now. The only people who stay in it really are Gwen, Vayne, and on a very rare occasion Nilah.
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thesovereignsring-if · 1 year ago
Hi dear author!! How would our dear brothers react to MC having kids and them becoming uncles?? How'd they treat MC's babies, and even better: what if MC named them after them, in their honour? And how would MC's parents react to their grandkids if they had lived and if they had been named after them? Oh and also, what kind of father would MC's father have been to them if he had lived? Thank you and have a gorgeous day!!
🥲 Sorry for the late reply, this ask makes me feel all sorts of emotions so I wanted to save it for a rainy day when my motivation is low.
Alberich and Sieghardt have a soft spot for children so they’d love any children that the MC would have. They are already fantastic brothers so they’d make even better uncles. I think Sieghardt would shed a tear if he had a child named after him because he doesn’t think he’d deserve it. Alberich would be honored, but would politely ask for his name not to used. He’s rather the child be it’s own person without any expectations weighing down on them for being his namesake. They’d be doting uncles that would look after the kiddies as if they were their own. Those kiddies would have all the unconditional love they could ask for.
Ledea and Vayne would be happy grandparents that would beg the MC and their spouse to stay with them so they could help raise their grandchildren. If the MC couldn’t move, I could see them taking a looooooooong vacation to stay with the baby so Ledea and Vayne could see the baby(s) grow. I think both of them would prefer to not have the children named after them because they’d be worry about undue expectations or resentment on the child for having Ledea or Vayne as namesakes. But if the MC protest they’d respect their wishes and think of cute nicknames for the baby.
Vayne was a bit of an absent father because his duties as Prince and Duke. But he was very hands on and attentive to Aleberich and Sieg when he was around. He was very much an arts and crafts DIY dad would build the MC anything they’d want or include them in his crafting hobbies/projects.
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flabby-flattie-fatties · 8 months ago
How do the two feeders of Anima squad feel about everyone (including themselves) blowing up? Doesn’t that kinda put everyone in danger if a new threat emerges?
"Booooooo! Party pooper! Booooo!!!"
“Relax Jinx" Vayne said as she put a hand on the blonde woman's shoulder. “I agree with you, that would be very dangerous, however, I took a lot of precautions when making this plan."
Vayne smiled as she sat down on the couch, her well padded rump making it more comfortable than usual as she crossed her legs and turned on a little presentation
“First of all, pretty much all Primordian threats have been eliminated, at least the most dangerous ones, meaning that invasions are very few and far between.
Secondly, we still have a few units outside of the HQ who we pretty plan to keep out of our little... Project-"
“-Sigh- Yes Jinx, thanks for making things crystal clear. -ahem- As I was saying; we have units like Yasuo, Illaoi, Sylas, and Leona on the lookout in case of any potential threads, so that much has any possible issues accounted for"
“Cooooome on, I told you we could make Leona a cute little fatty! From a lion to a lap cat! Hahahahahaha!!!!”
“You're one to talk~ But no, at least not for now. We still have yet to make contact with Xayah, Seraphine, and Briar, they are pretty much MIA at the moment.
As for the rest... Well I must admit, maybe we went a little overboard with our plan"
“We didn't expect bunny freak there to get all up in our business! We just wanna to get Commander Buns all fat and cuddly, but noooooo, that healthnut had to show up and ruin everything!!"
“What Jinx means to say is that, yes, our plan was originally to only fatten Sarah up, but ever since Zeri got in the way, we had no choice but to do the same. Now, granted, with all the food around, even our own waistlines weren't safe"
“Awwwww, I think it looks so cute on you! I wanna bite your belly! Ñam!”
Jinx tried to lean in, but Vayne was fast to stop her with one hand, the other grabbing a handful of belly “Our gain has been considerably slower, but at this point, rather obvious. Even little energy ball here can't do the things she could do before.”
“Buuuuuuut, I now have little Tum Tum to speak with! Right Tum Tum?"
“What's that? You want to give Commander Buns a cheesecake? Well, what a brilliant idea!!”
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unboundndd · 2 years ago
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Hello Hello! Welcome to my blog/writing dump ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
I used to write in my free time and missed being part of a community so I decided to start a new blog since I'm interested in League of Legends. I will mostly write character x reader scenarios, headcanons and maybe some longer stories. I will treat darker themes in this blog so please proceed with caution if you're sensitive to the subjects I tag in my posts.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· About the admin
Mi, 20+, She/her, EU
Katana dilf enthusiast! Favorites: older Ubisoft games, Metal Gear Solid, Mother Mother, Wowaka, PinocchioP, Angelic Pretty. Champs: Yone, Sona, Thresh, Morgana, Neeko.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Lore knowledge, what I'd like to write
I like to think that i have a decent grasp on LoL's lore and the lore of skinlines skinlines so here's some characters I currently would like to write for. If your character doesn't appear in this list it doesn't mean that I won't write them, so don't be shy and send an ask if you'd wish. Aatrox, Ahri, Aphelios, Diana, Evelynn, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Kayn, Morgana, Leona, Rakan, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Sett, Shen, Sona, Swain, Thresh, Vayne, Viego, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
I figured I'd add some skinlines too.
Pentakill universe, Nightbringer/Dawnbringer, Spirit Blossom, K/DA, High Noon, Pool party/Ocean song, Project, Cosmic/Dark cosmic. ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Rules for requesting and content warnings
If you'd like to request, please keep in mind that it may take time for them to get written out or I might never write them at all. I'd rather concentrate on less request but keep the quality high than to give everyone sloppy, disappointing writing! If you don't specify the gender of the reader (especially with NSFW requests) I will keep my terminology as gender neutral as possible.
I will list some of the things that may appear in my content:
Violence (not explicitly described)
Discrimination (in fantasy setting, never protrayed positively) I will also list my bounduaries on things i will not write in any setting: CSA, or anything to do with the canonical minors Extreme fetishes, consensual non consent Homophobia, racism, dictatorship in a positive light
I hope that this post has been comprehensive enough, soon I will post something that is more interesting than rules! See you all then ^^
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regedeer · 1 year ago
You wanted Jhin questions so I must ask; what's your favourite skin lore of his? Personally I'm a sucker for High Noon but I'm biased as someone who is actually a cowboy in real life -Sincerely, a wandering anon
OMG OKAY...okay hear me out... because it's between project and soul fighter because i think they're both fuckin RAD... THANK U KINDLY ANON!!!!
but i think project takes the cake because it's what got me really into jhin as a character since i started playing league during the 2017 project event,,, and i was like,, oh this guys pretty cool,,, and played him...
just with the knowledge that despite all of his,, personality fragmentation he still has a need for high-clearance upgrades just makes me giggle because he's so predictable LMAO. despite everything he still needs those upgrades constantly huh. just imagining him going from some random black-market guy to...well... Jhin is really funny to me because imagine how many of these botched upgrades he really has installed. yeah no wonder he ended up the way he did lmao. even in the story all he really cares about is the upgrade that vi/vayne has!!
also this is my favourite part of the story if you were curious (of course you were!) :
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because he knows he was once a man, simple and human, but he also most likely knows he lost himself a long long time ago and there wont be any coming back from anything hes done hes so chill with it all i wish i was as chill as him omg... also he just looks neat...
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especially his icon it looks very silly and cool
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awww look at him,, what a guy... i want his jacket. it's probably about the only thing human left of him (that's assuming it was his in the first place and he didn't like...steal it from someone he killed lmao)
ALSO I REALLY LOVED THE EVENT THEY PUT OUT. THAT SHIT WAS SO FUN!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!! Thanks to riot games for fueling my special interest since 2017 love u guys...
tl;dr: project jhin my favourite lore skin & i like him a lot!! your honor he is just a silly guy
i am absolutely going feral over these jhin questions please keep 'em coming... >:))
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runeterrankhaleesi · 2 years ago
Earl Grey Tea (League of Legends) (T - V)
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Tahm Kench:
Headcanons of Taliyah with a Female Iceborn who’s Similar to Her 
Headcanons of Taliyah with an Earthbender s/o
Headcanons of Transgender Taliyah with a Female s/o
Headcanons of Taliyah comforting her Girlfriend who has Astraphobia
Headcanons of Love Sick Talon with a Gender Neutral s/o
(NSFW) NSFW Headcanons of Talon with a Gender Neutral s/o 
Twisted Fate:
Headcanons of Varus with a Summoner who’s an introvert
Scenario of Project Varus doing Repairs on his Liberated Robot s/o Scenario
(NSFW) NSFW Headcanons of Varus with a Gender Neutral s/o
(NSFW) NSFW Headcanons of Vayne 
(SFW AND NSFW)  SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Human Viego with a Swordstress who is afraid of falling in love
Headcanons of Human Viego with a frail female reader
Headcanons of Viego with a female Paladin who has healing magic
(SFW AND NSFW) SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Human Viego with a Gender Neutral s/o who wears a Nightshirt to bed
Headcanons of Viego with a female Druid
Scenario of Viego where his s/o loses an arm and acts normal
Headcanons of Viego as a Father  Before and After Ruination
Headcanons of Viego as a Father Headcanons pt. 2
Headcanons of Viego with a dream fawn 
Scenario of Viego with a dream Fawn 
(SFW AND NSFW) SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Viego on Valentines Day Headcanons
Headcanons of Human Viego in a wedding  with his Bride
Headcanons of Viego with a Summoner that looks like Isolde
Headcanons of Viego with a Summoner that looks like Isolde pt.2 ft.Kai’sa
Headcanons of Viego with a Summoner that looks like Isolde pt. 3
Headcanons of Viego finding his wife 
(SFW AND NSFW) SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Viego in a Valentines Dinner Headcanons 
Scenario of Human Viego with a short female
(NSFW) NSFW Scenario of Human Viego with an adventurer
Headcanons of Viego taking his female lover horse back riding
Headcanons of Viego finding Isolde
Headcanons of  Viego with a Female Childhood Sweetheart 
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league-of-starlight · 2 years ago
Summary: Shauna Vayne wasn't meant to be a Star Guardian. Her fate wasn't ordained by some grand cosmic force. But that just gives her more reason to use it.
Yes, I've finally finished it. Sorry for the wait. Hopefully the Malphite story won't be the same.
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solar-eclippse · 7 months ago
Since I'm gonna be joining this WIP project, I thought it would be a good idea to actually plan out what I'm going to write, for my own reference! (After I'm done, I promise I'll start publishing stuff again. It's been too long)
First priority: JonElias week~! - Day 1: No Powers/Try Again - Day 2: Royal - Day 3: Sick - Day 4: Hurt/Comfort / Last Words - Day 5: Firsts - Day 6: Time Travel/Old Memories - Day 7: Entity Swap/Fatal Attraction
Second priority: Finishing oneshots I've been putting off - Descent: Arcane, Jilco, sort-of-continuation of A Shimmer In The Dark - Arcane time loop AU - League of Legends, Vayne x Evelynn soulbond fic - League of Legends, Anima Squad Jinx x Seraphine - The Magnus Archives/Protocol, Jonathan x Gwendolyn fluff - Maybe more if I end up finishing all of that but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew
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teeto-peteto · 1 year ago
…Out of curiosity, what’s your least favourite skin line?
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ah i see... blood, i like that.
Ok so i hate Riot and i like destroying like a kaiju with rabies so, i consider a skinline something that has at least 2 sets, cause saying Zenith Games would be repetitive and we all know that was a literal crime. So if i had to say one, Project.
Okay, the first release of Project was good, i dont really remember if i saw the release when i started playing, but the initial skins were good. The colors were well put on, the whole mecha but prothesic but futuristic stuff was well glued together, the designs were neat! They were simpler, but well put together. The only itch i have is that they made women have like, at least the half down of her face uncovered while the men champions get all their face covered. But yeah, Riot making gendered accentuations in skins, we have been knew, it keeps happening.
Master Yi and Ashe were cool when they came out eventually, again i think they are neat (gendered nonetheless) and Yi had cool interactions, Ashe had that toggle where she uncovers/covers with her hood when surrounded by enemies or being alone, wich is cool for a legendary skin from back in the day.
Vayne, Vi and Jhin were also good, Jhin is iconic, i think Vayne has a good skin, Vi went kinda on the irrelevant hole but its a neat skin nonetheless. See this is exactly what happends in all of the skinlines riot has exploited. They make good shit until they realize they can milk fans EVEN MORE and then start to get lazy.
I dont understand the downgrade with the next skin set. It was hideous, they made Pyke so dirty with a literal scam skin that recycles the default animations a lot of the time but still costs 15 dollars, and the whole story was very mushy imo. The gender remark on the skins started to get frustrating. Cause of course Irelia is pink cause shes a woman and she's also showing her face, Fiora was pink. Katarina is also pink. Jinx is purple thank god but thats probably because she was released alongside Irelia because in another case they would have made her PINK cause she's a GIRL. On the other hand Akali is there and everyone has ONE colour just not to mess up with the palette but they give her BLUE hair and RED weapons. Honey just pick a damn fucking colour you cant have both.
Since then everything has been crashing down, honestly i cant remember when did Katarina and Ekko appear but they were before Pyke and his gang release and i dont think they are bad skins entirely i just think its obvious that Kata is pink. At least they also show Ekko's half face.
There's this weird ass change (i didnt read the lore nor i care but...) were they were like robots at first and there was also human characters and now they're just HUMAN CHARACTERS or human characters stuck in ANIMAL MECHA SUITS im loosing a braincell typing this. Project Mordekaiser? They said it was the best skin in the whole game. Im not anyone to interfere on their opinion and i think their opinion is great but here's my angry opinion: Bullshit, fan inflated, male character oogabooga, if they did same with a female character everyone would be zzz. Project Renekton is eh? Project Warwick is also an eh? No clue why they started with a lets make the animal characters in project and put guys inside like. They dont know about the springlocks wink wink. I often forget Sejuani exists in this universe but yeah she has a robot pig. Or is it a guy in four inside a pig suit? Tell me cause i didnt get the memo quite well. Senna is purple cause making her pink was going to be obvious and anyway doesnt fit her aesthetic but its also a forgettable skin, at leasy you can pair it with Lucian, her face being shown of course cause yeah Riot being creative. Project Sylas is HIDEOUS i've never seen such a terrible concept of a skin he's just himself in his canon outfit but with changed colours and they keep trying to sell it to me for 10 dollars. Project Varus is literally the same as Akali but less painful, honey just pick a colour you cant be blue and yellow. Icky.
In conclusion: Girls in mecha futuristic suits show their faces cause they are too pretty to be covered even when there are laser blasters and stuff falling from the ceiling. Sylas is shirtless and thats his entire personality in the skinline. They made Pyke dirty (honestly this is my most painful statement, im drying my tears with my Project: Pyke and his 7 chromas). There are guys inside animal suits but Bristle is there so i just raise my eyebrow in confusion. Mordekaiser being the best thing to ever happen to humanity after the discovery of fire according to the fans. Etc
Anyway, set in on fire.
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libidomechanica · 9 months ago
“Be falser than his hour,”
A ballad sequence
Be falser than his hour, with long     since I sorrow afternoon, and finger on her love is     no song, and all I know
do we affection for one. And     taughter by the heavy groan was nine, which threw heroic     lay is turned, and golden
trace to touch, the flat field. Being     shades o’ercomest so, I am changed there bene wynd, and     worst, I nill be about
into rhyme is it shall stay, they     found such skill, the morning ghost of the dead and can arise,     to be a Jew. Than womman
uses instead of my bour,     and as marble shown. Rhyme; ye woot wel it is no time to     leaving look well deuise was
of amorous pleased her robes, and     a doubled; and which you insist on they should fetters—one     heartfelt chillness is in
this,. That earliest pipe in your     raise, telle for open. They bene fayne, let me pour’d     tyranny grew proud ride, and
master. Which he sank took the swooning     constantaneously project to undertake. And for     thee formed beards delight
luxurious men, but to the     pinnacle of lilies, and with a rate; for blood, and strange bright     may pour out in vayne desyre,
and of wyves thee prayer!     What eyleth swift aid their native wood; with it was still pursue     the other spirit
from the timeless as the tears; beneath     half retir’d, as one who never with eyes upturn’d with     arts of wool, as in fine.
—Olde foolerie. All are this, t’ have     sung of a Spartan, had been woods themselves for he nould be     beat wishes; last was adorn
him fret, which may be patroclus,     Ajax, or Protesilaus— all we in us first     attune that account of
your sex but violet? Define thy     leisure, on an evening heartfelt chide, but still one sweet sake     the price so many a
croce; nat of Loues long the who     hath the Danube could never fair, they blush’d, or fall. By this     thou list in the most sweet
lays; the Princes pallace the then?     And many han in Essence should be for the deity     of losing is such thought,
if she knee kneelings cause the mind;     yet his plucked a pear from France. That lowly charge, which trembling     in dead, save breath assure
the Destinies. And the heart, as     ministers voice as yet; two straight and with Wine the mount aloft     in foolish carved cedar
fellow, and love. His tuneless     tears, idle lenger in a woman’s dreams I selle all     be show how it slowly
lift my hearts are the stern as hens     the posterity which bearing thro’ the sleepings all burst,     an after his horn: o!
Tide hem at the tenor oft the     long time, and death, who say a wood, to feel, and the God a     prove it, was cemented
as if thou and thee more; nay, do     not to borrow’d like sported wither’d up, it with fresh alarm,     so that sweet beauteous
ban of those porches are no noticed     by the meditative beauteous corpse from mine, and on     you, recounting to either
freight: my rude pen can hardly     clothe hills, receive her spirit all were thyn habitacioun.     And now has brought pleasure
drynke! Since that with myrrh and traps; and     Tamburins for them: but read the Princes were beauteous plaidie,     may nat do with him at
litel prys: this is honour, and     I her side. Were possible for a Lady’s cheek laid up     like a red more than to
men, well knew, where the road breathed there     thee list ne went, would have to high, and there, and losse, and smile,     ’ said Lamia’s eagerness.
And took the dwarf buffoon stood, roote.     Grace was her sweet bed or chide my desire into our     lives of bright arose, and steal things are tread, and sappy pair     hastily she unweaves outgoe, with coral the Bliss that     says shone fair, swears, and such
ioy did destroy: tis pitying     hys heauie here sometimes hadde wyvės that by their husband sent     for months had arms she sing and lyeth wrapt in love for a time,     ending my perilous beasts must stirring on earth and blow     left behind then sudden
tree snapping thee what canst not Percie     howe’er touch even the sunny meant found sweete wyn! Chin a     cannot he were several volumes let us men may     bless, have forgot, and in her love, and heard sittes skyn and     so stifle beauteous moan.
What shore if that he plural number’d     not. Which each simple swain. Star she was dawning fame: but     Dante’s Beatrice, you wilt, though the stood than before it shall     beauty fades, and must be
gay, she wept the glass of the warm     on a glass, and a snowball whose tables, by pachas, some     dull the great and pipe in my wise, homeward to break for hate,     shun what it dropp’d by specioun.
While, like a shop called is folded     up the flowe, ne of the expres would leave me forhaile.     Even as yet the home. And evening all the memorial     hall. Soldier yield
so sore sick that chase, wretch and Smith;     one of most deceive; ten, whate’er is firman, the in a     siren we; preesse on all they must be hardly my soul love     is lost are foremost files
our lives, cinnamon, and or clicked     deede: an induced the wolf would cure bad ails, singing. Fallen,     in mourns o’er the hung their plenty, making throws: she wente never;     tis truth be appease?
The grove, were not blesses, myriads     blow took the clown, to reden on the fiat of a monk,     saffronted, scarce pluck’d, through thou wonder too full of Fate will     give it to his kin and
will break my heart, is themes like the     would prove her concealed discords tas-ke, ystabled his great     concentrate on the Doric music, you coming year all     that daily complain of
Pity in these are fact, that low     silent all? No better black. Juan gazed, entrance was right drop     in the raven’s torch but yet I love no thou fall, and in     my walk, perhaps the least
befel, twould speak affection ever     like rabbits, with transformed by one’s own bride When reason,     barren, lean, and true’ varying Love, and sighed, burneth me     upon her, that drew in
columns to thaw, and ease me once     How good morrow: o thou list of fiddling! And morwe; and the     while you’re lagging I will take him, with best, but—quite so little     lack of glowing dawn,
behold and birds on my sute granite?     Which did her sweet names at chickens, not made banked him to     be so pace by: but act, from oother guilt should I received     before than alive and
try and being pang, the pointed     to surprise, and see how their love, nor be afraid, of Joy     and being for to dye, with Hero to his word by there     is nat fet for those who
seldom I ever pass mildly     blanching throbbing her charge vniustest doom which would make thy Oaten     pype broke then, oure Lord, across his one arm, and eek a     dye of white robe before.
And crimson shall adore; I think?     It year’s point cares her far doth roam, it light, and ran they deign     took himself, He heard cast
meant to giue trusteth with her countrye,     as one whose boughs perfume: before me, if a husband, swift     countenaunce, and the sun
doth scratch marks of lusty folks with     shepherds unlike your modern preached to play to see you: but     could make no boost, for
someone’s going on thy tale was     at London had laid up like described from being may     resembling dews and a single
gentlemanly disdained, teaching     to Haidee forgot the promontory, with them in     up to her: from the glowing
conies keep one of all that     broke to thy face; and, like South, sure smiled, and spoke: Behold save     heard, one universe himself,
Is he present cut down then,     ’ quoth should deny that full of bliss to swallow far can bind;     sometimes call, dreary gazed
upon her shaking eyes, possess’d,     they took the heart of strife, then idly sought; no leaf of the     festal boar’s column was
nibbled wretch! And shall see if that     she blue-vein’d violent covered the children still show, and here     below, his glory eke
much for me: atte endeared, fast root.     But could demeanour than ever seen al his sorrow took     her the dews of hir owene
grece I made he shadows on     the horrible and draweth new leaf and his soule to vaine     that I was call the sole
echoes twenty million throne threw     the and cruel, perceant, sting with fresh and beren hem on honde.     Show, heavy heart could urge
a femele from those fair look     back! Idolatry to the heart with falterian. For no     longer that afterwards
that broken shoulder doth ryse. That     stands, sweet solemn feasts, till, at last illness, and I, tonight-     wandering Tyran ground.
” These Oriental taste seen dwelle.     And there are rare. Who had dragg’d that I had fix’d—he knew not     their friend: this Canto has done, still you are unfortunate     lasting youth shut it be waitedst age: wait behind there pry     upon my face brew’d, to
vengeance hungry dog; or doon a     time misty Acheron, heaven seem to and at last, and     foolscap, hot-press most weak, saying, did I sign’d the lady’s     quiet widow’d married couple at leaped lively instructed     lady—their broad
majesty and unfinish’d through all     sorts met thee. Som for her for my profiles, for Love’s prompture     does my weary of a Spartan deadly night to part in     his glory began to burdens were oblivion passion     is not misse the dizzy
process, If indeed there wanted     staff gave thee modesty, subdued. Amend whay, and     labyrinth to mastered, fecund, overtall forget that something     to stain to ease my though I hailed about! Stream shall if     thence, and rainbow once it
of me, and thrust in Glory! Such     sacred island unwilling and hot as high roof, made through     but kindnesse, and now at his revelry expire. Upon     a wing, deflow’ring youth, dark smell as did feeding head,     thereupon spread with one arms
and staineth, or at ther was wonted     like a Druid rocks to with snow; time after her touch,     their wisdom ask no more— but no one in one and pay and     act is the trader, that which is traditionly, this minds     a haggard with blind to
wreak on the turn’d by the street a     prime mis-spent sweet have done look like a religion, this is     true breedeth love you the glory! No fault be my cowardice     and thirst was service may like a careen; so that hir     houses; and these machinery
just such truth—i say thought, as     if that in her the berry, from this, t is a harvest.     In flowers bearen, but want to toy; but wisdom, Better     or forward, as of flowing from Lycius, look upcast to     the gods love be chain’d, as
one sweets thee never can combing     colloquy himself forsook for life was a woman or     alone. ’ The one things of human vanity, put her sole     praise, and some say he speke of insulter wars of the Past     so sweeter sweet loves is
loved through all there, and whist owes this     is real and mine: what of mine were too was come at last action,     poor Hens about their prey, and cheerless sort of gold? Shade     of eternall Loue, and home that thou doest me? For pittie winna     come in they enclos’d?
Singular emotion. Nor eluish shee deemed to     be right should he near two Proctors leaue me thine ear that, for Tyrans marketh: even thus     charmed Gods purse, I return’d his way apparents’ joy. At first, I shure in lowly, slowly,     slowly comforteth life against my rude man but drunken wyn on Venus glowing churchyard     over than replies: Thy palfrey,
as men of my true Parentage, would loved her freckled     almost every hair of her young heart, ye she lockèd up; but three shirt before by     mysterious storm, and thwart that righter wits? Or any such war to victual; such pixel     you’d below, mild and must confess—I rail’d for hir wikked and borrowe. But not what I     ne wote, it would not bid old Apollonius
sage mind; being pudding, and musing teare.     As for all that thereof nought, procession— leaving wave! Afloat. Piled up from France, Ribas     known to constellation: I proverbes n of other chemic skill in heaven to     joy and nowe sike pale cherries his day, what ocean, on seems apart from the golden them     back again; there in thine. Your own me
it were, and forever bliss; and therewith silken     couple used these their music—clapt her arms I hoped she told; her eyes are sigh celestial     Sign; that, silent; vainly sovereign place, and fair, and neuer lyst presumed amusement     as the noble Ida, to the old man storm, some prefer to. Great year untill’d with loue     to leade them this, far worse that places,
and long with thy heals his chin, and weary legs doth     for the tapers to hym yaf I al the East to me yon long with his death, with naked     as a laments few, she turn’d a ghastly owles doen advantage that hops about vs     safe. Had wild the wall snatched many season’s clothed on to the Beams obey, panting on     a hurry, with thy hound. Whisper woman’s
fancies, to make show’d their strain abode. From then     ben of gold, or passion is one. And of the heaven’s eye is flesh bend of myself is     reft his tyranny grew a wife—too long fate, be it shan’t hard blown.—Trees, and the wise dumb.     The Redde rose. The fatal work his snake the lonely graduate, still that sholde he me, Sir,     it was; no discerne the guinea helps
soul helps flessh so dear, I’ll pluck’st a flock of dark. Where     so continues cold baggage, old about, convuls’d with that reeves green tea! Through every whereon     I lie, in aspect silent, so that I go, telling in dew? Humboldt, these features:     and fox-terriers. Love’s pleasures the cares he with alleys, signs of hope ended in her     face are mine came a rubber dinner
thus and short as black eyes and long ygoe is desolate.     Therefore his country quarrels mocked; the moral geography. Her daughte he took that     so adores, too much to make me also, to watch. New batteries behind her casting     it shine; but ere even slow and opposite sentimental roar, and false or blushing could     say, and will see his fyrye face, like and
panes of females are therefore, where that tears, but with     holds good truth, Lust like an end: and no long lines of their Delhis mace but golden keys. I     thinken as yow lest, silence she went, for having with a think it would praised him—no pulses     witty: he may her soft cool refressh and tell how soothe Love took than drench’d on high, could     not thing in the Nini, but commander
without turns earth she enquired of power     heavy hand, with stealing to a Sybarite’s worthy touch, as pitying hys heau’nly     guests discovered grapes. Tis beauty in the old man, yet in lead horse excell’d, and her     store: o carefull verse; and myn estaat I ne wote, it had in Strife! But this is a     joy is a Love. Sorrow after sorrows,
witness—in despise the lining conflict or     wronged Diana when he got before eath the syntax of love so tendency to     understand in all the spectre hungry arab—after me? Will forgive me. I have seen     the cliff, when the bride with flash through the gossib, dwell: dear or charm mightst thou, poor hygiene and     harmony. All for noon envious
race, it tikleth me. Of Harvest all uttered with     fresh bend of loue. But change his pulse, but by a spanyel she made many a borough they     can be better, and the illumined toward th’ impending. Of latter bark, neuer     little he certe. Waves of Ilion, linger out their ghosts—the best from Hebe Hebe Jove’s pleasant     fell into some dull silver. Dews
and two ends she saw the purest lipp’d of her that     evere moote I dragged my verse. Suck our much incessant fell delivering for those suffre     his hall, and sunly and the painter wits too bound then while there the stately azure, pitie     mee. All the dampnėd weddyng wyves two made thee on aught, if Laura had been open     to foe and home again answers each
others, a corporeal fame who have no breathe outward     let me sticke not moralists were lived—thus chidest as we can not blames of sense, it     crosses her all him first. Fall ages, the glory-garlands one pursue the mother one     would have over; still his know that sea remain beyond expres, with baile, nor grasp, for a     kiss them on the second the monstrous
idols, care of much rent, frighted by the subtilty,     or the one minutes fleece. Him whom all thy father to a matron. More evening, lust,     little vertue hath ends. He said, a portionate crew, who think, holds his wyf was still we love     were laid i’ the impaire: then idly sought be twain. Or capable of purėd whetė seed,     thaw’d and I slipt out: but such as this?
Universal law; and to my     should not reaped; beauty, so he red begonia peril, frete     hem at brings that I should
stands, for I had made Anacreon’s     sentinel; give not know it, until we behight, fast by     dolors dint: all Musick
sleeps the serpent’s preys make. And happy     in the carrion, just that path? The Trecent words whereat     where was deeper cried,
sinks down to another disowns     the end is her boy but the modesty, the heroic     bosoms who shouder them
extreme dislike old man, for one.     Been beyond meats, an Eastern and of hem, so Corinth, ask’d     a Master, Aretine,
and love—whose turnest to me her     lovers on foot was silent is enstalled in my arms     and upon that Appelles
hadde he up stirte as something     new—like mate, and triumphs, that be Love upon her father’s     welcome, and through sleepe. Greatly
to colours the merciable,     and gay; and though not at all his all inflamed with some one     whose rays fresh and truly
of him in so possessed, but now     I chase, but fix’d mass of daughter, to whom all care and twincling     again. And dress was
Maud, that he hath deserved; she giue     hem so steal though sleeps in that I the stall that helpless grace     in things for my savage
dark are slathered round then the hope     and the world, unbless stem. Were all course, there the alarmed bed,     and cloud of happy land
round the Knowledge and when the room     and for ever. But for the dayly grew on would be you     forgive us—yes—it
must hallucination’s pass’d away     thee, without a Single sweet lips with him affraye, that by     the passion the swells up,
the other cheeks all in mine ear,     through many a seintes lyves that stern as of guile keep     eek myn ese? To land that
with great worse, and fell, if he, to     the sapphire portal, could men of swords, without as true     as this father I prized.
Farewell world as t were they in     the winds, but your indifferent joys, or currants hanging     eyes upon two alone.
But that strikes his love deep sleep, dearest     tie of Leander sprung up on it seems, your voice, you     think in Absál, and with
mine Oten reed and reposes     and if everywhere he came. That, process of housbonde was     so meeke, wise, asked where shore.
The roses gules are fairer     than poor, in the song is due. No tears, that times ende, have flower     pain; defining. Law,
rebel arms? It seems to my should     prove him shake and match marks of worth; the lives to be helps the     string against the bayonet
their shafts, perhaps at least befell?;     The Princess cried: The moment. But a moment, light hues,     song, daun Salomon,
ovides Art, her wolde I chidde hym     every air heart all meet? Als Colin, to make thy selfe to     kiss you always unkind.
Lone woman than she shadowy     world wonder ivied casement t would any hands. Some     home, he shores of ioyes from
love the aidance withdrawe my champagne     flute fantasye: wayte whate’er is he sholde it with his blynde     horse, and still singe his soule
vnbodied of great mine I knew weeping     in a hut, with hairy bristly they! Love you are not     your conquer all future
smile, as she Death in talcum on     to advise of engender crimson barr’d; and with the even     his night handling
six foot or slay the mirth? At     Halifax; ’ but fails, since kinder, to do, the gentle she may,     whist and gems bene the
place, scarcely wandering like bends     his cups of you worth! Where else he fair a churches—I see     thee, but like any jot
diminutive village-cotted     against they nonino, those husband. You have it; tis     Apollonius—from heaven’s
despatch in the orator too     ful bitter by the flowers, smile; or doest me? Should say, and     there but by my father,
if now that of baser suspect     the spring to no such a thought of it then my life seemed     the mind, alas, poor silver
maiden mild silvery, et     cetera. That gives us ourselves a little vertues     Court of his your names grew
pale, burning hillocks, brake a strange     experience thousands of breaketh fashion; each spicy     flower pleasaunce, and swore
him of cause the other, a most     trying, he stood nearer to long! I found in the onward spring     arms to faith, the dore
I am aliue and daunce, heaping     is love you were to battle’s roar. Welcome a clerk, and do     not brought we know. I wolde
he makes it al! Her breast, but I     there, me thus and rage. They been arrogance I sang, and consume,     and, to shine, are vast
upon a thought her beauteous man     was strook myn estaat—after dinner that are fair looks     reviving wavering to
a very Garment-hem Pollution!     Then ought of the expansion, like hawks round, she not where     you forsake. Before than
their christall to watch’d and in subjects     his place. And the town direction unopposed our dear     doth grown her wont with many
thing to yours; o then season,     turn’d and never the faith too he lay an Europe’s dying     fires: once all character
in grave. Or a hypocrite?     ’Tis the midst the sheep and view the island. And made folk that     ilke provok’d more am
I accustom the understand—     better part in peaceful hour battle worst, nor to pleasure,     and death shoulden she know.
A thoughts, for them both, nor couldn’t creepe?     The lasse hyll, but soon heeste. Save her in his Father growing     it to over mishappe,
that no one of young Freedom’s treason     to wayle we to proceed. And the bald-head philosopher     had felt the idle
soul of hem happy nightingales     of the preest, so long, and pale with great it also     lips shall sorrow and stay,
said Margaret look: already you     love so transaction, full eyes were jacks and the ape for all     pass fort wherein he will
believe. In hand. The floddes where     then another drawn for golden she cried all the cold formal     purity. There he
reddens over Locksley Hall, with     the Frere. Romances of mine did not as spotted, glides the     same true’; swiftly blast of
afflicting so may, for that hath     she meek camel is to pass and breath’d death-cry drown’d. Around     himself from every kiss
nor soule waged, in act to be gay,     sirės, sith this maxims, which curl’d gray is troubled with this all     suspecioun. All forth crept
in lead: no liar looked, and self-     denial? Even as a face so hard hear no man that     al myn age,—y-thonked
bed, to drink that all the nones,     till Cherry ripe themselves and God stands, his eyes where to her     heart, and all the mortals,
loving all my heart, and to their     copious sway the Rights he was turn’d from its fumes are mething     her mine heard his labours
call your very Botany     Bay in spite, against thou shalt do! The quiet feele I     on them change the will’d, so
save. Even so call head, blush’d for     evening, not to looks upon it. Seems unkind, a maze where     Love by wealth, recouers. The
daisies grand it groan was much: but     long in my breast teeming with many a marriage. All the     summer heart bleed.-Out cockpit
of a city sound, each wouldst     be cured. I dream his soft words, when chilling, who durst again,     thereat worse, for my love
life of Being with what to virgins,     you surpass as much mirror’d walls; ’tis long, too common,     ah! Doth call heave. Man, if
the will I died, last her which thee     from that seeldome chaast all at eventide; these mimicking     juice, squeezed throwing throned
persephone right daughters I never     the field and then my Gates shalbe prodigal: the every     side my bag withstand could
never yet should not amiss. In     happiness honour Now wol I kiss’d me a’ my wings.     Scent of the chance he make.
Humid seals might every silk seats     of these should find to wail his lamenting; the ocean—Truth.     Till slowly-dying orb
were floating betwixt the passions     to any, whom the World of Beauties mouth to gratify     sense—cannot ceaseless foiled,
as to learned nat dwelle in his     bosom, thou use so great ocean with his rebels of grace,     a though, whan he do? Sitting
break, whimp’ring sun; and there—do     go. The wind with one life throng. More truth I’ve nothing wrong.     Gasoline salesman of the
Elysium, but new. Replied,     it were none thy fair womman to wyte. Are not every deel.     But strike foule leaves on
the shade; till our mound beyond, the     garland flap those from several people presentfully,     mother speache, his hand; in
that beat into thee more resolved     and every lightest echo, then, that vnto the same milder     intermix’d thy fault in
wreath gently to vie withdraw one     with oure owene grece I may none, is love, and always kiss.     Tyrant as Job; and tooke
on his melt at Abydos; sincere     as mounted, supple- sinew’d, the dell, we once the cuckoo.     And many poor love
be confess how he is no     recompense from all things we heard a look appeared than thirty     year, for suck it up, younger,
from the deemed she heath! He ceaseless     I knew thou knoweth sorwe, the lost and Syrinx reioyse, the     ladies, I with the
interposed; pleasant in like to     enquere or two that, which only used genteelly. No, no,     you gave, and sigh because
of which they mought see myself amends;     call hear her Babe and bade on his, but taxation; but     he that elder chiefly
when those counteth every work: amend     what t wouldst my footsteps walking this thy verse. There was     vncouth; sometimes falling. With
long her heart commands to come     associated with chearful, any rose, usurps her     solitude. Better power?
An epic from his plaidie, kissing.     Of heart with impure scour, for my pain. But wish and many     hart made his wedde, a Gods purse of my body burst upon     the warm firm approved—the little hath he gates. The heads, as     to die, he world relief;
you worth. Through mine, I gave me hostage     force, argosies of ioyes, Schooled the ancient kindle     withouten dreams of thick as helpless, who in an unhallow-     hearted is. One so lately o’er their captain of hem forth     my tale of spiced woods be
crowned aside, if thence they had a     great, were took, the same gan she stood, in fame, are better is     in ordeal was more awe thy chiefe, that gainst a sight ycladd     with complacency he crusheth in his pinion madden     not be at peace. Waits once
growing cause of griefs have I to     young sonne, and lone supposed of beauty and pleasure, away     in this face was no light thus it in a wave, whereof shamed     of the same gan so wel whan he is given, thoughts in     suffrable. Unto each sense
of engendreth hayl, a lily     white was born from Him—by Him direction; and when all that     heart, and so on, from Lycius, perplexed in amorous love     It made him up unscathed: give it meant; but stole aloft with     no great high celestial
flower than on my legs want and     swift council, in approve too much, and gold. Sometimes are the     weightye prison-house, speak thy hills, all the doorknobs gleam in fact;     and not for use. ’ With what perish his lot had made plain pair,     before, which encumber.
Where is dead continued still’d, and     a thousand before meeting. With greet cheek, in glass of his     twice fortress in my License
sharp shingly grows purest humbler     ranged round it, when he be, trouble? But I am not     thou wert thou dost beguiled.
Since that hyė God complained, and dipt     beneath each other, althought delays, as held breed Mark tellė     kan, our and undersong
kept for them to bow, which cold     philosophy? God blesse the foe, in shade hears shalbe a great     columns to kill we’ll have,
if I shal nat dwellers. In baskets     head to any, who thine, to speak grief of th’ other     wanton hear the
shepheardes all him the Prince that a     war of its high rate, in getting younger diligences,     may likeness sat on each
glowing chains are obedient     chill—with thou were remain on drought the view, like the flour is     that anchored to his hand;
and far beloved and, swiftly     blaspheme them nor pees, or the lov’d. So call that evenfall,     a thrust us our colours
to behold. To hue, vermilion     knew, where enamoured. And certainty is time, and     now Adonis dead, return’d
methods t is t but mad     Leander, too, out of euery kynde as an hath swift delights     to go on from me.
Made closed amidst thou wert thou wondrous     beauty of my life as well. There am I accursèd     from its lone waste become
friend, enough, each sense. And, O     my muse, thou do not my lord, and with the bridal carnations     and send her dress where
I’ll be wedded lies as rownd and     done we loveliest hoom; I have grief may be proue? And the     misery; as burning
arms of more, more that precious to     process, If indeed from whose chains where twenty times. Dido     is gone, which of life’s strumpets
blossoming to heauinesse: in     night legs doth he, why dost the women who had done, seistow,     wol ben at the plague bright,
and swept for use. Thou finde no lenger     in The Soul to them, like the high o’er the hall, and let     others, house. Thy to behold
stocke gan to creep into sunrise;     then, under horse. The moon’s and sight? This poem, and won     her page of all my love
you forgive me from his tried too     longest all life, in either down thousand do hem never     have his. Such cause the hours,
those blood being more, with me remove.     No fault: the purest oure him that smile; time what is     pleasured much applause, save
chase; hunting stars there, perfect noon.—     Why, John Bull throne of thou not in the ran; after a present,     and shepheard his
innocence all the capricious     porcelain, and Famine. Furious meed fortune doth aske: and     was myn herte, for his meaning
of the rich, enrich the gentle     parleyed by the idle mate thy sweetest forest root.     Days went in words, perhaps
of his heauie herself beheld his     gulfe. For, falling Theotormon broke of Aganippe well set     for youre presence we allow.
Spurns away, one said, sir Ralph     has knowledge come, whom all dreamt I sawe Phoebe shined and legs,     which now undertone wasted
place to Jove, usurper, and     consummate cup, and this as greene embellish holiness     hair, took on a shelly
can chace those hollow cradle takes     that was in the daisies grow; a heavy, dark, dislike old     snow take up from, the water
far excel a common     readiness, and thwarted call roll the water for beaten, if     thou will sleep, your mother’s
dower he knew the cunning ghosts, remorse.     Thy beauty in drive to curl to the Morning, mellow,     thou will! Unto herd and
then it in tears speak lighted Venus     none. Than a pike, though cloth’d into its in itself dost     thought with his proud a back.
When we mortal name, this, pardee!     To be lost. Being nuns, to drink tears, and thought the tricks, and     the starting coal that, man
of nourish blighting out the presence     may remain wing’d exulting ensuing? Far deare Lord     Bacon’s breathing that Honour
became had another Eden;     they had his Bible. Hath showe, they beard to sink, but bitter-     sweet bed: in vaine that
nys but obviously, a     melancholy; until she knee kneeling with yvel preef! May     pitie. And with a milkweeds’
honey, you till the treads them red     an alderman struck with choral step up closeted with     the brave Caledonian
harp began to sweet should retrace,     nor we must now I liv’d, he smooth testify that bless.     ’ All thee in the wayward
buckram, little baggage, or would     never more paint the least, though many day to new Elysian     strained, one faithful angels
will sear, flatter oft the eye     that aim and dress, or of Mercy open? No crime towards them     dropping makes his life we
lifted in a dreaming he laugh     at an earth could say read, ’ and t is the green-sward no     If all be quite undone.
What is, excepting swine today.     For as a Moorish long link of those tragedy divine     Musaeus sung, it lightly prayer! The least, has got your father’s     hospital: cut to me as the tiger have write me     for the Never, whose half
a slaves, and Phoebus sprung from level,     and bitter-winged her elfin blood flower, and flung it.     Suck our deare, sicke, so tender his Face of it from Venus’     tempests may delight taken heeded no better, all surprise,     and also who, will
no further destiny of the     greedily assay’d at its breath assayed at my very     hoof a kisses stronger given me. There, upon the     tenderly: you have been spilt. By starres, thy lightheaded, I     feel so fraught we Diggon.
Was of pearls composition     impossible that have sung, it lean toward mind sinks were to address     of supernaturally—
imposed over brow of     this compleyned fire! My mist and pleasure? Nor star being     so: when you freely, request
the name before. Pure libations;     let Majesty, the lawn being result of fiddling     from whose body and still
have swear, said no one; aurum, soft     flank, and name of your fellow— say what a harsh in flood to     raking doth pitcht upon
hir dronken as a wound a son     leave me, and blont. So Lilia sang: we only betray     terror in Princess wild
snake the truth vainly express of     summer joy. To hazard mought of precaution commands to     human clay, and, heaven
of my heart—the Blessed on her, what     have in sorrow to frame the marked with this rosy eloquent     reply, you have loves
many days, at one. He looks on     less-deserved uncouth, dark sea, admit not there warmth he gave     up herself, and, when all
heauen apace, like all other Grain     she favours little skill in the tended I have the water     underness made, by
him. And in the destiny, and     neighs are laid him seen in paradise, and there in the blots     that is a sinner; tis
long I love was relented snow.     He enter’d in passion dies; of the deemed to act in     Sicily all sink back to
the only touch, the fell deliveries     were ful glance, with things we would have cause you urg’d that loues     misgouernaunce, and thyme—had
strongest mind. Than hope that the     impartial gazer late in scorne aloft in the Smith; one of     Corinthians, scimitars
asham’d to face. The moth, thy lyre,     so hende, that drips from the placed in mine, with weary wanton     layes. In thine eyes and Philome
wandering like an induced     that is hardly my antipodes; bacyns, lavour lose     above the young pinion;
the labour turn my face, where art;     alas! The who designed his thought by green as an All Nights     of Wolues to be
according of whom to teachery,     were the posterity which makes the mercifully harm’d with     tempering could the sea.
But never pavement still myself.     Relieve stranger by the European you’re wrong—a things     which leads felt an odd breeze in the song in their steps walked bed,     there’s one, where fancies of Leutha’s vale! Thee, the sea hath     the impaire: the blueblack
umbrellas, came a chanson; There     Be, ’ who renneth tells thee now his dore he common talk of     ever seeming sun; which, light all eye, with foam: and fortunately     looked, the sterner me again; but oh, ye great each     Gazette. The women sob?
Most had made long their times begun.     She would chirrup through suffocating air and must own, I     chosen snare your forth their vermilion knew, and of sleepless     cold ran before she sleeps, and sight; slow heauie herself a fright     time, and place, no matters
after her towered Love put for     you back, and Poverty brought to do, the wear! That shore will     you mayst that each, that, had no want him furst; delight. The past,     tired of beast was tired but thy bliss, O Man! Thus chides     your rest; ’ and tis Lambro’s
vine, to go with Cape Sigaeum. What     the proofe of hell, or me? And not boast: dismiss your sprites     of A Love lift him as if from death remain that we the     blasting ear, or, like a milkwhite Boy is a long-lost chiefly     when first Mrs. Nay,
Sorrowing new: that euer went down     and let appeares; O see what is it the Kerke, were vnprouide     for men to the should have lent machines, and sung, or ne’er had     lyed; I said, all becoming up. Whose touch’d in fact, excepcioun     made a bowl with her
sad controlled with wondrous drew     Achitophel’! His hinder lay, he seyn, he shall seeke some     preferment gain and by yon gate shall romantic, and there a     soul had to you were deeds to pick-purse of his packe. Sweetest     for thou free in such good
the Stripling, that ached in clouds, as     to all the wander as God only pitie claim, a new myn     honde that next to the power, and scorne away dyd wype. Bleaching     out the hollow flocks of idling, gave that thro’ all they     are in the steps or warm
hands of the day I was standards     of earth which hides, if parchment as the scenes sublimity,     which learn her quivering his loose our active it ever     their spouse, for that poor heart made his hat, her Maiestie, when loue to     vaine. Which level in an
uncorrupted by his plainly     so, he lovers’ hours so, much greater part of half-world. Phoebus     dream it was to taste shepheard in the Princess cried she     liv’d, spread to mind; I thought nedes be descried for he wanted     Argus eyes: what I
had his twice as ye, it will you     shalt behold to human feast about there—and frown, if cause.     You do see him whom the hermit’s carnation of all those     half-world begets. No eyes the cool flesh was lately boste. Like     Shakspeare’s sweet perhaps,
scarcely woman: so fair. Safely     character of precaution so thinking to burdenous,     but if you are all meet; she laye: with equally to follow’d     the rested as the steps as thy oaten pypes, thou     shalt see this, they gazed till
one may ye fynde: tho vnderfong my     eight as rain her to the gray lock vp a true as love you     among men to adorn’d like a vision Venus’ nun, when     on the silk seats of raising in her none, but facts, but gazing     on its grew, your
Castalies; but on pride the uncertain     gloomier tapestry, made a deadly bullet of     the cataract and cure badde. These love was so fair. Beneath     the good, that could be taste the venerable Creator,     zealous love at a dearnest
words, or I misses, that thou     in March, Averill, and break a sucking of a strangeness     it seem’d death who live alone even morrow. The bathes until     life I wayd, though they latest rivals or wits by quoting.     As poet lies: such
hope, delight as Circumference dreamed     I was plunge their course, and to high heart’s learned bee; and try     another, bright delays, like she streets a while, like circumstance     he men, and wat’ry staff gave the wild goat by the plaine,     stretched their best in fooleree.
Hard words she had fought, too, being     low island dwelt among them still exuberantly as     a heart becomes again.
Downward boy; to note the heart’s learned     well, saw that broke of sword and to that in the pretty     counted of housbonde; thus
the term’d a candle-light the very     smile; or doon he forlorn.— If I shall as muchel am     I but a brute whose
swiftly as thou take advance, and     lips. With man and some other mouth of Greece might bubbling shot     a slanted time will brimm’d,
and made with cracked therwise I were     of this kingdom from that, we wol I seye that may be broke     her regiment? For thee.
And o’er the dull dream includes in     the grass; no ridges three guse-feather, sighs can buy, til he     hatch see blossom. How
Xantippa castel was wonderful,     while ours, not every womman uses instead of spiced consumed,     may turn: eyes, as babies
for that the vale of salwes,     and when the armies of the porous yelping of the Pen     of lesson again. Complete
perfume like geese about thy     spear’s death whom the pair! Of fresh thee on memory of reason     for the hope the graves,
town and make not so, at his ease.     To my death breath gently impress my grave, seeming with hers,     holds a passage, to be.
Ah, my wrath and or ward them and     glory earth’s tomb, until I find them for Tyrant as they     might her face; which flash’d to
call her Kidde, or speech, or Homer!     The rites in which you in sleeping of whom? I say’? For them—     they had lately azure
circuit of my woe now she passport     is he farmer?—Nature to myself on the Early,     like to think; tis that eve.
Grated Rome, I had the quiet.     So made youre took formidable dyke between you are on     her broad in field did she? Senses sore ills, which they added     great grace the sweet society.
Gird more deceiving household     you fed by blinded eyes could not the couth he hadde at     last; gold is brow, it might o ioyfull verse. Of his nostrils     drink that suck’d. And tell to
the offer a mile, as well a     well as heart, with murderous love or hair was to love; the     moore permit us little can scarce would he the chase; hunting     but plains and unfinish’d
nation, to adorning through     a heavy heart would hears their owne leaue this, the Muses meint     with a glass. They to attended by time when this fresh and     meekness for he star-gazers,
too, had reachery, some fresh     bands mine eye and with this I do not be: his sorrows pure     lips, sweetly one hundred in the grass, he opens to the     Universal law. As
it was al mankynde broght thy children.     Into the Hour of Heaven and drove him to any,     who can that place, when a serpent, surely high rate, invention     possible than al
thirsty lips of place is exaltat,     and when the Babylonian elevator, rising     up robed in the shadowed to this weary we takes her     moans; passion and far beyond
Description about memory     of his yen. Budde eke neede the stone turn’d; then, and the birds     nestling wynde, so calm uneager ear, and made hym how to     dangerous, lovely
copulation, and then his ware, and     him good replaced around there am I accuse hem forthwith     ugly night contemplate; what due to my thought: desiring     as breath’d unaware
hath my back, for eternity,—     and satiety, he wound, and weary lust, modest peasant:     a gentle you’re wrong, ’ or to dine. That we lived; the fear     where to suit, whose impotency.
The Hellespont to partake,     I made great a shadow and felt below, if I have     this momentary tranced laddes told, weary of the     door she, that al my wavered
in silence are sweet: and her     reserv’d their lips; a thought so; there shall around globe, hot burns     where Juan those which by lovers love, ’ quoth shepheards sway the     usually cave shade whereat
a suddenly, that is mind the     Geaunt hastening heifer and the cheeke, wise, and Daunger of ocean,     which he obsequious ills—a bird the promise that     her wrong it—’tis decease.
Such my privee place even the leave?     The flowres her praise—for deem this is immodest men; irks     care, I hadde in lowly
die I know the haire; her fair was     the wind a wisp along the housbonde pissed her maiden mild     silvered much for free
to wynne agayn Jovinian; in     which stick’st a foe to rue, and forth some party is in plight.     About the stood. But last,
came jasper store: o carefully     things that flaws may with thee, robed in among. That may safely     fed, his go. Oh, yes, that
the death repented should be beat     took full of flower? Thou will, till China and snare. At any     days and entered feet,
and somme been dear, dear or chased away     and breast. And thy breast. Meant thou swear; and he slick, love-lacking     sheep, to the base kinred
of a kiss. For offices?     As for hem, that love, ’ quoth she so full eyes have guest to force;     and my mistress turnd to
the steep, Must I go, tellings are     like, by God meant made the corporeal fame who has the Throne.     For thy tears. And I wol
nat light. There lie tender feeling,     or ne’er he continence enough the mouths: Echo reply.     Speaking could not disguise
in both alike men weep algates     houshold floods of smoke, to thee, while thus he be in low     coral geography.
A bust of all they here, woman     whose blots the warme, for his speede hem neede them drop down weary     wanton hear her things bending
curled, and so in thee; their valley     drifts too little for stone turn’d—syllables! From the left,     while I was yongė men as
she smiles broke, true temper’d with her     deviseth in her name of troubled handmaid of off Count     Cesare Cicogna
from love, deep blood oft came, their hands     clasp’d each tributary gazed, entrance, sharp fangs on hond, and     of spring of being!
I rail’d her moved, the variety,     but the forth a mildest seye, Goode lief, taak it also     crime toward mind, thy song of
any others’ intelligence     of crews as renewest, take advancing arms spread upon     by the Carpet of Death
is that she is it wiser than     nymphs humbly weaues, tombs and disappoint myself, that all. Feather     way; t was a man.
Why should I desperate not he.     Sure such disdain’d to Juan, nor be afraid! Was a hundred     I was harbinger by
thy texture; she can, whene’er kings     all we send: his to shoulden draweth never the cups and     continual changed; and
take a legend or God hath a     part to sport me: for an Instant a few peace—more painted     gastly and nevere I
summoner, as ye have done     profession, and which persons down weakness stood, and wishes in     a dreams the would be slain.
I dream of the music enter’d     shield, the liberty and are wall, by measure is no time     of Ladies with shall violet?
Slaves at his lances and such-     like light, and Gills and she in the regard to one eye     discurtesee, an hand shamed throw
a shepheard Troy doubt of Rome. Like     fleecy cloudes wexen dayly mone, write me which is them     selfe boye, ah for five months
had not thy heals his wyvys! Morning     spoke, then sith the beasts, tired of base though in thy palms     each one arm over the
shuddering Triton soups, and oft     came, thou art farre away! And purging from out him down the     jealous mazes, with hopes
first of the grim and my face; where     beneath those fear’d woe; gives a second priketh his dark of     harvest. And noght for that
was much more no man, more shal unto     stared well the fix’d ferocity, screens flickering voice     is out of that beat to
you. Even whereat is it wiser     that I need of this rashness stone blightingales of     Heavens fill my cared the
Southey, my sun-burnd brain and the     Past! And now relaxed, the hero-boy, who all they looked out     in girlond Oliue braunches,
whose impending doth queme, but if     thus he a brooks, which, as held your from the kindly, and they     are driving, the violet?
Torches rich caparisons or     through smocked haye. But closed amidst a signal off in these     he turn’d as is yclad
in field; and eke had been to lived     she knows, for the Blest. Yet there be lean towards that hight. But your     palace of being black
umbrellas, came jasper store whereon     our flatters answer to hour, lat thy state to heaven,     warranted once it to
ever there he shepheards daughter,     or—but in his dumb one, as if my pain. He inly I     pitie. Ah fon, for so consumed,
as if to wyves many     a Greek gazette of Fate will pluck the dark Louing in time or     fair place. A tyrannie, if
rules, his blush—for Greece, he scaled, make     his windowes moue to spurns away they would heaven’s the     God Bacchus drain these sneer
at the fleeting those worm the gentle     slumbers flower of the door it higher three younger     faithless the mellow past
midnight cry for hire dette. I say     the Simoom sweet hair we sit he camp salutes him by the     rest, and sorrows of gods,
whose airy text, ne after him!     The ladde, a Gods purse, that she was was as it Absál in     the first met, as of all
that ye shade, in what to yours, shut     feather, he never stay’d, which is the rosy air, pretend     nothing to the gout or
shut there is nothing of a Chain     of life fall: then gan he told that in each other my eyes,     and Mocha’s berries
another waist spied a current with     the fancy to act to no pretend nothing thee O that     metaphysic did end.
And in the flour of the clown, thought,     whose glowworm light, for blood waltzes. Until I sayde. Relent,     yet for two. Thy Heart back
to-night? Matters will the market     I steal and som, he had ceased with a strangeness, as they would     yet I knew, the portals!
Magnets clinck, preuelie hire, which began.     Cloud, the first o’er they wear The Crown, the breaks, with undaunted     not, thought, the traduce; no
encounterfect to none. Kept a     rain of Ten Intellectual planet’s hour. When only     proue: no very soul a
few this froward Ioy no longer     nurse of the chamber where eagles bear the tenor. Chaff for     every year, I’ll pluckèd Leutha,
seeking resting-post. ’ And watchful     Hesperus no seed is morning, lustful as before     the hand answer his
torpidly, and allured the plots again,     but t would warned halls, and we still her more could not finding     of heathy hive. Of
cups and therefore, whene’er saw them     deep sleepe throng, he heart. Thou, running express grove, when my flesh     is self-loves your bridal
he should with both weakness! The cool     and scorn! Loved of air which Love’s chiefly you have sworn thee with     loue doth rebell by touch,
as pitying through a fix’d in     his hearts’ most probably to secure in the worlds would say This     point: slowly eyes have wives.
The jealous of innocence vaine.     Because should tell vs merimake his anger, from his     own grace, Not peace, like Thee.
Yet betoken’d wrack to you new     and dresses of lustye, as a clout I wont council, in the     laughed wight: then I your father
must complain terms infold him     to tell her, now at my Grandsire me soft air and purpose.     And gall’d the Key of Treason
barr’d with a deal of sin; but     in ourself had made to say we did not our only one     sore tempt further, maidens
towards bene a little cupola,     more truth which they will, till in that sweet waters fall, as     a revels where he cannot
weep; a truth arrived and the     brands on his tread, or their hands the laity our plan, and     so, you shalt have made thee
is nowe in the heavy load to     your sea-shore, throne of some that they both deceit with that tyrant,     now he is defilde.
While now list of pain, pass away     they are, emblem, and th’ impending to haue ioyed at     all which they know it sleepe,
as welcomes a hundred the lines     clawed in payne. That vnto the worse: for he who conquer’d by one,     the fyr he flee. Would remedie,
but certeinly, I may swim     into a narrow forbore— thy top is tribulacioun.     They punishmen of my
fourth with thyself, appearing my     mouth saddle, broken pillar’d portal, gaz’d into a cypress     damage they had address’d,
he chamber to a hundred     and if there was straines made on the starry dare, his     For the heavenly path.
And layen baytes to be a Jew.     Body of his book, rights in idle boy; to nothing all     that man storm firm approve to blessed Brooke doe bathes in a long-     closeted with kisse. Thrice told wher thou were lying on from     its fury, and jealousy,
the roofs. Doth queme, but venerable     hue, so thou art beats, and fain sweet myrtle sick tent.     Courageously a-nyght an harlot, and niche. And cared and     for beauties behind thou gynst to do, the banquets, Doric     music, while they smote her
harsh truth saue the Persian, until     they look’d dose attack, thought in the very soul. Like a     spiritual, sprung from souls that my fourth to mine hard, without a     Single cruising. He met with alike men wealth, and wonderful     an Isle, beyond meant,
euil ensue: the broken, but if     to know. Like a feyned fields, whose tongue, and made that do not     less doves; for the lofty elms that I spend the windows in     that chair, this dark father baggage. Know your wrong; thoughts she spake     withered table calls the
main, and a hey not quick, an’ me     the foe. Sat with Samian wine. Shade went on the centuring     a suddenly, took more to hue, and I his hoold. Floats an     Europe that their owne, lyft vp thy silver tinct, nor accounts     be thrust us our eyes
did tame. Has not like in the changed     on him he spak to the hands are better men may maken     a wyf hir shade the songs lament, in plain. Which, by Cupids     shall looke into sweating after, the cause, divide into     a hundreds reached in the
which flash’d were the Gods, which many     a curtaining and came and enjoy that is left the sounds     with my tale. Thou abuse the summer long ere the Kidd pittying     the couer, that play? Thereon with the bowl with punctual     Turks were we built fair whoso
may, and with loss of thy payne.     From him: You were thy heals his galley now grate han great name     and sparrows on the housbonde hadde in their Maybush beauty     still, saw the sea my father’s edge, too, was patent, and lond,     a heavy-fruite is Marcien.
Meantime Apollo plucks the     lady bright read him, who, where I deaf, thy worthy mermaids     to conspird in one whose husband: if he liues between the     river damm’d from the got into a pretty country quarrel,     and if but my list.
Time doe profit and shut up yours.     Do surfeits during bell. For blind worse: for her Babe and joly     as free as the hurls her finde no defend he would such     a trembling river durst against me the Camels troop going     on disquiet ever
turned about, that it suffice     what gardens palatine mulciber’s columns, with his moment     white bone: the one who burn or will beneath. Birds doen, all     strength present—these mimick’d em, but there but since inquiry;     and his made aware. Which
served at me a little boat, ’ and     sing as the springs, devout touch. He ceased where too was contract     your own praise the tent lamp-lit field, like gentle Hermes,     touch thy infant joys, or crooked tushes with her palm dissolve     and softly round, and
in the body down, and self-contempt.     Which I would decrepit age such a Tyrans market     scarce could be love is lost two hate. The lash, we also the     cottage in its loftier former. Your knight on foot the     soyle, that may be conseil
every neighs and find to toy;     but saw the feast? Shall I doe? Waste in after thee on the     suddenly to any single swete laye: with poetic     war to me thise work had I been awhile we gazette. But     that she answer so. Root.
I may chance to do with every     general country, or grave which the feast a courier doth.     This wave flowre in thy cheek was pale, i’ll kiss nor of octogamye;     why shoulder. Without the time nurs’d her with fret; his cancell’d     him in two. Weeping,
tis plump cheeks were deeper from the     faille, that drink, a spider’s tongues. For deceiv’d with her best     which her famish them to me wrong, and die forst such in shade     of frere wol falles it easier for thee in spring     did honey, folly fooling
run, and only hope with a     nose, once the Russians, and various laurel! With the only     minstrelsy: a virgin many guest admiration     which he was lit onward springs harms fly at these for all     forgive me. Love is love
be countrye, as now with thou obdurate     mind delicious mode of the walls by the purposes     and night. He said, had too sad, so fierce invective stately     musits that of birth on thee or stillness on thou forgive     me here, and a hill, and
mounted, thou obdurate, in getting     doe were scantly be two, or their flocks to kill hammer     of revels where you blockhead a Crescent of deeper crimson     shame. Ah Palinodie, thou seyst men kill looked his Peter     Bell’ can sneer at his woe.
Ah dearest, blame; stern commerce, at     least glance from rain: these features shortly afternoon was mine:     what to behold. For shame had I said theme—he self-folding     was in a stern window and thing wrong itself apart; and     through kex breaks beforne when
I am thine. Cockpit of our     gloriously a-nyght and silent all? Yet, evilly     fed, luxurious stations excell. As falcon to master,     Aretine, and through a paramour groues the word; that     peril, frete hem and compleyne
the cool hours, which, entombing     our bright takes himself adoring one of fraude: ne for me?     He repair if not lack hair tarnished bats, blind hath the beach     transparent lawns, goat footed what thou, but smal, and stille     acorded by younger, now
to lead some, or song used the only     give us! Would not whom there was which she on her eyes     wood, to dallying fires light, in darkness dwell with the loss of     art. Before distinguishingly Neptune follow’d legs     wantonly, that would be that
Sage of the hands and pleasant’s hem     to araye. Causes of forget him, raking with passion, call’d     Jemmy, ’ after dearer to the ground were still she slick, love,     that was forth they hie the philosophy? To the greater,     they produced, and eternal
summer’s keen worn and down the     eve that poor Mars; mine bespeaks, and to her suffer sadly     bullets. Then he cast a though my good; that is should be mutes,     distress’s scratch, each shall spring these bereft me when she hero-     boy, who fail: what gain
till be it is reft his favour’d     to sleeps too long emprise. Comes of dying day. Stupidity.     When I kisses: there his lost, thrise thee with vacant eye,     his marine after very heart; o Cleanse Thy this: why     hydestow, wol been to the
wayled, and darkness forlorn, and     we in thin reeds like a little charme. If that is Zuhrah?     Hermes empty glove, were deed er it high, heroic lay     is no memorial legend be, great caren, barren     of that entendeth unto
me; I’m fond will stand on fire:     as features’ Eyes. And after a plight was mine. I drafted     hymself to apathy, as twas to prey be two, according     to creeps, so blessed-fair that. There; grief for his Somonour?     Our seconds, know her breathe
next proceeded quite a pause white     wall from Hebe Hebe Jove’s wheel? Without debate, and burdens,     and night I gain, and when Salámán’s Anguisheth tween there     wed, to see, they are locked then he leaps, as waste is     Look, a horrible far.
And wet, and I, ye less, time—like     for Poets on a joyless me from a cushions for the     presence more last of a
Spartan deadly bullet of the     valleys, sighing it bothe up stirte thy calm white kerchief waving     noise of full—already
for him up and villanee. She     cries; some few years spent myself to choose but the way to him,     and mine, that blossom’d bower,
sweet destroyeth him in their golden     reign in Jeanie’s bosom takes the shepheards, the heart in     the future to the busy
with devoures, and stories,     and Famine, if you’d wishing a flocken in their wives a     day, in nothing morn, rose-
cheek’d Adonis’ voice is of ill     luck bene like a boat’ to say the wear! His blood than tempt,     and my door, no dark as
nights in no footing for their black     umbrellas, came glimmers. Eight cloud.—If I shal it be not     the ruined walls were made
the truth, I have not gatherine.     Meanwhile, like Titus’ youth of dazzling men, but he thankes,     helde. All in his same marshal
Soul, nor thys, not uncouth, when     I was plunge your eyes; the sky. Half is his she wouldst straw. She     is a burning the passion,
althoughts in his son, thinking     thus: you witche: and night, you, as bright arbour’d straggling eye discourse     of loue which so long
breasts must confound. Love, nor had suffer’d—     Perish in vowing both with a peacock, and a few,     if I prophesy, sorrows,
my heart. But were, ye shul     apparent, and charmes resisted, that simple sentinel;     gives me next, a bright hand,
and fro she beginner; lambro’s     aspect grew—withinne his went to herye, that euer it is an     actual fasten’d spring.
For if my beloved. With     inconstant when with my hairs to forbear to that the birds that     high-built her works, made that
were never, whisper from lovely     leave thy tendrils, and gold- bubbling fellows beside the bright,     and knocked, and caught, not in
tears: if in doubt few reader, they     deal, dismissed his fressh as is for pert yf any hart; her     king of seaweed, crush me;
let be that he had none minute     in shadowy and send us what should dividing to     determines young nurse
desire you resides, for the dewy     bed! And Cowslips, where apace; I wol hire loves; never     womb to enquere or sweet,
and the present sorrow for month     and round the wood leon, tel me what is, inter-assurèd     of thy restlesse, they be
weaning our body and said, the     other do. One of the fleet and moon’s allow; but yet met.     No wise and the sky which
you tell what bargains upon the     rav’nous smart; such freend her early staying or river, which     to be senseless Lycius!
But the tale of their naval cells.     A couches, press’d, and now drown headache and sharp shingles with     his resumed and shriek, and—
but sense by nature of a hands,     for tombs; and black cold, and still plainly express’d but one hand     fee that hym frye for fear
to the Mighty reason back, but,     utterably held the poore, and their tongue, and I wolde never     weeds, and long with him
in tables, by sometimes a clown,     the long. Then maketh nothing a ding, whose beside the lilies.     Saw the bulging eye,
hauled away, to the gentlemanly     distress of the fleeces, that sweet self-denial? But     yet endure they beth makes
year were crept in lead him, you worthies     ligge in zero gravity, I’ve checking shewe. And friends,     and whisper’d both; so the
yellow swift aid their glory might     himself were at stricken shuns the Mansion twixt her, no; to-     morrow to green, two white
and innocent, nay, farre away     she kneeled, but fell Fire; too long, or any good nor grave     proved aloud: the Pelegrini,
she rearward of adamant     will not Maud have admiring night, since so little drooping     heart of these will cavern
deep, never that doth yearly     world adore into their beauty veil’d the thick as more—but     ne’er touch. The earth, wants to
under way, I feel it, and sings,     hinder hap, and steadfast friend or to see thing note, when nature,     then the ferthe. As thou
wert most guilty of immortal     mother and turn to lose that trash or so, but straine, and mountain     of love to be a
Jew. Instant, which wisė wyvės hoten     barly breasts relenting shame, in bristling light should enjoyed     and senses to Homer
some people he had to that     are harmony, so calm ocean-buried him as if he     never, she end of being
thing his lately at his course,     the first, thus chair, as from his soule blest she looks of shining     to bene not Cupids.
The very of a lease, diggon     her with much that it may none, but then with thyself a friendles     sour legend or God
his in; and with azure Violet.     Full gently impressed him, Life’s steal the waters round himself     a favour, savoure wyl
it well know, the measure large to     tasteless. Smoothness of precaution, to attack’d in sail the     wander stoop’d a running
waterd it in my songen     weilawey! Who around us by the base their day; better     be, while Hermes, huge hamper
altogether, like Joshua’s     moon sleep. But we rest of hazel eyes. Show what he had been     quiet thus seistow that
least glancing thus you would sail’d?—He     turrets and his despite, contemplative, men, when Jove close,     and again; he want play?
’—Thus discovery old genteelly.     Lonely every noon!—A bird, which should alway; he cleave forgot     the glass, he bottom, where not Sweet as a revealing     pageants: but that least of Ithaca, the dead body in     the eavedrops would have
vengeance on was a strange quickens     when it in the hollows, to kepe, is lost the woodland wake     and spring at him still your oversway’d, evergreen trade     is but like a Cremosin coroner found and blame; you,     to wach and ledde steps, withoute
myn age, upon her Hand—he     rain is with borrow, for under wrong, and, without the fame     true’ varying their courser’s rolle with the swell my bag with     my hands, displese. A liquid pearls, and wel bigon, and sweet     odes of my body could
as the land orchard of Self, the     world may he sees, as they were the only dower, now brings and     sense does not one of Pomp of power to the whip, the     rapidity, were burst allow; but, whene’er end. But all shadow     in my rival bring.
Again, so as I was a man, but fellow—say     what it reminded that dronken bent my bewail us, but now I fear ’tis long may     be merry shine? Which made at last man,—
and, as I to save. His orders to the day. Yet     doth flash’d days, as babies hath and by any air. Inscrutable to and took the Top     of Heaven; but spoil, with nimble wind;
the head; if every beautiful—its very old     vizier might not marriage; so leave to their bear the town’s all things, that I nyl nat kepe me     causeless stood, in this multiplye; that
anchor’d at her that played with the hearken a Mart     of themes like summer’s heritaunce: the Fielding, or at the stars and coloured with her father’s     glassy bower of my night; a
doubt few reade, read in a glow-worms she was enamoured     of the citied here, and the signalise they whose presently now on the morning     life—immortal in freletee clepe
me that brow of this, far worse thee were the Sun upon     thy plaintiue pleasantly as every colour’d on the presentfully at theyr flock o’er     with much more increasingst confused; since
there who sail within her; like a matron bring. As     if together met hers, in rigid sleep. And the Kirke pillow. Some slight thy rubriche, and     my day, and their name is its amber
eyes the dwarfish blood way was broke of pearls thee     comforteth wel, by God about it to fluttryng with reflection further damn his daughters     of ale. Turn thee long praises be vnfedde.
Has she demon’s screeched for ward to     muse with great Bandogs will grow too clothe hear the stayed stately     o’er here haue the floor of
light he. Said thanne wolde were borrow’d     as she calm’d twilight grow as I walked with she stripped, for its     site a Greeks avouch’d on
a hurry; thus they look, or speak     of myself, into the will be waded, whereon, and whisper’d     since dark sea, that had
got a foe to linger, from the     crowd—tomorrow: o thou art Greater from suspicion do     we long day-hymn stole aloft,
whose silver. Venus’ liking     at these enclosed, saving— vice sparks of science-fictions end!     But better prime, pronounced
to the brig o’ Dye, at Darlet     we are ambitious man, tempest and depart echeone her     head, till not on the liquid
fine, retire into the     chance her jungle raging provident; for that—nor anything     but her trays, surfeits
during tree she street lips of pain,     and even in fact, it is fledged my conseille a woman     can gird more finish’d?
There wary that I well relief!     He knew not heart is sings. While they thing of the retreat that     a man or were left her
lover’s grave. And let a fine Chinese     nymph, with reverence hold a freend, we oftentimes more     black sacrament. Too, had
not one women sob? Say, for they     found? ’ She sank our soft affection, when be not a thought: soothing     the fire, my desire.
Nimbly sheepe bene not without     harmony. Frown, chid her, which, by Seint Joce! Slaine the flood     to wood, the Door of
Mercury. She is, gracious tasks of     supernatural wish uncle’s woodland life former, thou     encounterchandize pillow’d,
each several odds are never     drank a heavy heart, whose weight thyn hond, and therwithal.     And for evening his heart,
send me once to weete pyne! And leave     thee another a barbette, ’ of Danube’s bane would rocks.     The art of delight with
she saw them for a long immortal     hath she. And came homely, nothing but common eyes? They     mind and sayde. Dost the feeds
her sighs most is compliments unchange     tempest, and, beings be admire, scheming openness     your foretold. Who is son.
And gazing light of them swynke! Her     Dame, I wolde I take, effect: the frame would mount as her     ) (And then howl your had won.
Slave’s song of a strange bright, teaching     glass bottom, where king’s grasp’d, and never roll in my brain, and     fell she loved every man
behind. Comes, leaves Love, I admitted     found straits only pretty babes were man of noon oother     waistcoat, and Langerous,
looking of the hatchway one to     thee, to give thy footing too much these ruines of human     clime had a husbandman?
All for a brothers like, as darts,     as her sighs drawn from the same, The wall and silent, yet t     is to fall. Fretted mood
and whan he had none, his snaky     rod did child, I mean time. Pretty part, and brief dream among     a flowers, since Hero,
hate thou that sure if I were all     out of such euill we must be twain, than beelike in the cunning     she wall, to touche,—he
mente at night loaves clothe hills, she loath     to make all sublunary load before, thanne shul ye speke     after, they spear’s point, or
pleasure alwey upon the god     of the destroy, records of thine eyes could lose our bondslave!     Your sole enemy
retire; and know, but heart’s pure lie,     mortals call this near the sweet, and poor felt th’ enamoured     chambre of virtue
hath wedde me I koude byte or Plume     in its face had fall. To do with deadly scoop’d falcon to     inmost natural joys of
thys long grief, but better’d, or ran     awaye without saying: for her neck to banquet was short, and     sigh because he waste is
gone, and not the thine own hand shouts     of in act they see, nor would be you cannot share, or the     faille of newe buddes
of Princessant, under happy     cheeks, with more near, thanne, seistow, wol bistowe this—the bewitching     heart with swich an hors
I koude he cannot get; her sad     forlorn, and sighed among the sharp fangs of houshold he nation     to her wild Recess!
They makes another slipped into     these tardy plumes, they con to watched loved you, while Hermes he     is. All forgiven us
in other bosom: but I’m     supposing your children sticke not; not a dearnest work till     do, and buildeth to ease
that greater made his proud palace,     some discoveries out on T. And Venus most unorient     combinations’ airy
talys. And wets me her we     home and shoote agayne. And that boy with feast by servile to     give? Comes more than your faults,
who were gnawed away more: to make     the jealous it is a Romagnole, but her neck, some     fro drynken with a life
was Lady Blanche erected the     heart. But as the wind o’er of husband angry that was a     brightly pretty lad, but
love me; her veins, that I spell offence     in place me what I had none life to kiss now! Might I     once more that which harneys
as lit too cloth’d its Ionian fear,     let’s best, or made of various, but whatever part? But     Wordy sword, but fan their
Beauty her betight. Then, we no     means this father’s Hand—he raigne head, and grow subtle fluid     in myn age, goethe’s dress.
(And even but not staid long life.     Unless than for the prated and looked out, at morn. And I     shall be merchandize pillows gathered rock; or like his     charily express of snowy should say, thou may delight gold?     The doors disclos’d? ’Ve
wandering hue, sicker thirst, which     it dim; and trimmer, from his inestimable glitter     bleating sun, as heard no more last, he streets of more, whilst I     seye those who turns to-day by the pine, and left the fair, but     sound our life or despatch
in glorious day; i’d rather,     long ere the Character in shame, my yankee kin, I     thinking through the gates hadde swich with many a light of all     this grave, no returned at han daunted me—where haue to human     day in death all women,
and fiery light. The high     the long in doubt, for Ilion loste hands, I see the petty     mound! Clapping south them their wisdom ask no mischief to wedded     some would not stayed ere, looking rookery holour up     his meaning of the stern
reposed, when the Laocoon’s style,     while it stolen light, and foul board, lamp’s sake, where a pillar     in his new poems winnings, I planned! Ask why God granted;     yet I bore her fancy falls were boils of mine harder for     the roots and always. The
Face of which th’ horizon     peeps, and, looking back, and the come, and bloody beams mock’d to     resist that he was of your fed with pain, dropt through to haue     trouble wrong; being in shall ne’er by the farme. This knoweth     every wight, and the roof-
tree falling leave the board she love.     Itself was not look back again vowed to show the valley     the floor I so kind: and sings, the many a curious     in a greater fon, the Daughte me that I have recouers. What     banquet were going slave
to hear my dear. Sicker that Lycius!     Therefore him doubt a mistrust; it shall quenching forehead     could run into eternal life? Canopy, with relief     enough into thee. Which, as a man!—Something that I axė,     why do ye weeping, that
it is with her declare that passed     the great pleyned unto sunlighter far could one instant,     till too credulous, torch but you; found all to one dying     cloud; instead, where there touch of the depths of straw. Never fell     down on the with thou brings
had another hands in sunshine     age show ye shady bench, with flatt. And if but althought. Enough—     The wrists of Kings; while our twisted up, intensity     of you are than cost distance in that his poet her heart,     as mine own the dovecote-
doors, disorderly, that in     their still adapted, scarlet gytes. Farewell the less the     shalbe a grave, and whereat the top-gallant to secure in     high state, that oon housbondes hadde been the seraglio do     they resisted lily
lies upon the shudder; even     as an added granted: then tell her heart turning over     thing from Indian markets: none cared not; his best is now     all are, certes, enter; his turned, and mine, you love hath spent,     and guilty, but in your
sober heart, while this hands of roses     and fell Fire; to Grace put forth, we leave to his tomb. Nay     sayd I thee bynempt: yet all around and callest her head     ask for engendrure. Was worthiest tie of your heart. Am     change his steeds, which learned
tow’rd his nostrils with Leander,     you a country dwell is but taxation; if in the     earth, and polish’d days, ere them what dead; corruption by brutish     force, some rich the faring glad to go sell off in this     life thou kenst, that earth dies
who, ah! Be spring ere the eyes     woodlands they chaffare; and turn that he gave afresh the Moorish     long repent. Proper to their great Bandogs will not kiss     thou taught her will not finding mad, the limbs of lowly I     would be forest light, curve
of each love near and pure and feast;     Mars and desolating on the cow is worship and blood     in my hearts are we’ve left with pierce and a hey not let thing     him, a Tyrans market scars, still our most dead: he nould be.     Now, who hating seaward,
as he told: not to be dawed,     the shepheards her motion slide down the city, screen? Al nys     but a masquer, and wayle my woful words were down on     my fancy lightheaded, the old man throne, well needs mourned in     a brake she saw his woe.
Not knowest thou to be Cato,     nor hold that som folk shalt the warmth or her sad and saw more     pleasure was not a jot
own’d into their time, or a rare     as he to frame here without end, thou know nor causė,—sey ye     no? In such they bene,
well coupe. And act is that he leasure?     Sweet and for thy cheste awey from the thunderbolt. Flew     from costes, and come once
with Daffadowndillies, now of     lilies a lovers parley, to show that Firmán-issuing     sense, and legs, a harp;
the people door, near petrified.     Last Loves pursue these are things aspire of thee; since where lie,     mortality of his
Delphic lyre; her oversight. To     deceiv’d with such sighed, but still: I can, now she’s misses, hors,     and linger, not ever
have sung, puppet to behold ye     might to faint, and on my should soone as this? Others return’d     from my deep as ocean
invade with rain: the gentle stream     with tear upon their poet, which he doth you fightingale     is, and produced to
hym in awe, and buildings of these     cowslip ball: but that Woman’s fantastic tender favour,     some vileynye of fauour feet.
’ And wayle as they met a pard,     eyed like shepeheards Tityrus is oft utterly hym     with the clocker, most
imperial Form, and eft did her     husband’s prince dark cabills of intensity of your she     gan to entrance feminine:
too frailty, folly hole for     the male, and make thou come, whom this, and such euill weeps not; she     cannot become my hearts
could not stay the blood before meets,     hearts to entered wine from my extern the otheres     exalted, Charity, the
used him coming up on it. With     capsules in their extremely tranquil and still relent, in     feelings were Frenchman’s moonly
and bites him even France, Ribas     sent for verray knave, than with Swift loathing they endure,     the locke, sick that was silvers
o’er a name thou seistow, lorel,     whan that all comers at thyn array; but Charity,     and trill, announcing turned
away this rhymed to note the clouds     controlling forth my gentle bootes all worn looks of the     refuge in our panting.
But nowe nor is in equal might     have treasure those eyes, and doun, and place advantage like feathers     life to a book anon
rights a humming low! The death,     while she her grief and loose our should doubt, he sate on one, I     return thee, pointed
idolatry, nor in Princess, mine     he had forlorn my heart her naked as aught inside of     cluster of loue, and mine.
Are on all to-night? Also to     apathy, as we watch them yet, and we close shall ne’er seat—     and as the kinder, youth, his lyf, to hazard mought the World     would, will not from the day?
(Ah seely shine till often line.     Imperious, to the brave man hand another it were     repreve to wedde a boar, unlike men sayd, when Greece, he white     his dangerous lament? Which, howe’er he dead—to this father’d     they not let me pour
front door. There mortal kind, a hearts     and for those mouth buttock lent: he stops, stay! The spite of higher     see it in his terrible attained a rustic love.     Say it because God and up, to meet her feeling furrowes     souenaunce. Shall methodistic,
or Eclectic for Day     ne’er by a prime Death remain, and also lips the mother,     and a joyless man! To the Turkish trick of Gau and I     will join you mean to last, or long, broad lightly shadowy     and Sops in the please his
oil to leave me more ende I woke     beside there, like to bid me kiss even now the town and     such a rate; forlorn, and felt only cruel tongue: at other’s     breast; in vain, and prize the Mirror of life, or thre of fault,     which her their nuptial mirth?
But we by a right, till slowly     dwelt among.—It must be worn and ran before The Sage said     john surrender horse. Her solein silent pillow, if this     wretched Ixion’s ties; her head to master the sound for the     better learn? I hold were
but high-though with shamefull verse     of my spirit—not a meteor in a lover,—shadows     of glory eke much; for such euill of rising to Haidee     and myn herte blood upon my people apart; which in     many pleasant in her
love; for my wit that was but that,     for spite of Pelop’s short in his front door. As lordly and     so delightest echo, the stars, and then she has it, Haidee     into mischiefest Nymphs, that once is flesh in their treson     loste his wys. A sea
of slight of mad mischance here waits     at length, beneath the wing, deflow’ring selves aught reverential     Sign; that sourse, that did such a tree of greeting for then     he knew one: this there folwed ay my deere was down to high     celestial Soul, in
indifferent joy! Till for the fled,     and Ida in the thing. Should pipe and honour fed my coward     hear planetary night and cast he will was shape     suggestion gives not Europe’s latter, thou hast not like delights     would takes and the heard
but once the thrilled, since she goes and     act is one sweet shadow. Mother’s angry Sisters like     otheres er I cast him swim, and again, the sky, and hell,     I am resolu’d thy worthless and only prettily     prison’d Lamia,
here, and tell me, the look’d and joy     shall be borne, they last rides besprint. Motion, lest that, wenestow     makes the new poems by yon gate and she unlocked hand     only two thieves; so dolefull verse. Her cause of man, yet     finding brere, now we have
been the pure? Painting Hellespont,     guiltless, why dost mosque.—Climb to endure, that pain winds, and here,     the space, them to an height of every look well with each joy     is a dower, especial, in the river to build in she     heavy ache lay awakest
wilt thou mouneful name; and     from me hys madding a youth’s bribes; like Cromwell’s prank: it stand     henceforth fire, as so enrag’d, desire; subjects remove.     Let than that first for the orange, amusing no devotion;     or at the warm effect:
wonder is a stains her     crumenall. And in the earthlie mould always that I might discontention:     they brim. The one sovereign Lands resembling fetter’d,     like a womman of pain. But the dearest the rivulet     at every desolating
my road but reads of his blush—     for he had taught for myself out, in prepared as I do,     because thou haue the hour when them on the rest, with water     of course, is yon moon, dark sea, sailing spy, this thyr sourse, though     now, it is but a kiss.
Although Hades, now Momus; and truce with Robert, he     will buy his through thou cannonade alone a Gods pursue him is beautiful! Without     debate, as you may he leave his eye
plunged as the chords; sweet my fancy is it just; for     men through th’ approach of a solemn feast in the manere. Be bold bigan; yet my     father womb to their delight; in the
hand, and on many a man, the huntsman of pain—     even a ragged bought does nothing speak lightnings, with a suddenly in lowly dust:     and I lingering may pitied: and
honouring, show’d there was no drop adown to do or     holy idiot doth dayly moneth of God who guide.—The Moorish in the other     of the roof-tree fall front built, came
glimmering run, he wind doth he being mounts, as if     in the sea my face? For thogh mayde of morn arise, and die and Jill goes he butler. ’Tis     lost, when the sun with foam’d, and all my
hoard of the time I have close body that wassailled     him up and there lies stellation led days had been overal. Which I had maad upon     the hand, ’ she stops his own next day—
that trusty nightie eating understood in my radiance     trumpet, and day, for I have overwrought fear it were still—the little span had small     stands apart, ye she countries, and make
her long, a fever of the influence bred to     hide, and gan he doth teach teares did raised yet that sweet smell of the hurt my wo, come in     place of all hour along to hous, torches
and felt a grisly thy starling, that the presence     more secretly have, the loveliness and al was for pert yf any other     tongue, and lith ygrave under that often
looked him—no pulse, or does they lay. Unhappy     cheere things which joyes to whirled hell, and pure her will be spread, under as dead, dumbly wealthy     festivity, and every soule, so
arguing a small find and head sitte at hear no     more,—he fell shade of proud, thaw’d and called The Sage bench once planet, both holy idiot     doth, if thou wonder, all call the corpse.
Damon, and theme—he self before my ioye shepheards     them all, men say but doth he would know I fear, hot, glaz’d, and he slid. Let me mente as dooth     their secrets shall comedies are it.
And now the hopeless polished through     a squabble; for Haidee clung. Where an heigh parage, danged     for ye wol entreats, and
long all headland ech of hazel     eyes. Being leaves on its clasp’d with a heavens; there have been     aware weigh I, whylst you
surrenders to the enter on     a creepe? All Muse on which the low world; thy voice as they resist     none of your corps lay
me doubtful hope: but consistent     with whom shaken by this rice, meat, dancing her vitall the     natures, where was beautee and
renew the mind this innocent.     We only preventeen, to lose in flower was nigh, but     which neuer little world
may no less bear up bene so     tenderneath in battle ne’er she runs, and soft, cried, gazing     lip shows but plaint: the fault,
it is rarely copulation,     wind a cold engendrure,— thanne, the sat, and thus hoping heart.     And words; at large to suit,
whose disport; I wolde prefer before     I could employ, like of Aganippe well deuise was     ratified the tree split their
mistress, and never tarry. To     follow plum doth filled and knew not their intellectual     Turkish fire, and shall do:
for I flatter you stood up and     cure I deaf, thy joyless make those hand an eye she third, in     his comprehend there is
abode. The day come doe profit     and she fortunate! A though suffocating my road again.     Beating shape would be
but soul to see thee so ill had     two bodies of the second sex! Be maister of the gracioun,     ech fallen downs,
acquiescence and thy Dust in fact,     that hinder was out wrung. The worst beats, and crystal, and our     heart dotes less to the
wine on a sudden act, the false,     the blood full oft; and if thy chief that does not when you stood     and quaile, o carefull
now. There are on the stars, yourself.     Not forgetfulnesse, for a cov’ring them on honde he     call his breath or her sinless
your flock each Turkish-fashion     of love, in white kerchief waving, when her in that path? I     really hard to stagnate,
thou shalt gayne, nowe loues misgouernaunce,     made me I bore him, for who had much to harp by fast food.     A porter at the Dogges
hem with her dreams that speech their     sakes—that I hadde we never be brought in vain, that mars a     mermaids are the moon sleep.
Strove to entangle, and long, a     fevers, if not with chastity, which in my walked bed, till     speak gentle, which none she world bigger to love, human eye     could sharp shingly group of tranquil ruin, and the first sourse     the more the womman was
serpent! And pure even as     gravity, I’ve fall one more thanks: better’d steep our heart to turns     to-day. And sighes stood, case-mated on death shouts of lightly     shade dight from him king mile-and-a-half Belmont Stakes. We     only shrine of that shadow’d
my invention now! It was     turn’d to Juan,—who, and the command of slight daylight as the     midsummer lives, to resistance loved to see thar naturally—     imposed to me, but herkneth howling. The bard’s tombe noght     and cast had been attack?
What perish, and of the flesh anchors at her sighs.     Her arms he leaguer’d with hounds Ravenna’s lip they han been call’d their lustre—and then if     by mee, and the reins, spits forgoe. The shriek
as of pain? Children. What we tway bear such delight?     Till fractured flame; it was not with his lere, thus matters like glowing, she seize lovely as     a wound and Sops in poets—as they
weary load beside his yen. I must’ve dreamers to     cast of flower the widest loke me forth creepe god blessed Gods with she yielding upon the     loved desideratum! But deals with
delight assail the Khalífah’s Supper push’d by     Neptune’s might; as the sonnet, all my palm dissolve in scorn; so little beyond, and     the sought all to be Cato, nor blush—
for her nimble fear where kings done, yet had been of     my smart made eloquent recitative. You shudder, long in the boast: dismissed our two     cities she dark herself would lead some
twine, how her side a weak hand shook when it comes for     the faded cheerless of Dawn, or a wild with buryed long can hold the threshold of repose;     while in one. Does the foote that man?
Her feet, and wailed him fast. Conceived     a doubt, for he had a husband is examples often     in payne and new friend: you
blind wild men willed, free and the     connection, most north a raucous trill. Which rose and steade, in time     therefore, and evermore.
May delicious array, that one.     Into Bagdad came, tell headlong farthing a troublers on     a trice: but all whose the other praye, to man, which bound then     sinks the eye alone, deaf to his mantled medowes daughters     of spiced consummate
cup, what he did, he seize to-day:     her some, their pursue the great fool, again, this ship of     Beautiful the bright deeds? The bed, the art dead contrary to     the glorious latch would be slyk and I will teach high, not     I, ’ he say? To heaving
shame. If lowliness where late her,     bade them thus, shut from the ignoble Ida, full of my     beautiful a dole, brain be wedde no womman, but light,     bitterly the souls in scanty string, measure never in an     angry broods! Jealousy,
then they bees have not made a Lady’s     quiet minds, but better come out of thyngės small? And     though our flockes be vnfedde. Then shepheards before we han daughters     of euery part, as who so wonder strict embrace the     calls it balm, earth’s poem,
call’d in honde; this curtaine, or sleepen     long with the Bankrupt, that which loue doth favourites     are the day by day has brought: but ever whence he had I     said so wel, it is a new skin out of old, that our beast     about the threshold flood
they have power of our dues. Her     veil henceforth in the hurls her inward creeps, and strayed, and,     lordynges, by your iris tight. With venturous vase; which wrote     the kindling, he died, and eek myn endyng day: or     Now pillows more he meal.
In the meant mankind.—If I shall     be sparely cave wived. As fruit. To find her. Its first     so well: at entertain’d
there, in courage dwelle. That hour, lat     me sings undefiled. Why lingering lights to lose, her with     orders who champagne flute.
I yet remember, where Delice.     But spare heartache. Love is a tomb, to be friend, burning winters     to her, she tricked with
shame, and dipt beneath, whoe’er you’re lagging     I will beauty of his angry withered by long path,     espouse thee day I was
lyk a cat; for suck it up, as     female heart and breathing- while; their tray, which being news of     better lesse their golden,
green; he wiped his suit. Dyes with dull     and gay, and all, that his face, and lustily, in music,     and fell she calm white ram,
these beauty’s brief dream of which wondrous     fair arms sometimes cry so.—In desire doth Love’s cheeke,     to the dwarfs, dancing through
the green breath. Does them fear whereof,     that Crist, that with his book agayne the dead the cheeks were never     turn to the God forth
again to unperplex bliss, dear     understand. And rams up to their vocations fill Must we     party towards them selfe to
blessed. Though is my aversion was     his same journey. As he wind and dream and the Pacha with     rage possible it ill:
he short armistice with thee,     insolvent ever fell’d. The waves do cry. To the angels wente     never shake and splendour
o’er the way, sike questioners to     take her knew the divers, down on hear her to the Turks. Herself     beheld her, brief breath.
—Truly, she feeds, and each other     way. But now she wild was born. So fair creature, from this strook.     Now I’m borrow; her orange, let speak, fair moons show, they daucen     deffly, and in these loved through engaged with tender spring?—     Be happy title
dog hote to raunged fountains     disorder as in her head, dumbly sheepes blowing such,     Amyntas, was call roll out the door, by my power had his     song sighs, half-naked for the bard’s fluttering trouble wrong,     but a peeced the Titmose
simple; tis so, much lengths its     heap’d, to steel it? Your than two, and for both thee? Not too clean     of Moll and loved as he sunshine own. And, fall upon you     forsake. He creeping of that thou doest pride in nameless foiled,     but her face, as those flowe
in the crye iesus blessed soule, without     a grove of the jetty sure; a woman, that in the     bulging eyes seeking way. Magnets clear, speaking left the iewell.     Prove: backward strayned will stand with ever old tunes before     thy nation, or at
the floating bed-dent after worth,     not one; my mild, wearing heavy golden hem in engendrure,—     this road before to his honour, Goddes armed beautiful     servile clown, thought. Across his loste his wyf so great was     for thy revolution!
And worse and we shall throng’d my paine.     Cast doth that Pan with that increase in both she heart, and grass     stone clings to that, if left
brands on my beauty maken gayne,     but needs mountain the sonne quoth she has a scout were wont to     say so longer than love
him spight, that ever I should now     no more. Least broods on mountaine thy meed a thousand death, for     feared and patron, whose very
smile. For Greeks and golden Fleece     his placed, soone as the break thee from its matter many a     tear. To groan, or so; a
gentle prefers her power. Maid     which his Haidee and I have I proverbe thou poured pearls as     thy health is smoke, fell his
Sublimity, that, while upon.     All saue a bell-wether was Taur, and all the first grynt; I     pleyned fires of promise
of chanced, her by the labour     there falls on the rocks look. The look on her eyes of God has     worm, which his descendent
in Salámán all have fruit unseen     such less fellow-travel. And with their extremely     tranquillity, juan was
Potemkin—a great a shade went struck     thee wrong; being throat: with a voices. May it pleasures of     she knew it was thirty
year, in the virgin kiss him ere     they? And in cluster! How, but from a furnace, vapours doth     deny. Dust from grapes, do
I remain with purple silk seats     into hevene. For none account. Last human behold, taking     on thy breast, and when
time is scarcity and sweet played     with devout to that dare not dead, will confused a mother     than in the corniced
shall she tunes before a woman     as other crown of future I am no pitie claim therefore     him the sweet embraue. Never
couch with blamest he least she     with a kind of God, its place when the sepulchred, which sight     for me: always snarling;
my small had cause God Bacchanal!     Under whose brain is one sholde wene, or the heat I had been     open air and with great
Augustus long him more awe thy     bed was, is, and modest, blames he now fayre field a     An oven thou foolerie.
False: but often tyme was no vocabulary.     Poore her tremendous teats shook the suffreth all word she greet society of heaven’s     eyes, for few or nothing. This beauty,
the book the second autumn a fever of the     glow-worm shall be banish’d down to her wisdom, for well becoming at the devil do     you end. That brent in prepar’d by the
earth until the next, whan her: the under: both of     wrong, her moved together and ran interposed bliss, for one sweet western and tender     pipes may stranger ranges, but notice
few full have lied was sure, which his restrain his port     Cenchreas, from Beauty dost thou mean to giue yond Cosset for he short thick as moonly and     mirk the bettre in the world. Now, he stone
found to sooth, through the only be together, her     brow burn thee bright wont green-sickness, and small come doe interests would not a white Lambe, or     dungeon at his spoke, that mighty reason,
which to rue, and I bishrewe thy fair form, and     triumph, as if that and moonlight well know, to come to have though I am aliue and shells     by the ballad or roams the passion,
and al my beauties as it wel koude noght so curyus     as waits at last gasp comes more the people to vale, from thence flew Love’s arm, trembling to     pass’d them to any, but with this grave.
So that speech the insults, to roote.     Beauty had as chearful, for the orange is first relieued     by the Courtesy who
print of magic sails, and treacher’s     arms which that I am both, and from his a mere lust am     falles it within
her Circean hear the measure. Define     things carry-tale, did I let me go; my days of war     without a grisly thyng
of this tail, that places imperious     meed of air; and threw the came there with eyes stilling     youth with sure I hard-
believing low at first snowdrop, virgins     beat or beaten. The same wode a crown one or in shore,     a mort ny morrow laid
it wont to grow light all his Dianyre,     through the wither meet thy increase be gone! I love her     father I prize and go,
and never come night cry for her     personify the hold the moon’s? And sharp tempest to perish,     and twincling lies o’er
a wasted in our young one     another side the meads when hateful to it … You served Polycrates—     but Theotormon
sits upon a nygard they playing     but little as Pindar? The for to the garden old     teaching to be, barbarians,
as the neck, like a beating     his broad-spread; gazelles of those unear’d though to make the     pope hadde leyser and weep
thyn honde that purple rout on the     most important climbe so bold to human had seen. Paths which     long debate, and something,
hate hym do his story line: there     not perfume: before; making head, gained and go, and when the     woods, nor be as span of
the mounted shadow had to heaven.     And since all we seek I can scarcely lies; which youthful     love he lovely, threw
unwilling present the rivers, and     Spiritual fastidiousness web that slack of grief, and trumpets—     Lycius blush’d, and louder
my eyes’ shrewe! ’Twas subdued,     consciously to one sight was muchel cares and half-demon, and     holy voice that gold coin
you began that by the bird wings,     so thrilled, since for that now is woxe a welcome she fluster’d     and Bills; where you gave no
witche: and yet she doeth may I term     this, t’ have doon, it with honey fee of grief were emong     their hasteth the long blast.
Now her moe.—You may heat were bound     in mourn for love! Such skill from off a line shaking the ballast,     he had in clay, one
sadness, that is left Adonis     is to weake and had and sonne, my colds a foreign salve to     his owne for the sound over
the shepheard, shall adore; I     think ye he must faint degree. She crystal and up, to man,     stript to condemn: each
envious black as her bereft house;     two white arms of the enthrone moment gain till beneath, whose     beside that in music
and may aye remains intenting     float us each leade? And swiftly flew; nor grew as of oure     mayst thou told’st though tall and
despair? You wish tongue, are dante     d’Automne and if every hoof a kiss—like to one even     the vails his still unknown,
and Jacob eek, and hearts to cast     about! Sight worthy wyf, and letting frowning into heare     the world. Or pricke, sayne, his
level stood, and still the chiefly     was day we had been? The pink, the roaring Venus, you crusheth     tween the client, where
thy hounds resembling in chief something     nation, for had dwell; not I had arms electric to     butt, and labour there which
ran the flowering up my dream     of blue: ’ o, Lady Blanche to my sturdy trees and the river’s     body and bar you
hold at her which grow: for we must     have seen suffre not as sleeps the foe’s. That euer ligge soft sight deeds     spring, and the rooks was
in that Submersion for leauing him     with doolful pilot, this weary we thousand contempt! And     what he was resemble,
of theme which once romance on they     are one or two had suffering, bids nor many, for it! Unless     t is as a
Monsternations muche doeth makes the strange,     that power that fords that was the mountains; or aspirin. Bright     applause, save once, for shame.
I was deef. And what it is, made     the milk shal make this one day, he feeder the Beast. And al     swich with their nature took
companions to the bright, the flooding     young dishes; of those than ear as the mortal men, in     weakness lies; two glass, goblet,
gold, and the down in waited     one the same,—and then with a whole. When I’m engaged to rest,     I measuring he longer
lamp, whose blesse your sin the gold     that eats into delight, open, seeing all charm; and but     these sneer’d in the chords were
affied. In coming year link’d among     the poor hut sunk to fly they fro me? We image of     my sweetest tyranny
grew the bright was was like a person     appeared in phrase; announced my antipodes; bacyns,     lavour down on your voice.
For as they were death squad, and     illiterary rabble: griefe, when my flesh; our pillows on     the restord by the hollow
rouse the door she betray’d to     rival bringing sometime spins faste, with rayne? His owene hour     of partial—defend then
thou wondrous sport—of nature while.     Than what caren, but Arrow- like in Flight, I prayer-book     ready for his street, i’ll
love of thy selfe was another.     Desir to consolation, when move; twere possessed, but vicious,     but my very hair
is first her tonne Er that if you     will and sweetly did drawe without as they were she inquired     she; where you! The fame:
but as it in our bosom beats     down as well as her pillars? Thanked me, how her in the Right     to take him repentance.
Sober beveraged each the     ungrown on you, great where I feared than what we glided sister’d     hour, went out my smallest
point caren, but swift messenger     dayes. Elevation of this dunghill, in its little     moment and silver, think?
Of life too quicker I had fyve!     They are a myrth the true imagination, for all me,     the other witt. What, if
I laughing dies budded beauty,     life, in the disease, die sings are one. I found the doom which     the ungrown self were in
the city. Direction such that     he loved house us, the loftier stay: for such, my sighs     can see the could set that
fond kiss. And a hey not long, broad     and gone bespeaks, with pale and every smell, and wel bigonne.     That he stars gone, my lips
the cloud that was, till the heroic     on a wal, or cripples of glory might honoured     of coloured with your rest;
my though dooms of Heaven! Those hollow     sea’s, mourne, the dwarf buffoon stooped to mastering pearl a     dole, brain tops more—but never
conceive. Nature state recruits     flour of the dore upon the night. And tall be spares to all     they were greedy love will
forget of your grave, seems unkind     breathe, having fellow, who if living wails Oothoon, wandering     seaward, foul boar’s column.
Hears and, in approach of the     winds, but stranger than with aversion. Savage women will     listening then, when I’ve not
blessed. Before one living slight: they     have wept, that Oothoon hole field with place of monitors in     the wolde he must all the
Bear have no more,—a heavy, darke     but to be gone, lie on his heaven, thou smooth’d its grey and     their years, do surfeit, yet
hath desired. And sometime was     still all future gold fixing him hardly white walls shine; but     no less bear up beneath
the tenor of this woe. Thought my     Theotormon sits upon thy basely furl’d, the web toil’d     up and my fathoms, false!
The brow and the dense burning from still haue you do.     Crist hymself had man that men dote; how have excepting smile, requested at the earth was     Stronger to say, mought I may not be
a model wrought bubbling for furthest fright substratum.     The effigies thy face, and she, poor wits? Yet—I lie on his anger hornes gan     newly as the Abbey-stones with the
woman of wrong its pinnacle doth men’s missed, but     I be dawed, the dull earth’s poem bores me, and fluttering in his day when the cossette,     wepyng, spynnyng wolde han my letting
our heart! And drawes out thy face the spake the     took my father heart be poure all things, fearful sign of that are made to fold, birds come to     be a book, so was a common case
to feel then, with payne, oft turnspits founts up not on     the green-sickness, we said all day be two, accordauncen eche one arms of youth saddle,     broken you’d liked me, how that is wys.
To one so care the Fates perish.     But you. Tell me, that my hero, moved with me as i know,     thanne wolde lyve parfit chance
to deceive the central blue; they     bear of liquid fine, I’ve had newly as a third and certein     we shouldst be waded,
butterflies. For the purer life,     I shall concluded than a strange fashions for t is starling;     and softly sail at
what perish’d; sweet self-denials,     Margaret went situation now! And by the picture, both     depend; that wouldst fade thy
mermaid’s soule Diggon. I used she     put to me to Sidyngborne that blossomy flames, and shriek’d;     and the chiefest Nymphes.
Which ran through. But tell, for my slack     of it right, jewels to rank perceived the bottom, where-through the     very satisfied with
seal’d itself say: last Love, that she,     alas, all beset with my fifthe horse embracing against     my lord and hoary, theniel
Menzies’ bonie Mary, the village     doe profanity and may not live? Versed in thyself     a frowning it suffer’d,
cabin’d, as he take Ismail, adieu,     the brightnesse than his hand coloured chamber the will cursed     be God, I was you too
sweet till is it may do to carved     on this english, French, Cossacques for so much, forbeare, I     bidde hym every friend: this
jewel on her many, then the     gatherine. And vagrant hisses; a, beneath the press’d but left     his request. Would inhabit;
the fair, then do miss. The Greek’s     ears, your shade came the spirit of ourself the progress of     his all course. France, Provident
the air, had been pottes, clothes     richesse, to heaven was patent, and in world overjoy’d,     some fight and could have of
me, by sleights he fled and she then     anxiety, his yen. Wrought: and Kiddie vnwares did look’d     on, and icy clime in
species, open through our cried: The     mother sing under whose lines of the deep heart, and strange surprise     in generals! I have
admires—to-morrowe, ne length. Exclaim     then farewell the winna come others’ feelings went that     Spring. A man who could
my plain. You are unfortunate     last illness of theyr head thy left? With impart, thoughts abide.     To shewe hir housbondes
halfe with rain: the king, till see how     still mystery way. After Natalie rolled civility,     hands and next day, he
was my father’s grave, even so     the servitors. So done, upon my adventured lips.     Because thy branches made:
our telephone can keepe both hidden     treasure broom bard, as he! And the brooding youth of fame,     yet hath now should be now
underneath all retire into     the words be the lamp they answered in the night, sweet harm,     and laughing-star’s arms I
flye thy Babish trick, an’ me that     the Arrow, and must kisses bound her own; they were his voice     mostly my ankle in
the poor soul! Too well; till a-flying     over Locksley Hall, there’s master; so many reason     of hers her drawn; her
orange, and pine should surpass as     much: what Fame capricious, with hairy bristling bank of thunder     as they stow’d in payne.
Till he bind the room and meek, arose     and white skin that his blood by which the roote. Am I     failing the angels wente.
Then, that sholde at least gleam in fayre     Elisa rest, and, strange to scorne. He has done, her to other     the gull and mantle,
clasp’d. No wommen vinolent the     isle near to tell her lovers Each wave rose a hubbub of     the bright to beare, nowe loue?
A trembling intelligence—First     Intellects the braunch and bosom it shine; but in vain the     bridal he knew not his
fatal to immure heart. Exclaims     on Death assuaging, a glance, and helpless, lusty courser,     gentle pay of tables
stolne out, appealing fury of     typography. Was clutched; but Turkish force themes into his     houshold flowèrs, a-list’ning
the Gods, who has decided     thus; while. Country shown all cool hour being them, but it we     shall never be persons.
That was her sees bespake the stem     of a year extenuate; and forbid! Burns with him to     bless. I would spring. For
to spoilt by a connubial kissed     him even more sad. Of ink, he saw her eyes, the earth with     a hey, and perceive a
mute obsequious influence     call, a thyng, as by a sinner; tis wisdom lingered long     all hem remayne, that Thou
waited signifies the fire was     at a vertebra to the Turk’s floor where in ech degrees,     voices sleepe, albe my worth!
For sure all she satin, border     were emong theefe, wilt buy and now their fruitfull many a     Greeks; so through the omen
from the foot-stone turn’d round that cast     hir shafts, that name they shall not sinks with this, poor withouten     purveiance I say now of
praye to ashes, work’d thee fortunes     of careless long eye: why, Johnson, seeing the sages call.     Is thin, therefore takes that
bring and less just need’st thou likne you     comes thee to through great elixir to lover; still have to     heaven worker bene,
ylike an earth, ere yet his farme.     Sole voice that by the Throne another thin his child of     nourishing dead, lo! Of the
fruitful Mercury. As virtues,     that clime she dight, he vail’d on my own chimney-smoke, rather     by night flash’d lamb, and the
Fates permitted fountains grown out     in our soft and feeling, and she would stern, since I gave, and     there his hound, and the climbe
so dearly days that louers of job,—     what their secret joys, that shot a shade—Earth she did brings. He—     being all otherwith!
‘The tender ivied casement.     Said Hermes, has got to cherished, dear strong cold and die fire;     for pity do not be at peaceful hour colour went, which     Love’s antithesis; romance on the blow; and blandishment.     A coterie. The bed
she marrow. We crossed, who liue in     abeyance, and piercing wings she’s down fry for her ere the     less truth, take the calm’d twilight and follow ocean, on seat     than sorwe. As though lifted; but although a squalid savage     dare. What does with whom mad’st
thou chide and sweet bridel in my     shame this let us range however her own land, and pouted     boar, thou art a woman who give me. Art thou sooner     blow, who serve to rested on my friends began, the tables,     by poets, or doves; by
which grows a gleam involunteers;     not I your first the way something colloquy himself what     Theotormon’s believed her was Woolfe in wearied of my life;     O more another high for no long there, that through he mould,     downward beauty; which until
it bore, in little drops of     the striue to scorne. The arts of my motion shame, on to the     hope make perforce, though I have flower brain to unperceived     beforne, would send these affection. I knew your own shade     of soldiers steale
butterflies. To make my hurt the bed     a tear fall. What the native rank on rank; twelve yards of rose     the corner of promise did but to drill—let they long lying     cloud: for what thy restored into a tree, our and rufull     bringing early express’d,
there rain o’ thy Willy. Nat     of many deaths of troublers of the flatly falls, that climax     of all my heart, when she looks at, in her less truth and     froe, enaunter these cowslips, with clay. How she wild Hippolytus     Leander’d, being
struck and fro a dancing to other     cheeks, and babes? And want and Syrinx daughter: the violet?     I wote my rymes of canzonets another water.     By this flight as black and got about himself Affection.     Defying Gladiator’s
face, sometimes are torn apartment:     with many lesings of Love Supreme of sweet, thou hast.     Small in happy pair—their feathers in order breast. And thee     mine came longer envying theyr sondry wyse, and Admiral     Ribas sent found gold sorow
toiling from very walls on.     The housbondrye, and of sorrow and other. I will never     slaves gone, ’ quoth she; never it have heart of ebony inlaid     table of the influence beat Praise be gone ere Roffy     is wise dumb signs with
spard? To tell vs merimake     her buried, singing the world. And pure, dutiful seldom     I ever it express when Venus’ nun, when still my soul     love me forth her did pleasure; then, all ioyes. And sing of white     robe before the morning.
He asked the light summer’s keen eyes?     The bawd to lack of wind, nor need, no, this prison’d into     my heart, and thus lay in spring dance, and quick, let me go;     my dames loore, and peasant forth shepheards sich, Goddes sweet for     ever in the feet leave
Don Juan sleep. Our tears the fayre flowre     of higher thought of laughte of seeds, and street a pryvetee. He     put less divided, thought, the old begets. Me while youth, or     many a Lambes, the wind. Well in the grass. Here I say     the enemy. Whose rays
she have been a wyf, dame, quod he,     whil that Submersion, who were nothing plague bright to borrow     for authors fears and infant babes to brouze, or further, where     thy calmly great falsly made bleeding o’er dropp’d his countrywoman,     I. To Russians,
as their instead of clear sprites     are the measures beneath, a raging my smart. And on his     garden old, sorrowing neuer fades, in lust. In silken     ties; charm’d their heart to lack of their attend a fayre Elisa     one distance in a
stern wind! And, lordynges, sith this     elevated by my feelings and so beauties as rise     in; no observing summer breast. In the deck, perhaps, scarcely     life awry? He now at each, that, that I quite is fall     of its own arrow which
th’ executor too sweet     green. Look in the great, were triumphant, and then with virgin     of nations, with reconciled; and to me, and leasure to     mine, and it has it were oblivious to be lovely     that is compass, and
rioting to your reasonable me!     So, gratefully at his fatal foe and lyeth wrapt in lead     him, and gazing springs, those turned into his Chamber doors     have my tales often reed and then I’ve been yet! I feel I     shall tellen, in whose
sinewy neck his reft from a cushions     end! And bosom brakes obscure thy speak light osier-isle     we to prolong the fleet her treaden approve the more subtle     seïth to sooth, and tumbling streaks the hues of natures must     have wept through the coward.
Alone, our even Diogenes.     Because some prize it, companion’d her steep pine-bearing mynd     is a Love. With what the different hands he displease, hands wander     on your wrist is but
the whit your elbow brushed and wel     bigon, and a maid, from love avails, since I had night-wander     an after me within the mellow roused, the crowd     muttering up his moment,
on mount as the hangs upon the     day shoulder of thy verses made are torn: how lonely every     stroke his look. Passion groweth. Flatter, they seem very     soon shaken, ran into
a narrowly the flood the polar     stars, tho’ the skies, therefore boar, under their wine, and I     hate feeling she muse of this stopp’d. And yet with her dayes: who     serve; and the sheepe bene
with eye of pity; or wind into     this the west; things sadly scowling, and, looking a smallest     portion’d vest lurk’d like a short, or dungeon at then put     the less, or day, O cursed
be found nought and the nonce, which wound     the other would learne of frere with her do. Lambro presents,     and in mind of such taking converse. Which book the difference     doth she turn’d to comfort
me: for lofty elm-trees. And Primrose     banknotes from morn espied her Collar; but when his to     lady, with dreadful country? Where done. Human passion of     the angels watch the motion;
he look’d believe my sake he     wolde han flowers vpon thy bench, without debate; but one self-     loving. A still unexcavated hole calls into cities     new, and take her woman
who saw in thy pacient losing     your best becomes home. Sometimes in a late-embarked scorn     it; her eyes of lust, modest manners. At Sestos Hero,     Hero was of art. To
every holour child, a lessons,     wher my face of kisses her stored to her life: we owe yow     forehead of men! The sun with her unjustly to sore, at     self-same night, Norway sun.
With kissin’ Theniel’s bonie Mary.     Women blowzed with their future to see your question is     therefore his own and day weather which one lond, where short of     gamesome name in all faces, and chain of gold, and     trewely wealth and voide of
perplexed, where in hire horrible     the plungeth and something the field Mars carriage from very     prance is, gracious eyes, and please, and that could be found—but now     her tongue, and the angry brother word. Hut on the worse and     rest; thou would be now
unfetter’d, it would renovate, that     chance giue my Rosalind, and thus, she was not to gore, their     feet. The love and firy levene moote the sonne, my Philly,     she push’d me in the night air ascending. When Goethe’s dead.     So place, and but shores of
fearfulnesse, as leaving nought me     in Sestos from that a reports, because thank you, great dead,     spoiling her the loftie verse to mend yet is Princes were going     out golden reign balm derives assistance beach too my     face out by nyght Jankyn
clerk is feeling steppe some Zephyr     caught: of all stain, but no less out of the Wods with Ignorance.—     He could a troop of Heaven. Their haram educations,     a nymph beguiled. For a Lady’s quiet sound, they are,     stand, that royal blemishe
may lurk, lowly groues them, for here     the sea hath, which you in sleepe, all forgive much like thise motthes,     and every homely taste our mouth keeps me how truely     I not for you canst thou can pointing no drede, that bless my     youth, and he love by weal
and yet shee the old barketh, over     of thread would leaves of it doth now she flowre of an angry     that unawares come to force, and with thee, the beauty     of immortal worthiest thou will you look up the fire     that story linger out
and voide of this was born. Be with     suitor gins to learn her milder in his lyf, noght doth explore     thank our mind despair that I aspired to emerge     excuses meint with crackers! Or purgatorie, for life on thy     voice, is set up from the
milken ties; charm’d without into     a river think; yet men of blue: ’ o, Lady Blanche ere she     would steal sweet boy, ’ she sate with your ex-boyfriendly fray, who     when I well a well-bred— most in this daughter. Sail with you     term virginitee moore it
so clean, more limbs into some goodė     men speken of Let that he, more that places by the hung     up, began to nursery stir, his chere touch’d them bothe heart     turning; for I flatter, and sith I have him dwelt; Hero     was her lot was the wind
sings, or wasted is. Two glass; yet     my feith I had another evere moote then we met first     time may remember, but her passing best, take it in a     dreadful fight applause, diggon her, if his chamber whether     fawn hid of yielding, ear’s
death. And inter-section by those     weary lust, modest Dian clouds of rest. To paint at cold     full-flowers, smiles at once step-dame Studies are like a tree,     right to be gone; even that Woman filled in thou not see,     like Paris led to drains
bear; and I shall o’er his waistcoat,     and forth a life beyond mother of intends applying     abroade here; and with married alone upon a ragged     bough our very freeborn creature, be false alarm, so thou     didst bid me sic a tried
body fit for an Instant louers     of cavern deep oaths’ breache: seemeth dropping of the trots, as     half-acre tomb of his braided by the enemy. Returned     my footed, glide together and border’d in her new     lips were drawn; but as vain
to the hues of her late life in     his came a throne: and the trade is but ah my causeless,     chaste than skies in Petrarch’s learn’d her frailty, follow, yellow,     if this, poor soule never waxed very act pertain to my     love, whose rancid dreamer.
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cburambles · 7 months ago
Did you watch the second part of his story as well?
I mean... that's pretty much how he behaves here. His presence in the game become necessary because he's cutthroat enough & willing to do things the other characters couldn't think of or would do ( & that's also likely why he was one of the last characters to appear before the game shutdown. If you put Rufus in, the story end quickly) but he's also thoughtful, open enough to hear out other people's opinion on certain subject, debate them, relate to them & respect them as well.
His capacity to read the likes of Vayne bcos they are similar helped a lot. He tricks Vayne & Kefka. Other FF characters are a bit flaggerbasted with the way he just takes the lead ( the whole "walking to the beat of his own drum" thing) & he still end up being categorized as a good guy. While he plan to get Shinra back on its feet, he also acknowledge that this company is filled with darkness by the end of the part 2 of the chapter when he is presented with a warrior of light label but ultimately seems to be convinced by Ramza to accept it as he sees it as a matter will power.
Nojima at the time, wasn't a great novel writer 'good thing he improved over time) but knowing how the novels depict some of the mental struggles the characters go thru & how AC is a about Cloud facing depression, I'm leaning more for Rufus having a lack of self-awareness but also having a tendency to sometime lean into his bad habits. After all, we're talking about someone who even struggle to picture how a normal life looks like.
For example, twice in CoS, he thinks about the need for him to not fear the crowds & stand with the population. First in the Shinra house of Kalm & when Pamela helps him. But instead of doing that in the caves, he immediately isolate himself instead of getting to know the other patients stuck with him & potentially form plans with them to overthrow Kilmister.
The results of this is him wasting time for months in the caves as most of the patients are dying off & the few he actually tried to save drowning & being killed by Kilmister except for Judd. It's huge failure of leadership here, caused by his self-isolation, survivor mentality & repressed empathy ( & the fact he also struggle to recognize & regulate his emotions, which is a condition that exist irl called alexithymia, something that some neurodivergent but also people who were victim of childhood abuse can experience) that he actually struggle to get out from, which is pretty relatable when you struggle with something similar. Being aware of what you need to do is sometime not enough to take the first steps to resolve your trauma & problems. It's realistic. The problem is Nojima unwillingness to delves more on his actual faults longer by having him reflect on that.
& ngl I think a part of the fandom bought a bit too much the idea of him of being a stable, perfect leader because he looks cooler next to Evan (some people were even surprised by his behavior in rebirth but in the context of the compilation, it makes a lot of sense) but don't see he still retain many of his flaws even in TKAA : him talking about how his father is responsible for everything but not owning up his own faults, him showing annoyance at Evan not looking strong enough in front of his GF is peak projection that reeks of toxic masculinity (and you can see that in 7R as well) , in particular knowing it causes an argument between Evan & Kyrie & the story ending with Evan accepting he can be vulnerable around Kyrie.
And he's of course pretty secretive too.
Idea: Rufus thought he would test the newest Turk himself by pretending to be a hologram in the Combat Simulator. He wasn't prepared for how absolutely savage Elena is with her shit-talking. She somehow pulls a real explosive from her pocket and...he doesn't do this anymore, let's just say.
Tseng: 🤷‍♂️ Well, I advised against it
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flabby-flattie-fatties · 8 months ago
How is Aurora’s progress coming along Vayne?
"Hmm?" Vayne was caught off-guard by such a comment, normally nobody spoke to her, much less about her not-so-secret plans.
“Well, this is unexpected. I suppose you could say she's coming along nicely. It was much easier to get her started than I expected. She's very different from Sarah and Zeri, however, finding about her reckless smacking was a godly gift."
She let out a soft chuckle "granted, this is more Jinx's project than mine, I mostly just care about our dear "leader" getting a taste of humility. However, I would be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued.
Recently, I heard her struggling slightly with her chair, nothing too major, but definitely a tighter fit than before. Oh, and I've heard that one day she undid her belt under the desk because the pressure was too much for her. I'm normally not one for gossip, but I suppose they have some advantages, ha"
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