#professor layton fanfictions
perplexedflower · 1 year
Dancing On Air
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Fandom: Professor Layton.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Hershel Layton x Female Reader.
Type: One shot.
Words: 2,651.
Summary: After having brilliantly solved yet another mystery, [Y/N] and Hershel find themselves in the middle of a celebration, in the middle of the dancefloor, and, most importantly, in the arms of one another.
Chronology: Any game.
In one corner of the large plaza, Layton, [Y/N], Luke, and Flora stood next to each other, forming a row. And each of their faces bore a warm smile as they all watched the townsfolk gather and celebrate, some distance away from them.
That day, all four of them had solved the mysteries of a town that was located far from London; a town they had managed to save, along with its inhabitants. To thank the Professor and his companions, they had decided to organize a celebration in their honor in the early evening, at the center of the town.
As they admired the glowing string lights and colorful decorations, gentle music began playing behind them, as a handful of the inhabitants had assembled to form a band: upon hearing the first notes, Luke's expression changed and he hurried to join the other musicians, his trusty violin in hand. He stood straight as he set it to rest between his shoulder and his chin and within a matter of a few seconds, the harmonious sound of his instrument had joined all the other ones in a beautiful symphony of sounds.
The others turned to him and looked at him play, smiling widely, expressions of fascination and pride on their faces.
"Beautiful, my boy." Praised Layton.
"You play amazingly, Luke!" Complimented [Y/N].
"It sounds so wonderful!" Flora exclaimed.
A little bashful, the boy chuckled nervously as he continued to play, now with a smile. As the melody of Luke's violin surrounded them, the team split up: Flora, who noticed a food stand on the other side of the plaza ran off, while [Y/N] happily made her way to the center of the plaza, where most of the townspeople had gathered, and this left Layton to stay behind, standing a few feet away from the band as he watched the excitement spread around him.
But among the crowd, there truly was only one person he watched, and that was [Y/N]. The young woman who was taking the time to go up to everyone, to greet them individually, to converse with the inhabitants, to put a smile on their faces. The young woman who had helped him solve that mystery through trials and tribulations. The young woman who, no matter what she faced, remained his faithful assistant, through thick and thin. The young woman whom he loved so dearly.
There she was, in the distance, mingling with every person she came across, shaking their hands as they thanked her for everything she had done: and on her face, a smile filled with glee. A smile that made Layton's heart melt, that made him smile as well, that filled him with an indescribable feeling.
There is no greater sight than seeing her so cheerful, so full of life...
Immersed in his contemplation, Luke's violin became white noise to his ears and he came to forget the world around him, so much so that he even failed to hear Flora's footsteps as they approached him.
"Isn't this party fun, Professor?" She excitedly asked him out of the blue.
The gentle voice of the young girl brought him back to reality and drove him to turn to look at her: in her hand, a candy apple, and on her face, a bright smile. Layton smiled back at her, his cheeks faintly pink.
"It is, Flora." He answered her cheerfully. "I'm happy to know you are enjoying yourself. We will be leaving the town and travelling back to London early tomorrow morning, so be sure to make the most of the celebration tonight while we are still here."
"Yes, Professor!"
After showing Flora one more smile, his eyes drifted back to [Y/N], still in the distance, still joyful. Although he instinctively brought his arms up to slowly cross them over his chest, the look in his gaze softened as he admired her from a distance, falling prey to her charm and aura.
While the musical performance of the band reached all the way to the center of the plaza, [Y/N] began to dance to the rhythm, letting her enthusiasm take over and pushing a handful of other people to start dancing alongside her as well: soon enough, most of the townsfolk gathered to dance in circles with one another and laughter filled the evening sky.
Layton could not help but chuckle upon seeing her manage to get the entirety of the town to dance with her, a sight he was not at all surprised to see despite its suddenness.
Her liveliness is so endearing, only she could lead so many people to come together in such a way.
His eyes followed her around, watching her every movement as the look in his eyes grew increasingly filled with affection, and it did not go unnoticed: Flora, still standing beside him, looked up at him and saw the expression displayed on his face, the love that hid in his smile. She followed the direction of his gaze until it reached [Y/N], then everything became clear to the young girl who would not suppress an amused grin.
In a slow movement, she took a step closer to Layton and stood next to him as she took a bite into her candy apple.
"... You should go and invite her to a dance, Professor." She told him softly.
Flora's unexpected suggestion made him open his eyes wider and now, more than ever, his cheeks shifted from pink to red. He looked back down at his young protégée and the smile on her face said it all: it was clear she could see right through him, right through the feelings he was failing at concealing. Not knowing what to say, he remained quiet as he stood still, slightly embarrassed, averting his eyes from Flora's. Then, after a few seconds of silence, he cleared his throat gently and looked down at himself while he readjusted his coat slightly.
"I don't know, Flora..." He said shyly.
It was clear he wanted to say more, to add another sentence, but he struggled to find the right words, to find the proper way to express himself. However, just as he was about to turn to Flora and speak up, he suddenly saw [Y/N] running up to him, her lips still shaped into her glowing smile, approaching closer to him with every step she took: before she even left him any time to understand what she was doing, she reached her hands out to him and grabbed one of his firmly.
"Come on, Professor!" She exclaimed loudly. "Come dance with all of us!"
With his left hand in both of her palms, she began to drag him away from Luke and Flora, and onto the center of the plaza. Unsure as to how to react, Layton found himself opening his eyes wide and feeling the redness of his face intensify yet even further.
"[Y/N], what are you—"
Unable to resist her grasp, he let himself be tugged and held onto his top hat to prevent it from falling. Soon enough, he found himself in the very center of the plaza, in the very middle of the crowd, surrounded by euphoria from all sides. [Y/N] still held his hand tight as she started to dance around him, pushing him to do the same: although everyone around him was smiling and laughing, Layton still remained flustered, his thoughts all jumbled. Then, in rhythm with the music echoing around them, the townspeople began to clap their hands in unison at a fast pace, all eyes turned to the Professor and his companion, dancing together as if there was no tomorrow, as if they were the only two people there.
And as he stared into [Y/N]'s eyes, wrapped wholly in the festive atmosphere, Layton lost his nervous expression and found himself smiling, his grin widening with each second, until he let out a warm laugh. His right hand let go of his hat as he joined hands with her, losing himself in the moment, setting all his thoughts aside. The two danced together, their laughs merging and mixing while their bodies progressively closed in on each other. Until the bell of the nearby church suddenly rang, freezing everyone in place, as if immortalizing the scene.
The band stopped playing abruptly. The crowd stopped clapping. The loud laughter was replaced by mere whispers. And as the bell continued to ring, three, four times, Layton and [Y/N] stood before each other, their hands joined, their faces inches from one another, their panting breaths meeting, their eyes wide open, their faces flushed, at the center of the universe.
In the distance, Luke diverted his gaze from the church bell and turned to look at them, and upon seeing them so close, in the arms of one another, the boy did not hesitate a single second before picking his violin back up and continuing to play, solo, his melodious instrument filling the silent and heavy air, providing Layton and [Y/N] with a tune to go with the special moment they were sharing. After only a few notes, the rest of the band followed Luke's lead and went back to playing, and time no longer felt frozen.
In the center of the plaza, the Professor and [Y/N] shyly let go of each other, but only to hold each other better, more appropriately, in accordance with dancing a slow; while both of their faces were still displaying timidity and awkwardness, she placed a hand on his shoulder while he gently rested one of his on her waist. And they began to dance, again, this time slowly, yet still as close to one another.
As he tried his best to remain as composed as he could, Layton cleared his throat gently while looking slightly down.
"I apologise for my behaviour just now, [Y/N]." He told her shamefully. "I may have let myself go a little too much..."
"Why are you apologizing, Professor?" She asked him with a chuckle. "You did nothing wrong, there is no need to worry. If anything, it really pleases me to see you so energetic and lively."
As he made her body sway slowly from left to right, she tilted her head, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"Please, don't take it the wrong way, but you're often too uptight, too... serious... especially these days. And I feel you have earned the right to unwind, to... have some fun of your own."
As she spoke, her expression changed and she stared deeply into his eyes, a caring smile on her face.
"So, please, Professor, do not restrain yourself from acting in such a way."
Layton stared back into her eyes, his mouth slightly open, feeling slightly overwhelmed by all the kindness and affection she was showing him: but soon enough, his lips took the shape of a warm smile as the palms of his hands held her body tighter, by just a bit.
"... At least allow me to apologise for not having invited you to a dance, then."
[Y/N] closed her eyes as she chuckled in a way Layton found incredibly endearing.
"I will not, Professor." She said playfully. "You're dancing with me right now, are you not?"
"I am, but as a gentleman, it should have been my duty to be the one to make the first move and invite you, instead of letting you take the lead and invite me yourself." He replied with slight embarrassment.
The young woman giggled as she slowly shook her head at him.
"Well, now that I'm dancing with you, you're free to take the lead, as much as you want."
Layton responded to her with a tender grin, but one that did not linger: as her words echoed within his mind, he stared at her face intently, at her smooth skin, at her rosy cheeks, and at her pink lips. A rush of adrenaline flowed through his veins as he clung to her tighter, closer, his body swaying in rhythm with hers. Yet, although the music continued to play behind them, they progressively ceased to dance, though without letting go of each other; as they did, [Y/N]'s hand on his shoulder moved up to his neck, holding it delicately while her heart raced in her chest. And when their bodies came to a stop, Layton tilted his head and leaned forward to make his lips meet [Y/N]'s in a firework of love and passion.
Both of their faces turned a bright red, but the last thing they wanted was to stop: they embraced one another affectionately as her hand on his neck grabbed the collar of his coat, hiding the lower part of their faces in the process.
Some distance away stood Luke and Flora, next to each other, who had been watching the two adults this whole time, and the second they witnessed their first kiss, they could not contain their reactions: Luke found himself blushing at the sight, so much so that he almost missed a note on his violin, while Flora was giddy with excitement, giggling as she finished to eat her candy apple.
But the two adults, on their end, cared little for the eyes that turned to them or even the smiles it brought to people's faces: at that moment, all that mattered was their love, their love for each other, the love they had been repressing for so long now. Their kiss was soft, sweet, like cotton candy, but, unfortunately, not everlasting, and it had to eventually come to an end. When it did, they slowly pulled away from each other, their lips still slightly parted, their breaths warm, and their hearts beating as one.
As he gradually opened his eyes, Layton looked down at her body, his skin still colored in a deep shade of pink.
"You look wonderful, tonight, [Y/N]..." He complimented her romantically in a whisper. "I meant to tell you earlier, but it slipped my mind..."
Opening her eyes as well, [Y/N] felt herself blushing further as she smiled timidly.
"Thank you... Hershel." She said hesitantly, unaccustomed to calling him by his first name. "You look wonderful yourself."
"Though I greatly appreciate the compliment, dear, this is no different from what I wear daily." He responded with a genuine laugh.
She laughed back while one of her hands slid down onto his chest, onto the fabric of his orange button-up shirt.
"I know." She said as she looked into his eyes. "You always look wonderful, Hershel."
The Professor's face bore an expression of bashfulness upon hearing her affectionate compliment and he found himself incapable of adding anything else to say as he shyly looked to the side. This made [Y/N] smile, a smile as upbeat as the music that was still playing around them, as upbeat as the way the townsfolk were still dancing around them.
While still held in Layton's arms, she turned her head to the side as well, but to look at Luke and Flora in the distance: with a bright smile, she waved at the two children and motioned a hand gesture to make them understand they, too, should come in the center of the plaza to dance with them. When Layton saw and understood what she was doing, he decided to imitate her to help encourage the kids to join them. Flora, enthusiastic at the idea turned to Luke with a smile, who pondered for a second before he, too, smiled: the boy played one last note on his violin before he set it down and back inside its case, leaving it by the band players.
Then, the two children made their way to the center of the plaza, where they joined Layton and [Y/N]. And together, they talked, smiled, laughed. But most importantly, they joyfully danced the night away.
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lady-bess · 8 months
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LadyBess' Masterlist 📖
Hello, and welcome to my Masterlist! Grab a snack, two fingers of whiskey, and take a look at what I've got to offer! 🥃
I write predominantly for Pedro Pascal characters at the moment, but this is a multi-fandom blog, so characters in and out of the 'Pedro-verse' are featured here too!
My works are often 18+ and each fic comes with its own content tags and warning. Minors, please DNI ✨
For ease of navigation, I have used a Traffic Light System to rate these works 🚦
💚 Green is for General/Teen rated content 🧡 Orange is for more Mature works 💋 Red is for anything rated Explicit
My writing is mainly reader-insert content, but I have a mix of Female, AFAB, and Gender Neutral (GN) reader inserts 💜
Not all of these works are on Tumblr yet, but feel free to check out my A03 profile for all works!
Please enjoy, and come back regularly to see what's new!
Current Series: Fallout (Jack Daniels x F!Reader) Most Recent One-Shot Release: On The Nature of Daylight (Din Djarin x F!Reader)
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"Petals" - Jack Daniels x F!OC (Tumblr Ask/Prompt) "Something Sweet" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Departure" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "After Hours" - Jack Daniels x GN!Reader (A03) "Fright" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Swing" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "The Perfect Fit" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "A Preposterous Thing" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "Homeward Bound" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "Restless" - young! Jack Daniels x F!Reader "The Lodger" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "Dessert" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Chasing The Sun" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Afternoon Intrusions" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "A Lesson Learned" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Closing Time" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Bound" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Disciplinary" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Jack-mas Christmas Drabbles" - Jack Daniels x AFAB/ F!Reader (A03) "Fallout" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader
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"Birthday Wishes" - Joel Miller x F!Reader "The Headache" - Joel Miller x GN!Reader (A03) "Foolish" - Joel Miller x F!Reader
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"Getting In A Pickle" - Javier Peña x F!Reader "Take A Seat" - Javier Peña x F!Reader "Hot Nights in Colombia" - Javier Peña x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Monday Morning" - Javier Peña x F!Reader (A03) - collaboration with @joels-darlin 💕
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"Drive Me Wild" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03) "Return To Me" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03) "Longing" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03) "Sundress" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03)
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"Birthday Boy" - Javi G x F!Reader (A03) "Behave Yourself" - Javi G x AFAB!Reader (No pronouns used)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Heist" - Javi G x F!Reader - COMING SOON
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"Three's A Crowd" - Jack Daniels x Joel Miller x F!Reader "Watch & Learn" - Dave York x Javi Gutierrez x AFAB!Reader
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Just A Date" - Multiple Pedro Character fic x GN!Reader "Mutually Beneficial" - Javier Peña x Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03)
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Much loved characters, but so far only 1-2 fics to their name 💜
"Understanding" - Marcus Pike x F!Reader (A03) "Now You See Me" - Marcus Pike x F!Reader (A03) "Clean Up" - Max Phillips x F!Reader (A03) "Hypercharged In Hyperspace" - Din Djarin x F!Reader (A03) "Trust" - Din Djarin x F!Reader "On The Nature of Daylight" - Din Djarin x F!Reader "Rookie Mistake" - Tim Rockford x F!Reader
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"A Brand New Start" - Agent Ortega x F!Reader (A03)
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"Salvation" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x Clara Oswald (A03) "Run" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x F!Reader (A03) "Rose Petals Blossom" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x Rose Tyler (A03) "Precious Moments With You" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Paint The Town Red" - Ginger Ale (Kingsman) x F!Reader
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hiddens-studio · 3 months
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Orange Roses
Just a quick animation based off one of my Layton fanstories [though I haven't released this one yet] called Professor Layton And The Unfinished Ballad.
I won't spoil anything, but... There do be flowers LMAO
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layton-love · 9 months
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Professor Hershel Layton x Reader. Reader is referred to once as “lady” but is otherwise ambiguous. Very fluffy and soft. SFW. 1,443 words.
     12:26 AM.
​​​​​​     You were sick of staring, just watching and waiting as his arms raised above his head yet again. He was stretching for the seventh time in ten minutes. Those arms belonged around you right now, you complained inwardly, huffing in petulant indignation. Was he doing this on purpose, just to get a rise out of you? To tease you? Surely he wouldn't be so cruel, not your beloved Professor, you thought half-jokingly.
     “Do you intend to sit at that desk until sunrise, Hershel?” You questioned the archaeologist, glaring at his back, arms folded across your chest.
     “I may have to if you keep distracting me. Perhaps you could try a puzzle in order to pass the-” The Professor was suddenly cut off by a yawn, followed by yet another languid stretch, “-the time.” He finally muttered out tiredly, rubbing the back of his head and neck. Sickeningly adorable. It infuriated you.
     “I'm already facing the biggest puzzle of them all." You retorted flatly, very much unswayed by his suggestion, “You're clearly exhausted, Professor. I doubt you'll be able to focus even if I'm pacified with solving every puzzle in the room for the rest of the night. Come lie down and rest. You can finish your work tomorrow.”
     You heard him hum in thought, followed by a long pause. You knew him well enough to know that this meant that he was actually finally considering your invitation. Your heartbeat began to quicken at this, waiting eagerly with bated breath for his decision.
     “Oh, alright,” He finally surrendered, his shoulders relaxing as he put his pen down. You beamed from ear to ear, sitting quickly upright. You couldn't help but eagerly kick your legs in schoolgirl fashion. “Indeed, you have a point. I've hardly made progress in the last hour, and that certainly isn't entirely your fault.” He turned to you with a playful smile and wink. The obviously delighted expression on your face gave him pause for just a moment as he considered how you'd been trying to pry him from his work for hours now. All that effort just to cuddle with him... You looked so pleased about finally succeeding. His expression quickly softened at this thought, a blush rising in his cheeks. Sheepishly, he began chuckling. "Goodness, dear. It seems I've neglected you a bit too long. It's terribly rude to keep a lady waiting; how ungentlemanly of me. You have my deepest apologies.”
     “Indeed. I'll forgive you when you finally get over here.” You replied, failing to sound truly cross with him.
     “Very well. I'm grateful for the opportunity to make up for my actions.” He half-joked, smiling jovially as he strolled over to the couch where you were. You held out your arms as he took the seat directly beside you and leaned in, allowing you to snatch him into your embrace like a dragon with its treasure. He laughed at your enthusiasm, a warm and delightful sound that rumbled softly throughout his chest. Tugging him down so that you were both lying on your sides facing each other, you nestled your head into him as he returned your hug and hummed a pleasant sigh, smoothly pulling you flush against him. As you both relaxed into the soft blanket-covered cushions, he ran his fingers gently through your hair, looking down at your head pressed to his bosom. The archaeologist could feel his face heating up. You were precious...
     You could hear his heart beating.
     It was the most wonderful sound in the world.
     Deep, steady, beautiful. This was the very sound of the person you love the most being alive. It meant that he was right here, right here, safe and sound in your arms, and you in his. It was entrancing. You felt as though you could listen to it forever.
     You let your hands wander with an innocent, loving touch, tracing his spine through the woolly fabric of his sweater. Your fingertips glided over his sides and shoulders, memorising the shapes. You felt him shift slowly, resting the lower half of his face on top of your head as he planted the sweetest kiss on the part of your hair. You giggled at this with a contended sweetness in your tone. “You're delightful.”
     “And you are my greatest delight,” the Professor replied, his voice soft and gravelly with sleepiness. Your heart skipped a beat at this, and evidently he noticed, a goofy grin being pulled across his face. The Professor then pulled you further up into his arms, keeping you close as he pressed his forehead to your own. His deep, dark brown gaze met yours, his eyes half-lidded. In them swirled a hazy mix of adoration and the cutest sleepiness – but the manner in which he looked at you, so genuinely, so incredibly... It was enough to steal your breath for a moment.
     It was the way you could see honesty in his eyes; you could see love; you could see him. The way there was nothing hidden from you.
     It was the way you felt completely safe when you were with him.
     You never had to question his motivations; you never had to question how he truly felt about you. He had no intention of hiding it, for it was right there on display—not that he had a problem with telling you, either.
     Hershel's eyes crinkled as he grinned, watching with a sense of childish awe as you got lost in his eyes so easily. He could feel your heart steadily beating against his chest; he could feel the gentle thrumming of it increase in intensity ever so slightly the longer you stared. The way in which you simply adored him down to the very bones of your being was breathtaking. He never considered the possibility of finding pure love like this again in his life; he never thought it possible. But now? Every day, every morning, when he wakes up and you're still there, you prove to him time and time again that nothing is impossible. You were incredible. You were his everything.
     Before, he'd tried not to frown when the question of Why? had drifted through his mind. Why did you adore him so? Why him? He wasn't exactly a stupendous or especially experienced lover. You had told him before that he was different from others, and he supposed he certainly was different, but he'd never considered himself to be the phenomenon you seemed to view him as. Over time, he came to the conclusion that he'd just simply have to accept it—accept that you... preferred him. You had your motivations, albeit they were a mystery to him. However, his inquisitive mind wouldn't quite let it go as easily. He tried to pinpoint it, tried to narrow it down, but the pieces just wouldn't fit into place.
     Now, in moments current, as he watched your mesmerised gaze directed at him, felt your heartbeat against him... Something inside him understood. It was wordless; there was no clear written or verbal answer, only the understanding that the puzzle was completed.
     That was enough for him.
     With lidded eyes, slowly, non-intrusively, he leaned in, his lips tenderly brushing against yours. He paused, waiting for a reaction, for permission. His fingers combed through your hair, trailing like the gentle kisses of raindrops down the back of your neck. You leaned in, returning the loving advance. He sighed dreamily, something like relief, as he fully leaned into the kiss, as if he'd been underwater and finally come up for air. The kiss was slow, loving, tender – honest. With feeling, with adoration, with commitment. There was no rush for anything or anyone else. It was all yours; every second of it belonged to the two of you. Those very moments in time—even those, too. His hands slowly trailed down your back, down every curve, the touch of his fingertips like promises. “A gentleman always keeps his promises,” you recalled him once saying. You hoped he would keep you, too. Hershel was a true gentleman, though; of course he would.
     You finally parted for air. You could feel the rising and falling of his chest in sync with yours. You let out a breathy laugh, smiling at him, a gesture that he readily returned. Every piece was in its perfect place, exactly where it was meant to be. Exactly where you were meant to be.
     You could feel his heart beating against your chest in rhythm with yours.
     It was beautiful.
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ninadove · 1 year
watching character ai lukadrien create the most heart wrenching debilitatingly angsty love story to ever love story ever
Hey, I can tell there’s no malice behind your ask, but — don’t do that.
I write fanfiction myself, and a lot goes into it:
1. Unreasonable amounts of ✨ Time and Effort ✨
Just the other day, my WIP kept me up until 2 AM, because I wanted it to be neatly polished before even sending it to my beta readers (@paracosmicfawn and @dragongutsixofficial). The first thing I did the following morning was re-read it again, to correct any typos and inconsistencies my tired brain might have missed the night prior.
2. Research and analysis
For a cute little Lukadrien scene I wrote with my ✨ awesome girlfriend ✨ — something that was never even going to be published — I went through a dozen different sources trying to get a better understanding of what meditation actually is and to capture the philosophy behind it accurately. This does not make me special — all authors do it out of dedication and love for their craft, but it’s energy that could be spent doing literally anything else, especially when you consider how horrifyingly lonely the writing process can be (see point 1).
Also, there’s a reason I spend so much time making analysis posts on Silly Little Blorbos who do not exist! It gets my brain running and allows me to sharpen my understanding of the characters, so I can write them properly in my works.
3. A unique perspective on the characters, the source media, and life in general
Which gives all the flavour to my favourite AO3 works out there.
Like, yes, that extract you sent in your follow-up ask is cute, I guess, but it’s also incredibly generic:
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When actual living breathing human (or Senti) beings share their work with you, they’re inviting you to a special part of their brain that they’ve decorated with their own experiences, references and visuals — things that they love and passed onto their favourite characters, so they can hopefully reach you. For instance, Character AI would never have had the genius idea to compare Felix’s eyes to an aurora borealis; this could have only sparked from @wackus-bonkus-maximus’ brain. Similarly, my version of Felix will often reference works of art and literature that left a strong impact on me as a child — an impact I’m sure can also be sensed in my approach to storytelling and even in the way I structure sentences and paragraphs.
Which leads me to my final and most important point:
Because let’s be real — there’s a reason our brains latch onto certain characters, and said reasons aren’t always sunshine and rainbows. I’ve cried more writing about the Senticousins than over the loss of certain people or relationships in my own life. Long before that, I latched onto Clive and gave him everything I felt was missing from my life as a teenager, so I could live vicariously through him. And of course, I always make my characters some flavour of queer, because for a long time this was the only outlet I got for my own feelings and identity.
It takes a lot of vulnerability to put all of this on the Internet for others to read and judge, and it’s very disheartening to see that people would rather ask a machine to spit out some easily digestible but impersonal interactions than give your work a chance.
I can guarantee there are beautiful pieces of fanwork out there that will cater to your tastes and haunt you for years in a way Character AI or Chat GPT never could. And the good news is — if you don’t find anything, it means it’s time to write it yourself!
And of course, I cannot end this post without encouraging everyone to read about the writers’ and actors’ strike currently unfolding in the US.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 3 months
Summary: A chance encounter on a northbound train leads Professor Layton and his young friend Luke to once again team up with the hapless lawyer Phoenix Wright, now accompanied by his sweet little daughter Trucy. At first, the Professor's latest mystery seems like a straightforward missing persons case, but after arriving in the haunted village of Fatargan, Layton and Phoenix soon realise that if they ever hope to make it out of here, they'll have to understand the village, its people, and each other.
Author: @rainymeadows
Submitter: @theshinysnivy1
Note from submitter: An incredible Professor Layton and Ace Attorney crossover set during Wright's disbarment, in which both Layton and Wright have to deal with a mystery consisting of the most stressful characteristics of an adventure from either franchise. Featuring a spooky town with weird residents, murders, unfair trials, and trying to convince Hershel Layton that ghosts are real.
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transaltava · 3 months
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Don Paolo and Professor Layton will kiss at the end of the next Layton Game. The success of this kiss depends on a puzzle the player has to solve.
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theriveroflight · 2 months
The Consequences of Personhood
Happy birthday, @magicwhiskers29 💛
Flora Reinhold is the princess in a box. The one imprisoned at the top of the tower, waiting for her prince to come.
But what if her prince never came?
(Or: years after when Curious Village would have been, Flora finally leaves the tower.)
When Flora turns eighteen, the hunt for the golden apple — the hunt for her — begins.
Papa had never meant for any of the robots to find her, of course. They couldn’t do anything besides follow the paths they were meant to follow, written in algorithms Flora doesn’t comprehend even after explanations from Bruno.
A few outsiders come to St. Mystere. Someone tries to steal the crank from the bridge, but he’s arrested by a visiting Scotland Yard detective — apparently, he had been trying to find an old family tradition in the area. She wonders if the robots would have ever known about something — if her father might have, as well.
She knows the burden Papa placed on her. Sometimes, at night, she breaks into the manor she once called home just to stare by candlelight at the portrait commissioned of her. The town’s princess, hidden away in a tower, waiting for Prince Charming.
She’s read the story before. She’s read all the stories — as many as she could manage to get her hands on. The golden apple, time and time again, is a symbol of romantic love. But it’s not representative of the love itself — it’s a toy. A bauble. A distraction. The ones that caused Atalanta to lose the race. The one that started the Trojan War, engraved with for the fairest by nothing but chaos itself. If she’s the golden apple, then perhaps Papa is Eris, tossing her out in the crowd for everyone to clamour for her. Who will make a promise they keep for her? She doesn’t want to be the catalyst for anything greater. She just wants someone she can trust to leave with.
She holds onto the ticket, and waits.
Full fic via AO3 | Superlove
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pentacle-artist · 2 months
Rating: General
No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Arianna Barde & Luke Triton
Characters: Arianna Barde, Luke Triton
Additional Tags: Last Specter Spoilers, Post-Last Specter, Apologies, Brenda shows up but she only has 2 lines, Arianna and Luke are friends
Arianna decides to properly apologize for what she said a year ago.
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perplexedflower · 1 year
Running Out Of Steam
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Fandom: Professor Layton.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Hershel Layton x Female Reader.
Type: Mini one shot.
Words: 979.
Summary: Working as Hershel's assistant is challenging, and when exhaustion finally catches up to [Y/N], her sleepiness leads the two of them to share a very special moment inside the Laytonmobile.
Chronology: Post-Unwound Future/Pre-New World of Steam.
"Well, my dear, I must thank you. Your suggestion to get acquainted with the neighbouring village was brilliant, it has provided us with crucial information regarding this case."
Sitting in the passenger seat, [Y/N] blushed lightly upon hearing Layton's praises.
"Thank you, Professor. I am more than delighted to know we have made significant progress."
Not long after the words had left her mouth, she quietly yawned, followed by a sigh.
"So am I, [Y/N]." He said with a smile. "But there is yet a lot for us to uncover, let us not forget."
As the engine of the Laytonmobile purred gently, she rested her head against her seat and closed her eyes.
"The clues we were able to retrieve today are evidence of it, in fact." He continued. "Both cities are intricately connected in ways one could not have imagined... How fascinating. Surprising, too. I hadn't considered such a possibility and failed to detect it upon our arrival in this town, yesterday. But, in retrospect, it should have been obvious. I must be getting rusty: there once was a time I would have taken notice of a piece of the puzzle this important within a matter of only a few minutes."
[Y/N] listened to him ramble on to himself and found comfort in his voice, in his words, wrapping around her as she began to doze off.
"I am well aware there are still many dark corners of the neighbouring village left for us to explore, but do not fret: we shall continue our investigation there in due time. For now, I wish for us to return to the town. You see, there is something I would like to show you... I wonder, [Y/N], do you—"
But the Professor suddenly cut himself short when he felt her head drop on his left shoulder, and for the first time since the ride had started, his eyes left the road to look down at her, but only for a split second.
It seems she has fallen asleep...
He tried his best to keep his composure, despite the faint blush spreading over his cheeks.
It would not be proper of me to continue driving under such circumstances... The risks of distraction are too high.
The car started to slowly lose speed, until he reached a part of the country road that allowed him to pull off to the side: with his foot off the gas pedal and the ignition key turned, the inside of the vehicle turned silent. Hershel looked down at [Y/N] and felt his face redden further as he listened to the calm and slow sound of her breathing. Then, in a quiet and steady but hesitant motion, he brushed her hair out of her face to tuck it behind her ear, his fingertips gliding over her skin.
For a moment, he stared at her tenderly, admiring her peaceful expression as he succumbed to her charm the longer his eyes stayed on her.
[Y/N] never ceases to invest a lot of herself in every adventure she partakes by my side, and I know things have not been easy for her since Luke has left the country. Now that she is my sole assistant, she feels she needs to take on every task that comes her way... but it pains me to see her overwork herself to the point of exhaustion. Once we return to the town, I will wake her up and take her back to her room in the inn for her to continue sleeping. But for now, I shall let her rest just a little longer, though I need to readjust her on her seat if I want to ensure I drive safely.
Delicately, he rested his hands on her shoulders and gently moved her body in an attempt to make her sit straight; but before he could do so, she seemed to have woken up just slightly, just enough to feel Layton's hands on her, and she instinctively leaned forward, her head now against his chest and her hands just barely clinging to him.
Not knowing what to say or do, Layton remained quiet as he stared down at her, eyes wide open, his cheeks overheating.
"Hmm... Professor... why did you stop?" She asked in a mumble, half-asleep.
"Well, I pulled the car off to the side of the road because you fell asleep, [Y/N]..." He replied awkwardly.
"No... I mean... Why did you stop talking?"
Puzzled by her unexpected question, he struggled to come up with an answer while she snuggled closer to him.
"I love to hear your voice." She said softly with an endearing smile, her eyes still closed. "It's soothing... and calming... and charming. I feel the same way when I look at you, too..."
A flustered, blushing mess, Layton found himself at a loss for words and sensed his breath quicken.
"... You're very comfortable, Professor..." She said in a sleepy voice. "I know... I shouldn't... but I want to sleep here... for a while..."
Although flattered, he could not help but feel bashful at her words.
"[Y/N]... my dear... Would you perhaps not be more comfortable in a bed?"
Slowly, she shook her head against his chest, and, finally, she opened her eyes slightly, her gaze hazy but affectionate.
"No... As long as you are beside me, I will always feel comfortable, and everything will always feel... just perfect..."
He stared down at her, at her face, into her eyes, and his own illuminated with the same loving glow; with a shy yet tender smile taking shape on his lips, he circled her body with his arms, keeping her close in his embrace, lulling her back into sleep.
"... Then, I will hold you in my arms for as long as you need me to... and I will always watch over you, [Y/N]."
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rainymeadows-art · 1 year
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Can I talk about my fanfic? Coz I've been dying to talk about my fanfic!
Bonus: a clean shot of the board featuring art by Tumblr users @htdoodle @le-penis @aurorarosesposts@wordsofawanderingsoul and @daydragonart
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hiddens-studio · 6 months
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Rainy Day Blues
I wrote a new fic! One all about Descole and their struggles with their mental health.
This fic is very important to me because it touches on things I used to struggle with as well. Please read it if you wish, but also heed the content warning and read the tags carefully! This story touches on some very sensitive topics.
Link below!
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nonsensefromtheabyss · 2 months
W.I.P Wednesday 1: The List
I don’t really know how big of a deal WIP Wednesday is on here, but it’s when my writing club used to be so I’ve decided I might as well start again! Maybe not every Wednesday, but I think it might be nice to share my thoughts instead of cannibalising them quietly. This week, I am doing that project list I mentioned before: Behold! Here are all the works I have on the schedule/drawing board at the moment. 
A Broken Record On Repeat In A Crowded Bar: a story about a brutally injured Alastor refusing to rely on his friends and toying with the boundaries of his deal. It also looks at everyone else’s perspectives post-extermination and features a lot of Charlie struggling with where she and her dreams stand in the new status quo. Quite dark, mostly character driven, will be 13 chapters long when done.
Still working on Chapter 5. Have been working on Chapter 5 for longer than I ever thought possible. Unfortunately my hours at work have increased which, along with a few changes in my personal life, means I’ve had less project time recently. It is hovering somewhere around 2/3s completed and I’m still hopeful to get it out this month. Overall, the whole project is sitting at around 60,000 words if I tally up all the chapter documents—not bad for an idea that started as a fucking oneshot!
I’ve also finally got a table that I can paint at, so I’m doing a painting of the Final Confrontation. No idea why; I sneezed and the sketch appeared. I have absolutely no faith that it’ll be finished by the time I upload that chapter, but sometimes we do these things for the journey. And the joy of painting. I’ve not had anywhere to paint for a year.
When The Dust Settles and Professor Layton And The Master’s Last Painting: post Unwound Future Sycamore and Layton team up to solve a case where the people have vanished from a bunch of paintings. At the same time, Layton is trying to uncover what his estranged brother has been doing for the past three years. Mystery elements, psychological elements, a complete disregard for reality; slightly darker than the game series, but only in the sense that I describe the violence. The prologue and first part of what’s planned to be a trilogy. 
I actually don’t know if anyone here knows about these works; I wasn’t on tumblr when I started them. And I’ve been gone for… quite some time…
Basically, I got halfway through Chapter 15 and got really, really stuck—partly due to other things happening in my life at the time, and partly because it… wasn’t feeling right. To try and refresh myself with how we’d gotten to that point in the story, I read back through all my published Layton work and… was not inspired. I actually realised how much I disliked my early writing; I wasn’t using scenes or characters effectively, the threads for the mystery as a whole were either too obscure or flat out not there—I was displeased. Particularly because this is a project I get really excited about when I think about my plans for the series; all my work deserves my best effort, but this one in particular has a lot of potential to me that I don’t feel like I captured in my initial writings. Time to start fresh! Take another swing at it! I have a different method of working now, and I feel certain that this time I can capture my vision.
So, I finished my dissertation and cleared my first ever Big Project, and I had already started on the big rewrite… and then I fell down a hole into Hazbin Hotel. I cannot stress enough that Broken Record was supposed to be a oneshot. Finishing these two works is next on my list, this time I swear it. I already have the story divided up into chapter documents, and some have been fully reworked, It Is Happening. You still probably won’t see anything for a while yet, but if you’re one of my readers from before or on the off chance you’re curious now, feel free to pop up to chat about it!
Unnamed Project. I’m so fucking back. Some very lovely people said they’d be interested in seeing more from me in my Riddle V.I.Z.ion universe, and I accidentally fell in love with these characters all over again while completing that project. Yall convinced me and I am so very happy about that!
The work will be a collection of moments from the aliens’ lives, jumping around in time between past and present within the timeline and history I’ve given them. More detail into how they work together, what their home planet is like, what they actually got up to as V.I.Z.ion members, stuff like that! Basically an excuse for me to write more for them. At the minute, I have their timelines (collective and individual) plotted out in a document, and have selected sections of history I think would be interesting to explore, so I would say a rough plot is hesitantly in place! 
Because it’s not going to be precisely linear (given that we already know where they end up, I don’t think there’s anything to be gained from sticking to the laws of time!) I’m thinking I can be a bit more flexible with myself in how I work on it. Which means I might try and fit it in around other projects as a little treat to refresh myself. If I think of it like Short Stories In A Shared Universe instead of Another Book, it feels manageable that I might add to it without disrupting my workflow, which means it hopefully won’t take another seven years (always a good thing!)
I’m also doing more art for Riddle V.I.Z.ion as well, fuck it. I had a vision (hah!) I saw the shipyard and the miserable campfire. I’ve never painted space before, but this seems a good enough reason to try. (I’ve painted the woods many, Many times.)
So, if you’re interested in this project while it’s still in the early stages, or you’ve read Riddle V.I.Z.ion and were interested in more, feel free to drop by and chat! Currently I’m stuck on a name; Puzzle Pieces has a certain appeal, but I think that would also be nice as a series title, and I think I’d like to keep the ‘Riddle’ naming theme for the main instalments. Riddle Classified? Riddle Planet? Riddle Logbook? Unauthorised Access feels nice in my head, but again with the lack of ‘Riddle’ continuity. Hm. I’ll keep at it. It’s the annoying moment where I realise that ‘Riddle V.I.Z.ion’ itself would have been the perfect title for this too!
Three Friends, Three Foes, Three Names They’ll Never Know: a series of drabbles about terrible things happening to the Three Guys. Very graphic and violent. Horror elements with a lot of gore.
Believe it or not, I actually have three more chapters I always meant to add to that story that just got pushed around in favour of other things. Always meant to get back around and finish them; as you can see, they’re on The List!
So, in short order, we have ‘The Yellow Guy Chapter (a nightmare about stairs)’, ‘The Bigger Boys Chapter (bestie you forgot about The Cycle)’, and the ‘Lore Chapter (contains nothing of use to anyone, is Not A Theory.)’ They’re all about 1/3 done; i dip into them whenever I feel like rewatching the series or writing psychological and physical horror without any embellishments. Not much to declare on this front but they will be done at some point.
The Monsters You Told Your Children About: all the characters except for Mother Miranda are brought back to life by The Duke. Rose is declared a bio weapon by the BSAA and is taken into their custody. Thus begins a road trip where Ethan, with encouragement from The Duke, convinces the four most dangerous monsters he knows to help him rescue his baby.  This story is basically fucked up found family with the mold acting as a Get Along shirt for everyone involved and The Duke eating popcorn.
Contrary to popular belief, this story isn’t dead! Much like Ethan himself, it is merely in a perpetual state of rotting, and that hasn’t kept it from coming back to kick me in the ass whenever I feel inspired to look at it again. Original projection length was stupidly optimistic—this thing needs to be more than 8 chapters long or it’s just going to be nonsense. It needs some structural revision in its planning department, which is why it went cold in the first place; few things more demoralising than realising you’ve lost inspiration and your basic building-blocks suck.
So! I’m keeping the same concept and ideas and just… reworking the elements to flow better as a narrative instead of just being a collection of things I immediately wanted coming out of the game. Of course, this should have been step one all those years ago, but I rather got ahead of myself.
Untitled project. This was a curve ball to me. Divine inspiration to work out the perfect plot… for something I had wanted to write about in 2017. The devil works in mysterious ways and apparently She wants me to write more fic.
Following the Devil’s retreat, all the souls on the Inkwell Isles are released, and the Casino collapses into dust and rubble. The Casino, which I remind you, belongs once again to its original owner, the newly freed and magicless King Dice, who is not able to counter that degree of property damage. Mostly because even lawyers hate him.
Left with nothing to his name but his soul, King Dice, followed by his loyal court, embarks on a solemn quest: to punch his old boss in the fucking face.
(Featuring: bullying Saltbaker into opening a portal to Hell, Cagney running the woodland mafia, Spirited Away soul trains, and potion brewing with Elder Kettle (he’s being held at gun point.) Not show compliant, I have never watched it.)
I’m not thinking about this one too hard. I’m hoping if I stop looking at it, it’ll go away (it won’t.)
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years
☆Thesimpsbasement Masterlist post☆
Last updated: November 12 2023
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•No longer the avatar of pride
•Belphie having to live with the guilt of Lilith's death and it's taking a toll on his health
•The brothers and Lilith after the fall
•Solomon, Simeon, Barbatos, and Diavolo dating hcs
•"You are all I can think about”(Asmo x reader)
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•Apollo walks in on a very panicked and stressed s/o and tries his best to comfort them 
•The nightmares of the DL-6 incident still haunts Edgeworth even if the  true culprit was been found but you are there to help him in those times 
•Barok's s/o who is a known painter that is also rumored to bring some sort of curse by selling their paintings 
•Phoenix Wright , Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes, Raymond Shields , Ryuunosuke Naruhodo defend their accused s/o
•Morning cuddles with Simon Blackquill
•General dating hc with Herlock Sholmes, Kazuma Asougi,Barok van Zieks, Ryuunosuke Naruhodo 
•Herlock Sholmes, Kazuma Asougi,Barok van Zieks, Ryuunosuke Naruhodo with a touch starved s/o
•Herlock Sholmes, Kazuma Asougi,Barok van Zieks, Ryuunosuke Naruhodo accidently seeing their shy crush drawing them
•General dating hc with Miles Edgeworth,Apollo Justice, Phoenix Wright, Godot, Simon Blackquill, Klavier Gavin
•Miles Edgeworth,Apollo Justice, Phoenix Wright, Godot, Simon Blackquill, Klavier Gavin with a touch starved s/o
•Bobby Fulbright with a Detective!s/o
•Miles Edgeworth,Apollo Justice, Phoenix Wright, Godot, Simon Blackquill, Klavier Gavin accidently seeing their shy crush drawing them
•Phoenix Wright,Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice, Simon Blackquill with a s/o that gives good shoulder massages
•Klavier Gavin being comforted by his s/o after the events of Apollo Justice 4-4
•Herlock Sholmes, Kazuma Asougi,Barok van Zieks, Ryuunosuke Naruhodo reacting to their crush remembering something they mentioned a long time ago
•Phoenix Wright,Apollo Justice, Klavier Gavin and Simon Blackquill giving a massage to their s/o
•Apollo Justice and Klavier Gavin dating a really tall s/o
•Barok van Zieks falls for a childhood friend who grew up on the van Zieks estate as the grandchild of staff at the estate.As adults, s/o keeps a job at the estate, Barok is still pinning but fears disapproval due to their class difference.
•Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth with a rival reader
•Miles Edgeworth,Apollo Justice, Phoenix Wright, Godot, Simon Blackquill and Klavier Gavin reacting to their crush remembering something they mentioned a long time ago
•Simon Blackquill with a s/o who has a story similar to the "Servant of Evil"
•Gregson with a crush that's super affectionate
•“Of course i came for you it would take much more than that to stop me”(Herlock Sholmes x reader)
•“I feel your absence in everything that i do alone in every place i go without you”( Miles Edgeworth x reader)
•Reader pins Apollo to a wall
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•Hershel Layton taking care of a sick s/o
•General dating hc with Jean Descole
•General dating hc with Flora Reinhold
•General dating hc with Henry Ledore
•"For years I have yearned for you,in secrecy and silence"( Jean Descole x reader)
•"For years I have yearned for you,in secrecy and silence"( Henry Ledore x reader)
•General dating hcs with Desmond Sycamore
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•Zack slowly falls in love with S/O but is in denial about it
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•You're exhausted from work, but Dazai suddenly wants to be more than simply partners in crime, so you invite him over to spend the night together and things seems to turn
•General dating hc with Nakajima Atsushi, Osamu Dazai, Doppo Kunikida, Edogawa Ranpo and Yukichi Fukuzawa
•Kissing/Making out headcanons with Atsushi
•Nakajima Atsushi, Osamu Dazai, Doppo Kunikida, Edogawa Ranpo, and Yukichi Fukuzawa with touch starved s/o
•After losing you things haven't been the same for Dazai as he goes through the photo book you left behind for him
•Fyodor as your boyfriend hcs
•Nakajima Atsushi, Osamu Dazai, Doppo Kunikida, Edogawa Ranpo, and Yukichi Fukuzawa accidentally seeing their shy crush drawing them
•Misunderstanding(Dazai x reader)
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•Reader is having a rough day and Kusuo is there to at least somewhat cheer them up(platonic)
•You and Saiki help each other to avoid suitors on valentines day(platonic)
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•TWST drabble 1
•TWST drabble 2
•Vil, Kalim, Malleus and Azul with a s/o who’s like Sherlock Holmes/ William Moriarty from Moriarty the patriot
•Riddle,Leona,Idia and Deuce with a s/o who's like Sherlock Holmes/William Moriarty from Moriarty the patriot
•TWST drabble 3
•You and Jamil share a kiss under the fireworks ( based off theFirelit skies event)
•Doing Jamil's hair before basketball club activities
•Leona x reader comfort drabble
•Little things he does for you(NRC+RSA)
•Reader comforts Riddle before he has to go back home to his mother
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•Giyu Tomioka with a crush hcs
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•Spending time with sugawara after practise on a cold winter night
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•“I feel your absence in everything that i do alone in every place i go without you”(Albert James Moriarty x reader)
•“You look amazing tonight”+“I won’t let anyone hurt you”(Miss Moneypenny x reader)
Crossover,AUs or other miscellaneous fics
•Twisted Wonderland x Ace Attorney (prologue)
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thiaquiche · 5 months
Based on the poll results, the scene being posted is…
The next chapter of The Steam Bison Mangler!
(I’ll probably post the other one soonish as well, I like them both, this was more just to decide which one to post first and to incentivize myself to actually post them.)
For anyone unfamiliar or who needs a refresher, tags and summary are below.
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Layton Kyouju Series | Professor Layton Series
Relationships: Hershel Layton & Luke Triton, Hershel Layton & Flora Reinhold
Characters: Hershel Layton, Luke Triton, Flora Reinhold
Additional Tags: Assassin AU, Reunions
When Luke calls Layton to America, he and Flora are happy to answer his summons. However, looking at the news upon arrival tells Layton all he needs to know about why Luke really needed his help.
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