#professional substitute
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silviakundera · 10 months ago
the my stand in/my stand in the series tag is INCREDIBLE 👏👏👏
love this for fandom, thai bl and cn danmei tumblr should unite in live blogging the toxic permutations of this pair.
most pathethic protagonist GOING THRU IT by falling in love with a fascinatingly messy hot man who is plastered in red flags head to toe and screaming neon signs DO NOT ENGAGE W EMOTIONALLY UNAVAILABLE FUCKBOY.
I started reading the novel and it's such an indulgent wallow. ahhhh yes this guy is having the worst time. tell me more. make my heart ache.
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destroy-some-evil · 9 months ago
oh wow, I was told that the show My Stand In follows the novel Professional Substitute very faithfully but I didn't realize. Somehow I was sure the bathroom sex scene was added but nope it's here.
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sscarletvenus · 9 months ago
would i be crucified for saying i DO NOT fw the drama adaptation of professional body double... they woobified my favourite scum gong to such unrecognisable extents, he cannot be the yan mingxiu who terrorized the readers and zhou xiang throughout the events of the novel!
where is his rancidness. MSI counterpart is so digestable mwanwhile I wanted to kill ymx at least fifty times while reading professional body double. where is his terminal codependency. why isn't he domming zhou xiang every scene.
MSI is the lite version meanwhile the actual one needed to be institutionalized in an insane asylum.
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proudnb · 7 months ago
The steps you take in your transition journey can be glacially slow, if you need. Glaciers have carved rivers and ground mountains down, after all.
The only timeline that truly matters is your own.
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nastasya--filippovna · 29 days ago
Hi, I have a bit weird question, but I saw that you have ADHD and wanted to know how you cope with it daily? Because I don't know many people who have it and I'm loosing my mind with this 😭😭
Hey thanks for the ask nonnie.
I wish I could help you with this, but truth is..... I don't even cope with it myself. My life is in shambles😭😭😭. I'm your classic ADHD kid who was brilliant is school but now is barely making it through uni. I start like ten different creative projects at a time, and I can't seem to be able to complete them.
Wish you all the best tho. Stay silly. Stay strong <3
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acaffieneaddictt · 10 months ago
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can't defend him anymore. he can go fuck himself for all i care
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rickyyysaurus · 2 years ago
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Grizzlyrojo on Instagram, who worked on Dinotrux. This is their humanization of the gang!!!!
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jhsharman · 1 month ago
Mat Matter
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I think Archie would be in the clear of his associate signing him up for a professional gig. Frankly, his parents would be able to veto it.
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A weird question of the color of a faux drill seargant.
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This is random. Archie has break dancing friends. Who just happen by. And, okay, there were a couple trend chasing appearances from his break dancing friends, not that any casual reader is aware of that. No asterisk? As were, they suggest he... break dance to win... professional wrestling has never pretended to be anything but a stage show, so I no longer understand this story.
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claratyler · 1 year ago
this is hell
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nyasmodei · 11 months ago
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wake up lads, therapy 2 just dropped
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teachablr-moment · 1 year ago
New Gimick Blog!
Two things I've learned recently:
I like making lesson plans
My Do Nows are popular
Thus, I've decided to start a gimick blog for real.
Check out @inspired-lesson-plans to see what I do from here.
This blog will still contain sciencey and quasi-educational content. I will also reblog any new lesson plans here, but they will be composed on the sideblog first. And I'll try to repost the old ones on that blog (whenever I'm next trying to procrastinate)
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naamahdarling · 1 month ago
Horses. All animals but especially horses.
“Be curious about what you’re writing about” is not stock Common Writing Advice but it really, really should be. There are a lot of written works that fail due to the authors just being obviously incurious about what they are writing about.
#I've actually had this argument with other writers#convinced they'll be fine just making up whatever details they want#which is a garbage strategy because even if you somehow managed not to make any mistakes#you're missing out on a whole lot of really cool things you could have included if you bothered to do any goddamn research at all#the worst offender never changed their ways#they also refused to read within their genre lest they be influenced by “inferior writing and ideas”#what.#i stopped communicating with them not long after that#that's like somebody who wants to be a professional chef refusing to learn about where the ingredients come from and how they're grown#and absolutely never eating any of the dishes they want to cook and relying just on vibes and what they want to happen#r/ididnthaveeggs mentality#carrots and zucchini are both vegetables surely my substitution in this carrot cake recipe will work#it tastes bad?! you just don't understand my vision!#how dare you bring me a piece from your favorite bakery that's disgusting and also insulting to my craft#jesus christ im so glad i left that server#they got so mad when someone compared their line by line prose to [prominent award-winning author]#because they'd never even read that author how dare anyone insinuate their style wasn't completely original#six months later guess what#'i discovered this rad new author!'#did you indeed#last i heard they were dipping their toes into romance even though they despise the genre because how hard can it be?#my twist endings surely won't enrage readers even though i myself hate twist endings!#if you're reading this babe i hope you have finally read more than 3 books published after 2005 and learned how horses work#sorry this person was just really infuriating
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almondmilknosugar · 6 months ago
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yelloskello · 1 year ago
if anything comes from the hbomberguy video, i hope it's just people learning to like. look stuff up for themselves and take what they hear in videos with a grain of salt.
never forget that the stuff pedaled by moderately-sized-to-big accounts dedicated to specific topics, is probably being fueled by a need for engagement - if it's not straight-up for capital, then it's probably for social capital.
And, on top of that, content that riles their users up and/or is controversial is going to get more clicks, so a lot of this stuff is tailor-made to give only enough information to make you afraid or angry.
You cannot think of these people as randos speaking truth. They are, effectively, professional provocateurs. A lot of what they put out there is misinformation, and they don't care, because to them it's less about the topic and more about the clicks. It's the same phenomenon as what they do over at fox news.
We live in a time where the internet is extremely integrated in our daily lives, but we've never faced something like this before, and learning to navigate that mix of instant and quickly consumable content + some of it being peoples jobs + the buckwild parasocial obstacles it creates. I mean. It's a lot, y'know?
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chena-h · 11 months ago
Sharing this article just in case (there's a lot of misinformation out there in these circles)
Online wellness content: 3 ways to tell evidence-based health information from pseudoscience
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this poor woman ended up in hospital because she ate cayenne + cinnamon coated orange (unpeeled) because there’s a health and wellness influencer with millions of views who recommends it for digestion - she burned her oesophagus
i always saw a few really good other additions of similar things on the comments
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please be so, so careful taking advice from these people online, as many of them are not formally trained or educated, brand ambassadors, deep in pseudoscientific rabbit holes and unfortunately, there are many out there who struggle with disordered eating habits
(not mentioned here but another one worth noting: i have personally known people who have burned their oesophagus with viral apple cider vinegar shots and drinks. don’t do that. a burned oesophagus is not fun)
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thedivinetarot · 6 months ago
Light of my life, fire of my loins, my sin, my soul
Who is your future spouse?
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☆How to chose the perfect pile?
1) Clear your mind.
2) Take a deep breathe.
3) Ask the question in your head.
4) Open your eyes and the picture that you are drawn to the most is your pile.
☆ Before you get into the reading you have to know the following:
- Please, please and I will say it again please do not think of anyone while you are choosing. Not your Ex or current boyfriend or even your crush. And I will say it again DO NOT THINK of any man as your future spouse if you want to have an accurate reading.
- This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest. The future is not set in stone and the energy can change. This reading does not substitute any medical or professional help.
- I might do part 2 for this reading.
Stay safe ❤
Pile 1 - Bram stoker's Dracula
☆Where are you coming from? Your current love life:
I see that this pile have been lonely for quite some time and they are wondering if they will truly find someone. I see that you guys are overthinking everything about your love life and you are leaving no space for divine intervention. This pile’s energy is quite sad and tormented? You perhaps tell yourself that you don't need anyone but you truly want to build something stable and long lasting. I see that you feel stuck on I'm independent I don't need anyone mindset. Not because you really like being independent but because you are afraid of getting disappointed. The problem with this pile is the fear is literally paralyzing you and sabotaging any potential connection that can fit into your life. I'm also seeing that you might be someone who have been rejected and the pain of rejection is still vivid in your core memory. I see that you truly want love and to be loved! You might have a crush on someone with virgo or taurus placements. Or you might feel drawn to those type of men who embodies this archetype. I feel like you are kind of traditional towards dating. You might have had strict family or you really have a strong opinion regarding dating or hookup culture. This is your pile if you have strong virgo placements, water placements or the description fit you perfectly.
Who is your future spouse?
Pile one you might be manifesting your twin flame to be in a marriage with them? This person might enter your life so soon and above all you might get to know him online? I see that he might like your photos if you post yourself or he might just DM you through social media? This person is so grounded and stubborn. He is so earthy and stable in a generous way. He is the perfect mix between fire and earth. He is so childish or he aim to see infinite possibilities. I see that he is doing shadow work or he has been to therapy before. I see that this person is either a heartbreaker or been heartbroken many times. He is so naive or he seems naive? He might prefer texting over phone or video calls. There's an emphasis on his hair. He have curly and dark hair. His eyes are sleepy or he have sleepy eyes. There's something about his face, you see those people who have sleepy faces? Like they just woke up? I guess he might have that. He might look innocent and angelic. Like his aura is so comforting and serene. I also see that this person look younger than his age with hazel eyes. His style looks chill, like you see those guys who wear comfy hoodies? He might be one of them. I asked when will you meet him and the cards told me that you may meet him 6 months from now. You might be on a journey of self discovery when he enters your life. You might be losing weight and if you are not trying to lose weight; you might be trying to get in shape. I see that you are going to meet him after doing a lot of shadow work and inner reflection.
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Pile 2 - The Addams couple
☆ Where are you coming from? Your current love life:
This pile is my daring and flirty pile. You might like your solitude but you flirt for fun. I see that most interactions that happen between you and the opposite sex are online. You might like to post spicy photos of yourself. Or send nudes to total strangers in public. You might like to take initiative in relationships. Even if you are a woman/female; you simply don't care about the traditional roles. Especially on who get to initiate to whom. If you like someone you are going to get them, I see that this is your moto. Also this might be your pile if you are stuck on a decision regarding travel. You might want to travel but you are juggling too many responsibilities and this is holding you back from actually pursuing that goal. If you are a man (since the dominant energy on this pile are men or masculines) you might be posting photos or nudes of yourself online. I see many risky photos and poses and if you are not a man or masculine then you might be doing the same action. You really value your own space; I see that you are protecting your peace at all costs. I mean yes you might like to flirt for fun with others but nothing really is serious and you are not looking for something serious either. This is your pile if you have significant leo or Aries placements.
Who is your future spouse?
Your future spouse is someone that you are going to meet through group project. At first as I said about your current energy, you are not looking for something serious so when you meet that person you'll find it kind of confusing. I see that you might be blinded at first. Like you might not notice them and if you are working with them you might not be attracted to them. They are not your usual type, they might be smart and quick thinker. This person knows how to take care of themselves. He might also know how to take care of women in general. Men might call him simp but he is no simp he is just so kind and empathetic towards women's needs. He is so determined, I see that once he put his mind on a goal he doesn't stop when he is tired, He only stop when he finish. I see that he LOVES to conquer a good challenge. He likes to to be assertive and he is looking for someone assertive too. He want his equal, his queen. He might look like he suit you? Wait let me rephrase it. You see that two people who are not dating but everyone in workplace ship them? You two might have intense chemistry. This person look like a heartbreaker. Eye color range from brown to gray or just those two colors. His hair is so silky or wavy. He have this confused look when he talk to you? He might even drag his feet while he walk, or he might look tired when he walk.
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Pile 3 - Nosferatu
Where are you coming from? Your current love life.
Well, looking at the cards this pile is in their sweet feminine energy who wants princess treatment and to be spoiled. If this is not the case then this piles are for mothers or you are a mother or pregnant. If you are not pregnant and you are the girl who is in her feminine energy then I see that there's someone who wants to pursue you and he is so damn confident about it. I see that you guys are so confident in yourselves. Perhaps, you are someone who is working on their self esteem and self worth. I see that whatever the case you are in. It is going to pay off. For my girlies who are being pursued by someone I see that this person is very serious about you. He want to marry you quiet literally. This person sees you as his wife or future wife. I also see that this connection is meant to be and is distant to happen even if you are not aware of it. This person is quite civilized and diplomatic. He want to make you happy and cherish you, but if you don't want him it is your choice at the end of the day. I see a lot of happiness in this pile. Guys happiness is your middle name, since the energy or the cards I'm pulling are all yellow and yellow means happiness in tarot. Another energy I'm picking up on is that this pile doesn't really want to be strong and independent. Unlike pile one who is pushing themselves to be that way, this pile is accepting the fact that you want to be a stay at home mother or a rich wife of a rich dude. Most people in this pile are Venus dominant, have taurus or libra placement or have venusian energy in general. You guys might be the pretty girl in your friend group and everyone enjoys looking at you.
Who is your future spouse?
So right off the bat what I'm seeing is someone who have a lot of options. You know that one man who is wanted by every woman because of how friendly and charismatic he is? This man has this energy. It looks like this person is someone who has been heartbroken before and now he keeps his options open by befriending many girls and keeping his options open. He have the cup of love and he is so eager to give it to someone, I'm also picking up on someone passionate and eager to explore life. This person is sooo romantic in a cheesy way. I see that many times he attempted to get in a relationship but got afraid and back off from pursuing something serious. This person believes in manifestations or he tried manifesting an SO or future wife or this person really believes that he can create the reality he wants. This person gives off the vibe of a knight in a shining armor or a Disney prince tbh. This person look like a literal baby or he have baby features. He might have round or oval face. This man can be a little overweight or fat with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is so cute I'm seeing a picture of someone who look adorable and sweet. This person gives off the vibe of "I look good as a husband". But in general this person look so childish and baby like. Could look younger than his actual age? Or this person might be younger than you, but not so much like a couple months younger. He is so friendly or he have a lot of female friendships. This man gives off the ENFJ vibes Idk if you know mbti but you can Google it if you want to. He is so emotionally mature and caring. His energy is so nurturing. I asked the cards about when will you are going to meet him and they said he will enter soon into your life and one of the signs is a female around you is going to give birth or you are going to meet a pregnant woman or one of your relatives/friends will get pregnant. There's a NOTE for this pile specifically; if you are being pursued by someone this person is your future spouse. And if you are not being pursued by anyone then you might know who your future spouse is. And if you don't have anyone then take the reading with a grain of salt but you can enjoy it anyways.
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Pile 4 - Hollywood couple
Where are you coming from? Your current love life:
This pile is truly stuck. I feel like I'm bored and desperate I want to cry. Like guys what is the matter? There's both boredom and stagnation. You might be someone who is really bored with how things are in your love life. I'm picturing a girl about 16 to 18 years old who want to be open to love but there's a man in her life (could be a male caregiver) who is very strict and structured. This man literally destroyed your well to date anyone. I feel like you are discouraged by the idea of love and I feel that you are unbalanced in a way? Like you are trying to protect yourself from getting hurt but at the same time you want love so freaking bad. I'm clinching my jaw and I feel like I want to scream and yell and kick things around me. Pile four why are you so angry? Please calm down! There's nothing in this life that deserve all this anger. Please take a break and go balance yourself and life. You are still young and have no experience and life is still long in front of you. I see that you might be waiting for something to happen; for someone to come in and rescue you from your life but nothing really happens so you pour all of your anger and resentment on yourself. Please stop hurting yourself and go find a hobby or something that can help you channel this anger and resentment. I'm picking up on someone who is bottling up their feelings and not really trying to express them. I also feel headache, do you have headache pile four? Are you bloated too? You might have significant leo and Aries placements. A little Taurus placements and sun, mars and sagittarius dominate. I feel like you are waiting and waiting but the waiting itself got bored of you lol. And you end up feeling devastated and angry. This pile’s energy is so rageful, please do some meditation or workout to get rid of that anger. You might also be scared of change? And overwhelmed by the idea of change? You might be someone who doesn't really like things to change and stick to a specific routine. Anyways let's get into the reading.
Who is your future spouse?
This person is very hardworking and workaholic. I see that the main focus in his life is his career, money and stability. This man is a little bit selfish, and he became like that because of how much he suffered. This person suffered from poverty, or he was very poor. He might even get kicked out of his family house so he can work and get them money. This person got bullied a lot by his peers and saw a lot of cruelty in his life, I feel so sorry for him. This person might be closed off emotionally, it is like he is trying to shelter himself from any possible heartache because of what happened in his childhood. I also see that when you meet him he might not be ready for anything serious or he might not really have healed fully from what has happened to him. There's an age gap here, he might he older than you or more mature. Like 4 years older. He might also be a co-worker of you? Or acquaintance If it is not then he might work with you in your field. The main challenge he is facing is stability, he want stability to be able to marry you. My advice for this pile is don't try to force things out if this person is not ready for commitment. He hasn't healed yet and his main focus is on the material. He might even use you if you attempted to help him financially so please don't. What really amazed me in this pile that this man is so materialistic, his love language can be gift giving. Now his appearance; this person look so cocky and confident. He have hazel eye color and sharp features. This person's back look hot or beautiful. He is not that tall, he is medium height. His hair is dirty blonde or chestnut brown. A foreigner? He might not be from your country. This man is possessive to be honest. If you met him after he get his ish together he will spoil you rotten but if not then don't try to help and heal him. You might meet him at the end of November to the most of December.
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Post date: 25th/Aug/2024 - Sun
*Feedback is appreciated
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