#professional gardening gear
hiliteuniform · 1 day
Hi-Lite Uniform Multi-Purpose, Extra Long Waterproof Adjustable Neck to Back with ONE PULL Apron
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Perfect for janitorial work, chemical handling, food processing. Extra-long design (29″ W x 47″ H) for maximum coverage and protection. Waterproof material keeps you dry and stain-free. Adjustable neck to back with one pull, durable for long-lasting use. Keep your clothes clean and yourself safe with this multi-Purpose, Janitorial and Chemical Extra Long Waterproof Adjustable Neck to Back with ONE PULL Apron From Hi-Lite Uniform.
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emo-batboy · 8 months
Trick or treat!
Hello :D Here's your treat
Battinson and Cars
He is a car guy. He loves his car. It is his baby. He can fill his car with gas, yes. That is a thing he can do on his own in his own garage with his own gas.
But he does not know how to operate a gas pump. (New Jerseyans are crying in solidarity.)
Bruce gets into so many car accidents.
Like yeah, he's Batman. But he's also that kind of driver who is perfectly okay when he's on autopilot, but the MOMENT he remembers he's driving a death machine on wheels next to other people driving death machines on wheels, and if you accidentally cut them off or forget to use your turn signal, they will rear end you?! He gets a little antsy :/
The second he overthinks it, he's making mistake after mistake. What are you gonna do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But when he's in his tricked-out batmobile engaging in a high-speed chase while narrowly avoiding death at every turn? A vigilante with no regard for the rules of the road other than "Do Not Hit People?" He’s suddenly a professional stunt driver! Fuck it!
That’s one of the reasons no one could possibly believe he’s Batman
"Bruce Wayne Reverses into Bush at Local Wawa, Cries as He Calls the Cops on Himself"
Then four hours later...
"The Batman Performs INCREDIBLE STUNT on Garden State Parkway, Saves Lives and Kitten Stuck in Tree"
You think these are the same person? Please be serious.
He is the only person in the JL who can reliably parallel park.
He's also a fucking speed demon. (This is Jersey. The Norm is going 90 in a 55. And back to the "autopilot" point) if he's lost in thought, he's definitely breaking the law. And overtaking like five cars a minute.
Alfred taught him to drive (and is lowkey the one that gave him driving anxiety. He is a very strict teacher.) Because of this, his first car was manual :) Now, he prefers it because it feels cool and action-y when he changes gears on the highway.
Bruce got into his first car chase when he was 15. (Baby's First Car Chase <3) Don't ask me how.  Don't ask why. Just know he does. (I mean, I do have an answer but I'm not giving it to you.) This also means he did it without a license because he was too young to even have a permit at the time.
He has a hatred for literally anyone with Pennsylvania or New York plates. Why? Because they’re slow as fuck and try to turn left at the intersection when there is clearly a jughandle??
(Homework for everyone that doesn't live in NJ: Look up "jughandle" or "jersey left" and tell me your thoughts.)
He was so pissed at the amount of potholes in Gotham that he personally filled them as Batman in the middle of the night. (Wtf are his billions of tax dollars going to?)
Once Bruce was muttering curses at the idiot in front of him with NY plates only to see Clark fucking Kent exit the car. Superman could not understand why Batman kept glaring at him for a week.
I did not spell-check this. Happy Halloween :)
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comatosebunny09 · 6 months
Stuck on this royalty AU in which you’ve rejected King Astarion’s advances too many times.
You’ve been his bodyguard for years. One of the few people who’s seen the man beneath the crown, stripped bare and bleeding. Naturally, you both grew to care for each other more than a king and subject should.
Astarion’s come dangerously close to confessing his feelings for you. But you’ve always staved him off, believing you’re unfit to be anything more than one who serves him. Never his equal.
Cue you sabotaging your budding romance by suggesting he pursue people of his caliber.
He humors you if only to make you jealous. Even the maids know how this man pines for you.
One day, he takes the hand of a beautiful young woman to tour his garden, whispering things into her ear to make her giggle. He perches a hand at the small of her back. Smiles in that charming, boyish way that he typically reserves for you. He puts on a show just for you, his gaze often flitting over his shoulder because he knows you’re following dutifully behind.
Try as you might to mask your ire, he can practically hear the gears whirring in your head. You’re so blinded by your jealousy that you go stumbling into a pond. How comical a sight you pose, the king’s professional and stone-faced guard dog, sputtering and flailing about like a wet cat.
You’re mortified as his servants scramble to get you out, your cape and armor waterlogged. Astarion instinctively moves to assist, wriggling out of the young woman’s hold. You lock eyes with your king as he reaches for you. Over his shoulder, you watch his guest stifle a giggle behind her gloved hand.
Your heart plummets into your stomach. You could only hope to be someone as beautiful and titillating. The king deserves someone cut from a similar cloth as him, not a lowly dog with calluses on their hands and scars littering their body.
You dismiss yourself with a curt bow, your dignity bruised, your eyes burning with the threat of tears. Hardly notice Astarion briskly excusing himself from his guest to follow you.
You stomp into the servant’s quarters, a few maids scuttling about with towels to dry you off. You’re so embarrassed you don’t even have the voice to tell them you can do it yourself. Astarion cautiously wanders in, quietly dismissing the maids to fetch you a change of uniform.
You can’t meet his eye as he kneels before you, trying vainly to hide his smile whilst he towels you off.
“I’m not even sure what you’re jealous of. You’re the one who told me to move on, remember?” the king softly scolds.
You scoff. “Jealous? Me?”
Astarion gives you a deadpan look. “Darling, you practically drowned yourself trying to get an earful of our conversation.”
“Did not.”
“Right. I suppose the pond stepped into your way, then?”
Another scoff accompanied by heat blooming into your cheeks.
“Come now, darling. As lovely as you are, green just isn’t your color.”
You cut your eyes at him in warning, to which he chuckles something deep and alluring.
Astarion pats your knee, standing to his full height. He offers you his hand, insisting you take it with a look after you refuse him. He pulls you to him, uncaring if his doublet gets wet, pilfering the breath from your lungs.
The king gazes down at you with all the tenderness of the world, his hand splayed at the small of your back. The proximity of your body causes your mind to whirl and your lips to part with a gasp.
“Let’s get you changed, hmm?”
You worry your bottom lip with your teeth. “What about your date, Majesty?”
Astarion shrugs, rolling his eyes dismissively. “I’m sure she’ll find someone else to occupy her time. I’ve more…important matters to attend to,” he says, his gaze simmering like a low flame.
He ushers you into the hallway, steering you towards his room to get you cleaned up. A luxury only you know, no one else having been allowed to see his room as often as you have.
You shiver, still soaked to the bone. Astarion tucks you close into his side, rubbing your arm to ward off the chill. You smile triumphantly quietly, knowing you’re the only person he’s touched like this in years.
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Tim who had the watchtower/super hero substitute treehouse built so Batman can have relatively healthy socialization also eggs on the baking rivalry that develops between Alfred and Ma Kent as part of his multi step plan to direct Batman towards developing a wider social circle than Superman who, again, Tim does not fully approve of as a good influence on Batman. He appreciates that Batman shouldn't kill and that Superman helped that much but otherwise is unimpressed with the kryptonian. Basically the only things Superman could do to make it up to Tim would be first, sincerely apologizing to Kon accompanied by actively being better and second lobotomizing the Joker. Unfortunately Superman has yet to realize he needs to make up anything to Tim. Thus Ma Kent will continue to receive cook books and high end baking supplies from anonymous sources as well as strategic praise and comparisons to Alfred's baking from various heroes and Alfred will receive similar praise and criticism and Bruce and Clark will both receive uncomfortable questions from both sides about which pie or cake or cookie he liked better.
Tim having monthly tea parties with Queen Hippolyta in a neutral location to talk about how Diana is doing, again as part of the plan for Bruce to have good social influences in his life. Cassie helped him arrange it. Queen Hippolyta mothers Tim a bit because she's experiencing a little empty nest syndrome and while Tim is a boy, he's very polite and didn't invade her home and brings treats he either bought or made himself (he's not dragging Hippolyta into the baking beef). Tim reacts better to this than he would if someone attempted to act fatherly to him as she does so in small doses and in a manner that is slightly softer than Janet and is thus nostalgic.
Tim will find the parental figures in the JLA's lives and he will make connections. He is trying very hard not to be Bruce's entire (functioning) support system.
Ma Kent and Alfred should have a very fierce rivalry over food. The competition should be intense, yet they still care about one another. They'll switch in seconds from casually chatting about their sons and gardening to very pointed insults about the other's cooking.
Tim dragging Bruce's friends' parents into that man's support circle is hilarious and amazing. He will ensure that Batman will be up against crowds of friends and their parents the next time he decides to go on another crime-fighting bender.
Also, it could be healthy overall for in-the-know parents of heroes to have their own support group. They can get advice and comfort from others. Yes, some of the parents aren't exactly "civilians," but the group is geared towards parents of first generation "heroes," (though other generations of parents of heroes are welcome as well). There are a lot of nuances, laws, and issues pertaining to being a public hero.
Tim should have beef with Superman. Let that teen continually give the man glares of disappointment and disproval at the hero's back (which Clark feels but can't pinpoint the origin), and then his face smooths back to neutral whenever the man looks at him. Tim is a professional, after all. I think Jason and Tim could bond over this when they start getting along.
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joshslater · 1 year
Frat War
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
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"Sweet dreams," he said and knocked on my helmet. Then he gave me the finger straight in my face. "See you tomorrow or whenever," turned off the lights, and closed the door.
I was alone in the darkness. The only sound I could hear was the vibrator, or perhaps I just felt it and imagined the sound. I tried to jiggle around a bit to see if I could get loose, but I was securely tied up. It wasn't uncomfortable, perhaps not surprising given all the padded sports gear they forced on me, but I would probably have burning muscle aches when they eventually cut me loose. Right now it was the pungent smell of locker room from the gear that bothered me more, or perhaps even more the sock gag they taped in place. It just kept leaking a foul, sour taste. They can't be this bad naturally so it must be because of the oil.
Fuck, I'm losing it. My mind keeps wandering and not focusing. I'll take it from the start.
So someone in the linear algebra class asked if I could walk by the KAX frat house on my way home and hand over some homework to Chase. I didn't recall seeing him before, but then the class lecture hall is large and some people are watching the classes remotely. I assumed we had spoken though, because how else would he know I passed the frat house on my route? "Sure," I said and grabbed the manilla folder from him.
After one lecture in mechanics, friction more specifically, I was on my way home. The KAX frat house was a weird-looking brick building that had been some sort of school before it was converted, with a decent-sized front garden. I walked up the gravel walk to the door and just as I was about to press the buzzer the door flung open and a half dozen dudes tackled me to the floor.
"Hey! Let me" was all I managed to shout out before someone stuck a rolled towel between my teeth. I was pressed down into the floor by several hands and knees. "You find it? Is it him?" someone asked. I could hear rummaging above me. "Yeah, it's here. Schematics, codes, everything. He even put it in a folder with KAX written on it. What a fucking stealth ninja."
I had been set up! For what I didn't know, but I started to struggle and shout pleadings to them, which probably came out as muffled nonsense. "Spritz him," someone else said, and soon after a pair of hands held my head still, while a third inserted something into one nostril, sprayed a mist into it, and I blacked out.
"He's awake," someone called out far in the distance, and I wondered who he meant. There was something in my mouth but as I tried to reach for it someone grabbed my arm. Slowly the frat house and the ambush came back to me and I opened my eyes. I saw myself in a large, wall-mounted mirror, sitting relaxed in an armchair that had been placed in a home gym. I was dressed almost completely as a football player. Cleats, socks, tight pants, undershirt, and two guys were about to tie the shoulder pads in place. I had two black streaks under my eyes and duct tape over my mouth keeping whatever in place. There was a funky smell of locker room as if the uniform hadn't been washed. "Almost done. Keep calm and don't struggle, and we won't knock you out again."
I wasn't sure what was happening, but I was pretty sure I wouldn't get far if I tried to fight them. The guys put on a football Jersey in the school team's colors, followed by elbow pads and gloves. Then they helped me up from the armchair and moved me over to their lat pulldown machine, I think it's called. It looked like it came from a professional gym that I imagine the frat had grabbed at some bankruptcy auction. In the few steps over I could feel something else was wrong. I had been so overwhelmed by the sensations of a full football outfit I hadn't noticed something was weird in the groin area.
Once seated on the machine the guys started to tie me in place with thick ropes. Another pair of guys carried the armchair out of the room so the only remaining furniture was gym equipment. I was still at a loss for what the purpose, as well as the reason, for all this was. In front of me one guy rolled up a white sock that was discolored as if it had been heavily used in black shoes. He then picked up a small bottle, unscrewed it, and used the dropper from the lid to squirt some liquid into the rolled-up sock. He then tore off a new strip of duct tape, ripped off the tape from my face, replaced the cloth in there with the sock roll, and taped it shut again. I figured if I resisted they would just use whatever that spritz was again.
"We have a private cannabis oil blend with some other shit mixed in that gives you these amazing sexual highs. Just rock hard for hours while you can space out to your favorite porn. Very dangerous to use too often or too long." He pressed a helmet on my head and locked it in place with the strap. "With the concentration you're getting, and released over such a long time, you'll end up forming completely new sexual attractions to whatever you're subjected to." He pressed something near my hip and I could feel what might have been a cockring starting to vibrate. "To what is however the question." He was about to leave when one of the other guys pointed at something on the floor.
He reached down and plugged in an air humidifier. "We put so much effort into this, and I almost forgot it. We've been pulling moisture out of gym clothes for months to create this experience for you. I'm really interested in what the outcome is. The original idea was to turn you gay for football jocks, but I think it's more likely you'll end up sexually attracted to locker rooms. Or bondage. Well, tell your bros at the frat we won the prank battle this year."
My mouth was filled with bitter, sour taste and my eyes started having trouble focusing on him.
"Fuck, it stinks. Let's leave boys before it sticks in the hair. I bet it takes weeks to get out. Sweet dreams," he said and knocked on my helmet.
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evergreenfields · 2 months
Dust to Dust
For those OG Price fans, (lmao, I know y’all are out there. And I know he’s an old man, but he’s our old man.) Spoilers for the OG Modern Warfare 3. The fic’s title is the name of the last mission in the game, it’s iconic and the music is everything.
Pairing: OG Price x female reader, can be read as reboot Price x female reader if your heart desires
CW: descriptions of female body, fluff, PIV, smut, character deaths.
Your job is coordinating equipment and weaponry for the 141. You receive an order from Price that you know is for a man who isn’t coming back from the fight.
Price first came down to your office in the basement to thank you for procuring specific weapon parts. Captains never came down to the basement. He had a look in his eyes like he’d discovered something in you that no one else had.
Soon you shared evening walks around base, talking until night. He found he could unravel his thoughts with you. When he was deployed, he would recall your face in his mind lit with moonlight. Eventually he stole a kiss from you, you thought you even saw the mighty man blush.
He was hesitant what with being a commanding officer and a good few years older than you. He loved your comparative youthfulness but it also worried him, but in the end his need for you was absolute.
Later, you spent time off base at his house, being pressed into his mattress at night and grinding on top of him on the rare lazy mornings he had. You made dinner together and sat in the garden where he pointed out constellations. When he wasn’t deployed, he was a phone call away when you had a bad day. When he returned from deployment, he would tuck you into a hug under his chin. It was a domestic slice of life; a beautiful pact between two cogs in a violent machine.
You found his initial reluctance to get physical endearing and thrilling because you enjoyed pushing his buttons. He was surprised by how forward you were, caressing this thigh and opening buttons on your blouse while he drove you to a hiking spot.
“We won’t get there in one piece if you carry on like that, love.” He’d drawl in his sharp accent, one hand on the wheel, the other changing gear. His icy blue eyes were on yours for a moment, then flitting over your body before settling back on the road. You can see a smirk behind his grey beard. Luckily for you the car had spacious back seats.
You learned quickly that ‘muppet’ was his term of endearment, not necessarily just for you, but those in his inner circle. Calling you ‘sweetheart’ and ‘love’ in his cockney accent was a soothing balm, reserved only for you.
You didn’t see much of him and the squad for a few months with constant missions, debriefings and the looming threat of WW3. When you’d heard about Soap being KIA, it took all of your restraint to not go upstairs and burst through Price’s door. The Captain didn’t need you running into his office, he was an astute professional when he wasn’t pushing into you with a strong grip on your hips.
When you finally saw him, he was crestfallen, greyer, tired. He allowed himself a minimal show of emotion, squeezed your arm and walked away into an urgent briefing. You watched him with a hole burning in your head and heart, knowing he needed space to process the grief.
Days later, a message comes through, you look through the list twice.
Soldiers didn’t come back with this weaponry and equipment, this was a suicide mission. They would be a part of the explosion radius.
You pick up the phone.
“Captain, can I confirm this? It’s-“
“It’s all there, Lieutenant.” His accent sharp enough to cut glass.
You know how much Soap meant to him. And Ghost. And Gaz. Losing them to one man was incomprehensible. Their losses were heavy on his shoulders.
“I’ll have it ready ASAP, sir.” You say, your voice even and professional.
The line goes dead.
2 LMGs fit for taking down helicopters.
2 juggernaut suits that will hold up to infantry fire - but not helicopters.
You notice your hands shaking. You add another few plates of armour that he can slot into the suit but you know he won’t use them. He will need speed for what he’s doing and any more weight would compromise his mission.
Hours later, a note appears on your desk with a set of house keys.
With a heart as heavy as the lead you were processing, you sent Price into hell with his death warrant and no way back.
Dust to Dust.
Taglist (never thought I’d have a taglist, thank you so much!)
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Trying to Squish Riddle's and Ortho's Cheeks!!! Cuz they're so cute aughhh
Warnings: None GN Reader
Squishing Rook & Ace's Cheeks
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Riddle Rosehearts
Do you have a death wish??!?! 😭
Why would he everrrr let you touch him casually, especially his cheeks! 
Riddle is a very guarded and professional person, at least when he isn’t angry. Unless you’re asking for him to go ballistic on you, you’ve gotta reign in the desire to squish his marshmallow face, okie?
Well. . . . . . it takes so much restraint! You can’t hold back forever!
You’re somewhere more private with Riddle, perhaps out in the Heartslabyul rose gardens tending to the hedgehogs or in the library studying. Riddle just looks so calm in these moments, and the relative silence only aids in your impulsive thoughts getting the better of you.
Before you know it, your fingers are mere centimeters away from touching Riddle’s face.
“Prefect! What in the world do you think you’re doing?!” he hisses, annoyed. 
Your fingers twitch, and despite knowing you’re one step away from being scolded, you don’t have it in you to take your hands away from him. “I’m sorry! I couldn’t help it!!!”
And before you can come back to your senses, “You just look too much like a hedgehog! You’re too cute, can you even see yourself? It’s not entirely my fault that I can’t help but want to squish your face!!”
Ok. Maybe that was too much. Riddle is staring at you with wide eyes, mouth gaping in shock. With his brain malfunctioning, and a blush spreading across his face that you cannot discern as angry or embarrassed, you push your luck and poke the hollows of his cheeks.
Not the softest :( You can’t really enjoy the full glory of his cheeks when his mouth is wide open but you’ll take what you can get 💪
Now run run RUNNNNN before he can get the chance to collar you! Who knows, compliment him like that with sparkles in your eyes again and maybeeee he’ll feel flattered enough to let you have your way. But… not for at least a million years! The disrespect! Hmph.. 🦔
Ortho: (strictly platonic)
Now, now, he doesn’t really have much of his face exposed. No cheeks in sight!! But those little circular things on the sides of his face definitely make his face look squishable! And don’t get me started on those pretty wide eyes of his!!! He’s so cute! 
Ortho thinks you’re quite silly when you look at him from across a room, pouting because you’re thinking he looks so much like a hamster except you KNOW that his cheeks are not squishy in the slightest! Because he doesn’t have them!!! His little facepiece is metal and you don’t even know if he can take it off :(((((((((((
Ortho also thinks you’re quite silly when you squeeze your hands into a fist without noticing when you’re talking to him. Why, you’re so obvious, with the way you satisfy your cuteness aggression towards him with gentle pats on his head or by booping his nose. 
Out of everyone at NRC, Ortho would be most receptive to your wish to squish his cheeks. He really doesn’t mind, as long as you’re careful with him. Besides, it makes you happy, and though you’ve remarked on the occasion that he looks like a hamster with its cheeks puffed out, he thinks that with the way you act around him sometimes, you’re the one who resembles a hamster wayyy more. 
Though there’s no way to tell if Ortho’s face is actually a marshmallow, since it’s just his face gear giving the illusion of a squishable face, don’t worry! Ortho’s already asked Idia about altering his face gear so you can be indulged! What an angel 😇
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treefory · 2 months
Chandlo’s talk
854 words
No art for this one:(
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Chandlo felt the shimmering spring sand on his paws as he walked back to snaxburg with Snorpy by his side. A light dusting of rain came from the light gray clouds above. Soon He looked up a his love and to see a his warm goofy smile. Of course this made him smile as well.
As they reached Snaxburg Chandlo heard the voice of the residential mayor saying his hellos and goodbyes to Floofty and Shelda as they returned. When Filbo’s eyes met Chandlo’s and Snorpy’s a large smile grew across his face (not like it wasn’t there before)
“Chandlo, your back!” He cheered
“Hey Fil-bro, how’s it hanging?”
“Oh, things are going good! How was your trip?”
“Great! Really needed it.” He nodded “but I’m really just itching to get back to the mill. Cut some wood, lift some steel, bounce some balls, ya know how it is.”
“Awesome! And how about you snorpy?” Filbo asked as he looked up to the taller grumpus
Snorpy’s face grimaced like he didn’t want to answer, but of course he did anyways “Much better now that Chandlo is back.” His face softened “I can finally rest easy knowing he’s safe.”
With those words Chandlo smiled but it also made his heart ache knowing how stressed Snorpy must have been without him.
“That is all you need to know Filbo.” Snorpy continued “now come Chandlo, we must speak of that very non important thing that you wanted to tell me.” He added as he walked off
“Uhh okay, bye I guess…” Flibo stuttered awkwardly
“Later Filbo!” Chandlo called following after Snorpy
The two walked through town together, he saw Floofty and Shelda in her gazebo and for once, not arguing. Triffany and Wambus talking in his garden, Triff clearly rambling and wambus listening to every word.
But soon they arrived at the mill. Chandlo took in a deep breath, smelling the old soot from the forge and the woody smell from the logs. All the while the faint sound of gears twisting and the distant coos of bugsnax filled his ears
“Ahhhh nice to be home.” Chandlo sighed with his hands on his hips
“That it is. Now, what did you want to tell me?” Snorpy inquired. He wore a smile on his face that terribly hid his nervousness.
Chandlo seemed to match his expression as he spoke “it’s alright Snorp-dawg! It’s just something I think we should talk about.”
“Ah I see, let us talk upstairs then. Wouldn’t want any prying ears listening in.” Snorpy suggested as he walked up the stairs. Chandlo followed closely behind.
When they reached the top Snorpy settled himself on his bed so that he and Chandlo were more at eye level but was a bit surprised when Chandlo sat next to him. Chandlo sighed as he slouched over a little.
“C-Chandlo, is something wrong?” He asked as he gently rested a paw on his back.
“Nah, I just kinda wanna sit down for this.” He shook his head “So me and shelda and I guess everyone else were talking… about you.”
“A-about me?” Snorpy echoed, taken aback
“While I was on broken tooth I was thinking about you a lot and how you’re doing out here. I know you’ve been super anxious lately and I guess I just needed some advice.”
Chandlo leaned back on the bed and looked up towards the ceiling. “So I went to shelda and she told me that you’re ‘lost in a maze of your own making’ and said that you needed… professional help.”
“Professional help- l-like a therapist? You know that I don’t trust therapists, right?” He questioned “they all work for-“
“The Grumpinati. I know, but I just think that you need a little help.” Chandlo interrupted, then crossed his paws over his abdomen, locking his digits together. “And I don’t think I can help you alone…” he choked
“I’m just worried about you.” He pleaded, his voice a soft whisper. while still laying down He looked up at Snorpy for an answer, but he sat there quietly thinking as he fidgeted with his paws and apron
There was a long uncomfortable silence
when Chandlo went to speak again to try and convince him further he was interrupted before he could even make a sound “w-well, i suppose you're not wrong… I’d hate to be a burden to you.” Snorpy whispered.
“Bro, you’ll never be a burden to me!” Chandlo corrected, “not in a million years.”
Snorpy smiled at that then laid back just like Chandlo
“I may not trust the world but if there’s any grumpus I do trust, it’s you Chandlo. A-And if you think I am in need of professional help… then so be it. As long as it means you’re happy.” He finished looking Chandlo in the eyes with an unsure smile
The biggest, most goofiest smile grew across his face as he quickly pulled Snorpy in for a big hug “thank you for understanding snorpy!”
Snorpy stammered uncontrollably, trying to find his words, before simply wrapping an arm around Chandlo and saying
“I’ve missed you so much.”
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Fuck It I’m Not Done
Biker headcanons for the AC Women that torment my brain
@kassandras-one-braincell you’ve broken me with this tbh I'm in shambles (affectionate) OG post here also NSFW warning this is a no minors post (or at the very least stop at the warning gdi)
Soma is sophisticated and expensive. Not gonna say too much here since I went into more detail previously but~ Imagine vintage restored bikes that are shiny and perfect all lined up in a pristine garage space with polished tool boxes that are filled with all her necessities to work on them and keep them gleaming. Professionally photographed, framed posters of you posed with her bikes adorn the walls of the space. She even picked lingerie to match each bike!
She only really rides one or two of her collection regularly, the majority are mostly for show. I imagine she’d have a cruiser with a good passenger seat on the back so she can take you on long scenic rides to beautiful locations, and you can bet your ass she’d have it shipped overseas on your vacations so she can take you all over the world on it. Soma is all class and polish, so her riding gear would definitely reflect that. High quality leather and helmets with coms will keep the two of you safe, comfortable and connected on your rides. She would probably have matching riding suits custom made for the two of you. I could just see her doing that.
Kassandra as the cocky performance rider. She’d have pick up lines for days, all the innuendo about taking you for a ride and how she knows how to handle curves. She’d chat you up good, and land a date for that same weekend.
She’d show up with an extra helmet and jacket for you, and she’d make sure it was all properly adjusted. In the og post about this concept, it says that you kiss her right when the helmets come off. I agree, and I’d say that you want to kiss her the moment she slides the helmet onto you and starts doing up the chin straps. For anyone who’s never worn a motorcycle helmet, they don’t have a clip like one for a bicycle would, it’s a strap that gets looped through two d-rings, and it’s kinda tricky at first. So, imagine: gazing up at her while she’s looking all intently at you with those gorgeous dark eyes, her fingertips working the thin strap quickly and efficiently on muscle memory. When she’s done she puts her hands on either side of it to check that it’s snug on your head and looks into your eyes for a moment longer than necessary. It’s electric.
When you arrive and she takes hers off, you’re still kind of fumbling with the unfamiliar clasp. She notices and hooks a finger through the loop, giving it a quick tug to undo it and free you of the helmet, whole time she's got that sexy little smile on her face. She takes it off of you and sets it on the seat behind you, arms reaching around your body to do so. At that moment you’re looking up at her and she’s so close. You can’t stop yourself from leaning in and up on your toes to steal a kiss. She’s a little surprised but doesn’t falter about kissing you back. Her hands rest so naturally on your waist. It’s short and sweet and leaves you both giddy with butterflies.
Your first date with her would be something sweet and romantic like taking you to a fancy park or perhaps a botanical garden. You’d walk around holding hands for hours and she’d be all chuffed that you gave her a kiss upon arrival to the date location. It would make her feel so confident and bold, wrapping her arms around you and allowing the affection to flow naturally. I think she would feel nervous about it being too much too soon but you just lean into it and look at her with stars in your eyes and it shuts that doubt right up. Very much a uhaul lesbian relationship in this case you would just fall so completely for each other and be comfortable together immediately. First date lasting three days kind of love story.
Eivor does motocross competitively and is a big name in the game. She also does trail riding but it’s more for fun so not her focus. She’s definitely the most reckless rider of the bunch but takes protective precautions seriously, bc she knows that she loves to go fast, push limits and pull stunts. However, if anyone else is on the bike with her she’s much more cautious and safe with her driving. She'd def pop some wheelies with you on the back if you were ok with it.
In this au I think she’d have a modest but comfortable house pretty far out of town on a decent chunk of land. She’d have a practice track built in her backyard with a trail looping around the edge and through the woods of her property. She’d do laps every day to stay at the top of her game, and just to enjoy the ride.
Her garage would be well organized but not shiny and fancy like Soma’s. Hers is functional and well used, in a separate building from the main house. Very Dad's Garage vibes in there I think. She’d love working on her own bikes, but I think she’d leave her competition bike’s maintenance to her trusted pro mechanic Gunnar.
Now I mentioned in my last reblog how I imagine they’d all have pics of you on their motorcycles, and that they’d have very different vibes.
Soma and Kassandra would display them like a trophy. Not publicly, but up on the walls of their own spaces. Eivor? She’s possessive. She wouldn’t want to have a photographer ruining the intimacy of your photos no matter who it was.
(here's where it gets nsfw)
Eivor would ride the two of you out to a nice secluded part of her property. A wooded area where she has a picnic table set up. You’d be all wrapped up in her riding jacket and pants, underneath them would be a pretty little number she picked for you, something simple and sexy like a matching bra and panty set with some lace. (I think Eivor is a bit too simple minded to prefer elaborate lingerie. Just show her something hot that she knows how to remove without finding a thousand clasps please and thank you)
She’d prop the bike up on its stand and use a Polaroid camera to take the pictures. The first ones you’re in the matching set with her jacket and your boots still on, straddling the bike with your hands on the bars as if you’re driving. She gets multiple angles, from the side so she can appreciate your legs, from the front so she can admire your breasts peeking out from the opening of her jacket.
The whole time she’d praise you saying “that’s a good girl, posing so pretty for me, now lean back let me see you- ah just like that, gods you’re perfect” she’s such a sexy photographer. By the time she’s done you’re about ready to hump the seat til you cum and she’s so horny she’s breathing manually. She knew that would happen, of course, and wore a strap under her jeans for the occasion.
After your photo shoot, she takes the dildo out of her harness and slides it back inside you, then helps you put her clothes back on over your underwear. She has you ride back with her to the house while you’re stuffed full like that. Every bump and jolt makes you whimper and dig your fingers into her. It’s not a long ride but you’re ready to rip every shred of her clothes off by the time you’re back
The pictures are kept in a cabinet by her work bench, there’s a few on the inside of the door held up with magnets, mostly the first few from the session, where you’re still partially clothed and gazing at the camera with your pretty, sultry eyes. The rest are tucked away in a small black photo album for her eyes only, the last few depict you laid back on the seat, bra gone, one of her strong hands cupping your breast. You’re holding your panties to the side, wet cunt stuffed full of her strap, your kissed bruised lips are parted in a moan. She keeps that one very secret, and takes it with her whenever she has to travel without you.
anyway now that you know I'm a total whore for this concept
This is my first time posting a full on hc set like this lemme know what you think and read the og post if you haven't yet! It sent me spiraling into madness <3
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fairytale-poll · 9 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary
General Propaganda:
come on just look at her shes so fucking cool
SHES SOOOOOOOO FUCKING COOOOLL ok so like. Lobotomy Corporation takes place in an SCP type facility where a bunch of abnormalities are living. She is one of them. She is a mostly undying humanoid creature that lives for the sole sake of hunting down the Big And Will Be Bad Wolf. She lives in your facility and will BREAK OUT of her containment if she feels that the wolf is near (or if too many people are dying). You can also hire her to assist you in taking down other abnormalities, and she's actually super good at it. And her outfit is just so sooo sick? She's so cool. Please play Lobotomy Corporation it goes on sale for like $7 every Steam Sale
She's red riding hood if red riding hood had a gun. Also she kisses women
Monster based on human subconscious aka an Abnormality based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood (duh). In this story, she was mauled by the wolf (Big And Might Be Bad Wolf) who is based on all fairy tale wolf villains. Little Red then got to work plotting her revenge and making Bloodborne-esque gear for herself and the two Abnos are locked in eternal combat of hatred for one another
She's literally the coolest, just look at her. For people who might not be so familiar with her: She's one of the abnormalities that remain locked in the Lobotomy Corporation. Her past is somewhat unclear, but she has some horrid scars on her face due to the Big Bad Wolf and she swore vengeance upon him because of that incident. This lead her to become a mercenary and she looks 1000% scarier and more badass than the wolf lol. Also, asides from the fact that she may kill half of your team if she escapes containment, she is quite chill and will even help you take care of your problems if you pay her.
little red riding hood but consumed by vengeance to the point of becoming an anomalous creature hellbent on completing her eternal battle with the wolf. intense desire for revenge. baller as fuck design. will help you kill other escaping abnormalities but you gotta pay her to do it. gets pissed off every time someone escapes containment except for that one annoying bird for absolutely no discernible reason. if you let her kill the wolf she gives you bonuses but if someone else kills the wolf she goes fucking bananas. truly an inspired feral creature of a woman.
Go girl!!! We love your unrestrained violence!
She is literally the absolute coolest!!! I mean, just look at her design! Everything about it screams fucking cool! Not to mention that her story has themes of vengeance, rage, and grief!!! And Lobotomy corporation is just the fucking best and soooooo underrated.
She's starting to fall behind so GO ON AND VOTE MERC WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! (and buy Lobotomy Corp on steam it's not even that expensive!)
Vote for Riding Hooded Mercenary she's an Abnormality serving as a hired merc that means shes a hunter of her own kind and she WILL chase them to the ends of earth lest she dies herself or knows that damn Wolf is nearby. The cursor for sending hits on something is a wanted poster. She's WAW-classed too, a step below the most dangerous category for her ilk. she shares the class with things such as insane-ass magical girls, an eyeless flower horse turns people into wisteria gardens, fucked up and evil Little Prince, a bird judge that hangs its victims, the now-animate poisoned apple that killed Snow White, and of course the Wolf itself.
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
little red wouldve gone so so hard if she wasnt against ylfa immediately… victory for our mercenary gal.
Riding Hooded Merc is a bonafide baddie & professional
She;s so fucking cool. almost got murdered by the wolf (also in lobcorp by the way) and she wants revenge so bad. cool as hell mercenary. also just look at her come on
I feel that they all deserve a bit more recognition as just about every Little Red Riding Hood is remembered for their story, but not their character. And I believe that the few I selected are truly well rounded characters, and amazing takes on who the character is.
the Lobotomy Corp one I know nothing about but who has a sick design (I also want the fans of this one to have a win because I liked watching the first round because of them)
Ruby Rose
General Propaganda:
She has a scythe that is also a high-impact sniper rifle.
She is literally just based on Red Riding Hood and she's such an amazing character holy heck
Red Riding Hood but with a gun. (Specifically a combination scythe/high-impact sniper rifle called Crescent Rose). Also she's gone through so much she deserves it. She's trying to save the world and keep going despite all the people she's lost. Grew up dreaming of being a hero who fights monsters. She knows life isn't a fairy tale and wants to make it better. Just went through a mental health arc where she had depression from trying to live up to her (presumed dead) mom and from her friend dying for the second time. Killed the Big Bad Wolf with her magic eye powers. Her sister is Goldilocks and her friends are Beauty and Snow White. also I love her &lt;3
She’s the little red riding hood but also a powerful fighter with a massive fucking scythe that is also a sniper rifle and she’s so skrunkly and so gender. Also RWBY’s whole thing (well one of them) is that their characters are all inspired by pre-existing ones from older stories and Ruby’s the main character so like, poster child of ‘character based off [insert relevant fairytale here]’ so I think she deserves to at least get pretty far
Aesthetics, themes, meta, personality and raw coolness.
She is the main character of her show. The most common monster they fight is a type of wolf (its been a while since ive seen it). Her job is to hunt them down before they can eat her. this story is very much about failed fairy tales, many of the side character's inspired arcs end in failure, but (having not seen the most recent bits) Ruby is still going strong, and i really like her cape, rose petals, and use of a scythe.
She is THE RRH character of all time. She has a scythe that's also a gun and she has to be the hero because she's got super rare main character powers. She is my happy girl. Also her mom was Sleeping Beauty and her sister is Goldilocks, and she fights to stop Rapunzel from destroying everything on the world, the gods, and then herself.
Ruby as a character is literally based on little red riding hood! She has a red cape with a hood
the Red trailer is better propaganda than I could ever write
She is a badass with a scythe, inspired by her uncle and fueled by her mother's death and her sense of righteousness
She has a giant scythe
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
ruby rose makes me go :D so i picked her here <3 hope this helps
luv them
Ruby Rose is my blorbo in law and I need her in because of that
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scotianostra · 11 months
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9th October 1900 saw the birth in Edinburgh of Alastair Sim, the actor best known for his character and comedy roles.
He was the youngest of Alexander and Isabella Sim's four children. His father was a tailor who owned his own shop on Lothian Road, it is still a shop selling running gear nowadays.To use a suitable phrase for his father, I like the jib of the man, Alexander was one of a group of professional people in Edinburgh who noted the plight of wounded Veterans returning from the front who had little or no prospects of suitable accommodation or employment ahead of them. They founded the Scottish Veterans Garden City Association during the 1st World War and, under the chairmanship of Lord Salvesen, paid for the construction of houses for the use of returning servicemen.
Alexander Sim was offered, but refused, a knighthood.
For a time, the family lived above the shop, but as Alastair entered school, the business picked up enough that they were able to move to a house in Craigleith. Young Alistair was educated at Bruntsfield Primary, James Gillespie's High School and George Heriot's School. He worked for his father then another Edinburgh tailor but showed little aptitude and decided to enter Edinburgh University, studying analytical chemistry, but his further education was cut short when he was called up to the army. After the war he returned home and announced to his parents he was going to take up acting, this wnet down like a lead balloon and there was a falling out, Alistair left the family home and spent a year in the Scottish Highlands with a group of jobbing workers.
On returning to Edinburgh Sim took post in the burgh assessor's office. In his spare time, he entered poetry reading classes, winning the gold medal for verse speaking at the Edinburgh Music Festival.This led to him taking a job as a Fulton lecturer in elocution at New College, part of the University of Edinburgh.
Alastair Sim began working as a stage actor in 1930, taking on minor roles. His deep talent was soon discovered, and he was cast as Othello that same year. In 1932, he met and married Naomi Plaskill, his muse and wife for life. The couple had one child, a daughter named Merlith. It wasn't long before Sim moved to films in supporting roles. One of his more memorable characters was that of Detective Sergeant Bingham in the film series Inspector Hornleigh. His on-screen presence was so dominant that he has often been credited with "stealing the scene" from the film's star actors.
Throughout the 1940s, Sim was cast in several lead roles; he starred in the thriller Green for Danger, the comedy The Happiest Days of Your Life and Alfred Hitchcock's Stage Fright, among other major films. One of Sim's better-known portrayals was that of Captain Hook in the production of Peter Pan, a role he reprised six times during his career. In a national cinema poll in 1950, Sim was voted the most popular film actor in Britain.
I think quite a few of us will remember Alastair Sim in a slightly different role to those I have already pointed out, growing up before we had all the TV channels we have now and watching the old black & white films and the classic Belles of St Trinians where he played headmistress Millicent Fritton.
Looking through his other roles, I spotted he played the notorious Dr Knox, not once-but twice. For those who don't know, the doctor of note was a professor of Anatomy at Edinburgh University, he paid Messrs Burke & Hare for fresh cadavers to demonstrate the human anatomy at the University.
I mentioned Alistair's father refusing a knighthood, and it pleases me to tell you he too refused the offer of becoming Sir Alistair Sim in the early 70's.
He died of cancer in August 1976, insisting that his body be used for medical research - and that there should be no memorial service for him. His widow lived until 1999; she published a memoir, Dance and Skylark: Fifty Years with Alastair Sim in 1987. There is a plaque, commemorating Sim's birth, outside the Filmhouse Cinema in Lothian Road, Edinburgh, only a short distance from where he was born above his father's shop.
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tactical-whorefare · 2 years
A bit about Doll
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Illnesses/Diseases: NA Medical History: Trauma surgery 06.04.2021, Wisdom Teeth Removal 12.22.2020, Fractured Arm, (left) 03.12.2020, Gunshot Wound 03.12.2020 Broken Femur (left) 05.15.2015, Lacerated lung via broken ribs 05.15.2015 Addictions: NA Allergies: Latex Allergy Medications: NA Blood Type: A+                                     PERSONALITY INFORMATION
Name: Sara Aurora Sjögren Nickname: “Doll”
Birthday: May 1st, 1995
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Single Children: None.
Unit: Royal Norwegian Army Medical Service, Forsvarets Sanitet Women’s 1st Medical Battalion “The Valkyries” Rank: Stabssersjant OR-7 (Staff Sergeant E-7) Role: Combat Medic
Nationality: Norwegian Faceclaim: Dove Cameron                                             PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION
Height: 152.4cm (5’0”) Weight: 61.23kg (135 lbs) Body Type: Mesomorph Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Green Hair Length/Texture: Length is to lower-back, Wavy/Braided into double braids, Skin Color: Fair Scars/Marks/Distinguishing Features: Freckles across face and shoulders. Tattoos/Body Piercings/Body Modifications: Ear lobes pierced.                                             MEDICAL INFORMATION
Likes: She plays airsoft and paintball in her time off (and is a remarkably good shot), Gardening (Fall gardens are her favorite!) and is definitely a drink girlie. (One for energy, one for hydration, one for fun at all times.)
Dislikes: Coffee and other bitter drinks, Pork in every sense, and Dishonesty (like lying even about very little things). Strengths: 
-> Resourceful - Whether it being ways to carry enormous Operators off the battlefield to simply knowing who is best to ask for certain tasks, Doll has a great range of internal and personable knowledge at her disposal to get the job done.
-> Humorous - A social butterfly by nature, Doll has never known a stranger in her life and happily gets on with a menagerie of soldiers, civilians and other branches by the power of good humor. Quick with a come-back, mental sparring with her usually leads to a quick friendship. Weaknesses: 
-> Stubborn - A true Taurus, she is hard-sold to be swayed from what she deems as truth, and ever capricious atop that. Once given a proper fact that disproved what she might have thought was true, she just as quickly changes her mind and holds hard-strung to her new hill to die on.
-> Nitpicky - While not a perfectionist by any means, she’s as close as they come to tripping over the line head over heels. Her clinic area is religiously cleaned, her personal appearance is painstakingly ‘dolled’, and you better believe every get-home bag is filled to the gills after every mission. There is just a certain way things are done and that is how they are meant to be done! Fears: Snakes and Good liars (She trusts easily.) Pet Peeves: Stubborn patients who don’t obey medical orders. Traits: Sara is generally mild-mannered and polite to a fault, having never known a stranger in her life. She is warm-hearted and maternal. And while she is strict in her professionalism, she always makes time for her friends and fellow officers alike, allowing them space to vent and talk. In that way, she makes for a good sounding board for those who take her up on the opportunity. But that is not to say that she doesn’t have her negative attributes. Just as easily as she could have been painted a patron saint for the calming tides of kindness and understanding, she is also a horribly stubborn woman with a trigger temper and a surprisingly vengeful side.                                                         GEAR
Loadout of choice: (Primary) STTB 556, (5 mags, 1 loaded) (Sidearm) P890 (3 mags, 1 loaded) (Sidearm) SOG Tactical Knife Combat Medic Ruck Pack IFAK Thigh Harness
Body Armor Battlevest-Plate Carrier + Name, Medic Cross and Country Patches. COMTAC V Headset with Mic Forearm Gauntlets Rothko 1185 Tactical Kneepads Oakley Coyote Tac Boots Anti-slip Half-finger Hardback Gloves.
Sara was born on Lofoten Island, Norway, technically the ‘second’ to oldest child of thirteen children total due to her twin brother Seth being born eleven seconds ahead of her. Life was always hectic and busy, no more so than playing ‘Army’ in their huge field of a backyard with the literal army of brothers and sisters she had. Even despite being one of the oldest, one should think she would be one of the lead commands, right? But Seth certainly would never have it. He was Captain, She was Medic- That's just how it was. But it ultimately fostered a rivalry between them that would last well into adulthood. Kids play rough and usually that was the way many games of Army ended was with a crying younger sibling and Sara patching wounds at the kitchen table, undeniably proficient despite her want of being in charge. Both parents thought this was a pretty standard play considering their father was a Marine himself. Seth desperately wanted to be just like him..and Sara did too.
It felt like a race to the top between herself and her older brother, a competition that always seemed to strain on the precipice between good, fun rivalry and actually throwing hands. They had both signed up for the armed forces as soon as they were of age, Seth having originally kept intentions of joining the police force, but with instigation to agitate his sister, instead joined the Royal Marines, and Sara, the Royal Norwegian Army after failing the Marine PFT. It was a devastatingly bitter pill to swallow knowing that her brother, who never had intentions of joining had done so with ease while she having wanted it more than anything was ripped away from her. It has taken several years for Sara to even talk to her brother from this. But her proficiency and determination was valued greatly in this field, allowing her to become sharply skilled and proud- determined to be more than just ‘playing nurse’ like her childhood games.
Sara was accepted into the Norwegian Military Academy in Oslo to take her NCO courses before formally enlisting into the Norwegian Army Medical Service in 2013. While in the NAMS, Sara took on several specialized training courses surrounding her homeland, namely, cold combat and survival and tactical combat casualty care. After thirty weeks of intensive training in her specialized area of care, Sara graduated and was expeditiously placed on a joint Norway/Sweden medical alliance MedEvac team (Forsvarets Sanitet 22nd Medical Battalion/ 12th Combat Aviation Brigade) set out of Mali during the later end of the insurgence and were initially to be integrated into Sweden’s Takuba contingent. During the very brief stay in Mali after having been part of the leading force in setting up the MASH unit, The Norwegian Defense Minister pulled the plug on the operation after being unable to reach an agreement for the safety of their medics as the war took on an increasingly violent swing. It was at the end of their six-week tour when they were given orders to head back to Oslo to await further orders when their UH-60 MedEvac Black Hawk was shot down by enemy fire over a mountainous region of the neutral zone, crash landing in one of the many desert ravines nearby. Several people jumped from the burning, spinning Black Hawk, one of them being Sara who had jumped while holding tight to an injured German Lieutenant, whom she may or may not have had a relationship with, who had been hitching a ride back to NATO territory. The Lieutenant quickly died of his injuries from the fall that left Sara and two others as the sole survivors despite grievous injuries. Sara had broken her femur in the fall along with several other injuries that prevented her from being able to move her more seriously injured survivors. With broken leg and all, she administered life saving care to her two battalion members, the three of them stayed downed in the desert for a solid 22 hours as they defended themselves from active fire against the armed insurgents that surrounded them while foot-backup arrived- Per one of Sara’s panicked radio transmissions that any air Evac would have been promptly shot down. To their rescue as the 24 hour mark hit was a regiment of German Bundeswehr who had responded to their SOS on foot. Once arrived, they disposed of the rogue insurgents in short order and rescued Sara and the other two survivors before quickly laying claim to the area, further decreasing the neutral zone size. 
Sara was an emotional wreck following the crash, overnight shootout and subsequent injury, and was unable to continue her tour due to the emotional and physical toll it had taken, but on a positive note was given a Silver Star Medal along with the other two survivors for being Wounded in Action as well as an invitation to join and train with one of the elite SpecOps of the Norwegian Army, the Women’s 1st Medical Battalion, the Valkyries. But the invitation would have to wait until she healed. From 2015 to 2016 she was placed on light duty, transferring to a UK joint base as a Norwegian Army Representative for the bilateral training co-op of combat medics following her treatment and release from the Oslo VA hospital. Once placed back on active duty, Sara was expeditiously placed onto The Valkyries training team, their first order of business being to set up a MedEvac station near the security force center of the Anbar Province where the majority of injuries were coming from, they would also frequent Baghdad serving something as a supply Heli as well. Sara worked and trained the Valkyrie Battalion clear until the Afghanistan war had ceased in 2021. Post war, the Valkyrie Battalion was put on OC reserve, disbanded for the time being and her soldiers split up.   This would be Sara’s first encounter with KorTac. Upon examination of Sara’s skills and aptitude and a few weeks after the Valkyrie Battalion was put on reserve, Sara was offered a contract with KorTac as a combat medic once more. Initially, Sara declined, unsure if she could manage herself without the structure of the Army she had known for so many years, but after a peek at the pay, she was suitably convinced by KorTac’s recruiters to sign the dotted line.                                         HEADCANONS -> Is unusually quiet and nervous inside transport Helis. She could really do with an anxiety pill. -> Surprisingly vicious in hand-to-hand- she does not have the weight or strength to make hard hits, so she is ruthlessly brutal the first time so she doesn’t have to fight long. -> Wants to be married and have a family some day. She knows it won’t be any time soon, but her end goal, if she doesn’t die on a mission first, is to retire out from the military, marry and start having children.
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rinwellisathing · 12 days
Papa Bhaal's House of Horrors teaser
This is a slasher/rural horror AU for BG 3, which follows a group of killers in the style of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, House of 1,000 Corpses(and its sequels) as well as just a general gritty horror vibe. It takes place in the Faerun equivalent of the late 70's, early 80's, ages are all done in human terms for our purposes, just consider them equivalent, and our cast is as follows:
The Killers: Bhaalists: Sentry Ojeda- 19 years old, a Tiefling, The second youngest of the Bhaal cult, an artist as well as a bit of a honey trap. Currently infatuated with the family's business associate Enver Gortash. Orin The Red- 13 years old, a Changeling, the youngest of the Bhaal cult, looks up to her big brother Sentry and loves working on art projects with him. Great at pretending to be a distressed child in danger. Tomi Kisaragi- 26 years old, a fey creature in the form of an elf, likes to play home maker and lull visitors into a false sense of security. Has a very unique gardening project. Jackal Silk- 25 years old, Drow, an accomplished tracker, hunter, woodsman, and mechanic. Pretends to be a savior on the road or in the wilderness for passing travelers all while isolating them further. Also an asshole. Gary Stormscale- 30 years old, a dragonborn, the eldest Bhaalist 'sibling' so to speak and usually the one in charge when Sarevok isn't around. Mainly cares for Sentry and Orin, generally considering the others old enough to take care of themselves. Appears to be the most calm and rational, but horrifying when in one of his dark moods. Gabrael Grimmaldi- 29 years old, a Tiefling, the care taker and motherly older sibling out of the group. She is protective of Sentry and Orin to a point of mania, also the most physically powerful sibling. Mostly keeps to herself. Sarevok Anchev- 50 years old, a human, presents himself as the patriarch of the family, taking on the mantle of 'Papa Bhaal' while the true father sleeps beneath the house until such a time there have been enough sacrifices to wake him. Ominous and imposing, he is still capable of pretending to be a gracious host to lure in travelers. Sceleritas Fel- ???, a fiend sent to serve the family by Papa Bhaal himself. Currently Sentry's attendant as Sentry is sort of the family's face while out and about, Fel tends to dote on his main charge and is excellent at hiding and destroying evidence. The Banites: Enver Gortash, Attorney At Law- 35 years old, a human, A sleazy lawyer and business man from the big city who has set up in Moonrise County and brokered a deal between the Bhaalists and the Myrkulites. While they're focused on their rituals and traditions, Gortash's aim in all of this is real estate and getting rid of political rivals using the two cults. That being said, he does have a soft spot for Sentry. Seraph 'Serf' Holms- 30 years old, a half-orc, Enver's enforcer and body guard. Not particularly bright or ambitious, but believes in whatever it is Enver told him they're doing. Valda Everett- 27 years old, a tiefling, Enver's personal assistant. She is professional, prim, and deadly. Valda comes from a well respected family back in the city and is a highly dedicated Banite and model employee. The Myrkulites: Judge Ketheric Thorm- 65 years old, a half elf, The local judge of Moonrise County and hiding some deadly secrets in the local graveyard. A grim and dour man who gives off a very unsettling vibe when travelers encounter him. Sheriff Z'rell- 35 years old, a half orc, the law around Moonrise County. A very popular woman at the local dive bar, but despite her attractive appearance and forward flirtations, there is a sense of danger that comes from any encounter with her, be it business or pleasure. Coroner Balthazar- ???, Undead, the mysterious County Coroner, always masked up and dressed fully in heavy lab gear. He is seldom seen anywhere but the local morgue or the graveyard.
The Survivors: The Locals: Alfira- 25 years old, a tiefling, the local radio DJ who doesn't believe all the murder cult stories that are going around until she finds herself caught up in their games. Lakrissa- 25 years old, a tiefling, Alfira's partner, loves the idea of a murder cult and gets excited at the idea of discovering what's really going on in Moonrise County. Highway Patroller Zevlor- 50 years old, a tiefling, a former investigator and government agent who left his position in disgrace after failing to expose a corrupt official back in Elturel. Now he is determined to make up for his mistake by exposing whatever is going on in Moonrise County. Rolan- 20 years old, a tiefling, has a shitty job at the local pawn shop/book store with an ass hole boss he can't stand, but he needs the work to support his younger siblings. A friend of Sentry's from their school days. Karlach Cliffgate- 25 years old, a tiefling, used to work for Gortash before he set her up to take a fall for him, currently hiding out in the closed down diner, planning revenge. The Travelers: Wyll Ravengard- 24 years old, a human, returning home to settle his late father's estate and fix up the old house so he and his fiancee can settle in Baldur's Gate permanently. Jaina Thalassia- 20 years old, a tiefling, Wyll's fiancee, traveling with him to their new home and starting a new job as a teacher in the city. The story snippet so far, just a sample mind you:
“Fuck fuck fuck...Why did you piss him off, Aryn?” The young elven woman sobbed, sliding down to a sitting position, legs not able to carry her any further as she hugged her knees to her chest. “You should've left him alone, why'd you piss him off?” “Hey it's not my fault, Brynna! How was I supposed to know he was crazy?” The human shot back, pressing his back to the door of the shed as it strained against the vicious knocks against it from the outside. “Guys...please stop fighting, the Fist will be here soon, I'm sure...it's gonna be okay we just have to stay calm and....” The dwarf was cut off as she and the human were thrown across the shed as the door splintered, sending them sprawling. Four pairs of glowing eyes lit up the darkness and the blade of an axe gleamed in the pale moonlight. Screams pierced the night. ----
“Good afternoon, Moonrise County. It's Alfira coming to you from Last Light FM, your local source for weather, traffic, news, and some good mood tunes. It's getting chilly as harvest season begins, so druids get those crops harvested quickly now. We are also likely to see rain for the holiday weekend, tough break for those last minute tourists looking for a woodland get away. Traffic heading towards Baldur's Gate is at a stand still thanks to a stopped vehicle across the roadway. Now here's our chart topping local favorite three years running, The Sirens' cover of local folk song 'Down By The River'” Alfira removed her headset and nodded her head gratefully as her partner handed her a cup of coffee and the morning paper. “Thanks Lakrissa...” She took a sip and then eyed the headline. “More tourists disappeared, huh?” “Yeah, fifth group this year....I think the cult is getting restless.” Lakrissa grinned, her tone sing-song and teasing. “There's no cult, Lakrissa. Honestly it's probably just overconfident city people getting lost in the woods without enough supplies. It's sad, but not some crazy murder conspiracy.” Alfira frowned, shaking her head. “And I'm not going to entertain the idea it is and get everyone in a tizzy.” “But it's fall, Alfira. Spooky season! Don't you wanna do a little themed broadcast and get those numbers up?” Lakrissa's grin widened, eager and excited. “Gods know the station could use it.” Alfira stifled a laugh and looked deadpan at her lover. “Lakrissa, it's Moonrise County, population like...MAYBE two hundred at best...Those numbers aren't going anywhere.” ---
“Move it a little to the left, Orin.” Sentry frowned, making a frame with his hands and scanning the hanging corpse dangling from a meat hook in the shed. His little sister repositioned the head just a little closer to the shoulder, slightly off from where it would naturally have been, and looked quizzically at her brother. “Yeah! Perfect! Just like that!” He reached into the pocket of his denim cut offs and produced a heavy needle and some waxed thread. “Now just hold it steady.” “There's room for a second head at this angle, slaughter-kin.” Orin pointed out with a grin as blood dripped down the front of her hand sewn red dress. “Shit, you're right. What are we thinkin', pig? Sheep?” Sentry pondered as he moved the needle expertly through the skin, sewing the head into place.
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Spring Into Love 2024 Lineup - Hallmark Channel
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Shifting Gears Premieres Saturday, March 23 8pm/7c (Was set to have an early premiere on Hallmark Movies Now on March 7, but not sure that's still a go.) Starring Tyler Hynes and Katherine Barrell After female mechanic Jess (Barrell) reluctantly agrees to participate in a car restoration show, she is shocked to learn that her ex-boyfriend, Luke (Hynes), is her main competitor. Will sparks reignite?
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An Easter Bloom Premieres Saturday, March 30 8pm/7c Starring Aimeé Teegarden and Benjamin Hollingsworth A young gardener Amanda (Teegarden) sets out to save her family farm by entering a floral competition for Easter. She meets a local pastor along the way, Derrick (Hollingsworth), who helps her restore the hope she lost.
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Blind Date Book Club Premieres Saturday, April 6 8pm/7c Starring Erin Krakow and Robert Buckley Meg Tompkins (Krakow) is torn between taking over her late mother’s bookstore and pursuing her collegiate dream. At the bookstore, she starts a successful “blind date book club.” The idea is readers pick a book mysteriously wrapped in brown paper with only a few key descriptors on it; Meg then hosts interactive discussions where all the readers get to talk about Meg’s book of choice. Meanwhile, book author Graham Sterling (Buckley) is given hard advice about his most recent manuscript. He hears an interview with Meg on the radio and seeks her out to audition his new novel. Graham has been advised to avoid writing about a subject of which he knows nothing, which is also Meg’s recommendation. Against her better judgment, she agrees to the book discussion idea. In spending time together, Meg and Graham begin to fall in love. As they draw closer, Meg discovers that taking over the bookstore is ultimately what makes her happy. Graham realizes the advice that is hard to hear is what will make him a better writer.
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Legend of the Lost Locket Premieres Saturday, April 13 8pm/7c Starring Natasha Burnett and Viv Leacock London-based antiques expert Amelia (Burnett) is on the hunt for a long-lost antique locket that legend says will grant the wearer true love. Her late mother started the quest and Amelia is bound and determined to see it through. Amelia’s search takes her to a small town in Massachusetts, where she immediately clashes with Sheriff Marcus Forrest (Leacock), who questions her motives and interest in the town’s history. After a somewhat rocky start, Sheriff Forrest begins to recognize what acquiring the iconic locket can mean to the local community, so he joins Amelia in the race to find the antique before any of the competition can decipher the clues and beat them to the treasure. As their pursuit of the locket intensifies, so do their feelings for each other. From the Boston art world to participation in the town’s annual Founder’s Day costume ball, their search for the fabled locket inspires Amelia and Marcus to follow their hearts to the ultimate treasure: true love.
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Falling in Love in Niagara Premieres Saturday, April 20 8pm/7c Premieres March 14 on Hallmark Movies Now Starring Jocelyn Hudon and Dan Jeannotte After her fiancé leaves her before their wedding, Madeline (Hudon) goes to Niagara Falls to honeymoon without him. There, she reconnects with her adventurous side, learns to let go, and finds new love with Mike (Jeannotte).
Branching Out Premieres Saturday, April 27 8pm/7c Starring Sarah Drew and Juan Pablo Di Pace Ten years ago, Amelia Webber (Drew) had a baby on her own through IVF. Today, Amelia’s charming daughter Ruby is her everything. When Ruby gets a school assignment exploring heritage and creating family trees, she notices hers is small and sparse. With the help of a DNA test, Amelia learns that Ruby’s father T.J. Cota (Di Pace) lives nearby. Meanwhile, the endearing T.J. is a professional guitarist who hasn’t found success the way he always dreamed. Amelia makes contact, and to her surprise, T.J. wants to meet Ruby. T.J. has a huge family, and suddenly Ruby’s family tree has sprouted leaves! Romance take flight as Amelia gets to know T.J. and is invited to take part in his family’s Mexican traditions. Along the way, Amelia’s protective instincts — both for herself and her daughter — are challenged, especially when T.J. gets the chance of a lifetime to join a major musical tour. With the help of an adorable little girl who has a big heart and a thousand questions, Amelia and T.J. discover that family trees can be complicated and wonderfully unique, especially when love is what ties everyone together.
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goombasa · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi is Delicious~
My girlfriend and I have this ritual where, every night for dinner, we like to sit down together and watch a video while we eat. Most of the time it's a youtube video we both have an interest in, but every now and then we'll start or continue a series that we're both interested in. We sat down one night a week or so ago and watched the first couple of episodes of Dungeon Meshi, or Delicious in Dungeon.
And this almost never happens to me, but after learning that the manga the show was based on was finished, I felt compelled the binge all 97 chapters, and… my god, this story is so good and goofy and I love it so much.
Delicious in Dungeon is a comedy fantasy manga by Ryoko Kui, about an adventuring party delving into a dangerous dungeon to rescue their comrade who was swallowed by a red dragon. Along the way, in order to keep their strength up, they have to use the natural resources of the dungeon to survive, which involves cooking the monsters that they kill, much to the terror of some of the members of the crew. Meanwhile, while the main focus is on their adventure, everyone around them is constantly worrying about the politics of the dungeon, ownership of the land around it, and the fact that the dungeon itself seems to be getting more powerful as time passes.
This is a fantastic story, with the real highlight being the worldbuilding. Every question that I found myself asking over the course of the series had an answer, and it was always a good one. Characters make reference to dying, and that's because something in the dungeon makes it so that anyone who dies can be brought back to life so long as their body is in decent condition and their soul hasn't gone too far from said body. The layout of the dungeon has basically been thoroughly mapped, to the point where various merchants have set up shop on certain floors, or specialized delvers trade in goods unique to the dungeon. Even the way that the town built around the dungeon functions is talked about, what sort of needs a town has when its main function is to serve as a hub for adventurers looking to get as deep into the dungeon as possible.
And as the story goes on and we're introduced through dialogue and backstory to the world outside of dungeon delving, we're shown a world that has a very strict political structure and a lot of mistrust among its people, centered around, of all things, the various lifespans of each race. It's fascinating.
Enhancing it all are the characters who are all just… god, they are such lovable beans, I love them all. Even the assholes, because we see why they're assholes and most of the assholes have moments where they aren't assholes and it warms my heart to see. Laios is dense in a way that sets him apart from your usual Shonen hero as being unintelligent, instead just being really socially awkward and it is kind of endearing seeing him share his special interest with others who more often than not just see him as very strange and off putting. Marcille the mage of the group and also the one who complains the most about having to eat monsters. Unlike many other shows or stories where this trait might get old or annoying, she actually manages to remain pretty endearing all throughout, and probably gets the most character development in a party that stays pretty static through the whole adventure. That's not a knock, as they do change in subtle ways, but it isn't nearly as pronounced as you see in other stories. Chilchuck is a good example of this, as while he does open up a bit more and let's down his professional guard now and then, he mostly remains a pretty pragmatic and distant hired hand for the party, an interesting change-up for the Hobbit stand-ins who are usually portrayed as pretty adventurous or curious. And then there's Senshi. He's a dwarf and he practically lives in the dungeon, and is an experienced hunter, gardener, and chef, with unusually powerful cooking gear. He's an oddball, like Laios, and the two compliment each other well, and there are some great interplay between him and Marcille given his mistrust of magic.
And then there's the fact that almost every chapter, we get at least one amazing dish made with the remains of slain monsters, and while the Anime goes out of its way to make it look as appetizing as possible (as anime tends to do with food), the manga also has these beautifully rendered pictures of every meal, as well as a list of all the different ingredients used in its creation. It's truly lovely.
I don't want to spoil anything, but once the gang gets to their destination, the amount of twists and turns that the overarching plot takes is quite interesting, and I found myself just wondering HOW it was all going to shake out by the end of the tale. This is an amazingly fun series, and one that is well worth checking out. The anime, at the time I'm writing this, is still airing its first season, and I'm not sure how far into the story they'll make it by the end. I'm legitimately hoping that it gets enough seasons to cover the entire story, because dammit, it deserves it. They'd only need like… three, I think, it's not a super long manga. It's currently airing on Netflix. But if you would prefer to get the whole story now, the manga finished its run back last September, and all except the last two volumes have been released in English by Yen Press, with volume 13 set to release in March of 2024, and the last volume coming at an unspecified date after that (at the time of writing).
It's been a long time since I've felt the need to binge a manga after seeing even a little bit of the anime, so I really think this one is something special. And it's an original fantasy story too! I feel like it's getting harder to get good fantasy anime that isn't dressed up like an Isekai at this point, and this story does not disappointment.
Just make sure you have a snack on hand while reading or watching. It tends to make you really hungry, seeing what they cook up.
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stillxnunpxidintern · 2 years
Steddie x Henderson Reader Imagine - Dirty Work
(Monster Town Au)
It had been a few week since you had been to Eddie's house for the first time, and as promised he had gotten a professional to come out and look at the structure of the house. They said that it was very good condition for having no one lives there in years, there a couple of minor things that were recommended to be fix first before anyone moved in but was still safe if anyone did need to move in quickly.
So with that knowledge, you got cleaning supplies and headed over to the house, to begin giving it a proper clean and so that you could take a break from studying, your finals exams were nearly here but you really needed a change of scenery for a few hours.
You had put on your oldest and most worn clothes you owned, so if anything happen to them, you were more than fine to throw out them out after. It was just you for the day as both Eddie and Steve were working today, and you had tried to bribe Dustin but he wasn't falling it.
Looking at the overgrown garden, it kind of made you want to work on it, but it was still a little to cold for that and cause of the long grass, you weren't sure what was in there and was leaving that for Eddie to do, encase there were any snakes hiding in there, as they pose no threat to s vampires.
You begin cleaning upstairs rooms first, as they were still bedrooms, so seemed to have the least amount of work that need to be done that this time, as it was mainly dusting and sweeping, stripping the beds of the sheets, cleaning the windows and getting the net-curtains and curtains down.
After doing that for each of the bedrooms, you had a pile of bedding, yellowing net-curtains and curtains, that would be having a good long deep soak, to determine if they were saveable or not.
The arm work out you were getting from all the cleaning was great for the moment, but was sure that you were going to feel it tomorrow though. Once you were satisfied with how all the bedrooms currently looked, you started on the bathrooms as they were both very grubby.
By the time you finished the bathrooms, you were sweaty, dirty and very sore, from all the scrubbing, bending down and being on your hands and knees. You thought about starting on the bottom floor but decided to save your back instead.
As you were coming down the stairs, you heard the sounds of an engine being turned off and then watched as the front door open, to show your vampire who stood there grinning at you.
As he goes to place a kiss on you, you had to push him away and tell him that you were dirty, sweaty and very gross from cleaning, but Eddie didn't care as he kissed you anyway. He then asked how your cleaning day went as he looked at the pile of laundry at the bottom of the stairs.
You told him of everything that had you done, what was to be done next time you were here and that all you wanted to do now is go home and a nice hot bath, and soothe your aching body.
Eddie teasingly said that you need one, so you shoved him hard and told him to take the laundry with him. He picked it up and suggested going to Steve's as his parents were away and could use his large bath but you informed him, that you and Dustin were having a movie night, after your bath but you would spend the whole day with them tomorrow, and could do anything.
Hearing that Eddie just grinned at you as he rubbed his hands together, the gears in his brains were turning already as he began to plot and you were starting to think maybe saying might of been a bad thing.
You shook your head at him, as you grabbed your grab bag, and leaving the clean supplies for the next time you come over. You left the house with Eddie behind you, taking the laundry as commanded, so you locked up and walked to Eddie van, kissing him.
Eventually you pulled away from him, making him pout which made you smile before promising that he would get more tomorrow along with Steve.
Eddie was the first to leave, and while you sat in the car, you looked up at the house and smiled to yourself, as you couldn't wait until the three of you were living here together.
But for now, you were settling for having a bath and watching movies with your cousin, as you started the car and head home.
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