#process of seo
thebigunit · 7 months
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What Exactly Is SEO? What You Should Know What is SEO?
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digimarketingpoonam · 3 months
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anticapitalistclown · 4 months
sometimes I forget that Samuel has his ass tattooed
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wahgifs · 1 year
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rainmidnight · 5 months
secret shanghai characters as tortured poets department titles (based purely on vibes since it's not out yet)
juliette: guilty as sin? roma: down bad rosalind: i can do it with a broken heart orion: loml oliver: so long london phoebe: fresh out the slammer silas: i can fix him (no really i can) marshall: florida!!!
(bonus) lourens: the alchemy
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iliketodecompose · 7 months
kiki's pedantic gripe w t8s english subs
to preface: i don't mean this in bad faith at all. it is not not my intention to insult anyone who worked on subtitles for t8s, as it's very hard, often thankless work and i think the fact subtitles exist at all is brilliant. it makes the show a hell of a lot more accessible, even if they have their inaccuracies. if anything, i made this post more so as a vehicle to explain korean. everything else just stems from my love for this language, and my criticisms are secondary to that for me... so i hope at least this is slightly informative !!
the pattern i have noticed is the subs will.. mostly communicate the same sentiment? but not just. translate what's being said.??? ..
jaewon asks if he can get a cigarette off of jihyun and jihyun replies (i believe, it's a little hard to make out) "저 연 언피워요" = "I don't smoke tobacco."
the '연' here i believe is short for '연초' which is a word for 'tobacco' and as the person in this thread explains (the person who asked the initial question was actually querying the line jihyun says that i am currently talking abt lmfao) people who don't smoke at all say, for example "담배를 안 피워요" = "i don't smoke cigarettes" (including e-cigarettes/vapes), the key word here being '담배' which means 'cigarette'. as the same person goes on to explain, people who vape would tend to specify that they don't smoke tobacco, as they do smoke cigarettes, just not tobacco ones. this would lead us to imply that jihyun vapes, even when translated into english as "I don't smoke tobacco" right?
the way the viki team chose to subtitle this is "I only vape". which i feel illustrates my point quite well. the point is gotten across!! yay!! but it's not what.. he says... like .. in terms of the vocabulary... and to me this choice, as representative of many like it, does a bit of a disservice to korean as a language and to the people that aren't familiar with it. conveying the same sentiment, in my opinion, is not the same as an honest translation, and it frustrates me a little that these subtitles are many peoples' only access to the show.
pls let me know if u have some knowledge I don't or if im incorrect in any capacity!!!!!!
@fierrochase-falafel u might find this interesting :-3
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chappellrroan · 2 months
of course i love a show with rough cuts & unlikeable unreliable narrator
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helianthus21 · 11 months
related to the Aggressively Caring!Vin vs No-Nonsense!Cha-young when Han-seo is sick headcanon, Cha-young would provoke an Offended Rich Boy!Han-seo response to prove that he's exaggerating to get coddled. like "if he can still complain like this it can’t be too bad"
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rosepoints · 1 year
i am about to start my first adult life job this week and i am petrified
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thebigunit · 7 months
What Exactly Is SEO? What You Should Know What is SEO?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic from search engines to a website or online page. SEO focuses on unpaid traffic (also known as "natural" or "organic" outcomes) rather than paid or direct traffic. Unpaid traffic, you will get from a variety of sources. This entails picture and video searches, academic and news searches, and industry-specific vertical search engines.
Read More: https://thebigunitdigitalmarketing.blogspot.com/2023/11/what-exactly-is-seo-what-you-should.html
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efino-media · 11 months
10 Proven Free Website Traffic Methods
In the digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses, bloggers, and content creators alike. However, with millions of websites vying for attention on the internet, driving free website traffic can be a daunting task. This essay explores ten proven and effective methods to increase website traffic without spending a dime. By leveraging these strategies, individuals and…
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bl3ssed-cursxd · 2 years
can we appreciate how kind the cheongbugwan *im sorry i lowk cant spell rn* mages were to wait for yul to stand up before trying to kill him? 🥰 Such kind souls
Ok off topic but i found it so satisfying when they kept failing to kill yul lmao
First time he (dont bother knowing bad guy's name) tried to stab yul, so-i stabbed him in the arm and distracted him
Second time he tried to stab yul, yul defended himself
Third time as well
Fourth time he tried to kill yul our amazing boy jang uk showed up
"No one will be able to walk out of here alive" THEY DARN WELL SHOULDN'T GO UK KILL THEM WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG OMG
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a-whole-new-world · 1 year
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gatesnow · 2 years
Like if you agree with something
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Digital Marketing Certification Online Course transforms you into a digital market specialist in domains like SEO, social media, pay-per-click, YouTube Marketing, Email Marketing
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zoewebs · 2 years
The SEO Process Steps in 12 Months!
What are the SEO process steps? As we’ve discussed a lot about SEO, we know there’s a need for your company to start SEO! Do not hesitate, it’s time to make it happen! In this article, we are going to share the SEO step by step that Zoewebs would normally do to clear things up!
PRE- SEO PROCESS STEP: Qualification checking
First and foremost, a quality website is required before beginning SEO. Only good websites that built nicely with all the functions working well could improve user engagement. Hence, Google recognized the “good website” from a variety of perspectives, but the website’s basis must first be solid that
✔️ Website needs to be done and live
✔️ Website must be able to expand to create more content
✔️ Website must be mobile friendly
✔️ Website uses CMS: WordPress, Joomla, Wix etc
before proceeding to SEO. Furthermore, SSL subscription and website redesign are recommended for a better and enhanced website, and we do provide the customized services according to your website’s needs.
Planning, SEO setup, and Monthly SEO are the overall SEO process steps.
More extensive settings for the website are required in the first three months. Let’s take a look at each phase month by month to see how the process works!
For more information, please read https://www.zoewebs.com/blog/the-seo-process-steps-in-12-months/.
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