#probation outfit
irradiatedwarlock · 1 year
So, let's assume the cat bell stays on during sex. What if Stede and Ed become classically conditioned so that the previously neutral stimulus (cat bell) eventually elicits a conditioned "RESPONSE"? 🤔
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wlntrsldler · 7 months
poisoned mercury | everybody talks
a/n: don't love this chapter. definitely a filler, but the next chapter is much more fun!
iii. everybody talks by neon trees
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tagged chrisr0driguez, travisstoll, and connorstoll.
lukecastell4n: little break but we'll be back so soon poisonedmercury
poisonedmercuryfan: new music????????
castell4nsgf: omg im excited
stollsluvr: ME TOO
chrisr0driguez: we miss you guys already!
lukecastell4n: fr, we miss seeing your beautiful faces on tour :(
travisstoll: working hard
lukecastell4n: hardly working 🥱
connorstoll: give me my guitar back
lukecastell4n: no
“mornin’ five star,” luke tossed you one of your probiotic drinks from the fridge as you entered the kitchen. 
you caught it seamlessly, mumbling a quick thank you. it wasn’t even seven am, but the two of you were already awake. it became a routine since it seemed like you both had the same idea. your coach told you that you needed to workout, even though you were on probation, in the off-chance that you’ll be allowed to play again when the season starts. you figured that the campers would be enjoying their vacations and sleeping in so you’d have the community gym to yourself. unfortunately for you, luke castellan was an early bird. 
your gym schedules synced up and you often found yourself having to make small talk with him in the kitchen while you filled up your water bottle before you ditched him to head to the gym. he would trail a respectable distance behind you, giving you your space, as he walked to the gym. the two of you did your separate workouts, sneaking glances at one another because it was a little awkward that you lived together, went to the gym at the same time, but didn’t talk to each other. 
it wasn’t for a lack of trying on luke’s part. he’d tried to talk to you a few times, but it seemed to not be a good idea to start a conversation before you had your morning coffee. it was funny for the first few days, but he was afraid that it would quickly cross the boundary of being quirky and cute to being straight-up annoying. he lived with you and he showed mercy to the rest of your cabinmates by not pushing your buttons. too much. 
he still occasionally indulged in bickering with you, which seemed to be all of your conversations. you always found something new to argue with him about. your dad was right about you being hard-headed and stubborn, but for some reason, luke didn’t mind. his days at camp were fun, at least, as fun as a summer camp could be, and your interactions kept him on his toes. the usual schedule of meals, rehearsals, and attempts to write new songs, became repetitive after a few days, but with you in his face, ready to argue at any moment, it felt like there was something to look forward to. 
you took the foil off your drink, downing it in one go. you tossed it in the recycling bin before turning to him, “do you go to the gym at this hour to spite me?”
luke chuckled, cracking open a red bull, “the word doesn’t revolve around you, you know?” 
“i know that,” you rolled your eyes, “but you can go to the gym any time in the day and you choose to go at the ass crack of dawn. why?” 
“it’s peaceful,” he shrugged, “the machines are empty and i don’t have to wait. it’s nice.” 
“that’s why i go this early.” 
“see,” he smiled, tilting his head. “great minds think alike.” 
you grimaced at his comparison, scrunching your face up. the sun was beginning to rise causing an orange glow to cast on your face. despite waking up so early and sleeping so late– he’d heard you come in with clarisse at 3 am this morning after a late-night smoke session, luke couldn’t see a trace of tiredness on your features. luke envied you. he definitely did not look that good after 3 hours of sleep. 
you fixed the zipper of your sweater, adjusting the bottom of it to better fit your hips. you were wearing a tight-fitting workout outfit, black nike pros, and the usual vans you wore when you worked out. your hair was in a high ponytail keeping it out of your face, which was a good thing. he’d seen how intense your workouts were and you definitely didn’t need to have your hair in your face while you leg pressed 275. 
“i just feel like i see you everywhere,” you commented, “and everyone just wants to talk about you.” 
luke’s eyes twinkled, “what do they say?” 
“luke castellan is so talented, luke castellan is so hot, blah, blah, blah,” you imitated the words you’d heard from other campers, sighing in discontent. “like shut up already. i thought that it would die down after the first day of you guys being here, but it’s been a week and it’s the same thing.” 
luke followed you out the cabin door, walking beside you for the first time since you both started going to the gym at the same time, “well, do you agree with them?” 
you stopped in your tracks, turning to face him. your eyes raked over his face and his body, contemplating. you weren’t blind. you understood why people said what they said about him. luke castellan was attractive with his curls and toned arms and his stupid full lips, which seemed to always be in a smirk, but the hype was too much. and poisoned mercury’s music was good– great even, but you needed to hear something other than how muscular luke castellan was or how his scar made him look rugged or how his voice sounded like angels singing. you were at your breaking point.
luke stood there, rocking back and forth on his toes and the balls of his feet, patiently waiting until you made up your mind. your lips formed a tight line, “i don’t see it.” 
“fuck, five star,” luke scoffed, unable to stop the smile on his face. he shook his head, curls bouncing around, “you sure know how to make a guy feel special.” 
“don’t need to fuel your ego any more than everyone else does,” you replied, continuing your walk to the gym. 
you didn’t seem to mind that luke continued to walk beside you, which was progress, in luke’s mind. his bandmates have been on his ass about trying to be friends with you since the rest of them developed friendships with you and clarisse over the week they’d been here. 
he’d seen you on the couch with chris watching tiktok videos on how to properly take care of his curls a few times. (luke was not stealing some of the curl cream that chris bought per your recommendation. his curls just suddenly became a lot more defined recently.) he watched you play darts with travis at the activities center and argued with him about why he didn’t need to buy a dart set for the cabin. (he agreed with you there. there was an incident in atlanta where connor was sent to the er because travis managed to lodge a dart in connor’s calf after losing a game.) he once saw you, clarisse, and connor return from a swim in the lake in the middle of the night when he stayed up trying to write a song. (the song remains unfinished on his notepad, tucked safely away on his bedside table. he had no inspiration to write any music at the moment.) 
again, it wasn’t for his lack of trying. you just didn’t seem interested in forming a relationship with him outside of being roommates. it was getting to him. just a little bit. he found himself thinking of you a lot. the boys started to comment on how he hadn’t gotten with anyone at camp yet, despite getting numerous offers from older campers and head counselors alike, but luke shrugged it off and said that he didn’t want to start drama so early on in the summer. it wasn’t a lie, per se, but it wasn’t the whole truth. for some reason, he just couldn’t get you out of his head. 
“i can’t control what people say,” luke said after a moment. “i’m sure it must be so annoying to hear about how great i am.” 
“you are so full of yourself,” you groaned, shooting daggers in his direction. this made him laugh. “you know what you can control, though?” 
“the mess you make in the cabin,” you replied, “seriously, you guys have been here a week and the cabin already looks like a fucking frat house.” 
luke thought about the state of the common area. you were right. the cabin was a mess, empty cans everywhere, crumbs on every surface, and wires from the playstation scattered across the living room floor. the boys weren’t the neatest, they were teenagers after all, and luke had to clean up after them more times than he could count. having his mom on tour meant that he often got stuck with clean-up duty. 
“hey, don’t blame me,” he raised his hands up in defense. “i recycle.” 
“aren’t you a model citizen?” you remarked sarcastically, opening the door to the gym. you pursed your lips, staring at luke. “yeah, i still don’t get it.” 
luke snorted, smiling at you, “have a good workout, five star. looking forward to walking home in silence with you.” 
when you didn’t say anything else, but threw up the middle finger as you walked away, luke couldn’t help but stare at your figure before you disappeared from his view. what a way to start his day. 
“hi, luke,” two girls called as they passed by the boys, waving flirtily at the lead singer. 
luke sent them a smile back, tossing a wink to them that made them giggle as they walked away. it was a miracle that there were no news leaks about where they were. luke’s mom was happy that this arrangement was working out. 
travis swung an arm around luke, “c’mon castellan, save some girls for the rest of us.” 
luke pushed his arm off, laughing, “trav, didn’t you literally go home with a girl on our first night here?” 
“ah, yes, stacy,” travis sighed, dreamily, smirking to himself as he recalled his first night at camp. he shook his head, facing luke again, “but seriously, castellan, ten girls have said hi to you since we left dinner and you’re flirting with them but not doing anything about it.” 
“i promised my mom i’d be good this summer,” he shrugged, stuffing his hands in his front pockets as he led the boys into the cabin. “and i told you guys, it’s too early to start shit. we got the whole summer. spread out your escapades, stoll.” 
luke thought that being back at camp half blood would bring back some terrible memories, especially his last summer there. it was the summer right after his dad left and luke was miserable. he was a moody 8-year-old who yelled at everybody who tried to be his friend, which resulted in him being alone all summer. he sat in the back of the room during music lessons, refused to participate in the end-of-summer performance, and on many nights, cried himself to sleep because he missed his dad. he felt pathetic. 
but so far, surprisingly, camp was actually nice. at his core, luke was a music fanatic, so it was energizing for him to get to talk about his music and his journey to stardom. his favorite interaction so far was with two, younger boys, who enthusiastically approached him and said that they were learning how to play guitar and sing because they looked up to the band. it was a little concerning at first, given that the band’s reputation wasn’t necessarily kid-appropriate, but he appreciated the sentiment. grover and percy walked away grinning from ear to ear when luke made them promise that they’d stop by again soon to show him their progress. 
luke sat on the bar chair, watching as connor and chris turned on the playstation, mumbling about a rematch on 2k to prove that one was better than the other. many things changed in all of their lives, but some things stayed the same. they were still just four best friends; the difference was, now, they got to travel the world together doing what they loved. 
chris and luke met in their freshman english class. chris let it slip that he was learning how to play bass because his mom warned him that if he broke another bone trying to skateboard, he’d have to walk to the hospital himself. she was joking, of course, but chris figured that after two years of failed attempts at learning how to skate, he should hang it up. 
he decided to try his hand at music and the bass became his new hyperfixation. they started writing music in luke’s old bedroom in connecticut shortly after. for years, the songs were just for them. they recorded it on shitty equipment and used garageband to fill in the instrumentals until they met the stolls. the stolls, luke’s neighbors who moved into town when luke was 16, heard them trying to figure out a hook for a song they were writing and offered some help. travis, with connor behind him, introduced themselves and the rest is history. 
poisoned mercury was born. travis convinced the other three that their music was good, that they should go out and play at local cafes and bars. at 16, luke became the front man of poisoned mercury. the song the four of them wrote together on their first day as a band, became the lead single of their debut album. kilby girl spent thirteen weeks on billboard top 50 and in less than a year and a half, the boys had a record deal with olympus records and they were heading off to start the north american leg of their world tour. 
you walked into the cabin with clarisse, laughing as she explained the incident that caused her to have glitter all over her face and her hair. one of her campers was having trouble opening the glitter jar and when she came over to help, the top popped off and glitter sprayed all over her. 
“i feel glitter everywhere,” she shuddered, “i need a shower before we help out with concert prep.” 
you looked around the cabin, grimacing, “it smells like boy in here.” 
“it’s our bachelor pad,” travis called out from the kitchen. he walked out into the living room with a fresh hot pocket in his hand, eyes widening at the sight of clarisse, “woah, what happened to you?” 
“arts and crafts day,” clarisse cringed, falling into the couch cushions. “i’m gonna be covered in glitter for days.” 
“hey, watch out,” connor paused the game he was playing with chris, shoving clarisse slightly. “you’re gonna get glitter everywhere.” 
“ah, yes, because having glitter is going to ruin the aesthetic of empty cans and half-eaten chip bags?” clarisse cocked an eyebrow, pointing at the mess the boys made. you and her were engaged in a passionate rant about how much it sucked living with teenage boys before your arrival to the cabin. 
“we’ll clean up,” chris rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly glancing at clarisse. you had a feeling that cleaning was the last thing on their agenda. 
you sat on the bar stool across from luke, “i didn’t expect to live in the mojo dojo casa house this summer.” 
“the what?” 
“from barbie,” you replied, “when the kens take over barbieland?” 
luke shook his head, “haven’t seen it.” 
of course, he hasn’t seen it. clarisse and the boys fell into a conversation about how she accidentally got glitter bombed. luke watched you as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone, occasionally letting a chuckle leave your lips when you found something funny. he felt a little creepy staring at you like this, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. 
the sun was shining behind you, a soft glow framing your face and it made your brown eyes look like pools of honey. your nose piercing was iridescent under the light, which made luke’s eyebrows raise in surprise. he thought it was just plain silver, but when you tilted your head in certain directions, he could see sparkles of purple and pink. your long hair was thrown messily over your shoulders, a few tangles here and there, and the god-awful, orange camp half blood shirt you wore actually suited you. luke was a firm believer that nobody looked good in orange until he saw you in it.
“you’re staring,” you mumbled, looking up at him. “don’t tell me i have glitter on my face now too.” 
luke cleared his throat, playing with the chain around his neck, “yeah, like a tiny speck on your cheek.” 
you groaned, rubbing the right side of your face, “is it gone?” 
you didn’t actually have any glitter on your face, but luke figured it would be less awkward to say that you did instead of telling you that he was staring just to stare. he nodded, “you got it.” 
“thanks, i cannot deal with glitter,” you got up, walking over to the group. “hey, we can use some help with prep for next week’s concert if you guys are free.” 
“we’re not doing anything, right?” connor looked around. travis and chris shook their heads. “what about you, castellan?” 
“nah, i can’t,” luke said, “promised mom i’d try to write at least one song this summer and i’ve been in a rut so i think i’ll try to do that. you guys have fun though.” 
“perfect,” you smiled, “we can leave after clar gets out the shower.” 
they sent you a thumbs-up before you walked into your room. clarisse disappeared into the bathroom shortly after. luke took clarisse’s spot once you both left. he propped his feet up on the small table in front of him, leaning back on his seat. he waited patiently for the sound of the showers to turn on before he spoke, “she’s hot.” 
“yeah, she is,” chris said, hitting play on their game. 
“don’t even think about it, castellan. when i said start a relationship with her, this is not what i meant,” connor remarked, shaking his head, “we are not gonna fuck up our relationship with mr. d because you can’t keep it in your pants.” 
“oh, you’re talking about y/n?” the three boys stared at chris, who sunk into his seat, blushing furiously. luke narrowed his eyes at chris, a playful smile on his lips. he’ll have to ask him about that later. 
travis blinked, bringing his attention to his brother, “s’not like castellan has a chance anyway.”
luke’s head snapped to travis, “what’s that supposed to mean?” 
“i mean she’s out of your league, big guy,” travis shrugged. 
“well, yeah,” luke rubbed his jaw. he wasn’t that dumb to believe that you were in his league. you were lightyears ahead of him. he’d been rejected before, of course he had, but not since poisoned mercury got big– again, really bad for his ego – but he’d never been counted out before he even threw his hat in the ring. 
“i’m with trav on this one, luke. don’t fuck it up.” 
luke stared at his friends in disbelief, “can’t y’all have a little faith in me?” 
“no,” they said in unison. 
“fuck you guys,” luke flipped them off, ignoring their snickers. “i’m going for a smoke.” 
he really needed to get you out of his head.
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jeeaark · 1 month
that ending is EVERYTHING.
it's perfect.
I love GG smooching babe.
I love babe NOT attacking emps ( She's going to kick his ass at water polo tho, and maybe hit him with a pool noodle) emps outfit. THE OUTFIT. the lack of complaints. YES. HE'S GOING TO HANG OUT WITH EVERYONE! 10/10! HE'S OFF PROBATION! (for now)
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Moments before the Great Pool Noodle Pandemonium ensues
had to draw one more silly, what a lovely thought, those two developing a fun sportsmanship-like rivalry instead of well-to the death
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nanamincreampie · 5 days
Badboy Sukuna
Sukuna Ryomen x Black plus size reader
Warnings: no warnings just pure fluff, 18+ in part 2
(part 2)
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Badboy Sukuna who is on academic probation, finds himself assigned to you as a tutor by your professor. The first day of your meeting in the library, he’s caught off guard by how stunning you look in a neat pencil skirt, your blouse perfectly tucked in, and those glasses perched cutely on your nose. Despite your shy demeanor, he can’t help but let his flirtation flow. “So, you’re the one who’s supposed to save my ass from getting kicked out?” he smirks, leaning back in his chair, his eyes lingering on you. “Nice outfit today. You wear that for me?”
Badboy Sukuna who watches you roll your eyes, feels a rush of heat in your cheeks. “No, I wore this for myself. Now, instead of focusing on what I’m wearing, you should be focusing on the notes in front of you.” But that’s easier said than done, especially when Sukuna keeps throwing out compliments. “Cute glasses. They make you look smart… and a little sexy,” he adds, a teasing grin on his lips. You try to remain composed, but his intensity is making it difficult.
Badboy Sukuna who finds studying increasingly distracting, can’t help but chuckle one afternoon. “I didn’t know studying could look this good. You sure you’re not distracting me on purpose?” you try to maintain your professionalism, but the way he looks at you makes it hard to stay focused.
Badboy Sukuna who’s caught off guard a week later, sees you talking to a jock from the football team on campus. The jock is clearly being inappropriate, and without thinking, Sukuna strides over, his jaw clenched, eyes dark with simmering intensity. “Back off,” he says in a low, dangerous tone, stepping in between you and the jock. “You got something to say to her, you can say it to me.”
Badboy Sukuna who is ready to defend you, sees the jock look startled, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Relax, man, we’re just talking.” Sukuna steps even closer, his voice a growl. “Yeah? Well, you can talk somewhere else before I decide to punch you in the face.”
Badboy Sukuna who’s protecting you, watches as the jock and his friends quickly back off, mumbling excuses as they leave. He turns to you, his expression softening just slightly. “You alright?” he asks, still standing close enough that you can feel the heat radiating off his body.
Badboy Sukuna who feels a rush of gratitude from your presence, watches as you nod and bite your lip nervously. “Thanks… I didn’t expect that.” Before he can say anything more, you lean up and press a quick kiss to his cheek, your lips leaving a soft, warm imprint. “I appreciate it. See you next week for tutoring,” you say, turning away with a smile.
Badboy Sukuna who’s left standing there, feels his usual confident demeanor shaken as he watches you walk away. His hand comes up to touch the spot on his cheek where your lips had just been, and for the first time in a long while, he’s the one left flustered.
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holdmytesseract · 7 months
Hunter & Prey
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x Y/N
Summary: On a charity event, you and Loki play a dangerous game of seduction. Who is going to cave first?
Warnings: pining? flirting? sexual tension, very suggestive smut/mild smut, dom!Loki? basically very sexy stuff
Word Count: 2,1k
a/n: Prepare some water, guys. It's going to get hot in here... 👀
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Loki Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
divider by @fictive-sl0th <3
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The whole evening had been nothing more than a game for you and Loki - and the only question was who'd cave first.
Small, secret touches when hopefully no paparazzi was looking your way. Your hand brushing his hand. A finger playing with the black buttons of his black shirt. Or a short tug on his black leather belt to pull him closer - which the god of Mischief only commented with a low chuckle, or an revengeful touch of his own... Fingertips brushing the dip of your lower back or the curve of your hips in a seemingly innocent gesture.
But it wasn't just the touching... The looks you threw each other from across the red carpet, the places you were seated at or the dance floor were borderline G-rated. You could tell that Loki was practically undressing you with his eyes. His gaze lingered on your curves, which got highlighted by the dress you wore perfectly. His piercing blue eyes telling you that he'd drag you away to a hidden corner and have his way with you - if he could. Loki was a master in hiding his thoughts in front everybody else. His desiring looks were meant for you and you only; not once failing to make your knees weak.
The problem was that you weren’t even close at hiding your lustful gazes quite as good as Loki did and therefore it didn't go unnoticed... At least by your best friend...
"Oh for God's sake, babes..." Nat's voice suddenly caused the bubble of fantasies you just swam in to burst. You blinked; head turning to face the Widow. "S-Sorry, what did you just say?" Natasha giggled. "See, that's exactly what I mean." "What?" "Oh no, babes, don't you dare to shit me and play innocent now. I know exactly what's going on in that pretty head of yours." You giggled; "And what would that be, huh?" voice dripping with fake innocence. "Taking a ride on the handsome god over there," she said blatantly; nodding at Loki. "That 'handsome god over there' is my boyfriend, so I have every right to, don't I?"
Your best friend crossed her arms over her chest. "I never said something else, but we're at a charity event, babes. If Tony, Steve - or hence even Fury gets a whiff of this, you two are fucked. Don't forget that sexy Mischief is still 'on probation'. 'Misbehaving' on a important charity event probably isn't playing into his hands. I'm just saying." Her words brought you down to earth a bit. You swallowed, "You're probably right, yeah..." and averted your eyes from Loki's - much to the god's dismay.
You tried very hard to not let your sexual attraction towards Loki get the better of you, but that was everything but easy. Especially not when it was time for him - and Thor to step on the small stage. He moved elegantly - like the prince and god he was. You didn't even have be close to him, exchange fleeting gazes or small touches... The mere look of him was enough to drive you insane this evening.
He was dressed all black for this event. Black, shiny dress shoes. Black suit trousers, which were so well tailored that they left little to imagine; held around his hips by a black leather belt. A tight, perfectly fitting black shirt was neatly tucked inside his trousers; sleeves rolled up.
His hair was tied up into a loose man bun. This hairstyle combined with the slight stubble on his chin and cheeks and the outfit he wore was a dangerous combination. Deathly.
You swallowed hard; feeling your eyes glued onto him; heart beating fast against your chest. You crossed and uncrossed your legs; trying to somehow just cope with the situation you were in.
Turned out, you couldn't.
Unbeknownst to you, oceanic blue eyes were following you...
Biting your lip and wincing at the sound of his deep velvet voice sounding through the speakers, you felt like fainting. You had to get out of here.
"Nat?" You gently elbowed your best friend, who was seated beside you. "Yes?" "I-I, uh, I'll be back in a sec." You stood up; witnessing Nat throwing you a questioning glare. "Restroom," you mouthed, before you piled out of the big ball room and stormed off to the ladies bathroom.
You took a deep breath as you stood hunched over one of the sinks; staring into the mirror in front of you. What did you get yourself into? You asked yourself. Sure, you wanted to play that game - but both, you and Loki forgot the rules.
Sneaking off with him wasn't an option, but the evening was still young. The event just started. Meaning, you had to put yourself through this for another few hours. There was no other option. No other way out of this...
Your thundering thought got interrupted by the restroom door opening and closing. The clicking of shoes could be heard. No high heels, though. You knew how high heels sounded like... Only dress shoes clicked like that on marble floor. You looked up, head snapping down the rather large room. Toilet stalls were lining the left side, sinks the right - and in the middle... Your eyes widened.
He had a wolfish smile on his lips; nearing you like a predator its prey. "Don't tell me you've been fleeing, my love... Can't you take this little game of us any longer, hm?" Loki took another carefully calculated step towards you.
You winced; wanted nothing more than to let yourself fall into his awaiting arms. You shook your head; trying to keep it cool. "Loki, what... What are you doing here? This is... This is the ladies room! W-What if someone is coming inside?!"
The god only smirked, then casually snapped his fingers; causing the lock on the door to turn. You swallowed.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" He stepped even closer; causing you to step back. He was going to trap you. Between him and the wall.
You were fucked.
"U-Uhm, I-I-" You stammered; unable to form words - already.
Loki chuckled deeply and ran a hand over his tied up hair, before it went to his chest. You watched with horror how long fingers worked to undo the first four buttons, which resulted in you getting a delicious sneak peek of his pecs and chest hair.
"Did my presence made you speechless, darling?"
All you were able to do was staring and trying not to drool - or faint.
The closer he got, the more dangerous this situation got for you. You tried to hold on and get a grip, but when his scent wafted over to you and invaded your nostrils, you were done.
Another chuckle rumbled through the god's chest. He was enjoying this.
"I really did render you speechless."
Charred wood, musk, a hit of leather and blood oranges. Gods... You wanted to drown in his scent. In him.
You felt how your legs buckled; knees giving in underneath you.
You gasped; hadn't seen that coming. You should have.
You were already prepared to hit the harsh ground, when you felt suddenly two strong hands on your hips; keeping you from falling and pinning you against the white wall. You gasped at his touch; only noticed now how close Loki really was.
"I got you, love." He breathed into your ear and helping you to stand properly again. Once the god made sure that both your feet were touching the ground, one of his hand engulfed both your hands. You met his eyes - and for one tiny, foolish moment, you thought that he'd finally show mercy on you, but then he roughly pinned your hands against the wall above your head with his forearm, giving him the chance to lean in even closer.
"L-Loki-" "Shhh," he hushed you; lips ghosting over your neck. "Don't speak, my love... Just feel..." He started to pepper your skin with kisses. Gently, at first, before they became more demanding. More passionate. Loki nipped and even bit the sensitive area, only to sooth it with his hot tongue a second later. You whimpered; had turned putty in the god's hands already ages ago.
You were lost. Lost in his touch. Lost in his kiss. Lost in him.
When Loki was satisfied with bruising your neck, he moved to kiss your lips. "Mhhh," he moaned. "You taste delicious." You could say the same for him.
You took his bottom lip between your teeth; gently biting. Loki growled and tightened the hold he had around your hip, before diving into another kiss.
So lost, that you didn't notice at first, how Loki moved and took a step closer - until you felt his thick thigh brushing the insides of your legs - and not just his thigh... A moan threatened to fall from your lips as you felt him; legs instinctively clenching around his thigh. The only thing which prevented the skin on skin contact, were a few layers of fabric. Your flowy evening dress and his suit trousers.
When the hand which was still curled around your hip began to wander until it cupped your ass and pushed you further onto his thigh, reality suddenly caught up to you.
"L-Loki..." You wiggled your hands and arms; trying to get free of his grasp. "L-Loki, stop," you panted - and he immediately let go of your hands; cupping your waist instead. "W-We can't, babe." The god immediately started to pout. "Why not? I've been trying to hold myself back already the whole evening. I can't do this much longer. You're driving me insane, darling." He dipped his head to lick along the shell of your ear and bucking his hips once more, in order to prove his words.
"F-Fuck, Lokes... You're making things not exactly easier..." You couldn't help but slip your hand behind his body to give his ass a squeeze. Loki jolted; hips bucking again. "I'm making things not easier?" He quipped in a rather high pitched voice. "Darling, if you keep that up, I'm going to ruin those expensive trousers."
You moaned; unable to control it.
"You are still on probation. If Tony, Steve or Fury gets a whiff of what we're about to do, you'll be in serious trouble - and I don't want that." Honest concern was swinging within your voice. Loki sighed and reluctantly slipped his thigh from between your legs and even took a step back, but kept his hands firmly on your waist. "You... You are right. I don't want to risk this. Not now that I finally wooed the woman of my dreams."
"Okay, okay, let's say we're making it both not easier for the other." Your boyfriend smirked; hand playing with the hem of your dress. "Then why don't we just give into it, hm?" You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment; trying to keep a cool head - again.
"Babe, we can't fuck in the restroom of a fancy theatre in the middle of New York on a charity event!" Another pout. "Why not? The door is locked. Nobody can-" "Loki..." You said firmly; signalling him that this was serious.
You giggled; blushing. "Let's go back to the others." He nodded. "I really hope this event is over soon... Will be very hard to control myself around you." You pressed a soft kiss on his scruffy cheek; the stinging, tickling sensation stirred again something deep within you. Just image how it would feel between your le-
Goddammit control yourself, Y/N!
"Alright, let's go." He walked over to you. You stared at him; jaw clenched. "Babe... Please... Please never- I repeat, never do that in front of me again or I might reconsider my life choices and jump you right here and now. Are we clear?"
"I-I hope so, too." You adjusted your dress and hair a bit and wiping Loki's lips, in order to get rid of your lipstick, before you went to the door. "Are you coming, babe?" The god nodded absent-mindedly; his gaze directed downwards. "Yes, darling, just give me a moment. I have to..." His large hands tugged and pushed the black fabric; legs bending. "... adjust the package. Unless, people will know or might even get suspicious. We can't have that, right?" Your eyes dropped; following his hands. You just couldn't help it.
Another wolfish grin formed on the god's face. "Yes, ma'am." "Good."
A snap of his fingers unlocked the door again. You opened it; carefully peeking around to see if the coast was clear. It luckily was. So, you stepped out, Loki following you close behind in quiet.
Shortly before you reached the main hall again; you felt Loki's breath tickling the skin of your neck, whispering into your: "Just for your information, darling... I hope you know that you won't leave my bed for the rest of the night as soon as this is over."
A shiver rand down your spine. You smirked. "Sounds promising."
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Baby Fever Crew: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @multifandom-worlds @jennyggggrrr @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @herdetectivetheorist @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chennqingg @km-ffluv @simping-for-marvel @princess-ofthe-pages @huntedmusicgardenn @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiforever @loz-3 @eleniblue @icytrickster17 @jaguarthecat @yourfriendlyslytherinhc @kimanne723 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @smolvenger @lou12346789 @lokisrealpurpous @isaidoop @lokisgoodgirl @aagn360 @cakesandtom @alexakeyloveloki @glitchquake @anukulee @lady-rose-moon @lovingchoices14 @ainsley30 @lokischambermaid @irishhappiness @mandywholock1980
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potatomountain · 7 months
CIY- 8
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Chapter Eight
📍pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective afab reader
📍word count: 3.3k
📍network: @pirateeznet
📍Warnings: mentions of mxm relationships.
📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 , @yourfatherlucifer, @yessa-vie and @daesukiii
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Before you knew it, a week had flown by and a routine was formed. Mornings were spent going to your deli and getting your coffee, where you started picking up San's as well. You weren't sure if you should grab it today since he informed you on Thursday that he had to go undercover for the weekend. 
You hadn't seen Yunho or Mingi until Friday, which you expected when you heard Mingi the night before loud and clear. Of course, you bitched at him when you saw him, surprised by how easy the banter that followed and the insults. The same thing happened Saturday and even last night you had heard him. It was getting annoying, even if you had ways to block out most of the sound, you didn't like how it made you feel.
San didn't make it any easier, casually flirting with you, laying on the charm and compliments whenever he could just to leave you flustered but he was respectful about his timing. All week until he had left, leaving you frustrated in a whole new way with his absence. The fact you missed him during the weekend left a bad taste in your mouth, you didn't want to get attached. This position was temporary at best, the unlikelihood of it being permanent better than at first but still slim.
Two weeks didn't make you part of the team after all. Even if you had a growing routine and the reception was less icy, you knew that.
Getting your hopes up was a bad idea, yet here you were, standing in line at the deli for the coffee and breakfast you got almost every morning. You debated on getting San's coffee, since he said he should be there today. Would he be beaten up like last time? The bruises and cuts had barely healed before he went off and you had to admit you were a little worried.
That might be because of your old unit. Hyunjin would complain if he had a cut on his pretty face and Jisung couldn't handle a cold. Neither could Binnie, with both Felix and Minho mothering whenever anyone was injured or feeling sick. Then there was Chan- 
Sighing, you shook your head, not ready to go down that road just yet. Today was the last day of your probation and you still weren't ready to talk to him or half of them- Hyunjin had been the exception because, well, he was Hyunjin. And he didn't give you the option to be ready, he insisted on being a part of your life as if nothing had happened: which you truthfully appreciated.
“Why’s such a pretty thing like you sighing? The week just started.” A voice behind you garnered your attention, so you turned to look. A pretty attractive man widened his smile, which surprised you wasn’t sleazy in the least; despite his outfit screaming a typical sleazy man. The animal print button-up, sunglasses pushing his dual-toned hair back, and the hint of a tongue stud as he licked his lips- normally it would have you sneering but on him it looked damned good. Maybe it was the eyeliner?
Either way, he was hot, and he called you pretty. “Mm no particular reason, maybe I’m just not feeling up to work today?” You offered a smile, deciding to take it a step further. “Definitely don’t want to now, not when my day just got more interesting.” 
You were glad that his charming smile turned more flirty, even more so when he stepped up next to you. “I’d have to agree, not really in a hurry for my coffee now. You are much more refreshing, pretty girl.”
“Already onto pet names? Before I get your name?” You couldn’t help but tease.
He chuckled, holding out his hand. “Friends call me Mito. Nice to meet you-” Once you gave your name, he hummed thoughtfully. “Pretty name for a pretty girl. Gotta say I think I’d remember seeing such a beauty around here. New job brings you this way?”
You didn’t regret your words when he was looking at you like that, as if you were the best damned meal he ever saw and he couldn’t wait to get a taste. Hell, you were ready to let him have it. Maybe it was because he was the first in a while that had flirted with you? That was a lie, there were plenty. You just had your eyes set on someone else before… now just about anyone was up for grabs.
You nodded slowly. “Yeah, I recently moved to the area too. Do you come here often? To this cafe?”
“A friend of mine told me to check it out, I usually go to another one about a block away.” He hummed out, stepping with you as the line moved. “But if you’re here, that’s plenty of reason to make this a regular stop.”
“Or you could just ask for my number?” The words were out before you could even stop yourself, fighting off the heat that flooded your cheeks. Were you that touch-starved that you would be so bold with a man you just met? Who didn’t even give you his real name, just a nickname?
Did that make you easy? Should you be ashamed? Maybe, but it really had been so damned long and it wasn’t like you were going to pull your clothes off for him right now.
“Then how about your number first? And I buy your coffee?” He finally offered once he pulled his eyes back to yours.
No harm in at least seeing where this goes right? “I’ll put my number in for you.” Holding out your hand, you couldn’t help but be a little giddy when he handed you his phone, contacts already open. Few seconds later and you sent yourself a text from his, handing it back just in time for the both of you to step up to the counter to order.
He rattled off four different drinks, while you rattled off two- one of them the same as one of his. You thought it was interesting, San having a common order. “Drinks for friends?”
“Co-workers. What about your extra?” Mito countered, a cheeky grin on his lips as the two of you stepped aside to wait.
“Co-worker.” One that definitely got to you in a way a co-worker shouldn’t… you could blame your sudden boldness on him. Yeah, this was all their fault. San with all his flirting and teasing and Mingi with his constant annoyance and sex sounds the past few nights.
You tried not to show how heated that train of thought made you, nor did you want to admit it any further than that.
“Mm well they’re lucky to get a coffee on me.” He winked, not at all bothered to have bought it.
“I’ll let him know the hottie at the coffee shop hopes he enjoys his coffee.” Laughing, you relaxed against the counter next to him, the two of you sharing a flirty glance. “I also appreciate it, it definitely makes my day better.”
He shrugged. “My absolute pleasure dear, I can always make your day better in other ways too. Help you relax at the end of a long day of work.”
Now that sounded really tempting. Before you could further flirt, your drinks were announced. “Well, that’s our cue, I really needed to get to work anyways.” You didn’t think they would care, but if San was there you did want to get him his coffee and check up on him. “Call me?” 
You wanted to tell someone about the hottie at the cafe… was it too soon to text Hyunjin about it? Would San listen? You grimaced at that idea. Sure, tell one man you wanted to bone about a complete stranger that was much more likely to get into your pants and fast.
“Oh definitely. Good luck, beautiful.” He sent a wink in your direction before he turned to start grabbing a few of the good sugars and things. You didn’t stick around to see what he did with them.
It wasn’t until you were halfway down the street that you realized you had forgotten your usual breakfast; instead of turning around to go grab it, maybe giving you a chance to see him again, you shrugged it off. Just meant a bigger lunch or you could always order something.
Such an amazing idea for sure.
Sighing as you headed into the office, you could hear the voices in the back, but you weren’t in a rush to see them just yet. You took your time setting your bag down and your laptop before grabbing San’s coffee to see if he was back.
You might have gotten a little too excited to hear his laugh when you approached the office door, only for it to drain away when you did see him. “Fuck that looks bad.”
“I’m so touched, sweetcheeks.” He had fully taken the pet name from Hyunjin and made it his own- considering how it still managed to fluster you a bit even if you were rolling your eyes at him.
San glanced up when you hissed out, brightening up despite his black eye and arm in a sling. “I’ve missed that beautiful face.” With a dimpled grin he slid off the desk to make his way over to you, stopping only because of the glare you gave him. “What? It’s not as bad as it looks!”
Rolling your eyes you approached. “Sure it isn’t, that sling is just for show. Sit your ass down, I brought you coffee.”
“Aw, but you didn’t know I was going to be here today-”
“Can you two not with the damned couple bullshit?” Jongho sneered from his desk, currently cleaning his weapon. “If it’s not you two flirting up a fucking storm, she’s at Mingi’s throat and I can’t ever tell if they are gunna fuck or fight… or both.”
Yunho laughed from his spot, nudging his friend next to him. “Well that would be great to see regardless. Think you would come out on top?”
Mingi scoffed. “Of course I would, that tiny thing couldn’t handle me. All bark, no bite, like a damned chihuahua.”
“Chihuahua’s bite.” Yunho pointed out with a grin. “And I think this little pet would claw and do some damage. Might be hot as hell though.”
Jongho gagged, pointing his empty mag at the two. “Truth be told my money is on the chihuahua, we forget Mingi is scared of dogs that bite.”
You ignored their banter for the most part, considering it was becoming a daily thing for you, and instead made San sit at his desk while he was watching you with an expression that was almost sweet. “I was hoping you would be, sue me if that makes me soft but at the moment, you are the only thing keeping me from putting a bullet in half the idiot's heads here.” You matched his grin, taking his coffee over to the little coffee station to look for the sugars he liked.
There was a loud bang from a door down the hall, what you recognized as the back entrance, but you ignored it until an unfamiliar- or perhaps somewhat familiar- voice rang in through the office.
Only to freeze.
“I’m back, bitches!!” In a high-pitched singsong tone, a new person stepped into the office. Curious, and suspecting this to be the final detective of the unit you hadn’t met, you glanced over your shoulder.
The gaudy shirt gave him away immediately, the man from the cafe setting the coffee’s on the unused desk as he began talking a mile a minute. “Sannie my man, looking better from the fight already. Got us quite a bit of rep this time around and what better way to celebrate than with a great fucking pussy? Seriously met the hottest fucking broad getting coffee, had no idea such a beauty would be around here but like fuck- got her number.” He giggled like a schoolgirl, bringing a coffee over to San.
San grinned up at him. “You do seem to work fast but I’ll pass on the coffee. Got one already.” He motioned over towards you, Mito turning to finally notice your presence.
Seriously, what was with you and wanting to fuck your coworkers?
“How’d you get one- OH!” It was with great amusement, and perhaps dismay, that he dropped the hot beverage when he realized you were right there in the room. San was quick, catching it mid-air and cursing as he set it aside. “Holy fuck what is my luck today? This is that new job huh?”
Now you weren’t so sure you would take him up on his offer of after-work pleasure; not that you didn’t find him attractive just that you were attempting to draw a line. The whole reason you really hadn’t taken it past flirting with San; he was a co-worker.
“Hi there again, Mito. I take it you would be the famed Jung Wooyoung?” With a light laugh, you waved, attempting civility.
“You two know each other?” Mingi grumbled, leaning in as if this was juicy gossip. He wasn’t the only one, even Jongho had stopped cleaning the barrel of his gun to glance at the still-shocked detective.
Wooyoung recovered quickly, cheeky grin back. “The hottie whose number I got- was hers. Mmm, I get to see you in the office too? Damn- wait, how the fuck had no one told me we have a drop dead gorgeous Goddess as part of our unit now?” He swiveled on the others.
“Didn’t think it was relevant.” San bristled, glancing over at you and the coffee you brought. “Plus you were undercover.”
“Undercover?” Wooyoung asked in obvious confusion. “She doesn’t know how we do things does she?”
Something about the way he said it piqued your interest. You already questioned some things they did here, writing it off as part of the job and necessary: Like Mingi’s constant fucking, how bad the fights were with San, and how deep of an undercover this new detective had to be to have the same influence as Hwon- a known freelancer in the underbelly of the city. That seemed like a pretty solid reputation that would require some years, and better product than just one fighter to get.
You couldn’t help but scoff. “They set the bar pretty low, I'm sure you’ll be fine. Already making a better impression than most of them in the full two weeks I’ve been here.” You shrugged off his advances, turning to finish making San’s coffee which you just now realized you knew by heart… after barely a week.
So why did he act as if being undercover was news to him?
Before you could question him, Captain came in with Seonghwa right behind him. “She’s still in a trial run Wooyo, calm yourself. We were also waiting until you got back to see about field work…” The look he shared with his vice didn’t go unnoticed, not when you were on edge, observing every little tick between the seven of them.
“Oh so she gets to work with me now? Fucking sweet.” Cheering a little, he turned back to you with a wide grin. “So beautiful, I know I can’t compare to some of these fine gentlemen but I promise to treat you good- in the field and out of it.” With a wink he made his way over to you, more flirtatious than he had been back at the cafe. Which would have been nice if you weren’t actively fighting off attraction now.
Wooyoung whistled next to you. “Man were they that disappointing in bed? Wow their game must have dropped considerably. I can make it better for ya.”
Mingi and Yunho both looked up at his comment, stopping the little conversation they were having, just as you glanced up at him. “If you’re implying I slept with any of them, no. Aside from mostly San, they were more ready to kick my ass to the curb.”
You took a second to glance around the room, noticing that Yeosang had joined in and was grabbing a coffee from the few that Wooyoung brought. Seonghwa looked much more stressed than normal and even Hongjoong seemed a little ticked off, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue. Jongho had gone back to cleaning his gun but there was an ever present smirk on his face while Yunho seemed to be enjoying the chaos unfolding. Mingi’s reaction struck you as the oddest, as he almost appeared as panicked as San did.
“WHAT?!” The holy shriek he let out had you flinching, but he was already turning to the others. “You are telling me that you have been gazing on this fine fucking beauty for two whole fucking weeks and none of you have even gotten a taste? Shameful. All of you are absolutely shameful.” He tsked dramatically, taking in the view as you brought San his coffee. “Not even you Sannie?”
“Not all of us think with our dicks-”
“Mingi does- Fuck not even Mingi fucking Malik had a taste? Ya’ll trippin. Where does she even sit? Was she at my desk? Please say yes-”
“Receptionist.” Seonghwa finally stepped into the conversation, fixing Wooyoung with a glare while Hongjoong was giggling under his breath behind him. “Wooyoung, can you please quiet it? It’s Monday-”
He was broken off by Wooyoung’s flabbergasted gasp. “Up front alone? Damn they really gave you the cold shoulder. It’s okay, beautiful, Wooyoung is here now. Need a nice warm seat, my face is available- or dick. Wouldn’t mind being a step stool either.”
It seemed he would have ranted more if San hadn’t ignored the coffee in your hand to reach out and grab the man’s jaw instead, squeezing it still. “Wooyoung- stop. Fucking stop. Do you think it’s nice to be talking about how you want to fuck our new addition to the unit in front of her?”
“No-” Wooyoung got out through the grip, glancing over at you as you watched with a lifted brow. “I really don’t get why you haven’t- yall fuck around a lot. And she’s beautiful.”
His constant praise was a bit touching, and a few things he said had been very tempting, but you were determined to keep it professional. “I don’t want to sleep with my unit members anyways.”
“Why not?”
“Complicates the job.” You admitted, finding yourself much more calmer despite the turn this morning had taken. Back to square one really.
Wooyoung scoffed, pulling out of San’s grip to look you right in the eye. “Can’t imagine how- or are you unaware that half the time we are on each other’s dicks? I mean Captain’s office is locked half the time because his pants are down and he’s having a grand ol’ time with-” His mouth was quickly covered by San who appeared panicked.
What the fuck were you missing?
“So what, you all fuck each other? In the office too?” You looked around for clarification but the only one who would look at you was Yunho and he just smirked wider.
San seemed even more panicked, glaring at Wooyoung only to be pushed back down on the desk. With his arm in the bind, he fell back. “See for yourself, beautiful.”
Out of all the things that you could expect, watching the new detective lock lips with San was definitely not on the list. Your mouth dropped open, eyes going wide as you tried to comprehend just what you were seeing.
You didn’t have time to process at all, Hongjoong calling out your name before he grabbed your arm and pulled you to your office. The only thought in your head was why were you getting pulled into the office?
Seriously… what the fuck.
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Taglist (form): @mingsolo | @wowie-hockey | @crispybaguettes | @tiny-apocalypse | @philijack | @lelaleleb | @idfkeddieishot | @isiloiale | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames | @starstruckforyou | @minheeskitten | @amphiroxx  | @cloudysannie | @sugarnspice630 | @hongjoongswifefr | @sanhwalvr | @plutoneu |  @sousydive |  @fatalt | @bts-army380 | @iwishiwasrichasfuck | @bitchwhytho | @st4rhwa | @thesafecafe
Taglist will be continued in a reblog!!
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jabberwockprince · 4 months
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happy pride! here's the fullbody refs for spina venatores <3 I still need to work on other stuff for their artfight profiles like their i2 illustrations and battle chibis but soon ..... s o o n ....
extras and rambles under the cut o7
reworked their manus fits from this old ref and tweaked the colors to make them more blue bc they looked SO purple on certain screens
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venison has little to no changes, other than their scrapped i2 outfit, but its really funny how they have 3 fucking refs. 3 of them. plus a whole fucking obsolete i2 garment illustration
favoritism fucking SUCKS
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mutton is pretty much exactly the way i pictured her so shes perfect and gave me zero issues <3. then there's chevon who is annoying and wants to exclusively dress up like some dramatic pirate/vampire but his fit reminds me so much of julian the arcana i cant get that out of my head.
poultry and veal are the ones who changed the most in their i2 garments, cause it hit me that poultry cannot be exclusively tied to vertin's team like venison and chevon on account of poultry being a human--she needs ties to the foundation or foundation adjacent groups like laplace to survive storms like ezra (laplace being the one organization she would love to join). but then it also hit me that she would not be allowed to join laplace THAT easily on account of. the horrors the crimes and whatnot, so for now she's on probation working as madam Z's assistant
the arrangement also works wonders bc veal is the one who has the most trouble graduating from the school of discipline, and spina venatores consists of ppl who Cannot Be Separated. so having the two somewhat close and still in touch is good <3 it prevents a lot of accidents. veal wears the foundation uniform just because they want to match with poultry
it also works bc venison's colors outside of manus are very similar to the foundation's palette, so i get to keep the visual dynamic between them, poultry and veal hehehoho
im STILL debating on how to organize their respective banners, since there's 5 characters instead of the usual 3. my brain is still trying to make their event coherent and its a mess in there AUGH. i could always make venison a limited character bc theyre my beloved blorbo. or make veal a limited character bc it would be very fuckign funny to have them randomly shapeshift into a different 6* that you own and just have that be their mechanic
i could also add aianteia to make the numbers even and have four 6* and two 5* but. then i would have to make refs for that bastard. and i dont have it in me. WHATEVER, I'LL FIGURE IT OUT!!!
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It's gonna be weird for Ed to be able to set boundaries and have them actually be consistently respected, and for Stede to react normally and appropriately when he asks.
Most of the people Ed has had in his life just didn't care when Ed set a boundary. Izzy pushed hard on such simple things as "maybe I don't want to kill this guy I have a crush on" and "I actually think I should be able to decide for myself what I want people to call me and how I present myself." Jack pours rum into Ed's drinks without asking and pushed him to drink even when he implied he didn't want to. During Ed's probation onesie era, of course the situation was different (it's right Ed had to apologize, the crew are justified in being mad at him, but it still works for my point) but Ed was still perfectly willing to let people shout in his face and to wear an uncomfortable sack outfit without any complaint. Ed has such a strong history of making himself very uncomfortable to make others happy.
He already trusts Stede so much, and he knows that Stede will react appropriately to such basic boundaries as "can we take it slow?" But it's still going to be so weird when Ed asks things like "can I maybe wear this outfit instead?" or "can we not do this thing that will make me uncomfortable?" and Stede responds with nothing but care, understanding, and grace. Really, for the first time in a very long time, Ed's going to be in charge of setting his own boundaries without others mocking or pushing them, and it's going to be liberating...
But it's also probably going to be a huge shock. Because if Stede's able to respect his boundaries so easily, that means there was never anything innately wrong with Ed that made other people react so inappopriately when he tried to set simple and basic boundaries. It's going to make Ed a bit happy to know he was never the one at fault, but it's also going to be heartbreaking - because if Stede can do it, that means everyone else could, too, and they just hadn't thought Ed was worth being treated with basic respect.
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poichanchan · 2 years
Hiii, someone relatively new to the phandom having just played through p5r, but can I ask how the swap au premise works? I'm curious what your own takes might be on how the situations for both joker and akechi happened to lead for them to be on opposite sides in comparison to the game! I tried to look it up a bit, but there's a lot of different headcanons, but I love your concepts so much I wanted to see if you had any particular thoughts on the setting :3
Hiiiii welcome to p5 brainrot jail haha! (genuinely though, welcome and im happy you enjoyed p5r!) Everyone has their take on swapAU, I specifically wanted to play with the idea of Goro and Akira swapping their ROLES ONLY.
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In my AU Goro Akechi is still the son of Shido who is largely out of his life. Goro's life is a mess, his moms in rehab, and he is sent to Tokyo on probation (to his mother's friend Muhen the owner of JazzJin). I've adjusted Goro's life just enough to have him keep his childish love for justice. He finds his found family in the PT. Goro is a Snarky, whole, intelligent, a little mean, energetic, gets flustered, but also is passive and observant when he needs to be. HIS ROUGH LIFE MADE HIM GRUFF AND HONEST BUT HE ISNT JADED. Akira hates how shallow and transactional his life is. He has his awakening, ends up on Shido's radar via the research group he has in place to explore and exploit the metaverse. Akira's parents probably work around the research team somewhere and didn't think too hard about what they were getting their son into... a mix of negligence and wanting to get more opportunities as a family/bootlick. From there he has his forced 2nd awakening and gets ensnared in Shido's conspiracy. There is a lot of resentment in his life because of this, and when he is faced with Goro's existence, the literal SON OF SHIDO WHO HAS THE SAME POWERS yet life turned out so different for him because their roles are swapped its terrible. Akira is also very good at adapting to who he talks to like in canon. He is good at socializing and charming, thus the detective prince facade becomes a thing to help him gain access to deeper levels of mementos blah blah blah
Akira is also rationalizing a lot, he is seeing himself weeding corrupt people out, a hero getting hands dirty and sacrificing self for greater good. The metaverse is his stage. And he is THE showman. Detective prince Akira is more sweeping/showy/charismatic/flirty, his joker vibe comes through more normally. APART from the resentment Akira has for seeing Goro live his life the way he does, the resounding ITS NOT FAIR he feels in his heart, he also reeeeeally want the stupid phantom thieves to 'cherish your normalcy. stop messing with my plan. how fucking naive do you have to be to think THIS is justice?' COLD SEETHING FOCUSED FURY FROM AKIRA Its such a mess lol But i think hit Akira in the places that would make him play out the detective prince and Black mask bits without losing too much of his own flavor. His rationalizing is important, otherwise i felt he would feel the moral conflict harder and withdraw instead of being showy and sweeping. Also for their social links i have thoughts, i think detective Akira's special place would not be... jazzjin. I think he would drop by like canon Akechi drops by Leblanc, but nothing more. I have in mind a place up high at a height, something like the Shibuya Sky observation deck as a place he personally visits often to reflect and stare at the massive view of the city from. It felt right to have him up there looking down alone but comforted by it. Plus eventually share the view with Goro who he sees as this actual fated rival for all the reasons above. Their outfits are the way they are because i did not want to change them too severely in colorpallette or essence but wanted to play up some parts of their personality and represent it in the outfits. AND BECAUSE THIS IS A SHUAKESHU BLOG I NEED TO STRESS THAT because they are less jaded, because Akira is bolder and flirtier and Goro is more stubbornly optimistic about this dark world akira sees, they get closer alot faster, which makes the whole black mask and interrogation room bit very messy/
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added pix to make post spicier THIS IS A MASSIVE POST BUT IM GLAD YOU ASKED BECAUSE I DUMPED MY THOUGHTS IN ONE PLACE FINALLY. there are some other things ive thought out a tiny bit, like hobbies etc but i put them down later when ive developed it more etc @ anyone reading, thank u for reading and these are my personal thoughts i am thingying to entertain myself!!!!! dont be mean to me thanks ;v;
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
My Guardian Angel ~Broken!Rita Calhoun xFem Younger!Investigator!Reader (Liz Donnelly x Alex Cabot) feat. Rafael Barba & Olivia Benson
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Summary— AU where Rita has an abusive husband, and one night, after he storms out, Rita calls Reader. Reader brings Rita to the person who helped her with her own haunted past, Elizabeth Donnelly. Alex, Barba, and Liv makes appearances. What does the night have in store for Rita and Reader…?
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, a little fluff, dead dove: do not eat, implied abuse, implied sexual assault, implied abusive husband, comforting, crying, alcohol consumption, anxiety attacks, a little self destructive behavior, mentions to prostitution, SVU things, Elizabeth Donnelly, Alex Cabot, Rafael Barba, Olivia Benson, Liz and Alex are a bit of a power couple, gray ending, etc.
Enjoy (;
You didn’t know Rita Calhoun well. At least not originally. From the moment you did meet, you both couldn’t deny the connection between the two of you. You had always lived in coinciding worlds, she was a New York defense attorney, and you were an investigator for 1PP, occasionally lended out to SVU.
Originally, she was the lawyer whom you had hired for your idiot of a brother when he had been caught and charged with soliciting a prostitute. You had met with the high class woman on a couple of occasions, to discuss your brothers bail, probation, trial, payment, and anything else pertaining to his case.
You saw yourself intrigued by her elegant manner, high end fashion, and confidence. Soon you saw yourself get hooked to the tiny smiles and chuckles you managed to pull from her when in private. You found yourself fighting to make the woman laugh as much as you could, her laugh always seemed to make your day. And during the trial, your eyes were on her the entire time. You lived off those days outfits that Rita would strut into court in.
So when you checked your phone late Friday night, the last thing you expected to see what a very many handfuls of missed calls from Rita Calhoun. You saw that she had left a voicemail in the last call, so you pressed play.
“Heyyyy Y/N… S-sorry to be bothering you so I know it’s^^late… I… I just… I don’t know what to do, call me back k bye”
It was Rita alright, but something was very wrong. She had been stammering and hiccuping throughout the entire voicemail, and had broken into sobs by the end. She sounded like she’d been crying and drinking for far too long… Her sounds triggered memories of your own life, memories that you had gone to great lengths to bury.
You immediately called the woman back. The dial rang for a couple tones, then it shut off. You hit call again. The second time, she picked up. You heard a sniffle and then a choke sob.
“H-hey…” she practically whispered.
“Rita, Hi, is everything alright?”
“I…” She stammered, before the call went silent.
“Rita?” You asked, your concern growing.
“N-no” She whispered, then letting out another choked sob.
You took a deep breath and your instincts kicked in once more. You got Rita to give you her address and told her that you would be over as soon as possible. That night you broke the made the most traffic violations in your entire life.
You entered the house, the front door having been unlocked which was mildly concerning to you. You walked through the lavish, lofty apartment, until you found Rita curled up facing away from you in the living room on the floor with a full bottle of wine in her hand. Your heart sank and a lump came into your throat. You hated how normal and used to this sight you were. Because not too long ago, this had been you…
You dropped to the floor, immediately going to comfort the woman. You carefully removed the alcohol, setting it aside. Rita let out a choke sob, immediately curling up into your lap. As she turned to face you, you saw the massive black eye that she had. Your eyes scanned her entire body, finding more red, raw skin marks along her arms and some blue bruising on her neck. Your heart nearly broke as Rita sobbed into your lap.
“I—im s-sorry… I didn’t-didn’t know who t-to call…! It’s it’s stupid, nothing really—” Rita choked out, muffled as she cried into your chest.
You knew this behavior. You knew it all too well.
“Hey hey, it’s okay. I’m here Rita… It’s all going to be okay. Can I touch you, honey…? Would that be alright…?” You very gently asked the woman, coming a little closer to her, trying to show that you were no threat.
Rita nodded as her cries were muffled by her face being in the crook of your neck. She clung onto you like her life depended on it.
“Ok, good… you are doing so good for me, Rita. Take some deep breaths for me? Can you try to do that?” You comforted the woman, bringing your hands around to hold the woman in your lap.
You could hear Rita trying to take some deep breaths as she nodded, although her hiccups made it more difficult.
“Good, very good, Rita.” You praised, then bringing your hands to cup the woman’s cheeks and direct her scattered gaze to you.
“Now Rita this is important… I need you to come back to me and think, okay?”
A slow nod.
“Is he going to come back anytime soon…?” You softly asked.
Rita’s eyes widened and she began to panic at your question. Your hold on the woman only tightened and you insisted on her answer.
“I know you don’t want to think about it, but I need to know if you’re safe staying here Rita.” You explained firmly yet lovingly.
Rita took some more deep breaths before stammering,
“I… he he’s gone out… drinking…” she gulped, “Be back late…”
Her eyes were red and glossy, and they only panicked more at the idea of her husband returning. You rubbed her back and caressed her check in comfort.
“Ok. We need to get you to a hospital, Rita…” you gently said, knowing the possible outlast that your words might cause.
Rita practically jumped out of your lap and was quick to stand up and start pacing in the living room. Her fingers were red and raw and fidgeting. Her gaze scattered everywhere. You slowly stood up and tried to corner the woman into your embrace.
“No no no hospitals… hospitals means cops and that means court and no no—” Rita rambled, her thoughts spiraling more and more.
You grabbed the woman’s hands, clasping them in your own to ground the woman. Her sobbing gaze finally met yours once more.
“Okay. That’s okay. Rita, listen to me, is there anywhere you can go to stay for the time being…?” You softly asked.
Rita’s lip began to tremble and her knees buckled, her body falling into yours. Luckily, you managed to gently catch and carry the weight of the woman while she regained partial strength.
“N-not RAF—Rafael… he can’t know, no no no one…” Rita choked out in gasps.
When she wasn’t able to come up with any other options, your mind went to the person who had helped you.
“Okay okay, that’s okay, Rita. How about Elizabeth? You know Judge Donnelly? She’s a close friend and I know she can help…” you spoke with understanding and reassurance.
Rita looked up to you from collapsing in your arms and nodded slowly. But her eyes told you that she had sunken too far into her thoughts, that you would have to start making the decisions in her best interest until she came back to you.
You gently placed Rita back on the couch, quickly going to the kitchen to grab her a water, while you then ran around the place, trying to pack her a weekend back. After about 15 minutes, you had the bag in hand and you were leading the woman out of the house and into a cab. The entire cab ride, Rita was snuffling and silently sobbing in your shoulder.
Once you reached Liz’s brownstone, you violently knocked on the door, Rita protected being you and holding your hand. The door flew open but it wasn’t Liz, it was a blonde. Your eyes went wide and you gulped, suddenly regretting not having double checked with Liz beforehand.
“You’re Y/N, right…? I’m Alex.” The tall blonde spoke slowly yet confidently.
“Yes, um is Liz home?” You said, quickly getting to the point while trying to hide Rita behind you to the best of your ability.
But Liz had told you about Alex, she was sharp, didn’t miss a thing.
“Yea, she’s in the kitchen… Is that Calhoun…?” Alex hummed, leaning against the doorway.
You took a deep breath and brought Rita to stand next to you. Alex’s jaw dropped and she took a step back in shock.
“I just… we needed a safe place to go for the night and Liz always said her door was always open and I’m sorry if we intruded, I just can’t handle this, I mean I know Liz can handle it, and so I thought—” you rambled.
Before you could say another word, the blonde was pulling you and Rita into the brownstone, closing the door behind her and marching straight up to Liz in the kitchen.
“Is that our take-out, bunny…?” Liz hummed, while sipping some wine before her gaze met yours and then Rita’s disheveled state.
“Oh my god.” Liz immediately put her glass doing and rushed over to Rita, her hands wandering all over the woman, her gaze scouring the woman’s injuries, “Rita, Darling, what happened…??”
Rita’s lip trembled before more violent sobs came out. No coherent words were possible for the woman at this point, all she could do was embrace Liz and sob into her chest. Liz happily consoled the poor woman before her gaze meet yours along with the go bag.
“I’m sorry…” you mouthed, referring to breaking up her and Alex’s obvious night together.
“Hush now, you did the right thing, take Rita’s things to the first bedroom on the second floor.” Liz told you, waving off your unneeded apology.
You immediately nodded and went to go up the stairs. Then Luz turned to Alex.
“Go run a bath, warm not too hot.” Liz spoke firmly.
Alex was off to the master bathroom after a quick nod. When you both returned, you found Rita clung around Liz like a Koala, clinging on for dear life and continuing to sob in her chest. The sight brought flashbacks of the night you had stumbled up on Liz’s doorstep, in an eerily same condition as Rita…
Liz soothed Rita while guiding her to the master bathroom. The older blonde sent you a comforting gaze with a nod, telling you that she had it. You placed a hand on your heart and took a shattered breath, nodding slowly.
It was then that you noticed Alex coming up beside you. You turned your head to her slightly.
“I… I just didn’t know where else to go… I’m sorry if I ruined your night…” you breathed out.
Alex brought a hand to your shoulder and reassuringly squeezed your skin lightly. Her eyes twinkled with sympathy and care.
“Hey, it’s okay. You made the right call. And hey, I’m glad to finally meet you.” Alex sighed, “Can I get you anything…?”
You nodded and then sighed yourself.
“Tea maybe…? Or fuck some scotch now that I think about it…”
A deep chuckle reverberated throughout Alex’s chest as she nodded in agreement, going to the kitchen and pulling a bottle out of the liquor cabinet. She poured two glasses and handed you one of them.
“Thanks” you muttered.
Alex hummed an of course in response, before going to sit down in the classy living room. You sat across from her, sipping your scotch lightly. The blonde looked you dead in the eye, as she sighed.
“Liz told me a bit about you and that night.”
You gulped and struggled to maintain the intense eye contact. You knew that Liz and Alex were close, really close, however it still was hard to reconcile another person knowing something so vulnerable about you. But if Liz trusted Alex with it, so did you.
“Yea… I was and am still so grateful to Lizzie for all that she did for me…” you confessed.
“Lizzie…?” Alex chuckled dryly with a cock of an eyebrow.
“Yea…” you breathily chuckled, “Her and my dad worked together…”
Alex smiled lightly in understanding, nodding along, waving her hand in the air and prompting you to continue, knowing from what Liz had said that that wasn’t the whole story.
“Yeah they were colleagues, and so I saw Lizzie at events and she’d been at my childhood home a couple times… I’d always been pretty independent, both my parents working all the time, and me being the oldest led to me getting used to being on my own. And then my parents divorced, and I got even more alone…” you sighed.
Another wave of sympathy washed over Alex’s face, as she sipped her scotch and listened intently.
“I’m sorry. I definitely know the pains of divorced parents…” Alex sighed.
You smiled lightly and nodded, before continuing you tawdry tale,
“Anyways, Lizzie was one of the only people who reached out to me, to y’know check on me and stuff. She’s always been in my corner, and she’s practically filled the role of a mother ever since the divorce…” you spoke out softly.
You could tell that Alex knew most of this, and that she was waiting for the part about how this all connected to Rita, so you cut to the chase.
“Anyways, about two years ago, I meet and started to see this guy… Looking back, he was a lot like my father, and I should have recognized the warning signs earlier… But I didn’t. And I let it go on for an entire year… Until…” you sucked in a breath, “I wound up on Lizzie’s doorstep, heart broken and bruised…”
You saw Alex’s audible gulp at your last sentence. You saw how her hand tightly clutched her glass, her knuckles almost white. With a deep breath, she nodded and prompted you to continue with her hand once more.
“Anywho, Lizzie helped me get my shit together and throw him out of my place and my life. I’d taken his abuse for a whole year, and I’m still recovering to this day from the number he did on me…” You concluded your story.
Alex then stood up and came to sit next to you on the couch you inhabited. Her hand came to squeeze your shoulder reassuringly.
“I’m so sorry that you had to go through all of that…” Alex sighed, “I hear you, recovery takes time.”
You took a breathy, deep breath with a shaky nod, all the memories of your past coming up as you talked about it all. But her touch was soothing. It was then that Liz emerged from the hallway and came into the living room with a sigh. The older woman sat down next to you, a hand running up and down your thigh in reassurance.
“She’s okay, Rita is going to be fine.” Liz hummed, before stealing your glass of scotch and sipping away at it.
You didn’t mind the cheeky gesture, lord knows she needed the relaxation, merely humming and nodding in response.
“She’s in the bath, and she’s asking for you…” Liz spoke once more.
You sucked in a breath and nodded, starting to stand up. As you went to leave and find Rita in the master bath, you turned back towards Liz and Alex, who were now snuggling lovingly on the couch.
“Thank you Lizzie… Really, thank you.” You breathed out shakily.
Liz met your gaze, her eyes filled with love and care, and the older woman nodded.
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
You nodded lightly with a small smile, before turning around and making your way to find Rita. By the time you reached the bath, you found Rita passed out in the warm water, snoring lightly and peacefully. You noted how graceful and content Rita looked asleep. Coming up to the tub, you sat down next to the rim, and proceeded to tuck a stray hair behind Rita’s ear.
She must be exhausted… you thought. And your suspicions were confirmed as the woman continued to sleep until the water in the tub threatened to go cold. It was then that you gently nudged the brunette out from her slumber. She snorted lightly as her eyes fluttered open. Her gaze still looked shattered and sad, and her lip was still lightly trembling.
“Fuck I’m mm sorry, I must have fallen asleep—” Rita rambled in a quiet mumble.
“Hush, none of that. It’s completely alright…” you comforted the woman, raising your hand for her to stop.
Rita shut her mouth and blushed a little, then shivering in the now cold bath water.
“Thanks…” she whispered.
“Of course. Now let’s get you out and into something warm…” you hummed, grabbing a fluffy towel from the bathroom cabinet and then reaching your hand out towards Rita.
Rita happily took your hand, then climbing out of the tub, then you proceeded to wrap the woman up in the warm towel.
“M-my clothes…” Rita murmured, looking to the ground as fear lurched in the pit of her stomache at the idea of having to wear her bloodied clothing.
You gently rubbed her towel wrapped shoulders with a light smile.
“I grabbed some things before we left your place, the bag is on the toilet. It will have to do for now, until we figure out what to do…” you cooed caringly.
Rita blushed lightly and muttered a thank you. You told her it’s was the least that you could do, before giving her a kiss on the forehead and leaving her in the bathroom to go through the bag and change.
As you exited the room and walked back into the living room, you found Liz and Alex right where you had left them, with Alex curled up in Liz’s arms. Liz’s head popped up from her gaze on Alex back to you as you came into the living room and took a seat on an opposing couch, with a pondering look on your face.
“I know that look…” Liz hummed cheekily, taking another sip of your scotch, “What’s on your mind, kiddo?”
You bit your lip, pulling out your phone, before looking over to Liz.
“I was thinking about maybe calling Barba…” you mused aloud, your mind questioning on what to do next.
At this, Alex perked up to. Liz’s eyes widened and her expression was a knowing one, one that quickly understood your line of thought.
“I see… What did Rita say?” Liz hummed, placing the scotch back on the table and much to Alex’s delight starting to massage the young blonde’s shoulders.
You looked away from Liz at her words, and back to your phone.
“When I asked where she could go, she said not Rafael… I know that their friends, she’s mentioned him before… But he could help…” you sighed, inwardly conflicted.
Liz sighed at your admission. And she seemed to be in deep thought for a moment before she spoke,
“When you came to me, did I call anyone…?” The older woman asked you.
You bit your lip and sighed.
“Exactly. Even though I wanted to… Probably would have called Liv, but I didn’t. Because you didn’t want me to.” Liz spoke,
You once again looked to the ground instead of meeting the older woman’s gaze.
“I’m not saying that Barba is a bad idea…” she slowly explained, “I think that it would be best if we ask Rita first.”
“Ask me what?” Rita’s timid voice echoed through the expansive living room and kitchen.
All three of your heads swiveled with extreme speed to the end of the hallway where the brunette stood. She padded her way through part of the kitchen and then into the living room. You immediately scooted over and lightly waved her over to come and sit. Rita did exactly that before repeating her question, more vocal this time.
“What did you want to ask me first?” The woman spoke.
Liz and Alex immediately eyed you, quirking their eyebrows and very clearly telling you that since this was your idea, you were the one who was going to say something. You gulped, turning your body more towards the group. Your gaze met Rita’s and you reached your hands out to grasp her left available hand and reassuringly squeeze it.
“I… We were talking about maybe calling Liv… or Barba…” you shakily breathed out, squeezing her hand lovingly while speaking to comfort the woman.
The same panic from earlier this night came rushing back to the woman’s gaze. But she was a little more collected now, and she seemed to handle the surge of emotions better this time around.
“I…” Rita stammered, “I don’t know…”
She slumped forward a bit and closed her eyes, a singular tear escaping her eyes. You immediately extended your arm and brought the brunette into your soft embrace.
“That’s okay. We can deal with all that later… How are you feeling…?” You gently spoke.
“Exhausted…” Rita choked out, “and stupid… like it’s all my fault…!”
The broken defense lawyer turned completely towards you, clinging to your frame as she began to cry into your shoulder. You gently caressed her back and shoulders reassuringly.
“That’s it, it’s going to be ok, Rita… It’s all going to be okay…” you soothed the woman.
“B-but how do you know that…?”
You sighed.
“Because… I’ve been through something eerily similar…”
At this, Rita pulled back and looked at you with eyes full of empathy.
“I’m so sorry…” she uttered, fully processing the words you had just spoken.
You smiled lightly and cupped Rita’s face.
“It’s okay… I’m past that now. Now I’m here for you… Now how about bed…?” You hummed caringly.
Rita nodded and hummed a soft thank you, before you guided the woman up and to one of Liz’s many guest bedrooms. You stayed with her until she was asleep, which didn’t take too long, but you stayed nonetheless, before then turning in for the night yourself in another guest room, which Liz had so kindly offered you.
Rita spent the rest of the weekend at Liz’s. Liz and Alex were more than happy to host, and they graciously let you stay as well to keep an eye on the broken brunette.
Then come Monday morning, you were walking into the SVU squad room with Rita anxiously by your side. You grabbed her shaky hand and squeezed it reassuringly, as your other hand rapped on Captain Liv Benson’s office door. Neither of you expected Barba to swing the door open, and he sure as hell didn’t expect to see Rita.
Liv ushered you in, and Rafael could immediately sense something was wrong. Rafael simply closed the door behind you, not bothering to leave.
“Rita, Y/N, how can I help you?” Liv spoke.
Rita shuffled her feet and looked to the ground. You squeezed her hand again and whispered that it was going to be okay.
“Wait what is going on…?” Rafael cut in.
Liv sent Barba a warning glance for him to be quiet to let you or Rita speak. You gently looked towards the brunette, whose lip was now trembling.
“I… I was raped…” Rita shakily breathed out, as a small tear rolled down her left cheek.
Part 2 with a happy ending…? Or maybe something more angsty…? 😏
Alex Cabot Masterlist
Olivia Benson Masterlist
Rita Calhoun Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
Elizabeth Donnelly Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
Rafael Barba Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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chuplayswithfire · 11 months
thinking about ways i would change the pacing of events in season two to give them more room for breathing, while keeping to the same number of episodes that were available, this is probably what i'd have done:
Episode 1: Impossible Birds: add back in the missing cutscene with izzy and ed featuring ed throwing a knife past izzy, with tally marks - use that scene to explain that these tallies represent the number of raids they've gone on since the end of season 1. izzy is complaining about ed's blackbeard routine, ed snipes that he thought izzy wanted them to be pirates, well this is what pirates do. he's taking that record, putting blackbeard back on the map, isn't that what you wanted, iz? izzy acknowledges to himself that this is not what he wanted.
Episode 4: Fun and Games: right off the bat, i think they could have, instead of the crew voting Ed into a banishment that lasts a single day and which the crew are therefore pretty easily swayed on, they put him on probation in ep 4, with black pete suggesting the bell and frenchie and wee john the outfit, and stede pointing out that ed's very injured so it's not like they couldn't overpower him if something goes wrong. ed's annoyed about the whole thing and still half dead and fucked up from the gravy basket, and after hearing the terms, the crew says he has 12 hours to think about it before they're leaving this area. he takes off for shore, grumbling about it, meets the rabbit and then mary. meanwhile, stede and buttons follow to convince him otherwise and so buttons can explain the gravy basket. they still encounter anne and mary, they still do that whole thing, buttons changing is what convinces ed to do the probation, we end the episode with ed wearing the probation outfit and begrudgingly thumbing the bell. expand the scene where the crew are working on izzy's leg, just to have them talking in general a bit - oluwande is talking to jim about zheng, saying he misses her a bit.
Episode 5: Curse of the Seafaring Life: at the start of ep 5, we imply that it's been a few days to a week maybe, and ed is still on probation. he gives his corporate apology as part of his on-going efforts to show penitence and make up for what he's done, and we get a sense that he's been doing grunt work around the ship - repairing sails, fixing things that were damaged and broken - throughout. the crew's responses to the apology are pretty much the same as in the show, with some "it has been nice to have someone else doing all that shit though, right" about how he's been working. their acceptance of the apology is now equal parts because of the work he's done as well as a joke about corporate apologies working. Ed still feels frustrated about being on probation and stede has had more time to say he hasn't really felt like a captain, so he and stede have their captain voice exchange pretty much verbatim from the show. ed and lucius have been more or less avoiding each other all week, adding more nuance to ed living rent-free in lucius' mind, and ed offering to let lucius push him overboard. ed fishing with fang is part of him finally getting to meaningfully connect with another crew member again since the probation started, and is overall less about sitting with himself and more about him sitting in the moment, not just rushing to plan the next move, fishing is a great activity for having to be here, in this moment. the end credits stinger is the scene with zheng, ricky, and auntie.
Episode 6: Calypso's Birthday: finally, now on ep 6, probation has ended, we indicate that it's been a few weeks, someone mentions off-handedly that lucius and pete have been having a lot of all day marathon sex ever since they became engaged. when they head off to get party supplies, someone mentions maybe they should fetch them, and they all decide to leave the lovebirds to it. because of the added scene to episode 1, we've heard of ned low, and realize aw shit ed planted a seed of trouble back when he decided to go after that record. no other changes. meanwhile in town, olu sees signs of zheng's presence and that she's been here and laments a little about missing her, and wondering if maybe that's a good thing, if she's still pissed at him for what happened.
Episode 7: proceeds as happened in the show, that little bit strengthened by the passage of time, and also olu having actually been talking about zheng.
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
idk why my brain is tripping over this but I just wanna point out that when Ed is in the Probation Sack™️ he's not wearing the Pearl necklace anymore, but we see that he is indeed wearing it again throughout the preview for ep6 when he's in various outfits which means he now sees the necklace as part of his every day uniform even when he's not dressed head to toe in the leathers and actively chooses to put it back on :')
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cinnbar-bun · 2 years
Pairing: P5 Protag x GN!Reader (Ren Amamiya is used as his name)
Summary: Ren is happy to see you again after being separated from you for many years since you two were children. However, he knows he's not exactly the best choice for a boyfriend. In order to look cool, he tries to approach you as Joker.
Of course, reality isn't always that easy and he learns that looking cool isn't the most important thing when it comes to love and friendships.
Rating: G
A/n: Ahhhh I'm loving P5R and I'm loving Ren very much!
Ren was many things growing up. He was rather lackadaisical, unsure of himself, and oftentimes, just plain messy. He was caring and sweet, but his airheadedness had, on multiple occasions, led to some awkward encounters with other people. It was mostly through growing up together that you had understood what he really meant, but not everyone was willing to make the time. 
You two had been inseparable as kids, always doing everything with one another. You had seen each other at your most awkward and weirdest- like when you got braces or when he broke his arm trying to do cool moves on the jungle gym. You dressed up in matching costumes and outfits for all sorts of events. He even took you to the middle school dance when no one else bothered with you two. You shared your dreams, worst nightmares, struggles- everything. 
Yet, that connection had to be strained when your parents were relocated to Tokyo for work. 
His home just wasn’t the same without you. So you two tried to keep contact with each other every day. Texting, calling, sending emails or doing video calls together was such a normal part of his routine. 
He told you about how your old home was doing, anything new that was going (there was rarely anything new, though) so a majority of it was spent discussing Tokyo. 
“You’d never believe all the lights! It’s crazy bright over here.” 
“Yeah, I don’t think I can. Sounds like a hassle, though. Aren’t all those people and lights annoying?” 
You only laughed at his response- of course shy and withdrawn Ren would never love a city like this. 
Years passed and you two did your best to continue talking, but slowly every day became every other day, to maybe once a week, to sporadically whenever. There was just a lot to deal with, and life at Shujin Academy was anything but easy. He just had to settle for brief text messages and possible calls and gifts for things like birthdays and holidays. 
He was stressed after his hearing, so he broke his personal rule of trying to leave you some space to send a message. 
Hey it’s kinda urgent do you have time to call? 
“Hey, Ren, what’s u-,” you gasped. You looked at him like he was an alien from outer space, and he figured it must be because of how awful he looked right now. 
“Something wrong? You just stopped talking,” he commented. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry. What’s up? You said it was urgent. Are you doing okay?” You sent a barrage of questions his way and Ren slid a hand through his hair. 
“Want the good news or bad news first?” He responded, ignoring your questions. 
“Um…” you rose an eyebrow at what he could have possibly done to warrant this question. “Bad first?” 
“I’m on probation.” 
“WHAT?” You screamed, yet Ren didn’t flinch. “What do you mean probation? What the hell did you do?” 
“Some asshole framed me for assault when I was protecting a woman,�� he casually answered, as if it was just a normal occurrence for him. 
“Seriously? And you still got in trouble?” 
“Yeah. It sucks, honestly,” he sighed. 
“Jeez I’m…” You looked crestfallen at his explanation and he felt bad he made you feel so glum. “I’m sorry.” 
“Not your fault. Besides, there’s some good news.” 
“What’s the good news? Please don’t give me another heart attack.” 
“I’m moving to Tokyo. Some guy my parents are friends with is taking me in while I’m on probation. And I’m going to that Sunshine Academy you go to.” 
“It’s Shujin, for one thing,” you corrected him. “But you’re really coming to Tokyo? Oh my gosh, it’s gonna be like the old times again! I have so many places to show you and take you! You’re gonna love it, I promise.”
“Eh, I dunno. I’m just gonna try and avoid those places. Sorry, I know you probably wanted it to be super fun and all, but I don’t wanna go to jail. It’s a miracle they even left me with only probation. I’m even donning a disguise.” 
“A disguise? What do you mean?” 
He pulled up a pair of black, thick-framed glasses. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose and shook your head. 
“That’s not a disguise. Come on, Ren, you can’t be serious.” 
“I am. Look,” he put the glasses on and you stared at him deeply. You looked deep in thought and he wondered what was crossing your mind. “See? No one would punch a guy with glasses.” 
“You’re hopeless,” you chuckled at his antics. 
“But you still love me, right?” He whined, pouting like a child. 
“Of course,” you said, the words slipping right out of you. A warm smile crept on your lips as you gazed at him. “So… when you come to Tokyo, I’ll make sure you have the best probation ever. You can even visit my house. It’s got a nice view of the city and we have a great diner nearby.” 
He smiled for what felt like the first time in a while since this miserable incident. 
“Thanks, (Y/n), I know I can always count on you.” 
A few more pleasantries were exchanged and you two logged off, leaving him staring alone at his own reflection from his computer. He looked down at himself and frowned. 
Great, he was going to see his best friend (and crush) for the first time in years, and it’s because he was accused of committing a crime. In some ways, though, he felt safe with you and could put his probation aside. 
He hoped you would continue to be his friend in Tokyo. It was probably going to be a long year there, and he wasn’t looking forward to all the judgmental people. So much for being a guy you could depend on. Just like always, you were the one who would have to help him and accept him. He wished he was not this lame dude who couldn’t even handle a few rumors, but this isolation was killing him.
Ren always knew he wasn’t the most attractive guy ever. Or the smartest. Or the most courageous or confident. Barely had any talents or future aspirations beyond “just make it to the weekend”. He was pretty below-average, all things considered. And he was honest about that, like he was with pretty much everything else. He didn’t like beating around the bush or lying to others. 
Sadly, his big mouth got him into this probation (he still didn’t regret it) but man, it was exhausting to try and bite his tongue back at every opportunity. 
He couldn’t fight back or argue when the people made audacious claims about him. Couldn’t say a thing when people purposefully riled him up to get him to act out. Ren couldn’t even properly ask out the best friend he had loved since they were kids. Nor could he defend them whenever someone tried to spread rumors about them because of their association with him. 
But, that was Ren. 
Joker, however, was a completely different story. Joker was cool, suave, elegant- everything the clumsy second-year wasn’t. He could flirt with monsters and defeat evil while looking completely badass doing it. 
But it’s not like he could be Joker all the time, not with the Phantom Thieves working in the shadows and him still being under the watchful eye of almost everyone in society. He had to keep it quiet. 
Joker was Ren’s safe space to act out and be the man he wished to be. No one knew who he was, no one held any expectations for him- they just knew he was there to get the job done. And he did it, flawlessly, every time. 
Which is why it was frustrating Ren would get so tongue-tied the minute he wished to talk to you. 
The years were kind to you- very kind to you, actually- and he marveled at how you grew to be more confident and proud than when you were younger. You had a steady head on your shoulders, leading you to be the secretary of the student council and great in your club activities. 
He wished he could spill everything to you, everything about the Phantom Thieves, the Metaverse, personas- it would be so much easier if you knew. But he knew that if he bothered, you would simply laugh and say he probably was pounding too many energy drinks. None of it was believable, even to his own self. 
He hated lying to you, he despised it so much, but you were too understanding to call him out on his bullshit. You knew he was lying through his teeth about being ‘busy’, and he knew you were lying when you would smile and say you were ‘fine’ when he would miss out on another outing. 
He didn’t know how to make it up to you or truly admit he was the Phantom Thief that had grown so popular. 
He had brought this question up to his team members, and frankly, all of them were sending mixed signals. 
“Do not reveal your identity to them! They could be a traitor and rat us all out! Or worse, they could try and use you!” Makoto would say. 
“You should totally reveal it! And you love them a lot, right? Maybe you can make it up to them by taking them to an all-you-can-eat buffet with extra dessert!” Ann squealed. 
“No, make it meat! They gotta love that, right?” Ryuji would add. 
“I would say a buffet is not classy enough. You wish to showcase your heart’s true intentions to them, no? You should whisk them away to a beautiful resort and craft a gorgeous jewel that they can wear to remind them of you and-” 
“Yusuke… you do recognize Ren is a poor high school kid, right?” Futaba raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think he even has a dollar to his name, right now.” 
“I have twenty dollars to my name, thank you very much,” Ren corrected. “Wait- no- that’s not the point.” 
And then he was back to square one. Sure, he read Reckless Casanova and The Art of Charm, and it did help as Joker, but he was helpless when it came to you. 
There’s no way you’d like whimpering, pathetic Ren, especially when compared to the city boys of Tokyo, who were way flashier, energetic, and could treat you right. Unlike him, who couldn’t even say a word when people smeared your name. 
That’s when a thought came to mind- he should confess to you as Joker! Joker was everything Ren was not, and you’d surely fall for him, right? All he’d have to do is play it cool as Joker, and you’d be swooning for him in no time!
He imagined the scenario in his head.
You were there, sitting in your dark room with your balcony window open. He would jump through the buildings and smoothly glide to your balcony. You would be breathless at the sight of this handsome phantom thief, who looked so similar to someone you knew, but unlike him, this man was cooler. Better. Smarter. He was the entire package. 
You would be crying over that lame good-for-nothing boy who gave you nothing but trouble, and Joker would wipe your tears away. 
Perhaps he’d say a really nice line in French to really hammer in the ‘phantom thief’ act. You’d embrace him and he’d confess your undying love to him, and you would accept it in a heartbeat. 
Yeah, this plan had zero chance of failing. 
Ren, donning his disguise and mask, descended upon your rooftop. He made sure to be as quiet as possible, hoping to fulfill the dream movie scenario he had planned up. It was foolproof, he’d smugly thought. 
As he was preparing to jump down to your balcony, he noticed something shuffling near him. 
Was it someone watching him? He turned back to see a group of rats in the darkness, watching him. 
“Shoo! Go away!” He swatted at them. Some went scrambling and he thought he was in the clear. That was until he heard their chittering and squeaking. The group had ran back to him and were hissing at him, and he brought out his dagger. “Shit-!” 
The rats lunged at him and he quickly jumped down on your balcony to avoid getting bitten by one of them. He crashed onto the floor and groaned in pain, cursing the rats and the concrete of the balcony. 
He heard some shuffling and the balcony door swung open, revealing a very angry you with your cellphone at your side. 
“Wonder what-” you screamed as you locked eyes with him, and slammed the door shut. “Who the hell are you?! Get the hell out of here or I’m calling the police!” 
You typed something on your phone and Ren was panicking. Shit, he couldn’t mess up or get caught by the police. That would ruin his life and everyone else in the Phantom Thieves’s life. 
“W-wait! S’il vous plait!” He screeched one of the few phrases of French he knew. He slapped himself internally at the fact he even used French when you were trying to call the cops. 
Great job, brainiac. 
You seemed taken aback by him until you put your phone down and raised a knowing eyebrow at him. 
“Ren? What are you doing?” You asked.
Now he was in deep shit. He quickly stood up and posed by the balcony, as if he was just casually strolling by. 
“I don’t know who-” Crap, I can’t use my voice. He cleared his throat and tried to make it deeper. “Uh, I mean, I don’t know who this ‘Ren’ person is.” 
You looked unimpressed, and he knew his cover was blown. 
“Ren, what’s with the get up and trying to break into my house?” 
“I assure you, (Y/n), I was not trying to break into your house!” He answered in his fake, deep voice. 
You strode over to him, and he leaned back into the balcony ledge, trying to avoid touching you. 
Too close! Too fast! Shit! Abort! Abort! Abort mission! We’ll get them next time!
“So, mysterious stranger who is not Ren,” you sarcastically began, “what are you doing here?” 
You stepped closer and he leaned closer against the edge. He peered down and saw how far below the sidewalk was and gulped. 
“I-I am- gah!” He felt his body slip over the ledge after he tried to lean against it. He yelped and quickly brought out his grappling hook and shot it to your balcony, before slinging himself back up. 
He sat on the ledge, crossing his leg over the other and running a hand through his hair as if he wasn’t about to fall to his death just seconds before. 
“I couldn’t help but um, couldn’t help but be taken aback with your beauty, mon amour!” He dramatically stated, winking at you and handing you a (crumpled) rose he had picked out earlier for this very moment. 
Unlike in the dream sequence he conjured up, you were not breathless or swooning- instead, you were laughing. 
“Oh my gosh, Ren, what the hell is all this?” You said in between bouts of laughter. 
Normally, he loved your laugh, but in this situation, he felt his pride crumble to dust. 
“I… I, uh…” Not even Joker could save him. He could practically hear Arsene in the back of his head howling in laughter at the way he messed up. 
Ren sighed and took off the mask. 
“Yeah, okay, you figured it out, it’s me,” he said, defeated and exhausted. You wiped the tears out of your eyes and examined him. 
“Wait, no way! You’re part of the Phantom Thieves-” you loudly exclaimed, and Ren shushed you quickly. 
“You can’t reveal it out loud! I’m not even supposed to be here!” 
“Sorry,” you complied, whispering to him. “You’re part of the Phantom Thieves?” 
He nodded. 
“Yes, you’re looking at the leader of them.” 
“No way…” You stared, gobsmacked. 
“Listen, I get it, it’s hard to believe and you may think I’m crazy but-” 
“Huh? This explains everything!” You grinned. “I just… I just thought you were avoiding me and didn’t wanna see me again. You avoided me for so long and always hung out with the others, I assumed you got tired of me! But really, you were a part of the Ph-” 
“Shhhh! Not so loud!” He whisper-shouted. 
You fanned yourself and he noticed your eyes were becoming wet with tears. Your face was turning red and you were straining yourself to not cry.
“Crap, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he apologized. “This wasn’t how I wanted this to go…” 
“Well, you idiot, of course you make me cry. We were best friends and this whole time I thought you hated me. Why didn’t you just tell me sooner? Why didn’t you trust me? Did you think I would have told on you? And now you’re coming here randomly at night and pretending you’re not even you! Don’t you know how that looks to me?” 
“I know, I know I…” he shamefully looked at the ground. “I know. I messed up. I messed up really bad but that’s why I came. I didn’t know who to trust, and I didn’t want you to get hurt because of me. And I see that I was the fool for not believing in you to begin with. You were always too good for me, (Y/n). So I wanted to be upfront with you and give you this.” 
Ren extended his hand to show the broken rose again as he rubbed the back of his neck. 
“I’m not perfect. I’m not as handsome, or as rich, or as cool as the other guys and I am a huge coward. I run at every opportunity. But I wanted to have you see me as… you know… someone better than me. Someone who could treat you right, defend you, and not have you always try to care for them. I know I’ve been an asshole, and I wanted to fix it. I wanted to just be someone you could rely on for a moment. Because you mean the world to me. Always have.” 
You gasped and he looked at you to see your reaction. A few tears had fallen down your cheek and you covered your mouth in shock. 
“Sorry, I know you’re probably upset so I’ll leave-” he began, putting a leg over the ledge to jump down when you grabbed him. 
“D-don’t walk away, idiot! You didn’t even let me respond!” You shouted tearfully. He settled back onto the balcony and you threw your arms around him. “You’re really dense. You’re not a bother to me and I don’t want anyone but you. I don’t want this Joker guy, or those other people in our school. I just want you, Ren. Did you really think I would continue hoping for you to see me more if I didn’t care for you? Did you really think I would wait around for just about anybody?” 
Now he felt his face heat up. 
“Wait, you mean it? You like me too?” His gray eyes sparkled under the moonlight and his smile was wide. He must have looked so stupid, but he didn’t care at this moment. He was just happy you didn’t hate him and actually liked him!
“Yes, but if you wanna make it up to me, you have to promise something.” You pushed yourself off of him for a brief moment and had a serious look on your face. 
“No more lying to me like that. Please don’t hide things from me.” 
“I promise.” 
“Good. Don’t underestimate the both of us together. I rely on you just as much as you rely on me, silly. You don’t have to be anything other than you. I like how dorky and lame you are sometimes.” 
Ren let out an offended gasp. 
“I’m not dorky!” You smirked and pulled him down by the collar. He felt his heart race a mile a minute and he was curious what you were going to do next. 
“Shut up and kiss me already, Ren,” you laughed, and he felt himself melt at the sound of your voice. 
“Of course, my treasure,” he grinned as he tried to go through every tip those romantic books wrote in his head. 
He pressed his lips against yours gently, almost unsure if he should even go through with it. You kissed him back and he felt himself slowly let go of his insecurities and enjoy your presence like this. 
The need for air arose so he (unfortunately) separated himself from you. You laughed quietly as you stared into his eyes, and he wanted to memorize every detail about you. 
“You kiss a bit too well, Ren, don’t tell me you practiced with someone else?” You teased. 
“N-no I just… read a lot of books.” You snorted at his response and pressed a kiss to his nose. 
“Gosh, you’re the best. Don’t tell me you also learned your terrible French from those books too?” 
Sure he wasn’t perfect, but in this moment. There was nobody he’d rather be than himself in all his imperfect glory.
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fleshadept · 1 year
there should be consequences for bad met gala outfits. if it's just a boring suit or if it's blandly off-theme or if it's just Bad the celebrity should be put on probation then banned if they do it again. give some bitches a chance who actually want cool fits
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ghostfrog28 · 2 months
Episode 5!!
I have so much to say about this episode!
First: Denny’s and Ashley being all playful with each other is one of my favorite things to hear in these episodes. Just watching as they get closer to each other is really special. And I really hope that nothing happens with Ash and what the judge said about his probation 👀
Second: Lena is in Long Beach!!! I had to pause the video and take a second to breathe cuz I was so excited! And her hugs with Ash and Denny’s were so sweet! Also, the slut shirt 😂 I’m going to have to do a big art dump for stuff that happened in this episode and some things I mentioned in a recent Sophie post. Speaking of art! I did make another outfit for this episode (what did you expect, honestly) and I have a new shirt design!
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Designing Sophie’s shirts is so much fun, and coming up with her outfits!
Fourth: You already know I’m going to have some shit to say about Alexis. This bitch makes my blood boil every time she’s on screen! Even from the first episode!Also, love Lena being Denny’s intrusive thoughts while Ash and Thad are trying to de-escalate the situation!Also, I saw Escape’s post about how Lexi is essentially stalking Denny’s online and that’s how she knows about her being an alcoholic. “Obsessive much? What, you like me or something?” -Soph. Anyway, KICK HER ASS, DENNY’S!! I’ve been waiting for this to happen for a while! Also, the part where Ash is auditioning and they needed someone to be Gabbie, my response to the lady asking if we’ve ever acted was just Sophie saying: I’ve done musical theatre in high school? And her saying that doesn’t count made me laugh a bit. But of course, Lexi had to do it and it just had to be a kiss scene!!
ok, rant over
Fifth: The conversation back at Ashley’s house was interesting, especially when Thad was talking about his side of the whole poly situation. And, I’m guessing the one on one conversation Ash wants to have with Thad is about him liking Denny’s (but that’s just my guess). And, we get another little moment with Ash and Denny’s, which I love 💕 As well as Thad’s “SeeyagoodnightIloveyouguysbyee!” was kinda cute
I saw it coming (hehe) but I didn’t expect it to happen in the video!
Also, this is kinda my hot take but, as much as I love that Thad will be getting his own listener later down the line, I do love the idea of Thad and Lena being together!
That’s all I got, this post is long as hell, I’ll try to do art dump as soon as I can, loved this episode a lot!
bye bye!
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docgold13 · 11 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Selina Kyle had been a mainstay of the Gotham social scene.  She was gorgeous, stylish and seemingly quite rich (although no one quite knew from where she got her wealth).  Selina was highly involved in charities that protected animals and she raised huge sums of money for environmental causes all over the world.  
This was Selina’s civilian life.  Late at night, however, she would don a cat-themed costume and prowled the city as the daring burglar known as The Catwoman.  The capricious Catwoman stole jewels and other goods from anyone she felt were unscrupulous or did not deserve the valuable they possessed.  
A $10,000 investment at a charity dinner bought her a date with Bruce Wayne, who became attracted to her immediately.  The two began to date while Batman continued to pursue Catwoman, neither one aware that they were spending their days and nights together (only in different outfits).  Selina was quite fond of Bruce, yet it was Batman who she was truly enamored by.  
Bruce was ultimately able to deduce Selina’s secret life as Catwoman.  She and Batman teamed up to bring down the villainous Red Claw.  Despite his respect and great attraction to Selina, Batman apprehended Catwoman and turned her over to the authorities.  
The fact that Selina had helped stop the terrorist activities of The Red Claw resulted in her receiving leniency at sentencing.  She was released on probation and Bruce Wayne tried to help her live an honest life.  Yet a tiger cannot change its stripes and it was not long before Selina returned to her thieving ways as Catwoman.  
Actress Adrienne Barbeau provided the voice for Catwoman with the rogue first appearing in the debut episode of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘The Cat and The Claw.’  
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