#probably gonna end up drawing them anyways just because i like show and tell :P
bluebellwrenart · 18 days
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CoD OC Dump #1 - [Black Ops Edition]
Decided to cure my art block by doodling all of my OCs so that I have an excuse to talk about them. Started off with my many CoD characters, so here's the first set. Names and info under the cut.
[Goes upper right -> lower left -> upper middle -> lower middle]
Joanne Locklear — Because not everyone has to be the most epic soldier or spy to ever soldier or spy, Joanne is one of my civilian characters.
A med-student with a clinical interest in neurology (and a personal/non-professional interest in psychology) only partly because of her husband (drumroll, please), Alex Mason. She's my OC version of Mason's wife.
Her parents own and run a bar & grill in Fairbanks, where she works part-time when she's not busy with school, and her father happened to have grown up and served in World War II alongside Mason's father. They were friends because they were the same age, they were classmates, and also because when they were little their dads made them. She's half-Alaskan Athabaskan through her mom, half-white through her dad.
Lillian Scott — An analyst in the CIA with a specialty in linguistics and a knack for codes as well, her main role in my fanfic series is to serve as a translator, gather intelligence, analyze said intelligence, and so on and so forth. She serves a mainly supporting role as far as operations are concerned, and she's fine with that. After all she is a scrawny little nerd (affectionate) and although she can fight if necessary she isn't exactly great at it. It's too much for her poor constitution.
A fun fact is that she can actually shoot really well (girl is Appalachian born and raised, she grew up hunting, what did you expect) it just hurts her hands and she kind of needs those. Also she's paired with Weaver because if you know me then you know that I love me a man with an eyepatch and a tragic complex backstory.
Nadezhda "Bell" Belkina — An OC!Bell because you can't give me a faceless protagonist and expect me NOT to make a very long and intricate backstory for them (if you know about my AC fanfics then you know exactly what I'm talking about). Abandoned on the streets, taken in by Perseus, something of a prodigy, then brainwashed by Adler through the MKUltra program...you know how it be.
She and Woods end up bonding over the fact they both spent their childhoods on the streets.
Claire Anderson & Michael Isaacs — AKA Svetlana Andreyeva and Mikhail Isakov, both KGB operatives planted in the U.S. to assume American identities, their job was primarily to track down and kill rogue operatives/traitors. The problem with that is that both of them ended up really liking their fake lives in America, and were tempted to defect. Claire defected to the CIA, Mike/Misha was killed before he could. By Russell Adler no less.
Oh, and speaking of him, Claire is his ex-wife. She wasn't his ex until after he shot Mikhail, though. And then tried to shoot her too. Yeah, you can see why their marriage went up in flames. Somehow they worked out their problems enough to work together in the 80s...and again in the 90s. RIP Mikhail though.
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petitexmagician · 3 months
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Okay so I can't for the life of me keep these thoughts back, so spoilers for the Abyss Quest under
So like I had mentioned when I got through the Abyss Quest, as someone who has played K.h, as well as been through the rollercoster of the Xeha.nort Saga - yes even with Dark Road and no I don't think Missing Link will help the bitter taste in my mouth with what happened in K.h3 that is a post for another time I swear to god.
It starts off as usual with the Abyss Quest, Traveler twin and Pai.mon end up going to Sumeru Katherine for anything to do, she gives a job involving a missing persons case over in Vimara Village, a village I feel like is a infamous little spot given how Sumeru's dendroculus themselves were all story quest locked behind the Aranara world quest. There we end up learning that everyone is having a similar memory loss episode of person that looked to be in his 20s, give a freakin' age range on a important NPC appearance wise but not the cast of vision wielders will ya huh Hoyo?
The traveler twin puts together after speaking with a few that it's almost the same as Greater Lord and her sacrifice, yet with the prescience of the Abyss Order it seems that they have a involvement which gives rise to the biggest cryptid Hoyo could ever give - Dainslief to show his face which means lore drop!
AND WHAT A DAMN LORE DROP IT WAS! Dainslief reveals it's a freakin' family drama as the short of it, his older brother, Gold, Skirk's teach and two others are the damn reason Khaenri'ah had a huge ass target on their backs and whatever they were doing caused Heaven P to wake up and chose violence whether it was right or wrong is still left in the dark to curse a whole nation for what these five were doing.
To make matters more crazy it was Dainslief's own bro thats the reason the Abyss Twin is part of Teyvat despite them and the Traveler Twin not being from Teyvat at all. So if and when Dottore manages to burn Irminsul it'll probably leave a damage so insane it draws the attention of Heaven P and quite hopefully free the Abyss Twin from whatever BS they put on the spot for.
Can I just say these twins are in a damn tragedy stage, they both seriously miss each other - you can't even count this mess as damn reunion if you go and pull a freakin memory wipe on them both. Not only that but the Abyss Twin has a mess of words to say about Heaven P it's not just being separated for 500 years from their sibling, being a witness to a hell scape and being put on the spot as the de facto leader of a nation that treats them like a God instead of nobility by a whole ass mess of hypocrites, finding a place that their sib mentioned without them, ON TOP OF KNOWING THEY'RE DOING INSANE SHIT AND ARE NOT COOL WITH IT!
The things I did like is that whatever name we give the Traveler Twin won't even matter to the Abyss twin because they say their actual name, with the Traveler twin confirming Pai.mon and the rest of Teyvat don't even know their actual name and just response to a fake name and that is amazing plus seriously depressing!
Any relationship formed won't mean nothing when they've been giving people left and right a fake name - it's gonna hurt but for whatever reason the playable vision wielders are gonna forgive them for not trusting them to give their actual name, best bet whoever the Traveler Twin tells their actual name to it's the person they trust the most.
though tldr: Fuck memory manipulation, fuck family drama we hate Heaven P for the BS going on in Tevyat we hate Heaven P on this blog
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on to Show and Tell! back to an OG 4-pager with this one!
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i bet this is the chapter that originally introduced lucy’s deaf ear! i mean, they haven’t really brought it up since the prologue chapter, i think.
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we’ve got some great faces in this one. the eyes in the early pages are so appealing to me, we’ve got the dot eyes and the “kirby eyes” (pictured above) and then we get that sorta fusion of them that kinda looks like the eyes i draw!
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see, like that. also what’s this about girly romance movies? BRING THAT BACK!!! that would be such a cute reference omgggg
anyways yeah, the bit of this chapter is genetics and the different species of the cats! lucy’s deaf ear is attributed to her being a blue-eyed white khao manee, which reflects real life! lucky that she didn’t lose it in both of them. they do a cute bit where yashy thinks her own blue eyes will turn her deaf. i really miss jokes like that, the pets are so cute...
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anyways mike’s a korat (makes a point of being like “surprised im not a russian blue?” which after looking at them im kinda surprised too!) and daisy comments that she thought mike was a british blue shorthair because he’s “so intellectual.” first of all, he’s totally not a british shorthair and daisy is stupid, but more importantly, what an interesting lore bit this is! everybody is so knowledgeable about cat breeds (makes sense! they’re cats!) but they also have preconceived biases about people of those breeds, likely based on common traits those breeds share in the real world. if you wanna overthink it a bit, daisy just racially profiled mike! looks like yashy is taking the second-place for racism this time around.
daisy is half selkirk rex and half ragamuffin. looking at pictures of those cats, it seems like she represents her breed best when she’s been out in the rain for a bit! she must put a lot of work into those curls.
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check out this sequence at the end of page 3. this is soooo cute! lucy getting so visibly envious of someone else getting attention from mike feels like a rarity...
paulo shows up to boast about his breed too! the more they compare their genetics, the weirder it feels. but in a goofy way, because it’s all obviously so lighthearted! paulo is a somali, and the way his breed looks in real life reminds me of a warrior cats character. he mentions his dad is “kinda lion-ish,” can’t wait to see that guy. i headcanon him as sounding like bob from bob’s burgers.
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this is another really cute sequence. i like seeing mike and lucy just be friends. sooo cute... and LOOK AT DAISY!! THE SPELL CANNOT BE BROKEN!! PAULO IS TOO COOL!! i’m huge on paulo x daisy so i’m probably gonna gush like that whenever i see them together, haha
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the following panels are also such a fun microcosm of what paulo and lucy are. it’s like, the easiest way to explain their dynamic to someone. so perfect!
anyways, yashy claims to be a golden retriever (obviously unintentional but it reminds me of all those “attack helicopter” jokes from like 2016) and david shows up asking to hook up with the supposed golden retriever, only to see yashy and blanch, somehow avoiding getting called the p-word. i wonder why mike gets singled out so much? poor guy.
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in the final panel, we get a really funny david drawing and they toss in sue and amaya’s breeds for us to gobble up like the LEECHES we are. obviously, sue is a european burmese, but she’s missing some of the markings you might expect from a cat like her. amaya is a super obvious tabby though, she’s right.
i figured i wouldn’t have much to say about this chapter, since it’s pretty one-note. i’m fine with putting it all in one big post! NEXT TIME: Gone Fishing!
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jackrrabbit · 3 years
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cooking at 3am /// Osamu x f!Reader
Request: Imagine cooking together with Osamu at 3am because neither of you could sleep (or because ‘Samu got the midnight munchies lol). You don’t have anything specific in mind; you’re just playing around and feeding each other little bits of what you make.
A/N: bruh you said munchies and my mind said [[ h i g h o s a m u ]] sorry this went in a kinda different direction? but still fun 3am cooking project vibes :P
Tag/warnings: fluff, light drug use (weed), you and Atsumu are lowkey Bros™️, Osamu's kinda baby 🤧
Osamu’s not good at smoking.
He doesn’t really know how to inhale—you know, hold it in his lungs so it can soak in or whatever—and when he does, he coughs. Except he tries to repress the coughs. Even if he wants to hide it, he’s always close enough to you that you can feel his chest moving from trying not to cough when he takes a hit.
And also, like every baby smoker, he can’t really tell when it’s kicking in until he’s off the deep end.
“Can you feel it yet?”
You shoot Osamu a glance where he’s sitting on the ground in front of the couch, watching a nature documentary on Atsumu’s TV with a glazed-over look on his face. “You sure? Your eyes are super red.”
“I can’t feel it. Give it—“ He holds out his hand and honestly you’re pretty sure he’s had plenty, but it’s Atsumu’s vape so who cares. You hand it over and Osamu holds it up to his mouth and sucks, eyes fluttering closed as the light on the side of the Pax glows yellow.
God, he looks hot when he does that. Something about a hot guy smoking, yeah? Actually, no. Something about your hot boyfriend smoking.
Except 'Samu holds his breath a second too long and you can see the urge to cough hit him… Wait for it, you think to yourself, and a second later he hacks and wheezes the vapor out in a wispy cloud that reflects silver against the semi-dark. You coo in sympathy and pat his back. “Want some water?”
Osamu shakes his head, hand over his mouth to stop the coughing. On the tv, David Attenborough talks about penguin courtship rituals and Atsumu (who’s been draped on the couch next to you for the past few hours) gives a light little sigh in his sleep. You check the time. 3am. Bedtime. Too bad you and 'Samu are both too high to drive home…whoops. Guess you’re spending the night at Atsumu’s place.
Osamu rubs his bloodshot eyes like they’re itchy, which they probably are. “Hey, can we— uhh… Do we have pancakes.”
“Pancakes, babe? You mean the ones you made for breakfast?”
“Yeah, there’s leftovers…I made you extra and you didn’t want them.” He twists around and gives you an incredibly dirty look, like this is something you did on purpose to hurt his feelings. “If you don’t want them I’m going to eat them.”
“Wait, 'Samu—“ But Osamu's already getting up off the floor to wander over to the next room. You debate pausing the show—it’s a really good scene—but you leave it going for Atsumu's sake because you’re pretty sure the narration is the only thing keeping him asleep. He’s kinda drooling on your shoulder and you have to push him off to go follow your boyfriend to the kitchen.
“What is all this stuff? Ugh…” Osamu's pawing through the fridge. There’s a lot of crinkling, plastic sounds—you catch a glimpse inside and all of the shelves are stacked up with plastic bags and styrofoam containers.
You yawn and hop up to sit on the kitchen island. “Takeout? I don’t think he cooks.” Atsumu's going to get a lecture tomorrow for keeping 2-week-old Indian food in his fridge. God knows you heard it way too many times before you and Osamu moved in together. You don’t envy 'Tsumu.
Osamu sits down in front of the fridge, fumbles with a drawer, and pulls out a bag of moldy grapes. “Gross…who lives like this…”
You snicker into your hand.
“I can’t find the pancakes.” 'Samu's pulling the plastic drawers all the way out now, setting them down on the floor as he inspects the contents of the fridge.
“They’re not here.”
“You ate them?”
“No, I— Hey, put those back in,” you tell him helplessly as he shuts the door of the fridge, ignoring all the leftover food he took out. Yeah, half of it was probably off anyway, but Atsumu's gonna be pissed if he wakes up and there’s takeout going bad all over his kitchen floor.
“You threw away my pancakes?” Now the look on Osamu's face is utter betrayal. He stands up off the floor and glares sulkily at you. “I made those for you…”
“I didn’t throw them away, they’re—“ You hold back a laugh and wish you had your phone on you (where did it go?) so you could take a picture. He’s so cute when he smokes. “—they’re at home.”
“At home?”
“Yep, at home. The place where you and me live, remember?”
“Oh.” Osamu pauses, reaches out absently to grab the edge of your sleeve. You’re wearing one of his hoodies. “We’re not at home?”
“Nope. We’re at Atsumu's place,” you tell him through a giggle.
He plays with your sleeve, contemplating. “Why?”
“Because we’re out of weed and he said he’d smoke us out. And we like hanging out with him.”
“Oh. We do?”
“…’Kay.” It takes Osamu a second to accept this, but then he nods seriously. “(Y/N), I'm hungry.”
“I know. What do you want to eat? You could probably have any of that stuff, I don’t think he’ll miss it.”
'Samu thinks about it for a moment, scanning the array of takeout containers spread out across the kitchen floor. “I want pancakes.”
“The pancakes are at home, remember?”
“Yeah…” Osamu flips over his grip on your sleeve and traces his thumb down the lines in your palm. “I could make some?”
More pancakes? “I don’t think 'Tsumu has eggs, babe. Or flour. Or…baking soda?” You’re not really sure what ingredients go into pancakes. Whatever cooking skills you possessed pre-Osamu have deteriorated significantly since you moved in together and he took over any and all food preparation for your household.
He pouts at this, and his hair is a little messed up, and he’s so pretty that you can’t stand how much you like him in that second. Mine mine mine, something in the back of your brain says. He’s mine.
You reach up and Osamu obediently ducks his head down so you can smooth his hair back into place and fix the bits that are flipping over his part. “Is there anything else you want to eat?”
“Oh…” Well, at least Atsumu probably has rice. “Sure. Ok. That’s your specialty.”
“I want ya to make it for me.”
“What?” You frown and pull your hand out of his. “You know my cooking sucks.”
“No it doesn’t. (Y/N)’s food’s the best.”
“You own an onigiri shop, come on—“
One of his bangs falls back in his eyes and without thinking you reach up to put it in place. “Okay, fine. But you can’t complain about it if it’s not good.”
He smiles and you want to blush. “Yes! I promise.”
So you do it for him. Even though you’re high too. You measure some rice and water into the rice cooker (Osamu has to give you pointers on how much of each to put in) and you scrounge around Atsumu's depressingly bare kitchen for a few sheets of seaweed and some easy fillings. Osamu pulls a stool up to the island counter and rests his chin on his hands so he can watch you with a bleary look of adoration on his face.
It takes you…maybe half an hour to be done? It’s hard to gauge time when you’re high. You and 'Samu both jump when the rice cooker finishes and plays the little rice cooker song, which will remain stuck in your head for the foreseeable future. 'Samu hums it in a loop while you shape the rice into lopsided triangles and wrap the nori around it.
“Here,” you tell him when you set the plate down in front of him. He looks entirely too happy to be eating your mediocre food for someone who literally does this for a living, but who cares.
He picks one, takes a bite, swallows. And blinks.
“What do you think?” you ask in spite of yourself.
“Umm…salty,” Osamu says.
You grab one to try yourself and it’s salty. Like, ocean salty. Yuck. “I told you it would be bad,” you complain, trying to tug the plate away but Osamu grabs it and pulls it back.
“Noooo…it’s good,” he lies, although his face is giving him away. Still, he takes another bite and chews enthusiastically.
“Shut up.” You tug a little harder but Osamu doesn’t let go.
He swallows, pulls a face, and takes another one. “So good. I love it.”
“Shut up. You sound so fake. You’re going to get sick if you eat that.” You keep pulling, but he insists on pretending it’s edible so you admit defeat and help him finish the onigiri off. God, they’re awful. But he keeps eating and so you do too.
When you’re done, your mouth feels dry as fuck and you want to sleep almost as much as you want to drink about a gallon of water. “Is it bedtime yet?” 'Samu asks, wiping his mouth and then rubbing his eyes again.
The clock over the oven says it’s past 4. “Yes. It’s bedtime.”
“Wait—we’re…we’re not at home, right? We’re at 'Tsumu's?”
“I prolly drove here…I dunno if I can drive now,” Osamu tells you slowly, like he’s apologizing. “I think I'm kinda high.”
“Oh yeah?” You hold your laugh back and put your hands up on his cheeks. “How do you feel?”
“Dizzy. Blurry? Like…you’re in slow-motion.” His hands come up to layer over yours. “You’re pretty in slow-mo.”
“Prettier than usual?”
Osamu closes his eyes, scrunching them up to think and then looking over your face intently. “Same amount, just slower. So it’s easier to see.”
“That so?” You slip your hands around to drape over his shoulders and get up on your tiptoes to give him a little kiss on the cheek, because he’s earned it. “You know what, I think I'm kinda high too. I think we’re going to have to have a sleepover.”
“On the couch? S’not big enough for us both.”
“You can sleep with 'Tsumu in his bed…or I guess you could sleep on the ground?”
'Samu's mouth twists and his brows draw together. You can practically hear the gears in his mind turning while he considers alternatives. “Can we share the bed?”
“I think Atsumu's gonna want it. It’s his house.”
“But he’s already sleeping.”
True, you can hear Atsumu snoring lightly from the living room underneath David Attenborough’s description of endangered falcons in the Philippine rainforest. You should really wake him up—matter of fact, you should really clean up the kitchen because it’s a huge mess—but 'Samu's already pulling you away. And you’re so sleepy.
“He’s going to be pissed tomorrow,” you tell Osamu through a yawn, but you let him steer you in the direction of Atsumu's bedroom, holding your hand.
“Don’t care…I hate sleeping without you.”
“Yeah,” you say, and you squeeze his hand and he looks back at you like you’re the literal best thing in the entire universe—and you decide you should get him high more often. “Same.”
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REQUESTED BY: @witch-of-letters
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A - affection (how affectionate are they? what do they enjoy?)
At first? Not at all.
The only person he is used to getting affection from is Aslaug, so naturally you might earn a few sceptical looks from him if you try to get close.
Nevertheless he quickly learns how pleasant the attention of someone else can be, but tries to be subtle about it. He wouldn’t want to tell you upfront that he enjoys having you close or that he likes your touch, because he fears the rejection that might come with it.
In time, he would alert you with a little nudge here and there whenever he requires your tenderness.
Slowly but surely Ivar would get more daring, trying to innitiate the soft touches himself. If you don’t pull back, he’ll get more sure of himself and as soon as it is clear to him that you are serious about him, you’ll be the only person in Kattegat to recieve affectionate touches from Ivar without any deadly concequences.
What he loves most is either having his head placed on your chest or stomach, feeling you breathe and with your hands in his hair, or laying on the side, with you wrapped around his back.
B - bodypart (what’s their favorite bodypart on their partner and them?)
His arms.
His arms have been a replacement for his legs for all his life. Since he has to crawl everywhere until he has his crutches, they are well built and knowing that you love being wrapped inside them, makes Ivar love them even more.
Your legs.
He likes your legs because they are what he cannot have. He likes them because his are so flawed, and yet you choose to love them anyways. And he likes them due to their shape, the softness of your skin and how they look when you move around.
C - commitment (how quick are they to commit?)
Not that quick.
Ivar is reluctant, to say the least.
He needs to be 100% sure that you are commited to him, before he will make any kind of promises to you. It would be a long process full of selfdoubt, selfdeprication and fear of betrayal.
Ivar would also visit the seer and ask about a future with you by his side. The seers answers would be, as always, very vague (if he says something at all).
In addition to all those troubles, his brothers are in the midst of it. Ubbe and Hvitserk might be the only positive voices of reason at times (apart from Aslaug), while Bjorn would not really concern himself with it. Sigurd on the other hand would throw salt at Ivars mental wounds, saying you were only with him out of pity.
So the viking has no real option but to rely on you reassurance and your loving words. You’d probably have to spend months proving that you are serious about him, because he has been hurt and rediculed so many times before, but in the end it’s all worth it.
Once Ivar chooses to fully commit to you, he’s there to stay.
D - dates (what would dates with them look like? what would they plan?)
Ivar is usually not that much of a planner when it comes to dates.
Normally he is content with finding a secluded place to spend time with you, away from the crowds and far, far away from his relatives.
But if, for any reason, a special occassion should arise, he would definetely ask his brothers for help as much as he hates it.
He would send Hvitserk to distract you with requests and tasks all day, while Ubbe helps him set everything up in a little cabin in the woods. Ivar would ask Aslaug to have some thralls bring plates of food as well.
E - experience (how many relationships have they had before?)
Close to nothing, really.
Ivar did not have any experience with real love and he was very sceptical of it.
The few kisses and cuddles he may have had, have all come from the thralls his family owns.
Apart from that, he has not been interested in anybody, other than finding some attractive on the outside. Too often he had to find out the hard way that the insides of people where much more ugly than the exterior.
So in response to that Ivar mainly focused on his training and on becoming a better viking, until you came along.
F - family (do they want to start a family?)
Ivar would love to start a family.
At first, he is actually astounded that you’d bring it up.
For a long time, he could’ve never imagined someone wanting to have a family with him. To have a child with him (no matter if it’s your own or adopted). So when you suggest it, he is mindblown for a second, before he cups your face, telling you that it is what he longed for all along.
He would be ecstatic upon the idea of having an heir. Or two. Or more. But at least one is fair.
For him, it feels like everything is finally falling into the right place.
G - generosity (do they give their partner a lot of presents? if so, what?)
Exceptionally generous.
And you don’t even have to ask for them.
Ivar brings tons of goods and riches home from every raid, where you can pick whatever you like. He makes sure to safe the best pieces for you and keeps an eye out for suvenirs he knows you might love.
Should you require anything else Ivar has enough resources to get you everything you want from the market. Since Aslaugs rule in Ragnars absence, Kattegat has also transformed into an important trading center, will all kinds of diverse products.
Ivar sees to it, that you have anything you could possible require, even in his absence.
He spoils you, not gonna lie.
H - heaven (how would they react if they lost their partner?)
Ivar would never recover from the loss.
After everything that happened to his family, all the betrayals and the lies and the fights, you were the one thing to keep him going. You had been there for him everytime, no matter how hard it was. No matter how dangerous it got, no matter how exhausted you were.
But now?
There was nothing.
No one.
And no way to bring you back.
One of the things that scares Ivar most is how numb everything feels. There was nobody to be angry at. Nobody to blame, except for the illness that took you away. And against something like that, not even Ivar the Boneless could seek revenge.
He should have known when you confessed you love, that you were just another thing he had to lose. First it was his father, then his mother, then Helga and Floki and now... there was nothing left of him.
Still your face, your smell, you presence would follow him everywhere he goes.
And he’d beg you to haunt him.
I - i love you (who says the three magic words first and why?)
It depends.
The only way Ivar would say it first is if he is frantic. Either in a screaming match, or when you are close to leaving him.
When neither of those are likely though, this viking would most definetely wait until you’ve said it first. For a long time he does not even dare to hope that you will. He is still a cripple after all, no amout of love could ever change that and he fears the day you realize it. Ivar is so used to rejection that he tells himself it wouldn’t hurt if you left. But deep down he knows it would. That’s why he always hesitates in the very last second, drawing back. 
He leaves the first ‘i love you’ to you. But when it comes, you’ve never seen him smile that big. He can’t believe his luck. Can’t believe that you truly choose him over anyone else.
Ivar will rarely outright tell you that he loves you and only chooses particular moments for it.
But that just makes it all the more special.
J - journey (how did they first meet their partner?)
Unfortunately, you met Ivar while his men were preparing for a raid.
You stumbled upon their camp and he questioned you, demanding informations. This way he could gather when the best time for an attack might be. But not only that. You captured his interest in a way he would not have expected.
There was something in the way you spoke and the way you carried yourself that made him hesitate. He supposed that was what it must have felt like for his father with that unlucky priest Floki killed in the end. But then again, in time, he discovered it wasn’t quite the same. There was something more that drew him to you, apart from curiosity.
And he intended to find out what exactly it was.
Who knows after all?
Maybe it was fate.
K - kisses (what are their kisses like?)
Ivars kisses are desperate.
Desperate for warmth, desperate for acceptance, desperate for belonging.
He puts his emotions into every kiss and there is no such thing as ‘just a peck’ with him. Ivar likes to feel needed. He likes showing you how much he loves you, rather than expressing it with words.
He’s also not ashamed to kiss you in front of an audience, frankly he does not care who sees it, because you’re the only one that counts (but he will stop should it make you uncomfortable). He does not fear that it might make him seem weak, that thought is pretty ridiculous to him.
If anything, he’s even more proud to be the one you want.
L - love language (what’s their love language?)
Ivars love language is physical touch closely followed by words of affirmation.
Ivar feels loved the most if he recieves physical touch. He senses that most people around him are too intimidated to get close, or are simply put off by his condition. As a result of that, he rarely gets affectionate touches or attention, which he craves dearly. Even more so since Aslaug is dead and Floki and Helga are both gone. It’s important to Ivar that his partner makes him feel appreciated this way, even if it’s just a hand on his arm at the table, or your fingers laced with his. Every little touch counts.
The second best way to make him happy is through words of affirmation. Words have great meaning to Ivar, so beware of saying anything hurtful to him, for it might stay with him for a lifetime. In time you may notice that especially Ragnars last words “happiness means nothing” are stuck in Ivars head. Words impact him greatly, and you may have to undo some of the damage others have caused in his mind, with a few well-placed strikes. Ivar will appreciate it if you reassure him of your love with the right words at the right time.
M - memory (what’s their favorite memory of the relationship?)
The morning after the first night spend together.
Back then he had no idea how it happened or how you did it.
You were still snoring next to him when he came to realize he didn’t just like you. He loved you. And while you moved around, hugging the fur close to your chest a thousand emotions had swirled in his head. He was confused, surprised and completely thrown aback about what you did to him. About how you made his heart beat faster and his limbs tingle with the need to draw you closer. He watched, until the sun tickled your skin, rousing you from your sleep and when you opened your eyes to look at him with that smile... you knocked the breath out of his lungs.
Whenever he thinks back to that morning now, you catch him with an absent-minded smile on his lips.
N - newborn (how would they react to expecting a child? how would they deal with the pregnancy?)
Ivar would be shocked.
First of all, he would question if the child is truly his, as it seemed impossible before. He wouldn’t have thought that he would ever get the chance to have an heir. So, once you’ve settled his doubts, he would be the proudest father-to-be in all of Kattegat.
But also the most anxious.
He heavily questions his ability to raise a child. Even he knows his father was not a really good example to look up to when it comes to raising children, or to being a husband.
So he seeks the not really helpful advice of his brothers, who all seem to go in completely different directions when it comes to kids. Hvitserk is clearly letting his nephews and nieces walk all over him, while Ubbe is acting like an overprotective hen. Bjorn seems deadset on training them and sending them out in the wild. And Sigurd? Ivar is not quite sure the man is a grown-up himself.
In conclusion: they all started fighting amost themselves while Ivar watched the mess unfold.
Clearly, his mother Aslaug would have been a much better option.
But if she is no longer around, Ivar will instead turn to Floki and Helga where he finally finds some words of wisdom and support.
Without a doubt the woman carrying his child will be protected at all times. This is a literal miracle to him and he would be devastated if anything went wrong with the mother, or the child.
Other than that Ivar finds great joy in the pregnancy. He loves seeing the mother grow with his child and he would be truly proud of his child for carrying on his legacy. Ivar’s love grows during this incredible months, even during all the moods and cravings.
Both, the mother and the baby will be incredibly spoiled.
O - oasis (what’s their favorite place to spent time?)
The pier.
He enjoys the location, especially on warm summer days.
He has many memories stored in his mind, of sitting out on the docks. It’s a place where he can clear his head and it also gives him an overview of everything that is happening around him.
Ivar also likes the calm view of the ocean, even though he’s terrified of the sea. He likes to imagine all the lands that await him on the next raid. The atmosphere helps him to resume his strategies and to gather his thoughts.
It helps him to visualize the terrain the next war will be fought on and the techniques his enemies might use.
You will find him there often, sitting and staring out to the sea until the sun fades away.
P - petnames (what petname would they give their partner?)
“My love.”
The words tasted absolutely ridiculous on his tongue, when he first said them. Almost pathetic. That is also what he threw at your head, when you first said it, but not in anger. It was... something else. Some thing you had to figure out first.
The way he put you off was so reluctant, that it didn’t fit. He liked it. You knew he did. And he knew you knew he did. And he hated it.
This, in turn, made you use the petname whenever you could, with a smirk on your face. Eventually he not only gave in, but started using it himself.
The first time he did you probably spit out your drink in shock tbh.
He’d grumble out of embarassement, until you’d reassure him. When he knows for sure that you actually love it, it’s settled.
It would become a habit.
Q - quiet (what do undisturbed moments look like?)
In quiet moments Ivar can take a breath and let go of all that troubles him.
He likes taking you down to the beach on those rare days, lying next to you in the sand and relaxing for hours. In those moments all the fights, the wars and the arguments truly fade away. Sometimes they might creep into his mind, which you scold him for when he shares those thoughs absent-mindedly.
Apart from that, it is in those quiet times that you can truly find joy in the company of each other. There don’t need to be many words or actions to keep you happy, just the two of you alone will do.
R - rivals (how do they handle jealousy?)
Not too well.
If there is anyone making advances towards you, Ivar will be the first one to notice. Probably even before you.
He knows very well that you would not appreciate a bloodbath. And further than that, there are political figures that are better kept alive during those stressful times of war. So, no matter how much it bugs him, he would keep still for the time being, trusting you to tell them off (but you may notice the tick of his jaw, or the whitened knuckles when his fingers clench around the armrests of his chair).
If you don’t notice, Ivar will be sure to inform you and ask you to do something about it. He doesn’t voice his concerns about it very clearly, but he is afraid of you leaving him for another.
Though, should a situation get critical, even after you have made clear that Ivar is the one for you, you can be sure that Ivar wont let it slide.
Even if he has to make it look like an accident.
S - song (what song is a reminder of them?)
I've been watchin' you for some time
Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
I've been walkin' through a world gone blind
Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind
Careful creature made friends with time
He left her lonely with a diamond mind
And those ocean eyes
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
Da, da-da, da-da
Da-da-da, da, da
Da, da, da, da, da-da-da-da
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
T - token (what kind of object would be the proof of their love? a ring? a necklace? something completely different?)
Ivar can, as a prince and as a king, buy you anything you want.
So he goes a completely different way.
He would try and make you something himself. Something that wouldn’t bother you during the day while tending to your tasks, but also something that would show everyone around you that you are taken.
And something that would remind you of him.
Ivar has noticed you fiddle with the pendant of his necklace often enough.
The viking takes is upon himself to make a twin to the mjolnir hanging from his throat. He would spend ages drawing out the form and details of the hammer, making sure everything looks perfect. He would also use much more expensive material than his own was made of and would insert fitting gemstones if possible.
Ivar works through days and nights to complete his work and smiles like a child when he can finally hand it to you.
It would turn out so beautiful that you would never want to take it off.
U - unique (why did they choose their partner? what first attracted them?)
The thing that first drew him to you was your personality.
Ivar likes looking at pretty features and bodies, yes. But in a way, doesn’t everyone?
Physical attributes don’t mean that much to him. That he may find a body pleasing to look at has nothing to do with feelings. It is more about an aesthitic. About a facade.
What really interests him is your behavior and your mannerisms. How you talk and behave when nobody sees you and how you move when the great hall is filled with people.
Ivar is first attracted to you because of your habits and your character. The unique tells when he catches you lying, or the characteristic twitch of your mouth, when Bjorn shares a story around the dinner table.
V - vulnerable (how vulnerable do they allow themselves to get?)
He is a tough nut to crack.
Ivar is not the type to be vulnerable around others.
He is not always proud of it when he loses his temper, but he absolutely hates it when he has to cry. Not particularily because he sees it as a weakness, but because he despises the whole feeling of it. He hates the helplessness that settles in and the pityful looks everyone carries on their faces when tears are shed.
He does not like to cry in front of you, even when you are close. You will often have to force him to lean on you and let you comfort him. At the beginning he dislikes doing so, but quickly notices that it helps.
He starts to appreciate your help and your knowledge when you assist him to get his mind back on track and give him a perspective he might not have thought of (though there is rarely a way he does not come up with).
X - xfactor (what’s one of their special talents they try to impress with?)
His mind.
While his brothers might be honest in saying that they consider him their equal despite his disability (which he is already sceptical of), Ivar is very aware that that does not count for everyone else around him.
Not even for you.
So he tries to impress you with what he does best. Ivar is intelligent and an incredible strategist on all fields. He will use his smarts and his witt to catch you attention (and maybe even aks you for advice, even though he already has the perfect solution).
Y - yin & yang (how does having their partner around change their behavior?)
It changes quite a bit.
Ivar becomes calmer when you’re around. More patient and less heated. Apart from that he puts great value on your opinions, even of you are not familiar with all of his strategies.
The times of war are stressful even on a bright mind such as his. It makes him agitated when you’re parted and he trends to get nervous when he can’t keep an eye on you.
Since what happened to his mother while he was not around, he fears that the same fate might come for you if he is not on guard at all times. That, in turn gets him easily frustrated when you can’t join him where he is going.
Needless to say, his men are glad when you are present.
Ivar becomes more relaxed, witty and even pleasant at times as soon as you are near.
Z- zen (how calm are they during arguments?)
Not very calm, even though he tries to keep his cool.
He tends to let his frustrations out, wether that be through screaming or trashing something.
This viking does not hold back.
And we all know Ivar is already intimidating enough when he is not in a bad mood.
But usually, all of that doesn’t happen around you. Between the both of you arguments rarely arise. You are pretty much on the same page and definetely act as a team.
Though, of course, it can’t be that easy all the time. When an argument between the two of you arises Ivat tries to reason with you. The man is used to things going his way, so it might be quite a struggle to go against him at first. He tends to get louder, as a way to emphasize his reasoning, but will quickly try to shut it down if you tell him that it upsets you.
He’ll try to explain his situation and get a grip on your view at the same time, until you reach an agreement both of you are happy with, which he does not do with anyone but you.
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luckyblackcloverrr · 3 years
The Black Bulls and their bullshit in the modern time: jobs I guess – Part. 3
Finally the last part is done! Thanks for following the short series of my cursed imagination until now. Here's more headcanons that weren't supposed to be headcanons :D. I made them a little longer than the previous parts, and I hope you all enjoy the mess that is Charmy's restaurant!
Magna Swing
works at the counter in Charmy’s restaurant
nobody knows how he got that job when he shows up to work looking like a teen delinquent going through puberty
keeps his sunglasses on even in indoors
had to learn how to use the cashier machine for the first time
accidentally repeated the order with the machine too many times and the total came out to a four-digit number
the customer got a discount in the end
there was one time when the machine malfunctioned and they thought they had to buy a new one
Magna came in and gave the thing a big smack, and it miraculously started to work again
Noelle gave him the title 'God of Fixing Things Through Abuse', shortened to 'FTTA God'
and now everybody at work refers to him with that title
he doesn’t like it because he’d rather be referred to as something cooler, but he lets them call him that anyway
has very short temper, will not hesitate to call out rude customers
someone once made an offhanded comment about Secré who was too busy to care and he went OFF
both Noelle and Secré had to work together to calm him down when he threatened to fight them outside of the restaurant
wanted to help out in the kitchen because he thinks he has a “thing” with fire, and Charmy let him try when working hours were over
proceeded to set the whole kitchen on fire and from then on Charmy forbade him from going into the kitchen ever again
convinced Charmy to buy a TV and put it in the restaurant so that he can watch baseball games when working
but he once switched the channel to a cartoon show and lost the remote
now he’s forever stuck on watching Miraculous Ladybug
Luck Voltia
King of Working Part Time Jobs™
works at every single shop known to date and jumps between each shop from time to time
sometimes he’ll be in the boutique:
running around the whole store to help customers look for their needed items because he didn’t memorise where each section was
and proceeds to mess up the folded clothes and now Henry has to fold them again
sometimes he’ll be in the restaurant:
ordering and serving the customers their food, even though he doesn’t remember which order belongs to which table
and also cleaning the tables when the customers finish eating
but it’s the best thing he can do there because absolutely no one trusts him in working in the kitchen
and sometimes he’ll be in the café:
bringing out coffee and dessert orders during rush hour because the others are too busy taking orders and making them
and when the shop clears up after a while he spends time watching Finral and Grey brew the drinks
the other bulls wonder how he hasn’t been fired from any of his jobs yet
but that’s because he surprisingly does well for the roles he was assigned to (and extremely fast too)
the only time he has messed up was when he ran too fast when serving food and he tripped and it spilled all over the place
and he went “oops! hahaha ;P”
Magna watching from the counter: i’m gonna kill him
stole the TV remote from Magna when he wasn’t looking and brought it to the boutique so he couldn’t switch channels
always competes with Magna on who can earn the most money
and it somehow always ends in a draw because Secré earns the most out of all of them
Secré Swallowtail
waitress at Charmy’s restaurant pt. 1
was dragged into working there, doesn’t even know why she’s doing it in the first place
but she works well, and store would have fallen apart if she wasn’t there
unanimously voted Employee of the Month every month
takes part in everything; including cleaning, serving, making drinks, settling payments, calming down crying children, calming down a hyper Luck
you name it, and she probably does it or has done it before for the sake of the restaurant
unlike Noelle and Magna, she's extremely unbothered
doesn’t matter if there’s someone being rude or causing a ruckus, she shrugs it off like it’s nothing and just moves on
she’s focused on doing her job and her job only
will only take action if she is touched physically or if other customers are visibly bothered
was the person who consoled Magna when he found out the TV remote went missing
but didn’t tell him that he could actually switch the channels without using the remote
death stares everyone to work when they are slacking off
the person who forced everyone into practicing fire drills in case of emergencies
hums the opening of Miraculous Ladybug because she has heard it playing too much from the speakers
and also because Magna screams the words of the song every time the show airs
is secretly thankful for Luck whenever he visits for his part-time shift
because he picked up the mechanisms of the restaurant SUPER FAST, and things run surprisingly much smoother with him around
lets Noelle style her hair whenever they have free time
ends up looking like a chicken because Noelle has no prior experience in hairstyling despite showing interest in it
and also because she used too much hair spray
Noella Silva
waitress at Charmy’s restaurant pt. 2
claims that she is too high class for this job
but next thing you know she’s putting on her customer service voice when ordering and serving food
took awhile to learn how to work in a restaurant
she couldn't hold the food tray and walk at the same time
and she kept serving the dishes to the wrong table
blamed it on the customers for confusing her, and Secré showed up afterwards to apologise for her behaviour
definitely had 'How to become a Waitress 101' lessons with Secré
takes absolutely no shit from anyone
doesn’t matter how much authority they have around the area, she will not hesitate to kick them out if they don’t treat others properly
would probably spill water on a customer and blame it on the customer for being in the way
becomes more diligent whenever Asta brings the children he's babysitting to the restaurant
also keeps tabs on his table just in case anyone starts to hit on him
rich, but doesn't take it for granted
because she doesn't understand the importance of money and how much she actually has
treats everyone to ice cream, especially on hot days
sometimes pays for the restaurant's bills because she insists
Magna always complains about her flexing her wealth
he shuts up when he gets the ice cream though
claims that she has absolutely no interest in cartoons and thinks they are childish
but is the person who sits at an empty table complaining about how dense the characters in Miraculous Ladybug are when it isn't rush hour
accidentally set off the fire alarm once
because she got scared when lighting a match and threw the lit match at Magna
payed for his motorcycle repair as an apology
Charmy Pappitson
owner of the most popular restaurant downtown
customers ask for her autograph and a photo with her sometimes
a very talented chef that everybody appreciates and respects
a cute, smiley person when greeting new customers and always keeps up with regulars
offers the most amazing dishes for a very reasonable price
whenever she has the time, she steps out of the kitchen to chat with the customers about food and check up on the other bulls (just in case)
but when it comes to the kitchen OHOHO
she gets VERY serious about cooking
in dire situations, she’ll stay cooped up in the kitchen and won’t come out until she has made the perfect dish
has several other chefs cooking in there with her, but no one has ever met them before
though the food comes out good so nobody questions it
does not trust any of the black bulls to cook food after Magna set the kitchen on fire
there is a framed photo of her hung up in the restaurant where everyone can see it
whenever she’s serving food, she has to hold back from eating it all
Secre and Noelle are her impulse controllers, if not the food will never make it to the customers’ table
makes desserts as a hobby and gives them to the customers for free sometimes as service
also donates some food to the local church every month, and offers more if she sees Marie
once dropped a freshly baked cupcake and cried about it for 2 hours
forgets to pay the workers sometimes
weekly gatherings with all the Black Bulls happen at Charmy’s restaurant
that time is usually when she tries new recipes and ask for everyone’s opinions
literally a whole party goes down every week at her place
there are noise complaints every time, but she ignores them because Finral is probably already apologizing for them
Parts - 1 | 2 | 3
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Once In A Lifetime
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A/N: Well guys. I guess you can say I fell down a rabbit hole....DEEP down a rabbit hole. And I’m going to blame Walker. LOL I’ve always been a Jensen/Dean girl with Jared/Sam curiosity and after a dream I had a few nights ago, THIS happened.  Now the dream was only the first part of this story, meeting them in a restaurant but them, while writing it took on a life of it’s own and I am not sorry in the least. 
Summary: During your shift as a waitress as a restaurant in Austin, you are surprised to find two of your favorite celebrities in your section. How will that encounter cause you to have a once in a lifetime experience? 
W/C: 11,138 words ( I’m not the least bit sorry)
Y/N: Your Name; Y/E/E: Your employment establishment
Warnings: ogling, fantasies, smut, p in v, fingering, v on v, oral (both giving and receiving), fisting, anal play, cum play, dirty talk, slight breeding kink, squirting, daddy kink, mama kink
"Holy shit," I exclaim before clapping my palm over my mouth as there were three adorable children in the vicinity. "Sorry. My name is Y/N and I'll be your server today," I say as I try to calm down. Jared and Genevieve Padalecki were seated in my zone at Y/E/E. "Can I interest you in some appetizers or some coloring pages and crayons for the kids?"
I can't help but glance around at the five of them. They two boys sporting the longer locks like their dad and the little girl, all dolled up with her light brown hair flowing down over her shoulders. They were three of the six most adorable kids in the world; the other three being the Ackles kids but I had yet to see them in person, only on the computer.  
“We will take some buffalo cauliflower bites and some mozzarella cheese sticks with marinara,” the loveliest voice I’d ever heard spoke. I look toward Genevieve to see her smiling at me, her brown eyes sparkling. 
“And-” I pause to swallow. “-for drinks?”
“Whatever is on tap for Jared, I’ll take a sweet tea with lemon and the kids will have Sprite,” she tells me, the smile on her face unmoving. ‘God she’s gorgeous,’ I think to myself as I write down the orders. ‘Jared is one lucky son of a bitch.’
I grin as I tell them I will be right back with their drinks and head toward the server area. I throw my pad down on the counter and lean against it, my palms flat against the granite. How the fuck am I going to get through serving them? I have had a crush on Genevieve since I watched Wildfire a few years ago. And then when I caught an episode of Supernatural and got a glimpse of Jared, I was in lust, for both of them. 
And now I had to cater to and serve them while being professional and less of a crazy fan. Yea that isn’t going to happen. I know myself too well. I’m going to do or say something that will absolutely humiliate myself in front of the two celebrities I have adored for years. 
Thanks to some tactical breathing exercises while waiting on their food and an internal pep talk, I got through serving the Padalecki family and when they asked for the bill I was a bit saddened that their visit was coming to an end. I knew I’d probably never see them again.
As I printed out their receipt I lamented the fact that the one time I met anyone famous it was at work and I couldn’t ask for an autograph or photo with them. I smiled as I gave them the sales slip and walked away. 
From my post behind the server’s desk I watched as the five of them got up and walked toward the door. Genevieve looked my way and smiled and waved as they left. I returned the gesture and giggled. 
After making sure the coast was clear, I approached their table to collect the payment and take it to the register. What I wasn’t expecting with the cash, was a handwritten note with a phone number on it. 
‘Y/N your service was magnificent. Here’s a little tip for you and a bigger one awaits, if you are interested. (xxx)xxx-xxxx. ~Gen’
Did she really expect me to call her? Was this even her real number? What kind of tip is she referring to anyway? I look at the money in my hand to see that they have paid almost $50 more than their bill! What bigger tip than that could it be?!
I waited until my shift was over and I was in the comfort of my own vehicle before I pulled the piece of paper with the number out of my apron.
Opening the text app with shaky fingers, I typed out the response I had thought of all evening.
Hey. Is this Genevieve Padalecki? It's Y/N from Y/E/E. I was your waitress earlier. 
Almost immediately my phone pings and I see that whomever I texted had responded.
Hey Y/N. Yes, it's me. Glad to see you found my note.
Yea, I did. What I can't figure out is why you left it. Did I do something wrong?
Oh sweetie no! You were the perfect hostess. Sweet, friendly, easy on the eyes ;)
Whoa, was this married woman flirting with me? This famous married woman who had an attractive, sexy, famous as well husband. 
Uh, thanks. 
You caught not only my eye but Jare's as well. We'd like to get to know you better.  Have you already gotten off? From work, I mean. Ha!
Ok, if that isn't flirting then I don't know what is. That was definitely an innuendo, right?
Yes. I'm sitting in my car.
Wanna come over? The kids are in bed. Us adults can talk without interruptions. 
Uh, okay. I'm gonna kinda need your address. I might be a fan but I'm not that kind of fan.
Gen sends me her address, along with the code to get into the gate. I realize they live in the gated community about 45 minutes away. 
I look in the rearview and notice my hair is frizzy and half of it has fallen out of the ponytail it was in. I really didn't want to show up on their doorstep looking like a charity case but then again was I going to pass up the opportunity to get to know two of my favorite celebrities?
If you aren't interested we completely understand.
Gen's message breaks me out of my reverie and I look at it, deciding what the hell.
On my way now. 
We can't wait to see you again Y/N!
I place my phone in the cupholder and start the car up, still in shock that I'm headed to the personal home of Jared and Genevieve Padalecki. 
What universe am I in?!
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I get to their house and Genevieve meets me at the door.
"Hey Y/N," she greets me with a smile. "Did you have any trouble getting in the gate?"
"No, it opened right up as soon as I punched in the code." 
Gen is dressed down for the evening. Well, as dressed down as I'm sure famous rich people can  be. She is wearing velour sweat shorts, probably some name brand designer and her t-shirt has the Family Business Brewery logo and name printed on it. 
And here I look like a slob who can't care for herself. I so do not belong here.
"Come on in," Genevieve continues as she opens the door wide. "Jared is in the kitchen making us ladies some drinks."
"Uh, I don't know. I mean, I still have to drive home later."
"Or you could stay," she says as she takes my hand and stands right in front of me. Genevieve is just a couple inches taller than I am so we are practically face to face. 
That's all I can say. It is glaringly obvious now what this visit is. And if I said I wasn't down for it I'd be lying!
Gen smiles as she takes her free hand and reaches behind me, pulling the tie from my hair. I feel the weight of it fall to my shoulders. 
"That's better," she says then turns and pulls me further into the house.
We get to the kitchen and Jared is standing there, dressed down also in a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt. I can't stop myself as my eyes run down the length of his body.
The t-shirt doesn't do much to hide the breath of his shoulders or the bulk of his pecs,  the arms of the fabric stretched tight over his biceps. As my eyes wander lower, I realize that all the rumors I'd heard about the heft and length of his 'conda were not exaggerated as I can definitely see the outline of it behind the silky material of his shorts.  But what really draws my attention is the definition of his calf muscles; even relaxed they distend from his legs, the skin taut over them.
"Hey. You made it," his voice brings my attention back to his face. "I'm Jared."
"I know," I say sincerely, internally wincing at how nervous I sound. I smile to hide the uneasiness.
"Yea, I kinda figured that out at Y/E/E by your reaction," he chuckles as he hands a glass to his wife.  "Gen wanted a margarita but we have some craft beer in the fridge if that is more your taste. It's really good. Our friends, Jensen and Dee, own a brewery."
"Family Business," I state with a nod. "I've wanted to go check it out but haven't had a chance,  yet."
"Well, maybe we can get you a private tour sometime," he tells me with a wink. "Now, name your poison."
I settle for a Cosmic Cowboy, Jared grabs a Grackle for himself and the three of us make our way to the living room.
Their house is magnificent. There are logs, de-barked, as beams across the ceiling and even the staircase is made of the same type of wood. I'd seen it in a family picture on the internet but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be inside this home to appreciate the beauty of it.
The Padalecki's and I talk for what seems like hours. We all seem to have so much in common. Eventually I had traded the beer for one of Jared's famous margaritas,  thanks to Gen's suggestion and before I knew it I was on my third one and not feeling any pain.
A smile was glued to my face and I couldn't stop giggling. I was drinking with Jared and Genevieve Padalecki! Who would have ever thought that.
Jared takes the almost empty glass from my hand and laughs at the pout I give him.
"Ok lush," he says with his own deep giggle. "If you get too drunk we can't talk about what we invited you here for."
In my inebriated state, I say words I never in a million years thought I would ever utter. "You want to fuck me."
Jared looks surprised and glances at Genevieve, which causes me to look at her as I realize what I just said.
Can you go from intoxicated to sober in less than 5 seconds? Because I just did!
"Oh my god!" I exclaim. "I'm so sorry. I have no filter when I've been drinking."
I start to fidget and prepare to be thrown out of their house. I am taken aback when Gen smiles and says, "Yes we do."
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There is a trail of clothing from the top of the staircase down the hall to where we are now. My body is being held up against the wall as Jared devours my mouth, Gen's lips on my neck and shoulder.
"You are so fucking sexy," she whispers and I whimper into her husband's mouth. "You caught my eye as soon as we walked into Y/E/E this evening. I knew I wanted you and Jared agreed."
"Let's take this into the bedroom," Jared murmurs against my lips and hoists me up by the back of my thighs, urging me to wrap my legs around his waist.
He carries me into the room with Genevieve following closely behind. He lays me back on the bed and hovers over me, his body pressed tightly to mine. I can feel his erection digging into my lower stomach.
"Jared," Gen calls in a sultry, seductive voice. "Share."
Jared pushes up off of me and Gen steps between my open knees. "Let's get these panties off of you," she says and I notice that she has already removed hers plus her bra and is standing at the edge of the bed in all her naked glory.
To say Genevieve Padalecki was beautiful would be an understatement but her nude? Well it just amped up the sexiness by a bajillion. She has no hair on her pussy, shaved (or waxed) clean. Her tits are perfect handfuls with pretty little rosy pink nipples that are erect and hardened. 
She has pulled her soft brown hair up into a makeshift bun and I watch as she reaches forward, her dainty fingers curling into the hem of my plain panties. Thank god I took the time before work to landscape!
She gasps as my equally shaven cunt is exposed as she pulls the garment down my legs and off my feet. 
"Such a pretty little pussy huh Jared?"
Jared comes back into my line of vision and he smiles at me before his eyes trail down to look at my bare body.
"So pretty," he says breathlessly as his hands come up and around his wife, his big hands covering her tits. "Bet it tastes so good. You gonna let Gen eat you out Y/N? Let her taste that sweet box."
I nod and he tsks. "Words Y/N. Use your words little kitten."
I swallow audibly and speak. "Yes. I want Gen to eat my pussy."
Gen smiles as she turns her head and kisses Jared passionately. After a few seconds though he pulls away, and pushes her closer to me. "Get to licking, baby while I open you up."
Gen bends down and I feel her hands on the inside of my thighs close to my center. The first touch of her tongue against my folds has me moaning like a porn star. She doesn't even breach my slit, just licks up the middle and then sucks on my outer lips.  
She moans and I look to see Jared has disappeared, on his knees behind her eating her out as she does the same to me. I can already feel the coil deep inside constricting. This is the most erotic sexual experience I have ever or will ever have!
When Gen does finally lick me open,  she immediately wraps her lips around my clit suckling and flicking the tip with her soft tongue. I feel a finger stroking around my entrance before it enters me. 
"Mmmmm," Gen moans and I open my eyes that I didn't even realize were closed. Jared is back in my line of sight, looking down as he notches his cock at her entrance.
He then places his hands on her hips and drives himself forward, burying inside his wife. Gen moans against my skin and I feel that coil tightening. I don't want to cum just yet so I brace against it, holding my release back.
With Jared's deep hard thrusts Gen's body bounces forward pushing her face closer into my pussy. She trades her finger inside me with her tongue and her thumb is rubbing circles around my clit as she licks my fluttering walls. 
My orgasm is bearing down and I'm beginning to fear I won't be able to hold it back.  
Jared is grunting and groaning behind her,  his eyes fixate on his wife's task of fingering me and licking my clit and labia. 
There is so much pressure between my legs I have to bite my lip to contain the scream that is begging to be released.
"Holy fuck!" Gen exclaims, pulling my attention to her. "Look babe. I have my whole hand inside her."
Jared's eyes travel to the spot and they widen as they take in the view. "Fuck! That is so goddamned hot."
Gen begins a soft thrust with her arm, twisting her wrist and letting her fingers hit my sweet spot. I see stars as I yell out. "I'm gonna cum!"
"Go on Y/N. Cum all over Gen. She wants it."
I let go and the pressure lessens as I feel my walls constrict and liquid squirts out around Gen's hand.
"God that was hot!" They both exclaim simultaneously and laugh.  Gen bends down and begins licking and suckling at my cunt as Jared continues his hard pace.
He slaps her ass twice and then stills,  groaning as I'm sure he is shooting his load inside her. Gen places her forehead on my inner thigh, catching her breath as Jared pulls out and looks down with a smile. 
"Baby you are leaking so much cum it's dripping on the floor."
When Gen moves out of the way, I get my first look at Jared's massive dick. And when I say massive,  I mean massive.  Not only is it ginormous in length but the girth is unbelievable.  How does he keep something that size hidden so well?
His hand is around the still-hard member and he looks at me as he fists up and down. "You ready?"
"Yes," I tell him confidently although inside I am not.
Gen has left the room, gone into their ensuite to clean up I'm sure. "Should we wait?" I ask hesitantly. 
"Nah, she knows I plan to fuck your brains out. She'll rejoin shortly."
“Okay,” I say with a nod and watch as Jared climbs onto the bed, walking on his knees to place himself between my legs. He is still fisting his cock, the mixture of his and his wife’s release lubricating the movement. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asks tentatively and I look up at him. He has one palm on the mattress beside my head and is hovering over me, but not touching.
I nod and then with a quirk of his eyebrow I remember his request, to use words. “Yes. Please kiss me Jared.”
Jared leans down and brushes his lips against mine softly but firmly. When his tongue touches the seam of my mouth, I open for him allowing him to lick into me. The kiss quickly becomes deeper, more passionate. My hands automatically reach up and my fingers entwine in the long locks on his head, pulling him closer.
Losing his balance, Jared falls on top of me, his hand that was holding him up, cupping the side of my face as we both get lost in the kiss. I can feel his moist, damp dick on my stomach and it causes me to writhe. God, I so desperately want that monster inside me!
The bed dips with Gen’s return and her hands run over the part of my skin that is visible under Jared’s large form. 
“You two look so fucking hot together,” she whispers as she kisses along my neck. “Y/N, you going to let Jared fuck you? Feel that big dick of his filling up that perfect little pussy?”
I can’t answer her because Jared is still kissing me senseless so I whimper and dig my fingers into his scalp. Her words are music to my ears, the assurance and suggestion  of what all he is planning to do to me all the encouragement I need. She is okay with me fucking Jared; she is actually urging it. I pull away, opening my eyes to see his hazel ones, lidded and filled with lust. 
“Fuck me Jared,” I say and he smiles as he lifts himself and grabs his dick, notching it at my entrance. 
“Ready baby?”
I nod and smile before saying, “More than ready.”
The stretch of my walls around his dick is a pleasured pain. It feels so good as he keeps sliding deeper in until it feels as if his tip is going to puncture through my cervix. I look down between us to see that he is to the root inside me and it makes me wetter, if that’s even possible. 
Gen pinches my chin between her thumb and fingers and turns my head to look at her. “Y/N, Jared is going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. Are you ready?”
“Yes,” I answer breathlessly. 
Gen claims my lips with her own as Jared slowly and torturously pulls out until just the head of his dick is inside me. I feel his hands grip my hips and then he plunges into me in one swift movement. I can’t help but cry into her mouth as he sits the same fast hard pace as he had with her, his dick stretching my pussy and digging in deep.
I pull away from Gen’s mouth to yell. “HOLY SHIT! OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!”
“Yea, you like that don’t ya?” Jared pants as he keeps thrusting into my willing body. “You like being impaled on my big dick huh?”
“Yes! Yes! YES!”
Gen reaches between us and uses her fingertip to rub circles on my clit, making that coil deep inside me tighten. I am going to be cumming any minute now, I know it. I can’t hold it back even if I tried.
“You going to let Jared fill you up. Pump you full of his cum until you’re leaking like I was? Yea, you are, aren’t you? You want to feel him throbbing and shooting his load into your womb.”
Her words make my eyes roll into the back of my head and I scream as I feel my climax bearing down. Without any more prompting from either of them, I once again feel that pressure from earlier and before I know it I am squirting out around Jared’s dick, my release splashing against his thighs.
“Fuck!” he exclaims as he ramps up his efforts and suddenly I feel the warmth of his cum and the throb of his length as he empties inside me, his grunts and groans barely heard over the blood pumping through my ears. 
Jared claims my mouth again, his cock still buried deep in my pussy as it softens. 
I just fucked this man while his wife watched, after having her way with me. Whose life is this?!
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My eyes slowly open as I come to consciousness. I am hot, sweaty and uncomfortable and the need to pee is overwhelming. I go to roll over but am met with resistance, from both behind and in front of me.  What the hell?
I fully open my eyes and take in the view. That is not my ceiling and this is not my bed. My mattress has never been this soft, even when it was new.  I look down and see the ivory sheets and the maroon comforter and it all comes back to me. 
I fucked Jared AND Genevieve Padalecki! I am in their bed, in their house snuggled up between them.  I had sex with a married couple; not once, not twice but three times they fucked the daylights out of me. And I enjoyed every second of it.
I squirm as I feel something moving inside me, slowly making its way out of my body and sigh when I feel a clump of Jared’s cum slide out and down my ass, landing on the sheet under me. God, he cummed so hard and so much last night, filling both me and Gen up. 
And as good as it felt, it tasted even better. Especially out of Gen’s pussy. I had licked it right up as it poured out of her hole and onto my lips and tongue and she reciprocated before we teamed up and took turns swallowing him down, his palms cupping the back of our heads as we knelt in front of him, licking and sucking his cock.
My bladder takes me out of my reminiscence as the urge to piss becomes palpable and I wiggle and shift until I am out from under Jared’s arm and go to crawl over Gen’s sleeping form, unintentionally waking her.
“Hey sweetie. Where are you going?” she asks sleepily and the torpor in her voice is sexy and sensuous. 
“I gotta pee,” I tell her and she smiles before lifting her head to kiss me. 
“Ok baby. Hurry back.”
I walk into the ensuite and quickly sit on the toilet to do my business, still reeling from the events of last night. How the hell did I end up here? And how am I going to recover from having my dreams come true? How am I supposed to go back to my normal, boring existence after such an experience?
As I finish up and wash my hands, I decide that I’m going to leave while the leaving is good. What if they regret it? What if it wasn’t what they expected? What if I was just a first choice when they decided to have a threesome? Too many what if’s and not enough answers for my taste.
I tiptoe back into their room and grab my panties from the floor, pulling them on when I realize the rest of my clothing is thrown throughout the hallway. Shit! If the kids were up and strolling around the house they would see the waitress from the restaurant in their house half naked. 
“Y/N?” Gen’s voice causes me to turn my head to see her up on one elbow looking at me confused. “You’re not leaving, are you?”
“Y-yea. I think that would be best, don’t you?”
“Hell no. Get your perky little ass back in the bed,” she said authoritatively. “And take off those panties. I want to be able to touch you and caress you.”
I do as she says and she scoots closer to her husband as she pats the mattress in front of her. I climb in beside her and she promptly pulls me to her, her hand cupping my sex as she kisses along my ear. She whispers, “I’m never going to get tired of this pretty little pussy,” as she begins drawing circles on my clit and running her fingers down my folds. "Could eat it everyday and never get enough.”
I whimper at her words and she smiles against my skin. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? Me eating you out everyday, fucking you with my tongue, my fingers, my fist. Shit, I’m getting wet just thinking about it.” 
Her fingers tease my opening before two of them slide inside, curling up to hit that sweet spot. My back arches off the bed as I moan. “Yea, you like that don’t you. You like me fingering you.” She scissors her digits open and closed as we both groan at the slick that has accumulated. 
“Cum baby,” she urges. “Come on Mama’s hand.”
My climax comes out of nowhere as Gen sits up, propping her body with her free hand as he other works me furiously through my release. I watch her with bated breath as she removes her hand and licks her fingers clean. “Mmm, tasty.”
When she is done, she leans down and kisses me, her tongue prodding into my open lips, letting me taste the sweetness of my tang on it. I run my fingers through her hair, fisting them. 
“Jesus, what a sight to wake up to,” we hear Jared’s groggy voice and pull apart, looking at him. His hazel eyes are sparkling and there is a smug grin on his lips. “I could get used to this.”  Gen turns and kisses him just as passionately as we had just kissed and I hear Jared groan, knowing he is tasting the remnants of my release. 
Ok, so maybe this wasn’t something they regretted. This was what they both wanted and still want and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it too. Maybe I had been the first opportunity they’d come across when they decided to have a threesome but I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I would gladly take whatever they wanted to give. 
And from the sounds and sights coming from the bed beside me, I was about to have another out of this world sexual escapade with two of the hottest people on the planet. 
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I’m sitting in the kitchen at the bar in my panties and a t-shirt Gen gave me drinking a cup of coffee and watching Jared move about the kitchen, cooking eggs and making toast.
A pair of slender arms wrap around me from behind, startling me. “Morning baby,” Gen purrs as she kisses my shoulder.
I tense up afraid of getting caught if one of their kids walk in. “Uh, where’re the kids?”
“It’s Wednesday. They always have a playdate with the Ackles kids on Wednesday,” Gen says as she comes around and sits beside me. “We’re good. Francine took them over and will bring them back this afternoon.”
“Oh. Okay,” I say hesitantly. I’m relieved that I don’t have to worry about being found out but I’m also nervous because the three of us are alone in the house. What exactly did they have planned? 
“It’s okay sweetheart,” Jared says as he sits two plates of eggs, toast and jam in front of his wife and myself. “We all need to talk anyway. And the kids do not need to hear what we have to discuss.”
Well, there goes my good feeling down the drain. Now is when they are going to drop the bomb; tell me that it was all fun and games but they’ve satisfied their curiosity and I’m on my own. God, how can I be so dumb. What made me think that two celebrities would want me to stick around?
I push the food around on my plate as I try to come up with a way to take the blow and leave with my head held high.
“Jared Tristan,” Gen admonishes. “Look what you’ve done. You went and made her feel bad. Honey,” she says as she places a hand on mine. “It’s not bad; what we want to talk about. I promise.” She leans over and places a chaste kiss to my lips. “Now eat up so we can get to it. I think you might need your energy if I’m reading this situation correctly.”
I try my best to eat as much of the food as I can with my stomach still in knots and my anxiety level through the roof. Gen clears her plate and then looks at me, silently asking if I’m finished. I nod and clear my throat. “Yes, thank you.”  
Jared grabs my hand and pulls me off the stool, dragging me toward the living room once again. Last night, this is the same exact place that they propositioned me and invited me into their bed. Now, here we are again, apparently discussing something new.
I wait with bated breath as Gen makes her way into the room, carrying her and my coffee cups, sitting mine on the table in front of me.
“First off,” she begins as she turns to look at me, one leg under her bottom. “Did you enjoy it?”
“Wh-what?” I ask in shock. Was she actually asking if I enjoyed having sex with them?
“Did you have a good time? With us?”
“Duh,” I answer cringing at my snarkiness. “Yes, I enjoyed it and I had an amazing time. And I understand if this was a one-off; something you wanted out of your systems. I get it. And I promise not to speak a word of it to anyone.”
Jared chuckles and Gen throws her head back, laughing. “Oh honey. I don’t care about that. Hell, scream it from the rooftops for all I care. We want to know if you’d like to continue.”
To say I am floored is an understatement. They are actually asking if I want to keep having sex with them? Have I died and gone to Heaven?
“Really?” I gasp. I never in a million years would have ever thought this was what we needed to discuss.
“Yes, really,” Jared tells me from the armchair. “We understand if it is too much. We, uh-” he pauses to rub the back of his neck and chuckle. “-got a little enthusiastic last night. It’s usually not that acrobatic. But yea, we want to know if you want to keep this going.”
I nod as my brows furrow and I look down at my hands, my fingers fidgeting with the hem of Gen’s shirt. How can I answer without sounding too enthusiastic or overly eager?
“Sweetie?” Gen asks, leaning down to look into my eyes. “Are you okay? Is it too much?” 
The worry in her voice is what gets me. Is she actually afraid I am going to turn them down? But I have to know something first.
“Can I ask a question?”
“Why me? I mean, was I just the first girl you came across once you decided to have a threesome?”
Gen and Jared both chuckle. “No baby,” Gen assures me. “This isn’t our first time doing this. We’ve had threesomes before. We, uh- should we tell her Jare?”
“She’ll find out eventually,” he answers his wife. “Go on.”
“We had a relationship with Jared’s co-star Jensen for a few months. It went really well but then we decided to end it, amicably before we all got married. He was dating Danneel but she was living in LA while he was up in Vancouver with us. And well, we fucked. Not Jare and Jen, they just uh, shared me. Although they did get close to kissing once in a competition to see who could get me off first by eating me out simultaneously.” She ends with a laugh and I look over to see Jared blushing.
“Now, that...that cannot and should not be repeated,” he says, clearing his throat. “We just got too close and our tongues touched that’s all.” He explained my unanswered inquiry.
“So, this isn’t your first time having a threesome with another guy?” I ask. “But is it a first with another girl?”
“Yes,” they both answer resolutely. “You are our first female conquest.” Gen finishes before she laces her fingers with mine. “When I saw you yesterday at Y/E/E, I liked you immediately. Even though I could tell you knew who we were you kept it professional and when I asked Jared what he thought about you, I could tell by the way he looked at you he wanted you. We both did. That’s why I left my number. Figured it’d be safer to leave mine than his in case someone else found the note.”
“It’s in my car,” I smiled at her. “I wasn’t about to throw it away.”
“See, you knew. You might have not realized you knew, but you knew me leaving you my number was a big risk.”
“So?” Jared asks as both Gen and I turn to look at him. “Is this something you can see continuing?”
“Absolutely!” I answer confidently and certain. “I will be the third wheel for you guys.”
“Oh honey, in this relationship, we are all equals,” Gen says as she smoothes her hand over my hair. “Now, let’s talk about the rules.”
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The 'rules' as I soon discover aren't really rules at all. Mostly we discuss what kind of things are turn-ons and what are turn-offs. 
I find out that Gen loves oral, receiving and giving,  whether it be male or female. She requests to be called Mama in the bedroom and is unopposed to anal play.
Jared's turn-ons include oral as well, he loves to maintain dominance over his lovers and inquired as to whether I am opposed to that aspect. I tell him an unwaveringly no. I will submit and comply with his control. 
When asked what I prefer, I shrug my shoulders. I'd never given it much thought. Sure, I'd had partners before; I wasn't a virgin by any means but to actually sit and think and come up with stuff I liked and didn't like was new to me. 
"Okay," Gen says, aware of my discomfort. "Well, we know you like oral, both giving and receiving it. And you like fucking, we are very well aware of that." She continues with a smile. "Are there any positions you're more fond of than others?"
"Uh, I like doggy style," I say, feeling my cheeks heat up. Good god, I've had sex with these people and I'm getting embarrassed!
"Hey now. None of that," Gen coos. "This is a judgment free zone."
I nod, feeling more confident. "I like it when, uh...when you pulled my hair while I was eating you out. And," I turn to look at Jared. "I liked when you spanked her while fucking into her. That was hot, but not like you know,  hard or a lot of smacks but...yea."
He smiles at me and nods. "Good to know kitten."
"Anything else?" Gen presses.
"Uh, nothing I can think of right now. No, but permission to revisit this if I do think of something?"
"Of course sweetie."
"One last thing," Jared announces and I turn to look at him. "Move in with us?"
When the kids come in later with their nanny, they stop in their tracks when they see me sitting on the couch with their parents, platonically of course.
The two older ones, Tom and Shep,  recognize me and ask their mom why the lady from the restaurant is here while the little girl, Odette, climbs onto Jared's lap and burrows into his chest, peeking out and glancing at me.
"This is our friend. Her name is Y/N and she's going to be staying with us," Gen eases the information to the boys. 
The middle child, Shep, is the first one to speak. "Does she like dinosaurs?"
Gen looks at me with joy and laughter in her eyes. I smile and tell Shep, "Dinosaurs are magnificent! My favorite is the pterodactyl.  What's yours?"
The discussion between the boys and I quickly turns to which dinosaur would win if they were all in a battle to which dinosaur could survive if they were to come back alive and be in the world as it is today.
Odette finally warms up and makes her way to my side,  telling me that Mommy dinosaurs have to wear makeup while Daddy dinosaurs go to work.
I had been terrified of how the kids would accept the fact that I was going to be living with them but I had nothing to worry about. 
Kids are resilient though. They can adapt and adjust to just about anything. The three Padalecki kids have no problem knowing there is a new person living in their home but I also know the real talk is going to come after dinner and after Francine leaves for the evening.
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Gen and I work together that night, getting the dinner dishes cleaned off and stacked in the dishwasher. Every so often, Gen would glance around and then pull me into a kiss, keeping it mostly innocent and chaste. The only thing not innocent is when her hands would roam and grab a boob or my ass or one time she ran her hand down my crotch, pressing on my clit. 
Once the kitchen is cleared, the two of us join Jared and the kids in their playroom where we decide to tell them what is actually going on.
Tom and Shep were sitting on the floor playing with toy cars, making engine noises while Odette sat on her dad's lap, coloring. 
"Guys," Gen speaks, getting the boys' attention. "Can you come over here for a moment. Family meeting."
Tom and Shep get up and walk to the table and stand, looking between the three adults in the room.
"Okay, you know how we have taught you all that honesty is always best? And that lying will only get you into more trouble?"
"Yes ma'am," they say in unison.
"Okay. Well your dad and I are going to be honest with you. Y/N is not only our friend, she is our girlfriend. We like her like we like each other; like Unkie Jensen likes Auntie D. And she likes us.
"You will see us-both of us- hug Y/N and kiss her just like we do each other. If you have a bad dream at night and come to our room she is going to be in bed with us. But we will always, always make room for you.  You three are our littlest loves and there isn't anything in this world we wouldn't do for you.
"Also, Y/N is the boss as much as your dad and I are so whatever she says goes. If she tells you it's time for bed you don't try to haggle your way out of it. If she tells you you've had enough candy, you listen. She is the adult, you are not. You understand?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Okay. Do you have any questions?"
They shake their heads no and Gen smiles as she reaches out to ruffle Shep's hair and then Tom's.
"You can go play for another hour and then it's time for baths and bed."
The boys go back to their spots and continue their game.
"Well that went better than I was expecting," I say with a laugh.
"Our boys are smart," Jared says with an air of pride. 
Odette looks up at him with a scoff, which causes both Gen and I to laugh.
"You're smart too lil O," he tells her before placing a kiss on her temple. 
When it's time for baths, Tom asks that I help him so I follow him to his room where he picks out a set of pajamas and underwear. We walk down the hall to the bath and he undresses as I begin filling the tub.
"Y/N?" Tom says as he washes his hair. 
"Do you love us?"
"What do you mean?" I ask, trying to keep my voice even. This was not a question I was expecting from a 7 year old.
"Mommy said that you like them like they like each other. And I know mommy and daddy love each other and they love us just like Unkie Jen loves Auntie D and JJ and Arry and Zeppy. So do you love us too?"
I'm not sure how to answer his inquiry. Do I love him and his siblings? Sure, what's not to love about three of the best behaved kids I have ever encountered. 
They took their Mom's news in stride, like it was no big deal that both their parents had a girlfriend, like it was normal.
"Yes, Tom. I love you and Shep and lil O. How could I not? You three are awesome," I laugh trying to break the tension. "Plus we can talk about dinosaurs without people giving us weird looks."
"Do you love Mommy and Daddy too?"
Well, there it is. The one question I was hoping to avoid because I didn't have an answer.  I don't know the answer.
Do I love Jared and Genevieve? I know I've lusted after them both for years and the three of us have had the most remarkable, memorable sex of my existence, but love? Wasn't it too soon?
"I think it is time to finish your bath before you turn wrinkly like a raisin," I tell him instead. 
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It is only a few weeks later that those three words are shared between us. 
As we are readying for bed, Gen and I doing a skincare routine in front of the bathroom mirror Jared waltz in and lifts the toilet seat, not caring to relieve himself while we are in the room.
After he finishes and he rights himself, he wiggles between us to wash his hands. We both laugh at his antics and while drying his hands he kisses Gen,  telling her he loves her  and then turns to kiss me.
"I love you too," he whispers against my lips and my eyes widen at his proclamation.
The whole world stills, the Earth quits spinning and the air stops flowing as he presses his lips to mine again.
"Y/N?" Gen calls to me and everything begins moving again. "Are you okay sweetie?"
"Uh." That's the only thing I can utter. Jared just told me he loves me.  He just dropped those three precious words like it was nothing. 
"Do you not love me? Us?" Jared asks as he pulls away and looks down at me. 
My eyes well up with tears and I can't stop my body shaking if I wanted to. 
"Yes," I answer with a laugh. "I love you so much!"
Jared wraps me up in a kiss again, deepening it as he bends me backwards.  We pull away with smiles.  
"I love you. I love you. I love you," I say repeatedly.
"I love you Y/N," Gen proclaims as she pulls me into a hug before kissing me senseless.
That night we don't fuck. The three of us make love to one another, proclaiming our love and devotion to one another over and over until we each find our climaxes together, as one. 
On Friday we decide it is time to visit the Family Business Brewery to stock up on some more beer since the supply at home is getting low.
I'm nervous as hell as today I get to meet Jared and Gen's best friends and former lover. Jensen and Daneel and the kids have been away, up in the north visiting family and now they are back and the plan is to hang out at FBB to let the kids play on their playground. 
The Ackles know that Jared and Gen have someone they want them to meet but as I find out on the way there,  they have no idea just what I am to the Padalecki's. They just think it's a new friend.
As we pull up, the parking lot is half-full with vehicles and people milling about ready to go inside and sample some the craft beer that is brewed onsite.
I look toward the building and immediately can make out Jensen's silhouette. Probably because of the crowd that has amassed around him. Being one of the main characters on the country's hit sci-fi show and part owner of this place drew a bigger crowd to the brewery than the alcohol did apparently. 
I notice that over half of the guests have some type of Supernatural paraphernalia,  be it a t-shirt, a purse, or just a photo or something they hoped to get autographed.
The crowd finally disperses and Jensen finally makes his way to us, a smile on his face and a beer glass in his hand. 
"Hey guys. Glad you could make it. Dee is inside helping Gino run the bar since we are down a person," he explains and then his eyes narrow in on me. "Hello. I'm Jensen."
"Y/N," I say with a nod.
"Jay, this is our girlfriend." Gen tells him and I watch for his reaction. He is one hell of an actor because other than a quick widening of his green eyes, he fixes his face into one of nonchalance. 
"So, you're still…..doing that?" he asks lowly before taking a drink of his beer.
"We hadn't for a while," Jared speaks up. "Since you but yea, we now share a girlfriend."
"Nice," Jensen smiles but I can tell it's not a happy-for-you one; it's more forced, more strained.
Daneel finally comes out to join us and Gen introduces me much the same way she announced me to Jensen. 
"Oh wow!" Daneel exclaims.  "I, uh, didn't know you two were into that sort of thing."
So apparently she had no idea that a few years ago, Jensen had been in my position.  Good to know as now I can be  more aware of what to say and what to keep to myself.
The day is nice in the grove where the brewery is located. The heat from the sun is abated by the gentle breeze that flows through the trees. 
Jared and Jensen, and sometimes Gen get pulled away a few times by excited fans asking for pictures of just to chat, leaving Daneel and I watching the kids.
I can tell she is dying to ask questions so once there is no one close by, I turn to her and tell her. "You can ask."
"Oh thank god! It's been killing me. How does it work? Do you all sleep together? Have sex together?"
I smile at her questions. And with living with the Padalecki's I have come to also believe the truth is better than lying philosophy.
"We love one another and we work together raising the three most amazing kids I've ever met. Well, until now; the Ackles kids are pretty fantastic." I pause to smile at her. "Yes, we share a bed each night. Sometimes I'm in the middle, sometimes Gen. It just depends on who needs the assurance and safety net the most. 
"And yes we have sex together. As with the sleeping arrangement, we take turns on who is between the other two. Sometimes Jared fucks Gen while she eats me out and sometimes I eat her out while being whaled on by the big moose."
Daneel throws her hands up and shakes her head. "Okay. Okay. I'm sorry I asked. That was a visual I did not need. And now it's stuck in my head."
She storms off and I can't help but laugh at her reaction. I mean, she asked after all. I just hope I didn't ruin her friendship with my lovers. 
Later that night, when I tell Jared and Gen about it they laugh and assure me that it's nothing Daneel won't get over; that she just probably will never ask me anything ever again. 
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Over the next few months, I learn just how close the Padalecki's and the Ackles' are as we tend to spend every holiday together and attend each other's kid's birthday parties.
Daneel continues to be cordial to me but doesn't inquire any further into my relationship with Gen and Jared. 
That may also be because after paparazzi got a photo of Gen and I at the store holding hands and ran with the story that Gen and Jared were obviously on the splits, the three of us sat down to an interview with People magazine and told the world that the Padalecki's marriage and relationship was still going strong and made it known that they were also in a relationship with me.
After that, the buzz of it all settled down and everything went back to semi-normal. There would be some gossip on the internet about us or we'd received unmarked mail containing threats of damnation but, with the help of my girlfriend and boyfriend, I learned to let it all slide.
People would always have their opinions. I just had to get used to them being different than my own. The world wasn't going to stop turning just because I was in a relationship with a married couple. 
A year to the day that Jared and Gen had entered my life when they visited Y/E/E found us all in the kitchen; Jared and Gen sitting at the counter while I cooked us an anniversary dinner.
"Can you believe it's been a year?" Gen says as I pull the roasted chicken from the oven. "One year since we decided to go out to eat and run into the most beautiful human we've ever seen."
"A year since you left your number on a piece of paper before we left and waited patiently for her to call," Jared continues. "One whole year of the most magnificent mind-blowing sex of my life!"
"A year since I thought you leaving your number was a prank or a mistake but texted it anyway. A year of….hell, the best year of my existence, " I tell them as I plate up the chicken, pasta and asparagus before turning and placing their plates in front of them.
"I love you both so much."
"We love you equally," Gen says before we set about eating the dinner I cooked. 
The kids were staying over at the Ackles' so we had the house to ourselves.
Jared cleared the kitchen after dinner and dessert while Gen and I went up to the bedroom to get ready in our matching lingerie that we purchased special for the occasion. 
"Jared is going to flip when he sees us," Gen says as she comes up behind me in the mirror. "Fuck, are we lucky. Sweetie you are absolutely gorgeous.  I can't wait to pull this off of you," she says kisses my shoulder, grazing her teeth across my skin. "With my teeth."
I shudder at the thought and reach back tangling my hand in her hair, kissing her passionately. 
"Same goes for you darling," I tell her as we hear Jared coming up the stairs.
Gen and I rush to get on the bed, laying back in nothing but lace and silk waiting for Jared to enter the bedroom.
"Fuck. Me!" he exclaims as he walks in and sees us. "God damn, baby girls, you're going to give this ole man a heart attack," he says, removing his shirt and unbuttoning his jeans. 
As we both promised, we put a show on for Jared; disrobing one another with nothing but our teeth and lips. 
Gen finally squirts after I bury my face in her sweet cunt, licking all around with my fingers knuckle deep inside her. Her breathing is labored as I pull away, leaving my fingers wiggling inside and turn my head to kiss Jared.
He groans as the tang of her juices mixed with my taste floods his mouth and I begin fingering Gen again, feeling her walls fluttering and quivering around them. 
"You like that Mama?" I ask as I pull away from my boyfriend. "You want more? I can recreate our first night."
"Fuck yes!" Gen screams. "Fist me baby."
I curl my fingers down and work my closed fist into her sopping wet pussy easily, twisting my wrist as she writhes above me. I lean down and suck her clit between my lips, flicking the nub with my tongue. 
"Shit! I'm going to cum again," she pants and I take my fingers and press against her sweet spot. Her thighs clamp around my head as she climaxes. 
Jared walks around behind me and I feel the swath of his tongue lick from my clit to my entrance and up to my ass. It isn't the first time he's ate me like that and it is erotic and obscene and I love it.
When Jared's tip notches at my opening, I wiggle my hips and he slaps his palm down on my asscheek. I moan as I lay my forehead against Gen's leg. Jared spanks me once more before he slams into me, burying his whole length in one thrust. 
"Oh fuck! Yes!" I yell out as he begins a pounding pace. His hands gripping my hips tight enough to leave bruises.
Gen finally recuperates enough to join in, kissing me senseless and whispering not-so-sweet nothings in my ear.
"Jared is fucking you real good ain't he? You're taking all that cock. You gonna let him put a baby in you? Yea you are, aren't ya? Get all big and round with a Padalecki growing in you. You want that? You want Jared to cum deep inside and impregnate you?"
"Uh huh," is all I can muster as Jared keeps pounding into me from behind, his balls bouncing up to slap my clit.
"Jared, put a baby in our baby girl. Fill her little pussy up."
"Yes Daddy. Please," I say, finally getting my voice.  "Please daddy put your baby in me."
"Oh god. Yea, I can do that. I can definitely do that."
"Mama?" I call out to Gen who lays down to meet my eyes.  "Are you sure? This is what you want?"
"Yes baby. I want to watch you grow our baby inside you. I love you sweet girl. And I know you'll be the best mom, you already are to Tom, Shep and O."
She smiles before capturing my lips with hers, wrapping her hand in my hair and tugging, making me whimper and whine.
Jared stills behind me as I feel his dick throbbing and spurting, filling me with his cum and hopefully getting me pregnant. It seems to go on and on before he finally slumps and pulls out of me, only to prod his softened dick back inside and thrusts, making sure the release goes where it needs.
If we made a baby together tonight or not,  I know these two beautiful people, my lovers, will be here with me through the celebration or if need be, the act of trying until we succeed. 
Six weeks later, I find myself peeing on a stick. I haven't told anyone but my period is about 8 days late and I've always been regular. 
I wait for the timer to go off on my phone, staring at the test laying facedown on the sink. Am I pregnant? Am I just late? But then if that's the case, why am I late? 
The device dings and I hesitantly reach for the test, turning it over to find out the result.
As I walk down the stairs, I hear my family in the front room laughing and just being goofy, none of them aware of what I hold in my hand. The small thin piece of plastic that is going to change everything. 
I stand at the doorway and just watch the five of them. I love them all so much and am grateful that they are now a part of my life. The kids accepted me and made me feel welcomed and loved from the very beginning and now they sometimes call me Mommy Y/N. It warms my soul when they utter those words. 
Jared and Genevieve. I never thought I could find a love like I have with them. It is an all-consuming love. They are so kind, caring and generous. The three of us are in love and we are about to bring another life into the mix. 
“Hey guys,” I call out getting their attention. Shep runs and wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my stomach, like he knows his new little brother or sister is growing inside me. But that can’t be, I haven’t said a word to anyone much less the kids.
I ruffle his hair and he looks up at me with a smile. “Why don’t you go sit on the sofa with your parents?” I request. “I have something to tell you all.”
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“We’re having a baby,” I announce, not wanting to drag this out. I am happy, ecstatic even and I am hoping, ok I’m pretty sure this news will be accepted with joy. 
“What?” Gen exclaims, a smile blossoming on her face. “Really?”
“Yea,” I answer as I hold up the pregnancy test with the two bold blue lines. “I’m pregnant.”
Gen gently lifts O off her lap and jumps up, rushing to hug me and pulling me into a kiss. We’ve never hidden our relationship from the kids so to see their Mom and I kissing is no big deal to them.
When she pulls away, Gen looks at me with tears in her eyes. "We're having a baby?"
"Yea we are," I tell her, my own tears making themselves known. 
Suddenly Jared is pulling us both into his chest, his long strong arms holding us close.
"Where's the baby?" O asks as she looks around and in the floor. "I wann' see it."
We laugh as we break apart, going to join them on the sofa. 
I pull O onto my lap while Gen holds Shep and Tom is propped on his Dad's knee.
"The baby isn't born yet," I explain to my daughter. "He or she has to get big enough before it can come live with us. Right now, it's just a tiny little bean."
"I wann' see it," she repeats and I chuckle as I maneuver her around to straddle my thighs. I lift my shirt, exposing my stomach and take her hand to place under my belly button. "The baby is in here,  nice and warm and growing.”
Lil O’s eyebrows fuse together as she stares at the place her hand is and then she says, “Can I play with her when she gets here?”
I laugh and hear Gen and Jared chuckle.
“Of course you can sweetie,” I tell her. “But maybe not when she first gets here, she’ll be itty bitty.”
“She?” Jared says and I look at him. He practically has stars in his eyes with glee. 
“Well O called it a she so I just ran with it. Who knows, it could be a boy,” I say with a shrug. 
“I want a tyrannasaurus,” Shep declares. 
“Geez buddy,” I laugh as I look down at him. “You want me to explode? The baby is in my belly and you want it to be a dinosaur?”
“No, I wasn’t thinking about that,” Shep says, his voice remorseful.
“Hey Sheppy? It’s okay. I was just joking with you.”
“Okay,” he says as he reaches over and puts his hand on my stomach beside his sister’s. 
Before I know it I have three little palms against my skin, along with a slightly bigger one and a huge one over top of all of them; my family silently welcoming and loving on the new addition.
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By the time Tom’s birthday comes around, I am huge! Gen had warned me that Padalecki’s were big babies but this is outrageous. I can't see my feet at all and need help to get out of bed every morning. This little one is making my life miserable but I know in the end, it will all be worth it.
We had decided against finding out the gender, mainly because I was still leery about how correct those results could be. So the five of us have begun referring to the bump as Baby P. And right now Baby P was kicking my kidneys and punching my liver. 
I still have almost a month before my due date of April 11 and it seems as if time is slowing down. Every day is a hurdle to get through, with being 8 months pregnant and still trying to help out around the house and do my chores, though both Gen and Jared have fussed at me for doing too much. But I’m pregnant, not disabled.
We’ve planned a barbeque party for Tom’s birthday and invited most of his friends from school, plus the Ackles and the Morgan’s and a few others from Jared’s time on the show. Both sets of grandparents are going to be here also, so it would definitely be a full house.
I am upstairs in the bedroom, trying to slide my sandals on but having trouble since I can’t see anything. Jared walks in while I huff and try again, only to push the shoe farther away.
“Hey baby,” he says gently. “Let me help you.”
“This is ridiculous,” I whine as he lifts my leg and slides the leather onto my foot. “I can’t do anything but waddle around, running into things and just getting in the way. I’m an annoyance to everyone. Maybe I should just stay up here.”
“You hush that right now,” he admonishes me, standing up to tower over me.  “You do not annoy anyone. You do not get in the way at all. You are pregnant, carrying my baby. You’re beautiful, baby girl. I love watching you, knowing that’s my child inside you; a life we created out of our love.” He tugs a stray hair behind my ear and tilts my chin up. “I love you. Gen loves you. Tom, Shep and O love you. We all love you and we love this baby. So get over yourself and get that cute little ass downstairs to celebrate our son’s birthday.”
“Cute and little is not how I would refer to my ass,” I retort with a smile. “I look like a Kardashian.”
“Mmhmm,” Jared mumbles as he leans down to kiss me. “More to spank.”
I chuckle as I tiptoe to kiss him and then turn to head downstairs to join my family and greet our guests.
The party is in full swing as most of the adults sit in lounge chairs, talking and catching up while Jared and Jensen man the grill and the ladies are in the kitchen gathering up the condiments and sides.
I have been commanded to stay in my seat and ask for anything I need. Jared went as far as to tell me if he saw me on my feet, he would spank me in front of everyone. And as much as I love him spanking me, that was something that no one else needed to see so I kept my promise, only asking that he give me a bottle of water for my stay.
Everyone seems to be having a good time; the kids are enjoying the gigantic bounce house that we rented and sat up in the backyard, the adults congregate on the patio talking and laughing and waiting for food.
I look around with a blissful heart at the family and friends I have acquired since becoming Jared and Gen’s lover. No one seems to bat an eye anymore about our relationship and took it at face value and that made me very happy. Sure, there were a few things still being said on the internet but those people don’t matter to me. What matters to me is the ones here today, celebrating our son’s birthday. 
A pain shoots through my body but as soon as it appears, it disappears so I think nothing of it and go back to watching Tom, Shep, JJ, and a few of their friends from school run around the yard playing tag. It’s a good day.
That good day turns when later that evening while the ones of us that are still lounging around, mostly family, my water breaks. Gerald and Sherri, Jared’s parents, stay at the house with the kids as Gen, Jared and I rush to the hospital.
In the early morning hours of March 18, we welcome Delaney Grace Padalecki, a whopping 9 pound 12 ounce baby girl. 
I thought I knew what love was, what love is but until I looked into my daughter’s eyes, I had had no idea. 
Love is infinite. Love is encompassing. Love is the glue that cements us all together. And I have found that with Gen and Jared and their-our-kids and now with Delaney. There is no way my life could be any richer. A once in a lifetime encounter gave me love and a family. 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @atc74​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @hoboal87​ @mogaruke​ @deanwanddamons​ @supraveng​ @deandreamernp​
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irkenheretic · 5 years
(How I Learned) How To Read Irken: A Guide
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(Pictured: Us....) (From @zimgay​ ‘s lovely animatic!)
Okay, I’m finally making this post. 
If you’ve been following me for a while, you might have caught on that I can read Irken. When I started, I was completely confused over wether or not I was teaching myself correctly, how long it’d take, et cetera. But I’ve finally hashed it out for myself, and I thought:
Why not make a guide for anyone else who wants to learn but has no idea where to start? 
So that’s what I’m doing. Some disclaimers, though:
- This is what worked for me. It may or may not work for you, I’m not sure. I think it’s a pretty good method, though.
- Reading Irken and Writing Irken are two different skillsets. I’m gonna show you how to do both, but don’t worry if you’re better at one than the other. 
- This will probably take a while of daily (or near-daily) practice to learn. It’s not impossible, it’s not super challenging, but it’s not super easy, especially if you have memory problems like I do. (For context: I started in September. But I also have a really shitty memory so, like. It might take less time for you.)
Okay! Let’s do this!
First off, you’d probably do well downloading the Irken font for practice purposes. Messing around with it and typing in it is fun, and can help!
You’ll also need a notebook. It’s not required, but having it all in one place is super convenient. (And, if it’s tiny enough, you can carry it around whenever, and also have it on hand to whip out at cons.)
The first thing I did was write each individual letter over and over and over again. This is what’s at the start of my notebook, and writing the letters over and over helped me remember which were which. I also had to focus pretty hard on what letter this actually was, this is tedious as hell but it’s not something you can do mindlessly.
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(Pictured: Normal levels of interest in a show.)
This is what my notebook looks like. Don’t worry about those simplified versions of the letters yet, but you’re gonna wanna leave room for them. Don’t worry about learning simplified/handwritten until later, it helps recognition if you really have to focus on actually drawing the letters, at first.
(And yes, I know my pen is really smudgy. And that my H’s suck.)
After this, three letter words are your friend. Pick just, common three letter words you know, and write them down a lot. I have just, the Irken for “THE” written in the margins of my class notebooks a TON. Once you feel like you can remember that word well, go onto another 3 letter word with a different set of letters. Recognition = good, so pick something you like, use all the time. 
While I was doing this, I tried to string together Irken letters I knew into like, coherent phrases. I was very bad at this at first. Acronyms are your friend here, lmao. (I don’t think I can count the number of times I’ve written ‘u r a qt pie’ in my notebooks.) It doesn’t matter what you write, just that it makes coherent sense. 
There are gonna be some uncommon letters that are gonna be hard to practice, like W and Z, off the top of my head. For Z, that was easy. I just wrote ZIM over and over and over. For W... I used UWU. You laugh now, but the absurdity of it cements that I will always recognize those two letters. 
Four letter words are also good. (Please, absolutely write “FUCK” over and over in order to remember letters. I encourage it.)
There is also the absolute cuntwaffles. Y’know how in English, b, p, d, g, all look kinda the same? Yeah, Irken has that too. 
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(Pictured: Head hurting juice.)
The I and Z don’t look that similar now, but good luck without a translation guide. By this point, you should have memorized a good chunk of the Irken alphabet, and be able to recognize some others when you see them. If you’ve been writing common three- or four-letter words, it’s likely you’ve been using letters very common in the English language. Which brings us to our next stage, and the actual fun part: 
You’re gonna want a translation guide on hand in these early stages, you will need it. The main goal of this stage is to read anything in Irken you can get your hands on- but start small! Fanart with Irken in it was a godsend to me. It’s not that long, so it’s not overwhelming. I did need to look up some letters at the beginning, and I read really slowly, but that’ll change quickly if you keep up with it! The specific fanarts I used are:
@inimoose​ ‘s The Last Irken comic, specifically chapter one: part one, and chapter two: part two have a lot of Irken. But I’d recommend reading the whole comic; it’s good!
@paketdimensioncomic​ ‘s page of lore for their comic! Spoilers, though. Again, I’d recommend reading through the whole comic, because it’s just that good. 
@xryn-art​ ‘s Linguistic Au’s first comic has a good chunk of Irken! The other comics do have some, but it’s all translated. Still good practice, though, if you wanna... read them......... ;) ;) ;) 
Yes, this segment was partially a way for me to plug my favorite fan-artists, (or at least the ones that use Irken,) sue me. It’s my guide and I make the rules here.
(I am very sorry if I bothered any of you by @’ing you.)
But just some sources isn’t enough, so I introduce you to browser fonts. And changing yours to Irken. 
It will not effect everything in your browser, and it can be toggled on and off, so don’t worry. If you really want, you can download a separate browser to change the font of, and leave your normal one be. It’d be convenient if you could, since having your browser font be Irken is inconvenient if you need to use Wikipedia, like, ever. 
Here’s a guide for that, for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer for some reason. You’ll see four options to change, I just changed all of them. Not every page is going to have Irken on it, though. For me, Wikipedia is all in Irken, and so is TV Tropes. And some Tumblr blogs (PAKet Dimension’s is one, just in case you need a reason to go back there ;)) But it might be different for you. 
Whatever it is, now you have a nice way to practice. I read Wikipedia articles on stuff I already knew about (so I wasn’t completely lost and could figure out what letters I didn’t know were from context clues,) but not a page I’ve read before in recent memory- you might just be recalling what the page said, instead of actually reading it.
And about the absolute cuntwaffle letters: yes, this will help you in recognizing which are which. Seeing the letters in context is always going to be much more helpful than just, a bunch of meaningless squiggles floating in the void.
At this point, I personally am much better at reading than writing Irken. It’s one thing to know a letter when you see it, and another to recall it and write it down from memory. Right now, I’m trying to write song lyrics and dumb little phrases in Irken, to improve my writing skills. Again, nothing too long, don’t overwhelm yourself. This sounds stupid, but Vines are good. When I don’t remember a letter, I just leave it blank and look it up after I’m done. 
Another thing that helps is having a friend to practice with, or someone to just give you Irken phrases for you to translate. 
Once you’re around this stage, you can try to learn simplified/handwritten Irken. You can also try to learn it before this, I started it around when I started reading fanart for practice, it’s up to you. This guide is a good starting point, but you don’t have to follow it exactly. This is your handwriting, do what feels natural for you!
(Also, don’t even worry about speedwrite Irken. That has no place in this holy land and frankly I am scared of it.)
And that’s... pretty much it! Most of the process is just... practicing a lot. 
If this post does well, I might make a server for people who wanna learn Irken to practice together and stuff. It all depends if anyone even wants to learn Irken. 
EDIT: Well, guess what I ended up making just the next day. Here’s the post for the server, and please read the joining rules.
Also, if you wanna learn Irken numbers, here you go. But start with letters first, worry about numbers later. These are never used, aren’t even in the Irken font, and three of them look a lot like those cuntwaffle Irken letters. 
Anyway I just really hope this guide helps someone out. If you do use it, tell me! And have fun learning Irken!! It really is just, a blast to do honestly.
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idnek83 · 4 years
Souda making little cars for the devas :)
This ask is fucking sending me and I should be asleep but how could I be with THIS in my goddamn inbox? I’m not an artist but I had to draw Cham-P in a prototype car or I would never be able to sleep again
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Anyways, Soda spends so much time making sure the cars are safe and that there’s no way for the Devas to hurt themselves. He works on them in secret cus he knows Gundham won’t approve but he is haunted by the image of them driving tiny little cars and can’t get it out of his head (like I am right now lol).
He always feels stupid talking to hamsters but he needs to test a prototype. One day he grabs Cham-P and is like “look, Gundham won’t approve of this but you wanna be fucking cool right? Keep this a secret and I will make you the coolest hamster in the whole damn world” and he’s probably crazy but he’s pretty sure Cham-P is nodding.
Anyways once he finishes the cars and gets the Devas in them he’s just like ‘fuck, this is too cute, I have to tell Gundham even though he’s definitely gonna kill me’
He finds Gundham in their living room and is like “Promise you won’t be mad” “What have you done...” “I said promise!” “... Fine.” And Soda’s like certain he’s still going to be sleeping on the couch for a while but it will be so worth it.
He covers Gundham’s eyes and brings him the the garage. Tell him to wait for a second and then gets the Devas all set up in their cars (they’re personalized of course lol) then he starts the little engines and is like “ok open your eyes... taadaa!” And he’s sweating bullets while the Devas drive around the floor of the garage and Gundham is just staring.
He starts to look really worried so Soda starts rambling about all the safety features he built in but Gundham is still worried. One of the Devas (purposely) crashes into his foot and he picks it up and Soda watches Gundham do his weird communication thing before putting it back down and letting it drive away.
Soda is like “so does that mean you like them” and Gundham just glares at him like “no, I do not like them, however the Devas say they are having fun so I will allow this to continue.” And Soda’s kinda just thinking ‘yeah, that was probably the best I could hope for, so it counts as a win’
So they stand and watch the Devas for a while and then Gundham gets down and starts taking pictures of them, cus even if he doesn’t like the cars because he thinks they’re dangerous, he has to admit they’re super cute.
Soda ends up sleeping on the couch like he predicted, but it’s only for one night and it’s more to make a point than because Gundhams actually mad. Soda’s relationship with the Devas improves a lot after, and sometimes they’ll just show up in the garage because they want to ride in their cars lol
Congratulations to you for making me draw my first danganronpa fan art and having it be of a fucking hamster.
I’m going to bed now, may we all dream of hamster cars
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sailorspazz · 3 years
Remote 10 Dance Ball
I know this is coming way late (as in, 3 months after it occurred!), but I’d always been planning to write up a report about the Real 10 Dance event that took place shortly after vol. 6’s release in Japan. Before I get into the explanation of what exactly this is under the cut, enjoy this promo image that ticket holders were able to print out at Japanese convenience stores (mine had to be printed by friends who live there and then scanned to me)
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The Real 10 Dance is a series of events that have taken place over the past few years featuring real life pros performing routines inspired by the manga, meaning that most of the dances feature male-male couples (though they all have female partners in their regular careers, for these performances they dance together, and the women are given a group number to perform). The most recent live event took place in September 2019 shortly after vol. 5’s release, and there was another planned for 2020 in Osaka, but it was delayed and eventually completely canceled due to Covid restrictions. Wanting to still put on the event in some form, they later announced that it would take place virtually, and would be branded as the Remote 10 Dance Ball. For the cost of 1,000 yen, viewers could watch a stream of the event as many times as they pleased from the time it went live on March 20 until the viewing deadline 72 hours later. Unlike the in person events, there were no merchandise buying opportunities, but there was the option of paying additional 1,000 yen tips to either the performers, the production committee, or Inouesatoh herself. Choosing any of these options would give that ticket holder access to a code to print the postcard shown above, as well as a link to view a 17 minute making-of video of the event.
Before I get into the rundown, The Real 10 Dance Twitter account posted a preview video a couple weeks before the event, which you can watch if you’d like to see some of the action instead of just still images (and the only ones I’ll share here are those that were posted publicly, since they were pretty adamant about no screenshotting/recording of the event…not gonna lie, I did attempt to screenshot a couple parts, but due to the shaky streaming quality, the official photos are much better than what I was able to capture anyway :P) Also, I only made bare minimum notes while I was watching this (and was drinking hard cider), so I’ll give as much detail as I can remember, but there are definitely things I’ll have forgotten by now.
The show started off with one of the female pros giving a demonstration of how to apply makeup for competitions. After this came an introductory show with all of the participants dancing to the opening theme from La La Land.
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Next up was some of the pros talking about the characteristics of their costumes, such as the Latin outfits having features like illusion netting to make their limbs look longer, and fringe to create movement.
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After this, some of the pros gave tours of the dance schools that they run, which also served as advertisements for those who may be interested in signing up for lessons.
Then came some step demonstrations, showing specific panels from the manga and then describing how to perform the moves. This included Al and Suzuki’s rumba walk from chapter 18, and the throwaway oversway from the chapter 4 scene where Sugiki turns Suzuki into a princess. For the oversway, they performed the move a few different times, using prompts such as “do it like the world’s about to end” to show how the same move can feel very different depending on the emotion behind it.
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This was followed by an interview with former standard world champion Christopher Hawkins. The interview was conducted in Japanese, as he is fluent in the language (Inouesatoh tweeted about him being the inspiration to have Norman speak some Japanese in the story, though she acknowledged that Chris’ abilities are far above Norman’s very basic phrases). It included two interviewers asking questions that were submitted by Inouesatoh and her editor. It started off with some basic talk about the process of training and getting prepared for competitions, then moved on to topics like whether he had any competition related superstitions/habits, such as how some dancers will have a pair of lucky underwear they always wear when competing. He said he had a specific order to how he would button his shirt and attach his cufflinks (as in, not just going straight up or down, but skipping over some and coming back to them), and if he didn’t do this specific routine it made him feel like the competition would go poorly. After telling this story, he laughed and said that he’s never told anyone about this before, so it was definitely an interesting question. Then came probably the most important question for fans of 10 Dance: since the series centers around men dancing together, what sort of experience does Chris have dancing with other men? (Funnily enough, for some reason, the male interviewer first asked this question in Japanese, then rather enthusiastically asked the question in English as well lol). Chris said that of course he’s danced with male students a lot in the course of teaching them, but outside of that also had times where he would train in the female role so he knew how it felt to be the following partner, and therefore could become a better lead. He mentioned some performance he did with another high level male dancer that was pretty amazing (forgive me, I didn’t catch the name at all, or even whether he was a standard or Latin specialist), which caused the female interviewer to joke about writing a love story about the two of them.
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Then came the main draw of the event, the dance show! I’ll include the song, dance style, and an image from each performance below.
One Way or Another by Blondie, jive
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Lady Marmalade (I believe it was the Moulin Rouge movie version), ladies group cha-cha
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Half of Me by Ken Hirai, rumba (I don’t know if it’s just because it made me think of the melancholy rumba shown on vol. 6’s cover, but this made me both want to cry and watch it multiple times over, definitely my favorite because apparently I like to punish myself with sadness :P)
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All of Me by Michael Bublé, foxtrot (this was filmed both in the performance space and out on the streets in one of the locations used in chapter 33, as shown in this video from one chilly looking morning. Also, this dance featured a leader switch partway through!)
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If I Can’t Have You by Shawn Mendes, cha-cha
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Finale with all participants to It’s Time to Dance from “The Prom” musical
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Last up was a virtual art exhibition featuring 17 sketches by Inouesatoh, including the most powerful sexual stimulant in the known universe, Bathrobe Sugiki.
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Overall, I was very happy to get the chance to witness this event. Normally, the number of people would be limited to just those who were in Japan and able to purchase tickets before they sold out, but this remote version allowed a much larger number of people from all over the world to watch (I bought my ticket not even knowing if it would be region locked or not, but thankfully it wasn’t). I hope that the world situation improves and they can put on the event live and in-person again (even better if I could somehow find a way to attend when that happens!), but I think this was a great alternative, and probably a good way to make some revenue in a time when the ability to stage events is limited. The price of 1,000 yen was an incredibly good deal for all the content that was presented (and you better believe I slammed an extra 1,000 straight to Inouesatoh; the only merch I’ve been able to buy is secondhand, and while this satisfies my needs as a collector, it unfortunately doesn’t provide any support to the author). If real life performances are still a long way off and they decide to do a virtual one again, you bet your ass I’ll be right there in the (imaginary) front row!
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meowthiroth · 3 years
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
•blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
i think all of my followers are gonna see this answer coming from a mile away but yeah. achenar. not only do I love his design & portrayal, he just has such a cool character arc & like. idk i just really wish he didn’t have to go out like that. I can think of SO much else they could’ve done with him. iv ending got me a little salty ok
•scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
probably also gonna say achenar for this one because his design is SO much fun to draw & stylize, but also yeesha. i would protect her with my life.
•scrimblo bimblo (underrated, underappreciated fave)
Katran needs more attention, full stop. Like... she’s such an interesting character & she does so much in BoA and Riven, but I barely ever see people talk about any of it... I’d love to just sit down with her and chat, y’know? She seems like she’d be so much fun to talk to. And I have GOT to set aside some time to draw her one of these days too because her design? chefs kiss.
•glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for about 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Probably the Bahro— I just think they’re neat :) and I wish they showed up more & we could learn even more about them. tbh I’ve been considering putting my fursuit making skills to the test & making a costume of one, but I’m still kind of stuck on how to do their legs correctly while still keeping it proportional… But yeah, they’re cool & it sucks that they had to go through so much… really made me wanna throw hands with Esher for contributing to it lmao
•poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Saavedro. I mean sure he had it out for Atrus and his family and he tried to bonk me to death, but like. This poor, poor guy. He’s been THROUGH it. I would do whatever it takes just to give him a hug and a shoulder to cry on.
•horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Sirrus. what can I say man he’s just fun to annoy :p *shoves him in a locker (affectionate)*
•eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Was gonna go with Gehn after all the shit he did in BoA/Riven and because the phrase “banishing peepaw to the shadow realm” sounds hilarious but actually…? nah. he kind of already got eeby deebied in-game anyways if you think about it. no, I got a better idea. *slam dunks Esher into the eeby deeby hole*
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My mind was plagued with thoughts of the episode where the kids think Perry laid an egg and the comic where Perry saves a baby platypus from Doof, and that got me thinking: what if Perry was actually a dad to a baby platypus? One possibility is that Perry wouldn't want his child to become an agent at such a young age and would rather have his kid decide if they want to do it when they're older, but I believe that either way, the young platypus would inherit Perry's anthropomorphism.
oh my god I’ve never even thought about Dad!Perry before 🥺 I thought his relationship with the Flynn-Fletcher kids was wholesome but that has some real potential to become the superior relationship
obligatory “read more” to save everyone who doesn’t care how I feel about Dad!Perry
Okay first I gotta ask how we think this would happen. Is it the egg from Perry Lays An Egg that hatches, except it really is a baby platypus and Perry ends up taking it in because no one else can? Or is it Perry taking one of Doof’s platybabies home? Or is it trans!Perry laying his own egg? Or Perry has sex with another platypus (that’s such a weird thought lmao) and somehow he becomes the sole guardian of the egg? As the numero uno “Perry is an asexual demibiromantic platypus” stan, I kinda like the first or second one, but I also feel like the platybaby should be related to him? But at the same time Phineas and Ferb is all about how family don’t end in blood so maybe that’s not important?
Anyways onto Dad!Perry because holy shit I’m excited to explore this
I’m gonna start at the end of the ask by saying that I feel like anthropomorphism isn’t genetically inherited; I feel like it’s something that’s taught. It’s kinda a nature vs nurture type thing so I guess it’s more a psychological debate than anything, but if I had to channel my inner English teacher and draw evidence from “the text” (aka the show), I gotta bring up the koi from Attack of the 50 Foot Sister that were just kinda vibin in the neighbors’ pond at the beginning of the episode and then Monogram had to make them agents to avoid a lawsuit and by the end they were saving Perry’s ass? Which is relevant to literally nothing except that I think any baby animal Perry raises, regardless of whether or not they’re related to him by blood (or even by species), will probably turn the lil baby into an anthropomorphic lil platybaby just because of all the human and human-like influences
And now the elephant in the room (cue OWCA Files Agent E joke): how does OWCA react to the news? Which I guess is really a follow-up question to how OWCA finds out in the first place. I think we can all agree that Perry won’t want to tell them. It’s not like he sees the other agents as friends that he wants to invite to the baby shower. But Monogram would want to know if there’s a new player in the Flynn-Fletcher house not that he knows who lives there now; that’s Carl’s area of expertise. Would he have to tell them? Is there a protocol for that? Especially if it’s just an egg he picks up from The Tree™ in the backyard. That’s basically just getting a new pet, right? And sure, Monogram would want to know, but is Perry legally obligated to tell him is the question.
But Monogram has to find out one way or another, and given that Perry is the best of the best, Monogram is going to want his kid in the club. Perry would 100% say no, too, but I don’t know if it would be because he wants his son (yes it’s a boy platybaby no I don’t know why) to have his own say in his future; I think Perry would consider OWCA too dangerous for his son. I mean, we saw what happened when Phineas, Ferb, and Candace got mixed up in his job: they were almost eaten by a goozim and the tri-state area was almost taken over by an evil dictator. He would definitely want to keep his son out of that scene if he could. At least all the dangers at home are Phineas-and-Ferb-sponsored, and unlike OWCA, they would make sure he didn’t get hurt.
Buuuut Monogram is also a dumbass and doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, so he’d keep pushing. It has to be a well-known fact around OWCA that changing Agent P’s mind about anything is not an easy feat, so maybe when Monogram realized it was a lost cause, he’d try to go around Perry’s back? Maybe while Perry was at work, he’d head to the Flynn-Fletchers’ house (or send Carl again like Undercover Carl) to try to get the platybaby alone? He could explain what OWCA is and that he would make a perfect candidate. I doubt Perry would have told his son about OWCA in any detail yet other than the fact that he works there and that’s where he goes every day, so this would all be new and interesting. And then Perry either comes home when Monogram or Carl is talking to his son about OWCA or his son brings it up himself, and Perry is fuming because he made it very clear that he didn’t want OWCA anywhere near his family. 
And now I can’t help but wonder if that would cause bigger problems between him and OWCA? What if that’s his breaking point, and he just flat-out quits because if they can’t respect his very few boundaries, he doesn’t owe them anything? And assuming the platybaby didn’t come from Doof, maybe that’s how they meet? Somehow he finds out that the reason there’s a new agent working his case is that Perry’s out on “permanent paternity leave” or something, and word gets back to Perry somehow (maybe Pinky heard it through the grapevine and told him? idk) that Doof wants to meet him? And Perry’s kinda wary buuuuut at the same time, Doof isn’t his nemesis anymore. If you take OWCA out of the equation, aren’t they just friends? 
and Doof would get kinda annoyed because “He came here so I could meet the baby, you know,” and usually that’s enough to convince Norm that he’s doing something wrong, but this time Norm is just like, “But I love him?” And Doof expects Perry to back him up and he probably should but at the same time, his son looks so happy with Norm? Without OWCA’s training, he still has that platypus aspect to his personality that comes from both his animal instinct and how the Flynn-Fletchers treat him, so he’s just kinda snuggled up in Norm’s lap and Norm is just petting him?
And this is probably after he’s shown some human-like features and Doof knows that he’s about as human as Perry, so he asks, “Does he like being pet?” and Perry nods because duh of course he does and Doof just kinda looks at him for a moment and he’s like, “Do you like to be pet?” and Perry just fuckin decks him because no he does not yes he does and Doof just nods like, “Okay, fair enough.”
and she had absolutely no idea this was happening she’s about to go drop her stuff off in her room for the weekend and Norm’s like, “Look at my new friend!” and Vanessa thinks it’s gonna be something stupid but she walks over and sees the baby platypus and she starts freaking out because holy shit Perry is that yours? and obviously she needs to know literally everything there is to know about him because this is her nephew now and she will not take no for an answer.
And I feel like OWCA really wouldn’t like this? I mean, Perry completely severed ties with them over this platybaby, and now he’s bringing his son over to DEI at least twice a week to see his former nemesis? And idk what they would do about it because I don’t think there’s an actual protocol for this, but Monogram is Very Sensitive™ and he won’t stand for this.
Also and I’m totally just spit-balling here but what if, because the platybaby is kinda also being raised by the Doofenshmirtzes (and the Flynn-Fletchers but idk if that would make much of a difference here bc he has to pretend to be a mindless pet around them like his dad), he gets the best of the human and animal experience all in one, without all the shit Perry had to deal with from OWCA? And what if that somehow leads him to be able to speak? I don’t quite know how that would work, mostly because I don’t really know what prevents Perry from speaking, but we already went into that back in May so I’m not gonna go there again lol
okay I’m pretty sure it’s been over two hours since I started working on this ask but I can’t help it because this is literally such a cute idea fjdshflakfa I don’t even know if I’d be content reading this like I feel like this is just something I want to write. I kinda want to see how Phineas and Ferb would treat him, and if they’d treat Perry any differently now that a) he’s a dad and b) there’s a new platypus for them to love. I also want to see how Candace would handle probably falling in love with the platybaby but still getting annoyed by Perry. I really want to see what Vanessa and Norm’s relationship with the platybaby would turn into. Idk so much about the Doof/platybaby relationship though; I feel like I’d be more interested in how this affects the Doof/Perry dynamic instead. Something about Doof makes me think he wouldn’t be as easily swayed by the platybaby as everyone else, but the fact that Perry would now be a dad just like him would probably make him unreasonably happy. And that’s not even touching upon how different life would be for Perry now that he has a son, and he would obviously adore the little guy with his entire being, but, like, he has a son? How is he supposed to deal with that?
also I really should’ve given the platybaby a name to make this more readable and it’s a little too late for that but I hereby decree that his new temporary name until such time as this fic gets written is Horatio (unless y’all wanna hit me up with your platybaby name ideas because I would love to see them?) so welcome to the Dwampyverse, Horatio :,)
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ranger-kellyn · 3 years
I wanna write about them now, but I'm still nervous of making them out of character..
Current mood is, I wanna draw AND write. :/
(this ended up being WAY longer than i thought it would so bear with me)
i know all about that, so allow me to share a quote with you from my favorite book. It's said twice, but the first part is a little long, and potentially spoils some things with what's in between the dialogue pieces so
Page 334, Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
"You ready?" Julian asked, a curious look on his devastatingly handsome face. "No," Yadriel confessed, his voice tight. Julian grinned. "Do it anyways."
A special shoutout to my best friend, @dinosrawr, for finding the pages for me, introducing me to that book in the first place, as well as being the reason i bring this quote up in the first place!
i can't remember what I was stressing over. some art project, probably. worrying i wouldn't be good enough at it/it would be bad/etc etc etc
they hit me with the "do it anyways" line, and something about it was just. enough. to kick me in gear. and while SURE, it meant something extra because we both had read the book, it's something I try to remind myself of when I'm stressing over if something will be "enough".
Do it anyways.
And if it comes out "bad"? It comes out "wrong"? If they're not Perfectly In Character? (and i KNOW how dismissive this sounds and so i apologise for that) It's not the end of the world.
Painters can get paint all over them. Ceramicists can get covered in clay (trust me!! i at least have a degree in that one!!!) In my 2d drawing classes I'd come home covered in charcoal.
Writers seem to be held to a weird high standard. like. Get messy. Write something bad. Write something self indulgent.
Just in my purah/robbie fics alone? -Age of Calamity Epic??? I'm adding so much stuff it's self indulgent and i KNOW I have moments where I'm going to be going against the "balls to the wall confident"-type Purah is. I'm gonna say that she has insecurities. Insecurities that maybe her character wouldn't even actually ever have in a million years. But the fic will make ME happy, and if someone else happens to enjoy the fic as well?? excellent. -Autumn In Goldcliff?? this fic started kind of as a joke, because it's literally using the Hallmark Christmas Movie Formula. That being said, you better BELIEVE they will be 10 kinds of OOC. I'm still excited to write it. -From The Ashes?? oh my god. this is my "all three sheikah end up deaged" AU. you better BELIEVE i'm throwing all kinds of self indulgence in here. -Long Story Short? Big City Hallmark. In this one. Robbie is a country boy from a teeny tiny farming town. Purah is the new CEO of the company that oversaw his parent's farm, and she lives in the Big City. We're romanticizing the Big City in this one bc i'm so tIRED of how hallmark romanticizes small towns (lived in one growing up- not as glamorous as hallmark makes u think) -Untitled College AU? nothing but self indulgence baeby -Press Restart?? this was one of my very first purobbie fics i outlined. in this one, robbie ends up deaging himself as well, post calamity being sealed, and Grante ends up reuniting the two. -Untitled ANGST: Angst Angst Baby -Lick The Frog?? (tentative title) this is a sex pollen fic. I don't need to say any more than that to tell u how self indulgent that is. -Untitled Mindswap Fic??? This one is literally just a JOKE to MYSELF. I lAUGH when I work on this one. This fic is for nobody but myself. -Untitled What Could Have Been fic?? title alone is self-indulgent, and i literally cOULDNT handle the angst so i'm working on two separate "alternate endings" for this fic. -Untitled "5 Times She Almost Saw His Eyes and The 1st Time She Actually Did"- you inspired this one, anon. -Untitled P&R showing off their fossil monstrosities to Impa: a direct quote from Impa, [about Arctozolt] "You ruined a perfectly good pokemon is what you did!! Look at him!! You gave him hypothermia!!" Clearly, I'm only barely taking that fic serious because I would rather have FUN
So like. TL;DR
Be self indulgent. Write the fic YOU wanna write.
To end this with another "quote" that I try to remind myself when I'm stressing over the quality of my work:
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“From failure you learn, from success… not so much.”
It's all so much easier said than done, and there's PLENTY of days I have where I can't even get myself to take any of my own advice.
But I believe in you, anon <3
If nothing else, I'm here to support you work <3
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abusedsanderssides · 3 years
“You look delicious tonight”
Trigger/content warnings: Abuse, unsympathetic/abusive Remus, rape, cursing, eating-out, whips mention, injuries, kidnapping, chains, not a happy ending, hickeys, skinning and cannibalism mention. Let me know if I should add any more.
Ship(s): Background platonic Analogical (if you wanna make it that, it’s kinda up for interpretation.)
Characters: Virgil, Remus, mentions of Logan and Patton.
2644 words
Prompt: "You look delicious tonight."
Not requested
- 5/19/21
Virgil shivered on the cold floor, in nothing but a thin, oversized, and torn-up t-shirt and a pair of boxers. He curled in on himself, desperately searching for warmth on the freezing concrete.
Every inch of his body ached. Bruises, cuts, bandages, and dried blood scattered his skin. His hair was thinning and falling out, skin dry and cracked, eyes bloodshot. He was sure that some of his bones were broken, not being able to heal without proper care. Virgil looked like he was insane, and he was starting to question if he was.
He hadn't slept in who knows how long. Days, weeks, it was all just a blur. He had no way of telling time so he didn't know what the date was or what time of day it was. After all, he was locked in a basement with no windows, pitch black except for the small amount of light that came from under the door to go upstairs.
Virgil often heard things. Something scurrying across the floor, water dripping, hissing, and he couldn't tell what was real or what his mind made up, playing games with him. Of course, he could hear faint yells, thuds, crashes, and manic laughter coming from upstairs occasionally. Virgil could also hear when the door opened, the whips that would land on him, chains attached to his body, skin slapping skin, and deep breathing when he came to visit Virgil.
The door handle twisted and opened the door, shining a bright light down on Virgil for a second. He squinted his eyes at the light so he didn't have a chance to look around or behind the door. The stairs creaked as a person stomped down them with heavy footsteps. The footsteps were heading towards Virgil, getting closer until he could faintly see shoes in front of his face.
"Hello, Virgil," It was Remus, he could tell by the voice. Virgil flinched when he spoke, as it disrupts the silence he had been sitting in for a long time. His breathing started to slowly speed up and he tried his best to crawl away from the very intimidating man standing over him. Remus crouched down and Virgil tried to get farther away from him, but Remus interrupted, "Hey," Remus grabbed Virgil's arm tightly, causing him to whimper, pulling Virgil back towards him before continuing, "Get back here."
Remus sat down cross-legged and pulled Virgil to him, hugging him tightly, Virgil's back against Remus' chest. Remus leaned down and started sucking hickeys into Virgil's neck, biting down and drawing blood. Remus grabbed Virgil's bruised and damaged wrists, conjured rope, and tightly tied his wrists together. Virgil whimpered quietly at the pain in both his neck and wrists, wanted nothing more than to disappear.
Virgil hated Remus and what he did to him. He liked the dark, cold, empty, loneliness of him being stuck in the basement more than he liked when Remus would come down. Why couldn't someone come to save him? Janus has to know about this, he lives upstairs with Remus. But Virgil knew no one would save him. No one cared, loved, or even liked Virgil. That's what Remus told him. They probably didn't even notice that he'd been kidnapped. He just had to accept that he was going to die here, wishing that it would happen soon so he didn't have to feel this pain anymore.
Once Remus had covered Virgil's entire right side of his neck with hickeys and bite marks, blood slowly spilling from some of them, he was satisfied. Virgil let out an inaudible sigh of relief, hoping that Remus was done, but he knew better. Remus leaned down and whispered creepily into Virgil's right ear, "You look delicious tonight, sweetheart," then bit his earlobe. Virgil shivered at his words and quietness. "I could just skin you, chop off your limbs, and eat you right now."
Virgil's mind was running a mile a minute. Was he actually going to do that? Was he going to eat him? Then Virgil thought about eating food. When was the last time he ate? Virgil cursed his mind as his stomach rumbled.
Remus laughed his evil manic laugh and asked, "Do you like that idea?" Virgil's eyes widened as he tried to turn around in Remus' hold on him.
Virgil stuttered out before Remus could do anything to him, "N-no I was j-just thinking about f-food! I d-don't want you to eat m-me!" Remus laughed again, turning Virgil around so he was facing him, putting his face inches apart from Virgil's. Virgil's eyes were wide and full of fear, mouth slightly agape as he anxiously waited for Remus' response.
With a huge insane smile on his face, Remus replied, "How about we compromise?" Virgil stayed still and silent and when Remus didn't continue Virgil realized that he wanted an answer. Panicking, Virgil nodded his head, feeling immense amounts of dread immediately as he questioned what he just answered.
Remus huffed out a laugh, smile still plastered on his face and he raved, "Okay, so, I won't eat you, but I'm gonna eat you out!" Virgil's eyes grew wide and he stilled, like a deer in headlights, before shaking his head 'no' violently. Remus cackled, gaining Virgil's full attention before he threatened, "You agreed to this, pretty boy! No getting out now!" He paused, standing up before he continued, "Besides, even if you said no to the compromise, which you can't say no, I would've done it anyway!"
Virgil struggled to scramble away from Remus in the dark like a crab because his hands were bound, but Remus easily picked him up. Virgil screamed, wailed, pleaded, squirmed, struggled, but Remus had a tight grip. He brought him to the other side of the basement where there was an operating table, and when Virgil saw that he only struggled more, screaming and crying.
"Remus, please, no! Don't do this! Please! I'll do anything!" Remus ignored his protests, throwing him down on the table, growling at him to shut up as he tied his limbs down to the table.
"You're only going to make this worse for yourself if you keep squirming and FUCKING SCREAMING!" Remus yelled in his face, causing Virgil to flinch and try to curl in on himself, but found it impossible with the restraints. Virgil was sobbing uncontrollably, having an idea of what was to come, and he knew it'd be Remus, probably cumming multiple times.
When Virgil showed no signs of calming down, Remus went over to the wall covered in sex toys, whips, and weapons. Virgil saw him do this and tried to hopelessly silence his cries and growing panic attack. Remus returned, dagger in hand, and climbed on top of the table and over Virgil. He sat down harshly on the panicking boy's thighs, receiving a cry of pain from him.
"Maybe if I cut off your limbs this wouldn't be so hard!" Remus maniacally laughed, Virgil, shaking his head 'no' violently while sobbing. Virgil watched with wide eyes as Remus sliced down the center of his shirt, successfully cutting it in half and ruining the only source of warmth and covering that Virgil had. Silent tears ran down Virgil's face and Remus noticed how Virgil stopped moving, scared of getting cut, and Remus smiled wider.
Remus repeated this action with Virgil's boxers, ripping them off of his body. Virgil cried harder at the loss of his only comfort items and warmth in the freezing basement. Virgil shivered and closed his eyes as he felt Remus get off of him and stand up to strip himself of his own clothes.
"Please, Remus! I love you! Please don't this! I'm sorry!" Virgil weakly pleaded but he felt Remus climb up on the table and on top of him.
Remus scoffed, "Oh please, your begs just motivate me even more. Plus, if you love me so much you would want this so bad." Remus dragged out the word 'so', starting to untie the binds on Virgil's ankles. Virgil knew that Remus wasn't letting him go and just untying him so he could fuck him relentlessly.
But still, after Virgil's legs were free he helplessly tried to kick at Remus, being blinded by his tears and his legs failing on him. That resulted in Remus punching him in the stomach and spitting out with clenched teeth, "Stop moving." Remus picked up Virgil's legs and threw them over his shoulders. "You're only going to end up hurting yourself more."
Virgil gave up. His body was already tired and he couldn't go far, powerless against Remus. He felt Remus' dick prod at his entrance and start to push in. Virgil threw his head back and opened his mouth in a silent scream in agonizing pain. The stretch of Remus' cock burned, especially without lube.
Once Remus' hips were flush with Virgil's ass he pulled out and pushed in, giving Virgil no time to adjust as he started thrusting at a brutal pace. Tears never stopped falling from Virgil's eyes, his face screwed up in pain, and every muscle hurting.
"God, I wish I could eat you and still keep you alive," Remus growled in Virgil's ear, making him whimper in fear. Remus laughed at that, continuing with his thrusting. Virgil bit his lip in an attempt to silence his cries of pain, biting down so hard that he drew blood.
Remus noticed this, leaning down and grabbing Virgil by the throat. He forced Virgil into a messy and heated kiss, Virgil trying to escape. Remus pressed the tip of the dagger into Virgil's stomach, drawing a tiny bit of blood.
Virgil's eyes flew open, complying and kissing Remus back. He didn't want to get even more hurt, so he felt relieved when the dagger was removed from his skin.
Remus released his hold on Virgil's face and his head fell against the table, causing a big 'thud.' Remus's thrusts were getting sloppier as he neared his orgasm, pushing in harder and deeper. Virgil cried out in pain, feeling pleasure that he didn't want when Remus hit his prostate.
"Fuck," Remus whispered under his breath, thrusting into Virgil harder than he had been. Virgil screamed a cry when he felt Remus release inside of him, continuing with his thrusts until he was finished.
Virgil couldn't think straight. He couldn't really think at all. His mind was foggy and he was so overwhelmed. His anxiety didn't give a break either, thoughts running through his head. He hated this. He hated everything about his life.
This was why Remus never killed him. Remus knew how much pain and suffering he caused Virgil, and that was just entertainment for him. He also got to act upon his intrusive thoughts, and abusing Virgil became a coping mechanism for that. Remus didn't want Virgil to die, no matter how many times Remus caused Virgil to be minutes away from death. He needed him to stay. He couldn't lose Virgil. Remus knew he would get attached, and he was perfectly fine with that. Plus, a few more months and Virgil will realize that he's not getting out of this, and he'll give up.
Virgil had blanked out for a few minutes, snapping back to reality when he felt something warm and wet licking his hole. He sobbed at the realization of what was happening, and Remus found that amusing.
A tongue pushed into Virgil, licking his walls, Remus tasting his own cum. Virgil tried to bite his hand to silence himself but his wrist was still firmly tied to the table.
Maybe being alone in the dark and freezing basement isn't so bad. It's sure better than when Remus comes down.
Virgil just wanted this to stop. He didn't want to feel a tongue in his ass and a mustache pricking around his hole. He didn't want to feel strong hands on him and bruising his skin. He didn't want to be tied to this uncomfortable and cold-ass table. So Virgil did the only thing he knew would most likely work to get Remus to stop.
Virgil pushed his hips back, wincing when he felt Remus' tongue slide further into him. Remus chuckled, scooping out the last bits of his own cum out of Virgil's ass and then sitting up.
"Damn," Remus whispered, "you sure are delicious." Virgil squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to look at the grin on the man's face who was towering over him. Technically, and Logan would comment on this too if he were here, Remus' statement was wrong. He wasn't tasting Virgil, rather, tasting himself as it was his own cum.
Virgil tried to think of Logan. To think of all the fun they had. All the debates and deep conversations they would get into. All Logan's random facts and how he would ramble on about them that Virgil loved listening to. He really missed Logan. Virgil missed everyone. Hell, he even missed Janus, and he hated Janus. He wished he would just come down to the basement and save him from this torture that he was living in.
Hands were on him, Virgil's eyes opening wide to see that the binds on his wrists had been undone and Remus was picking him up, carrying him to where his ankle chain was. Remus lightly chuckled to himself before dropping Virgil on the ground, reviving a yelp and cry in pain from the smaller side.
Virgil's chain was quickly and swiftly locked onto his ankle, giving Virgil no time to escape. Virgil didn't even have the energy to try to escape right now. He just wanted to sleep. Preferably in clothes, but his clothes were on the other side of the basement and Virgil couldn't reach with his chain, and they also weren't very functional.
"See you later, cutie pie," Remus teased, heading for the stairs. 'Wait,' Virgil thought, thinking over and over again of how much he wanted new clothes. He gained up the courage to ask Remus, impulsively doing so.
"Wait!" Virgil called, wincing when he noticed he seemed controlling. Remus stopped in his tracks, slowly turning on one heel to face Virgil. "C-can I-I m-mayb-be h-hav-"
Remus cut him off, rolling his eyes and scoffing. "Quit with the stuttering, Anxiety. Just spit it out!"
Virgil took a deep breath, continuing and trying his hardest not to stutter. "Can I maybe h-have," Shit. "some new clothes?" Virgil asked slowly before quickly rambling, "I don't need them I just, y-you cut my other ones and I don't have any and!-" Virgil looked up at Remus, seeing a bored look on his face.
Remus thought about it before answering, "Hmm, I'll think about it. I'll think about it even harder if you're good. Got it?" Virgil quickly nodded his head, Remus skipping steps as he jumped up the stairs. He unlocked the door and opened it quickly, the bright light blinded Virgil, who shielded his eyes with his hand.
The door closed and locked, leaving Virgil naked and bleeding on the cold concrete floor. He felt like crying, but he had no tears left to cry.
Virgil was fine. He accepted the fact that this is just how it is now. This will be his life. There's no way out of this one. He'll die here. But still, Virgil found himself sobbing, wanting his old life back so bad. He didn't care if people were mean, he didn't care if he had to deal with Patton calling him cute and a kid, he didn't care about anything that had upset him. He just wanted this to stop. To change back to how it was, or die as soon as possible. And he had no chance at the first, so now he had to come up with a plan that would make him meet his demise and fast.
oh my fucking god this took so long to finish and post, but i really enjoyed writing it when i had the motivation to! i still have a few more wips but i'm still up for requests!! =P
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transsergio · 3 years
Emotions That I Simply Do Not Have (Read on AO3)
Chapter 2 - I'm Not Gonna Repeat Myself Chapter 1 - More Like A Relapse
Penemily + Hotchreid / Mature / 1747 words in this chapter
As Emily and Penelope grow closer, Hotch becomes more desperate.
Three months. It’s been three months of Penelope in Emily’s apartment, Emily in Penelope’s, of spending every second that they can together. Emily is having a hard time calling Penelope everything but baby in the middle of an investigation, and Penelope’s flirting has grown stiff.
“Why could you say all that stuff before but not now?” Emily asks one night, two glasses of sparkling cider on the coffee table before them. They’re sitting at opposite ends of the couch with their legs entangled.
Penelope rolls her eyes. “I mean, I could, but it feels weird! Like, I flirt with Derek, but that’s just banter between two very, very sexy friends. It’d be like…saying you’re the same.”
“The same as Derek? I hope so. He sees a lot of action,” Emily teases. Penelope kicks her lightly, with love.
“You think you’re so cute, huh? No, not like that. You’re special, and I don’t want to cheapen what we have.”
And Emily crawled her way up Penelope to kiss her.
Still, the team was perceptive. They were picking up on the energy shift between them and pretending not to notice. Emily figured a talk was coming sooner or later, probably led by Rossi. The only one who seemed oblivious was Hotch.
That may have had to do with the texts he continued to send. They were cracked windows into his life post-Haley, and Emily hadn’t responded to most of them. She had no idea what to say, or how to reject a widow, if she was even allowed? And they kept coming in. “Seeing a movie with Jack. Phone will be off,” and “Good morning,” when they were already at their separate desks, and “Our hands touched when you passed files yesterday. Intentional?” and “Do you like champagne?” They buzzed over and over, like a form of slow torture.
The last one, “Do you like champagne?” comes on one of Penelope’s nights at Emily’s. They’re lounging in her bed, Emily flicking through a magazine and Penelope stationed over an old lap desk as she paints her nails. Emily opens the message, sets it down, and tries not to think about it. She glances at Penelope.
“Pink and green?” Emily asks.
“Yeah. I’m embracing spring themes.” Penelope waves her careful manicure. White daisies are studded with a rhinestone overtop each finger. She wiggles them under Emily’s nose. “Blow.”
“Excuse me?” Emily laughs.
“Blow,” Penelope repeats, raising her eyebrows and looking between her girlfriend and her nails. “They’re not dry yet.”
Emily sighs and lowers her magazine. “Anything for you, princess.” She delights in Penelope’s big, perfect smile, and blows a steady stream of air over her work.
“Is that enough?” Emily tugs at Penelope’s wrist so she can kiss the back of her hand. “Penelope?”
Penelope’s gaze is far adrift, and she startles back to the present. “Sorry, I just… I was thinking.”
“About what?”
“I love you.” Penelope declares it with a certainty, a finality, like she’s made her choice.
When Emily freezes in place, Penelope’s hand still in hers, Penelope tacks on, “I know it’s soon. You don’t have to say it. But I know I love you, and back then you said we don’t know how long we have, so I figured I should say it sooner, not later. Are you okay? Em?”
“Uh, yeah,” Emily nods. She lets Penelope go. “Sorry, I have something in my eye.”
Penelope looks at her. She knows better. “Are you crying, Em?”
“Maybe. Shut up.”
They burst into a fit of giggles, and Emily clamors for Penelope. “I love you too,” she says, and takes Penelope’s face in her hands. She memorizes every detail, every crease, every bit of Penelope as she holds her whole world. “I love you so much.”
Before they can take another breath, someone pounds on Emily’s door. Emily wipes her face clean and adjusts her sweatshirt. “I’ll get it. Be- be right back. Stay.”
Penelope smiles through her watering eyes. “Aye aye, captain.”
And Emily swears up and down that this better be good and not some kid on her floor playing ding-dong ditch, or she’ll have to call the building manager and tell them all about how her girlfriend loves her, she actually loves her when Emily loves her too, and these kids interrupted –
Fuck. Emily should’ve looked through the peephole. But Penelope loves her, so she forgot.
“Prentiss. May I come in?” he asks. He doesn’t allow her to answer and barrels inside. Okay, so this is worse. If he sees Penelope, it’s over. They’ll have to tell Strauss, and internal affairs, and they could both lose their jobs. Emily herds him into the living room and puts the bedroom out of sight.
“What’s going on?” Emily asks. She crosses her arms over her chest and stands rigid.
Hotch is holding a bottle of wine. He’s wearing sweatpants and a college t-shirt, and he looks hazy. “I know you’ve gotten my texts. Your phone works, I’ve seen it. You answer calls from Garcia, Morgan, Reid – why not me?”
Emily frowns. “I answer you.”
“Do you? Because I asked you a question tonight and still haven’t received a response.”
Emily clarifies, “I answer you when we’re working. I told you. What happened, happened, and I don’t want to do it again.”
Hotch wavers, not in his position, but to the point that he lands on Emily’s couch. His cheeks are bright red. “That’s what was said. But what about the signals you’ve been sending?”
Emily scoffs. “Signals, really? What signals?”
Hotch clinks the bottle onto Emily’s table. He passes over the room’s low lighting, seeming to take in that Emily only has a few lamps and her vanilla candles lit. He makes Emily wait for his answer. “You – you’ve protected me. And you realized I was gone when Foyet came. You care about me, Emily, and you proved it the night we had sex.”
“I was drunk and in a low place. That’s all it was.”
“I don’t believe you,” Hotch says, quiet. His head is bowed, and his elbows rest on his knees as he hunches over. “Haley and I never felt like that.”
“Maybe because you’ve only slept with one person since high school? And, honestly Hotch, you’re not my type. I think you experienced something new and made it more than it was.”
He looks up at her through the dark flop of his hair. “If you honestly have no feelings for me, tell me and I’ll be g—”
“I have no feelings for you.”
Hotch sighs. “You’re not going to let me finish that sentence, are you?”
Emily shakes her head. “I already know the answer.”
He leaves the wine as he stands, and hesitates in the threshold. “You’re good at your job, Prentiss. This won’t impact your position.”
“I didn’t think it would.” Emily purses her lips.
Hotch gives her a curt nod, and the door shuts silently behind him. Which would’ve been the end of it if Emily didn’t have thin walls and good hearing. The sound of someone slumping down the hall, curling into a fetal position, and trying to stifle his weeping permeates her apartment. It tugs Emily towards the doorknob, to comforting her co-worker who she admired before they shared pathetic sex.
Penelope comes to her side, still gingerly avoiding the use of her fingernails. “You and Hotch?”
Emily turns to Penelope, wide-eyed. “I, yeah, once. I was blackout drunk. I don’t remember it, I swear.”
“No, I heard. It’s okay. We hadn’t done anything yet anyway, right?”
“Oh no, no, no. Elaborate. Now.” Penelope insists. Emily keeps herself moving about the kitchen, making tea while she explains. She tells the whole story, including the way Penelope has always made her feel, how she hated Kevin but he seemed to make her happy, the crush she harbored for years, and the realization that Penelope was never going to return the sentiment. That Penelope didn’t have what she felt. That Penelope went to bed early that night with her boyfriend by her side, who got to make her breakfast and see her with her bedhead and know what she was like before she entered the building and binge reality shows with her late at night when she’d already left the team where they were. And Emily, evidently, lost it.
“Hotch offered me a ride back. He was tipsy, of course, so he called a cab for us. I woke up naked and he was making breakfast.” Emily says. She sips at her mug, though the drink’s gone cold by now.
Penelope waits. “And?”
“And,” Emily tenses, “I was disgusted. It was one of the worst mistakes of my life. I thought about it, and I realized I was trying to punish myself for something. For being too much of a coward to ask you out in the first place, I guess. I had plenty of time before Kevin got there. I could have tried, but I didn’t. That’s when…”
“When you came into my cave,” Penelope finishes. She traces one of the rings stained into Emily’s kitchen table. Emily wants to let her process, to think, but the terror overrides her patience.
“Are you mad?” she asks.
Penelope’s eyes are loving, but wilted. “No,” she says. “I’m sad that I made you feel like that. Before you say it’s not my fault, I get it, but still. Because I liked you too, and I liked being your friend, and I didn’t want to jeopardize us on the slight chance that you were straight as an arrow. Which you should really work on if you want our private life to stay private. You’re like, the gayest agent I’ve ever met.”
Emily snorts. “Thanks, I’ll try.”
Penelope draws Emily’s hands into hers. It’s been long enough that her fingers aren’t even tacky anymore. “I think you might’ve been punishing yourself for something else, too. Maybe you were mad about why you couldn’t have me?”
“…Yeah. Yeah, there’s that.” Emily drags her chair closer to Penelope’s. She leans her cheek against Penelope’s shoulder, and allows Penelope to lay an arm around her back. Emily says, “I would’ve had hurt, angry sex with someone regardless, but the Catholic guilt didn’t help.”
Penelope rests her chin on the top of Emily’s head. Their breathing becomes inseparable. “You know I still love you.”
“I know.” Emily worms her way closer, practically into Penelope’s lap. She doesn’t hear crying anymore.
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kvngjoong · 5 years
yeosang + nsfw a-z
mingi has been requested and will be posted next! i haven’t got any requests for hongjoong, wooyoung and jongho, so let me know if you’d like this for any of them!
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A: Aftercare
he’s a sweetheart and will always clean up after himself. since he’s so messy anyway, he tries to make it up to you by spending some time making sure you’re not sticky and always offers to run a bath for you, or at least turn the shower on for you. which also means he would sit on the bathroom floor of the toilet seat as you shower so he can talk to you. then cuddle you afterwards, since he thinks that’s sweet
B: Body part
likes your chest, let’s not play, and is probably a fan of a tit wank every now and then. also likes cumming on your chest the most. so that is pretty self explanatory. for himself, he doesn’t have a favourite part of his body but he likes it when you bite his neck and leave a few marks there, leading down to his shoulder
C: Cum
he cums everywhere. sorry if you thought he was tidy but self control is relinquished and he will make sure he had the least aim possible. he’s still a teenage boy at heart and likes the visuals of seeing you covered in his cum, so he makes sure that happens each and every time. at first it might have been an accident but unless you have any adverse objections to him doing that, it’s gonna stay that way
D: Dirty Secret
one time when yeosang was at yours and you were in the shower, he accidentally got a peek of you through the door and got a hard on because of it. he didn’t want to annoy you since you already told him you were tired, so he tries to sort it out on his own. he knew it was time sensitive so pulled a pair of your panties from your drawer and used them to help him. he didn’t mean to cum all over them, but he did what he did and kept them so that he didn’t have to explain himself. he was a pretty good liar when he told you that he had no idea what happened to them, though
E: Experience
he seems like he would know what he’s doing, and likely has some ideas as to what else he could be doing, but doesn’t actually have all that much experience. his priorities were elsewhere and he never really bothered to experience that much nsfw stuff. so it’s not gonna be awkward or anything, but he will still look to you for what you like/are in to so that he can make it better for you
F: Favourite Position
anything where he’s on top. not particularly in a dominating way, more in a sense that he can look at you and admire you and what he’s done to you. so he has you on your back and maybe a leg over his shoulder, if not both. saying that, he may like to do more unheard of things, so it’s not often you do the exact same thing twice
G: Goofy
as long as he’s not pulling the whole daddy dom act, and he’s not asking you to beg him or whatever, he can take a less serious approach and laugh about whatever is going on (something like, you’re making out and you’re like ‘yeosang wtaf your nipples are really hard?’ and he is just 0.0 and you start laughing and he starts laughing), but as a default he’s on the more serious side
H: Hair
trimmed a little, though not too much manscaping. he seems like he keeps himself tidy so it wouldn’t be, like, a mess or anything down there. maybe the longer you’re together, the more he’ll start to take care (does that make sense?) of himself. he won’t expect anything from you though
I: Intimacy
he can be intimate, but isn’t always in that mindset - in the same way that he can be goofy sometimes he can also be more on the side of damn im gonna fuck you so hard and forgets about the intimacy behind what you’re doing. if he subs, then he will be more intimate. when he doms it’s intimate just afterwards and when you’re laying next to him all fucked out, and he’ll just look over to like damn i love you
J: Jack Off
just like every other guy, to be honest. he doesn’t try to hide anything and he jacks off when he’s turned on and it’s an appropriate situation. but he does like to ask you for help and will often use that as a starting point for foreplay when you’re further into a relationship
K: Kink
he’s a switch, and likes it either way but has a preference to dom. he is into marking, he really likes looking at you after he’s done, completely fucked out with eyes wide as you look at him, his cum on you and bruises on your skin because of him. he really likes the way it looks. he probably doesn’t have that many kinks, especially niche ones, but he’s happy to see what you’re into and try to incorporate it when he can. he would be pretty open about nsfw stuff and talk to you about it whenever, so there’s no issues if you stumble across something you want to try - he’s game, too!
L: Location
he doesn’t really have a preference for a location, which ends up being a godsend because he’s happy to do anything wherever you are. maybe not the public side of things, not that he doesn’t like the risk element of things, but he’s down for kitchen sex, shower sex, bedroom sex, here’s my new apartment sex, a whole heap of things. it would also depend of who is dom and who is sub - if he’s sub then he prefers it to be a bit more of a private affair
M: Motivation
literally, it could be anything to a memory or a picture of you, to something you said… he’s still a boy at heart. but that isn’t to say you’ll know what got him hard - he’ll usually keep that a secret for a while unless you actually beg him to tell you. then it’s something stupid like ‘thigh highs look nice on you’
this one time you put something in his butt (with his permission of course) and he didn’t like it. there’s not too much to say about it, he just didn’t like the way that it felt and he whined about it for a while afterwards. he is apprehensive about you using any toys around him in case it happens again and he will use it against you as a guilt tactic sometimes. he doesn’t like things in his butt, alright
O: Oral
of course he likes both receiving and giving. it’s usually a part of any nsfw encounter you both have, and he’s pretty good at eating you out. he knows what he’s doing, at least it appears that way, and he knows how to get what he wants from you. he is a real big fan of you pulling his hair when he eats you out and makes that very clear from how he acts. also likes to pull your hair when he’s receiving and shows his dom side too
P: Pace
average, really. he keeps a medium pace and doesn’t really go too quick until he’s almost cumming. when he’s chasing his high he’ll speed up a lot, and then nose dive to barely moving when he does cum. but when it comes to foreplay, he’ll usually go a bit slower and has a smirk on his face the entire time because he likes when you tell him to go faster (and he never actually will go faster, unless he’s feeling especially nice)
Q: Quickie
enjoys them, especially when he knows that he’s going to be busy for a while. he doesn’t mind a quickie in the morning when his schedule is packed, or when you’re going to be home late, or you have to be somewhere in the morning etc. he is especially a fan of bathroom quickies at parties. it hits different when you’re both a little tipsy in someone else’s bathroom, laughing because he can’t get your top off and two minutes later his hand is over your mouth and he’s fucking you from behind (fuck boy yeosang stands prosperous in this house)
R: Risk
he doesn’t mind taking risks. it really doesn’t bother him that much if someone could walk in and catch him in the act. sure, he’ll be embarrassed, but it will be more awkward for the person who actually walked in. that being said, he doesn’t get turned on by the thought of getting caught (he doesn’t have a thing for exhibitionism) so it won’t motivate him any more than usual
S: Stamina
he’s a performer, so he can go for as long as you need him to. but usually, unless you’re asking him to carry on or go for another round, he won’t go again. maybe once to show you that he can. he would prefer to be doing something else with you
T: Toy
like before, he gets scared of toys being used on him so avoids them at all costs. he will still use them on you though, and knows what to use and when to use them. whilst he prefers not to, he knows that teasing you properly will often require a little assistance. so he will keep some toys to hand for when that happens. unless you’re completely against them, then he will stick to his own skills
U: Unfair
he knows how to tease, but usually it’s when you’ve started doing something rather than him teasing you when you’re in the car home, out with friends, etc. he can draw out any orgasm and he can make you beg at any given opportunity, provided that he’s already established himself as dom in that time. if he’s sub, then he can tease you too, but more in a way that he’ll not do as you say. don’t try to tease him, because he’ll remember it and use it against you next time
V: Volume
yeosang really doesn’t give a shit about making noise. he’s not one of those guys who thinks it makes him any less of a person to moan, and it really shows sometimes. whilst yeosang may seem like a quieter type of guy, he will surprise you a little but not being able to shut up when he’s enjoying himself. on the contrary, he’s not the best dirty talker. he probably gets some second hand embarrassment so decides that he’ll keep it to a minimum (unlike, say, san)
W: Wild Card
so he’s a switch with dom tendencies but he loves to play sub sometimes. when yeosang is sub it’s a whole other level. wooyoung might be a brat but yeosang is a power bottom and he very much enjoys it. he knows what he’s doing, and he uses every time he’s been dom against you. one time he’ll act like you’ve got full control of the situation and he’ll give his best act at being the soft little boy you really wanted to dom, and just as you’re about to make him beg he’ll make you wish you never suggested he start as sub
X: X-Ray
a little on the smaller side, but not to his disadvantage. he is a bit thinner than, say, mingi, but he’s still a good size. nothing to be disappointed with, and it’s perfect for his switch personality too
Y: Yearning
doesn’t have the biggest needs out of everyone, though that’s likely because he suppressed it for a while. when you start dating he won’t show the biggest amount of yearning and will wait for you to initiate something - however, there appears to be a clear correlation between the amount of time you’ve been dating and the more needy he gets. that’s probably because he gets comfortable, though, and doesn’t mind asking more often
yeosang probably doesn’t fall asleep after sex and he probably doesn’t get too tired afterwards. he will like to talk afterwards, watch something, play video games, etc. he has a lot of energy and usually wont use it all up on sex so has room to do something else afterwards. even if it’s having you laying across his chest sleeping whilst he scrolls through instagram, or tries his best to tell you a story as he strokes his fingers through your hair
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