#and meet the robinsons is one of my favorite movies ever
thewonandonly · 1 year
Can i request a stray kids reaction to their partner absolutely bawling at the brachiosaurous scene please 😭 my friends had to console me for like 10 minutes cause it made me cry so hard
stray kids (ot8) reaction to their partner bawling their eyes out to brachiosaurus' scene <3
synopsis: it's time to watch the jurassic park franchise, and when an absolute devastating scene from the movie released nearly 8 years ago shows up, the boys aren't sure how to react when they find their s/o crying their eyes out.
warnings: gender neutral reader, spoilers?
author's note: guys this is literally me with meet the robinson's. everytime little wonders by rob thomas plays in the movie, BOOM. instantly moved to tears.
thank you so much for the request! please consider reblogging my post and leave a cute little comment to boost my work!!
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chan was excited to see jurassic world! jurassic park and the entire franchise was an important part in the film industry, so for him to watch the movie for the first time with the love of his life was an absolute prime decision. the movie started off steady, and then it got interesting. and then, it got sad :( the same brachiosaurus from the first movie was caught in the fire, no where to go as the water expanded across the horizon. it was trapped. it was heartbreaking. gut-wrenching to watch. and he would've cried, he wanted to cry. small sniffles echoed across the living room wall, and he turned to see you laying your head on his shoulder, tears streaming down your cheeks. chan. immediately turned to comfort you, his hand brushing your cheek.
"oh, baby, it's so sad." his hands are gentle, as if he wasn't comforting you over an artificial created brachiosaurus. "it's sad, it's okay to cry." he used his thumb to wipe your tears and paused the movie until you felt consoled enough to continue.
minho had already seen a few of the jurassic park franchise movies. how couldn't he have? it's one of the biggest movie franchises of the world. he hasn't watched recent instillments due to a busy schedule, but when you mention finally watching the recent ones on his day off, he immediately took you up on the offer; popcorn, blankets, a nice comfortable pillow, cuddle sessions and a surround system turned up damn near full blast sounded like the perfect night, especially with his favorite person in the whole world. the movie was not too painful to get through, he did cringe at some dialogue throughout the movie, but all movies have those moments. he would've cried at the scene where the brachiosaurus was stranded on the island, but he personally felt like the scene was a bit rushed. he knew you. the second the scene came to an end, he turned to you and pulled you into his arms, kissing the top of your head.
"you're such a crybaby." he whispered, his hand rubbing your shoulder, "it was a bit sad though." he admitted, chuckling to himself. minho knew how quick to tears you could be at movies, and he'd be lying if he didn't find it cute; it just means you can find sentiment in everything. and he admired that.
changbin is totally a movie buff! he has seen the jurassic park movies at least 6 times in his lifetime, and he was probably one of the firsts leading the crusade for the newest movies. changbin loves the movies, and he was the first person at the movie theaters doors on release day, at the earliest showing, with his large tub of popcorn. so, when you told him you never saw the newest ones, he nearly dropped his jaw. how could you not?! he took this as an opportunity to introduce you to some of the greatest movies he's ever experienced. he set everything up, not accepting help from you, before he pulled out a dvd player, and gently placed the disc into the tray (these were the only dvds he owned tbh). he watched excitedly, peeking at you from the corner of his eye to gauge your reaction: happiness, excitement, tension, and of course, sadness. he cried in the theater when the scene came on, and he isn't afraid to admit that it still makes his heart squeeze watching the scene again.
both you and changbin sat on his bed, crying at the scene, the movie paused on the last glimpse of the brachiosaurus, which only made you both cry your eyes out more. changbin and you didn't share any words, but you both shared tears.
hyunjin can admit he has never seen the jurassic park movies. he wasn't a dinosaur kid, he was an ancient egyptian kid fs. he personally thought the premise of the movies were a bit silly. why would they open these parks if it always ended in disaster? but, here he was, sitting beside you, as you wore your acid-washed jurassic park pajama set, excitedly starting the movie. hyunjin was aware of how often you watched these movies, and how much you loved them, so he had no problem watching them with you if it meant he could see how happy you got (dinosaur kid and ancient egyptian kid solidarity). but one thing he could not understand was how you've watched these movies so many times, and you still cry your eyes out to the brachiosaurus scene.
hyunjin wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you cried, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly. okay, he gets it; the scene is sad, but he truly didn't understand why exactly this was so sad. that is until you cried out how the brachiosaurus in the sad scene was the same one from the very first one. then, he understood, and continued to rub your shoulder sweetly, not bothering to mention how you might have just made him a jurassic park fan.
felix has the entire movies memorized. you know that post on this website that says "i'm gonna watch shrek," and it's just the op replaying the movie through their head because they've watched it so many times? yeah, that's felix with jurassic park. he knows the lines, the jokes, the LORE. he had a 16 year hyperfixation on jurassic park, and he wasn't going to let it die! he's watched it so many times, that when you say you wanted to watch the recent ones, he can't help but say yes, like an excited puppy. i think felix has a good grip on his emotions during movies (or he's like me, where i dont understand something until AFTER i finish the movie) so he doesn't cry when he watches it but once he finishes the credits, the waterworks start.
and when he saw you crying about (in his opinion!!!) the most gut-wrenching scene in cinema, he felt his own tears bubble up, pulling you close to him. he's cried over this scene multiple times by himself, but now, he had someone who would understand where exactly he would be coming from. it was a nice comfort.
jisung... oh, boy. jisung definitely got the film spoiled for himself on twitter or youtube or something. he's not a die-hard fan, but he was planning on watching it soon! (it's been almost 8 years, bud, and it's still on his to be watched list). jisung was upset, and wouldn't open the app again until you sat down and watched it with him. jisung is a crier, he cries to movies, even when they aren't sad. but when they are sad, oh my god! he changes his entire personality to match that movie. he will never shut up about it.
jisung cried before your own tears spilled; the music, the shadow that reflected against the smoke. omg, he was breaking down. seeing him cry so hard, made you cry! well, him and the poor brachiosaurus made you cry. you were both hugging each other as you cried, jisung hiccuping about how it wasn't fair and that he would've went back to save them. he cried for the rest of the night,
seungmin is a lot like minho in a sense. he finds the scene rushed, so he couldn't find it in his heart to cry. seungmin watched the movie already, and he knows what happens. he knows it's sad, but he honestly can't find his tears for the scene, even when he first watched it. the scene to him felt sooooo rushed that he kinda just sat there, staring at the television screen, waiting for it to end.
but, he knew you were crying, so he threw an arm around your shoulder, pulling the blanket back over your legs and let you cry. he didn't have any comforting words to say since he couldn't even cry at the scene, but you were happy he even hugged you for the scene!
jeongin isn't a die-hard fan, or a casual enjoyer. he saw the movie once and called it a night. he didn't have any words to say or not about it. when you asked him if he wanted to watch it with you, he agreed, only because he wanted to spend time with you, and he had an excuse to hold you. i think jeongin doesn't honestly remember the movie, so he has to watch it multiple times to even remember, which is why he isn't much of a die-hard fan.
jeongin was crying by the time the scene came up on the screen, and he turned to look at you as your bottom lip quivered at the scene, your eyes pouring the liquid from your eyes. jeongin hugged you tightly. no words exchanged, only warmth, to give comfort to one another. after his second and third watch, it seems like every time he watches it, he cried like a baby each time. (me with meet the robinsons)
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copyright © 2023 thewonandonly. all rights reserved.
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Is It Really That Bad?
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2023 was a really rough year for Disney. Marvel had two of the biggest flops, Quantumania and The Marvels, with only the phenomenal finale to the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy wedged in between to give audiences faith; Star Wars didn’t fare much better, with divisive works like the third season of The Mandalorian and the first season of Ahsoka splitting the fanbase as usual; the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid floundered with critics and audiences alike, while Haunted Mansion was dead on arrival; the final Indiana Jones film got middling reviews, with some even saying it made Crystal Skull seem better in hindsight; and Elemental nearly burnt out at the box office due to abysmal advertising, only getting a second wind from positive word of mouth. Keep in mind, 2023 was the studio’s big 100th anniversary. Flopping this hard with all their major brands was not a good look. Thankfully, they had a really special animated film dropping for this historic anniversary, a film that was a big love letter to Disney history. It’s ostensibly a film about the origin of the wishing star other characters in other films wish upon—a novel concept to be sure! How did this premise pay off for Disney?
It bombed, with a net loss of $131 million. Keep in mind that films like Raya and Encanto, which also did poorly, had less time of theaters due to COVID. Also keep in mind Wish was advertised like crazy. Toys, clothes, ads, this movie got it all! And all of that likely contributed to how bad a financial failure it was. To make matters worse, critics were extremely mixed on the film, and the opinions of audiences weren’t much nicer. People had been skeptical from the first trailer, and so the film had an uphill battle to begin with, and sadly that uphill battle turned out to be a Sisyphean one, with the boulder slipping and rolling all the way back down to the bottom for Disney.
I genuinely had zero interest in ever watching this, and keep in mind I have access to Disney+ so it isn’t like I’d be paying specifically to see it. But I have a little daughter who became obsessed with the movie, and so I had to watch it about a dozen times. And with how much of a disaster this was for Disney, after the umpteenth viewing I decided I may as well give my thoughts. Is this movie any good, or is that just wishful thinking?
I think it’s safe to say King Magnifico is the standout performance of the film. Chris Pine is clearly having an absolute blast playing the guy, and he manages to deliver a fun, upbeat, poppy villain song that succeeds despite some really bizarre and nonsensical lyrics. Sure, he’s not an S-tier villain or anything, but he’s a lot more fun and enjoyable than any of the mediocre twist villains Disney plagued us with during the 2010s. He’s an enjoyable asshole, consumed by his own ego.
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Aside from his villain song, I do like some of the other music. “At All Costs” is a very nice, tender song; “Knowing What I Know Now” is a heroic “shit just got real” song, with a foreboding aura that nicely contrasts the villain’s lightehearted number; and “Welcome to Rosas,” a fun little iintro song for the story. Now, all of these songs have some issues (we’ll get tot hose in a bit), but they’re definitely fun and enjoyable if you can overlook some of the flaws.
I’m sure a lot of people found the numerous Disney references to be a bit much, and maybe even distracting, but I think they can get a pass just this once since this film is meant to celebrate one hundred years of Disney magic. Asha wearing the Fairy Godmother’s robe? Magnifico getting turned into the Magic Mirror? Peter Pan just randomly showing up for no fucking reason as a cameo? Sure, why not? And this all leads to the ending credits, where every Disney animated canon movie that isn’t a sequel gets represented (except for Meet the Robinsons, The Rescuers, and The Bkack Cauldron). You’ll see constellations of all your favorite characters, like Milo Thatch, Jim Hawkins, Yzma, Tarzan, and Yokai! Remember Yokai? From Big Hero 6? Clearly he was the right character to spotlight for this! I can’t harp too much on this, because every time I watch this I applaud and clap when Chicken Little appears.
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So there are a few good songs, I admit. But for every good song, there’s two more that just plain suck or are entirely unfitting. “At All Costs” sounds like a a song about love and romance, so of course it plays… over the scene where Magnifico shows Asha all the wishes. Huh? What sense does that make? But a decent song being out of place is small potatoes compared to how absolutely bad the lyrics are. Even in the songs I like, like “This is the Thanks I Get” and “Knowing What I Know Now” there’s just something off with a lot of the lyrics and the rhyme scheme. But nothing in them is quite as egregious as the song “I’m a Star.”
“I’m a Star” might genuinely be the single worst song in any Disney animated film ever from a lyrical standpoint. The entire song is nothing but word salad; nothing in it makes any sense, and not once does it answer any of the questions it has posed. While some of the other songs have sloppy writing, they still are easily able to communicate core ideas that help progress the story. This song, though? It’s meaningless drivel made to pad the runtime. The absolute worst bit is this verse near the end, though:
Here's a little fun allegory
That gets me excitatory
This might sink in in the morning
We are our own origin story
If I'm explaining this poorly
Well I'll let star do it for me
It's all quite revelatory
We are our own origin story
None of this means anything. Like yeah dude, you are explaining this poorly. What the fuck are you trying to explain here? And while this is the worst verse, the worst lyric is right near the end where they painfully force a rhyme by having someone sing “Here I are” with “I’m a star.” No matter how many times I listen to these songs, this one coming on fills me with dread because of how painfully bad it is to the core.
I think the issue here is the lyrics were written by Julia Michaels, someone who typically works with pop, R&B, and EDM. She’s written for Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, Justin Bieber… but notice she hasn’t written for any musicals. Say what you want about Lin-Manuel Miranda, but he knows how to write fun, poppy songs that would not sound out of pace in a stage musical---a core part of the appeal of the best Disney songs. The songs Michales wrote really don’t fit that vibe, and feel more like repurposed radio friendly pop tunes than something that belongs in a Disney movie. And maybe this wouldn’t be too bad of an idea if this weren’t supposed to be the big centennial celebration film.
But hey, maybe the songs are bad… which isn’t great, because a Disney musical with bad songs is on thin ice, but whatever! Maybe the characters can redeem this? Ehhhhhhhhh… Unfortunately, none of the characters in this film really do anything particularly special. Asha is cute and determined and all, and she’s definitely more compelling and less annoying than Raya, but she lacks a really solid identity. It honestly feels like she does things simply because the plot demands her, and not because it is in-character for her to do so—something that would require her to have a character in the first place. And despite being the best part of the film, Magnifico is a victim of the wonky writing as well. While it’s great he isn’t a twist villain, the writing really just makes the whole idea he’s bad guy seem stupid. I resent the idea his goal is in any way reasonable—he’s certainly an overly paranoid dick with an inflated ego even in the most charitable interpretations of his actions—but the movie still manages to make him somewhat sympathetic via his backstory only to have him grab a sled to slide on down that slippery slope. I don’t know, it just feels like these characters shift gears at the drop of the hat because the plot demands certain actions and roles from them.
Then we have the cutesy kid appeal characters, Valentino the goat and the wishing star. Valentino, played by Alan Tudyk in his millionth Disney role, is not nearly as insufferable as I’d feared he’d be. Unfortunately, he isn’t really good either. It really is sad how Disney keeps pushing him as their answer to Pixar’s John Ratzenberger yet refuse to give him good or fun roles to make an impact like Ratzenberger does. The guy hasn’t been utilized well since Wreck-It Ralph, it’s just getting sad. The wishing star is just a cutesy non-speaking plot device meant to sell marketable plushies, and pulls out new powers from its ass as the plot demands; it’s responsible for the awful “I’m a Star” as well as a cringeworthy chicken musical sequence. These characters really do feel like they exist solely to sell toys to children, because everything else aside they don’t really add to the experience—which is especially bad for the star! This is supposed to be his story!
And, look. Get it. They wanted to stick to something that is incredibly formulaic to pay tribute to all the tropes Disney codified for animated movies. But did they have to make the whole thing so predictable and safe? You can predict exactly what’s going to happen at any given time; there’s no real big twists or turns to be seen with this one. This is strictly formula, a very basic Disney story that couldn’t be more “paint by numbers” if it tried. You’d think they’d try to be a little more bold and daring after a hundred years, but… nah.
I think calling this movie “bad” is a bit harsh. It’s not exactly good, it’s messy and stupid and all that, but after seeing it so many times I really don’t think it’s as egregious or repugnant as something like, say, Pocahontas. But taking everything into consideration, the movie is extremely disappointing as a centennial celebration, and isn’t that worse in a way?
This was meant to be the film that pays tribute to a hundred years of animation, a love letter to a studio that has made some of the greatest artistic achievements in cartoon history, and it ended up like this? I think it’s pretty safe to say a better tribute would have been to return to hand drawn animation and make something like their classic output instead of a cliché storm of tired plot beats and nonsensical songs. The film feels really bland, safe, and corporate, like they were more concerned with selling merch and coasting off of the novelty of being the big animated release during the hundredth anniversary. And look how that turned out! My daughter spent a month earning enough cash to buy a King Magnifico doll, and it didn’t sell out in that entire time—and this was recently, too! Wish has long since left theaters, and the toys are getting their prices slashed because no one is buying them! Even kids, for the most part, don’t care about this one.
It’s just a bummer. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect more out if the richest company on Earth, is it? It really is a harmless, boring film, but it just feels so much worse than it actually is because we all know Disney can put more effort into their work and produce films that far outstrip this in quality and yet this is what they chose to represent them for a historic milestone. It really is rated fairly up there, it’s about what it deserves, but I hardly blame anyone who rates it even lower. It’s definitely not the worst Disney movie, but it sure is the most disappointing.
I’m glad my daughter likes it though, and honestly she’s probably why I’m not quite as harsh on the film as I was at first. Her enthusiasm for it is honestly infectious, even if at the end of the day I still think it’s kind of a lame movie. There’s definitely worse things to show your kids than Wish; if nothing else, it can make a decent gateway into other Disney movies. But that’s as charitable as I’m willing to get for Wish.
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starlightbelle · 2 years
What is this??
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Underrated quote that doesn’t exist…you mean?
Because this line isn’t in the movie
I came across this post on Pinterest and let the record show as a long time MTR enjoyer (and a kid who knew this movie forwards and backwards so well that actually did type out a chunk of the movie in script format from memory) that I recognized it to be a fake in approximately .00002 seconds
Everyone in the comments was like “yet another reason to love this movie” and stuff like that, but that…isn’t a line from the movie
At this exact moment, Wilbur hands Lewis the paper (schematics) and tells him basically to go fix the Memory Scanner:
Wilbur: Now…now don’t make me go and bail you out again.
Lewis: I won’t.
Wilbur: Remember, I’ve got a time machine. If you mess up, I’ll just keep coming back until you get it right.
Don’t believe me?
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I’ve linked a YouTube video to the scene in question:
As far as I can tell, this is an abridged version of a quote from Ziad K. Abdelnour(?), according to a quick Google search:
“Just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to, doesn't mean the future can't be better than you ever imagined.”
But either way: no, it’s not a line from Meet the Robinsons.
I’ve got more thoughts, because Wilbur was never framed as a guide or therapist for Lewis in the movie. One could argue that Wilbur is the reason Lewis decides he can have a happy future, letting go of his past…but that’s as far as it goes.
Wilbur very rarely, if at all, offers sage words of wisdom or advice or any quotes that are framed as such.
What about “Keep Moving Forward”? You may ask…well, technically that’s Cornelius’ line, and Wilbur flat-out tells him such, “it’s my Dad’s motto,” he says.
What motivates Lewis ultimately is himself. It’s seeing the future he can have; knowing that he’s happy and has a family and has everything he ever wanted and is so unexpected and exciting and he loves it…and that realization really comes from himself because he sees a future that shows him it’s possible.
But it’s not even a passive thing, either. When he meets his older self, he suggests “if I go back now, then this will be my future!”
To which Cornelius replies, “Well…that depends on you. You gotta make the right choices, and keep moving forward.”
Lewis has to play an active role in dictating which direction his life will go. He really has to let go of the past, like his advice to Goob earlier in the film. That’s really the scene where he starts to come to terms with that, anyway.
Wilbur is the avenue through which it happens (which, again, Wilbur being his son you could also argue is an extension of himself since without Cornelius, Wilbur wouldn’t exist…)
So framing Wilbur as offering these wise words to Lewis in their parting moments is frankly…laughable to me. Wilbur has always been my favorite character but his most serious line in the whole film is “I never thought my dad…would be my best friend”
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
Omg so I rewatched one of my favorite movies of all time Meet the Robinsons (it was one of the first hyperfixations I ever had I think, tender age of 4), and my favorite scene has always been and will always be the one where Lewis (not yet dubbed Cornelius by Bud) grabs Wilbur by the year and (in a very dad like way for a 12 year old boy) goes "May i remind you, I am your father. You have to do what i say" or something like that. It makes me so happy idk why. Love that scene
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nihilcyon · 3 months
hai hai .. what are ur favorite books and movies ? :3
OUUGHH (in a good way) HIIIIIIIIII OKAY OMG FAVORITE BOOKS ARE OF MICE AND MEN AND THE SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS BOOK SERIES !!!!!! I read that series in second grade and I was obsessed with it, allllll my classmates got annoyed with how much I talked about it PLUS I freaked outtttt when the Netflix show came out !!!!! It’s awesome ^___^
I also am sort of already claiming Ratman’s Notebooks as a favorite because I think I’m a good chunk of the way through it and I adore it and the topic and stuff but HEY, they may throw a curveball at me and make me hate it because of the last page, I dunno!!
Speaking of Ratman’s Notebookssss…. MY FAVORITE MOVIES. WILLARD !!!!!!!!!!! RAHHHHH. I went by the name Willard for over a year because of the movie/s I am absolutely obsessed with them and the character Willard (and May but we’ll get to her later) make me feel so much less alone. I relate to him (and May) more than anyone else, fictional or non-fictional.
WHICH IS WHYYY, when I found out that Adam Lanza liked Willard and the book it’s based off (Ratman’s Notebooks btw) I FLIPPED. Like, in a good way. I sobbed my eyes out for like, an hour straight, those movies mean so much to me. I love them both, but the 2003 version will always have a special place in my heart. Crispin Glover……….. 🫀
NEXT MOVIE. MAYYYYYY. YIPPEE!!!!!!! As I said earlier, she and Willard are so insanely relatable for me, the differences are so small T__T I could go on forever about that, but honestly it would mostly just be me going in loops so I’ll save you that…….
OKAY ALSO THE DARK KNIGHT, JOKER, AND THE BATMAN (2022). I AM A HUGE FAN OF BATMAN MOVIES. MAJOR. BIG TIME. I wear my Riddler jacket whenever I WANT I would wear the mask too but I don’t think my local Walmart would appreciate it…..
OKAY LAST UNIQUE ONE. DR. HORRIBLE’S. SING-ALONG. BLOG. RAHHHHHHHHH. DON’T EVEN TEST ME ON THIS MOVIE (though if you did I would ace it) I WOULD KILL FOR THIS PIECE OF MEDIA. I hyperfixated on mad scientist themes for a year, I watched this movie EVERY DAY. And I’m still 100% sure I could quote and act out the entire thing from beginning to end. I love this movie so, so much, back during my mad scientist era it was a major comfort thing for me. I hated to leave the house without my mad scientist goggles, trench coat (which at the time I thought of as a lab coat ^___^), and my mad scientist gloves. I LOVE MAD SCIENTISTS!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!! Can’t believe you guys missed that era, sighhhh.
Okay the other two MAIN favs I have are Elephant and Zero Day loooool.
Some other ones that I don’t want to rant about and I haven’t watched them in a while but they bring me to tears every time are: The Lego Movie, Meet the Robinsons, French Kiss, Bartleby, You’ve Got Mail, and El Camino !!!!!!!!
Okay okay last ones these are ones that I LOVE but they don’t make me cry: Be My Cat: A Film For Anne, American Mary, Saw, American Psycho, AND PROBABLY SO MANY OTHER ONES THAT I CAN’T THINK OF AND I’M GOING TO CRY ONCE I REMEMBER THEM.
Oh yeah and the Beverly Hills Chihuahua movies
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
Your top 5 movies <3
im like sitting here desperately trying to remember if ive seen a movie in my life
barbie princess charm school (its the best barbie movie. i will not be taking any sort of critique for this. it IS the best barbie movie)
meet the robinsons (did things to me)
the transformers: the movie (1986 movie. we used to watch it on repeat a lot & and my dad would play the ost constantly. stan bush should owe me money. anyway unfortunately it is dear to my heart)
encanto (it was a fun movie. got kind of awkward because one of the characters has my dead name but its a sweet story with catchy music)
jumanji (the 1995 one. it was one of my favorite movies ever)
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pjunicornart · 1 year
Late night ramble incoming.
It's been a hot minute since I've tried to write fanfiction/original stories. I used to write all the time, but as I grew up my focus shifted to my end goal project, Student's Echoes.
I used to write a lot of Undertale and Meet the Robinsons fanfiction, but sadly I got rid of most of the notebooks that had all that in them. I remember specifically hyperfixating on the Undertale Nerd and Jock AU, as I do now. It was my favorite AU then and it still is now (especially since recently I've seen it being remade without the problems).
The NaJ fic I was the most proud of was one I made for a ship. It wasn't about any of the "core" ships at the time. It was between Paperjam and an early version of an OC of mine, Mintalene (Mint). I remember in the original idea for NaJ, PJ was being hit on by a cheerleader-rabbit girl. I don't know if she ever had an official name, but I've always just called her BonBon. That's why her SE counterpart has that name. (I also could be completely misremembering this.) Anyways, Mint was essentially what I dubbed the "nicer alternative" to BonBon. She was sweet, had a little spark to her, and she actively called PJ out on his bullying bullshit. I specifically recall writing BonBon to be like... the jealous spoiled rich mean girl type. Which to be fair probably wouldn't have been too far off. It's funny remembering this fic because Mint now is totally different. She's now a college student majoring in theater/acting who has no romantic/sexual attraction towards men whatsoever. She's also notably more "punk" as opposed to "cheery" nowadays.
As for Meet the Robinsons style fics, I remember the classic "What if Lewis was never given up for adoption?" query. Which, funnily enough got revamped to who I call "Reboot Lewis". It hits a lot of the same notes the original fic did, just more fleshed out and you know... logical. Miscellaneous ones I did were about a lot of my AU Lewis'... but I did do another original one, this time focusing on a ship! Not between Franny and Lewis though, no. And definitely not Timecest. I refuse to touch that with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole. Seriously, they are father and son, gross. But Lewis and Lizzy. For those who are unaware (or you forgot), Lizzy was a character we only see briefly near the beginning of the movie in the first science fair scene. She's notably goth and she seems to have an infatuation for fire ants. Lizzy is the stereotypical "weird goth girl" I'd say. Like when Mr. Willerstein notes that fire ants have the tendency to bite people, she says "Only my enemies" and raises an eyebrow while still scowling. Later when the sprinklers are on and all hell is breaking loose in the gym, she can be seen in the background smiling like a maniac. Anyways I made a ship fic between her and Lewis. Why? Dunno, I thought it would be funny. Now I ship her with Franny and Lewis as a polycule, and all of them share the same bi for bi energy.
Yeah... I don't think a single one of the main/prominent one off characters in that movie are straight. Aside from Stanley and Goob, they seem straighter than planks of wood to me. But Lewis, Wilbur, Franny, and Lizzy are all LGBT is some way. I headcanon Lewis as bisexual, with a 50-50 preference split (however I remember a couple times where I would write him as an FTM trans bi boy, though this is not my go to headcanon). I see Franny as a bi girl with more of a preference for men, and Lizzy the opposite. Wilbur is just gay. You cannot convince me otherwise. I would always lean into these headcanons while writing these characters in fics. Like a line about Lewis finding a male classmate cute or Lizzy looking at a girl for an uncomfortably long time. You know, stuff like that.
All this to say that I kinda miss just writing short stories and longer works. Might try to get back into it one of these days. Maybe not for NaJ, but Meet the Robinsons. WE NEED MORE MTR FICS ON THE INTERNET! AND IF NO ONE ELSE IS GONNA MAKE THEM THEN I'LL DO IT MYSELF, DAMN IT!
Alright, I'm done rambling for the night.
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Hello fellow kawaii lovers, I had recently watched my most favorite Disney movie “Meet The Robinsons” on Disney+, I had just captured one of my best quotes from the Mr. Walt Disney himself-Kyu
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purplemuskrat · 1 year
tag game— spelling out your URL with songs! I was tagged by @bewareofitalics. Gonna include brief commentary bc I am Chatty about stuff I like :D
Past Lives by Kesha - not Kesha's usual fare, then or now, which just makes it stand out more. Unsung by Vanessa Carlton - the Be Not Nobody album was one of the few always in rotation for my bus rides and tbh I was so right to keep it there. Romeo and Juliet from Reefer Madness the Movie Musical - Cute and bouncy and heavy with nostalgia for me. It's where I get my R&J tag from! Priceless from Starkid's VHS Christmas Carol - this & the Christmas Past song were probably the biggest earworms for me on the cast recording. Look for the Good by Jason Mraz - I don't care if it makes me basic, shit's real tough sometimes rn and this kind of song feeds my soul. Empire by Beth Crowley - one of my fave confidence songs, excellent inducer of the don't-fuck-with-me stride when I'm out and about. Mask, Gloves, Soap, Scrubs by Todrick Hall - The Ms were so hard to choose from! But I love a parody, and extra points for self-parody; and I listened to this nonstop for a second there. (An) Unhealthy Obsession by the Blake Robinson Synthetic Opera - Catchy and creepy (stalking TW) and fun. Honestly it was between this and Assassins' Unworthy of Your Love, and this one's swingier. Spooky Scary Skeletons Meets Metal by ERock - it's Halloween!! The OG is my favorite classic Halloween song and I seek out as many covers/remixes as I can this season. Kick back by Floyd Wonder - What a dancy, nonchalant band Floyd Wonder is! Perhaps ironically, one of my favorite songs to clean or cook to when I've got people coming over. Rodeo by Lil Nas X, Cardi B - I really like both artists as lyricists and Lil Nas' musicality is a ton of fun to vibe with. About Damn Time by Lizzo - Listen say what you will about Lizzo, this song got me through 2022 and I am not kidding. Scream-singing bitch I might be better at her concert is a memory branded upon my soul. This Side by Nickel Creek - feels right to start this list with Kesha and end with Nickel Creek! They're two of my eternal favorites. This was one of the first songs of theirs I ever encountered, as I recall!
Thank you for tagging me that was fun! Let's see... @necromancy-savant @dramamath @loveyoubud and anyone who wants to play!
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cinnamontoads · 1 year
12, 13 and 14 for the movie ask ^_^
12. Favorite movie soundtrack
some of my favorite movie soundtracks!!:
- Meet the Robinsons
- Josie and the Pussycats (2001)
- Sing Street
- Scott Pilgrim vs the World (i’m biased on this one beck did a good chunk of the soundtrack 🤞)
13. Comfort film
Warm Bodies forever and ever and ever
14. Favorite director and why
oh god ummmmm OH i love Christopher Guest movies because obviously they’re funny as fuck but i also Love when a lot of dialogue is largely improvised (which is what most of his mockumentary films involve iirc) and i love when directors always put their same little circle of actors in every movie i think that’s so funny
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rize-is-writing · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a romantic matchup? (Bsd)
Pronouns: she/her.
Gender Preference: either, but male leaning.
My Zodiacs: Leo sun, Cancer moon, Aquarius rising.
My Personality Type: INFP.
Appearance: I’m 5’6 and my body type is chubby/plus sized. I have a circle/oval shaped head with chubby cheeks. I have golden hair with blueish/grayish eyes. I like wearing comfy clothes but will dress up from time to time. I have thick thighs and have more 🍑 than I do 🍒.
Personality: I’m quite reserved and aloof to the public eye. But once you get to know me, I joke around and tend to be sarcastic. I’m childish sometimes, but that’s not really a bad thing. My 3 main traits are probably: empathetic, observant and creative. I also love to daydream, which distracts me a lot, oops.
Hobbies: I enjoy drawing/coloring and reading. And I love playing genshin impact. I also like taking care of my pets and giving them attention/play.
Dislikes: Loud noises, crowded spaces and bugs. (Butterfly’s and bumblebees are the exception though.)
Music taste: I love listening to Mitski. So I would say alternative music.
Favorite movie: I like a lot of movies. But one that always stuck out to me - ever since I was a child was the “Swiss Family Robinson” film.
Thank you! ❤️
I found your match! Come to meet them, c'mon c'mon!
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You are with him because of Karl, aren't you?
Anyway, with all due seriousness now!
Both you and Poe are reserved, and kind of aloof. Don't be fooled by his gothic villain vibe he wants to give you, we all know this guy is just awkward. Kinda- without counting the criminal record. But he is a good bean now. Probably would like to hear about your fantasies as well, what goes through your mind while distracted (INFP biggest romantic gesture in my opinion)
If you are comfortable of course about doing so, of course!
Because he would infodump you with his drafts and short stories. I pray for you innocent soul.
Also he would ask about your opinion on his stories. A lot too- I just hope he isn't intense (he is just happy to be with someone creative)
Also would give you Karl from time to time! Racoon are a weird pet but- is Karl!
But don't give only to Karl attention- otherwise this other racoon will feel neglected, such a primadonna.
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ondinaaa · 1 year
Comfort Movie Tag Game 🎥🎬
I’ve been tagged by @astarkey to list my top ten favorite comfort movies. Thank you so much for tagging me 😊💖 it took me a while to remember the movies lol. There is no order in particular, I love them all!
1. Jane Eyre (2011) (everything about this movie, specially the soundtrack it gets me so emotional)
2. Pride and Prejudice (2005)
3. Corpse Bride (one of my favorite soundtracks)
4. Edward Scissorhands (the most beautiful soundtrack I've ever listened to)
5. Song of the Sea
6. Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (sounds kinda silly but it's a reminder to chase my dreams)
7. Meet the Robinsons
8. Finding Nemo
9. Toy Story (all the movies)
10. 50 First Dates
I'm tagging @verucaseether1999 @muri-chan and @starryeyedcas
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dastardlyobnoxious · 2 years
Robots 2005 Review
Blue Sky Studios, while it’d later be defined as the production company behind many famous films such as Ice Age Meltdown, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, and Ice Age: Collision Course (I jest) back in 2005, the studio was still getting its footing as an animated film producer. Following the success of the original Ice Age (2002), its next work Robots, released in 2005 set as the title implies in a world of robots. But how well does it hold up? With its eighteenth anniversary having just passed us earlier this month, here are my thoughts and opinions on it.
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The first thing that comes to mind when discussing Robots is their art style, think something like Toy Story or Meet the Robinsons. Its visuals pop out in a way that’s helped age the movie in more ways than one. From its character to city design almost everything about the movie sells this world, think of the film's Rupert Goldberg machines or the design of the ever-intimidating chop shop. That said, don’t stare too hard at background characters cause you’ll likely notice a few repeating designs (Ex; Bigwelds Corporation), and like most early 3d don’t look at the liquid cause it’ll look metallic. Aside from more background stuff though, gotta appreciate the main cast's design and how they all look rather distinct from one another. For example, Cappy is the most futuristic looking as opposed to Fender looking older/rustier by design. Madame Gasket and Bigweld are probably my favorite design-wise of the movie with both of them being very striking in how their design correlates to their personalities. And that’s ignoring the visual treats here and there from the referential posters to the high school graduation pictures and quotes. The occasional action sequences the film has are also pretty fluid, really helping to up the ante in a couple of scenes. All and all, this is the standout highlight of the film and if you like the look of the posters and trailers you’ll probably love the look of the film.
The story of Robots is unfortunately, nothing that striking, a young Rodney Copperbottom is trying to make it big in Robot City when his idol Bigweld goes missing. Will he be able to figure out what's going on, and stop Ratchet and Madame Gasket from taking over Robot City? It’s a simplistic make it big in the city story, and while it’s at least somewhat uplifted by its comedy, voice talent, and art style. At the end of the day, it’s a very forgettable plot, with the occasional strong point such as the introduction of the Chop Shop and Madame Gasket. This is a comedic film first and foremost and while I’ll focus on that more in the next section, it does undercut more of the narrative-focused serious moments. Robots had the workings to be more memorable since I didn’t dislike what they were going for, but whether the result of the movie being so short or having to introduce so much in a narrow window it’s just not the greatest. Speaking of run time, this movie could’ve easily run for another thirty minutes to an hour than it ended up having. While it could’ve been budget or production reasons, part of me does wish we got more from the story.
Then we have the comedy, which, it’s honestly surprising how much they get away with, from the movie's frequent adult jokes, toilet humor, darker humor, and its off-the-walls absurdism. Some of it landed but most of it didn’t for me, and from what I can glean from the trailers and some of the behind the scene stuff, the movie was aimed towards tweens and teenagers. I can see why the movie was able to be more daring in its comedy. In a world that in the past few years had seen stuff like Shrek or South Park become global phenomenon's. As I mentioned a bit ago, the humor can be kind of at odds with the film’s narrative, hijacking it at times. And I think that’s best shown via the character of Fender. Fender throughout the film has many moments where he’s intentionally or unintentionally being used as a comedic device. And while I enjoyed Robin Williams' performance, it’s way too focused for a comedic character. Fender is very Looney toons esc in his non-stop energy, and aside from one scene comforting Rodney he is always bouncing off the walls. So much so that the main villains don’t get anywhere near the same amount of focused screen time as him. Fender in my eyes is the worst of the comedic hijacking, and if he had been scaled back a bit I think he would’ve worked a lot better as a character. Take, for instance, Diesel and Wonderbot their comedic bits are more occasional and toned back and usually work better within the scene. Again, not to say I didn’t enjoy Fender as a character. My favorite jokes of the film usually involved Fender doing something absurd (the fight dance scene, Rodney and Fender dancing, etc), because once you go beyond him, a lot, and I mean a lot of the humor is crude. Take a side character like Aunt Fanny for instance, the second you see her the second you know the recurring joke with her. To each, their own though, the movie gave me the occasional laugh but I didn’t find it all that noteworthy in its comedy.
Now onto our main characters, and their vocal talents, characters such as Aunt Fanny and Diesel will be left out since I feel like the comedy section covers them well enough. This’ll mostly just be my impressions after having watched the film twice so if I don’t point out a vocal talent in the blurb assume they did alright in my book.
Herb Copperbottom - performed by Stanley Tucci, Herb was a really fun character and I think Tucci nailed his general enthusiasm during the opening scenes and later when he was more solemn. His overwhelming support of Rodney and his dreams are super uplifting, but beyond that, there isn’t much to him.
Rodney Copperbottom - Played by Ewan McGregor, the main character of our film Rodney is one of the blander parts in it. Partially because he has to be built up as this hero leading the charge against Madame Gasket. Partially because of the scriptwriting, I think McGregor’s performance here is alright but I was left wanting more from his delivery. I’ll touch on Rodney’s dynamic with other characters in their own sections but by and large, excluding Herb and Bigweld his relationships with the remainder of the cast are serviceable but weak.
Bigweld - Played by Mel Brooks, I One hundred percent expected Rodney and Cappy to find him near death/dead in his workshop on my initial viewing. Ends up kind of overriding the other side characters given he’s able to solve the problem by firing Ratchet. He’s a standout character that gives a sort of Walt Disney aura coming off as bigger than life, that said after being knocked out by Ratchet he becomes more of a plot device than someone actively contributing with the villains and Rodney fighting to save/kill him. Can't not shout out Mel Brooks because he's great here.
Ratchet - Played by Greg Kinnear, the best character in the movie hands down. Greg Kinnear’s over-the-top performance of a capitalist nut obsessed exclusively with profits is great. From his sleazy nature to his dimwittedness in charming Cappy. His relationship with Madame Gachet is something of a strong point. There isn’t much I disliked about this scumbag of a character only wish he had more scenes.
Cappy - Played by Halle Berry, advertised as Rodney’s love interest, as a character she’s barely present. It feels like they wanted to do more with her and Rodney but besides a few action sequences and her bailing Rodney out she just has so little.
Fender - Played by Robin Williams, this’ll be brief since the comedy section covers how I feel about Fender for the most part but he’s the strongest of the supporting cast due to him having the most time with Rodney. Their relationship is very quick to go from Fender mugging Rodney to friends, and I can’t deny Robin William's strong vocal talent.
Lug and Crank - Performed by Harland Williams and Drew Carey. Sorry to say, both Crank and especially Lug are relegated to background characters. Cranks' cynical view of the world could’ve been used to juxtapose Rodney’s optimism but as it stands his most memorable scene is a one-off joke. Lug, on the other hand, is irrelevant, and scenes with him in the frame, let alone talking, probably total somewhere under ten minutes of the entire film. Directors seemed to have more plans for them both initially but it seems that got scrapped at some point.
Piper - Played by Amanda Bynes, she’s in a similar situation to Lug and Crank, she’s just narratively present as Fender's younger sister who’s attracted to Rodney. Hardly anything comes of this beyond a few jokes between her and Fender, but she also gathers the army for the final fight. From the advertising, you’d have expected her to have a much bigger role since she’s up there on the poster but nope!
Madame Gadget - Played by Jim Broadbent, I'm gonna be real the design of Madame Gadget feels like something out of an entirely different movie. Their introduction nails them as this super intimidating villain, and they deserved to have more standalone/planning scenes with or without Ratchet. Loved the crazy mom angle they went with her, honestly didn’t expect her to get the blast furnace in the end.
Alright, that’s probably the most anyone has written on Robots in quite a bit, I’ve heard this sentiment echoed online but after having seen the film I do feel this had the potential to have a more lasting impact than it did. While most of what I saw on the behind-the-scenes, development stuff was on Youtube if there's anything I missed, comment! Or however Tumblr works, I’m still getting used to this stuff.
It’s been a minute and figured I’d write a short piece while I write more long-form stuff, and this was free on Youtube at the time of writing. Until next time, don’t question what is and isn’t a robot in this universe lol.
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alllinesarebeautiful · 2 months
Day 412 Art meditation, July 19  
Dear You, 
“Growth can also feel like a breaking point”, I read recently, and this last week felt like a breaking point. Posting photos of tired -me and recharged by Mother Nature-me …
After every nadir of my life, when I think that’s the most depressed I can be, there is another bottom, which is not really the definition of “nadir”, but there we go. I have learned that I am resilient and that is my heart-space. The depth of my occasional depression is equal to the largeness of my heart-space. And the more I am IN my heart-space, the more my ego freaks out, and so I end up in a depression again. The main point is that I’m onto this rollercoaster and try to make new adjustments with awareness. 
If my mind has the power to shove me into a 4 day depression, then my mind has the power to connect me to my heart, too. I AM DECIDING. 
If only my rugged heart-journey could help more people connect to their hearts … Because once we are there, we will have ONE political party ��
I am remembering the Oscars after the pandemic, when one of the themes was being more transparent about who did what gig work before this big movie career of theirs … I loved that Oscars, just a little less inflated, and more real. Being transparent is a heart activity, and one of my core values …
One of the gig jobs I had during my last years in NYC after I lost my Dream creative graphic design art director job, was work for three sisters who owned a coat checking company. It was one of my favorite jobs I’ve ever had. Put on the red lipstick and float into high society of Manhattan with my black coat-checking form-fitting pants and shirt and just WATCH: What makes me so different from these mega wealthy and successful people?  Victoria Secret’s big fashion show, the Glamour Woman of the Year at the Metropolitan Museum, where I peed in a stall next to Selma Hayek, and Phillips Auction house on Park Avenue. 
My favorite part was the Coat Checkers I worked with - most of them were Extras for movie sets, waiting for their next extra gig, always auditioning, always believing a bigger opening could happen. They LOVED the NYC actor community, everybody loved movies, including me. I met a coat-checking married couple who lived in a tiny, dark apartment and were poor as church-mice, and didn’t care, because this was exactly where they wanted to live, and what they wanted to do. Being around them filled my soul up…
As a highly sensitive person I needed to get out of NYC, and 9/11 was the last straw of intensity for me, but I will always be grateful to NYC for giving me such huge Yes’s into my self-educated graphic design career. Those years taught me that if I follow my Intuitive Heart, and do what I love, graphic design - even if it meant throwing away an entire BA degree in German and Women’s Studies - that the Yes’s will just start happening EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY. I’ve read tid bits about the Quantum leap, and this must have been that, and now that my siblings have point blank said “no we will not become supportive Members of whatever it is you are doing”, I get to say exactly what I want to say. 
Those years in Manhattan, especially the Art Director job in Wall Street, the meetings on top of the World Trade Center, FAO Schwarz building, were some of the happiest of my life. The ‘energy’ of those years felt like a miracle: I knew myself, I showed up, I connected and I asked for a lot of money, and I got a lot of money, I delivered. I wasn’t pushing …  It’s interesting that I wasn’t working with any coaches then, I had this natural ability to listen to my Heart. The same heart space that is in all of us, if ONLY we could each learn how to tap into that space…
It is harder NOT to push when I’m in so much physical pain, and that’s the only issue I have with gig work now and all the driving I’m doing.
I read Sir Ken Robinson’s book “The Element” the year when I was packing up my house on the East Coast to get ready to move back to SF for the 2nd time. I find the point of “The Element” soothing - that my creative tribe is out there, I just haven’t found you yet. I’m listening to my heart for guidance…
That year I also read Brené Brown’s “Daring Greatly”, “Gifts of Imperfection”, “Rising Strong” and watched her two TEDx talks on Shame and Vulnerability, repeatedly. 
I even had my astrological chart read for one 3 hour morning, as a way of stepping out of the box, and the messages were filled with juicy, intuitive nuggets. It was the beginning of breaking out of old molds and expectations and learning how to listen to my heart… This is also a longer story!
Reading books have always helped me connect to myself and my Heart and these 4 books, 2 Ted Talks and one Astrological chart reading helped me feel buoyant.
I don’t know how to end this post … I just feel like all humans are trying to find our hearts … and our way to each other … And our ego-spaces hate it. Our ego-spaces just want things to stay the same, hate change and mystery and the worst of all … Trusting and letting go … Which, even as I write this, a part of me just wants some stinking answers and to control this situation. 
Thank god for heating pads.
Lots of love, (because I’m convinced that on a pure heart-level, I love everybody),
Anne ◎
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Ⓒ 2024 Anne Hunsicker | All Lines Are Beautiful. All rights reserved.
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itz-ps15 · 2 months
My BG ocs voice Actors
My BG ocs Voice Actors and About them
Hi my Hearty Angels! It’s your girl: P.S.
And today, you read the title, my Bubble Guppies ocs have voice actors and I’m gonna tell you all about each oc! Make sure to also tell me who was your favorite!
To make this easy, I’ll start with all my girl BG ocs, and then we go to the boys!
And I also won’t include the families, because that would be too much then, I’m just detailing the new guppies. And what I mean by that is like the ones that will go to their school and other guppies with jobs. 
Let’s start with one of my favorites personally.
She is an extremely shy animal lover with asthma and social anxiety. Her favorite color is yellow. She also goes by Caroli,Cari, but not Carol, she doesn’t like Carol.Her favorite animal is a kitten. Cari also has a Maine Coon kitten named Kiki. She tends to get frightened easily though, but gets lots of comfort from her friends, especially Jaxx!
Voice Actress: Ariana Grande or Andrea Libman
The leader of these guppies! The extroverted tomboy everyone likes to hang out with. She likes pastel colors, and she’s very agile. But never mess with her aggressiveness. Lexi is always there to lend a helping hand! She also likes playing sports, especially basketball or soccer!
Voice Actress: Cindy Robinson or Victoria Justice
The optimistic party girl! She loves all things girly and likes the color fuschia! Katie tends to be a little exaggerated but she’s still a very good friend. Her favorite animal is also a Fox. Katie is always looking for a way to make her friends smiling and having fun. She’s always like Oona, because they’re bffs! But her number one bestie is Lexi!
Voice Actress: Andrea Libman 
The stylish. Her family owns a fashion company.  She loves designing outfits with Deema and the outfit she’s wearing, she designed it herself. Her favorite color is magenta. Blaire is very dramatic once in a while, but she cares deeply for her friends. Blaire is interested in, not a popular, cool boy, but a generous and kind boy who expressed his affection with actions and makes her feel special. She is beautiful inside and out, and loves helping others see that about themselves as well.
Voice Actress: Tabitha St. Germain
The oldest of the Barbershop Trio, but the shortest. She is Kayden’s girlfriend and the most sweetest and kindest barber you’ll ever meet. Though she can be a bit shy and timid, she has a good personality. Erica loves styling hair and she would even play with Kayden’s hair to try different styles, and even her own hair. Erica is also a very understanding and patient barber, she loves helping her clients feel comfortable for their haircut! Her favorite colors are also teal and turquoise. Erica is also known to be an animal lover owning two bunnies, Gigi and Becky. She also got a cute puppy in a mix between a  Pomeranian and a Japanese Spitz from Kayden and she named her Marshmallow! Erica can be jumpy and hates horror movies. But other than that, she loves to play with Kayden’s hair and tie it in a ponytail like always. She always found brushing hair relaxing. And she also loves playing her flute when she’s not styling hair. 
Voice Actress: Kira Buckland
She may look beautiful, and she knows she is, but you don’t wanna be friends with her or be with her friends. They are mean as heck!!!!! Molly’s bully and arch nemesis. She’s always been jealous of Molly for her beautiful voice and singing. She even says that Molly sounds like a donkey. Crystal is very rude and likes to make everybody feel bad, and her target now with Emily and Kane is Nonny.
Crystal’s favorite thing to do with Emily is going on shopping sprees for the last eat outfits and trends out there!
Voice Actress: Selah Victor
She is Nonny’s tormentor and always gets the chance to make him feel less confident about himself. Hence, she even cuts his hair to make him “see his actual place.” What a psycho. Emily is your spoiled brat who will go and spend all her daddy’s money on everything. Emily is just your typical “GMM”(Gacha Mini Movie) type of spoiled brat and bully with her boyfriend Kane and her best friend Crystal! Emily usually loves spending her time shopping and making others feel insecure, but she also parties late with Crystal and Kane and other bullies.
Voice Actress: Faye Mata
Kasumi Miller
She has a skin condition known as Vitiligo. She got this from her aunt. Kasumi loves the ocean and she likes hanging out with Abby. She sees Abby as a sister. She moved to the U.S. at 7 years old. Kasumi sometimes goes by “Kas”, and her best friend is Abigail, or “Abby” for short. Kasumi is a very strong, fierce, confident and sporty girl who’s always there swimming and exploring! 
Voice Actress: Natalie Hoover
Abigail “Abby” Masaki
The sincere photographer. She has a vlog and posts everything she loves and sees. Her nickname is Abby. She can be timid once in a while, but she has a big heart for her friends.
Voice Actress: Ali Hillis
Sachi Hanamichi
A young adult studying hairdressing to be a professional hairdresser. She loves pocky, playing the piano, and especially playing with Elijah and doing his hair, even if he tells her not to. Sachi is happy go lucky and an optimistic girl always looking in the bright side of everything as Sayori as well! Sachi can have her derpy moments, because she can be a bit forgetful at times and acts like Elijah’s outgoing big sister!
Voice Actress: Christine Marie Cabanos
Sayori Silva
The flower princess. Very pretty and sincere. Her favorite color is baby pink and her best friend is Elijah. Her favorite flower is a citrus flower. Sayori can act like a child, but she’s always looking at the positive side with a ball of happiness inside her. 
Voice Actress: Emily Neves
Kind super star with a talented and golden heart. Stella’s rival. Has a love for flowers and is friends with Stylee. She even cheers for the guppies and their music. Viola is very sweet and loves to show off her voice with her friends.
Basically, the polar opposite of that girl Stella . But she and Stella made up after she learned about how Stella’s friends were treating her.
Voice Actress: Miranda Cosgrove
Okay, now that we got all the girls, time to meet the boys.
Let’s start off with….
He’s known as the most sporty guy and he’s more strong and confident. His favorite colors are blue and green. He may look strong on the outside, he has a soft spot, especially for Cari. Jaxx can have a bit of an attitude, but he’s chill and cool with sports.
Voice Actor: Alex Organ
He is the gentle and honest boy whom he looks out for. He loves dark blue and usually has his hair super messy. He has either one of his friends or mom to cut his hair. He also owns 4 dogs. Drake can have trust issues once in a while, well he does, but he can give others a chance when he needs it. He is calm and honest, and he has feelings for Blaire, since she has always been there for him, no matter the differences they have.
Voice Actor: Justin Briner
Kayden is Erica’s boyfriend, he is 20 years old, but likes to tease his girlfriend since he’s taller. He’s a music lover and ver passionate about styling hair, cause he, Erica and Devon are barbers. His favorite color is green and his style is a casual exotic style. He acts very charming and flirts almost every time with Erica, but he is actually really smart and chill about his passion and personality. Kayden can get annoyed at Devon from time to time, but he always forgives and that’s what matters. But he is usually that one dude who’s always calm and chillaxing chill. He also grew up mostly with dogs, he loves them, especially his German Shepherd Jet and Brussels Griffon Eevie. He is also shown to be a good singer and guitar player. He sometime would sing playing his guitar while Erica played her flute.
Voice Actor: Ray Chase
Devon is 19, making him the youngest of the group. He is mistaken for an emo, but he’s actually really kind and mature. But he is a bit clumsy, accident prone and a goofball. His favorite color is black, and his style is an artsy “Emo” style. Devon is really clumsy and likes dark emo and gothic aesthetics and styles. But he always puts his priorities and friends and family first. Devon also is a great artist, he loves to create different painting with his hair colors and often draws his ideas. He also has a Husky named Comet and a Half Maine Coon and Half Randall kitten named Zara. Devon is also shown to have a keen eye for drawing, he would sometimes do arts and crafts with coming up with new hair dyes and colors for the customers. A personal favorite of his is glow in the dark hair dye, and he made some as a spray.
Voice Actor: Johnny Yong Bosch
Kane is a big strong bully and Emily’s boyfriend. But he does like to make fun of Nonny with Crystal and Emily. He is also very agile and a play boy to girls. But he loves pushing Nonny hard around with Emily and Crystal. Kane is a big brat and often hits and slaps Nonny in the face to hurt him badly. He a big brat bully. Everyone stays out of his way when he walks.
Voice Actor:Grant George
Elijah Rento
This shy tween’s smart in aerodynamics and mechanics. His favorite color is red and loves taiyaki. But he hates when he has to get his haircut. Elijah is really sensitive and also can have trust problems when someone tries touching his hair. But he loves anything that has to do with engineering and aerodynamics, he also loves reading and watching movies. His best friends are Sayori and Sachi. Fun fact, Elijah can actually speak Japanese.
Voice Actor: Sabrina Pitre
Japanese Voice Actor: Ayumu Murase
for @komicantspellanything and @yet-happy
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nebulacritter · 3 months
Binge Wheel DX was a success! Here are the things I've watched so far:
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Rock and Rule
I like how I started this off with an underrated classic. The cyberpunk setting reminded me of Fallout and Metroid. I had no idea Cheap Trick was involved in this movie, but I think that's cool.
Favorite Characters: Stretch and Cindy
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Meet the Robinsons
This movie reminded me of @nobynobi02, so that's why I decided to watch it. It's my new favorite Disney movie, and it was quite hilarious. All of the characters are eccentric in their own ways, so that's why it was fun to watch.
Favorite Character: Goob (Future Ver.)
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Wonder Showzen
HOW DID THIS SHIT AIR ON TELEVISION??? Holy fuck. Wonder Showzen is the most messed up thing I've ever watched. It makes Don't Hug Me I'm Scared look like Sesame Street. I know this isn't exactly a show for everyone. If you do prefer to binge it, watch at your own risk.
Favorite Characters: N/A
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This movie is an in-joke with me and one of my friends, but that doesn't mean this movie is bad. I liked the whole goblincore aesthetic (get it?), and I also liked the creature designs and character dynamics. I know this has been said by someone else, but I think this movie would be a great JRPG.
Favorite Characters: Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Didymus (and Ambrosius!)
That's all folks! I can't wait to see what I'll get next!
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