#probably by combusting on the spot
bidrums · 1 year
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tabitha-the-tabbycat · 2 months
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Here's og image
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kang-yo-han · 2 months
Love to see Hakyun continuing his tradition of flustering the hell out of his younger male co-stars.
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mollyrolls · 3 months
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cosmicsodacan-art · 2 months
if you could meet any OOTS character, who would it be? also love your art!
WAGH Tysm! That’s really kind of you to say, I’m so glad you like my work!
Uhhh for the character question, my faves are Vaarsuvius and Redcloak, so that’s what my heart says… but characters like Minrah, Oona, Roy, and Haley seem like really fun hangs, so that’s what my brain says… or Lien! I really really like Lien :-) I need to draw her more aughh
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I was out today and some weird cute girl was walking around in her pjs. Should I say hi?
🤭Wow she really knows how to pull of those British nighties….I am just blushing at how cute she looks 😩😩 I would stroll right up to her and say such a random fact that she’d have to ask for more info 😭 I would pull a pippa Fitz Amobi “jiffy” moment. By all means say hi!!! 🤣🫶
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Pajama pip rules…🧸( I just want to snuggle into her and cuddle my worries away)
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
happy birthday!!
THANK YOU, thank you. everyone so proud of me for continuing to live for another year. technically i have not been alive for 22 years until 7:50ish PM. at which point it will have been exactly 22 years. but i'm not keeping track it's like 21 years 364 days 21 hours or some shit
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gregmarriage · 2 years
on a tomgreg betrayal, i honestly don’t think it will actually happen. the chances of it genuinely happening seem very slim. i think there’s probably gonna be the possibility offered to one or both of them, one or both of them will get scared the other will actually go through with it (most likely, tom will be worried that greg will turn against him somehow) honestly? i just imagine a boar on the floor style situation where it’s tense and there’s a moment where you think one of them will betray the other, but they don’t. this later solidifies their relationship and could perhaps lead into the meaty stuff, i.e, the romantic side of things.
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twewytransswag · 1 year
Round 1B, Match 3
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wabblebees · 1 year
the whole playlist is this. scrolled all the way down
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thanks spotify. love the personalization here
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ranger-kellyn · 2 years
making my dumb little posts as if i'm not simultaneously writing some of the most heart aching juliana/nemona nonsense and debating whether or not i can borrow/steal a line from one of my favorite books for this fic
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devilishbirds · 2 years
if i somehow dont get a $1.50 in the next 5 minutes im going to fucking explode
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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How’d they act if you called them pretty upon getting catch looking at them…
Dan Heng: blushes. Hard.
He’s not use to someone complimenting his looks as it’s not something he finds important.
‘Are you really that shameless to say such things aloud?’ He’d say while avoiding eye contact with you.
Dan Heng would act as though you just shouted this out loud in front a hoard of people, even though you didn’t.
He’s awkward when it comes to taking compliments aimed his way but his reaction is too fucking cute to ignore and will warrant another compliment his way, which will only serve in making his face brunt redder.
‘Shut up, please.’ He’d plead as he covers a hand over your eyes, feeling as though they’ve stared deeply into his soul and actually see him as a whole person and more. ‘You talk too much about things you don’t understand the first thing of.’
He’s probably going to get teased by March 7th after this and it’ll be used as blackmail, probably.
Give him a moment to breath and calm down before complimenting on how pretty he is because he will combust from how flustered he is.
Argenti: would probably start a compliment war in all honesty because how can you say he’s pretty without admitting that you are also quite a sight for sore eyes.
If you were to compliment his hair, he’d resort back with how even the stars put on their best performance within your presence.
He’s got such a way with words that can easily leave one flustered without even trying. He’d even wax poetry on the spot about how the light catches your eyes in a way similar to that of a kaleidoscope, bright, vibrant and above all breathtaking.
Argenti doesn’t hold back, will not hold back, and will not back down from letting you know just how ethereal you look to him.
He can do this all day, you however could not do this all day seeing how this man has unlimited ammunition when it came to complimenting the beauty of pretty much everything.
(I mean this is the same dude who complimented a plant. 🪴 I bet that plant blushed, we just didn’t see it bc who wouldn’t blush if a chivalrous red head complimented them?)
Welt: smiles softly as a light blush coated his cheeks.
He’s well kept for someone who’s in his 60/70/80’s And he deserves to be told as such!
(all I know is that he’s grandpa age from other ppl)
So when you do compliment him and call him pretty, this old man is going to thank you for such kind words and probably give you head pats as a reward.
He appreciates a kind compliment now and then.
‘Why thank you, I try my best to keep in good shape if I’m meant to keep up with all of you.’ He would say in response followed by a chuckle.
Welt is young at heart and knows that his body isn’t how it once was but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a restless spirit within an old man’s body. So when you compliment him, it only makes him feel good and warm on the inside.
Blade: doesn’t know how to take compliments.
He’s not use to it and doesn’t know how to react to it other than saying something along the lines of;
‘Don’t be ridiculous.’
‘Flattery will get you nowhere.’
Or just straight up. ‘No.’
And all the while his face is like this: 😐 or this 😒
It’s never one or the other, blade just doesn’t view himself worth the compliment, when the only things about him that people see most is that he’s a bad dude in a bad group doing bad things.
He doesn’t see why you’re wasting a kind, genuine compliment on someone whose entire body is riddled in ugly scars.
Blade is the type of person where you’d have to prove that your compliment is genuine or else he just won’t believe it.
Sampo: his ego is boosted to the max.
Well done you’ve made him even more insufferable.
He will smile that Cheshire smile of his and ask to hear what else about him you find appealing besides his pretty face.
You: your exposed hips, you slut-
However behind his cocky persona, he’s a giggly bitch who’s mentally kicking his feet and writing this interaction in his bubblegum pink diary with a glitter pen.
Sampo is deeply invested in what you thought about the rest of him but won’t let it show as he would consider it ‘out of character’ for himself. So he’ll continue to act the cocky and confident fool like he always does.
He’ll be the type to tease you about potentially killing him while internally screaming himself and telling other people that you find him pretty, much to your embarrassment.
‘You see them over there? Yeah they called ol’ Sampo pretty!’ He’d say to a random person while pointing towards you as you try to hide yourself behind a trash can…only for the trash can to grow arms and legs and walk off elsewhere.
Why were the arms and legs buff as fuck? What was their workout routine? You must know. now.
Sunday: takes the compliment in kind.
He looks like the type to get called handsome or pretty on the daily, so it’s nothing new to him but he’ll take the compliment nonetheless.
He’s probably the most calm out of the bunch when being called pretty, besides from maybe Welt.
He’s not bashful, he’s not overtly arrogant and he’s not in denial about it either. He just takes the compliment as it is and goes on about his day like any other.
Though people would take note on how he’s smiling brighter than usual. Your compliment would stay with him the entire day, as it serves as a reminder of his place within your heart and he’s secretly scheming on ways on how to stay within your heart.
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clare-875 · 9 days
How do I look?
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_____ Pairings: Zoro x Reader; Ace x Reader; Sanji x Reader; Law x Reader; Luffy x Reader Summary: How he would react to you dressed up for a date. Warnings: Fluff Notes: The above images do NOT belong to me, Female Reader [One Piece Masterlist] _____
Zoro Zoro looks up from where he had been sitting on the floor, waiting for what seemed like forever for you to get ready. He had gotten himself dressed in much nicer clothing than he was used to after Nami had scolded him for the clothing he had chosen prior. "Are you serious?! You can't wear that to a date!" He still hears the sharp ringing of her voice as she passed him clothes muttering about how she couldn't believe you had actually agreed to date him. He had been exasperated, but now as he sees you smiling as you come out of the room you had been in, it is almost worth it. He feels the flush of his cheeks rising as he desperately tries to keep up his nonchalant facade. You are adorned in a beautiful dress, your hair pulled up perfectly and your makeup bringing alight your features. "How do I look?" Your voice is slightly teasing as you easily spot the rising red of his face but he turns away from you quickly before you see the influence you have on him.
"Fine," his voice is low but in turn for the lack of words he shares, you feel instantly his warm hands that creep to hold you around your waist. "Just fine?" You say, rolling your eyes but when he turns down to meet your gaze, you see his eyes widen, face flushing redder than before. "Yes woman, now let's go." You laugh at his flustered state and feel warmth grow in your heart at the sight of the usually stoic swordsman showing you the depth of emotion his words cannot convey. Needless to say, you also do not miss the wide smirk on his face as he holds you to him, watching men who also stare at your beauty with pride. You were beautiful. Of course, you were. And you were his. Ace When Ace turns to you as you call his name, he feels himself at a loss for words. He almost combusts right then and there. "Ace!" You turn to your partner, finally ready for your date before doing a small twirl, feeling the ends of your dress flutter outwards at your movement. "How do I look?" Your face, already so beautiful gleamed wide with your smile, excitement in your eyes as it had been a while since you had gone ashore with your boyfriend. "Yeah, Ace, how does she look?" The shit-eating smirk on Thatch's face widens as he turns to the man who stares frozen at your form. It had been a while since he had seen you free of the clothes you wear out at sea. Flames lick his skin as he tries to ramble out the words he wishes to say, but unfortunately for him, Marco takes the chance to tease him further. "Well, I think you look stunning-yoi." Marco grins as Ace glares sharply from his side. "Oi, birdbrain, that's my girlfriend!" Ace quickly grabs you by the hand and drags you away from the Whitebeard crew after he hears enough of their prying and teasing. You just laugh along with them as Ace pulls you to a more quiet space.
"Ace?" You ask when he has seemed too quiet for a while. You feel slight worry at the sudden silence, however, it is a concern you don't need; he is simply trying to process your beauty. When he finally turns, his face is burning red and you can no longer tell if it is because of his devil fruit powers or not; probably not. He pushes away the fluster you so easily cause in him for a moment and grabs your hand in his, raising it to his lips. You watch wide-eyed at his gentle gesture. "You look beautiful [y/n]." It is your turn to feel the flush rising in your face as you turn to his earnest eyes. You smile at his words as he pulls you close to him. "Not bad yourself." You say under your breath and you see the wide smile on his face brighten even further. Sanji This is Sanji, so of course when he sees you leaving the confines of your room he is all over you in an instant. "How do I look?" Your words linger in the air, but you honestly didn't even need to ask; he would shower you with compliments anyway. You see his eyes enlarge, hearts almost pouring from them as he shouts to you words that have you smiling sheepishly. "Stunning, my love, as usual!" "The Gods have blessed me with an angel!" He continues, words splurging from him as he drinks in your form; so perfect. You were dressed in a beautiful dress that Nami and Robin had helped you pick out, your hair and makeup done intricately and highlighting your already ethereal features to the love-drunk cook. You laugh as he spews his words, "Stunning," "Breathtaking," and "Beautiful" to you, but quickly take the chance to grab his hand and allow him to take a breath. "Thank you, Sanji." You say, smiling gently as he freezes at your hold and stares at you in utter wonderment. Sanji almost melts to the floor; almost. However, he surprises you when you watch as his eyes that were ablaze with his devotion suddenly sober of his crazed adoration and turn into simple love.
"My love, you are truly divine," Sanji speaks his words softly this time as though in disbelief, eyes earnest as he stares into yours. His voice is filled with such sincerity you are almost taken aback by his seriousness, by his awe. You smile even wider then, and Sanji feels his world enlightened; you are smiling at him. You are dressed up and waiting for him. His arm is held out to you, ever the gentleman, as you take it in one hand and he guides you off the ship. His gaze never leaves yours and your smile never leaves your face, you were perfect, and somehow, you were his. Law Law sighs heavily under his breath as he pulls at the clothes he wears. He didn't know how you had convinced him to take the evening off, but here he was dressed up and waiting for you to get ready for a date. His mind could wonder but in all honesty, he knew you just had that way about you; you could convince him of anything, including this date. "Law?" Your voice is soft as he looks up to see that you have finally left the confines of your room, but the surgeon suddenly finds himself free of anything but speechlessness as he turns to you. He was so used to seeing everyone in boiler suits that he had almost forgotten the beauty you encapsulated, adorned in the clothes you now wear. "How do I look?" Your words are almost shrouded with shyness as you turn to your partner and captain hesitantly, unsure of his thoughts under his forbearing facade. Unbeknownst to you, Law is having a mini heart attack as he looks to you so perfect and gorgeous before him. He fights the flush that threatens his face and has to clear his throat before he turns to meet your gaze.
"You are beautiful, love." Your stare widens with surprise at the sincerity of his words, and the depth of emotion in his eyes as he turns to you. His hands envelop yours in the stunned silence as he gently guides you through the polar tang, ready for your evening ashore on the Island. You feel the flush of your face and the thrumming of your heart. Even though the two of you had been dating for a while, you don't think you could ever get used to Law's softer side or the compliments he would offer when it was just you and him. When the two of you make it ashore in the comfortable quiet he turns to you once more, and you swear you see the upturn of his lips as he meets your eyes. In his mind was one thought: He was so lucky to have you.
Luffy Luffy has gotten used to the thrumming of his heart whenever you are around. At first, he thought the funny feeling you ignited within him was born from some sort of adverse reaction, but then Robin had amusedly told her Captain, that maybe it was the feeling of love. Luffy had never thought of such a thing before, his goals and responsibilities as Captain hindering any such prospects. However, as the emotions grew with every passing day, at every touch and during every time you shared your company, it finally led to the both of you dating. Despite him becoming accustomed to the sensations you would bring about him, he felt his heart rate rise abnormally higher when he saw you leave your room. You are dressed in a simple sundress, ready for a date that you know will turn most probably into an adventure, knowing your Captain. But when you look up you are surprised to see him quiet and not jumping to go to the island immediately. "Luffy?" You say, tilting your head in question before fidgeting at the hem of your dress in nervousness at his gaze. "How do I look?" Luffy finally seems to shake himself free of the thoughts that clouded his mind as he meets your gaze with his signature wide smile, brimming with joy.
"You look really nice [y/n]!" You are taken aback by his blunt praise and by the sincerity deep within his words, but you find yourself smiling as you let out a laugh. "Really?" Luffy grins further as he snatches your hand into his and turns to you. "Yeah, now let's go! I'm starving!" You continue to laugh at his words as he is forever drawn by the food that awaits but you also feel your love brim at the sight of his warm gaze, ready for another adventure to begin... with you.
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smallpwbbles · 1 month
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I probably would have combusted on the spot if you told me at the beginning of the year we were going to get a Sonic generations remaster heavily focusing on Shadow with a tie in animation series with 3 episodes that also delve into his time on the Ark AND a fucking manga
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wrayah · 7 months
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GENSHIN + "their favourite position"
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prompt: their favourite position(s) during sex characters: wriothesley, tartaglia, neuvillette, alhaitham x fem!reader
warnings: smut (mdni 🔞), unprotected sex w: size kink (only a little), breeding kink (i think), creampie t: marking, masturbation, choking, aftercare n: i'm soft for this man, affection kink, a lot of physical touch a: degrading names, ass apreciation, overstimulation, creampie
notes: this is just a bunch of random horny thoughts put together uuuh,,, they are wuite short, i'm sorry, i'll write longer stuff once i'm free from school ♡ (NOT PROOF-READ!!)
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― ♡⸝⸝ WRIOTHESLEY + doggy, prone boning
He just loved taking you from behind, having the pleasure of admiring and gripping at your ass while pounding into you. He adored seeing you shake and squirm beneath him, your body trying to escape him as overwhelming sensations invaded it.
He had complete contorl over your body, his hands on your hips preventing you from getting away from him, pulling your body agaisnt his, sending your hips crashing into each other every time, making you see stars.
Seeing you tug the sheets, knuckles turning white, nails digging into the fabric, always made him chuckle. Your head would either be thrown back to let out loud moans and sometimes screams or be burried in the matress, small moans and whimpers being muffled agaisnt it. You looked so powerless and adorable, your smaller frame engufled by his bigger one, it's probably why he loved doing you like this.
The only downside was being unable to properly see your face, but it was easily solvable. He would occasionally grab fistfuls of your hair and pull it, sending your head falling backwards. With his chest pressed agaisnt your back, his lips would come crashing into yours, taking you into breathtaking and bruising kisses.
Your arms would grow tired, your body feeling weak from the waves of pleasure that would make it combust, before he was even close to finishing. Chest pressed agaisnt the matress, your upper body laying flat, butt propped up in the air for Wriothesley to abuse, the fun would continue this way.
His hand would come down on your ass, smacking it, leaving a red burning spot on the otherwise soft skin.
What he loved most though, was teasing you in this position. He would sometimes slow down, to your dismay, and lean back, watching how his dick would get swallowed up by your cunt, sliding in and out with ease thanks to your juices. He would pull almost all the way out, only leaving the tip of his head in, and then fuck your entrance with his head. Small, slow and yet powerful thursts. He loved hearing you whimper and beg, torn bewteen enjoying the current sensation or wanting him to continue destroying you.
"You like that, don't ya?"
Needless to say, he would toy with you until he was satisfied with your state; his pride was to always leave you a moaning mess, unable to form words, mind clouded from the sweet intoxicating bliss and limbs uselless. Once he deemed that your condition was humiliating enough, he would focus on himself, hips ramming into yours, fucking you into the matress. Feeling your walls clamping down on his dick, he would coax you into another climax along with him, sweet praises falling from his lips accompanied by frantic circles drawn on your clit with his fingers.
"Come for me, baby. Come with me." He would whisper into your ear, body pressing agaisnt yours, hugging you tightly with one arm while his other hand stayed between your legs. Moans and groans filling the room, uniting in a sweet cacophony as you reached your highs.
His hips stilled, his cock burried deep inside you. Filling you was his ultimate prize, being able to see his seed dripping from your cunt after pulling out exciting him even after release.
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― ♡⸝⸝ TARTAGLIA + sideways
Chest agaisnt your back, one hand gripping your thigh, keeping your leg up, the other snaking around your neck, grabbing hold of it, keeping you exactly where and how he wanted. He loved physical contact, he loved being close to you. Your warm skin agaisnt his own making him want to become one with you.
His face burried into your shoulder, taking in your sweet odour, leaving him in a drunk-like state. He wanted you, all of you. He desired to feel all of your body, to leave his mark all over you, to make you all his. It's in moments like these where he had full control over you and your body that he felt most powerful, the thrill of battle not comparing to the mix of emotions he felt while he was intimate with you.
His nails digging into the tender flesh of your thighs as he thrust into you, curses flying from his lips and into your neck. His hand on your neck would tighten, leaving you breathless as he ground into you, pace slowing down, procuring pure intoxicating bliss for both of you.
The sounds that spilled fom your mouth as his head touched the deepest corners of your cunt sent him into a frenzy. He fucked you religiously, praying to hear more of that alluring harmony that could send him over the edge in an instant if he allowed it.
To stifle his own moans and growls, he would kiss your neck and shouleder, leaving trails of kisses and purple marks, his teeth imprinted onto your skin. You were his in that moment and forever, and it was no problem if the whole world knew it.
"Play with yourself for me, princess." He would ask you, wanting to feel you clench aorund him, to reach the pinnacle of pleasure together.
Watching you play with yourself shakily, every touch and rub of your nub making your whole body squirm and your walls squeeze around him, drove him crazy right into Celestia.
"Gimme all you got, girlie."
As you both reached your highs, your tight cunt milking him of his seed, he hugged you tightly, forehread pressed agaisnt your shoulder, continuing to thurst into you but slower, giving you every last drop of him, filling you with his love and desire.
Soft kisses would be placed on the fresh bruises, soothing the ache. He wouldn't let go of you until you had caught your breath, soothing you by caressing your aching boding and playing with your hair.
Of all his victories, you were his favourite.
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― ♡⸝⸝ NEUVILLETTE + missionary
Sex with Neuvillette was mostly gentle, love-making to be exact. He took well care of you and your body, always making sure you were enjoying yourself; not that he needed to do, everything he did to your body was simply out of this world.
Spreading your thighs apart and lining himself with your entrance, he would kiss you, a kiss so passionate and so lustful it had some sort of hold on you. As your tongues engaged in a slow dance, he pushed inside slowly, stretching you out gently as to not inflict any pain upon you. As you flicnhed and whimpered beneath him, he would caress your cheek and press his forehead agaisnt yours, comforting you as you took his length in.
"You're doing good, sweetheart, as good as you feel."
Eyes locked, one little nod from you was all he needed to continue the deed. He held his body up with his forearm, his hand holding your head, fingers tangled in your hair. His other hand would hold your hip, grabbing and squeezing your soft skin. His touch was warm, filled with love, making both your heart and core flutter with every physical contact.
As he thrust into you, slow and steady, he trapped your lips in yet another langourous kiss. Your lips would never be apart, either him or you would pull the other into a kiss. It was basicly a need for you two to kiss while enjoying each other's bodies, engulfing in each other's love.
Your hands would be wrapped around his body or neck, hugging him, pulling him towards you, needing to feel his warmth. You would place kisses on his shoulders and cheeks, loving him, adoring him, encouraging him onwards.
Intimacy was very important to you, you needed to feel each other, your bodies needed to connect, to become one. You would always be grabbing the other's body in any way possible, desperately trying to give them all your love. You desired each other, evident by how you adored each other's bodies with butterfly kisses, marks and lustful looks.
Skin slapping agaisnt skin, the sound of his dick pushing into your wet hole,your bodies burning, ready to combust together; everything was guiding you, pushing you towards release.
As his mouvements become sloppier, his groans and moans growing louder along with yours, you took his face into your hands and pulled him into a kiss, your lips crashing together with force, forcing your breathes out of you. Such a feverous kiss was enough to send you both spiraling into bliss. As he felt his dick throb inside of you, he pulled out, grinding agaisnt your sensitive folds and clit, his cum spurting out onto your body. You swallowed each other's moans down, not letting go until everything was over.
Pulling you into a hug, you would lay there together, catching your breathes. You would caress his hair and face, admiring the flushed yet relaxed expression on his face. He would place kisses on your forehead, rubbing your back comfortingly.
"Je t'aime, ma chérie."
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― ♡⸝⸝ ALHAITHAM + reverse cowgirl, sitting
With his new title of Acting Grand Sage, Alhaitham was always very busy, sitting on his desk, papers and scripts in hand. Thanks to his awful habit of overworking himself, you had foud yourself sitting on his lap on multiple occasions at late hours, including ones where your needy body screamed for attention. One thing led to another, and you'd discover the pleasure of riding him while he sat at his desk.
Hands resting on the desk before you, helping you keep your balance as you lifted your butt from his body only for it to come wiggling back down, his dick being entirely taken up into your pussy. Your feet on the ground, your body help up by the tips of your toes as you bounced on his dick. It was quite the exercise, that combined with the pleasure made your legs get shaky rapidly.
He would try to stay focused on his work as you satisfied yourself, used him for your pleasure, but he could never keep up the uninterested act and would end up replacing the papers in his hands with your hips, meddling the soft skin as you brought the both of you to heaven.
He loved sitting back and just enjoy you, guiding you with his hands up and down, head falling back as pleased sighs and moans escaped his throat. His eyes could intenly watch your ass bounce, the way it moved when your hips crashed down onto his. It mesmerized him; it's beauty, it's shape, it's softness, he loved everything about it and couldn't keep his hands off of it.
As much as he loved having you ride him, it was tiresome for your body, and you'd find yourself losing rythm, sometimes even stopping dead.
"Is that all you got?"
His fingers would snake aorund your body, coming around to rub circles into your clit, sending shockwaves throught all of your body as if he was powering you back up. With new found strength and adrenaline, you ignored your aching legs and continued bouncing, hips coming down onto him faster and harder, his dick hitting the furthest corners of your hole.
Not being totally selfish, he'd help you by thrusting up itno you as you came bakc down, enhacing the sensations and making the knot in your belly grow tighter with each perfect stroke.
With his nails sinking into your hips, he'd continue forcing your body up and down on his cock as you came, your head falling forwards as you moaned and cursed. Stilling not too far into your cunt, his cum shot out of his dick and onto your walls, your hole leaking from the amount.
He loved spreading your folds after he pulled out, watching you drip onto his thigh and floor.
"Such a good cumslut."
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© wrayah, 2024
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