#ben galpin
see-arcane · 1 year
Immense shout out to Ben Galpin and the sound design @re-dracula applied to his dialogue for this entry. Never before would I have thought the words:
"We four?"
Could sound so much like a gun being cocked. The same way I never thought the words:
"I want to consult with Mina."
Could sound like someone mentally whetting a knife.
Really, all of Galpin's deliveries--when not addressed in absolute sweetheart mode to Mina--had just the right amount of steadily sharpening ice and steel just under the surface, absolutely helped by the subtle soundscape underneath. The same way Quincey keeps his own little motif, Jonathan is now getting little surges of something cold and taut. Still polite! Still thanking God (note the tension as he says it) for Mina's peaceful sleep!
But you can hear and almost feel that he is one (1) frayed nerve away from getting very, very uncivil with Van Helsing and company if he catches one more whiff of the same bullshit that got Mina put in danger in the first place. Bravo, 5/5 kukri blades.
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somnesca · 1 year
Jonathan reading the actual burial service rite on Re: Dracula aaaaaAAAhHhhHhhHHHHHHH BEN GALPIN HOW DARE YOUUU
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can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
Catching up to Re:Dracula and
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Tell me why I started tearing up at this. Tell me why. Ben Galpin I’m going to find you.
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Also this GAY-ASS SONG‼️‼️🤨🤨🤨🤨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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bidrums · 1 year
Jonathan breaking my heart this episode you can HEAR the despaired resignation in his voice when he realizes he’s trapped and the determination to get out of there alive and he’s so SCARED he’s SCARED and he doesn’t know what to do but he’s going to get out of here I believe in you Jonathan aaaaaaaaaa
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valiantsilver · 1 year
that bit in today’s episode where jonathan and dracula said the dates at the same time. the contrast between ben galpin sounding increasingly defeated and karim kronfli sounding increasingly triumphant. the tone of utter despair as he says ‘god help me’ while dracula laughs in the background. god the voice acting in this episode was superb.
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anony-geist · 1 year
Shout-out to @re-dracula for Jonathan's voice giving as much an emphasis on Dracula's lips as he did with the blonde lady's, and in general making the mutual homoerotic subtext more textual through such cues.
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lifelinebooks · 1 year
Reading dracula daily was literally the first thing I did after waking up this morning. Then I went and listened to the first re: dracula episode.
Amazing experience, I highly recommend. I've read dracula many times, but reading and then listening to it really helps me catch little things I missed.
Plus I just love Ben Galpin's portrayal of him. Top tier experience.
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reallyhardy · 1 year
since we've all been spending so much time listening to jonathan via @re-dracula i kind of wanted to know what ben galpin looks like and if he's been in anything i could watch
for starters i had somewhat assumed that his sweet, delicate voice was put on for the character, but idk certainly in his acting reel it seems like he always sounds this way :') what a charmer. anyway this reel seems to be from a long time ago just considering the fashion choices, so i also found some pics of him from various theatre productions...
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then specifically these from a children's theatre production called 'the hunting of the snark' (based on a lewis carroll nonsense poem a la jabberwock) in a very fun little explorer number. it's a little steampunk, and he's delightful.
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you can watch the whole thing too :')
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what the fuck? hey ben and karim? what the fuck?
i swear i didn't take a full breath for the whole episode the grip on my heart was too firm for me to take anything but the shallowest of breaths holy shit
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silelda · 11 months
On the October 30th entry:
Ben Galpin! Holy crap, what an amazing performance! Jonathan is portrayed so well by this man. I love it all!
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see-arcane · 1 year
You know what? Not done gushing about Ben Galpin as Jonathan Harker. Because he sold the exact right tone for ‘Start of the Journey’ Jonathan. He delivered all the pitches so, so perfectly.
You can hear the fluttery smitten love for Mina.
You can hear how earnest he is in wanting to research and take notes ahead of time--while in the same beat, and in his descriptions of the locals, you hear both the influence of his era’s and his country’s biased influence coloring his first impressions. 
You can hear how clueless he is to not only the supernatural threat around the corner, but to what position he’s in as a whole as we picture him turning the pages of a faulty translator dictionary and lackluster guide books.
You can hear ‘I have never left home. All I know of the world away from my tiny corner of it has been thirdhand and incomplete. I am setting out to do something important, I am going to absorb all the beauty beyond my little home that I can, and I am going to bring it all back to Mina.’
You can hear innocence in all its positives and negatives and, in that first briefly anxious mention of his dreams and the howling at his window, how he’s already trying to buckle down on rational explanations. It’s just the food, is all. It’s just him being nervous on his first big work trip. It’s nothing he can’t handle. Honest.
You can hear how awed, earnest, and eager he is in every word.
And in hearing this, capped with Karim Kronfli’s smooth death knell of a letter, you hear just how perfect a sacrificial lamb he is following the butcher up to the axe.
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spacedemodulator · 1 year
I wondered if @re-dracula would go there today, and they so did, and it was so good.
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can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
DEAR GOD BEN GALPIN’S VOICE ACTING THIS EPISODE? Jesus Christ that gave me emotions and hit me in the gut. I knew before listening to Re:Dracula that Jonathan Sims is a bloody fantastic voice actor but I’m going to have to look up more stuff Ben Galpin’s been in because his portrayal of Jonathan Harker in this show is hands down the best I have ever seen, not to mention specifically this episode his portrayal of struggles with trauma and panic attacks. Like genuinely, he only had a couple of lines and it still managed to strike a chord personally. The decision to deliver the “my God” lines specifically so high-pitched and shakily after delivering the “if I only knew!” line with so much desperation behind it, like coming to an overwhelming realisation and memory and feeling that fear and anxiety wash over you and your brain turn cold as you go weak from it – especially with the quick repetition of those “my God!” lines, so breathlessly and faintly. I know this is half Stoker’s brilliant writing and half Galpin’s incredible voice acting, but as someone who struggles very heavily with their mental health in honestly a pretty similar way, I was really taken off guard when I put on the episode to listen to and kind of came to the realisation of, “oh shit, I’ve done that. I’ve done that before. I’ve had very similar reaction like that before in a very similar way. And that’s an extremely close and realistic portrayal of it.”
In short, bloody fantastic work from Ben Galpin again here. I’m definitely going to have to check out more of his stuff.
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bidrums · 1 year
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imperial-evolution · 1 year
Mr Galpin, I love you!!!
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wynought · 1 year
huuuuge shoutout to @re-dracula for today's episode. despite knowing what was going to happen, i was on the edge of my seat the entire time. the vampiresses' laughter in the background throughout the scene, and the dream-like ambience really got to me.
ben galpin's performance as he narrated almost being bitten was simply outstanding! the tension was physically palpable and i could feel the sensations jonathan was describing on my own skin. simply terrific!
special mention of karim kronfli turning dracula's surface-level sweet words into the softest of threats. you could feel the sincerity in dracula's words and the conviction that he really is feeling love for jonathan. goosebumps!
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