#probably bc i’m not stressed with school anymore LMFAO
wexhappyxfew · 1 year
it’s a beautiful day and i’m feeling good vibes so, i might update ATTDC if the time rolls around! anyone want to be tagged when it goes up? (just lmk!)
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rint4rous · 4 years
hogwarts au! oikawa
a/n: wrote this with a bad headache LMAO so if you see mistakes no you didnt <3
yeah help
oikawa toru
sixth year slytherin
captain of slytherin quidditch team
this one. very popular with the girls.
always gets gifts and confessed to, he turns them all down nicely tho
he flirts with them a little but never goes out with anyone
thanks but no thanks, hes focusing on quidditch
mostly hangs out with hanamaki, matsukawa, and iwaizumi
you, sixth year gryffindor
a chaser for the quidditch team
actually you and oikawa had a bit of a rivalry thing going on
because oikawa was getting good grades AND is good at quidditch
and it doesnt even look like hes trying.
and he lowkey comes off as arrogant sometimes
and youre like i hate geniuses
the two of you met during first year when he tried playfully hitting iwa in the hallway but iwa dodged
and you happen to be speedwalking past and then next thing you know you get slapped???
you stop walking and turn to oikawa
“it’s alright!”
“are you sure??”
“yeah, it was an accident, right? …. unless it wasnt?”
“i thought so! see you ‘round!”
then you skip away
yeah. yall dont really start competing and shit until you found out your mom and his mom had BEEF??? WHEN THEY WERE IN SCHOOL????
you found that out at the end of first year
“i heard tachibana’s son is in your year. or i guess she’s oikawa now.”
youre like yeah what about it
“my dearest y/n, you’re a smart little girl, okay?”
“so make sure you’re better than that oikawa kid, alright?”
and little innocent you is like “ok”
so start of second year, you study and work extra hard
but here’s perfect little oikawa who always knocks you down to second place
at first youre like. i’ll just work harder!
and he joins quidditch and so do you
so you try hard at that too
you’re not like a sore loser or anything so when slytherin wins you shake his hand with a smile
but by the end of the year you’re just kinda :/ now because you never see him studying or practicing spells so how the fuck is he BETTER THAN YOU AT EVERYTHING!!! ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!
third year you come into school with like not very good feelings abt oikawa
and your mom was on your ass about your grades and you’re like omfggg im TRYING OKAY IM TRYING SO HARD
too bad tho thats when he starts liking you …
middle of third year is when you start expressing those feelings for oikawa out loud
“i hate self-centered geniuses. come back down to earth, will you.”
he heard you say when test results came back
and hes like is she talking abt me? lol nah shes probably talking about stupid ushijima over there
and then he finds out you were in fact talking abt him
hes kinda hurt lol
then when the new term rolls in
and the two of you just start talking shit about each other and start arguing all the time
“what’s the answer, l/n?”
“fairy wings.”
“oh my bad, i didn’t realize she said oikawa, and not l/n.”
“oh sorry, i thought you wouldn’t know the answer so i answered for you! i saved you from embarrassing yourself. you’re welcome~”
your seatmate yaku was holding you down with all his might and HOW IS LITTLE MAN ABLE TO HOLD YOU BACK HIS GRIP IS STRONG BRO
the whole class s ighs here we go AGAIN
the teacher doesnt even bother sending you guys out to hall anymore because this happens so much
you always try to sabotage each other in potions
one time his eyebrows almost burned off after his potion exploded in his face
makki and mattsun like LMFAOWFEHERGUYER
then when the year ends you’re like ranting to your mom like “i hate geniuses. who does he think he is? just because he can beat me at everything?? i’ll show him. i’ll make him eat dirt in the field. i’ll wipe that dumb smirk off his face. i’ll-”
your mom: omg my little baby so full of hate just like her momma
fourth year you’re so determined to beat oikawa at something
he sees you in the library, unprovoked, once and he comes up from behind you like
“aw, is l/n gonna try beating me again this year? you know there’s no point in trying.”
you: hold it in hold it in hold it in YOU’RE MATURE NOW Y/N L/N. YOU SHOULD BE MORE MATURE THAN THIS DIMWIT IN FRONT OF YOU. inhale exhale inhale exhale
“aw, is oikawa gonna try beating ushiwaka in quidditch again this year? you know there’s no point in trying.”
way to be mature
poor oikawa tho you pressed a wrong button so he just leaves silently
you kinda regret it after
so this year goes like the last and so does the next
“arent you tired?? of competing with oikawa all the time??” your friend semi asked you
“kind of”
“then stop?? you dont have to fulfill your mom’s high school revenge lmao”
“ughh eita i know but im too far in”
one time you were out breaking curfew #savage
no but seriously you couldn’t sleep so you thought some fresh air will help, the dorms were super suffocating right now
you were stressed after your mom’s monthly letter
beat oikawa this beat oikawa that
you turn at a corner and you see the man himself, ALSO BREAKING CURFEW
now the both of you are looking at each other like 👁👄👁
“shush before we both get caught”
“right sorry sorry”
“so what the hell are you doing breaking curfew.”
“what are you doing breaking curfew.”
“i asked you first”
“just answer the question, oikawa.”
he looks around, making sure the coast was clear before he motions you over to him and as you walk towards him
you see the door hes standing in front of
he drags you in there and what you see is
a bunch of practice dummies
“yeah i,, practice my spells here at night. contrary to popular belief i’m not a genius like ushiwaka or tobio. i’m flattered you think so, though.”
and youre like he... actually practices?? he is actually human?
“what’s with that look? you wanna join me practice at night?”
“as if-” and then you see the book of spells and you guys aren’t even learning any of this YET. and you are determined not to fall behind oikawa “sure.”
oikawas like pardon?
you: i SAID SURE.
and so now at night you practice spells together
only because you want to beat him as if
the arguing goes down a little because you get caught up in beating each other at who gets to do the spell right first that practice runs super late sometimes and you dont have energy to fight with each other that early
everybodys like ??? huh????
but then you’re back to the usual bs in the afternoon and everybodys like oh okay so the world isnt ending yet
so anyway !! yall are practicing again
you’re pointing your wand at a practice dummy and trying to focus so you dont accidentally do something dumb
"hey why do you hate me so much?”
“it’s not because i hit you when we were first years right? it really was an accident i swear-”
“you still remember that?”
“well yeah… because i cant think of any other reason why you don’t like me.”
“um… trying too hard to please my mom, i guess. what about you? why did you try so hard to beat me at everything?” you ask, regaining your focus for the charm
“idk, you never paid attention to me unless i did.”
you scoff, “why? you don’t like me or anything, do you?”
“i do tho??”
he literally said that just before you chanted the spell and you got caught off guard and
it almost hits oikawa
oikawa: WHAT DID I DO
now youre staring at each other and you’re both red
he kinda quiets down “and you’re a better rival than ushijima anyway. i don’t mean any of the stuff i said, i swear. i know you don’t like me but i just needed to let that out or i will go insane.”
and hes just looking down all shy
at this point you actually dont know if you like oikawa or not
i mean??? you spent like 3 years butting heads with this dude
and he liked you the whole time?? hes crazy this man is crazy.
maybe you were just in denial the whole time
because?? you could’ve stopped competing with him at everything
maybe you did enjoy it somehow
he did make your life at school interesting
“let’s go out on a few dates and we’ll see.”
his head just whips up and his eyes like light up and hes so EXCITED
in the time before you officially started dating
you find out from iwaizumi that even tho he smiles at a lot of girls its actually rarely genuine the only girl hes ever seen oikawa smile about genuinely was you
and that his mom actually didnt approve of him playing quidditch at first because he had a bad knee but he pushed for it because he really wanted to
he has like a smug and a flippant demeanor but hes very attentive and super caring !!
hes super passionate and hard working at what he does and
i guess now you finally realize you are falling
it takes five dates until the two of you officially start going out
if you tell third year you that you were dating oikawa she would never believe it but here you are, walking to class with him
when the two of you walked in the classroom talking
like TALKING NORMALLY AND NOT THE USUAL “i will choke you in your sleep” “ooh, kinda k-” “don’t”
it was already sus when the arguing toned down a bit but now that its like. REALLY GONE?? everybody is so confused
LMFAO matsukawa asks like “what happened?? are you guys broken?”
“how rude! dearest y/n and i are dating now!”
everybody in this class: see now thats crazy. that is crazy.
makki: maybe we didnt hear him right. say that again oikawa
oikawa: me and y/n are dating.
everybody: oh okay bc we thought you said you and l/n were dat- WAIT SO YOU AND L/N REALLY ARE TOGETHER??? 
you: unfortunately
oikawa: h-hey :((((
nobody was as SHOCKED as your moms
“y/n, baby, i know i did not just hear you say you’re dating the oikawa kid. repeat that for momma again.”
“i’m dating the oikawa kid.”
“so toru, what did you wanna tell me?”
“i have a girlfriend now! her name is y/n l/n.”
“l/n? surely not THAT l/n’s daughter, right?”
“oh it is that l/n.”
when your families have dinner together for the first time
but they do try hard to get along. they try super hard.
“ma, we haven’t graduated yet-”
your mom, ignoring you: THEYRE GOING TO HAVE THE CUTEST HAIR
momma oiks: PERIOD!
steals your books from you in the halls so he can carry it for you
you tease each other with pet names and shit???
he’ll try to kiss your cheek in the hall but iwa grabs the back of his robe and pulls him away “you’re gross”
“you’re just jealous iwa!!”
when your houses arent playing each other, he goes to your games and vice versa!
tries to distract you in the field
“hey beautiful”
“toru don’t or i will make iwa knock you off your broom.”
“you're so mean”
so anyways yall r couple goals
"listen well, kindaichi, kunimi, your senior is showing you how to get girls.”
kunimi, without looking up from his book: what are you gonna teach us? accidentally slap the girl and get her to hate you for three years while you secretly pine over her during that time before confessing that you liked her the whole time and you go out on five dates and officially start dating? too much work
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hackedmotionsensors · 3 years
you ever read a text message that’s two months late bc you ignore most messages that come onto your phone becase 99% of them are the damned group chat that you hardly participate in or spam calls from democrats making sure you vote to keep Newsome (I’m gonna please stop texting me) or they’re from your weekly trip to get poke letting you know your poke bowl is ready.
And that message is a scathing reply from the guy you didn’t want to talk to in the first place who 1) made you cry because he made you feel stupid but you didn’t say anything so you got a little bit bitchy in response the next time you played games (my bad obviously) but you also took a few weeks away from playing said game because it felt toxic to you. You felt like hey maybe this isn’t for me if this is the vibe. Also you had other things you wanted to do on a saturday night no offense. So then you go and tell your IRL friend about this who’s a mutual acquaintence about what was going on and just that it made you cry bc you had to get it off your chest or you were going to explode. And then that guy goes and asks HER about it and she tells him (thanks a lot) and then HE turns it into a big deal when all you wanted to do was let it fester and then pass hoping that your ADHD would eventually let it go (shocker it actually did)
2) he then HOUNDS you over the phone because HE JUST WANTS TO TALK CAN’T WE TALK ABOUT THIS LIKE ADULTS. And you are physically and mentally not okay to talk about it. This has never happened to you before. People, men especially, never want to TALK THINGS OUT. They just assume I’m a bitch (i am) and treat me as such. I’m okay with that. I don’t want to talk about how you made me cry for nearly a week straight or how I wanted to kinda k-word myself because I felt so stupid and that I was basically a wreck on this whole situation on top of being unemployed for so long on top of a pandemic on top of not being able to see my family for well over a year. LoL I messed up the pronouns at this point but oh well. (are I and you pronouns? Idk I’ve been out of school for a very long while)  So yes you create a slightly bigger problem by not answering the phone. But the other reason this pops off like this is because he messaged me in the group chat. Again a thing I do not check bc I don’t like group chats. I don’t like getting multiple messages all at once because the messaging gives me anxiety or something. It sets me on edge. Probably to do with my ADHD but if I’m trying to think of something else and my phone is blowing up its easier for me to just turn the volume off. HOWEVER on this occassion I accidentally let my phone die. ITS A REALLY OLD PHONE. And because of the pandemic the only people who call me are my mom and dad. Literally no one else except for my good friend Scam Likely.  So I missed his initial question to me which he took as being a slight. So then he starts calling me demanding I talk to him.” Is it too much to ask for a conversation” KIND OF RIGHT NOW DUDE. So then i reply about how look i can’t do this right now. I’m kind of stressed about a lot of stuff (i was) I don’t really have the ability to talk right now. Then a week or so later he asks me again. That was also when I fucking poisoned myself lmfao So I say I can’t talk today why don’t we talk tomorrow. So then I waited all day for him to call. No call came. So I figured. Fine. You were the one who wanted to talk to me. I’m not going to call you . I didn’t want to make a big fucking deal about this in the first place. I wanted to sit in my shame hole and cry and then get over it.
So then.
I forgot.
I didn’t forget about all this I just sorta forgot about the phone call bc he never called me back. I didn’t realize in his mind I was supposed to call HIM.
3) he waits a month and then sends me that scathing text. How I’m a bad friend to his girlfriend (who I’m actually friends with but maybe not anymore bc of all this). He tells me how I was as rude to him as he was to me (I called him fat legs and admittedly it was harsh and mean [he’s not fat by any means but it wasn’t cool] and I felt bad about it. HOWEVER. I HIGHLY DOUBT HE SPENT THE FOLLOWING WEEK CRYING AND WANTING TO DIE. SO. IDK MAN. Also I got meaner AFTER the crying fit. So. Yknow. Not cool and not mature absolutely and I’ll apologize for that for sure. But I highly doubt I was the forefront of your mind whereas I had trouble getting out of bed or wanting to idk LIVE??? I’m not gonna blame this on ADHD but there is 100% a thing I suffer from and that’s that compounded rejection behavior where a simple rejection or feeling of rejection its PROFOUNDLY TAKEN BAD. Its probably gotten worse since I have no human outlet to talk to. Especially since the last person I tried to talk to ratted me out. 
So I miss this huge text message basically telling me that I’m a bad friend. To not talk to him ever again. If I ever say anything to him he’s going to call me out. How I’m immature and a bad person. How I got mad over “mario kart” (that wasn’t what it was about) and that’s really stupid.
So yknow. I had to reply to that. But at this point its two+ months late. So it doesn’t even matter at this point. I’ve basically lost a friend I really really liked and thought the world of because of her fiance treating me like ....I don’t even know what this treatment is but he got really bossy and in my face about this and I come from a family where we either hold a grudge or scream at the top of our lungs at each other. I’ve never once been hounded like that. Which I mean is probably ACTUALLY the mature response. I don’t even know. It doesn’t matter now because I fucked it all up and I feel even more stupid than I did before. I want to talk to someone about this but I literally can’t. 
Do NOT reblog this because its super personal and embarassing and I’ll probably delete it later anyway.
I was having a pretty fun day (albeit having it start late which I don’t like) until I saw this literally as I was leaving the house..
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Survey #388
“i wanna stay inside all day  /  i want the world to go away  /  i want blood, guts, and chocolate cake  /  i wanna be a real fake”
Name three people who you'll never forget: I doubt I'd forget Jason even if, God forbid, I had dementia. That's trauma for ya. I HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHLY doubt I could EVER forget my mom, either. In many different ways, she's literally kept me alive and has done so, so much for me. Then there's also Sara, whose friendship with me matches no one else I've been friends with. Have you ever been told you are fake? No. What was the name of the last pet of yours that died? Teddy, my dog. Do you like pineapple? I do. When was the last time you wished the day would just get over with? I know this sounds seriously depressing, but that's... pretty much every day. My life is just currently such a drag that being awake bores me senseless. But it's funny, because then some nights I stay up late for like... no reason. My existence alone is confusing. Is there any specific number that has any significance to you? No. Do you remember much from high school? I remember a lot from high school. Where would you go for the ultimate honeymoon? Isn't there a black sand beach in Iceland or something? Take me there, man. I'd also love to go to the Bahamas, but ew humidity and also I'm afraid of the Bermuda Triangle lmfao. If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you get? The big piece I want to get on my left upper arm; it's called "Denialism" by NukeRooster on deviantART. I got her permission forever ago to get it tattooed. Do you have any alarms set? What time and what for? Not currently. Have you ever had to work while there was a film crew at your work place? No. Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? No. What do you like in your omelet? Ham pieces and cheese. Have you ever boycotted something? Yes: Chick-fil-A. Homophobic, transphobic pieces of shit aren't getting my business. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you, and not returned it? Yes. Most notably a video game I LOOOOVED as a kid. I was mad salty and still am lmao. Do you vent a lot on social media? God no, not anymore after embarrassing the everliving FUCK out of myself with a suicide note. What was your first bill you started paying on your own? I don't pay any bills bc unemployed. .-. Do you watch ASMR videos? No. What is your favorite charitable cause to donate to or volunteer for? The Trevor Project. Have you ever received a misdiagnosis? Yes. A psychiatrist I had in middle school thought I had ADHD, which was ABSOLUTELY ludicrous. Most recently, my long-time bipolar 2 diagnosis has been questioned, but I do think I have it. I think. Does it bother you when others don’t share the same religious beliefs as you? No? Freedom of religion is a thing. What was your last argument about? Ummmm... I don't remember. Probably something with Mom. Have you found your first gray hairs yet? No. Somehow. You'd think all the stress would have me pure gray by now, lol. What are the names of all the pets you’ve had? Dude, I've had WAY too many for this. What’s the most you’ve ever spent on a cosmetic or skincare product? *shrug* Who was the last person that invited you to go somewhere? Did you accept? Mom invited me to come with her to Nicole's to get out of the house because at the time our A/C was still out. I didn't want to go, even though damn did I suffer, haha. What was the last food item that you toasted, other than bread? That's... a great question. I don't know if I toast anything other than bread. Have you ever named any of your pets after a cartoon character? I remember I had a cat named Taz when I was younger. What was the last thing that someone else recommended, or suggested you try? My TMS doctor is like SUPER friendly and makes the treatment go by so fast (it's exactly 22 minutes and 30 seconds; don't ask why), and recently she was fangirling to Mom and me about the show Once Upon a Time, haha. I saw very little of it with Jason, but Mom did check it out. When was the last time you wore a hat? What kind? I have zero idea. When was the last time you ate a bowl of ice-cream? What flavour? Oh wow, it's been a long time. It was probably vanilla with chocolate syrup? If you menstruate, has your cycle ever synced with anyone close to you? Yes. Tell me something positive about the town or city that you live in. ... You said "positive," right? Did your parents have high expectations for you to excel in school and go to college/university? Yes. They were pretty serious about going to college when my sisters and I were younger, but they opened up to the concept that maybe it wasn't for all of us (coughmecough). Are you a polite person? I genuinely think I am. I definitely try to be. Have you ever been in a relationship where everything with your partner felt natural and effortless? Sigh. Yeah. Have you ever been in a relationship where everything was difficult and rocky? No. That's not the kind I'd stay in very long at all. I mean yes, there are always bumps, but there comes a point where you gotta say fuck nah and find something better. When you were a teenager, did your parents set rules about dating? Other than keeping age gaps in mind, no. Have you ever committed a crime that directly harmed another person? No. Did you grow up in an urban, suburban, or rural area? My childhood home was suburban, but leaned towards rural. We were on the very edge of the town. Which disease do you personally think is the most horrible? After seeing my mother suffer from borderline stage 4 ovarian cancer, I've gotta say cancer. My mother is the strongest person I know and yet she cried so frequently from chemotherapy. It broke my fucking heart. The person I copied the survey from mentioned especially childhood cancers, and I have to agree. Like just... why. "Everything happens for a reason." Bull. Fucking. Shit. Just TRY and convince me why a young child has to deal with CANCER. Do you remember where you first drove to after getting your license? I still don't have my license, as I've said in many a survey before. What did you get into trouble for the most when you were a kid? Being on the computer too much. What is your biological sex? Female. Do you use online dating? Or do you use another method for finding dates? Nah. I'm at the point in my life where I wanna let love just find me and not actively search for it. What is the oldest gaming console you own? We MIGHT still have our old Atari? If not, it'd be a GameBoy Advance. Which accents can you emulate pretty well? Just British. Do you think you'll ever manage to do everything you want to? No. But then again, I think that sounds pretty realistic? I doubt most people check off everything on their bucket list. What do you fear most? Probably becoming truly homeless, living on the streets. Do you wear shoes around the house? No. Are you a good driver? If you can't drive yet, do you think you'll be good? I mean, I'm not the worst in the world. My mom's always pointed out though that I ride on the brakes (which I do out of fear) and I tend to speed up and slow down quite a bit. I also stop kinda abruptly sometimes. What is/was your favorite thing about school? Seeing friends. What are you most likely to spend money on? My own personal money, tattoos, lol. Have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything? @_@ Do you hate how, when the public like a celebrity, they overpublicize them? I feel bad for them, more than anything. You breathe wrong and suddenly it's news-worthy. It's like your every inconsequential action is under heavy surveillance and judgment, and it seems so unfair. Have you ever became attracted to someone you weren’t at first because their personality made you find them physically attractive? That was Jason for me. I never thought he was ugly, but regardless, he became THE most attractive man in the world to me. Have you ever worked in retail? Yes. -_- Are you even a little bit racist? Nah man, it's 2021, baby. Were you more fond of swings, monkey bars, or seesaws as a child? I was all about the swings. Do you believe in a near-future apocalyptic event? I don't know or care, honestly. A gamma ray or whatever they're called could incinerate us all tomorrow. A black hole could swallow the earth in an hour. We don't know. Do you have a chandelier in your home? No. Do you have a bar with stools? No. Is your Christmas tree faux or real? If faux, what color? We use a fake green one. Do you eat the crusts of your bread? Yes; it's the first part I eat. Which body type would you say you had? Did you know whales can survive on land? :^) Have you ever flown a kite? Yeah! I used to LOVE doing that with Dad as a kid when the field across our house wasn't in use (tobacco was grown there). What’s your preferred flavour of jam? I just like grape. What kind of animal did you last pet? My cat! Name a celebrity that you admire that nobody would expect you to: I massively admire Jeffree Star's work ethic. Do you prefer to shave or wax? Shave. I used to wax my eyebrows, but now I just don't care. Would you ever have sex in a public place? Uh, no. Do you think Jenna Marbles’ videos are funny? I've actually never watched her. Your favourite pasta dish: Just your normal spaghetti with meatballs. Strangest thing you’ve ever seen? Probably what I'm assuming was a star (but it was green???) flickering and then fizzling out of the sky kind of like some sort of backwards firework. I'd been watching it literally grow over a few nights, so when this happened, it was a big "?????? the fuck??????". It honestly scared me for some reason so I went inside after that. Aliens? I say aliens. Ever had a crush on somebody of the same sex? Yes. Has anybody ever called you a bastard? I don't think so. Who is the last person you ignored? uhhhhhhh Would you wear feathers in your hair? So actually, for my first prom, I wanted to wear a blue jay feather I had in my hair, reason being Jason's nickname from his parents was always "J Bird." It ended up not working out because we couldn't make it look natural with what we had. When was the last time you were well and truly scared? Hm. Favourite member of your favourite band: Ozzy, obviously, haha. Who’s your favourite female rapper? I don't have one.
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lesbianmaxevans · 4 years
Twenty Questions
I was tagged by @s4karuna
1) What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Rachel ig? lmao I don’t rlly do nicknames
2) When is your birthday?
July 7th
3) Where do you live?
uhhhhhhh midwest US. I’m not comfortable getting more specific than that lmfao
4) Three things you are doing right now?
watching a Binging With Babish video, playing a word game on my iPad, and this lol
5) Four fandoms that have peaked your interest:
uhhhhhhhhh I’m not rlly active in fandoms much anymore (esp w the July update making going thru tags a nightmare imo lmaoooo) but I guess content that’s at the front of my mind rn: Julie and the Phantoms, Smallville, everything DCEU, Roswell New Mexico
6) How has the pandemic been treating you?
uhhhhhhhh tbh I still have to go to the office for my job so my life is pretty much the same except higher stress levels lmfao. tbh I don’t think the stress has mentally registered and my body’s response is that I’m just. so physically exhausted all the time
7) A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Stand Tall from Julie and the Phantoms
8) Recommend a movie.
as it’s almost halloween and I’m working on my 31 days of halloween edits I’m gonna go w byzantium. one of my favest vampire films ever and extremely underrated
9) How old are you?
10) School, university, occupation, other?
my job of approving invoices.............. literally so useless............. I hate it...............
11) Do you prefer heat or cold?
cold bc if I’m sitting inside blasting the air conditioning and in a tank top and shorts and I’m still too hot what the fuck am I supposed to do to make the conditions more bearable for myself............. cold you can just continually add layers
12) Name one fact others may not know about you.
uhhhhhhhhhhh I have two half brothers on my dad’s side who are both more than a decade older than me
13) Are you shy?
yeah partially bc I’ve been rejected a lot lol
14) Preferred pronouns?
15) Biggest Pet Peeves?
hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk my mind is blank rn I’m braindead after work
16) What is your favorite “dere” type?
??????? I’m too tired to look this up lmao
17) Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I wanna say 7 probably bc my mom and her side of the family are. a Nightmare. and my coworkers are a nightmare and I have no irl friends living nearby bc they all left our state once we graduated lolz. but I mean I can mostly avoid interactions w my family and I’m known(tm) for avoiding drama at work so no one ever talks to me outside of work stuff lmao. my mental health isn’t completely in the trash this year like it was this time last year
18. What’s your main blog?
[redacted] bc it’s only for mutuals
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
this is my only sideblog. on my original acct I had a sideblog specifically for my editing but I’m too tired to separate everything at this point lmao
20. Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh unless we already have friends in common I’m prob gonna be a little slow to warm up to you bc I had gotten rlly close to someone last year and they ghosted me back in january and it rlly fucked me up lol. that being said I’m like. trying to work on my anxiety lol so pls feel free to mssg or dm me if you want to chat
uh I tag @lesbiandiegohargreeves @fivelittlebirdies @craashdowns @halfthealphabet @protectwoc if you want!! if I didn’t tag you and you see this and want to do it feel free to say I tagged you.
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 13: “What a depressing trip to Las Vegas” - Jaiden
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I just have one thing to say.
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HAPPY THANKSGIVING! It worked! I didn't expect Joey to vote with us. I feel bad about that, but hey, we couldn't see him being sincere. If he told us who the others were voting for, then maybe we would have changed votes. Jaiden was open to it already. Kailyn is probably the one who voted with John for Liv. Maybe she thought he would play and idol or maybe jury management. Anyway, she should have told us. 
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Joey got voted out. Which was not supposed to happen this round. Pat and Jeff are just so naive and easily to manipulate. I’m sure they could be convinced to self vote without any real effort. I don’t even want to bother working with them moving forward because of it. But I might have to. I can’t let grudges get in the way of getting to the end game. Honestly at this point I’d be happy going to F3 with Liv and Kailyn. Xavier is too nice. Jaiden is too... out there? Love him, but I don’t want to sit next to him at the end. And Pat and Jeff i just don’t think they deserve to make it that far
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I still can’t believe tribal tonight was real. It’s been like six hours and I’m still in shock that Joey finally went home. Like... what??? I’ve been dealing with that dude for three weeks and I’ve held his little secret in until it finally came of use to me, and... now I’m in the final seven. The game has NOT been won yet and while I feel like cheering and celebrating, I need to maintain my focus and center myself as the game is nowhere close to being over yet. We’ve still got at least four tribals to go, but after tonight I might be able to say that I’m exactly halfway through the merge (assuming it’s a final three... dear god please be a final three). Top eight was a really hard mountain to climb and once I lost immunity I felt a little out of touch with what was gonna happen next. I really felt like my time was going to come, and I’m so thankful that it wasn’t. Tbh Kailyn might’ve gone home today had Jeff not told me about a Palazzo chat still being alive and well. I don’t know how I’m gonna turn this bad situation around again but I need to convince Keegan and Livingston to work with me, Kailyn, and Xavier. It is critical now that Jeff or Pat go home because one of them is going to win. Before Joey left, he told me that there is a rumor that Jeff or Pat have an idol nullifier. While a nullifier won’t affect me right now, it’s not something that I want to see in the game going forward period and I want to use that little piece of information to my benefit and finally get rid of Pat. I’ve been saying for SO LONG that we need to get rid of Pat and now the time is ticking down. He has to go as soon as possible, fuck whatever Jeff says. Tbh I want to fly into the final six with no votes cast against me, still. I wonder if I can get Jeff and Pat to target like Keegan or Livingston and I really just need Xavier or Kaitlyn to bring up Pat’s name first before Jeff.. I doubt they have the smarts to recognize the danger that they pose, but we will see... Keegan is DEFINITELY pissed off at me now too. I made the mistake of telling him that I was “a little annoyed” about how tribal went, which was such a dumb thing to say bc tribal went exactly how I wanted it to. I’m playing off the fact that Kailyn must’ve known abt Joey voting for Livingston because her name was on the chopping block too so that’s why it went 4-2-2 rather than 5-2-1 like it was supposed to. I don’t want anybody to know that I was playing for Joey’s advantage which I’m sure people think I have right now lmfao... Anyways really I need to just make Keegan NOT hate me because he’s still part of my plan long term (I think)... he’s really smart tho and I’m not counting him out to win the whole thing but he hasn’t really done much of anything whereas people like Jeff and Pat and Xavier have kinda done a lot... If Keegan isn’t prepared to be fully loyal to me til the end then there’s nothing I can say to him except adios. All I really need right now is an immunity run til the end. I hope that the next challenge is something that doesn’t require a lot of skill because I am INCREDIBLY anxious just thinking about a competition, live. I need final seven immunity because then I’m guaranteed top five... the furthest I’ve ever been in Tumblr Survivor by a mile. I’ll break so many of my own personal records with that one single immunity win. In fact, if I make it to final five, that will be the best I’ve literally ever done in a Skype survivor org. I haven’t done that good since April and it’s just really affirming to me that this was the right decision for me to come back to Tumblr. Aside from winning challenges and making more moves, I also have gotta start fixing my bad relationships. Like I mentioned earlier, Keegan seems REALLY pissed off at me for how things went down with him being left out of the vote again. I can only apologize so many times before I am simply unforgivable. Maybe say sorry less and work to do better??? Idfk. But if Jeff or Pat can just say Keegan’s name, I’ll do what I can to prove to him that I’m loyal to HIM and not them. I hope that the Palazzos are falling to pieces now and realize that the only way to the end is to stick by us and nobody else. Jeff was also pretty mad at me for pushing his buttons a lot today. But honestly he was feeding me utter bullshit. I don’t buy that he was my savior and guardian Angel today, protecting me from having my name come up. I should honestly tell Livingston that Jeff sold him out to me not too long after Livingston said my name in their little chat. That would be hilarious. Kailyn and I are pretty close, but it could be better. I think I tend to revert all game-conversations with Xavier, so I don’t consider Kailyn my main ally unfortunately. If I want to go to the final three with her and Xavier, I need to really work on building that GAME relationship up because as a person I think we vibe well but it’s gonna come down to a couple factors and if she *has* to be sacrificed for me to get further, I can’t do anything but let it happen unfortunately.. As I just said, Xavier is kind of my main strategic ally right now which is super weird to say. He has definitely stepped it up A LOT in the strategic department and I have a lot of respect for him just as a person and I want to try and pick his brain a little bit more. The only thing with Xavier is that he seems to be playing really “safe” right now - I think had the opportunity presented itself to vote for Jeff with Joey, Xavier wouldn’t have gone for it and would’ve wanted to stick strong with voting Livingston instead. Which I totally get, but this game right now kinda requires we make bolder decisions than just what kinda didn’t work last time, you know? Okay now for Pat - god our relationship is just so weird. I have virtually not ties to Pat except the one alliance with Jeff and I feel like Jeff wants to control Pat rather than let Pat be his own player. It’s weird. I wonder if Pat would be down to vote out Jeff but fuck it’s gonna be hard to pull that off. I don’t want to hold off on Pat BECAUSE if I can’t get him out next, I will need him at final six and hopefully final five to serve as a sacrificial lamb or something. I’m wondering now if maybe Livingston needs to go because people are gonna always view Pat as a huge threat to win, even though he might not necessarily do so if he gets there. Livingston... yeah I really don’t like Livingston lmfao. I think it’s because of his super close connection to Rachael but it might also be because he is like, cool and nerdy and a bit of a try hard “around camp” so to speak. What REALLY gets on my nerves about Livingston is that he possesses zero of the charisma to convince me that he sucks at this game but enough social finesse to make me think that he’s actually gonna win if he gets to the end. He’s like, that cool dork everybody was friends with in high school. Even though parts of his game have been lackluster as fuck, he’s still a massive threat to win and I might just need to kick him off to the jury as soon as possible. :) And finally... me! I’m gonna try hard to be unbiased and self-aware but it’s so difficult to do that bc I genuinely don’t know how ppl are perceiving me this time.. I THINK it’s mostly positive but tonight was definitely one of my most negative episodes bc of how stressful I was being before tribal. Just ask Jeff. I think I’m definitely succeeding in getting votes to go my way and I have had a LOT of things go right for me since the merge. From Stephanie leaving right when I needed her to, to the double removal, to the super idol coming out and getting rid of Joey... It’s been so good so far. BUT I’m not being subtle about it. Subtlety is not a strength of mine that’s for sure.. I think I succeeded in being “subtle” about the Steph thing bc I was not making it overly obvious I wanted her out but otherwise I’ve been very clearly controlling other decisions and how certain votes went. Leaving two people I don’t trust in the game (Pat/Jeff) is tough but at least I worked with them on something, right? Joey was telling me so much that he was gonna lose to me and I think he was right. Now Jeff is saying that he’s probably going to lose if we’re in the end, but he doesn’t want to vote me out. Do I trust that? Not really... But fuck, I don’t even know anymore!!! I think if the game was over right now, I’m going to be grilled to DEATH for being fake as hell to Joey. I think that’s gonna come back to bite me so I need to start talking POSITIVELY about Joey to EVERYBODY. Read him for game, not for personal reasons. And maybe I’ll even talk his game up going forward just so that the person who goes into jury at least relays that I made a “good move” voting for Joey to leave (even tho I didn’t vote for Joey hehe). I wonder if people think I’m just playing tjem as pawns and not as real people.. bc these are definitely real people we are playing with here and I recognize that, but honestly in my mind nobody here wants this as badly as me. If that makes me the villain, I’m fine being the villain. But I’m not a human being that will ever play this game with a passion to play humanely. I want to win so badly. I’m going crazy in my own head, the wheels turning in hyperspeed. I’ve never been hungrier for something like I am for this win... I can hold out another year in this environment if I have to. I can and I will 🤠
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Darn third world slow internet connection! Anyway, it made others look like challenge threats more than me, so hopefully that gets me through more rounds if they think other people can win more :) 
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That was a very stressful and very tense immunity challenge. Jeff was the clear front runner for the first five rounds, being the first person to advance in all of them. He’s a quick typer which made me very worried I wouldn’t be able to pull off a win. However, the last round was “Name That Song” and with the help of Siri, I snagged the immunity necklace! Final 6 here I come! This round presents me with an interesting dilemma. Since I have immunity I can be a little more ballsy. So I could throw Jeff or Pat under the bus, try to sway Jaiden, Kailyn and Xavier to vote one of them out. Or I can stick with the OG Palazzo group that is saying (for the fifth time I might add) that they want to stick together. That hasn’t worked out at all yet this merge and we’ve voted 4 people out. Pat and Jeff seem pretty interested in targeting Xavier for being a social threat which I don’t disagree with. But Jaiden is a very strong player. This is one of those rounds where I’m insanely grateful to have immunity because there’s also a bunch of advantages out there. I know Livingston has a regular idol now. But there’s vote steals and extra votes and idol nullifiers out there somewhere and that’s so nerve-wracking. Also, Jaiden mentioned to me that this is the last round for a lot of those advantages and I just don’t think I buy that. Final 7 is a weird place for that. Regardless, I’m fully expecting this to be a wild and crazy tribal tomorrow. Can’t wait to see what happens because I get to sit there looking pretty with my new bling. Xoxo Gossip Girl
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I am terrified of tribal today and I have a bunch of different ideas in my head but I just want to survive. Kind of where I am at is I feel like I am getting 7th no matter what because I have never tasted top 6 in an ORG. I could play an idol here at 7, waste it, and then just get fucked at 6. One thing I thought about was "finding" the idol part of the way through tomorrow and then letting OG Palazzo know to build trust. The only issue with this is that the idol nullifier is in play. It could still be on the board. It was on the board when I got my auction advantage. But if it isn't, and Pat and Jeff turn on me, I could be fucked idol or no idol if the nullifier is played. I suppose that Pat and Jeff have both never voted me as far as I can tell, unless I have miscalculated one of the vote counts for the past 2 tribals. Maybe it'd be safer to hold onto the idol quietly and just hope I don't leave with it in my pocket. This is so stressful because if I leave with it in my pocket, I look like an idiot that had the luck to get two advantages but couldn't traverse the game much past that. 
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Okay so, Jeff is my closest ally at this point. Voting out Joey was our move and I am very happy we did. I don’t express the anger that I’m feeling and I think that helps keep my relationships good with people. I think I’m good with Livingston and Keegan and also Jaiden and Kailyn. I was Xavier out this round but I feel like something is going to happen. No one knows I have an idol which is amazing and I hope I don’t have to use it til final 5 and I have immunity and can play it on someone else for the fun of it. I can’t believe I made final 7 and am actually kicking up playing the game by voting correctly on Joey. I think so far I have 2 of the 4 votes at final tribal council, Andrew and Steph. I think I have a road there, I just hope I make the right decision because I’m still in I a weird phase of the game and anything can happen. 
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This tribal feels very weird. Jaiden is insisting he hasn’t heard anything at all about the vote. Which I find very strange considering he’s basically been running things most of this merge. Why would suddenly no one tell him anything? Especially Kailyn and Xavier. Seems like those three are fairly open with each other. I could not be more happy to have immunity this round. No matter what happens, I am safe and have not a thing to worry about. I really really hope that Pat and Jeff are being honest and actually voting for Xavier like they say they are. If they’re flipping and voting for Livingston.... I don’t even want to imagine that. But I’m getting some sketchy vibes. Fingers crossed it’s just me being paranoid, though any time I say that something unexpected happens.
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Ok I'm calling it, I'm going home tonight ! Literally nobody is telling me anything and it's really quite pathetic to see Keegan, who says we're super cool and good friends and will be friends once this is all over, win immunity and then not make a single attempt to pick me up and flip me to his side. Unless he's so confident that the Palazzo four will stick loyal to the very end... which they probably will, but Jeff is gonna beat all of them in the end and I think they see me as a big threat or something LOL I guess it's good gameplay for them but I hate it either way. I don't really have a lot to say bc now I just feel dumb. I wish I had an idol, but of course, I do not. Anyways, I'm going to have to stick with the fact that people are voting for Xavier tonight and hope my name doesn't come up at all. I'm going to lie and tell Xavier that I'm certain its me or Kailyn tonight and hope he holds an idol if he has it... or plays it on me heh. We'll see though... What a depressing trip to Las Vegas if it ends like this. 
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The last Confessional :( 
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outrotearbias · 6 years
@mccnhild tagged me in a few tags and 1) thank you!!! 2) since i’m apparently incapable of not talking abt myself on all platforms including what was meant to be a thirst blog for bts, but i haven’t actually like. said any concrete facts about myself lmao i figured i should actually talk about myself on here?? so this is a good opportunity to do that
uh well the first one is the bias selfie tag and everyone else might be cute enough to do that but i would honestly rather swallow a bee whole than directly compare myself to yoongi LIKE. i just. no. so i’ll just post a selfie. i almost never take pictures of myself so i really did not have much to choose from, ignore the janky lipstick and extremely yellow light lmao. i took these on the night that i went to go see burn the stage and YES i looked and felt extremely out of place #armysneedgothrepresentation
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hate that these are so large but idk how to work tumblr despite having it since 2010
“get to know me” tag:
Nicknames/Pet names:  literally so boring lmfao, just em or emmy (although if you do call me emmy and you’re not a close family member i will be legally obliged to murder you). my grandma calls me milunia sometimes which is like a polish nickname for emily i think? that’s probably my only nickname that i actually like the sound of
Zodiac: this might get me killed for admitting this on tumblr dot com but i could literally care less about astrology. i’m a taurus but i don’t rly identify w it or care
Height: like 5′3.75 and yes i’m pretentious for not just saying 5′4 but that’s my truth
Last Movie: i literally never watch movies uhhh i think the last one was venom? i hate marvel movies normally but i will literally endure anything for tom hardy
Last Thing I Googled: "movies 2018″ bc i knew the last movie i watched was pretty recent but i couldn’t remember it lmfao
Favorite musician: radiohead, city and colour, alexisonfire, daughter, and this group that’s called bts i think??? 
Songs Stuck In My Head: desire by ateez, their new album BANGS and this song in particularly is so catchy 
Other Blogs: @thedalishelves is my main and @calebandnott is my semi/mostly-inactive critical role blog. i’ve had like a billion others but those are the ones that are (ostensibly) active
Do I Get Asks?: i used to a lot but all of the blogs i got a lot of asks on are either deleted or i don’t use them much anymore. i do kinda miss it sometimes but also now no one asks me to diagnose them or tells me their trauma in detail so it’s a toss up really
Dream Trip: i have a phobia of traveling lmfao so it’s more about who i’m with rather than the destination? like i don’t really care at all about seeing new places, more about just being with someone that i like away from daily life for a bit. that being said i do wanna go to paris before i die. also italy and poland to like. connect w my ancestry or w/e lmfao
Amount of Sleep: when i just let my body do its thing (which has been almost all the time lately as i don’t have classes any more and my job has irregular hours) i naturally sleep for abt 9-10 hours. and yes that’s a lot and YES it sucks
Lucky Number: i mean it’s not lucky but i have a Thing abt the number 3 in certain situations
What I’m Wearing: sweats and hoodie bc i’m at home and if u wear anything other than comfy clothes at home. i have nothing to say to u
Favorite food: don’t rly have one atm
Dream job: english professor!!! i’m nearly half way through my phd so. almost there! (if any jobs ever open up 💀💀💀 might get to fulfill this dream in about 40 years or so)
Play any instruments:  i used to play the piano and the baritone (lmfao) but i’ve long abandoned them
Languages: obvs english, EXTREMELY bad french that i can passably read, sort of write, almost completely cannot speak and definitely cannot understand. also i took a year of arabic during my undergrad but i only remember how to kind of read the alphabet. and i have a pretty sizable polish vocabulary (considering i don’t speak it) but absolutely do not know ANY grammar, so the best i could do is throwing random polish words into english sentences. so. basically just english and reading in french
Random fact: *vegan voice* HI I’M A VEGAN
15 questions tag:
Are You Named After Someone: yeah emily brontë bc my mom loved wuthering heights lmfao. in hindsight.. really indicative of how my life would turn out (both in the whole ‘i love reading and i’m doing an english phd’ thing and also the gothic tragic horror lmfao)
When was the last time you cried: yesterday about 461 times. sometimes it be like that
Do You Have Kids: yes one beautiful little tabby cat named faye, i adopted her in august and she’s 3 years old now and extremely annoying and also perfect
Do You Use Sarcasm A Lot: i used to a lot more but now i’m too paranoid abt people hating me and thinking i’m negative so i try not to
What’s the First Thing You Notice About Someone: if they’re a threat or not (either in the immediate physical sense, like seeing someone walking down the street towards me, or in the more complicated sense that i can’t be bothered getting into now and yes i’m aware this is a depressing answer)
Eye Color: dark green
Scary Movie or Happy Ending:  what a weird thing to juxtapose lmfao ig i’m a bit too much of a wimp to watch scary movies often so happy ending? i’m really not one to need happy endings in a movie/story though
Any Special Talents: I Cannot Stress Enough How Untalented I Am. anything that i’m good at is due to dedicating A LOT of time and practice to it.
Where Were You Born: toronto
Hobbies: video games are definitely my main hobby. other than like, listening to music and indulging in whatever obsession i currently have (like bts for instance) all i do is play video games. reading isn’t a hobby anymore, bc even though it occupies most of my time, it’s all for school
Pets: seems pretty redundant to ask about children and pets in one tag. but in addition to my own cat, my family also has a cat named chloe who is super gross but also i love her to death and i think she might actually be an angel. if you could not tell i am completely a cat person and plan on adopting 300
How Tall Are You: let’s go w the less pretentious answer of 5′4 this time even if it’s 0.25″ short of the truth
Favorite Subject: i mean. english. obviously
Dream Job: since i already answered this let’s really get wild w the “dream” part of dream job. i would absolutely love to somehow become extremely rich through no work of my own, move to an isolated castle w a really big library, wifi, and like. idk an archery range and some stables w horses and a lot of cats and an incredibly hot gameskeeper that i have a passionate but somewhat detached love affair with. like i’m tryna live like a combination of enya and lady chatterley from lady chatterley’s lover except w/out the shitty husband and class critiques and soul-destroying ennui
HOO BOY i really wrote way too much huh. i’m too avoidant to tag ppl but if u read that whole mess i owe u my whole life thank u
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meepface · 6 years
oof, thank you lmfao
1: is there a boy/girl in your life?
there’s a boy in my life which is crazy to me bc i was starting to think i could only feel this way about girls. i am bi though, that is very much so confirmed
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
i can think of two people right now honestly and i forgive them both. i learned from them and i grew from those experiences and i hope they do as well. i wish nothing but the best for them
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
my best friend got a new cat and she’s SO SMALL and she likes me a lot and cats don’t usually like me so it’s great
4: what’s something you really want right now?
to hang out with my boy but i’m doing that tonight! also i would really love to go to Iceland
5: are you afraid of falling in love?
oh absolutely terrified, yes, but it’s a growing experience every time and i think it’s always worth it whether they end up being the one or not
6: do you like the beach?
not really at all honestly
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
8: what’s the background on your cell?
my lock screen is my dog Sophie and my home screen is just some pine trees
9: name the last four beds you were sat on?
my own, my brother’s, my boyfriend’s and my best friend’s
10: do you like your phone?
i honestly wish i didn’t have a phone a lot of times lmao i hate texting people and i hate social media and i hate being subconsciously addicted to it. i’m definitely trying to work on using it less
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned?
not at all but they’re going pretty fucking great so i’m not complaining
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
a new coworker of mine
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
both i love dogs
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
both ??
16: are you tired?
a little bit, i just woke up and i definitely wanted to sleep in a little later than 10:30 but my body will not go back to sleep
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact?
lmaooo since middle school, he was actually my first “boyfriend” if you even count the like 4 days we dated
18: are they a relative?
not at all, just some crusty boy i don’t even talk to anymore. last i heard he moved and is trying to be a monk which is strange considering the person he is
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
i would not
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
he texted me this morning but the last time we spoke was like over the phone two days ago. he’s been busy moving and shit and so we haven’t gotten to see each other for a lil bit but i see him today so it’s all good
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
not today, i’d definitely still wait and if they’re the right person i’m sure they’d wait too
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
oh my god absolutely, i’m gonna kiss him so much tonight
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
none, i don’t really care for bracelets
24: is there a certain quote you live by?
there’s a few! “let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier,” “if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely,” and “be kinder and gentler.”
25: what’s on your mind?
i’m kind of hungry and i definitely smell pancakes in the other room but other than that i’m super nervous to hang out with my boyfriend’s friends for the first time today bc i want them to like me lmao
26: do you have any tattoos?
i have three, a sun and moon on my wrists and “lovely” on my inner arm
27: what is your favorite color?
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
29: who are you texting?
my friend Stein, my friend Joe and i was texting my boyfriend but i think he fell back asleep
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
yes lmao all the time
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
yes my good pal Joe and also my friend Brendon and also my friend Cory and also my friend Derryck and also my boyfriend but he’s more than just a friend so i don’t think that counts
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you?
i would hope my boyfriend does
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
i get that fairly often actually bc my eyeballs are fucking massive and bright green and it makes me happy when people say that bc i used to hate em
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
i would be really really really disappointed and upset bc he knows how difficult its been for me lately and he knows i’ve been cheated on before and he’s been so fucking good to me so it would be a huge knock down to my ability to trust anyone. i’d honestly just break up with him quickly and as kindly as i could and just not talk to him again. i definitely think it would be harder to trust afterwards and i’d be heartbroken but luckily we wouldn’t have been together long enough for it to fuck me up too bad yet. BUT, he’s literally an angel and i can’t see him ever doing this to me so this is all hypothetical
36: were you single on valentines day?
no i was not
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed?
we’re dating
38: what do your friends call you?
my name
39: has anyone upset you in the last week?
i think my parents at one point but it’s all good, i’ve clearly already forgotten and moved on
40: have you ever cried over a text?
plenty of times
41: where’s your last bruise located?
i have a random ass bruise on my knee and i have no idea what that’s about
42: what is it from?
no clue
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
oh all the time lately, it’s hard to be at home right now. but i also just want to be out of state for a while
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with?
my best friend called me to tell me how her date went
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
yeah i have these bright white pumas that i loooove they look so cool and they’re so comfy
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
yep, i look good in snapbacks and dad hats so it works out
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style?
no i don’t have the face shape to pull that off
48: do you make supper for your family?
i would but i’m so bad at cooking that i don’t think they would want that
49: does your bedroom have a door?
50: top 3 web-pages?
youtube, netflix and then my school’s login page apparently
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping?
my mom does
52: does anything on your body hurt?
my stomach is a little upset but it’s not too terrible
53: are goodbyes hard for you?
depends on who i’m saying goodbye to
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
55: how is your hair?
messy and in a bun bc i just woke up lmao
56: what do you usually do first in the morning?
lay in bed for like an hour and text people back and briefly social media bullshit, then i usually immediately shower once i get up
57: do you think two people can last forever?
i don’t know but i hope so
58: think back to january 2007, were you single?
59: green or purple grapes?
purple but i like em both
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug?
when i see my boyfriend today, he’s been pretty stressed and he definitely needs a hug
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
i’d say with my boyfriend but i’m pretty fuckin comfy in my bed right now so i mean, he can come join me here instead
62: when will be the next time you text someone?
whenever someone texts me back 
63: where will you be 5 hours from now?
a music festival
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning.
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked?
yes i was dating her
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today?
not yet but i will
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
i have no idea, i was probably just nervous about today
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
70: how many windows are open on your computer?
just this one
71: how many fingers do you have?
10 lmfao???
72: what is your ringtone?
idk whatever the apple default one is
73: how old will you be in 5 months?
still 21
74: where is your mum right now?
she’s in the kitchen making pancakes which i’m about to go hit up
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
we just didn’t work out
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
yes, three days ago though bc we’ve both been busy
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
some of them yes but i cut off a few of em for the better
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
definitely my friend Brendon, we didn’t work out bc we were both queer as fuck but he’s still one of my best friends to this day. i also had a huge crush on this girl that i don’t really talk to anymore bc she definitely gives off that whole “i’m better than you” kind of vibe
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike?
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
yep & i get to tonight !! my bf is so cuddly when he’s sleepy
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months?
five LMAO but i only tried things out w three of em bc i knew the other two wouldn’t work out. ended up with the one i liked the most to begin with so everything worked out in the longrun
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
my boyfriend lol
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight?
yep a whole bunch i’m so excited
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
oof, i don’t think i’d yell at em but i guess my friend Monica, that’s some shit she’d drag me into doing lmfao
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
he is to an extent and it doesn’t bother me as long as he’s safe. i barely consider weed a drug anyway
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
my bf and i fucked in my car at 3 AM afterwards LMAO
87: who was your last received call from?
my dad
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
i think i would initially agree bc i need that money but i don’t think i’d have the heart when it came down to it
89: what is something you wish you had more of?
money would be nice bc i’m tryna move out
90: have you ever trusted someone too much?
91: do you sleep with your window open?
nah there’s mosquitos outside
92: do you get along with girls?
yes!!!!! i love girls
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
no, i don’t really see much of a point in doing that
94: does sex mean love?
not necessarily but loveless sex isn’t as good
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
not at all
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
97: did you sleep alone this week?
yeah except for on monday night and i don’t have to sleep alone tonight either so it’s all g
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
99: do you believe in love at first sight?
nah but i believe in infatuation at first sight sure, i believe you can have a feeling about someone at first sight, like you can tell if they’ll be in your life or not kind of thing
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise?
i think my best friend
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nctgothic-remade · 6 years
HM QUICK LOVE POST FOR DREEMA 👩🏼‍🎓👩🏽‍🎓🤩💫✨💗✨💗🤸🏼‍♀️💞💫💗🤩🤸🏼‍♀️💖
this is definitely not going to be quick bc I’m writing this three thousand weeks in advance and I have a lot to say bc we’re graduating n going to college n I’m probably gonna forget to write this and I’m gonna cry a lil bit bc I won’t get to see you everyday anymore but ;( whatever I guess but anyways! :)
uhm so hi ;( tbh there’s a lot to say about this friendship, namely considering that this is by far one of my most cherished ones, even if it isn’t yours I’m crying already blegh but I really do mean it. Our first meeting was awkward, and if it isn’t a false memory, being in that one biology class was one of my luckier moments, I think. I recall everyone else picking their partners, and I remember feeling like I got stabbed bc nobody wanted to pair with me :’) but then I saw you also sitting alone like loser n thought the situation was perfect :) I think I remember hearing your very quiet hey/hello n immediately went ‘I wish this girl would speak the fuck up :’)’ but whatever lol n we did that bean sprout punnets square(?) shit n then idk what happened lol I have no memory of 10th grade other than me walking into your GT English class for the AP Lang intro but let’s pretend I do.
11th grade was like,,,,the best year bc I got to see you and hang out in class and secretly watch vlives with you behind our laptops n it makes my heart v warm when I remember us going over when teasers would drop for dreamcatcher’s album n watching the actual fuckibg showcase before we were actually about to take our actual sats :// and I had fun bc of you! you absolutely pissed me off on a number of occasions bc you are a complete smart ass n your one word responses are completely unhelpful sometimes but ily anyways :(
I remember you sitting with me when I completely poured my heart out to a boy I liked in a completely inappropriate situation n I remember your very quiet ‘hmmm heheh oka..y’ but tbh I didn’t really care that much bc I got bored with him lmfao 🤗 I remember you sitting with me in the library while I was doing my health course to both keep me company n skip class, and I remember us watching nct’s cherry bomb vlive n tbh whenever I listen to cherry bomb I think of that moment and it makes me feel happy so thanks for that :’( I remember you sending me pics of johnny n minhyuk n jiu and funny posts and I remember staying up until 1AM last summer crying over mingyu to you lmfao
I remember this year too, and texting and tumblr has taken up most of our conversation spaces other than English, but I think that’s okay bc you operate different. Your scorpio moon and your fake mysteriousness can suck my dick tho open up more dumb bitch I remember our sushi date n then talking outside afterwards n riding in my dads car n you were smushed in the back and I was so happy bc you laughed!!! side note I recall feeling bad that one Halloween bc I wanted to dress up with you too but why did I invite all those people I hate sm rn lmfao why did you let me do that
I’m really really proud of you, and oof crying again can’t see the keyboard you’ve made my life not so terrible these last few years, especially bc of the added stress from home n school have really messed my head up for a long time now. I hope I impacted your life a little too, or eased it a bit at least, and even if we don’t stay friends forever I’d like to thank you for making these memories with me for this long. I hope I get to keep them a little longer.
But if we do stay friends, which I hope we will, then I hope to make many more with you. Our charts are made for friendship >:(
If I don’t say so tomorrow, again: I’m very proud to see you graduate n be successful n shit. I really do mean it. 💖
I hate you for making me ruin my moisturizer n shit with tears dumb bitch if I don’t get a pic I can frame on my wall with you tomorrow you’re getting your ass kicked
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liightburned · 7 years
Is that MERRITT PATTERSON? No, that’s just DAWN LEHNSHERR, a young VILLAIN that goes by the name of LUCENT. Rumor has it they are the TWENTY-SIX YEAR OLD kid of ERIK LEHNSHERR and inherited their LIGHT MANIPULATION from them. SHE is RESILIENT and VENGEFUL.
it bibi back at it again 
daughter of max eisenhardt , more commonly known as erik lehnsherr or magneto , and a fellow mutant / woman named heather rosenthal on some one-night stand twenty-six years ago lmfao
which makes her related to ....... A Lot of people
psssst heyho , quick pinterest board promo
her main / overall mutant power is light manipulation !! light manipulation can b described as: “user can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.”
sooo dawn has pink hair ( “ oh your hair color is cool ! ” / “ thanks lol i was born with it ” )
unfortunately , dawn went to a ‘ normal school ’ & lived with a human family by the time she was eleven , as her mother ended up getting arrested and sent to prison oops . but like , it was a place where humans didn’t exactly enjoy that there was a MUTANT in their quaint human-only community ... much less one with naturally pink hair that would b hard to miss . her foster parents never legally adopted her because hey , this is “ temporary ” only until social services located her father ( spoiler: nobody was actively seeking out magneto , as the social workers didn’t think he would be a suitable guardian ?? like , y’know , considering . plus like at age eleven , dawn’s mutant powers hadn’t manifested yet --- like most mutants , honestly , but that information was unaware to them --- so for all they knew she could’ve copped out of the gene ! )
when she was thirteen , she was called down to the principals office . of course she figured it was just because she got into yet another fight w/ dumb ignorant humans ( at that point , ya Angry Girl was getting into it w/ students and teachers alike ) lol but oh buddy was she in for a ride apparently , the prison her mother went to was mixed human & mutant .... & there was an accident . some anti-mutant prisoners , hell probably even a guard too lbr people are corrupt and hateful esp when they don’t understand ! , ended up beating heather ..... she was taken to the medical wing , but it wasn’t much use as she ended up dying
so . thirteen year old dawn , under already enough stress & clearly budding instability issues , just lost her mother officially . her foster parents STILL refused to legally adopt her and kept pressing for social services bc this is just TOO MUCH . it wasn’t going to work , they ultimately knew .... until they got another call from the school . dawn apparently attacked some students ......... using her “ mutant powers ” ; obv , it came as a shock to her foster parents --- the girl didn’t have powers last time they were aware of . surely there was a mistake . but there wasn’t
it was BLINDING light , and she made it VIOLENT ; it was “ what they deserved ” --- at least that’s what dawn thought , after the years of being looked down on because who she is . she wasn’t going to take it anymore , she didn’t have to - she didn’t deserve that
fortunately for her , however ! she was taken to xavier’s school and despite her #issues , she was getting better with her power ! progress was being made ! ofc charles probably saw this girl’s last name and was like oh shit
she was v happy to meet her dad though finally like her mom prob told her sm ab him & she obv looked into events etc just ..... wow mayb her life was lookin up !
but also prob not a good thing as much considering she got hella into the brotherhood jfhdjknf
speaking of her & the brotherhood , she is an actual member these days ; likely got initiated when she was like , sixteen kdnwkdmka start ‘em young ig
fact time !! our girl was raised jewish ! she celebrates hanukkah but she will lightly dabble into christmas and stuff for non-jewish friends , etc
although she technically a villain bc well ... the nature of the brotherhood ... she doesn’t think of herself as a villain ? #magnetowasright , #toomanyhumans ! like ok ... she won’t outwardly hate you if you’re human unless you do smthin but it does automatically mean she’s like major side-eye emoji until she can 100% trust you cuz....... #trustissues , among other things huh
like magneto & many of his kids , dawn does struggle w/ mental stability . not as badly as lorna or anyone , and for that dawn is grateful , but ... there are definitely hints of it . depression , mainly . like , she can b fine some days and then ya kno , boom . sneaks up on her :/ she had more self-esteem issues when she was younger ; as she got older she keeps saying she doesn’t care but ... like she does .... you know what they say ‘ i feel like i’m the worst so i act like i’m the best ’
was an angry kid , still an angry adult . sometimes uncontrollably so or irrationally . i say sometimes but honestly it is a lot of the time rly
can you also say , intense fear of abandonment ?
actually come to think of it , she may have some form of bpd but . she wouldn’t even kno it :// sighs
BUT SHE LOVES HER FAM . ALL OF THEM . EVEN IF THEY AIN’T AB THE BROTHERHOOD LIFE like wow would literally kill for them......like a good trash squad-mother would do ! 
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larryrickard · 5 years
lets get personal.
i know this is supposed to be an ask meme but i’m fucking bored & no one ever sends me them, so.  also i’m kinda pissy rn unfortunately so forgive pls some of my answers lol
01: 6 of the songs you listen to most?:  idk.  mostly i listen to everything on random anymore, and only in my car.  the only song i’ve listened to on repeat recently has been ‘stupid love’ by lady gaga. 02: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?:  speaking of which, lady gaga. 03: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.:  the only book near me would be all the books, as in my bookshelf.  unless you count my kindle, in which case there would be no line 17 because of the font size.  sorry. 04: What do you think about most?:  idk.  whatever my current obsession is i guess. 05: What does your latest text message from someone else say?:  “And you don't have to cook it”. 06: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?:  with.  i don’t like being naked and don’t understand those who do.  also i get cold. 07: What’s your strangest talent?:  i don’t have talents. 08: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence):  are soft and beautiful.  meh, have to earn my trust. 09: Ever had a poem or song written about you?:  a song, yes. 10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?:  a very long time.  it’s not a thing i ever do lol. 11: Do you have any strange phobias?:  i don’t think so.  my phobias are pretty standard. 12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?:  when i was a kid, yeah.  plenty.  once my parents had to hold me down and tweeze a chewed up wad of juicy fruit out of my nose.  i fucking love the smell of that gum.  three year old me may have been stupid but, hey.  i was being economical.  also i blame it on my parents for, you know, giving a fucking toddler some gum. 13: What’s your religion?:  don’t have one.  former christian, which is gross.  don’t indoctrinate children, please and thanks. 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?:  walking to or from my car.  that’s about it.  :/ 15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?:  behind.  no one deserves to see my face.  rip to everyone who sees me in person on a regular basis. 16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?:  jars of clay, jimmy eat world, the elms. 17: What was the last lie you told?:  that i’m not in debt lmao.  the only time i’ve lied to my psychiatrist :/ 18: Do you believe in karma?:  no but sometimes i wish i did.  so many people deserve their comeuppance. 19: What does your URL mean?:  doesn’t really mean anything, he’s a character from the flash. 20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?:  all sorts of things?  and idk. 21: Who is your celebrity crush?:  lady gaga, angelina jolie, carlos valdes, idk if shane madej is a ‘celebrity’ but him, brie larson, michael sheen... idk, i don’t really have “crushes” but those are the first ppl to come to mind. 22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?:  nope.  and no thank you. 23: How do you vent your anger?:  lol. 24: Do you have a collection of anything?:  funko pops?  but not seriously.  i mean.  i have a lot of them bc i love a lot of characters and there are some pretty fuckin dope funkos.  but it’s not my goal in life to have a huge collection or anything.  at least i can say i have less than a hundred of them lol.  (less than 75.) 25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?:  ew, neither.  but if i had to choose, phone.  bc, you know.  my face. 26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?:  lmfao no.  i mean, i’m better than the person i used to be, that’s for sure.  (see:  indoctrinated as a child, including your typical conservative bullshit like racism for starters.) 27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?:  so many.  i have misophonia.  and people chewing + mouth sounds is definitely a big one.  love?  idk???  music?  rain?  my cat’s cute lil meow? 28: What’s your biggest “what if”?:  what if my thyroid issues were discovered earlier on instead of a year or more after they started.  my childhood doctor was Not Great.  it took her two weeks to figure out i had a sinus infection.  i was in the fourth grade.  still bitter about both of those. 29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?:  no, ghosts aren’t real.  aliens yes.  not the stereotypical ones, but in a “given the size of the universe it’s literally impossible that we’re the only life out there” way. 30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.:  right, the cat.  left, air. 31: Smell the air. What do you smell?:  nothing?  it’s my house/room, so to me it smells like nothing. 32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?:  uh... i’ve no idea? 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?:  west, obviously. 34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?:  no such thing as ‘opposite’ gender.  of a different gender, though?  lady gaga. 35: To you, what is the meaning of life?:  who the fucking fuck knows.  literally know one knows, though tbh.  they just think they do. 36: Define Art.:  lmfao how would i know.  i don’t have a creative bone in my body so i should be the last person to comment on the subject. 37: Do you believe in luck?:  nope.  i hope it’s obvious by now that i don’t believe in fictional things. 38: What’s the weather like right now?:  cool.  cloudy.  typical oregon winter weather.  i want rain tho :( 39: What time is it?:  3:04am. 40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?:  yes.  and yes, several times.  three.  two totaled cars.  the last one is the only one that was actually my fault, though.  driving too close after it rained.  don’t do it, folks. 41: What was the last book you read?:  the diviners by libba bray.  currently reading a short history of nuclear folly by rudolph herzog.  fascinating, but kind of  depressing af. 42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?:  no. 43: Do you have any nicknames?:  hal (to a very select few bc 99% of the time i hate it, so fuck you if you call me this without permission), hals, hallie bird, hallie strawberry. 44: What was the last film you saw?:  i honestly don’t know.  haven’t done a whole lot of movie watching lately.  maybe the fall (2006).  (please watch this movie, it’s so gorgeous and lovely.) 45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?:  i’ve never had a serious injury.  well.  i take that back, i guess.  in my first car accident i was stopped and rear-ended at like, 40mph.  so i’ve had back issues since i was 18.  usually it’s fine but sometimes it���s bad and sometimes i can set it off really easily.  idk if that counts as “serious”, though.  lots of people have back problems. 46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?:  i don’t think so? 47: Do you have any obsessions right now?:  i guess buzzfeed unsolved and watcher.  and ‘stupid love’ by lady gaga lol.  good omens, as usual. 48: What’s your sexual orientation?:  asexual. 49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?:  yes.  thankfully only a few (that i know of, anyway). 50: Do you believe in magic?:  no. 51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?:  yuuup.  they deserve it. 52: What is your astrological sign?:  taurus. 53: Do you save money or spend it?:  spend it :||  every paycheck i tell myself i’ll be better at saving it, but............ 54: What’s the last thing you purchased?:  preordered chromatica by lady gaga. 55: Love or lust?:  if i had to choose, love.  lust and all that stuff is gross. 56: In a relationship?:  nope.  shocker, i know.  (this is sarcasm.  it is no shocker to anyone as to why i’m single.) 57: How many relationships have you had?:  just the one. 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?:  nope. 59: Where were you yesterday?:  work on my day off for a staff meeting, and then my psychiatrists’ office. 60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?:  a few things, yes. 61: Are you wearing socks right now?:  yes.  almost always. 62: What’s your favourite animal?:  cats, then birds.  mice are p adorable, too.  i miss having them.  i haven’t had mice since middle school or early high school i think :(  i’d love more but my current cat would definitely try to eat them... same with a bird.  i’ll probably never have a bird :( 63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?:  be sarcastic and love stupid puns and bad jokes? 64: Where is your best friend?:  one is in ohio and the other is in massachusetts. 65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.:  no idea lol.  i haven’t been on here much recently, and i’m never caught up anyway.  and i don’t usually pay attention to who is posting/reblogging. 66: What is your heritage?:  mostly german.  the rest is other typical white stuff that i can’t remember.  some irish?  either way idc. 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?:  uh, rewatching some buzzfeed unsolved for the 100th time?  and playing with my tamagotchi? 68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?:  he doesn’t exist so idc. 69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?:  nope.  also, Nice™. 70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?:  incredibly doubtful. 71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?:  go to work.  i love my job way too much.  i’d probably try to get someone’s attention if there was anyone around, and/or call animal services.  (there are no canals around here anyway and i don’t walk to work and ain’t gonna.) 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?:  who tf knows, i hate this shit.  i’d really rather not think about it bc it stresses me out.  i probably wouldn’t tell very many people tho.  try to find someone to take my cat :(  i sure as shit wouldn’t leave her to my parents :(  and i wouldn’t want to leave her in a shelter.  she’s already done that once and it makes me too sad. 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.:  trust.  you can’t have love without trust, though... 74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?:  ‘sweetness’ by jimmy eat world, ‘fade to grey’ by jars of clay, ‘thunderhead’ by the elms, ‘bad romance’ and ‘g*psy’ by lady gaga (latter is... i hate the name but the song is so fucking catchy, ugh), ‘torn’ by natalie imbruglia, ‘bring it all back’ by s club 7, ‘... baby one more time’ by britney spears, ‘where’s the love’ by hanson, ‘who do you think you are’ by the spice girls, ‘as long as you love me’ and ‘everybody (backstreet’s back)’ by the backstreet boys, ‘black balloon’ by goo goo dolls, ‘spark’ by tori amos, ‘last beautiful girl’ by matchbox twenty, ‘push it’ by garbage, ‘i want you’ by savage garden, ‘minority’ and ‘she’ and ‘basket case’ and ‘macy’s day parade’ by green day... how’s that lol. 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?:  not giving out that kind of personal information lmao. 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?:  i wouldn’t know. 77: How can I win your heart?:  you probably can’t.  idk anyway. 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?:  sure, but lack of insanity is a better way to go.  don’t perpetuate the bullshit notion that you need to be suffering to create Great Art™. 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?:  idk.  i haven’t made very many. 80: What size shoes do you wear?:  10 in women’s. 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?:  i’m going to be cremated and you probably should be, too.  just don’t get embalmed, k? 82: What is your favourite word?:  fuck. 83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.:  ‘alone’ by heart. 84: What is a saying you say a lot?:  idk.  someone who spends time around me irl would have to tell me. 85: What’s the last song you listened to?:  ‘stupid love’ by lady gaga on repeat. 86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?:  blue.  then green, and in no particular order, black, grey, purple. 87: What is your current desktop picture?:  it’s boring, just the default mac catalina background lol.  i was having issues choosing a background and was getting way too fucking picky, so i just said ‘fuck it’ and have been using this one for months. 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?:  donald trump. 89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?:  idk?  how much in debt i am?  lmao. 90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?:  assume i’m having a night terror or am hallucinating.  and be scared. 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?:  hopefully teleportation. 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?:  maybe when i met carlos valdes & got a picture with him.  he’s super sweet, is living sunshine, and gives amazing hugs. 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?:  so many :/  idek where to start tbh. 94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?:  i’m sex-repulsed so no thank you.  also, gross question.  get a life. 95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?:  new zealand. 96: Do you have any relatives in jail?:  yes, my cousin bc he murdered my dad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?:  no. 98: Ever been on a plane?:  many times. 99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?:  indigenous people aren’t history, they still exist.  shut the fuck up and listen to them.  build a time machine to go back in time and prevent colonisers.  just straight-up kill them, we deserve it.
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sehunsgirl · 7 years
1-102 :))))
question: why you like that. ok i’ll answer the ones i haven’t.
1. what’s a song you depict with your childhood?
Melanie Martinez’s Pity Party
2. did you have a memorable childhood pet?
i used to have a cat named Xiggy ( nickname for Xigbar. and yes the one from Kingdom Hearts LMFAO ) he was a stray who i got attached to and my mom got him all fixed up and tested and i kept him for a few yrs but he ran away HAHA 
9. which came first the chicken or the egg?
i hate this question that i refuse to answer. 
10. are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them?
i am. i’m not straight. and...absolutely? haha.
11. how many siblings do you have?
i have only half siblings. 5 of them.
12. have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love?
since i’m not sure i’ve ever even been in love in the first place: probably not.
13. are you a good cook?
i forgot i was boiling water and burnt it just a few days ago. hope that answer this question!
14. what is your favorite tv show?
don’t have one! but i watch the Discovery ID channel every day lol
15. what is the last movie you cried during?
uh actually idek. pretty sure it was Mulan though LMAO ( i went on a disney movie binge )
16. what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)
She’s Dreaming , Skyscraper , What If... , Time Lapse, and Wild Horses [ just a FEW ]
17. do you have a middle name?
it’s Monique.
18. have you been out of your country?
not yet! but i wanna!
19. are you a chocolate fan or not?
meh, not really. only every now and then do i eat it.
24. what is your favorite flower?
pink roses!!! 
30. do you have neat handwriting?
lmao NO. my handwriting still looks like it did in high school bc i rarely hand write anything anymore.
31. do you have a friend with benefits?
currently: DIFFICULT question pass!
32. do you want a friend with benefits?
actually. . been thinkin bout that but iduno!
33. if you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
34. have you ever been blackout drunk?
kinda. i hate getting blackout drunk if i am being honest. i know my own drinking limits, so i try not letting myself get to that point but i have been drunk to the point of falling asleep on my bathroom floor and waking up confused 😪
35. have you ever met someone famous?
like officially? No.
36. how many concerts have you been to?
five? ya five i think.
37. which concerts have you been to?
back in middle school i went to some papa roach / buckcherry / other artists with my step sister. i’ve also been to KCON NY twice and EXO’LuXion and EXO’rDIUM
39. what do you do when you’re stressed?
either cry or do something to act like i aint stressed until it boils over and then im back to crying 
40. do you think money can buy love?
no, but some people think it can. all the power to u if that’s what it takes for u to love someone ig
41. how old would you date?
like my age range in who i would date? tbh i’m not someone who really looks at age. you can connect with anyone, no matter what. though my cap is under 18 or over 40
42. have you ever done something illegal?
who knows
44. what is an unusual fear you have?
don’t think any of my fears are pretty unusual tbh
45. can you drive?
46. do you believe in supernatural creatures?
absolutely. we aren’t the only creatures in the world. us, being humans.
47. do you believe in karma?
yup. what comes around goes around as justin timberlake said in the early 2000s
48. what is one quality you need in your partner?
49. do looks matter?
trust me, they do not.
50. does size matter?
again, trust me, they do not.
51. who is the last person you forgave?
that is something i will keep to myself.
52. what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
butter pecan.
53. what languages can you speak besides english? 
none fluently, sadly.
54. ever been on a plane?
55. ever been on a boat? 
56. is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? 
57. are there any friendships you regret?
sadly, yes.
58. are there any friendships you wish you could make?
59. have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours?
uhm... more often than not, i kinda do LOL but ya
60. have you ever walked outside after 12 am?
61. have you ever seen a sunrise completely through?
believe it or not: yes!
62. are you scared of rollercoasters? 
eh so-so
63. on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually?
64. do you have any plans this weekend?
i have an all day photoshoot planned tomorrow.
65. do you miss anyone right now?
i miss A.
66. who do you wish you were talking to right now?
67. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?
68. who is your favorite superhero?
don’t have one.
69. are you dirty minded?
... yeahhh hahah most times, also i see why you asked this since it’s the 69th question smh
70. what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?
jesus. ... 80s: Darling Nikki ( by Prince ) 90s: My Little Secret early 2000s:  Say My Name
71. how many kids, if any, do you want?
maybe one or two
72. who is your biggest OTP?
let’s not ( its sebaek & baeksoo )
73. what is your favorite food?
chicken and dumplings!
74. do you want to be married one day?
i doubt anyone would wanna marry me but ya 
75. dogs or cats?
i like both
76. do you drink enough water daily?
not really but i’ve been doing better with this
77. have you ever seen a shooting star?
no! :(
78. if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you?
no lmao
79. how many best friends do you have?
80. when was the last time you cried?
earlier but that’s because i was scared and not feeling okay
81. have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself?
yes omg the memory is so vivid lmfao
82. have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed?
83. if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go?
Estonia, Seoul, Tokyo, Netherlands
84. what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?
annoying, tender, lavender. 
85. do you consider yourself a loyal person?
86. what is your favorite season and why?
autumn because its not super cold or super hot even though there are super hot or cold days. it’s a nice in between.
87. have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it?
no. absolutely not. if i say it i mean it.
88. do you know how to play any instruments?
no Heh
89. do like like falling asleep to music or not?
it really depends on my mood when i’m going to sleep.
91. have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like?
No. because if i do that , that means they’d have to be me in return, right? i wouldn’t subject anyone to that. i’m in pain 24/7
92. if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be?
no cause they always goin through dramatic shit and i’d rather not.
93. if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why?
Sehun, deadass. he seems like he’s a chill and cool friend!
94. are you outgoing?
meh not really?
95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to?
yes :/
96. are you a good flirt?
no i suck at it and don’t really purposely flirt lol
97. have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down?
both. though i’ve been turned down more than i’ve had to turn anyone down.
98. which planet is your favorite?
99. are you superstitious?
very. i tend to get on peoples nerves LMAO
100. are you a good listener? 
101. are you a good kisser
i’d like to think im okay?
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pekorosu · 8 years
sticking all my rambly notes about the wu xia bits under the cut.
warning for spoilers and all.
- they spent 3 months filming in tengchong, yunnan province. it's a highland area, about 2000 metres above sea level. kenji initially expressed some doubt at whether they could even pull off action scenes in such a place (bc breathing became quicker than usual).
- the movie was originally titled "同謀者" (the accomplice?)
(※ i think it refers to the conversation between liu jinxi and xu baijiu... "when one man sins, we all share his sin. we are all accomplices"? maybe that would've been too on the nose haha)
- the most consistent keywords in the early stages were [kung fu], [rashomon] and [discovery channel]
- they used shaw brothers movies as reference, with the intention of reviving "kung fu movies" in a way that would suit the 21st century.
- he talks a bit about the research that went into developing the action. stuff like how it wasn’t possible to half-ass the fight scenes when it comes to Real Kung Fu Movies(tm) unlike modern action flicks. so they drew inspiration from lau kar-leung's "classic, old school" kung fu. they watched his movies, copied the moves + camera angles exactly and studied them to figure out how to capture the right look and all.
- there's a lot of specifics re: martial arts styles that i don't know how to translate, but anyway donnie uses hung ga kuen for this movie.
(※ there are actually some videos on youtube breaking down his moves. it's p cool haha).
- kenji thinks it doesn’t feel right to call the movie "wu xia" bc everything that goes into the action speaks more of a "kung fu movie" as opposed to a "wu xia movie"
- he also jokes that they probably couldn’t name the movie "kung fu" since there's already a "kung fu hustle" out there. 
(※ that movie's actually named "功夫 (kung fu)" in chinese lmao i totally didn't know that)
- [rashomon] refers to how they wanted to infuse a similar concept of "the truth will look different from different POVs" into the action scenes. it was difficult to work out but kenji feels like they’ve achieved something fresh and new from an action perspective.
- [discovery channel] refers to how director peter chan came across a programme, smth like "the science of martial arts" on discovery channel, which led to the idea of showing viewers through CGI what goes on inside the body.
- kenji had been assigned the role of action choreographer** for this movie. he also had a minor acting role. additionally, he had no stunt double so he p much had to do everything by himself. donnie, who knew exactly where kenji’s limits were, would push him to the very edge. kenji mentions that he'd get minor injuries almost every day just trying to meet such high demands. he’d often catch himself thinking (jokingly) "i'm gonna murder this guy" lmao...
(※ here’s a video of him doing the same stunt 13 times.)
**specifically [ 動作指導 ]. donnie’s the action director [ 動作導演 ] and action designer [ 動作設計 ]. tbh they all sound the same to me but i think the choreographer does more... guiding? on a smaller scale? while donnie’s job is more in terms of the bigger picture? IDEK i’m just guessing.
- he also goes "it's difficult to breathe even when we’re just walking! i swear, at this rate, i'll be able to run a full marathon when i get back to japan..."
- kenji thinks kara hui (plays the badass murder lady) is scary bc when he tried giving her some direction, she retorted rather curtly with "i know that!" x_x
- there were plans to cast older, more nostalgic (male) martial arts stars for kara hui's part but someone (probably donnie?) suggested "a woman would be good" and so it ended up being kara. 
- kenji tho. “why did it have to be this scary lady...”
- at some point while they were location scouting by a cliff, kenji slipped and fell about 8 metres into the river! his life was seriously on the line there bc RAPID CURRENTS but luckily he’d managed to grab onto a protruding boulder and climb out somehow.
it was a pretty rocky area so he was grazed all over. literally no one knew where he had disappeared to so when he showed up covered in blood, everyone started freaking out. in the middle of all that, donnie just pulled out his personal phone and took pictures lol.
(※ documented in this bts clip)
- the scenery on the way to the hospital was so beautiful that at one point kenji wondered "what if... i'm actually dead right now??"
- when kaneshiro takeshi got a look at his injury-covered back, for some reason he yelled "unbelieeevaablllee!!" in osaka-ben and asked, "hey hey kenji, can i take a picture? i wanna send it to my mom, scare her a little by making it seem like i was the one who got injured."
- kenji: “i laughed because it was pretty much the same reaction as donnie.”
- he mentions that the staff gathered on set were of various nationalities so you would hear a mix of mandarin, cantonese, english, thai and japanese being spoken.
- because there were multilingual ppl on set (ESP takeshi), kenji couldn't carelessly curse in japanese anymore. usually when he's feeling extremely stressed out he'd be yelling things like "just die everyone!" in jp lmao
- he says takeshi is a rly interesting person. talks about how he went around suggesting eccentric ideas and asking people "hey, wouldn't it be more interesting if i did this?"
- the sichuanese thing was takeshi’s idea. 
- the little finger swipe here was also an ad lib lol 
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- those cows in the scene where kara hui's character gets stampeded on? there were stunt people inside the cows moving them manually!
- they didn't want to resort to CGI, thinking there would be a risk of it coming across as fake. like even if just ONE small part looked fake, the audience will start wondering if the rest of the fight scene they'd painstakingly worked on was fake too and they didn't want that.
- "no! cows don't run like that!!" - donnie, taking his job directing stuntmen in extremely realistic cow costumes /very/ seriously.
- meanwhile kenji: “the situation was too surreal. how a cow runs... we never learned that in stunt school!”
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"please observe this enthusiastic performance of a cow by a team of two stuntmen!"
- director peter chan never really meddled with the action parts of the movie. when asked for his opinion, he'd just say "i don't know anything about that. i'd be satisfied with the first take itself. after that, i'd just look at everything as a whole." so they were kinda given free rein to film whatever they wanted and edit the scenes however they wanted.
- tsui hark once visited the set. tang wei (plays ayu, jinxi’s wife) who already wasn’t familiar with many of the hong kong cast and crew, had asked innocently "who was that old man?" lol
- the arm-cutting scene wasn’t in the original plans, it was more of a final resort. they actually planned to have jinxi be attacked by those goons when he got "revived" and he'd escape into a small cramped space where they'd do a 1 vs 5 fight scene. but it would've taken them another month to shoot that, so they had to scrap it. after some brainstorming they decided to replace it with "jinxi cuts off his arm!" this was decided like the day before they had to start shooting it (゚ー゚;;
- they had to decide which arm to "cut off" and thought it would be cool to have it be the same as jimmy wang's one-armed swordsman. so they asked jimmy which arm it was and he told them it was the left arm. so they went with that.
...turned out when they checked the original it was actually the right arm.
(※ truth is, in the original one-armed swordsman series, it'd switch between the two arms and wasn't consistent lmfao)
- kenji really liked the final product, but it didn't do so well in china and hong kong. kenji wonders if it's bc of the discrepancy between what people expected from the title "wu xia" and the actual content of the movie. apparently people were also really disappointed by the ending.
- eventually the movie started getting attention at film festivals and stuff in the west. but director peter chan just said pessimistically, "that's precisely why there's no changing the fact that this movie is a failure, entertainment-wise."
- kenji kinda wishes people would give this movie a second chance.
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meaniegf · 8 years
tagged by @dimplehobi​  thankies 💌
rules: answer the q’s and then tag 20 people at the end 
nickname(s): none lol
gender: female
star sign: scorpio
height: 4′10 lmfdaoo
time right now: 1117AM
last thing i googled: emails mystic messenger (I REDOWNLOADED THE GAME OK YES)
favorite bands: well other than bts n my kpop groups paramore probably
favorite solo artists: mnfksdf idk
song stuck in my head: not today 
last movie i watched: i dont remember :O probably your name that was so long ago
last tv show i watched: i dont watch much tv
when did you create your blog: this blog??? uhhh feb 2015 mayb
what stuff do u post: :+) 
when did ur blog reach its peak: uh idk really probably in late 2015 when i started making original content 
do you have any other blogs: ya my food sideblog @/eatrin LMAO
do you get asks regularly: nah not really :O
why did you choose your url: bc jin... so handsome and perfect.. for Why
following: 439
posts: 28164
hogwarts house: its either hufflepuff or gryffindor
pokemon team: mystic bitch
favorite colors: black/red/maroon/burgundy
average hours of sleep: 7-8 is my ideal 
favorite characters: .............uchiha itachi
what are you wearing right now: striped shirt and shorts
how many blankets do you sleep with: one 
dream job: a .. middle school teacher but im stuck at the preschool lvl for now
dream trip: !!! japan/s.korea!! new zealand bc my friend said its awfully pretty aaah OSWIN WE BASICLALY WANNA GO TO THE SAME PLACES LETS GO
92 truths tag
tagged by @okimtae for this one this iS SO LATE BUT thx sophie 🌷  AH and i love ur blog theme btw its so cute
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: my mum [3] text message: probably something vague like “JVXCJVSD” [4] song you listened to: 드림 by bolbbalgan4 xfzmnf i luv the song sm [5] time you cried: like.  i think... 3 days ago?
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: no [7] been cheated on: no [8] kissed someone and regretted it: no i havent kissed yet [9] lost someone special: yeah my grandpa [10] been depressed: lmfao [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no i havent gotten drunk sfdFSDlgsjk
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] black [13] red [14] ..maroon/burgundy
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: uuuuh yes if u count online [16] fallen out of love: who [17] laughed until you cried: i think so [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah! but in a good way [19] met someone who changed you: i guess, [20] found out who your true friends are: wat r friends [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: yike.. no.. i dont even fb anymore
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: uh probably like 98% [23] do you have any pets: no :( [24] do you want to change your name: nah [25] what did you do for your last birthday: doing my kids’ report cards..... lol [26] what time did you wake up: uhh i had trouble sleeping for some reason so i woke up late like at 10 [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: i dont remember [28] name something you cannot wait for: uhhhh i want a nice job n to have money asap [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: two days ago  [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my anxiety.. be gone with it [31] what are you listening to right now: nothing [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: no [33] something that is getting on your nerves: a lot of things [34] most visited website: uh tumblr probably n then like yt [35] elementary: sucks ass [36] high school: ugly but tolerable [37] college: fun while it lasted [38] hair colour: black [39] long or short hair: uh ....... its to my chin [40] do you have a crush on someone: does jimin count [41] what do you like about yourself? ill get back to u on that [42] piercings: multiple on both ears, 4 incl a helix one on left and then three on right [43] blood type: I duNNO this stresses me out i need to find out so i can read up shit like personality articles based on blood types [44] nickname: none [45] relationship status: lmfao [46] zodiac sign: scorpio 👅 [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: i dont rly watch tv so.,  [49] tattoos: none [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: does sticking some hot rod up my nose count bc i used 2 hav alot of nosebleeds and had to go for some ENT treatment the doc literally burned the hot metal rod and shoved it up my nose   [52] piercing: ears [53] best friend: uh [54] sport: uhhhh [55] vacation: malaysia lmfaoo [56] pair of trainers: i dont think i ever had trainers
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing.. i should eat tho [58] drinking: nothing [59] i’m about to: start crying in the club [60] listening to: the A/C vent noise [61] waiting for: nothing [62] want: to hold a cute boy’s hand [63] get married: ill think about it [64] career: left my previous job but im a preschool tchr
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: both [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: older, but the women in my fam r with younger guys so we’ll find out lmfaooo although personally i prefer older men .. jin hmu [69] romantic or spontaneous: idk [70] nice arms or nice stomach: why not both [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive? [72] hook up or relationship: i dunno, [73] troublemaker or hesitant: i think i have enough hesitance in me to cover for the whole r/s
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? nah [75] drank hard liquor? nah [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? nope [77] turned someone down: i dont think so [78] sex on first date? nah [79] broken someone’s heart? hopefully , JUST KIDDING probably not [80] had your own heart broken? not romantically [81] been arrested? nope [82] cried when someone died? yea [83] fallen for a friend: nah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? good qn [85] miracles? not really   [86] love at first sight? nah [87] santa claus? no lmao [88] kiss on the first date? i mean whatever [89] angels? yea?
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: a what now [91] eye colour: black or dark dark brown. but it looks black [92] favourite movie: ghibli movies, your name
2 lazy to tag xmkdfsd but if u can do it if u wana !
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apostature · 7 years
morrigan & leliana ♥ ♥ ♥
send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship! || always accepting
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - forever?? they are separated a lot by the tides of time and circumstance but always find their way home (translator’s note: home is each other)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - slowly, and not without a fight
How was their first kiss? - i imagine they both knew it was an inevitability and leliana kept saying “morrigan.” over & over until she finally stopped tiptoeing around it and let the smooch occur
Who proposed? - leliana!!! she probably planned some elaborate scheme of a proposal & morrigan’s like “wtf yeah i’ll marry you dramatic b*tch but you coulda just said hey let’s get married”
Who is the best man/men? - i imagine leli would have zev 
Who is the bride’s maid(s)? -shale, maybe one of leli’s spies, and they fight over the warden. morrigan wins bc it’s either them or Nobody
Who did the most planning? - leli!!!
Who stressed the most? - morrigan, somehow, partially because she knows how much it means to leli and there’s not much she can do to ensure that it goes well bc she’s entirely out of her element here 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - alistair but then leli invited him anyway. flemeth. celene bc lmfao they Have to see how she reacts to Not Being Invited
Who is on top? - honestly. leli generally
Who is the one to instigate things? - probably also leli, although morrigan can get a little saucy from time to time
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - maybe like thirty minutes?? but it’s alright bc it’s happening at least a few times a day lmfao
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - YES
How rough are they in bed? - (i think it really varies)Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - zero, unless astounding advancements in blood magic or trans!leli (which i am 1000% here for don’t get me wrong). or threesomes with zev? lmao
How many children will they adopt? - leli adopts kieran, maybe they’ll nab a girl from an orphanage one day
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - leli :’)
Who is the stricter parent? - morrigan!! but leli can usually reason with her when she’s being unfair or overprotective, or letting her need to control things get in the way
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - morri, usually, since leli’s just like “let me get the camera”
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - they both do but leli’s the one who includes encouraging notes with smiley faces
Who is the more loved parent? - i think they both fill entirely different roles that the children need so they would be loved equally, just differently
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? leli will drag morrigan along generally bc for a few years the entire staff thought she was a single mother
Who cried the most at graduation? - leli, but you could definitely see morrigan sneakily wiping away a few tears
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - leli bc morrigan’s like "they won’t learn anything if we bail them out!”
Who does the most cooking? - probably lel bc morrigan insists on going all out anytime she cooks and it’s simply not financially feasible morri you expensive b*tch
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - also morri & her tastes change a lot
Who does the grocery shopping? - leli tried to take morri with her once and she whined and dragged her feet the whole time like *throws things in cart* can i go back to my witchcraft now
How often do they bake desserts? - morrigan doesn’t like sweets very much but she happily bakes them for leli and her heart soars anytime she gets complimented on them by her darling wife
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - no meal is complete without both (sometimes morrigan gets really carnivorous tho)
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - i was gonna say lel but it would really be more of a surprise coming from morrigan, who would start planning months in advance and watch her wife carefully for signs of likes and dislikes and current favorites in order to make the evening perfect (spymaster leli notices she’s being observed but lets it happen. it’s been a while since anything surprised her)
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - leli and it rarely works
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - i think they both have a pretty good handle on things. kieran, probably
Who cleans the room? - it’s a joint effort
Who is really against chores? - morrigan like why the fuck do people make their beds!! you just mess it up again 14 hours later! what’s the use!!!
Who cleans up after the pets? - kieran, but leli cleans up after her birds >B(
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - morri!!!!
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - leli, morri’s like “just let them see what the house normally looks like then maybe they won’t come over anymore”
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - kieran
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - leli, but morrigan’s been known to join her from time to time
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - every time morrigan tries the neighbors run inside and draw all the curtains :’(
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - every year at leliana’s insistence
What are their goals for the relationship? - to be free of the watchful eyes of thedas for even a single moment, alone and at peace and together
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - morrigan bc she’s out until the wee hours of the morning witching
Who plays the most pranks? - leli >:3
0 notes