#pro-life news
deaconjohn1987 · 8 months
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pro-birth · 2 years
I shouldn't get messages from the spouses of fellow activists, thanking me for being the last line of defense between their loved one and suicide because those loved ones are being erased by their activist movement and being gaslit about their mental health. That should NEVER happen, ESPECIALLY in pro LIFE activism. Savannah came to me back in April expressing her concerns about her organization, her employers and her place in the prolife movement. Myself and my organization, Protecting Life Through Ethical Accountability, took a back seat and stayed quiet when Savannah said this was being handled privately. We left it alone until she came to us again because the fact of the matter is it WASN'T handled privately. Savannah was written off, made to feel crazy, isolated from her peers, told she was the problem for calling out bad things she was seeing. All of it to the point where she NEEDED to seek help for her mental health and I was being thanked for helping prevent her children from being motherless, sitting in tears wondering what might have happened had I not been there. NEVER should happened and I will NOT allow it to be covered up. In the last year, I have had to personally witness multiple activists deal with extremely poor mental health and even suicidal ideation due to people in the prolife movement and their failure to step up and do the right thing because they instead chose to protect abusive people because "sometimes we have to work with people we don't like." I've watched as unethical things have been done, promoted and encouraged. I've listened while these actions are defended. I've witnessed terrible, and even dangerous, people be promoted in prolife circles. I've held my tongue because "oh if you don't try to remain professional, they'll just call you crazy" and every time I speak out "oh Kay is drama farming" or "oh Kay is clout chasing". Keep your clout. It's been created with the abuse of others and the intentional silencing of them when they dare to speak out about it. I want nothing to do with it. l'm done being silent in an effort to remain professional while people are being harmed. Savannah voiced her concerns about rhetoric being promoted by progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising as someone who was once abortion minded. All she was trying to do was raise awareness of how their tactics and their messaging harmed abortion minded and post abortive people. When she did so, Rehumanize International Board gaslit her and tried to silence her by calling her manic and disturbed. As someone who deals with manic episodes, I am fully disgusted with how this situation was handled. And for what? Clout? Money? It doesn't really matter anymore. I'm done with these people. When activists in your movement end up on suicide watch, in psychiatric facilities and in need of hotlines for support due to behavior by members of said movement, especially people IN YOUR ORGANIZATION, you take action. But l've seen nothing but gaslighting, cover ups and efforts to silence victims of this abuse. Jennifer Christie almost DIED from what Abby Johnson did to her. EVERYONE who knew stayed silent because "can't make waves". Lila Rose and Live Action were directly involved, even went so far as to tell Jen they believed her story and would continue hosting it on their platform, but they would do NOTHING to stop the rampant harassment and abuse she was experiencing at the hands of Abby Johnson, Rebecca Kiessling, Pam Whitehead and all their supporters. Ambassador Speakers Bureau and Focus on the Family were given proof of Jen's story and still chose to side with her abuser. Terrisa Bukovinac sat down in a private meeting with my organization where we explained the abuse taking place and she told us to stop what we were doing and said she would never support our mission because it might effect prolife activism. Every single one of these people covered up the abuse of a rape survivor to protect their money and their clout in the prolife movement. Full stop. Period. Marissa Sinclaire, my partner, needed a hotline after being relentlessly harassed by Kristin Monahan, who is currently employed by Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising. When multiple other people came to us, sharing their own stories of abusive behavior from her, we privately took the matter to her employers, only to be left on read when Marissa said she would only share proof of the abuse if they promised something would be done about it. Nothing was. So, when Kristin Monahan troed to promote her new organization and pull support from MY FOLLOWERS we made the issue public, only to have Monahan lie and call Her VICTIM the abuser. And she received support from other activists of PAAU in doing it. Savannah Ackerman had to seek help for her own mental well-being after MONTHS of expressing that her employers were engaging in harmful rhetoric, a problem Savannah was not even the first person to point out. Ignored, gaslit, silenced. All of them. But oh, don't worry. These people care so much about life. They care so much they will either push you to end yours or just cover it up when someone else does.
PLEA Statement from Kay Fellows
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thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
In the months following the law’s enactment, there was a notable reduction in the number of abortions performed in the Lone Star State. Between August 2021 and September 2021, the number of abortions in Texas declined by 3,455 (Figure 1).[xvii] Overall, in the five months after the enforcement of the Texas Heartbeat Act, the average monthly number of abortions performed in Texas declined by more than 2,760 (Table 1).
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As Table 2 indicates, 12,169 abortions were performed on residents in Texas in the five months between September 2021 and January 2022. Over the past three years, an average of 22,354 abortions were performed during the same time period.  Overall, during its first five months, the Texas Heartbeat Act appears to have prevented approximately 10,000 abortions from being performed in Texas.
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Data on total Texas births from March to July for the years from 2019 to 2022 is displayed in Table 3 and presented in Figure 2.  The data clearly indicates that between March 2022 and July 2022 there was an increase in the number of children born in Texas. In fact, more children were born between March and July of 2022 than during the same time period any of the three previous years.  Overall, between March and July of 2019, 2020, and 2021, the average of Texas births was 152,810. Between March and July of 2022, 157,856 children were born in Texas. This is an increase of 5,046 births.
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Overall, in the five months after the Texas Heartbeat Act took effect, approximately 10,000 fewer abortions were performed in Texas, compared to the same timeframe in the three previous years. Comparing Texas births from March 2022 to July 2022 with an average of births for the same timespan during the three previous years, the number of Texas births increased by 5,046 (Table 3). This is an increase of three percent. This substantial increase is likely not fully explained by increases in population, illegal immigration, or the national birth trend post-Covid. As such, it is likely that the Texas Heartbeat Act played a large role in this birth increase. This finding adds to a substantial body of academic and policy research which shows that pro-life laws reduce abortion rates, increase the likelihood that pregnancies are carried to term, and save lives.
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makowcy · 11 months
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gif from that hit 90s space mining anime that is real and not made by me
au by @kiszoneszczury
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politijohn · 7 months
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mysharona1987 · 10 months
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For fuck sake.
wapo are excusing war crimes.
Be honest: The IDF left those kids to die. Because they never saw them as human in the first place.
Every Israeli spokesperson on TV these days: “There is absolutely no humanitarian crisis in Gaza”
Because you never saw them as human beings in the first place.
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bibxrbie · 6 months
It is so difficult loving Luke Skywalker and being Jedi positive.
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femmesandhoney · 8 months
no offense but if you knew the majority of your followers were radfem or rad aligned feminists and knew how they would react to pro-life christian feminism put on their dashes from someone unexpected, i would almost wager you purposefully wanted to stir up drama on here. bc at that point why don't you delete your blog and create one unaffiliated with the feminism you no longer agree with. weird af to me.
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deaconjohn1987 · 8 months
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thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
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As the euthanasia program in Canada comes under increasing international scrutiny, Canadians living with disabilities are speaking out to show how they have been pressured into assisted suicide or euthanasia. And the hashtag they’re using is starting to go viral.
A woman identifying herself as Dr. T kicked off the “I Am The Face Of MAID” campaign with a tweet arguing that the government would rather kill her than treat her illness. “I am the face of #MAID (assisted-death) in Canada. As a single, 50 yr old female with a genetic condition and a disability pension I will only cost the ‘system,'” she wrote. “I would be approved for untreatable pain if I applied – except my pain IS treatable – the gov just wont cover it.”
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She then encouraged others to follow her lead, and the hashtag quickly took off.
“I am the face of #MAID (assisted-death) in Canada,” a woman named Ariane wrote. “As a 42 year old woman with a rare complication of lupus + iatrogenic injuries I will only cost the ‘system.’ I want to live but can’t get the care I need + have been approved for MAID.”
“I am the face of #MAID (assisted-death) in Canada,” another woman named Natalie wrote. “As a 41 yr old woman with fibromyalgia & chronic widespread pain, I will only cost the ‘system.’ I receive nerve block to keep me moving. I would be approved for death if I applied.”
“I am the face of #MAID (assisted-death) in Canada,” still another woman said. “As a 30 y.o. with physical disabilities and ADHD, I will only cost the ‘system.’ I would be approved for MAiD if I applied – doctors are ignoring me to death. Fleeing to live.”
“I’m a 23 year old with ADHD, BPD, CPTSD, POTS, very intense IBS, widespread chronic pain, asthma, and more. Come March if I applied I would be approved due to their expansion with mental health,” another woman tweeted. “I am the face of MAID, but I don’t want to be.”
The campaign worked. Dr. T later followed up that not only did #MAID become a trending topic on Twitter, but her picture was the #1 photo associated with the term.
Many people with disabilities have come forward to speak out about their treatment, which has included being referred for MAID even though they are seeking medical care. Still others have been approved for MAID simply because they are living in poverty, or have disabilities. Disturbingly, the Canadian government is still planning on expanding the MAID program to include those whose only diagnosis is mental illness.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
People really do everything they can to avoid having children and to bar children from public places and then wonder why the world seems dull and pointless.
People try to hold onto their own youth, but that just means they stagnate in immaturity. The real way to regain that child-like wonder is to see the world through the eyes of an actual child, and you do that by helping new children to experience the world.
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cimerran-714 · 10 months
I figured that it would be helpful to call out ten of the most common pro-choice arguments that you might notice online. I'll preface it by saying that I am not a philosopher (or at least not yet), but I am a person with common sense, and you can see through these "arguments" if you have two brain-cells left.
Also, I understand that there are good PC arguments out there (although they are of course not successful, for a strong argument doesn't necessarily have to succeed). I am only arguing some of the most insane and ridiculous ones you'd spot.
If you want to go through some really good claims made by pro-choice/pro-abortion advocates, I'd recommend David Boonin's 'A Defense of Abortion'. It'd help you instead of you having to regurgitate whatever you are spoon-fed by the leftist cult. Go check out that book even if you're pro-life, because it's a great one.
Let's get started, shall we?
A human embryo/fetus is not human:
Yes, it's both human and alive. Biologists agree with this (including pro-choice biologists), and even pro-choice philosophers acknowledge this. This is basic empirical reality. And you only have to open an embryology textbook to know how wrong you are. Also, these people can never explain what species the fetus belongs to if not "Homo Sapiens".
2. It's just a "clump of cells".
All of us are made up of cells. Some are "clumpier" than others. And plus, it's not merely a clump of cells: the embryo is a human organism in its earlier stages of development, and very soon is also differentiated as it grows. That's like saying that it's okay to destroy a car because it's just "a bunch of metal thrown together".
3. It's not a person/sentient, yadda yadda:
Irrelevant and it's the same logic that slave-owners used to own people. Human rights is species-based, and the embryo/fetus is human. That's all that matters. These people love to make up ridiculous, arbitrary criteria to justify their bigotry.
4. You cannot force people to donate their organs...
Not the same thing at all. You cannot be forced to save people, but that doesn't mean you can actively kill them. This is the difference between killing someone and letting them die. There is a significant moral difference between deliberately pushing someone off a cliff and not saving someone who's hanging off a branch at a cliff. Abortion is the former.
5. Women would die...
All states have life-threat exceptions built into it, so this is just deflection. And yes, there are doctors who refuse to perform entirely legal abortions, but that is their fault. It IS legal. They're just cowards, and you can't blame the law for this because they already make this exception.
6. You cannot force your views onto others:
If you support democracy (and, you know, voting) you're forcing your views onto others. That's how law works.
7. The child would grow up in poverty, yadda yadda yadda...:
We don't kill born children because of these reasons, so it's a ridiculous claim. You don't solve poverty by killing the poor.
8. They are just pro-birth:
Statistics show that Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats. Also, just because they don't agree with your method of helping people doesn't mean that they don't care about born people. You see, it's like saying "A fire-fighter rescued someone from a fire, but they don't want to pay out of their pockets to look after them throughout their lives. They don't actually care!"
9. Showing pics of fetuses belonging to other species as a gotcha:
Yes, mammals of different species look the same in their earlier stages, but that doesn't mean there isn't a difference between them. This is, once again, bigoted slaver logic (to want to kill people based on their looks).
10. Men cannot have a say because:
As men are directly affected by this, they absolutely have a say. They are fathers too, and remember that they're the ones who have to pay child support.
There you go. I am not expecting you to be pro-life yet if you are not, but I hope that I have cleared your head up somewhat.
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bykremi · 3 months
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just a few shots from the new vlog (watch here)
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politijohn · 6 months
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It’s as if being “pro-life” was always a charade
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achaotichuman · 5 months
Actually, I think Elain and Lucien have a cottage right smack bang in the point where Summer, Autumn and Spring join up. And the house is split into thirds, each being affected by the different seasons. The Autumn side it all reds, oranges, dark woods and dead leaves. The Spring side is all green, blooming flowers and smelling of sweet new beds. And the Summer side is all white and smells like tropical fruit.
And they live there and Elain has a garden split into three that wraps around the entire house, they have a wrap around porch and three sets of rocking chairs at each season depending on where they want to sit at sunset. All the sunsets look different in each seasonal sky.
And they have three dogs that continuously run around the house, delighted by the changes in season, and a cat that sits contently on Elain's lap.
And they just wake up stress free every lazy morning, and have walks through each season. And sometimes they travel to different continents, and other Courts to explore and visit their friends, but ultimately they go home to their little secluded spot where it's just them and their happy little world.
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 months
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“I was held in chains but now I’m free…”
“Hey, little train! Wait for me! I once was blind but now I see. Have you left a seat for me? Is that such a stretch of the imagination?” (“O Children” by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds)
I feel obligated to set up a trigger warning on this post, since I’m mentioning thoughts of suicidal ideation in my text. If you’re feeling uncomfortable with this topic, please feel free to ignore the following four paragraphs and skip right to my praise for the incredibly talented artist of this comic strip.
As already mentioned in some of my latest posts, I’ve commissioned some of my favourite artists here on tumblr for a special project of mine: My afterlife project.
I’m suffering from multiple autoimmune disorders, which probably have paved the way for this bitch of a disease, ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome), two years ago. Sure, my life already wasn’t the easiest before, but since then, it came to a standstill. More and more, I lost my abilities, my social life, my place in the society…and surely even my participation in my own family. My days are mostly spent in bed all day and night, surrounded only by darkness and solitude.
Patients with severe ME/CFS might die earlier than expected, due to multiple organ failure and - yes, I have to admit, that this reason is, indeed, undeniably relatable (and alluring) to me - suicide. With each passing day, that I’m doomed to “live” with these confines of my personal hell… imprisoned within myself without any chance to escape… death appears to be a welcoming friend, who’s only awaiting to pull me into a tight embrace. For me, it’s like it’s written in the following poem (“Joy in Death”) of Emily Dickinson…it will be good news and maybe even a relief…not just for me.
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I know, I can’t leave, yet… and that I have to stay as long as endurable - at least for my children’s sake - but… yeah, BUT… but, damn, I’m tired. My personal limits are set… my lines are drawn… my responsibilities are cleared and both of my closest friends are informed about my pathetic little wishes (please, play that goddamn song for me!). I’m prepared. But for now, I have to stay…. to fight a little longer… to be a mom, even though my kids only see me for a few minutes each day… a mere shadow of the mother, they used to know. It’s a fucking shame!
For this particular part of my afterlife project, I’ve commissioned my sweet friend @sleepybradipo, who will always be my first choice to draw my vision of the young Severus in his own uniquely tender art style, which I’m so weak for.
In my imagination, I will be able to choose, how my eternal life will look like. Finally, I’ll be with Severus! We’ll meet at the age of 11 years and eventually spend the rest of our lives side by side...growing old together. Severus and Jukes will finally get the life, they’ve always deserved to have. I’ve started to show sections of this existence by Severus’ side in some of my other posts, which belong to this project. It may sound strange and pathetic (obviously), but this is all, that I'm wishing for. I want to come home to him.
For this artwork, I asked @sleepybradipo to make the process of “renewing” visible…almost like some kind of resurrection! Jules is stripping off her old, exhausted self, only to be 11 years old again…happily running towards the 11 years old Severus, who’s waiting for her.
Ivano, at first, I felt guilty for my request for this commission. I’m constantly afraid of becoming a burden to others with my ridiculously morbid thoughts and ideas. But you, my dear friend, made me feel seen with your kindness and compassion. Your understanding of my fantasy and the way, you’ve realised it in this mesmerising piece of art, are absolutely breathtaking! I don’t know, how I could possibly show enough gratitude to express, what your art is doing to my black little heart. It’s like a bandage…a soothing balm… a comforting embrace. Thank you for everything, Ivano.
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
PS: I have to apologise for my repetive use of terms in my writing this time. The lack of coherence might be caused by my current “crashing” condition and a weird cocktail of different medications. I’ll try better next time, but it was important for me, to show this heart-wrenching composition of art as soon as possible. Your work needs to be seen, Ivano!
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