#pro west
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free-land-free-labor · 4 months ago
I found a document listing factions in the Syrian Civil War with a couple sentences each. It had to reach nearly 300 pages to include every group fighting. Most of which, frankly, are evil. The regime murders children, much of the opposition at this point are terrorists…just sad all around and I pray for Syria’s civilians. Assyrian & Yazidi brigades are typically the most morally upright though, and my prayers and condolences are with both groups for the violence they’ve faced at the hands of Daesh and others.
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straynoahide · 5 months ago
this kind of bullshit arguments is why (mostly white) leftist fifthcolumnists can unironically defend october 7th as "resistance" and spend every second of their western lives shitting on the west, with barely no opposition in "progressive spaces". israel isn't exactly part of the west, the jewish democracy isn't exactly liberal democracy, but our enemies certainly are the same... pro-terror, yes, this is what this is, but also something worse.
what's this great anti-western resistance stand for?
the CCP seeing taiwanese gay marriage as a casus belli and reeducating muslims? juche's trigenerational punishments? fossil fuel oligarchs and ruscist bureaucrats that still praise stalin enforcing conscription of native siberians? the theocratic ummah and arab imperialists that do not at all envision human trafficking in some neo-caliphate for kafir girls? failed narco-states and femicides in latin america's powerhouses? more jihadism done by black people against each other, or the zimbabwe experience in africa? endless civil war? what is it? what is our salvation? socialism in one planet?
what else am i supposed to applaud, as an european, to deconstruct whiteness and embrace this multipolar future, to get a medal for being with the resistance (ie the imperialism of some other awful regime or proto-totalitarian nightmare) and not with the "american empire"? how great 9/11 and how bad the pax americana.
yes let's go back to elder councils that rule out a woman raped is solved by the prepetrator's sister raped and that dancing boys are great entertainment cos if they're poor nobody will complain they get serially abused by patrons. let's pretend anti-american sentiment and the taliban help afghans more than democracy would.
or maybe, i don't know, let's pretend traditional cultures aren't hit-and-miss half of the time with unscientific, anti-scientific, obscurantist explanations and prescriptions. how great stone age justice is in the name of cultural relativism. chemotherapy and antipsychotics are just as good, or worse, than bear bile, cos cancer is just bad vibes and the shaman will cure you.
liberal western hegemony my ass. just look the fuck around and see what humanity is doing and it's not that hard to see what's up, life isn't a boogeyman economic system and 'structures' it's also people and values and some fucks don't engage the former besides out of touch abstractions nor would know the latter if it hit them in the face.
leftism is just postmodern soteriology. it's empty, and it is braindead.
also btw rainbow imperialism and anti-antizionism are the best praxis for progressive values.
LGBTIQ rights belong in every little recess of every nation i don't care it's "traditional" to stone bottoms bc that culture has 6 genders and the elder council decided sth else. i literally don't care. and i don't care how traditional and nationally sensitive jew-hatred and anti-israel propaganda seep into the multipolar discourse, either. if every country says one (1) nation/ethnoreligion is to blame for every bad thing humans do then fuck every country and their big lie.
fuck all of that. all of humanity needs to drop bullshit beliefs if we're gonna live on the same rock, whether we like it or not, and i'm not going to pretend the taliban's voice or some deluded communist monarch in north korea should have a say in it as loud as mine because the west is "just as bad or worse". the nazis didn't get a say in rebuilding europe. they won't either and if that's through liberalism and america then so be it.
The thing with 9/11 is that no one cares that much about the death and destruction itself. Buildings fall down and people die all the time, including in the US. Like at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic you had entire 9/11s worth of USamericans dying on a regular basis. If all that damage was caused by an earthquake or faulty building practices or whatever, there wouldn't have been nearly as much fuss about it. It's not as if the insane response from US population was a matter of "two building fall down"
The reason why 9/11 was so upsetting to the US population was their widespread feelings of Imperialist Chauvinism and the subsequent outrage at seeing it so openly and violently defied. The US was at the height of its Imperialist power at the turn of the millennium, a hegemonic superpower that was dominant in some way over more or less the entire world. Whether they'd phrase it in such a way or not, most people in the US were very well aware of this; as far as they were concerned the US was truly the greatest country on the Earth. For some this was a point of pride, for others it was a simple fact of the world. This made them feel secure; bombings and mass killings might happen in those "shithole nations" of the earth but it couldn't happen over there. The US military could wipe entire cities off the map and like maybe that was good, maybe that was unfortunate and maybe it meant nothing at all. Either way that was normal; the violence flowed from the Core to the Periphery.
Until one day it didn't. One day a group of people from that Periphery, from some shithole group of nations, struck back. Now the sorts of destruction they'd seen on TV were happening right outside their window; the US got the smallest taste of the sort of brutality they had long inflicted on the rest of the world. And they did not like that taste at all. The US people as a whole went mad with grief and rage, not at the death of any people but the death of their sense of unquestionable safety and superiority. And the only hope of getting that feeling back was to inflict a revenge so terrible that no one would dare resist or retaliate again.
If bloodshed was how they'd built their empire, only more bloodshed could keep it safe. And this time they didn't even have to feel bad about it. It's not as if the US empire had ever given the world any peace, but now they had the perfect pretense to escalate it to levels not seen in decades. If they talked about this isolated and comparatively limited attack as though it was some great invasion, the US government and its supporters could take all the moral high ground of "self defence" even as they slaughtered impoverished peoples on the other side of the world. So it made sense to treat the 11 September attacks as though they were the greatest tragedy of all time. 9/11 didn't break the US psyche, it just made them express it in a more shameless way. It's not as though genocidal Imperialist violence was anything new to the USA. Afghans were just the new Apaches; the "Middle East" a new "Wild West"
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kvtnisseverdeen · 1 year ago
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Where is the International protection the Palestinian people is entitled to when the occupying power violates international law and harms those it is obliged to protect. Aren't Palestinians lives worth saving?
-Riyad Mansour (Palestinian representative to the UN)
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troythecatfish · 11 months ago
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hussyknee · 8 months ago
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This ruling is non-binding (not sure how it would be enforced even if it was considering Israel's chief protector is the U.S., which doesn't recognise the International Criminal Court and keeps trying to punish it for this kind of thing), but there's support for it across the board except from the US and its new vassal state, the UK. The Tory government has backed the US in ignoring every ICJ ruling on Palestine thus far and Starmer has been avoiding the issue but reinstated funding for UNRWA a few hours after the latest one. Starmer is a spineless Zionist maggot and as much of a US shill has the Tories however, so which way his government tips will probably depends on the strength of the US's reaction.
If you still want to vote for that death-worshipping lurching corpse in November and maybe claim back some of the voters who've decided they can't endorse this bloodthirsty maniac, now is the time to take to the streets and threaten to withhold your vote unless he fucking complies. Don't worry, the same amount of you will vote for him anyway since genocide is not a red line for you, but the DNC is jumpy enough now that they might want to err on the side of caution. Please try and stop your precious democracy from massacring any more children, even if only to save your own skins.
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sapphickx · 1 year ago
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olive trees will grow again
freedom will come
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smeagles · 7 months ago
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August 10, 2007: MCR play in West Palm Beach, Florida on the Projekt Revolution tour 📸: pookie_ray on LJ
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straynoahide · 4 months ago
i actually have an answer, but it's not easy to hear
the erosion on the west's self-concept, trust on its own values, and confidence may have a little to do with the constant, no-nuance, almost compulsive criticism of our traditional values, heritage religion, history and economic system.
there are three main power factions in every western country, more aligned each with each than within any national entity: the reactionary christo-identitarian west (pro-russia), the liberal-democratic west (pro-ukraine, pro-israel), and the progressive-socialist west (antizionist).
progressives have a great share of responsibility for this erosion. pro-hamasnik antisemitic mobs, are they a suprise? to have pro-iranian fifthcolumnists? when we had people "siding with bin laden"? when we had people siding with russia bc "ukrainians are nazis"? are we really surprised they support jihad bc capitalism is harmful?
hasn't the intellectual culture of progressivism tolerated far too long anti-americanism; as if a theocracy, an fossil fuel oligarchy, a half-capitalist maoist dictatorship, a juche communist monarchy, are not worse, on paper and in practice, for us and for everyone?
i'm not from america, and i really understand why capitalism creates injustice and liberalism is flawed. but i don't just see the west of christian hegemony, imperial colonialism and slavery. i see the west of the enlightenment and secularism, scientific progress, abolition, human and LGBTIQ rights and universal values.
and i also see the non-west of exactly just every pitfall attributed solely to america and europe and israel. the west has to start believing in itself before it's too late; certainly before pro-russian christofascists on the one side and pro-palestine marxists in the other erode what little is left of moral clarity and political sanity.
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sirenpearldust · 11 months ago
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Israel has the most moral army in the world 😂
The so called ‘peace seekers’.
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royaltea000 · 6 months ago
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“I look forward to the day when there will be an investigation into the role of Western corporate media in this genocide. Because this is not just a genocide that has been overlooked. This is a genocide that has been justified and enabled by the media.”
—Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian Territories.
source: x
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sayruq · 1 year ago
Tunisia ⤵️
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Jordan ⤵️
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Iraq ⤵️
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West Bank ⤵️
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Pakistan ⤵️
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redvelvetwishtree · 1 year ago
Question: All the kids and young people in Gaza witnessing their parents, siblings, cousins get murdered by Israel, their houses being pulverised, babies killed, dead bodies in their neighborhoods and ice cream trucks, father carrying his kids body p@rts in a plastic bag, aid denied, power gone...none of them will grow up normal and super chill. In addition to the trauma and other mental disorders, they will most likely want to (rightfully) avenge their families and friends' deaths, fight for their land that was bombed and have nothing but sheer hatred for Israel.
And then when they come together to fight for their land and families, and maybe give their resistance movement/group a name, will the western media automatically label them as terrorists from Day 1? Will their goals and objectives be termed as terrorism?
Because this will most certainly happen. Their childhood and youth is irreparably ruined in the most atrocious ways possible. You can't expect them to be super chill about the things they've seen.
But I'm sure Israel and the west will waste no time in labelling them as some barbaric terrorists who only want Israelis gone...
And they'll ask the future generations,"do you c0ndEmn this movement/group of people" before anything else...
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littleeliza-lotte · 16 days ago
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Hadestown Pro-Shot final filming date (01/03/25)
I recorded act one while my friend did act two, I was sat in stalls and he was in the balcony so it might sound a little different
Act 1
Act 2
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hussyknee · 1 year ago
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“You will not kill the hope in us. Freedom for Palestine”
Baladicenter, a continuation of Baladi Dance Group, was established in 1991 in Beit Jala, Palestine. Founded by a group of promising young people, with a mission to preserve and pass down their rich Palestinian heritage through generations, consolidating and strengthening the Palestinian identity. The group emerged in response to the occupation authorities' attempts to deny and erase the ancient roots and heritage of the Palestinian people.
Please consider buying a Keffiyeh* to support expanding local productions and keep the traditions of Palestine alive. They're currently restocking and hope to get orders out soon.
*Either spelling appears acceptable.
The dance is interspersed with footage of the Great March of Return where young men danced a Dabke circle under gunfire and tear gas from the Occupation Forces, and the civilian defiance of First Intifada, whose 36th anniversary was commemorated on December 8th.
Glory to the Martyrs! 🇵🇸
Glory to the Resistance! 🇵🇸
From River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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billionbrilliantstars · 6 months ago
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When we put country before party, we vote for a future that benefits all of us. Let’s make the right choice this November.
If you’re a Christian, this is also about putting God before party and before a man. Trump is no Godly man. Liz Cheney is very much pro life, but the healthy way to reduce abortions is not to create dystopian laws. These are laws that force victims of rape and incest to carry a child. These laws also inhibit care for partial miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and other medically necessary abortions.
Conservative Christians, we can elect Kamala Harris and advocate for taking rapists accountable, enhanced access to comprehensive sex education, access to birth control, and a better adoption system. Kamala Harris has already promised to enhance the child tax credit and reduce the cost of living so less mothers will feel they can’t care for a child. You can be deeply religious and pro life and still vote for Kamala and stop Trump.
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