#pro stefan salvatore
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chloesreality · 4 months ago
me watching an edit of Stefan and Elena was saying “this isn’t you” and then Stef said “STOP SAYING THAT”
then I went to the comments 😭
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this cracked me up so hard
it’s giving “Were you silent or were you silenced”
actually bfrr though, have we actually watched the same show? literally stop it’s too funny now 🤭
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cerisia76 · 6 months ago
I just realized something and I need to share it.
When it comes to Stefan haters, Stefan can't win. Because no matter what he does, it will be the bad choice for them. Even when he chose the other option in another context. Want it to be more clear?
I'm talking about two scenes that mirror each other where Stefan made the two choices he had.
When he pushed/tricked/forced Damon to be a vampire, not respecting what Damon wanted. His haters called him selfish.
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And when he saved Matt in the s3 finale because he respected what Elena wanted, his haters said he didn't love her enough and Damon said he would have done the opposite. Yet he hated Stefan for centuries because he did the same thing to him.
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Stefan haters generally love Damon and Damon can do no wrong. So Stefan keeping Damon alive even if he didn't want to is selfish and bad. But Damon keeping Elena alive even if she didn't want to is the proof that he loves her more than anything.
Which proves my point. With Stefan haters, logic doesn't exist as long as Stefan doesn't make the right choice. They will hate him for doing one thing AND hate him for doing the opposite later on. He just can't win.
And that's why I can't stand Stefan haters.
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xdarkeningkrystals · 8 months ago
It will always be criminal the way Stefan would be treated by the end of the show. TVD was also Stefan's story yet he gets sidelined and díes for Delena. The fact that Plague and Derides had no plans for Stefan in S5 before realizing "Ugh, I guess we HAVe to write him something" shows just how much they actually cared about him once Delena happened. Which is why I don't blame Paul for checking out
He deserved so much better. 💔
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illbdamned · 9 months ago
I know Damon is usually seen as this perfect, hot little wicked thing, but…
Stefan the Sweetheart : exquisite
Stefan the Ripper: exquisit-ER. Come here, you psychotic little twat 🥹
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helpimstuckinafandom · 1 year ago
I wish whoever made the decision to have Stefan die at the end of Vampire Diaries a very slow and agonizing die
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thefloatingwriter · 8 months ago
as much as i don’t like s4, stefan in s4??? that i can get behind.
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nightzspring · 4 months ago
SJM 🤝 julie plec
turning tamlin and stefan into terrible people just to make delena and feysand happen
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xeyesofstardust · 3 months ago
I swear, Stefan stans are the worst and are the reason this fandom is crumbling to dust.
They get on Reddit, look for people who don't worship the ground that St. Stefan walks on and start harrasing them.
This literately is happening to me on Reddit. Ane because of what you might ask? Because I had the audacity to say "I like Elena Gilbert."
Wow, just wow!
When they lost Endgame they took that shit personally and turned on Elena so fast. They went from liking Elena to hating her. Like hating her how you would hate that mean girl from high school.
It's sad and pathetic.
FYI If you're thinking of joining the The Vampire Diaries reddit page my advice to you is 'just don't.' It's full of pro Stefan and Caroline stans who are unhinged.
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 3 months ago
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haddie is complaining abt tvd again, i said oh i’m sure
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stargirlie25 · 1 year ago
My top tvd ships (yall bouta be mad)
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STELENA: MY PERFECT BABIESSSS (dont get mad at me delenas already endgame so chill)
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KOLVINA: So perfect.
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chloesreality · 4 months ago
who tf looks at their boyfriend with this much awe?
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bennett-mikealson · 2 years ago
TVD Stan’s go crazy when they see Tyler Stan’s and automatically assume we forgot the bad things he’s done or think we’re making excuses for his negative actions when in reality we don’t make excuses. we just know how to praise him as well and acknowledge his character development. They see one person saying something good about Tyler and all of a sudden it’s “so y’all don’t care about what he did to Vicki” or they bring up the delusional thought that he treated Caroline like crap; like what??? Most of y’all don’t even care about Vicki and nobody said we forgot what he did but we not about to keep bringing it up while talking about him when we wanna hear something good. Especially when other characters have done the same things he’s don’t and 10x worse but the same energy not kept with them. Then wanna bring up his anger issues like it’s a huge problem when other characters are 100+ and 1000+ year olds acting like children with issues they would of been worked out and would kill someone for the fun. Pls 🙄
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purpleruinsprincess · 3 months ago
It hits even harder when you realise that Elena took Caroline's side when Stefan and Caroline were fighting in season 6. At that point Elena was definitely closer to Stefan than to Caroline.
Watching a Stelena video from one of my fave Stelena YouTubers and this is no hate to her at all (I love that video and we’re moots on twitter), but when I saw that one scene (again) in 4x07 where Caroline is like "no, he’s heartbroken" and clearly taking Stefan's side over Elena's, I just…
Like Elena and Caroline aren’t best friends, not in the slightest, but they’ve known each for most of their lives and for Caroline to take Stefan's side over Elena's instead of being there for both of them annoys me.
Caroline can be there for Stefan and Elena at the same time. She doesn’t have to take sides.
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lalosalamcnca · 4 years ago
Sometimes I forget that Stefan Salvatore died, but then I remember and it’s just kinda like
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foxgl-ove · 1 year ago
crazy that the emotionally vulnerable teenage girl deserves better than two centuries-old vampire men that constantly “did everything” for her like kill her brother and constantly threaten the lives of her loved ones And almost get her killed a minimum once per season. Crazy.
The fact that you think Elena deserves better than the Salvatores is unbelievable. They did everything for her and she was constantly ungrateful.
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sbd-laytall · 4 years ago
Reasons Why Stefan Salvatore is the Better Brother!
Disclaimer: I understand that Stefan did some god awful things, some even unforgivable, but at the end of the day Stefan is the the better out of the two and this post is to hightlight that, not to convince you that he’s a good person.
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He was always sacrificing himself. He sacrificed his life at the end of the show (unlike Damon getting a picture perfect life).
He tried to protect everyone all the time. He even left Caroline because Raina was after him and he didn’t want Caroline to be in danger.
He always respected Elena’s decisions, even if he didn’t agree with them (unlike Damon forcing her to do things). He never went after Elena again, when she chose Damon over him.
He felt remorse over all the people he killed when he had his humanity off and constantly tried to better himself (unlike his brother who actively enjoys killing). He felt so guilty, he was suicidal. He did bad things, but always tried to make up for them.
He calmed Caroline down, when she was upset over being turned into a vampire (unlike Damon who actually tried to kill her). He mentored Caroline and taught her control.
He always cared about the people in Elena’s life (unlike his brother who couldn’t give a damn about anybody but himself).
He was there for Caroline when her mother got cancer and died. He saved Bonnies life multiple times. He compelled Matt, so that he would forget that he killed his fiancé and not feel guilty. Hell, he even surrendered himself over to Klaus, to save his brother.
He respected everyone and was so sweet and kind (unlike Damon who belittled and actively disrespected everyone he came across).
He made a bedroom for Caroline’s daughters. He cheered Caroline up, when she felt guilty and dirty about sleeping with Klaus.
He was respectful to Elena when she talked about his parents deaths. He checked on Caroline, after she had been tortured.
He always thought there was good inside Damon (unlike his brother who always tried to give up on Stefan). He never held Lexi’s death against his brother.
So, in conclusion,
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