#pro orochimaru
comikadraws · 2 months
Would you have wanted orochimaru to die or just be punished for his evil deeds in a way that doesn't involve him necessarily dying?
Don't get me wrong. I certainly wouldn't have minded Orochimaru's death. And I agree that some people are, for the sake of humanity, better off dead. That's all your Voldemorts, Palpatines, and Saurons - The cliché "dark lords". The problem is that Kishimoto treated Orochimaru with far too much kindness to begin with.
Orochimaru doesn't really fit the "personification of pure evil" caricature, and is characterized as a person instead. On top of that, unlike the aforementioned villains, Orochimaru didn't pose an active threat to the world which then hits us with an ethical question:
Do humans have the right to decide who lives or dies?
And what justifies killing? Survival? Improval? Feelings? Can we trust humans to determine these parameters?
And now add to that that I grew up on ATLA as a child and generally do not believe in death sentences...
The problem is, in real life, people like Orochimaru don't change and don't redeem themselves. There is no "I killed 59 newborns for funsies but now I'm a loving and responsible parent".
I think the better question to ask here is whether Kishimoto should've given Orochimaru a redemption or not. Because if Orochimaru had never been redeemed, he would've remained as a danger to the world, and killing him would have been the obvious choice. But Kishi instead redeemed him, leaving us with this moral dilemma.
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I will never get over the fact that even creepy deranged Orochimaru was considered for the position of Hokage, while my father was excluded simply because he was an Uchiha.
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moon-trees · 5 months
i think my favourite sasuke feat has gotta be when he uno reversed orochimaru. the disrespect - rinsed him of all his training, got his summons, learnt his tricks, and then when he didn't need him anymore, he just goes and absorbs him and steals his techniques. king shit.
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shyflowerhologram · 12 days
Sasuke's War Crimes?!
today I saw several posts talking about how Sasuke should have been punished for war crimes. War Crimes. Let me consult Wikipedia:
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War crimes - all the things Konoha had done.
What is Sasuke's unforgivable war crime? I've been trying to find answer for years. - Killing Samurai in combat? Sasuke was there for Danzo, if they stepped back he had no interest in them. - Killing Danzo? Maniac who orchestrated Uchiha genocide, why nobody thanked Sasuke for ending that scum? - breaking into Kage summit? If we want righteousness, then other Kages should have executed Danzo themselves. Or at least draft an apology later for trying to stop Sasuke. - Trying to kill Sakura? She was literally there to kill him, she had attacked first. - Trying to kill Naruto? It sound like Sasuke waited behind the door with an axe. Each time Sasuke hit him with chidori, Naruto came back with rasengan, so Naruto was equally trying to kill Sasuke. - Leaving the village that made him and others into a child soldiers (which is a war crime)? Maybe the crime is that nobody is allowed to have a free will in that village? I get it, it's a military village, but Sasuke made it clear that he wasn't planning to go against Konoha, he was going after Itachi, which was supposedly in Konoha's interests. - Or maybe crime was going to Orochimaru? Orochimaru who actually did (and most probably still does) some war crimes but was pardoned and attended Hokage's wedding. - there's also part where he wanted to end Konoha's and other village's war crime record and reform the world but no, we are happy with child soldiers, genocide and power imbalance. The actual words of the argument were "change their idyllic system". Idyllic system. The system was idyllic. - 'joining' Akatuski? Sasuke had never cared about Obito's goals and turned on them almost immediately. - Only thing that seems like an actual violation is attack on Bee, although Bee wasn't actually harmed. And it doesn't specify as war crime, Bee isn't a civilian.
So what is Sasuke's unforgivable crime, the war crime? What he did that was worse than for example - what Orochimaru had done?
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 5 months
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Sasuke Curse Mark Orochimaru
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Have we forgotten this panel too soon? “Remember that it’s Sasuke who defeated Orochimaru and freed us all. When you’re out I want you to spread the word, tell everyone you meet... A man is now among us who will bring stability and peace. You got that?”
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
"It's not a real romance unless they've tried to kill eachother at least once!"You guys couldn't even handle Sasuke and Sakura
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nartml · 1 year
My blood boils every time, every damn time, I think about how Sasuke was treated. Specifically in comparison to Orochimaru. That absolute scumbag was the true definition of evil, and he got off with just a slap on the wrist??
And Sasuke, someone who didn't actually commit any significant crime other than killing Danzo (which, good for him btw) and wanting to destroy the village (wanting to do something and actually going through with it are two worlds apart), someone who just wanted justice for the shit the system has put him –and his family– through, gets treated so disgustingly? They want to lock him up for what? For the actions caused by the trauma they put him through? Fuck that.
It's ludicrous to me how some people are okay with that? How do some people not see how fucked that is?
Yeah, no thanks.
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comradefleur · 1 year
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this was so fucking RAW like sasuke being lauded as a revolutionary force instead of villainous scum...more pls! it fucking sucks that in the end the other members of taka had to end up all being orochimaru's "followers" again like .... kishi always knows how to acutely ruin an excellent thing. but anyways. WE LOVE SUIGETSU! AND SASUKE!
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 3 months
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I'd vote for him
Chapter 631
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sassykinzonline · 4 months
say orochimaru, i heard you like em young
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you better not ever go to cell block one
to anyone who has kekkai gekai blood
just make sure you hide your little brother from him
they tell me kabuto's the only one who gets your hand me downs
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and hes at the party playing with his nose now
and hes got a weird case-- whys he around?
certified scientist? CERTIFIED PEDOPHILES
"Sas, fuck em up!"
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imma do my stuff 😤
why you trollin like a bitch aint you tired?
tryna bag a body and its prolly A MINORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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vulpisnocturna · 1 year
Thinking once again about Sasuke being put in ninja prison for his “crimes” and Orochimaru becoming the comedic relief in Boruto because human experiments, destroying the village and killing the ninja president are perfectly okay things to do. Also thinking of how one of his child experiments stalks him and his trauma is also reduced to Scooby-doo type of investigative work
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I can't believe I actually mourned that genocidal shit. How deceived I was, living a life of lies and betrayal. I hope you are rotting in hell, bastard.
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moon-trees · 4 months
makes me laugh how sakura is known for being sasuke obsessed, but i'd say she's pretty much bottom of the list for the severity of which certain people are obsessed with him.
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slowlysointernet · 1 year
Sasuke leaving the village still to this day bothers people, but the arguments they put out is so disingenuous and dishonest. They don't actually care about Orochimaru planning to take Sasuke's body. They don't care that Orochimaru is an enemy who attacked Konoha. Nor Sasuke supposedly ''betraying his friends''. Likewise, they don't even care about Sasuke being a nuke nin and therefore a traitor to their beloved village. Why do you think there's so many ‘’what if Naruto left the village or joined the Akastuki’’ fanfics?
If only these people can be honest with themselves and say that Sasuke beating and nearly killing Naruto hurt them deeply. Then to make the matter worse, Sasuke came back after the time skip, more handsome than ever and more powerful than Naruto, which really stuck the knife in. So till this day, these bitter bitches will obfuscate what really bothers them about Sasuke leaving.
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 5 months
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Sasuke Curse Mark
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