#pro hinata uzumaki
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martialartslover7 · 2 months ago
I am so frustrated about Hinata Hyuga.
Like, do you want to know, why I won't shut up about her? Leaving the romance aspect with Naruto aside, I just find this so insanely disrespectful towards her, that, canonically speaking, ignoring all the filler, She. Doesn't have. Even a SINGLE. On-screen. Victory. To her name. And all she gets reduced to now, in Boruto, is "housewife".
All she gets reduced to, is merely an "extension" to Naruto. For being his wife, she literally can't match up with him in terms of overall feats. The power balance is all off. Everything hinges purely on Naruto, every time. I don't like this. And yeah, go on, get all smart on me, try to correct me by bringing up that damned databook, this is one instance where I go: Fuck all of this, I don't want to read this shit, I WANT TO SEE IT. ON-SCREEN. SHOW. DON'T TELL. Don't just show me some random throwaway factoid garbage from a databook, that holds as much weight to the overall canon, as a miniscule hole in a sinking ship.
And what makes this worse, you just have to re-contextualize all of this:
Hinata took her training seriously
She was inspired by Naruto, without getting downright obsessive over him, meaning, she still got her priorities straight as a standalone kunoichi, while making use of his "proud loser" mentality to boost her own confidence
Her entire character, by default, is the classic trope of "princess, rebelling against her dogshit family", just to break the molds, making her so easy to root for
She remained humble, until the very end
...But what does all this mean for her? Nothing.
Every single fight, in-canon, that she participated in, always ended in a loss for her, even in Shippuden, where she is supposed to be stronger, it doesn't make any goddamn sense, you train your whole life, and you can't win a single fight, when it absolutely needs to count?
In the course of the story, all that happens to her, 80% of the time, is her getting abducted, and this happens about THREE. FUCKING. TIMES. The first time is perfectly excuseable, because it happened, when she just barely jumped out of the womb of her mother, but two more times, once when she was a Genin, and once as a fucking adult, by Toneri? COME. ON. That last one is just low.
All her clan issues just get resolved off-screen, we never get a rematch between her and Neji, not a proper look into the clan's politics, and in the end, Neji's death only ended up traumatizing her even harder, for no freaking reason, his death still remains so pointless and hollow to me, like, this is a pattern I keep noticing, every time she was on-screen, either she does nothing of significance, or she is busy eating Ls like a champ
I can't believe this shit, man. I am not just here for the NaruHina fluff, I am also here for Hinata, and what happened to her, to me, is a textbook example, on how NOT to write a side character, let alone one, that is later "destined" to become a romance confidant for the main character. I am not sugercoating this, you can do countless Hinata appreciation posts, the question, do you really appreciate her character, or do you just like her, because she is drawn to be super pretty, all the while knowing, she got reduced to a worthless jobber, the long the story went on? Because to me, that is just shallow. You can draw her the absolute prettiest, it won't mean anything, when all she is now, is just a wife "trophy", no more of her own thing. Seriously, shame on you.
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ginjaanimeloversstuff · 2 months ago
2025 and I'm already seeing hate for naruhina sasusaku, sakura and Hinata. People are stuck in the past. Look you can rant and ramble on how much you hate these characters, because clearly anti have no life 😒making post about how they are useless, trash with pictures out of context, is useless. It's not going to make any difference what you say, the series is finished so you are Wasting resources and your breath. You all need to accept what is canon and move on with your love lives. Make Au without spreading hate. Be mature about it and don't act like whining babies.
If the canon ships weren't canon, things would probably still be the same.
Just how petty can people be toward something that isn't real it's unhealthy, people say fans are obsessed with canon and characters, yet anti are more obsess on trying to bring a character down, acting like they can get response back is stupid af. Anti are stupid and petty.
I respect your opinions that you don't like sasusaku, naruhina, sakura and Hinata. Just respect what is canon it's kishimoto's decision what he wanted, so don't act entitled, just be mature about it. Accept it, get a life and be happy, stop with the hate and comparing, obsess and unhealthy.
Read fanfiction, make your own Au, just don't be rude and disrespectful.
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lunaneko14 · 1 month ago
Sakura Stans: “Hinata is such a SIMP!”
Literally Sakura throughout the entire story:
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silalcarin · 2 years ago
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And people are out and about claiming that Hinata isn't popular. Props to our best girl for proving the antis wrong again and again! 😏💁🏻‍♀️☕️
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naruhinalife555 · 3 months ago
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You know what if I were Hinata I would kill Kawaki think what it taht somone threaten your kidand that and you don't see him anymore you have no idea what it's like to be a parent
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Hinata is a good mother and she cares about Kawaki
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Sorry but Hinata won't abandoned her children she is a good mother she protected Himawari what would happen if they hurt her have you thought about it? And the anime makes Hinata a bad which is not like that
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Of course she was worried about him if you saw you would know she didn't want him to go but what's the problem??? Like why can Sarada go save her mother and Boruto can't, come on, shut up, it's not that Boruto was alone She let him go because she is truste her son Naruto he is his father and she trusts him
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narhinafan · 2 years ago
I like how the time skip shows Himawari training with the older kids, it shows she's already training above average shinobi level for her age, but disappointment that they didn't show her using Byakugan or Hyuuga techniques, or a ninja headband.
Yeah Himawari should either already be a ninja or about to become one.
I really hope it shows her being really talented for her age as she was always meant to be a beast. I'm afraid Kishimoto won't make her catch up or be as strong as those from Boruto gen when talent wise she should be a mini Minato.
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sasuke-naruto · 4 months ago
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70 ideias de Narusasu em 2024 | sasunaru, naruto, naruto e sasuke desenho
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naruhinalife555 · 1 year ago
Bullshit stop using in trash fillers
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If the animator of Boruto did it is not canon lol
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When someone tells you that Sakura "loves" Sasuke and Naruto "loves" Hinata, show them this...
seems like this two were shyly in love with each other.
-Naruto shippuden ending 21-
and show them this:
The animator of Boruto drew this. lol
NH fans are burning because NaruSaku is even till this day alive in studio pierrot. Even those animators recognize Narutos deep love for Sakura. Lol.
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ginjaanimeloversstuff · 4 days ago
Why do people love to assume, I had a random thought, and made a comment, and people just keep calling me a toxic hinata fan for one question. There is a video on tick tock, showing Merch of sasusaku and sakura, all I said, was there barley any hinata. I love hinata but mostly neutral towards her, and sakura is my favourite character. Tick tock is place for toxic Hinata, sakura fandoms. And always putting them against each other. Honestly, if you mention hinata, your a toxic Stan, If you mention sakura, you are a toxic fan. We are in 2025, what is the point of fighting about it, can't people just look at their favourite without being called toxic.
Not every fan and stands are toxic, just the overly passionate one, I mean there is one person who hates sakura's VA and their Baby just because of voice acting. Both sides can be just as bad not better yet, the whole Naruto fandom who fight over fictional characters like they cause a war or something, it's unhealthy to be like that, when you get older you will come to regrets on commitment about go kill yourself and so on, because of something that's not real.
Just accept sakura and Hinata are friends, not enemies, plus it's disrespectful to the author's work, who made these characters, and people dissing them, saying and doing rude and disgusting things about them.
Why are the anime community such snowflakes about any character and ships and act like they cause WWI or something? Every fandom has a disgusting toxic side, and it's not even funny. People just want to enjoy something but always get faced by some fan who acts entitled and like they know everything more than the creator. It's exhausting, really.
I thought Tumblr was bad, Ticktock is the worst
We love the characters but not all the fandom
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this matter, without any rude remarks about the characters or whatever ?
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silalcarin · 2 years ago
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Our best girl is #5!! 😏🤭💁🏻‍♀️🤜🎤
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naruhinalife555 · 3 months ago
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Omg this so trash
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Naruto never love Sakura
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Because he have a wife if you forget from this moment that happened in canon. you are stupid Naruto can't love sakurtrash when he is not talking with her and Sasuke 10 years. he created kid with Hinata. in time Boruto your trash even not logic. please NaruSaku did favor and go to your grav. your ship dead in ocean from 2014
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happypanda101 · 1 year ago
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I made another one jdjdkdkdk
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sasuke-naruto · 8 days ago
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Naruto and Sasuke 🤍
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vangails · 7 months ago
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From Naruto Mobile Game For Hinata’s The Last Skin Debut
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"I want to stay with you forever"
With the moon as a witness, the love buried deep in my heart is finally conveyed.
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─── ⋆⋅˚ʚ♡ɞ˚⋅⋆ ───
Details :
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─── ⋆⋅˚ʚ♡ɞ˚⋅⋆ ───
Animation :
They look so ethereal! 🥹
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sasukeuchiha-24 · 7 months ago
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Estudante E Sensei 🔥❤️
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kakeimygirl · 7 months ago
Hinata Hyuga/Uzumaki icons.
Se você gostar ou salvar, curta e reposte, por favor.
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