#prize omega Sirius
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theresthesnitch Ā· 1 year ago
ā€œI canā€™t wait to meet him, too,ā€ Hope says. ā€œI canā€™t believe you got bonded without telling me.ā€
ā€œIt wasnā€™t planned!ā€ Remus says with a laugh.
Hope waves him off. ā€œBut, bonding is sort of like marriage, isnā€™t it? Youā€™re married now?ā€
Remus hesitates. ā€œItā€™s similar, yes, but this is a very peculiar situation.ā€
ā€œI know,ā€ she says, ā€œbut you seem so happy, poppet. Do you think youā€™ll have a wedding?ā€
ā€œMam,ā€ Remus says, trying to figure out how to manage her expectations. ā€œI donā€™t think we will. Weā€™re going to be together while Sirius gets better, but Iā€™m sure heā€™s going to want to bond with someone better when itā€™s safe to let him go.ā€
ā€œBetter?ā€ she scoffs. ā€œHe couldnā€™t do better.ā€
ā€œHe could, mam,ā€ Remus says. ā€œHe could have his pick of wix society, probably. Someone with the money to give him a better life. Someone who isnā€™t a monster.ā€
ā€œBah,ā€ she says, waving him off. ā€œWell, there are no monsters in my house, only a boy who gets a little growly when the moon is big and scary.ā€
from the next chapter of Chance would be a fine thing
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theresthesnitch Ā· 2 years ago
It's meeeeee! If you've been following me for a while, this is the one I've called "prize omega Sirius" šŸ˜‰
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Fic Name: Chance would be a fine thing
Writer Name: @theresthesnitch
Rating: E
Content warnings: Attempted non-con; selling first heat
Pairing or Gen: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Prompt: self-prompt
Summary: Sirius is going into heat, and he is being sold the pureblood family with the best offer. To no one's surpirse, Sirius is less than cooperative. In order to show him what his alternative is, Walburga takes him to the middle of an alpha rut facility, and proceeds to lose him to a crowd of rutting alphas. Lucky for Sirius, there's a man with tawny curls who keeps him from being eaten alive--literally. However, even good intentions have consequences, and Sirius and Remus areĀ boundĀ to find out what these consequences are.
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thewildomega Ā· 4 years ago
Broken but not Shattered Ch.10
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"Where exactly are we going Black?"
Rolling his eyes he followed Sirius down the hidden tunnel under the roots of of the Whopping Willow. The deeper in the tunnel they got he started to hear strange noises and lowered his brows.
"How did you know Y/n was an omega? How come you were able to pick up on her scent before I was? Does she have some way of hiding it?"
"My omega is of no concern to you." he all but growled. He wouldn't tell the male anything about his omega.
Gritting his teeth he held back his growl. While yes Y/n was technically Snape's Omega right now he was going to attempt to remedy that. He had spent the last few days since he had found out what the female was researching. There weren't many books on the lower rank, then again they were a rare breed. He knew from his family's stories that an omega was a well prized possession, a treasure even. The fact that Snape had managed to claim what was recorded as the first omega born in the last two centuries just irked his nerves to no end. No, one way or another she would be his.
Looking around the shabby house he knit his brows, Just where were they?
Seeing the confusion on the Slytherin's face he smirked. "Shrieking Shack."
Looking to him and then back around the barren home he rose a brow. "So where this is where you and Potter come to hang out?" Seeing him shrug he narrowed his eyes, "Where is everyone else then?" Before Black could answer a heavy thumping was heard from the next room followed by an animalistic growl.
"Well go ahead, you wanted to see what it is we sneak away for." Seeing his hesitation he huffed, "Scared of a little noise Snivillus, and you really expect me to believe you would protect Y/n if she was ever in danger?"
Clenching his teeth he glared at Black. "I would protect Y/n with my life, I would die for her." he snarled.
"Bullshit. You are a piss poor excuse of an alpha and you don't deserve to have an omega."
Arguing back and forth with Black he could feel his temper flaring, the alpha in him coming out more and more with every insult thrown. Having enough he marched over to the door that had a chair pushed up against the knob and kicked it out of the way. "She is my omega and I..." Before another word coudl leave his mouth he was being shoved backwards by the door bursting open. Rolling over and looking behind him he felt his eyes go wide when he saw what had been locked away in that room.
It was a werewolf. A half man, half wolf monstrosity with long appendages covered in a grey fur. A loud snarl was heard from the werewolf when it's glowing eyes locked onto him. Feeling for his wand he found it gone and looked around before spotting it a few feet away on the dusty floor. Seeing the monster start walking towards him slowly on it's hind legs, drool dripping from it's sharp teeth he felt his heart drop and quickly tried to scramble for his wand. Turning he aimed his wand as the thing made to pounce on him.
"Remus no!"
He didn't get time to see him but he knew Potter's voice and just as the werewolf made to kill him a large stag was ramming into him, knocking him back into the wall. It all seemed to play out before his eyes, he heard Siruis yell for James and come to his aid. As the thrashing and growling werewolf was wrestled back into the room he saw as the stag turned back into James before he and Black were trying to shove the door closed.
"GO! SNAPE GO NOW!" James yelled.
Snapping out of his shocked state he scrambled to his feet and pointed his wand at the beast's head as it pushed it out of the crack in the door, it's jaws snapping as it tried to bite at Potter and Black.
"No! It's Remus, Severus. It's Remus."
Blinking in confusion he watched as they managed to get the door shut. James holding it closed as Sirius grabbed the chair to put against the knob. Breathing heavily as his mind tried to process what had just happened he saw as Potter glared at Black.
"You brought him here?! What the hell were you thinking?!"
"Remus is our friend, he trusted us and you just..."
"You tried to kill me.... you were going to let that... that thing kill me..." he breathed out. Narrowing his eyes he looked to Black as it all sunk in. "Y/n... that was your plan... to let that thing kill me and then you would get her..."
"You don't deserve her."
"What the bloody hell are you both going on abou..."
"Y/n's an omega."
Snapping his eyes to Potter he saw the male surprised by the news. Looking between them he grit his teeth and stood tall. "She is MY omega!"
"That's not.." Shaking his head he looked to his friend first and then to Snape.
Breathing heavily he looked to the two of them. He knew what he had to do. "I will report it, him, Lupin. If either of you say one word about what Y/n is, if her secret get's out then so does his." He knew by the way they were looking at him that they weren't happy about his threat but he didn't care. He would keep his word, he would protect his omega.
Raising his chin and taking a deep breath James nodded. "Deal."
"Fine." Sirius grumbled.
Looking to Black he narrowed his eyes at him. "Stay away from her." Without another word he cast one last glance to the door Lupin was behind before leaving back down the tunnel, his heart still hammering in his chest.
Smiling largely at the love of your life you held his hand as the both of you walked towards the Hog's Head Inn. Making your way inside you smiled as you saw Mr. Dumbledore wiping off tables. At the sound of the door closing the male turned around to look at the both of you. "Hello Mr. Dumbledore."
Shocked by her name of the man he looked to the male and saw that he did in fact favor the headmaster. Was he a cousin or something?
"Ah Miss Y/n good to see you. Albus told me you might be coming by so I went ahead and cleaned it for you. See you brought your mate as well. Hmm has your grandfather met him yet?"
"No." you huffed. "And I don't care for him to." you nodded.
This man knew he and Y/n were together, he had even called him her mate.
Chuckling at the young female he smiled. "Well it's all ready for you both, do make sure you speak clearly, don't want either of you ending up somewhere you're not supposed to be."
"Yes sir. Thank you again."
Watching the man nod before he was walking away he looked to his omega in question. "So why are we here exactly?"
Biting your lip you turned to your alpha, you hadn't exactly told him what it was you had planned. Telling him to meet you in the Great Hall this morning you had to practically beg him to follow you out, telling him you had a surprise for him. "Mr. Dumbledore is letting us use his floo so we can go to my home for Christmas."
"Christmas?" he asked with wide eyes. "Y/n I can not go to your home for Christmas, with your family, I am..."
"My mate. You are my mate and the man I love and my Christmas wouldn't be complete without you there as well."
Looking down into her eyes filled with love he sighed. "I do not even have any clothes with me or anything for that matter."
"You can wear Flint's. As for everything else we'll figure it out." Seeing the hesitation still on his face you poked out your lip in a pout and gave him your best puppy dog eyes. "Come on please, I promise you will have a good time and my mom always makes the best food."
As soon as she had given him her pout he was done for but that didn't mean he couldn't mess with her a bit. Raising one of his brows he heard her give a whine and felt her nuzzle his chest. "I do not know darling, I do not want to intrude."
"You won't, my parents love you. Please Sev..." Hugging him you craned your neck and got on your toes to kiss his neck. Thinking of something you bit your lip. "I promise to make it worth your while."
His face was surly beet red at her words and he felt a warmth in his lower abdomen. Clearing his throat he kissed her forehead. "I suppose."
Giggling and giving a little yay you heard him chuckle. "Ready?" you asked as you pulled him over to the Floo. Seeing him nod you took a large amount of the dust into your hand. "Okay so we are going to go to the bar since we can't actually travel straight to my home." Stepping into the fireplace you took a deep breath and gave him a smile. "See you in a sec."
Watching her disappear in the flames he waited until they were all extinguished before he took some dust into his own and and stepped inside. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes. "The Drunk Minotaur." he spoke before throwing the dust down. Coughing once he landed he stepped out and looked around the familiar bar. Everything looked the same as it did last time he was here except the place had been decorated for the holidays a bit. It was by no means a fancy bar but it was very welcoming normally although now...
"No one is here." Looking to your male and then around in confusion you walked around the place. The chairs were still up on the tables and there was no fire going in the hearth. Humming you walked over to the office and tried to open the door but it was locked. "Mama? Daddy?" You called out as you knocked on the door.
Following her around the old wooden tables he looked to the office and saw the door remain shut.
"Hello?" you called. "Huh? That's weird the bar is normally opened by now."
"Did you tell them we were coming?"
Snapping his eyes to her he dropped his shoulders. "They did not know we were coming, that I was coming?"
"No, I wanted it to be a surprise." you shrugged.
"Y/n." he groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He already was afraid of intruding and now they didn't even know he was coming. Following her as she walked to the bar he saw her crouch down and reach under one of the shelves. "What are you doing?"
Finally feeling it you pulled out the small box and smiled as you removed the top and took the spear key out. Placing the box on the counter for now you gave Severus a grin before walking over to the office and unlocking the door. Walking inside you moved over to the large desk and sat in the chair before opening the drawers to look for the two way mirror you knew was there.
As she seemed to look for something in her parent's desk he took the time to look around the office. While yes he had been to the bar this past summer he hadn't been inside the office. It was much like the rest of the bar with dark wood and stone. The heavy made desk set in the middle of the room with the leather couch and chair inside, all on top of a rug. There was a small fridge in the corner along with some file compartments. On the walls there was a portrait of a man and woman who were older, The man was very serious looking, much like his own father and the beautiful native woman wore a small smile as she looked to him. Seeing the man look between him and then Y/n before raising a brow he must have mumbled something because all too soon the woman in the painting was smacking him.
"It's not nice to talk about people granddaddy." you spoke without looking up.
"I was merely stating the obvious firefly."
Raising his own brow at the man's deep voice he looked to the couple who he now knew to be her grandparents, her father's no doubt judging by the American accent.
"What is your name there boy?" the woman asked.
"Severus Snape."
"Hmm. It is nice to meet you Severus. You will take care of our Granddaughter."
"Yes ma'am." he said with a small nod.
Walking over to her he saw her trying to talk into a mirror and furrowed his brows.
"Ugh! They aren't home either." Dropping the mirror back into the drawer you closed it and looked up to him. "So we have three options." Seeing his brow raise you gave a sigh. "One, we can just stay here until someone comes, I don't really know when that will be but it's an option. Two, we can walk to my house, that would take like an hour or more in the snow..."
He didn't really like either of those options. "What about three?" Seeing her point towards a closet he walked over and opened the door. Seeing a single broom he looked to her and rose a brow but sighed. "You are in the back."
Smiling you stood and walked over to him as he grabbed the broom. "Do you even know how to fly?" you teased as the both of you walked out of the office, locking the door back.
Taken aback he looked to his female. "Of course I do."
"I've never seen you even go near a broom."
"Does not mean I do not know how. I have never seen you fly a broom, do you know how my dear omega?"
Giggling you looked to him, "I will have you know that was on the Thunderbird Quodpot team."
Chuckling he nodded as they made their way outside. He was shocked to see how much snow had already fallen here and how more was still coming down. Looking back to his darling he went to remove his outer cloak when she stopped him.
"No. You have already been sick once this year because of me I will not let you do it again."
"You are wearing it, it is freezing out and it is going to be even colder up there."
"No I... Rock, paper, scissors."
Narrowing his eyes before rolling them he held out his free hand and shook it three times.
"Ha, scissors beat paper. I win."
Grunting he shoved off his cloak and wrapped it around her. Seeing her questioning look he smirked as he looked down at her. "I am the alpha, you are the omega and I say you are wearing it." Seeing her glaring at him he kissed her forehead and tightened it around her, knowing there was nothing she could do once he had given her an order. Stepping away enough so he could mount the broom he looked to her and grinned as she moved to sit behind him.
Scooting up behind him you wrapped your arms around his abdomen as he lifted up into the air.
"Which way?" he asked. Seeing her point he nodded his head before taking off. As horrible as it was flying in the snow he couldn't deny how nice it was to have her clinging to him so tightly. They would have to do this again sometime when it wasn't freezing.
You had to say Severus turned out to be a great flyer, it really shouldn't have surprised you since he was great at everything. It took about fifteen minutes to get to your home and once you touched down you quickly pulled your frozen love into your home. There was only a small bit of fire left but you tossed some logs onto it to bring it back to life, urging him to warm up. Bringing his ice cold hands to your mouth you breathed hot air on them.
As his omega fussed over him he felt his heart warm first. Before her he never knew what it was like to have someone care about his needs, his feelings or health. He didn't know what it was like to feel loved. The whole time he had been sick she was constantly doing things for him. Sending him things to make him feel better. Taking more detailed notes like she knew he took, all so he coudl copy them. She wrote to him everyday making sure he knew he was missed and that she was wishing him a quick recovery. Watching now as she attempted to warm his frozen hands he grinned softly.
Realizing no one was here either you took a deep breath. "Here you sit here, I'll make us something warm to drink." Pulling him over to the couch you wrapped a blanket around his shoulders.
"You need to warm up too."
"I'll just be a sec." kissing his cheek you moved into the kitchen to make you both some tea.
Sighing as she left him there he looked around the room and saw a tree decorated in the corner. The home was not overly done for the holidays but there was a tree, stockings with Asher, Leatha, Flint and his Y/n's name on them. There was also garland over the mantel and he noticed one of the deer heads had a red nose now making him chuckle.
Coming back into the room you noticed what he was looking at and grinned. "When we were little my dad told us he killed Rudolf so Santa wasn't coming." you giggled. "I cried."
Laughing lightly at the story he took the cup as she offered it to him. "Thank you love." Ā Opening the cover up so she could sit beside him he wrapper her up with the blanket as well and smiled. While he was nervous about being here uninvited for Christmas he enjoyed the privacy being away from school gave them. Taking a sip of his tea he looked back to the stockings and sighed. Her home was so different from his own, there were little things all over, proof of the loving family she had, so unlike his own. He couldn't even recall ever having a Christmas tree when he was young and he damn sure never got any presents.
Furrowing your brows at the slightly sad look on his face you looked to the stockings and tried to figure out what was wrong with them. "Sev... is something wrong?"
Blinking he shook his head and grinned softly as he finally looked away from the stockings. "No just thinking is all darling."
Tilting your head you gave him a soft smile. "What about?"
Swallowing his sip of tea he looked to her and blushed a bit but decided to tell her. "What kind of stockings we will have when we are a family of our own."
Feeling a deep blush tint your cheeks along with a face cracking smile you leaned forward to claim his lips. Cupping his cold cheek with your warm hand you laid your forehead against his. "I love you Severus Snape."
"And I love you Y/n L/n."
Sitting in the kitchen with Y/n as they ate he told her about what had happened in the Shrieking shack.
"Remus is a werewolf?"
Humming around the sandwich she had made he saw it come as a shock to her before her brows furrowed.
"That's horrible."
"Why do you sound like you feel sorry for him?" he asked, confusion as well as irritation lacing his voice.
"Well I do Sev. I mean it's not his fault I'm sure. Plus from what I have heard the change is extremely painful and he has to go through that once a month, it's torture."
"Y/n he almost killed me." he spoke in a deep voice, his half eaten sandwich dropping some in his hand.
"I know, I'm not saying what happened was right, not by any account. But he also can't help it, he doesn't know what he is doing when he is changed." Seeing his jaw stiffen and him look away you sighed. "I told you I didn't want you to say anything to Sirius. If something would have happened to you it would have been my fault..."
"I was not just going to let Black ruin your life."
"And I am eternally grateful baby but I would rather the whole world know what I am than you to be dead." you told him, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand.
Feeling that warmth spread through his heart he looked to her and rose a brow, a small smirk growing on his face. "Baby?" Watching her face turn as red as her hair he ducked when she chunked a ball of yarn at his head, a laugh escaping him.
"Good lord have mercy, Santa came early this year girl cuz you were the only thing on my Christmas list."
His smile dropped as the male came walking into the room, instantly taking the seat right beside his female.
Glaring at Canyon as he scooted his chair as close to you as possible you saw him wink at you.
"Hey gorgeous." Snapping his head to the alpha he rose a brow, "Woman stealer."
"How am I a thief when she was never yours's to begin with."
Standing up he held the fork in his hand. "Oh that's it, we are going to settle this once and for all, En garde. Time for America to best Britain once again."
Rolling your eyes you saw Severus looking at Canyon with a bored expression. When he suddenly fell backwards you noticed his shoelaces tied together and looked to Sev who was back to eating his food making you giggle. Hearing footsteps you looked over to see Flint walking in with Cat riding on his back with a large smile on her face.
"Oh Hiya Y/n/n, hey Severus." Cat said with a small giggle to her voice.
"Will you get down now there's no more snow?" Flint asked, nearly out of breath. Ā 
Kissing his cheek she smiled, "Thanks babe."
"How ya gonna live in Northern Montana and not like the snow?" Canyon nagged.
Getting up to hug your brother and then Cat you saw Flint move over to the table.
"Hey man." Flint greeted the male and saw him nod. Taking a seat in his sister's spot he looked around the home.
"Hello Flint."
"Where's mom and dad?"
Shrugging you walked back over to the table but saw Flint was now sitting where you were and he was eating your sandwich. "Hey that's mine."
Grabbing her wrists in one of his hands he held her still as he finished off her sandwich. Giving his sister a smirk. "That was pretty good, make me another one."
"That was the last of the bread you jerk." You said as you shoved him.
"Well what else is there, I'm hungry." Flint said as he stood to go search the fridge.
"So am I." you growled.
Tugging on her shirt to pull her to him when he saw her furrowed brows and then wrapping his arm around her to pull her down to perch on his thigh he held the rest of his second sandwich out for her to take. She had only made herself one while she made him two. There was only about half of it left but it was better than nothing. When she looked to the food and shook her head while giving him a small grin he pushed it more towards her, refusing to take no for an answer. "Eat."
Hearing the command in his voice you lowered your eyes some and took the sandwich when he held it out for you. Feeling him press a kiss to your temple you raised your eyes and gave him a small smile.
Looking in the cabinets and fridge he sighed. "There is nothing to eat here. Where the hell is mom and dad?"
"Did you tell them you were coming home?" you asked around the last of the sandwich.
"No, did you?" seeing her shake her head he sighed. "Then they probably went off somewhere."
"So what the hell are we supposed to eat?" Canyon asked overdramatically.
"Go eat your own food." you told him as you stood to clean up the plates that the sandwiches had been on.
"Can't sweetpea mama and dad aren't going to be home till Christmas eve so there isn't anything in our house either." Canyon told them.
Humming Flint looked around before raising a brow. "We could always go get some pizza from the No-mag town."
"And just how are we supposed to get there? Do you even have any money?"
"A bit, Can?"
"Yea I got a few bucks at home."
"So add that to the money you have in that niffler of yours..."
"I only have like five dollars."
"It will work."
"Okay but you still haven't said how we are going to get th..." Seeing the way he was looking at you before he looked to Canyon and Cat who also started smiling at you, you shook your head. "No." Crossing your arms over your chest you raised your chin and shook your head more. "Absolutely not."
Confused on the whole situation he looked t each of them before looking back to his female and knitting his brows. "Wha..."
"You have to, you are the only one with a license...."
"Nope...not going to do it." you told them, holding your ground.
Narrowing his eyes Flint looked his best friend, "Get her."
Seeing both males hurrying towards you, you let out a scream and ran from the room.
Watching shocked as they ran after his female he heard her scream and something in him awoken. In an instant he was out of his chair and hurrying to help his omega. Running into the living room he saw they had her on the couch, he couldn't much tell what was going on but he could hear her letting out what was something between a scream and a laugh.
"Get her knees!"
"NOOO! STOP! AHHHAHAHAH!" you screamed and thrashed as they held you down to the couch and tickled you. Gasping for air you tried to fight them off.
"Oww she bit me."
"Say you'll do it."
"No... AAHHHAA! ALPHA!!!" you screamed with tears rolling from your eyes.
That was all it took. Playing or not his omega had called for him. Grabbing the back of Canyon's collar he pulled him off of her. "That's enough."
"Say it."
"FFFINE!!!!" Feeling Flint let go of you, you panted for air. As Flint moved away and someone else took his spot you caught the scent of your mate and reached out for him.
As she moved her head to his lap he brushed back her hair that was all over he place and rubbed her back as she calmed down.
"Asshole." Glaring at them you saw them smile.
"Alright so it's settled. We'll go get the money from their house and then meet you back here. Severus get changed..."
"He is wearing your clothes."
"What.. no..."
"Yes he is or I'll tell mama and daddy what you and Cat were doing in the Barn and in your room all summer when they were gone." you threatened, smirking when you saw your brother's face fall and Cat's blush.
"You... my little sister.... you son of a ....."
Watching as Flint ran from the house as Canyon chased after him you saw Cat roll her eyes and sigh dramatically as she went after them. Giggling lightly you rolled over some to look up at Severus to see his brows raised.
"Were they?" hearing her hum he blinked. As she moved to straddle his lap he looked down to her and grinned, "You did not tell me you got your driver's license."
Shrugging you twirled his hair, "Didn't really think about it. Daddy got both of us to take the test this summer and I passed but Canyon and Flint failed."
Humming he looked over her face, brushing back more of her hair. Looking down to her shirt he blushed when he saw that one of her buttons had come undone, in the scuffle no doubt. Being able to see more of her chest he felt that heat pool to his lower abdomen again and the alpha in him grip the bars.
Opening your mouth to speak you noticed him looking down and followed his eyes. When you saw your shirt had come undone some you wanted to quickly cover yourself and apologize but something told you not to. Was it the omega in you that enjoyed the looks from her alpha? Biting your lip in thought you decided to conduct further research. "Sev." you called and saw his eyes snap up to yours, a blush on his cheeks when he realized he had been caught. Before he coudl speak however you were claiming his lips in a kiss.
Kissing her back he hummed and moved his hands to her hips. Closing his eyes when she rubbed his chest he deepened the kiss. Asking for entrance it took no time at all for her lips to part and allow his tongue access.
Moving your tongue with his you hummed when his hands on your hips tightened. There was a warming pressure that was settling in your pelvis and you knew you wanted more, wanted more of your alpha. Without him knowing you slipped your hand to your shirt.
He wasn't able to stop the low growl that had started in his chest, nor his desire to feel her soft skin under his hands. Pushing his hands under her shirt some he was surprised when it was completely loose. Pulling away some he looked down and felt his eyes go wide when he saw her shirt was now completely undone, giving him the opportunity to see her white bra covered breasts.
He wasn't saying anything, wasn't doing anything, he was just... starring... blankly. Becoming insecure and then embarrassed you looked away, bit harshly at your lip. Stupid, I am so stupid. Figuring he must not like what he was seeing you felt your eyes begin to water. "I'm sorry."
When he saw her move to cover herself and get up from his lap he felt that clenching in his heart and snapped out of his mind. "No." Quickly wrapping his arm around her to keep her on his lap he looked up to see her face a mixture of emotions, embarrassment, hurt, sadness. Furrowing his brows he cupped her cheek to make her look at him. "What is wrong? Why are you crying? Did I.... did I do something?" he asked when he saw her tear filled eyes.
"You didn't do anything." you sniffled.
Oh. Idiot! Furrowing his brows he kept his one arm wrapped around her to keep her from leaving. "Forgive me love. I.. I just was in awed by your beauty." Swallowing hard he looked back down to her chest and licked his lips, "May I touch you?"
Smiling you slowly moved your hands to his arms and rubbed them all the way up to his shoulders. "I thought we already went over this."
Looking between her face and exposed chest he took a deep breath. "I do not want to do anything you do not want."
Ever the gentleman. "If you ever do anything I don't like I'll tell you to stop." Leaning forward to kiss his jaw you bit your lip, "Right now I want you to touch me."
That was all the push he needed. Turning to catch her lips he quickly went back to rolling his tongue around her mouth as his free hand moved to touch her. Stroking the soft skin of her stomach with his fingertips he heard her sigh. Continuing upwards he got to the bottom of her bra and hesitated for only a moment before he was slipping his fingers under the material. A slightly deeper growl rumbled in his throat when he got to touch one of her intimate parts and he instantly felt his cock harden completely.
You couldn't help the small moan that you made when he began palming your breast. His hand was so warm and there was a slight bit of callous to his skin that felt amazing on your sensitive nipple. Leaning more into him you moved your mouth in time with his, although he was clearly the one in charge. When your hips rolled the smallest amount you felt the obvious hardness under you and stilled, hearing him let out a small groan.
Tightening his grip on her when she rubbed against the tent in his pants he felt the alpha in him rattle the bars. He wanted her, he wanted her so bad it was taking all he had from pinning her to the couch and having his way with her. Breathing deeply he moved the hand that was wrapped around her to rub her back under her shirt as he tried to get control.
"Sev... did I do something wrong?" you asked him in a whisper.
Kissing his way to her neck he peppered the area his claiming bite was in light kisses. "No my darling. You are perfect but we have to stop. I do not want to, trust me love, I would do anything to have you, to fully experience you but not yet, not when I can not take my time. Also I do not think your brother will take it well if he come back and finds us like this." Hearing her small giggle he looked down at into her eyes and smiled at the love in them. Kissing her once more but slowly this time he removed his hand from her bra and hugged her to him. "I love you omega."
Humming you looked up into his warm black eyes. "And I love you alpha."
Sitting in the booth at the pizza place Y/n had driven them to he chuckled at the story of how Y/n and Cat had tied both Canyon and Flint up with socks and locked them in the closet so they could eat all the ice cream. Looking to his little omega beside him he saw her smiling and felt a warmth in his heart. Holding her hand under the table he felt her squeeze his and smiled at her.
"So what now?" Canyon asked as he finished another piece of pizza.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean what are we going to do now? We aren't just going to go back home are we?"
Looking to your brother, Cat and then Sev you gave a shrug as you looked back to Canyon. "What else is there to do?"
"I don't know but I want to have some fun..."
"We could always go see a movie." Cat suggested with a smile.
"What's playing?" Flint asked, taking a sip of his drink.
Seeing his sister go to open her mouth Canyon shook his head. "No, no chick flicks. You both tortured us this summer when we just had to watch that sappy shit. What was that called?"
"Love and Death and it was not shit it was good."
Gagging Canyon shook his head. "No. Never again."
Thinking you tilted your head a you leaned against Severus. "What about that shark one that came out, I don't know if it's still there but that sounded good. It was a book."
"Does the shark eat people?"
"That will work."
After paying for their food he held her hand in his, keeping her close as they walked to the cinema. Waiting for Canyon to buy the tickets. Wrapping his borrowed jacket around her to keep her warm he felt her kiss his neck and nuzzle his chest making him grin. As soon as Canyon came back with the tickets he walked with her into the dark room, taking the seat beside her while she sat against the wall. The movie was pretty good although he enjoyed holding his love's hand while her head rested on his shoulder the most.
The night had been going well, you were having fun with your mate and friends, it was nice seeing Severus open up some, your friends slowly becoming his friends as well. After the movie you all decided to go to the arcade for a bit before heading home. Laughing when Severus would try and mess you up so he coudl score higher than you. Bumping his hip with yours to try and throw him off balance you smiled when he only moved to stand behind you, pinning you to the front of the game and wrapping one arm around you so he could move his own stick. "Cheater." you giggled as it announced he had won.
"All is far in love and war darling." he spoke into her ear before kissing her neck, smiling when she smiled. While no he wasn't one for Muggle things he was happy that she was happy and he had to admit they were having a good time.
"Alright my turn, we're gonna see who the real winner is here." Canyon said taking up his spot next to Severus.
Looking to see Flint and Cat had also come over to watch the game you grinned and kissed Severus's cheek. "You have fun kicking Can's ass, I'll go get us a drink."
Nodding he grinned at her and turned back as the game started.
Walking over to the concession bar you smiled at the older man and placed our order, asking for two ring pops as well as a idea popped into your head. It didn't take him long to get your order and after thanking the man and paying you shoved the two ring pops in your pocket and grabbed the drinks. Turning around to go walk back over to everyone you let out a small gasp when you bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry I..." Looking up you saw a man standing there looking down at you, a growing smirk on his face. He looked to be in his early twenties and was dressed in jeans, a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons undone. His hair was cut short with long sideburns going down to his jaw.
"Woah. Well hello there beautiful. Ya know if ya wanted my attention so bad you could have just asked." he spoke with a smirk.
Knitting your brows before raising one you went to step back. "Like I said, sorry, I didn't see you now excuse m..."
"Now just wait a secn' why you wanna run off so fast for?"
Trying to back away some as he moved closer you licked your lips. "I'm here with some friends and I would like to get back to them so if you would please move out of the way." Backing up into something you looked out of the corner of your eyes to realize he had you trapped in the corner and you swallowed hard when he placed his hand above your head, leaning down in your face some, his breath smelling of alcohol.
"I'm sure I could show you a better time then your friends..."
Smirking as he was beating Canyon at the game he suddenly stiffened when he felt that clenching in his chest as well as a strong tugging.
"Givin' up so soon Severus?"
Ignoring the beta he looked around the dimly lit room for his omega. Glancing towards the food stand he didn't see her there and frowned. "Where is Y/n?" he asked and saw as Flint tensed as well and started looking around the room for his sister. Feeling that pulling intensify he started walking around to look through the people there. He was just about to call out her name when he heard Flint speak in a serious voice.
"Hey! Get the hell away from my sister."
Following the other alpha as he made his way to the back corner he felt his temper flare when he saw the muggle man that had his small female pinned in to the corner of the room. "Y/n."
You had started to tremble when as the man just wouldn't let you leave. As your brother's voice rung through the air and then you heard your alpha call your name you felt relief wash over you. Making eye contact with flint first you knew he coudl tell you were uncomfortable, his jaw tightening. "Flint." Going to push your way past the man you gasped when he grabbed your arm non too gently and shoved you back into the corner, spilling your drinks in the process.
"Your sister and me are talkin' so buzz off." the man spoke, keeping his hold on the woman.
"I don't want to talk to you now let me go." you growled, trying to wring your arm from his hold.
"Oh quit acting like you don't like this kind of attention slut." he huffed to the girl.
That fire was filling your veins but before you could do or say anything the man was getting yanked away from you and a fist was slamming into his face. Looking up to the owner of the fist you saw it was none other than your Severus, who looked angrier than you had ever seen.
Breathing heavily he stood back straight and looked to his omega who's eyes he noticed looked as if they were glowing.
Seeing the three pissed looking guys coming towards them he snapped his eyes to the other alpha, "We need to go, now."
Nodding his head he quickly took Y/n's hand and started pulling her out of the building. Hearing the man start yelling, telling his friends to get him and the others he tightened his hold on his omega. He saw out of the corner of his eye as Flint knocked one of the men to the ground.
As Cat yelled you turned swiftly and felt your breath catch in your throat when you saw one of the men had pulled a knife and was advancing towards your brother with it as he fought off one of the others. Attempting to snatch your hand from Severus's hold to no avail you felt that fire inside of you ignite.
Hearing people scream he looked back to see the skee-ball machine going haywire making the balls shoot from it at a high speed and hit the people around them. Noticing Y/n's eyes glowing again he knit his brows before he pulled her even quicker towards the door. "Come on!"
"Enough! I'm calling the police."
Hearing this they were all quick to leave the Arcade, running down the street as fast as they could back to the vehicle. Fumbling with the keys to unlock the door you finally got inside and waited for everyone to climb in.
"There they are!"
"Y/n come on! We gotta go!" Flint yelled to his sister and watched as her mate pulled her into the vehicle.
Slamming the door shit you let out a small yelp when the back window shattered. Shoving the keys into the ignition you started the old Bronco with a roar and quickly put it into gear as one of the men went to yank the door open.
"Y/n drive damnit!"
Slamming your foot on the pedal just as the man opened the door you heard him yell before he fell to the asphalt.
Reaching across her to close the door before she fell out he set back in his seat beside her. He coudl tell she was panicking by how tightly she was holding the wheel and it was only made worse when sirens were heard from behind them.
Looking back to the flashing blue and red lights he breathed heavily. "Oh shit! How about driving a bit faster baby girl." Canyon spoke.
"I'm trying..."
"Well try harder would ya?!"
"Leave her alone Canyon!" Severus snapped, not liking how stressed his female was becoming.
Letting out a small yelp when a gunshot was heard you felt your heart about to beat out of your chest as everyone started becoming more frantic.
"God damnit Y/n/n if you don't loose these bible thumping guys they are gonna burn us at the fucking stake. Now step on it!"
"OKAY!" you yelled yanking the wheel to go down a dirt path.
Loosing his balance he set back up in the seat and looked ahead to see nothing but trees surrounding them, behind them however, a little further than before was the police cars. Glancing to the speedometer he saw it rising quickly as she tried to make an escape.
"They are gaining on us."
Hearing your brother you bit your lip harshly as you tried to think of a plan. Seeing the trees open up ahead of you and a corn field pop up you took a deep breath. "Hang on to something."
"What do yo..." Before he coudl clearly ask what she meant she was again yanking the wheel to drive through the snow covered corn field. This time he looked back behind hem and saw the police had not expected her to do as much, driving past where she had turned in and having to take the time to back up. The ride was extremely bumpy as she turned this way and that to try and mislead the police. It seemed to be working as she had turned off the headlights for now and he coudl see the flashing lights growing further and further away.
After a few minutes of driving through the corn field you pulled out onto the road that was to the left of it and started driving down the road as fast as you could, desperate to get home. Seeing what looked to be a cliff come up you coudl breath a sigh of relief, knowing you had made it back to the border of the hidden wizarding community.
When they pulled up into the barn and Y/n cut off the engine he closed his eyes and let his head fall back to the seat, hearing the others either laughing or telling Y/n how great she had did. Sighing he rolled his head to the side and saw his female had her hands still on the wheel. Grabbing one of them he pulled it to his lips to kiss her knuckles. Starring into her eyes he saw her tired looking and gave her hand a squeeze. "Come on darling, let's get you inside."
Getting out of the truck you left the door open for everyone else to exit and groaned as you looked at your dad's vehicle. The paint was scratched all to hell, the back window was busted and there were corn stalks sticking in ever crevice possible. Hearing Flint let out a grunt from beside you you closed your eyes and rubbed your face. "Daddy's gonna kill me."
"We'll be lucky if he doesn't use us both for target practice." Flint added.
Sighing you walked back towards the house that was still dark, at least you wouldn't have to deal with them imminently. Not caring what the others did you walked up the stairs to your room. Waving your hand to start the candles you flinched when a deep voice spoke up behind you.
"You keep using Magic outside of school and you are going to get in trouble." he told her and saw her look to him before she turned around and started taking off her boots. Getting that pulling in his chest again he tilted his head a bit as he walked over to stand behind her. Wrapping his arms around her he nuzzled his nose into her neck and clenched his teeth to hold back the growl at the smell of the other man on her. "Are you alright love?" he asked and felt her nod but still not say anything. "Did he hurt you?" again she only shook her head. Sighing he kissed her head and rubbed her arms as he pulled away. "Go take a long hot shower, it will help relax you." Walking her to the bathroom on the upper floor he gave her a small grin before shutting the door to give her privacy.
Walking downstairs he found Flint, Cat and Canyon on the couch, something turned on on the television and started a fire. Seeing Flint look to him in question he answered, "She is taking a shower."
"In the shower you say?" Canyon said with a smile.
"Don't you dare, if she breaks another one of your bones for peeking at her again I'm not fixing it." Cat warned.
Again?! Snapping his eyes to the beta male he sent him a death glare that he knew he understood perfectly.
Thinking he looked towards the kitchen then back to Flint, "Would you happen to have any lavender tea? Or Mint? To help her relax."
Scrunching his nose up he looked back to the TV screen, "If we do it will be in the cabinet over the stove."
Nodding his head he moved to make her some of the tea, making himself a cup of Chamomile. By the time he set them on the kitchen table she was walking into the room, now wearing a baggy t shirt that was hanging barely hanging on her shoulders and had holes all in it along with a pair of pajama shorts that he could only see the bottom on when she moved.
Seeing the look he was giving you, you shrugged your shoulders, "It's comfortable."
Grinning he nodded and held his hand out for her to take. Leading her to her seat he pulled it out and then pushed it in when she was seated before moving to sit across from her. The corner of his lip tugged upwards when she thanked him for making them tea. Taking a sip of his tea he sighed, "I am sorry for not getting there sooner. I should have just walked with you not played some childish game."
Looking up to him you furrowed your brows and shook your head. "Sev that wasn't your fault, you were having fun, we all were. If anything it's my fault it was ruined..."
"Do not blame yourself for what happened.... what did happen exactly?" he asked before taking another drink.
Looking down into your cup you shrugged your shoulders. "I had gotten our drinks and was turning to walk back over to everyone but I didn't see him and bumped into him. I apologized and tried to get past him but he wouldn't let me. He just kept moving towards me and before I knew it he had me backed up into the damn corner." you grumbled the last part, lifting your cup to take a big swallow from it.
Thinking on her words he grit his teeth, he knew what it was that man wanted from her, then he went and called her that horrible word. He should have punched him harder than he had. Reaching across to take her hand he stroked the back of it with his thumb. Staring at her as she stared down at her cup he couldn't help but grin. Her wet hair was hanging around her and the right shoulder of the shirt had fallen off to sag down her arm. "You are so beautiful."
Looking up to him from under your lashes you saw him grinning softly and you coudl feel the corner of your lip tugging upwards. "And you are a liar."
"I would never lie about something so serious." he told her with a raised brow. Watching her cheeks heat up some he saw her go to speak when Ā the door opened.
"When I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you And when I haver, hey I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you
And I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walk a thousand miles To fall down at your door
When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you And when the money, comes in for the work I do I'll pass almost every penny on to you When I come home, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you.."
Raising his brows when he heard the singing he looked to see none other than Y/n's father come stumbling in with the help of her mother. Asher was obviously drunk, almost knocking the pictures off the wall that were hung beside the door. At first he was nervous, his own father became angry and violent when drunk. Seeing him look to them he waited for him to start yelling but to his surprise it didn't happen.
Smiling largely Asher looked to the table to see his daughter and the boy that had stolen her heart. "Firefly! HAHA you're home for Christmas... is yer brother here..."
"Hey old man." Flint spoke as he walked into the room with the other in tow.
Throwing his arms out he smiled. "My children, both o' my pups are home fer Christmas! See Lee I told ya we wouldn't be all alone..." He spoke looking to his wife. "An' look they even brought... kiddos that we didn't make." he grinned lopsided. Ā 
"I see that Asher dear." she chuckled.
"Damn dad how much did you have to drink?" Flint asked as he moved over to help his mother keep the large alpha from falling on his face.
"Oh well ya know... yer mother made me go to her parents for a Christmas party."
"So a couple bottles then." you said affirmably and saw your dad look at you before giving a guilty smile.
Holding his dad up he looked to his face and frowned. "Who did you get in a fight with?" he asked, seeing the bruise along his jaw. Just now seeing his mom shaking her head he heard the deep growl and snapped his eyes back to his dad.
"That fuckin' grandfather of yers! He's lost his mind completely if he thinks I'ma let him marry off..."
"Asher that's enough fer tonight..." Leatha spoke up when she saw the way her daughter was looking to them.
"They can all go ta hell, every last one of 'em!"
"Asher please..."
"NO Lee! She is not some prized mare ta be traded or sold off to the highest bidder!"
"W..what are you talking about?" you asked in a whisper.
He had been looking to both of her parents, trying to understand the situation and feeling the alpha in him becoming more and more enraged the more he pieced together. When he heard his omega's trembling voice he quickly snapped his eyes to her along with everyone else and saw her just sitting at the table, her shoulders curled up some and her face holding a mixture of fear and sadness.
"Aw no sweet pea don't..." Asher said in a calm voice when he saw his daughter's eyes becoming glossy.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow nighean. Please jus..."
"Are.. am I..."
Seeing her daughter begin shutting down she hurried over to her and cupped her face, "Tomorrow nighean. We will talk about it tomorrow." She hated seeing her daughter's eyes filled with the fear, sadness and confusion like that but she knew it would be better to talk about it when her mate wasn't intoxicated. Stroking her hair she kissed her forehead. Looking to the black haired male she sighed, "Severus dear why don't ya take Y/n up to 'er room fer the night."
Nodding his head he kept his mouth shut for now, knowing that it would only stress Y/n out more. Standing he quickly moved over to help Y/n up from her chair who he coudl feel was now trembling slightly. "Come on sweetheart." he spoke to her softly. Looking back to her parents one last time he saw remorse on Asher's face and it only struck more fear into his heart.
Arriving in her bedroom he saw her head hung low, her eyes on the floor. Leading her to her nest he helped her climb in under the covers but felt her tug on his finger and nodded his head. "Give me a second my love. I will be right back." he told her, pressing a kiss to her temple. Walking out of her room he was met by Flint in the hall who was holding something out for him to take.
"Figured you might want to use these." he spoke in a low voice.
Taking the clothes he nodded his head to the male but said nothing. Going to the bathroom to change he pulled on the lounge pants. Getting out he saw Cat walking into Flint's bedroom with him while he guessed Canyon was in the guest bedroom judging by the closed door and the lights off downstairs. Making his way back into Y/n's room he dropped his borrowed clothes to the floor and looked to the bed to see her facing the wall, her shoulders shaking slightly. Swallowing hard at the clenching in his heart he removed his shirt before blowing out the candles and crawling into the nest with her. Cuddling up behind her he pulled the blanket over the both of them and kissed her head. "It is going to be alright my love. Try and get some sleep now, I love you."
"I love you too Sev."
Knowing she was crying he tightened his hold on her and dipped his head to kiss the claiming mark on her neck.
Tag List: @once-upon-an-imagineā€‹ @dope-shit-bro
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hpdailydeviant Ā· 5 years ago
It's time to decide whose naughty birthday wishes you'd like to make come true! Below you'll find a numbered list of all the wishes submitted by our members. As is par for the course around here, there's a huge variety: het, femslash, and slash from every generation, romantic themes to dark ones, and, of course, loads of different kinks. They range from a little bit naughty to thoroughly filthy. Something for everyone! In order to make a claim, simply reply to this post and tell us the number of the wish you'd like to fulfill. Comments are screened to preserve anonymity. Each wish can be claimed only once, and as they're taken they'll be struck off the list. We'll be monitoring the post closely and crossing out wishes as they're claimed. If the prompt you pick has already been taken, we'll let you know right away; otherwise you can assume you got the wish you wanted. Members you have a 24 hour "head start" to make your claims before watchers join in. Watchers: a post will go up at 12:00 pm (U.S. Eastern time) tomorrow (January 10th) to let you know you may begin claiming wishes. Also note: If all of the wishes appear to be disappearing before the member period is over, don't panic! We have ways to make plenty of options available if and when the need arises. Note about dealbreakers: You might see a lot of "SPEW" scattered amongst the dealbreakers. That's our acronym for "the usual" hard kinks: Scat, necroPhilia, Emetophilia, and Watersports. This is not intended as a value judgment regarding "good" or "bad" kinks (although it is meant to be at least a tiny bit funny...); it's just an attempt to save space on the (already quite long!) list of wishes. Completed pieces are due by Monday, March 28 and should be emailed to [email protected]. Fic must be a minimum of 1,000 words and art must be a completed piece. Both fic and art must merit at least an R rating. No crossovers permitted. Watchers: your pieces must fit into a single IJ post. The mods reserve the right to refuse any fic that contains significant SPAG problems or art that appears to be a last-minute slap-dash sketch, so be sure to plan ahead and find a reliable beta. Headers for both fic and art will become available a little closer to April. We're super excited about our Banging Birthday, and we're looking forward to seeing loads of fantastic, kinky work to celebrate ten years of smut! The Banging Birthday Wish List 1. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus/Draco or Remus/Regulus Kinks/Themes: UST, Longing, Lost love Tone: Melancholy to hopeful Dealbreakers: Unhappy ending, dead characters, usual nos Prompt: Though one or both are long thought dead by the other, a chance meeting gives them a second chance at something beautiful together. 2. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Pansy or Harry/Hermione Kinks/Themes: Edging for long period before final orgasm, cunnilingus, semi-public sex Tone: Romantic, sexy, some humour (always up for a good banter) Dealbreakers: Dub/Non-Con, non-sexual body fluids/solids, dirty talk (sexy banter, yes... gratuitous dirty talk, not so much) Prompt: Surprise party (for anyone, doesn't have to be the main pairing) at the Three Broomsticks and someone has an itch they can't scratch 3. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Albus Severus Potter/James Sirius Potter Kinks/Themes: Fuck or Die Tone: Sexy, angsty... feel free to take this one wherever the muse blows! Dealbreakers: mpreg, death, either character younger than 17 Prompt: He's wanted him forever, but not like this... 4. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Some Combo of Tonks, Ginny, Luna, Fleur, Pansy or Millicent Kinks/Themes: first times, fingering, oral sex, femmeslash, bdsm, corsets, toys Tone: light, fun, romantic Dealbreakers: Het, mentions of any previous male partners (including "Character X doesn't love me, so I guess I'll be with you now"), infidelity Prompt: Character A has had her eye on Character B for a while. Finally her feelings are requited. 5. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Severus, Harry/Remus, Harry/Sirius Kinks/Themes: Fingering / First Time Tone: Filthy and Feelsy. Dealbreakers: Any reference to marriage, kids or pregnancy. Would prefer Harry to be 18+ Prompt: Harry never really understood why anyone would want fingers up their arse, but he think he's been starting to get it. 6. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/ any of Rabastan Lestrange, Antonin Dolohov, or Thorfinn Rowle Kinks/Themes: Dub-con, spanking, bondage, orgasm delay, desperate!Harry who shouldn't want it, but really does. Feel free to include a threesome if the mood strikes you! Tone: Dark and sexy Dealbreakers: Rape, death Prompt: Voldemort won the war. He isn't averse to sharing his prize. 7. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: Praise kink. Tone: Dark. Sultry. Royal. Dealbreakers: Orgasm Denial. Daddy!kink. HET. Cheating on Ginny. Prompt: Harry is often unsure of himself as an adult. He lives the life he's expected to and is a sought after bachelor but there's just something about him and he loves paying for it. (Financial or otherwise - up to the creator.) 8. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ginny/Pansy or James Sirius/Scorpius or Lucius/Narcissa. Kinks/Themes: (Semi-)Public Sex Tone: fun/romantic/dirty Dealbreakers: non-con Prompt: It's one way to make the [event] interesting. 9. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ron/Draco Kinks/Themes: Polyjuicing, "Anonymous" sex Tone: Post-war melancholy, but hopefully avoiding full-on angst Dealbreakers: The usual squicks Prompt: In the Muggle world, with a different skin, they can be whoever they want to be. (Or, Ron and Draco initially hooked up at a Muggle club under the guise of polyjuice/glamour/etc., when both were running from various post-war-ness, and just...haven't seen a reason to stop doing so. Whether or not either of them realizes who each other really is is up to you.) 10. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Minerva McGonagall/Albus Dumbledore Kinks/Themes: UST -> RST. (almost) student/teacher Tone: Hot... soul-searching... hot Dealbreakers: Bodily fluids not usually associated with sex Prompt: Hogwarts, 1940s. Minerva McGonagall is in her final year and is Head Girl. Professor Albus Dumbledore is the Head of Gryffindor House. The attraction between them is becoming almost unbearable, but they are determined to wait until Minerva graduates. Can they? Will they? ...What then? 11. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ anonymous/stranger hookups Character(s)/Pairing(s): Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter (or Teddy/Harry) Kinks/Themes: Teddy using metamorphmagus abilities to look like someone else, established relationship, consensual/negotiated kink, roleplaying sorta? Tone: sexy, fun, letting off steam from their high stress jobs Dealbreakers: rape, MCD, scat Prompt: James likes to be picked up by anonymous men in bars. Teddy likes to be those men ā€• and lucky for both of them, he can change how he looks each time. 12. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco/Bill Kinks/Themes: knotting/bondage, A/B/O dynamics Tone: dirty, dirty, messy, filthy, loud Dealbreakers: poc Harry, top Harry for this prompt, character bashing. Prompt: Both Bill and Draco are desperate to breed and knot Omega Harry. Harry is only too eager to please. :) (established H/D please) 13. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Fleur/Tonks Kinks/Themes: Oral sex, fingering Tone: Sexy, flirty, romantic Dealbreakers: Non-con, dub-con Prompt: Tonks has always loved that her birthday is in the spring. 14. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sirius/Severus, Remus/Severus, Sirius/Remus (any era is good -- Marauders era, post-war they lived!AU, afterlife, whatever) Kinks/Themes: dirty talk/vocal partner (I'm looking for lots of "need to feel you", "that's so good", random cursing, semi-coherent babbling sort of stuff from a character who can't seem to put a sock in it.) Bonus if it's the first time for the pairing. Tone: Hot. Humor is good. But yes, mostly just hot. Dealbreakers: non-con, excessive schmoop, ABO dynamics Prompt: Character A really shouldn't have been surprised that Character B was so vocal during sex. He never shut up any other time, so why would this be any different? Or conversely: Character A was normally so reserved/careful with his words that his behavior during sex caught Character B completely off guard. (Really, go anywhere you like with this...) 15. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Neville + Anyone Kinks/Themes: BDSM Tone: Dom Neville just getting what he wants, hot dirty talk would be great Dealbreakers: non-con, bodliy fluids (except come ofc) Prompt: Neville knows how to wield a sword and a whip 16. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Teddy/Louis Kinks/Themes: age difference, virgin/inexperienced partner, first times, teasing, dirty talk, top!Teddy/bottom!Loius or switching Tone: sexy, romantic, filthy, loving, sweet, humorous, guilty, dirty/hot/wrong, ANY-except nothing too dark Dealbreakers: infidelity, extreme mindfuck, unhappy ending Prompt: After Teddy and Victoire split, Louis makes his move. 17. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco or James Sirius/Teddy Kinks/Themes: Workplace Sex Tone: Dirty, sexy Dealbreakers: Hardcore BDSM Prompt: One member of the pairing surprises the other at work 18. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ A surprisingly good time Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Petunia Evans Kinks/Themes: virgins Tone: any Dealbreakers: bdsm Prompt: Petunia can't help but be attracted to magic, and Severus can't help but be attracted by opportunity... 19. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Ron/Harry Kinks/Themes: D/s dynamics Tone: Sweet and smutty! Dealbreakers: infidelity, hermione/ginny bashing, rape/non-con, mpreg Prompt: It's the summer after the war and Harry isn't doing so well. He can't seem to shut off his mind, continuously steeped in grief and guilt. He needs somebody to take care of him and help him find some peace, if only for a little while. Ron steps up. 20. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Draco/Theodore Kinks/Themes: Frottage, Blow jobs, crossing the line between friendship and lovers Tone: Sexy Dealbreakers: Dub/Non-Con, non-sexual body fluids/solids, dirty talk (sexy banter, yes... gratuitous dirty talk, not so much) Prompt: Post-war and one or both are teaching at Hogwarts, supervisory rounds lead to steamy happenings in either the Quidditch showers or prefect's bath. 21. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Captain: Harry, Severus, Rodolphus, Sirius Black; Cabin Boy: Draco, Albus Severus, Scorpius, Teddy Kinks/Themes: Roleplaying Pirate and cabin boy for fun Tone: Happy, D/s Dealbreakers: Usuals, unhappy ending. Prompt: He's the captain, and it's time to teach his cabin boy his place. 22. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Any older woman femslash. Specific pairings I love are Molly Weasley/Rosemerta, Minerva/any female Hogwarts staff member, Narcissa/Lily but if those don't appeal choose your own! Kinks/Themes: Multiple Orgasms Tone: Sexy, Playful and I wouldn't say no to a Sexual/Queer Awakening slant if that's your cuppa (no worries at all if not) Dealbreakers: Pregnancy, Marriage, Kids Prompt: She had always thought sex was good but didn't realise it could be this good. If you are more inspired by a first time orgasm angle that's also fine! 23. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sirius/Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: Jealousy. Tone: It's all about Draco. Dealbreakers: Orgasm denial. Prompt: For his 30th birthday, Harry goes to a sex club. He doesn't expect a) Sirius to be there. b) Draco Malfoy sucking Sirius's cock. [Happy ending for all three] (In contrast, Harry doesn't expect Sirius to be rimming Draco.) 24. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks/Charlie Weasley Kinks/Themes: threesome, bdsm, "directing", under the influence/loss of inhibitions, role playing, pegging, oral sex, light discipline, gender fluidity (Tonks)* Tone: light, fun, romantic, humour is okay but not all out crack Dealbreakers: M/M or M/M/M, hardcore Weasleycest (some touching/interaction is fine, but no declarations of romantic love between the boys), Tonks being excluded from the fun, Tonks morphing into a biological male, A/B/O Prompt: A night of partying leads Bill, Tonks and Charlie to play. Tonks/one of the Weasleys are in a relationship, he is the one who directs Tonks/the other brother in whatever they're doing, then joins in. *I'm fine with Tonks presenting herself as androgynous/non-binary or more masculine while playing, but never as completely male. 25. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Snape/Moody, Scrimgeour/Moody, Snape/Sirius, Snape/Remus, Ron/Viktor Kinks/Themes: rough sex, struggling for dominance -- feel free to include any of: biting, hair pulling, a bit of bondage, difference of opinion regarding exactly who is the bottom here (*snerk*), shoving of people against various surfaces Tone: hot, hot, a little bit dirty, and hot Dealbreakers: non-con/dub-con, outright humiliation, hard BDSM, felching Prompt: The taunts and insults always get their blood flowing and their hackles up. More than just their hackles, actually... 26. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Charlie Kinks/Themes: Voyeurism/exhibitionism Tone: Humorous, sexy Dealbreakers: Non-con, dub-con, underage Harry Prompt: Charlie knows Harryā€™s watching him. 27. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: (Semi-)Public sex Tone: Sexy Dealbreakers: Hardcore BDSM Prompt: They just can't wait any longer 28. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sirius/Remus Kinks/Themes: First times, Loss of virginity Tone: Quirky, humorous, "realistic" sex and relationship dynamics Dealbreakers: The usual squicks Prompt: Theyā€™ve been planning to shed their virginity together on Valentineā€™s Day. A romantic evening, sharing such a private and special moment. What could go wrong? Well, apparentlyā€¦everything. (Preferably seventh year. Could be established relationship, or could be just a pact between ā€œfriends" *winkwink* that turns into realizing feelings.) 29. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Horace Slughorn Kinks/Themes: gainer/encourager; cross-gen Tone: Happy, indulgent, sexy Dealbreakers: Bodily fluids not usually associated sex Prompt: Maybe it's the lack of stress, maybe it's actually having a life, but Severus Snape is surprised to find that after the war, he's gaining weight. He's even more surprised to find that he likes it... is turned on by it. Now all he needs is an enabler - and he can't imagine anyone could be better than a certain older colleague with a penchant for crystallised pineapple, ice-cream sundaes, indulgent sex and plump boys... 30. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco w/Hugo, Oliver/Marcus w/Percy, Draco/Theo w/Blaise Kinks/Themes: Voyeurism, wanking Tone: Sexy, dirty Dealbreakers: Rape, mental health issues, death. Prompt: He knew they were together, but had never thought he would actually see them. 31. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ face sitting Character(s)/Pairing(s): Teddy/Lavender, Pansy/Harry, Ginny/Pansy Kinks/Themes: hookups, intimate but not romantic, ā€œwe shouldnā€™t but weā€™re going toā€ Tone: sexy, fun, letting off steam Dealbreakers: MCD, scat, under 18 Prompt: Two drinks, and they always end up here 32. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Draco/Severus or Draco/Rabastan or Draco/Antonin. Kinks/Themes: Sex for protection/bdsm Tone: darkish/sexy/angsty Dealbreakers: Scat, non-con (dub-con's fine) Prompt: He only has one thing to offer. 33. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Any in lightning gen, would prefer Ron being cuckolded, but I'm not picky Kinks/Themes: cuckolding Tone: dirty and maybe a bit romantic? Dealbreakers: non-con, would love the cuck to be into it please, and give their consent Prompt: Either at home or a club, maybe they're celebrating a birthday with a special present 34. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: genderbending Tone: Filthy and romantic Dealbreakers: top Harry for this prompt. Prompt: Harry has always wanted to know what it's like... and so does Draco. (you can decide what 'it' is) 35. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ brains and beauty Character(s)/Pairing(s): Minerva McGonagall/Madam Rosmerta Kinks/Themes: wanking Tone: any Dealbreakers: bdsm Prompt: why did they wait so long? 36. This Banging Birthday I Wish Forā€¦ Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco Kinks/Themes: Sex for money, maybe some D/s, dirty talk, a bit of serving, enthusiastic bottoming, (anal, fingering, oral, frottage, or whatever direction you want to go), bottom!Draco Tone: ANY; sexy, romantic, dirty, sweet, humorous, teasting, ust, angsty/dark is also okay as long as it's also hopeful Dealbreakers: hardcore masochism, indfidelity, extreme mindfuck, unhappy ending Prompt: Draco is a high class escort and his services come as an amenity at a certain high class hotel. He's not expecting Harry to be his next client, but he's up for the challenge. maybe some snarky!Draco who rides a fine line between serving his client and getting what he wants
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ao3feed-jily Ā· 6 years ago
The Hidden Rose
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SL6keM
by Chibixlevi123
Lily Evans was the epitome of a wallflower. She was completely comfortable with hiding in the shadows and speaking to only the select few she let into her small bubble. Unfortunately for the shy red head, her life comes crashing down when a rare hidden gift begins to finally reveal itself and Lily suddenly find herself as an ultimate prize for the lusty alphas in Hogwarts, including one arrogant James Potter.
Words: 1311, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Benjy Fenwick, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Additional Tags: Alpha James Potter, Omega Lily Evans, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - No Voldemort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Possessive James Potter, Mypoorbabylilyisconfused, andslightlyscared, Alpha Sirius Black
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SL6keM
0 notes
theresthesnitch Ā· 5 months ago
ā€œI think we left my jacket in your office,ā€ Sirius says a moment before Remus kisses him again.Ā 
ā€œI donā€™t care,ā€ Remus says. His hands find Siriusā€™s button on his trousers and flicks it open. ā€œWe can get it tomorrow.ā€Ā Without wasting any time, Remus takes Sirius's hardening cock into his mouth and sucks him down to the root.
Sirius's hand moves to the back of his head. He doesn't push, so Remus just begins bobbing his head. Sirius laughs breathily. ā€œLike these trousers that much?ā€Ā 
ā€œLike you,ā€ Remus says when he pulls off quickly before swallowing Sirius down again.Ā 
ā€œWhat?ā€ Sirius asks, and Remus isn't sure if it's because he didn't hear or if he didn't understand.Ā 
Remus pulls off again, replacing his mouth with his hand. ā€œI like you, and I missed you today. The clothes are nice, but I'd be right here, on my knees, no matter what you were dressed like.ā€Ā 
ā€œOh.ā€ Sirius looks at him with wide, brilliantly clear, grey eyes.Ā 
Remus looks at him curiously. ā€œIs that alright? That I missed you?ā€Ā 
Sirius laughs. Before Remus knows it, Sirius crawls in his lap, right where he's sitting on the floor. ā€œYeah, yeah, that's really good. I didn't know.ā€Ā 
Remus laughs, shifting to sit flat on the ground and gathering Sirius into his lap. ā€œOf course, I did. You're very missable. Did you miss me too?ā€Ā 
Sirius nods, biting his bottom lip. He takes Remus's head between his hands and kisses him.
Chance would be a fine thing, Chapter 10
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theresthesnitch Ā· 2 years ago
Snippet of my Wolfstar Omegaverse fic. Mild NSFW below.
The haze of rut and heat lifts off of them then, and itā€™s almost awkward. Without their biological imperative to fuck each other, Sirius is really just a boy with another boyā€™s dick caught in his arse. A stranger, at that.Ā 
Sirius knows his name is Remus, but thatā€™s really about it. Did he go to Hogwarts? Did he have parents who cared for him the way James did, or ones who hated him the way Sirius did? Did he have siblings, or friends, orā€“Merlin help himā€“a partner?
Is the right time to ask that while his dick is stuck in Siriusā€™s arse?
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theresthesnitch Ā· 2 years ago
Is the snippet you posted from the omegaverse wolfstar fic from the one you just mentioned where Remus disappears?? Alsoā€¦ can you share the 24 hour knotting fic you mentioned šŸ‘€
Thanks šŸ˜‚
This snippet? Yeah, that's the opening of the one where Remus disappears. Before, obviously.
I've got a snippet of the 24 hour knotting below. IMO, this is the most fun part of chapter 1. However.... tw for omegaverse-typical sexual assault below. I've cut the worst of it (partially because I'm still deciding how I want this to go), but there's still some here.
ā€œWell, you are the one who wants to give up the benefits your family can offer you. A good alpha who can take care of you the way you deserve per your birthright.ā€ Walburga holds up her hands and spins. ā€œSo I thought you should see what your options are if you turn the Malfoys down.ā€Ā 
Sirius looks around them, and he can see people coming out of the small buildings. Alphas, he can tell, but not the alphas he is used to seeing. These look almost feral, and a bit wild. ā€œWhere are we?ā€ he asks.
ā€œThis is an alpha rut center. All the alphas you see around here are going into rut.ā€ She points, then, and Sirius can see bulges in their pants, arousals springing forth. Some of them already have their pricks out, stroking them. ā€œThis is where they come when they donā€™t have somewhere else to be, or if they donā€™t have a nice omega to knot.ā€Ā 
The alphas around them are starting to get close. ā€œOkay, Mother, youā€™ve made your point.ā€Ā 
ā€œHave I?ā€ She crosses her arms over her chest. ā€œWhat point is that?ā€
Sirius looks around again. The alphas are only two dozen or so feet away.Ā  ā€œCan we discuss it at home?ā€
ā€œWhat, do you not like being here, surrounded by these savage beasts?ā€ She gestures toward them, and Sirius is legitimately concerned at how close theyā€™re getting. ā€œYou want to turn down the Malfoys, so this is what you would prefer, right?ā€
ā€œMother, I understand your point.ā€ The alphas are close enough that Sirius can smell them now, all of them rank with the scent of rut, and it makes Sirius want to get on his knees. Heā€™s still got enough of his head about that he stays on his feet. ā€œLetā€™s go home.ā€Ā 
ā€œI donā€™t think you do, Sirius,ā€ Walburga says.Ā 
ā€œMother, take me home.ā€Ā 
ā€œYouā€™ve been insolent since the day you presentedā€“ā€Ā 
ā€œMother, there isnā€™t time.ā€Ā 
ā€œā€“and itā€™s time you learned your place.ā€Ā 
ā€œIā€™ll learn it; Iā€™ll bond with Lucius. Just take me home.ā€Ā 
ā€œYou're right that you willā€“ā€Ā 
They grab Sirius by the shoulder first, and he shakes them off.Ā 
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ Walburga says, and she pushes the hand off of his shoulder. ā€œDonā€™t touch him. Get your filthy peasant hands off of him.ā€Ā 
ā€œTake me home!ā€ Sirius demands.Ā 
Only thereā€™s an arm around his waist now, and heā€™s being pulled backward. ā€œMother, help me!ā€ he cries.Ā 
She is out of his reach, despite the fact that Sirius is reaching for her. She makes an effort to get to him, pushing away some of the alphas around him, but when the alphas turn on her, she apparates.
Sheā€™s gone, and sheā€™s left Sirius alone in an alpha rut center at the start of his heat.Ā 
[removed assault scene - Sirius stays dressed though]
Sirius can feel slick starting to leak down his legsā€“the start of his heat, he knows, probably brought on now by the thick scent of rut around him. Heā€™s still in control of himself, but heā€™s having a harder time fighting back. The alphas also havenā€™t managed to break the scent barrier on his robes, so they canā€™t smell him yet. When they do, Sirius isnā€™t sure what will happen to him.Ā 
The alpha who was kissing him moved down his neck to his scent gland, mouthing over the spot. Sirius loses any ability to fight him as the alphaā€™s teeth graze over the sensitive skin, and he waits for the bite.Ā 
ā€œGet away from him.ā€
Thereā€™s a blast of power around him, and most of the alphas back away. Not the one who is now sucking on Siriusā€™s scent gland. Sirius is so hard that it hurts, and his thighs are wet with slick. Heā€™s honestly not sure if he wants this alpha to be stopped or not.Ā 
The alpha on his neck is ripped away, and Sirius nearly loses his balance. Heā€™s caught a moment later by an alpha who smells new. Cleaner than the rest of them, and very tall. This new alpha moves Sirius behind his back, bracing him with a hand around his arm. Sirius canā€™t see much of him from here other than a mess of golden curls at the nape of his neck and strong, broad shoulders.Ā 
Sirius doesnā€™t know if he should be afraid of this alpha or relieved by the fact that heā€™s been saved.Ā 
ā€œI said leave him alone,ā€ the new alpha says. ā€œYou canā€™t hurt him.ā€Ā 
ā€œWhat, you think you can do something about it?ā€ a voice says.Ā 
ā€œYeah, I do.ā€ The new alpha grips his wand tightly. ā€œI wonā€™t let you take him.ā€Ā 
ā€œHeā€™s an omega,ā€ another voice says. ā€œItā€™s natural to want to enjoy him.ā€ Sirius swallows hard at that implication.Ā 
ā€œDonā€™t be vulgar, Roger,ā€ the new alpha says, and Sirius is starting to get the impression that he plans to protect Sirius. Sirius rests his head against the new alphaā€™s shoulder, and he doesnā€™t stop him. ā€œHeā€™s still a person.ā€Ā 
ā€œWhatā€™s this?ā€ a third voice asks with a laugh. ā€œDo you think you get to claim him for yourself? I was here first.ā€Ā 
Thereā€™s a pause, and the new alpha gives him a distinct squeeze to his arm. ā€œThatā€™s right. Iā€™m claiming him for myself. Do you want to challenge my claim?ā€ Sirius hopes that squeeze was this new alpha asking for his trust. Sirius hopes heā€™s not wrong to give it.
ā€œYeah, I do. I have just as muchā€“ā€Ā 
Whatever he was going to say is lost as his body hits the ground, stunned under a wordless stunning spell. Sirius glances around the new alpha to see the body, motionless in the dirt. ā€œAnyone else want to try, or can I take him with me now?ā€
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theresthesnitch Ā· 2 years ago
Last Line Tag Game
Thanks @itsjamespotter for the tag!
Name of the game: Post the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words do whatever you want because we donā€™t follow rules.
He was kept away from Hogwarts as soon as they knew he was an omega because his motherā€“rightly, probablyā€“assumed that Sirius would come back sullied.
I had such a hard time finding a ā€œlast lineā€ to post! Why am I in so many anon fests right now? I had one all queued up, and realized that I couldnā€™t post it. Anyway, this one is from @marauders-omegaverse-fest and the fic I have delightfully nicknamed Prize Omega Sirius.
tagging @r33sespieces @krethes @second-sister @charmsandtealeaves @annabtg and honestly whoever else wants to because Iā€™m not tagging that many people. šŸ˜‚
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theresthesnitch Ā· 5 months ago
Chapter 10 was hiding in the back of my closet.
Tumblr media
chance would be a fine thing
for the @marauders-omegaverse-fest
Sirius is going into heat, and he is being sold the pureblood family with the best offer. To no one's surpirse, Sirius is less than cooperative. In order to show him what his alternative is, Walburga takes him to the middle of an alpha rut facility, and proceeds to lose him to a crowd of rutting alphas. Lucky for Sirius, there's a man with tawny curls who keeps him from being eaten alive--literally. However, even good intentions have consequences, and Sirius and Remus are bound to find out what these consequences are.
Read chapter 1 here.
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theresthesnitch Ā· 1 year ago
I would love to hear about prize omega Sirius
Absolutely. šŸ˜˜
This one is Chance would be a fine thing, and chapter 2 is nearly done. In this one, we meet James, Lily, and Regulus, and things go a *bit* sideways. Snippet below the cut.
ā€œCome, sit down,ā€ Lily says, pulling Sirius to sit on the couch between her and James. Sirius shoots an apologetic look at Remus, whose face is impassive. ā€œWeā€™ve got tea, but if you want something more than that, we can get them to bring something.ā€
ā€œTea would be great, actually.ā€ Sirius looks at Remus again. ā€œDo you wantā€“ā€
Before he can finish the question, the door to the library blows open. ā€œWhere is he? Heā€™s here, right?ā€
Siriu turns to see Regulus storming in, eyes focused on Sirius as soon as he sees him. ā€œIā€™m here.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re alive,ā€ Regulus says, and he closes the distance between them in just a few steps and hugs Sirius. Which, in itself, is odd. Sirius and Regulus donā€™t typically hug ā€œMother has been awful. She said that you ran away, and then she said that you were dead. I didnā€™t know what to think.ā€
ā€œI nearly ran,ā€ Sirius says. ā€œWhen she told me it would be him, I almost ran, but she didnā€™t give me the chance.ā€
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theresthesnitch Ā· 1 year ago
WIP Tag game
Thanks for the tags @puuvillaa @babblingflowers @heartofspells @tracingpatternswrites
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have way more than this (always) but these are the ones that I've been working on and I think I could talk about.
Deaf Remus Soulmates AU (which is Give Me A Sign)
MO missing
POS (prize omega Sirius aka Chance would be a fine thing)
Poly Marauders
tagging @charmstwit @charmsandtealeaves @annabtg @blitheringmcgonagall @beautitudes @asterin-kelles @eyra @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur or whoever wants it (not pressure tags only!)
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theresthesnitch Ā· 2 years ago
Are you writing something for the A/B/O fest?
Lol, ov course! I have at least eighteen ideas for fics for the fest.
In the real world, I have two that I'm actively writing, both wolfstar. Plus the moonchaser one I posted the other day.
The first has Alpha Sirius deciding to tell his (not estranged) family about Omega Remus, and when he gets back from that meeting, Remus is gone. Just, disappeared from their shared flat. It jumps five years in the future and we find out exactly what happened...
TW for omegaverse typical sexual violence, but a bit rougher than I typically write. I'm dropping it below a cut for that reason.
The second is an idea I've had for a while that I've called Prize Omega Sirius. Walburga takes her Prize Omega son, who is on the verge of going into heat, into the middle of an Alpha Rut Facility to show him what the privilege of his family name protects him from. Only, she overestimates her ability to get him out. Luckily, there's a nice alpha named Remus who protects him from being mobbed, but then they are an alpha in rut and an omega in heat and, well, you can see where that's going.
No promises that either or both will make the fest, but that's the plan!
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theresthesnitch Ā· 2 years ago
For the ask game: 10 please!
Oh, no one has asked about this one yet! It's called Prize Omega Sirius.
So the basis of this one is a magic AU fic. I'm going to drop this under a cut because there's a necessary TW for sexual force (omegaverse typical, but more so than I typically write)
So Sirius is an omega (are you surprised?) and a pawn of the House of Black (because of course). The fic opens on his first heat, and because he has no choice in his life, Walburga has sold him, and particuarly, his first heat to a wealthy pureblood for their alpha son: Lucius Malfoy. Sirius is, predictiably, less than compliant about his impending bonding with Lucius. Walburga, in her infintely good parenting choices, tells Sirius that if he doesn't get it together, she'll show him what he's been saved from by a matter of birth and privilege. Sirius pops off once more.
She apparates them to an Alpha Rut Compound, which is where the Ministry houses alphas who don't have the means to otherwise ride out their heats alone. She apparates him right into the middle of one of the young alpha pens in order to scare him about the monsters he could be subjected to if he didn't go with Lucius. Only, Walburga loses control over the situation pretty quickly, because she underestimated what would happen if she took an omega on the verge of heat into a rutting alpha area, and Sirius gets dragged off by the alphas.
Remus (who has never met Sirius) is one of the older alphas in the area, and only just come in about to start his heat. He sees the alphas going after Sirius and manages to rescue him by essentially staking a claim over him. He gets Sirius away from the others, and has just enough clarity before his rut to tell Sirius to get out if he can, but Sirius is also starting his heat and he just...doesn't want to. So they spend their heat/rut together, and end up bonded.
So, the rest of the fic is sort of the aftermath. Ending their heat/rut, and essentially meeting each other. Walburga's reaction. Consequences of the bond. their friends reactions....
It's another one that's going slow, but an interesting idea, I think?
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theresthesnitch Ā· 2 years ago
Ask Game!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks to @heartofspells ro tagging me in this! Your list looks nice an dlong like mine normally does. ā¤ļø.... still does. it's still too long. šŸ¤£
I've recently moved some fics to my abandoned and a new folder that is called "Fics I want to return to but need to stop seeing", so this is a lot shorter than it has been before. However, here's what's currently on my WIP list.
1 LBNA 10
3 Reese Birthday fic
4 Werewolf Lily
5 ABO gangbang
6 Deaf Remus Soulmate AU
7 Jily Secret agents
8 Moonchaser DADA professors
9 Remus offers to help Sirius
10 Prize Omega Sirius
11 [REDACTED] - for Remus Lupin fest
12 Wolfstar Exes Soulmates
13 Moonchaser KtT(KtP)
14 HP Transfest
15 Cece's birthday fic
Summer Boys
Send me an ask if you want! I'll taaaaag @quietlemonhush @r33sespieces @krethes @elder-millennial-trash @impishtubist @aqua-myosotis (ohhhh that's gonna give something away) @charmsandtealeaves @mppmaraudergirl @mabeltothknows And anyone else who wants to try it!
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theresthesnitch Ā· 2 years ago
WIP Game
I've been tagged.... a couple of times, so I thought I'd play again. However, I'm playing a shorter version than I have before. Instead of listing every open doc I have (because I am ridiculous), I'm only going to do a select few that I've been working on or am able to talk about. If it's not here, I haven't necessarily abandoned it, it's just a lower priority.
0 Wolfstar texting
0 WSB ABO (this is One More To Love, which I just posted the last chapter on so there's no snippets, but I'm happy to discuss it anyway. šŸ‘€)
1 Werewolf Lily
3 Remus's dog likes to watch
6 ABO Wolfstar
10 Sadder-day Wolfstar
12 ABO gangbang
14 Moonchaser DADA professors
15 [Redacted] (it's a Christmas exchange!)
18 Stripper Remus
19 Prize Omega Sirius
Summer Boys
That's sufficient. šŸ¤£ Send me an ask if you want details on anything!
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