#prix op
districtxii · 3 months
Tigris and Nominative Determinism
I have been listening to the audiobook of TBOSAS after thinking the movie would be enough for me due to general adult can't-be-assed kind of feelings. However, I ended up getting sucked in.
When Tigris cooking some meat and making her patty smaller than that for Coriolanus and Grandmam is brought up, Coryo assuages his guilt over her apparent sacrifice because he knows she sneaks little bites of raw meat while cooking. That she craves it.
With that plus the various other names-inform-character choices in the books, I wonder how much Collins is intentionally suggesting that names help determine a person or if it's due to intentional choices on the characters' parts.
We know that eventually Tigris hyper-identifies with her name to the point of taking on the aesthetic of the animal. Presumably with eating raw meat when she can safely, too. Katniss is someone who is resourceful, unusual, and represents survival. Peeta being obliquely related to bread ends up being sustenance while Gale is unwittingly destructive and so on.
Anyone is free to share thoughts!
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imprixnt · 28 days
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Night Drive - carrd.co tumblr navigation page (preview)
Inspired by night-driving in the rain. I hate this activity, but sometimes I get nostalgic for driving to Taco Bell in desperation to feel something.
This is my very first attempt at doing something like this for distribution, though I used to play around with customizing tumblr themes for myself in the past. Basically, I was motivated to make a basis for a navigation/tags page based on what used to be popular on tumblr before tumblr started to disallow JavaScript, making many previously beautiful and useful codes impossible to implement unless you get lucky with tumblr support.
If you're familiar with carrd customization, this is absurdly easy to manipulate and change to your own liking. I just found this very old gif and liked it as a basis for a background. (I looked but unfortunately couldn't find anyway to attribute it as it's all over the place online from more than five years ago.)
This template requires at least a Pro Lite subscription to carrd.co ($9/year - referral code here, if you like) due to the number of elements used. Any link-heavy site would require at least this much on carrd.
Carrd has most of the instructions included on the interface. In some cases, I have tried to make things clearer by adding a tumblr link to the 'path' section of anything that is a link that you need to change.
Navigation - currently set as a link back to your tumblr in lieu of a back button. If you would like to keep this feature, type in your tumblr url where it says: https://URLHERE.tumblr.com
Tags - For each specific tag link, you will also need to add your URL and your tag where it says: https://URLHERE.tumblr.com/tagged/TAG
Sections - Each section corresponds to a category label. I did it by columns. You can change this to whatever makes sense to you, but right now:
TV Shows - section01
Movies - section02
Pictures - section03
Gifs - section04
Personal - section05
Music - section06
They're all arbitrary and have just got to match up to the path you assign.
Each section example contains a different number of tag buttons so you could see what different distributions would look like. They're mostly drag and drop and very customizable. I included one that hits the 'overflow' point so you could see what it does there, but it is possible to keep making the buttons wider to prevent this to a point.
How to Get
Use this link. I set it as a Pay What You Want link because I am an underpaid English teacher in Japan. If you're an adult and find this useful, I would be really appreciative if you threw a dollar or two my way. if you're a minor or in a bad spot financially, have fun for free.
As I learn more, I might make more, for free or cheap, if anyone is interested.
How to Implement
Instead of installing a custom page, the way I wish we could effectively still, use the option to add a page but make it a link to your card with this template in use.
Buy/Get Link: https://carrd.co/dashboard/account/library/buy/5371570f3b4b41e6
Preview Link: https://152c518dff5e174c.demo.carrd.co/
Referral Link: https://try.carrd.co/6s84vwkk
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overtake · 1 year
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he's back :)
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stariightjoyy · 7 months
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Lando and Oscar getting ready for the first qualifying for this season 🧡
📸: McLaren X account
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isawthesainz · 4 months
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mclaren Mood.
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arom-antix · 1 year
Why Yuuri (before 2017) should not be allowed to write an autobiography
Okay, to those who might not follow figure skating as closely, I just need to point out that Yuuri, despite what he insists (unreliable narrator), did not do badly in the Sochi GPF.
We know from the flashback in episode 5 that Yuuri during his free skate fell on at least two of his jumps and touched down on one and it can be assumed he didn't do too well on his others. He says in episode 4 that he falls on jumps and makes up the gap with Program Component Scores (how artistic it was) which can also be seen on the protocol from his short program where his PCS is higher than his Technical Element Score (how technically sound it was). This is not how those scores usually relate except in certain cases (see Jason Brown, also known for his high PCS and (relatively) low TES though this is by choice).
This is Yuuri's short program protocol. If you don't know how to read this then all you need to know is that his total score was 82.80, 40.42 of that being TES and 42.38 being PCS.
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Now, to relate that to the real world, in the 2015 Grand Prix Final, Daisuke Murakami scored a total of 235.49, scoring 83.47 in his short program and 152.02 in his free skate and placing 6th. As we can see, that's pretty darn close to Yuuri's score (82.80 in the short, 149.79 in the free, 232.59 total) and I would not be surprised if they were inspired by his scores since they're also PCS centric.
Sidenote: Looking at Yuuri's PCS here and comparing them to Murakami's, Yuuri's are higher, not having anything lower than 8.00. Based on the fact that he was likely very off-kilter, I'd say this is still a very respectable score (duh, Yuuri just can't accept that he's good). Boyang Jin who took 3rd in the short, 5th overall in the 2015 GPF had way lower PCS scores.
Anyway, here's Murakami's free skate protocol.
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Murakami has 8 jumping passes in his free, 7 of which he lands with a two-footed landing on one and a stepout on another. He only falls ass on ice like Yuuri does once on his second quadruple salchow (which was supposed to be a combination. The << and REP are explained at the bottom of the protocol). He does not touch down at any point. Otherwise his jumps look fine to me, most of them barely having any ice spray and only his 3Lz+1Lo+2S combination getting a warning for an unclear edge.
If you don't know, falling is (kind of) the worst mistake you can make on a jump and the judges are required to both give a certain negative GEO (grade of execution) and a deduction of 1 point. Other mess-ups just give negative GEOs.
Murakami's FS score is 73.26 TES and 79.76 PCS which would mean Yuuri's scores are likely very similar. But he fell on two jumps, not one meaning his PCS would likely have been higher to make up the difference.
And if Yuuri's insinuation that he flubbed all his jumps in some manner is true (which I find highly unlikely, have some confidence) and he missed elements by either popping (opening too early which costs rotations but saves you from a fall) or just not doing them, his PCS would have needed to be even higher to make up for that.
Missing elements, like popping a double, triple or quadruple axel into a single (at least one double is required), results in that element not being counted at all. Zero. Zip. Nada. You get nothing for it if you can't make up for it later in the program. Even falling on a jump is better because that's at least a few points. So if that happened, he'd have a big gap to make up with his PCS.
To sum up: with everything that could have gone wrong for Yuuri, this is still a very good score, even on the international scene. And to highlight that, Murakami is happy when he finishes, even fist pumping.
And yes, there was still that 103.17 point gap between Yuuri and Viktor which is the same (okay, 94.95) for Murakami and Yuzuru Hanyu who took gold in the 2015 GPF. But, and I cannot stress this enough, Hanyu broke 3 world records with that score meaning Viktor likely did as well. No wait, scratch that, I know he did because Hanyu's score was 330.43 which Viktor beat by 5.33 points. Of course it's not going to be even close, are you kidding me?
Looking at the World Championships in 2016, Yuuri would, with that 232.59 score, still have taken 11th place. He'd have taken 16th in 2023 and that's with a single quad (I don't trust his quad salchow yet) in the age of quads (and that quad being the one with the lowest base value). I'm positive he'd have been able to do a Jason Brown whose PC scores are so good that he in 2023 placed 5th without a single quad and would have placed 3rd in 2016. Now, take that and throw Yuuri's quad toe loop and some confidence in there and you've got a Worlds podium finish before the series even starts.
And then in the season the show is in, he has his quad toe loop, quad salchow and quad flip. He might even have gotten the quad loop down in the 3.5 months between the Barcelona GFP and Worlds. I definitely see a world champion on the next level (if they'd give us it >:[ )
And scores always get higher over time, the world record having gone from Hanyu's 330.46 in 2015 to Nathan Chen's 335.30 in 2019 still standing in 2023 which is still less than Viktor's Sochi GFP score (335.76) (yes, the system has changed since 2015 but it's close enough that it doesn't really matter in this context. Viktor is OP no matter what).
Really, the fact that Yuuri's in the GFP at all should be all we need to know that he's insanely good. It might not technically be Worlds but my stars, Yuuri, it does basically make you 6th in the world.
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miami gp 2023
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lancernolancing · 2 years
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Adam Siao Him Fa | "Rain, In Your Black Eyes" | Grand Prix de France 2022
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mclaren love being able to say “we’re fighting for both championships” without ever actually taking any action to fight for both championships.
it’s boring now, all talk and no action. tiring honestly. it feels like andrea stella and zak brown are watching an entirely different championship to the rest of us. it really says something when these podiums which should be celebrated just feel so disappointing
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brinelakes · 1 month
mm mario kart
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bright-and-burning · 10 months
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oscar las vegas 11/15/23 👍
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districtxii · 3 months
Meta: Help Rationalizing THG Worldbuilding
I originally posted this on reddit, even though I'm not really a redditor, because I've had trouble getting much traction on tumblr lately. I just made this sideblog, though, so I decided to share it just in case anyone wanted to discuss this with me.
According to the first book, all we really get about the history of the world of Panem is:
everyone kind of knows their education of history is propaganda, even if they don't have the word for it
Panem is in what used to be called North America, but an unspecified series of natural disasters and wars led to the rise of Panem's current regime
it's the 74th Annual Hunger Games, meaning that it's been somewhere about 75-80 years since the ultimate conclusion of the Rebellion of the Districts against the Capitol, implying that there was some period of time before the rebellion of the Districts and the "Dark Days" during which Panem was the seat of power that was risen up against
Before the existence of the prequel novel, I think that some of us sort of thought that this pre-Panem era might have been the dying days of the United States. However, it seems that it's pretty impossible for that to be true, given how different socially and culturally the Panem of young Coriolanus Snow.
I think it is implied that the excessive reliance upon Greco-Roman pseudo-language, nomenclature, and symbols, was part of a concerted effort on the part of those pulling the strings - people like Dr. Gaul and her ilk - to evoke certain theoretical states of being, directly and intentionally evoking panem et circenses as a mission statement and a weird if-you-know-you-know kind of dig at masses who were kept ignorant, both in and outside the Capitol. (Of course, this is really convenient when you're a YA author trying to drive home and teach a point at the same time.)
However, this had already started before the Rebellion, making it clear that the Capitol was rebuilt much in its own image, even if certain things intensified. And the Capitol of the TBOSAS movie is one that evokes both familiar imagery from the original film triology and a much harsher imagery that draws on very harsh federal and classical architecture, mixed with a kind of Soviet propaganda flavored art style and brutalism. (I'm using these words with a vague understanding of what they mean but an acknowledgment that there may be better descriptions of what I'm talking about.)
This, in turn, perplexes me, because I had sort of understood the Capitol's decadence to have been very... LA-flavored from the start. I had presumed that the Capitol had a hard time that might have more resembled starving in a resort, the way Katniss describes the situation when they're infiltrating the Capitol in Mockingjay. I had also come to the Aha moment, a couple years ago when teaching The Hunger Games (the first book) to seventh graders, that the "Capitol Accent" was a future-evolved version of verbal fry a la the Kardashians or something. I thought that the Capitol population might have been a "Hollywood Elite" run inland to the Rockies due to, I dunno, part of California falling into the sea. I thought that this might have also gone along with the idea that power is in spectacle, and there are conservative people all over who yell and scream about the Hollywood effectively being some kind of lefty shadow government, or whatever.
TBOSAS threw this perception for a loop, when one sees that the color and glitz and glamor of the Capitol, having healed and vampire-sucked the Districts for seven decades, seems to have had a weird original story with Lucy Gray and Dr. Gaul's warring colors, spectacle, and appeal.
While the Tenth Hunger Games are wiped from record as best as they can, the collective memory of Lucy Gray and how much the people started to become invested in her, along with the spectacle of the snakes, pushed and impression of a wild, freer aesthetic -- at least in terms of a first domino falling. At least, that's my current perception.
But, as described, it really challenges my prior conception of what the Capitol is, culturally speaking, and where it and the rest of Panem came from.
The Covey, also, may be an even bigger thorn in my side in this regard. I absolutely love the representation of something of my Appalachian heritage in the music that is depicted in TBOSAS. I also love the way it filters down into Katniss's story. However, the existence of the Covey also seems like something very anachronistic even for this imaginary-future timeline.
During what kind of era and circumstances where the Covey's parent generation - Lucy Gray's mother and others - existing?
Was in the the Capitol era before the Dark Days war? It must have been, right? But what came immediately before that?
The Covey seem to draw some vague flavor from pop culture perceptions of the Roma (which is kind of weird for the Appalachians but who knows and Roma can be anywhere they want), but it seems even more rooted in some kind of spiritual connection to - for example - the Carter Family becoming involved in syndication and touring with music that was previously unknown to the rest of America and the world. With Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia, being the "Birthplace of Country Music."
But that happened during the early 20th century.
One presumes that the timeline of Panem and The Hunger Games diverges from our own sometime in our own future, but has this perception on my part been wrong all along?
Is The Hunger Games universe better-perceived as something like the Fallout universe where it's sort of a nuclear-power-arms-race-punk divergent timeline well BEFORE the apocalypse that resulted in the present dystopia?
I would love to hear anyone's opinion on this, whether it's a reassurance that "just don't worry about it" is the best approach or someone who's better at worldbuilding-brain than I offering some kind of explanation - whether based on canon or fanon.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts!
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brooklyn-dion · 6 months
Trouble at RB for Riccardo?
By Brooklyn Dion April 7, 2024
Going into this weekend I was hopeful for Daniel Riccardo. The eight time grand prix winner has shown in the past that he has a place in F1. But these last few years have proven difficult for the driver.
In 2022, he was let go by McLaren and replaced by Oscar Piastri. Then in 2023, he spent the first few races as a third driver for Red Bull. After doing PR for the team he was given the chance to drive for the Red Bull junior team, Alpha Tauri (now RB).
When the news came out that Daniel was replacing Nyck De Vries, I was excited to see what he had to offer after his poor performance at McLaren. To say that I was happy to see the old Daniel back was an understatement. I was more than happy to see him finish ahead of teammate Yuki Tsunoda in his first race back. This excitement was somewhat tempered by Daniel’s crash at Zandvoort where he broke his wrist and was out for the next few races until his comeback at Austin.
Now, looking back at his results from last year he placed ahead of Tsunoda in three of the six races he was able to compete in. A spectacular drive in Mexico landed him seventh place and at the end of the year he finished 17th in the Drivers Championship with six points.
Going into this season I had expectations to see Daniel scoring points and being competitive. These expectations have not been met at any of the four races this season. In the last four races Daniel has been out-qualified by Tsunoda and has yet to score a point.
Does this spell trouble for the driver? After last year's rumors that he could potentially replace Red Bull driver Sergio Perez due to his performance last year compared to his performance this year I would say so. Red Bull is notorious for dropping drivers that don’t perform. We saw this last year when they replaced De Vries with Daniel and with Pierre Gasly back in 2019.
The pressure is mounting after Daniel's crash at Suzuka on Lap 1 with Alex Albon. Daniel has admitted that his run so far this year is not the same as his run with McLaren. The driver has said that he knows the issues he’s having with the car and that he’s working with his engineers to improve them.
With thirteen drivers contracts, including Daniel’s, out this season there is potential that we won't see Daniel driving for RB next year. With the competition for a drive being at an all time high from the drivers within the sport and upcomers from the lower categories, such as Oliver Bearmean, it’s worth paying attention to.
If Daniel does not show increased performance with these next few races, I expect that we can see him not having a drive for next year.
Credit: Frederic Le Floc’h/ DPPI
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haywire4 · 1 year
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staring at maps and decided to improve the monaco gp circuit by finding places where you could theoretically pass a car
hit the first left after turn one and bypass the casino entirely, then hang a right and hit a narrow, but long DRS zone along boulevard de moulins/italie, then go through some mid/high speed corners that will look good on camera
then finagle around the weird elevated roundabout on the french side of the border, and follow the twisty road down to to boulevard de larvotto, and hit another long, *very* narrow drs zone before bearing right onto a street that takes you up to the shopping mall
after that, take two lefts and rejoin the normal circuit (maybe go the wrong way around the roundabout before the main tunnel so you get more of a run up at it)
there are some problems:
a lot of arguments for preserving the monaco gp circuit as it is boil down to tradition, and making the track longer than spa isn't very traditional
a bunch of roundabouts and medians with trees in them would have to be flattened and replaced with movable planter boxes. many useful pedestrian blisters would also have to be eliminated and replaced with removable solutions
boulevard de larvotto would have to have its sidewalks converted into additional tarmac for the road, with removable curbs to delineate pedestrian areas on non-race days, otherwise it's straight up macau width through there
even with the widening of boulevard de larvotto, you might end up having to implement special overtaking rules where you straight up just stay in the right lane unless you're hitting the DRS, it is very narrow
also, the stretch of boulevard de larvotto/avenue de grand bretagne would effectively be a straightaway as long as the main straight at fuji but only 2-3 car lengths wide, which would be frowned on by anyone who cares about safety
the biggest obstacle would be the bit where the course briefly crosses the french border, which would be a bureaucratic nightmare thanks to this tiny city-state's existence
outside of these minor details i think it would be fun
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• 🦘 Oscar
• Osc
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isawthesainz · 4 months
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oscarpiastri Think I’ll just keep declaring every race my home race
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