#private tutor australia
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kidstuttoo8 · 7 months ago
Learn Java with an Expert Programming Tutor - Kidstuttoo
Master Java programming with a dedicated Java programming tutor from Kidstuttoo. Receive personalized guidance and hands-on practice to advance your coding skills. Our experienced tutors provide tailored lessons to help you understand complex concepts and develop practical programming expertise. Start your journey to becoming a proficient Java developer today!
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heyguru · 1 year ago
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Looking for top-notch online tutoring in NSW? Look no further! Heyguru offers personalized sessions to help students excel in their studies. From NAPLAN practice tests to sample selective tests, we've got you covered. Join Heyguru and pave the way for academic success!
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verdemoun · 6 months ago
Wait in the au with black belle does kieran still die
You think the O'Driscolls have a chance of getting within 400ft of Kieran with the most hostile and affectionate of black cat coded girlfriends?? Not a chance in h e double l Hell.
he still gets drunk enough to wander off at shady belle and is cornered by O'Driscolls
despite being within sight of shady belle he was too terrified to even scream because being confronted by O'Driscolls is a throat closed mouth dry anxiety attack for Kieran
as the O'Driscolls move in to knock him out and take him back to their camp with threats like 'Colm misses you', 5 shots ring out and with a half second lag they all collapse to the ground with a single bullet hole clean in the center of their heads
shots wake up the gang and Black Belle obviously gets to her boyf first while others run forward to find out what happened
Kieran is so distraught he cries while she holds him and assures him he's safe
Kieran nearly getting abducted is treated as a non-issue like when Bill got caught by bounty hunters but the fact the O'Driscolls got so close was a massive issue and the gang decided to go take them out in a final VDL vs O'Driscolls showdown.
Oh no Micah gets shot rip Micah.
Instead of killing Colm, Sadie as the only VDL without a bounty gets to carry Colm hogtied on the back of her horse and claim his bounty (his face is almost unrecognisable with the number of times she hit him). Even after her cut it tips the gang into 'holy shit we have enough'.
Strauss does some information gathering because let my man actually have a purpose other than being a toad. The gang decide to set for Australia instead of Tahiti because surviving in Australia is actually plausible.
As 'new money' they get awarded a 100 hectares of crown land for agricultural purposes on a 100 year, $1 lease. and the gang are all just standing there dumbfounded because it was that easy the whole time?? They turn up at a property of rolling hills covered in grass without a city in sight and it was that easy the whole time.
House building episode where they all build little cabins under Sadie's instruction because there was none of this pre-cut houses from a catalogue. it looks like a self sustaining village with all the cabins build in a circle around a massive bonfire and they still have campfires every night before retiring to their little private cabins and having a home and peace.
Some of the gang drift apart Bill becomes a bushranger Pearson opens a little shop in town Strauss heads for the city to exploit people Grimshaw starts tailoring and selling clothes and becomes an urban legend in her own right about the cranky mysterious woman who looks and is capable of murder but dotes on children.
Black Belle is happy being the armed security who stops people trying to steal their fucking cattle and horses meanwhile Kieran is happy doting on the horses. Him and Arthur have a small horse breeding, breaking and selling operation and become besties. Sadie, Black Belle and John who learns how to herd handle the livestock. Dutch and Hosea retire and grow old but they are basically Jack's tutors they are both teaching him to read and write and giving him an education and everyone's sunshine and rainbows happy.
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blueshadesfandomstuff · 1 month ago
Hey was reading thru your shutterbug and seaglass series which I wanna say is so dang cute! But I noticed in your notes you kept having issues with whatever we consider school over here in America and I’d be happy to shed some light on that as I am an American and I did go to a standard public school in the era the batkids grew up anyway I hope this info helps for any future endeavors you might have. The school year starts in the autumn which for us is mid-August to mid-September and ends early to late June with a 2 week break in the winter around the new year and a usually 1-2 week break in spring around March/April. New Jersey and New York like to start school usually after Labor Day which is the first weekend and following Monday of September (different states start at just a bit earlier or later depending on various factors) kids begin what we call “Elementary”school around ages 5-6 in Kindergarden unless their parents enroll them in pre-K. Then they go from first “grade” to fifth grade, usually. Then “Middle” school is from sixth to eighth grade and “High” school is from ninth to twelfth grade. Then college which we all refer to as college even if it’s a university. College follows this same year start and end model except they follow a semester model and so there is the fall semester, a 4-5 week winter break, spring semester and an optional summer semester or summer break most universities/colleges don’t offer the full course list during this time but people who wanna finish their degree earlier or have less classes to worry about at other times may take this option. You mentioned you’re from Australia how does y’alls education system differ?
Hi there!
First off thank you for taking the time to read Shutterbug and Seaglass! I love that the series has fans - it's just so wonderful to hear people like my work enough to read it!
Thank you so much, too, for taking the time to send me such a comprehensive answer! I'll paste it all down into my planning document!
School in Australia is a little different (though I also age with Timi from this fic and so I'm a little outdated, aside from the fact I'm an after school tutor for English and Maths with a private company)
First off, we only have primary schools and high schools with middle schools still being rare and fairly new. Pre-primary is the class for 4 to five year olds and is where mandatory schooling begins here (with some private kindergardens for kids around 3/4) and tend, though not always, to be part of a primary school. Primary school goes from Pre-primary or year 1 up until year 7 with high school being years 8-12.
We start our year in late Jan/early Feb and then have four ten week terms with two week breaks in between and finish the year just before the Christmas/Summer holidays that last for about six weeks. It averages to be about the same amount of time off as the US but spread constantly throughout the year.
University or TAFE (which I think is equivalent to a technical college or community college in the US) on the other hand, runs by semester (still starts in Jan/Feb and ends in December though) with a three week break in the middle of the two semesters and a long exam period at the end.
Universities here don't have their students live-in for the most part unless they're in difficult places to get to, so kids usually live at home during their university years (unless their parents are very old-fashioned and expect them to leave home at 18). So we don't have quite the same 'college experience' that I see when I watch US programs. Where it seem to be like a 'taste of freedom' to get soon to be adults ready for the real world. I kinda wish we did do that though - it seems like it would be an easier landing if you had practice first!
Thank for reaching out!
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historia-vitae-magistras · 2 years ago
was matthew sent to boarding school or was it only jack?
Just Jack and more successfully after the boom in girls schools from the 1870s, Zee (The example of Maata Mahupuku and Katherine Mansfield as classmates and likely lovers comes to mind.) Arthur probably tried a couple like Eton or Harrow for him in England. But when Alfred and Matt were in their school years so to speak, it wasn't yet as fashionable for the upper classes to send their children to institutions like the so-called 'public schools' (Private boarding schools in yanklish). I do think Alfred probably did some time at Harvard when it was a day school rather than a proper university yet. The norm for him was that private tutors were hired and kept on to teach either a single family's children or several families children. Children also learned from their parents. I think Arthur took a very keen interest in Alfred's studies and had him extremely well educated to the standards of the day.
In French Canada, the schools were run by the Catholic Church and Francis did throw in some extracurriculars like art, music, etc but he didn't show much promise in things just yet and they were mostly kaput by 1710 or so. Unlike in the British colonies where there were dozens of newspapers and Boston printing presses especially were smashing out literature left right and center, Canada didn't have a single one until the British founded Halifax and New England settlers brought one up from Boston.
Jack is a funky situation because while the hedge schools of Ireland saw something of a continuance in early Australia (I've seen this stated, refuted, restated and refuted so I'm just rolling with it( the British were very late to introducing schooling in Australia compared to how fast it happened in New Zealand just across (four thousand kilomètres) the ditch. So you have a fascinating situation where there are parchment makers and book makers and other literary trades cropping up often supporting the many European scientists who make the journey but there's very little actual formal education for the actual inhabitants well into the 1820s, 1830s and 1840s. So Jack is bounced through some schools and more than a few tutors. He got what he considers the best of his education harassing the hell out of Mary Anning and the various nerds who got into boats for six fucking months to look at kangaroos.
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nut-zy · 2 years ago
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Thought I'd go ahead and introduce Rhea & her lore:
Rhea Romera is the single daughter of famous artists __ who tragically passed away when Rhea was 17. Rhea’s father was abusive & caused her much grief when she was younger, her mother kicking him out of their lives when she was 10.
Out of the tragedy she was gifted a chance. A scholarship to attend one of the greatest schools in the world. She had to leave her little life in Australia behind as she was moved across the world to live in New York to attend the private & prestigious academy co-founded by Alchemax.
Here she spend her early years learning & honing her draughtsmanship. Earning her high regards from her peers & tutors, one of which being Oksana Octavius. After witnessing Rhea’s skill Oksana offered to take her under her wing as her apprentice. Granting her, her first position as a junior designer & draughtsman for Alchemax.
Rhea’s knowledge of Alchemax & its doings were always limited to the schematics she was in charge of designing & finalising. Gifted with high functioning ‘Hyperphantasia’ she could always visualise the creation of the schematics/ inventions before they were even built or finalised. This ability to visualise so clearly, meant that Oksana would often assign her high level schematics to overlook & find any faults, even before the prototypes were completed.
Her life at Alchemax was always uneventful, getting in later during the day & remaining almost nocturnal when working her shifts. She flew under the radar when it came to socialisation. Avoiding any stuff related parties or events as she refused to get close to anyone, believing wholeheartedly that they would ultimately leave her.
During her late nights mocking up schematics she encounters a scientist who also works late into the night.
(Rhea’s desk is located on one of the higher levels of the building, situated by the glass windows to gaze up at the night sky while she works.)
The scientist she encounters is no other than her universes Peter Parker.
The two first encounter each other when Rhea’s going about her usual wanders of the building. With a high prio security badge (thanks to Oksana being the head scientist and her mentor) she’s able to wander about almost freely.
As she wanders the scientists floor she notices a lamp still on, odd considering the time of night. As she approaches she notices a young scientist designing & planning away. Much to Peters surprise he was also unaware of the other, her quiet lingering scaring the young man. Knocking over his coffee and ruining his mock-ups. Apologising profusely Rhea would promise that she would get his schematics back to him by the end of the night, expecting the worst reaction from the other due to previous experiences. But she was only met with a light hearted smile and a wave of the hand, explaining these plans were merely for his own personal project & not anything to worry about. (It was a lie from him, but he refused to let her worry as he sensed her unease)
This first encounter would be the first of many as they start interacting more, Rhea letting her walls down to get close with him. He was her only friend for this time in her life.
Peter taught her how he remains so upbeat & light hearted, hoping this attitude to the world and its tragedies would stick with her. They spent many day & nights together, but he never pushed anything onto her. Preferring to be her support. -The Incident-
During a routine test of the prototype collider, (the project Peter was assigned to) there was a malfunctioning. Rhea was home, resting after working on the new schematics & passing them to Peter to implement. This morning was special in particular, Peter left Rhea with a kiss on the forehead. The first time he plucked enough courage to make the first step, to which she’d sleepily mumble ‘get home soon’
But her schematics didn’t match the current machine, seemingly having been messed by someone else without permission or approval. As soon as Peter went to adjust the collider it triggered a chain reaction, the protective barrier left Peter locked behind. Allowing the others to escape sacrificing himself for the safety of others. He was remembered as a hero.
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-The Bite-
Due to her late & long nights of unhealthy work, Rhea would be found sleeping at her desk many nights. Occasionally waking up covered in a red & blue blanket. She never found out who the person responsible for that was.
One night after a long and hard shift, almost 12 hours of constant work for a high prio project (much to Oksana’s stern criticism to leave be due to her current health) she completed submitted to her exhaustion.
Unaware of an escaped experiment in the lab. The spider was a classified Alchemax experiment, genetically modified & programmed to lock onto a heat signature. The spider would lock onto the only heart available, the sleeping Rhea.
The spiders bite was painless, but picked the nape of her exposed neck to lock onto.
The sleeping designer was found by her coworkers, most who had left her be due to the incident. An unnamed scientist would offer to take her home, as there was concern for her welfare. He’d collect the blanket she slept under & her, scooping her up and taking her home.
When she woke, she was in a world of pain, body aches, muscle pain… sore bones? But she noticed the strangest thing of all… she didn’t need her glasses? Her vision being keen & almost heightened. Her head pounding as her ears picked up sounds from almost down the busy city streets as if she was standing right next to then noise itself.
This is where her journey begins… as the Huntsman.
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glaciiermonarch · 1 year ago
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❀ *◦ sen mitsuji. genderfluid. he/she/they. demiromantic homosexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that takaharu mochizuki? i think that the thirty-five-year-old from adelaide, south australia, works as dj at the boom boom room, music producer & engineer, and drummer of vain rogues & the ghost orchestra; but outside of that people describe them as perpetual busyness to prevent the chance of an emotion occurring; a pristine but empty-feeling mansion with too many rooms; perfectly pouty lips pulling up in a smirk over a private joke; and a robin's egg blue drum kit with every possible bell and whistle on the market. i hear they are moody & distant, but they are also known to be cerebral & generous. consider giving them a visit at their home in winterwood estates and get to know why they’re called the ice queen.
➙ this character uses he/him, they/them, AND she/her pronouns freely! the writer will be using ALL of them, sometimes within the same paragraph, so please extend the same courtesy! ➙ taka is attracted to men and masc-presenting enbies and just calls themself gay!
full name: takaharu mochizuki ➙ this is in "western" order since taka grew up in english-speaking countries ➙ kanji: 望月 貴陽 (Mochizuki Takaharu)  望 (mochi) meaning "wish, desire" and 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon;” together meaning “full moon” 貴 (taka) meaning “precious” and 陽 (haru) meaning “sun”
nicknames: taka, taki, tako, haru, mochi-san, tsuki-san
dob: 17 august 1989
place of birth: adelaide, south australia, australia
languages: japanese (native); australian english (native); korean (advanced); german (advanced); arabic (advanced); hindi (strong); mandarin (strong); okinawan (some)
education: bachelor’s degree in philosophy and asian & middle eastern studies, duke university
strengths: educated; cerebral; generous; loyal; resolute; shrewd; creative; captivating; wise; patient
weaknesses: cold; moody; gloomy; judgmental; harsh; disconnected; distant; crass
hobbies: playing drums, guitar, piano, and clarinet; surfing; skateboarding; playing video games; smoking weed; napping; reading
likes: warm weather & beaches; fashion;
dislikes: messy people; uncreative people; children (friends' kids are an exception)
disabilities & health: major depression; chronic back and knee pain
even the silverest of spoons being in your mouth when you're born doesn't shield you from the unhappiness of life, but it does slap a bandage over a festering wound so you can ignore it a while longer. kenta mochizuki, a dermatologist originally from japan. beth mcnulty, general legal counsel for one of the biggest energy companies in all of australia. married a little later than either of their families would have liked, but in their defense, they were both busy being successful. and they barely slowed down long enough to have their only child, takaharu.
though of an ornery countenance since birth, taka was always still popular and favored because he was pretty and rich. clarinet lessons, piano lessons, drum lessons, surfing lessons, she was set up for success from the very beginning. her childhood memories are mostly accompanied by nannies and tutors, though her father, an earnest and excitable man, always made an effort to be present in his child's life, eager to see her succeed.
there was always a distance between taka and their mother, though; taka knows now that beth never wanted to be a parent. this attitude became clearly evident when she didn't show up to taka's tenth birthday dinner. it was soon revealed that she'd forgotten, and more of the truth came tumbling out: she shirked her parental duties for an affair. and this apparently had been going on for quite some time, seeing other men that weren't her heartbreakingly devoted husband.
a divorce ensued, and taka sided with his kind, loving father, who had also always made an effort to keep japanese culture alive in the home. when taka was barely into her teens, her father sat her down to tell her about a woman he'd met online, one he'd fallen in love with. the catch was that she lived in malibu. taka was given the choice to live with her mother or move to the united states with her father. she easily chose the latter.
lashonda rhimes, successful anesthesiologist to the stars, and kenta's second wife. she was a few years younger, though not egregiously so, but still childless. and she treated taka like her own child, which might have been externally brushed off by the surly teenager, but taka came to appreciate it. he was popular in his new home, with his accent and his money and his looks. being so intelligent, the transition to a new continent wasn't difficult at all, and he finished high school near the top of his class.
he didn't really have a plan for his life, and all his parents really wanted out of him was just for him to go to college. an acceptance to duke university was sweetened by some scholarships, and whatever those didn't cover was easily made up for by the wads of cash his family had. taka had started smoking weed not long after landing in the US, but she branched out into new drugs while in durham, north carolina, for college.
acid trips were unpleasant every time she tried dropping; and she didn't like injecting anything to leave marks behind on her pretty body. but she soon found a bad habit in cocaine. she would sniff a few lines, party for several hours, go home and do homework, go to class, and go to modeling shoots, and do it all over again. somehow, using sheer ambition probably, she finished college within 4 years, even with a double major and a couple semesters spent studying abroad.
bouncing around the US for a year or so; living with his aunt in japan for a couple years; and then landing in anchorage for the next adventure around 2016
these days, taka keep busy in any way she knows how: too long with her own thoughts can be dangerous and make her itch to return to her cocaine habit. but they've done a good job of staying clean. taka doesn't need to work for money—his mother sends him gobs of money to curry his favor, and his father and stepmother have nobody else to spoil—but he does work to stay busy, spinning tunes at the boom boom room; modeling for small indie publications and brands; and gaining some traction as a music producer.
with more money than one person should ever need, taka gives a lot of it away. there are a few charities she routinely makes generous donations to; but she also likes to take care of her friends. she'll buy her closest friends whatever they want, buy their groceries, offer to pay rent or even let them stay in her house, offer to pay their medical bills... seriously, what is one lonely person gonna do with all those digits in their bank account? besides, spending money is the only way she knows how to show love.
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carriesthewind · 2 years ago
This poll inspired me to listen to the podcast Sold a Story and holy cow do I recommend it (especially if you live in America, although possibly also England or Australia). It's about the current failures of reading education in the United States, and how and why schools have been using a debunked method to try (and fail) to teach kids to read for decades. (one of the the things it didn't touch on, and that I am now very curious about, is if learning to read is different with writing systems that are more heavily based on logographies, rather than syllabaries or alphabets (note: I only speak English and know very little about languages or language acquisition so that might be a stupid question)).
And one of the things that I really like about it, as a liberal/progressive/lefty person, is how it demonstrates how people who share my general beliefs and political opinions can (and were) seduced into believing a lot of very wrong things and going completely against science: from the democrat who was skeptical of a method because it was being pushed by GW Bush as part of No Child Left Behind; to the black teacher who was sure that the white suburban schools, with all their resources, must be using methods proven to give their kids the best education (spoiler: she realizes it was all just aesthetics and the parents were hiring private tutors: the answer was just money); to the progressive educators who are highly skeptical of the hierarchy and rigidity of "traditional" phonics education; hell, even to the basics of the assumption that more books + more autonomy for kids must = better (...and miss that even if those things are good and necessary, you can't ignore the context that they are being provided in). A very good listen for reminding myself to look to where my own biases and assumptions may be tripping me up and leading me down a wrong path.
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thetutorshelpuk · 23 hours ago
Bond University Assignment Help
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Bond University is a prominent private Australian university, which is renowned for its quality academic standards, teaching pedagogy, and excellent student facilities. Students studying their courses from Bond University need to finish different assignments, research reports, case studies, and projects as course work. The assignments help the students refine their critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and subject matter knowledge. But at times it is difficult to finish them due to strict deadlines, technical content, and academic pressure. That is where The Tutors Help comes into play to provide quality assistance in your Bond University assignments.
Why Assignments Matter at Bond University?
Assignments are a component of the curriculum at Bond University. Assignments help students:
Grasp Concepts Better: Reading and writing assignments improve comprehension of the topic.
Enhance Research and Writing Skills: Academic assignments enhance better research and analytical skills.
Enhance Grades: Well-written assignments enhance overall academic marks.
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But as most students have a time limit, lack proper resources, or cannot grasp some concepts, they are unable to do their assignments.
Assignment Writing Problems Confronted by Students
Time Management Issues: With assignments, tests, and extracurricular activities, students generally have trouble with deadlines.
Tough Subjects: Certain subjects require deep knowledge and extensive research work, so it becomes hard to manage the assignments.
Lack of Research Ability: Most students are not aware of where they can gather proper and genuine information for their assignments.
Plagiarism Issues: Universities hate plagiarism totally, and 100% original student work is always expected.
Formatting and Referencing: Assignments need to be well-referenced (APA, Harvard, MLA, etc.), and this will put the students in a dilemma state.
How The Tutors Help Helps Bond University Students
We at The Tutors Help provide professional assignment assistance to Bond University students for a variety of courses. Here's how we can help you:
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We possess subject matter experts who are well-experienced with academic writing, and we assure quality assignments.
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Our services are competitively priced so that expert assistance is available to all students.
How to Get Assignment Help from The Tutors Help
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Final Thoughts
Bond University students typically have to complete their assignments within given deadlines owing to academic pressure and time constraint. The Tutors Help guarantees quality support and production of quality, well-researched, and plagiarized-free assignments.
We welcome you to contact us at The Tutors Help anytime you desire quality assignment services from our experienced professionals. We can give assurance of academic success with us!
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kidstuttoo8 · 7 months ago
How to Find the Best English Tutor in Australia and an Online Coding Tutor
Whether you are looking to improve your English language skills or master coding, Kids Tuttoo offers the best tutoring services to help you succeed. Our English tutor in Australia and online coding tutor provide personalized, effective, and convenient learning solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today to start your journey toward achieving your educational goals with the help of our expert tutors.
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tousey-mousey · 2 years ago
I know this is a joke but at the same time I do not think children should be forced to wake up earlier than 7am, or 8am if they're in year 9 or above. School should not start classes earlier than 8:30 for younger kids or 9:30am for older ones. And I mean realistically, given that you have a 30 minute period of assembly/homeroom/whatever... you're starting classes at 9am for younger kids or 10am for older kids. Finish school at 4:30pm if you want for the older ones: better to start late and finish late.
Also, and I cannot stress this enough: please stop giving children homework that isn't "this is classwork you didn't do". I never gave homework when I was teaching, because when I tried it led to worse outcomes and I fucking learnt my lesson.
If you're not allowing 90 minutes for little kids to get up, get dressed, and get to school then you're GUARANTEEING that a huge chunk of those kids are not going to eat breakfast, are not going to sleep well, are not going to start the day on a good footing to learn.
No more early starts.
No more hungry kids.
No more expectations that 15 year olds have their shit together more than coincidentally.
Group work to be done in classes and only older kids (final three years) expected to do group work outside of classrooms.
Assessments for learning difficulties to be FREE AND AVAILABLE.
Affordable or free food for kids who need it.
An end to charging non-citizen immigrant families for public school educations. I don't know if this is a thing overseas but it was 5 years ago in Australia.
Government funding of tutors for kids who need it, non-means-tested, available to anyone who wants it.
Re-evaluation of the role of religious institutions in the private schooling system.
So many reforms are possible to make our next generation of kids' lives better.
children should NOT be forced to wake up earlier than 6 am to get to school on time. what if they are working the night shift at freddy fazbear’s
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rosencrantzsguildenstern · 10 days ago
Merceri: i'm fine with tagging this name until i officially publish the torafic, by then which i'll switch my alias as well haha. Anyway snippet!!!!! Zool has started sussing smth out!!!
Haruka’s voice floats to his ears. “Say, Torao has always sounded like a native speaker, hasn't he?”
…Really? They’ve noticed?
This is bad.
“I had a private tutor as a kid,” Torao waves off, holding his body language together by the seams. “My dad got the same one for all three of us.”
Haruka and Touma almost seem convinced, but Minami holds his doubts. “Is that the case?” he lightly prods, and Torao fights back the urge to freeze up.
Drop the subject, he begs internally as Minami mercilessly continues: “Mido-san’s accent is extremely colloquial. As a prestigious family, I’m curious as to why you weren’t taught received pronunciation. Wouldn’t that be more proper for you and your brothers?”
If there’s a business out there working on time-travel, Torao will be their first patron. There might still be time to teach his childhood self British English before he throws up from stress.
Alas, reality does him no favors—a meteor doesn’t fall from the sky; the building doesn’t spontaneously burst into flames. Anxiety crushes Torao’s intestines like a bloodied bear trap when he realizes a reply is expected of him.
“It’s—it’s not that big of a deal,” he backtracks. “My dad didn’t particularly care about accents and hired an acquaintance.”
“An Australian?” Minami presses.
“…What, got something against them?”
“I just find it difficult to believe.” Touma and Haruka’s quiet stares burrow into his flesh. “Your family’s hotels have always found it difficult to penetrate the Australian market, but their brand name in Europe is well-established and renowned. It’s logical to assume your father has more connections in the United Kingdom.”
Torao doesn’t say anything.
“And,” Minami adds, “the decision to expand into Australia was only made after 2018; a very recent endeavor. It’s highly unlikely that—”
“—why does it matter?” Torao snaps, deflecting the blow. He shoves his hands in his pockets to hide the fact they're shaking. “Seriously, why do you guys care? Just say it; my English is messed up and weird. You don’t have to run in circles.”
Touma sucks in a breath. “No, that’s not—Tora, we never meant that! We were worried about something else.”
“You're overreacting,” Torao finishes, shooting to his feet. His vision tilts at the sudden movement. “It’s just an accent. It’s nothing. I’ll stop speaking English if it makes you uncomfortable. There wasn’t any need to bring it up in the first place.”
He tries to leave, but Minami’s hand latches onto his wrist, anchoring him. Torao almost yanks his arm away, afraid of the touch—if Minami can sense his pulse, it’s over.
“Mido-san,” Minami states, both as a plea and a comforting gesture.
“What,” Torao quips back, trying to inch himself free. His eyes avert from Touma, from Haruka; he pins his attention onto the door and drills his consciousness into the metal handle.
“Is there something you want to tell us, but can’t?”
There isn’t, he almost spits, borderline hysterical.
The words don’t come out.
FINDING OUT FINDING OUT i love finding things out its so spicy so good. i love how fairly innocuous the questions seem compared with toras complete and utter panic— that must be increasing their concern but he’s too trapped in his fear to even think of that, there’s no way he could hide it.
Anxiety crushes Torao’s intestines like a bloodied bear trap when he realizes a reply is expected of him.
love this. visceral asf imagery. the desire to time travel back or for a meteor to strike the earth too thats SUCH anxiety, no concept of how to get out of the situation besides earth-shattering stuff
His vision tilts at the sudden movement.
this too even his vision how he sees stuff….
and the body language and blocking here is so good>>> also. you KNOW i die for selectively mute tora so the last line has me like.
god i wanna read this so bad
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radiohaanji · 14 days ago
Amit Verma Talks on Classrooms, Parental Role & Australian vs Indian Schools Differences
Exclusive Interview! Ranjodh Singh sits down with Amit Verma, an experienced school teacher who has taught in private schools, government schools, and Australian schools. This insightful conversation covers everything from classroom expectations to the role of parents in education and the cultural differences between Australia and India.
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Topics Discussed: ✅ Amit Verma’s journey as a teacher in different educational systems ✅ Values, honesty, and integrity in the classroom ✅ Australia vs. India: Cultural differences in education ✅ The increasing pressure on students – what NOT to do! ✅ Entrance exams in Australia – are they tougher than India? ✅ The role of tutors and why comparisons between students can be harmful ✅ What schools expect from students vs. what parents need to teach at home.
Don’t Miss This Eye-Opening Discussion! Amit Verma breaks down the challenges of modern education and provides valuable insights for students, parents, and educators.
If you're curious about the differences between Indian and Australian education systems, this is a must-watch! Enjoyed the video? Like, 📝 Comment, and 🔔 Subscribe for more insightful interviews! Share this with teachers, students, and parents who need to hear this!
Watch Now: youtu.be/WTlrrsKWCWU?si=mqKO-boiH1laJ7Qc
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tutordoctoraus3 · 16 days ago
Looking for home tutors near me? At Tutor Doctor, we provide personalized, one-on-one tutoring in the comfort of your home. Whether you need help with school subjects, exam preparation, or skill development, our expert tutors create customized learning plans tailored to your needs. With over 15 years of experience and a 95% recommendation rate, we’ve helped thousands of students gain confidence and improve their academic performance. No matter your age or learning goals, our tutors are here to support you. Get the best learning experience today—visit Tutor Doctor and find your perfect tutor!
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pratiksha-more · 18 days ago
Cost of Living in Australia: Budgeting Tips for Students
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Australia is a top destination for international students, offering world-class education and diverse cultural experiences. However, the cost of study in Australia can be significant, making it essential for students to budget wisely. Understanding living expenses and learning how to manage them effectively can make your stay in Australia stress-free and financially sustainable.
Understanding the Cost of Living in Australia
The cost of living in Australia varies depending on the city and lifestyle choices. On average, international students need between AUD 20,000 and AUD 27,000 per year for living expenses. Here’s a breakdown of key costs:
1. Accommodation
On-campus housing: AUD 110–280 per week
Shared rental: AUD 95–215 per week
Homestay: AUD 235–325 per week
Private rental: AUD 185–440 per week
Choosing shared accommodation or student dormitories can significantly reduce housing expenses.
2. Food and Groceries
Groceries: AUD 80–200 per week
Dining out: AUD 15–30 per meal
Cooking at home is a great way to save money on food. Shopping at local markets and using student discounts at grocery stores can also cut costs.
3. Transportation
Public transport: AUD 30–60 per week
Bicycle purchase: AUD 200–500 (one-time)
Ride-sharing/taxis: AUD 10–40 per trip
Many cities offer student discounts on public transport, making it the most affordable option for commuting.
4. Utilities and Internet
Electricity, water, and gas: AUD 10–20 per week
Internet and phone bills: AUD 15–30 per week
Sharing utility bills with roommates can lower overall expenses.
5. Health Insurance and Medical Costs
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC): AUD 450–600 per year
Doctor consultation: AUD 50–100 per visit
Health insurance is mandatory for international students in Australia. Compare different OSHC providers to find the most affordable plan.
Budgeting Tips for Students in Australia
1. Track Your Expenses
Use budgeting apps like Mint, Pocketbook, or MoneyBrilliant to monitor your spending and identify areas where you can save.
2. Take Advantage of Student Discounts
Always carry your student ID to access discounts on transportation, entertainment, and dining. Websites like UniDays and Student Edge offer great deals.
3. Find Part-Time Work
International students can work up to 48 hours per fortnight during the semester and unlimited hours during holidays. Jobs in retail, hospitality, and tutoring are common options.
4. Cook at Home
Preparing meals at home instead of eating out can save hundreds of dollars each month. Buying in bulk and meal prepping can further cut costs.
5. Choose Budget-Friendly Accommodation
Opt for shared housing or university dormitories to save on rent. Living a bit further from the city center can also lower housing expenses.
6. Use Public Transport and Biking
Instead of using taxis or ride-sharing services, get a student travel pass for public transport or invest in a bicycle for daily commuting.
7. Apply for Scholarships
Many universities and organizations offer scholarships that can help cover tuition and living expenses. Research and apply for relevant scholarships to ease your financial burden.
By implementing these budgeting strategies, students can manage their expenses effectively while enjoying their time in Australia. To learn more about the cost of study in Australia, visit MSM Unify.
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study-abroad-delhi · 1 month ago
Scholarships and Financial Aid for International Students in Australia
Australia is a top destination for international students seeking quality education. However, the cost of studying and living in Australia can be substantial. Fortunately, numerous scholarships and financial aid options are available to help ease this burden. This guide outlines the key opportunities to make your Australian education more affordable.
1. Government Scholarships
The Australian government offers various scholarships for international students:
Australia Awards Scholarships
Funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
Covers tuition fees, living expenses, health insurance, and airfare.
Available for undergraduate, postgraduate, and vocational courses.
Destination Australia Program
Supports study in regional Australia to promote regional growth.
Offers scholarships worth up to AUD 15,000 per year for eligible students.
Research Training Program (RTP)
Aimed at postgraduate research students.
Covers tuition fees and provides a stipend for living expenses.
2. University-Specific Scholarships
Many Australian universities offer scholarships for international students. Some notable examples include:
University of Sydney International Scholarships
Covers tuition fees and living expenses for outstanding students.
Melbourne International Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships
Merit-based awards for high-achieving students.
Australian National University (ANU) Chancellor’s International Scholarship
Up to 50% tuition fee reduction for exceptional students.
Monash International Leadership Scholarship
Covers full tuition fees for top-performing international students.
University of Queensland Scholarships
Wide range of scholarships for undergraduate, postgraduate, and research students.
3. Private and External Scholarships
Numerous private organizations and foundations provide scholarships for international students:
Rotary Peace Fellowships
For students pursuing master’s programs in peace and conflict resolution.
Fulbright Scholarships
Available for U.S. citizens studying or conducting research in Australia.
Commonwealth Scholarships
Funded by the Commonwealth of Nations for students from member countries.
4. Institutional Financial Aid and Discounts
Merit-Based Discounts: Many universities offer partial fee waivers for academic excellence.
Faculty-Specific Aid: Some departments provide additional scholarships for their students.
Early Bird Discounts: Students applying early may receive tuition fee discounts.
5. Field-Specific Scholarships
Certain scholarships are targeted at specific fields of study:
STEM Scholarships: Incentives for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Health and Medicine: Specialized scholarships for students pursuing nursing, medicine, or public health.
Arts and Humanities: Opportunities for students in creative arts, literature, and social sciences.
6. How to Apply for Scholarships
Start Early: Research scholarships as soon as you decide to study in Australia.
Check Eligibility: Ensure you meet all criteria before applying.
Prepare Documents: Common requirements include academic transcripts, proof of English proficiency, personal statements, and reference letters.
Apply Online: Most scholarships require online applications through university or organization portals.
Meet Deadlines: Submit your applications well before the deadline to avoid last-minute issues.
7. Part-Time Work Opportunities
While scholarships are valuable, students can also work part-time to supplement their finances:
Work Hours: Up to 48 hours per fortnight during the semester and unlimited hours during holidays.
Common Jobs: Hospitality, retail, tutoring, and administrative roles.
Minimum Wage: AUD 22.61/hour (as of 2023).
8. Seek Expert Guidance
Navigating scholarship applications can be overwhelming. Grace International, a top education consultant in Delhi, offers:
Personalized guidance on scholarship applications.
Assistance with finding and applying to suitable programs.
Support with visa applications and financial planning.
Scholarships and financial aid make studying in Australia accessible to international students from diverse backgrounds. By researching opportunities, preparing strong applications, and seeking expert advice, you can significantly reduce your financial burden and focus on your academic journey.
Take the first step toward your Australian education by exploring scholarship options today!
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