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palaeoiris · 1 year ago
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This Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity, we highlight the plight of trans people in prisons throughout the world. To learn more, check out Brigitte Empire's 'The Transgender Prisoners Problem' video essay >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH0X_uDLd78&t=28s
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bfscr · 29 days ago
These are innocent people killed by, at best, the willful mistreatment of the Harris County TX Jail
"The latest deaths brought 2024's in-custody death toll up to 10, a decrease from 2023 when at least 19 people died at the jail. In 2022, at least 27 people lost their lives at the jail — the highest number in nearly two decades."
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nickreads · 2 months ago
"Carceral feminism," which is a term that has begun to circulate recently—carceral feminisms, that is to say, feminisms that call for the criminalization and incarceration of those who engage in gender violence—do the work of the state. Carceral feminisms do the work of the state as surely as they focus on state violence and repression as the solution to heteropatriarchy and as the solution, more specifically, to sexual assault. But it does not work for those who are directly involved in the repressive work of the state either. As influenced as many police officers may be by the racism that criminalizes communities of color and this influence is not limited to white police officers; Black police officers and police officers of color are subject to the same way in which racism structurally defines police work—but even as they may be influenced by this racism, it was not their individual idea to do this. So simply by focusing on the individual as if the individual were an aberration, we inadvertently engage in the process of reproducing the very violence that we assume we are contesting.
[Emphasis added, my own]
Angela Y. Davis | Freedom Is a Constant Struggle
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trascapades · 2 years ago
#BlackAugust THANK YOU @abigail_glasgow / @harpersbazaarus
for amplifying the work of these brilliant artists & organizations that are committed to abolition!
Read "Art as a Radical Tool for Realizing Abolition" ---
Reposted from @abigail_glasgow I wrote my dream story thanks to @themarshian @harpersbazaarus (and @s_ariza, who knew we would get on) // When it comes to reimagining a world without prisons, who better to visualize an abolitionist present and future, alternatives to incarceration, and other solutions outside of punishment than those who have assumed creativity as their life’ work? // A million thanks to the artists who took the time to share their work and ideas with me: @art4justicefund @lizajessiepeterson @osopepatrisse @crenshawdairymart @richiereseda @creative_acts @sabratw @theactorsgang @major_cause @alexanderlizzy @mellonfoundation @bj_mims @solitarygardens @hough9459 @ucscias @samorapinderhughes @justiceforkeithlamar @letterstokeith @wearesoze @daveentrentman @terrick03 @nyclu @mecosroman
Reposted from @art4justicefund Thanks to @harpersbazaarus and @abigail_glasgow for a fantastic feature, “Art as a Radical Tool for Realizing Abolition”, that shines a light on so many members of the Art for Justice family! 💙💙💙
From the piece: “The collective of artists determined to shift our reliance on carceral punishment through their media has become even more visible over the past few years. Brick by brick, they are—in the words of the Art for Justice Fund’s Helena Huang—“changing the weather … so that there’s more appetite and openness to systemic change.”
The article features the creativity and brilliance of A4J’s beloved partners and friends: @lizajessiepeterson @performingstatistics @dignityandpowernow @voiceoftheexperienced @crenshawdairymart @theactorsgang @mellonfoundation @solitarygardens @centerforartandadvocacy @hough9459 @samorapinderhughes @jesse_krimes @daveentrentman @wearesoze @mecosroman @r.craig.t1 @helenahuang_a4j
🔥🔥🔥🔥 thank you!
#Art4Justice #PrisonAbolition
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On October 14th, Rita "Bo" Brown was born. Bo was a member of the George Jackson Brigade in the 1970s, an urban guerrilla group in Seattle that committed several bombings and bank expropriations. Bo was convicted of one of these expropriations, and served 8 years for her trouble. At trial, Bo was defiant, defending bank expropriation as a tool of revolutionaries.
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memphisfoodnotbombs · 7 months ago
TLDR: Daniel Baker is a former political prisoner who is now free and requesting a one-time mutual aid to make ends meet!
GOAL: $500
Cashapp: $AlishareQerechok
PayPal: @DanielBaker108
Venmo: @Alishare
Please, help our comrade!
Daniel Baker is a combat veteran and former political prisoner who spent a year in solitary confinement. Dan has recently gotten out and needs help making ends meet.
Dan needs help covering rent and utilities.
Dan works 7 days a week doing deliveries for apps and restaurants on 3 different electric bikes. 2 of the bikes need repairs.
Dan has PTSD, making it difficult to work with others and the judge recently denied a request to end probation.
Dan routinely helps the community, handing out food (find vids on YT), slide 4 is Dan at a supply drive. Dan is also a member of the IWW, a Wobbly!
Fundraising Goal for Rent, Utilities & Bike Repairs: $500
Additional ways to help:
- Please follow Dan! (IG) @alishareqerechok (tiktok/YouTube) @DanBaker108
- Comment below and on Dan’s socials to help boost
- Share to stories and repost
#DanBaker #PrisonerOfConscience #DanielBaker #PoliticalPrisoner #Veteran #Veteran #FYP #AbolishPrisons #PrisonAbolitionist #PrisonAbolition #AbolishAllPrisons #FoodNotBombs #IndustrialWorkersOfTheWorld #IWW #SolidarityNotCharity #SolidarityForever #FreeSpeech #FreedomOfSpeech #Wobbly
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therafanatics · 3 months ago
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BLINDSPOTTING was our premiere film for Cool Hand Series. Words can't express what this meant to us and the men at Chino. The movie is phenomenal. Funny, heartbreaking, honest, eyeopening and completely one of a kind in its art.
Rafael and Daveed, thank you for making the effort, the trip, and spending hours with the men. People laughed, cried and were seen. It was really special to witness. The power of the arts was unquestionably present in the room that day. Can't imagine starting this program any other way.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone involved, especially the "C" Facility Population.
Cool Hand Series
#blindspotting #coolhandseries #prisonabolition
Pics by: coolhandseries
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needabetternamelater · 1 year ago
Still an evasion rather than an answer.
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needabetternamelater · 1 year ago
"my non committal answer to what we do with prisonabolition is "we've got a lot of non violent drug offenders to get through before we have to worry about that"" But that isn't an answer at all to the obvious question, not even a noncommittal one. It's a discussion of something other than the question that was being asked. It's an answer to a different question.
"There was a time in the united states when prison abolition seemed much more possible, back in the 60s and 70s. reform and rehabilitation had vastly reduced prison population. Thats around when the movement was formed. That is to say, its a lot easier to figure out what to do with a few hundred murderers and rapists than it is to figure out what to do with a few million inmates. a reduction of people being imprisoned due to improved communities able to deal with problems before they get bad enough for legal action, improved social programs that reduce the number of addicts and hungry people, all of these things free up people time and money for dealing with the really vile crimes people commit." Is it though? I mean, the whole reason we're having this discussion is b/c prison abolitionists as a whole refuse to even try to even theoretically figure out what we would do with a few hundred rapists and murderers, as far as I can tell. Even in this conversation, your first instinct when presented with the question about murderers and rapists ( a few hundred) was to.... immediately talk about nonviolent drug offenders. This keeps happening. Why is that? "so, while it is irksome to hear people say "I'm not going to figure that out yet." Ultimately, because there's no way we're going to walk in and turn off the lights in the penitentiary tomorrow, we are de-facto engaging in slow reforms until the thing ceases to exist as new solutions become more viable or obvious." But they might not become more viable or obvious. I think if you're going to call to abolish a load-bearing institute of society (as you say, we don't have the resources for people to watch them all the time and even in a world where we did, we'd probably still need a few prisons around for those who made a deliberate choice to avoid their w/e term we use for their 'rape babysitter' or 'murder babysitter' or w/e.)...you should probably already have at least a rough idea what you're going to do instead. Any crime in that world would be either a deliberate choice to harm someone or else a choice to sort of passively run roughshold over people b/c you care more about [whatever]. "abolition is a goal to work towards while other things are done. Even if we had the ability to shut the lights off and put stools on tables in the prisons, it wouldn't be particularly useful to do so when the prison itself has so badly damaged so many people. cutting them loose back into society with no support or period of de-institutionalizing would be damaging to them." Why should abolition be the goal to work towards while other things are done? Why can't we just aim for Nordic-style prisons and then aim for abolition once we actually know what we're doing with murderers and rapists?
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who’s left- Mariame/Prison Abolition
by Flynn Nicholls
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djianhead · 3 years ago
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Records used in the latest mix! #angeladavis #womenshistorymonth #womenartists #records #vinyl #womenshistory #radicals #prisonabolition #abolishthepolice #abolitionnow (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbyGsYzPQm7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eightxeleven · 5 years ago
a link to Angela Davis’ - Are prisons obsolete?
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fuckyeahanarchistposters · 5 years ago
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“Abolish prisons & the conditions which lead to their existence!
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lorenzotriburgo · 4 years ago
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1 of 3 posts featuring artists from #CriminalizeTHIS!⁠⁠ Co-curated by Lorenzo Triburgo and Mary Gagler. in 2019, the exhibition explored resistance to #genderpolicing in both the tacit, subtle ways that impact everyday life and through systemic, institutional punishment.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Image 1⁠⁠ Peter Clough, ‘Peter (Scaffold)’ @cloughabunga⁠⁠ David Andersson, Derek at Harrier Hill IV @davidjandersson⁠⁠ Jon Feinstein, Untitled, From "It Follows" @jonfeinstein⁠⁠ Guy Woodard, Out⁠⁠ Julie Green, First Meal for Kristine Bunch @juliegreen_art⁠⁠ Marc Ohrem-Leclef, Jugaad/Of Love and Intimacy @marcleclef⁠⁠ Brittany Knapp, Undue Process @brittanyknappart⁠⁠ Clark Stoeckley, Defense Arguments @clarkstoeckley⁠⁠ Vick Quezada, The Precarity of a Myth @vickquezada⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ 2⁠⁠ Detail, Rowan Renee, ‘No Spirit For Me - Polaroids’ @brooklyntintype⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ 3⁠⁠ Ebenezer Galluzzo, The Right Body @photo.galluzzo⁠⁠ Garth Amundson & Pierre Gour, Mrs. & Mrs,@amundsongour⁠⁠ Rebecca Hackemann, The Skirt Chaser, uncensored version I @rebeccahackemann⁠⁠ Julia Bradshaw, Large pendulous breasts are difficult to photograph @juliabradshaw.art⁠⁠ Jessica Burke, I Was Famous Once⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ 4⁠⁠ Kyle Quinn, Gaines (Second Surgery)⁠⁠ Bottom: Sara Minsky, lines from a poem i never thought i’d let anyone read @sara_minsky⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ 5⁠⁠ Rebecca Jean Sutton, @nudityandteeth⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ 6⁠⁠ Closing Event Performances: Kevin Quiles Bonilla, Troizel Carr, William Chambers, Francisco Eraso Jr., MK and LO, Ashton Muñiz, Jess Saldaña, Sahar Sepahdari, and Emily Wexler.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ 7⁠⁠ Closing Performance⁠s by @realityhasbeenpostponed and @arshton⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Not shown in images: ⁠⁠ Chasing Mania @maricofayre ⁠⁠ & Zines by Billi London-Gray, Gender Is!, She looks a Sea, The Earth, The Abode of Disproportioned Fictions, Collective Wisdom⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠#QueerArt #TransArt⁠ #prisonabolition #resistance #queerresistance #queerliberation #genderqueer #lgbtq #pride #queer #feminist⁠ #transgender #trans #nonbinary #equality #queerafAF ⁠⁠ (at Amos Eno Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQeoc1jlny-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dmnsqrl · 4 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @nationalbailout After one year after the Coronavirus pandemic was declared, prisons, jails, and detention centers continue to be among the nation’s most dangerous places during the pandemic. Every day that Black mamas and caregivers are not released from the harsh confines of a cage, they remain at risk of illness and even death.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We refuse to leave behind Black mamas. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Let’s reunite Black mamas and caregivers with their families so that they can be home safely to their families in time for Mother’s Day!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Thanks to your generous support, we’ve raised $100K so far! Please keep it up and help us reach our goal of $500K! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Support #FreeBlackMamas: bit.ly/freeblackmamas2021 ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #freeblackmamas #carenotcages #prisonabolition #abolition #blm #blacklivesmatter #blackmamabailout #nationalbailout #blacklove #instagood #endmoneybail https://www.instagram.com/p/COV7dd9jUR0kVRoLsJBfWsTx_ytGsi8y7Cr7pQ0/?igshid=1ydvdoyj0vp
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primitiveprimelab · 5 years ago
Road to Abolition:
Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore An Antipode Foundation film (directed by Kenton Card)
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“The relationship between slavery and race, race and unfreedom, freedom and labor, is one that we constantly try to untangle. At our peril we ignore it; but also at our peril we make it too simplistic. Because the complexity of it matters for what we do in the current moment to undo the catastrophe of mass incarceration.” -Ruth Wilson Gilmore
A look into the work of geographer and abolitionist, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, who specializes in the study of prisons, carceral punishment, it’s industrialization and policing. A professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, as well as Director of the Center for Place, Culture, and Politics at the City University of New York, Gilmore constantly intersects the dynamics between people and place, and more specifically, human interaction with long-lasting environmental well-being.
Her provocative stance on prison abolition (and police abolition by extension), is misinterpreted, due to failure to understand abolition is not about absence but rather, presence. To replace the old systems of punishment with the presence of newer systems based on social support in areas including but not limited to education, health, and social services. 
Gilmore furthermore insists, sustainable social solutions must have general impact that can be applied globally for the benefit of the most, if not all the people of the world.
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prehistoricmancunt · 5 years ago
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“Strong Communities Make Police Obsolete, or, The End Of The World As We Know It” 
latex house paint, oil paint, and wax medium on canvas 4’x3’ 2019 inspired by Hilma af Klint
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