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asparklethatisblue · 2 years ago
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My pinch hit art for @theterrorreversebang Antipode, with yrthling
North and South, Past and Future. This was an amazing concept and fic to work for, go check it out!
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itz-scira55 · 11 months ago
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this started out as a joke (and still kinda is if you squint) i had but then gradually became a relationship study between two characters who are pushed to their absolute limits by the people who made them; until they eventually disconnect from their humanity and become...gods among mere mortals. genesis rejects godhood, while kaleb—as we all know—embraces it.
...actually, i might make some art that further explores this concept. 😅
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tobaitfishwith · 2 years ago
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Every nurse in the Shanghai General Hospital knows that something is going on between Dr Chen and the US ambassador.
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geekbellydance · 2 years ago
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Happy 3rd Anniversary to Animal Crossing New Horizons! I’ve somehow logged ~1500 hours into the game and I’m still loving it! ‪#Isabelle #AC #ACNH #AnimalCrossing #ACCos #ACCosplay #Cosplay #bellydance #cosplaybellydance #bellydancecosplay #bellydancecosplayers #geekbellydance #bellydancegeek #geekbellydancers #nerdbellydance #bellydancenerd #nerdbellydancers #cosplaydance #dancecosplay #antipode #antipodebellydance #antipodedance #antipodegeekbellydance #animalcrossingnewhorizons #animalcrossingswitch #animalcrossingfandom #nintendo #NintendoSwitch ‬ https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBoK5upfj_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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animatedshortoftheday · 1 year ago
Antipode (2018) [7 min] by Robin Harper Latkovich | USA
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nouvellesdumaquis · 2 years ago
Laura Perrudin - Live Featuring the Ghost Orchestra - Sortie le 19/05/2023
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Laura Perrudin sort le 19 mai son album Live Featuring the Ghost Orchestra, témoin de ses performances hors du commun en concert. Seule sur scène, la harpiste se démultiplie avec ses effets et instruments, son Ghost Orchestra. A regarder avec un extrait vidéo saisissant.
"The Ghost Orchestra aka Le Grand Poulpe du futur est un dispositif que j'utilise sur scène" a expliqué Laura Perrudin. "Il est constitué de ma harpe chromatique électrique, que je joue de différentes manières (avec des objets coincés dedans, en tapant dessus avec une batte...), de ma voix, de pédales d'effets pour sculpter les sons et d'un ordinateur contenant un looper multi-pistes et un logiciel de rooting pour aiguiller le signal sonore dans différents canaux."
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Laura Perrudin nous dévoile le 19 mai cette performance de live-looping virtuose et jusqu'au-boutiste enregistrée à l'occasion de l'ouverture du nouvel Antipode à Rennes (ville natale de Laura Perrudin).
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antipodestudio · 2 years ago
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Lilith 65 - designed by Nix. Photo credit: Alexotos.
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acquired-stardust · 1 month ago
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Chrono Trigger Super Nintendo 1995
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edinzphoto · 9 months ago
Ten ways to photograph an Albatross
Albatross, ten ways. There are more! How do we keep things fresh and creative when we're photographing the same subjects day after day?
Classic portrait Are we surprised that I took lots of albatross photographs during three months living and working on Antipodes island? Not really. But how do you keep things fresh and interesting from a photographic point of view? There are only so many ways to make images of big glorious birds causing around the landscape. Birdscape My most-used lens for the trip was the Nikon 28-200mm.…
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screenv1olence · 24 days ago
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i had to remodel antipodes for my scene since 1. i lost all its old files except the final one... 2. i wanted to redo the textures since, the ones on the old one were a little odd lol! there isnt much difference between the actual models themselves since i kept them as absolutely one-to-one as possible, its pretty much just the textures that changed.
the old is on the left and new is on the right. u can see the blade metal texture is very wonkily done (it overlaps itself fsr??) and the hilt texture is way too shiny. i used a chrome texture for that and it made a mirror effect and reflected everything that was in front of it LMAO. BUT the new one uses no preset textures since i've gotten a lot better at texturing recently, so all the metal, shininess, and everythang were all my own tweaking. i think it came out rly nice ^_^
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mayas picture quality sucks ass lol but heres another angle... gem pommel at tha top too!
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exitsmiling · 1 year ago
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Antipodes - Casterman (Septembre 2024)
Dessin : Eric Lambé
Scénario : David B
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tobaitfishwith · 2 years ago
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I first saw it when I was heading towards Shanghai to promote the Treaty of Amity and Commerce. It was nibbling on a waterfowl under the steel bridge, gulping it down along with its feathers. I exclaimed loudly, pointing towards the southeast waters. When everyone turned their heads, the area was devoid of anything but a few ripples. A few weeks later I saw it again by the Suzhou River. Crimson tail, and a face which resembled the locals. In broken Chinese, I asked the grandmother living by the river if she had seen a similar creature. She mentioned that there used to be water spirits here, and a child had drowned. I asked other locals as well. The driver I knew from the embassy said it's a merman he saw when he was young. Another playboy said it might be a gimmick of an underground dance hall to attract customers. They would have mermaid performances, with people swimming in glass tanks wearing fish tails. He was from a prestigious local family with insights into such matters. But I knew the mermaid didn't come from there. It didn't seem like something which belongs to this world.
After social gatherings, I often took walks by the Suzhou River and frequently asked for hard bread from restaurant kitchens to feed river fish. Usually, within seconds, the bread would be devoured by the hungry school of fish. But sometimes, it would float there for a while before decomposing. So I knew there must be something underwater deterring the fish. That's when I began to throw more valuable items. Plastic toys, glass bottles, metal pocket watches, and a wooden mermaid sculpture I carved myself. Without exception, they sank into the riverbed, at that place where strange things often occurred.
Later on, I got into a shipwreck on my way back to Shanghai from Guangzhou. I woke up in a public hospital in Shanghai. My assigned doctor was Dr. Chen. He is a sharp and indifferent person who seemed to dislike Westerners, which was understandable. We colonized his homeland and exploited his people.
The nurses form the hospital said that I was found on a shallow in Fengxian. There were a few rotting sea fish and a small bottle of rum the size of a pocket. Back then, I was certain that this creature saved me. But I didn't tell anyone because it sounded too crazy. Whether it truly existed or was just a psychological defense mechanism to alleviate anxiety and fear during the tumultuous 1940s, I couldn't say. Because after that, I never saw it again.
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geekbellydance · 2 years ago
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Happy 3rd Anniversary Animal Crossing New Horizons & Happy first day of Spring! Warmer weather is defiantly on the horizon! ‪#Isabelle #AC #ACNH #AnimalCrossing #ACCos #ACCosplay #Cosplay #bellydance #cosplaybellydance #bellydancecosplay #bellydancecosplayers #geekbellydance #bellydancegeek #geekbellydancers #nerdbellydance #bellydancenerd #nerdbellydancers #cosplaydance #dancecosplay #antipode #antipodebellydance #antipodedance #antipodegeekbellydance #animalcrossingnewhorizons #animalcrossingswitch #animalcrossingfandom #nintendo #nintendoswitchlite https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBne8OpjUM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bulles-de-bd · 4 months ago
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Donjon Antipodes - Retour de flammes
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khantipode · 1 year ago
Hey, guys. It's been a while. Antipode isn't dead, but obviously I haven't touched it in a while. To make a long story short, I'm just kinda burned out. I got up to the end of Neverland remastered for the first fic and outlined Hollow Bastion's remasters but then I got really into Persona again after playing Persona 5 royal and growing to adore Akechi, thereby starting a Persona longfic as just a way to refresh and start something new. Now, this doesn't mean I'll never come back to Antipode. However, time away's made me realize that a big problem as things currently stand is... ambition. I had considered making another set of fics after All That's Left. Upon further evaluation, I think I may genuinely need to rework my plans for Act 3 to serve as a conclusion, at least in the event that I don't have any motivation to make another saga. Then there's Hurricane Heartbeat, which despite promising a sequel years ago, still hasn't come to pass. My co-writer at the time had done a lot of brainstorming and spitballing to try and help me work up the motivation. At some point, I should really go over those notes and figure out what I wanna do. Now's just not the right time. Maybe KH4 or Missing Link will rekindle that spark. Right now, my head's just not in the best place. But Antipode has gone on long breaks before. I'm sure I'll eventually sort this out.
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nostalgia-tblr · 21 hours ago
what the fuck i was trying to look up aelfgifu of northampton, what kind of mad cnut cunt would want to look up "elf gifs"? WHY WOULD YOU SHOW ME ELF GIFS AND NOT ELFGIFU?? FUCK YOU!!!!
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