#prison s5
sskk-manifesto · 1 year
The fact that Akutagawa was exactly there when Atsushi needed him is both sweet, and funny. How long has he been tailing Atsushi? Did he watch Atsushi seemingly rob a bank? Did Akutagawa infiltrate the Sky Casino? Was he panicking when Atsushi would disappear to Anne's Room, and he lost him? And most importantly: how did Atsushi “tiger senses make me spot an enemy in a fifty meters radius” not realize? Could it be that the tiger doesn't consider Akutagawa an enemy?
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karmicpunishment · 1 year
fellas is it gay to take a 20-second pause to reminisce on past memories between you and your ex-partner while he drowns resulting from a mental warfare battle to the death between you and your rival after he turned the aforementioned ex into a vampire to use against you and the guy you chose as a tool?
asking for a friend.
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starschism · 1 year
as confirmed by aaron ehasz in the interview by Reel James theyve been playing us since season 2
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guys the walls, the floor, the WINDOW. Theyre warped and reflect colors because its pearlescent. The prison is inside the pearl. The window was such a big hint its been in front of our faces the whole time
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raayllum · 1 year
so just to be clear
Rex Igenous had the map / technical location
Akiyu helped make the prison
Domina Profundis knew what it was as well
Avizandum and Zubeia had the looking glass to help check up on him
The Orphan Queen discovered Aaravos’ treachery
The Jailer helped put the puzzle all together
and quite literally the only piece of the puzzle we don’t know is how to release Aaravos from the prison
unless, of course, We Do
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s5 jon with long hair is inspired but have you considered: s5 jonah with long hair.
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Show making jokes about Viravos and their "canon" child, Aaravos literally trolling Viren when he is about to die yet again-
Things happening around Sir Sparklepuff were probably the funniest part of the season, I SWEAR HIM DANCING TO THE JAZZ MUSIC SCENE? ICONIC.
Or when he first screeched BLOOD OF CHILD out of random? (Which wasn't that random in the end)
Me and my friend with whom I watched entire 5th season yesternight were literally crying out of laughter when Aaravos came and went like "You know what Viren? It's communism time, it's our child now"
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swallowedabug · 8 months
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Dutch + Outfits (39/ ∞)
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
I can't do this anymore Fluffy. Macky was always always watching Wukong but apparently he was always watching Macky too. He would smile and joke and laugh and act like he's the strongest, he wanted to be the stronged but he never voiced how sometimes he wished Macky would fight to protect him too, but he could NEVER say it. "There's so many things I've left unsaid." LITERALLY BOTH OF YOU. *takes notes* ok, so I need to put them in a contrived situation that makes them scream and sob their confessions to each other holding on for dear life with a tasteful fur sniffing on Macky's part like the loser he is.
[..]but he never voiced how sometimes he wished Macky would fight to protect him too, but he could NEVER say it.
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no bud you’re right tho and i am so glad you said it because Wukong has always been the one who was placed as their ex machina or trump card and also being the character you place to get hit the lost since he can technically take. AND YET NO ONE HAS SHIELDED WUKONG THE MOST IN LMK EXCEPT MK (who, mind you, only entered Wukong’s life a millennia into his life like 🫠). and maybe Macalooney wanted to in the past but worried it might insult his friend who wanted to be the strongest and never appear as weak. but now come s5, and Matooney is shielding Wukong and saving him (and the others but this post ain’t about them) and wants to reach out and i just—
anon, please confine them in whatever chamber is needed for them to air out their issues because maybe that will break the fragile line they’ve drawn between themselves (and maybe that will fix me)
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sweetpeachh30 · 3 months
Icl I'm kind scared for macaque and I'm only 3 episodes in s5. My boy please stop being a prisoner I BEG . Also poor MK
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fandom-fables · 5 months
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5 x 06 - Prison Riot
SPN fans when he did the thing … “ LOOK MOM HE DID THE THING!!! “ - Mark pellegrino
Screaming and hitting anyone that will listen 🫠😩
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smellypire · 1 year
chuuya: there's no need to keep shooting a dead body 🙄
also chuuya: pew pew pew pew pew
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winterstorm032802 · 1 year
If you shake the Pearl of Aaravos's prison up and down, will it rattle around. Will Aaravos just shake, and everything in his prison just flies all around the place? I need to know.
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karmicpunishment · 1 year
bones putting their whole bones-ussy into animating the prison break dancing is what we deserve and i love it
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epsileonsaturn · 8 days
so all of Peter’s actions towards Neal in s5, especially at the end of the first episode, were Not Okay, but I think it was really fucked up how Peter used the “we’re your family” card ESPECIALLY after the whole thing with Neal’s dad. Like you confide in this guy “yeah i consider you more of a family to me than my own flesh and blood” and then he uses it against you to tell you that you’re just a criminal and oh, btw, you’re getting an entirely new handler who you don’t even know! And Peter does it all under the justification of “protecting” Neal. Not cool!
I get the complexities of the situation but I feel like people are too lenient on Peter bc the show likes to make him out as the good/right one (the copaganda is showing)
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raayllum · 1 year
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I know the patience of a prisoner. I have not seen the stars in centuries. But when I see them again—when the stars are forced to look upon me, their dark brother—they will know how I have waited. And when everything they have built lies shattered, I will savor their fall from the sky.
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